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Fear, confusion, panic ... all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn't move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, "HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!"

Khari Brevins, her boyfriend of two months, heard Jacinda's cries from his comfortable position on the sofa in his basement, two floors away. He had been chilling in his man cave all by his lonesome; watching some college ball and eating a bacon cheeseburger fresh off the grill, some store bought potato salad he had doctored up to give it some taste, and drinking a few bottles of imported ale to quench his testosterone-driven thirst. He jumped up and bound up the stairs two and three at a time. Breathless, he reached the top of the staircase on the second floor of his house and made his way cautiously to the master bedroom. The slight sound of his bare feet on the hardwood floors in the hallway seemed to echo throughout the house as he crept along. Not wanting to make too much noise; he approached the bedroom with caution.

"HONEY! Help," Jacinda cried out again, at the top of her lungs.

Entering the bedroom, Khari was expecting to see a blood bath of dismembered body pieces. Seeing nothing, he made his way further into the room. The bathroom door was ajar. He scanned the room quickly, looking for something that he might use as a makeshift weapon to defend himself but couldn't find anything other than a pair of Jordans he had kicked off in the heat of passion the previous night and they wouldn't work against a crazed serial killer, not even in a pinch. Disoriented momentarily, adrenaline taking over, Khari made his way across the room. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Summoning up all his courage, his fist clenched tightly, he stepped into the doorway to discover what sort of gruesome crime scene would lie before him.

"Oh, you're here. Good," Jacinda sighed. "You're out of toilet paper. Can you get me some? I was getting ready to use your shower curtain to wipe my behind." Seeing the humor in the situation, she burst out laughing. Based upon Jacinda's wide-eyed, innocent, and dazzling smile, it was clearly evident that she had no clue that her screams for help might have been even a tiny bit on the melodramatic side. Backing out of the room and breathing a sigh of relief, Khari went to the linen closet in the hallway and grabbed three rolls of two-ply cushiony, quilted softness and returned to the scene of the crime so to speak.

"Here," he said, standing in the door frame with his back towards Jacinda, trying to hand her the rolls of TP with his hand stretched precariously behind him.

"Uhmmm, I can't reach, silly. I didn't poop, ya know. It was only pee. You can come in. Would you just hand it to me, please?"

"Jeez, Jay, do you always have to be so graphic?" Exasperated, Khari closed his eyes and tip-toed into the bathroom like he was a little boy trying to pretend he was invisible, put the rolls of toilet paper down on the counter, and made a quick exit back to his basketball, burger, and brew.

Jacinda joined him about a half hour later, smelling like she had bathed and lotioned herself with every tropical fruit known to man, carrying a plate with a hoagie the size of the state of Connecticut in one hand and an orange-cream soda in the other. She had spent the morning in bed sleeping and relaxing while Khari was up and about doing his Saturday morning chores. This was their first real time together since they had woken up. "What's the score?" Jacinda inquired.

Khari glanced over and all she was wearing was a pair of black bikini panties, not a stitch of other clothing. He practically spit his Samuel Smith Organic Lager across the room. "Uhhhmm, don't you want to put some clothes on? I mean, it's 2 in the afternoon." Because they hadn't been dating very long, this was the first time they had a date that didn't end with one of them getting up and getting dressed in the middle of the night to go home. This was their very first intentional sleepover, complete with a packed bag and everything. It was clear that Jacinda was comfortable in her own skin, much more so than Khari could ever hope to be. For a brief moment, Jacinda felt embarrassed. In her own home, she'd walked around buck naked in front of Khari but, again, they had only been having sex for a couple of weeks so they hadn't quite worked out all the logistics of coupledom just yet.

Jacinda felt ashamed; tears welled in her eyes. This was the first time in the 8 weeks that they had been dating that Khari wasn't totally attentive and sweet. She thought her lack of clothing indicated that she was comfortable in his home but it was clear he didn't want her to feel that relaxed. She jumped up, ran upstairs to get dressed, and returned a few minutes later wearing black leggings and a hot pink t-shirt. She even put on socks and shoes just to be on the safe side. She made her way back to the sofa and sat in silence as she ate her sub and watched the game. Khari sat in silence and watched the game, not even bothering to make small talk or look in her direction. He could tell that she was upset but he just didn't care. When Jacinda said she was going to leave to go home, he made no efforts to ask her why or even ask her to stay. He cleared the dirty dishes and asked her if she needed help taking her bag to the car like she was an unwelcomed house guest who had stayed too long.

