Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 03 free porn video

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Saturday, July 22nd . 6:27 pm

Maybe she should have called Michelle.

The thought came as Ana pressed the doorbell. She obviously needed to hear a voice of reason, otherwise she wouldn’t be standing here on the doorstep, on the way to ostensibly having her first one-night stand. Tonight wasn’t just about a home cooked meal and some friendly flirting. He wants to fuck you. Yet even reducing it to the crudest of terms didn’t have the intended sobering effect. That was far more perplexing than agreeing to be here.

She relived every moment with him: the fun of his playful teasing, the unexpectedness of his compassion. And the chemistry. Oh, the chemistry.

Several times, remembering his touch, the things he whispered at her neck, drove her to seek release at her own hands. Maybe this was some hormonal rebellion against more than a year of sporadic, platonic dating. Maybe.

No, she should have called Sasha. Michelle, being the happily married, hopeless romantic that she was, would have spun all kinds of flowery possibilities. No doubt she would dispense advice on how to make this into more than it was. Pragmatic Sasha, on the other hand, wasn’t laboring under a blissful love spell when she’d woken up in a strange bed. But then Sasha’s hookup was unexpected, shocking even—and there’d been some drinking involved—while this…

Again, she came back to the fact that she didn’t want the voice of hope or the voice of reason tugging at her, confusing her. Just this once, Ana wanted to just be. No cautious analysis, no projecting of the outcomes ten steps ahead.

So yes, this was unfamiliar territory, so what? In many ways, tonight wasn’t even a gamble. No, actual relationships were far more complex once imperfect people truly became intimate. There’d be none of that with Sean—as fun, sexy and charming as he was—there’d be no flowers and phone calls after they both got what they wanted. It was as simple as that.

Ana winced inwardly—somehow this seemed so cold, so mercenary, so…alien. She swallowed and took a step backwards, looking at her car. No. She was doing this. She wanted this. She’d even rehearsed a graceful exit for when the night was over. Nerves were just a natural reaction to stepping into the unknown.

The door flew open just then, catching her off guard. There was Sean, dressed in dark blue jeans, a crisp, dress shirt—untucked.

‘Wow,’ he echoed her thoughts while taking in her cap-sleeved, black summer dress. ‘You’re right on time. Come in.’ Sean pulled her in for a loose hug. She recognized the light, citrus scent as the one he’d worn before and inhaled.

‘I thought you might like this,’ she said as she handed him a bottle of Rioja.

‘Thanks,’ he said almost to himself as he read the label, ‘I think Dionysus would be impressed.’

Ana silently thanked Simon for his love of wine and mythology. Okay, now’s definitely not the time to think about Simon.

‘As long as the gods are happy,’ she said tightly as he led her down the foyer, passing the den and formal dining room. Ana took a deep breath. The house was filled with the most heavenly scents.

‘I was so looking forward to pizza tonight,’ she pouted. Sean stopped abruptly, turned and grabbed her hand, heading for the front door.

‘Don’t let me stop you.’ He pointed to the door with an exaggerated, gallant gesture.

Ana felt the last bit of nerves fall away. She pulled lightly on the hand holding hers and covered the doorknob with the other. She tapped her index on her chin, contemplating. ‘No, it would be impolite not to accept your dinner invitation. Besides, I’m hoping you’ll redeem yourself for devaluing my property.’

Ana’s eyes were full of mischief, just like the first time he’d seen her. That adorable dimple appeared as Sean recognized the full meaning behind her words.

He traced the shell of her ears. ‘Jeez! Are these mini satellites?’

She ducked her head and took a step back. ‘It was a compelling performance, you know.’

She was making him feel like a schoolboy and he found he rather liked it, liked that she didn’t hide her interest, liked that she still challenged him.

‘How’s Nicole these days?’

Nicole? Ah. Nicole.

‘You really are a nosy little thing,’ he admonished playfully, hoping to regain some balance here. ‘I’m starting to wonder if I should have invited her instead.’

But she caught his expression, fleeting as it was. Damn, she’s good.

‘What? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten her name already. Maybe I should’ve worn a nametag.’

‘You wouldn’t be easy to forget, sweetheart, not after the impression you’ve made.’

