February Fantasy Fridays 1 free porn video

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"I don't know, Kat," William whined to his girlfriend that Friday afternoon in late January. "I never did anything like that for work. This is my first year at 'Firefly.' Maybe I should just sit it out this year and see what everyone else does." "Oh, come on, Billy, don't be such a stuffed shirt," Kateri said, more than a little irritated with William's reticence. "The whole point of 'February Fantasy Fridays' is team building. In the summer we have 'Friday Field-Trips' to keep our creative juices flowing and in the dead of winter, we have this. You have to do it and I'd rather do it as a couple than by myself. It's way more fun that way. Come on! You have to do it! It's part of being a Browncoat." William was an accountant in every sense of the word. He was analytical, methodical, fastidious - everything an accountant should be. He loved numbers and the logic they represented. There was an absolutism to math and accounting that he loved. He looked at a spreadsheet the way a doctor looked at an X-Ray. The smallest mistakes leapt out at him in the same way that a hairline fracture leapt out at a good doctor. After college, William had spent two years working for an accounting firm that sent him to other companies to audit their books. He'd never actually set foot in the offices of the accounting firm, he just took his assignments and did the jobs. Eight months ago, though, he'd been sent to 'Firefly, LLC' to audit their books. Firefly was a video game development company that took its name from the science-fiction-fantasy television series of the same name. They were a four year old company that had become wildly successful, but seemed to be hemorrhaging money. William was sent to Firefly to diagnose the situation and he had located the problem in less than a day. The problem was that their on-staff accountant was a thief, and not a very good one at that. William's talent and honesty had impressed the company's CEO so much that she offered William a deal that he couldn't refuse: A new job with a ludicrous salary, six weeks vacation a year and he could hire a small accounting staff if he needed to. Thus far, he'd not needed to, but that did make things a bit awkward for him. All the other Browncoats, which is what they called themselves in homage to the TV show, were these creative, computer programming types who dressed casually, played ping pong half the day in order to get their 'creative juices flowing,' worked odd hours and drank kombucha by the case. William liked his tea with a little lemon, a clean desk, a well defined routine and a nicely pressed, nicely starched shirt with a perfectly tied bow tie. Kateri sighed. "Billy... I'm the only person you even talk to around here. When I say I'm dating Bill, most people aren't even sure who I'm talking about. You're becoming a pariah - that weird little guy who wears a tie in the office next to the conference room." William shrugged. "I'm fine with that." "Well, you shouldn't be!" Kateri found Billy very attractive in a very odd way. He was her exact opposite. She was tall, beautiful, shapely, outgoing, talkative, creative and, at times, even a little flighty. She wasn't a game programmer, she was an illustrator and character artist. She adored the work and camaraderie or the office. Billy was just as smart, probably creative in his own way, short, slender and as shy as a child. "These are nice people, Billy, and they'd like to be your friend. Not participating is just going to put more distance between you and them. Trust me, Billy. You need to do this." William was frustrated with this whole thing. Why couldn't these people just show up and do their jobs!? Why did everything have to have a theme associated with it!? It was all such a pain in the tush. A distraction from accomplishing what they needed to do. He grunted and sat in his desk chair. "What would this involve, then? I'm not wearing one of those inflatable T-Rex costumes or anything like that. Nothing that will get in the way of doing my job." Kateri smiled. She'd won and she knew it. "Ok..." she thought for a second. "I have an idea to kick things off. You know how much I love old TV shows, right?" He did know, indeed. Kateri would spend her evenings watching shows from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s and laughing out loud as if they were brand new episodes. "Well, I have this really revealing gown. I could wear that, straighten my hair and plump up my lips and go as Cher. I could find you a suit from the 70s and you could be Sonny Bono. How does that sound?" "Sonny Bono?" William looked blankly at his girlfriend. "Who's that?" Kateri laughed out loud. "You're kidding right? Sonny Bono. You know - Sonny and Cher? 'I Got You, Babe?'" Seriously?" He shook his head. "Oh, for crying out loud, Billy," Kateri grabbed his laptop and did a quick Google search for images of the famous duo. "Look. Sonny and Cher." It wasn't that bad, William figured. Besides, the woman was taller than the man, so it would work that way, too. "So... what... I need to get a wig and a mustache?" "I'll take care of getting a mustache from the costume store, but I think you have enough hair to brush it into a bowl-cut for a day. We'll just spray it black with temporary hair color and you'll be good to go." "Ok," William nodded relieved that it wasn't that big a deal. "And after we get that costume pulled together, we'll work on something for the second week." Kateri headed for the door. "Wait!" William's eyes were wide open. "THE SECOND WEEK!? How many weeks are we talking about?" Kateri stopped and smiled. "There are four Fridays in February, Billy. It's a weekly event through February. And it's fun, Billy! I swear, you'll have a great time. We'll work a half day, then have a kind of party to kick off the weekend. It'll be fun!" William shook his head. What a foolish waste of time and resources, but no one was asking his opinion, so... "Alright, but let's not go crazy. Ok?" She winked at him and smiled. "You got it!" XXX "Is that you, Angela?" William's mother called from upstairs. "No, it's me, mom!" William called up. "William." He took his satchel style briefcase off of his shoulder and stored it on the hook on the back of the hallway closet door. "Oh, Willy," his mother called down, again. "Can you come here and zip me up? I have a dinner engagement tonight and I need to get going pretty soon." William sighed and climbed the stairs, wishing his younger sister had arrived home before him. When he arrived in his mother's room, he found her sliding her feet into a very classy pair of black pumps. "Zip me up, Willy, please." His mother turned her back to him and presented the open back of the dress to him for him to close. Williams took hold of the bottom of the zipper track in his left hand and ran the zipper up with his right. "Thank you, Willy," his mother turned and said, "Well? What do you think?" His mother looked lovely, as usual. She was wearing a dark green dress that had a lace overlay around the skirt, making a fairly simple, form fitting top gliding into an elegant and loose bottom. "You look great, mom. What's the occasion?" "Oh, nothing too exciting," she laughed, although she was obviously excited about whatever she was doing that evening. "That very handsome Mr Cronin who goes to our church asked me to accompany him to see Michael Bubl? performing at Mohegan Sun down in Connecticut tonight." "Wow," he smiled at her enthusiasm. "Did this all just happen today?" "In fact, it did," she was nearly giggling. "It seems that a client came into Mr Cronin's business today and gave him the tickets. Mr Cronin said that I was the first person he thought of as a date. Isn't that sweet? Here, come and sit at my vanity with me while I do my makeup and we can talk." William's mother was a perennial dater who'd never been married. William and his sister were, in fact, half siblings with different fathers, but that didn't matter to them. They were as close as any brother and sister could be. Mr Cronin, a charming divorc? who had moved to their area and joined their church about a year ago, was exactly his mother's type. Tall, handsome and financially stable. William and Angela didn't consider their mother promiscuous, per se, just... fun loving. She loved to flirt and date and enjoy her freedom and at forty-six years old, she was still quite a beautiful woman. When they were seated, she looked at her son and said, "So... tell me