Khari, at 37 years of age, worked as an installer for a cable company. If anyone were to ask him to describe himself, he would emphatically say that he was a good guy with his own house, his own car, no criminal record, and no kids. He made a fairly decent salary but if it wasn't for the fact that Khari had gotten into a car accident and received a settlement of $60,000 he wouldn't have been able to put a down payment on a house and buy his truck. In fact, if he hadn't gotten that lump sum, he more than likely would have been living with his mother in her basement. He liked to live for the moment and saving and budgeting had never been skills he had mastered so he blew the rest of the money on partying and ladies.

As for the ladies, Khari was a liar and a cheater extraordinaire who treated women like objects. He had never, not once in his life, had a girlfriend he hadn't cheated on. He didn't even think that was a problem or an issue, it never even crossed his mind that anything was wrong with that fact. The only person he thought of in relationships was himself, women were a nuisance because he really only wanted sex and he resented having to pretend to care about someone else and their feelings, but that's what he did, pretend. He was great at pretending when he wanted to; his acting skills could have won him an Academy award. Khari had the ability to convince women that he was attentive, loving, committed, faithful, and oh so in love, right up until the minute he decided he was bored of pretending then he would move on, no explanation, no looking back. When he was in a relationship and his self-centered urges hit, he would do something, anything to fuck up the relationship and he would gravitate back to the collection of mentally-unstable women he kept on retainer who he had romanced in the past and who found his particular brand of emotional immaturity sexy and who didn't ask too many questions to ascertain his level of fidelity. Or at least they believed his lies enough to be swept up in the romance of it all.

Standing at 5'9", 180 lbs, naturally fit, built like a Pit-bull, with flawless caramel-colored brown skin and a smile that could light up any room, Khari was neither ugly nor overly attractive. His most "attractive" feature was that he knew how to pour on the charm to get women to fall in love with him. The romantic emails, the late night phone calls, the dinners and the endless lies were his weapons of choice. It was especially the phone calls in the beginning of the relationship that lasted hours and hours where he would tell the women how amazing, wonderful, and intense the connection he felt to them and that would usually be enough to seal the deal and make them fall in love. After they fell head over heels, the phone calls would last 20 minutes and he always had something more important to do than talk on the phone. You see, Khari was addicted to the chase. When he caught his prey, he would find someone else to romance. When the women whose hearts he had destroyed would confront him, angry and hurt, he would ignore them like they didn't even exist, blame them for some made up excuse, and he would take no responsibility whatsoever for his actions without a thought or care in the world. Khari was totally oblivious of how heinous it was to make a woman fall in love with him and then just snatch it away.

Jacinda, on the other hand, was a case-study in growth, evolution, and transformation. She had gone through her 20s depending on her looks. It's what Black women who are attractive do. You use your looks, your big butt, and, if you're "lucky," your light skin to get men to do everything for you without you needing to have a thought or a care in the world about being self-sufficient or independent. She dressed well, was relatively smart, and standing at 5'5" tall, 160 pounds, possessing more than her fair share of tits and ass, there was no shortage of men vying for her attention and willing to buy her things to impress her. That meant men fell all over her just for the chance to have her on their arm when they were out and about town but ultimately, their only true goal was to get her into bed. She wasn't a real person to most of them, just a sexual conquest. She was more like an erotic game piece to be collected by men in some twisted competition to see who could screw the most attractive women.

Jacinda had gone through her 30s dependent on books, immersing herself in self-help books, workshops, seminars, and retreats in an effort to unpack a little bit of the baggage so many Black women carry around with them that had been keeping her from knowing real joy. She was way past the "buy me" stage and wanted men to value her for more than her looks, but for her substance. She didn't want to hold onto past pain to the point where she exploded in violent anger at the tiniest provocation. She didn't want to feel like she was constantly walking around with a cloud of insecurity and self-doubt hovering over her. Her 30s was her time of reinvention and renewal.