Her eyes widened at his veiled reference to Monday night, but she didn’t look away, too coltish to turn red-faced right then. Ana’s expression turned impish and she folded her arms.

‘You wouldn’t be trying to distract me from being disappointed in your much hyped culinary skills with all that sweet talk, now would you?’

‘Nah,’ he said as they retraced their steps and he led her to the kitchen. ‘If told you I love your sense of humor, even when you’re busting my chops, or that dimple when you smile—is it the left side? You might consider that distracting sweet talk, even if it’s all true, because you don’t accept compliments easily. But since I didn’t say—’

‘You’re off the hook. How do you know I don’t like compliments? Every woman does.’

‘I didn’t say you didn’t like them. You just blush or get suspicious.’ He guessed the former when Ana thought a compliment to be sincere, the latter when she wondered at its agenda. She was charmed, yet regarded him with an equal degree of wariness.

‘You figured that out in the short time we’ve known each other?’ she asked, not confirming or denying.

‘Paying attention to the little things people overlook is part of my job. I have a confession to make though.’

That piqued her interest. ‘Oh?’

‘I find it incredibly cute when a woman blushes.’ She turned her head away just a tad, but he adjusted his gaze, catching her. Ah, those eyes of hers.

‘Hmm. You have a thing for shy girls?’

He laughed lightly. ‘I have a thing for all girls. How could you blame me? Even on their worst day, women are complex, unpredictable and much more fun than men.’

‘Good answer, as always,’ Ana quipped.

Her comeback, while complimentary, landed an unexpected jab. Whatever presuppositions Ana had about him, proving her wrong was zooming up the charts.

‘It’s going to be a few more minutes. How about we open this up and give it a try?’

‘Sounds good.’

‘Your home’s lovely,’ she said as she took in the dark floors. Sean had a definite preference for all things natural and earthy. The colors reminded her of a day at the beach. His home looked lived in, welcoming, instead of a bachelor pit stop.

‘That’s a huge compliment given your line of work, you sound surprised though. What were you expecting?’

Ana accepted the wineglass.

‘I wasn’t expecting a house, to be honest. That might be my bias as an apartment dweller talking. I love it when a space has personality—not just a collection of things—it’s kind of autobiographical.’

Sean gestured to the living room. ‘So what’s my story?’

There were books spilling off the bookshelves, neatly stacked in small piles on the coffee table, in one of the leather club chairs. She couldn’t resist touching the cookbooks arranged next to the phone on the bar top.

‘You’re an avid reader.’ She loved that in a man, it almost seemed genetic.

‘Yeah, it’s kind of hard to miss, isn’t it?’ He gestured behind her. ‘I worked in legal for a publishing house back in New York—some of what you see is a result of that. I met a few of the authors too. They’re an interesting bunch—most creative people are anyways.’

‘In what way?’

Sean s
ampled the Rioja.

‘This is really good,’ he said, looking into the glass. ‘Often when you read a book, doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or not—and then you meet the person behind it, it surprises you that they’ve got this vivid imagination or viewpoint or particular way of observing. A few of the ones I met were—’ he paused as if reaching, ‘surprisingly reticent when discussions were less about writing and more personal.’

Ana nodded, reminded of Simon’s demeanor when they first met. ‘Maybe it also has to do with expectations. We sometimes idealize people because of our interpretations of what they’ve created so it’s rather anti-climactic when they turn out to be…human.’

‘Isn’t that the most compelling part of getting to know someone, though? When you get past all the BS adjectives and the ‘I do this’ and ‘you do that’ and you’re really interacting and finding out the ways you’re alike, the ways you differ.’

‘Yes!’ Ana enthused, liking his point-of-view…a lot. ‘It just takes a while to get there.’

‘Most people are worth the effort though, at least that’s how I prefer to treat them, and if they’re not, it’ll show up. Either way, there’s less damage control in treating someone as if they’re worth the courtesy of getting to know them from the outset than not.’

‘That’s a great philosophy to live by, more people should adopt it.’ She wasn’t expecting that from him, yet it fit him with what she knew of him so far.

‘That’s what my Grams says, she’s the one who hammered it into us…now back to you telling me about me,’ Sean grinned and walked into the living room, a hand in one pocket, the glass of wine in the other. He had an unhurried way of moving, as if the world were waiting on him and there was no rush.

