Milking Time B3 Chapter 9 Ebony Duz Dee Dee
- 4 years ago
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The low, soft hum of the Quadrotor drone was drowned out by the squeals of delight of the children who had been invited to Dee-Dee's twelfth birthday party. Parents for Dee-Dee's five invited friends had dropped them off earlier and now all six of the girls were playing in our back yard as they awaited the announcement that the cake and ice cream were ready.
I sighed as I thought about that – OUR back yard.
Yeah, it had been OUR back yard up until the final divorce decree about two months ago. Now, it was just MY back yard; unless you considered that it also belonged indirectly to my son, Dylan, age 14 – who was sitting on the patio, looking on with a put-on air of indifference – and my daughter, Deanne (we call her Dee-Dee), age 11 ... well, 12, as of today; thus, the birthday party.
Wow! My little princess was only a year away from teenage. God help me!
We had survived Dylan's rite of passage ... well, so far. Now, I just had to find a way to help Dee-Dee navigate her way through that minefield on her path toward womanhood without having the guidance and assistance...
Shit! This is Dee-Dee's special day; the last birthday party of her time of childhood; before entering into the dramatic, luxurious, and painful time of adolescence.
I had already decided in the days leading up to this that I would NOT let the joy of this day be soured by thoughts of Dee-Dee's bitch of a mother; my ex-wife, Donna. Instead, I would focus on giving Dee-Dee a memorable time; as well as preparing for the entertainment I had arranged with my friend, and now partner in our exciting – and promising to be lucrative – business venture, Nirmal Pradhan.
"Easy, Diz," I told Nirmal, as we guided our remotely-guided aerial platforms by means of the tablet controllers that each of us held. "You don't want to drop it too early. They might be able to scoot away and we would miss out on the full effect."
"Just make sure that you bring the other one in low over the back fence and hit the lights at the right time," replied my Indian-born friend. "Once y'all have them focused away from the real threat, then ... bombs away!" He had all but lost his sing-song sub-continent speech rhythm after his six years here in the U.S.; in fact, his living in Tennessee for four of those six years had caused a Southern softening of his pronunciation of English; and the introduction of terms like "Y'All" into his daily lexicon – sometimes he even joked with me that he had learned in Knoxville that "Y'all" was singular and "All y'all" was plural.
The six preteen birthday party girls were now moving around the back yard as they looked up at the Quadrotor hovering over them. It emitted a low hum as it moved a bit in one direction for a short distance, only to hover again. The girls tracked it and followed in order to be under it. It moved again in another direction for approximately twenty meters, and the girls flocked in that direction.
Suspended beneath the Quadrotor drone that moved above them at an altitude of approximately eight meters – the one we called 'Enola Gay' – was a round object with ribbons streaming all around it. We had given the impression to the girls that it was an aerial piñata and that it would drop small candies on them at an appropriate time.
So far, we had kept the other Quadrotor – the one that Diz and I called 'ET' – out of sight. I was the one actually controlling it, and I had it shut down for the time being. It sat in quiet preparation in a small clearing in the woods just on the other side of our back fence.
I had lain my tablet controller down so that I could reach for my bottle of Budweiser Black Crown. I had selected that beer more often lately, since I was feeling a need for the slightly higher alcohol content ever since the unpleasantness of the events surrounding my divorce. But I was not going to get a buzz on today, since I would have to drive later; I just enjoyed the taste of it. Thus, I was limiting myself only to two.
I coughed as I swallowed wrong because of the momentary distraction of HER arrival. I knew that Dee-Dee had invited Donna, my ex-wife, to her party; but it still upset me to see her as she breezed out the back door to the patio as if she owned the place; still the arrogant queen bee, lording over any and all that came within reach of her evil sphere of influence.
She had surprised me, as I had not noticed her car arrive. I had to cough a couple of times to clear my breathing passage of the errant flow of beer that had worked its way in there when she had distracted me for a split-second.
Donna still looked good, but not quite as spectacular as she had looked only a few short months earlier. Her shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, and fantastic body had always been able to get traffic at least to slow down – if not stop entirely. These days, she was still very attractive, but she had put on a little weight that I am sure she resented having. The status that she had claimed for most of her life, since turning fifteen, of being the most attractive female in sight was now in danger of slipping away.
After she had placed a wrapped package on the table that was set aside for Dee-Dee's gifts, she looked over directly at me. At first, showing no expression whatsoever; her face morphed quickly from brief delight to an absence of any emotion; then to a brief moment of sadness, followed by a clear look of resolve to face the moment. She gave a visible sigh as she made an attempt to put on a polite smile of greeting.
"Glenn," was all she said as she walked over to where I was standing.
"Donna," was the limit of my reply as I turned back toward our daughter and her friends.
I made a somewhat successful attempt at dissipating the tension that had crept into my body simply at her mere proximity. She could still stir me up, but it was a different type of stirring these days.
I looked at my watch and noticed that the time would be getting away from me if I were not more careful. I put my beer bottle down and picked up my tablet controller.
"It's time, Diz," I said to my friend standing a few feet away from me with his own controller in hand. With his focus on controlling Enola Gay, I could not tell if he even knew that Donna was here. I knew, though, that, apart from finding her presence here mildly distasteful, he would not really care one way or the other about her being here.
"Okay," he replied, simply nodding as he maneuvered Enola Gay closer to the back of the yard and nearer to the fence.
