Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 07 free porn video

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Though no text from Kahlil Gibran’s On Love—from The Prophet— appears in this chapter, it’s an exquisite piece to read on the full experience of love. If you search online or find it on a bookshelf, you’ll understand why Ana chose to quote it to a man she thought only dabbled in its shallower waters. My heartfelt thanks goes out to TangledinYou for helping me during a moment of tunnel vision, and to you for…you know.

* * * * * * *

Saturday, December 2, 2006.

A flood of adrenaline and nervousness twisted Sean’s insides leaving him giddy and sick at once. He scanned the maze of faces moving inside the dimly lit space. The tension gripped tighter when his eyes landed on Noah Blake’s wrist guard then jumped to the vacant seat next to him. In a few days Noah would take his rightful place in Wired for Sound just in time to start touring as the opening act for the rock gods he and his band mates worshipped half of their lives. But until then the kid intended to work that sprain for all it was worth. Ana had come into view, passing the beer she’d had in her hand to Noah. Sean might’ve been amused if he didn’t feel like he was about to jump out of plane.

Noah leaned his ear to Ana’s mouth. Lucky for Noah, he wasn’t some Neanderthal who got all jealous and beat his chest screaming, ‘mine, mine’ because some blond, lil surfer looking dude sat too close and looked at his woman ten seconds too long. Sean’s gaze leapt to Ana and he smiled inside. The distracted look on her face as Noah’s mouth wagged on and on, was where the kid’s luck ended and his began.

The tension gradually loosened its grip, an eerie calm took its place. This always happened these last seconds before. His heart slowed down its breakneck pace. A cacophony of cheers, whistles and clapping hands pierced the sudden darkness. The curtains lifted slowly. Sean slung the guitar strap over his shoulder. It was time to rock the crowd.

* * * * *

While Ana’s body sat in an armless chair, her mind drifted between watching Sean on stage and this afternoon at his house. There’d been no appropriate time to tell him about their shared online history. He didn’t need drama when he had this performance to focus on. Besides she couldn’t very well go: ‘Baby, you know that pseudo troll who implied you were shallow and a player? That’s me! Ha-ha. Let’s have a drink before we head down to the club.’

She lied to Sean repeatedly for his own sake yet the justification opened a gulf of worry and guilt inside her. Still her mind recycled the hallow mantra so she wouldn’t have to entertain the insidious voice in her head. The one that quietly read snippets of her year old online tome when she should be enjoying the show.

Sean had all but rounded his desk when she made a big production of asking him about the book sticking out from bookshelf like an indictment against her. ‘I was looking at this,’ Ana said, barely able to hear her own voice over the pounding in her ears, as she pulled Simon’s latest book from the shelf. ‘It looks interesting.’ She marveled as if she’d never seen the book before, as if she didn’t have the author’s blood running through her veins.

He halted his trek to the incriminating computer screen and walked over to her. A wave of relief burst over Ana but that’s when she stumbled into a sea of lies.

‘It is,’ Sean concurred, ‘You can borrow it if you want. There’ll be some good ideas in there on how to get yourself in the running for that promotion—’ he winked, ‘—and manage your new boss.’

She could’ve said something right then. Simon Garret’s my biological father. That’s why I was there that night we met. We’ve spoken online.

‘I know him…a little,’ Sean amended before he continued, his head cocked to the book in Ana’s hand, ‘I used to work for the same publishing company.’

Say something! Tell him!

‘Oh, right. When you lived in New York.’ Ana had swum too far from the shore to make her way back now. ‘Are you and Duncan done for today already?’

‘No,’ he replied as if he’d suddenly remembered something. ‘We might have to special order some parts—can’t find a pen that writes.’

In Ana’s guilty mind she must have sprinted to the desk with mach one speed. ‘Here you go.’

Sean’s eyes were warm and concerned as they scanned her face. If he noticed her weird behavior, he didn’t let on. Would he look at her differently once he knew everything? How she wished she could go back to when they were just two people without history reframing the context of their relationship.

‘You okay?’

