February Stars: A Play free porn video

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Before you read on, dear reader, please be warned that this is most likely nothing like what you are used to reading on this site. This is by no means an erotic tale, nor is it akin to my other work in progress, ‘Seeking Twilight’. But my friends, please do read on, at least through the Prologue, and as you read, imagine yourself sitting in a theatre, a member of an audience, watching as the story before you unfold. Imagine seeing what you read.

Cast of Characters

(In Order of Appearance)

SAM RINEHART-30’s, A news correspondent
RICHIE BENZ-A young singer/songwriter about 21
STEVEN RHODES-22, founder and lead guitarist of the rock band ‘Manhattan Rhodes’
MARK HALLOW-21, Bassist for ‘Manhattan Rhodes’
COLE THOMAS-19, Drummer for ‘Manhattan Rhodes’
MILLIE DAVIS-Early 40’s, Owner/Manager of ‘Millie’s Tavern’
ANNA GOODWYN-A young girl of 17 who looks more like she’s 22
APPLEGATE-mid 30’s talent agent specializing in turning nobodies into celebrities
SARAH JACOBS-20’s, Richie’s girlfriend
JULIE MCDUNOUGH-M.C. at the ‘Kobyashi Club’
TERESA-Early 20’s, bartender at the ‘Kobyashi Club’
LACEY-Early 30’s Applegate’s secretary
DAVY LARSON-Mid to Late 20’s, Host for the Top Twenty Request Show
TAELI JENSEN-21, lead guitarist for ‘Wilde Blue Riot’
ASH FURTTHUR-21 drummer for ‘Wilde Blue Riot’
GORDY MADISON-Late 20’s, early 30’s record producer for ‘Wilde Blue Riot’
CHRIS GARDENER-Mid-20’s, bassist for ‘Wilde Blue Riot’
FENTON SHARP-Mid-30’s, music video director



Scene 1 – Millie’s Tavern, a dive in downtown Chicago, a Thursday in May.
Scene 2 – On The Streets of Chicago, moments later.
Scene 3 – Richie’s apartment, an hour later.
Scene 4 – The Kobyashi Club, two weeks later.
Scene 5 – On The Streets of Chicago, moments later.
Scene 6 – The Phone Booth, moments later.
Scene 7 – Applegate’s Office, the next day.
Scene 8 – The Top Twenty Request Show, early the following week
Scene 9 – Plazacorp. Records, a recording studio, later that week
Scene 10 – Anna’s Bedroom, two weeks later – early in the week
Scene 11 – The Green Room for the Top Twenty Request Show, later the following week
Scene 12 – Anna’s Bedroom, two weeks later
Scene 13 – The Band’s Dressing Room At The Stadium, early the following week


Scene 1 – The Band’s Dressing Room At The Stadium, continued
Scene 2 – Outside Applegate’s Office, the next morning
Scene 3 – Applegate’s Office, a moment later
Scene 4 – Anna’s Bedroom, later the following week
Scene 5 – Plazacorp. Records, a recording studio, about the same time
Scene 6 – On The Video Set, a week later
Scene 7 – The Top Twenty Request Show, The following Friday morning
Scene 8 – Anna’s Bedroom, early that evening
Scene 9 – Richie’s apartment, much later that night
Scene 10 – Outside Applegate’s Office, the next evening
Scene 11 – Applegate’s Office, a moment later
Epilogue – on stage, here, tonight


(As the audience enters the house, they see a bare stage, lit plainly. The house closes. The lights fade out. We hear static, the sounds of the stations being adjusted and scanned through on a radio. A red and blue police light flashes. Then two. Then five. Then a dozen. The static begins to fade as we hear the sounds of a growing crowd. Citizens, police, E.M.T.’s, reporters. An entire scene unfolding and we barely hear it, like a radio station that won’t come in clearly. Out of the noise we pick out some things: there’s a girl on a building, she’s going to jump, she’s not going to jump, we don’t know. No one knows. Then in the midst of the confusion, a voice of reason in the form SAM RINEHART, a radio news correspondent. He’s trying desperately to be a total and complete professional, but he’s failing miserably.)

SAM RINEHART: (rushed and nervous) This is Sam Rinehart, special correspondent for 98.7 FM news reporting in with a special, exclusive, uh . . . report. (that works) I’m on location here just outside a hotel at the corner of Wabash and Lake, where someone who appears to be a young woman, we’re not sure who yet, is standing on the edge of the roof of the building. A large crowd has gathered down here and it appears as if the police are deciding how to proceed. I’m going to try to get closer, see if I can’t get more information. Officer! Excuse me, Officer!

