Special Services
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. “Thanks for the ride, Mike,” he called.
“No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?”
“I’ll be ready.”
Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He knew the hyper-awareness was unnecessary, but it was a part of the moderate PTSD he was learning to deal with. Tim almost never spotted anything worth his attention, but this time he noticed a young woman sitting behind the wheel of a car, idling across the street from his house. Not only was she watching him, she was talking on a cell phone and to his somewhat paranoid eye it sure looked as if she was talking about him. Tim kept an eye on her as he hobbled up the walk to his front door.
Once inside, Tim immediately made his way to a small wall safe. He punched a combination into the digital lock and the door swung open. Tim reached in and pulled out a compact 9mm pistol. He checked to be sure it was loaded and tucked it into the waistband of his sweat pants. When he peeked out a front window, he saw that the woman was no longer in the car. Just then his doorbell rang. Through the peephole, Tim could see the woman from the car. She was small, maybe 5’ 3” and was wearing a flower-print sundress. She was holding a leather binder and had a purse slung over her shoulder. Tim covered the gun with his shirt tail, opened the door a foot and looked out. “Can I help you?”
“Corporal Purdy?”
“That’s me.”
“I’m Ivy, from Special Services. Could I come in and talk to you?” Now that Tim had a chance to get a better look, he could see that this was a very attractive woman. She had a vaguely Hawaiian or possibly Japanese look, with long black hair and a slim body. If he had to guess, he’d say she was in her middle to late twenties.
“Are you from the VA?”
“No, I’m not from any government agency and I’m not here to sell you anything. I represent a private agency that provides certain services to wounded veterans.”
Tim was suspicious. “What kind of services?”
“Could I explain inside? It’s awfully hot out here.”
Tim didn’t detect any threat from ... what was her name? Ivy? He didn’t have any real plans for the rest of the day, other than watching some TV and taking a nap. Talking to a pretty girl would at least give him something to do. “Sure, come on in.”
Ivy stood in the entryway for a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the dim light. “Have a seat in the living room,” Tim said politely. “I’ll be right with you.” As Ivy walked away, Tim noticed that there was no telltale line across her back where a bra strap would show. Tim smiled. Maybe hyper-awareness has its place, he thought. He stowed his pistol in the drawer of a table just inside the front door and followed Ivy, using his crutches.
Tim sat on his sofa across from Ivy, who had seated herself in a chair on the opposite side of the coffee table. The binder and her purse were on the table in front of her. “Let me explain the services we provide,” she said. “First, we only service male veterans who have been seriously injured, usually amputees like you or men with certain kinds of traumatic brain injuries. Second we only service those men who aren’t married or in a serious relationship.”
Tim raised an eyebrow, looking confused. “You lost me. Totally.”
Ivy smiled. “Sorry, let me finish and I’m sure you’ll understand. We know that many wounded vets have problems dealing with mainstream society when they return from combat. In addition to their wounds and the issues they face recovering, they often feel cut off from society. Specifically, they feel they aren’t up to dating, much less pursuing a romantic, sexual relationship. They are sexually frustrated and that hinders their recovery. The goal of the organization I represent is to provide a sexual outlet for these men by making a variety of attractive women available.” Ivy tapped the binder in front of her. “There are currently 42 women in the program here in the Atlanta area. We are available for two visits per week to veterans who wish to avail themselves of our services.”
Tim’s jaw dropped. “You mean prostitutes? Seriously?”
Ivy frowned. “That’s a word we don’t much care for. Some of us used to be escorts or call girls, but most of us lost loved ones in Iraq or Afghanistan. We all do it out of respect and gratitude for the service and sacrifice made by our wounded vets. We do get paid, but that’s not the reason we do this.”
Tim leaned back. “You keep saying ‘we’. Are you one of the women who ‘service’ veterans?”
Ivy nodded and smiled. “Yes, I am. Part of the reason for my visit today is to find out whether you want to accept our services and, if you do, to show you exactly what we offer. In other words, I’m here to have sex with you, if you want me.”
Tim didn’t know what to say. He considered several responses and rejected them all.
Ivy laughed. “That’s a typical reaction.” She began unbuttoning her dress, starting with the top button. While doing initial interviews like this one, Ivy had discovered an unexpected exhibitionist streak in herself. Showing her body to a soldier she’d just met excited her. She quickly worked her way down to the last button. “Maybe if you see what I’m offering, it’ll help you decide.” Ivy opened her dress. She was nude underneath. The look on Tim’s face thrilled her. Ivy shrugged out of her dress and sat facing Tim with her thighs partly open. As Tim’s eyes traveled over her exposed body, her excitement grew. She had small, round breasts with prominent, dark, puffy nipples, a tiny waist and a hairless vagina. Tim gulped and felt his penis stir. Ivy’s voice took on a husky tone. “The services we provide include conventional and oral sex. ‘Conventional’ is open to pretty broad interpretation, but it doesn’t include bondage or S&M activities. Anal is available, but not from every woman.” Ivy grinned. “In plain language, I’ll suck your cock and you can fuck me, but you can’t fuck my ass.” She kicked off her shoes and moved around the coffee table to sit next to Tim. “A few other rules; services will be completely non-romantic. No kissing. No asking any of the women about any aspect of their personal lives or personal histories. We aren’t here to be your lovers, just your sex partners. We must be treated with respect. If any of us feel that we’re being treated like whores, that’s the end of the visits.” Tim had a raging erection and Ivy stroked him through his sweat pants. “I’ll be here for the next hour or so if you want me.” She untied the drawstring of Tim’s sweats and reached inside. She grasped his cock. “Would you like me to blow you now?”
