ForclosedChapter 3 free porn video

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A few days later, Ralph and I were relaxing with a beer after our daily run.

“I shouldn’t be drinking this.” He said as he took a pull.

“You say that every day.” I pointed out.

“Yeah, sorry. Repetition is an old man’s prerogative. Hey, I forgot to tell you, my old girlfriend Mayra is coming for a visit.”

“Mayra? What kind of a name is that?”

“I dunno. She’s Belgian though. She’s a funny old thing.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, she has one eye; grey hair, and she’s hot as hell.”

“That does sound funny.” I agreed. I didn’t believe him of course.

But when I met her in person, I had to admit it was true.

Her bad eye was positively spooky; it was almost completely white, but you could still see the ghost of a pupil looking off to the side.

Her hair was grey, but a kind of polished grey; rich shoulder length grey hair, smooth and glossy.

Her face wasn’t aged much, but did show creases around the eyes. I couldn’t tell her age, but between 40 and 60.

She wore light makeup, just to add color. Her skin was quite pale.

She had an impressive figure for her age, small and lean, yet with some breast still in evidence.

She dressed in bright colors, and her clothes were in sharp contrast to her. Yet they suited her.

Ralph and I picked her up at the airport. I waited with the car as he went in to find her.

“Hey, Nice car!” she said as we loaded her considerable luggage into the trunk.

“This is my friend Tom, It’s his car.” Ralph said, introducing me.

She looked up at me and smiled brightly, her face like an open book.

The eye was terrible; the white dead eye. Her good eye was bright and healthy.

She would have been very pretty I thought to myself, if she’d had two eyes like the good one. And she was 10 or 20 years younger. With some color in her hair.

The two of them chatted as I drove, they obviously had a lot of catching up to do. I wondered about how Ralph had introduced me to her, as a “friend”. Was that true? How could our relationship be defined? He’d taken my house and my wife, yet he was not my enemy. I wouldn’t get the house back if he were destroyed, and probably wouldn’t get my wife back either.

In fact, the three of us lived together, sharing our assets; my car and furniture, his house, Kelly’s paycheck.

I got to pretend to the world that I was still doing fine. When I talked to a potential client, I would pretend it was my beautiful house, my beautiful wife.

Kelly hadn’t told anyone what was happening either. It was her dirty secret. What would her friends think of her if they found out she’d dumped me when I became broke, to take up with the old white guy who owned the house?

Ralph told Mayra everything though, which was ok.

I took our guest’s luggage up to her room as she toured the house and garden with Ralph. Kelly was still at work.

4 bedrooms; why had I paid half down for a 4 bedroom McMansion, when I could have bought a decent house outright? When I got that first big contract, I just assumed there would be more to follow. The movie did ok; no blockbuster, but it made a good profit. I was sure I was in the system.

I looked at this room, all the bedding and furniture that was still mine. Well, mine and Kelly’s of course. Why had we bought all this stuff? Hardly anyone had ever even slept here.

As Ralph cooked dinner, Mayra regaled Kelly and I with stories of her time working at the UN. As she talked and laughed, waving her arms in emphasis at a joke, her ghost eye became less important. Her physical appearance less prominent in our minds as we got to know the woman behind it.

After dinner, she and Ralph got back to their catching up, which left me alone with Kelly for the first time since she’d started having sex with him.

At first, there seemed to be nothing to say; I almost turned on the idiot box. But after a while, we loosened up. She started telling me about things at work, silly little stories that were continuations of ones she used to tell me before. And for the first time since her long brown legs had spread for that old white man, we laughed together.

But from time to time, I could see her looking across at Mayra and Ralph, sitting closely and enjoying each other’s company. And I could see she was fighting down her jealousy.

“So,” Mayra said as we all said our goodnights, “All the furniture is still yours.”

“That’s right.” I said.

“So then, I’ll be sleeping in your bed tonight!”

We all laughed.

Ha ha.

About 15 minutes later, there was a soft knock on my bedroom door, and Mayra slipped in.

“I hate to sleep alone.” She said with an apologetic smile. “Do you mind?”

I’d never been propositioned by a woman before, I didn’t quite know how to respond.

There was just 2 seconds; more than that would have been increasingly insulting. Less would have been over eager.

“Not at all.” I said, my good manners responding automatically since my mind couldn’t quite figure out what else to do.

She smiled brightly, and began to strip off her clothes.