I picked up my own tablet controller and touched the spot that would activate ET remotely. I could not hear it hum to life just beyond our back yard fence, but I noted the system status indicator in my tablet that informed that all systems were "Go," as they would say at NASA.
With Diz moving Enola Gay around a bit to distract the girls, I lifted off ET from its holding site and sneaked it to an elevation that would just barely clear the trees in its path toward our yard. An inset screen in the lower left portion of the tablet's screen allowed me to see what ET was "seeing" via a miniature camera transmitting over a carrier wave in the wireless frequency band to my controller. With another onscreen set of controls, I could move the camera remotely so that its field of view could swivel in a 360-degree arc on a gimbal mount and even zoom in and out; but that was not really required today. Nor was the remote recording capability built into the tablet controller necessary.
The girls were now so focused on Enola Gay that they did not see ET descend from its altitude as it cleared the last trees en route to our back fence. I heard Donna next to me take a deep breath in her surprise at seeing ET; she was about to shout a warning, when I growled at her.
"Not a peep!" I was not looking at her, but I could tell she was slightly pissed. Up until our divorce proceedings had started, I had not been one to utter a cross word at her, and she was not used to being on the receiving end. I don't know if it was the determination in my voice or her surprised momentary outrage that got her to exhale instead of calling out to the girls and ruining the surprise. I only know that she chose, for her own reasons, to remain quiet as I guided ET remotely over the back fence and moved it nearer to where the girls were grouped – but behind their field of vision.
I touched two spots one after the other on the control screen, rapidly engaging the two capabilities of ET necessary to carry off the surprise.
The two very bright red and green strobe lights began to flash alternately as ET hovered at an altitude that was safely just over head height of the tallest girl in the group. Just a split second later, the sound effect let loose.
"Whoop! Whoop!" came the loud alert that mimicked the chirp of a police cruiser.
The girls screamed and turned in unison to see the frightening display of two bright blinking strobe lights just above and behind where they had been standing. During that moment of paralysis, I heard Diz utter, "Bombs away!" and looked up from my tablet to see Enola Gay release the round, ribbon-festooned object hanging beneath it.
The object had fallen only about a meter when there was a sudden burst from within it with a mild 'POP, ' and the object disintegrated above the heads of the girls. The pieces of ribbon fluttered down all around them, only seconds after the mild drenching they received from the water that had blown out in a six-meter-diameter cone of spray by the compressed CO2 plastic gas burster that had detonated within the balloon. As Enola Gay began its return toward the patio and Diz, I saw the filament with the remnants of the burster dangling below its undercarriage. None of the burster's components had blasted away from it to cause harm to the girls.
"Daaa-Deeeee!" I heard Dee-Dee scream, partially in outrage, and partially in humor, as she turned to see Diz and me laughing at them. I knew she was mostly reacting to being startled by the suddenness of the event that Diz and I had orchestrated. The water spray from the balloon was not of sufficient quantity to mess up their clothing or – heaven forbid – their hair!
Dee-Dee had begun to stomp her way over to where I was standing with Donna in order to express her displeasure, when I heard Donna, next to me, make what sounded like a gagging sound. Turning toward her momentarily, I could see that Donna's eyes were open wide and her mouth was hanging open slightly. She was obviously surprised, but there was something more. That 'something' became apparent as she turned toward me with a look of fury and contempt.
"It was you; you fucking bastard!" she said in a low murmur. Then she stepped close to me and slapped me soundly. It was a good thing that I did not touch the screen of the tablet controller when I reeled back from her strike, or I might have crashed ET or caused it to strike one of the girls as it moved. As it was, ET simply hovered in place.
She got herself a bit more under control and said, "You know, you can be a real class-A sonofabitch some of the time!"
Not known for my witty repartee or my ability to come up with quick comebacks, I surprised myself by responding rather quickly, "You mean as opposed to being a real class-A cheating slut whore bitch ALL of the time?"
Donna's face turned red and she stood very still, contemplating a reenactment of the slap of a minute before. But, as Dee-Dee reached my side and slid her arm around my waist at that moment, Donna got herself a bit under control and squatted slightly in front of Dee-Dee in order to get down to face level with our daughter.
"Happy birthday, Sweetie." She reached out to touch Dee-Dee's shoulder and my daughter let me go long enough to move to her mother and hug her around the waist. Donna, while not looking particularly comfortable with this public display of affection – she had never been one to do the affection bit knowingly with anyone, especially me, in public – nevertheless hugged Dee-Dee to her and said, "I'm afraid that I cannot stay, though. I just came by to bring your present and tell you that I love you; and, of course, to wish you a happy birthday."
Donna sounded pleasant enough, but she was looking daggers at me.
I didn't give a shit any more. And I did not care now whether she had figured out the source of her recent misery or not. I simply reached for my beer bottle and took a swig before putting it down on the table. I then touched the tablet controller's screen and landed ET, followed by touching the screen again to shut down ET's Wankel engine.
Donna turned and began to walk away as Dee-Dee let go of her mother and came back to stand beside me. I guess she was getting to the point in her life where it was not cool to hug your dad around the waist with your friends all standing there as witnesses to all that was transpiring.
Just as Donna reached the patio, Sandy Malloy stepped out the back door to the house and called out, "Who wants cake and ice cream?" The girls all began to run toward the picnic table where all the paper plates and plastic ware were laid out as Sandy set the cake down.
Seeing each other at the same time, Donna and Sandy simply held each other's gaze for a moment. Then, Donna glanced back at me, dipped and shook her head, flipped me the bird – evidently not caring that her daughter and friends might see her do so, and stalked around the side of the house – toward her car in the front, I guessed.
