De toutes sortes
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Chapter one .The new boy
The large oak paneled study was quiet, outside the weather had turned cold but in this part of the large rambling Victorian house the air was pleasantly warm.? In the distance the click of high heeled stilettos on bare wooden floor boards sounded through the house, the door to the study opened and in walked a tall well built woman, in her early 40's she had a curvaceous figure and long shapely legs, her pretty but slightly hard face was framed by long blonde hair.? A dark blue business suit accentuated her figure, which she thought an appropriate outfit for a Headmistress of a boy’s school.? In actual fact, although Miss Hawkins called herself the Headmistress of Birch?House School for Boys, she was in fact the only teacher, and invariably she had a single pupil. Today she was waiting for her new ‘boy’, seating herself in front of her large leather topped desk she flicked through a brown folder, inside was a head and shoulders photo of a good looking boy of 18, the file contained a mass of personal details, as she reminded herself of some of the details she made a note on a writing pad,?she couldn't tolerate masturbation and it appeared the boy Richard had a problem. On her pad she wrote....' To be fitted with a Penis restraint on arrival".
Smiling to herself she heard a car pull up on the gravel drive outside the study window, a few minutes later she heard a sharp female voice and instantly recognized it as belong to her niece Emma, the 20 year old was helping Jane at the school for the first time while on her university gap year. Jane again picked up the letter she had received from Kath an old friend and the new boy’s step-mother,?she couldn't help laughing out aloud at the allegation that Richard had tried to seduce his new mummy, if Jane remembered rightly Kath had a penchant for young males......!
As Jane Hawkins pored over Richard’s file outside a small drama was unfolding,?Emma her niece was standing with her hands on her hips looking at a tall good looking young man struggling to remove a suitcase from a taxi.? Tall like her aunt Emma was stunningly attractive?with a trim athletic figure;?her long auburn hair was tied in a pony tail which made her look even younger than her 20 years.? A tight fitting cream sweater fitted her like a second skin, and an even tighter pair of slacks showed off her firm well rounded buttocks and long legs.? Although she didn't show it Emma was nervous,?she had been coached by her aunt in how she should deal with the new boy but was afraid her nerve would fail her.? She had been aware for many years that Aunt Jane owned a small private school catering for difficult boys, however, until she actually arrived at the school a few days before she didn't know exactly how strict the school was.? She licked her dry lips and remembered the frisson as she handled a school cane for the first time, and the dampness of her knickers as her aunt disclosed how the naughty boys were punished.? Emma eyed the new boy, she was both surprised and excited that he was so handsome also he was much older than she expected a pupil to be, he must be nearly as old as she was. Swallowing hard she snapped at the lad.
"Hurry along boy I haven't got all day to be waiting on you..."
To Emma's delight the boy blushed a deep red, this gave a boost to her confidence and as he approached her carrying a small battered suitcase she added.
"You must be Smith, I'm Miss Hawkins niece and you will address me as Miss Emma"
Emma was tempted to add, or you will feel my hand across your bare backside, but she knew there was plenty of time for that, as her aunt had said Richard Smith would be?staying the summer. Turning on her heel Emma led the boy into the house, pointing to the corner of the hallway she curtly told him to wait there, then she knocked on Jane's study door, on being told to enter she walked into the room closing the door behind her.? Jane smiled at her nieces flushed faced and quipped.
"I guess by the look on your face that young master Smith meets your approval"
The girl blushed a pretty shade of crimson and blurted out.
"He's gorgeous!"
Jane Hawkins sniffed.
?"He might be gorgeous..... but you must remember that you are a young lady member of staff and he is just a pupil.?"
Jane shook her head, all she needed was for her niece to be smitten by this Smith boy, becoming irritated she snapped at the girl.
"After I have interviewed the boy take him up-stairs, show him his bedroom, get his uniform out of the cupboard and give it to him. Make sure he has a bath and don't forget to turn out his suitcase, he's to be left with no clothing of his own"
Glancing at her wristwatch Jane continued.