“Oh, shit yes!” Tim hurriedly pushed his sweats down and Ivy pulled them off. She got on her knees and stroked Tim’s erection with both hands.
“For your information,” she said, “we all have monthly lab tests done to insure that we haven’t picked up any diseases in our private lives.” Ivy licked the head of Tim’s cock. “I know you don’t have any STDs. We have access to your medical records.” She slid her lips over Tim’s cock and down his shaft.
“I should warn you,” Tim rasped in a horse voice, “I haven’t had sex in over a year. I probably won’t last too long.”
Ivy raised her head. “That’s fine. Do you want to cum in my mouth or would you rather cum on my face or my tits or my body?” Ivy lowered her head and felt Tim’s cock head enter her throat.
“Your mouth,” Tim gasped. “In your mouth. Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum! Ahhh, fuck!”
Ivy clamped her lips on Tim’s cock and sucked hard as his orgasm roared through him. She pumped his shaft and swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, exulting in the force of Tim’s semen spurting over her tongue. Ivy loved blowing these young vets on a first visit. They always came very quickly and their pleasure was so profound! Their hard cocks throbbed and jerked in her mouth and their cum poured out. Ivy always swallowed, just as she had for her fiancée, killed by a roadside bomb two years earlier.
The intensity of Tim’s orgasm took him by surprise. He had told Ivy that he hadn’t had sex in over a year and that was true. In fact, he had never had sex at all. He’d graduated from high school the week of his 18th birthday and had immediately enlisted in the Marines. During his training and deployment, there hadn’t been a chance to do any dating and Tim didn’t want to lose his virginity to a hooker. He was a month short of his 21st birthday and still a virgin.
Ivy cupped Tim’s balls and bobbed her head slowly. As she had expected, Tim had lost none of his erection. She looked up at him. “Do you want to fuck me now? I’m ready for you and you’re definitely ready for me!” She pulled Tim’s shirt over his head, laid his crutches on the floor and reclined on the sofa with her legs open. “Come into me, Tim. Fuck me!”
Tim’s left leg ended just above where his knee had been. It didn’t hamper his movements as he positioned himself over Ivy’s open, waiting body. Ivy guided him to her pussy and Tim felt his cock enter a woman for the first time. Ivy could tell right away that the young man was a virgin. She’d had this experience before and had a good idea what was about to happen. Tim thrust his erection into her and immediately began fucking her, first tentatively, and then harder. In a moment, he had his face buried against the side of her neck and was pumping frantically. Ivy kept her legs wide, not trying to keep up with the out of control young man. Even though Tim had just had an orgasm, Ivy knew he would cum again soon. The sensation of a wood-hard cock pounding her this way was one of Ivy’s favorite things in life. Her experience with Special Services had taught her that nothing made her climax faster than a sex-starved soldier’s first fuck. Her orgasm swelled rapidly as she listened to Tim’s grunts and the slapping sounds of their bodies. She wrapped her arms around her new inductee, held him tightly to her and came. Tim was oblivious and, if anything, increased the ferocity of his thrusts. Ivy came again and again. Tim’s thrusts became shorter and more intense. He came, gasping and moaning against Ivy’s neck and she came with him. She used her heels to hold him inside her, feeling his warm semen flow into her body. Ivy never became emotionally attached to any of the men in the program, but she loved having sex with them. They were all brothers in arms of the man she’d loved and she felt a strong bond with them. When she gave them pleasure, it was an act of love, impersonal though it had to be.
Tim straightened his arms, pushing himself up. He focused on the face of the woman who had just taken his virginity. “Holy shit! That was unbelievable! Thank you! Thank you so much!!”
“It was my pleasure, Tim. I mean that literally. I came too, you know.” She gave Tim a warm smile. “Remember, I said that the women in our program are your sexual partners. We all enjoy having sex. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be doing this!”
Tim hadn’t lost more than half of his erection. He pumped slowly inside Ivy. “You still feel so good! I think I need a rest, though.”
“That’s fine. We can take a break. We’ll have time to go again, if you what to.”
“Oh, I’ll want to, all right!” Tim pulled out and a stream of fluid ran out onto the sofa cushion. He blotted it with his sweat pants and wiped his penis. Ivy got a packet of tissues out of her purse and held a wad of them against her vagina.
“You came a lot,” she said. “Both times. I like the way you taste. I loved the way you fucked me. So hard! I get off on hard fucking.” She grinned. “I get off on slow fucking, too. But,” she said forcefully, “I’m not here for my pleasure. That’s a side benefit. It’s your pleasure that’s important. You decide how we fuck; what positions, how fast or slow, whether we fuck with you or suck you. As I said earlier, all the women in the program will have sex with you or perform oral sex. Some of them will do anal.” She picked up her binder and opened it. “As you can see, each of our women has her own page, with photos and a list of limits on what she’ll do.” She handed the binder to Tim. “Staci, on the first page, is a redhead with big boobs and an ass to match. She’ll do just about any damn thing!” Ivy laughed. “I haven’t met her, but the word is, she’s kind of wild.”
Tim paged through the binder. The variety of women was astonishing; blonde, brunette, redhead, brown, white, black, Latino and Asian. The accompanying photos were quite explicit. There was no question about the physical attributes of each woman, right down to the most intimate details. The photos left nothing to the imagination and stimulated new imaginings. Tim looked up. “So, how does this work? Do I keep one of these books and use it to pick women?”