Sandy and I were not a couple now, or anything like that. This is not one of those stories where the cheated-on guy has a bevy of divorcées or office girls – or even junior sisters-in-law – waiting to try him on for size once he is finally divorced from his harpy of a cheating wife. Although, that might have been nice, it was just not the case here. Sandy was the single mom of eleven-year-old Virginia, the BFF of my daughter, Dee-Dee. Sandy had gotten pregnant in high school, but had never married. Seeing that I had my hands full with the party, she had volunteered to stay and help.
Sandy had been over to our house many times over the past three years, either to deliver or retrieve Ginny, or to be part of the 'parental control cell' for one of Dee-Dee's then-little-girl get-togethers where Ginny was invited. So, naturally, Sandy was privy – through her daughter's close association with mine – to more of the details than I would have preferred concerning the crisis that had developed in my marriage and the subsequent dissolution of same over the past year.
After Donna's departure, the girls – along with Sandy, Diz, and me – enjoyed cake and ice cream; followed by the opening of presents; and the dispensing of handfuls of small candies for which the girls had felt cheated a short while earlier, following the event involving the fake piñata and its wet surprise.
After that, Diz and I gave the girls a brief description and demonstration of ET and Enola Gay as we buzzed the two drones around the back yard – of course, the more acceptable term these days is 'unmanned aerial vehicle' or UAV, since the term 'drone' had come into disfavor with civil liberties types objecting to the government's domestic use of military and police versions of them here in the homeland, and against nominal American citizen ex-pats fighting with terrorists against U.S. interests overseas.
While the FAA was still holding off on the approval and licensing of commercial UAVs until 2015, or even later, Diz and I were still doing all the necessary basic research and testing that we could get away with. We routinely maneuvered the two UAVs at minimal altitudes and on private land nearby so that we could be on the cutting edge of the business side of UAVs once the FAA's restrictions were lifted. We probably violated a whole bunch of regs in all of our activities, but we laughingly said to ourselves that we could keep it up as long as we stayed literally 'under the radar' (ha-ha).
We also had foreign contracts and monetary advances for production of more copies – and even more advanced versions – of ET and Enola Gay from Diz' two cousins in India. Those two brothers were already planning to put UAV delivery into effect there, unencumbered by Indian law; something only envisioned publically here in the U.S. so far by the executives at Amazon Dot Com and Domino's Pizza.
The two Indian entrepreneurs also visions of being the commercial leaders for all of South East Asia in the use of UAVs for such things as remote sensing (as in electromagnetic, biological, and chemical sensing). Commercial aerial motion picture filmmaking was also a lucrative field (Bollywood, the home of the Indian film industry, was already clamoring for their products). Add to these efforts those involving oil and gas exploration (and even minerals) and mountain rescue (many climbers coming from all over the world found themselves in need of emergency supplies while awaiting rescue in the Himalayas). We were talking about the potential for big bucks (or Rupees, as the case may be).
I had been rather surprised at the amount of the advance payment and the promise of lucrative remuneration yet to come. After all, Diz and I had only been at this since he had finished his master's work the previous year, while apprenticing with the UAV research program.
The FAA had finally approved extensive UAV research at only three universities: Texas A&M, Virginia Tech, and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. Diz had been part of the program with UAF when he began renting a room from us.
Diz had worked diligently on his graduate degree requirements while he apprenticed at the UAF test sites near Pendleton (just a few miles south of Oregon's border with Washington) and Tillamook (on the Oregon coast, just west of Portland). He had come to us at a time when Donna and I had desperately needed some short-term additional income and had decided to rent space in the house. Diz had been the first to answer the ad and, although Donna had had some initial reservations about renting to a foreigner on a student visa, she had finally caved. Diz had moved in the week after our first meeting.
As my house was in Woodland, Washington – just outside of and north of Vancouver, along the Columbia River – this placed us about three hours from Pendleton and two hours from Tillamook. Diz only had to travel to those sites during the tests; the rest of the time, he had used to complete his postgraduate coursework via telecommuting from my home; but, since the divorce, I was now letting him live there rent-free.
Even though Diz' name was Nirmal, everyone called him Diz, and he did not seem to mind. Someone had learned that the word 'Desi' is a Sanskrit term for the people, cultures, and products of the Indian subcontinent or South Asia. From that point, it was not a far reach to calling him 'Dizzy' or 'Diz.' He had thought about it briefly the first time someone had called him 'Diz' – actually for about five seconds – before smiling and accepting it, realizing that his acceptance of the nickname was congruent with his new friends' acceptance of him as part of our collection of friends and associates.
Before my divorce, I had quietly gotten with Diz, after he had let me in on the potential financial tsunami that was approaching in the field of commercial application of UAVs. I was already having difficulties in my relationship with my then-wife, Donna, especially when it came to finances. She and I had some fundamentally different ideas about spending, saving, investing, and planning for our financial future. Thus, I had quietly gotten my lawyer to help me hide my investments in the UAV research and development that Diz was now doing for his cousins after his release from the NDA associated with his college apprenticeship.
I had been pleased that the terms of my divorce from that... ... from Donna had gone through before the terms of my part of the business agreement with Diz and his cousins had been finalized. That meant that any profits I made from my new business venture were excluded from the divorce settlement; and were out of Donna's reach.