about this girl you've been seeing. Katarina, isn't it?" "Kateri," he corrected her. "She's great, mom. I honestly don't know what she sees in me, but she's great." His mother began applying her base. "Do you have a picture of her?" "Sure," William pulled out his phone and called up a photo, showing it to his mother. "Oh, my, yes, Willy, she is just lovely, but isn't she..." she stopped and smiled. "I can't wait to meet her." William smirked. "Yes, mom. You can say it. She is a little taller than me." "Willy, that girl is more than 'a little' taller than you. She must be five ten, at least, and you're, what, five two?" "Five three, mom, and you know it," he chuckled. This was always his mother's favorite tease. It only irked him a little, but he had to admit that his lack of height and Kateri's surplus of it did make them a slightly odd looking couple. "The fact that she is taller than me doesn't bother her and it doesn't bother me, so go ahead and joke about it if you want." "Of course it doesn't bother you," his mother went to work on her eyes, "when you stand next to her, your face is the same height as her breasts. What man wouldn't love that?" "Ok, that's enough, mom," William couldn't help but smile at that, though. He did like being near Kateri's breasts. "Oh, look at him blush," came from the doorway. William's younger sister, Angela, had arrived. "I think you hit pretty close to home, mom." She kissed her mother's cheek. "Why all dressed up?" Their mother explained her plans to go to a concert, which Angela found very exciting. Then she looked at her brother. "What about you and your new friend? It's Friday night. No big plans?" William shook his head. "No. Kateri is going out with college friends tonight. We're going to dinner at Elliot's tomorrow night." "Ooh, fancy," Angela teased. "You're still blushing, though, Willy. I don't see why. I mean, I'm a lot taller than you, too, and when I stand next to you, you my breasts are right there, too. You should be used to it at this point. You must really like this new girl." If possible, William's blush grew even deeper as he smiled. "I do. She's... amazing. She's smart, funny, talented, beautiful... I really, REALLY like her." "That's sweet, honey," his mother smiled, but her tone and expression indicated that she thought of William's passionate longing for this woman as nothing more than a childish crush. She turned to her daughter and asked, "What about you? Off on a date with that boy Matt tonight?" Angela sighed. "Afraid not. He got called in to work. We were going to a movie, but not anymore. I think he's working tomorrow night, too. I think my whole weekend is shot to hell, now." She sighed again. "He loves being an EMT and all, but his schedule just sucks. I guess it's just not a good time for him to be dating." Her mother patted Angela's jean covered knee. "I keep telling you, dear - There's lots of good fish in the sea. If Matt doesn't want to make time to be with you, then go find someone who will." "Mom, it's not that he doesn't want to be with me, it's just his job. But... I guess you're right. I don't think it's going to happen for us." "Then find someone with a better job, Angela," their mother acted as if this was a perfectly logical way to consider romantic attachments - if something is inconvenient, move along. Angela and William exchanged looks and shook their heads at their mother's shallow view of love. "Well," Angela changed the subject, "since mom's going out and neither of us have dates, why don't you let me take you out to dinner, 'little' brother?" William stood and shook his head. "Very fun. I am your 'big' brother and I would love to go to dinner with you, but only under two conditions. One: I pay. You don't even have a part time job. And two: You knock off that 'little brother' stuff. I'm two years older than you." "A year and ten months," Angela corrected him, "but you've been my 'little' brother since I turned fifteen. Don't fight it, little guy. It's just the way things are." William knew that a fight over this could last hours, so, instead, he checked his watch and said, "If we leave now, we can probably get to that Mexican place over on Fourth Street before it gets crowded. Sound good?" "Sounds good!" Angela agreed. "Why don't you drive? Oh, wait! You can't! I'll drive instead." William did, in fact have a license, but driving was something that stressed him out terribly and, since there were so many taxis, Uber and Lyft drivers around, why get stressed when he could just use an app to get from point A to point B? It made good sense, both economically and for his and everyone else's safety. "Very funny. Let me change and we can go." Angela started to exit the room with her brother, but her mother stopped her by asking, "Angie, how did that interview for that internship go?" The girl sighed. "I don't know, mom. Since my first assignment fell through, I'm really behind the curve finding anyplace to get my business credits. I've had four interviews this week and nothing. I've got three more interviews next week, too, but... who knows. I may not even be able to graduate in May if I can't find a place to take me." Her mother shook her head. "Don't worry, honey. Something will come up." Angela nodded. "I hope so." XXX Kateri sat at the round table at the restaurant laughing with her college friends. There were six of them in total. They'd been drinking pitchers of margaritas for over an hour and had only had corn chips and salsa for food, so they were feeling no pain at all. "To Wellesley College!" Ashley, the athletic one with very short hair held up her glass in a toast. "They took our parents money and made us the women we are today!" "To Wellesley!" The others joined in. "To Kaitlyn!" Kim toasted. "Six more months of freedom before she ties the knot!" "To Kaitlyn!" They all toasted. "Ok, ok," Kateri, who was the closest to sober amongst the women calmed her friends down. "We're getting kind of loud. Let's not get thrown out before the food arrives." They all laughed at their friend. "And what about you, Saint Kateri?" Margaret said, as another woman refilled everyone's glasses. "You're the only one left to get married. Any prospects?" "I tried to fix her up with my brother, Victor," Marta said, in a tipsy giggle, "but she wasn't interested." "Not interested?" Ashley was astounded. "Why not? Are you too good for for her brother?" "She said she didn't like him because he plays bass in band," Marta explained. "No," Kateri corrected her friend. "I said I didn't like him because he plays bass in a lousy KISS cover band." She looked back to Margaret. "That's all he does. He plays video games all week and then puts on makeup and pretends to be Gene Simmons in a terrible band. You should hear them! I mean, KISS sets a pretty low bar for excellent and these guys can't even get that good!" "But he's cute, though, right?" Marta giggled some more. "In that 'drinks too much, going to get fat and lose his hair in few years' kind of way, sure, but... forgive me... I'd like someone a little more interesting to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe someone with a career and prospects for happy life would be better than someone who always has a spot of white or black makeup in his ears at all times. I know that sounds awfully picky, but that's how I am." Everyone laughed louder than the statement deserved. "So..." Margaret asked. "'So,' what?" Kateri asked in return. "So..." Margaret folded her arms. "... is there someone vying for your Mr Right? The perfect man?" Kateri smiled and blushed a little. "In fact... yes. There is someone. We've only dated for a few months, but I really like him." The women all got excited. "Come on, come on, come on," Ashley encouraged, like an excited middle-schooler, "give us the deets! What's he look like? What does he do? Show us a picture! Come on!" Kateri smiled. "Well... his name is Billy. He's an accountant at Firefly. He's really sweet. Polite. Funny. Smart. I really like him." "Ooh" the others all said with practiced excitement. "Is he handsome?" Marta asked. Kateri thought for a moment. "Yes, but... I'd say more 'cute' than handsome." Another 'ooh' sounded with exactly the same inflection as before. "Cute, like Harry Styles cute, or cute like Jonathon Taylor Thomas in 1995 cute?" Kim asked. "Picture!" Margaret demanded. "We need to see a picture!" Kateri sighed as she pulled out her phone, finding a picture she'd taken in which they were both seated, minimizing the height difference. She handed the phone