BarbaraChapter 9 free porn video

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That night the party was in the restaurant above the Clifford & Jamison offices. The firm had taken it over for the evening. As they were about to enter, Marie looked at Bobbie and Tom and said, "We decided to take our chances with Alcoholic Beverage Control and let you two drink if you wish."

Then she winked and said, "Bobbie, I'm sure you can hold it ... But I'm not too sure about Tom."

When they got off the elevator, Marie took a moment to check Tom's appearance. Her heart rolled over as she looked at him in his dinner jacket thinking he was the most handsome man in the world. After straightening his tie, she lifted her face. Seeing it, he lowered his lips and without touching each other their lips merged in a glorious kiss.

"Thank you, my darling," she whispered.

Then the threesome went into the dining room to meet the people, most of whom Tom had heard about but had never met.

While Marie was going through her customary greeting of Kathy Carlson — kneeling and kissing her feet — a girl came up to Bobbie with her hand outstretched. Turning to look at her, Bobbie was utterly stunned by her beauty. The girl was wearing a dress like her own and also wore her hair very short the way hers was now. Her most striking feature were her eyes — a vivid dark blue verging on purple.

"Barbara Dawson?" she asked. Bobbie acknowledged with a smile and took the outstretched hand in a very firm grip as the girl continued, "Hi! I'm Kristin Bradley. As the only unmarried teenagers around, I understand that we have been elected to babysit over the holidays."

Kris extended her other hand and now was holding both of Bobbie's in hers. She just looked her over carefully with an incredibly piercing gaze that seemed like it could penetrate steel. Finally, the girl just focused on Bobbie's eyes. Then she grinned and said, "It's tough, isn't it, to be madly in love with a guy you can touch but can't have? You're the most incredibly beautiful girl I have ever seen. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together. Now come and meet my parents."

Taking her by the hand, Kris led her to a corner where two young people were talking. When she came up to them, they turned and Bobbie stopped dead in her tracks. She found herself looking at the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The woman had brown hair and brown eyes, but her hair, worn very short in the same boy's haircut both Bobbie and Kris had, was naturally streaked in colors ranging from platinum blonde to medium brown. Her skin was a warm vibrant gold and her figure was perfect.

She, too, was wearing the gown that Marie had referred to as 'Clifford & Jamison Standard.' It highlighted the perfection of her body. Yet as Bobbie looked more closely at the woman's beauty she realized that, as beautiful as her features and figure were, the real beauty was radiating from within.

"Mom," Kris said, "I would like you to meet my newest friend, Barbara Dawson. Isn't she gorgeous?" Then with a grin she added, "A genuine California blonde from USC." Turning to Bobbie she said, "This is my mother, Evangeline Bradley."

"How do you do, Mrs. Bradley," Bobbie said extending her hand.

Vangie Bradley took the offered hand in a very firm grip. Still without speaking she extended her left hand and Bobbie took it as well. Meanwhile the woman was just studying her and ended her inspection by staring intently into her eyes — the same behavior as her daughter's a few minutes earlier. Bobbie did the same thing and realized she was seeing in the woman's eyes the same love and goodness she saw in Ali's and Marie's.

Still without speaking directly to Bobbie she turned to the tall man by her side. He was a somewhat older Tom Conroy, Bobbie realized. Although not quite as tall — he appeared to be about six feet two — he was as broad across the shoulders and as well-muscled. Like his wife, he had a deep golden tan.

"Ed, buy her for me? Please?" Then with a vividly warm smile she added, "You don't even have to bother with gift wrapping, either. I'll just eat her here!"

Then she said, "How do you do, Barbara Dawson." Then she looked at the girl and said, "I understand you and Imp, here, are going to be sharing a suite. I think it ought to be fun."

Then to her daughter she said, "I told you that you're sadly out of shape. This girl is going to trim your tight little ass and it couldn't happen to a nicer girl, either." Bobbie's eyes widened at the comment because, with her body almost completely revealed it was obvious that Kris Bradley's figure was also youthful perfection.

"But you can't be Kris's mother..." Bobbie stammered. "You couldn't possibly have given birth..."

"You're right," Vangie said agreeably, "I'm not. Kristin is adopted." Then her brows knitted and she said, "Technically it's true, I guess, but the fact is she was a bridal shower gift to us from our children."

With a warm smile she asked, "Bobbie, don't you think it's an original gift? You see, when my daughter married, she realized that I would miss having a teen-aged girl to hug and to love, so she and Ken made one for us. For a do-it-yourself effort, she didn't come out too badly, did she?"

Now Barbara was totally bewildered. "Gift? From a married daughter? That's impossible... ! I mean ... You can't possibly be over twenty-five..."