I avoided looking at her directly. I wasn’t really sure what to do, actually. I didn’t want her, but now I couldn’t really refuse her. I liked her, she was [as Ralph had said] a hot lady in her weird way.

She had charisma; when she smiled and laughed, you wanted to smile and laugh with her. As Ralph had said, Myra was inexplicably attractive.

So I undressed and we got into bed and under the cover on opposite sides. I lay on my back and turned off the light as she slid up against me, pulling her knee over my thighs and running one hand over my chest. I put my arm around her, since it had nowhere else to go.

“MMM, That’s nice.” She said, and after a short time, we fell asleep.

I woke up with a hand on my cock. I didn’t open my eyes at first; it felt good, but I didn’t want to look into that ghost eye.

Gently, she stroked me; her hand small and sensitive, her experienced fingertips seemed to know just how to stimulate me. Her fingertips tickled me, so light and easy. Without obligation, without urgency. Just casual, easy, soft contact. Friendly pleasure

I groaned internally; She was a fun woman, but not exactly attractive. And in the room next to us, my gorgeous wife was in bed with another man.

And although my dark cock was hard in the older woman’s hand, the fact was that I still loved Kelly.

Mayra was here, in my bed, eager and willing. And despite the ghost eye, she was a sexy woman.

I opened my eyes and looked at her in the early morning light. I could hear Kelly downstairs now, getting ready to go to work.

The Ghost eye filled my vision, and it spooked me. I felt the blood begin to drain from my penis.

“I have to pee.” I said, which was partly an excuse, but also true.

4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms; I’d paid for it, so might as well use it.

As I emptied my bladder, I thought about Mayra.

I liked her; she had good energy. She was smart, funny, and healthy. She wanted me. And god, I needed it.

Yes, she was my mother’s age. And that eye ... if only it weren’t for that eye.

But that was no reason to reject her, I decided. She needed love, I needed love, and here we were.

I went back out to find her getting out of bed. I went to her, and took her in my arms. She was small and vulnerable, physically so different to the brash character she was inside. She shook her head and looked up at me, her silver hair now covering the terrible eye. The good one sparkled at me, and I kissed her.

Ah, it felt good! Her warm smooth skin against me, her small hands on my back, her nipples pressing against my chest as I pushed my tongue into her mouth, my cock swelling against her.

A song played in my head “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with”, as I pushed her back and lifted her onto the bed.

Downstairs, I heard the garage door open and Kelly’s car pull out.

Mayra stroked my back with her feet and held my face in her hands as we kissed for a long time. I didn’t even care about fucking her; this was what I needed. Contact, sympathy, respect. Just to know that I was still a man, a man who women found attractive. To feel her hand on my cock, to know she desired me. It gave me strength, it smoothed the rough edges of my mind.

“My god, but you’re a big boy.” She said, squeezing my cock for emphasis.

“All the better to please you ma’am” I said.

“Your body so strong.” She whispered sulkily, running the fingers of her other hand over my chest, “And such a handsome face.” She said as she kissed me again.

Yes, that was all true. But without money, a home, or a job, it didn’t do much for me.

Well, it did this much; here was a woman who was happy enough to have me for what I was. I rolled onto her; she laughed, her legs opened wide, and she pulled me in.

I was still conflicted, but there was no stopping at that point. And as my rod eased into her cool wet interior, it felt very, very good. “Ah.” She sighed happily, “That’s nice.”

She was right; it was nice. It was uncomplicated and good. It didn’t mean anything; we hadn’t been romantic, we hadn’t dated. There was no further intent. We were just having sex, nice energizing sex.

Slipping in and out, her old pink vagina was holding my young black cock as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and I guess it was. She looked up at me, smiling in pleasure, and I smiled back, looking at her good eye while ignoring the other. My cock was hard, my heart was strong, and it was all ok.

I was 30 years old, and she was the first woman other than my wife I’d ever had sex with; I was unprepared for the feelings that welled up as we did it.

I thought love was love, sex was sex. But as I kissed and fucked the energetic old European woman, I realized that the two were tightly connected.

The touch of her skin, of her hands, the smell of her, the taste; my mind twisted and things were happening in my head. Chemicals were being released that altered my perception. She was more attractive now, the ghost eye less distracting. Her tight old body and her bright happy smile were beautiful. Her health, her wit, her status.

