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Part 1 - Fireworks

I was jealous when my twin brother Jon told me he had a girlfriend. Jon was mine, and I didn't want to share him. I couldn't tell him that, of course. I was the fast girl during high school, and even in college, when my tastes went far beyond what I could get in back seat, I never even tried to make love to Jon. We were best friends, and sometimes he was the only guy in the world I could stand the sight of, but I never told him how I truly felt.

But this woman, who he found in our sophomore year in junior college, was a threat all the sudden. Jon was a propeller-head and had as much social life as the computers he worked on. Our mother and I kept him decently dressed and made sure he had a date now and then, but when he latched on to this Daphne person, it was a surprise.

I have to admit she did him good. She was a fellow computer person, he told us. One day, he asked me to come along when he picked her up from work.

We waited for her in the mall. I didn't even know what she looked like, and I was surprised at the woman who waved and smiled as she came out the door.

"This is Daphne," he said to me. "And this is my sister, Robin." My respect for Jon went into orbit. She was drop-dead beautiful. Like me, she was of medium height, with thick, dark hair pulled back and tied with a crimson ribbon. She had a pale, round face and wore a black jacket, very short black skirt, black stockings, and flats. She wore oversized round glasses over large, violet eyes. I felt almost plain next to her.

She squeezed my hand firmly, then let go of it and kissed Jon very thoroughly.

The initial impression was good for both of us. The fact that we liked each other immediately didn't lessen my jealousy, but made it easier. We became close quickly. We double-dated (I didn't have a regular boy-friend, but I had a small stable of men who were more than willing to be seen with me). I spent time with both of them. We made a very comfortable threesome. She became my best friend.

Mom told me she was sure they were sleeping together. I knew they were, but I wasn't telling. I didn't talk to them about it either, because I was afraid I'd betray myself.

Every summer Mom arranged to borrow a friend's lakeside home over the Independence Day weekend. Jon and I were going, of course, and Daphne was invited too.

Mom, Jon and I arrived together Thursday night, and Daphne was beating on the front door by eight the next morning. When the day got warm, we ditched shorts for bathing suits. Jon had his classic trunks, I wore a high-collared, skin tight yellow one piece, and Daphne wore a thong bikini that was positively indecent. She looked very good, and I wondered again how Jon had managed to land her. It made me want to get her into bed, and I felt a different kind of jealousy.

"I think you must be the two sexiest women in the world," Jon said as he lay between us beside the lake.

"You can't count," I said. "There's one here, and she's on the other side of you." I'm far from beautiful, but I've got a killer body and I make the most of it.

"I accept the compliment," Daphne said, "and I don't think Robin has anything to complain about."

"Besides," I said, "I'm your sister, you're not supposed to notice me."

"Sorry," he said, slapping my butt, "can't help it." So maybe he did notice me. We'd shared a bathroom for years, he should have noticed something by now. I had. He could pat my rear anytime. He turned his head away and I heard the sound of his hand on Daphne's bottom. She laughed, and I looked over. His hand lingered on her bare bottom, and for a moment I envied her. But I kept watching his hand until he drew it back.

We had a barbecue in the late afternoon and debated whether or not we'd all go watch fireworks at the park on the far side of the lake. Mom decided she wanted to go, but we decided to stay. I had an idea why Jon and Daphne wanted mom to go away for awhile, but they seemed willing to let me stay. Mom seemed happy that I was staying too, probably thinking it would keep them from any sexual shenanigans. I knew better, but I wasn't telling her.

We cleaned up and sat in the shade of the porch. Mom and I read and Jon and Daphne played backgammon. About seven o'clock Mom decided to leave to find a good seat. As soon as the car disappeared up the driveway Jon and Daphne were on their feet.

"We'll be back," Jon said to me.

"Ooooh, can I watch?" I asked playfully. Jon, of course, knew my predilections, and ignored me.

"Not this time!" Daphne replied with a laugh as they disappeared into the house.

Refilling my glass from the pitcher of iced tea, I thought about her answer, wondering if she meant it. I returned to my book, but I couldn't concentrate because I caught myself listening to them. I could imagine Jon's hands on her breasts, his lips and tongue on her round, brown nipples, his fingers opening the delicate flower between her legs, finding the sensitive nub of her clitoris beneath its hood with his tongue. My fantasy was punctuated by a particularly loud moan from Daphne, and I imagined her mouth open, her tongue licking its way up Jon's erect cock, exploring the cleft at the base of his glans, then the hole at its tip, sucking it into her mouth, her head bobbing up and down as she took him deeper and deeper, his hands in her hair and on her breasts...

Unconsciously I'd been rubbing my vulva through the thin material of my swimsuit, and my orgasm was almost a surprise. I relaxed afterward, slurped iced tea, wondering how I could have either one of them. I enjoyed women as well as men, and I simply couldn't find a preference for either. Right now I felt a strong preference for both my brother and his lover.

Daphne stepped out onto the porch, in her bikini, her color high. Without saying anything, she found her glass and poured herself some tea. I smiled at her and returned to my book.

Fireworks were scheduled for 10:30, and it was pretty dark an hour earlier. We played frisbee on the lawn for awhile until it got dark, then sat on the grass by the lake, still in our swimsuits. It was pleasantly warm.

"Want to take a swim?" I asked.

"Skinny dip!" Jon said.

This caught me by surprise, but it was dark, after all, and there were no other houses too close.

"I will if Daphne will," I said.

"Well, I've got nothing to hide," she said.