Ana strolled along the living room’s perimeter. The furnishings were a mix of vintage classics and a few modern leaps.

‘You’re not trendy,’ she commented as her fingers skimmed the back of a worn leather club chair, noting its 1930s French slung-back style. ‘You prefer things that are timeless, and have proven quality.’

Ana inspected silver-sage walls. The photos and folk paintings from around the world and infused the space with personality.

She looked back at him. ‘You’re definitely drawn to the exotic.’

Sean sat on the arm of one of the club chairs, the corners of his lips tilted upwards. ‘That’s ’cause I’m just a boring Irishman,’ he said in a pitch perfect Irish brogue.

Yeah riiight. Ana’s eyebrows rose in response. ‘Oh, now the truth comes out!’

‘What about you?’

‘I’m not a boring Irishman,’ she said with a hand on her hip.

The way his eyes swept over her shifted Ana’s mood from humor to something less laid-back.

‘She tells jokes!’

‘So how am I doing so far with your story?’

‘Pretty accurate so far…do you think you’ve got me pegged?’

‘Not quite…I haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.’ She pointed to the picture frames.

He left his perch to stand next to her. ‘By all means, carry on then.’

‘Hmm.’ She looked up at him, smirking. ‘You’re sentimental.’

Sean’s expression went blank.

Ana half-chuckled, half-snorted. ‘You’re such a guy!’

His arm nudged hers. ‘You say it like it’s a bad thing!’

‘But you can be impulsive,’ she added quickly, pointing to a picture of him cliff-diving before moving on, ‘I wonder what crazy shenanigans you and your friends were up to in these.’

‘I plead the fifth. Anything else?’

She pointed to the guitars guarding the corner next to the built-in bookcase. Anyone with this many CDs, albums and a gramophone didn’t just love listening to music, they had to make it. ‘Are you in a band?’

‘I used to be, yes. It’s pretty inevitable when your dad’s a music teacher and requires that you play at least one instrument.’

‘And you chose the guitar.’

‘It was more by default. I’d get antsy sitting at the piano for more than ten minutes and the guitar was the one thing I was better at than my brother, Duncan. Plus, it’s much easier to go around entertaining the neighborhood kids with a guitar than a piano.’

‘By ‘entertain’ don’t you mean show off?’

‘Ha-ha,’ he said in a wry tone. ‘You’d think you’d be just a little nicer seeing that I’m making you dinner.’

‘Didn’t you just say you love it when I bust your chops?’

‘Technically, no I didn’t.’

‘Alright, counselor.’ Ana raised her hands in surrender and giggled as she voiced her next thought. ‘Tell me. Did you have groupies?’

‘Well, I didn’t find out until my senior year of high school just how much girls like guitar players and boys in a band—that was an added bonus. The ‘groupies’, as you put it, didn’t come around until my college days.’

Ana shook her head. ‘Such artistic commitment,’ she commented with feigned amazement. ‘Do you miss it? Playing and performing?’

‘Yeah—we were pretty good,’ he sounded wistful. ‘I still play and sneak in some writing whenever I can though.’

‘What happened in Boston…with the band, I mean.’

The look on his face more than suggested there was a story there. ‘I’ll tell you some other time,’ he said before he returned to the kitchen.

‘A man of mystery, are we?’

‘I’ll take that over sentimental any day.’

Ana rolled her eyes and followed him.

‘Aw. C’mon! What’s so bad about being a sentimental guy?’

He looked over his shoulder, his blue eyes incredulous. In fact, he looked as though he was trying not to laugh at her query.

‘When’s the last time you went out with one more than once?’

Ana wasn’t about to confess just how uneventful the dating department had been for some time now.

‘Right,’ he replied to her silence.

‘Well there’s always a first time for everything.’ Ana wished she could gobble up the words the instant they tumbled out of her mouth. She cringed inwardly at how presumptuous they must sound. Even worse, Sean actually froze after setting his glass on the island.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

He reclaimed the glass, turned and tipped it in her direction. ‘Touché, Ana. To the first time.’

She felt her face move in something akin to a smile as it overheated. The look that passed between them got her mind spinning again, got her wondering just what the first time would be like. Was he thinking the same thing too? Excitement turned to anxious questions.

