Special Needs
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Juliette held her daughter’s hand while she drew the flower. ‘Flower,’ she repeated patiently.
Simon smiled from across the too short table as he assisted his son. ‘Car,’ his deep, sexy West Texas drawl caressed her skin.
Her nipples hardened inside her plain white bra. ‘Get a grip,’ she chastised herself. She had no business lusting after the super hot single dad, who had recently joined their special needs homeschool group. Looking up, she saw five other pair of eyes watching the man’s every move.
She frowned. She and Simon were the only single parents in the group, but evidently his charms were so obvious that the married moms felt the need to look as well. She should be relieved that she was simply responding to a handsome male like all the others, so why did she feel jealous? It was not like she had any claim to the man.
She looked down at her tattered and dusty jeans. Her t-shirt too was stained, spaghetti sauce from Sammie’s breakfast, toothpaste and now bright pink paint. Juliette could not remember the last time that she wore something nice. Probably more than a decade ago, before Sammie was born with Downs Syndrome. Another lifetime, when she had a career in real estate, a husband and got laid with some regularity.
But Sammie’s birth had changed all that. The responsibility of caring for a special needs child meant that returning to her career was out of the question, not that real estate was that great a career choice any more. The strains of parenting their special little girl had been too much for their unusual marriage as well. Any child would have strained her husband’s ideal of an open marriage that included swinging, regularly sharing her with other men and of course numerous affairs.
Juliette had gone from wild, worldly woman with more cock than she could handle and the occasional pussy to super mom that had not gotten laid in so long that she could barely remember.
Trouble was she remembered all too well, three summers ago. The young Mexican handy-man that was fixing her barn. She had put Sammie down for her nap and gone out to see how things were going. It had quite literally been a quick roll in the hay, she smiled.
Oh, well, thank god for the Internet, she thought. She had several sites saved to her favorites. She chuckled, wondering what the other upright Christian moms in the group would think if they knew that she regularly visited place like Kitty’s Klimax and Cyberstudly. But then again watching them hyperventilate over Simon, she figured they had no right to talk. She wondered though how far they would go, would they drop their drawers for the man as the saying goes.
She looked up at him once more. His slightly greying hair was a tad long, but then again she knew how hard just getting a haircut could be with a special child in tow. There were soft laugh lines around his eyes and mouth that only enhanced his smile.
But by far it was his towering six foot three inch frame of solid lean cowboy that had everyone salivating over Mister Studly. It was sinful the way soft denim hugged and caressed his tight ass. Hell, if the other bitties were not watching, she would be tempted to cop a feel. Smiling, she wondered what he would think.
She realized suddenly that his light blues eyes were studying her, returning her gaze that she knew was way too bold for this situation. She dropped her eyes to the paper.
Sammie was smiling with delight at the pink grass, purple cows and blue sun on it. She clapped and bounced up and down in her chair. ‘Ow,’ she proclaimed holding up the picture.
‘Yes, sweetie, cow. Purple cow. Is our cow purple?’ she asked.
Her daughter shook her head, ‘Ow-n.’
Juliette kissed the top of her child’s head, ‘That’s right, brown.’ Tears clouded her vision. Forget hot studs, she would not have her life any other way.
‘Well, folks, that is it for this week. Thank you all for coming and see you next Tuesday,’ said the officious woman who organized the weekly group. Her husband was pastor of the church in which they met, but that had not stopped her from sneaking a couple of eye fulls when she thought no one was looking, thought Juliette.
Sometimes she thought it would be best if she took Sammie and left this place. Small town hypocrisy got under her skin. But she knew it was an impossible dream, unless she won the lottery. They were only able to make ends on Sammie’s disability because Juliette’s grandmother had given her the tiny ranch outright before her death. So they were stuck and Juliette learned how to smile nicely and pretend to be as vanilla as all the people around her.
She lead Sammie to the beaten up old pick-up. The Internet was good for something other than porn, she reminded herself to stop and pick up oil and a new filter. They had to keep Ole’ Betsy going another few thousand miles.
She was buckling Sammie into her seat when she felt the light pull on her shirt. She turned to look down at Bobby, Simon’s eight year old Autistic son. ‘Hello, Bobby,’ she said as he studied the light brown dirt that hung to everything in these parts.
