- 2 years ago
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General Thomson, as head of the international project on Ascension Island, looked round at his team of experts, seeking full agreement with them. He had been keen to see his ideas implemented
He felt somewhat relieved, for he had not been sure what would be the outcome of his crop of suggestions. He did not want to be the one to suggest everything. It suited him better to have some ideas come from the civilians. This maintained his position as a friendly and consulting commander.
"Oh, General? May I mention an idea that came from one of the Personalia?" General Thomson looked up in surprise at Bob Kempe, the Brit from the UK intelligence community. The "Personalia" was the accepted term for the intelligent spaceship aliens they had met. These beings were a machine race, originated by a now-extinct biological race that they had revered. The creator race were the Malans, of the planet Mala. The planet had been devastated by the Invaders a machine race that attacked all lifeforms.
"The Personalia reckon that they can put together an anti-gravity wheelchair for Gus Derwent, the diplomat." The General nodded to show he remembered the need. "This wheelchair would also employ miniature jet engines with variable-direction thrust, for steering; and they are thinking of patenting the idea. I have suggested they set up a private company to exploit this commercially, along with a trust fund for them as a conduit for utilising the cash generated. What would you think of such a scheme?"
The officer thought for a moment, then responded, "Sounds sensible. They might as well have themselves a source of funds for whatever they fancy spending it on and a company exploiting new patents is ideal for them. Have you thought about who should head up this company?"
"Nope." Said Bob. "It was just a short discussion. It was cut off by other matters."
The General mused, "You really want to have someone with technical knowledge. The company will have to develop a range of products based on the patents, and that needs a scientific brain. How about young Sye? He has the technical and scientific background, and he is young enough to have the flexibility needed to find new ventures worth pushing. You'll also need a good accountant, but that expertise does not lie with your colleagues! The reason for mentioning an accountant is that one needs some initial capital to cover all the costs of setting up the company, paying the costs of patenting ideas, and developing contacts with manufacturers who will build the products. I could divert some of my discretionary funds into that; the justification being that it would improve Personalia/Human relations. Yes, I do believe that would work."
Sye Lownie, the expert on orbital debris, was sitting with his mouth open in surprise. He had not expected this, but could see the logic behind it. He decided he had better add a contribution to the discussion. "There is another point. Such a trust fund might be used to pay for PR work, to show the Personalia in a good light: as victims standing up to the Invader aggressor; valuable allies against the Invaders. I think a trust fund would be a great plan."
General Thomson nodded in approval. "Yes, I think you might do, for the post. You have the enthusiasm of youth, and an educated head on your shoulders; plus recent valuable experience. You will have to go to London, to what used to be the Patent Office. It is now called the Intellectual Property Office. The staff there can guide you through the form filling for patents. Have you got the design for the wheelchair and miniature jets?"
He stopped himself at once, with a snort; and resumed his speech. "Of course you don't. It is too soon for that to be in your hands. We'll ask the Personaliens to provide the text and drawings for the patents. We have to set up a company, and register it in London as an initial step. A name for it: we need something that is at once innocuous and at the same time evokes the Personalia. Any suggestions?"
The others stared at him, amazed at the drive of such an elderly man. They had to switch gear to keep up with him. Their minds churned, trying to find an apt company name. "Personaid? Pertech? Permala? Spacetech? Spaceaid? Helpers? Spacehelp? Spacemakers?" The names tumbled out from the group as they saw possibilities. Diane, the Colonel in the US military, added, "How about Machinations? I know it also refers to the other machine race, but if the Personalia have no objections?..."
Sye was looking pleased. "I like that one, myself. It has a ring to it, relates to the technology and a machine race, yet it doesn't tell you anything about the owners. In fact, it could even be misleading in its title."
The General was satisfied. "I like it too. It has that generalisation that one would seek, and conveys the technology angle well. It also suggests that the company is prepared to be a bit underhand in its dealings. That kind of mild salaciousness goes down well. If the rest of you have no objections, I think we suggest to the Personalia that we register their company as "Machinations Limited". He raised his voice: "What do you Personaliens think of it?"
The others looked distinctly puzzled at this outburst. He explained, "Sorry, team. I linked my office sound system to an open transmission to the Personalia via the ship currently here. They have been able to listen in."