Sean’s glass landed on the black granite with a clink. ‘Hey,’ his voice was soothing as he came to stand in front of her, resting his hands on her shoulders. ‘Nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want. Okay?’

Ana nodded, not trusting her voice, not when he was this close and looking like he was going to kiss her. His hands moved over her shoulders, squeezing lightly.

‘I know what you’re thinking.’

Oh, no. Yes!

Ana was dangling between desire and suspense. Sean’s hands fell and his eyes sparkled in a way that was becoming familiar.

‘You’re wondering: ‘when’s he going to shut up and feed me’,’ he complained in a squeaky rendition of a feminine voice.

Ana laughed despite her romantic disappointment. ‘I can only imagine what an annoying little brother you were growing up.’

He was quick to back away. ‘Hey! Be nice!’

‘Aw,’ she said in a baby voice. ‘Does somebody need a hug?’

Sean stepped into her outstretched arms. With one hand around his waist and the other holding her glass far enough so it wouldn’t spill on him, it was Ana on the receiving end of the suggested embrace. ‘This is no good.’ His head left the crook of her neck and his hands cupped her frowning face. ‘I need a kiss.’

The last one started with a slow burn. Not this time. This kiss was uninhibited, unapologetic hunger. Sean explored her mouth as though he knew he was welcomed, as though he knew just how to please her. Or was it the other way around? T
hey frantically took turns leading and following.

‘Whoah.’ His voice was like brushed steel.

‘Yes,’ Ana breathed. Words just weren’t eloquent enough.

‘If we keep that up—’

An extended beep coming from the oven marked their timeout. Ana shook her head, remembering another interruption.

‘It’s like a cosmic joke…these alarms.’

Sean let out a shaky laugh. ‘Gives new meaning to ‘saved by the bell’, huh?’

Her feminine pride got a major boost at seeing him a bit unnerved. When he emptied the oven of its contents, the scent of melted cheeses and garlic wafted about.

‘That smells incredible!’

‘Yeah? I was…I was worried about doing this…if I should do this.’ This was the first time he seemed uncertain.

‘You don’t need to be, if it tastes as half as good as it smells, I’m sure it’ll be incredible.’

He shook his head.

‘No—it’s not that. I wondered how you would react.’ His expression softened yet remained tentative. ‘I know it was difficult for you to speak about your mom the other night…understandably so…but you stayed so… composed, which I think was partly for my sake—while I understand why, you didn’t have to worry about that. Not with me.’

Ana believed him.

‘Death’s not a topic people are comfortable with, especially on a first date. Even the people closest to me found it awkward at times, wondering what was the right thing to say or do. And often I didn’t even know what to tell them or how to ask for their help. You were great in just listening…and yeah, I didn’t want you to feel bad for inadvertently bringing it up.’

The solemn look lifted.

‘We can always go out if you prefer. Okay?’

Ana raised a hand in protest, moved by his thoughtfulness. ‘I’m fine. I think if this was a surprise dinner, it might have caught me off guard.’ She pointed to the casserole dish. ‘That looks way too good to pass up.’

He smiled, his eyes lit up in the way they did when he was in a teasing mood. ‘As long as you’re sure because I can always invite Nicole over tomorrow night—lasagna’s even better the second day.’

Ana slapped his arm. ‘Just for that you can do the dishes!’

Sean brought a cloth-covered basket to her nose. He suddenly became penitent. ‘Even though I made these just for you?’

Ana peeked under the white covering and closed her eyes as she savored the tempting aroma. ‘Counselor, you present a powerful argument but I still see dishes in your foreseeable future. And I do recall it was you who volunteered to cook me dinner.’

‘How about I wash and you stack?’

‘Um.’ Ana paused with her arms in an L-position and an index finger tapping her chin. ‘Nope.’

‘I’ll just have to be creative in getting you to change your mind then. Help me set up outside.’

‘Better make it good, Sean. I’m not easily impressed.’

Ana scooped up the dinnerware.

‘I hope that’s a promise,’ he insisted.

Ana was on her way to the French doors in the living when she looked back at him. ‘Why?’

His expression sent ribbons of awareness to her stomach.

‘I love a challenge.’

* * * * *

‘It’s absolutely gorgeous out here,’ Ana lauded again.