Vangie yelped, took Bobby in her arms and gave her the most loving kiss the girl had ever had. Then she said, "I adore her, Ed, and I'm going to have her as my daughter."

Then she looked at the two girls and said, "Do you realize this would give us a matched pair? Of course she doesn't have Imp's ridiculous purple eyes, but that's an advantage."

Then she said to Barbara, "Why don't we sit down and get acquainted." Her eyes turned serious as she added, "You see, Bobbie, I'm very serious about adopting you. It's an idea that first crossed my mind when Andy Cartwright and Ken Clifford couldn't stop talking about you."

While shaking her head, Bobbie allowed herself to be led to a table in the corner where they all sat down. Finally she said, "I still can't believe it. Am I correct? Do you actually have a married daughter?"

"Sure do," Vangie replied with a grin. "She's married to my son." Again Bobbie's jaw dropped. She was stunned. "We fit right in with Ali's extended family," Vangie continued, "because we're at least as weird as they are."

Then she grinned and explained, "You see, Bobbie, before you start giving me a lot of garbage about how unworthy you are, let me tell you a little about us. First of all: me. I was born Evangeline Pierce and was the poorest excuse for a human being God ever placed on this earth. I spent my childhood terrorizing nurses and governesses and being thrown out of schools.

"I married Bill Collins when I was nineteen and then did about the only worthwhile thing I've done in my whole life: I gave birth to my daughter, Cathy. Of course, I immediately hired a wet nurse for her because, God forbid, I wasn't going to have grubby little hands pawing my beautiful tits.

"Who do I hire? The widow of one of our greatest military heros — a man who earned the Medal of Honor and gave his life for our country doing it. Later I farmed Cathy out to a string of people so she didn't interfere with my social life. Would you believe, I never even went to her graduation? Any graduation.

"Anyway, a few years ago Bill was killed in a plane crash. After sleeping with anything in pants — and a few in skirts — I heard of a very rich widower, Ed Bradley, who had a son. I conceived of the idea of a family merger. At that point, Cathy disappeared. There was no way she was going to have anything to do with an arranged marriage.

"Of course the same thing was true of Ed. His son, Ken, graduated from Yale, Phi Beta Kappa — that's where Kris is now, by the way — and as a Baker Scholar from the Harvard Business School. Ed didn't know any of that, nor did I know that Cathy was summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa and valedictorian of her class at Carleton College. Anyway, it seems that my daughter and his son met on their own, fell in love, and were about to be married when we learned about it for the first time.

"How did we find out? The same way most parents do, I expect," she said with a quick grin. "We see them on the national telecast of the Super Bowl! A funny thing had happened in the meantime, though. While Ed and I were spending a lot of time scheming to get our two children together to make a merger, we fell in love with each other.

"Curiously, as lousy and rotten as we are individually, together we seem to neutralize each other's poisons. Anyway, Cathy and Ken were married and went out to Maui for their honeymoon. On the plane flying out there they meet a fourteen-year-old girl who was seventy-two hours away from death by starvation: Kris.

"About a year earlier Kris and her whole family were returning home from a night football game. A drunken driver ran a stop sign and broadsided their car. He killed her parents and her brother and put her in the hospital. We know that her family was very loving and very close.

"When she recovered consciousness in the hospital, all Kris wanted to do was to rejoin her family as quickly as possible ... by starving herself to death. She had almost succeeded when she met our children. Ken and Cathy brought her back to life. Moreover, she claims that she is their creation, top to bottom.

"Then, while Cathy and Ken were on their honeymoon and putting Kris together, one of Ali's daughters was beating me into shape. In spite of all I am, Ed still claimed to love me and wanted to marry me, so Kris was our children's shower gift to us."

Then with a broad smile she said, "Subsequently, I adopted Ken Bradley as my son and Ed adopted Cathy as his daughter. The reason is the same: I'm hoping to get Ken away from my daughter and get him into my bed, while Ed wants to trade me in for the younger, more athletic and nubile model — and is Cathy ever nubile!"

With a pout she added, "But it's not working. All those two do is fuck and make babies." Then she was transformed by the most vivid smile Bobbie had ever seen and added, "Of course our grandson, Ken, junior, is the most beautiful young man God ever created; our granddaughter, Krista, is the most beautiful little girl, and Cathy is about to hatch a brother or sister for them."

"But you can't..." Bobbie stammered. "I thought I understood it when you said Kris is adopted. That can happen, I suppose. But a grandmother! That's preposterous. You can't be even thirty."