"Indeed we have, General Thomson, sir." Came a distinctive voice out of a loudspeaker. "We very much liked what we heard. You have our agreement to proceed with setting up the company, and the patents, just as you outlined. We shall transmit the specifications for the wheelchair and the miniature jet engine within a few hours. We have examined the online application for a patent, so there will be no delay. One of us is working on it now. Some of the parts have to be specific materials, particularly the miniature jet engine. There may be a requirement to register the miniature turbine separately. The high temperature ceramics may also be an individual application: so you may have to apply for several patents on this occasion."
The General asked, "And the company title?"
There was a small laugh. "We have no objections to the title of Machinations, Limited. We can see the humour in it, but to most humans it will be innocuous. Go ahead with it."
"Fine," declared General Thomson. "In that case, I think that Mr. Lownie here would be best sent to London to set things in motion. I shall get one of my legal friends to call on you before you set up the company, Sye. He has done that sort of thing previously, so should come in handy for your case. I shall warn him that the true company owner is "offshore", and contactable only through Mr. Lownie, who will be the nominal proprietor and the go-between. Sye, I shall get the name to you before you board the aircraft to England."
Sye was busy over the next few hours, preparing to leave for England, but be was forced to wait until a seat could be found for him on a homebound plane. An envelope from the General's office was handed to him in the air movements office. As he continued to wait, another report came in from the Personalia about their search mission. The latest planetary system had been entered and found to be barren, and had always been so. Preparations were now in hand for the next star in the chain, as the Personalia searched for signs of the Invader ships. This settled him somewhat. He would not fancy leaving just when an action was starting.
Some tiring hours later, his plane arrived at the RAF base not far from London. He had a reservation at a popular London hotel, and once he had registered and settled in, he emailed the General with his hotel name and room number. He now had to wait for the legal eagle to fly to his nest, so he took the opportunity to phone his parents and let them know where he was.
His mother was delighted. "Sye! Great to hear from you, spaceman. The neighbours keep asking what you are up to. Oh, and if you can make it, you have a wedding invitation. One of your school chums is getting married at the weekend."
"Thanks, Mum. I am in London to set up a company to market innovations in technology. I was asked to front the company for some friends who don't want to be involved with the business side of things. They are paying all the costs involved, so I won't be out of pocket: in fact, they intend paying me as an officer of the company! So, where's the wedding, and who is getting hitched?"
His mother consulted her notes. "It is John Gowans, you remember him? He joined Police Scotland and graduated from Tulliallan Police College last year. He was postit tae Steenhive and met this quine there – she was a civilian employee at the cop shop. Her name's Jean Forsyth, and the wedding is at the Piskie church – St James the Great – doon by the Carron Water."
"Och, aye. I mind seeing that when I was last in the town. An' far's the reception? One of the local hotels?"
"Of course. Upmarket for them: The New County, I think it is. Are ye goin' then?"
"I'd like to, Mum. Probably more of my school pals will be there. Mind you, it will depend on when I can get away from London. I may be able to catch the Aberdeen train and get off at Stonehaven, then get a room in the hotel. It saves time. I don't expect I'll get to see you on this trip – unless you got an invite as well?"
"No such luck. Young Gowans was seldom round here, and the lassie widna ken us from Adam. Never mind, just enjoy yersel, and gie our love to a'body that wid ken us."
"O.K. Bye, Mum."
Sye put his phone down, wondering what had elicited the invitation. Was it really the school link? Perhaps it was his new fame as a space traveller. He shrugged his shoulders. It did not matter to him. He remembered the envelope still in his pocket. He had forgotten it during the flight. He had been too busy catching up on his sleep. He opened it now. It contained a business card.
The card read: "James Prudhoe, of Carruthers and Prudhoe, company law solicitors." Then in smaller typeface: "Legal essentials for companies based in London". Sye placed the card on a small coffee table in the middle of his room. Time to wait, again. He switched on the room's TV, to catch up on the day's news.