"I know," I said, "you haven't been hiding it all day!" She laughed. Jon already had his trunks off. I stripped off my suit as Daphne untied her halter and slipped off her thong. Her breasts were smaller than mine, and her hips wider. I'd always wanted a figure more like hers than mine, with breasts too big and butt too skinny. I watched her ass bounce into the lake with a splash. "C'mon, Robin," Jon said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the water. He kept a tight grip on me until we hit the water and ran full into Daphne. We all went down in a pleasant tangle of arms and legs.

We shed our inhibitions along with our bathing suits. Splashing turned into tickling in the shallows, and it didn't seem to matter who was tickling who. Tickling turned into wrestling. I took Jon down once, and we were grabbing just anywhere to get the job done. Daphne pulled me off of him and took me down with obvious glee.

After I elbowed her off my back she decided that Jon was friendlier, and after a very quick, very touchy-feely conference, they ganged up on me. For about two seconds I was underwater with something heavy and soft on me. I barely had time to struggle against imminent drowning when they hauled me up and, amid much laughter, deposited me with a thud on the grass.

I lay on my back, spread-eagled, unable to control my own laughter, and they collapsed nearby, laughing at least as hard as me. Eventually I was reduced to just trying to catch my breath, until I noticed that the heavy breathing nearby had a different note to it. I rolled onto my side. Jon and Daphne were practicing their french kissing. They were side by side and Jon was in an obvious state of excitement.

I probably should have snuck off, but the preceding half hour of water sports had removed all traces of sanity. I crept a few feet closer to them and just watched. When their kiss ended they looked straight at me.

"Can I watch?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper.

"God, yes," Daphne said. Jon dipped his head to take her left nipple in his mouth, which I took for assent. I settled back on my knees as she moaned with pleasure as he sucked, then extended his tongue to circle the nipple.

Jon straightened up on his knees after a few moments. His cock stood out from his body like a pump handle, long and thick. In the bright moonlight I could see the glitter of a drop of liquid on its tip. Daphne got up and crept closer to him and I spread my knees against the rough, cool grass in anticipation.

The angle was bad, but I knew she had taken his cock in her mouth by the way her head moved and the way his hand curled about her neck. I scooted to the right to see better, and saw his cock slowly sliding out from between her lips, gleaming with her saliva. His pole was bigger than any I'd ever sucked, and I could almost taste his turgid flesh. I cupped my breasts and squeezed as her tongue curled around his glans. She ran her pursed lips up and down the shaft, even sucking on one of his balls, before taking first his glans back in her mouth, then the shaft all the way to the root, so fast that I almost gagged in sympathy. It didn't seem to bother her at all, and she left him in there for what seemed like a full minute, her jaw and throat working. Jon grabbed her head with both hands, his eyes closed, and when she released his cock, he began to pump his hips, fucking her mouth. I saw movement between her legs; her ass was still prominent to me, and the movement was her hand, teasing her vagina open. I dropped my right hand from my breast, leaving it almost cold in the night air, and found my own clitoris. It was already tingling with vicarious pleasure, but the first touch of my finger sent an almost painful stab through my legs and buttocks.

At my gasp, Daphne released Jon's cock completely, then grabbed it with the hand that had recently been between her legs. She looked at me with a slight smile, then looked up at him. "Do me," she said, her voice surprisingly loud.

"Sit on my face," he replied, glancing at me as if to make sure he still had his audience. Daphne rolled to a sitting position, her knees wide apart, and he lay on his back.

"You just want me to suck your cock more," she said, bending over him. Their tongues slid over each other, then she turned and kissed his belly.

"Just don't get distracted and bite down at the wrong time," he said as she swung one leg over him. He grabbed her generous hips and pulled her ass to him. The last thing I saw of his face was his tongue sticking out, its tip moving in anticipation.

Daphne kissed the tip of his cock again, and her lips and tongue moved over the shaft, but she was soon too distracted to work seriously on him.

By this time I had my middle finger deep inside myself, and I lifted one breast up to tongue my nipple. Daphne had abandoned any thought of fellatio. Her back was arched, her head thrown back, and she twisted one of her nipples furiously between her fingers. Soon enough she came with a loud gasp, sparking my own orgasm, which was just a little quieter.

After a few moments she rolled off and knelt beside him, stroking his chest and belly. Then he took her by the waist and pulled her on top of him. She straddled him, and they kissed greedily as he moved his hands over her back and ass. His cock was in shadow between her legs, but I could imagine it pressing against her pussy lips. I crept closer, my heart thudding painfully.

Indeed, I saw in the dim light, the tip of my brother's penis lay nestled between her damp lips, and I was close enough to smell their musk. I watched her hips press downward and his push upward, but his cock slid away. I saw my opportunity to have at least a little part in this love feast, so I reached down between Daphne's legs, took hold of the warm, hard cock, and aimed it again for Daphne's waiting pussy. Feeling what I was doing, Jon didn't move, but Daphne thrust downward again, and my positioning of his cock was perfect. I rested my arm on Daphne's leg as he slid into her, then too far out. I steadied it again, now wet with her juices, and once again she impaled herself on him, this time sitting up on his hips so he wouldn't slip out again. I moved back, my hand boldly brushing the smooth skin of her bottom, and sat back with my legs curled under me, sucking at my musk-moistened fingers.

Jon's hands cupped and caressed Daphne's breasts, rolling her nipples as she bounced up and down on him. He was getting closer and closer to coming, but she had other plans and stopped her movement.

"Don't stop, Daph," he moaned.

"I want you on top of me," she said, kissing him and standing, releasing his cock. Without looking behind her she flopped on her back, her knees in the air and spread wide. I saw where her head was going to land and I positioned myself underneath it. She looked up at me, but her attention was taken by Jon's thrusting cock and she reached down to guide him in.