Turning to Ed again Vangie exclaimed, "Edward Bradley we have to have her! No one has flattered us so much in years." Turning to Bobbie she said, "Darling, I'm forty-five and the love of my life here is fifty-one. Believe me when I say we are honest-to-God grandparents — not even that synthetic adopted stuff like Ali!

"I'm very serious, Barbara," Vangie continued. "We would like very much to adopt you as our daughter. I think you will like Kris and I'm sure you'll love Ken and Cathy. Besides, we really need a genuine California blonde in the family."

"I guess I'm genuine, then," Bobbie said. "Like most people in California, I'm from somewhere else."


"A little town in Illinois that I'm sure you never heard of," Bobbie answered.

"What town?" Vangie persisted.

"A little town north of Chicago called Deerfield."

"Good heavens! That's where Jan and Pete are. Have you ever heard of Janice and Peter Stewart? Illinois Technologies... ? Although now it's the Peters Drive Company..."

"Of course!" Bobbie replied. "My mother is in the Junior League and years ago she came back from a winter meeting raving about ... Janice Stewart!"

"Jan is the one who beat me into shape," Vangie said softly. "She's one of Ali's adopted daughters, too." Then she raised an eyebrow and asked, "Since you're from Chicago, maybe you follow the Bears. Maybe you've heard of Ken Bradley?"

Now Bobbie's jaw dropped. "My God! The All-Pro wide receiver ... Married to ... Cathy Bradley, the Pro Bowl kicker ... Your daughter?"

"Sure is," Vangie replied, "but as I said earlier, I claim no credit at all. It was all Cathy, by herself, overcoming nearly unbelievable handicaps — mostly me — to do it. Anyway, how about joining our merry band? I think we can probably support you ... If you don't eat too much, that is."

While they were talking, other things about the Bradleys started to surface from Bobbie's memory. One of them was that the Bradleys were nearly as rich as the Cliffords — certainly in the same league.

She shook her head and said, "I'm afraid it's impossible. First, I have been disowned by my parents for being a slut and a whore." Looking at Ed she asked, "How would you like it if you went outside to pick up the paper and found Kris, here, naked on the doorstep covered with semen, and stoned out of her mind? That's the way my father found me early one morning."

"I would give serious thought to hunting down the beasts who drugged her and killing them all," Ed Bradley replied coldly. She looked into his eyes and shuddered realizing he meant exactly what he had said.

"Moreover, we have just the guys around here who would love to help me do it: Bill Cartwright, another Medal of Honor winner from Special Forces; Ken Carlson, a double Medal of Honor winner from Army Rangers; Mike Morris, Judy's husband, another Medal of Honor winner, served in the Marines with the Marine Recon...

"Not only would they do it, they would delight in it. All that would be left of those butchers would be a few small scraps." Looking deep into Bobbie's eyes he said, "Do you believe they would do it?"

She shivered and said, "Yes, sir. I guess they would believe it, too."

"Bobbie," Ed Bradley continued, "I guess it's a problem with having a few bucks: You can become known as a target. Bill Clifford and I handle it the same way: We make it painfully clear to anyone who gets such an idea that it's not the brightest idea they ever had. In other words, we don't offer free bites."

Then he held out his arms and said, "My wife has been monopolizing things. While she's been running off at the mouth, I need to correct something she said about herself. She would have you believe that she's the personification of evil." He smiled ruefully and said, "It's so typical of her, too."

Then looking into the girl's eyes he said, "I saw you looking at Vangie very carefully, Bobbie. What did you see?"

"I saw an incredible beauty," Bobbie replied. "At the same time, as beautiful as her face and figure are, that's the least of it. Her real beauty — and it's in overwhelming abundance — comes from the goodness she radiates from within. Looking into her eyes all I see is goodness and love."

Ed just nodded and stuck out his tongue at his wife. "I told you," he said. "Vangie Bradley, you're a god-awful actress. You can't even play the part. Your goodness just shines through in spite of anything you say or do."

Then to Bobbie he added, "Of course in bed this woman is utter perfection. You see, I love a woman who's nice and wet — and Vangie always is. Moreover, when she's in my arms, in addition to the goodness and love, I get to see the most intense personal love for me coupled with a level of passion that's beyond belief.

"Bobbie, this is the woman who wants to be your mother. In spite of the fact that she was half right — I really am a shit — could I have a kiss? Please?"

Bobbie rose from her chair and went to him. Ed swept her off her feet and sat her across his lap. Then he proceeded to kiss her thoroughly while he ran his hands lightly over her exposed body. His kiss is just loaded with pure love, Bobbie thought and then realized, and it's love for me!

She looked into his eyes and saw exactly the same thing she had seen in Vangie's: incredible goodness and love. She pulled away and with a cute grin said, "But Dad, I hate to say this to my brand-new father, but you're full of shit, too! All I see in your eyes is an incredible depth of goodness and love."