to Margaret and the rest crowded around to see the photo. Kateri was shocked when they all grew silent. "Huh," Ashley let out. "What?" Kateri asked, knowing that Billy's look wasn't exactly the tall, strong, handsome appearance that most women wanted, but she thought he was cute as a button. "Well, nothing, I guess," Ashley shrugged. "He's just not what I expected. He's... young." "Real young," Kaitlyn giggled. "What is he, like fifteen? I mean, there's nothing wrong with dating a younger guy, Kat, but you're going to have to finish raising this one. I sure do hope that you have a nice dress for junior prom." Before Kateri could defend her new boyfriend, Margaret said, "He's got a Beatle haircut, Kat. He's not exactly what we expected from the girl who dated 'Big' John Seymour in college. He's kind of a runt." "Hey, stop it!" Kat pulled her phone away from her friends. "First off, I've never dated a guy who treated me with as much respect as Billy, does. Secondly, he's twenty four, he just looks young. Thirdly, yes, he is small, but so what? I'm bigger than most girls and that doesn't bother him at all. He was intimated by me for a little while, but then he asked me out to lunch one day, we got to know each other and became friends almost immediately. A few weeks after that we started dating and... well, to be perfectly honest with you, I really, really hope that this leads to something big. I like this guy. I like him a lot, so... come on. Don't make fun of him." The mood at the table had become a little somber. The girls felt bad about being too judgmental about Kat's new beau. "Ok, Kat," Ashley said. "We're sorry. We'll be good. We're happy for you." "Yeah, sorry, Kat," Margaret agreed, but a smile played across her lips. "He does have a Beatle haircut, though." "Actually," Kat smiled, "it's kind of a Justin Bieber haircut that grew out. But it's going to be great for a couples costume we're doing for work." "What's the costume?" Ashely asked. XXX "Sonny and Cher," William told Angela as their waiter brought them a plate of quesadillas to share as an appetizer. "Kat thinks it'll be good for me to take part in more office events. She says that I hide in my office too much." "Hmm," Angela considered as she pulled at piece of quesadilla free. "You are a bit of an introvert, Willy. I mean, I don't know what you're like at work, but I know what you're like in public. You've always been pretty shy. Maybe this new girlfriend of yours will be a good influence on you. She's taller than you, right?" William swallowed a bit of the cheesy appetizer. "Yeah. Why?" Angela shrugged. "Because Sonny was shorter than Cher. So, it sounds like a good costume idea. Where are you getting your costume?" Now it was William's turn to shrug. "Kat says that it'll be easy to find something at a used clothing place. She's going out shopping tomorrow." "Are you going, too?" She asked this with more urgency than William expected. "I don't think so. Why?" His sister sighed. "Oh, nothing. I just really love going to Goodwill and The Salvation Army stores. Even Savers. You never know what you'll find. If you were going, I was going to tag along." At this point, a group of women, who had obviously had a good deal to drink, let out a burst of laughter from the back of the restaurant, causing both siblings to glance in that direction. William shook his head. "Jerks. They act like there's no one else in the restaurant." Angela laughed. "See, Willy! That's so you. You need to lighten up, little brother. Let people enjoy themselves." William bristled again at the 'little brother' remark. "Angie, come on. I am not your 'little' brother. I hate it when you say that." "And I will continue to say it until you lighten up, Willy. I am bigger than you, face it. I'm taller than you, I've got at least twenty pounds on you... you ARE my little brother. Yes, you are my OLDER brother, too, but 'little' is a descriptor of size, not age. Face facts, Willy, and lighten up." Just then, their food arrived and William waited for the waitress to leave before he responded. When she'd departed, William leaned forward and said, "Maybe having dinner together wasn't a great idea." Angela shrugged. "Maybe, but I'm being very convivial, Willy. You're being a stick in the mud. You're the one being reactionary to everything I say. I'm being charming as hell." She batted her eyes at him. "Yeah, well, could we please lay off of the commentary about my size? It's something I live with everyday and I don't need the people I love shoving it down my throat every chance they get." Angela smiled as she prepared to eat her food. "Ok. I'm sorry. I was just having some fun. So... tell me about this girl? When am I going to meet her?" "Soon, I imagine," William picked up his own fork. "I don't have a lot of experience at these things, but I think that she should probably meet my family pretty soon." His sister smiled at that sentence, but chose not to point out that Willy had NO experience at these things. He'd never dated a girl longer than one or two dates and she knew for a fact that he still a virgin. Instead, she asked, "Does she know that you still at home?" He nodded as he wiped his lips. "She does. She knows that this is my first real job, though, too, so she understands." William then surprised his sister. "To tell you the truth, I've been looking at a condo over off of Salisbury Street. Nothing extravagant, but nice. I'm not one hundred percent sure that I want to go that route, yet, but it's a nice part of the city." "Nice?" Angela laughed. "Salisbury Street is down right ritzy, Willy! That's great! If you decide to buy one, when would you move?" "They're still being built," he shrugged. "Probably a year or so before I could move in." "Still, though," Angela nodded, "that's great news!" XXX "Can I see that picture, again?" Ashley asked Kateri. "Why? You want to tease me about him some more? Honest to God, if you ever met Billy, you'd love him. He's a really nice guy!" "No," Ashley scowled. "Just let me see." Kateri showed her the photo again. "Huh..." was the woman's only response. "'Huh...' what?" Kateri asked, irked. "Well," Ashley pointed across the restaurant, "it's just that I think I see the guy in this picture sitting right over there." "What?" They all asked together, looking in the direction that Ashley had indicated. "Where?" Kateri asked. "Near the mural of the pyramid," Ashley said, "and... he's not alone." "What?" Kateri turned in her chair and searched the room before spotting William sitting at a table with a very attractive woman. "Uh, oh!" Margaret gloated, just a little. "Looks like your new beau has a wandering eye." "No, no..." Kateri sputtered. She and William had only been dating a short time, but she thought that they had an understanding. Was he cheating on her? "What the hell?" She stood and took a step to cross the room, but Margaret grabbed her arm. "Wait. What are you doing?" "I'm confronting him and I'm going to tell that woman that he's cheating of both of us." Before her friends could stop her, Kateri moved quickly through the restaurant, arriving at William and Angela's table in seconds. From their place in the back of the restaurant, the college friends watched as Kateri, arms on her hips, stood next to the table, her head moving quickly at first. But then she seemed to relax. The small man at the table stood and kissed Kateri's cheek, then she shook hands with the woman before taking an empty chair at the table and joining the two people she'd just planned on attacking. "Well, that's a bit anticlimactic," Ashley said, disappointedly. "What the hell!?" Kim moaned. "I thought there was going to be a cat fight." At the table, Kateri laughed. "No. I had no idea that Billy had a sister. Billy, you shouldn't keep secrets like that. Well, Angie, you're just beautiful. So tell me - What do you do?" Angela smiled and said, "Actually, I'm still in college. I'm a full time student and I used to work part time at Bradley's Beauty Supplies over in the plaza on L Street." "Oh, my God, I go there all the time!" Kateri was very enthusiastic in her conversation with Angela, which actually made William feel a little left out. "I'm sure that I've run into you there!" "Possibly," his sister smiled. "Who knows? Maybe I actually helped you, once or twice." "I think you have, actually! My heavens, what a coincidence. Billy, your sister is just adorable! Why have you been keeping her a secret?" William sputtered. "I... I haven't... we just haven't spoken much about our families." Kateri