She tightened, and she came. I felt better and better as I pumped her; she was a good woman, a woman who deserved to be treated well. To be well fucked by a young black man if she wanted it. I was proud to be her lover, my initial qualms were gone.

I was happy! My cock was powerful, I was a desirable male, I was making love with a fantastic, exotic, foreign woman, an officer of the United Nations, a person of respect and good standing.

I laughed, and her vagina pulsed as she laughed with me, and I slammed my big hard black cock deep inside her, and I loved her.

Not Love like forever; just love of the moment, of Myra, appreciation and respect for what she was, who she was, and the comfort of her tight wet cunt clamping my penis. She was just what I needed, a totally unsuitable woman who lived and worked on the other side of the Atlantic. Casual sex at its most casual, just a little fun and comfort between two strangers.

“Ya!” she moaned, “Oh ya, you beautiful man!”

She reached under and put her fingers on my balls, tickling them exquisitely.

“Come.” She whispered. “Com nu.”

So I did. I blew my pent up frustrations into her tight pale body, pumped out my disappointments and failures. She received it all with a smile, holding me tight, appreciating each pulse.

The door opened. I looked up to see Kelly standing in the doorway. In her pink negligee.

Long smooth brown legs, the hem just obscuring her naked groin, great big firm breasts pushing out through the thin fabric, the sash at her waist emphasizing her curvy young figure.

She only ever wore that when she wanted sex.

The car I had heard leave was Ralph.

Her big brown eyes stared at us in shock for a moment, then she pulled away, closing the door after herself.

Inside the old one eyed woman below me, my cock wilted in shame; and the shame I felt, shamed me the most.

I pulled it out of her and followed my wife, but she had gone back to the master bedroom and locked the door behind her.

I stood there in the corridor, my wet cock swinging limp between my thighs. I could hear her crying.

What could I do? What could I say to her?

Master bedroom. I was not the master here, and I did not sleep in there.

Mayra and I kept sleeping together, but didn’t have sex again for a while. We spooned and I put my arm around her. It felt nice, but I didn’t feel like doing more with her, and she didn’t try to instigate anything either.

Kelly and I avoided each other for the next couple of days, but on the third evening, we found ourselves alone together in the kitchen as Mayra chatted with Ralph in the living room.

Kelly and I were silent. She glared at me.

“What are you so angry about?” I finally said to her.

“How could you?” she hissed.

“Me? You’re the one who broke us up, doing it with Ralph.”

“That’s different!”


“At least I knew him. And I didn’t do it behind your back, either. You were part of it.”

“I was not!”

“Yes you were. You watched; that’s kinky sex. You didn’t do anything to stop us, you watched, and you liked it.”

“You were with other men too.” I accused her, “He wasn’t the first.”

“No I wasn’t!” she squeaked, clearly caught off guard.

I just looked at her. I knew from her tone she was lying, and she knew I knew.

“I never cheated on you Kelly.” I said sadly, “In all our years together.”

She looked away. “At least you could have found someone good looking.” She said.

I laughed bitterly. “Is that what this is about? Her looks? Are you insulted because Mayra isn’t a beauty?”

“She’s an ugly old witch!” Kelly spat. “All those years I kept myself looking good for you, watching my weight, having my hair done, hours on my makeup, dressing well. But you’ll go for anything.”

I didn’t like how she was talking about the woman who was sharing my bed.

“I think you’re jealous.” I said, “Mayra is an accomplished woman; she’s had a career, traveled the world, met heads of state. She’s funny and smart. And what are you? I never realized how conceited you are about your looks. Sure, you’re a good looker; but come on, Kelly, that’s what you were born with. Mayra is beautiful too, in her own way. It’s her personality that’s attractive, despite her exterior, not because of it.”

My wife fumed, then stood up and went into the living room to join Mayra and Ralph. I looked through as I recovered my breath. I wondered if my angry outburst had sealed the end of my marriage. I sort of hoped so.

Kelly sat down with Ralph, talking and laughing with them. I felt myself getting weaker, despair creeping up on me again.

Kelly put her arm around Ralph’s neck, her fingers stroking his face.

And then I saw something; Mayra was jealous. At a moment when she didn’t think anyone was watching her, she let her face slip.

She was always talking to Ralph; well, she was his old girlfriend. Could she still have romantic feelings for him? I watched closely, looking at her as she watched Ralph kiss my wife, and I was convinced.

