A Flawed DiamondChapter 18 free porn video

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With a smile and a sigh, Jen rolled off Brock to lie beside him. The cool sheets on the bed felt good against her sweaty skin.

"Say what you want," she said. "But we were always really good at that."

"I think you're really good at that," Brock said, rolling over to kiss her again. "I just follow your lead."

Jen accepted his kiss for a moment but shifted backward before things got out of hand again.

"You know, you're not the only person I've done that with," she said. "I don't screw around but I've had other boyfriends."

"I know," Brock said.

"So I can tell you that it isn't just me," she said. "Even the first time we did it, it was really, really good. I worried that I had looked forward to it for so long that it wouldn't live up to my fantasies. Well, it did. And it has every time afterward – when I was with you."

This time it was Jen who initiated the kiss.

"Thank you for making my first time so special," Jen said sincerely. "I hear stories about groping in the back of a car and guys who last 10 seconds before shooting off. God, we must have gone at it for an hour."

"Uh, if you remember, you took care of the quick blast off a few minutes earlier," Brock pointed out. His cheeks pinked a bit but he was only slightly embarrassed.

"And I'll do it that way again in the morning before I saddle up for another ride," she replied with a wide smile. "While we're on the topic of first times, I have something else to ask you."

"OK," Brock said.

"Is there a possibility that Meredith will find her way back into your world?" she asked.

"No," Brock said firmly.

"Do you mind if I ask why not?" Jen queried. It was rare for her to be so polite so Brock answered.

"I have known since a few months after I pulled my head out of my ass that I could rely on you," he said. "If I had been smarter, I would have known that I could have always relied upon you. The same is true with Mel, Tara and Susan, too. In the past eight years there hasn't been a moment that I thought I couldn't call you if things were rough for me. Meredith, well, she has not changed one iota since she was 16. She still disappears whenever it looks like things aren't going to be all roses and bubbles."

"Brock, that's not fair," Jen said.

"Maybe not but it's true," he shot back.

"Not really," Jen told him, again resuming her spot on his shoulder. "Even if it is, you need to offer her the same courtesy you offered us so she can move forward."

"What courtesy is that," Brock asked.

"I gave you my cherry," Jen said. "Susan gave you her cherry. Tara gave you her cherry. You were the first lover for each of us. That's why we agreed to let Mel be your first lover. She wished she would have saved herself for you even more than we did. She knew firsthand how bad a first time could be. So Mel got you first, then Tara, then me and then Susan."

Brock was aware of the facts of the situation but he didn't realize it had been so calculated.

"So you planned all that out?" he asked. "You actually decided who was going to go out with me and what was going to happen? Jen, that's pretty fucked up."

"Yeah, it is," she admitted. "But we knew we all wanted to see if a relationship would work with you. It's the only way that was fair to all of us. So we shared within the bounds that we'd established together – just the way I know Meredith expected us to do when she was still around."

"I didn't agree with that either," Brock pointed out.

"I heard," Jen laughed. "In fact, I heard all about it from Meredith while we were out there."

"Wait, are you saying Merie is still a virgin?" he asked incredulous. Meredith Van Landingham was not only attractive but she was rich. Brock would have guessed she would have suitors lined up around the block.

"Merie is still cherry," Jen replied with another laugh. "But she would like to remedy that situation as soon as possible – with you. After all, she promised herself to you when she was just 15. It really wasn't her fault that those plans went awry."

"She sure doesn't act like she's interested in me," Brock said. "She just shows up when she wants to show up and then disappears."

"She's scared," Jen told him. "Look, the residual anger you had toward her really caught her off guard. She feels horribly guilty about the spiral you went into when she left. I think if you give her a chance you'll find she is still the sweet, quirky girl you fell in love with almost 10 years ago. Even if she isn't, she still isn't going to get on with her life until she gets a chance to see if things will work out with you and her."

"I think I know the new Merie better than you do," Brock said.

"No, you don't," Jen rejoined. "You see the woman who is still hung up on her high school boyfriend – the only male who has ever shown interest in Meredith, not her body or her money. She gets nervous whenever she's around you. You saw her when it was all of us. She was almost back to her old self."