‘Yeah,’ she said weakly as she returned the book to its place on the shelf. It slid home easily this time, mocking her previous efforts. ‘I’m not in the event planning mood right now.’ Those were the first honest words she’d spoken since Sean walked in on her. He pulled her back into his chest, his body blanketing hers in his warmth and strength. She felt his mouth at her neck, then her temple as he rocked her. His clean, masculine scent smelled so good. Ana wanted to lock the door and stay like this with him.

‘Focus on what you have to get done and get it out of the way so you can enjoy yourself tonight. We’ll have fun.’

Ana burrowed into his embrace. ‘Yes.’

Sean gave her a quick kiss on the temple. ‘I better go before Duncan throws a fit.’

No, it wasn’t the right time to launch into The Conversation while his brother stood waiting in the garage. They needed to talk in private with no interruptions.

‘Check out that book. It’s a good one,’ he called over his shoulder.

Ana mumbled something back in agreement and released a heavy breath. Saying nothing had been the considerate thing to do. That’s what she told herself as she drifted further out to sea.

A feminine yell pulled Ana from her wistful musings.

Kelly leaned closer to Noah as she shouted, ‘He’s good isn’t he?’

‘Yeah,’ Noah remarked distantly, so absorbed, his eyes stayed locked on the stage and ignored the redhead next to him. It was a testament to his replacement’s guitar skills because the girl’s kohl rimmed hazel eyes and do-me red lips were striking. Several jealous and lecherous eyes followed her when she first slinked to the table in snug black jeans and a black leather vest.

Noah brought his lips to Ana’s ear. ‘It’s hard to believe he’s a suit.’

All of Ana’s attention traveled slightly to the left. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. The stage provided the perfect outlet for Sean’s energy and charisma. The duet told the story of a long drive into the night with one lover begging the other to leave their mistakes at the next turnoff. The song came to the bridge, with just the lead singer, Sean and his acoustic guitar. The two circles of white light and the people inside them blazed through a world of inky blackness.

Sean had disappeared into another world where only the song and the guitar existed. The arch of his head towards the mic and slight bend of his knee as he rocked back were pure sensuality. He gave his soul away while the intimate ache in his voice curled around the lyrics. His fingers called sharp, biting notes from the guitar with increasing speed and agility. Awestruck whistles and claps sliced through the pockets of respectful silence. Heads bobbed in time with the rhythm.

Everything in Ana’s world narrowed in on the man with the guitar. Foggy ribbons swirled inside his halo. Sean was a star and an angel in blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He closed his eyes and repeated the chorus one last time in a breathy rasp. The sound sent shivers down her arms, the words stung her eyes. She’d been pulled from her body through an invisible link between them.

Ana gasped when everything vanished into a formless black cloud. When the lights came back on, she knew she had fallen in love.

* * * * *

The blue-eyed brunette zeroed on him the second his hand landed on the bar top. He’d just op
ened his mouth when she yelled to the bartender, ‘His drink’s on me.’

Ah, the perks of being a musician.

‘I’m Katiya,’ she shouted over the voices buzzing around them.

He offered his name and his hand before wrapping his fingers around the chilled beer bottle. ‘Thanks.’ He winked as he tilted the neck in her direction and took a swig. ‘Hey, Mike!’ he called out to the bartender then pointed to Katiya, ‘she’s picking up my tab tonight!’

Katiya laughed then let her eyes wander speculatively down his frame before she leaned in closer ‘That depends,’ she quipped with a crimson pout.

Sean took a lazy sip while he challenged the femme fatale dare in her eyes with a mix of indifference and humor. He spoke when uncertainty caused the pout to fade. She was hot but not spirited enough to match the vixen persona she projected. Ana would’ve artfully dueled with him until she had him on his knees digging for his next comeback. ‘Just when I thought I’d made a new friend for life you went and blew it,’ he teased and pretended to hand the beer back to her. His remark put Katiya at ease but gave her ego something to play for. Everybody turned out a winner.

He gave her as much attention as he could while he got slaps on the back from friends of the band and hellos from patrons. While Katiya took his free hand in hers to praise its skill, his eyes wove through the crowd, looking for a dark head with upswept curls and a teal blouse. He found her…in the arms of an older man. He enjoyed seeing her smiling and having a good time after stressing so much earlier.