(The crowd grows louder and more aggressive. Sounds of protests and bits of odd fighting bubble to the surface. More sirens, different sirens. Then, the click and shriek of a P.A. system being turned on, followed by a different voice.)


(The crowd grows even more aggressive as protests against the police grow louder in the crowd. The fighting and cursing grows louder as well. The P.A. clicks back on.)


(Protests from the crowd have grown even louder, as have the sounds of fighting. The click and hiss of tear gas guns being fired is soon followed by the clacking boot steps of the Gestapo-esque riot cops. Sirens grow louder, and we hear the biff-baff of billy clubs and fists pounding against soft flesh. Through it all, our voice of reason returns.)

SAM RINEHART: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received word about our would-be jumper. We now know her identity to be that of singing sensation Aria Gordon. Police officials have released a statement that she seems to have undergone some sort of drug and stress related nervous breakdown and is completely and deadly serious about jumping. I-

(SAM is cut off by the sound of gunfire in the background. He quickly switches gears.)

SAM RINEHART: (Afraid for his life) Ladies and gentlemen, as you can hear behind me, this crowd is growing rapidly into a rather large and dangerous riot. Police are beginning to fire warning shots over the crowd. The fighting is immense, and in fact, I don’t mind telling you that I am quite afraid of-

(SAM is cut off once again, this time by a short series of loud, obtrusive screams, then all is silent, save for the sirens. The police lights slowly begin to cut out one by one, as SAM’s voice returns.)

SAM RINEHART: (out-of-breath, dumbfounded) Oh my god. She just jumped. (the sirens begin to fade) Ladies and gentlemen, Aria Gordon has just ju- . . . has just leapt from the roof of a hotel at the corner of Wabash and Lake. I . . . I’m staying on here to see if I can find out any other information. For further developments, please stay tuned to this station. This is Sam Rinehart reporting for 98.7 FM news. (all other sounds and lights have completely faded out by now) Oh my god.

(Static. The curtain closes. The static fades away. Silence.)

Scene 1 – Millie’s Tavern

(Out of the silence, a single guitar chord. Following the chord, a long, Hendrix-ian riff. As the riff echoes and fades, the curtain flies open. Smoke, light, and music erupt from the stage as the band blasts forth into song without missing a beat. As the smoke clears and the lights adjust, we see the band members clearly, and realize that the quote has now been replaced with the phrase ‘Manhattan Rhodes’. The band is made up of four members, drummer COLE THOMAS, bassist MARK HALLOW, lead guitarist STEVEN RHODES, and the backup guitarist and lead vocalist RICHIE BENZ. As they enter the first chorus of the song, other cast members shuffle in around the band with chairs and small tables, and even a bar off to one side, setting the scene as the cyke now shows a projection of a neon
sign reading ‘Millie’s Tavern’. The band barely hits their final down beat, and RICHIE is already making his way through people to get to the bar and get a drink.)

STEVEN: (into the mic) We’ll be back in five!

(STEVEN follows after RICHIE, as RICHIE pulls up a stool at the bar [between two people who we later learn to be ANNA and APPLEGATE] and calls over the bartender.)

RICHIE: Hey Benny, get me a beer.

(BENNY acknowledges RICHIE.)

STEVEN: (to RICHIE) What the hell do you think you’re doing?

(MARK and COLE see that STEVEN is gunning for RICHIE, and they follow, not to take sides, but to keep things from getting out of hand.)

RICHIE: What is it Steven, I’m gettin’ a beer.

STEVEN: Jesus, Richie, you’re turnin’ into a lush.

RICHIE: Can’t you go piss somebody else off for five minutes.

STEVEN: Damn it, Richie, we’re tryin’ to play up here and you keep cuttin’ us off with your half assed obsession of gettin’ trashed.

RICHIE: You gonna give me the A.A. lecture now, Steven?

STEVEN: No, I’m not. I’m tryin’ to keep us playin’ while we’ve got an audience, but somebody is keeping that from happening.

RICHIE: What the FUCK, I’m just tryin’ to get a beer.

STEVEN: Yeah, after two songs. That’s hardly a set. Jesus, that’s hardly even a warm up.

RICHIE: What, are you gonna play mother hen now.

STEVEN: Hell, no! That’s not my job! Might be Sarah’s job, but it sure as hell ain’t mine.

RICHIE: (Defensively) Hey!

MARK: Stephen!

STEVEN: (Overlapping) But I’ll remind you what my job is. My job is keepin’ this band alive, keepin’ us on stage, keepin’ us movin’ and out there, exposed.

RICHIE: How? By gettin’ us stuck in crumby little dives like this?