"And then she disappeared like a ghost whenever you were not there to see her," Brock countered. "I haven't spoken more than 10 words to her since you folks departed."

"See previous answer," Jen said. "What she wants to do is trip and land on top of you. She needs to get past the sexual tension she feels whenever she's around you. She is so worried about saying or doing something that will make you send her away forever that she avoids you."

"She's good at that," Brock said with a trace of anger in his voice.

"She has no friends except for you and Randi," Jen said, "Which brings me to my next point. After you have deflowered Meredith, you need to let Randi sample the goods."

"No way!" Brock said. "She's a kid for Christ's sake."

"She's not a kid," Jen said. "She's 18 next month. By the way, I'll put a reminder on your phone so you know where to send her flowers for her birthday."

"Just because she's legally an adult doesn't make her one emotionally," Brock pointed out. "The age difference is too great for me to even consider it."

"Then she'll hound you to your dying day until you do," Jen said. "She grew up in Hollywood. She's been on TV since she was 13 years old. It is absolutely no big deal for an 18 year old to go out with a 24 year old. Hell, it's no big deal for an 18 year old to go out with a 54 year old. She's not a virgin. She hasn't been since she was 14. But, well, let's just say that sex has always been unfulfilling for her. She's never had a sexual partner she would have willingly chosen."

"She was raped?" Brock asked, incredulously.

"That's more a question for Mel than for me," Jen replied.

"What in the hell does that mean?" Brock shot back.

"It means that technically, I would say she was raped at least once," Jen said. "But I would also say that she's prostituted herself out far more times than that. But legally, I'm not certain."

"You make absolutely no sense to me," he said.

"No surprise there," Jen said with a smile, hoping beyond hope to get the scowl off Brock's face. "Her first time was with a 17-year-old. She was barely 14 at the time. She had to let him have sex with her in order to secure a part in some movie he was in. The only other times she's done it were in order to secure something for herself. It's a commodity to her, I think. So, in my mind at least, she was coerced the first time. That's rape. After that, she sold herself for whatever she wanted at the time."

"Jesus," Brock said, shaking his head. "I had no idea she was so ... so calculating."

"It wasn't until she found herself hanging out with you that she finally understood what she'd been doing," Jen pointed out. "Out there, sex is a commodity. The men with power expect it and the women trying to break in parcel it out to those who can help them. I guess you said something to Randi that really made her think about you differently. You told her half the world wants to kiss your ass so you expect the other half to follow suit. She realized that's what she'd been doing. She had been kissing people's asses by letting them have sex with her. They weren't interested in Randi Darby. There was something Randi Raver wanted from them so they made her pay with the only thing of hers they wanted."

"What a shitty situation," Brock groused. "Still, that's all the more reason for me not to take advantage of the situation."

Jen snorted.

"You could no more take advantage of Randi than you could take advantage of Merie – or take advantage of me," Jen said. "I honestly don't know how Merie and Randi will react if you turn them down. I mean, if you honestly don't want to be with either of them, no one will make you. But, Brock, I truly think this is something you'll need to do before you can settle down with Chastity or Emmy or whoever."

It was Brock's turn to break into laughter.

"Well, first off, Chastity and I are going to remain friends for the foreseeable future, that's all," he said.

"So it's Emmy then?" Jen asked. "Randi told me she was over to your house a bunch during the summer."

"Jen, between us, you stand a better chance with Emmy than I do," Brock said with raised eyebrows.

It took Jen a second to realize what Brock was referring to.

"Oh, damn, I guess that makes her more of a challenge them," she laughed. "Speaking of challenges ... are you ready to try to pin me to the sheets again? I mean, after all, this is our last fling but I was sort of counting on more than once."

Tara was waiting for Brock in the lobby of the downtown Chicago hotel where the team stayed during its trips to the city. She slipped over and gave Brock a very unchaste kiss, much to the amusement of the hardcore lotharios on the team. They had never pictured Brock Miller as a guy who might have a girl in every city. He seemed too serious, too straight laced. But it seems like he at least had one in Atlanta and one in Chicago.

They looked at Tara's backside with approval as she exited the elevator with Brock two floors below where the team was staying. Just before the door closed, she pulled Brock's hand from the small of her back downward until it rested on her butt.