"Have you got all go and get the boy and bring him in here"
Emma nodded, and with a smirk hurried off to fetch Smith.? As Jane seated herself behind her desk she heard Emma telling the boy to leave his suitcase in the hallway, then after a knock on the door the boy was led into the study.? The boy was as her niece had described him and Jane could well understand why her friend Kath wanted to bed him,?he was obviously very nervous as he couldn't seem to keep his hands from shaking. Pointing to a spot on the carpet immediately in front of her desk Jane brusquely said.
"Stand there boy and don't slouch"
Jane looked down at the file in front of her on the desk,?after a few moments she looked up at the boy; he quickly diverted his gaze to the carpet rather than meet her eyes.? Glaring at the boy Jane hissed.
"When I'm speaking to you will look at me......DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
The boy flinched and wide eyed looked at Jane.
Speaking quietly Jane continued.
"You are here because you are a problem child, your step-mother has decided that a stay at Birch House will make you more amenable to her wishes, how long you stay with me will be entirely up to you.? If you are a disobedient boy then your stay here could last months, and I should add be very uncomfortable for you"
Seeing she now had the boy’s complete attention Jane went on.
"It seems we have to deal with a number of problems......apparently you masturbate continually......"
At this the boys face turned brick red and he shamefacedly glanced at Emma who was standing to one side of him with an amused look on her face. Jane continued.
"We also unbelievably have to address your bed wetting...."
At this junction the boy attempted to speak but Jane held up her hand.
"I'm sure if potty training is required Emma will be pleased to assist me,?I think we can soon?cure this"
Jane had purposely been vague as to how these problems would be dealt with, and she was unsure how much Smith knew about the school regime.? However, she decided that she would unsettle the boy.
"Now a 'crime' which I find reprehensible and completely unwanted sexual advances to a lady.........."
The boy blurted out several words but these were lost as Jane shouted at him.
In a more measured tone she added.
"One?more word from you boy and you will be going to bed with a well striped bottom"
Jane glanced towards a large glass fronted case?at the other end of the study, through the glass could clearly be seen a selection of yellow school canes.? The boy followed her gaze and the colour drained from his face.?
Satisfied that the boy was as her friend Kath had described,?? "acutely shy with a nervous disposition but?a yummy body", Jane moved on to further?strip away what little confidence he had left. Turning to Emma she murmured.
"Would you take Smith up stairs and show him his room etc"
Emma smiled and crooked her finger at the boy who was looking decidedly white about the gills
"This way Smith, let’s get you looking like a proper schoolboy"
Through the hallway and up the steep flight of stairs Emma led the boy,?half way up the stairs she turned to face him and feigning anger hissed.
"Do you like what you see?"
Climbing up the rest of the stairs to the landing she turned and faced him, he was actually several inches taller than she was so she had to look up at him,?to her amusement his bottom lip quivered and she was sure there were tears in his eyes.? Trying to look angry Emma?sneered.
"Do you get a kick out of looking at ladies backsides?"
Emma had purposely swung her tightly encased buttocks side to side as she walked knowing Richard couldn't help but look.? To the girl’s dismay the boy look more frightened than aroused, now genuinely angry that her charms were seemingly having no effect on him she calmly lifted her arm high and slapped the boy hard across his right cheek leaving a set of deep red finger marks.
Seeing him cower Emma laughed.
"Are you going to have a little cry Smith?"
From the bottom of the stairs came the sound of Jane Hawkins voice.
"Is every thing alright Emma?"
Jane knew her niece could be a spiteful miss if given the chance.? Emma cursed under her breath at her aunt’s interference.
"Yes, everything is fine thanks auntie"
The moment lost, Emma turned and climbed the last flight of stairs to the attic room, from her slacks pocket she fished out a key and opened the door to one of the two rooms on the landing.? Opening the door wide she ushered the boy into the room,?the room was small, dark?and chilly, the only illumination coming from a single light bulb.? The furniture in the?room consisted of a narrow?iron framed bed on which there was a thin well worn mattress,?a wardrobe and a wooden chair. Although he wouldn't have noticed it straight away on a metal hook behind the door hung a long, thick but pliable school cane.
After entering the room Emma pulled back the door and tapped the cane so it rattled against the door, smirking she quipped.
"That's what you will be feeling across your bare bum if you misbehave up here..."
Savouring the look of discomfort that crossed the boys face she added.