Ed shook his head and grinned ruefully as she continued, "I can certainly believe what you said about Mom, though. I'll bet she is passionate. On the other hand, even sitting on your lap I can feel your sex beneath me, so I'm also sure that your lovemaking must be pretty special! Does she retain consciousness when she cums with you inside her?"

"Hell, no!" Vangie exclaimed. "In fact on our wedding night I was out so long my whole damned family — Ed, Cathy, Ken and Imp, here — all feasted on my cunt."

With a shake of her head and a wry grin she added, "Can you imagine using your cunt to provide a feast... for a family of four? Of course, to be fair, a lot of it — including all the nourishing part — was from Ed's glorious cum inside me. Can you drown on internal fluids, do you suppose?" Vangie mused.

Bobbie just giggled, but she believed what she had heard was true. Her new parents — she was already thinking of them in those terms — were so madly, passionately in love with each other, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

When Ed finally released her, she found Kris standing over them looking down at her. "Is it my turn yet?" she asked. "Don't I get to kiss my brand-new twin sister?"

Rising to her feet again Bobbie went into the girl's arms and received the most breathtaking kiss she could ever imagine. Then Kris said softly, "Welcome, Sis! I think we're going to have a marvelous time together." Then with a little yelp she added, "And guess what, parents? Now I'll finally get some help in trying to spend your damned money!" Then she shook her head and frowned, "I don't know, though. I don't think Bobbie has what it takes to be a real Valley Girl. Do you?"

Bobbie was swept by a feeling of relief. Then her knees threatened to collapse beneath her so she dove for Ed Bradley's lap. He gathered her into his strong arms and just held her tightly. Suddenly she burst into tears and started to bawl like a baby. It was as if a dam had burst. Ed just held her even tighter and held her head to his shoulder while he gently stroked her hair and the satin-smooth skin of her bare back.

As he did she felt comforted for the first time in years — it felt so wonderful just to be held. Slowly she regained control and her weeping stopped, but she just snuggled closer into his shoulder. Then she lifted her head and he gently kissed the tears away as he murmured, "Darling Barbara, your new mother and I adore you!"

Realizing that her tears had soaked the shoulder of his dinner jacket, Bobbie tried to get up to get a napkin to wipe it off. "Oh God, Mr. Bradley!" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry! Can I..."

"I'm not sorry at all," he interrupted softly. "Darling, there are few things a man likes more than to hold and comfort a beautiful girl. Barbara Dawson, like your new sister, you're a delight to the senses."

As she started to get up from his lap, she realized that Vangie was on her knees beside her whispering, "Do you feel better, darling? It's terrible to feel totally alone, isn't it?" Then she softly added, "Could I have a kiss, too?"

Reaching out, Bobbie hugged Vangie tightly and then started bawling again. Vangie just held her close and listened to the tears. When she finally ran dry, Vangie kissed her eyes gently and then melted her lips to hers. Then she finally pulled away and Vangie asked Kris to accompany her to the ladies room to make repairs to her tear-streaked face. In spite of the ravages of her tears, Bobbie was radiantly beautiful and happier than she had been in years.

While the girls were away from the table, Ed and Vangie talked to Ali about legal arrangements for Bobbie's adoption. When the girls returned to the table, they spent the dinner time getting acquainted. Bobbie realized to her amazement that in just a few short hours she had come truly to love this remarkable family.

After dinner the band began to play big-band dance music. After dancing with her new father — she found he was a marvelous dancer — Bobbie found herself sought out by virtually all of the men present. A man who looked very much like Ed Bradley came up to the table and asked her to dance. He didn't bother to introduce himself until she was in his arms on the dance floor.

Then he held her slightly away from himself so he could look directly into her eyes. After studying them for a few moments he said softly, "Kenny is absolutely right! You're a truly remarkable young woman and I'm sure you're going to be very happy with the Bradleys. They are now among our very closest friends and are delightful people." He grinned and added, "Incidentally, I'm Bill Clifford, otherwise known as Ali's husband."

Again Bobbie felt foolish as her jaw dropped. Like Ed Bradley, Bill Clifford appeared to be in his early thirties with prematurely grey temples. "But you can't ... My God! What do you people do? You must have found the fountain of youth! You can't be..."

"Fifty-two?" he interjected. "That's how old I am. Of course between Ali, Kenny and the baby, they serve to keep me young. And unlike my child bride, I am — like Ed Bradley — an honest-to-God grandfather — several times over. All of my children — Jennifer, Bill and Brian — have children of their own now. I know you met Joan the day she delivered her little boy. Isn't she a delight?"