Katiya must have misread his sudden fascination with the dance floor because they were on their way there the next instant. She did her best to impress him with her slow undulating moves. Her black spaghetti strap dress clung to every sexual grind of her hips and jut of her breasts. There was something about it that undermined the sensuality she’d been going for, the desperate call for his attention undervalued the appeal of her other assets.

Ana’s brown eyes found his. They were full of mischief but beyond that they held an easy confidence. The boldness and power behind it had a much more potent effect than Katiya’s brand of forced sexiness. His brows met as Ana whispered something into her partner’s ear and pecked him on the cheek. Maybe he had a strand Neanderthal DNA after all. She and the man parted ways and she walked up to Katiya, tapping the shorter woman on the shoulder.

‘Hi, lovely, I’m cutting in.’ Ana didn’t pretend to ask, she simply stated her intention then took what she came for. Hot.

Sean reached for her hands and pulled her close, making it clear to Katiya he more than approved of the unexpected handoff.

‘You looked like you needed rescuing,’ Ana teased as she settled into his arms. Her left arm hugged his upper back while his right arm rested on her waist. He loved how her height allowed her body to fit perfectly against his, like she’d been made for him to hold.

He felt her slight jolt when his lips grazed her ear and his cock reacted to her responsiveness. ‘I’ll have to find some way to show my gratitude.’

Ana drew her head back to look at him. Her brown eyes darkened with seductive awareness. ‘Oh?’

She probably wouldn’t have looked at him that way if she had any idea the effect she had on him.

‘You have no idea how much I want you right now.’

His words sent a spark of sensual excitement over her skin. He kissed the spot below her ear, the one that always drove her crazy. She breathed in his light citrus and sandalwood scent, noticing how his sweat sharpened its verbena notes.

‘I was watching you dance with that guy.’

Her perfect left brow lifted and her hand moved between his shoulders in slow sweeps. ‘Really? I thought you had your hands full,’ she taunted playfully.

He led them around the other bodies packed onto the dimly lit dance floor. ‘Just not the way I wanted,’ he said against her mouth.

He captured her full lower lip between his teeth and licked it with the tip of his tongue before easing inside. Her mouth parted for him, eager for the slow, velvet thrust that joined his tongue to hers. She moaned as Sean’s flavor went straight to her head, erasing everything but the feel and taste of him. The kiss turned hot and greedy, and dangerously close to the way they kissed when they intended to do more than sample the erotic secrets of each other’s mouths.

His thumb stroked the knuckles of the hand he’d been holding above his heart. ‘I’d have you right here, if I could.’

The way his eyes searched the room got her nervous and titillated. Surely he wouldn’t…

‘Sean…’ she faltered as they danced their way into a corner partially secluded by a column and heavy black drapes suspended from the ceiling. Excitement swerved out to race with her nervous sense of propriety. ‘We can’t,’ she half-chuckled as their denim clad legs stopped rubbing over each other.

Ana had said the one word that didn’t carry much weight in Sean’s vocabulary. She saw it in his ravenous glare.

‘Sean, we can’t!’ Ana reasoned as she felt his fingers sneak under her blouse. His fingers drew random patterns along her spine making her tingle and squirm. Then he kissed her half-assed protest right off her mouth.

‘You like knowing you turn me on, don’t you,’ he demanded. ‘I bet it gets you hot,’ he said into her ear. His wicked whisper turned into prophecy when Ana the pulse between her legs rivaled the one inside her chest. Heat and desire trickled to the juncture of her thighs. Sean cupped her there, rubbing her through the layers of fabric.

‘Sean,’ she gasped, ‘st-o-op.’ But her pleasure began to build even as she tried to reign it in. It was like a balloon floating heavenwards, the string slipping through her fingers.

‘What was that, baby?’

‘You’re going to make me come.’

‘Come for me then,’ he insisted while he nuzzled her neck.

Somewhere in the haze Ana heard his low words about how beautiful and sexy he found her, how he loved watching her come. His palm pressed against her sex in dizzying circles and Ana writhed against his hand until they’d found the perfect cadence. Sensation coiled within her core then expanded and expanded.

