Schuluniform indian porn

2 years ago
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Das Yandere M dchen

"Mach doch nicht so ein Gesicht!", seufzte seine kleine Schwester Airi. An seiner Hand begleitete er die 12-Jährige mit zur Schule, da sie genau auf seinem Weg lag. "Du musstest deine Freunde zwar alle in Osaka lassen, aber Kobe ist doch eine riesig große Stadt! Du wirst ganz viele neue Freunde finden, und wenn nicht, spielen meine neuen Freunde bestimmt auch mit dir!" Aikuro war etwas genervt. Sie war ja wirklich reizend, aber ihm fiel es nicht ansatzweise so leicht wie der kleinen...

2 years ago
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Der Keller 5

Ich hatte kein Problem mit einem anderen Namen. Eine kleine Abwandlung, und ich war Nicole. Das gefiel mir ausgesprochen gut. Ben war auch schnell mit einem neuen Namen da. "Ich fand Sarah schon immer toll." Wenig sp?ter hatte sich Julian etwas ausgesucht. Wie sein richtiger Name wieder etwas ungew?hnlich: Alina. Mir gefiel es sehr gut. Anscheinend war ich der Einzige, der seinen alten Namen abwandelte. Nein, doch nicht. Denn Max meinte, "Menno, kann ich nicht einfach bei Max bleiben? K...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein IV

Ein M?dchen zu sein IV --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugen...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein Teil VI

Ein M?dchen zu sein V Inhalt Was bisher geschah Die Geschichte Die Pr?fungen Personae Dramatis Sonja Viki Anna Maria Tatjana Carolin Heike Chris Frau Margarete Schneider Frau Dr. Piefenschlick Herr Wieland Was bisher geschah Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert ...

4 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 3 Freunde

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 3: Freunde Ich legte mich wieder ins Bett und dachte ?ber die Worte von Mutter nach. "W?re ich doch ein Junge", wiederholte ich ihre Wo...

3 years ago
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Der Dachboden 7

Es war f?r uns nichts Neues gefesselt aufzuwachen. Nein, wirklich nicht. Aber diesmal war es anders. Ich hatte mich nicht selbst gefesselt. Und ich hatte keine Erinnerung daran, wie ich in diese Situation gekommen war. Nichtsdestotrotz war ich gefesselt. Und geknebelt. Ich wollte es w?re der Gipsknebel, der war wenigstens bequem. Es war wieder so ein Schei? Ballknebel. Eine Menge Speichel war schon aus dem Mund gelaufen. Igitt. Ich schaute noch einmal nach unten. Immer noch keine Ha...

4 years ago
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Amanda ist dran

Ich bin sechs Fuß groß und 200 Pfund, weiß und stolz darauf. Obwohl ich manuell arbeite, stehe ich in ständigem Kontakt mit der Öffentlichkeit und habe viele Möglichkeiten, das Talent im Auge zu behalten. Manchmal sind die Mädchen einfach zum Nehmen da und manchmal dauert es länger und braucht mehr Planung. Ich hatte dieses Mädchen einige Zeit beobachtet, so dass ich alle ihre Bewegungen kannte. Je vorsichtiger Sie sind, desto länger können Sie Ihren Spaß genießen. Sie war eine Schülerin mit...

4 years ago
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Das japanische Schulm dchen

Kumi Akimoto, ein typisches japanisches Schulmädchen, ist ein wahrer Quell der Freude für ihren Biologielehrer Mr. Fujimura, und das nicht nur wegen ihrer außergewöhnlich guten schulischen Leistungen. Kurz vor ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag ist Kumi plötzlich aufgeblüht und hat sich von einem zierlichen Kind zu einem propperen Teenager entwickelt, mit Reizen, die man wahrlich nicht alle Tage sieht. Ihr langes schwarzes Haar hängt wie Seide auf ihren schmalen Schultern, und in ihren großen,...

3 years ago
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Die Tochter des Direktors

Virginia ist ein gutes Mädchen. Ihrem Aussehen nach könnte sie zwar mit Abstand das heißeste Mädchen der gesamten High School sein, aber dem stehen zwei Dinge entgegen: Zum einen ist sie einfach zu wohlerzogen und trotz ihres umwerfenden Aussehens einfach zu schüchtern, um an solchen Dingen wie Verabredungen mit Jungens Gefallen zu finden, und zum andern ist sie die einzige Tochter des Direktors der Schule. Und der hütet seine einzige Tochter seit dem Tod seiner Frau wie seinen Augapfel, so...

3 years ago
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Anjas Weg nach Ghana

Mein Weg nach Ghana beginnt im zarten Alter von 17 Jahren. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verlief mein ganzes Leben vorgeplant und eigentlich ereignislos… vor allem sexuell. Meine stinkreichen Eltern haben mich schon in jungen Jahren in ein Internat abgeschoben. Und im katholischen Mädcheninternat im Süden Bayerns bekommt man zwar schon einen theoretischen Einblick, was die Welt zwischen den Frauenbeinen mal zu bieten hat, aber an der praktischen Erprobung hapert es dann doch gewaltig. Jetzt im...