In her 40s, Jacinda was the top in her field of cooks. She'd quit her job as a bank manager and she'd gone to culinary school and gotten a job as a food stylist on a TV network. It was great because she could express her creativity with what she loved doing the most and she didn't have the dreadful schedule of a restaurant chef. She finally had gotten comfortable in her own skin. Everything wasn't all peaches and cream, however, because it seemed that she was so anxious to love and be loved, not to grow old alone, she would jumped into relationships where the warning signs were there and she found herself overlooking some major character flaws in men and giving too much weight to chemistry and not enough weight to character. She didn't date thugs, she dated emotionally immature men. It wasn't a preference it was just a reality that Black men hardly ever did any work on themselves and they had been raised in a society that told them that their manhood was to be measured in inches and machismo.

She figured that if she could just find a good enough man who was committed to her, she could help shape him into a great man with love and guidance. It didn't seem all that unreasonable to her. No relationship is perfect; Prince Charming only exists in fairy tales. She was doing what she thought was her only choice, to accept what her mother, sisters, grandmother, aunts, and a whole host of elder Black women had been telling her since she was a child. Men, they said, were never going to be sensitive, nurturing, or understanding so if she didn't want to spend her life alone, she needed to just suck it up and deal with it. It was that advice that landed her in a string of dead-end relationships.

After their little incident, Jacinda let a few days go by, hoping Khari would call her and apologize for the incident, or at least acknowledge that he should have been a bit less rude and a bit more sensitive. That call never came. Her mind raced, her thoughts would spin out of control. She couldn't figure out what happened to the man who had come to fix her cable and blown her away with his sensitivity and attentiveness. She saw his postings on Facebook; simultaneously she planned and plotted on what and when to post on her Facebook page so that he would see them and he could be reminded of her presence. Finally, tired of the childish games, she picked up the phone and called him. He was emotionally distant. She addressed the issue head on, he told her that she was over-reacting and that he hadn't done anything wrong. Khari never apologized. He just glossed over that part as if he didn't owe her anything and he acted as if he did nothing wrong. Much to Jacinda's credit, it was her efforts at communicating her feelings without projecting shame that turned the tide in the conversation and before long; things were back on a good footing.

The weeks turned to months and they were getting along better all the time. The relationship had a few problems, nothing to break up over, and for the most part they were going extremely well. Khari's brothers had been teasing him about settling down and finding someone rather than just the endless string of women that only lasted two or three months so Khari decided that Jacinda was nice enough that he would try to make it work with her. The relationship really started to blossom when he made that choice. There was very little fighting, they got along well, they enjoyed the same forms of entertainment and social activities and the sex was ... very, very good.

The sex between them wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination; Khari made sure Jacinda came every time. Jacinda just like felt the sex was monotonous, lacked any sort of creativity. A typical evening would be spent having dinner, watching TV, and when Khari decided that he was tired enough to go to bed and not too tired for sex, they would shut everything down and head to the bedroom. Khari always wore a t-shirt and boxers to bed and the lights out always had to be out. Their routine was entirely predictable. Jacinda would get in bed, usually naked or wearing something semi-sexy, and Khari would follow soon thereafter. He would start rubbing his dick on her ass and playing with her breasts and talking dirty. That would go on for about 15 minutes until he thought she was sufficiently aroused and then would slide his boxers off and climb on top of her under the covers and "do his business" as Miss Celie would say.

Technically, Khari was masterful at throwing the dick. His dick got super-hard, he lasted long, he had a phenomenal down stroke, and he knew how to seal the deal. The only thing missing for Jacinda was diversity. He never once sucked a toe, he never gave her a massage, they barely even kissed. Every once in a while they would augment their evening with a little oral sex but Khari wanted to use sex more as an aide to get to sleep rather than an actual intimate connection with the woman with whom he shared his life. Jacinda wanted more sensuality, more passion, more variety but Khari always had an excuse for why it had to be pretty much the same way all the time. He was tired, he had to get up early, he had other things on his mind, everything was an excuse for him not to do anything other than exactly what he wanted to do. Eventually, Khari got to the point where he could silence Jacinda's complaints about sex by saying, "Babe, I'm so in love with you, I need you. Sex with you is amazing. You are all the woman I need."