‘That’s it, love. Come for me…come.’

The love word flooded her senses like an aphrodisiac, bursting through the walls of restraint. The room, the swaying bodies and dim lights spun around then exploded into flashes of darkness and light. She grabbed onto his arms as the rush came hard, fast and hot.

Sean took her halting breaths and tight, little sobs into his mouth. Watching her was one thing but he knew he couldn’t listen to the sounds she made and not take her to a bathroom or outside, whichever was nearest. Her hips jerked and her nails dug into his biceps.

Ana looked drunk and dazed as his hands cradled her nape. His thumbs traced the faint blush staining her cheeks. She smiled as if she’d found a private happiness. He hugged her to him, his hands now soothing her as she recovered. She wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed her mouth to his jugular, leaving her mark on him again. His pulse sped up.

‘Hey, man!’ Noah shouted, interrupting much more than a couple sharing a few kisses. ‘We’ve been looking all over for you.’

Sean dropped a kiss onto Ana’s nose. Ah, the perks of being a musician.

* * * * *

Ana shot him a quick glance after she merged Sean’s Range Rover onto the interstate. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask you…you love performing and you’re really good. So how come you didn’t pursue a career in music?’

‘Can you imagine the look on Dominic and Clodagh’s faces if I said: ‘Hey, this law school thing isn’t for me—I’m dropping out and going to be a musician instead.’ They would’ve shit a brick after everything that happened with Duncan.’

Granted she’d only met Sean’s parents that one time at
the hospital, but they seemed to be supportive parents, especially his father, and they didn’t come off as perfectionists or image slaves.

‘Did they put a lot of pressure on you?’

Sean pressed his head into the headrest and looked over at her. ‘They weren’t down our throats to be perfect but they definitely expected us to finish college and get good jobs. Look at Duncan,’ he said with admiration, ‘even with all the responsibilities of being a husband and father he went to school and got his business degree.’

‘I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for him. But wouldn’t your dad have been okay with you giving it a try after school though?’

‘I think if I wanted it bad enough I would have done it with or without my parents’ support. Don’t get me wrong I love everything about music and the whole process but it’s not something I had to do back then. Those guys in the band tonight, they never thought of doing anything else. I wasn’t like that at their age.’

‘What about that band you were in Boston? You said there was a story there but you haven’t told me.’

Ana peeked over when Sean didn’t answer right away. He wore an unreadable expression.

‘We almost had a record deal,’ he said quietly.

Ana turned into a groupie for a minute. ‘Really? That’s a big deal right?’

His faint smile didn’t quiet touch his sky blue eyes. ‘Yeah, but it’s not as glamorous as you’d think.’

‘So what happened?’

‘A talent executive saw us play a few times and approached us about submitting a demo. We were all licking it up. We all thought it was a dream come true because you hear about artists who spend years trying to get a record label to even give them a chance and there we were getting it handed to us.’


‘Then the business side kicked in.’ Sean’s exhale replicated the air being let out of a balloon containing a treasured dream. ‘We had people making suggestions on what we should write, how we should sound, what image we should project. It started to feel like we had to turn out backs on almost everything we were about. They had definite ideas on how the band should be marketed, which meant putting the focus on the front man.’

She imagined him rebelling against being dictated on how things should be. ‘Was that you?’

Sean made a sound, almost a laugh. ‘No, but thanks for the vote of confidence.’

Ana smiled over at him.

‘His name was Brian and I think all the attention went to his head. All of a sudden he was cool with us getting signed to make music we used to think was nothing but prepackaged shit. And it didn’t help having him strut around like a peacock when egos got bruised.’

‘So what happened to the band?’

Sean paused again. ‘Brian hooked up with some girl who worked at the label and I started going out with his ex after they broke up. Only he tried to play it off like I stole his girlfriend and wanted the other guys to take sides. Everything tanked from that point on. It was kind of a rock ‘n roll cliché. ‘

‘And what happened to the girl?’

Sean didn’t see that question coming—at least not from Ana. Talking about ex-girlfriends wasn’t his thing. And if there ever was an ex he never wanted to think about or talk about, Lauren Emery owned that title outright.

‘We dated on and off after the band broke up.’