After Dee-Dee's birthday wrapped up, we had dropped off one of Dee-Dee's friends at her house. Now we were driving home with Dee-Dee sitting in the back seat. Dylan was up front with me, bobbing his head and sometimes whispering lyrics as he listened to music via his Smartphone and his earbuds.
"Dad," Dylan asked as he touched his phone screen to halt the music as he spoke. "What does it mean when Elvis Pressley says, 'No such zone'?"
It took me a few seconds to switch gears from thoughts of Dee-Dee's birthday party, Donna's short visit and her somewhat violent outburst, and the aftermath involving taking Dee-Dee's friend home. Now it dawned on me just what Dylan meant.
"Oh, you mean from that old song, 'Return to Sender'?" I asked. He nodded and I continued.
"Your Grandpa Taylor" – my dad – "had to tell me about that when I asked him years ago. He said that when he was a teenager back when Elvis was still alive and young and in his musical prime, the U.S. Postal Service had not introduced Zip Codes yet. Since most towns in America only had one post office, there was no need. But, in the big cities, like Chicago and New York and Los Angeles, there were more than one post office and the cities were divided up into delivery zones corresponding to those post office building locations."
I glanced over at him and saw him look out the windshield and nod his understanding. Then he asked me, "What does it mean when Elvis says he dropped a letter in the mailbox and sent it 'Special Dee'?"
I replied, "These days, when you send a letter or package with special handling instructions, the U.S. Postal Service classifies it as Certified, Return Receipt Requested, Priority Mail, or Express Mail, or something like that. In the days before these came about, any special handling instructions or rush delivery requests came under the heading of 'Special Delivery, ' or – as some folks called it, and as you hear Elvis sing it in that old song – 'Special Dee.'"
Dylan nodded again and resumed listening to his music. I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Dee-Dee was drifting off to sleep after all the excitement of the anticipation of the night before and the exhausting activities involved in the preparation and enjoyment of her birthday party. I could relate. I'd had to go through all of that with her, as well as all the bullshit I'd had to endure with Donna's appearance today.
I shook away my irritation at Donna and looked lovingly at Dee-Dee and thought, 'My little girl – yes, MY little girl – is growing up; just like her brother.'
Then, my thoughts returned to Dylan's question about the Elvis song he had heard on the 'Oldies' channel of his Smartphone's streaming music app. I suddenly laughed out loud, causing Dee-Dee to open her eyes in back and look inquiringly at me in the rearview mirror. Turning my attention back to the road ahead, I continued to chuckle as I thought about that line from the song again.
'Yeah, ' I thought as I remembered the most important message I had ever sent to my now ex-wife.
'I sent it Special Dee... '
The wedding had come suddenly and without a lot of welcome. It was just two weeks after Donna and I had graduated from high school and a couple of months after we had turned eighteen – her in April and me in May.
Donna was pregnant and everyone considered me to be the culprit. Even though I had tried to argue with my dad and hers that she had been seeing at least four other guys while she and I were dating, my dad had asked me if I had actually had sex with Donna. When I ducked my head, looking down to avoid his disapproving gaze, and nodded, he invoked an old time – undocumented and unofficial, but still observed in some hill communities – country legal maxim on me.
'If the originator of a bad check cannot be found, then responsibility lies with the last endorsee.'
A week later, I had to kiss the bride. That was not too difficult, as I had lusted after Donna for over a year, and actually liked her, despite her apparent preference for playing the field across our senior class.
And, to add to that, Donna Swinford really was a beauty. In fact, she had been the most beautiful girl in our high school class ever since she had been a sophomore and her womanly figure had begun to blossom.
And she knew it, too.
Donna had used the power of her looks in many ways during her time in high school. She was considered to be the queen bee around the school. She conquered boys and destroyed other girls with her looks, comments, and attitude; and word had it that she had even seduced a male teacher or two in order to get passing grades – but that last bit had not been confirmed; and, to this day, she had never confirmed it to anyone, as far as I knew. The other things were common knowledge, though.
After we were legally married, Donna's dad had offered to let us use the small apartment over his garage for a place to live while we attempted parenthood, work, and the difficult pursuit of higher education. After our baby boy was born, Donna's mom, while not particularly pleased with our lot in life, was nonetheless more than happy to take care of Dylan for us during the day while Donna worked at her day job and I attended the community college and worked part time in the evening several nights a week.
We might not have had the best of starts as a married couple, but Donna and I grew as a family and began to enjoy our lives together, and we even began to experience the feelings of true love, as far as I could tell. We struggled financially at first. But, Donna and I had reasonably good jobs along the way. With the increase in pay that I got once I graduated from the community college with a degree in business and was hired by a local company, we began to breathe a bit easier.
Our sex life together was amazing in our first year together. I had never had as steady a supply of pussy as I now had as a husband. And Donna, who had enjoyed sex before we got married, was over the top in her enjoyment of our sex life; at least I thought so at the time.
It did not take even a whole two years before our sexual activities began to drop off ever so subtly. We still got together to mess up the sheets quite a bit, but I was already beginning to notice the drop-off in the frequency of sex. And this just happened to coincide with Donna's increase in out-of-home activities – going out with friends at work; assisting a friend of hers with Mary Kay cosmetics parties (and getting a small cut of the hosting fee), and a mothers' walking group.
Only with the last of those three activities was Donna able to include Dylan, as she could push him in the jogging stroller we had found at a thrift store along with the other young mothers and their babies in the group. The other two activities involved my staying at home with my infant, and later toddler, son; or asking Donna's mother to help out whenever I was working or studying.
