Anthony s Shopping Trip
- 2 years ago
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I blinked. I blinked again. "Two what?" I asked Gretchen.
"Billion. Two billion dollars. In the trust fund," she said in a small voice.
I stared blankly for a few moments as I tried to get an idea of that much of anything. I finally gave up and turned back to look at Gretchen. "That's actually not as much of a problem for me as a million dollars. Two billion is so big that I can't get my mind around it. It's just not real. Let's just let things settle down and deal with the issues at hand, then."
Gretchen took a deep breath and nodded. "That's probably best. So, where are we going while we wait for Mister Craig? His campaign office?"
I shook my head and grinned. "Nope. Shopping. For marital aids."
"Ooooo!" She grinned and nodded. "That sounds like fun."
Devon picked a nice place with a decent selection, and giggling like schoolgirls, we walked down the aisles looking at the various possibilities. It was like a Sex-Mart or a sex superstore. I wouldn't have been surprised if they had blue-light specials.
When we arrived at the "marital aids" section, the selection was incredible. Every shape and color was represented, as well as different materials that ranged from glass to silicone to hard plastic to "flesh-like". And then there were the specialty items.
"I never imagined that there were so many options," Gretchen admitted to me a bit wide-eyed. "Big, small, long and short. It's my turn to goggle; I can't get my mind around this. I think I'll leave this to you, Love. Surprise me."
"Don't tell me you've never used one." I said, putting on my most innocent tone. I thought I might be able to pry out a little information from her about some of those "business relationships".
"Oh, I can't say never," Gretchen replied with a smile. "Just not often." She raised an eyebrow.
I laughed at getting caught, and picked up a fair sized double dildo. "Ever had two guys at once?" I asked slyly.
She took it from me and shrugged. "Professionally? No. Those have all been one-on-one."
"That makes me curious about your pre-business days," I said with a laugh. "Just how wild a girl were you?"
Gretchen laughed. "I had my share of boyfriends and some experience. I'm not asking about your previous lovers, though, so I'm not sure I want to tell you everything."
"Come on!" I said, grabbing her hand. "Give me a clue here. We're in the right place to get some gear if you have some, you know, kinky desires, 'fess up." I was surprised to find how much her answer meant to me.
Gretchen seemed to sense that, too, as she lay her other hand on top of mine. "Hawk, my work involves making other peoples' fantasies come true, both in bed and out," Gretchen said seriously. "I've never done anything that I didn't want to try, though there are some things that I wouldn't want to try twice. You get what you want to make your fantasy come true, and I'll tell you if it's something I'm not interested in."
I thwacked her on the head with the gel dildo I was holding.
"Owww!" she said, grabbing it from me. "What was that for?" She smacked me back on the top of my head.
"That was for insulting me, twice; you've already made my fantasy come true just by being here with me, and I'm not one of your clients. I want us to live out our fantasies, together." I said, snatching the dildo back. "I can't do this, and I'm not going to do this, in a vacuum. Maybe I shouldn't have been nosy, but neither should I have to pry your sexual history out of you. I don't want names; I just want to know what you've done, and what you like."
She was looking at the floor. "I'm sorry, Hawk. I'm not good at letting others in, letting others do for me what I do..." She stopped and looked up, her eyes bright with unshed tears. Then she gave me that predator smile that set off my alarms. "Do I get to ask the same questions?" she asked. "Quid pro quo?"
I stared at her for a heartbeat. For just a moment I had seen a tiny sliver of a different Gretchen than the one I had been getting to know, a more vulnerable one. Then the wall came back, as if she felt she needed to protect herself. I wanted explore this sudden vulnerability she had shown me, but something warned me not to push her about it. Not now at least, I told myself. Later, on the other hand... I nodded firmly to myself. Oh yes, there would definitely be a later.
I would play along, for now, and fall back on the skills my job had taught me to get another peek behind that wall. "Sure," I grinned. "I'm a wild and kinky girl. Let's start with your deepest, darkest fantasy."
Gretchen quirked an eyebrow and her smile widened for a long moment, and then she pursed her lips. She took her time, appearing to actually consider my question. "Well, I'm still getting used to the whole girl-girl thing, so my fantasies at this point all seem to be man-oriented. Which do you want? With you or in general?" She wore a serious expression on her face, but her eyes gave her away. The damned minx was still teasing me!?
"In general," I replied blandly. Two could play at this game, I thought. "Don't worry, Honey, because you're not going to hurt my feelings. I asked and I want to know. You can toss in variations with girl on girl, if you like." I paused for half a second. "Or I can make suggestions, if you don't have the imagination for it," I added with a sly smile."
Gretchen gave me a very unladylike snort as she tossed her hair and looked around. No other shoppers were too close, but she lowered her voice anyway. "Okay, unimaginative me will just have to talk about a male-oriented fantasy then," she said. A smile told me she wasn't really insulted. She leaned in closer to me and said, "I really liked the sex we had in my Mom's old room, but I've been having hot flashes wondering how that scene would play with a man."