3 years ago
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Der Dachboden 5

Der Dachboden 5 Die Situation war schon eigent?mlich genug. Ohne etwas sehen zu k?nnen, war ich extrem gefesselt. Ich konnte nichts bewegen, weder Arme, Beine, noch Kopf. Und irgendetwas ber?hrte meinen nackten Po auf h?chst erotische Weise. Nur mein eingesperrter Penis verhinderte, dass ich einen Orgasmus bekam. Trotzdem lief ein Schauer nach dem anderen durch mich. Schlie?lich h?rte es auf. Wer auch immer das machte, er oder sie musste zu Tim gegangen sein. Ich h?rte ihn durch die ...

4 years ago
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Der Keller 4

Beinahe h?tte ich wieder angefangen zu weinen, so verzweifelt war ich. Die anderen verstanden nicht warum nichts geschah. Wie kam ich nur an die Schl?ssel? Ich musste mir etwas einfallen lassen. Ich brauchte ein Hilfsmittel. Das einzige Werkzeug, das hier verf?gbar war, war ein Zweig. Nur waren die Zweige des Baumes in unerreichbarer Entfernung. Wir mussten zur?ck an eine Stelle, wo ich einen Zweig greifen konnte. Ich wollte losgehen, aber ein Ruck an meinem Hals hielt mich zur?ck. W...

4 years ago
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Andy 13

Ich habe die Bilderseite erweitert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am n?chsten Morgen hatte ich ein Problem, das nur M?dchen vor einem mehr als gut gef?llten Kleiderschrank haben: Was sollte ich anziehen? Schlie?lich siegte die Neugierde. Ich hatte das Schulm?dchen Outfit noch nicht angehabt. Es war eine authentische Uniform, wie sie irgendwo in England in einem Internat getragen w...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

3 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein II

Hallo liebe Leser. Nach dem ich zum ersten Teil der Geschichte so Positive R?ckmeldung bekommen habe, hoffe ich, dass meine Fortsetzung die hohen Erwartungen erf?llen kann. Ich hoffe, es ist nicht zu langatmig geworden. Aber ich musste ziemlich viel Organisatorisches unterbringen, damit es im n?chsten Teil im Internat weiter gehen kann. Wie schon beim ersten Mal, w?rde ich mich ?ber viele Kommentare von Euch freuen. Auch Vorschl?ge und W?nsche wie es weiter gehen soll w?ren toll. Vor allem ...

2 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein III

Ein M?dchen zu sein III --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen, denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Nach anf?nglichem Schock kam Sven zu dem Schluss, dass dieser neue K?rper durchaus seine ...

3 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 2 Begegnung

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 2: Begegnung Ich h?rte wie meine Mutter das Haus verlie?, da die Haust?re krachend ins Schloss flog. Meine G?te, musste die heute w...

3 years ago
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© 1999 Jill Foster never even looked at the burgundy Cadillac next to her as she got in her car. It was hot and she was in a hurry because she had to get home and drop off the groceries before she headed out for work. She was scheduled to work from 5:00 'til 11:00. It was already quarter to four. She put on her sunglasses and started her ten year old Honda. As she eased her little red Accord back out of the parking spot, she heard a squeaky grinding sound. She stopped her car and looked...

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The Fortune of the O DellsChapter 3

With Rory’s expertise, the two wagons were rigged and one of the horses was added in front of the two mules, and soon the six of us were traveling towards the tall peak in the distance. “That sure is a tall mountain there,” Rory said as he drove the rig. “That’s Pike’s Peak, Rory. Oro City is just past it and to the North, about halfway between the mountain and Denver,” his girl Betty Mae told us. “If it’s that tall from here, that is gonna be a long trek,” I worried out loud. “We’ll get...

2 years ago
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Sarah s Submission Ch 02 Indoctrination

Everything changed the following week. She came inside in another slutty little outfit ready to tease and send Mr. Michaels off to his game as usual, but he did not look happy to see her. He told her to come in and sit down on the couch. Billy was nowhere to be seen. She could even see that Max had been put outside onto the deck and waited at the glass doors. She sat down suddenly nervous and asked, “What’s wrong?” He stared daggers into her for what felt like minutes without responding...

5 years ago
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I got my land lady

My first job was that of a sales executive of a lubricant company. I was posted in Surat and was handling the south Gujarat region. I lived in a rented house in Surat. The landlord and his family were living on the ground floor and I had rented the first floor of the house. It was a two storey structure and there was a open terrace above my residence. The houses were block like structures enclosed on three sides with the walls common to the house next to or behind you. There were windows only...

5 years ago
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Cathy Gets a New Job

It's a pretty big deal when the president of a large company, standing outside the Mayor's office in a small town in Iowa announces that his company intends to spend eighty million dollars to build a new manufacturing facility in the town. Building that plant would bring more than a thousand badly needed jobs to the community and could inspire other companies to the area as well. To Cathy Henry, the news was precisely what she wanted to hear. As a young mother whose husband was still overseas...

2 years ago
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BangBrosClips Sloan Harper Sloan Harper 8217 s Sexual Beach Vacation Day 2

It’s the second day of Sloan’s vacation. She wakes up in the morning to a romantic breakfast with her boyfriend. She woke up hungry and horny. She can’t help but start to finger herself in front of her boyfriend in the hotel room. She gives him a blowjob and it was so amazing he cums all over her face. Then they go to the beach and have some fun playing frisbee. She’s fucking horny. She can’t wait any longer for that juicy fucking cock. They go back to the hotel...