Anyway, our sexual activity had slackened to perhaps its lowest ebb since before our wedding day, when Donna approached me one night with a concerned look. Dylan, now just past his second birthday, was playing with a stuffed dog at my feet while I studied, when Donna finally spoke up from her seat across the table from me.
"Honey, I'm sorry," she said softly, with a sad expression on her face.
I had to pull my thoughts away from the business finance problem I was doing as homework for one of my classes, so it took me a few seconds to respond to her.
"Sweetie, what are you sorry for?" I asked finally.
"Glenn, I'm pregnant again ... and..." I looked up in surprise; with a true feeling of joy at the news. Donna's expression showed, however, that the situation did not offer a very pleasant prospect for her.
"Honey, that's wonderful news!" I said as I rose and came around the table to give her a hug. She did not stand immediately; instead, making me take hold of her upper arms and pull her up for a hug and kiss. Her enthusiasm may have been off when we began the kiss, but she eventually returned the flicks of my tongue with those of her own.
I made sure that I got it across to her that I was overjoyed at the prospect of being a father again. After all, Dylan had proven to be an adorable child and had not yet experienced the 'Terrible Twos' that we heard about from friends all the time.
In just under nine months from that night when Deanne made her debut in our family. I tell you, that little girl captured my heart right from the moment the doctor had severed the physical connection from her mother, wiped her off, wrapped her, and given her to me to carry to the scales. I was now officially a member of the Mushy Pushover Club, as the father of a daughter; and I did not even know it at the time.
The next day, I commented to Donna, while Deanne was learning to suckle, that the baby must take after her side of the family, as her ear lobes were not at all like those in the Taylor family. Donna had heaved a gasp suddenly and begun crying immediately as I said that.
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[This story was written by request for and about a very wonderful fan. I mean every word of it. Hope you enjoy, babe.]I met Dee in a little pub near my office. I'd just popped in for a drink on my way home, and was sitting at the bar trying to unwind, when my eyes lit on her. Her friends were gone and had left their empties and tips on the table, but she still had half a cooler and a bored look in her eye.She was about 5'5, dark of skin, hair and eye, and the neckline of her shirt dipped low...
The Pantyhose Club's Fancy Night (by Dee) Dee takes part in a special initiation for new members and has an opportunity to sample the members at The Pantyhose Club I had received my invitation giving the date and RSVP for attending our PHC 'Fancy Night.' The invitation explained that there would be specific instructions before attending this special night at the club. I received my first instruction the week of the gathering. That afternoon I was to present myself to a designated...
Hello friend I am Amit Kumar.I am 27 year old Good-looking, 5’10” and Professionally I am Mechanical Engineer working with reputed Company. I am old fan of ISS. Mai is site ko last six year se read kar raha hu. This is my second story. I posted my first story “Punjaban Aunty Ki Chhattisgarh Me Chudai” about three year back. This is may second story both stories are based on real incident happened in my life. This incident happened in month of December 2012.So This story start with a train...
Becoming DeeDee by DeeDee Pauca Chapter One It's hard for me to believe that I lost my parents more that ten years ago. They were killed in an auto accident on June 10th - twelve days after my fourteenth birthday. Obviously, that's a day I'll never forget; to lose one's parents at such an age is traumatic. But I'll also remember the day because it became the first day in a whole new lifestyle. Mom and Dad left only one relative. My Mother's sister Bunny...
CUMSTAINED DEE By Sissydee I My wife was out late one Saturday night, so I decided to do a little cyber on the computer. I hooked up with a woman who wanted to see me with a dildo up my ass. I had never done that before, but the conversation was hot so I thought I would give it a try. I lay back on the bed after I made sure the webcam was in the right spot and slowly started to insert my wife's 8" dildo. It took me a long time, but she was patient with me. Anyway, I...
Hi guys, Me ISS ka daily reader hu,socha ke chalo apne sath gati huwi gatna ap logo se share karu..mera name prince(name change) our me ke 2nd year he padhai kar raha hu,me apni bua ke gar rehke padha karta hu..waha 6 log rehte he.bua our uske husbnd,unke 2 bachche our unke 2 biwiya. Me dusri story ki tarah gumrah nahi karuga,aj tak jitni bhi story padhi he sab me likha hota he mera 8 inch 10 ka lund sab ke sab chutiye he..our 1 ganta chudai karte he.mother fucker he sale. Ab me...
Q: It's become a standard for you to always do interviews naked and masturbating. How come, pun intended? A: (Laughs). I don't know. I just...I just like to play with myself when others watch. And I don't blame you for not joining me, but sometimes they do. Last spring I did this radio show, no adult radio, very mainstream, late in the night and I masturbated on air and convinced one of the male hosts to join in. It was radio, there was no video or photos, but still they got a fucking ton...
Hello everyone, I am Karthik from Bangalore and I am 24 years old. I work for an IT firm. This story is about a real incident where I got to fuck my hot cousin Deepthi. My cousin Deepthi is 6 months older to me. She too is an IT professional and works in Hyderabad. Deepthi’s family shifted from Bangalore to Hyderabad around 15 years back due to her father’s work. We were kids back then. After that, we hardly met each other except in marriage around 7-8 years ago. My cousin was a very studious...
Incest“Ahh Tushant.. Please stop.. Uh.. Please….”, Deepthi pleaded to Tushant, as he was forcibly kissing and licking her neck and rubbed her vigorously down there over her jeans. Tushant and Shashank were classmates in college and they had met for a common friend’s engagement party. Tushant had sneaked out with Deepthi outside the party hall into a corridor. Making sure no one was around, Tushant had pinned Deepthi onto a wall and making out with her. “Don’t say no, Deepthi.. I know you want this as...