(Millie enters away from the bar. Mark and Cole notice.)

COLE: (Apprehensively) Guys . . .

STEPHEN: (Again overlapping) No, by keepin’ us outta crumby little dives like this.

MILLIE: If this is such a crumby dive-

(They all react to her sudden presence.)

MILLIE: (Continuing) would you boys then care to remind me why I pay you as much as I do?

MARK: Uh, sorry Millie, they didn’t mean anything by it, did ya guys?

(STEVEN and RICHIE give a less than enthusiastic but unified nod.)

MILLIE: Riiight. (short pause) Quick question: since I am paying you to play, why aren’t you?

STEVEN: We were just headed back on stage. C’mon Richie.

MILLIE: Actually Steven, before you get back up there, I’d like to talk to you alone. Now.

STEVEN: Right.

(STEVEN and MILLIE head to the other side of the set.)

MILLIE: Steven, we had a deal.

STEVEN: I know.

MILLIE: Every minute that stage is empty, I lose money.

STEVEN: I know, but I’ve already been givin’ Richie a lot of shit over his attitude.

MILLIE: I understand, he’s your friend and he’s been through hell. I am willing to be compassionate, Steven. However, I am not willing to allow anyone to take advantage of me . . . . . I understand about Richie’s brother, but if he’s not willing to deal with it, then that shouldn’t have to be your problem, and its certainly not going to be mine. Three nights a week for two months too many I’ve been losing money because of him. Tonight is it, he’s gone.

(MILLIE waits for a break in MARK’s dialogue.)

RICHIE: (Oozing sarcasm) Oooh, Steven’s in trouble.

(MARK and COLE pull up stools next to RICHIE.)

COLE: What do you want from him, Richie? All you do is try to aggravate him.

MARK: Yeah man, what with blowin’ off rehearsals and everything.

RICHIE: Jeez, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you both had your heads up his ass!

(A look spreads across COLE’s face as though he is about to retaliate, but MARK stops him.)

MARK: Look, Richie, all I’m sayin’ is, for the last three months, all you’ve been willing to do for this band is be a pain in its ass, and the collective asses of the people we get gigs with.

MILLIE (con’t): You have two choices, one, pack up your things and leave with him, or, two, stay, and the band goes on without him.

MARK(CON’T): I mean, I know that its been hard for you to deal with-

(RICHIE cuts him off with a deadly serious tone.)

RICHIE: Just stop right there man! Don’t even start on that shit!

STEVEN: Understood. I’ll go tell him.

MILLIE: No. You go warm up. That’s what you’re getting paid for.

(RICHIE, MARK, and COLE just sit there momentarily in the tension, after which STEVEN walks back over, taps MARK and COLE on the shoulders and signals them to head back on ‘stage’. MARK moves to signal RICHIE, but STEVEN stops him and shakes his head. The three head back to the ‘stage’ to start playing again. When RICHIE hears COLE starting to warm up, he moves to join them, but is stopped by MILLIE.)

MILLIE: Where do you think you’re going?

RICHIE: I’m heading up to earn my paycheck.

(He moves to join them again, but MILLIE stops him.)

MILLIE: No, you’re not.

RICHIE: (dumbfounded) What? What do you mean ‘I’m not’?

MILLIE: You’re no longer earning a paycheck.

RICHIE: What? The band’s warming up right now.

MILLIE: Right, the band is warming up on stage. You are no longer part of the band, and you are no longer welcome in this bar.

RICHIE: What the hell are you talking about? Steven, what the hell is she talking about?

(STEVEN remains speechless.)

RICHIE: Steven, c’mon, tell her I’m still in the band! STEVEN, C’MON!

COLE: Steven . . .?

MARK: Steven, what’s goin’ on?

STEVEN: We’re warming up, that’s what’s goin’ on. The three of us are warming up.

RICHIE: Oh no man, no way Steven, c’mon. Mark, Cole, c’mon guys, aww shit-

MILLIE: Time to go, Richie.

RICHIE: Ohhhhh, no, no no no no. Fuck you, Millie. And you (points to STEVEN). You are the smart little jackass, aren’t you? Well, you keep your little trio. I’d sooner see you in hell anyway. I’m not staying in this shitty little hole one more minute.

(RICHIE grabs his guitar and storms out. The lights and projection fade and the curtain closes.)

Scene 2 – On The Streets of Chicago

(The lights come up on the closed curtain. RICHIE enters, guitar in hand. As he gets to about center, MARK enters, following)

MARK: Richie, wait up!

(RICHIE stops and turns around.)

RICHIE: Go back inside, Mark. (sarcastically) They might kick you out, too.