2 years ago
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Such A Good Neighbor

I was sitting in my kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and cleaning my camera . I was really down and the rain outside didn't help. I had just turned 78. I had lost my wife last year after a short battle with cancer. I missed her terribly. We had been married for almost 60 years. Little did I know my life was going to change. I was thinking about selling our home since the reason for buying such a big home was gone. It was large because my wife had several sewing machines and needed the room....

2 years ago
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SexAndSubmission Katie Kush Willing To Do Anything Katie Kush and Tommy Pistol

Katie Kush is a very successful woman with some skeletons in her closet. A powerful person has sent Tommy Pistol to retrieve incriminating evidence to bring Katie down a few notches. Tommy sneaks in to her home, and after some searching, finds what he came for. What he wasn’t expecting was for Katie to come home while he was there. Katie catches him, and threatens to call the cops, so with no choice left he reveals what information he has on her. Suddenly Katie’s whole demeanor changes, and she...

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Fuckin nandini bhabhi

Hi folks.. Hows you all doin.. First let me say thanks to this site for makin us share our pleasures… This is varun from surat. Its been couple of years since ive completed my college. Presently am into business but still am in touch with my college friends. Kindly let me know your views about this story. My email id is: .pooja was one of my close friends in our group. And hardly anyone knew that we were into physical relationship. As friends and physical partners, we were enjoyin our...

4 years ago
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Sergeant Rockwell

It was after seven at night when I walked into the dark and empty Charlie Company offices while First Sergeant Rockwell parked the jeep. Of course I knew he was mad, after all it had been patently obvious when he hadn't said a word during the hour long drive back from the field. Not only had he driven the whole way in total silence with his eyes staring straight out through the windscreen, his jaws had been clenched and he had a death grip on the steering wheel which was better than him having...

3 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 23

"So what's all this then?" I asked sternly as Candy and Erin stood before me, both beautifully naked. "We've had a crew meeting," said Candy equally stern. "And we have a grievance." "What?" I said trying to keep a straight face. "A grievance," repeated Erin. "It's you and 'er." She nodded to the room where Tasha was sleeping. "Since she's come on board, Candy and I don't get a look in," she explained. "All we want is equal dibs." "Oh," I said. "Sorry, I didn't...

3 years ago
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Stoned Magic ring short story Melissa was on her lunch break, the usual sandwich and coffee in the park. She was looking out at the play ground, when three teen boys sat at a bench nearby. One was tall, the other two a head shorter. Each with a smoke in their mouth. The smoke drifted past Melissa, and by its smell they were smoking drugs. When she turned her head, they looked stoned she was disgusted not just by the smell, but to do it near young children on the...

1 year ago
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My stranger

I live on 20 acres and I have a big house. It's been storming all day long. Of course you know this because u called 30 minutes ago saying you were on your way. Im waiting for you now. So I decide that im going to take a long hot bubble bath. I start the water and pour in the bubbles. I put some candles around the bathroom for just enough light. Then I slide my bathrobe off and I slip into the water. It's so hot it reminds me of last night with you. Then I slide my fingertips to my nipples and...

2 years ago
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'What kind of pencil is this?' I asked her, when she came back and plunged down next to me on her bed. 'It's an eyeliner, ' she answered. 'What's an eyeliner?' 'Just what the word says. It's for making lines around the eyes, dummy, ' Annie giggled. 'Like a makeup thing?' 'Any girl over 10 would know that. It's pencil for drawing on skin, if that makes it easier to understand. Look here.' Annie pointed to her eyes. She had really pretty emerald-green eyes, which sat in a...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 9

That night the party was in the restaurant above the Clifford & Jamison offices. The firm had taken it over for the evening. As they were about to enter, Marie looked at Bobbie and Tom and said, "We decided to take our chances with Alcoholic Beverage Control and let you two drink if you wish." Then she winked and said, "Bobbie, I'm sure you can hold it ... But I'm not too sure about Tom." When they got off the elevator, Marie took a moment to check Tom's appearance. Her heart...

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ObserverChapter 10 Day 21

Peter sat up in bed and stretched as the irritating bleat from the clock radio continued to sound. It was still dark outside but it was time to get up if he was going to jog before going to work. He reached over and turned off the alarm, pulled back the sheet, and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Standing up, he looked at the prone form still curled up on the other side of the bed. Reaching down, he pulled the sheet back over the girl, and then gently tucked it around her neck and...

3 years ago
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Ebony TVCD Turned Out

Purge, purge, purge, hotter, hotter, hotter, how it is, true story, more forthcoming. Over the years, I have gone out walking very early mornings, to prance and strut, usually wearing shorts or short-shorts, with tennis shoes or flip flops, sometimes bringing dresses and high heels along if the environment right. It was mostly for my own experiences to test how I truly felt and later became for my own pleasures, although simultaneously sorta expecting and/or looking for another hard dick to...