"Put the suitcase on the bed, then go to the bathroom next door and take all your clothes off, you must put them in the black plastic bag you will find there.? The hot water is on so run yourself a bath, if you want I will come and scrub your back...."
The boy blushed yet again, Emma thought he looked so cute when he blushed but didn't say anymore.
Emma was quite aware the bathroom door had no lock, so she planned to give the boy a few minutes then she would 'assist' him whether he wanted her to or not, taking off her sweater then slacks she stood in just a skimpy bra and thong, then rummaging in the bottom of the wardrobe she pulled out a light blue rubber apron.? Slipping the apron over her head Emma tied it behind her back; it?came just below her waist not covering her?bare shapely thighs. From the wardrobe she also picked up a long handled wooden bath brush, then keeping the bath brush behind her back she walked along to the bathroom. Pushing open the door she found the boy still in his underpants, obviously surprised to see her he covered his crouch.
Emma smiled sweetly and purred.
"Not undressed yet Richard........a big lad like you is not shy is he.? Most boys would be keen to have me bath them"
The boy stood shaking like a leaf so Emma withdrew the heavy bath brush from behind her back and whispered.
"See this brush Richard; it can be used for?things other than scrubbing"
With that Emma smacked the smooth head of the brush into her palm causing the boy to flinch. Looking terrified the boy slipped down his underpants to the floor then removed them putting them with the rest of the clothes in a plastic bag.?? Emma turned on the tap until the bath was half full of warm water,?then indicated Richard should climb in,?once the naked boy was standing in the bath Emma smiled.
"Right Richard put your hands on your head so I can scrub you...."
As the lad hesitated Emma started to lose patience and snapped.
"If you don't put your hands on your head this instance, I will take you out of that bath put you across my knee like an infant and tan your arse until you cry"
Her words had the desired effect and the boy instantly did as he was told.? Emma stood close to him and gently stroked his hair.
"That's a good boy, for one minute I thought you didn't like me but I can see now that that's not true......."
Emma let her hand drop to his semi-erect penis, letting her fingers gently rub his organ she whispered in his ear.
"If auntie knew your cock was misbehaving she'd give you a thrashing with her cane, but I won't tell her.........this time."
Emma rubbed a bar of soap on the bristles of the bath brush, then none too gently applied the brush to the boy’s genitals, he was well hung but too her annoyance seemed incapable of getting an erection, she assumed his nerves were getter the better of him. In a few minutes the sharp bristles had turned his genitals bright red and sore, satisfied Emma then proceeded to scrub his anal cleft ignoring the lads whimpering.? Half an hour later Richard was tearful the bath brush having scrubbed his most tender places spitefully. Emma smiled, and then took off her rubber apron, followed by the bra and thong to stand before the boy stark naked,?tartly she murmured.
?"Would you like to fuck me Richard....I've made you sore, now you have a chance to make me sore here"
Emma grinned and rubbed her hand between her thighs, letting her index finger slipped between her wet pussy. The boy seemed interested but still very nervous, Emma noticed that his cock was still not erect so she leaned forward and slapped him hard across his genitals.
Now she hissed.
"Fuck me hard Richard I want you to give my pussy a seeing to now....."
Still the boy stood almost in a daze so Emma slapped his genitals hard forehand and backhand! From the downstairs hallway came her aunt’s voice.
"Is everything alright Emma you are taking a long time up there?"
Frustrated Emma turned to the boy.
"Come with me fucking wimp........"
Shouting to her aunt Emma said.
"Sorry auntie we have got a bit behind"
Emma pushed the naked boy into his bedroom and pointed to a school uniform on the bed, she then hurriedly dressed.
?As soon as Emma had redressed she started to sort through the boy’s suitcase, throwing items on the bed she soon got to the bottom of the case, suddenly she realized that Richard was standing before her in his school uniform.? The boy looked incredibly sexy and much younger than his 18 years; the extremely brief short trousers hugged his bum cheeks obscenely, however, still piqued?over his failure to screw her she sneered.
"You look absolutely a stupid child which is exactly what you are; those shorts won't be much protection against auntie’s cane................."
Reaching into the suitcase Emma withdrew a girlie magazine which she threw down on the bed, followed by four condoms and a jar of Vaseline, smirking she quipped.
"I have a feeling that when auntie sees your wanking kit those shorts will be coming down for the cane!"