And those were all the words she needed to hear. The sex wasn't bad so Jacinda thought it was her responsibility to be a little more accepting of what was good about the sex and conversely try to gently suggest other things they could do together. Most other women would have been satisfied with a good, hard fuck but Jacinda wanted to incorporate toys, she wanted to try different scenarios and techniques, she wanted to have spontaneous sex at 4 in the afternoon in the shower or the kitchen or the park. She would have settled for him just being more tactile in bed. Anything would have been an improvement but she weighed the pros and cons of their relationship and decided it wasn't a deal breaker. Lying, cheating, doing something intentionally hurtful, those were deal breakers and she was assured Khari loved her and that was worth more to her than playing some silly erotic board game, a hot stone massage, or using chocolate body paints.

On the night of their one-year anniversary, Khari took Jacinda to their favorite restaurant. They sat across the table from one another and gazed into each other's eyes, they flirted and talked and fed each other. Love was in the air. Khari realized that this was the longest, healthiest relationship he'd ever been in. He was caught up in it, thinking that he had really changed, that he was no longer a player but he was really, truly a good guy. He was starting to believe his own lies. He started to pour on the charm. "Over this last year, Jay, I've grown so much. You've helped me to be a better human being, and dare I say it, a better man. I am so comfortable with you. I can easily see myself spending the rest of my life with you."

When he heard the words come out of his mouth, something instantly changed within him. Never stuttering for a second, while he was still professing his undying love, his mind was racing with thoughts that he wanted to end the relationship and end it immediately. He knew he had gone too far. Khari didn't want to spend the rest of his life with anyone. What he wanted was to fuck as many random women as he could, no strings attached, and never have to pretend to care about another woman for as long as he lived. Fuck what his family had been saying. He had gotten so masterful at lying, at pretending to be the sweet, sensitive boyfriend that he almost started to believe his own hype. The minute he heard himself say that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jacinda, it was like being struck by lightning. He knew that he HAD to get out of the relationship and fast. He knew that he couldn't keep pretending to love her. He wanted to be as self-centered and narcissistic as he could be. He didn't mind pretending to be into women if they were just fuck buddies and booty calls and married women who had husbands to go home to but telling a woman that he wanted to spend his life with her, he had gone too far and the game had to stop.

Even as he was sitting there, even as he heard his professions of love in his little prepared speech leave his lips, he was planning his exit. He was holding her hand, softly touching her cheek, and telling her things that every woman would want to hear and he was lying the entire time. He knew in that very moment that the next time that she brought up an issue about their relationship, he would blow it out of proportion and give her no choice but to break up. He thought about cheating on her and letting her find out but that was Plan B. Technically, he had cheated on her before but it but he justified in his mind that it didn't really count because it was only oral from some chick at his job he didn't give a fuck about anyway. He knew Jacinda; he knew that it wouldn't be long before she wanted to talk about "the truth" or feelings or how to make their relationship better, or something about relationship stuff. It was just a matter of time.

That time came before he knew it. When they got back to her apartment, they settled down to watch TV as usual. Jacinda had been overwhelmed by his professions of love. She knew they had been getting closer, that the relationship was getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, week, and month, but she hadn't expected him to start talking about a future together. He had always been so adamant about not wanting anything long-term. She was happy, for the first time in her life, she felt like, "This is it, this is my happily ever after." The relationship wasn't perfect, the disparity in emotional maturity was offset by the ease, fluidity, and comfort they shared in so many other aspects of their partnership, but it was, or so she thought, healthy and happy and stable and just perfect for her. She figured it was the ideal night to talk about the lack of seduction and variety in their sex lives again. In her mind, he had taken a huge step towards her and it was really a game changer in their relationship. She chose her words carefully. Tentatively, she said, "Khari, I need to ask you a question."

"What?" he responded, his voice dripping with defensiveness, preparing himself for the showdown.

"I've been thinking a lot about us, well, about you know, about our sex. I was just wondering if..." She hesitated. She wanted to be as gentle as possible. There was never going to be an easy time to bring up the topic but she took a deep breath and decided that if they really were going to spend the rest of their lives together that they had to have this discussion. "It seems like you have never feel comfortable being naked around me unless we are having sex. You aren't even comfortable with me being naked unless we are having sex. I was wondering if..."