Eventually the news headlines came up. Political unrest, arrests for a financial scam, a murder in rural Sussex, a new government initiative to boost the economy; nothing new, until "There have been reports of increasing launches of the new spaceships from Ascension Island. These experimental spacecraft have been tested far out in space, but they seem to have increased in number of launches recently. Our space expert, Robert Wright, has today suggested that they are now experimenting with a rapid turnaround regime. Robert: "Previously it took weeks to prepare a spacecraft for a new mission. Now it looks almost like a refuel and re-use technique. This would be a major boost to cutting Earth-to-orbit costs, if correct. The only other choice is a vastly increased fleet coming into use. That is impossible without huge investment, so our conclusion is the great improvement in turnaround time. This is impressive. What else will our brilliant space scientists come up with?"
The news channel moved to a weather story, and Sye switched it off. That was quick, he thought. Just a dozen hours, and the General's suggestions to the media were appearing in the news bulletins. Good work, General, said Sye silently.
The internal phone system chimed, and Sye answered. It was the front desk. They had a message, from a Mr Prudhoe, to say he would be calling on Mr Lownie at 10 am next morning. Sye said thanks, and rang off. He could do with a quiet night before a busy day tomorrow.
At 10 a.m. exactly there was a knock on his door. He opened it, and there stood a middle-aged middle-sized man with an average-looking face in which bright eyes twinkled. He offered his card: "Mr Prudhoe", it read.
Sye ushered him in. "Welcome, Mr Prudhoe. I gather you are an expert in setting up a company."
"Kind of you to say so. General Thomson's opinion, I expect."
"Shall I send for some coffee, or tea?" said Sye.
"Tea would be nice. I think we shall be an hour or so, to go through all the procedures that the law insists upon these days."
It took just over an hour, and Sye was still unsure about some of the points, but deferred to Prudhoe's expertise. "What now?" he asked.
"Now, we call at Companies House. We have to fill in some forms: You will need to produce identification, such as a driving licence or passport."
"I have both in my pockets."
"In that case, we can proceed. The General has underwritten the set up costs, and given me access to the funds, some of which we have to pay over today. Once we get the company legally constituted, our next stop is the Patent Office – sorry, the "Intellectual Property Office". I hate when they change their names. One gets so used to the old one that it automatically pops out of one's mouth!"
The paperwork at Companies House went smoothly, and they, as a new Company, arrived at the IPO and asked for the in-house solicitor that he knew. Within minutes, they were in his private office, siting down around his desk. Prudhoe performed the introductions.
"Tom, this is Alexander Lownie, the nominee principal shareholder of Machinations, Limited. He is usually known by his local version of Alexander – Sye.
Sye – this is Thomas Hendry, patent solicitor at this office, and better known as Tom."
They both said "Hello", than Prudhoe gave a quick résumé of the formation of the new company, and Sye's position as Chairman and CEO, acting for the financial backers who wished to remain anonymous for now. Tom was used to this, and just nodded his understanding.
"Right. We have an application form to be filled in for each and every patent you wish to apply for. Do you have more than one?"
Sye was apologetic. "We have three to apply for now, and we hope to have more as time goes on. We have researchers developing new ideas, and we intend to patent as many as possible. The company then sets up a system to get manufacturing companies to produce the items patented, with our company taking a small percentage as a royalty on each product sold. As I explained to Jim here, we intend to set up a Trust Fund into which all of the company profits will go. My principals see this as having a charitable function of a generalised nature, so the Trust Fund will be worded accordingly in its constitution."
Tom responded, "Trust Fund or not, it does not impinge on the patent application, so I don't need to have such details, but I do need exact details of the ideas you want to patent."
Sye brought out his smartphone. "I have it all recorded in here, for each of the three. I can download everything to your computers, for you to view. You can decide what should go into the application. The patents being applied for are 1. An antigravity mechanism that actually works, 2. A ceramic material for high temperature tasks, and 3. A miniature jet engine that involves the same ceramic material. We hope to market a floating wheelchair which uses the miniature jets for steering, but I gather we need to patent each part on its own?"
Tom raised his eyebrows at the "anti-gravity", but only said, "Fine. You can download it at my desk. I have a terminal, built into the desk, that is part of our network.