rolled her eyes at Angela. "He's so quiet, isn't he? Did he even tell you about our first couples costume for next Friday?" "Yes, Sonny and Cher, right?" Angela laughed. "I can't wait to see Willy with a mustache!" "I know, right? And stacked heels like they wore back then. I'm going thrift store shopping for his costume tomorrow. Want to come with me?" "Yes!" Angela was thrilled. "Great!" Kateri smiled. "I'll pick you up at ten tomorrow morning. Sound good?" "Great!" "Wonderful!" Kateri stood. "I should get back, to my friends. I'll bring them by on the way out so you can meet them." She kissed William's cheek. "By babe." "Bye," he said as she left. "Babe?" Angela laughed. "This is serious!" XXX "It's perfect!" Angela said as Kateri showed her a white, three piece suit that she found at the local Goodwill store the next morning. "That and a wide collared black shirt and you have the perfect nineteen seventies leisure suit, just like in all those pictures of Sonny and Cher.' "You're right. It's even got bell bottoms. I love it!" Kateri bit her lip. "There is one issue, though. It's a woman's pantsuit. Do you think he'll wear it?" Angela shrugged and smiled. "Why not? It's just a costume, right? I mean there'll be other people wearing goofy clothes, right? Men in dresses? Women in suits? This isn't so bad, really. It just looks like a suit. If no one looks too closely, no one will even notice." Kateri smiled. "I think you're right. I couldn't find a size small, black shirt in the men's section. I looked for an extra large in the boys' section, too, but nothing. We'll have to find one to go with this." "Hmm... I think I saw the perfect thing." Angela hustled over to the juniors' section, where she'd just been searching for things to fit herself, and shuffled a few things around before pulling out a shiny, black, wide collared blouse made of some sort of artificial silk material. "What do you think?" Kateri took the blouse and slid it under that suit jacket. "You're right! It's perfect!" "Alright, then! Let's find some of those block-heeled shoes men wore in the seventies!" XXX William had slept late, well, late for William. He'd gotten up at eight forty five that Saturday morning and gone for a good long walk to clear his mind. He returned home after eleven to find his house empty. Angela had sent him a text explaining that she was leaving with Kateri to go thrift shop shopping. His mother had been asleep when he left, but was no where to be found at that moment. He showered and dressed in a clean pair of chinos and a polo shirt. When he took his clothes into the laundry room and opened the hamper, he noticed that it was two thirds full with dirty clothes. Laundry was Angela's chore, but she had obviously decided to go out thrift store shopping with William's girlfriend rather than do her chores. He sighed and shook his head. Rather than get upset, though, he pulled out the clothes and moved to the washer. He opened the lid, but was met with a load of damp clothes. Apparently, his sister had decided to do just part of her chores before heading out. He rolled his eyes and put down his load on top of the dryer. He moved the wet clothes into the dryer, started it, then started the new load in the washer. Just then, his phone rang. It was Angela. He pushed the 'accept' button and said, "Hey, Ang. You know what I found in the laundry? A hamper full of dirty clothes and a washer full of wet ones. You know, you can't just leave clothes in the washer, Ang. They'll mildew and..." "Yeah, yeah, yeah," his sister interrupted. "I'll finish that when I get home, but that's not why I called. What size shoes do you wear?" "What?" "What? Do I stutter? What size shoes do you wear?" William hated it when Angie acted that way, like she was a big shot or something. "I, umm... I wear a size six snd a half. Why?" "Because you need shoes for your costume and we found the perfect ones." She spoke to someone else in the same space as her. "He wears a six and a half. Yeah, in men's size. Thank you." "Ang! Ang!" William called into the phone. "What do you mean, 'men's size?'" "Oh, don't worry," Angela returned to talking to her brother. "They're unisex shoes. He just wanted to know which size." "Who?" "The shoe salesman, of course," she laughed. "Why would anyone else need to know." "Salesman? I thought you were shopping at thrift shops. What salesman are you talking to?" "The one at the shoe store," Angela spoke as if she was frustrated with his thickness. "We found the perfect suit and shirt at the thrift shop, but those shoes that they wore in the seventies are hard to find. Kat knew of a place that had classic styles. You're going to love these, Willy. They're perfect!" "Oh, ok," William nodded for no reason, really. "Alright, but don't spend a lot of money, ok. This is all just supposed to be for fun." "Always watching the numbers, aren't you, little brother?" William decided not to rise to her insult. "Is Kat there? Can I talk to her?" "Sorry, no. She went across the street to the costume shop to get a wig for herself and a mustache for you. I have to tell you, Willy, you have GREAT taste in women. Kat is awesome! And boy is she into you, Willy! You two may make a weird looking couple, but you sure seem made for each other. I gotta run. I'll see you later." "Wait! What do you mean? She's into me? What did she say? Angie! Angie!" But she was already gone. William looked at the wall in front of him and spoke to no one in particular. "She's into me? Well... alright, Angela... I guess I can do your chores for you this one time." He smiled and nodded until his nodding turned into a cocky bobbing his upper body. "Kateri is into me! Well, alright, alright, alright!" XXX "You got the shoes! Billy told you what size to get?" Kateri smiled as Angela entered the costume store holding a shoe box. "And he was ok with them being women's shoes?" "I didn't tell him," Angela smiled. "When he heard me talking to the salesman, I told him they were unisex shoes and he just said not to spend too much." "Cool," Kateri smiled. "We're gonna look so good! Check out my wig. It screams 'Cher,' right? I just need some of that black spray hair color for Billy's hair. I love his light brown hair, but it needs to be black for Friday." As Kateri grabbed a few cans of the spray-dye, Angela asked, "Is there a prize or anything for best costume?" "No," Kateri smiled. "It's just a team building thing. Friendly competition among office workers." "And a chance to get Willy to loosen up a bit, right?" Kateri smiled, and then considered her next question before asking. "Has...has he always been so... uptight? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think he's awesome, but he is... tightly wound, if you know what I mean." "Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Willy is the kind of guy who likes his world to be perfectly orderly and for everything to run on a schedule. His idea of 'fun' is playing a video game online with someone in Japan or Australia." Kateri smiled at that. He was a quirky guy, no doubt about it, but he was awfully cute and she had fun when they went out together. "So... am I his first girlfriend?" "No," Angie laughed. "You're his... third, I guess, but I can tell that he feels differently about you than the first two. Well, in the name of transparency, girlfriend number one was in his freshman year of high school. She was an honor student and kind of cute, but in his sophomore year, she grew a lot taller than him. I think they actually broke up because she was embarrassed by him." Kateri nodded and waited. "The other one was in college. I only met her, like, two or three times and I didn't like her at all. I think she just used him to do her work for her, but when she broke up with him... well, Willy was pretty crushed." She nodded again. "Well... I don't plan on breaking up with him any time soon. To be honest, Angie... I think I've really fallen for Billy. I don't know why... I mean... he's certainly nothing like any guy I've ever dated before, but there's something about him that I find... wonderful." A grin spread across Angela's face. "Aww... that's so sweet." Kateri blushed a little. "Ok, ok. Let's pay for this stuff and get out of here. I'll take you to my place and show you my Cher costume. You can give me your opinion. Then, I'll drive you home and we can see if everything fits Billy." They headed to the register, but Kateri stopped as they approached an elaborate display of about a dozen couples costumes. They were not the