Bobbie moved closer to him and murmured into his shoulder, "Mr. Clifford, you have to be so very proud! But how do you do it? How do you stay so young?"

"It's easy," he replied softly. "It's all Ali. She's—"

He stopped and grinned, then said, "I was going to say she's the love of my life, but I stopped myself. It's inaccurate. The fact is that she is my life." He smiled warmly and said, "Bobbie, I can't tell you what it was like that Christmas night when Ali told me she was going to have my baby. I was so happy I was afraid I was going to explode.

"You see, I always thought that the fruit of her glorious loins would be very special. Well, you've seen Ken and I think you'll agree that he certainly is. Anyway, she keeps me young."

Later, she danced with Ken Carlson and then with Mike Morris. While she was dancing with Ken, thinking about what Ed Bradley had said, she asked him about it obliquely. It turned out that he knew all about her history. She looked into his brown eyes and shivered.

Same as Barbara
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Two weeks later we had another department Happy hour. I asked my friend Karen if she wanted to come with me. I would come by and pick her up after work and she would tell her parents she was sleeping over my house. Her parents liked me and trusted me. I told her they don’t proof and as long as you stay away from the bar you can drink. I said the guys at work buy me drinks the whole time. She was into it, besides she always wanted to go to a bar. She was a friend that I made from working...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Match

I used to think that wonderful, rewarding, and mind-blowing sex came with love, care and the time to understand the other’s thoughts as well as their body. One night stands, though satsifying in one sense, usually left me feeling vaguely dissatisfied. However, I think that some bodies work just so much better together than others, and this story relates one of my experiences that confirmed my belief. I had just passed my 40 th birthday when I met Maggie. She was a final year student doing a...

Straight Sex
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Sexy Dressup with Chloe

I've never had fun with a girl, always fantasized about it though, but could never get a girl to have fun with. Chloe was five foot six inches tall, with long red hair and the most amazing body you could ever think of. I met her through my other half. She was a friend of a friend and good fun to be around. We always went out together and had house parties which nearly always ended up with either stripping or dressing up. This night was no different. We had gone out and once the last song was...

4 years ago
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Passionate Love Making In A Pool 8211 Continues

Firstly thanks to all those who messaged and mailed on the id provided (changing the id to personal one going forward)…it was great receiving appreciation…. :) Well cutting long story short….readers can come to know about the details about us from the previous story… Well that was a great start to the trip…just loved it…. after that we just slept naked hugging each other in each others arms….totally satisfied…. Well…we did not realize when we woke up it was 10 at night and we were quite...

1 year ago
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A Dog From Hell

Part 1: A kiss in the mirror ?Now get down on your knees!? I looked at the floor. The tiles were wet, footprints in dirt. Footprintsleft by shoes of many men emptying their bladders hour after hour. I felt slightlynauseous. The shivering worsened. I could smell the urine on the floor, I couldsee the yellow surfaces of urinals. I couldn't. I couldn't do it. ?Get DOWN on your knees, Helen? said David impatiently. ?Now!? he added, liftinghis voice just a little bit to show his irritation. I...

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Love in the Time of War Ch 11

Charles’ head lolled to one side as he fought to stay awake. Kathleen had brought the tea and biscuits like she promised about two hours ago. It was the last time she came as he told her to get to some sleep. She refused but finally listened to him and left. The last time he touch Catherine’s forehead, she was as hot as his tea and her breathing was raspy. Still he was positive she would recover. He had witnessed hundreds of deaths and mortal woundings. Those who were going to die seemed to...

2 years ago
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Showing Kevin how to Please Tara

My husband is often out of town and I’m always very horny and needing to take care of things. I often have affairs, because I really enjoy being with men or even women for that matter. I just love to have sex and often have it. Lately, my step daughter has had her boyfriend living with us. My mind is always in the gutter. I really want to sleep with him. He's eighteen and is about 6’0” and about two hundred pounds. He works out and has muscles on muscles. I think he has a big cock, because I...

3 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 31

Debbie had the report on the charity home building project. It was doing well. Terrell's crew at the hotel for the homeless was coming along and should finish the remodel before fall. The new clinic was in operation with the USF medical school operating it. That part of S&S was working. People were being helped and even more would be helped as the hotel was completed. Sue's training program was attracting many of the people we wanted to assist. If we could expand that to men, we would...

2 years ago
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Damn I love college

Damn I love college   Well I’m in my second semester of college now, its fun but some of the classes stink.    I mean, come on.   I’m majoring in science, why do I have to take a music class?   Anyways, my name is Thomas Parker, construction worker turned college boy.    This year I get the joy of taking a couple classes that any sane person wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole; Biology, Music appreciation (oh joy), Psychology (great now I can figure out how messed up I am in the...