‘Bobby was wondering if Sammie would care to join us for lunch at Mickey Dee’s,’ smiled her fantasy man.
She thought about the oil change and all the other chores that needed to be done just to keep even a small ranch going. She knew that she should graciously decline. What good would an hour in this man’s company do other than remind her of all the things she could no longer have?
On the other hand, it might also feed her active imagination. Her nightly ritual of porn of masturbation was getting a bit stale. Maybe she could come up with some excuse to brush up against the guy, to work her sex-starved body up to a frenzy and add excitement to her otherwise perfunctory substitute for real sex.
She nodded, ‘Sure that sounds good.’
He smiled and those soft lines tugged at her gut, ‘Great, just follow us, then.’ He said as he took his son’s hand and half drug the boy back to the new SUV. She frowned, out of her league on so many levels. Handsome and rich, too bad, she sighed as she got into the driver’s side and started the engine.
Almost two hours later they sat laughing and talking like old friends surrounded by paper wrappers and half empty cups. Juliette had learned that Simon was a ‘fly boy,’ a former Air Force pilot that had traded his jets for the red-eye run from Lubbock to Dallas. He was lucky to have his sister nearby and she would stay with Bobby at night while his father worked.
She had also learned that the child was not autistic as she had first thought, but that he suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS. Simon had been deployed so often during the first years of his marriage that it was not until his son was born that he learned of his ex-wife’s secret drinking. When he came home one day to find the infant crying and his wife passed out, he had made the decision to retire, care for his son full-time.
Of course, he had learned her story too. Abandoned by the ex, taken in by her grandmother and struggling to do the best she could by Sammie. She had though left out a few of the saucier details. No one in this small town knew of her past.
He smiled and covered her hands with his, ‘You know this is the best first date I’ve had in a long time.’
She frowned, ‘Is this a date?’
He chuckled, ‘Probably as close to one as we can get with those two. Although if my sis is up to double trouble, I’d really like to take you out to dinner and movie on Friday. I don’t fly the weekend routes.’
She fidgeted in her seat. A date? A real date? it was not something that was on her radar. How could it be? She had long ago given up on any possibility of a life, beyond the occasional random screw when she could find the chance. She should be through the roof and she was, really she was. But some part of her was scared too. Frightened to eve
n believe that more was possible. She sighed, torn between hope and despair. But she found herself nodding anyway, ‘I’d like that.’
Which is how on Friday night she found herself prancing in front of the full length mirror in Sammie’s room. ‘Prutty, prutty Mommy,’ Sammie bounced at the end of her bed.
Juliette shook her head as she looked in the mirror, she sure hoped that her daughter’s assessment was accurate. The woman staring back at her certainly seemed attractive enough. Her light brown hair flowed about her face in soft curls, she had forgone the usual functional ponytail and dug deep into the cupboard for her blow dryer.
She had pulled out her make-up case while she was in there. She probably should have bought new as old as this stuff was. She just hoped that her face did not swell up like a sponge in the middle of their meal from some dormant bacteria or degraded chemicals. But she had neither the money or the time to waste for such things, not for a single night.
A single date. All right, her first date in close to two decades, but that did not matter. The point was to not get used to it. Not get her hopes up. She was a single mother with a special needs child, she had long ago accepted her lot in life. This night was just an aberration.
She smoothed her trembling hands down the front of her dress. She hoped it was not too revealing. Well, it certainly was for the occasional trip to church that was mandatory when you lived in a small Texas town. It had been her little black dress in that other life. The one that looked professional and sexy at the same time. The hem was a good three inches above the knee, a major no-no for this place. The back was scooped out so low that you could see her dimples just above her butt, the butt that its soft silk caressed like a second skin.
But by far the deeply plunging neck line that revealed the ample swell of her C-cup breasts was the reason that this dress had been relegated to the very back of the closet only to be looked at with longing when she was searching for something else. But not this night. This night she had pulled it from the depths of hell, allowed it to air on the clothes line and sprayed it lightly with some of that new freshener stuff to restore its former glory.
Of course, it was not possible to wear any underwear with such a dress. Good thing too since she did not have anything sexy left. Plain white bra and bikini panties would never do with something like this. She blushed as she remembered with embarrassment asking the woman in Wally World where she might find a pair of stockings. Not pantyhose, but stockings. The black sheers hugged her still shapely legs and ended at the top of her thighs. They had been her one splurge for this fantasy date.