usual, bagged costumes that were available in any costume shops, these were nicely made, beautifully constructed costumes of famous couples throughout history and couples celebrated in movies and TV shows. "Oh, wow! Look at these. They're all so beautiful. I wonder if I could get Billy to wear one of these." Angela blinked. "You already have all the things you need to be Sonny and Cher. Why would you need him to wear one of those?" "It's 'February Fantasy Fridays,' Angie. We need four costumes. One for each of the Fridays in February. Look at that one. The 'Toy Story' set. Woody's costume is great, but the Bo Peep one is adorable. Look at all that lace. I'd love to wear something that pretty. And that combination of Napoleon and Josephine! Both of those are so elegant." "Can I help you ladies?" A salesperson arrived. She smiled and continued, "I see you spotted our elite costumes. These are all made here by our staff and are designed to look as much like the real thing as possible." "They're beautiful," Kateri smiled. "How much do they cost to rent?" "It depends on the costumes." The saleswoman grabbed a narrow notebook and handed it to Kateri. "Here is a list of what we have available - The character costumes, sizes, prices, etcetera. There are a lot more available than just these. Take a look and let me know if you have questions." Both women looked at the lists of available costumes. "Geez, a lot of these prices are really reasonable," Kateri said, shocked. "Not the Napoleon and Josephine set, or the Princess Di and Prince Charles wedding set, but a lot of the rest of them are pretty well priced. Look at this selection - Bonnie and Clyde, Antony and Cleopatra, John and Yoko... these are great and all at good prices. It would have been cheaper and easier to have rented a costume than to have done all this shopping." "Yeah, but," Angela flipped through a few pages, "none of the men's costumes are small enough for Willy." "Argh," Kateri growled and grimaced. "Damnit. I would have loved to have done one of these really fancy ones, just once, you know." She seemed disappointed for a few moments, then gave a resigned shrug. "Oh, well. Let's pay for this stuff and get going." As Kateri was punching her ID number into the debit card machine, she glanced back at the lovely, handmade costumes and thought about how cool it would be to show up to work in something like that. One of the quirks of working with a bunch of game nerds is that they shared a lot of the same nerdy interests as each other and one thing that they all seemed to love was cosplay. Since she was thirteen, Kateri had loved attending any kind of event that involved costumes and having the best costume at these events was its own reward. God, those costumes were so... perfect. If only... "Miss? Miss?" The cashier said, waking Kateri from her thoughts. "Yes? What?" "You need to accept the amount, please." "Oh, sorry." She punched the correct key and removed her debit card as Angela gathered the bags together and they headed to the car. When they reached their parking space, Kateri pulled out her key fob, pressed a button and the trunk popped open. Angela placed the bags in the trunk and then realized that Kateri was staring back into the windows of the costume shop. "Kat? Kat? Earth to Kat? Did we forget to get something in there?" "Huh?" Kat turned and looked at her new friend. "I'm sorry I was just thinking about something. Hang on. I'll be right back." XXX William was in the kitchen ironing his shirts when the back door opened and in walked his sister and his girlfriend, both talking a mile a minute. "Oh, Billy. Hi!" Kateri smiled, seeing her beau. "You know how to iron. That's awesome." A little embarrassed to have been caught doing his chores, well, actually it was Angie's chore, William shrugged. "Everyone 'knows' how to iron, Kat. It's not like a talent that someone has." He accepted a kiss on his cheek. "I don't," she giggled. "Honestly, I don't really know how to do laundry, either. I just send everything out to a service." William was shocked. "A service? Isn't that a huge amount of money to spend on something you could just as easily do on your own?" "Says the guy with a license who refuses to drive," Angela teased. "Ooh, touch?!" Kateri high-fived the younger woman. "I like your sister, Billy. She's pretty, smart and funny - the three most important things I require in a friend." William just nodded, uncertain as to whether or not a reply was actually required. "Ok." Kateri unloaded the items they'd purchased to show William. "We got you this great, white suit, made from some fabric that was obviously developed in a laboratory. It is complete with wide lapels and bell bottoms. We got you this great, black shirt with a wide, pointy collar - also made from a cloth developed at DuPont - AND we got you these cool, two inch heeled, disco-tastic pair of shoes in shiny, black pleather. All perfectly preserved in brand new condition because they were made from indestructible material, all thanks to the advances in fossil fuel technology during the second half of the last century. Cool, huh?" Honestly, William had no idea how he should respond to Kateri's excitement. He really was not a huge fan of getting all dressed up in a costume for any reason, let alone going to work. "Yeah. Great, I guess." He shrugged and looked at the clothing. "I told you he wouldn't be excited," Angela chuckled as she grabbed the suit pants and shook them out. "Here. Go put these on and we can try all the rest of it out here." "What? Now? You want me to put this stuff on now? Why?" Kateri took the trousers from Angela and pushed them against William's chest, forcing him to take them from her. "Because we need to make sure that everything fits correctly, silly." She turned him and pointed him towards the lavatory that was visible a few feet down the hallway. "Go on. Change your pants and we'll see if everything looks good." With a shrug, he headed down the hallway. Angela shut off the iron as Kateri laid each part of the outfit over the back of a chair. "Ummm... there's something wrong with these pants," came from behind the bathroom door. "What's wrong with them?" Angela hurried to the door to offer any help, if possible. "There's no zipper." "What!? Of course there's a zipper." "No, Angie, there isn't. The fly on the front it just a decoration. There is no zipper." She shook her head. "That isn't possible. Hand them out to me and let me see." The door opened a crack and William's hand appeared, holding the white pants. Angie took them, and looked at them. He was right. The fly on the front of the pants was just a decoration. Well, how the hell...? Then she saw it. A very small, delicate fly on the left hip. She grimaced and showed the problem to Kateri who made the same face. They'd hoped to have William at least partially dressed before explaining that the suit was actually a woman's pantsuit. Angela pulled down the zipper and handed it back in to her brother. "Here you go. The zipper is on the left hip. If you have a problem with it, I'll help you." It only took a couple of moments for a voice to shout from inside the lavatory, "Hey! These are women's pants." Angela rolled her eyes, but Kateri was quick to respond. "I'm sorry, Billy, but it's the right size and it's the absolute perfect style for the costume idea. Please, just try them on. I promise, I won't embarrass you. If they look bad, we'll do something else. Ok?" "Besides," Angela shouted, "they're just pants. No different than what you wear everyday." "Oh, yeah?" The voice from behind the door said. "No pants I ever wore had silk linings and none of them have a silver tag with the words 'Sassy Lassie' sewn into it. I'd better not look stupid." A few minutes later, William emerged from the bathroom, stocking footed and wearing the pants which looked just fine, if, perhaps, just a bit too long. "They fit!" Kateri clapped her hands. "Fantastic!" "They don't look stupid, do they?" William asked, trying to see how they fit. "They look perfect!" Kateri smiled and kissed his cheek before looking more closely at the pants. The bell bottoms were a little wider than Sonny Bono wore in the pictures and the pants were just a little too long, but so what? It was all close enough and the heeled shows would take care of the extra pant length. This would work! "Here, try this on, too." Angela was holding the black shirt open for William. He went to put his arm into a sleeve, but his sister chastised him. "Take off your polo shirt, first, Willy. It