It was like dining in a jewel box—one of his niece’s making, in response to the ‘strip of Sahara’ the backyard had become. A tall curtain of red and violet bougainvillea lined the fence. The scattered garden lights and the string-light lanterns hanging from the pergola above them made for an enchanted setting.

Ana looked up at the slivers of moonlight peeking through the thick cloud of bougainvillea above them. Even the night sounds were soothing. ‘This is so much better than a restaurant.’ She leaned back into her chair, her senses utterly content. ‘Well done, chef.’ She lifted her glass in salute.

‘And you don’t have to worry about getting mauled in the parking lot for other folks to see. Not that that stuff isn’t fun,’ Sean deadpanned.

Ana tried to stop the wine from spraying from her mouth and wound up almost choking on it instead. ‘You okay?’ he asked with concerned humor.

Ana nodded as she dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin. ‘You’re too much, you know that?’ she reprimanded, trying to keep the laughter from creeping into her voice despite her embarrassment.

Sean grinned and something in his expression changed, making her insides tighten. ‘Maybe at first, but you’ll get used to it.’ He shook his head in mock admonishment at the expression on her face. ‘Get your mind out of the gutter and help me clean up.’

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Clara sat in the gloom in the kitchen of her lake cabin. The sun had set without her. Soon no sunsets would have her adoring gaze. She was terminally ill. She had considered going home to Felicity but decided that it would be cruel to have her mother and sisters watch her die. She did not want them to suffer too. Her cancer had spread throughout her body. She had known that her doctor’s hopeful recital of her treatment options was ultimately going to be futile. Her denial stage had passed...

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Night With Friends

"Hello?" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend come to me over the phone lines, and I smiled as I addressed her. "Hey, what's going on?" "Oh hi, Jess, not much, just sitting around." "Oh yeah? You doing anything tonight?" "No." "Do you wanna do something tonight?" "Bitch, what do you think?" We both laughed. "Meeting that guy, you know, I've showed you his pic. He's in town." Bri'Anda's voice went from her normal, I'm-just-sitting-here-and-really-hating-it...

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25 August 2007Chapter 7

Wendy wore her second revealing flower printed dress. A slight lean the wrong way, and one nipple or the other would be saying, hello. The hem seemed shorter than her first dress, much to Dan’s delight. Holly appeared wearing the dress she’d mentioned before. There was no back to the light blue material as she promised. The hem ended almost at the beginning of her ass cheeks. The front was like a halter, going over her neck and spreading wide to reveal the inner halves of her firm breasts....

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CUCKOLD FARM PT5“So, old Oliver fancies you then girl” Jay said, then began to chuckle, as Lisa asked, “who the hell was Oliver?” “Have you cloth ear`s,?” Joe questioned, “we told you when we came home, we had met him, he`s the gamekeeper, and he offered to help Jay if he wasn’t up to keeping you happy, and that he fancied a swap with one of you two women and his Julie!” then with a big grin he added, “I belive Pam may have had some knowledge of that particular randy old gamekeeper in the...

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Designer Children Part 5

Chapter 12 "Are you waiting for your mommy, sweetie?" The old woman smiled, and while I felt safe in her presence, internally- it was like great swathes of barbed wire had nested in my brain. Each word and gesture from the woman, from her kindly expression to the way she sat, it echoed what I already knew- the world would see Kaylee, and they would treat her accordingly. There was no surprise in this. Ryan Sullivan wasn't sitting at the bus stop, his legs dangling from the bench,...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 15

Sydney was almost a repeat of Melbourne, but we arrived on Sunday and spent Monday and Tuesday being tourists. Monday, we saw the old warehouses and barracks down by the water, where the original convicts came in. It's now a restaurant and gift shop area, so everyone was fitted out in a T-shirt with an aboriginal image on it. We saw the famous opera house on the harbor, with its view of the surrounding water, the beautiful steel arch bridge, and the mouth of the harbor in the distance,...

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Gay Tendencies

I was just out of college and had landed my first job. Not much of a job, but it was a start. I was working in an office of a small construction company ran by a middle age man named Manny Middleton. I had not met the owner but Manny was in charge. My duties were pretty much clerical not what I expected with my business degree, but like I said it was a start. The work was boring and pretty much repetitive so I had no problem catching on. I tried hard to stay busy to make the time go faster.