Them and a bottle of depilatory. Somehow shaving just had not seemed good enough. She wanted her legs silky smooth even if they were covered in stockings. What had surprised her was when she found herself slathering the pink thick paste over her pussy. It had been so long since she had bothered with such things. What was the point? Why keep it nice and smooth if no one was going to be down there? Eating and fucking. She shivered at the thought. ‘Enough, girl,’ she reminded herself. ‘It is just a date. A single date.’
Her thoughts were cut off by the loud knock at the front door. They had agreed that Simon’s sister would watch they children at her house since Bobby was far more adaptable to changes in his routine than Sammie. She rushed to the door, but her daughter was faster. She threw it open and hugged her friend, ‘Obby, obby,’ she cried with glee. The woman that stood next to the boy was far younger than she had assumed. The girl looked to be in high school, perhaps a freshman in college. She frowned, reconsidering if this was such a good idea. Could she really manage two children?
‘I’m Regina. Don’t worry about the munchkins. I’m a teacher’s aid and work with special needs children everyday,’ she said as if reading Juliette’s mind.
Simon put his hand on the young woman’s shoulder, ‘I couldn’t manage without Little Sis. I promise everything will be fine.’ His eyes travelled from her face slowly down her body, ‘Although not as fine as you look.’
She blushed and stammered out a ‘thank you.’ The next fifteen minutes or so were spent with Regina, the children trailing behind as she showed the young woman where to fin everything. She had made spaghetti which was Sammie’s favorite and told her exactly how her daughter preferred it.
The girl smiled up at her, ‘We’ll be fine. I’ll call Simon’s cell if anything happens. But please would you two get out of here. This is my brother’s first date in five years. I’m not holding out much hope of him getting laid tonight, but just so you know I don’t mind staying over if you two should want to,’ she trailed off as Juliette blushed.
The low chuckle from behind her and the large warm hand that came to rest at the small of her back only deepened her embarrassment. Simon bent and kissed the top of his sister’s head, ‘We will take that under advisement. Especially as delicious as my date looks, baby sister. Now good night you two,’ he smiled at his son and her daughter but they were already engrossed in the super hero video that played on her old television set.
As the front door clicked closed behind them, his hand moved from her lower back to her shoulder. He spun her slowly around, his hands gripping her upper arms. She shivered a bit.
‘Are you cold? Do you need a jacket?’ he purred. His face was just inches from hers.
She shook her head, ‘No, I’m fine,’ she stammered. ‘Hot, it’s too hot,’ she breathed as he closed the small distance between them.
‘You are too hot,’ he purred against her parted lips as he swooped in to capture them with his. His tongue delved inside her mouth, dancing against hers. She moaned into his mouth when his hand came up to squeeze her breast through the soft silk. He pulled back slowly, his hand still covering her tit as he stared into her eyes. ‘How far do you go on the first date?’
She gritted her teeth, ‘Feed me after you fuck me, but right now my pussy juices are practically dripping down my thighs.’
He laughed. It was deep and rich. ‘Damn, who would have thought I’d find a real woman in this hell hole?’ His hand went back to the small of her back as he guided her to the SUV. He lifted her into the passenger seat. She started to pull her dress down when it rode up too high, but his hands brushed hers away. Instead he pulled it higher still until her freshly shaven pussy winked in the fading summer sun. ‘Leave it like that,’ he commanded.
Juliette nodded, suddenly feeling more shy than she had in a very long time. What was she thinking? What was she doing? Having fun. Being a woman for once instead of simply Sammie’s mother. She would not allow recriminations to spoil this one magical night for her. She would grab whatever it offered with glee and deal with tomorrow when it came.
He climbed into the driver’s seat. ‘God damned stick shift. I can’t get you close enough to play with that sweet pussy properly, baby.’ He took her hand in his and kissed the palm softly. Then he laced their fingers together and slowly trailed their joined hands up from her knee to the edge of her dress. He looked at her as he moved them to cover her mound, ‘So you are going to have to do it for me. I want you to play with that pretty little kitty for me, but don’t come. I want to give you the first orgasm of the night myself.’
His thick fingers speared her wet, swollen cunt. He moved them inside her for a moment. She felt the intense pleasure and need building, knew that with just a little more she would come right here, right now. But he drew his hand back slowly, leaving hers alone on the wanton opening.