First Time
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Niece Goes To College

By ReebChapter I I’ve watched my niece, Erica grow up over the years into a beautiful teenage woman. She is the oldest daughter of my younger sister who has raised my niece alone after a divorce when Erica was very young. I’ve been there as sort of a father figure for my sister’s daughters over the years. Erica was getting ready to graduate high school and she was looking into several small local colleges. The colleges she was looking at were all over the Pennsylvania countryside. My sister...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 56 End of the Summer Part IV

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois At O’Hare, I parked in the short-term lot as I usually did and walked into the terminal. I checked the arrival board and saw that the flight from Atlanta was listed as on-time. I walked to security, passed through the metal detectors, and then walked to the gate. I sat down to await Stephie and, hopefully, some answers. The jet pulled onto the ramp and parked, and the engines shut down. The Jetway was extended and shortly after, the first passengers began to...

4 years ago
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First Experience Is The Best Experience

Hi, I am Sharath from heritage city mysuru, karnataka..This is little bit long story sorry for that.. Friends my name is sharath 26 yrs old.. I think there is no need about my body details since none of you guys are interested. The heroin of this story is my girlfriend sandya.. Friends when I was doing my final year engineering I felt very lonely since my most of friends are engaged and they were are all busy with them. So I thought to find the gf for me.. I opened the nimbuzz account in that I...

3 years ago
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What a Good Stepfather Pt 2

"What has gotten into you love" she says. "IDK what is into me, but I know what will be into you tonight" stephen says with another squeeze of her ass. "We will see about that" says maria. "Charlotte are you home?" called Maria into the home. "I'm coming mom" Shouted a young voice which was followed quickly by a young 18yr old girl who was somehow more impressive than her mother. With C-cup tits and a large ass. She had blonde hair and blue eyes with a young complexion. She is...

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Tai and Bo

Tai came into Bo’s bedroom dressed in a little yellow outfit that hugged the curves of her body. The top was a tight fitting yellow chemise with spaghetti straps that allowed the tops of her breasts to show. Her boobs were creamy where they showed over the top of the shirt and her nipples pushed the thin material out suggestively. The rest of the shirt clung on her thin torso and ended above her navel accentuating her flat smooth tummy. The bottom was granny pants that showed half of...

3 years ago
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She Didnt Want to Cheat

I had several women that I used to chat with on AOL back in the day, and had a job that required me to travel extensively. From time to time I would meet one of my chat friends while on the road. Debbie (might not be her real name... then again, it just might be) lived in the Detroit area. Canton, Michigan to be exact. She was somewhat younger than me, and happily married. We chatted about all sorts of naughty things and created a real friendship online.Eventually, I had to travel to Ann Arbor...

1 year ago
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Jennifer 6

-Jennifer 6 There was no response from Steve so I continued 'In my new dress he slid his hands in from the back and cupped my bare breasts' He still gave no response 'and when he pulled me back against him I felt him sticking into my back.' He gave a small shudder but there was no other response 'I won't feel that from you tonight will I?' I asked viciously. Steve turned towards me and looked at me. After a few moments he gave a little shrug and turned away. What really stung me was...

4 years ago
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My Teen Daughters Yoga PantsChapter 2

Cock! Hard cock! Roxie’s dad’s was throbbing hard. Karl’s mind was on fire with lust. It was only two days ago that Roxie spitefully pulled down her yoga pants in front of both he and his wife, Jean. Seeing her succulent, teen pussy like that, made real the fantasies he had about his teenager. He believed she wanted him to see her pussy. Karl stood in her bedroom, pressing one of her moist panties to his nose, while stroking with the other. It was a ritual he’d perfected since she was a...

2 years ago
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You have the softest skin I have ever felt in my life. To this day, I can close my eyes and remember how my hands felt rough against your skin, like gliding over satin. The memory makes my fingers tingle in anticipation, my breath deepens as the memory takes over my consciousness and I can feel my heart start to ache from the knowledge that it is only a memory…and like a mirage in the hot desert it slowly fades away as I open my eyes with a feeling of sorrowful regret lumped in my throat. I...

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A mothers mistake 13

Chapter 13 Several weeks later Chris was on his way home from school with some bad news. He was in danger of failing one of his classes and was worried about telling his mother. While all of his grades had fallen (without his mother knowing) since they had started their affair, this was the only one that he might really fail. It could possibly jeopardize his scholarship and he knew that she would be sorely disappointed. The news spoiled a day when he had been excited because of a gift he had...