I blinked. "You mean fighting like we did? How we got physical, even a bit rough? Or are you talking about that? Rough? Or something more? I've heard of women that like to, you know, act like they're being forced."
She shook her head. "No, I'm not into the rape fantasy thing. I had a client that liked that, and it didn't do anything for me. Fighting for dominance and control, on the other hand, really torched my panties."
"So, you want to force..."
She vehemently shook her head. "No, I'm not into being the rapist, either. I'm talking about wanting sex, and then vying for control with your partner, trying to be the one who dictates the pace, the way it happens."
I let out a relieved breath. "That's kind of like domination. You're talking about more of a mental domination, a mind game that excites the body. Now that we know what we both mean, maybe we can just call that rough sex."
Gretchen nodded her agreement. "And it's not something I'm looking to get a lot of. A little would go a long ways, I think. I'm also not sure that my fantasy would work with a man, since men are so much stronger than women - tough ass, man-eating, female detectives excluded, of course." She gave me an openly teasing grin. "Okay, now it's my turn. What is your latest fantasy?"
I felt the heat crawling up my neck. "Ah..."
"You're blushing again!" Gretchen crowed, a touch of wonder in her voice. "What fantasy could ever get you to do that? What is it? Tell me!"
I mimicked her side-to-side glance, looking for people close enough to hear. When I did speak, it was even quieter than her confession had been. "You know when I said I wasn't looking to have Ted bend me over a desk? Well, I've had my own little hot flash thinking about just that. But," I said with a finger up in the air, "that is not my deepest fantasy, just the most recent. Since you asked."
Gretchen pulled me into a hug. "You don't need to be embarrassed to talk with me about sex, Baby. I'm not jealous. I will admit that my mind's-eye view of that excites me. I'd like to hold you and kiss you while Ted fucks you." She whispered in my ear even more quietly, "and I could slide under you and we could sixty-nine while he's inside you. I could lick his cock and your sweet pussy at the same time."
That lit a major burn in my pussy. I knew that my eyes were starting to lose focus in lust and I had to yank myself back under control. "I'm not embarrassed by the sex act," I protested, "I'm embarrassed because it's sex with a guy that I'm fantasizing about, and I'm just not used to that yet. We can talk about it with them - I really want to talk about it with them! - but we're getting off the subject. Next question: I'm sure you've given head and done all kinds of regular sex, but what about anal sex? If so, did you like it?"
"That's two questions," she said primly. "So I'll answer the last one. I liked it the one time that I agreed to do it. He was smaller than the average bear so I felt brave when he asked for it and agreed. It's not that it was more pleasurable than having a cock inside me the regular way, but it added another element. I felt like I was being dirty, slutty, letting a man fuck my ass. It also had an element of being under his control, but it was okay. I felt a little humiliated and used, but it only made me hornier. I'd do it again, though I'm not sure I would if we were talking about a big cock."
"I think we could find one that fits okay," I said with a smirk. "Your turn."
"Has Ted taken your ass?" Gretchen fired back.
I shook my head. "No. Not that I think I would mind, but we just never got around to it. I've had some lovers that used a strap-on to take my ass and I liked it a lot." I grinned. "Pretty much for the same reasons you just gave, as a matter of fact. Where do you draw the line? What do you not want to do?"
"Well," she said, her finger tapping her chin, "I draw the line at scat or watersports. Keep the bathroom stuff in the bathroom. I'm not into kiddies, baby-play, rubber, piercing, major bondage or pain, either. Though," she said with a twinkle in her eyes, "the little pain in the process of the office scene was just fine, and I really love your pierced nipples and labia." She shrugged. "If something else comes up that I'm not in favor of, I'll let you know. What do you not like?"
I shrugged. "Your list sounds about like mine. Though, I think a little pain can be a good thing. I like some twisting on my piercings. Other than that, put me down for the same as you, piercings excepted. Though, thinking about bodily fluids, I need some clarification. Does that count as an extra question?"
"Hit me with it and I'll let you know."
"I can't believe I'm asking this, but since I'm pregnant - which I still cannot believe! - that brings up the question of lactating. Are you going to want to not have sex with me when I'm fat, ugly, and leaking?"
Gretchen hugged me again and kissed me soundly. "That doesn't count as an extra question, because mama needs some reassurance. I won't shy away from you because you're pregnant, Baby. I don't know if I'll like milk right from the source, but I'm willing to give it a try. The one thing I do know is that I will not be put off because you're pregnant. That's our baby in there. You are the mother of my child and I will make love to you anytime you'll let me, right up to the day of delivery."
"I may be the mother," I growled, mock shoving her back, "but I'm still not the wife."