His eyes held her gaze as he brought his fingers to his lips, he stuck them deep into his mouth. She imagined doing the same thing to his cock, suck
ing it deep down her throat until she gagged.
He slowly pulled them out with a smile, ‘Delicious. But you’ll taste even sweeter after I deposit a couple of huge loads up there.’
She shivered, her nipples aching. ‘What the hell are you waiting for? Let’s get out of here or I’m going to drag your ass to my barn and fuck you in the hay.’
He shook his head, ‘Hell, no, woman. I want us miles from our kids cause I intend to make you scream so loud that the whole damned town will hear.’
She blushed, ‘Maybe we better find a gag, I don’t think this town is ready for me.’
He laughed again and once more her breasts tightened, growing heavy with need. ‘Us, baby. Not sure it is ready for us. Oh god, the things I want to do to you.’ He turned the key and the car roared to life just as her body was. ‘So tell me your limits while you play with yourself.’
‘Limits? I don’t have many. The really disgusting stuff. No kids. No incest. No crap, and I mean quite literally. No piss either. And of course, no dead people or animals,’ she said as her fingers danced across her swollen clit. She knew that first dates were not supposed to go like this, but then again she really did not care. After her long dry spell she would take her relief wherever she found it.
‘What about anal?’ he asked as he took one hand off the steering wheel. She noticed he used it to adjust his cock that was bulging down one leg of his pants. He moaned a bit as if it hurt.
‘From the look of things in your pants, I’m not so sure. I have done it, but never with anything that big.’
He nodded, ‘It’ll just take some time, get you good and worked up. Stretch that sweet ass out with a plug for a while as I eat your pussy. I think you’ll be surprised at how good my cock will feel up your tight ass. Exhibitionism? What if I wanted to fuck you under the bleachers at the school? Or out in a field somewhere? What if I pulled over right now? Would you climb over here and ride my hard cock?’
She shoved her fingers deep inside as she moaned, ‘Yes, oh god, yes.’
Instead his hand covered hers, pulling it from between her thighs. ‘I told you not to come. Only my fingers, my tongue. My cock. Are going to give you pleasure from now on.’
She shook her head, ‘I don’t understand. What do you mean from now on?’
He smiled as he pulled up in front of a two story wood frame house on the outskirts of town. He sucked her fingers inside of his mouth, licking her juices once more. ‘Come on. I want to show you something.’ He opened his door and walked around to hers. She shook her head. This was not how a date was supposed to go, not a first date.
Of course, how could she blame Simon when she had been the one that told him he could feed her after he fucked her? But maybe she had been rash, Maybe she should just call the hole thing off. He opened her door, ‘Don’t worry, sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine now. I promise.’
He held out his large hand and for the life of her, Juliette wanted to believe him. Wanted to think that for once everything would be all right. She numbly took his hand and followed him up to steps to the wide porch that wrapped about the house. Dozens of questions assailed her mind but her tongue was too thick to form a single word.
He stood back and ushered her into his home. Looking around once more she was struck at how out of her league this man was. The place was perfectly decorated, immaculately cleaned. He closed the door. The soft click sounded like a resounding boom and she jumped. His hands took hers, cocooning them in warmth. She looked up into his handsome face, felt cherished and protected somehow. Although she was alone with a man she barely knew she could not remember the last time she had felt this safe. Perhaps never.
‘Follow me,’ he purred as he led her down the hall. She smiled when she noticed the toys strewn about what was obviously the family room. ‘Pardon the mess, but Bobby can never find anything if I put them away.’
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The low, soft hum of the Quadrotor drone was drowned out by the squeals of delight of the children who had been invited to Dee-Dee's twelfth birthday party. Parents for Dee-Dee's five invited friends had dropped them off earlier and now all six of the girls were playing in our back yard as they awaited the announcement that the cake and ice cream were ready. I sighed as I thought about that – OUR back yard. Yeah, it had been OUR back yard up until the final divorce decree about two...
© 2002 Couture "You do remember our anniversary is next week, don't you?" Amy asked. "Of course I do, honey," I replied, trying to keep from raising my voice, which would let her know for sure I was lying. "Well, have you got me anything yet?" "You know I can't tell you that." "Why not?" she said, putting her arm around me and stroking my love handle. "Because of that," I said. "You won't stop at anything to find out what I'm getting you." "Well, just in case you...