He thought that would satisfy her curiosity and they’d close the history book. Then they’d move onto much better things like getting home and finishing up what they started at the club. But he thought wrong, Ana wanted to stop and check things out instead of flying on through.

‘How long did you date?’

What was it with women and their fascination with ancient history?

She must’ve noticed something because she asked, ‘What?’

‘It’s kind of weird talking about your ex-girlfriend with your current girlfriend.’

‘You know that’s the first time you referred to me as your girlfriend?’

He would’ve given into the temptation to make a joke about Ana’s remark if it didn’t come at him like a missed jab. What about all the things they’d done together, all the ways he’d showed her he wanted her and cared? Didn’t that speak for itself much more than any label could? But the tone in her voice set off some weird signals in his gut. He let the moment pass wondering if he should have said something but his mood had soured too much for him to find the right thing to say, whatever that was. But honestly did she need a billboard?

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NOTHING IS EVER AS EASY as it should be. We had five straight days of rain and wind so strong that we couldn’t lift the awning for fear of having it torn off the building. I met with Doc once and spent some time on the courts, but I was really worried about getting the wall done if the weather didn’t break soon. And when I worry, I paint. I went to the studio which had not been used that much for painting since I’d been spending most of my time outside with a four-inch brush. I’d...

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My Panty Story

This is my storyI'm in my early 50's, have always been open minded, figured if no one gets hurt and it feels good then have a good time, what have you got to loose? I can remember as a young boy that I used to love it when I would catch a glimpse of girls panties, it always got me excited and I would that that it was a good day, then I started to notice panty lines in women and WOW, did I love that, I could tell what kind of panties they had on by the angle of the line, that was very exciting,...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 05

The two men immediately froze when Steve pointed the handgun at them. Steve risked a few quick glances around to determine if the two had any companions somewhere close. He saw no one else. By this time the girls were awake. Roxie was struggling to pull her shirt on while Sam clung to her. Steve carefully stood as he studied the two men. They didn’t look like cartel men. They were very poorly dressed and one was much older than the other. Both men were heavily armed, however, and Steve was...

3 years ago
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old man made me a dirty wee slut

This story is true and only happened 3 years ago. I was living in my first flat by myself at the age of 18 and had a couple of neighbours. Single mum with a few k**s and a older man around the 60 year old mark. He was such a nice man helped me with everything I needed. One night I was out with friends and got really drunk and headed up heading home I got to my floor and Barry opened his door he say erin are you ok I said yeah am great bit drunk but good. He then asked me to come into his for a...

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The Neighborhood MILF Ludmila

Every year, one of our favorite local pubs has a customer appreciation party around Christmas time. Drink specials, plenty of food, and a free juke box that led to a wide variety of music being played. This party started in the afternoon on Friday and lasted all night. My friend Laurie and I were one of the first ones there, and my husband DJ was planning on joining us after work. The crowd was a lot younger than normal, as our normal hangout was being taken over by a new generation. I didn't...

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Missy Day Three Evening

“Bend over the kitchen table.” My Daddy’s order echoed in my head. Repeating over and over as I nervously walked over to the waist high table. I looked at him and he nodded, his face still a filled with annoyance. I took a deep breath and bent my body so that my torso rested on the cold, firm surface. Once I was settled on it, the table taking most of my weight, Daddy spoke. “Where’s your mother?” he asked. My face turned to the side, resting against the wood I replied, “With Peter...

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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA – PART 2 – Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward  Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through....

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After Rebecca I was ready for both my moms part 32

"Olivia and I went all the way back to our college days. I was totally into sports while Kate was into "sports" with guys. Kate even accepted my challenge to experiment a little with lesbian sex. To her it was just another "kinky" thing she tried for fun. But I, in my own way, actually loved her. After college I wanted to become a professional tennis player but couldn't quite cut it. The next thing for me naturally was to have a husband and a family. It was devastating to find out after...

1 year ago
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Motherly Love

I awoke one morning one morning shortly after the start of my senior year in high school not long after I turned 18. Taking a quick shower, I headed downstairs where my mother Marie was cooking breakfast. "Good morning baby." She said happily setting two plates on the table, "Just in time."Mom always let me sleep late on her days off. Dad on the other hand, always had me get up early. When she sat down, I saw her robe was open, nearly exposing her hereditarily firm 44L boobs. I tried to resist...