1 year ago
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Its My PartyChapter 17

Eight hours later... Time:Tuesday, December 25, 2018 10:40 PM “The symmetry of Red and Green Mall is so strong,” said Jada’s voice over the speakerphone. “The Party entry location, the bike shop, and the AM/PM Locksmith, they’re all at the same positions, just on the opposite sides of the corridor. Maybe you were right, Emily.” Mark and Emily were the only two people at the Red Mall home complex, and they were sitting on Jada’s bed in Jada’s and Emily’s huge corner bedroom. “Well,”...

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Battlemage Book 10 Darkness Under a Scarlet MoonChapter 10

It had already been five nights since Ariel watched her husband die. Because the thought had been too painful for her mind, it shut itself down to everything except for the most basic of primal functions. Running through the tree's and brush had snagged and torn her clothing. She was dirty, ragged, and looked disheveled with her free flowing uncombed hair flying behind her and the young man pacing her thought she never looked more beautiful than she did right then. Even though her faced...

3 years ago
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VacationChapter 22

Day Twenty-two - Monday I woke at six snuggled to Sue's back with my left hand clutching a breast. I squeezed the breast and kissed her neck thinking that we might get something started. She moaned and turned over for some wakeup kisses. We kissed for only a few seconds when her eyes opened wide and her hand shot down to her crotch. She brought it up and looked at it and said, "Shit," getting out of bed quickly and going to the bathroom. She came out and grabbed her panties, put them on...

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Patricia saw him on the side of the road he was tall and dressed in leather he had a biker look about him but he was clean shaven with just the hint of stubble across his handsome face he had on mirror sunglasses that reflected the sun it was what had caught her eye as she tooled down the highway she was going to visit her aunt in Washington and it was a long drive from San Diego but she liked road trips a great time for reflection a time to clear your mind and think things through she had just...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 4

Amy sighed as she stood on the verge of fully waking. The last couple of days had been a lot of fun and she wasn’t ready for them to end yet. Her body betrayed her as it kicked her awake, with adrenaline flowing through her system. Grumpily, she opened her eyes and stared at the two people she had snuggled and slept with that night. Her eyes first fell on Jason, and Amelia smiled dreamily. His red hair was tousled and matted, sticking up in weird spots. His ruggedly handsome features were...

2 years ago
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This is a true story that happened about three years ago. It was a Friday night and I had no plans, it was getting late but I didn't want to stay in so I called a friend who I knew would be up for doing something - Glynn.We decided I would go to his place, as he had bought some weed, I wasn't much a smoker so I brought a bottle of Jack Daniels with me.I arrived at his front door and could hear the heavy metal blasting out of his room. I knocked at the door expecting him not to hear, but he...

Gay Male
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 15 Back on Canvas

By the weekend, we’d all managed to get moved in. There were still a few things at my house of mine and Sarah Lynn’s. Charmaine had less to move than the rest of us. She’d always had a limited wardrobe. Her dad had plenty of money, but he was stingy as all get-out. He didn’t figure women needed money and he’d have to pay to get her married someday, so he wasn’t about to waste it on her now. We had several big deliveries. We chose the biggest of the bedrooms, which was about twelve-by-twelve,...

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A Proper Stepford Wife

"A Proper Stepford Wife" It was a warm sunny day as I drove along after being at the bar for a couple beers and a few games of pool. In the convertible Corvette I felt the wind in my hair and sideburns at the sides of my baseball cap. I was dressed as usual in t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. The sun was bright as I headed home so I put on my sunglasses. I felt the slight itch then scratched the whiskers at my chin and right cheek realizing I hadn't shaved in a couple days. I...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 2

Roommate Trouble Beth sat at the large dining room table with a small plate of bacon, some coffee and a large plate with the remnants of a strawberry crepe. She scribbled a few more words on a notepad by her laptop, frowning at the list. “Any luck?” Sofia asked, walking in with her own breakfast. The cyclops took the seat across from Beth. A few of the seats in the formal dining room had been designed for larger people, allowing the cyclops to sit comfortably at the table. As far as Beth...

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What a Way to Find Out

I looked down at my dick and a scream ripped out of my throat. The head of MY DICK was covered with red bumps which as soon as I noticed them started to itch like hell. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks my wife was fucking around on me. My first action was to go to the doctor instantly to find out what the fuck she had given me. I ran and jumped into my car and raced to the doctor's office. My family doctor Dr. Jacobs was in and he graciously slipped me in between appointments. After a...

2 years ago
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Not Taken III

The personnel changes went smoother than anticipated, as one accepted the move to marketing with some enthusiasm and the person we let go acknowledged she needed to do better. I liked her and probably violated some employment laws giving her honest feedback. I didn’t think her future was in sales, but she was good at project management. I encouraged her to think about certification.Finding a trainer was somewhat more difficult. It’s pretty easy to understand which trainers are in it for you and...