“No,” said Ivy. “Women come and go in the program. Each woman brings an up-to-date binder with her and you choose your next visitor and specify when you want her. Actually, you’ll choose three, a first, second and third choice and one of them will visit you at the appointed time. We’re often busy, you see. Your first choice might not be available when you want her.”
Tim paused, fascinated by a photo of a lovely, naked 40-ish Latino woman sitting against a light yellow wall with her legs spread. “Do I have to choose? I’d be happy as hell to have sex with any of these women. Can I just say ‘surprise me’? That would be so cool!”
Ivy chuckled. “Lots of men do exactly that. We try to avoid sending the same woman more than once if we can manage it. After a while, it’s necessary, but we want to avoid any personal relationships. The sex is for your gratification and to give you confidence. It’s also an expression of thanks for your service. We want to give you something significant that you won’t get from any other agency.”
“Well, ‘significant’ is the right word. There’s nothing I could ask for that’s more significant than this, except for getting my leg back.” Tim leafed through the binder until he came to Ivy’s page. One of the photos showed her on her hands and knees with her butt toward the camera. Her vagina glistened and she was looking back with a mischievous grin. “That’s a great picture. I’d love to do it that way, if it’s all right.”
“Of course! But first we should work on another important aspect of the program; teaching you to be a great lover. Special Services women won’t be available forever and you need to be confident in your ability to please women you’ll meet in the future.” She slumped against the arm of the sofa and opened her legs. “Let’s start here. Touch my pussy, Tim. Put your fingers in me.” For the next half hour, Ivy gave Tim a crash course in stimulating a woman and bringing her to climax. Tim was an eager student and Ivy had several strong and sometimes loud orgasms.
And I was gonna watch TV and take a nap, thought Tim. Instead, I’m finger-fucking this fantastic girl and sucking her nipples. Ivy came with a long ahhh-mmmm. Tim was working her G-spot perfectly. She pushed his hand away. “That’s enough for now. Let’s get you off one more time and then I have to leave.” She pushed Tim onto his back and began sucking him. He was rock hard. “You said you wanted to try the doggie position?” she mumbled around his dick.
“Yeah. That feels so damn good, though. Can you do that a little more before we fuck?”
Ivy hummed a sexy “umm humm” and slid her lips to the base of Tim’s cock. She knew he would cum quickly if she kept that up, so she used her lips and tongue on his scrotum while using her fingers on his shaft. In her experience, there was no such thing as too slow or too light a touch to give maximum pleasure while delaying a man’s orgasm. When Tim started thrusting in her hand, Ivy rolled off the sofa and knelt on the carpet on her knees and elbows with her butt in the air. She grinned at him and wiggled her ass. Tim scrambled down behind her and she helped him get lined up with her pussy. “Easy now”, she said soothingly. “Just hold still inside me. Take it slow. Savor the feeling.”
Tim controlled his urge to plunge into Ivy and did as she told him. The feel of her pussy surrounding him, so warm and wet and slippery, was exquisite. She was right to have him go slow. He would miss this with a quick, hard fuck. He pulled out slowly and pushed back in. Pressing all the way in and holding there, pressing hard, felt fantastic. He moved one hand from her hip to the side of her body and then to her breast. He flicked and pulled her nipple the way she’d taught him. Ivy moaned and contracted her vaginal muscles. Tim stayed where he was, basking in the sensation of Ivy’s pussy squeezing him. Slowly, he became aware of a problem. Since he didn’t have a left knee, his left thigh was too short to reach the floor. Virtually all his weight was on his right knee. This position, as pleasurable as it might be, was becoming uncomfortable.
“Ivy, I can’t balance like this much longer. My knee hurts and it’s distracting.” He pulled out and lowered himself to the carpet. “Crap! I really wanted to do it that way!”
Ivy swung one leg over Tim’s hips and sat on him, his erection gliding up inside her. “How about if I ride you?” She got her feet under her and assumed the classic “cowgirl” position. “Is this alright?”
“Amazing. Just fucking amazing!” Tim played with Ivy’s tits, mesmerized by the sight of her gliding up and down on his cock.
Ivy often wondered why she got such pleasure out of fucking a new man, feeling him inside her, seeing the expressions of lust and joy on his face. Was she some kind of nymphomaniac? If so, she couldn’t be happier. She badly missed her fiancée, but with this job she had the opportunity to screw so many men! She’d been doing this for eight months and hadn’t even tried to keep track of the number of men she’d had sex with. Every man was a new thrill, especially the ones like Tim who were so delighted to have an unexpected chance to get laid. This was the job she’d been born for and she intended to keep it as long as possible.
Tim studied the satisfied smile on the woman who was riding him. What was she thinking? Well, time for that later. For now, he was primarily aware of the tingle creeping up the backs of his thighs. Both his hands were on her breasts. Her long hair hung across her shoulders and down to his chest. She was beautiful and, holy shit!, she was riding his cock! When he woke up this morning, he could never have imagined something this fantastic might happen. “Pretty soon now, Ivy. Gonna cum pretty soon.”
“Cum for me, Tim. Let me feel you cum!” Tim closed his eyes and once again, Ivy felt him throb inside her.
She loved it.
Tim sat on the park bench and thought, well, I’m really fucked now! His prosthetic left leg was giving him fits. You pushed too hard, asshole. Too far from home and too sore to get there.