MARK: Just hold on! Look, I know what happened to you in there tonight didn’t seem fair, but you can’t really blame them either-

RICHIE: (Losing patience) Hey, Mark, I know you’re trying to make me feel better and everything, by the way, thanks, you’re a pal, but it’s not really working, so why don’t you just head back inside and let me take off.

MARK: All I’m tryin’ to say is, we’ve been pals for years. If you need anything, you got my number. Feel free to gimme a call.

(RICHIE turns to exit.)

RICHIE: I’ll seeya around, Mark. Take care of yourself.

(RICHIE exits)

MARK: Yeah, you too.

(MARK turns and exits. Lights.)

Scene 3 – Richie’s Apartment

(The curtain opens and the lights come up on the interior of Richie’s apartment. The apartment is sparsely furnished, with a couch folded out into a bed, dresser, side table, armchair, a small shelving unit with a stereo on it, and exits offstage to a bathroom, kitchenette and a main hallway. Behind the furniture, projected onto the cyke, is a shot of a slightly cracked window with a view of the decrepit looking brick wall across the alley. On the bed rests a half empty suitcase, stacks of clothing, another bag, a few more clothes and some assorted personal items. SARAH JACOBS, a young woman about 22, enters carrying a few more personal items in hand, and walks to the duffel bag. Sh
e looks down at the items in her hands, having a little personal debate about what to do w/ those items. Finally, she gives up and drops them all on the pile on the couch, then heads back offstage. Beat. SARAH reenters, this time with a renewed sense of determination. She starts randomly pulling items from the pile and tossing them in the bag. After a moment, she pauses, then starts pulling things out of the bag to dump back on the pile. After another moment, she realizes that she’s no longer making progress, gives up, and heads back over to the suitcases. She takes a moment, maybe trying to figure out what to pack, maybe trying to talk herself out of it, or in to it, or maybe just stalling for less time than it took to read the last sentence. Finally, she just starts grabbing piles of clothes and dumping them in the suitcase. As she starts doing this, we hear the sound of keys and a lock being unlocked. SARAH reacts to the keys, and exits to the bathroom just as RICHIE enters from the hall, walking somewhat sluggishly and in something of a daze. As he enters, he sets the guitar case down next to the armchair and goes to the stereo. SARAH enters, but stands at the edge of the stage and just watches RICHIE pensively. RICHIE takes a moment to select a particular CD, and plays it. The stage fills with the sound of a slow blues number. RICHIE lingers for a moment by the stereo, letting the music infect him. SARAH turns and heads back to the bathroom. RICHIE heads over to the armchair and plops down in it, eyes closed, trying to relax. Beat. Richie’s eyes open. He realizes that something is amiss. He turns and looks around the apartment, seeing Sarah’s piles sitting on the bed. He slowly gets up, and walks over to the bed, looking the piles over momentarily. Just then, SARAH enters from off stage, arms full. She stops dead when she sees RICHIE. RICHIE looks up at SARAH with the subtle expression of a lost little puppy. SARAH looks back, trying to avoid eye contact, obviously nervous. Beat.)



(SARAH goes back to packing, still trying to avoid eye contact. RICHIE just watches, unsure whether he actually wants to deal with this situation, too, or to just say ‘fuck it’.)

RICHIE: (cold, unfelt) You takin’ off?

SARAH: Yeah.

RICHIE: (cold, unfelt) Goin’ to your folks?

SARAH: Yeah . . . for a couple a’ days.

RICHIE: (cold, unfelt) Awful lot a’ stuff for a just–

SARAH: (cutting him off) I’m Leaving!

(They freeze. Awkward pause.)

SARAH: (Calmer) I’m moving out.

(SARAH resumes packing.)

RICHIE: (with some actual feeling this time) Where are you gonna stay?

SARAH: With my folks for a couple a’ days. I just need a little time to get my head together, get my shit together, and figure out my next move.

(She goes back to packing. RICHIE takes a moment to absorb what’s happening, then tries to stop her.)

RICHIE: Why can’t you stay?


SARAH: What?

RICHIE: Why can’t you stay? I mean, why do you have to go to your folks? Can’t you stay here to figure out what you need to figure out?

SARAH: (slowly, as if the words are coming out as the thought is being processed) I just feel like I can’t clear my head here. (frustrated) I dunno what it is, I just gotta get out.

RICHIE: (confused) Why?

SARAH: Jesus, Richie, I don’t know! I just really feel like I have to get out of here!

RICHIE: Fine, then let’s get outta here.

SARAH: What?

RICHIE: Sure! We’ll take a week off and drive down to St. Louis to visit your aunt. I could use some time away, too. It’ll be great.

