Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 05 free porn video

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Dear Reader,

Someone suggested this story would find its proper home with romance readers. I think she’s right and I hope you do too. Enjoy!

With thanks,



Saturday, September 9th, 2006. 2:38 pm.

The glass panels parted with a swish. Then came the blast of frigid air with its clouds of stale, denatured alcohol. The scent assault dragged Ana through time where she was kneeling in fright, reaching for the limp hand clutching twenty dollar bills. She looked at Sean’s profile and prayed his world would remain unchanged when he emerged from the other side of these doors. Her fingers entwined with his, the past and present pressed between their palms. She stuffed the memories deep in the closet of her mind and they crossed the threshold together. She was here, now, for Sean.

‘They’re running tests…they’re doing an ECG, something called a tropnin and a CK…I think that’s what the nurse said,’ the harried brunette—Sean’s mother—tried to explain. Her nose and eyes were shades of red. The smudged mascara added a look of fatigue to her delicate, pinched features.

‘A troponin test,’ the greyer haired version of the man next to her corrected while he smoothed his wife’s back. Even his rich baritone matched Sean’s. In fact, the son favored the father in every way but for the elder’s green eyes. ‘They’re checking to see if Grandpa had a heart attack. Grams is with him right now.’

‘We’re waiting to find out more before we call Em.’ The woman’s wild, blue eyes landed on Ana. ‘Who are you?’

Well, hello!

If Ana didn’t feel like an interloper at a private family gathering, she did now. Given the situation she didn’t bristle at the question’s slightly brusque delivery. But Sean’s father looked taken aback.

Sean placed a hand on the small of Ana’s back. Touching her tempered the spark of red hot anger that rose up his chest. ‘This is Ana,’ he announced before she spoke.

The simple words held a dark edge—one she never wanted to be on the receiving end of—as he pulled her closer to him. His hand slid up her back, the tiny gesture felt both protective and defiant and rendered any further explanation unnecessary. That was all it took to for her to feel like she belonged—unquestionably.

Sean’s father extended a hand, his smile and demeanor apologetic as he spoke. ‘I’m Dominic, Sean’s dad.’

‘I’m Clodagh,’ Sean’s mother followed automatically and exchanged distracted pleasantries with Ana. ‘I should check on Daddy…you stay here,’ she said to no one in particular, ‘Duncan should be here soon.’

‘I’ll come with you,’ Dominic offered gently.

‘We’ll be right here,’ Sean promised at his mother’s uncertain look.


She wanted to tell him everything would be alright but she didn’t want to offer empty platitudes. She looped an arm around his waist, instead, and rubbed his back, wishing she could do more. She sent out another silent prayer with the others circulating these walls and hoped it would be answered.

He snaked an arm around her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze. ‘You can go. I’ll call you later about picking up my car.’

Ana’s hand froze. It was a gentle rejection, a reminder that she was privy to just a small part of his life, nothing more. But hearing him put it to words, even indirectly, stung. God, how foolish of her to misinterpret the simple way he’d introduced her to his parents. She reached for her hypocrisy—she would’ve called off their affair by now if hadn’t he taken that phone call—and it dulled the hurt. A little. She wasn’t going to hang around where she wasn’t wanted. Certain she had her face schooled in a neutral expression, Ana looked at him, ready to acquiesce to his request. But his vivid blue eyes said something entirely different.

He’d given her an out. Nothing would change if she went home right now. Would something change if she stayed?

‘No.’ Her hand moved over his back again in slow, circles. ‘I’ll stay…if you want.’

He nudged her closer to his side, taking in the comfort of having her near before he’d have to let her go. ‘It might be a while,’ he warned.

He wouldn’t ask her to stay lest there be a small chance she would…out of obligation. That and he couldn’t let her know how much he needed her right now. She didn’t sign up for this. Hell, he frowned, did he?

Ana wove her fingers around the ones hanging off her shoulder. This wasn’t about walking away from an afternoon in a hospital waiting lounge. He wanted her here. She heard it in his voice, though he was too proud to admit it.

‘Yes,’ she said and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, not needing to deliberate her decision any further. She looked up at him again, hoping to articulate the message with her eyes, wanting to erase the doubt she saw in his. ‘I know. I’m staying.’