"Just say it," he said, pretending to be growing frustrated and annoyed with her stalling but really not caring one way or the other what she was about to say. Whatever she said, he was going to turn it into a reason to break up.

Jacinda summoned up the courage to ask the necessary questions. "Well, I was wondering," she said in her sweetest voice possible, "I have been thinking about all the women in your past. And I've tried to make sense of the patterns in your life. Do you think the reason why you are so uncomfortable with being naked around me, and the reason why you seem to enjoy more of a wham, bam thank you ma'am is, I was thinking maybe the reason you aren't so comfortable with exploring our sexuality more is ... maybe because you ... you know ... aren't ... well, truly comfortable with your..." She took a deep breath. "Black men are perceived to be well-endowed and I was wondering if you might feel a bit uncomfortable because..."

Before she could even finish her thoughts, Khari yelled, "DA FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?" He jumped up and stormed across the room, staring out the window into the dark urban street 14 floors below. "You trying to say my dick ain't big enough for you? Trust me, I have never had anyone complain. I got plenty of women who want to get down with me. Way hotter women than you, in fact." Jacinda's word cut him like a knife. He was hurt, truly hurt, and he was trying to hurt her back. This wasn't part of his master plan, this was the real deal. "So what, I don't have a foot of dick between my legs. I still blow your back out," he added.

Jacinda ran to his side, tried to reassure him that she wasn't complaining, that she wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, she just wanted to be open and honest and discuss what might be behind the reason he was so unwilling to explore their sexuality more.

The truth was Khari had been ashamed of the size of his dick since his earliest memories of knowing what sex was. He was on a little league team when he was 11 and he was the only Black boy on the team. In the showers after a game one day, one of the boys started making fun of him, pointing at his penis and saying how it wasn't big like Black guys were supposed to have, telling him he wasn't really Black. His dick wasn't smaller than any of the other boys on the team, it just wasn't hanging to his knees either and they made sure to remind him of it every chance they got. They told him that he would never get a white girl with his little dick; they said that he must have slave master blood in him because he didn't have a big, black cock like the other brothers in the hood. It didn't really matter that none of them had even been to the hood or seen another Black penis in real life. They were basing their comments on the interracial porn stashed in their father's porn collections. Khari never told anyone. He never told his parents, he never told the coach, he never told his friends or a girlfriend. He couldn't bring himself to say the words that they were making fun of him because his dick was average. In his mind, they were saying, your dick is too small and he carried that pain with him deeply.

As Khari got older to the age when everyone was experimenting with sex, he was afraid to approach girls. Senior prom, he got up the nerve and asked a young lady to the prom. After the prom, they got a hotel room with a bunch of other kids, some alcohol, and they were off to make memories. Immediately upon completion, his heart racing and his mind full of doubts and insecurities, he asked her how it was for her. Her response was to be etched in his subconscious forever. "Well, I thought it was going to be different. You know, all my friends said it would hurt but it didn't. I thought it was going to be ... better."

With those words, she sealed Khari's fate. From that moment on, he decided that if any girl showed an interest in him, he would pretend to be in love with her so that if and when it got to the point of having sex, she wouldn't complain that he wasn't some super-hung Mandingo. It was his insurance policy. He didn't care who showed him attention, fat, ugly, younger, older, married, dating, nothing in common, he didn't care if she had slept with every man in a 50 mile radius, as long as she showed an interest in him, he would say whatever he had to say in order to get them to be infatuated with him so he could fuck her. He didn't realize that he all of the pretending that he was in love was unnecessary, that most of the girls would have slept with him regardless. He never realized that his dick wasn't too small at all, it was average. But having an average-sized dick for Black men is often times a source of shame.

When he got to college, he made sure to never shower or undress in front of anyone, not roommates, not girlfriends, especially not anyone on the baseball team. At the first opportunity, he got an apartment by himself off campus. The only time he got naked in life was to shower and to have sex. He never even looked at himself naked in the mirror. Did he equate any of that with his insecurity about his dick size? Not once. Never having made any conscious connection between what happened to him when he was on the little league team and his behaviors with women for the last 25 years, the only thing Khari knew in that moment was that he was angry with Jacinda and he didn't need an excuse to end the relationship, she had nailed the coffin shut herself.