SARAH: (trying to be both blunt and gentle) Richie, I don’t just mean time away from this apartment or from this city. We need to take some time apart from each other.


RICHIE: (getting a bit angry) Well. There it is. That oh-so-infamous phrase, ‘time apart’. Otherwise translated as ‘I want to break up with you, I just don’t want to take responsibility for it.’

SARAH: NO! I just want us to take a little time off.

RICHIE: (doubtful) Really?

SARAH: (getting annoyed) Yes!


SARAH: (takes a moment to calm down) Well, we haven’t exactly been getting along. I mean, I know the last few months have been hard, what with me losing my job, and your-

RICHIE: (cutting her off) I know what happened three months ago!

SARAH: (beat) This is what I’m talking about. And you don’t want to talk about it, you won’t even try to deal with it.

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The first thing he remembered — after the worst of it was over — were the stars. Looking to the heavens, incandescent bodies glimmered and winked at him from a lush canvas of indigo: bejeweled timekeepers, watchers of the universe, billions of light years away. Oh my God, he thought, his eyes overflowing with the splendor of diamonds and sapphires suspended in space. They’re beautiful. Nothing but stars, so many of them, infinite and eternal. Dazzling gems spilled upon velvet, blushing...

4 years ago
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To Dream Among The Stars Chapter 3

Day 1I slowly wake up at the sound of the alarm clock. I remember my dream. The rocket launch, the beautiful women, the doctor examining me. I suddenly open my eyes and see that I’m not in my room at my parents' house. I stop the alarm and gaze at my surroundings. In the background, I hear the engines running, the ever-present sound of the warp drive. My suitcases are in a corner, I remember that I am in my room aboard the PSS Lady of the Stars.My mind finally gets out of the haze of sleep and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Playing at Porn Stars

Playing at Porn Stars It was my birthday, my wife Olivia had prepared a wonderful meal which we ate after I got home from work and we were about to retire to the lounge “I have a surprise for you.” said Olivia, as we made our way to the lounge. “Tonight is Porn Star night,” she announced, “so I want you to go in there and strip off completely.” “Who are the Porn Stars?” I asked, “or what film are we watching.” “We are the Porn Stars!” she exclaimed in her best posh accent, “Now I want you...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Beach XII Discoveries or Must the Stars be Ever Out of Reach

Strangely, Prel’s reluctance rekindled the spirit of motivation in me. I’d become complacent, losing myself in the haze of sexual desire and that of the potent berries that were so easily obtainable.  The Kintinku provided me with a challenge – not only that of learning to communicate with the cat-man, but to seduce him as well.  At first it was difficult.  I had, in a true sense, become addicted to a heady mix of heightened sexuality and sensuality that the fruit induced.  However, I soon...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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I wondered to myself whether it would ever happen. My mind had been open to it for some time now, which it hadn’t been in my youth. In my early 50’s now, still athletically fit, offbeat handsome (so I’ve been told - who knows what the fuck that means), and mostly straight, but quietly willing to bend into the right circumstances, or for the right person. The willingness to bend part is much more recent. But the catch for me seems to be: When and how would the details, this right person, right...

2 years ago
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ChanceChapter 3 Watching the Stars

Duncan fondly studied the woman beside him. He sure understood how she could feel so discouraged. It had been a tough day. What with her husband abandoning her in the middle of nowhere with a broken car. Then the SOB yelled and sneered at her as a means of feeling better about himself. Helen had confided in Duncan that this was to be time for the couple to get together to reconnect and strengthen their marriage. The jerks behavior somehow didn't seem the way to revitalize a failing...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Real Porn Stars

Two weeks had passed and my 19th birthday had arrived. I had been working as an escort for the last year and had fucked nearly 500 different guys during that time, something which I had craved in my sex addicted state, but for the last two weeks I had focused on my school work and coming home each night to spend with Mikey. He had raised me as his daughter and I recently learned that he was not my biological father. He had shared the information with me, but no one else knew. My mind had been...

3 years ago
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Above the Stars and the Gods

Above the Stars and the Gods He sat on the catwalk high up in the theatre, above the highest tier of seating, the ‘Gods’, above the maze of scaffolding and gantries that held the multitude of lights that were his job to attend to. Of course he shouldn’t be working up here by himself with regulations as they were but his co-worker, Al, was a lazy character and was forever ‘just popping out for five minutes’ which normally turned into at least an hour and sometimes lasted until the...