* * * * *

A sonorous, Brennan man’s voice called out Sean’s name. Ana recognized him from the photos she’d seen in Sean’s living room. Duncan Brennan was slightly taller, his frame more athletic, than his younger brother. Dressed in a black shirt, dark jeans and black boots, Duncan was the rugged anti-hero to Sean’s charismatic leading man—outfitted in a blue crew neck peeking out from a red / blue striped white shirt, chinos and dark loafers. The two men hugged in the loose way men did, without hesitation. Sean introduced her to his brother before updating him on what little was known of their grandfather’s condition.

Time went by in a choreographed waltz of doctor updates and Brennans taking turns to sit with Sean Gallagher. New faces came and went, some stayed long enough to become familiar strangers—like the worried couple sitting a row ahead. They were here for a little girl. There was the small talk people engaged in to pass time, to will everything back into order through a stream of words, to break the silence. Hospital silences were the heaviest, most unbearable sounds in the world.

The first hour and a half of waiting rewarded them with good news: the results of the blood work were negative. The tentative relief grew more confident as the elder Sean showed no further signs of discomfort. Reports came back he was pleased his attending physician was a woman. The sight of a pretty lass made the indignities of being poked and prodded and the absurd questions about the quality of his recent bowel movements, rather bearable.

Ana looked over to Sean, who was talking with Duncan near the water dispenser, and smiled inside, now she knew where he inherited his flirting gene. Both brothers commanded attention in their unique way, which didn’t go unnoticed by some visitors or hospital staff—female and male.

‘This is some way to meet Sean’s family isn’t it, love.’ Emily Gallagher patted Ana’s hand in the sweet gesture only loving grandmothers mastered. The lilting dip and roll of ‘love’ betrayed her Irish roots.

Ana leaned in, not quite sure how best to respond. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Why be sorry?’ Emily waved her freckled hand around. ‘This isn’t your doing. I’m glad you’re here for my grandson.’

Ana cast a look to Sean, now linked to his niece, Grace, via a shared earphone. Their heads bobbed in time with the music coming out of her Ipod.

‘I know he is too. He’s much calmer around you.’ Emily’s blue-grey eyes softened as she watched the pair talking animatedly. ‘I used to tell Clodagh, God would repay her for all she put me and her father through by giving her a child just like herself.’ She pointed weathered, hot pink manicured finger in Sean’s direction. ‘She thought I was exaggerating until that one was born.’

‘I’ve heard some of the stories but I have a feeling there was some editing involved. I can definitely picture him being a handful as a child—he still is.’

Emily nodded and studied the swirl of caramel colors in her chamomile tea. She didn’t miss the affectionate
note in the girl’s voice. It wasn’t the affected sweetness of a girl trying to impress upon her young man’s family the sincerity of her a feelings. She had a quiet strength about her and while she appeared kindhearted, she didn’t go out of her way to seek approval. Qualities…what was her name…oh, dear…Ana…would need in spades if what she suspected came to pass. Clodagh would turn into a mama bear to make sure her youngest had chosen well. Luckily the boy had an anarchistic streak, especially when he had to have something, like the day he’d marched his muddied feet into the neighbor’s living room and demanded his bike back with a ‘thank you’ at the end. Poor Clodagh had been embarrassed and exasperated, but it was the funniest thing to see Karma play itself out. She looked at…Ana…and felt a tinge of regret that she’d wished little Sean his own set of rambunctious offspring.

‘You’re not flustered by it though…Nic is like that with Clodagh.’

Ana acknowledged the observation with a nod. If she were a cartoon character her head would’ve swiveled three-sixty a dozen times already. Was Sean’s grandmother was speaking as if their relationship warranted comparison with a married couple’s? She couldn’t suppress a wry grin as her glance dropped to the octogenarian’s pale blonde head. Finding out she was just some girl her grandson picked up at a bookstore would knock the curl out of that elegant coif. The sweet woman assumed she was here by design, not coincidence and leapt to certain conclusions. And who could blame her? The no-strings lover never got introduced to family. She looked over to where he was standing. He’d correct the falsehood at the appropriate time.