won't fit over that." William pulled the shirt off, revealing the sleeveless, wide-beater- style, white shirt beneath. "Can I leave this on?" He asked a bit irked. "Yes," Angie helped him slide his arms into the garment. The shirt, like the suit, was of a synthetic fabric that felt odd to William. "Here, let me button that for you," Kateri said as she began the process. William looked at the shirt with it's slightly-longer-than-usual cuffs and it's slightly-puffy sleeves at the shoulders and cuffs and the realized that the buttons were on the wrong side of the shirt opening and he said, "Hey! This is a woman's blouse!" "And it's the only black shirt that had a collar like this one does," Kateri explained. "It'll be under your jacket and vest, anyway," Angela pointed out. "No one will see anything but the collar. Relax." "And besides," Kateri finished buttoning the blouse as high up as the buttons went, which left a bit of room to display a woman's cleavage, "I guarantee you that at least a few guys will be dressed in complete drag. A few always are. No one will notice, and if they do, they'll just think it's a fun way to make the costume work. Trust me, Billy, if you just go with the flow, you'll have a great time." William huffed and looked at the clothes he was wearing so far. "Alright, but the pants are too long and can we at least take the shoulder pads out of the shirt?" "We'll see," Kateri agreed, "but men's suit coats had padded shoulders back then, anyway, so... let's see how everything looks when it's all on." "I can help with the pant length," Angela offered as she grabbed the shoe box and pulled out the heels shoes they'd picked out for him. "Once you put these on, your pants will be the right length." The faux leather design of the shoe was pretty basic. The kind of inexpensive shoe that any man or woman might wear, but the chunky heel was definitely a woman's shoe heel. "Oh, come on! This is too much. No one would believe that those are men's' shoes." Kateri sighed and looked at Angie. "Show him the picture." Angela pulled her phone from her purse and opened it to the picture of Sonny and Cher that they'd been using all day as a costume guide. She showed it to William. "Look at that," Kateri pointed at the screen. "Same style pants, shirt collar and shoes that we got you. See? We're nearly there, Billy. Please just relax and let's have some fun with this. Everyone at Firefly loves cosplay. They're all going to love this costume." There was no denying it. The clothes that the girls had provided him were pretty darned similar to the ones in the photo of the famous singers. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Taking that as permission to proceed, Angela knelt to put a shoe onto William's left foot. After a moment of struggling, Kateri asked, "What's the matter? Don't they fit?" "No, I think they probably do, but it's these cotton socks. They're too thick. Willy, do you have any nylon socks? You know, dress socks?" William thought for a moment. "No. All my socks are like these. I have several pairs of the same ones in white and some in black. Why?" Angela looked at Kateri and explained as she stood. "I have some black knee-highs. I'll be right back." She disappeared down the hall and up the stairs. "Ok, let's try the vest." His girlfriend held up the vest and William slid his arms through the holes. As she started buttoning it, she stopped and said, "Oops. Take it off." William did as he was told, but asked, "Why?" "Darts." "Darts? What do mean?" Kateri inspected the vest for a moment and said, "Do you have a sharp pair of scissors or, like, a sharp paring knife? I need to pull a couple of seams. See, look here. They sewed in a little seam here, where a woman's bust would be, so that it would accentuate her figure. That's called 'a dart.' I'll pull the seam and it'll lay flat on your chest. We may have to pull it tight in the back, but it'll look right in the front." "Ok," William said, relieved that she would remove that feminine touch. He handed her a paring knife from a nearby drawer and within a few minutes, the vest was back on him and all buttoned up. "Excellent," Kateri proclaimed. "Whoever owned this must have been a small busted woman. There wasn't much extra material." "These will do," Angela said as she reentered the kitchen and knelt down in front of her brother. "Are those nylons?" William asked, shocked. "They're knee highs, Willy. Just like socks. Don't be a pain in the butt." She grabbed his left foot, pulled off his sock and slid the stocking up his leg, easily getting maneuvering the stocking under the wide bell bottom. Then she slid the shoe onto his foot with ease. "There. Perfect." She grabbed the other stocking and attempted to lift his right foot, but William shouted out an alarm. "Wait! Wait! I can't stand on that heel. It's too high!" "You're kidding, right?" His sister looked disgusted. "I wear a two inch heel for casual clothes and that's a pretty chunky heel. Just man-up and at least be as tough as a girl for a moment." William was about to rise to Angie's insult and engage in an argument, but Kateri intervened. "Ok, Billy," she said as she grabbed a chair. "Just sit for a minute so Angie can get your other shoe and sock onto you." William sat and his sister worked quickly, getting the sock off and the stocking and shoe on easily. When he stood, the heels felt odd, but not uncomfortable. At Kateri's encouragement, he walked around a bit and found that they were quite easy to maneuver in. "No so bad, huh?" Kateri asked as she put her arms around him and looked down into his eyes. "And look - you're taller." William actually liked that part, a lot. Especially when, without warning, Kateri laid a warm, soft kiss on his lips. "Look at how tall you are, babe. I like it." She smiled warmly at him and he felt like he was melting from the inside out. She turned and grabbed the suit jacket and held it open for him. He slipped his arms in, surprised to find that the jacket, too, had a soft, silky, nylon lining. William buttoned the one button and the front and asked, "Well? What do you think? Do I look stupid in this?" "Hmm," Kateri mulled. She unbuttoned his jacket button and mulled some more. "Leave the coat unbuttoned. It looks too much like a woman's jacket when it's buttoned. Other than that, though, we just need a few tweaks, add in the mustache and spray on hair color and you'll be perfect!" "What kind of tweaks?" William asked, concerned. "Well..." Kateri looked closely at his outfit. "Your blouse... shirt... is very sheer. I can see your tee shirt through it and I can also see it thru the opening at the neckline. We need something black under it that has a V-neck collar." "Oh, I have the perfect thing!" Angela said, with enthusiasm. "Want me to go grab it?" "No, no. As long as he has it Friday morning. The other problem is your rump." "My what?" William squinted at his girlfriend, uncertain as to what she said. "Your ass, silly," Angela said as she moved behind him to take a look. "What's wrong with it?" He was straining to see, but couldn't turn his head far enough. "Oh, yeah," Angela looked and nodded in agreement with Kateri. "You can see the lines of his underwear as clear as day." "So..., how do we fix that?" William asked, concerned. "There must be tighty-whities that don't leave a panty line," Kateri shrugged. "I'll see what I can find online. Luckily, we have a few days. Other than that," she smiled at William, "you are going to make a very convincing Sonny to my Cher." She kissed his cheek and smiled broadly. "Come on. Let's get you into your regular clothes and we can go out to dinner." XXX The week went by pretty quickly. William was busy with the accounts and before he knew it, it was Thursday afternoon. He'd hardly laid eyes on Kateri all week. She had a deadline looming for a new game and she was working all day with the design team and well into the evening. It was after four when Kateri stuck her head into the office and said, "Hey. Sorry I haven't been accessible this week. You understand, right?" "Yeah, yeah," William smiled, grateful to even have a couple of minutes to talk with her. "I've been busy with the new payroll system, too. I'll be happy when all the glitches are worked out and I don't have to check every single row of the payroll report every single week." Kateri nodded. "Now, about tomorrow..." Deep down, William had hoped that this whole costume thing was going to be forgotten. Being a small guy, he was always concerned about doing anything