Love Stories
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So Many Stars

‘Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.’ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations * It’s an old story, really. Been told a few times too, I reckon. About an old man — well, not really old, not quite yet, anyway — but an old man who’s followed his heart and run into a few potholes along the road more or less traveled. A man you’d have thought was old enough to know better. My story, if you want to know the truth of it. I think I’ve got the beginning down, maybe...

3 years ago
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Contractor to the porn Stars

I got an urgent message on my cell phone. At the time I was on a roof and don't take my phone on roofs anymore. I've found that they don't work too well after falling fifteen feet or so to concrete. Hell, they don't even look like a phone. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself before we go any further. My name is Chad, and I'm a contractor and no, I'm not one of those that build a thousand homes a year. I'm a one man show, for now anyway, and I've only been in business a little over a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Tapestry Of Stars

A Tapestry of Stars The first thing that drew my attention when I came into my local Pride center for the first time was a large tapestry with gold stars covering it. Above the tapestry was the the words "We remember" in large glowing letters. I went over to one of the staff and said, "Wow. That represents all the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who have lost their lives?" "Actually, that's just for the Trans people. We need a book for the others." I went over to the...

3 years ago
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Daddys twin porn stars part one

Twin girls were quite pretty but quite wild. Their mom did not care what they did as long as she was able to drink herself to sleep every night. The dad started noticing how sexy they were and his wife was not giving him any sex. He decided the girls would be a great way to release his sexual fustrations. He knew his twin daughters were sexually active so he wanted to fuck them too. That night he went into the bedroom where they slept. He tied one leg of each twin to the bedpost then stripped...

4 years ago
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Under the Stars

Under the Stars At the end of a trying day at school, a young woman made her way up a small hill behind her house, and sat on a small bench to watch the sunset. Since she had her head up, she missed the arrival of a young man until he was quite close, but she smiled at him, and shifted over on the bench so he could sit beside her. For a while they sat in silence as the sky turned from orange to purple to black, and then, once the constellations were visible she took off...

2 years ago
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"Should I give you the usual 'how pretty are the stars, do you know where Ursa Major is' talk?" I had seen Vivian leaving the room where I and our friends were, as quietly as she could. Two minutes later I was after her. I found her lying over the grass, a hundred yards away from the Victorian house that belongs to my family, watching the starry sky. I lay beside her. I loved her, but she pretended not to know it. "I know a lot more Astronomy than you do," she replied. She never...

2 years ago
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Stars and Angels

Note: This story is a complete work of fiction, and in no way represents the personal experiences of the author. It is primarily a love story for anyone to read, but it is erotic, and if you’re offended by incest, gay lovers, mild language, or graphic descriptions of straight sex, I strongly suggest that you don’t read this!!! That being said, this is my first story and I hope you all enjoy it. * Christmas Eve The sky was glittering. When Glinda looked up she felt a bit dizzy, she wondered...

2 years ago
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Written in the Stars

January 14 2008: A news report comes on the television. News anchor: Hello and welcome to Channel 9 News. I'm Randy Deville and here are our top stories: Scientists were baffled today when Jupiter apparently teleported 250 quadrillion miles along its orbit yesterday evening. Our reporter Sandy Underwood is in Chicago at the 'College Of Constellationary Kinetics' to find out more about this strange phenomenon. Sandy: Yes thank you Randy, It was around 9:45 yesterday evening when astrologers...

4 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 2

Kateri kissed his cheek. "Ok... I'll give you a hint. We'll be a couple... we'll both be wearing pants, but I will playing the 'male' role..." "Kat!" She didn't stop. She just went on. "... I have everything we'll need to make us both look perfect... Your character is a mischievous cutie from Baghdad and mine is a handsome NASA astronaut." William gaped at Kateri. "You can't seriously expect me to dress up as Jeannie from that TV show that you watch!?" Kateri's grin became not...

2 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 3

He stepped away from his sister and thought for a moment, catching his reflection in the mirror again. "This is crazy," he muttered. "But necessary," Angela said, supportively. "Just for today, Willy." "That's not what I mean," William shook his head. "Look at me. I look ten times better like this than I ever did before. I thought I was a man, but I look better as a woman. I'm not even sure who I am, anymore." "Hey!" Angela said with more force than he expected. "Look at that...

2 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 4

She stopped the vibrator's motor and let William collapse in exhaustion onto the mattress. "See," she whispered as she kissed the slender bra and slip straps on his narrow, bare shoulders, "I told you you'd like it. You're my girl... now and forever. I love you, Billie. I love you so much." "I love you, too." He turned so that he could kiss her. His dark red lipstick leaving traces of color on her soft pink. "Can we...?" His eyes were desperate with lust. "Can we... do it...