Gay Male
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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows Part 4

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 4 Monday lunch soon came and another rehearsal. This time however I was better prepared and it obviously showed in my performance. I used what I had learnt on Saturday but didn't give it the full monty. "Well done Bill," said Mr Abbots. "This was a much better performance." "Thanks." "It looks like your sister enjoyed it as well." I turned to see her get up come towards me as Mr Abbots turned and walked to talk...

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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 8 and 9

Chapter 8 The long weekend. We load the bags of Vanessa’s clothes in the truck. Josie gives a hug and says ‘Be careful, you call me every day and let me know your are safe.’ Josie then turns to me and says ‘I don’t know you but you seem to be a nice guy. You better take good care of her and she better come back safe. ‘ Josie walks to the back of my truck and takes out her phone and take sa picture of my license plate. Then she walks back up to me and takes a picture of me and Vanessa...

3 years ago
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Secret Fantasy Part 1

We have sex often and I thought we talked pretty openly about sex. I mentioned a friend had some adult videos, and asked if she’d like to watch with me, she said sure. So I made arrangements with a friend, Tom. Tom lent me his VCR and several adult movies for the weekend. At the time, VCRs were very expensive and we didn’t have one yet. Of course I picked the weekend Meg and I would be home alone, our girls were with their grandparents. Friday, after work I picked up the VCR and...

1 year ago
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Double TimeChapter 74

“I had evolved a year too soon, and it nearly broke me.” —Carlyle Labuschagne, The Broken Destiny 3 NOVEMBER 2019 My bed seems so vacant when I lie down in it. This morning, Em left for San Diego where she’ll be stationed for the next year and a half. In that time, she’ll get three more one-week vacations and regular government holidays. We might be able to go see her once or twice. Dad said we’d see her this summer and if she can’t come here, we’ll definitely go see her next...

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Alien SpecimenThe Other Side of the Fence

ALIEN SPECIMEN: The other side of the fence By: ROBO Rob enjoyed writing stories on the Internet about Men turning into Women and had fun reading them. He often found himself day dreaming to what this would be like if it would actually happen. He decided that of course he would only want to try out a female body temporarily. That would be fun! Still, he couldn't help but wonder if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Little did he know that this dream was going...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 25 Dave and Jennifer Talk

When Dave woke on Saturday morning he was very anxious; he had a growing fear about talking to Jennifer and what her reaction would be. He knew that as each day passed he was getting closer to a probably difficult discussion with her and, now that he knew she was coming to QAI with the twins on Monday, he felt even more nervous. He went to Hawks Hallow and spent the morning practicing, but he was distracted as he continued to think about Jennifer. After two hours he finally decided to call it...

4 years ago
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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 3

narrated by Steve Harris I’m at work on Wednesday and at around two pm I get a call from Greg. Beep, Its Becky my receptionist. “Mr. Harris, I have a Greg Benson on the line and he...” I cut her off. “Put him through Becky.” “Yes Mr. Harris.” Click. “Greg, how are you?” My friend seemed agitated, “Steve, was there some kind of altercation at our house on Monday morning? “Oh shoot. I’m sorry Greg, I meant to tell you but with...” “Just tell me what happened? I just got a call from a...

2 years ago
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Tranny Boy Posse Tales of the Evil FagHag

This is just a story, okay? I don't advocate having sex with underage people and I realize that probably most cross-dressers aren't gay. Yeah, and most females who choose to hang around gay dudes aren't evil either. Most 'fag-hags' seem to be nice people and some may even resent that term of endearment. And it's never been my intention of slandering the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay? It...

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Sluts Love Part 1

As his climax rose, he accelerated, pumping hard fleetingly before ejaculating with a squeal that put me in mind of a pig being pulled from its mother. I shuddered slightly, before re-gaining composure. He looked down at me hungrily. “You loved that, didn’t you slut” he licked his lips. “I could hear you begging for it, and I felt you cum at the end!” “Absolutely Sir” I answered. Have you any idea how hard it it to bit one’s lip through gritted teeth? “Would Sir like anything else?” “No,...

4 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 7

There Can Be Only One Chapter 7 As I lay relaxing in my foamy bath, I reflected on what had happened this morning and afternoon. I had finally lost my virginity in a way that I would never have expected it. I did feel a little guilty in the way I popped Vicky’s cherry…perhaps it should have been with a little more tenderness and care… but I suppose it was my cock that was doing the thinking for me. I also hadn’t expected that I could have cum so many times in one day…and it was still not over,...

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