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SummerChapter 6 Capturing The Perfect Moment

At work the next day, Thomas was glad for the sun. Early summer heat brought more customers to the little farm restaurant and the constant orders kept Thomas, the chef, on his feet without a lot of time to think. The only problem was that every time he caught a glimpse of long dark hair he would stop, heart pounding. It almost always turned out to be pale-faced women. Always in the back of his mind was Sera's face, Sera's voice. Thomas felt like he was being haunted. He neglected to mention...

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Strange Way to Get the Girl Ch 02

Author’s Note: This is the second part, and likely the conclusion of this story. You will likely be lost if you don’t read the first part. That part starts with an age disclaimer, but no one got younger in this part, so everyone’s still at least 18. Again, constructive criticism is most welcome. ********* Luckily, the next day was Saturday. After that night, I would have died with an early morning class. When I finally woke up, I opened my e-mail to see what the day would have in store. I...

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Brow beating a tough lady boss

Hello to all ISS readers, this is JJ back with a fantastic lesbian story I had joined so many free dating sites or adult personals as they call it. To my surprise I found the number of females calling for another female to have lesbian very high and wonder why these girls are so mad about the lesbian pleasure than having a man ramming their cunts after a lot of thinking I came to a conclusion that big pricks and men boasting of their sizes is all balls. Therefore there is something more than...

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Lush First Date

AngelI was nervous and they grew with every step taken in my black high heels. He’d specifically asked that I wear them.I hesitated by the grand hotel doors. I stood at the base; letting the cold air run over my body.I wished the cold was the reason for my hardened nipples but they were like that because of the excitement I was feeling. I had great expectations of what was to come over the next 24 hours. I smiled inwardly to myself, tried to get my breathing back to normal and thought over how...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 7 Return From The Pub

Madeleine was shivering, cold and wet, on the floor of the pump tower. She had been half drowned by her terrifying experience in the sluice and while the woman that had pulled her from the water had taken the trouble to wrap her in some old sacking, her clothes were still soaking wet and she was shivering with cold. She had been dragged over to one of the other pillars and tied against it, to stop her, as the woman had said, getting into any more trouble. Krysta had been rewarded for the...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 27 Vengeance 5 Vengeance is mine

Commodore Thompson stood there issuing orders to the crew of the Oregon. "Lieutenant I want to know what is going on. Who authorized the launching of those mech lifters?" On the screen, lifter after lifter was dropping out of the bay and heading north. "How many mechs?" Lieutenant Commander Shawn Edwards looked at the Commodore and replied, "Sir, I don't know. All I know is that the red alert went off in the mech bay, and then three wings of mechs or thirty mechs loaded up and left...

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Dear friend. I know that we haven't talked or met for a long time. But you are the only friend who knows my small flaws. In reality you are my only friend. You also know that I am overweight. - or was. I had better tell you from the start. One evening I had put on my lingerie and was getting intoxicated. I accessed the Net to see if I could find anything of interest. I did. The ad claimed that their product could make me lose weight. The price was high - but I ordered it. When...

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Boy Having Fun When Parents Out For Temple Run

Hi this is Rishi, age 23 from Mumbai; my height is 6.1 ft. I have a 6 inches long dick and it’s a little broad as said by my earlier gfs. This story is about me and a friend of mine named “Jyoti”.’She was with me in my degree college. She is 24 yrs old.5.3 in height a little on the bulkier side with assets of 38d 32 36 the best part about her is her boobs their shape can be easily seen through her top. I don’t think she might have ever worn a plain bra there were always fancy designs on her...

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HandsOnHardcore Missy Luv Alyssia Kent Rebecca Volpetti Orgy At School

Today’s Hardcore porn orgy by the DDF Network is going to make you cum instantly! Get ready for a sexy school fuck session with Rebecca Volpetti, Alyssia Kent and Missy Luv. Our two lucky students of the day are Raul Costa and Vince Carter who get to observe two lesbian students sharing a pink double dong right in front of the classroom! Brunette bombshell Rebecca Volpetti crams her tight shaved teen pussy with one of that sex toy while the other hot college student, Missy Luv, fills her...