4 years ago
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Robina or nasreen ki phudi

Hi friend kia haal hy aj may jani dobara ap ko apni 3rd night ki story sunata hon jo k bohet hi mazy ki thi kion k robina or nasreen dono hi 1 sath aj mery sy chudwa rahi theen tu dosto hoa youn k robina nay apny husband ko bola tha k aj raat wo apni sister k gher soye gi kion k us ka husband karachi giya hoa hy is liye nasreen ny usy bolaya hy k aj mery gher raho or wo sham ko 7 bajy hi us k gher chali gai or mayny unhy jesa k kaha hoa tha k aj mil k khana khaen gy is liye wo b khana banay k...

4 years ago
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T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring ... no, that was not true at all, Brandy thought to herself. She was stirring alright. She writhed on the couch bound beside her boyfriend Grant who was gently petting her blonde hair. The little gel vibrator nestled all snug in her sex was pulsing little rhythms of pleasure when Grant wanted it to. So far, he hadn't given into her whines pleading him to send her over the edge. It was her own fault. He had...

3 years ago
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Step Moms Discovery Chapter 4 Repost 5

Introduction: Ok readers, here comes a LONG chapter 4 to Step Moms discovery. I have been working on it for a while. Stacy decides its time to tell her husband about her cheating on him with David. But what happens next shocks even her. Read on and enjoy A couple days later, Steven and James returned from their trip. Stacy was starting to have second thoughts about what she was doing with David behind James back, and knew that she couldnt keep it going without him eventually finding out. While...

2 years ago
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Randi Mosi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 7 Monisha Ke Saath 8211 Part 5

Hi Indian sex stories readers. This is Aravind again and I am back with another sizzling story. sorry for taking so long to write this story. For the introduction of the characters of the story, kindly read my earlier stories. Let me start the story. Just like the last story was from the view point of my Mosi, this story is from the view point of my GF- Monisha. So let’s start. Hi friends, this is the dirty slut Monisha. I hope you have enjoyed reading the series. Keep reading this series and...

4 years ago
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 8

The following new character appears in this and other chapters: Ratana Also called Noi, house girl, 5'-0'' tall, 98 pounds, 15 years old, 28A-20-25, long black hair, brown eyes, a thin quiet girl We found a small open air restaurant not far from our hotel and had a light lunch. During the meal Chanthra insisted that we change clothes before going to Wat Sala Loy. "Our clothing is wet from sweating and would not be appropriate for a visit to the Wat. It would also be best if we ride...

4 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 6

This the part two of the Fifth part of the Vintage Series. It will start from where the previous part ended. Baba told me to clean my face and throat and then to sit again. I came back after rinsing. He told me to sit down again as he is going to start the ‘mantras’ of third ‘upaya’. I sat down and he started preaching, “You, my child, have to experience the bliss and power of linga by using your yoni as a medium. To become a fertile woman in your future and to get a place in paradise.” I was...

2 years ago
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The Emma J Chronicles 2 Part Two

Chapter TwoSaturday morning dawned bright and clear, it was one of those early spring mornings when everything seemed right with the world, the sky was a lovely azure blue with not a cloud in sight.The k**s had gone to their friends for a sleepover and Mark and Emma were lying in bed talking and formulating their revenge on Marcus.“So you reckon the best way to get to him is through Caroline then”. Mark queried.“Oh definitely, she wears the trousers in their house and I already have a way of...

3 years ago
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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

1 year ago
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The Late Crossdressing Husband

THE LATE CROSSDRESSING HUSBAND by enduringshades Edith and I had known each other since we were teenagers. We went shopping together and often met for lunch or coffee. Friday night used to be our Girls Night Out when we dressed to the nines and headed for our favourite bar. Then we got married (not to each other!) and stopped going out together. Edith was still a party girl, but I stayed at home with my wife, Betty. I never told Betty that I was a crossdresser. I missed being...

4 years ago
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Resurrection Sarah Patrice

Resurrection - Sarah Patrice By: Anna Feie I have a tale of resurrection, I don't really know where to start - the beginning I suppose. My name is Sarah Patrice and I was resurrected a few years ago. Let me go back in time several years, my given name at that time was Patrick, I was a modestly successful person involved in rehabbing houses then turning around to sell them almost immediately. The real estate market was booming at the time, I earned a good...

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my crush actually loves me part 2

Well i woke up from an hour of sleep, and laid there from 6:30 to 7:00 just thinking about how today was going to go. And suddenly my mom came in "kyle wake up, were late for school" she said. "Alright" i replied while getting up and stretching my arms. I got dressed and got in the car with my mom and looked at the time. It was only 7:15, i said "mom why are we leaving this early, school doesnt start for another 30 minutes." "Do you ever know when to just not ask questions? She...

2 years ago
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"So why do they call you Hook?" Sasha Taylor asked. "When I was in college I got caught up in a theater production," Hook Benson said. He was the tall, dark, handsome type of man with a day-old growth of beard that was featured on many book covers and women's magazines. "We were doing Peter Pan, and I played Captain Hook." He shrugged. "It stuck." Sasha nodded, her eyes wide. Melanie Stewart watched, secretly amused. The trade show was in full swing, and Hubbard & Associates had...

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Being Awakened

Being Awakened by Daddy Jack“Damn my stubbornness,” you think to yourself, as you walk along in the cold rain, on the cobblestone street, lit by covered torches. You love life in the city, with all the modern conveniences of torch lit walkways, and stone streets and all. However, tonight, the rain is soaking you through and through making it difficult to appreciate the advances in modern living.As you walk, you reflect on the evening and riding in the carriage with Thomas. How his small...