He must’ve felt her watching him because he looked her way. Their eyes connected for a moment. He wouldn’t have called her to be with him had events occurred differently. Her being here didn’t impart any significance on their connection. She was here for him the way a friend would be. She’d better remember that. She deflected back to where it was needed.

‘How are you doing? Really.’ She hoped the question didn’t come off as lame or intrusive. It’s just that Emily Gallagher had remained so serene throughout the afternoon, it seemed eerie and unnatural.

The lines around Emily’s stormy eyes deepened. ‘Resisting won’t change the situation, love. It’s out of my control. I know my Sean’s a fighter,’ she paused and her half-smile faded, ‘he’ll do his best to stay with us.’

Clodagh Brennan rounded the corner just then and dropped into the chair next to her mother. She’d been running on pure adrenaline the entire time.

‘Why don’t you and Nic take a walk. You could do with the fresh air.’

‘Mom. I should—’

‘Grace and the boys are here and Ana is keeping me company,’ Emily continued on as if her daughter were closer to sixteen than sixty. ‘You have your phone with you, yes?’

Clodagh watched them both and something crept into her face before a look of resignation settled in. Was it hurt? Jealousy?

‘Okay,’ she relented. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes.’

‘Thank goodness,’ Emily remarked with uncensored relief after her daughter left. ‘She means well but being around all her nervousness and worry is too much.’

‘She’s scared.’

‘I know. I am too,’ Emily confessed: her fingers shifted the short blonde hair at her nape. ‘A timeout from all of this will do her a world of good.’ And Grams would probably find it easier to maintain her composure which was much more fragile than Ana originally guessed.

Sean slid into the empty chair, taking his mother’s place. ‘What are you girls chatting about?’

Emily’s eyes turned conspiratorial. ‘Ana was about to tell me how you met.’ Did impishness run in the family, like the blue eyes?

His gaze went back and forth between the women. She knew his agile mind was spinning a tame version of their meeting, palatable enough for his doting grandmother.

‘Did she tell you she tried to pick me up at Borders?’

Ana was horrified even as Emily grinned. ‘I did not!’

‘Don’t think for a second I believe you,’ she said smiling up at her grandson.

Sean had the audacity to look wounded.

* * * * *

Ana was happy for them, she really was. But other feelings made it impossible to sit by and watch with a cheerleader smile. Feelings she was ashamed to have right now because they were selfish. She passed a wet napkin around her face and neck, hoping the gentle pats would help her tamp down what tried to surface a few minutes ago.

Clodagh’s demeanor had announced the good news well before she’d said the words: her father was being discharged in the morning. He’d stay overnight for observation but everything looked good. Heartburn—due to a forbidden quarter pounder and shake—and not a heart attack appeared to be the likely culprit behind his lunchtime chest pains.

Ana hung around while Duncan left to walk Grace to her car, listened as Clodagh and Emily ‘discussed’ how long Clodagh would stay with her parents, while Dominic mediated. Sean had vanished from the corner of her eyes as the frightened couple who sat in front of them got escorted to ‘the private room’. The little girl! The moment the man started to shake his head in denial, was the moment Ana had to leave.

Ana checked her reflection again before leaving the ladies’ room. She armed herself with cherry Chap Stick and rounded the corner with renewed determination. Even from here she could see the tense vigil now lay behind them. They were probably still making plans for tomorrow and the next day. She scanned the waiting room and saw the grieving couple huddled in a corner, clinging to each other. A visit to ‘the private room’ only meant one thing.

Miss Williams, I’m sorry. We did everything we could. Please accept my—

The sting fanning out from the bridge of her nose had her searching the hallways for an escape. She ran when she spotted Sean walking down the corridor. She couldn’t let him see her like this. Not even on a good day…

* * *

Sean took a swig of his Pepsi on the way from his Grandpa’s room and grimaced. This could never, ever pass for Coke. It wasn’t even close. He walked by a sobbing couple talking with a doctor and quickly shifted his gaze out of respect. Being a voyeur into their pain felt like a violation of something sacred. It was a sad reminder how blessed they were that Grandpa was alright. He looked for the person who helped make this day easier to bear. How fitting she’d chosen to wear a top and trousers in that off-white color. She’d been nothing but an angel.

‘Where’s, Ana?’

She’d never been gone for an extended amount of time. And whether she was close enough to touch or several feet away, even when no words were spoken, her message was soothing as it was constant. I’m here for you.