I sat back in my chair, amused. I wasn’t the only one suffering here. Mayra was more than my bedmate, she was my comrade in heartache. I felt a deep compassion for her. She was in love with Ralph, but how could she hope to compete with Kelly? I found myself looking forward to being in bed with her later. I wanted to give her a little more comforting than I had for the last few nights. Oddly, I was feeling horny for her.

I put away the dishes, then went into the living room to join the fray. I sat on the arm of the chair Mayra was sitting in, and draped my arm over her casually.

“Is that true?” she laughed, looking up at me, “You like to watch them together?”

“No.” I said instinctively, seething at Kelly for having told on me.

Mayra laughed in delight and clapped her hands. “That’s fantastic!” she said, “I thought all you Americans were really straight. Go on, Kelly, show us something.”

“Like what?” Kelly said, her laughter stopping abruptly.

“Take his cock out and play with it.” Mayra challenged her.

Kelly didn’t look very happy about the idea. “You first.” She retorted.

“Really? You want me to? Ok.”

She twisted towards me and unbuckled my belt.

I didn’t feel at all comfortable about this; but I couldn’t refuse somehow. That would be to admit that Ralph was the better man; that he could do it like that and I couldn’t.

So I let Mayra open my pants and pull out my limp brown roll. She grinned at the others in triumph and went down on me, sucking my organ into her old white mouth with an air of experience.

It felt good, and bad.

To make love with Mayra; well, I did it and I’m not ashamed of that. But it’s not the kind of thing I wanted everyone else to know. Especially my wife.

I looked across at Kelly and Ralph for a second. Kelly looked shocked, staring at the action as if she wanted to look away but somehow couldn’t. Ralph looked genuinely amused, he was grinning widely at the sight.

But I couldn’t get into it. My cock was as limp as an overcooked spaghetti.

Mayra pulled away. “It doesn’t seem to work.” She said, “Maybe I should try Ralph.”

She grinned at the other two, still holding my limp wet penis in her hand.

“Ralph’s always works.” Kelly said.

“Really? Still?” Mayra laughed, “After all these years, I would have thought he’d have cooled down. Go on, show us.”

Ralph pulled his trousers off as if modesty wasn’t something they’d invented yet when he was young. Kelly looked down at his cock, which he was holding up hopefully. She took it from him and pulled on it, and it stiffened rapidly in her long thin brown fingers. But she didn’t go down on him.

“You do it.” She challenged Mayra.

“Oh, can I?” she sang, and let go of me. She stood up, stepped across the room, and kneeled on the carpet in front of Ralph, dropping her grey head into his lap.

Kelly pulled her hand away, staring down in apparent horror, as if Mayra simply agreeing to her dare wasn’t what she was expecting at all. Ralph put his arm around Kelly and pulled her close, then put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her, as Mayra bobbed up and down over his cock.

I stood up to put mine away. Slowly, Kelly’s hands went to his chest, slipping under his tee-shirt. His went behind her to zip down her dress. I went around to the side so I could see. See his cock in Mayra’s mouth.

Her one good eye swiveled around to look at me as she sucked him, but I couldn’t deduce what message it was trying to send me. I was excited and crushed; I couldn’t even keep a one eyed old woman. On the other hand, perhaps she’d drive a wedge between Ralph and Kelly. I had to remind myself that I didn’t care about that anymore.

Mayra abandoned Ralph’s cock to pull off Kelly’s dress and underwear. She hadn’t been wearing any shoes or stockings. Ralph reached between my wife’s brown thighs to play with her, As Mayra stood up.

“Tom, would you unzip me?” she asked playfully, tossing her head to one side to look at me flirtatiously out of the corner of her good eye. I have to join in, I thought to myself; I can’t just watch and still maintain my dignity.

“Sure.” I said.

I held the collar and pulled the zipper down slowly, unpeeling her tight dress from her body. As it dropped to the floor, she stood there, obviously waiting. So I unhooked her bra.

She turned to face me, shaking her bra down her arms.

Her small pale breasts stood proud, the nipples pink and erect. Although much smaller than Kelly’s, Mayra’s breasts were actually as attractive. Kelly’s hung lower, with nipples nearly black.

“And the panties.” Mayra said.

I kneeled down to pull them off, and she took my head in her hands, pulling my face to her groin.

I did want her; I was willing to do everything, but in private. Not with Ralph and Kelly watching. At the same time, I needed to prove something, I couldn’t let Ralph have them both for himself!