?By the look of horror on the boy’s face Emma knew the contents of the suitcase had come as a complete shock to him, she guessed Smith's step-mother was making sure he'd start his stay at Birch House with a well caned backside. The boy tried to blurt out an explanation but his stutter was so bad Emma could hardly understand what he said.
Emma turned her back on the boy and just snapped.
"Come with me lad we will see what auntie says..."
Three minutes later Emma with Smith trailing entered Jane Hawkins study, the Headmistress looked up from her desk and glancing at her niece said.
"Everything alright dear............"
Emma placed the magazine and other items taken from the boy’s suitcase on top of the large desk,?for a second nothing was said, and then a grim faced Jane shouted at the boy.
"What is the meaning of this you wretched brat!"
In an instance Jane Hawkins was standing in front of the quaking boy, her right hand lashed out and she slapped him hard across his right thigh leaving red finger marks on the bare skin. Extremely angry she hissed between clenched teeth.
"Now were these items found in your suitcase...... yes or no?"
Shamed faced the boy nodded,? with that Jane stalked down the far end of the study and opened the glass fronted case, usually she would spend a moment selecting?the right ?cane to fit the offence, however, on this occasion she didn't hesitate and picked the longest and heaviest cane in her collection...the reformatory cane. Walking back to the centre of the room she carefully laid the cane on her desk while she rolled up the right sleeve of her blouse.? Looking at her niece she said.
"Emma please fetch the high stool from the other room and bring it in here"
By the time the girl?returned Jane had removed the boys shorts and underpants completely, and but for knee socks and shoes he was naked from the waist down. Indicating that the boy was to bend over the stool she returned to the desk and picked up the cane, after swishing the cane through the air two or three times she addressed the boy.
"You will maintain the position during your thrashing, if you try to get up and cover yourself I will start again. Keep your bottom pushed out nice a tight for me"
Jane breathed in deeply twice and tapped her cane of the quivering nates before her, she had to admit the boy had a beautiful bottom and she felt almost sorry having to decorate it with ugly red tramlines.? After kicking off her high heeled stilettos she went up on tip toes, then with all her strength she brought the cane down with a swish across the back of his tender thighs.
The result was a spectacular red stripe across the white skin of both his thighs. A deep sob came from the boy and Jane shook her head in disbelief,?in a voice full of menace she hissed.
"Get a grip of yourself boy I've only just started, you've earned a dozen from the reformatory cane and you're getting every last cut even if I've got to take you to the punishment room and strap you down. Now stick that bottom out...NOW"!
Jane's second stroke was if anything harder than the first and the long cane bit into the soft lower part of the buttocks leaving an ugly raw stripe.? this time the boy managed to control himself and nothing was heard but a whimper.
Carefully Jane measured the cane across the centre of the shaking buttocks, to her annoyance the boy clenched his checks at the moment she was going to apply another stroke, angered she lashed him across the back of his legs causing him to howl. Livid she yelled at him.
"Do you want another cut across your legs?"
The boy franticly shook his head, smugly Jane murmured.
"Well you have better not do that again laddie"
Glancing at Emma who was watching spellbound she said.
"Move again and not only will I cane?your legs but I'll ask Miss Emma to grip a certain tender part of your anatomy, as you will notice she has very sharp?finger won't like that one little bit I can assure you"
?As Jane measured the long pliable cane once more across the boys buttocks she was surprised to notice his rump was already quite swollen, deciding it was time to reduce him to a sniveling wretch she lashed the cane down twice across his backside.
An animal like scream came from the boy and he grabbed his damaged rump with both hands, the two women exchanged a knowing glance, realizing what he'd done the boy hurriedly once again gripped the stool legs.? Turning to her niece Jane said in a hushed tone.
"Emma dear, would you please knee on the floor in front of Smith and gripped his balls with your hand, if he moves use your nails to stop him"
Emma looked at her aunt in amazement, she had always thought she was stuffy and was surprised to hear her using such words as balls. However, Emma didn't hesitate to do as she was told, in fact the boys caning had excited her and her knickers were soaking wet, also she was looking for an excuse to ease her discomfort.? Quickly Emma gripped the boy’s testicles making sure her nails gently touched his skin, and then she glanced up at her aunt and nodded.