“You doing okay?” said a voice. Tim looked up to see a woman in running shorts and a wide halter top. “Trouble with the pross?” she asked.
“Pross” was a slang expression used by amputees, doctors and nurses to refer to a prosthetic leg like the one Tim was wearing. The main section, where a normal lower leg would be, was a metal and carbon-fiber rod, connecting the artificial knee joint to the ankle joint. Many amputees wore long pants to hide the prosthesis, but Tim didn’t bother. He wasn’t ashamed of the thing and didn’t give a damn whether people saw it.
“Yeah,” said Tim. “I’m getting a pretty good blister and making it home might be a problem. How do you know about there things?”
The woman smiled. “I’m a first year orthopedic resident. I have a lot of experience with prosthetic limbs. Can I give you a ride?”
“Could you? That would be great! I’ve had this damn thing for three weeks and I thought I could get in a five mile walk. I started to feel a hot spot at the turnaround point and I’m still two miles from home. If I keep going, I’m afraid I’ll have a popped blister and I sure don’t need an infection in my stump.” Now that Tim had a better chance to check her out, he saw a good-looking, slightly chunky woman with short blonde hair. She had a nice figure, despite the extra pounds. Tim estimated her age in the late 20s to early 30s.
“No problem. My scooter is a half mile from here. Sit tight and I’ll be back.” She took off at a good clip. In a surprisingly short time, she was back, riding a red Honda scooter. She handed Tim a spare helmet. “I’m Lynn, by the way. Which way to your place?”
“I’m Tim. Just go straight. In a couple of miles, make a right on Woodward.” Tim settled himself on the rear seat and Lynn started off. The trip took just a few minutes and soon they were in Tim’s driveway.
“There you go,” said Lynn. “Would it be okay if I checked you out? It’ll probably be the only house call you get from a doctor in your whole life.”
“Sure, come on in.” Tim walked carefully to the door and unlocked it. He sat on the sofa and started removing his leg. “They told me it was supposed to fit pretty tightly, but I think it’s cutting off my blood flow. The stump gets numb after I’ve been walking for more than ten minutes.”
“That’s normal at first,” said Lynn reassuringly. “You’ll generate more small blood vessels as your body adjusts to the socket.” She set the leg aside and helped Tim remove the synthetic stocking that absorbed sweat and cushioned his stump. She knelt in front of him and examined him. “Your surgeons did a terrific job.” She traced the lines of scar tissue with her fingers. “There’s a small blister starting here,” she said. “Put some hydrocortisone cream on it and cover it with a band-aid. It should heal with no problem.”
After two months of visits from Special Services women, Tim’s automatic reaction to an attractive woman on her knees was to get an erection. He was wearing running shorts over a pair of boxers. There was no hiding his embarrassing condition. Lynn noticed immediately.
Tim cleared his throat. “Sorry about that. It’s just that, well...”
Lynn laughed. “Don’t apologize. It’s pretty flattering, really.” She licked her lips nervously. “To tell you the truth, I kind of like seeing that.” She rested her right hand on Tim’s thigh. “Do you mind if I touch it?”
“No, of course not.”
Lynn gently ran her fingers over Tim’s erection. “You’re really hard.” She gripped the outline of Tim’s cock and squeezed. “You got hard really fast.” Her left hand moved to join her right. Tim gave a low “humm” and leaned back on the sofa. Without asking, Lynn tugged Tim’s shorts down and he raised his butt so that she could pull them off.
Lynn was amazed at herself. Here she was on her knees, undressing a man she didn’t know and holding his erect penis in her hands. Her sex life for the last year had consisted of two short encounters with a married man who lived in her apartment building and many more encounters with her vibrator. She hadn’t gotten laid in months. Was she really this horny? There was a drop of clear liquid on the tip of Tim’s cock and Lynn spread it around with her thumb. Looking up at Tim, she smiled uncertainly. “I’m not sure how we got here, but I’d like to keep going, if you want to.”
Tim’s answer was to grab the bottom of Lynn’s top and pull it over her head. Her sports bra followed. Tim had seen a lot of breasts in the last few months and Lynn’s were among the most beautiful. They were fairly large, but what got Tim’s attention was their shape. They were somewhat teardrop shaped with perfect nipples that seemed to point slightly upwards. He fondled them admiringly.
“Would you like to go to the bedroom?” he asked.
“Yeah, I would.” Lynn handed Tim his crutches and they started down the hall. “Do you have a condom?”
“Uhh, no. All the women I’ve had sex with recently have regular lab tests. I haven’t needed condoms.”
“‘All the women’? You mean hookers?” Lynn stopped walking. “Maybe this was a bad idea!”
“No, no! Not prostitutes! I’m in a special program for wounded vets. Guys like me have a tough time meeting women, especially women who are interested in having sex with us. Amputation freaks them out. They think we’re going to need all kinds of complicated care and exotic treatments. More trouble than we’re worth, you know? The program provides women to help us out. They’ve been fantastic, but they’re not hookers! Anyway, the VA takes blood every time I go in and I know they check for STDs.”
Lynn thought about it. Tim seemed like a sincere, honest guy. “Well, I guess you’re taking a chance with me, too. I’m a doctor, though. I can certify I’m healthy. How many women are there in this program?”
“There were forty-two when I started. Now there are forty-nine.”
Lynn was astonished. “Forty-nine women? How many have you, uhhh...”
“Fucked? You can say fuck, Lynn. I’m a former member of the Marine Corps. You aren’t going to offend me.”