I'm a truck driver. Yeah, yeah I know one of those big slow things you hate to get behind but I really don't care. You see I have a job to do and if it weren't for us truck drivers what would you use to wipe your ass? Think toilet paper grows on trees? But that's not important. What I'm going to tell you is very important. There is this corner way out in the desert I drive by every day. Unless it rains, I see the hot dog stand with an umbrella giving shade to the woman selling them. For...
Amy Choi stood by the open window of her 16th floor apartment and watched the sun slowing fade beneath the horizon. It was Friday night and the 36-year-old Korean was not looking forward to another night of what the television networks insisted in calling 'must see TV.' She really hated the winter, with darkness falling as soon as she got home. That and the long hours she had been putting in at work lately had given her a first class case of the blues. She'd left work early in order to...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. ‘Thanks for the ride, Mike,’ he called. ‘No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?’ ‘I’ll be ready.’ Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He...
It was early Sunday afternoon and the sun was shining, my wife Hannah was waltzing around the house in a red summer wrap dress. It was short and very low cut, Hannah knew it was one of my favourites and I could tell by the look in her eye that she was feeling frisky and teasing me.We had purchased a Victorian pine table and Hannah was leaning over it seductively for my benefit wiping it down. I could see from her dress line that she had no knickers on and her cavorting was having a big...
It's late. You just arrived home and relief washes over you. It was such a long day at work. You had to finish a booking task tonight for a deadline, all you want to do is curl up in our bed and relax. Have a smoke, maybe watch some latenight talk show. I'm out of town at my brothers bachlor party and you miss me. It was a guy only party but your still dissapointed you couldnt join me. -You think its only been one day, and he'll be back tommorrow by lunchtime.Beginning to walk through...
Special Encounter, an erotic story as told by photo model Julie Starr.Julie: Okay, so this wasn't my first bi-sexual encounter, (remind me to tell you about that one some other time though, hehe) but this one was surprisingly exceptional for a variety of reasons, as you will see.I am a happily bi-sexual girl and thoroughly enjoy the best of both worlds. This story was an experience that was one of those wonderful adventures you remember for a long long time. It has already brought a smile to my...
Please note this is a work of fiction that contains many adult themes, including transformation of one sex into another. It is intended to be read by persons who are of age as defined by their local laws. If you are not in that category stop now. This story also contains elements of human trafficking and forced prostitution which in real life this author considers to be disgusting. For information about real life human trafficking and how to help stop it visit this website: It was...
My thanks to, SexySara, someone I met briefly online who inspired this story. Although never mentioned by name in the narrative, she is the one who leads me out on the evening's adventure, and she is the immediate audience for the narrative as I recount to her the events that brought us to where we are today. It is Friday night, and we go out, both of us dressed fabulously. We don't look cheap. Our image is much more high-priced call girl than street whore. We are two classy babes,...
Special Delivery Special Delivery Part I She was there. In my bed. And I didn?t know how she got there, who she was. But she was there just the same. And she was stunning. Not just stunning, either, exquisite, spectacular, a one of a kind specimen?at least in my book. I turned around quickly and looked at the door as it closed behind me. I stepped back through it and looked at the numbers on the door. 4-C. Yes. That is my apartment number, or at least it was when I left this morning. I...
We made our way home from our "wedding." The next day at work Alissa got things going (Yes, already. She was excited). She spoke to the Doctor first thing in the morning and he sent a request for me to go get blood work done at the local clinic before I met with him. I met with the doctor a week later and he became my new family doctor. He made me sign a few things that I was okay with hormones etc, which I agreed to. He asked me to strip and put on the gown while he left and then came...
Alissa came to me the next day and said, "I'm so excited! I booked us for a week at Beaches Turks and Caicos! They have a great scuba program and it's all-inclusive, so we don't have to worry about a thing! I booked the last week of October, we have 3 months to shop and make sure we have the right outfits. How exciting is that, Amy?" I excitedly said. "That's awesome Alissa, I always wanted to dive there, it's supposed to be amazing" she quickly agreed and said, "I knew you always wanted...