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cross dressing fantasy i didnt know that i had

went on a stag holiday to ibiza with about 20 of my mates a couple of years ago.the holiday mostly consisted d**g taking copius amounts of drink and sleeping with llots of women. the main stag night was fancy dress,and id already planned before i came away id already decided that i was gonna wear i toga and my girlfriends flat gladiator sandals and go as troy.a few of us got quite pally with the girls in the appartment opposite and the daytime before the main nite out one of them commented that...

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Thanking My Mam

Hello Friends, This is Jimmy here. I’m a regular reader of the ISS stories from past 2 years. After all this time I have finally made up my mind to narrate one of my stories to you. At present I’m 20 & working in a BPO. What I’m going to narrate is my first sexual encounter which ended my virginity. This happened to me in std 9 when I was 18 years old. I used to take up tuitions for all subjects from Varsha Ma’m. I never asked her age but she had a son who was a year elder to me. I had heard...

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RansomeChapter 2 Thank You

On the Monday of the week after the party, Chris appeared at the door to Section 2 and asked to visit David. Security refused to allow him in to the building because he was not cleared to know what was done there. “I can telephone him from here and tell him you are here,” said the guard on duty, “but I’ll only do that because I know what happened last weekend.” Then he picked up the desk ‘phone and pressed one button. When he got an answer he said, “Sorry to trouble you sir, but I have Mr....

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Who could resist that ass Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! For the next few days after Billy and Becky’s wild sex romp in the game room things were very tense around the household. Right after their first fuck Becky went to make dinner and when they sat down to eat Becky would not look at or talk to Billy. After dinner Becky said she was tired and went to her room. Billy did not know what to think because she even said he could keep her panties and he figured that meant they would be going at it every chance...

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The Counselor

This summer was amazing and camp was amazingly fun. Everyday I get to spend time with the sexiest person on camp grounds, Wolfgang. He is tall, built, and kind of pale. He has dark hair and eyes, and soft features that give his face a sensitive look. He is the man I dream about every night. The only problem is he is a counselor and I’m a camper and if any one knew what we did, neither of us would be going back to camp. Ever. After a long day of taking care of little girls as part of my...

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Mysterious Case Of Anjali With Nandita And Nivedita

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. I hope you enjoy the story. This story is for all the BDSM lovers out there. The story is long and detailed and mysterious. Sit back and enjoy. This incident was not a one day story, so it needs some background to be told. So, enjoy the thrill and mystery which lies ahead. I had a cute neighbor whose name was Anjali. She was 2 years younger to me. We were brought up together and we were pretty good friends. This incident started to...

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Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney Just Friends

Tim McGraw, his beautiful wife Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney have been good friends and buddies for quite some time and when Kenny toured with them in 2002, they became even more so. Tim and Kenny were like two little kids when they were together, they roughhoused and pulled pranks on one another constantly, Faith was just as bad, she was like one of Kenny's sisters, she teased him unmercifully about everything. Faith is a wonderfully put together 5' 9", while Kenny is 5'7". She was always...

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Blue Moon

Laura Lee was 18. Well, two weeks from tomorrow Laura Lee would be 18. Having graduated from high school that year, she was aware that her future lay ahead of her, but she had no idea what that future would hold. She had been dragged along with her parents to visit her Grandma Mandy who lived way down in the Florida swamps. Grandma Mandy was 98 at the time and some say she was the family witch or shamaness. She found herself with nothing to do most of the time when she first got there. Her...

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ISB Ginger My Ugly Little Si ster

Ah,the Memories!*Ginger was a fat, mean spirited, ugly little four eyed bitch! She's just like Mom, even looks like her. What more can I say? Oh,yeah, She's also one Hell of a Fuck! At least, Now She Is!* It was a Saturday morning, Ginger and I were at the kitchen table eating our breakfast. Mom was leaning against the counter smoking a cigarette, and waiting for the potatoes to fry, that's when Ginger said "Guess what, Mommy?" Her mouth full of partially chewed scrambled eggs "I went to go pee...