So I tilted my face up and put my tongue to her old pink clit.

She was a bit hairy, not shaved like Kelly. She tasted surprisingly good though; of woman, horny hot woman.

She pulled away, and I was looking at my wife and her older lover, naked on my sofa in each other’s arms, looking back at me.

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Unsere sexuellen Eskapaden blieben weiterhin geheim.Niemand schöpfte verdacht oder kam dahinter , welches verbotene Spiel zwischen mir und Anna ablief.Langsam aber sicher bekam ich mit wie die anderen Jungs über Sie redeten.Ich konnte es nur zu gut verstehen.Wer konnte dieser Frau überhaupt widerstehen ?Umgeben von unzähligen triebigen Jungen männern.Es war ihre strenge authoritäre Erscheinung die alle auf Abstand hielten.Aber insgeheim wollte jeder von diesem heissen Kuchen naschen.Was ich...

3 years ago
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Watch Man Wife Salma

Hi,iss fans im sandip student of final year i want to share my first experience with all you is a true incident not a fiction. i stay with my family in hyderabad in a building which has only 8 apartments. it is a double storey building at ground floor we park our vehicles. our watchman aslo stay at ground floor with his wife. our watchman’s name is nazeer andhis wife’s name is salma. Nazeer is in his mid 30’s but salma is harldy about 19 yrs old.she got married to nazeer some 2...

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Night Of Rain Supriya

Have you ever been drenched in a cold night with the love of your life? Let me tell you, on a winter night, in a warm room when you embrace a girl underneath a blanket, then you feel like it is a dark chocolate melting in your mouth. Gangtok is a wonderful place. During Mar-April when winter is about to end and summer is at the onset to start, the place is a star cast heaven. Cold breezes, fog, and drizzles fill your body and your mind to an incredible fantasy. It is just a place you can escape...

4 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 4

Damien awoke the next morning, a Monday, surprisingly early all things considered, but he still had but only so much time before he had to get ready for work. He was about to shave before he showered, but right then, a hand ... a very feminine hand, intruded. It was Cassidy and she had other ideas. “Honey, why bother with that? I think that you’re a brand-new man, so maybe a brand new look is better. Besides, if you don’t waste time shaving, you can have more time to shower with me. Oh, and...

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Whos The Boss

I'd received my promotion to Head Office on account of being pretty smart with the computers, and it was pretty obvious that Margaret, who shared my office wasn't that hot with them. It was also obvious she was living well beyond her means - house with a pool, kids in private school and a Porsche. Something didn't fit. It didn't take long to figure out what. For anyone who knew their way around the system her tracks were clear to see - tapping cash off the top every month from dodgy...

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AssParade Harley Jade Dont Tell Grandpa

Not only does Harley Jade have one of the biggest asses out there, she’s also one of the horniest chicks out there. Harley’s grandpa and his neighbor Bruno were hanging out by the BBQ grill when she approached them and began playing with Bruno’s junk without her grandpa noticing. She then, slid behind the counter, pulled out his dick and started sucking it. All of this was happening as her granddad was on the other side grilling. From there they moved over to the sun bathing chairs. Here,...

3 years ago
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Good Catholic Wife Gets Dominated

Good Catholic Wife Gets DominatedMy wife, Jill, was raised as a good Catholic girl. She has carried that upbringing into our marriage. We don’t talk about sex, she doesn’t give me oral sex and barely handles my cock (she doesn’t like that name for my penis, either). Our once per month “let me know when you are done” sex is done in the dark and is straight missionary. She’s a good woman, but just not into sex. Shame, because I love sex!So, I have become addicted to porn and masturbation....

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Hard Time Book 2Chapter 6

Our second sojourn with the Jacks was quite different. Minnie was about the same age as the deposed Kathy but was a more comfortable person, heavier and less overtly sexual. She was also much less overbearing. Her attitude was that you listen politely. If you don't agree, you go on with your life. If you agree, you make such changes as necessary. Sometimes she agreed and sometimes she didn't. Changes appeared in the Jacks' culture even in the short time during which we stayed. Men received...

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Partners In Crime Part 2

This is a work of fiction.This story was requested by Dice29.Xavin's tongue was teasing at the tip of the big, black cock of the cop, Rob. Rob in return had his large hand at the back of Xavin's head, moaning very softly. "Dawn, look.. Your little boyfriend's sucking my big cock, how'd you like it?" Dawn watched, she found it oddly arousing but didn't want to admit to it, instead snarling at Rob as he smirked back her "Come on boy, open your mouth.." Rob looked down at Xavin, nodding "Do it,...