I must admit that your antigravity sounds a bit "off", but we shall see what the download tells us. Likewise, there are other high temperature ceramics around. Yours would have to have significant differences to have a patent granted. The miniature jet engine sounds intriguing. Mere size differences do not mean a new patent, but if it involves some different technology that is essential to its operation, then you should be all right with it. We need some time to run your applications through all our checks against previous applications, whether granted or not, and other countries jurisdictions as well. If someone else has made a similar application in the past, it may invalidate yours. It only takes a few days, so call in again after the weekend, and we should have the position clear by then. If there is no problem, the application has to run through all our procedures before being granted. I gather you have the funds to cover all the sums involved in the procedure?"
Jim nodded, "The new company is fully financed for such eventualities. I have established that point myself. Once we have a Company Treasurer appointed, he or she will deal with all finances, but I the meantime I have the power to disburse these funds as legally required."
"A question about the wheelchair? You don't have to patent the end product. It is the new ideas that are patentable. Once you have those, you can exploit the potential products in your own way. You may find a need for a product development officer, to help with coming up with products which utilise your patents."
Sye smiled to himself. "Oh, we have access to clever minds that can perform that function admirably. As long as we have a general concept, these Persons will come up with the product design for us." He was delighted to be able to state a truth, and have it completely disguised at the same time.
Once the meeting had concluded, Sye thanked his solicitor and the intellectual Property Office solicitor for their tremendous assistance. He then headed back to his hotel, determined to get a phone call made before his evening meal.
The call was to the New County hotel in Stonehaven. He got the phone number from the Internet, and rang it. He sought confirmation that this was the location of John Gowans' wedding reception. Once he had that, he asked for a single room for the nights before and after the reception. There was a pause while the receptionist checked her records, then, "I am sorry, sir, we have no single rooms left. We only have 15 rooms in total. All we have free is a double room. The room price is higher of course, but because of the reception, it is much lower than our normal charges. Do you wish to make a booking?"
Sye suddenly realised that as Chairman of a company, the company could pay his hotel, provided he made a point of advertising the company's services to people locally.
"By all means. A double room will suit my needs. I may have to meet local business people during my visit. Is that O.K.?"
"Certainly sir. If you prefer, we can make a meeting room available for a private discussion, should your own room not be adequate. The meeting room is near the lounge bar, should you wish refreshments provided for your guests."
"Thank you. I shall establish my needs before confirming that meeting room. Thanks for all your help. Goodbye."
A few minutes thought, then Sye looked up the local NHS purchasing officer. That person could be phoned tomorrow. It would be useful to establish what financial parameters such an organisation worked under. Offering a completely new type of wheelchair that would not be restricted by steps and gradients would be a good selling point, but he suspected that the initial market would be in the USA, plus private purchasers with the cash to spend on such fripperies. A floating wheelchair certainly was a showy item. One could market it as the equivalent of a Rolls-Royce limousine. There were certainly plenty of elderly and infirm millionaires around.
That task sorted, he booked a seat on the express train to Aberdeen, to arrive at Stonehaven – its official name - that the locals called "Steenhive" - the day before the reception. It would give him time to leave his suitcase in the hotel then have a look round the town. He would check out the Scottish Episcopal Church where the wedding was to be held, to familiarise himself in advance.
He emailed General Thomson a report that setting up the company and applying for the patents was going well, and that early next week he hoped to report further progress. In reply, he received word that the "supplies" were proceeding apace, but that no word had been received of encountering "our opponents".
Satisfied that he had done everything that was possible, he departed from London on schedule, and arrived at Stonehaven station half an hour late, the result of a suicide in front of an earlier train. The hotel was near enough that he could walk there with his suitcase, and check in. He then ordered a taxi (on company expenses) to get a short survey of the town since he was last there. He decided that instead of phoning, he would just ask at the local hospital about their purchasing procedure.
Stepping into the Kincardine Community Hospital, he explained he was setting up in business to supply powered wheelchairs. How did one go about making contacts? He was immediately told that all contracts were awarded by Public Contracts Scotland, and that therefore there was no local person who could help. He was offered a leaflet with details of how the arrangements worked. It also identified a website where his company would have to be registered. He thanked the staff, and left. He had done enough research to justify his expenses.
Next, he had a look at the church. It was an imposing late Victorian structure, towering above the surrounding residential buildings like a small cathedral. There was a modern church hall built on the same ground. The church was stated to be open daily, so he took the opportunity to wander in and have a look around. There were columned arches on both sides, leading up several steps to a raised chancel. The back of this had several stained glass windows. There was a magnificent pipe organ and a stone pulpit. It was a setting for a fine wedding, though he hoped the service tomorrow would not be over-long.