He lay atop her, his mouth locked on hers, her hands on his ass, and his hips moved slowly. I leaned on one hand and looked down at them, my other hand resting absently against Daphne's head. As Jon's excitement increased, he rose up on his hands, his head brushing against my breast as he did so. Not breaking the rhythm of his fucking he looked up at me and licked his lips. Unable to resist his plea, I held out that breast to him and watched as he fastened his mouth on my waiting nipple. I couldn't contain my moan of pleasure as he sucked at it, sending a laser beam of pleasure straight to my clitoris. I looked down at my brother sucking my breast and saw Daphne below him, her head pillowed on my thighs, her eyes glittering in the moonlight, watching us, smiling and licking her lips.

Emboldened by my brother's touch and his lover's apparent approval, I reached down with my free hand and took hold of her breast. It was just big enough to fill my hand, and I saw her close her eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I watched one hand move from Jon's waist into the darkness between their bodies. From Jon's reaction she must have found the point of union, where his penis pistoned in and out of her vagina. His mouth left my breast and he arched his head back, grunting and groaning with the ecstasy of his rapidly-approaching climax. He cried aloud as he came, and his buttocks clenched as he thrust into Daphne as far as he could.

At that moment the fireworks started across the lake, gold, green, red and blue light spreading over us. Jon lowered himself onto Daphne. I looked up at the display, caressing Daphne's hair, and after a moment I stroked Jon's hair as well. Eventually I became aware of my legs falling asleep beneath me and tried to move them a little. I didn't really want to disturb our little tableau, but Daphne sensed my discomfort.

"Up, dear," she said softly, and Jon rose on his knees between her legs, his penis now only half-erect. He took her hands and pulled her to a sitting position, her head resting against his chest. I straightened out my legs, then wiggled them back and forth to restore the circulation.

"Show off," I heard Daphne say.

"Exhibitionist," he replied.

"Voyeur," I said, raising my hand and waving it. They both laughed and let go of each other, sitting in the grass.

"God, that was good," Daphne said. "We should do it with an audience more often."

"I liked it too," I said. I got up, shaking my legs a little more. He got up too, and to my surprise grabbed me about the waist, pulled me to him, and gave me a most unbrotherly kiss. Then he let me go just as fast, took Daphne's hand, and started toward the house. Just as big red starshell lit up the sky I saw Daphne turn and smile at me over her shoulder.

I scooped up our bathing suits and followed them.

Part 2 - The Fist

I frigged myself to sleep and woke early, feeling refreshed. I made coffee and sat on the porch in my robe.

There was movement inside, and Daphne came out the door with her own cup of coffee and robe and sat next to me.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," I said. I looked at her, caught her looking sideways at me, and sipped. "No regrets?"

"No," she said after a moment. "None at all." I held my hand out to her and after a moment's hesitation she took it and squeezed.

"We could go on a little hike today," I said. "There's a trail I know, flat, in the trees..."

"Just you and me, okay?" she said. Surprised, I agreed.

The trail was a half-dozen miles up in the hills. I stopped in a turnout where the car would be in the shade most of the day, and pointed out an almost-hidden trail leading into the woods. The property was owned by the same people who owned the cabin and was quite private.

Daphne took the knapsack first, and we started off. After a short, sharp climb over a ridge we descended into the valley of a small stream that drained into the lake. The walk was enjoyable, with birds singing and squirrels in the trees and a light breeze to keep the woods from getting stuffy.

"Can we talk about last night?" she asked after we'd been on the trail for about half an hour.

"Sure, but let's stop first. There's a good spot by the stream up here a little way. We can stop there." I wanted to talk to her, too, as well as to my brother.

We found it about ten minutes later, a little thicket that couldn't be seen from the trail unless you knew where it was. We sat, pulled out Diet Cokes, and looked at each other.

"I've never done anything like that before," Daphne said. She looked at me, expecting an answer.

"I have, kinda. I was at a party once that turned into an orgy. There were three of us there, none with a date. We mostly watched."


I just smiled.

"It was fun being watched."

"It was really fun watching."

She laughed. "Your brother..."

"Yeah." I took a long drink, remembering my hand on his cock, his mouth on my nipple, his tongue and mine together.

"I think you wanted more from him than what you got last night." She didn't look at me.

"He's my brother, Daphne. My twin brother." I wondered who I was trying to convince.

"So you guys have never..."

"No. That was the first time we'd ever... touched each other like that."

"Well, Jon does kind of lose himself to the moment during sex." She was trying not to smile.

"That french kiss he gave me was somewhat after sex," I shot back, challenging.

"Yeah, you're right, it was."

"Daphne, you don't seem to mind that I would really like to sleep with Jon."

She laughed.

"Why should I? You're his sister. You're no threat. I wouldn't mind sharing him with you, 'cause you'd never take him away from me."

I hadn't thought of it that way.

"You're right, I wouldn't do that. Couldn't do that." I sighed. "But how does he feel about it? Has he told you?"

"I think last night was an indication. It doesn't matter if he's related to you or not, part of him wants you."

I sipped and sat for awhile. "Yeah, well, the feeling's mutual. So what do I do, jump him some night when you're not around?"

She turned toward me, pushed a lock of dark hair away from her face, and said, "Robin, I would not make you commit incest without being there to provide moral support."

"Or immoral support, whichever the case may be." We laughed hard, rocking against each other. I ended up leaning on her shoulder and didn't feel much like moving. She didn't push me off, either. I decided to take the next logical step.

"I'm queer, you know," I said.

"I wondered. Bisexual, I presume."