Tara was a stunningly beautiful woman. Brock had no doubt that her looks would fit into Southern California effortlessly. But she was also a remarkably nice person. He worried that she would either be taken advantage of repeatedly or lose the portion of her personality that made her so enjoyable to be around.

And he did enjoy being around Tara Wyatt. Despite the rigorous exercise that Jen had put Brock through the night before, he found having his hand on Tara's flawless backside was stimulating his libido.

She pulled him into another kiss just outside her hotel room door.

"Jen said she wore you out last night," she said with a smile. "So I thought tonight we could relax. After all, I get you for three nights. Jen and Mel only have you for two."

"You people amaze me," Brock said. "I actually felt guilty about meeting you here after what went on with Jen."

"I heard all about it," Tara said. "By the way, I'm supposed to ask you what 'Going Around the World' is."

Brock blushed furiously.

"I'm serious," Tara continued. "Jen said you took her around the world but she wouldn't tell me what it was. She said if I wanted to know I had to ask you."

"Uh, you probably don't want to know," Brock said, shaking his head.

"I do," Tara asserted. "Look, if I have to, I'll look it up on the Internet. So why don't you just tell me. That way Google won't have a search for the phrase under my name."

"Uh," Brock began. "Well, it is when two people, uh, they have sex many ways in one night."

"Sounds like fun," Tara said, wiggling her eyebrows. "I think we should try it."

"There's more to it," Brock cut in. "Crap. OK, they have sex every way they can in one night."

"I'm for it!" Tara enthused. "You know I like sex. At least I hope you know I like sex. I certainly enjoy it many different ways."

"I know you do," Brock assured her. Tara tended to focus solely upon pleasing her partner, sometimes to the exclusion of her own satisfaction. Brock had figured out early on that one of Tara's greatest strengths was a fault in the sexual realm. She loved to gaze up at him with those big green eyes while she was performing oral sex. She seemed to derive her greatest pleasure from giving a blowjob and she would often spend 20 minutes with her head in his lap.

So in order to make sure that Tara got as much pleasure as she was giving, Brock would reciprocate, something that Tara didn't mind in the slightest. Still, her knowledge of sexual things was somewhat limited.

"Tara, I'm just going to say this and then be done with it," he said with a sigh. "When a couple goes 'Around the World' it means they do oral, vaginal and anal sex to completion in one night."

"Well, Jen always did like a good butt-fucking," Tara said with a shrug. She refused to let Brock see the surprise on her face when he told her the meaning of the phrase. Still, she couldn't miss the look of shock on his. "What, you don't think I know Jen takes it up the ass? Come on, Brock. We lived together for four years. I know she likes it that way sometimes and she knows I love to give you blowjobs. We both know that Mel likes to be on top and that Susan wants to be on the bottom so she can look at you while you're inside her. We have no secrets from each other. We promised no secrets when we all agreed to share you."

"Uh, yeah, you forgot to clue me in on that sharing thing," he pointed out. "I think that qualified as a secret."

Tara waved a dismissive hand.

"You don't count," she said with a laugh. "And we really didn't share. We all agreed that if one of us hooked you the others would back off. OK, so it might have been backing away muttering and cursing, but we would have backed off. That was our agreement up until we all got together in Los Angeles. I think that was the first time we all understood that only were we cheating ourselves, we were cheating you, too. You were in the same spot we were, waiting to see how things were going to go, afraid to make a move either way for fear of hurting someone."

"Uh, you forget I started to date Chastity," Brock replied.

"Because you knew it couldn't last, not with the schedules you both keep," Tara said. "I mean, you tried to make it work but I think you understood it couldn't really work."

"Well, I know it didn't work," he admitted.

"So we're all going to start fresh in Los Angeles," Tara said. "I admit that I was surprised to learn about Emmy, though."

"Jesus Christ, that's a secret!" Brock exclaimed.

"Then you shouldn't told one of us," Tara laughed. "Besides, the only people Jen told were the rest of us. You had to know it would get to the rest if you told one of us."

"I suppose," Brock agreed. "So you all decided that we would have one last roll in the hay and then go back to being friends."