The afternoon sun was just beginning to sink below the mountain peaks as Jamie sat on the back deck sipping her coffee and breathing in the crisp cool mountain air. She was in heaven sitting there in a cozy rocking chair with a throw blanket draped over her legs, her feet propped up on the rail. She and Brian had only been here a couple of hours, but wow – were those hours magical. She shivered thinking about the way they had made love earlier. She pictured her naked body braced against the...
EroticDanielle set down her reading and got up to answer the front door. When she opened it, there was a special delivery courier with a small package in one hand and a clip board in the other. "Special delivery for a Miss D. Steele," he intoned boredly. "I'm Danielle Steele, but I didn't order anything," she replied quizzically. "Well, it's addressed to you, if you don't want it I'll just return it as undeliverable, it's your choice," he answered quickly. "Uh, no, that's all right, I'll take it,"...
EroticAMY NEEDS Sometimes life can be real strange. Often some of the strangest behaviourstirs from deep inside us and manifests itself as our sexual urges. A bewilderingmix of our past experiences and our present desires. My wife, Amy and I have been married for almost 20 years. Our sex life isalways interesting, with mild bondage, spanking, and other variations, andthe lust has not diminished despite the years. However you would call our sexlife relatively normal, even if somewhat mildly kinky....
Emmy stared at the clothes in her closet and picked her outfit carefully. Tonight’s demand was for a conservative, yet elegant look and the reminder that it would likely be the last time she would wear the outfit. Alexander wouldn’t force her to have sex, in fact he might not even touch her sexually. But the fact that the outfit would not be repeated suggested rough play and she welcomed that.It had been nearly a month since he had penetrated her or allowed her to have an orgasm. She realized...
BDSMHi, I am Rohit working in Pune, 25 years of age. I am 6ft tall with athletic built, fair looking and handsome that’s what girls say. This is my personal experience on Valentines Day this year with my gf her name is Pie(Name changed) Let me tell you about her she is 5’3″ tall and very beautiful having a curvacious body with a figure of 32 28 32. She is damn sexy with curves at right places fair in complexion. Her best feature is her lips she has a very kissbale lips , whenever I see her I want...
Serena attached the leash back onto Emmy’s collar and paraded her through the group of platinum members. Emmy was groped and pinched by both men and women as she was walked to John’s private office.It was humiliating, but worth the price, she reminded herself. If she wanted to continue her relationship with Alexander, she needed to satisfy his wife’s dark needs occasionally as well. The fact that Serena wanted to take her to John’s office was somewhat of a surprise to Emmy. After the experience...
BDSMSpecialist Nanny A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Authors Note: This story is based on the advertisement that appears in it (page 3) which is close to word for word, what appeared in a national daily in 2017. My sister started out in the business by being best babysitter in the neighbourhood. To do that, all she needed to do was to ensure that when anybody that employed her needed a baby sitter, there was always a baby sitter available. She cursed the fact that she only had...
SPECIALIST CARE SPECIALIST CARE I fell in love with him at first glance. He was so handsome and perfect and when I looked at him my heart pounded and I desperately wanted him. I met him in a pub, he was at a table near the bar having a drink with some friends. They were all the same age, all in their early twenties and not one of them was unattractive, but he stood out. He had a lovely smile and beautiful sky blue eyes that sparkled when he laughed. I was getting a drink when I noticed...
The first and most important step in that journey toward wholeness was finding his birth mother. It was a relatively easy process; she’d only lived less than two hours away for his entire life. She had been looking for him just as he had been looking for her so it was a matter of signing the appropriate papers and waiting for the red tape to be cut by adoption agency personnel. Their reunion had been awkward and rather uneventful. They decided it would be best if they chose to meet their...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan was glad the boss was out today. That meant he could do what ever he wanted as long as he took care of customers. It had been really slow today so he had fired up the internet going to his favorite porn site. He like watch porn even though all the fucking and sucking just reminded him what he wasn't getting at home it did allow him to jerk off every now and then to relieve the pressure. Right now...
Greg heard the door open behind him and smiled, but his eyes didn’t waver from the glowing laptop screen on the black desk in front of him. Her plane was right on time. He needed to finish writing this code for work tomorrow, but that was going to be just a bit harder now with the distraction walking in. The door closed heavily and slowly footsteps approached him. His heartbeat quickened knowing she drew near and his mind went fuzzy on his work. Sara stood beside him and, without even looking...