"We haven't looked in the paper, so we don't know how you're listed," Gretchen said sweetly. "My turn again. Since we dodged around your deepest, darkest fantasy, what is it? If you could do or have anyone, what would it be?"
I felt my face burst into flames. "I... I don't know if..."
Taking my face in her hands, she kissed me soundly. "I've heard it all, Lover. What was it you said? 'I want to know what you like and what you want to do with me?' Just tell me, Hawk, so I can do my part."
Taking a deep breath, I let it out in a rush. "I want to make love to you, Lisa and Ted all at the same time. I want all of you at once. I want to be sandwiched between two of you and have one of you in my mouth. I want to be the filling in the cake."
Gretchen smiled widely. "I think I like that plan. If they agree, I think we can make that fantasy come true. In fact, I think I might get in line for a serving of that. Maybe Lisa would like some back door action, too."
"I'll ask her. Gretchen, you mentioned being a slave earlier. Are you really into that?" I picked up a ball gag and butt plug with a horsehair tail and waved them at her.
She shrugged. "I've never tried it, either from the domination or submissive side, so I don't know. The gag I can figure out, but what's the other for?"
I caressed her face with the hair. "It's a plug you wear in your butt for pony play."
She looked blank. "Pony play? Like riding me around or something?"
I nodded. "Nothing I've tried, but there's a community for that kind of stuff."
She shook her head. "Pass on that, but we can try some of the restraints if you like. How about you for bondage or domination? After all, you do have your own handcuffs," she said wriggling her eyebrows at me.
I laughed and shook my head. "No, I've never even considered it before."
"Then we'll give that a try sometime, but I think we have enough information to make some purchases, don't you?"
With a grin, I picked up a pair of strap-on harnesses that allowed for differing sized dildos. I added three pairs of heads for them in small, regular and large. And to the growing pile in the cart, I added a selection of toys for some mild domination. The final items were a small butt plug - no horse hair, thanks! - and a box of condoms that would fit Ted.
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Sarah was out shopping, her best friend Cass was coming over to see her and they hadn’t seen one another for a couple of months. Sarah was desperate to impress. She had been in a few shops but hadn’t been able to find anything that she felt was sexy enough, walking through the city she found herself looking in the window of a small boutique. The dresses on display where just the thing she had in mind, a little bit more expensive than she would have liked but Cass was worth it. She entered the...
The idea of shopping for a suit was becoming less appealing by the minute, as the traffic on the A30 crawled slowly towards the retail outlet. “I told you we should have taken a different route," you exclaim emphatically. “Perhaps playing with myself will make the time pass quicker, what do you think, Darling?” you inquire with a wry grin on your face. You gently rest your hand on my thigh; just your touch is enough to send ripples of excitement throughout my body. I try to clear my mind...
Quickie SexI recently had been shopping for one of my most favorite things, sexy under things and lingerie, it always gets me hot and horny, I had been to a few shops already, and my underwear was already starting to get damp. I entered /one of my favorite stores, Victoria’s Secret, and as always I got that excited tingling between my legs and I could feel my nipples tightening. I found one very nice bra and panty sets that I thought I needed a better view of so I stepped out of the dressing room to look...
I recently had been shopping for one of my most favorite things, sexy under things and lingerie, it always gets me hot and horny, I had been to a few shops already, and my underwear was already starting to get damp. I entered /one of my favorite stores, Victoria’s Secret, and as always I got that excited tingling between my legs and I could feel my nipples tightening. I found one very nice bra and panty sets that I thought I needed a better view of so I stepped out of the dressing room to look...
VoyeurHi, this piece is true fiction, but I wouldn't be disappointed if it became a reality :)A little background before we begin, my name is Alexis and I'm a 33-year-old transgender male, while in a less than supportive relationship I try to dress as much as possible. But purging and self-doubt have caused me to throw away all my pretty things :( Starting a new, and with no funds, I've explored alternate means to meet my needs, almost like having a habit I can't shake.It all started when I casually...
This story is jointly written by a couple who have an intense, real world BDSM relationship, but live in different cities and see each other only a few times each year. One of the pleasures we share is writing hot e-mail fantasies to each other. Sometimes one of us will write an entire story on his or her own. But often we will pass a story back and forth – one starting and the other continuing. We are submitting this story in the original form. The parts in italics are comments from one...
So it was the afternoon of Sunday 10 June 2018 and I was doing my usual Sunday afternoon cam session. I was wearing this outfit for the session: a lot of my regular viewers come to view so it was a nice chatty afternoon and though, yes I did a bit of ass wiggling for the guys there was nothing too sexual going on.The conversation got around to some of the guys wishing they could meet me and me telling them I'm not confident enough in my...