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When Two Become Three

WHEN TWO BECOME THREE By Lidija Jay Amidst fear and excitement, I entered the room And turned on the lights to chase off the gloom I shouldn't have been there but just couldn't go I knew she'd be angry, but how would she know? I'd have to be careful and cover my tracks Should she ever suspect, I'd deny all the facts Removing my clothing I thought I'd have hours Assuaging my guilt, I'd buy her some flowers Naked and trembling, I opened the drawers And took what I needed with...

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Wild GeeseChapter 7

You’d think I’d never been away. Actually, for most people, I hadn’t. Gillian and Karen knew, of course, and Dulcie, but hardly anyone else noticed I’d been away. At Open House, I was greeted warmly, but without comment. I didn’t mention Suki, but as the visitors were thin on the ground anyway, no one asked. At the end, before leaving for work, I spoke to Jeanne. “Don’t ask about Suki, but she won’t be back, not soon, anyway. If anyone asks, you haven’t seen her and you’re a little worried,...

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My Wife Fucks an Older Man

This took place before I had ever met her. My wife had very little dating experience because where she's from, it's not normal to start actually dating until 22-25. So when she moved to the big city and started encountering a bunch of Westerners, she really did not expect them to be as horny as they were, but it opened up a whole new world for her.She liked Western guys, so used Western apps to find dates. There were generally few white guys to meet, so she generally was open to meeting anyone...

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Thanksgiving To Get Her

Tags: teen group sex, voyeurism, mistaken identity, first time sex, virginity lost, cheating girlfriend. "So are you excited to see Aunt Sonja?" Stephanie, my older sister, whispered in my ear once we were almost done with the long drive as we sat in back seats of the car while Mom was chatting Dad's ear off as he drove. It'd been like forever since the fourth of July and I'd never had the chance to do more than an awkward goodbye handshake with the girl who had secretly taken my...

3 years ago
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Youre not my sster

The following story is true and experienced first hand.My family is something of what you'd call the "Typical urban family". decent place to live in warm sunny California, comfortable income and not a ton to complain about. Except for the fighting. My family seemed to fight a lot. I grew up with two br*thers and a s*ster. four c***dren, a full time d*d and part time m*m. By the time of this story, all of us were grown and out of high school. I was the youngest of all of us with only a couple of...

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The civillian

I shadow wrote this story for a friend. The two of us hope you enjoy it.When I finished high school I spent a few months working, before being drafted. Aside from a short period of training, during the first half of my term I spent most of my time behind a desk. I did spend a day a week doing guard or drill duty, to keep in shape and keep my field skills fresh. When things escalated and another unit was in need of a new sergeant, I was promoted and got reassigned. Still behind a desk, but now...

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BoundGangBangs Lyra Lockhart Anger Management

Lyra Lockhart is trying to teach an anger management course to a bunch of loud, mischievous men who aren’t listening to a word she’s saying. She rings her bell to get their attention and they just take the bell from her. She stands up and tells them that they need some self control and so they slowly approach her and start grabbing at her body. She gives up and gives in. They grab at her floral dress and pull away the fabric, exposing her perfect pale perky tits. They squeeze and...

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Daddys DiaryChapter 6

Peter, Amber and Dylan all listened intently while I spoke with Jackie on Dylan's cell phone. "OK Sweetheart," I said into the phone. "That's fine ... Sounds good ... OK ... We'll see 'ya." "Well?" Dylan and Amber said, almost in unison. Pete anxiously awaited our fate as well. They all wanted to know if Jackie was on her way home to interrupt the little game we had begun. "She's going to spend the night with Sam," I said. "Pete, she asked if we could handle the girls for the...

3 years ago
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Weekend With Mom

HI FRIENDS THIS IS RAJ AGAIN FOR YOU WITH NEW STORY OF HOW MY WEEK END WITH MY MOM IN MY WORDS FROM MY GOOD CHAT FRIEND GIVE ME YOUR COMMENTS AND ANY BODY NEED ANY SUGGESTION FOR HOW TO START ANY RELATION SPECIALLY SEX I WILL HELP YOU WITHOUT FEES AS A “LOVE GURU” She was selling the family home. She wanted me to visit one last time before she did. Straight long brown hair, big eyes, full lips, ample bosom, an ass to die for, affectionate and loving – it was my mom on the line. “I can’t keep...