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Carol s Mom

Carol had just left to pick her Mom up from the railroad station and I was quite pleased. Her mom Janice and I have always got along quite nicely, and I always enjoy having her over. In her early sixties, Janice is nicely endowed so far as boobs, ass and hips are concerned. Her hair is long and gray with a lot of highlights. Her style of dress is skirt and blouse with kitty heels and those shoes are usually in black or red patent and look quite nice. Carol thinks it is sweet of me when her...

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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 8

One night Michele came upstairs and caught me downloading some non-nude cuties off the web. "Wowza! Those are pretty young looking babes." "Oh, come on. They're old enough." She shot an eyebrow up, "Old enough to what?" "Ummm... to look cute?" She laughed and reached down and fondled my half-hard penis. "And to stir things up a bit, I see." I downloaded a few more shots. The nubile teens in short-shorts and tiny bikinis and filmy lingerie combined with Michele's...

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Charity At Work 2 Do Fries Come With That

To be fair, if I hadn’t insisted on sucking off Mr Smith then I wouldn’t have been drawn into the insane sex triangle that was his marriage to Mrs Smith. A simple babysitting job turned into a torrid series of threesomes ; with me being the meat in their crazy sandwich. It was two weeks and three torrid threeways later that I quit my burgeoning career in babysitting. It was still early July, so I still had plenty of summer left ahead of me. I had come out of the babysitting gig with a...

2 years ago
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Lisa Pool Room Adventures continued

Well after losing my virginity to the man in the pool room this 13yr old girl suddenly began to feel very grown up, although my first time had not been the romantic passion filled swept off my feet sort of thing something inside my body had been awakened and I suddenly began to eye up the punters coming into the pub. This particular night mid way through the school holidays had spent the day working in the local cafe waitressing for the tourist trade had a few offers from boys trying their luck...

2 years ago
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Another AmberChapter 5

Roger reappeared in George's living room. Again he called out. George appeared shortly. "How is she?" George asked, anxiously. "She's fine. She's sleeping now. Tomorrow the psychiatrist is due to come in. I'll apprehend her and take care of her. Then we'll leave. What about your wife?" Roger asked. "I've been interrogating her, and have learned quite a bit. It seems that converts to their cult are, to put it mildly, – scarce. Apparently, Amber is not the first forced convert...

2 years ago
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If You Like Pina Coladas

I had been eyeing her for so long. Even though she had a boyfriend I was determined to get my way with her.She wasn't like most other girls though. She would not be easy. Our conversation, though, went from "Hi's" and "Hello's" to steamy midnight phone sex ending up with me cumming in my pants. My cock dribbled at the thought of finally getting her alone.I remember that day well though we had just come from the campus cafeteria. She had ordered a pina colada and was sipping it through a straw....

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Past experiences First love 2

Two days day passed since I had talked to either Tanya or Sarah. My anger turned into sadness as I wept thinking of the event at the jazz bar. Tanya was ignoring my phone calls and I was ignoring Sarah’s. My phone rang once more and as I picked it up to switch it off thinking it was Sarah, the screen said Tanya, “hello?” I answered very anxiously. “I’ve been thinking about what happened, I don’t blame you for anything” “…really?” I was still very nervous. “Yeah we cant help how we feel about...

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Damn! It was ruined! Would it ever be the same??? Red, swollen, stretched and gaping open. But wow was it HOT! I obeyed her as she said lick it clean but go easy I'm sore. On my knees I bathed her used pussy with my tongue. Sucking the 2 big loads of come out of her loose hole. So let me tell you how her once little pussy got this beat up.With my permission we went out with the goal of getting her fucked by another man. Wearing her fuck me heels and a short yellow sundress, we went to a hotel...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 34

I was worried now too. Can you reach them?" Jonna said, "Yes, they're just being questioned." "About the weapons?" "Yes, and they have linked us to the gold too. It sounds like they're not sure though." "Where are they?" "Toronto." "They're out of our range." "Camsa and Christiane are half way." I concentrated on Camsa and through him I found Lauren. At this distance, thoughts weren't clear but I felt relief that I was now communicating. This meant that the...

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Love Don t Run ch 2

Love Don’t Run By Hisangelbeauty and Ropetease Waiting for him to answer his cell phone, his image flooded her mind as the phone rang. “Baby Girl?” Joe’s smooth sounding voice filled her ear. “Joe, will you teach me to be your slave?” Joy asked him just above a whisper. His heart skipped a few beats as her words sank in. He had been waiting for those very words from her. A predatory gleam came to his eyes as a sigh of relief left his lips. “Yes I will, from now on you belong to me...

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Something Worth Fighting ForChapter 2

Hannah had no idea how long she had been sitting and rocking as she cried, but in reality it was about thirty minutes. Looking at the clock she realized it was now about fifteen minutes to eleven. Hannah quickly called her office and spoke to her supervisor. After quickly apologizing for not showing up, Hannah asked to get a few days off for sick leave. Hannah pointed out that she hadn't taken a single sick day off in the ten years she had been there. Jake her direct supervisor gave her...