‘She went to the ladies’ room,’ his mother said.

‘She looked unwell, poor girl,’ Grams added with concern.

Sean felt the irritation kick up upon seeing the indignant tilt of his mom’s head. She might as well have thought balloons floating above her. Why should Ana feel ill? Is her daddy in here too?

Her notorious impatience was no excuse–one of the traits Grams insisted they shared. Her being in a constant state of fright for hours was no excuse. Ana didn’t have to be here. She didn’t have to spend ten minutes on the phone directing Grace on the fastest way to get here. She didn’t have to go across the street to make sure Grams had a real cup of tea to drink instead of that generic cafeteria crap. She didn’t have to spend her Saturday afternoon in a hospital. Not when there were a million other things to do than to sit with a bunch of strangers and be reminded of the day she lost her mother. But she did it anyway. For him.

Shit. Her mother.

‘Her mother died of a heart attack almost two years ago,’ he accused. He couldn’t help it. He found the contrite look on hi
s mother’s face, as her hand covered her mouth, just shy of perversely satisfying. While his ears vaguely entertained her shame filled acknowledgment of Ana’s compassion and kindness, how Ana never let on how close to home this must hit, his eyes drifted past her head, down the hall.

‘Go look for her,’ his father advised, sensing the direction of his thoughts. ‘She’s been gone a while.’

* * * * *

The muscle in his jaw worked in frustration when he dead ended at the emergency exit. He could’ve sworn he’d caught a glimpse of a woman wearing an off-white top headed in this direction. He opened the door, it wouldn’t hurt to look.

Was he ever wrong.

Hysterical wailing he could to deal with because the drama of it all usually overshadowed the actual cause. But he wasn’t prepared for this. The loneliness of seeing her sitting on a step, hugging her sides, her silent suffering, gutted him. She was quietly fighting the hollows of despair with every drop of resolve in her. Even in a deserted, half-lit stairwell, Ana tried to be stoic. How often had she been alone when she needed someone?

I often didn’t know what to tell them or how to ask for help.


She went still.

Sean sat next to her and she turned to the wall as if he’d disappear, as if he wouldn’t realize she was crying. She jumped when he stroked her back.

‘Ana.’ He didn’t know what else to say so he edged closer while his hand swept across her shoulders.

‘I’m s-sorry,’ she sputtered. He guessed the words rather than understood them.

He kept his voice gentle as he spoke. ‘Honey, it’s okay. You’re human. Being here must have brought back a lot of memories.’

Ana started shaking and turned into a tight ball. He gathered her in his arms and she resisted until she must have realized he wasn’t letting her go. He rubbed her back and rocked her like a baby when she sagged against him.

‘Let it out, love’ he whispered as she began to sob in earnest. ‘It’s okay. I’m here. Let it out.’ His words poured out without any thought but to soothe her and continued even after his throat ached.

The sound of her heart wrenching keen leapt off the concrete walls and went straight to his soul. Part of him wanted her to stop crying because he felt the agony of her heartbreak and sorrow as if they were his own. Part of him knew Ana needed this release. She needed reminding that being strong didn’t mean it wasn’t okay to say ‘ow’ when life hurt. He held her long after her tears faded into intermittent sniffles and then silence. She eased out of his arms but the instant their eyes met, her face crumpled again.

‘Oh, God.’ Her scratchy voice was loaded with remorse. ‘I’ve made you cry.’

He could feel his eyes brimming with tears but only a total, unfeeling bastard could’ve remained indifferent right now. He cradled her again.

‘Ssh,’ he murmured into her hair. ‘Technically, I’m not crying.’ He felt some relief when she made a sound somewhere between a hiccup and a laugh.

He realized how fortunate he was, not only would Grandpa be okay, he had his family—even if they got on each other’s nerves. Ana, however, had been in a mall full of strangers when her mother had collapsed at the ATM. She’d waited alone in the ER until her friends rushed from work. He kissed her temple, truly understanding for the first time how scared she must have felt. He wished he’d known her then, wished he could do more for her now.

‘I can’t let your family see me like this,’ Ana remarked as if speaking to herself. She fussed at her eyes, her hair and reached for her bag.