embarrassing. He had heard lots of people chatting about their costumes all week and they all seemed pretty silly, so he hoped that this whole Sonny and Cher thing wouldn't attract too much attention. He waited for Kateri to continue. "... I was thinking that I could come over to your house around seven tomorrow morning, help you to get dressed and then we could come to work together. How does that sound?" "Oh... umm... great, I guess," William shrugged. "And, Billy, I heard that Lorraine has booked a function room at the Continental Hotel for dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the release of 'Hollow Moon 6.' She has a karaoke setup and everything. Would you be ok going there for a while after work?" Great, more costume stuff. He tried to think of a reason to back out of it, but that would mean not spending the evening with Kateri, so... "Yeah, I guess that would be ok. Sure." Kateri smiled and seemed relieved. "Thanks, babe. I'm sure you'll have a great time, once you get there." He just smiled and nodded. Just then, someone else spoke. "May I interrupt?" It was Loraine, the CEO of the company. "Sure," Kateri smiled. "I have to get back to my team anyway. See you in the morning, babe." William wasn't sure, but he thought that he saw Kateri and Loraine wink at each other as Kateri walked away. Loraine looked at William and raised her eyebrows. "Babe, huh? Sounds serious." He blushed and shrugged. "I guess..." "None of my business," she chuckled. "Look, Bill, I know that we've talked about this before, but I feel as if there is some reason that you are avoiding hiring another person or two for this department." It was true. William was very uncomfortable with the idea of hiring anyone - not that he wouldn't love the help, but he really wasn't comfortable with the idea of interviewing and hiring someone. He just didn't feel qualified to chose the right person. "I know, Loraine. I'm sorry, I really am. I guess I just keep getting wrapped up in the work and that falls to the side. I'll try to find some on ASAP." "Well, there's no need to do that, now," She smiled at him. "I've found the perfect intern for you. She's top of her class, eager to learn and ready to start right now." William was relieved that he didn't have to hire anyone, but... "That's great, but... Right now!? I mean, it's almost the end of the day and tomorrow's only a half day of work... I'll be spending all of that time just teaching her the job, and I've got lots of work to do before the end of the week. Wouldn't it be better if she started on Monday?" "No, I don't think so, William. To be honest, as good as you are at your job, I think that we need to rein in some of your obsessive tendencies before you develop an ulcer. So, I am going to bring your intern in here and you will spend the next," she checked her watch, "forty seven minutes showing her around the office. Tomorrow morning, you can figure out how to utilize her skills and get her prepared to be a productive part of the Firefly team." Loraine had always been rather 'hands off' when it came to how William ran his little department. This new attitude caught him a bit off guard. "With all due respect, Loraine, I'm not sure that I know how to incorporate another person into my process. Couldn't I just..." Loraine stood straighter and put her hands on her hips. "William..." she spoke as if she was a fourth grade teacher scolding a student, "I have gone to a great deal of effort to find just the right person to work with you. Now, I respect your work and your ethics, but I am concerned that you may work yourself so hard that you'll make yourself sick and where would we be then? I want a safety net, Bill. Someone who knows how this company and your systems work so that there is never a lapse in this department. I hate to be this way, Bill, but this is my company and my call. I like this girl and I am hopeful that her time spent here as an intern may lead to a full time job with us after she graduates." He just nodded, a bit defeated, and looked at his desk. Feeling a little ashamed to have been chastised in that manner. "Oh, don't sulk, Bill," Loraine huffed. "She's a great kid and you two have an awful lot in common." William let put a frustrated laugh. "What could I possibly have in common with a college intern?" Loraine smiled and looked down the hallway. In a louder voice, she called. "Come on down and meet your supervisor." Then she looked at William and answered his question. "How about the same address?" "What?" William asked as he looked up and saw his younger sister stepping into his office. "I believe you two know each other," Loraine grinned. Angela was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she smiled at her brother. "Hi, Willy. Surprise!" William was speechless. His mouth hung open as he looked from his sister to his boss and back again. Actually confused by the awkwardness of the situation, Loraine excused herself. "Well... I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about, so I will just leave you to it. Good luck, Angie. Bill... show her the ropes." Then she walked away. Angela looked around the small office and tried to not feel bad that her brother had not seemed pleased that she was his new intern. "What... what are you doing her?" William finally asked, completely flummoxed by the situation. "I'm your intern," she said as if it was the only possible answer. "I'm here to learn and to help... if I can." "Yeah, but..." he collapsed back into his chair. "Ang, you're my sister. You shouldn't be interning with me. Why didn't you...? You should have asked me about this before you came in!" "I didn't know that this was where I was assigned until I got here, Willy. Honest! I picked up my assignment in the intern office at school this morning. It was just an address and Lorraine's name. I didn't know you worked here until I was waiting at reception and Kat saw me and came out to talk to me. "Kateri knew and didn't tell me!?" "Only since I got here about a half hour ago. Honest. She introduced me to Loraine and put in a good word for me and... here I am!" William shook his head and looked anywhere but at his sister. Finally, Angela said, "Ok. I get it. I'm not wanted here. I'll go back to school and ask for another internship. That's fine. I'll see you at home." She turned and walked out of his office. William sat at his desk, frustrated beyond all belief, until leaping up and running down the hall, catching Angela just before she reached Loraine's office. "Angie. Angie... Look... I'm sorry. This caught me by surprise and... you know me. Come on back to my office and we'll work it out." Angela looked at her brother and shook her head. "Willy... I don't want to be where I'm not wanted and I certainly don't want to waste my internship someplace where I'm not going to learn anything. So, maybe I should just go." "No, no..." William shook his head. "Ang... now that I think about it... if I have to work with someone, then I'd rather work with you than anyone else. I'm sorry. I just... you know me, Ang... I'm sorry. Come on. Work with me. Ok?" Finally, his sister's face softened. "Ok. Thanks, Willy." "It's, umm, Bill here, Ang. Ok? Willy doesn't sound grown up." Angela was going to make a remark about how William had never really 'grown up' to kid him about his short stature, but chose to keep those remarks to herself... for now, anyway. "You got the internship!?" Kateri appeared out of nowhere and threw her arms around the younger woman. "I did. Thanks so much, Kat," Angela returned the hug. "Oh, forget it. I didn't do anything except tell Loraine how awesome you are. You did the rest. Isn't this great, Billy? Now, you have a ride to and from work and someone you already get along with to help in accounts! It's perfect, right?" William smiled and nodded. It wasn't that he didn't love Angela - he did. It wasn't that he didn't want to help her - he did. It wasn't that he didn't need help in Accounting - he did. It just all seemed to be thrown onto him so suddenly. He would adjust, though. He knew he would. He'd have to. XXX Friday morning came quickly. William had ended up taking an Uber home on Thursday, despite having his sister working with him. After work, Kateri and Angela had gone out to get Angie a costume to wear to work on Friday. William had been invited to join them, but chose instead to go home and digest everything that had happened in the last hour of work. His plans to go to bed early were thwarted when Angela and Kateri burst into the house with her