2 years ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brandi Love Second Appearance

Life has been tough without Mr. Palms around. Recently he has been committed to a rehabilitation facility after suffering a breakdown. Apparently his life of cuckdom has affected him quite badly. His wife Brandi has been fucking so many men. He has even been forced to watch. Now his son is left bitter and upset having to look at his horrible stepmother. What more pain could she possibly inflict on the family. Today young Johnny would find out. Chilling with a couple of his childhood friends his...

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A ride

It was in the middle of summer Me and my ex Fiance went out to a movie then dinner, after dinner we were not quiet ready to go home yet and the night was young I looked at her in her sexy tight dress and her black stockings. You want to do something exciting I asked, Yes sure baby, I told her were to drive and a about ten minuets later we out by the lake. I told her to turn down a gravel road as we were have way down the road i told her to kill the lights She did we drove just a few yards and...

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The Night I Shared You

It's a Friday night and I'm in a club and I text you to come join me as I have a surprise for you. You arrive soon after and we have a few drinks and I introduce you to three of my friends. You're wearing a flared black dress and I notice that you're not wearing a bra. I like that and smile at you in appreciation and approval. We're standing at the bar facing the bartenders and my friends are behind us. I touch your waist and I ask if I could take off your panties. You're uncomfortable with the...

Quickie Sex
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One if by Son Two if by MomChapter 10

Just as Jimmy had planned, Eric soon encountered Ms. Cottins. "Eric, my dear boy what ever happened to you? You haven't seen your dear old granny in weeks. I missed you terribly." "Oh my gosh, Ms. Cottins. I-I don't know." Eric had totally forgotten the old woman and Naomi ever since the day he first fucked his mother. He loved fucking her so much no one else occurred to him. "I - I had to work at home." "I should punish you for being so tardy." Ms. Cottins' eyes lit up at...

4 years ago
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shopping at the supermarket

My husband loves me wearing very short skirts and a blouse with buttons that shows my clevage so when i go shopping the men all notice me…i have found that if i pretend that my buttons have come undone without me knowing the men get more interested in following me around so i bend down to look at goods on the shelve and they can see right down the top and seeing i dont wear bras they see everything…on the odd ocasion a few off them will stop and talk to me and i can see that they are looking at...

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Growing UpChapter 9

Tina decided we should be married on the third of August. When I asked her about why she had picked that particular date, a Monday, she refused to answer, laughing when I kept after her about it, telling me I didn't really want to know. I asked Sherry, but she wouldn't tell me why her sister had picked that date either. Sherry wanted to know when Danny and Kaitlyn would be coming out. At least I knew why she was anxious about that. I'd spoken with them on the phone twice since Tina had...

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Double Your Pleasure

Chapter 1 You just never know where things can lead, even when they start out so innocently. That's what happened to Trent Vogel, all he wanted was a little pleasure, a little relief. He got home about eleven on a Friday night, tired, out with friends looking for girls with no luck at all, so, like many guys will, he stripped off his clothes and got his trusty bottle of hand lotion and began pretending he'd hooked-up with that little blond that he liked who didn't give him the time of day....

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The Girlfriend Chapter Two

The GirlfriendChapter TwoThe next few weeks were difficult for me. I was working long hours on a d**gs case and whilst the overtime was welcome it meant Sophie was having to spend a lot of time on her own.One night I made an effort and came home on time with a bottle of good wine, not our usual cheap stuff. Sophie had ordered a takeaway from our favourite Chinese restaurant and I was looking forward to a date night, something we had neglected due to my work.I was, therefore, surprised when I...

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Freddie s Find Pt 04

CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...

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Life s Little Surprises Part 1

Life's Little Surprises - Part 1 by: Barbara Ann O It was career day at school and many organizations had come to put up display booths. It was meant for the senior class but I took a quick tour just to see what might be available in two years. Since I had no idea what lay ahead for me it was more an exercise in curiosity. Close to the end there was a hotel chain with a nicely laid out booth of sunny beaches and ocean views hanging on all sides. But it was the very pretty...

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The Attendant

I was getting ready to go on a week’s vacation with an old girl friend. She worked for a travel agency so had made all the arrangements for the trip, and of course we were flying First Class. We were heading down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, as I had been wanting to go see that for years. Being somewhat of an exhibitionist, the thought of getting to flash my boobs at crowds of people was very appealing. They were finally announcing the plane would soon begin boarding, so we got up and in...

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Rally Girls

A special thanks to Linda2953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 I never knew what a rally girl was until I watched a TV program called ‘Friday Night Lights’. The rally girls are followers of the football team. They help the starting lineup with anything they want or need. They are some of the prettiest gals in the school and for some reason will do anything for the players from making cookies to helping or doing their homework for them. Needless to say, they...

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Jake s Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 6

This is Christmas time. Christmas in a tropical clime is a different experience. Firecrackers are an integral part of this one, as are roaming groups of carolers. Two of the suitcases we have brought are filled with nothing but presents and we have a fun time giving them out. Coins are also big for the kids and by only dumb luck, my random choice to empty my pockets of coins on Christmas night is a big hit with the small kids. With all the food being pushed on me, I am not losing any weight,...