4 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 5

When Angela saw her older brother with his pixie-ish hairstyle, plucked brows, his dyed hair, his ample bust and the youthful dress, her heart skipped a beat at how cute her new little sister looked. When his mother saw William, she was struck by how much he looked like Angela did at the age she'd worn that dress. Bigger breasts, of course, and the makeup was too grownup, which had been a constant battle with Angela at that age, anyway, but the similarities were remarkable. When...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about Chaturbate.com in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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StripChat Cosplay

Let’s chat a bit about cosplay cam girls and where you can find them online. Anyone? Well, there’s a platform called Stripchat.com that features hot babes willing to indulge in all kinds of cosplay action. Now, I can’t promise you that this is a cosplay gold mine, and we’ll get to the reason in a second, but I can safely say that they’ve got a great selection of hot babes in their cosplay section. So the website is an ideal choice if you are looking for amazing content in the form of cosplay...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
4 years ago
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It is now about 6:30 in the morning and the Syrian sun rises over Damascus. I have been living here for a while now and have just met a woman her name is Anna. Neither of us is from this city. It seems rather fitting that we found kindred spirits within each other. As I rise from the bed, I notice Anna bringing me some breakfast, wearing a flower in her hair and that is about it. Therefore, we sat down and enjoyed our breakfast. ‘Best you pack were going on a trip, to Africa,’ I said. Going...

3 years ago
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Ring Stars

Welcome to Ring ☆Stars where you wrestle various different types of female wrestlers in various arenas. These characters do come from various games such as Dead or Alive, Wrestle Angels, and Street Fighter! You start off as a Rookie Male Wrestler, who has pretty much close to no experience with wrestling at all. He has been recruited up by one of the Top Pro Wrestlers in the business, Mighty Yukiko. Your Goal is to Make it past your 1st Year in the Company, Ring ☆Stars. There will be times when...

3 years ago
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Seeing Stars

It had not been a good week. I had spent five days back east in my company's Charlotte office cooped up in a windowless room with a tall, gangly summer intern named Ray. I was supposed to be rolling out the new system software, but they were having hardware problems. And what do I know about hardware? Fly me all the way out to Charlotte just so I could watch some technician swapping circuit boards? So Ray and I hung around with our feet up on our little metal desks, and Ray bored me with...

2 years ago
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NSFW Cosplay

Reddit NSFWCosplay, aka r/NSFWCosplay! I’ve come to appreciate the fact that Reddit can serve as a very good option when it comes to exploring different porn content. The fact that users can create subreddits dedicated to a specific category or genre of porn makes it a wonderful platform to explore specific porn niches, genres, fetishes, and kinks. I recently stumbled upon Reddit/r/nsfwcosplay/ in my quest to find something different to jerk off to, and I felt the site surely deserves a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Her eyes were like stars

I twisted the the key and was greeted by my mother, father, and brother. "Alan!!" They all yelled as I opened the door. I was swarmed with hugs and questions. "How was it bro?" My now 14 year old brother asked. "Pretty nice. Girls, girls, and..." "More girls!" He finished for me. My mom had cooked a big meal for my return home. It was nice to sit and eat with the family again. You never realize how much you miss it until you finally leave. Or it might be because Im a...

5 years ago
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From Beyond the Stars Ch 01

Chapter 1 From the Darkness The ding-dong of the doorbell yelled at me over and over. That obnoxious tone only made my head throb even more. I knew that going out drinking was a bad idea. Who the hell could be bothering me on my day off? I slumped out of bed and staggered to the door. The lights blinked as I stared through peephole in the metal door. Nobody there but sunshine and the billboard that always smiled back. God I hate that thing. ‘Is anybody there?’ I asked. ‘Wake up! We are going...

3 years ago
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Sneaking Under The Stars

My instincts were right and I knew what he was going to say when he answered the phone. Weeks earlier, his ex-fiancée had walked in on us while we were just beginning our evening alone on the couch. Ever since that day, I knew she was going to try to get him back. She realized he had moved on with his life and she hated that thought. Maybe she didn’t really want him and the things that split them up in the first place would still be there, but she sure as hell didn’t want him to be happy with...

2 years ago
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Long As There Are Stars

The year was 1945 and the war had just ended. Captain Robert Blane was returning home from the Western theater of war as a decorated P-41 pilot. His two tours of duty as a fighter pilot just now completed, and he was returning to his hometown of San Francisco, California. His high school sweetheart, and only love, waited there, and after hundreds of love letters anxiously looked forward to seeing him. Ann had been the apple of his eye as long as he could remember. From the freckle-faced girl...