"I have no preferences. I take what's offered to me, if I find it attractive."

Her fingers dangled tantalizingly over my knee, their tips just brushing it.

"Am I attractive?" she asked.

"Well, yeah. Am I?" I wasn't sure who was doing the pushing here.

"I've never been with another woman before." She laughed and looked at me. "Have you heard that one before?"

"Only the last time I said it. I was a virgin six months ago. As far as other women were concerned, that is." I looked at her hand, still dangling.

"Do you want to?"

"When you touched me last night... I liked it. It excited me. I've thought about it before, wondered. I'd like to try it." Her hand landed solidly on my knee.

"You know," I said, covering her hand with mine, my heart thumping, "I learned an interesting thing at that party. Threesomes are lots of fun."

"Threesomes? Like you and Jon and me?"


"You learned that at the party? Just by watching?"

"We three women were the only unattached people. The atmosphere kind of got to us."

"So you joined in?"

"No. We played together. One of the other women was quite experienced with other women. It was quite... educational. I think one with a man involved would be at least as much fun."

She was looking at me, a little shyly. I bent forward and touched her lips with mine, trying to go slow, but she wasn't too interested - her tongue parted my lips, and to my surprise she became the aggressor. Her arms went around me and she was against me, and I spread my hand over one side of her ass, curling my fingertips into the cleft as far as her shorts let me.

Her tongue explored my mouth thoroughly. I love the feeling of someone's tongue in my mouth, a warm, slippery thing, alive unlike any other part of the body. A tongue can be like a playful seal, leaping from place to place, from teeth to palate, or a probe, pushing and hard. Two tongues are like lovers, twining around each other like giraffes' necks. If they could fuck, they would.

Soon I'd lovingly pushed her tongue back to its own mouth and explored just as assiduously. I felt heat building between my legs.

The kiss ended at last. We looked at each other for a moment, and I touched her face. She dropped her eyes; she was actually blushing.

"Okay?" I asked. I was afraid to break the silence, afraid it would break the moment.

"Yes," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I pulled her tank top out of her shorts and up over hear head, letting her take care of getting it off her arms. She wore a sports bra, and I pushed it up off her lovely breasts. She took care of it, too, while I ran my hands over the pert mounds of brown-tipped flesh. The rest of her clothes followed quickly, and she sat cross-legged, her elbows on her knees, and watched me strip. I felt good under her eyes, an unaccustomed pride in my body making me thrust out my breasts as I exposed them to her. Naked, I knelt beside her, one knee touching her leg.

She put her hand on my leg, leaned over, and ran it up my thigh to my hip, up my side to my right breast. She tried to cup it, but it overflowed her hand. She got on her knees and moved as close as she could get, one knee between my legs. We embraced, belly to belly and breast to breast, kissing, and this time my fingers were deep in the cleft of her ass. How deep would she let me go? My forefinger found the rim of her anus, then the center, and she gripped my waist harder, her kiss insistent. I pulled my finger back, saving it for later.

I started kissing my way downward. The downy skin of her cheek became moist beneath my lips, and she gasped as I nipped at her earlobe. Then I drew my tongue down her throat and into the hollow beneath her collarbone, tasting sweat-salt on her skin. Then I reached her breast. I licked it all over, all of it except her nipple.

She arched her back, breathing heavily, and when I judged the time to be right (and when I couldn't stand waiting any longer myself) I sucked as much of her nipple into my mouth as I could. She gasped and grabbed my head, and let out a little grunt as my tongue stabbed at her. Then I let it go and alternated circling her nipple with my tongue and sucking at it. Eventually I licked my way across to her other breast and did much the same thing.

This play eventually dissolved into more kissing, and then she wanted to do it to me. I lay back on the rough grass, twitched my shoulders around a little to kill an itch in the middle of my back, and let her go to it. She straddled my hips, and I ran my hands from her knees up to her breasts, which hung down delightfully over mine as her tongue explored the hollow of my throat.

I don't like my breasts all that much most of the time. They're too big, attracts lots of attention (some of it unwelcome) and give me backaches (all of them unwelcome). The only time I like them is during sex, whether it's just me masturbating in bed at night or with someone else. They are so sensitive, it's sometimes like there's direct link between them and my clit. I've made myself come playing with my breasts alone.

So I started getting pretty excited when Daphne put her nose right between them, then gathered one in each hand and squeezed them together. I felt her take a deep breath in there, felt her licking and nuzzling. I held fast to her hips, and opened my eyes only when she let my breasts go and straightened up for a moment. We looked at each other and smiled.

She bent over again, took my left breast between both hands and went to work on my nipple.

Her mouth on my breast was exquisite. She seemed to devote all of her attention to it. The heat between my legs was like a fire, the tingling building with delicious agony in my clit. My vagina felt like a running faucet, and she was my only relief. Then she did the unexpected; she made me come.

She knew what she'd done and eased off her attentions, laying on top of me. I wrapped my legs and arms around her.

"You really came?" she asked, her mouth close to my ear.

"Oh, yeah."

"Jon always seems to like sucking on mine... I wanted to see what he experiences."

"Did you like it?" I asked.


Daphne was in an exploratory mood now. Her fingers were making their way down my ribs, across my belly, to the edge of my pubis. Her eyes and mine had followed their progress southward, and when she stopped I spread my legs and moved my hips, urging her on. I found her looking at me, and she licked her lips and kissed me. She seemed nervous. I put a hand in her hair and tried to encourage her by kissing back. Somewhere in the middle of the kiss her hand slid between my legs and her fingers explored, first tentatively, then with greater assurance. I knew what she was thinking; it was very strange to touch another woman's sex for the first time, feeling things that are very familiar, yet receiving only half the sensation.