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the road trip

I have always had a crushtowards my cousin s*s, B, who is19 years of age as of now. She’svery cute, just like a doll, standsat 5 feet, and a bit chubby. Weare just 6 years apart in age, andwe always have had a very goodrelationship, just like friends. Ihave tried many times to seduceher, but she never encouragesme, so I never try too hard, justbecause that I don’t want her toforce anything to her. She’s reallyvery close to my heart.Last year B finished her highschool, and got admitted in...

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iBod Chapter Six Reality Upturned on its HEAD

"iBod: Chapter Six - Reality, Upturned on its HEAD" by Jaye Domino (NOTE 1: None of the email addresses used in this story series are real, nor are any web references to The iBod. Comments are appreciated, and I plan on writing more iBod stories, as well as a detailed instruction manual on how the iBod is used. I highly encourage people to write their own iBod stories involving any of the other users, but would appreciate a request by email to do so.) (NOTE 2: This is the start...

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The Office

Introduction: It was just the beginning of summer and it was hot. It was just the beginning of summer and it was hot! Entering my seventh month of pregnacy did not help any. My huge expanding tummy made me short of breath, and my nipples were very sensidtive and hard. The heat drenched my body with sweat. Dropping into my chair at the office, I turned on the ceiling fan waiting for some needed relief. I was still at work even though everyone else had left. It had been a long day and I was...

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D nouement

D?nouement Susanna Says: So I thought that it was right that I put down in writing some of the things that have happened to me these past few months, much of which has shaped my life to this point and has shone a bright light of clarity on what I wanted to do with my life and who I am. It all started at the beginning of the year when I agreed to spend a weekend with an admirer from Hampshire. I had been chatting for a number of months with a fellow TV/TG from Hamble in Hampshire, he w...

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Entangled Chapter IV Freeing Rapunzel

I spent several weeks moping about heartbroken before comingout of the fog. Nearly two months wasted as Punz grew further and further away. In the end, however, I found myself recalling how we had met and why. That was the key. If I was to find her again, I would need to draw on skills long in disuse, but not forgotten. I resolved that I would be relentless in my pursuit of my beloved. I had stalked her once and won her over. I would track her down a second time, and win her back. That...

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Showing Eric

"I've never actually seen ... a ... a girl." "You mean ... down there? Her pussy?" "Right." I thought about it and smiled at how innocent he looked saying that. It is a legitimate concern. After all, if he is going to try constantly to get into her pants, he should know something about what is there. "Good thinking, Eric. If you are exploring under her dress, you should know something about what is there and what to do with it. I understand completely." Eric had finished his...

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Your adventures in Naruto

(feel free to add to the story if you like) Your name is John Doe you are 18 years old, 5'11 spiky white hair and red eyes. You wearing sunglasses to cover your eyes, you also have a weird birthmark on your right arm. All you can remember from your childhood is a few people, and a pair of red eyes with evil shining in them. You are on your way to the Hidden Leaf Village since you decided to return after living in the Hidden Sand Village for half of your life. Your uncle decided it would be...

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Rachel and Stephen Ch 08

2 months later It was a Saturday afternoon, but I was still in bed. I had the comforter thrown back, luxuriating in the sunlight that splashed in through my window across my naked body. My window faced open air on an upper story, so I knew the chances that I was being watched through there or through my open door were minute, but I still stretched in an intentionally appealing way as I ran my hands across my breasts, enjoying the tension of my stiff nipples against my palms. I left my left...

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I am a single father raising two daughters and a son. My oldest daughter, Becki is still living at home as she commutes to collage. She is very beautiful, 5'4", long dark red-brown hair, about 100 lbs. and she has big tits. I know I shouldn't notice that about my own daughter but it is hard not to notice. I try to be a cool dad, open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't say she is slutty but she does seem to go through a good number of guys; but with her...

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My Wife outs me as a sissy cuck and BBC lover

My wife and I were out getting groceries and she wanted to stop at the liquor store to get some beer. I had plenty at home so she just went in while I stayed in the truck. A little later she comes walking out with a nice-looking black guy. They are both coming to the truck as they are talking and my wife is laughing. He opens the door and she gets in. I’m a little confused as she looks at me with a smile. She says, “this is Brad, and he’s coming over tonight to fuck us both, but especially...

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my evening started with a surprise and ended with what an bestfriend(female)got in contact after was so nice to catch up,but i had also been beging yesterdays date to come around and fuck my brains out after yesterdays lovely foreplay.mmmmmm all day i had been thinking about his cock and him telling me what he wanted to do to me.they basically arrived ten mins apart,we all chatted and he sat opposite me with this grin on his face.he wanted it and so did i..we...

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Young and Foolish Part Two

This is the second part of a Trilogy about my childhood I suppose you could say this story is as much about my sister as it is me. We were both very involved in this part of my younger days. My sister, we’ll call her Penny was to say the very least a promiscuous child. One time I had seen three or four boys lining up to touch her on a park bench in broad daylight. She was only nine, but knew how to get anything she wanted from a guy. I’d also heard she was no stranger to her own sex. But...

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vampire sex

I had always thought that Jack was a little odd. I just got weird vibes from the guy. Maybe it was the way he walked down the halls of our school and people seemed to magically move Out of his way without him saying a word. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to just appear places. A lot of my friends were cool with him but for some reason I had never gotten to know him. He was like a wild animal to me, dangerous and exotic. There was just something about his aura that made it hard for me to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 10 July 1989 Hannah the Horny Whore

Pippa would have made a great actress. She loved role playing to enhance sex sessions; I think she must have started doing it when first married. Speaking for myself I didn't need any fetishes or kinky gear to get me off; Pippa did that for me by just being Pippa. However she liked doing it and I certainly did get turned on by the different characters she would become. One of the first characters that she created was Hannah. Pippa would dress as a whore and, which was even sexier, talk and...