Khari calmly denied her accusations and stood there, stoic and outraged, in silence, ignoring Jacinda like she didn't even exist. Jacinda was crying hysterically, trying to calm Khari down, reason with him. She was falling all over herself, apologizing. It hadn't come out at all like she had wanted. She wanted to reassure him that he was more than big enough for her, that she was satisfied with the relationship and the sex; she had made a stupid attempt at bringing up a subject that most Black men are terrified to talk about. Kicking herself, Jacinda knew she had made a huge mistake. She knew Khari wasn't the sort of man who would ask himself the hard questions. She knew that whenever it came to bringing up any issue where he would have to reveal something about himself that was ugly or painful, that he would react negatively and deny, deny, deny.

"I'm out. I'm not going to do this anymore." With that, Khari grabbed his jacket and walked past Jacinda like she wasn't even there.

"Wait, where are you going?" Sobbing uncontrollably, Jacinda pleaded. "Stay, we can talk about this. I'm sorry. Babe, we had a wonderful evening. We love each other. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together. We can work through this. I will admit I wasn't as sensitive about the issue as I should have been. Let's talk, this is a misunderstanding, let's not ruin the evening. Sweetie, I am so very sorry. Please don't go!"

Khari made sure to shut down any hopes of working things out as he put his hand on the front door. Without even looking back, he mumbled, "I don't want to be in a relationship with you. I didn't really love you. It was all a lie," as he shut the door behind him to the unhinged and irrational screams of Jacinda behind him.

Jacinda cried for weeks. She sent texts, emails, cards, she made phone call after phone call, all of which were ignored. She sent links to articles about penis size and a woman's pleasure, explaining in detail that bigger does not mean better. She sent diagrams showing that a woman's g-spot is located about 2 inches inside a woman's vagina and that even an average sized dick is more than sufficient to give a woman a vaginal orgasm. She could have sent Dr. Oz himself to say that Khari's dick was more than big enough and he wouldn't have cared one iota. Khari was too emotionally immature to email or call Jacinda back so he just let her keep emailing and texting him until she eventually got the message. He had erased her out of his life like she didn't exist. In his world, anyone who made him face his insecurities was dead to him. Unable to wrap her head around the fact that she was in what she thought was the happiest relationship of her life one minute, and literally, an hour later, it was gone, Jacinda struggled with depression, anger, confusion, loneliness, and a sense of betrayal for months.

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Cockatoo Part 6

Cockatoo Part 6 I live for feedback [email protected] We stayed wrapped together until we began to fall asleep. Alex eventually turned over and I spooned up to her back, she pushed back into me, turned her head around and we kissed good night. As I drifted off to sleep I heard her say softly, "Chan rak kun, James, I love you." The day dawned as most do in Koh Samui with bright sunshine. Alex was up very early making a lot of noise as she got ready for our day ahead. We had...

1 year ago
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Reddit Too Cute For Porn, aka r/TooCuteForPorn… is there such a thing? I mean, Reddit has a subreddit with that name r/TooCuteForPorn/, but the majority of what is posted here is actual porn. So, I guess there is no such thing as being too cute for porn. So, if you are into a chick who are classified as cute or whatnot, this is the perfect section for you.There are thousands of subreddits out there, and I think I really love what this one has to offer. I am also sure that you will enjoy all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Too Close For Comfort

Fear, confusion, panic . . . all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn’t move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, “HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!” Khari Brevins, her...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk It’s a cliché, isn’t it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a cliché in my case, as the ‘someone else’ was my wife’s closest girlfriend – closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce, no k**s, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 28...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5 Following the call to Kritsada, I stayed in Cockatoo, chatting to Nin who had brought me another beer. I asked her to join me for a while, and we talked about last night. She had really hated Tony and was delighted with what we had done. I was quietly impressed, she was pretty, her English was excellent, had a great sense of humour and a charming personality. I didn’t know if Alex or Areeya had mentioned the job to her, so I didn’t say anything, preferring to leave it to the...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5Following the call to Kritsada, I stayed in Cockatoo, chatting to Ninwho had brought me another beer. I asked her to join me for a while, andwe talked about last night. She had really hated Tony and was delightedwith what we had done. I was quietly impressed; she was pretty, herEnglish was excellent, had a great sense of humour and a charmingpersonality. I didn't know if Alex or Areeya had mentioned the job toher, so I didn't say anything, preferring to leave it to the girls....