She had no trouble finding my clitoris, which she touched only briefly, as if wanting to prove she'd really found it. Then she traced the folds of my inner lips and finally ventured a finger inside, followed quickly by a second. Her two fingers filling me like a slender cock. I wanted more. If she had any uncertainty of how to please me, now was the time to end it. I broke the kiss.

"I want your tongue down there," I said. She looked down at where her fingers were buried to the third knuckle inside of me, and positioned herself between my legs. She removed her fingers from my vagina, and put her hands on the insides of my thighs, and pushed to spread them further than they were already.

She blew gently on my vulva, inhaling my scent. Then, just as I was about to give her head a push, she dove in. She lapped at my labia, tasting the juices coming from inside me, and finally unhooded my clit.

I don't remember much after that. Her tongue was as magic to my sex as it had been to my mouth and nipples. I remember taking a hank of her hair between my fingers and rolling one of my nipples with the other hand, and the waves of pleasure that rolled over me like flowing lava. I remember being very noisy when I came. I remember tasting myself in her mouth when we kissed afterward. She rolled onto her back.

After regaining my equilibrium, I bent down and kissed her breast, then rubbed my cheek down her thigh. She seemed to know what I wanted her to do without any words. I lay on my back and she lifted her leg over my head, and I took her lusciously wide hips in my hands and pulled her back and down so her pussy was positioned just above me. Looking between her legs, I saw her breasts dangling, and her head turned back to see what I was doing.

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Shower Time by loyalsock

Dell hated working on holidays, away from home, all alone, and bored stiff! Not a very pleasant way to spend Christmas day. Worse yet, the surroundings really sucked, seeing as he was a deputy sheriff of Hall County, and had jail duty for the day. Someone had to man the phones and watch the prisoners, well that should be “prisoner”! There was only one inmate being held in the county jail, and she was doing six months for writing bad checks. “Not a bad lookin’ dame,” thought Dell, “with a body...

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The Girls from Work

It was a rainy Friday evening. I was recently single and out in a pub with the people I work with, the hours were ticking by and I had to admit I wasn't enjoying myself. I lived two bus rides away from my workplace and the pub we had congregated in was practically next door. I had planned to leave at 11, but my boredom was trying to convince me to leave earlier.'Right we're off' My manager plucked up. She was a short round blonde woman, who would call herself 'brassy' but pretty much everyone...

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Hot For Daughter Part 1

David had to look a dangerous temptation in her eye everyday. His beautiful, young, smart, virgin, daughter. Melissa had a smile so stunning that it made a chill travel down your spine. When she touched you it made a man's penis tingle. And her eyes, oh her beautiful eyes. They were like big round green emeralds poking out of four rows of long eyelashes. 5'6, B cup breasts, hairless tight pussy, and a cute little birth mark on her ass. He started noticing Melissa's irresistible trade mark...

2 years ago
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yes or no

hi there,first of all i'm a divorced mother with a son now 17 years all started about two years ago, when I found some magazines and some of my panties under his bed when I was cleaning his room.I didn't do anything about it that time, but it made me think about what he was doing with my panties.i decided to test him a little, so I went shopping, and bougth some small see through panties.the day after I left my panies on the floor just after the shower, and waited for him to steal...

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Shifting Reality

Identical Twins John and Jane Smith have always considered themselves the most average people in existence. Tonight, that same average life will lead them to an astonishing adventure. John and Jane were relaxing in the room they had shared since they were small. Times and furnishings had changed but the pair were still most comfortable together. "Let's see now," A voice said as a man in fine traveling clothes blinked into being in the middle of the room. "I think I've got it this time." "Well...

2 years ago
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Newly Married Marwari Ladki Ko Satisfy Kiya

Hello dosto mera naam happy hai. Mai Rajasthani hu but born and brought up in Chennai. I’m wheatish color height 5ft 10″ average looking banda hu. Aaj mai aapko mere aur Facebook friend k sath hua desi hot sex experience share kar raha hu. Vo ek Hi profile moti shadi sudha marwari ladki hai. Uska naam Shriya ( changed name for privacy) Mai Facebook par hamesha active rahta hu. Baat kuch 3 hafto pahele ki hai . Mujhe Shriya ne friend request bheji aur maine accept karli. Vo on line thi hamare...

4 years ago
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Blonde haired boss pt1

I walked in to the office and took a seat in reception waiting for my interview to start. The receptionist offered me tea or coffee but I declined, I was to nervous to eat or drink anything. I kept looking at the door at the other end of the room to see who would come threw it to start my interview with me.My foot was moving up and down without me knowing and I was sweating terribly, I have never been good at interviews. Suddenly a woman walked threw the door and approached me offering her...

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She waits for his return.Her heart beats faster, because she knows he will soon be with her.She knows he's just as anxious as she is.Their bond and love are strong.She knows he's just a step away from her now, she smiles and turns knowing exactly the direction he's coming from.Her skin cold until he touches her. He leans down and kisses her with such passion and hunger that she melts against him and leaves her breathless after they part.She grabs his hand and takes him inside. She takes him to...

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Double VisionChapter 4

After the girls released me, we all headed for the shower to spend a playful half hour. Then we went into the kitchen to fix breakfast. The twins had discovered some boxes of muffin mix and now they insisted on making them. I found them a couple of old aprons and sat back to watch the most interesting cooks I had ever seen. Imagine, if you will, two lovely women, dressed only in aprons not large enough to close in the back, moving around, bending over... Well, you get the idea. We ate a...