It was Sunday afternoon. Deepti walked out of the bathroom. “Will you do my toe nails now?” She asked me , carrying all needed materials in a dainty basket. I looked up from my book and saw the glint in her eye. Yes, I wanted to. Deepti sat in the plush chair across me. I put down my book and Deepti put her right foot between my legs, resting it on my chair, and handed me the basket containing her pedicure materials. I was wearing boxer shorts and a tee shirt. I put the basket on the...
Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and I want to share my real experience with all of you. I work for an MNC company in Houston for last 2 years. In May this year Deepthi joined the onsite team as a local recruit. She is 27, wheatish complexion, 5’5 tall a little bit on the bulkier side and with 36 C boobs, 34 waist and 38 ass ( I measured her). For me, I am tall 6’0. Fair and with muscline body as part of my daily work, Deepthi and I used to work very closely, she always dressed in some...
Hello friends, I am Revati. I am 21 years old. I have good figure 36-24-34. I Have light brown color pointed nipples. I am sharing a incident with you. That was my final year in collage. Due to short of my attendance I was not getting my admit card. One of my friends advice me to meet Pradeep Kumar. He is a very good looking guy. He is also a member of collage union. My friend introduce me to Pradeep. He told me that he will try his best to solve my problem. He take required information about...
Hi friends,my name is SAM. This is my 3rd story in ISS, I got a lot of emails for my previous 2 stories, but after that I lost access to my ISS account and was not able to submit any stories. After a long time I’m back with my new story which happened in my New company where I fucked a lady named Deepthi. She was a little dusky and chubby. Her stats are 34-30-36. This is the story how I fucked her in her flat. Deepthi was my mentor when I joined newly in the company. At first, I had no sexual...
Hii guys this is Akhil from Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories.The story is about how I fucked and lost my virginity to my neighbour and my aunt deepthi. Coming to the heroine of the story her name is deepthi she is so hot that every one would love to fuck her at the first site itself…Her assets are 34-26-36 any one would die for them. All this happened was a month back I am studying my b.Tech in Tamil Nadu I went to a home for Holi holidays then I met my lady who is...
Hello readers, this is my first story here and in fact a true on which happened just a week back. I work for an MNC and my team is a 3 member team. Me the project head, a new trainee who just joined our company a month back and my team leader Deepika. This is a new team and we were looking after a new project. Since the 3rd member is a trainee for official client meetings, me and Deepika had to attend. Every time the client discussion will be through video conferencing and this time the client...
Na peru surya age 23 height 5.4 average boy.Nenu iss telugu sex stories stories ki pedda fan.Indulo maa pakkintlo unde deepatho naa first sex experience chebuthanu. Madi oka marumula gramam . Ma inti pakkane oka family undedi , andulo husband naku varusaku thatha avuthadu, wife rajitha and oka ammayi deepa. Inka kathaloki velithe naaku 8th class nundi sex mida interest perigindi.Nenu inter 2nd year lo unnapudu okaroju nenu college nundi madhyahnam (afternoon) intiki vaccha. Maa intiki kontha...
1. Deedee was brimming over with excitement, and a little trepidation, as she finished her shower and other activities in preparation for getting dressed. She took extra time because she wanted everything to be perfect. Her BFF Mimi was coming over tonight, and they were going to go out to dinner at a restaurant picked by Mimi and then a show Deedee had selected (Kinky Boots). Now, this might not seem so unusual for a couple of BFF girlfriends, but Deedee was a 'special' girl. 'I hope...
Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...
Hi! Dosto mera naam Raj hai, aur mai 24 saal ka ek gabru jawan ladka hoo aur main Delhi se belong karta hoo. Mai ISS ko pichle 4 saal se pad raha hoo, aur mujhe iske sare stories pasand aate hai, khaskar incest stories jisme bhai-behan ke pyaar/choodne ke bare me bataya gaya hai. Meri ye story meri cousin sister Deepika ke bare me hai, aur ye koi story nahi hai balki meri life ka ek real insident hai jo ki mai share karne ja raha hu. Khair mai apna insident batatahu jo ki mai story ke taur pe...
Hi all, this is Karthik from the city of destiny. As this is my first story I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes.Any girl from vizag want to hang up kindly contact my mail and discretion is absolutely guaranteed. Guys this is a romantic and a soft-core story so dont expect big things at the initial story itself and I am sure this story will make u cum. Now coming back to the story this is about Deepthi whom I met on facebook.I was a regular use of facebook I saw her on db fb and I gave her...
Hi, i am john from b’lore. This story is about how i fucked deepthi.. She is 5.7h and a fig of 34.28.34 and age 21.. Im 5.8h and age 19 with a 6 inch.. Deepthi used to come to our house every weekends as she was staying in hostel.. I dint have any sexual desire on her as i thought tat she was good and was not interested in such things.. One Friday as usual she had come to our house.. We chatted for some time and later i went to my room and closed the door.. My mother at that time went top to...
Hi all readers of iss, this is Vikas, I am writing my second sexperience, let me remind u my first story ” sweet sex with maid”, here I am coming back with my real encounter with my cousin Deepika in 2010 on the way to Hyderabad to Bangalore. After transferring from Hyderabad to Bangalore, life got bit more spiced up with new colleagues and friends, I was looking forward for someone to hang out with and have serious fun and sex, myself, I am medium built height 5’9″ and weighs around 75...