Lynn giggled. “Yeah, fucked. How many have you fucked?”
“As of last night, twenty-eight. I think three of them have been here twice.”
Again, Lynn was astonished. This college age kid had fucked almost thirty women? Some of them twice?
Tim’s bedroom was astonishingly neat for a bachelor. In fact, the whole house was extremely well-kept. Maybe it was the Marine discipline at work. Lynn dropped her shorts and stripped off Tim’s shirt. “This isn’t like me at all,” she whispered. “And I must smell like a horse on a hot day.”
“You smell just fine. In fact, I’d love to go down on you, if that’s all right.”
Tim steered his new friend to the side of the bed and Lynn sat down. She scooted up to the middle while Tim set his crutches on the floor and crawled into position. Lynn was considerably hairier than the Special Services women he was used to and her odor was strong. Tim liked the purely female smell.
Lynn was seriously worried that Tim wouldn’t go through with it. She was far from a virgin and had experimented with both men and women during her college and med school years. The majority of men she’d had sex with didn’t seem all that anxious to eat her, and certainly not after she’d been running. Her doubts evaporated quickly. Tim obviously knew exactly what he was doing and didn’t hesitate to do it. Lynn thought she was prepared for this, but Tim did things to her that she’d never experienced. In what seemed like no time at all, she felt her first orgasm starting. She tried to look to see how Tim was doing it, but then her orgasm hit. She threw her head back and cried out as the most powerful orgasm she could remember shook her.
Tim was enjoying himself immensely. He’d wondered if the Special Services women had exaggerated their praise of his oral skills to make him more confident. Apparently not. Lynn had another orgasm and another and another. He loved the musky smell and taste of Lynn. Wetness poured out of her pussy and Tim lapped happily. As Lynn showed signs of tiring, Tim eased off.
“Fuck me Tim,” whispered Lynn in a soft, breathy voice. “Come up here and fuck me. Come up. Come up here and fuck me. Tim, fuck me.”
Tim crawled into position over Lynn. She was so open and ready that he didn’t need to use his hand to slide into her. Lynn held his face and kissed him. Tim found the act of kissing very erotic. He’d made out with quite a few girls in high school, but that had been so long ago! Kissing Lynn while fucking her was so much more intimate and personal than sex with Special Services women. The last one, a gorgeous, rail-thin black woman with breast implants and phenomenal oral skills, had left at 8:45 the night before, after giving Tim two orgasms. Tim wasn’t worried about cumming prematurely, but Lynn was proving to be a big change from what he was used to. Lynn moaned into his mouth, then arched her back and came. Tim hadn’t considered the feedback that kissing a woman would give him. Lynn sucked his tongue and came again.
How many times have I cum? Lynn wondered. This kid is fantastic! Jesus Christ! So fucking good! She came again. Her pulse thundered in her ears. Gotta stop for a while. Tired. He didn’t cum yet, though.
Tim could tell Lynn was getting tired. “Do you want to take a break? It’s no problem if you do.”
“Don’t you want to finish? I can wait a little longer.”
“No, that wouldn’t be right. I can wait.” Tim rolled off her and lay on his right side. “You just relax.” He lightly caressed Lynn’s breasts. “I’ll find something to amuse me.”
Lynn turned on her side to face him. “You like my tits?”
“Ahh, Lynn! Fishing for complements, are we?” Tim squeezed her breasts with both hands and flicked her nipples. “These are no-shit amazing tits! Don’t try to tell me I’m the first one to tell you that!”
Lynn grinned proudly. “Yeah, I guess they’re my best feature.” She kissed him and stroked his cock. “Want to fuck them? I like having them fucked.”
“Sure! We’ll have to do it this way, though. I can’t balance worth a crap if I’m on top of you.”
Lynn moved down a bit and Tim moved up. She trapped his erection between her breasts and smiled, enjoying the feel of Tim’s smooth, hard cock, slick from her juices, sliding against her skin. Tim was no stranger to titty-fucking, but he was never sure whether the woman actually liked it. Lynn was another story. She was definitely getting a charge out of it. Tim liked it well enough, but he wasn’t going to cum this way. He kept going for five minutes or so.
I posted this on another site sometime ago. Thought it needed another airing It was a stormy Sunday afternoon and we were alone. Dad had gone to enrol the latest special services customer. Mom had gone to service an existing customer. They own a popular hairdressing and beauty salon business. The beauty salon business is a ‘selected customers only’ home visit facility. Prospective clients have to be vetted by dad because mother would be the person carrying out the home visit. The...
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This story is true and relates to a real life experience enjoy..... I own and operate a local handyman service.I used to be a general contractor and have many years experience in several trades.Now I enjoy making money doing odd jobs which require much less stress and strain. A lot of my clientel are yuppies who have money but no skills fixing things.And the other are mostly widows and divorced women who have lost the...
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Both my wife and I had full time jobs and my wife felt that we spent too much of our weekends cleaning the house, so she asked if we could get a cleaning service.It was awesome to come home every Friday to a clean house, since we had scheduled the service to come Friday mornings.My wife and I got a lot more time on the weekends to do fun stuff instead of cleaning. It was well spent money.I did not know who was over at our house. The cleaning company was bonded, insured, and had a very good...
Here's another one that is not really for someone with a short attention span :) ...if you like it, I always appreciate any comments ...cheers! After a hectic day of travel, mundane project meetings and having to resolve other people's problems, I was looking forward to checking into the hotel to unwind, relax and indulge myself with some relief of the workday stress. As I drove to the hotel, I couldn't resist smiling to myself as I thought of the hotel as "Grace's hotel". Recalling some of our...