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TandraChapter 48

The day I had been awaiting a long time for finally arrived. Susan was hoisted from her tank and gently lowered onto the gurney. I hoped to have this as a family affair, but reluctantly agreed to have it transmitted throughout the ship. Her sodden hair was even longer than usual, as I moved some of it from her face. I looked down and saw an even more beautiful woman. Her body was minutely different now. Her muscles were many times stronger, and her bones made to match. She now was the epitome...

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The Day the World Changed

The Day the World Changed By Morpheus I was crouched down in my garage, looking over the dirt bike in front of me. It looked like it was in pretty decent shape but I knew that it had some nasty problems that weren't obvious at first glance. For one, the gas tank had a small crack in it and that wasn't even going into the engine. I'd had a nasty spill on the bike a few weeks ago, and though my helmet and pads had kept me from getting anything worse than a few nasty bruises, my...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 2

Bran and Ong led Cela toward the sacred life stone in the center of the clearing. Cela's arms were tied behind her, but the bindings were only ceremonial; she could break free if she wished. But of course, she had no wish to escape; her sacrifice to the Wind God was vital to the wellbeing of her tribe. Only after the Wind God accepted her would he free the land from the frost magic so life could begin anew. Cela was nervous, but she wasn't really afraid. She had seen the Ceremony to Awaken...

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Evan und Joanne

Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...

Group Sex
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MAU Headliner

MAU: Headliner Synopsis: The owner of a strip club has a dilemma - the world- famous big-busted stripper who was going to headline was injured in a car accident, and he has patrons waiting to see her. An MAU gives him an opportunity to save the day... [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Headliner "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Mick Bertoni let his head drop into his pudgy hands, shaking it...

1 year ago
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BecChapter 2 Cleanliness is next to

It was a week before my thirteenth birthday. I guess that makes it about a month after that stuff with the doors. For most of that month, Tara and I had gotten on with each other pretty well. We even went shopping together once to look for school clothes; both of us have been getting taller. Mum even let Tara take her credit card, but she did check up on us later to make sure we didn’t go over the limits she’d set. It was cool shopping with my sister and not having Mum trying to tell us what...

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Nephews Readjustment

Kristina's life had improved drastically in the past two years. Most people would consider getting a divorce at thirty years old pretty bad. A divorce due to her husband's infidelity with his coworker. And his other coworker. Not to mention her own older cousin. The divorce had been swift and uncontested. He had tried to show remorse, but she would have none of it. She now had half his assets, including a small chain of coffee shops. Her revenge had only begun once Kristina had control over...

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Cherry Eric

Her whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend's apartment. Unbuttoning her...

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Depression SoupChapter 24 Married

Betty May: Just short months after all the trouble Davy and Pa put paid to, I began to look forward to our wedding. We planned nothing so grand as what Samantha and Hank had, of course. Truth to tell neither Davy or I wanted a big showy affair. I could hardly contain myself. It was early June and I was the envy of all the girls in school except Gladys Kemperer, the judge's daughter and Marilyn Marple whose father owned the new bank just started up in town. They were jealous because I had...

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Hot Incest Affair With My Mom8217s Younger Sister

Hi readers, this is Kannan back with another story which happened recently in my life in the first week of February. It was a festival time in our village. Once in 2 years, it used to take place. I am gonna narrate how this year’s festival turned led to a hot incest affair between me and my chithi (mom’s younger sister). Let me give a short opening for her. She is a 40 years old woman with good assets in her body. Her sizes are 38-36-38 – a chubby fair skinned chithi (even now). She has 2...

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Sex Tape

Yeah I'm back with new one. A lesbian one. Its pretty short but I didnt have many inspirational ideas come to me this time."Have you ever been recorded before?" He held the camera facing me and I shook my head. My stomach was in knots but I kept my expression plain. He laughed. "That figures. Well start however you want. I'm just here to get it on film."I took a deep breath and looked at my best friend. She looked way more excited than I did but that was to be expected. She looked over at the...