Unknown to her niece the caning had also aroused Jane Hawkins, however, she knew better than her niece how to conceal it. Gripping her cane tightly Jane lifted it behind her head then with an almighty crack landed it across the boys frantically clenching nates.
The cane sliced across a swollen?welt already decorating the boy’s backside, causing him to once again howl and try to climb off the stool; however, he'd forgotten the girl was tightly gripping his most sensitive place. As instructed Emma used her nails to squeeze Smiths balls,?the combined effect had the boy sobbing like a baby.? Jane nodded at her niece.
"You can release your grip now.....I think he's learnt his lesson for today"
The?distraught boy just lay across the stool crying his heart out.? Jane walked back and replaced her cane in the cupboard,?and then to Emma she said.
"Put him to bed, but before you do put some cream on his bottom,?use the antiseptic cream and not the healing kind, I want him to feel those stripes for a few days"
Emma helped the stumbling boy up the stairs and into his bedroom, after fetching the cream she seated herself on the bed and instructed the still semi-naked boy to come across her knees, then gently she started to rub the cream into the nasty painful weal’s covering his bum and thighs.?? After a few minutes she began to feel the lad’s cock thickening, smiling she rubbed cream onto her long slender fingers?then she pushed her hand between his thighs, her hand found his penis and to her delight it was soon rock hard. Gently pushing the boy off her lap Emma whispered in his ear.
"Come on show me you're a man Richard..."
Hurriedly Emma stripped off her slacks and sweater, then her bra and thong joined the pile of clothing strewn over the floor of the bedroom, excitedly she lay face up on the bed and beckoned Richard.? Uncertainly the boy moved forward and straddled her on the bed, seemly unsure as to what to do next Emma grabbed his still hard penis and slipped it into her wet cunt.? As the boy gently thrust into her she hissed.
"Harder Richard, come on give me a hard fucking...."
Losing patience Emma lifted her shoulders from the bed and gripped his ravaged buttocks with her nails, the effective was instant and he plunged deeply into her, now on cloud nine Emma hissed.
As she drove her nails into?his?tender bottom?Richard thrust hard into her almost taking her breath away, he was like a wild animal and again and again his hard cock pushed hard into her, making her whimper.? After what seemed hours but was perhaps ten minutes Emma was dripping with sweat and completely spent.? Out of breath and sore Emma climbed from the bed and kissed Richard hard on the mouth, under her breath she said.
"Thank you Richard, that was mind blowing"
Now anxious to return downstairs and hide her seduction of the boy Emma redressed, then making sure Richard was in bed she locked his bedroom door and returned to the study. On entering the room Jane looked at her niece suspiciously.
"You took a long time settling him in.........."
As Emma just shrugged the Headmistress continued.
"..............I want you to take Smith to the clinic tomorrow, get him fitted with a penis restraint, I don't want any more nonsense from him"
The girls’ mouth fell open at this unexpected announcement.
Jane held up her hand and murmured.
"It's got to be done so we might as well do it straight away, then you can take him down every Friday"
Jane was rather mystified why Emma was unhappy with this, but thought no more about it.? She suspected that the items in the boy’s suitcase had been planted by Kath, however, she had been looking for an excuse to cane him so it served her purpose. Once he was fitted with a restraint Jane would be the only person with a key, accept for the one held by the clinic.
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The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent...
The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...
Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles. She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up...
Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to where my stories will emerge from, the two main people who will be in every story are both good looking blonde guys, both are 6ft 2 and are muscular and both 7.5 inches and cut. Dan and Chris are twin brothers and both are 19, they are well built and use this to intimidate thier victims. Dan is the more forceful of the brothers but...
Introduction: Im new to writing Im very new to writing but felt like i have waited long enough to post some of my ideas just to see if anyone has the same interests as me. im 26 and straight myself and have never been involved with any incest or anything other than a straight relationship so im in the dark about alot of things i write about. Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to...
Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!
(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...
Incestbeep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...
Mind Control"It use be an old school house...way back at the turn of the last century,then around 1920 it became a home,if you can call it that;people lived in it here and there, and in 20003 it finally became vacant and has remained so ever since. "It comes with three out buildings over there ;it has the ideal potential to be converted into a beautiful home," the Estate Agent said. Callum and Sara looked around. "Can we have a few moments to talk?" Sara asked,looking at the Estate Agent.They watched the...