SPANKING Services.As Kim browsed her favourite spanking site she read the personal add again. “I offer a unique and confidential service for women to realise their fantasies. Your satisfaction is a phone call away. Bespoke spanking. Are you brave enough to take the first step?” She must have read it 100 times. She almost knew his phone number off by heart. Bill Edwards. She wondered what he offered and if he could make her long term fantasies reality. She watched a video of a man a little older...
Hello ISS readers.I am VJ from Ahmadabad, Gujarat.This is the story of how I was introduced to the world of male escorts.I am 6’1” male with little heavy builtup.I am not a lean 6 packs as many stories say but very fit.Now coming to my story this happened with I was in my college..Sex is all about fun and satisfaction.We are not machines to just pump it out.Dildos and vibrators can do that as well.I had heard about the parties where these escorts services are provided as well as an way to enter...
Escort services. Chapter 1. At last, she allowed him to cum, letting his seed spurt into her mouth in almost painful spasms of ejaculation. Her tight grip at the base of his cock released, allowing the pent up seed to pass, so that it shot through his urethra at blast velocity. His hips bucked involuntarily, raising his narrow cheeks off the stone slab of the poolside paving, his orgasm ripped through his body. Her lips, locked around his purple head, creating a seal, trapping his...
Jesus , this fucking weather. Business meeting in Scotland, no problem, with the flight up, but by the time I had finished the fucking weather had closed the airports and it looked like armageddon People on the phones, no fucking hotel rooms available. Luckily for me I hadn't handed over the hire car, I then spent the next 30 minutes extending the hire period and telling a fuckwit behind the counter I was going to drop it off in London tomorrow. two options exist from Edinburgh, coast road...
Escort services. Chapter 1. At last, she allowed him to cum, letting his seed spurt into her mouth in almost painful spasms of ejaculation. Her tight grip at the base of his cock released, allowing the pent up seed to pass, so that it shot through his urethra at blast velocity. His hips bucked involuntarily, raising his narrow cheeks off the stone slab of the poolside paving, his orgasm ripped through his body. Her lips, locked around...
NovelsJulia and Matt were colleagues at a consulting firm who shared a great working relationship and an even better relationship away from work.For the better part of six months, the two consultants spent free time sharing a bed together. Julia was a stunning brunette who looked much younger than her actual age of fifty. The natural beauty of the five-foot, six-inch woman was accentuated by a slender hourglass figure, firm size 36C breasts and perfectly shaped ass Matt has had the pleasure handling...
TabooWinter 1994-1995 Now that we were the majority, everybody got to play musical chairs with the various committee assignments. Science, Space, and Technology was interesting, and I thought I did well there with the Internet bill. Likewise, Veterans Affairs gave me the place to do the Gulf War Veterans Bill, and that was both timely and useful. Still, both were backwaters as far as anything useful was concerned. Science would do all sorts of wonderful things, like hold hearings on the NASA...
I had been a home broadband technician for about 3 years. In that time, I had regularly bartered for my services - paid in sex by the homeowner when I was attracted to the lady involved. I got my face slapped a few times, told to leave on other occasions ... and taken up on my offer quite a few times. The opportunity to save money usually outweighed the morals of fucking the repairman. I was 25 years old, and in the peak of physical condition ... and with a substantial endowment between my...
It was 10:30 P.M. when I pulled my car off I-80. The rest stop was all but empty, except for a few Big Trucks hat idled in the parking lot. That was as good of place as any, to satisfy my lust for cock. I waited until another Eighteen Wheeler pulled up and parked. A well built, Black Man exited his truck a few minutes later and headed for the restrooms. This was my cue. Waiting until the Trucker entered the men’s restroom. I stepped out of my car and headed on in. I was looking to lighten this...
GayIntroduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...
She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...
Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...
I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...
A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...
FetishLong Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...
The holidays were always interesting when the family gathered. There was always talk in the town that the Dawson’s were an incestuous family. There was, of course, no proof, but lots of speculation.The children were now all grown and lived out of state. They’d all come home for the holidays for an extended amount of time. That’s when all the talk would happen. They all kept to themselves and they were all adults, so if something weird was going on, they weren’t breaking any laws.There were...
IncestIt was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 03 By Libnos After that wild evening, when she'd dressed me as a woman for the first time, I awoke the next morning without any misgivings or concerns. I trusted her and we and felt comfortable that would continue our relationship in the same direction but with mutual love and respect. Looking at the pictures she'd taken and printed off for me I immediately got a hard-on. I wasn't sure it was because it was because I knew it...
The Special Indoctrination Unit is a unique sexual training facility located adjacent to a large male prison. The unit was created to imprison and indoctrinate specifically chosen women...those who are uncooperative in fulfilling a dictator's vast carnal needs. The project is known covertly, and to an exclusive few as: 'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training.The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having...
Prelude: An beautiful young woman is a Catholic Nun. One Sunday morning she is given the opportunity to conduct her own Church service. She has a fantasy about being naked on stage in front of the entire congregation so she can watch them admire her slender sexy body. This is her story. deleted
Even with the mounds of presents for Ellen and Crimilda they had to open, it was only ten in the morning. Lunch wasn’t until one. No one seems to notice that many of my male cousins are nowhere in sight. Camden and Becky got their Christmas gifts from me in private. We don’t know if it was stress, but Becky hadn’t stayed pregnant with our last attempt. She just finished her period a week ago but wanted to get pregnant again. Camden was super horny. She wanted me to fuck her until I gave...