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We were eating, and Zelia sat to my right, but far down the table, close to our guest, Enrique, who sat opposite me, at the far end, so that we were facing one another. I could hear his hand rubbing along the fabric of my wife’s capris, the ones with the bluish posterboard print that fit her curves perfectly and glorified that big round behind of hers, which, according to Zelia, drove Enrique crazy whenever he saw it. They spoke in Spanish, and Zelia would occasionally translate for me, though...
She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...
“Hi, my name is Linda.”“Hi Linda, I’m Lodge.”Lodge was sitting at the bar when I approached to get something to drink after our long ride from Virginia. I thought get a glass of wine and wait for John to join me after we into the hotel and he brought our luggage up to the room. The cool fruity taste of the chardonnay was perfect to take the edge off a long day in the car. Lodge was cute and had a friendly smile.I pulled up a heavy stool and sat down saving a chair for John when he joined me...
Phil had seen Hailey on campus in the past weeks and felt a pang even from a distance. Now that she was standing three feet in front of him he found he couldn’t do anything but look at her. He noticed the pale, gaunt face and the dark circles under her eyes first. She looked tired and Phil felt a stab of guilt. He wasn’t her only concern. She was also dealing with her mother’s actions. She wore a loose T-shirt that covered the top of her shorts so he couldn’t determine how much weight she’d...
After waiting tables for a good 6 months, I had finally got myself clear and could maybe get myself back to California. But I wanted to get there with some money in hand, so to save the air fair I thought it would be fun to share an the ride with someone or ones. I put an ad on Craig’s list for a ride share.I got about 4 responses and thought I had better meet with um to see if I could deal with a 4 day trip. The second guy that rumbled up was a long haul trucker, with a sleeper cab. He...
Lisa is a beautiful young lady of thirty-three years old. To look at her you would say she was twenty or maybe twenty two years old. She really does look that young. When she had told me her age I actually found it hard to believe. I've never seen such a gorgeous woman before. I wondered what she looked like when she really was twenty. She's an absolute knockout with her 5 foot 5 inch tall, petite body. She's got shoulder length strawberry blonde hair which is always perfect, that is...
Chapter 1: Getting Acquainted Now, there's some folks who'll tell you this is a work of fiction. Then there's others, like me, who'll swear on a stack of Gideons that it's the dead honest truth. How do I know? Well, I was there ... from the beginnin' to the end. Yes sir! I entered and ran the 1960 Gusher Gas Economy Run from Los Angeles to Chicago ... and I won! You can look it up. My name will be right there under the Special Entry Category: Winner, Purvis Miles, 1953 Studebaker...
Of course the first thing I did once they had left was snoop through their stuff. What can I say, I'm curious. On their computer I found a folder called "xxx" and within it were over a hundred files of Nicole naked or in some lingerie or just stripping off what she was wearing. Outfits I had seen her wear before. Some had her and Mark together, you know, standard stuff like blowjobs and fucking. But as I clicked through them, getting hard in my pants, I fell upon something else entirely....
Before you read on, dear reader, please be warned that this is most likely nothing like what you are used to reading on this site. This is by no means an erotic tale, nor is it akin to my other work in progress, ‘Seeking Twilight’. But my friends, please do read on, at least through the Prologue, and as you read, imagine yourself sitting in a theatre, a member of an audience, watching as the story before you unfold. Imagine seeing what you read. Cast of Characters (In Order of Appearance) ...
I was sitting around the house one Saturday when my daughter, Sara, asked if her friend, Angela, could come over to study for finals. Angela, at 16, was a few months older than my daughter and had been developing into a beautiful young woman in the four years that I'd known her. She had dark hair and nice, smooth tanned skin. She was about 5'8", with really pretty brown eyes. I had often thought about what it would be like to be with her, so I never passed up an opportunity to be around her....
First Time“Oww,” she slipped out. One of the clones noticed her. “Who’s there,” the clone called. “What someone’s here,” Naruto asked. He dispelled the clones and saw Hinata on the ground. “Hinata? What are you doing here?” She immediately started blushing. “Ugh, um, ugh,” Hinata stammered. She always got tongue tied around naruto. “I heard something going on over here and when I got here I tripped and fell.” “Oh let me help you up.” Naruto gave her a hand getting up. Hinata tried to say thanks but...