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Someone Taught Aimee Ch 1

She pitched a perfect shut-out with one angry throw. The diamond smacked his cheekbone and bounced into the gutter at her feet. She yelled something, but he couldn’t hear it over the roaring in his ears as he watched thousands of dollars lose itself in the muck of rotting leaves, fast food trash, and disgustingly unidentifiable goo. All thoughts of his recently purchased and obscenely expensive clothes dissipated when the 24 karat gold gave a cheery flash and slid under a half rotted oak leaf....

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Michelle Ch 01

As she sat on the edge of her bed, Michelle couldn’t help but get turned on by what her and Brandon had just finish talking about on the phone. Everything about him turned her on. She sat there and thought about everything they talked about. Without knowing, she slipped her hand into her shorts and began rubbing her clit. Still thinking about him, she rubbed faster and harder. She softly moaned as she thought about him caressing her body. His warm hands gently moving over her skin, touching all...

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Sissy Stepson Part 3 Caught in the Trap

Sissy Stepson Part 3 ? Caught in the Trap He was worried about the stain until he started watching a game show with the sexy female host. She had a stiletto's like he was wearing and was dangling them. Once again Carl's sissy stick became hard and began oozing translucent sissy cream all over the nylon and panties. He sat there for ten minutes watching the dangling, mesmerized and in a sissy dream like state with glazed eyes and an oozing cream stick confined...

4 years ago
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Sods LawChapter 14

Saturday 26th October 1985 I found a hotel in the countryside a few miles south of Conwy and booked for the week, to leave on Friday morning. That evening we joined the River House residents for dinner, which was a spicy vegetable concoction by Imogen. Helen was feted and hugged and kissed as a long lost prodigal daughter or sister, and the girls were allowed to scream at the sight of her engagement ring, now back in place. Next morning, Saturday, we were off in my car headed for Cymru...

1 year ago
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Loving Lesbian Lovers

This is a work of fiction with no reality what so ever. I wrote it as entertainment here on XH, I would be pleased for thumbs up if you enjoyed it.“Where do I start?” I wondered as I sat in front of the large screen watching two lesbians making out. It seemed like my life was controlled by a lust for lesbians that seemed to grow stronger each day and I had no way to control it. I was trying to write some notes to see if my obsession and lust for lesbians made any sense once it was written. This...

2 years ago
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Oh Boy That Was A Night To Remember

I used to work in Hyderabad and visit my parents in my hometown during weekends every now and then. It was just like any other day, came home by Saturday morning and stayed in home for couple of days and booked tickets online through redbus to get back to Hyderabad. The only difference between my previous visits and this one was, I just didn’t plan shit. I booked my tickets in the last minute and had to choose the last row in the bus while going back to Hyderabad and that too it was coming from...

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OHGIRL Street Hooker

I had called up maintenance to have one or more of the guys come up to my condo, under the pretenses of doing some work, so that I could get fucked. I was stoned and horny and I hadn't seen my neighbor or boyfriend in weeks. Shawn was gone as usual, since we had been fighting, along with my car, so I was relegated to being by myself. The guy who answered was new and he explained that the staff had recently been let go. He didn't go into detail, but he kind of let me know that other tenants had...

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Forge of StonesChapter 24

"Dear Celia, such are the ways of things from what I know and what I can gather. I do not expect you to believe me outright but neither should you attribute what I've said to old age or think them to be the sayings of a madman. What I have told you is the truth, the way of things behind the veil that has been put in front of your eyes. I have seen countless sunsets, I have walked over sand and snow, traversed the mountains and journeyed across the Great Sea. I've loved this world dearly...

3 years ago
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Rachel meets a guy

A few nights ago, Erica had to work late, so I went to a party at a friend’s house alone. Where I ran into Jennifer, a girl I introduced to the pleasures of bi-sexuality and her boyfriend James.“Hey guys!” I said, walking up to them.“Hey Rachel, how are you baby?” Jennifer asked, giving me a hug and kiss.“I’m great! I recently closed the biggest sale in our company’s history.” I replied.“You here with anybody?” James asked.“No, my girlfriend Erica had to work late. So I’m here alone.” I...

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Robert Misty Ch 5

Misty: She had hated leaving Robert that way and would have preferred spending the entire day in his arms, but she couldn’t. He had already seen more than enough when he had lifted her sweater and there was no way she wanted to explain any of that to him. What happened between them this morning, had erased those memories even if just briefly and it also gave her the strength to get through the weekend, knowing she would be with him again on Monday. Larry was in a foul mood when he got home...