It was a boring, slow day. Trawling through the town centre shops with my (then) girlfriend. She hadn't so much as wanked me off in over a month, and my balls felt heavy and unloved.We walked into yet another clothes shop. I paused to step out of the way of a lady coming toward me, noticing the tight black vest straining under the pressure of her large, round breasts. I switched my gaze up quickly, to see her smile and raise an eyebrow. I grinned back a little sheepishly, but turned to watch...
Saturday, April 23, 2005 (Continued) Julia needed to tell her parents that we had to leave Ava behind so we could rush out to do our very important shopping (I thought of it differently), so Julia steered us to her parents' bedroom. They weren't there, so we headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Julia was explaining, "I was just setting her up for some attitude adjustment. Ava will be good if she can be trained the way I want. Of all the girls we know so far, whether you've 'initiated' them or...
It was getting cold for late October and he felt it would was time to get some new clothes for the Fall and Winter. Online shopping appealed to him since he had the time in his office and didn?t much like going to the mall. It was nice that he worked alone so he could adjust schedule his schedule as needed. Before he started shopping he went back to check his old email. He had recently subscribed to a magazine and somehow was now getting emails about subscriptions to Vanity Fair magazine...
"I told you men wear things like this," she said. "See, look atthese catalog pictures." Susan held open a thick department store clothing catalog. The pagesshe had opened were from the women's undergarment section. Theydisplayed color photos of models wearing panties, girdles, bodybriefers, corsets and other women's foundation garments. Although he never admitted it to anyone, Pat had always enjoyed lookingat the gorgeous female models in such photos. She held open twoparticular pages. Eleven...
Introduction: Never take a horny blonde shopping The moral of this story is: Never take a horny blonde shopping if you want to get anything done, give her what she wants and needs before you leave. It started on the forum Wednesday morning with some flirty chat with the one that gets my motor running and my juices flowing. But, sadly, we didnt have enough time to satisfy the horniness that was building inside me. So there I was, getting hornier and hornier as the day passed. Usually when this...
This and the following part two are extracts from my novel "Sarah's Garden." They aren't really explicit erotica but rather an amusing account of two newly out lesbian girls let loose by their girlfriends for a day's shopping in town and a spot of girl watching with some rather startling results. Just a bit of fun really for your amusement. **********************“Well all I can say is that it’s going to be an interesting encounter with your mum tomorrow Nicky!”...
Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...
June awoke on Monday morning and sat on her bed, wondering what she was going to do all day. She looked over at Autumn’s bed and saw that it was empty. She got dressed, ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, and staggered downstairs to the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet. A note from Autumn laid on the table where June usually sat, explaining that she was at the store helping mom and dad. June made herself a bowl of cereal and ate her breakfast. She looked at the clock and saw it...
Hi friends, this is my new story I’m going to present here. I must strech that is a work of fiction and not real. You can give me your feedback at “ and girls can contact me on same yahoo messenger for chatting. The name of the story is Shopping: Baat tab ki jab Pooja apni badi behen ki beti ki shadi ke liye shopping karne nikli thi. Pooja, ek housewife. Umra 45 saal. Pati jo ki ek banker hai, kafi paise kamata hai Pooja ke liye jise wo khushi se kharch karti hai shopping me. Uska beta Karan,...
1. The innocent, unsuspecting prey. I blame myself. It was my own fault, I shouldn’t have bought that bloody book of erotic stories. But you know how it is, we all have needs. Besides, a bit of titillation is nice when you’re at a loose end and the love of your life is a long way away. It’s normally quite harmless – a distraction, that’s all, an innocent way of easing the boredom and the sexual tension. That’s the way I look at it, anyway. Still, maybe I shouldn’t have bought that...
It started on the forum Wednesday morning with some flirty chat with the one that gets my motor running and my juices flowing. But, sadly, we didn't have enough time to satisfy the horniness that was building inside me. So there I was, getting hornier and hornier as the day passed. Usually when this happens, to satisfy my needs, I strip down naked and wait for my girlfriend Ashley to come home from her classes at the university; then attack her when she gets home. She usually gets home...
This is a follow-up story to my weekend in liverpool with my husband Steve. He is now my little panty boy and I love the fact that I now have a way to control his sexual arousal. The first week that we returned home from his meeting I had Steve wear new his panties to work under his business suits and because of our shopping trip, he had enough girly panties to get him through the week without having to do laundry. He was always excited to come home to me and his little "secret" kept me on his...
Laura was sound asleep when I woke on Saturday morning. I got up, made us both a coffee, and brought it back to bed. She stirred as I pulled back the bedroom curtains, letting in the sunlight.“Morning babe. I made you a coffee.”“Thank you. What time is it?” She asked, blinking the sleep from her eyes and propping herself up on her pillow.“It’s seven o’clock. It’s a nice day outside.”We drank our coffee, then made our way downstairs. I made some toast, while Laura sat thumbing through the colour...