‘They know about your mom, they’ll understand.’

Ana stopped rummaging.

‘You told them?’ she repeated as if there were some hope he’d deny it. So much for the whole trying-to-ease-her-worries bit. Her eyes flashed from distressed, to mortified, to distressed again. ‘They’ve been through enough today. They need to focus on your granddad and stay positive.’

‘Sweetheart, it’s only natural you’d have some reaction to everything that’s happened today. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about and we don’t hide stuff like this in my family.’ Sean took her hands in his. Damn, they were cold. ‘It means a lot that you were with us today.’

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Catching up with the biggest cock

Catching up with the biggest cock. I have recently written with an account from my diary about the biggest cock that I’ve ever seen and someone saw the experience and wanted to know more as I had said that I met him a few times. So, I can bring that right up to date now because I have recently been to see him again. But let me go back again to the time when it was all happening……After that first day I have to confess that I couldn’t get that gorgeous long cock out of my mind. Having been very...

3 years ago
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Undisclosed Relation With My Aunt

By : Abhi.Bang1984 Hi This is Abhishek currently staying in Bangalore. The story that I am going to present is from my real life experience. It happened when I was in class XII in Delhi. We were staying in a joint family consist of 13 members. I have a uncle who has a wife of age around 33yrs with 4 yrs old daughter(gudiya). My dad and uncle is in cloth whole sale business. So they travel very frequently outside the town. This is story is about me and my aunt’s unexplained relation between us....

2 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 16

I had decided that this evening would be my first try at running around naked in the open. Well, not completely in the open of course, because I would do it in a wooded area. And because I had done my last exam in school today, and I knew that I would be alone at home. It seemed the perfect day to try my luck. And so, at a little before 11pm, I went on my way. I took my bike and cycled over to the woods where I was going to be running around in my birthday suit. And I felt little butterflies...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Gift

It is agreed that the most important part of the body needed for sex is the brain. If a person doesn’t have the brain engaged before, during and after sex the result will be less than satisfactory. The greatest aspect of this brain power is the use of fantasy. The little story you keep going in your head leads to a depth of intensity and allows a person to shed inhibitions and just go with it!Usually this is, as I said, the little story unfolding in your mind… private, known only to yourself....

First Time
4 years ago
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The Partys Over

Saturday night and the drunks are all over the house. And they would be for at least another two hours, I thought sourly. All night I had been stealing glances at him in anticipation. OOHH but he looked sooo very, very good. I couldn't wait for him to steal into my room after this stupid 'party' and we could make our brand of mad love. At 2:10 AM(I was watching the clock!) he came at last and slid into bed with me. I felt his warmth and started to swoon. My back was to him as his arm...

3 years ago
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Our Hong Kong Affair

“Hey. How’re you doing?” The question was a familiar prelude to our many telephone conversations. “Great now,” I smiled into the phone. It was a luxury being able to talk on the phone in the evenings, but he was on a business trip and my husband was at one of his eternal meetings, so we had a bit more freedom than usual. “It’s so nice to hear your voice.” We never wondered why we bothered through all the restrictions of having an affair. The answer was there in our connection, in the pleasure...

Love Stories
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sisterinLaw Mixed Signals

My wife's sister, Michelle (see my first post about her), came down earlier in the week to stay with us for a few days. I am happy to report that yet another voyeuristic occasion happened just yesterday and I am still hard thinking about it but I need to get some input from fellow readers on what I should do. Here goes. My wife was working yesterday and I was home with her sister. We went out together last night to pick up a few things my wife needed us to get for the house. We had a quick...

2 years ago
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We had been chatting online for a while when it was clear that we needed to meet each other. The attraction was mutual and the comfort level was high. So we made arrangements to meet, each of us had the day free. That morning I got ready and took off, it was about a 90-minute drive and I thought about how I would react when I saw her in person and what she would do. I arrived at the designated place to meet her, a food store parking lot, and drove around looking for her. I spotted what I...

4 years ago
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My First Trip To Heaven

Hi guys and girls. Mayank this side. This is my first sex story, so kindly bear with my grammatical mistakes. I live in Delhi since 2012 when I came here along with my family for my graduation. It was very easy for us to shift as one of my dad’s close friend (Sagar) live here since a long time. Even before shifting, their family and ours used to meet frequently. My family consists of dad (50), mom(46) and me(22). Their family consists of Sagar(48), his wife asha(45), his daughter akriti(22). As...