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Taping A Family GetTogether

Introduction: My wife has me cheer up her widowed mom. Janet and I have been married three years now. We get along great and the sex is even better than great. Janet is rather a free spirit in the bedroom, even more than I am, I love it. Weve never talked much about our sex lives before we met each other but I suspect that my wife would get the blue ribbon. Janet is very close with her mother, Jean, who lost her husband nearly five years ago, not long before we first met. She is a very...

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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 2

My neighbor and I walked to and from school every day for weeks with the exception of the days I had track and field practice. He was a bit of a nerd but very sweet. The more I got to know him the more attractive he became. I found myself thinking about him while I masturbated. My fantasy of him was heightened by seeing him doing yard work with his shirt off. He was thin and cut and, as the summer carried on his tan was becoming well formed. The first time I could tell he wanted me was when I...

First Time
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Those Days ofCh 6667

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 66 Fanning the Blaze Even the following morning, when we discovered that Barbara hadn’t returned home, as I found I was still feeling a little drained I spent a long time down beneath the sheets, with my head between Helen’s thighs. After giving her a series of small but obviously satisfying climaxes we both dozed off again. The sound of the telephone ringing finally...

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Ideas By Casey CD Ideas for stories, let me know if you like them, and maybe I'll turn them into a story. Email me at [email protected] PLEASE PUT "Ideas" as topic or I might delete it thinking it's spam, and with yahoo, I get LOTS of spam. Magic Guitar Whenever someone plays a person's theme song from a TV show, movie, or video game, the player turns into that person as the actor, or what they would look like if real, and it would last until something else is...

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Husbands Holiday Weekend

Husband's Holiday Weekend by Throne Thanksgiving had been awful for me. My wife Midge had her girlfriend Lana over for the day. It made me regret more than ever that I'd encouraged my bride to reestablish ties with her high school friend. Lana is tall and athletic, with short black hair and flashing dark eyes. Midge is short and busty, with long blond hair. I'd always been aroused by the fact that Lana was a lesbian and had the hots for the woman I was dating back then. What can I...

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EvilAngel Riley Reid I Am Riley Episode 5

Filmmaker Evil Chris presents superstar Riley Reid in a XXX documentary segment combining genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a full, hardcore double penetration scene. The petite, energetic porn beauty is open and candid throughout, letting fans get to know the real person behind the fun loving sexual sensation. At director Chris Streams’ shooting location, Riley shows him her suitcase full of porn wardrobe, and they select a latex dress. She sits for makeup, chatting about...

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Thots Girls! Are you horny as fuck for amazing amateurs and semi-pro models that love posting their content on the platforms you love? You know, like OnlyFans, Chaturbate, and more? Then you are going to love what I have in store for you today, mother fuckers!I am talking about THOTS Girls – and it is here that you will find a delicious assortment of beauties that will have your dingus popping up time and again! It’s all here for you, so take a look at the incredible variety of gals that you...

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You have been watching me for almost a week from afar. 7pm sharp - I arrive home from university on the dot every day. I am good girl. I live all alone but I'm disciplined, leaving men and drunken parties out of my life. You like good girls. They are the best to break. Once you unleash their wild side, they are the dirtiest sluts. Best of all, you know for sure that they have little ties and little confidence with people so you do not have to worry about being interrupted or found out....

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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

2 years ago
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BondingChapter 2 Voluntarily caned

Now here she was again on stage at the club having 'volunteered' to do another 'whacking sketch.' This time it was to be the cane. It would definitely be more painful but the pay was doubled. John was to wield it. He assured her he would pull the strokes provided she kept still. She didn't really believe him but still she could do with the money. The car repairs had cost more than anticipated. "How many strokes will you give me," she asked. "As many as we think you can take. Probably...