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

CockatooNikkie SilkIt’s a cliché, isn’t it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bedwith someone else. Only slightly less of a cliché in my case, as the‘someone else’ was my wife’s closest girlfriend - closest in every senseof the word.It was a quick divorce; no k**s, only a rented flat, so the onlysquabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep thelot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I ownedinto the boot of my small car. I was 28 years old, fit,...

1 year ago
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Toon Skin

One bright sunny day, you find a curious glowing pencil laying on the side of the road. You are immediately compelled to walk over and pick it up, and as you do, you notice a thin line being drawn from its lead into the air. Gasping in surprise, you give another flick, drawing a circle in mid air, which falls to the ground. You look around to see if anyone is watching - no one seems to be around. You decide to try something a little more complicated, and draw your name in big outlines....

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 24

Cockatoo Chapter 24 I love feedback [email protected] twitter @nikkie_silk Pao's eyes flicked across my face looking for reassurance. "Miss Alex told me it OK." I smiled, "Pao, it's fine, Miss Alex just forgot to tell me it would be tonight." I walked across to her and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. "You look beautiful, that dress looks lovely on you." She giggled and looked up at me. "Thank you, Mr James. It one of Miss Areeya's. She say I can keep it if I...

4 years ago
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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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Cockatoo Part 11

Cockatoo Part 11Nikkie SilkAreeya returned to the apartment sometime after we had gone to bed as the moorings needed more attention than Areeya had initially thought. After she and Shane had eventually got Cockatoo 3 safely secured on the pier, he had gone back to his hotel and Areeya headed back to get some sleep in the apartment. In the morning I had changed back into being James, albeit with a little reluctance. Alex had suggested I go on the boat as James and change into Scarlett for the...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 2

Cockatoo I live for feedback [email protected] Part 2 Everyone had said that Alex was good looking back at Uni and many of the girls had even said he looked quite pretty. As she held her hair back I could see that it was Alex's face looking back at me. "Oh my God." I couldn't think of anything more original to say. "It is you." She smiled and stood up, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Come on James, give me a hug." She pulled me into a hug and instinctively...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 22

Cockatoo Part 22 I live for feedback [email protected] twitter @nikkie_silk Following the call to Kritsada, I stayed in Cockatoo, chatting to Nin who had brought me another beer. I asked her to join me for a while, and we talked about last night. She had really hated Tony and was delighted with what we had done. I was quietly impressed; she was pretty, her English was excellent, had a great sense of humour and a charming personality. I didn't know if Alex or Areeya had...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo part 30

Cockatoo Part 30 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] Areeya returned to the apartment sometime after we had gone to bed as the moorings needed more attention than Areeya had initially thought. After she and Shane had eventually got Cockatoo 3 safely secured on the pier, he had gone back to his hotel and Areeya headed back to get some sleep in the apartment. In the morning I had changed back into being James, albeit with a little reluctance. Alex had suggested I...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 26

Cockatoo Part 26“Dao, Dao, calm down. What do you mean she’s been taken?”Alex wrenched the phone from me and talked to Dao in Thai. At the same time, Alex’s phone rang.“Jamie, it’s Shane. I tried to call your phone, but it’s busy.”“Alex is on the other phone to Dao. She says Areeya’s been taken. What the fuck’s going on?”“Thaksin just called to warn me. Jandaeng was being taken under guard to hospital to have treatment on his arm. They were jumped between the prison and the hospital, and he was...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 10

Cockatoo Part 10 I live for feedback [email protected] We woke early as Alex had to be at the airport to catch the flight with Kritsada at 7am. He was going to pick Alex up from the flat in his car as he headed off to the airport. I was going to follow a bit later as I had to collect Samantha from her flight for our planning meeting. I lay in bed and watched as Alex got ready to leave. I didn't think I could ever tire of watching her as she moved about the flat showering...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 46

Cockatoo Part 46 "Dao, Dao, calm down. What do you mean she's been taken?" Alex wrenched the phone from me and talked to Dao in Thai. At the same time, Alex's phone rang. "Jamie, it's Shane. I tried to call your phone, but it's busy." "Alex is on my phone to Dao. She says Areeya's been taken. What the fuck's going on?" "Thaksin just called to warn me. Jandaeng was being taken under guard to hospital to have treatment on his arm. They were jumped between the prison and the...