2 years ago
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What is done

Darkness above and around as you stare at the ceiling. Clearly it is not morning yet, though you are awake. You reach over to tap on your phone and see that you only slept for a few hours, it was almost one when you stopped watching your show on your phone. Squinting at the light the you read it twice and internally groan. 3:27A.M. As the screen begins to dim you turn your head and look beside you, the lump of comforter moderately showing a humanoid shape with your wife's head jutted out upon a...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 21 Concerts and Christmas

At the rehearsal on Saturday afternoon, everyone wanted to know how our Canberra concerts went. The others laughed when Megan told everyone about the young girl grabbing and kissing me; I was asked if I snuck her up to the room for some more activities after the main show had finished. “She might have responded to a private showing,” Bruce said. “Fuck off, she was fourteen, if that,” I said. “I have to draw the line somewhere.” “You could have drawn a line across her fourteen year old...

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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23“Jamie, you alright, babe?” Shane squatted down, pulling up his balaclava so I could see his face. “Stay there for a moment while we clear the boat. We think we’ve got them all but we need to be sure.”I wanted to hug him, but he stood up, waved his arm, and the men started to move on in the crouching walk all special forces use, their automatic weapons at the ready. We were allowed to get up from the floor but all I could hear was the whining voice of the ambassador.“This is an...

1 year ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 05

True Beginning But now, it’s the autumn. I’m back home from my trip. I met you on the street on your way home from class. I played with you against the hall mirror. We had supper together and talked and laughed and kissed over desert. You are on top of me. I am on my back. There’s a fire in the bedroom fireplace. We are in my bed – the old high curtained four-poster. You are panting. You are lovely. My finger is gently stroking your clitoris as you straddle me. The flame’s glow reveals...

1 year ago
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Saving My Marriage part 2

****** As I made my way back up to our beach towels, my wife Amy was pulling up the bright blue board shorts over her hips. While I was a little sad to see the sexy bikini bottoms get covered up, the way the slightly damp board shorts clung to her hips and ass was definitely a nice sight to see. I grabbed my towel and began to brush the sand off of the rented surf board as Amy packed up her things. "How about you run your board back to the shop. I will run over and get us a table at...

2 years ago
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Our First Time with Black Pussy

Ben and I went out for drinks and fun, really dressing up and having a great time out with each other. As we drove back home, I sat close to him in the car as we cruised the streets, talking and listening to music and ok, feeling each other up in the car. I rubbed his cock thru his pants and took my tits out of my top teasingly putting them in his face while he was trying to drive.. we were just having a good time as usual. I whispered to him "I want to see you fuck a black pussy...

3 years ago
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Crimson and Blue

"And then the little fagot has the balls to ask for a tip…….." TonyVincent paused just long enough to let the other men start laughing, then hejoined in himself, big booming laughter that filled the narrow corridor. OnTony's left Big Al paused to wipe a tear from his eye. It didn't take muchto make the big man laugh, so much so that some of the other men on the crewcalled Al the "laughing gorilla" though never to his face of course. The big man was a giant, a lumbering mountain of muscle that...

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The Trust Fund Kid

Every eye in the place turned to look at us when we walked in. Every male eye anyway and they weren't really looking at us; they were looking at Becky. Understandable. Five seven, long brown hair down to the middle of her back, the face of an Angel and a body designed to drive men crazy. It was all real too. Not even a tenth of an ounce of plastic or silicone in that 36 x 22 x 34 package. I could see the speculation on their faces. Older sister? Cousin? One or two might even be thinking a...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 86 Preparing Ava Part One

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) When our meal ended, Vanessa said, "Donna, do you want to do the dishes with me so I can tell you some things that will help you convince Mark that you're growing into a mature young woman?" Helping with the dishes, something Donna often does anyway, was an inconsequential cost for such useful advice. She eagerly agreed. Vanessa added, "You three go and make your phone calls." Carol said, "I'll help with the dishes too. Julia doesn't need my...