IncestFifteen minutes later, Cassy was getting tired of waiting. She wondered what was up. Puzzled. Then Daddy came in, followed by Mommy. Cassy suddenly remembered that yesterday was the day she was the Boss, not today. But, she thought to herself, I’m gonna get a hundred bucks every time they want to fuck me. Cassy didn’t really need the money, or even especially wanted the money since she was happy to get fucked by Mommy or Daddy whenever they wanted, it was so fun. But… she just...
I am a little overweight, plus somehow not that tall, so I had no ambitions in being the stud doctor or womanizer media usually presents. Nevertheless, I was quite handsome, and as smart as Einstein. The institute, meanwhile, was just loaded with hot chicks and sexy females, including employees, nurses and service girls. One of the hugest seductions for me was nurse Deena. She was my surgery clinic nurse, she was brown-colored, curvaceous, hot as hell, divorced, BBW chick. She was in...
Hi, this is Shiva from Hyderabad. This story is with my cousin deepa. Reading the Indian stories in the related websites which are very much arousing. Anyway is my story with deepa which happened when I was in college. If you like it please mail me at and I you Have any comments to deepa, you can mail her at as she had commanded me to the story on the net for the ladies who are interested to have sex with me. As it would interesting if we use some local language for the people of Andhra...
IncestHello there readers. This is the first time I am writing. Sorry for the mistakes and hope you enjoy. Before I start let’s just know me. I am a 25 yr old techie working in Bangalore who was born and raised in Delhi and whose native is Kerala. Got good humor sense and knows how to woo any girl. Lean built, 5ft 6in tall with a 6inch tool. This story dates back to the time when I was in 11th grade. I had just turned 18 and was living a happy carefree life. I was pretty much sexually active too and...
This is a real story happend . I was then 27 years old .i met deepa ,she is our neighbour lived with her 6year old daughter , (which is next to our house) as tenants . Then her age would be around 33 years and a divorcee. She was from gujarat. She was fair and looks like yester years south indian actress gowtami. The moment i saw her i got attracted to her. As our houses were side by side. We introduced ourselves, talked for an hour she asked my mum about vegetable market and groceries shop....
Hi, I am Neel 22 years old from Mumbai and I will narrate you my experience with two sexy sisters. It is really a true story, and it happened with me around 6 months’ back. I was in Pune and not too far from house lived two girls Pinky and Deepa. Let me describe you Pinky a little. She is 5″ 7′ very fair and sexy, cute and decent with long black hairs till her waist and she is really very beautiful. Actually, I was thinking of proposing Pinky, who is 20 years old and very beautiful. One day I...
Hi again. This is Aryan from Orissa. Hope you’ve read about my first experience with chinky. Http:// Well as I told there that we broke up after two years when I was in 12th. I also wrote about another friend who I felt that she had some feelings for me during the project. This story is about her-Deepa. She met me when I was moving in the new supermarket -big bazaar here. I was looking at some chocolates when she came up to me and said hi. Aryan, long...
Hello guys, this Kishore. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s begin. I will start by introducing myself. I am Kishore, good-looking guy. I have a 6 inches long tool that can satisfy anyone on the earth. A brief description of myself. I am 180cm tall with a good body. I go to the gym and play professional cricket. I tend to attract girls due to my good looks and my down to earth character. Girls like me because I give them respect and treat them fairly....
IncestAdventures with Delicious DeeDeeThe day had finally arrived...and long overdue it was for James and Dee.It had been over three years ago that James and Dee had first met virtually through XHamster, sharing thoughts, desires, fantasies arousing each other. Then there had been a break of many months, but reconnecting again both quickly resumed their sharing and lust for one another, they were kindred spirits separated by circumstance and geography, but not today. Today their mutual passions and...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Hello friends this is my first sex story so please forgive me for any mistakes. Please send your feedback to I am interested in girls and woman.So who wish to have a personal chat with me can send mail to above email id. I don’t want to waste your time so directly coming to the story. I am rajesh 5.9″ height slim, and having a dick of 8 inch height and 3 inches wide. Basically I am from nellore, andhra pradesh. Currently working for an it firm and living in a pg in btm 2nd stage bangalore.My...
Hi friends again Harish from Coimbatore. Thanks for your comments in previous story.if any girls or aunties need free haircut,facial,waxing ,sex etc can mail me to the below mail mail address is .com. Please feel free to message. This story is about a newly married girl who starved for sex.lets begin the story. My self of age 22 average height and weight and had did a beautician course( not working as beautician). I have average athletic body with good size dick which every ladies...
In the late 70's I met a handsome and hung black soldier from Aberdeen Proving Grounds in a bar that catered to mostly a black clientele.EXACTLY my kind of place.I had prepared carefully before I sashayed in that night swinging my creamy white ass atop 4 inch heels.Smoky eye shadow above a dark green that brought out and emphasized my hazel eyes,red lip-stick matching my toes and long acrylic fingernails.My bra was filled with Double DD silicone breast forms,that when warmed by my body...
Hi, this is Amit . This is my first story which is a real life incident and a fabulous experience. Hope you guys enjoy it too. I’m from Mumbai, 34 yrs old, 5’10’’, wheatish, athletic built, attractive (as women tell me), married and have a 5 yr old kid, a beautiful wife, although my sex life is below average, add to that my appetite for sex and it turns out unsatisfactory. I work with a big MNC in Mumbai, taking care of the Advertising & Communication function. My job involves me interacting...