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I am his keep

My name is Shilpa and I am an engineering student in maharashtra orignially from karnataka. When I was in second year of engg I started to work as a call girl parttime because my father was unable to pay for my tution.By the time I finsihsed engg and joined Wipro I had slept with more than 100 men. There were 2 of us in one flat myself and another poor punjabi girl called Resham. An aunty who found us in college suggested this and we both eventually agreed because we needed money to pay the...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 19 Barely Legal

With the wedding two days away, the Circle had become a rather festive place. There was chatter about bachelor and bachelorette parties, but the brides had all moved out of the Circle on Thursday morning to be with relatives or parents, and there was no big attraction about a bachelor party except for a few of the men that decided to go to the Club Ecstasy. There was no big deal made about it. Thursday night thus became more like one of the usual Friday nights were the couplings and sex were...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 42 Holiday Specials

December 23, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You should have called me before discussing this with anyone,” Jamie said. “Why? We’re not going to settle, and I understand the legal issues.” “You won’t entertain any kind of settlement?” “If Dante wants to hear my offer, I’ll tell him right now - my offer is ‘nothing’. And I’d appreciate if he paid your fee, personally.” “Spare me the references to The Godfather, please.” “That’s ‘Part II’m but I’m serious, Jamie. If he offers to get out of the...

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Summer holidays with a school friend some 50 years

My story My first sexual encounter was back when I was 15 with my best friend it all started when one summer he spend his summer holidays with our family, not a big house, he shared the room and bed with me we undress in frond of each other it was very natural, we compare each other clocks, talk about girls, we lock some sexy magazines that brought our clocks to attention, my cock was a little bigger than his, at first mastrubate together, one night while in bed talking about girls he asked me...

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Karen Does Her Bosss 18 Year Old Son

Karen had worked at a small firm for the past twelve years. When her last son was born she really wanted to get back into the work force and that was when she met Jim. Jim had an available opening in his company and Karen jumped on it instantly. Karen, now 45, loved her last twelve years on the job. It was the kind of company where everyone knew each other on a first name basis. It was like one big family, including the owner and president of the company Jim. Jim was a 50 something divorcee who...

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Lola and Mummy

They talked about condoms and Lola said ''I don't think I'm ready to have sex yet with a boy yet''. ''A boy'' her mother asked! Lola thought a while then said that she has been having feelings for a girl friend of hers in school, but didn't know what and how to deal with them. Her mother asked if she thought the other girl might have the same feeling for her. Lola informed her mother that the other girl Julianne and her had kissed once as a dear. She said it was a quick kiss on the...

1 year ago
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Milking Time B1 Chapter 3 The Milking

Chapter 3: The MilkingBarocca adjusted herself as she sat at the console. She made an adjustment to one of the dials on the console, and entered a few keystrokes."We'll start with something easy, to begin with."A very quiet hum of machinery, much like a vibrator at low speed could be heard coming from the platform where Tiffany was reclining. The sheath slowly began to move up and down on Tiffany's cock."And now, a little pressure."The sheath began to squeeze and contract on the shaft of...

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Angus Sold Me at a Cocktail Party

“Doesn’t it bother you when he does that?” Whitfield discreetly whispered under the chatter of the surrounding cocktail party guests. “Does what?” I asked, already knowing to what he was referring. “Flirts with women like that!” answered my former physics professor turned friend and returning crew member for our most recent MI-6 assignment. “It’s rather salacious, don’t you think Deetz? I mean the whole Crown knows you and Angus are married some four years now. Won’t this give the appearance...

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Retired but Not Dead

Chapter 1 If you're still working, still younger than retirement age, well, be glad. I say that not because it's bad being retired, actually there are benefits to it quite often but some things depend on just how your life goes after you do retire. But, always remember, things can and, sometimes, do change. Even for the better. I'm Tom, sixty-four, newly-retired but my wife, Imogene, and I have been living in a retirement community that is made up of above fifty-five year olds and, really,...

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Better Than Chocolate

She was eating chokito, dark moist chocolate cake layered with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and whipped cream. She was moaning as she ate, rich satisfied little sounds of utter pleasure that were going straight to his cock. “This,” Colleen pronounced, “is totally orgasmic.” He would never get rid of this woodie. Never. Colleen eyes him mischievously. From Greg’s flushed face and slight hunching, she had a pretty good idea of what was going through his mind, or...

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Diversion Part 1

I step out of the shower into the steam filled room. I wipe the fogged mirror so I can see my reflection. My blond hair wet and slightly curly clings to my face. My blue green eyes staring back at me. I look every inch of my body over in careful examination. Have a few pounds I could lose. Other than that I was happy with my appearance. Pale skin, light freckles dusting my nose and cheeks. Beautiful firm breasts, curvy seductive hips and a perfectly shaped butt. Not the sexiest girl out there...

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