I am a home schooling teacher, short skirt with side splits tight but stretchy over my right bum, black stockings and black lacy see thru panties wig, white sparkly heeled sandals and Lacey see through top sat opposite you on the couch. You are wearing a shirt and tight school skirt, white see thru Lacey panties and nude colour tights and black boots, tight school shirt white bra and pigtail wig. I sit opposite you on the couch occasionally opening my legs slightly giving you a glimpse of my...
Hello everyone, I am back with another story. Thank you for your love and feedback for my previous story, looking forward to getting the same response. This story is about me and my best friend, Neetu. Neetu is 5 feet in height with sexy curves of 38-36-38. She is dark in colour but her beauty is to die for. She was called ‘black beauty’. We studied in the same school and after school, she went to a different city for college and further studies. I never spoke to her while in the school, I just...
Hi everyone, this is a story which happened between me and a friend of mine. It all started in Mangalore where I was working in a film shoot. On one fine Sunday, I bumped into an old school mate, Nisha. She was one year younger to me in the school. She was working in a star hotel in Mangalore – new to the city and the job. We went for dinner and started talking about our school life. She mentioned that she missed the school. It had been 6 years since I left school and 5 years for her. We...
© 2012 Robbie WebbThe author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the...
Hello friends and ISS lovers. I am narrating you my true story. Kaise maine apni best friend ko satisfy kiya…. Mera naam saajan hai mai 6ft tall hun aur ek average looking ladka hun. My dick size is 6. I am very disappointed on my dick size that how can I satisfy my partner with this size???.. Ye story 2012 ki hai us samay mai graduation complete kar k apne ghar aaya tha aur ghar pe hi rehne lga mere mom dad dono dusre seher mein rehte the aur mera bda bhai mere saath hi rehta tha. Wo kbhi Kbhi...
Schooldaze ? by: Stacey Wilson I changed into my schoolgirl outfit in the boys' locker room at school. There was nobody in the building, so I knew I'd have plenty of free time to indulge myself. As I pulled my wig on and prepared to roam the halls, I looked forward to hearing the *clicking* of my heels on the clean tile floors. Suddenly I heard the door open! I all but froze in terror. There's not supposed to be anybody here! I checked every room! I stood there speechless as the...
Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...
Homeschooled Synopsis: When his mother pulls Mickey out of high school and enrolls him in a home schoolers group, he develops close bonds with, and identifies with the other seven members of the group - except that most of them are girls and that leads to Mickey being feminized and then ultimately to regressing to an infant. 8th Grade - The year I was in eighth grade in middle school was the worst year of my life. That was the year that my father died. In four months he went from...
Hi, this Rajendra , 28 from hyd. She was my schoolmate till tenth class. Recently there was programme sponsored by our company in the city for a cause and I was one of the representatives from my company for that event. It was in the evening time that particular day there was rain in the city, so I took my car. There at the venue I see a class mate of mine standing at the stall put up by their comp as they were also sponsors for the event. Initially, I was not sure if it was her. Anyways she...
Young 'Lady' Gina's homeschooling I was still called George when I moved in with my slightly excentric aunt Celia almost two yeas ago, after my mother had a serious nervous breakdown due to my lecherous oger of a father leaving us. For some reason aunty, after walking in on me wearing her prettiest undies and high heels, had taken up encouraging (and accomodating) my little transvestite affectation to the full. Aunty sorta found it a delightfull and classy foible and decided that she...
SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER ?Who?s that fellow in the picture? Submissive Stuart?s? Master Fenton asked him one day while Stu was licking Fenton?s boots in his office.? Stuart looked up and noticed Fenton looking at the old painting of Stu?s bewigged ancestor. ?Oh, that?s my great-great-great-great maternal grandfather,? Sedley Codrington, Master Fenton. ?I don?t know much about him except that he was a? Revolutionary War hero, and later the first governor of this...