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Abducted BrideChapter 13

The room was blurred a dark gray and out of focus. A low hum of voices surrounded him. Kevin groaned, and shook his head to clear the cob-webs that kept his thoughts from coming through clearly. He tried to move. He couldn't. It felt as though he were wrapped tightly in a cocoon and the glazed picture of a colorful butterfly escaping and bursting forth into the air to freedom flickered through his mind. He was somewhere whirling in a great vacuum, but where, he didn't know. A dulling ache...

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One Magical Evening

I have always liked mature gentlemen. They treat me better, their conversations are more interesting, and they have more of an air of mystery about them. But I never thought Paul would respond to me the way he did. Paul is a 50 year-old VP in my company, ultimately my boss. He seemed conservative, married with a family, but even so I was attracted to him from the day we met. I flirted with him lightly, by text messages and in person, and he responded, but not eagerly. I’m half his age,...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth for which I used to rely on you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are now my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already discussed with him and he has disowned you from the family and its wealth and left you...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 4 Learning How To Present Herself

DAY 4 JOHN It was almost 10am when I decided to wake her up; she had had a very strong cannabis cake the night before, she needed the rest. After nearly four hours of watching porn whilst high on the weed she had fallen asleep. I had headed down to the cellar, unfastened her from the chair and gently carried her to the bed; leaving her still partly dressed and chained to the bedstead by her collar; she wasn't quite ready to be trusted yet but it would soon come! As she had been a...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 54 Dangerous Liaisons

April, 1982, Chicago, Illinois On Monday evening, I called Bethany and wished her a happy birthday. She giggled, saying that she’d celebrated her birthday all weekend with Gene. The rest of the week was quite normal, with nothing out of the ordinary until Thursday. The day started off normally, with me meeting Jackie in the Stuart Building for coffee. We had a nice visit and after she left, I went to the computer lab to put in my hours as lab assistant. The lab was nearly empty, so I put...

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shoplifter fucking girl

shoplifter fucking girl,Hardcore is the broadest of porn categories as it includes anything where the penis enters the vagina for thrusting. Scenes include every position imaginable, a great deal of foreplay to arouse both parties, and penetration that lasts for a shockingly long time or can be a quick homemade fling to capture a couple's passion.BBW pornography stars chubby women of exceptional size demonstrating their fuck hungry pussies. These free sex scenes are full of obese girls with fat...

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Neha And Her Little Brother

Hi, Indian sex story readers, my name is Neha and this incident happened when I was 25 years old. In my family, apart from my parents, I also had a younger brother who was younger to me by about 5 years. I and my brother were very close to each other and we shared the same room. Since childhood, I used to snuggle up to my brother while sleeping and he would also sleep like a child with me. Though we had grown up now, we were as close as our childhood and never thought of anything incestuous...

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My Wifes First Sharring pt1

This is the story of the first time my wife ever had sex with another man while I watched and joined in. I know the story is a bit long, but I wanted to give you the sense that "you were there". I also hope that many people, who are just thinking about trying something like this, might be able to relate to how we felt as we went through this and maybe they can gain some courage from our experience to try this for themselves.My wife, Brandie, and I, had discussed the possibility of having a...

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Lene the Whore of the WeekChapter 4 Day 4

We started the day with breakfast in the big tent. Dave stand up on the stage and announced, that "The Whore Of The Week" would perform 2 times that day, the first time at noon, and the last time after supper. There would be a lottery, and 2 winners would be drawn, one at noon and one at supper. The winners have the chance to be a part of the act. Lottery tickets would be sold outside the tent, and at the main entrance. When we left the tent there were 30-40 men standing in line to buy a...

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Tea With Aunt Polly

Before I get into a long discourse on my fabulous Aunt Polly, I should inform all readers that the delectable Polly Summers was in no way a blood relative. In fact, she is not even my aunt at all. I just call her my “Aunt” or address her sometimes as “Auntie” simply because it is a source of amusement to us both and a joke that only we share with hidden laughter. Aunt Polly and I were thrown together by the fortunes of fate on a cold winter day that cut right through to the bone whilst...

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