'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training. The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having their own way. The leader changed all this upon taking control several years ago... and vowed to make all these women his personal sex slaves. Many of the sophisticated ladies, proud and recalcitrant in their manner, had refused to accept this...and risked punishment, flinging their insults at their captors,...
I managed to get through college debt-free by working at various clubs, strip clubs if you must know. Being a shapely, good breasts for my size, book smart and outgoing, I developed quite a loyal following of sorts. Some of them are still friends these years later. One evening, I was working a party in Holby Hills, and I met a woman, who would change my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. She was a lanky blonde with beautiful curves that belied her twenty years my senior. Her name was Whitney. She...
Office SexSPECIAL FRIDAYS - 05 By Libnos Three weeks later we were married in a simple church ceremony as husband and wife. It was a traditional ceremony with words like "trust, honor and obey" and "forsaking all others". We went on a short, four day honeymoon and then returned to get Belinda and start our lives together as a family. We had discussed more children and knew that this would be a priority soon. Temporarily, we were living in Anita's condo until...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Juliette held her daughter’s hand while she drew the flower. ‘Flower,’ she repeated patiently. Simon smiled from across the too short table as he assisted his son. ‘Car,’ his deep, sexy West Texas drawl caressed her skin. Her nipples hardened inside her plain white bra. ‘Get a grip,’ she chastised herself. She had no business lusting after the super hot single dad, who had recently joined their special needs homeschool group. Looking up, she saw five other pair of eyes watching the man’s...
Special SupervisionTracey was the local office manager in the local office which was part of a larger company Tracey had worked their for a few years now and as branch manager she had her own office separate to the main office as part of a big company Tracey had an area manager who called round each week or month to check on how things were running his name was David he was a few years younger than her and of average build bit was full of confidence & charismatic Tracey and David been of...
I’ve had the hots for the guy at our local post office for some time now, but since we are both married I never acted on it. I have flirted with him on numerous occasions and he seemed receptive and even responded with some flirting of his own. But like I said, it’s a small town so you have to be careful. I remember once he commented on my tan and now nice I looked. It made me feel like he really did notice me. I responded by saying I used to go to a tanning booth but now I have one at home. ...
MatureStacy's day could hardly have been better — even being at work seemed wonderful. The warmth of spring was in the air, allowing her to fully roll down the windows of her truck and feel the breeze flap her blond ponytail against her shoulders. As she looked around the spotless cab and double-checked her destination, she was reminded why she loved her employers. Special Express was a niche-market courier company that treated their drivers very well — especially their women drivers. In fact they...
And then,after he had picked the October 2004 issue of the magazine entitled CHERI and looked at a pictorial of one of the naked babes named Lonnie with those seductive eyes of hers,David had placed his hand on one of Lonnie's photos and let out a smile,only to be shocked back into reality by someone next to him letting out a loud belly laugh,which had caused him to turn towards the wall of adult videos and discover that it was his boss' daughter,Samantha Worthington,who had walked over to...
“Amanda” was fully dressed when “she” opened the door. She almost shyly greeted her close friend “Suzette.” “Hi Suzette. It’s been a while,” Amanda said.Suzette had an unhappy expression on her face. “I know, too long.” Then she looked around clearly nervous.Amanda knew that sensation, and opened the door wider. “Please, come in.”“Thank you, Amanda,” Suzette said her confidence returning immediately. She strolled past Amanda into an apartment she had visited a few times in the past. Amanda...
Crossdressing“Harder!” she urged. “Faster!” Felicia’s hands were on his buttocks, pulling him into her. Perspiration soaked his forehead as Ben tried his best to rise to his wife’s desires. It was never enough. “Harder! Faster!”Any faster and they’d have to call an ambulance. Besides, the speed at which he was going ensured that a premature conclusion was all but inevitable. With Felicia clawing at him, doing all she could to force him to give her inches he simply did not have, there was nothing he could do...
Wife LoversLong Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
There is a special house in the country That we have been offered the use of. the nearest neighbor is about 1/2 mile down the road. There is a nice yard with a pool and a big hot-tub in a screened enclosure. It’s a nice house with the living quarters along with a big Master suite and laundry room on the first floor, and the extra bedrooms and bathrooms up on the second floor. Down in the walk out basement is our game room, and the bath and changing area for the pool, along with our "Special...
After returning from Carol and Reese's, we were in high spirits. The trip had invigorated us both, but it didn't last. Soon Karen became somber. She missed her volunteer work and spending time with her friends. "At least you get to leave the house. "She lamented. "Even if it's only to go to the work." She was becoming more withdrawn by the day and we were frequently bickering, something we almost never did. Try as I might, I just couldn't comfort her. Reese had texted me saying Carol was having...
I was equally excited, but I had to play my part. "Oh, I don't know, sweetie. Are you sure you aren't getting too old for bedtime stories?" I said in my best fake-serious tone. "Most girls your age don't want their daddy to read to them." She shook her head no, vigorously. "No, daddy. Not since my birthday when you gave me my first *special* story. I want special bedtime stories every night now." My wife laughed and told me, "This is your own fault. I told you she would get hooked....
The low, soft hum of the Quadrotor drone was drowned out by the squeals of delight of the children who had been invited to Dee-Dee's twelfth birthday party. Parents for Dee-Dee's five invited friends had dropped them off earlier and now all six of the girls were playing in our back yard as they awaited the announcement that the cake and ice cream were ready. I sighed as I thought about that – OUR back yard. Yeah, it had been OUR back yard up until the final divorce decree about two...