1 year ago
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The Swimming Party

Note : This story is completely fictional! The spacious, feminine room was stylishly furnished. Near the entrance there was a queen size, maple bed with a yellow, green, and white flowery bedspread that matched the curtains on the large windows in the far corner. Matching maple nightstands flanked either side of the bed. Above was a framed poster from the movie “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” while other posters decorated the walls. There were several shelves that held books,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Venus Afrodita Ass Fucked Inside The Office

Anal agent, Venus Afrodita, is back servicing her insurance agency’s top clients as only she can in this 4K Hands On Hardcore premium porn presentation. Before the paperwork can be signed to seal the deal with Lutro and Kai Taylor the men need to end the meeting with the sexy Latina by becoming properly acquainted, which to them means busting their cocks out and putting her to work on them. The curvy assed brunette gets down to business, pulling her lingerie to the side to let the...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 4 Samias Night

Samia was ushered into the Emir's bedchamber to find him lying in bed reading. She dropped into a deep gesture of obeisance as she had been told, and tried to remember what she was to do next. When the Emir called to her to carry on, she was still confused, but remembered just in time that she was to start by kissing his feet and legs. She started to do this, but had never done anything remotely like it before and really didn't know what to do. This made her more nervous, and in turn her...

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The Bodyparts People

People need body parts to go far in their life. Both for doing something and to lives. Although, they can still live without their limbs, sight, earring and voice. But they can't live without vital body parts, namely the head and/or torso. Everyone knows that. In this story however, everyone can live without a specific body part including the vital one. But when the body part is separated from its host, it become its own being. In other case, they can move like it had a complete body, sometimes...

1 year ago
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This Story Is About Cindy 17

Introduction: Another plot heavy chapter, but a little excitement near the end ,) Hopefully if youre still following this series, you enjoy the plot as well as the potential fap-material, so enjoy! If youre new to the story, youve missed some good stuff, so go read it from the beginning! PART 1 CHPTER 7 It was worse than I thought… I came into school on Monday to face a furious Cindy. She barely made notice of me as we found each other in the hallway, and she passed me with a stern look set on...

4 years ago
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MagicianChapter 28

Things as ever settled down after the excitement of the Coalition's failure to succeed in an attack on us followed by our very successful counter-attacks. The Coalition withdrew to its heartlands and began what amounted to its own inquisition which further exacerbated its problems, with defections being rife, until eventually only a hard core of extremists remained, a very dangerous hard core to be sure. The Nephilim/Æsir war carried on apace, though the Æsir were pushing them back on all...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 49

The next two days were hectic as truck after truck for UPS, DHL, and FedEx came and went. The storage containers were rapidly filling. The Quicksilver shipments arrived. Billy had gone in to Lubbock to pick up grain feed at the coop. He'd taken the big rig, planning on wiping the warehouse out of sweet feed, cattle feed, sheep and goat, and just about all the vet supplies he could lay hands on. We set aside the container on the end for that batch. It would be easiest to load that way....

4 years ago
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Tabloid Tales Hey Presto

Tabloid Tales: Hey Presto! by Paul1954 The Wheatsheaf Pub, Wapping London - November '99 It was a cold and wet winter's night in London's Docklands, and Mike Langston and Tom Walters were grateful for the warmth that the 'real flame effect' gas fire gave them, as the flames leapt around the fake logs. "Christ Tom - are you going to get me another pint or what!" Mike said, as he rattled his empty glass on the beer stained table that they were sharing. Picking up on the...

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My GFs Birthday too Me Gay

It took a long time for Steve to wake up. He slowly came out of a dirty dream, unusually thick-headed and groggy. Two things immediately grabbed his attention. Firstly he was tied down. This was new. The ropes looped around his ankles and wrists, his legs spread apart and his arms above his head. There was no way he could get up.Steve may have panicked but for the second thing he noticed. Stacey his girlfriend had her hand on his lubed up dick and was slowly stroking him. This would explain the...

1 year ago
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A Very Horny Cock

Friday night, end of another working week and I couldn't wait to go out and party with my friends Yasmine and Carla, in fact Yasmine was supposed to pick me up in a couple of minutes and I was still not ready, I was just on my way to the shower when I heard the door bell. "Can you get that Dad" I yelled out, "it will be Yasmine, tell her I wont be long" And I dashed into the shower. About 15 minutes later, I'd showered and dressed and rushed into the lounge room, full of apologies for being...