"Family," Tara corrected. "I think we'll become closer than we've ever been because we'll all know that it's not going to happen. It got to the point where we started to wish it would happen to one of us just so we could move forward. It was watching you stuck in neutral that pushed us to this choice. We came into this knowing that at least three of us were going to be disappointed but we can't sit by and watch life pass you by because none of us is willing to make a solid run at you."

"You could just become my harem girls," Brock said with a laugh.

"We talked about it," Tara said seriously.

"You're kidding," Brock cut in.

"No, we talked about it but we knew it wouldn't work," Tara continued. "First off, none of us is really interested in girls. Oh, Susan and I have played around some but nothing serious. The way we decided worked to where we could date others while one of us dated you."

"Wait, I'll come back to that in a minute," Brock said. "But first, you and Susan have, uh, had sex?"

Tara smiled.

"Oh, yeah," she said. "In fact, I had sex with Susan before I had sex with you – and after I had sex with you, too. But it was just for physical relief. We both needed to get off and we tried it. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the same as with a guy. Why? Disappointed you didn't get to watch?"

Tara was smiling.

"Well, yeah," he admitted. "Geez, I, that would have been something to see."

"We almost invited you the last time we did it," Tara admitted. "I mean, not just to watch. But we figured if we teamed up on you it would give us an unfair advantage over Jen and Mel. So we just licked and fingered each other and left you sitting downstairs watching television."

"Damn," Brock muttered.

"Well," Tara said, "once we all get to L.A. and you tend to Meredith and Randi, perhaps I can convince Susan to reprise our little rendezvous. You know, since it will just be for fun. That is if you don't find a girlfriend right away – and if we don't find boyfriends right away. Otherwise, I guess we'll be having the show for our guys."

She smiled at the look on Brock's face.

"See what I mean about an unfair advantage," she said, slapping his arm lightly. "Still, if we're just consenting parties without emotional attachments, perhaps I can make a case. Oh! I have an idea."

"What?" Brock asked.

"Not for you to know until it's time," Tara said. "Now, you have a day game tomorrow at Wrigley but then you have night games Friday and Saturday."

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My Mom and Dad had a very open relationship. From an early age I knew they were having separate affairs. Paula the oldest of my siblings told me stories about strange men and women in their bedroom late at night and that she had watched a few times as Mom fucked some young guy and how she saw Dad fucking a young woman,who worked for him at our house, in the pool house. She was only 16.One night I watched as a young man left my Mom's room. I was 15 at the time. He saw me and stopped whispering...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 8 The Launch

Six weeks later, Ken sat at his desk going through Captain Windsor's logs. He was looking for the clues he suspected were there. "Tammy, it says here, that the Washington was split in half at the battle of Tallis. When she was rebuilt, she was two hundred feet longer than before. I think that is where Jessica is; I think she is in that area. We have been over everything else. Amy, please bring up a pair of holograms of the ship as she used to look and as how she looks now." The image...

2 years ago
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The Unfaithful Wifes Confession

The Abbot Bendictus donned his long brown habit and tied the white cord around his waist.It was 6am and he was getting ready for the day. His day would be spent in quiet contemplation and hearing the confessions of those who came to the monastery chapel to repent their sins. It had been two days since the Abbot had used the cane on Dean and Lorraine and the memory of that day was still to the fore in his mind. He sat at his desk in his study and allowed the thoughts to waft through his mind...

3 years ago
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The Story of Leanna Part One

As we left to go back up to our floor, I held the door for Leanna and then quickly fell in behind and followed her up the staircase, hanging back a couple of steps so her incredible butt was perfectly level with my face as we walked up. I swear that she was swinging her hips just a little more than normal because I’ve seen her walk in the halls for years. Suffice to say that was one of the best thirty-five seconds of my life, seeing her shapely ass swaying about a foot from my face. I...

1 year ago
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Gloryhole Addiction ch 02

It has been a several years since my dirty yet amazing gloryhole experience. At that time, I was 18 years old and still in high school. It was supposed to be a sneaky one time experimentation which turned into a nine month long, multi-visit, wonderful cock sucking experience that has never left my memory.I have always had an oral fixation when it comes to sex but there was just something about sucking an anonymous stranger's hard penis that would produce for me the strongest orgasms imaginable....