© 2002 Couture "You do remember our anniversary is next week, don't you?" Amy asked. "Of course I do, honey," I replied, trying to keep from raising my voice, which would let her know for sure I was lying. "Well, have you got me anything yet?" "You know I can't tell you that." "Why not?" she said, putting her arm around me and stroking my love handle. "Because of that," I said. "You won't stop at anything to find out what I'm getting you." "Well, just in case you...
I'm a truck driver. Yeah, yeah I know one of those big slow things you hate to get behind but I really don't care. You see I have a job to do and if it weren't for us truck drivers what would you use to wipe your ass? Think toilet paper grows on trees? But that's not important. What I'm going to tell you is very important. There is this corner way out in the desert I drive by every day. Unless it rains, I see the hot dog stand with an umbrella giving shade to the woman selling them. For...
She was my 10:00 appointment, but when she got to my office, all she did was stand in the doorway as if uncertain to come in. I motioned for her to come on in, and she reluctantly came in and took a seat. Since she had called our office and requested to speak to someone, I waited for her to feel comfortable enough to start talking. As she sipped on a glass of water, I gave her the once over. I knew already that her name was Ruth Ann Simpson. She looked to be in her late teens. She was a cute...
A short while ago Jaq and I downsized our property and moved into a new apartment. We are on the top floor which is shared by just one other apartment. We had only met Ennis once, Ennis moved next door a short while after us.I assumed Ennis was in her thirties with a lovely full figure and dressed smartly. Jaq was at home while I was at work when the doorbell rang, Ennis was trying to put up some shelving but was struggling a little. Jaq went next door to try to assist but they were struggling...
True'Seriously you won't regret it'. They both insisted, ushering her hesitant self out of the door. She'd never heard her best friends talk about anything with this level of certainty before. Doubts quickly began to embed themselves in her mind about what they were even entrusting her with so strongly but as she turned to grab his hand, the looks on their faces convinced her not to question it and she headed out the door with him.They shortly arrived at her house and made their way to the living...
Mister Tyler had called me to babysit since his wife was traveling and he wanted to go out for the evening. I had been away at college and extra money never hurt. I took my bike up to his house. The door was open and I didn't hear the k**s. I started walking through the house until I finally made my way to the garage. Mister Tyler was sitting with his back partially towards me. I could see he had his legs spread wide. He was also completely naked! His left hand was in his crotch slowly rubbing...
Denise was a cherub - all soft and curvy. Truly voluptuous, not flabby or out of shape. With her figure, the golf shirt and khaki pants were almost attractive. She short hair surrounded an angelic face with cottony light brown curls. She could not have been more than 22, 25 tops and at 5 foot 2, looked like something sweet to eat. At least that is what Helen thought when the 'child' arrived first thing that morning to upgrade the computer software. Helen had just logged in when the little...
When are you going to accept that you’re too old for this job? Chasing the young is no game for a man in his fifties. How many more lame excuses are you supposed to listen to? How many errant businessmen with conspicuous, ring-shaped tan lines on their wedding finger do you need to talk to? It shouldn’t be your job. The family survived more than a century without your stewardship. It would go on without you. There are a thousand other jobs to do, jobs that let you get a good night’s sleep and...
Harry Andersen couldn't understand why his mother tells him every Sunday that she doesn't need a ride to church on Sundays into the city. He even offered to take her because he goes to the same church. She doesn't have a car. There was no big deal. She told him that the minister comes by every Sunday afternoon to give her cummioun. Harry spent a couple of hours thinking why she would do this to him for the fourth time in a month. He wanted to know what was so important to receive commiun at...
At the end of a long, heated session with Layla, in which I fulfilled my promise to ravish her body, we lay back to rest on the bed. We were on our sides with her in my arms, her back to me. She turned her head back and we shared a lustful kiss. Our tongues dueled sinfully as I held one ripe tit possessively. "I want to ask a favor of you," she said softly. "Your wish is my command," I said and kissed her lightly on the cheek, expecting to be assigned a new fuck job to one of her rich...
So how is this going to go for the rest of the guests coming in today? I expected a lot more dressing down of the families, but it was much less than expected. One of the families was shocked to hear the psychologist say, “We have placed five of your children under psychiatric care to prevent harm to other guests or themselves. Three are classic psychopaths, the other two sociopaths. None of them are the ones you have kept under close watch due to showing suicidal tendencies. Those children...
Belle “Elle” Santiago, as portrayed by Selena Gomez, is a nineteen year old university student desperate to succeed in life and in school. Named after the Disney Character of the same name Belle often joked that she pretty much was her namesake to a T right down to her lot in life. Working part time at the local cafe Elle has found herself unable to make ends meet while also completing her homework assignments on time and studying. Left with no choice Elle answered a hiring ad for an older man...
FetishI love blowjobs from pretty girls, and I have had a lot of them. But the cutest girl who has ever held my cock in her mouth is an extremely cute 19-year old named Sabrina. I met Sabrina entirely by accident. It was about 6 months ago, half an hour before midnight on a Friday evening. I had just finished watching a movie and was preparing for bed when I heard a knock on my apartment door. When I opened the door… there she was. She was small… she later said she was 5 foot 2 but I think that’s...
EroticI went into his house as the maid, find out what happens [email protected]
Sex With Stranger