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Pastor Sarah Ch 18

Pastor Sarah’s Final Chapter When we left off in Chapter 17, Pastor Sarah had been picked up in a limousine by Dennis Sweeney to discuss some last minute arrangements for the picnic to raise funds for the home for abused women and children. Pastor Sarah had conducted a double wedding for the car dealer, who had forced the females in his agencies to satisfy his every sexual need. After changing his ways, his ex-wife was ready to give marriage another try. Her son and Pastor Sarah’s black...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Lilly Hall Lilly Hall teaches her stepson what working hard is really about

Lilly runs her office with an iron fist, but when she hires her stepson Juan to help and catches him jacking off at his desk on his first day… well that’s not the hard work she was expecting. Lilly is furious but also turned on after realizing her stepson has a massive cock compared to his dad. Lilly scolds Juan at first but lets him know he’s not getting fired but he is going to have to work for his position, actually in multiple positions. Lilly has Juan fuck her long and hard on his desk...

2 years ago
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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 07

Todd took his time with Mom. Not because he was enjoying her for her own sake, as I would have in his shoes. No, to judge by the taunts he tossed out to the rest of the room, what he was really enjoying was rubbing our faces in the fact that he was the king. If it bothered Mom that he was using her to make a point, or that he was being quite rough with her, she didn't let it show. In fact, she rather seemed to enjoy it. She encouraged him to slap her harder, to continue calling her names. Add...

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Double Blacked in the Country

I had been keeping in touch with Ernie in the country after our hot session at his country home 40 miles outside the city. We chatted on the phone and I sent him some pics when he wanted me to dress up in some stuff at times. He wanted me back again and one night he called and told me his buddy he had been friends with for years was up for some fun with us.After our first meeting he told me he had a buddy who might be game for some white head and ass. Ernie told him he met me online and what...

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Gone FishinChapter 13

The laundry was done, folded, put away. I was awaiting Weena, for "the exchange of joy / That one short minute gives me in her sight." Two months and I was still in Romeo and Juliet. It was amazing. Those few days in Laverton. Ten days in the Territory. It had been so easy in Canberra. Now everything was more complex. I looked at my watch. Just past six. Weena was most likely on her way. I thought about dinner. We'd really been over-eating this week. I had started to get the left-over...

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Gina Valentina Artists Models E08

Very few teenage girls are aware of the extreme sexual energy and insatiable desires that they have in their hearts, and it’s up to dominant masters like Ranger Brick to unlock those deep, dark secrets and unleash the beast however they can, or it will consume them from within. In most cases, BDSM, very rough sex and humiliating slave training is exactly what teenage girls need, and beautiful brunette Gina Valentina learns this after becoming lost in the woods and rescued by Ranger Brick....

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Fucked Neighbor Hot Aunty

Hello, girls and guys of indian sex stories dot net. I am Sid here with my first sex story. I am 24, from BBSR Your feedback is welcome on This story is about how I fucked my neighbor aunty in order to fuck her daughter. Hello, friends I’m sid. I live in bbsr, not exactly bbsr in the outskirts of it. I’m 24 unmarried, very horny. I started reading ISS since 4yrs back that’s when it all started but I was not very confident in writing. Since I started with ISS I was very attracted towards my...

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Mom Me In The Cold Cold House

When mom got home after working the second shift, I was sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs bundled in a heavy sweater and blanket. For a hot Florida home, it was a cold winter’s night. Very cold. I was only 1 5 and out of school for the winter break. Ginger and Mikey were staying with Grandma for vacation."My Lord, Donny, why don't you have the heat on?""Sorry, mom, I think there’s something wrong with it. I just got home myself and it was freezing in here. I turned the thermostat up,...

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The Bet It’s Saturday night and we have a hotel out of town which we are staying in for the weekend. The night is young and we decide to go to the local bar across the way to have a few drinks and some laughs. The place turns out to be quaint, not like a club but bigger than a pub. The crowd is young and seems to be a popular joint hopping with excitement. You are dressed to impress with a skirt on, and a button down white collar shirt, while I am casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. We...

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Undercover Husband

UNDERCOVER HUSBAND My wife has been a very wealthy woman all her life. Not only that, but as a child she was spoilt and precocious, she knew what she wanted and didn't rest until she got it. She told me on our wedding night that was how she got to marry me; determination. She wanted a husband who would love and obey her, with the emphasis on the word obey. At the time I was a rather naive twenty two year old, she was two years older and we were married before I realised that we...

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My submissive experiance

So I was on here looking for a lass to use and abuse me humiliate me. After weeks a lass sent me a message saying her and her girlfriend is looking for someone with a cock that they both can use and abuse inflict pain humiliate in their message they put you have to be willing to take extreme pain and be Forsed to take i*****l d**gs. So I have always wanted this to happen to me so I wrote back saying yes they can do anything to me. They sent me were to meet them that night. So the time comes and...

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AlteristChapter 5

I picked up my ram head and started to leave. Karen handed me a gas card app with her name and number written on it. "Text me." "OK." I put my empty arm around her and pulled her into me and gave her a kiss. It wasn't as hot as our other kiss was but it would do. "Thanks. I'll see you." I put the card in my back pocket. As the door closed behind me, I heard her mumble "I wish." I went down the two steps to the ground and Bev grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me into her. She...

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ShesNew Leda Lothario Pastry Chef Pussy Pounding

Nerdy hottie Leda Lothario is eighteen years old and ready to start her career in the wild world of porn. With her pussy soaking through her panties, she sits on our casting couch and tells us all about her dreams to become a pastry chef. With her go getter attitude, anything is possible! But in the meantime, Ledas face contorts in pleasure as she takes a big dick from behind. She sucks and slobbers like she is trying to squeeze out every bit of cum from our lucky studs prick. Then, she gets a...