3 years ago
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Matt and his sisters 2

The three of them glanced at each other and couldn’t hide their quiet joy. “Don’t get any ideas!” Their dad said sternly reading their minds. “No parties while we’re away! You can have a couple of friends over but that’s all, understand” “Yes dad” All three replied in unison. “So, we’re going to try and make the most of the weekend and we’ll be back late Monday” “How late dad?” Asked Matt. “Well, it’s a three hour drive and we want to just take it easy and stop for lunch and sightsee so...

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How We Got Started

Several people have asked about this. My wife shares the story - since I wasn't there! This is my wife DeeAnna's writing...I guess the story of how we started in this "Lifestyle" is not different than many we have heard. About 10 years ago I started finding interracial porn on Tom's computer and a little while after that I started noticing that there were always black men in the porn flicks we would watch together and he would make a point of asking me if I like the black men and then he...

4 years ago
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Leoni my secretary

I am Ravi, 39, and I head the India Operations of a German Chemicals Major and am located in Mumbai. In fact I started the operations here, and in the process did the required recruitments. I was looking for a good secretary who could be trusted and who did not mind working a little late, and in this quest, the placement services sent me a lady, Leonie by name, who was around 36, and whom I found to be good in the interview. I appointed her and while she had asked for Rs.8000/ as her pay, I...

2 years ago
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My first Time35

Before I get into the details let me describe for you the players in this incestuous tale! Lisa is about 37 years old now and stands about 5'8" , deep dark hazel eyes, with soft straight hair to the middle of her back! My cousin was a cheerleader, danced numerous different dances, and participated in countless beauty pageants from birth up to placing 2nd in Miss Teen NC competition! She is about 3 years older then me,but even as a pre-teen she had developed nice looking big tits that you...

2 years ago
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Center of MassChapter 4

I had brought in four draft mules and 10 Indian horses when I rescued Alice. Mr. Jackson told me that they were mine to do with as I wished, so I sold them and used the money to increase my arsenal. I bought three more of the S&W .44-40 top-break revolvers and had holsters made for them by our resident leather worker. He made up another crossdraw holster that I wore on my right side, plus two holsters that I wore at my hips in the conventional fashion. That gave me 20 shots before I had...

1 year ago
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Nicole Part 2

When we last left off Nicole and I had just met and had some interesting first night sex while her friend Kate slept beside us. I found out many years later that Kate was awake the entire time. I always wondered what would have happened if she had rolled over. Me being 18 at the time I probably would have just cum in 2 mins as opposed to 5. Anyhow lets fast forward a few months. Due to circumstances at the time I was already living on my own. I was renting a small 2 bedroom house with a friend...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 11

The first part of the flight was uneventful. I was one of the last on board, and was seated in First Class! There was a Staff Sergeant in the seat next to me, and after taking off we were soon chatting. This was his second time to Okinawa, and he was looking forward to being back at Camp Hansen. I told him I was going to Camp Butler, and he told me to make sure I went up to see Kinville outside of his camp. We spent the next hour and a half talking until we finished lunch, and they started...

3 years ago
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Son fucks mom under Tantri8217s spell

This is a story set in rural kerala known for its black magic .this story is set is the beautiful back waters of allepy district. Sukumaran nair, his wife ammu and son ramesh live is a huge taravad house. airs daughter is a business executive still unmarried and living in kochi. Over last 1 year his business has taken a nose dive with huge loses; ammu developed sickness that did not cure with any medicines and now their son’s wedding got cancelled after all arrangements were made So nair...

1 year ago
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Mi VidaChapter 3

Lita was snuggled against my back. A little shiver from her slight form provided an acceptable reason for her move. She didn't put her arm around me or wiggle or give any other indication that this was anything but a way to handle sleeping in an air-conditioned room after weeks of sleeping outdoors or in makeshift shelters. I surmised that the kid had already had enough trauma in her life without me making a big deal out of this so I went back to sleep, albeit rather fitfully. It's been a...

3 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 02

Introduction: The new God awakens. David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When hed finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadnt he died? The last thing he remembered was&hellip,fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had...