Andy had just gotten home with a new book he had found at an antique store. It had a strange name that was in Latin but when he used his phone to translate it, it turned out it was a book of sex magic. Andy didn't really believe in magic but he was still curious about the book. It looked old and had a strange lock in the front which was difficult for him to figure out. He was happy the old man running the shop had no idea what the book was actually for so Andy didn't feel embarrassed when he...
FantasyHey all, this is me deepika (name changed as my boyfriend’s wish). And those who haven’t read my previous stories, please go through ‘Merry times with my boyfriend part 1 and 2’. All feedbacks are welcomed at So let me continue from the last part. As we already had two nice sessions, one on the corridor stairs and other at dining table, we both were damn horny and eager for more. As my man Rahul was in Shorts showing his well built body, I was just in a slutty girls costume with a thin chain...
Gay MaleMaggie's Perfect Plan Part 10 By Eve Smith On the way back to the house I was constantly taunted by the girls with them saying how much I looked like the other girls in the picture. The photograph showed me smiling at the lens whilst the girl beside me had her arm around me and an exaggerated grin on her face. The shocking fact was that I really looked like the little girls slightly older sister. The teasing went on until we reach home and the car stopped. 'Lucy you will find some...
I recently returned from a business trip to Las Vegas during which I rather innocently had an experience with a hotel room staff member who was cleaning my room. On the third morning of the four-day trip, I had gone for a short seven-mile run from the end of the strip out of town - past the airport and heliport, and then back. I picked up some coffee and a smoothie in the hotel and then headed up to my room. I was in a hurry as I had a meeting in the hotel's conference center, so I had just...
ExhibitionismWe made our way through the crowd at the door. It wasn't hard with the way our ladies looked. Tamara and Michelle led the way while Michael and I just followed like little puppies. The girls led us to the door of Confetti's. Tamara turned and flashed me a big smile and said, "Let's party!" She and I led the way for Michelle and Michael. We were fortunate that a group was getting up as we passed a table and Michelle grabbed it. The music was playing and had Tamara moving and grooving....
I think it all started when Jill and I ran into Joe and Sue in the strip mall on a rainy afternoon last summer. We were married only a couple months, living in a rental condo, and Joe and Sue were neighbours we sometimes met on walks. So we knew each other just well enough we had to say hello when we met. Not that we didn’t like them, its just that we had nothing in common with them. They were a little older, not much, but enough so they lived in their own house. They were just people we could...
SwingerIntroduction: do not read this article without having read pt 1 At nine oclock on Sunday morning, Judith awoke in her bed. The brunette law students bedroom reflected her sensible personality, neat, tidy and well-organized. A Van Gogh print hung above her bed, her desk was clear except for a single notebook with a fountain pen laying across it, and her shelves were stocked with academic books in alphabetical order. Laying there with the summer sun shining through the thin pink curtains,...
She was on the back deck, laying in a lounge chair. The sun kissing her naked body, warming her in places that the sun hadn't touched since last summer. She arched her back to the warmth, a slight breeze danced across her breasts, her nipples responding with a welcome quiver. Her eyes closed, she listened to the hum of the mowers in the neighborhood, the birds chirping, the distant rumble of the traffic on the highway. She felt her body tingleing and she relunctly rolled over so not to...
Rick braced himself and took a run at something even more dangerous -- Jean! "Mom, we've got to talk." "Dear?" "I met this girl..." "WHAT?" Jean's eyes popped. "C'mon, Mom, you know this shit isn't going to last! You said so yourself!" "Well, yes, but..." "And I can't take Candace to the Prom -- or Beth -- or Louise..." "I know, Son, but..." "I know better than to blow this, okay? It's totally separate!" Rick insisted. "Well, it is until she doesn't put out...
I thrust harder, the tight slickness gripping and squeezing me. I could see her green eyes and soft blonde hair as I plunged back and forth, the squishing around my cock filling my ears. With a final lunge, my loins pulsed, waves of relief washing through me, and thick jets of sticky whiteness shot into the handkerchief in my other hand. As I drained my lust and the pleasure passed, the image of Evelyn faded away in the same way the oil disappeared from my hand into the outside of the folded...