4 years ago
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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

4 years ago
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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

3 years ago
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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

3 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 11

Cockatoo Part 11 I live for feedback [email protected] It was at this precise moment that Areeya looked up, stared straight into my eyes and winked. I staggered back in shock. Areeya must have seen me when she glanced at the door. Either that or she was some kind of a witch. I managed to bang my knee as I stumbled backwards and it was a miracle I didn't scream. I made it back to bed and managed to fall asleep but slept fitfully for the rest of the night. I can remember...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 20

Cockatoo Part 20 I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say, Pao?" "Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking." "Was Nin sure it was Sam?" "Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying." I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there. "Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

1 year ago
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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to Nana Plaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the...

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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, that can’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright I couldn’t f***e my eyelids open. I heard sounds from a long way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and I...

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Cockatoo Part 17

CockatooNikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo‘I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.’ I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room.‘Hello, khun Kritsada.’‘Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?’‘Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?’‘Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?’‘Yes, of course.’‘Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will...

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Cockatoo part 13

Cockatoo Part 13Nikkie SilkJandaeng’s voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone.‘It seems you’ve had some trouble at your bar over there, James.’Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It mademy flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and whathe had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myvoice as calm as possible.‘Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I’m surprisedyou know about it.’‘It is...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12Nikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samuiafter their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shanehad sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shanehad made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where theywere attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and beenstabbed.There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had beenstabbed. As I cradled her in my arms I felt...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 10

Cockatoo Part 10Nikkie SilkMy heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane’s voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, ‘Hi Shane, glad you could join us.’ Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane’s massive frame came into sight.‘Hi Nin, Hi Areeya.’ he said, then paused and looked at me, ‘Hi Jamie, how are you?...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myselfin a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to termswith what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. Ihad to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of theroad.I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by midafternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to NanaPlaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the gutrot...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a brightlight above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through thewater as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, thatcan’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter andbrighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but itwas so bright I couldn’t force my eyelids open. I heard sounds from along way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and Istrained to...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Part 1 It's a clich?, isn't it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a clich? in my case, as the "someone else" was my wife's closest girlfriend - closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce; no kids, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 25 ye...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5 I lived for feedback. [email protected] "That's nice, baby," I heard Alex say. Something was wrong though, Alex's voice wasn't coming from on the bed and if she had my cock in her mouth how could she say anything? Her voice seemed to be coming from the somewhere further away. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in her robe on one of the couches. It took me a good few seconds to process that and as I looked down the bed I saw Areeya, naked, smiling and...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 16

Cockatoo Part 16 I live for feedback [email protected] We decided to have a celebration dinner tonight downstairs and Alex disappeared to the restaurant to organise the dinner. Areeya had to go down to Cockatoo to sort out some issues they were having and so I was left to my own devices for a while. We agreed we would all get together at Cockatoo for a drink before dinner. The first thing I did was to email Sam about how the plan had worked out. I had an email back in...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23 I love feedback [email protected] Twitter @nikkie_silk Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much. He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 29

Cockatoo Part 29 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] My heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane's voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, "Hi Shane, glad you could join us." Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane's massive frame came into sight. "Hi Nin, Hi Areeya."...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 31

Cockatoo Part 31 Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samui after their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shane had sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shane had made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where they were attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and been stabbed. There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had been stabbed. As I cradled...

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Cockatoo Part 32

Cockatoo Part 32 Nikkie Silk Jandaeng's voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone. "It seems you've had some trouble at your bar over there, James." Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It made my flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and what he had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. "Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I'm...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 37

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo "I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word." I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room. "Hello, khun Kritsada." "Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?" "Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?" "Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?" "Yes, of course." "Well, I have...

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