1 year ago
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Relieving the Tension

Note : This story is completely fictional! My mother- in- law is now 59 and I am 37. We have not had the smoothest relationship since I married her daughter. It has had its ups and downs. Bonnie is your average looking lady, 5' 6" shoulder length hair that is naturally brown but she dies it blonde with blue eyes. She is a little over weight and hardly has a butt at all and nice 36 B breast. I am 6'2" with short brown hair and hazel eyes and 270lbs. The last six years Bonnie has been retired but...

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A little job on the side

A work of fictionBy Carole ([email protected])Constructive crticism only pleaseDon’t be scared to e-mail me with details of stories or your experiences.If you are u******e please GO AWAY; A friend of mine Brian ran a small guest house mostly for travelling reps etc: One evening he rang me and asked if I could do some urgent repair work for him as his usual guy had let him down because of illness. I replied that I could help and would be round first thing in the morning. “That’s great...

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The Bath by loyalsock

Marcia Ingram glanced out the window from her living room and then checked her watch for the tenth time in the last five minutes, "Where is he," she said softly, "he's fifteen minutes late!?!" She continued paging through her magazine and was startled when the doorbell chimed indicating someone was at the front door, she jumped up and quickly covered the twenty some feet, opened the door, and invited the blonde haired young man into her parlor!!! "Good afternoon, Peter," she said graciously,...

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AudryChapter 3 The Competitor

Audry was horny. So she gently sucked my sleeping cock into her mouth, trying to bring it to life, without waking me. Once she succeeded, she gleefully swung a leg over my hips, plugged it in, and sat on it. Then she just stayed there, manipulating me with her talented internal muscles. Soon it was too much for both of us and I started moving my hips and she started bucking against me-her orgasm caught her by surprise and she flailed out of control, screaming in joy. The scream brought me...

2 years ago
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NFBusty Angel Wicky Slip Into Something

Busty Angel Wicky takes a warm bath. The water slips and slides all over her sensitive skin from her hairy twat to her huge boobs with their pierced nipples. After she has soaped herself up, Angel slips into a bra that can barely contain the bounty of her breasts and some panties. A swipe of makeup is the last step to getting ready. Strutting in to the living room, Angel comes up to Michael Fly from behind so that he can feel her generous knockers resting against his head. He squeezes them,...

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Monica Getting What She d Wanted All Along

Monica had known early in her teen years that sex and sexual pleasure were something she was always going to want more of and to really enjoy. She'd had several very hot and lusty sexual relationships but none perhaps as hot in its own way as the one she'd enjoyed with Bill. But, the one thing Monica had always wanted more than anything was sex -- hot lusty fucking both sucking her lover's cock and having him thrust his hard cock inside her pussy and fuck her until they were both consumed...

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Wandering Minds

The sun filtering through the windows warmed the air inside my bookshop. I had always loved this time of the year. It brought back good memories of my childhood. The sunshine helped to lift my mood and to shake off the winter sadness. Anyway, at this time in my life, I was feeling really quite good about everything. As the day wore on, the volume of people visiting the shop increased in volume. Through experience of the retail trade, I had noted that the earlier times of the day were usually...

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The StormChapter 14

Anita woke first. Rousing herself, she viewed in the morning light the remains of the previous night’s passion. Her and Caroline’s plan had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. As soon as they had entered their room, John had set the lantern down on the dresser and pushed her back onto the bed. She had simply laid there, propped up on her elbows, hungrily eyeing him as he undid his pants and whipped out his immense cock. Without even removing his clothes he had climbed between her legs. Then...

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High stakes in Zatakia

”Welcome to the North, fellow traveller! What you see across those hills over there is the city of Zatakia, the capital of these lands. I guess you already knew that since that is your destination after all. But what you might not know is that the city is as old as the world itself and that it has seen many rulers throughout history, most of them long forgotten. There are deep catacombs underneath the city that may hold some of the old secrets, but I wouldn't venture in there if I were you....

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BangBus Selina Moon Baddie Fucks For Money

We got lucky this week. On the way to the tire shop we ran into some baddie sitting on a bench. We started chatting her up. At first, she seemed bored and uninterested in anything we had to say. Until we brought up the stack of cash. After seeing the cash, she instantly wanted to hop inside the bus to negotiate how she could get some money. While inside it was easy to have her do anything we wanted. This chick turned out to be a nympho. She quickly started deep throating cock. Eventually, Tony...

2 years ago
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The reunion

“Glad to see you can follow instructions. Are you ready”? It was Catherine, as she opened the hotel room door. “Oh, yes”, I replied. I had been out of town for two weeks on business. Catherine and I had planned to stay the last weekend, so she flew in to meet me. Just before her plane took off, I received a text with instructions. “Be clean, be naked and have your butt plug in your ass.” Of course I had complied. I knew the consequences would be rather severe if I hadn’t. She hopped in the...

Straight Sex

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