1 year ago
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Coffee adventure

written for glnwar148 I went to get a coffee at this cute little shop I know as I walked in there were a people there nothing special but the girl at the counter was especially beautiful she was a petit vixen couldn't be taller than 5'6 or so but i didnt mind it put her face directly at my breasts. Anyways im 6'2 and very busty at a 36dd and very sexy I was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sport bra ready to go to the gym as i waited in line for my coffee i couldn't help but notice the...

3 years ago
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The Time of My LifeChapter 7

The four of us lounged around the hotel that day, none of us wanting to leave the comfort of the nice services available. There was an indoor pool, a hot tub and exercise facility. There was even a child play area where Justin could play with other children as the parents used the various facilities. We all went to the pool and swam for a little while. I suggested that we stay another night and rest up for the next leg of our trip. It wasn't hard to convince Sandy or Jessica to stick around...

3 years ago
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Kese Main Bani Cal Girl Part 8211 2

Helo frnds me sumanpreet kaur ek bar fr hajir hu apni agge ki story leke apne meri pehli story kese main bani cal grl ko bhut pyar diya apke bhut sare mail aye aur me ek bar fr bta du ki ye meri real story hai ab me age ki story par ati hu .   Usdin jab me hostel phuchi to mera bhut bura hal tha me chal b nahi pa rahi thi me bhut muskil se apne room me phuchi room me ja k mene nahaya aur fr so gayi sham ko musakan ka castmr k liye fon aya par mera bura hal tha to mene mna kar diya agle din fr...

4 years ago
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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 4 Family visits Tahoe

My mom and dad arrived on a Thursday afternoon and my sister arrived in the early evening the same day. Even though I recently saw my family I was excited to have them visiting me at college! My family is a big ski family and my sister and I have been skiing for as long as I remember. That Thursday was too late to go skiing, however we decided to jump into our bathing suits and hit the hot tub and pool. I remember waiting in the living room for my parents to get their suits on. My sister was...

3 years ago
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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole 2

My German neighbor Bridgett teaches me to lick and tongue fuck her butthole while sitting in a fart chair.When I got back to Los Angeles with Sara, I kissed her deeply and hugged her like a lover, and thanked her for going with me and making it the best, mostspecial birthday and vacation I could ever hope for. I kissed her several more times on her face saying, "Thank you, thank you,thank you. Your next anal and rectal examination should be scheduled for next week Friday or early the following...

1 year ago
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First Day at Boarding SchoolPart 2

Author: Powerone Title: First Day at Boarding School Part: Part 2 Note : This story is completely fictional. This is just erotic fantasies - nothing more. Never do same things in real live!!! Summary: Rebecca is tricked into a boarding school where she is forced to become a submissive. She is stripped naked, forced to cum, spanked and than raped anally, again having an orgasm. Keywords: M+f, nc, anal, oral, reluc, humil Part 2-The First Morning Rebecca left the Headmasters office her ass,...

4 years ago
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High TidesChapter 3 Sally of the Seychelles

“Sybil honey? Can you shape shift into something really strange and exotic for me?” Sybil is more interesting and more important than re-floating EROS! “Haven’t you already fucked me, as a mermaid, as a pair of back to back Siamese twins, and as a goatgirl Draenei figure from MMO WOW? Now, you ask for a change, into some REALLY strange and exotic being? Just what, err ahem, just how would you classify those predecessor fantasy manifestations?” Sybil giggles. “Well, some of my fantasies...

3 years ago
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Finally The Right Choice

Jane Fox was a lawyer, a good one, a very good one. When she graduated, top of her class, she received job offers from several law firms around New York. But it didn’t matter how good she was, she wasn’t satisfied with her life. It was a stressful job that left her little time for herself, for her friends, and even less for her boyfriend who, after a few months, found a woman who could spend more time with him.One day her mother called a family reunion. She didn’t like family reunions, she...

Love Stories
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Into the Corner

This is my first story detailing the type of marriage I hope to enter into. I am firm believer in a Matriarchy lifestyle where the male takes the traditional role of the wife. Unlike other types of Internet relationships, I believe that a D/S marriage/relationship is built on the traditional values of trust, love, and fun. I do believe in fidelity, just incase your wondering, but only for the male. Commitment, another cornerstone of a relationship is based on the trust and love between...