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Strangers on a Steampunk Train Ch 02

And chapter 2, a little bit less face punching than chapter 1…Enjoy ,) The lights from the small dance floor flashed repeatedly in her eyes. Through the dusty white light, stood a tall, dark-skinned woman with long black hair. Her expensive deep violet dress reached to the floor, and the gold threads sparkled in each movement. Emeline knew her, they had met just once before. That was enough to make an impression on them both. Her unabashedly thick accent tossed the words of the harsh language...

1 year ago
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My Wifersquos Little Sister

Kayla had grown up to be a sexy little thing and she was hitting on me! What could I do?My wife, Sandy, and I are both in our early forties and have been married for fifteen years. Her little sister, Kayla, who her parents admit was an accident, had just turned eighteen when she came down to Florida for a month-long visit. She lives with her parents in Seattle, so we don’t get to see her or Sandy’s parents very often.We have watched Kayla grow up from a baby and she was always very precocious...

4 years ago
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Fun in the dunes

I decided to leave the other girls at the hotel and have a wander into the sand dunes.It was another hot, sunny Canarian day and the dunes seemed deserted, so I lay my towel on the sand in a secluded dip, got the suntan oil out and started to oil myself up.I lay in the sun on my back for a while, then sat up and looked around. No one about so I stood up and undid my bikini top. It was a relief for my big, heavy breasts to be out in the sun, and looking around again, I pulled my bikini bottoms...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Pat 6 Better Get Used to It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 06: Better get used to it. By Carmenica Diaz We decided to go to Jeremy's place in Notting Hill in jeans, boots, woollens and jackets. Every time I woke and had to decide what to wear, I wondered how it had all changed. It was so new still, so strange but, at the same time, so real. This was me! 'We'll come back here and change clothes,' Angela said, 'once Jeremy tells us what's expected for his dinner party. Who hosts a dinner party at a...

4 years ago
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fucking my friend at work

It was back in 2004, I was working at Meijer’s in the restaurant part. (Meijer’s is like a super Wal-Mart)There was this girl named Jenny, she worked in the bakery. She was about 5’ 5” tall, her breast was small maybe A cup. We became friends. She worked 3rd shift, and I worked 2nd so I got to see her before I was done with my shift. There were times I had to go to the Bakery to use there sprayer to clean some vents off and use there dishwasher. I’m such a horny as pervert by nature, so I...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Park Day 1

Author’s Note: This was an idea for a sci-fi/robot/sex doll story I’ve wanted to get down for some time. You might be able to guess where my inspiration came from! I might keep writing chapters if people enjoy this one, so please let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________________________________________________________________We had barely stopped arguing from the moment we’d arrived at the transfer station. I’d packed too many bags to carry; we...

1 year ago
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My Mother In Bathroom

I don’t know how to start. I am new in this world. I never knew incest would be that fun before that incident. I am Vinay, 20 years old and my mom Sutapa 42 years old with a hot saucy and curvy figure of 38-34-42. She is a beautiful lovely lady, famous in our locality for her ass, I think every man in our locality masturbates in her name. She is a sex goddess to any one. A perfect Indian sex bomb shell with huge round juicy boobs and a grand ass. Her ass is something every man desires. She...

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The Great River Part Two

Alya pulled Talan onto the grassy bank of the secluded creek and lay down on her belly, “Come on then. Massage time,” she said, not bothering to look at him, “I don’t want you to miss an inch.” The sun was still high and the warmth shone down on both of them, drying them off from their swim in the creek. Talan knelt beside her, glad that from this position she wouldn’t be able to see his erect member. Gingerly he laid his hands on her shoulders and rub softly. Alya made an annoyed sound, “Come...

2 years ago
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Friends Hot Wife Burrowed 2

You really need to read Part 1 to appreciate how this story unfolds. But in summary, devastated by the sudden death of his wife, Martin's life unravels. His best friend John sends his wife Deborah around with dinner and willing hands to bring some relief to Martin. While Deborah feels guilty for masturbating Martin, the revelation is a huge turn-on for John and their sex life is rejuvenated. But John now wants to push his wife's relationship with Martin to a new level… Chapter 4When John walked...

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