College SexEm had decided to go away for the weekend. She sometimes did this, often as a lesson to Ambrose who insisted on working far longer hours that Em considered reasonable. Sometimes, though, she took a weekend trip because she wanted a hot massage and some uncomplicated sex. This was one of those weekends. She was going to a little beach resort they both knew well and frequently visited. It was about three hours away by car and Em had organized her Friday so she could depart by four o’clock to...
Quickie SexWild Jack's By Mark James Furious wind battered the small window of the filthy bathroom. Cody looked at himself in the grimy, cracked mirror. A blonde boy with scaredblue eyes looked back at him. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. ?What are you doing here?? he asked himself. Cody closed his eyes, leaned his head against the mirror and wished he wasanywhere but here. He tried not to hear the loud sounds out in the bar. Thedrunken laughter and hollering sounded like shrieks in...
She whispered in his ear, “Slow down and enjoy each moment. I’m in no rush.” He’d been hammering her twat, intent on reaching his primal goal of injecting millions of young sperm into her womb. Their quest would be futile anyway; her tubes were tied years ago. Penny, short for Penelope, was enjoying the slow building towards her climax. She was under him, passively enjoying the sensations of each thrust with only her small synchronized pelvic movements to give him feedback. His mouth was...
Hi AllJust a small recap of myself. I am a crossdresser from India and living ina joint family and all my crossdressing sessions are done when i am travelling and alone. So here is what happened on one of my work trips last week.I had some work in the town of Raipur in central india. I reached by flght in the morning and checked in to my hotel. i had a shower and changed and went to meet my client. i got free with the first round of meeting in a couple of hours. i had lunch with them and was...
April 2015.I met Rob completely by accident. We literally bumped into each other and in doing so, he accidentally spilt my glass of wine. He apologised immediately for his clumsiness and insisted on buying me another. His conduct and manners were impeccable, so I allowed this rather fit-looking gentleman to buy me a replacement drink. We got chatting. He was a year older than me and worked for a high street bank. He didn’t come across as the stereotype Jack-the-lad; he seemed studious and...
CheatingIt was the last time I had a Foreign Holiday with my parents, on the Spanish Island of Lanzerote.To be honest I realised I should not have come, my Idea of a holiday was different to my parents. I was not old enough to drink alcohol and with no friends of my own age around I just lay by the pool most of the time.This particular day my parents had gone on an excursion around the Island. so I just made my way down to the pool in my bikini to catch some sun.I had noticed this old guy opposite...
Something about living at Missionary Ridge must agree with Kyle and Kathleen because they again wake early and enjoy watching the dawn while they have breakfast on this Wednesday morning. It’s like yesterday, but different in a way they can’t describe beyond recognizing it’s different. Sonny was told not to bother turning up until the others arrive for the meet and greet, so it’s no surprise for them to have a few hours of good study and project work done before the alarm sounds to let them...
My wife is a senior manager at a company while I only work in a factory. I’ve discovered J prostituted herself to her boss several times for promotion. The pain almost destroys me but…. I feel secretly aroused. She’s a GORGEOUS little sexpot of a longhaired brunette who was once a model, and now in her 30’s, I never thought it would happen to me. She’s 5 foot 1, slim, sexy with dark eyes like pools and little dimples when she smiles. She’s a flirt, yes, but I never thought she would go so far...
By Jefferson Copyright© 2005 by Jefferson As always, this story is dedicated with all of my love, to my beautiful wife. Let's see, it was five years ago, December the 25th, 1999. Yep, that's when it was. It was, without a doubt, the most interesting Christmas I've ever had. My wife and I had been having some problems just before that. I didn't realize it at the time but it was all my fault really. I was having trouble accepting the fact that I was turning thirty years old. It...
I was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for, as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 20: Surprises "I'm so glad you are OK." Connie had stood and practically run to Kim and embraced her as soon as she walked into the small private dining room Connie had arranged with the help of Bruce. "So I met Leah and she said you would explain everything. What happened last night?" "Connie, I want to start by apologizing. I have not been very open with you about some things, and I can't go into all of them right now - it would just be too overwhelming. But...