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Sibling Lovers chapter 2

She was still just in her underwear as we waved goodbye to them, shutting the door slowly, she leaned back against it and drew me into her arms."So, we're not the only ones.""So it seems," I said as her lips touched mine. "I wonder if he eats her like I'm going to eat you.""Oh fuck yes," she breathed into my mouth as I cupped a breast like Peter had done to his sister. "I want my nipples pierced like Sarah." she moaned as I kissed her neck."Your cunt too," I said, and she giggled.I ran my...

2 years ago
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A Rocking Weekend

Veronica and Ian knew Mark from the swingers club and had invited him and his new girlfriend up for the weekend. There was an awkward silence when everyone met. Ellen was aware of their past, that they were all swingers and she felt a little out of place. Veronica sensed her uneasiness. To make her feel more comfortable, Veronica suggested they all go for a swim. Everyone dressed in a bathing suit. Everyone, that is, except for Mark. "There is nothing like skinny dipping at night," Mark...

Group Sex
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Chudai ki mama ne

Hello dosto…Ye story meri padosh ki rahne wali ladki hai,,,so ye uski jubani kah raha hu,,mera naam shaan hai,,23yr. Yeh meri true story.Mai ek ameer ma baap ki khubsoorat chikne badan wali gori aur sexy figure 36 24 38 ali 19 baras ki ladki jise jawani ka garoor aur daulat ka naasha parantu maa baap ka darr bhi tha.College me ladko se flirt karne ki himmat bhi nahi thee per ichha bahut thee.Lekin ek din jab maine mummy aur papa ki bat raat ko chupke se suni to saara dur nikal gayaa. Paapa...

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No Second Acts

Freedom Summer, they called it, the summer when three civil rights workers were murdered by a mob of Ku Klux Klansmen. It was the summer after The Beatles splashed on to the American cultural scene and the summer of the ’64 New York World’s Fair. It was the summer when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and and the summer before Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory over Barry Goldwater. It was also the summer of the first decade where just about nobody in the USA got polio anymore,...

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Driving in Snow Ch 16

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife, Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

4 years ago
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Привет!Немного о себе..... мне 24 года, обычный парень, есть хорошая работа, друзья...все как у всех наверное, кроме одного...... примерно раз в неделю под разными предлогами я пропадаю от всех..Я уезжаю в другой город...... к нему....Он состоятельный мужчина 40-ка лет зовут Виктором, у него жена, дети...он натурал...Вы спросите что нас связывает?.... Все просто с ним я становлюсь девушкой Лилей, я охотно принимаю все его сексуальные предпочтения, со мной он делает то, что его жена в жизни не...

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Connie Nielsens Nude AffairChapter 2

Connie's swim with Natalie had gone much better than either of them hoped, since they couldn't keep from groping each other throughout the session. In fact, Natalie kept finding reasons to fondle Connie's ass. The Dane swore to herself that she would get her share of Natalie's tush as well, in every way possible. The chance to do so came sooner than expected, when Natalie asked if she could take a shower. Connie had a very wicked grin on her face, which prompted the brunette to ask why...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e15 Donna Ferry 51

We open with our beautiful animation of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit – dropping all the way down to the North Sea, just off the coast ... Reaching sea level in a few seconds. From here we race toward the coast, between two piers, under a couple of bridges, and up a wide and winding river ... Under an old steel bridge, over a new concrete bridge, then deep inland ... At speed ......

1 year ago
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Suffering From Sanity

Introduction: When you are crazy, you go to a psych ward. Youre locked away and you become something that is no longer human. You are a specimen of sorts, and doctors study you and run tests on you, and inject you with numerous chemicals. But what happens when your crazy with sanity? What happens when its reality you suffer from, and the crimes you committed were in bouts of sanity? What happens when reality is so real, it drives you to insanity? Chapter One Ive been here for five years. Many...

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A Night at the Club

One warm evening, as the sun was setting over the horizon, the skies glowing in beautiful purplish, reddish tones, a young lady of Asian descent began to undress. Alexis was preparing for a shower before heading out for a night on the town. Her body was that of perfection although she would never admit to it. She was proud though as she gazed into the mirror. Her supple breasts were perky and firm, every man’s fantasy. They were soft and smooth to the touch. Her legs were strong but hidden with...

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My Unclersquos New Wife

During the summer vacation between my junior and senior year my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. They had gone on a cruise for their honeymoon so they had decided to re-capture the experience. The biggest difference was the first cruise had been on a second rate ship and had lasted only a week. This time around, due to the fact that they were better off financially, they booked a master suite with a balcony and this cruise would last 15 days.Now normally when they went away I...

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FamilyStrokes Arielle Faye Insatiable Itch Relief

Arielle Faye may have the sexiest legs we’ve ever seen on a girl. She walks into her home to tell her stepdad about her troubles with mosquito bites. He tells her he has just the thing to alleviate the bites she’s got. He asks her to take off her top. She isn’t very comfortable with it, but he assures her that it is okay. Then she mentions she that has other bites in more private areas. Her stepdad says he’ll need her to take off her pants so he can help her with those too. He promises...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade chapter 1 part 2

Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content This is part #2 and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your characters and I hope...

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Meagans New Toy Gets Its First Workout

It has been another long day at the office.  Lawyers work long, long hours but after a while, you get accustomed to the grind.  Well, not really.  At the end of the day, you’re just simply tired and worn out and all you want to do is get home, relax, get comfortable before going to sleep and waking up in the morning to face another twelve to fourteen hour day.I enter the lobby of the New York City condominium where I live and, as is my custom, stop at the Concierge Desk.“Anything for me today...