4 years ago
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Stars and Clouds

Ethan  Ethan, dressed in just a pair of swim trunks and a bathrobe, walked to the lavishly decorated clubhouse of his gated community. He nodded at Theo, the night watchman, before entering. The pool room was indoors, heated, and most importantly, empty at midnight.  Ethan plugged his phone into a tiny speaker and hit play. He removed his robe and jumped into the pool. He tried to stay under, allowing his body to adjust to the initial shock of the water. He did laps for about an hour before his...

2 years ago
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Steam And Stars

A foggy night in London town. Lady Emmaline Christie is traveling to her first proper society ball in a hackney carriage, accompanied by her chaperone, her Great Aunt Agatha, a sister of her grandmother's. The girl, excited, looks from the carriage to the skies above. Amid the clouds, vast Airships cruise the skies above the city. Welcome to The Age Of Steam.It's 1887, a ballroom party is held in London, where the crew of the first ever manned steam powered space ship will be announced... The...

3 years ago
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Fucking with the Stars

Being on a daytime soap wasn’t the most glamorous job in the Hollywood, but if you played your hands right it could be one of the most beneficial. Some managed to last for decades which meant work and in the city of angels that was a very good thing to have. It also built up a steady fanbase and if you played your cards right, you might be able to make some decent money off of it too. That being said, I had no desire to stay on the soap my entire life, I had ambitions after all. I started on...

4 years ago
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Hot Bottoms at Middlesex High The Science Teacher Sees the Stars Part A

Learning from the Lap of Miss Anderson Bob Perkins had been the history teacher at Middlesex High since he graduated from the state teaching college seven years before. Miss Bonnie Anderson, the school principal, appointed him Boys Dean after a few years on staff, as he was very good with the students. Bob and Bonnie had a very good professional relationship, and she relied upon his advice in matters of discipline and student affairs, even though she was nine years his senior and had much more...

2 years ago
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Under the Stars Part One

It was Friday after school and volleyball practice just ended. I stayed in the gym for a bit putting all the equipment away as one by one all the girls left. When I was done, I walked into the empty locker room and turned on the water. I stripped off my volleyball attire and stood naked while the water heated up. My nipples were hard from the freezing air spewing from the vents above me, and I gladly stepped into the steamy, hot water. The temperature transition got my nipples all the harder. I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Fucking with the stars

Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former child actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...

3 years ago
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Bred Among the Stars

The woman sat back in her chair as she set the recorder down, her soft brown eyes scanning the scene in front of her. Her crew moved quickly and efficiently around her like the bees she was so fond of when she lived on Earth. Her home in a small Mexican town south of Cancún seemed so far away now, and she was much happier here among the stars, on the Stormchaser 12 with the first all-female crew to open and traverse through a wormhole. The scanners projected the image of a bright pink planet...

2 years ago
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Your Future in the Stars

Claire’s phone rang, it was Paul’s wife. “Hi Yvonne.” “Claire, are you at the fair yet?” “Yes, we arrived about five minutes ago.” “Good. We’re stuck in traffic. Some idiot decided to dig up the road today of all days. We’ll be about twenty minutes late by the look of things.” “I’m sure we’ll be able to find something to do while we wait. See you later then.” “OK. Bye Claire.” Yvonne put her phone back in her purse. “She and Becky are already there, Paul.” He was driving, so she’d made...

4 years ago
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Scales Like StarsChapter 10

Svenk Blackscale was not a heroic member of House Bryaugh’s space force. That would have been a remarkable trick for a kobold – even one that had the one tenth dragon blood that was required by the stern admirals and generals that led House Bryaugh’s military forces. But as Svenk wasn’t even a willing member of the space force, heroism felt like it was asking just far too much of his skinny body. His hands shook as he tugged on the flimsy flight helmet and strapped it into place, while goblin...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 6

My shoulder smashed into Dr. Chaos’ forearms and we rebounded off one another as the entire bridge went from chaos to pure insanity. Alarms wailed. Female goons started to kick towards airlock doors – to arms lockers, to any random direction that they wanted to go. The rest of my friends, still chained to the pillar in the center of the bridge, wriggled and tried to get free. But my whole world was focused on one simple objective. Break. My. Stupid. Father’s. Fucking. Face. I hit a far...

1 year ago
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I saw stars part one

I always thought that college would be a time for study, work and occasional flirtation with boys. I remember being fantasy was not of any of my friends, but of a stranger. I didn't know her at all, but she sat across from the lunch table. She was petite and blonde and popular. I remember staring at her and wanting to know what she looked like...naked. This was wierd for me. I had a boyfriend and had always liked boys, but this girl could make me drool just as much. Two years passed...and I...


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