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Shyla8217s encounter 1

Hi, i am shyla from dhaka, bangladesh.i am 27 .we live in gulshan ,the poshest area in and riya are good friends from our college life.she got married 8 months ago. She is a very pretty gal.her husband is also a very nice person and also good looking with a muscular body. I also want a husband like him. In the last some months i masturbated thinking about riya’s hubby. We met many times in the parties. And riya also used to come in our home with her hubby.riya and i – both are sexy....

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Gretchen Gym Workout

"Oh, God! Oh, Nooo, don't stop, don't stop! Oh, Fuck, more, more! Shit, faster, faster you fuckers!" At that point, I swallowed the big dick hanging over my face and sucked on it like it was the last one on earth. But it wasn't as there was the big fat fuck stick in my cunt that slammed into me harder and faster at my command. I was in erotic heaven--but wait, maybe I should start from the beginning. I'm Gretchen, better known to close associates as, "Gretch." I'm twenty-five and...

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The Pebble

The Pebble By Janet Harris Copyright 29/09/99 My wife Amanda and I lounged in deckchairs on the shingle bar of the beach, watching the activity of the crowds on the sand below. We were sun bathing to even-up our tans because the weather had been very patchy on our holiday and the sun had only seemed to shine when we were inland until today. I had on a cool long-sleeved shirt with the front unbuttoned because I had burnt my arms on the cliff-top walk yesterday, but apart from...

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Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...

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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 2 Daughterrsquos Anal Birthday Gift

Melissa Young – October 2018 I was nervous in the changing room. My fourteen-year-old body quivered as I stared at the outfits before me. They were all so much more adult than I was used to wearing. When Daddy said he wanted to take me shopping, I was so shocked. He never wanted to take me shopping, but when school got out, he’d offered to take me. He said I was beautiful and pretty. It sent all these butterflies through my stomach. It made me think of Daddy as a man. Not just as my...

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Her First Affair Part 2

It was two weeks since Mallory and Tom made love. It had been the most incredible sex that Mallory has ever had. However, it maybe wrong for a married woman to fuck another man. She can’t stop thinking about her first extramarital fuck and the excitement she felt. Lying in bed Saturday morning, thinking her husband was still asleep, she started to play with her clit and imagining Tom’s large cock sliding into her pussy she let out a soft moan. Then she slid her other hand under her nightgown...

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Milk of Desire Chapter 5 Setting up for a sleepover

By EFon Chapter 5 : Setting up for a sleepover So much has happened in the past few days, and even more this morning, that I was almost dizzy. As best as I could work out I think I have inherited some kind of power over people who have tasted me. My sister drank a glass of milk with my cum in it after I jerked of a few days ago, and now she went from hating my guts to being my best friend and more. That and she actually sucked my cock when she thought I was sleeping one night, and...

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Seduced by Sin Ch 01

Ok, this is my first attempt at writing, so it might be a little on the rough side until I get an idea of where I want my writing to take me. Constructive criticism is welcome, and I am open to any useful suggestions or ideas you might have. Please, no bashers. Hope you like it! Renee * Our story begins in the early 1800’s England, on the estate of Lord Carrington, Earl of Bendford, just north of London. The Earl’s only daughter, Katherine, rose early that morning, dressed in her favorite...

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Sandys Evil Plan

The bad chapter of my storybook life begins on New Year's Eve, at a party hosted by the company where my husband worked. We'd left the twins, Kyle and Jenny, with their Aunt Julie and we were looking forward to a good time. Not only was it the new year and time to celebrate, but now that our kids were out of diapers, Robert and I had decided to have another baby. I'd even started taking fertility pills because we wanted another set of twins, if possible, although that isn't a great reason...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 21

He woke me up at 2am. I woke up lazily. This was the 1st day in a long time I woke up this early. I was feeling him for an entire night and now, I was somewhat horny as well. But I did not say anything. We went to the bathroom, had a wash together and prepared ourselves. I wore one of my saris but this time, I wore the coat he bought me above myself to get covered so that we can have some more fun on the way to the university. I usually do not use perfume as it is against religion and also,...

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