3 years ago
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It was a beautiful spring morning; the air clear, bright, and blue, with just a few high clouds to give the sky definition, the temperature balmy with a slight breeze to keep it fresh. I decided I wanted to go fly, just tool around over the valley, free and happy. Even if the flying is 'stressful' - suddenly you are second in line to land and there is a twin Beech behind you eating up the distance and you are pedaling as fast as you can in your little 150 and don't want to make even a little...

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Cold Eyes

I was nine when Uncle Jack came calling. I was out in the garage playing with our new dog, Lady. I heard a few loud bangs from the house then saw my Uncle jack quickly get into a car an drive away. I ran into the house to see what happened. I almost stopped breathing when I saw them. My mom was dead with a bloody hole in her chest. My dad was dead with a hole where his right eye was. My sister--My sister was dead too. The bullet went into her forehead and took out half the top of her head. I...

2 years ago
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Bobby and Spanky IV

Introduction: English Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. They know how to look after themselves. No doubt about it I answered. From that moment on, we, adults,...

4 years ago
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Rose Fantasy

I stir slightly, moving ever so slowly from sleep to wakefulness. The scent of roses fills my mind, & I smile. roses, I love that smell-there’s something so soft and sweet– & an underlying sensuality — nothing is sexier than the smell of roses.. Something tickles my nose and I stir further, the gentle touch brushing over my cheeks and lips.. I slip closer to consciousness. I peek through one sleepy eye to gaze at you, sitting on the edge of the bed, a mischievous glint in your eye. I smell...

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girlfriends mom

Four days after my first threesome, I was at home, alone with my stepmom. I was doing some cleanup on the computer in her room on her demand. At some moment she entered the room and began talking to me about a lot of unsignificant stuff.... but the conversation suddenly became awkward when, out of nowhere, she asked me if she was nice looking. I knew that she had been seeing quite a few mens recently that took her and all dumped her without reason. The fact was, she had one hell of a body for...

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Boy LEARNS from a BIG HARD COCK neighbor

I was at a party with the cool and horny people from SwingingBiCouples. They are a balst and after we had all fucked each other and I had a few large loads of cum pumped inside me, we started talking about our past experiences. After I told them this story, they said I should write about it and have it posted here on Hamsters so here it is!First of all, it's true story that many of you can probably relate too. I was young of course, curious about everything and not really sure about my...

1 year ago
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Layla and Dave They Meet

The nights on the road get very lonely as a business traveller. Night after night of eating at restaurant after restaurant grows tiring. The comforts of home, being able to cook my own meals, using my own bathroom, sleeping in my own bed, most people take these things for granted. I long for them. On a trip to Illinois, I found myself in a small town. I was not aware of the size of town I was headed for, or what was in store for me there. Pulling into town the city limit sign stated the...

4 years ago
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Trading Places

We sat there on the couch and stared at the small plain package. After ten years of marriage, we had come to a point where our sex life had become all but non-existant. Don't get me wrong, Susan is fucking hot. I would hit that three times a day of I could. She blames me, but I don't see it. She says I try to hard to fuck her and that turns her off. But I went six months without trying last year....subject never came up. Its like Susan just doesn't have a sex drive. A few weeks ago I got spam...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake2526

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

1 year ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 45 Return To Kobekistan

It was two years after Nicola returned to Wales that she was recalled to Kobekistan with Prince Ghasaan, as the Ambassador said, “By the direct command of His Magnificence the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever.” The ‘phone call came at half past two on a Friday afternoon and the Ambassador added, “The aircraft will land at Heathrow by four and will be serviced and ready to leave by six o’clock. The Rolls will have to leave Cowbridge in the next half hour to allow for collecting...

2 years ago
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Tranny gets his holes fucked

His name was Paul. He replied to my craig’s list ad with a picture of his cock next to a shampoo bottle for comparison. His dick was bigger than the bottle, with a huge mushroom head. I wanted him immediately. I drove to his house, and he let me in. We sat on the sofa and made small talk, while he rubbed my pants leg with his big hand. I was a bit nervous, but horny as hell, so I was glad when he began undressing me. With Paul’s encouragement, I removed my shirt, exposing my chest....

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The morning wake up kissfor the girls

You are sleeping next to me as I start to wake up and look over at you, feeling horny at the sight of your sleeping body.   I move my hand over to you, moving slowly across your belly.   You look so sexy lying there on your back with your legs parted slightly under the thin sheet.   I slowly crawl under the covers, sliding down your leg smelling the scent of your body as I go.   I reach out and pull your t-shirt up to your hips, exposing your sexy love box to me.   I slowly start to kiss the...

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The OutsiderChapter 10 Ruthies Obsession

When her shift ended at 11:00, Ruthie returned to her room for the first time in 24 hours. She could tell that Shannon was somewhat curious to know where she had been, but since the two students were not on speaking terms; Ruthie did not feel obligated to offer any explanation. She loaded her backpack and immediately left to meet up with Mike for lunch. Among the items Ruthie decided to stuff in her backpack was the dress that he had bought for her the previous weekend. As much as she wanted...

1 year ago
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A Loving Tease

What a wonderful way to wake up on a Saturday morning! Susan was already awake, had taken a shower, and was dressed to kill. She greeted me so sweetly from the side of the bed “Good morning baby” as my eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light of the room. She sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my thigh softly as I sleepily gazed into her sparkling eyes. Waking up to my baby’s sweet face and her tender touch instantly brought a sleepy smile to my lips. As her hand gently caressed my...

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