Hi i am master from Chennai , i do my engineering 1st year .i had a pleasant experience of sex 2 months back , it was wit my school mate , named nithi , we were good friends in school days , we were buddy wit our college life, had no contacts for many months , suddenly she called me once and said , hi i ve both a new cell and this is my number , i was happy to hear her voice once again. I then tot that i should not miss her , so i called her every weekend to talk to her. Once we had a small bet...
Kitty hurried down the boardwalk carrying a tray draped with a gingham cloth. It was almost high noon, and she wanted to be sure her pa got his dinner on time. The young woman cautiously swung wide in front of the double doors of the Golden Nugget saloon. Pa had really cleaned up the town of Wilson's Gulch, but one never knew if a rowdy farm hand or cowboy would cause some offence in that den of sin, and be thrown bodily out into the street. Balancing the tray with one hand, Kitty entered the...
I blew the revile trumpet at 5:00 AM as planned. We all got up and I led out on our morning jog. We jogged down Santa Clara to First St., then south on First to San Carlos then east to the aquatics center. Our timing was perfect and we arrived at 5:50 AM. We had just enough time to shower and head for the pool. There were five people in the lap pool. We all had a great swim. We showered and headed for our first lab. Dr. Johnson was our instructor. It was Chemistry 1A. The lab went fine until...
She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...
Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...
I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...
A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...
FetishLong Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...
The holidays were always interesting when the family gathered. There was always talk in the town that the Dawson’s were an incestuous family. There was, of course, no proof, but lots of speculation.The children were now all grown and lived out of state. They’d all come home for the holidays for an extended amount of time. That’s when all the talk would happen. They all kept to themselves and they were all adults, so if something weird was going on, they weren’t breaking any laws.There were...
IncestIt was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 03 By Libnos After that wild evening, when she'd dressed me as a woman for the first time, I awoke the next morning without any misgivings or concerns. I trusted her and we and felt comfortable that would continue our relationship in the same direction but with mutual love and respect. Looking at the pictures she'd taken and printed off for me I immediately got a hard-on. I wasn't sure it was because it was because I knew it...
The Special Indoctrination Unit is a unique sexual training facility located adjacent to a large male prison. The unit was created to imprison and indoctrinate specifically chosen women...those who are uncooperative in fulfilling a dictator's vast carnal needs. The project is known covertly, and to an exclusive few as: 'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training.The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having...
Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. “Thanks for the ride, Mike,” he called. “No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?” “I’ll be ready.” Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He knew...
NOTE: I have been amazed at the nice reviews from Parts 1, 2, and 3. This is proving to be a great way to finally get all these events out and onto paper and it feels good to do it. But I want to be sure readers know that these are true stories that have occurred during 35+ years of cross dressing. I'll finish this one if readers want me to. Sorting Out - Part 4: Ruth's New Year's Party 1975. It had been more than 4 years since I had been outside the house, fully dressed as a...
Sorting Out Part 5: House-Sitting 1978 During my freshman year spring term of college, I had picked up a job working weekends at a house about 3-4 miles from campus on Hardscrabble Road. The owner was in his mid-40's and a tall guy, around 6'3" and 230lbs. He was an insurance executive down in Manhattan. His wife was very eccentric and around 40 years of age, and was also very tall for a woman, probably around 6'1" and she was also fairly stocky in her build, probably weighed in at...
Sorting Out ? Part 6: Cleaning the Dorm Laundry Room. When my senior year of college rolled around, I moved from a very large main dormitory to the ground floor of a brand new dorm building. The top five floors were all women, and there was no stair access to these top floors from inside on our floor. Ground floor was accessed by an outside door to a lobby, and then there was a hallway with about 20 rooms, 2 guys per room. I was around 6?2? and 178lbs, fairly long blonde hair...
'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training. The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having their own way. The leader changed all this upon taking control several years ago... and vowed to make all these women his personal sex slaves. Many of the sophisticated ladies, proud and recalcitrant in their manner, had refused to accept this...and risked punishment, flinging their insults at their captors,...
I managed to get through college debt-free by working at various clubs, strip clubs if you must know. Being a shapely, good breasts for my size, book smart and outgoing, I developed quite a loyal following of sorts. Some of them are still friends these years later. One evening, I was working a party in Holby Hills, and I met a woman, who would change my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. She was a lanky blonde with beautiful curves that belied her twenty years my senior. Her name was Whitney. She...
Office Sex