Hello ISS readers, I am new to this site and after reading all the stories posted here, I thought to post my story too. This is a real life incident that happened before 3 years. Let me describe about myself first, i am Ramesh, good looking and average built man and I had been doing my UG degree when this wonderful incident happened. It all started when my sister’s friend named Deepa (name changed) who was doing MBA came to my home for doing her project. Since she (she refers Deepa) hadn’t got...
Hello everyone, hope you guys are staying safe and healthy. Thank you guys for your valuable feedback on my previous stories. Today, I am going to tell you how I fucked my mom. Coming to the story, we are a family of three. Mom, dad, and me. My name is Abhi. I am 22 and a virgin. My height is 5’10. I have a decent 6-inch tool which made my mom go crazy for me. Coming to my mom, her name is Deepthi. She is 43 years old. She is 5’6. Her skin tone is quite fair and most importantly, she is a thick...
IncestHi folks I am Goldy from new delhi back to this site after 3 years. I thought of sharing my real life hot experience with you all. I am fond of chatting on net, with hot girls. I am pretty good at cyber / phone sex, and have many female friends, who just go crazy discussing hot things with me, and we virtually have sex online. In one such encounter I met a girl called Deepa. She was from Ludhiana. It started of with a normal conversation, and soon it became quiet open, and we started discussing...
Hi friends this is pradeep again, thanks for your comments and support for my pervious stories which was fictional but now i am going to tell my real experience with Priya Mittal the hot sexy, hot housewife who stays in pune which is 800 kms far from Bangalore, ok i like to make short and want to submit it to readers and it was my priya’s choice. So for her i am writing by keeping my dick hard. Already i wrote 2 stories with her boy friend and with her husband now with me. I received 3 mails...
IncestHello dosto, mera naam Shalu hai. Meri age 31 ha. Mai married hoon aur mere do bache bhi hain. Mera fig hai 36-34-38. Maine bahut si sites pe bahut si kahania padi hain is liye mera bhi man kiya ki main bhi aapni kahania aap logon se share karoon is liye main bhi aapni kahani aap logon ke samne lekar hajir hoon. Main up ki rehne wali hoon. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab main 18 sal ki thi. Mere ghar main mere mumy papa ek bada brother aur main rehte the. Meri badi si ki marrige ho chuki thi. Main...
Hi all Saifulla is here. Please do read all my stories This story is narrated by my friend abhijit… Sab usko abhi bolte hain… Now abhi’s story started here Hi everyone abhijit here I’m from pune meri family bahot chhoti hai mai,mom,dad & ek sister jo mujhse 4 saal badi hai Wo b.Com pass hai Aur mai abhi b.Com kar raha hoon Ye story 1 saal pehle ki hai jab Didi 23 saal ki thi aur mai 19 yrs ka… Us din didi ko ladke wale dekhne aa rahe the.. Jab… Didi ka naam soniya hai aur hum pyar se sab...
Hello everyone! Mera naam rao hai mai kanpur ka rahne wala hu yeh kahani meri aur rashmi aunty ki hai. Rashmi aunty hamare ghar se thoda door rahti thi par wo hamari family friends hai. Mai rashmi aunty ko tab se pasand karta tha jab se mai 12th std mai tha. Aunty ki age 39 thi. Aunty ek dum jabardast thi. Mote mote chuche thodi fatty aur unki jabardast chuttad. Unke gand ka to mai deewana tha. Kai baar mai unke ghr jata to vo mujhe pyar se hug karti chicks par kiss karti. Issi mauke ka fayda...
Hello Friends, mera naam sammer h or main ISS ki stories daily padhta hu or mujhe bhut psnd aati hain sab and meri family me main mumy, papa, 1 bhai or 1 bhan hain or m sbse chota hu. Sbse jyada mujhe auntiyo, bhabhiyo wali stories psand hain. Phle main apne bare me btana chahunga main Delhi University se (hons.) maths kr rha hu or Delhi me Laxmi Nagar me rhta hu. Meri height 5’10” hain or athletic body hain, colour thoda sawla hain. Ye story meri or meri neighbour me rhne wali bhabhi ki...
Reddit Deepthroat, aka r/Deepthroat! is once again at it, and this time around, they have a really sick subreddit that ThePornDude feels is worth my time for a review. This is a pretty big community, and there’s no way any porn enthusiast would miss it, especially if you’re a sucker for Reddit NSFW sites. As you can probably figure out, the main focus of this subreddit is on ladies that really love to have massive cocks or dildos stuffed down their throats just like the cock-starved...
Reddit NSFW ListThis story is divided into three parts. In the first part, I will tell you about myself, in the second part I will tell you about my intimate relationship with my sister and in third part, I will tell you how it all began. First Part Hi, I’m Aryan age 20. I’ve 8.2″ inch dick. I have a very sexy and kinky sister, a really hot mother, and a needy neighbor. I’ve fucked them all and I’ll tell you the story about my mother and neighbour on another day, today is all about my sister Deepika. Second...
IncestThere’s nothing like getting deepthroated by a horny babe. Feeling her throat open up as she takes you all in is just fucking amazing. And I’m sometimes jealous of you micro-dicked fucks. You’re much more likely to find a babe who will deepthroat your cock when it barely reaches a slut’s goddamn tonsils. I have it harder. There are very few whores who can bulge their throats wide enough to take my forearm-sized hog. But, oh man, it’s like finding a soulmate when I finally do come across a babe...
Free Sex GamesIntroduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...
She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...