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My Hot Neighbour

Hello people. This is your writer again after a long time. This is a semi-fictitious story and tons long, but I guarantee you this would be fun. So let’s dive in. Well, to those who don’t know me before, I am a guy based in Chennai. Aged 20 with a fit physique and a 6.5″ cock with a bulbous head. I’ve been living in this apartment in Chennai for quite some time now and though there are good looking women, I never get to look at one since they’re mostly confined to their houses or off at work or...

3 years ago
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After school lessons

Bianca Ramwell grinned and nodded. She had always kept an eye out for that Mr.Revin. He was what her and her friends liked to call a hunk. She had no idea why he wanted her to stay after class. Surely a hot teacher like him would have a beautiful wife at home he was just waiting to get back to and fuck. She thought in her head how great it would be to fuck someone like Mr.Revin. Hard and rough...thinking about this made her surprisingly hot. All she could think about was hurrying up after...

2 years ago
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Pisman Degilim CALINTI

Merhaba sevgili arkadaşlar gay oluşumu sizlerle paylaşmak istedim çocukluktan beridir bana hep koca gotlu Selim derlerdi dalga gecerlerdi gerçekten gotum biraz büyük ama zayıf bir insanım haliyle got büyük olunca işler değişiyor size yaşar abiyle olan hikayemi anlatmak istiyorum bu zamana kadar kadınlardan hiç zevk almadım aksine onları hep kıskandım mahallemizde yaşar abi diye iyi bir abimiz var artık abim değil müstakbel kocamdan neyse bir gün mahallece toplandık denize gittik 3 gün kalmalı...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Christiana Cinn Family Vacation Vag

Christiana Cinn is so excited about her weekend getaway with her super rich hubby. But when his son shows up, she is pissed about the inrustion on her weekend away in paradise! Little does she know, her stepson is hung like a horse. While she is lounging on the couch in a skimpy black bikini, our stud comes up behind her and starts rubbing her hot MILF pussy. When she realizes what is going on, she is appalled. But when he offers to help her out with some long cock, her tune changes entirely....

4 years ago
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Brian and Janet Naked in SchoolChapter 5

[Tuesday] [Janet] As we were driving to my parent's place that morning I remarked, "Don't let me forget to get a clean sports bra for Gym class." "How'd that go yesterday?" "Pretty well. Nobody gave me trouble about wearing a sports bra after Mrs. Mullins stuck a pair of fake boobs on one of the guys and had him run around the gym." "How about showering with the boys?" "Coach Romero lets girls in The Program leave early if they want." Brian gave me a smile. "It's okay if...

3 years ago
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Her Blue Eyed Guy Part 1

She couldn’t stop thinking about him. It didn’t matter where she was, or what time of day or night it was, he was all that was on her mind. She couldn’t believe that a man who she had only met briefly on set could do this to her. What was it about him that made women go mad over him and did he even realise the effect that he was having? Sarah reached her flat and put the key in the lock, and her phone bleeped with a text. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the number, but didn’t...

2 years ago
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Relief Is Just A Phone Call Away Chptr 2

One night as I lay in bed snuggling in John’s arms, I look up into his brown eyes and whisper, “I love you darling.” I can see the flickering flame of love he has for me. He places his hand on my chin and brings his lips down upon mine. Oh, it feels like a jolt of electricity going from his kiss clear down to the center of my womanhood. He lights my fire of passion and my love for him radiates between my body and his. We lay there for what feels like an eternity. Then he speaks, “I...

3 years ago
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Wife Spanked By Her Aunt

Thought I would just recount a tale my wife told me of when she was 16She was visiting her cousin Joe and staying with his family. Joe was the same age and his family lived on a farm in Surrey.Joe’s mum, Freda was a very strict disciplinarian and anyone staying at the house would be subject to her discipline, including my wife!My wife told me of one occasion where herself and Joe were playing in the farmyard and began throwing eggs about. This activity got very out of hand until roused by the...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist Sister Wine Night with Friends

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

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