inexpensive Cleopatra costume and engaged William and his mother in ways to improve on the bagged costume. His mother had busied both herself and William in fetching and applying makeup and jewelry and different shoes to Angela's look. There was also a lot of teasing about William's costume for the next day. He hadn't mentioned it to his mother, so she knew that he was a little embarrassed about it. That made his costume fair game for teasing - and she teased him incessantly. It was also his mother's first meeting with Kateri, so the requisite teasing about William's childhood was fair game, too. It was past midnight when William had laid down his head on his pillow and another hour or so before he'd reconciled his new work situation. Now, at six thirty, an hour earlier than usual, he was nibbling on his toast and sipping his orange juice, dreading the day ahead. "Ta da!" Angela said as she appeared in the kitchen. She then proceeded to 'walk like a Egyptian' to the refrigerator. "Shouldn't you be getting ready? Kat will be here soon to get you dressed." "I have nothing to prepare until she gets here with everything," William shrugged, but his mother entered the room with a brush, a towel and a bag full of spray cans and corrected him. "Yes, you do." She smiled. "Kateri asked me to color your hair for you, so sit down and let's get started." Heaving a heavy sigh, he sat in a kitchen chair and his mother wrapped the towel around his shoulders. Then, she used the brush to under comb his hair and began applying the spray-on color. "It smells funny," he complained. "Will I smell like this all day?" "Oh, do stop whining, Willie," his mother said, with way too much exhaustion in her voice. "You'll get used to it." When the doorbell rang, Angela ran to get it. William could hear Kateri apologizing for coming a bit early. "I just can't wait to get Billy dressed and get to work. I love these team-spirit-days." Seconds later, Angie and Kateri were in the kitchen as well. "Wow! That looks great! Maybe you should try dying your hair black for real, Billy. It looks great!" Kateri removed her coat revealing a very revealing gown beneath. William was about to argue about coloring his hair, but the way that the gown covered, or failed to cover, Kateri left him just muttering, "Whoa..." "You like?" Kateri smiled at his reaction and turned slowly so he could see the dress from every angle. "Kat, you look amazing!" Angela laughed. "Willy, you'd better not let her out of your sight today." "It looks even better when I put on the wig," Kateri giggled at Angie's remark. "I'll do that before we leave." The dress was a long, not exactly body hugging, but certainly body flattering, white silk, halter top dress that had a plunging neckline that went all the way to just above her belly button. Her back was fully exposed, all the way to just above her buttocks, and there was a slit in the dress' skirt that exposed her legs to her upper thighs when she chose to allow it to... or whenever she walked. It also provided a good deal of side-boob to be exposed as well. "You're wearing that to work?" William asked, shocked. "Why? Don't you like it?" "I love it," William admitted, "but... it's awful sexy for work, isn't it?" The women laughed. "Trust me, Billy. There will be a lot of women dressed a lot sexier than this," Kateri chuckled. "Some will be downright slutty. Trust me. I bet there are sexy cops, sexy nurses, sexy Alice in Wonderlands, sexy... you name it. This will be nothing." Suddenly, William noticed that what was being sprayed onto his hair was different smelling than the hair color. "What's that?" He asked his mother. "Hairspray," she said, matter of factly. "You don't usually wear your hair this way. You need a little spray to hold it in place." "Oh, that looks so good," Kateri smiled as she dug into her bags. "Here. Let's add the mustache." She pulled the prosthetic mustache from her bag, plead spirit gum onto the latex back and applied the hair piece to William's upper lip. The look was uncanny. He truly did look a lot like the deceased entertainer/congressman. "Oh, this is going to be great! Come on, babe. Let's get you dressed." "Just use the living room," his mother instructed. "Angie and I will stay here in the kitchen." "Thanks!" Kateri grabbed her bags and hustled William into the next room. "Oh, Angie, do you have that thing to wear under the blouse?" "Yes, it's on the back of the couch." "Perfect! Kateri called back from the living room. Then she pulled some items from her bag and turned to William. "Here," she handed him a pair of new knee high stockings. "Put these on first." He sat on the sofa and removed his normal socks, replacing them with these, very thin, black hose that went far up on his shins to just below his knees. They were very soft and felt just a bit naughty and sexy to be wearing. He was thinking about the socks when Kateri handed him a pair of beige underwear. "Put these on, too. I'll turn my back." She instructed. William looked at the garment and felt his stomach tighten. "Wait... these are women's panties." "Billy, come on. Their brand new, boy cut briefs. They're almost identical to your tighty-whities." "They're silky." "They're nylon. They don't create panty lines. I couldn't find any men's drawers that were designed to eliminate panty lines. Women's slacks require different undergarments. When you wore your regular briefs the other day, we could see the lines they created as clear as day. Come on, put them on. We don't have much time." He huffed, but figured that no one would know, anyway, so he dropped his pants and jockey shorts and pulled on the new underwear, a bit shocked by the sensuousness of the fabric. They felt very nice. So nice, in fact that he needed to keep his hands in front of himself to keep Kateri from seeing just how nice they felt. "Ok. They're on." "Ok. Now this," Kateri turned and she was holding the black, nylon chemise that Angela had left on the couch. It had spaghetti straps and a V shaped neckline with black lace all over the bodice. "No! I'm not wearing that!" William said with uncharacteristic vehemence. "It's just like an undershirt," Kateri insisted, "and you need it with the blouse... the shirt. The material's too sheer on that." "Then let's stop at Target on the way to work and I'll run in an buy a man's black V neck tee shirt." "We can't, Billy." Kat was getting miffed at his resistance. "I bought a man's V neck shirt and the neckline is too shallow. That button on the blouse... I mean the top - only buttons up so far, then there's no more buttons. This will work and no one will see it. Just put it on." "Just put it on, Willy!" Both Angela and her mother called from the kitchen, having heard the raised voices in the living room. "But it's all covered in..." he tried to protest. "Just put it on!" They shouted again. "Fine!" William was angry. This all seemed contrived to embarrass him and being embarrassed was something that William hated. Reluctantly, he pulled the garment over his head. Just like the underwear, it was soft and silky, but unlike the briefs, it hung loosely and fluttered against his skin. It was a very odd feeling. "Satisfied?" Kateri smiled as she held the blouse open for him and he slid his arms into it. She buttoned up the garment for him, then held open his pants so that he could step into them. She pulled them up his legs and guided the zipper up his left hip. She then inspected the clothing. "See? No panty lines. That looks much better." She didn't mention, though, that his skin was still visible through the blouse, so it was obvious that the chemise he was wearing beneath it had a distinguishable bra shape to it. That was something he didn't need to know and as long as he kept the jacket on, no one would notice. She slid the jacket onto his shoulders and then said, "Sit down and I'll get your shoes onto you." "I can do it myself," William said, snatching the heeled shoes from her. "Fine," she shrugged, releasing them. "I'll go put on my wig." She exited into the kitchen. A few seconds later, William's mother entered the living room to find her son struggling to stand up from the couch due to his heels. "Here, let me help you." She chuckled as she offered him two hands and pulled him to an upright position. "These are ridiculous." He scoffed as he re-familiarized himself with the shoes. "Those are nothing, Willy. They're only an inch and a half or two inches high. Just walk around for a minute and you'll get used to them." His mother said dismissively. "This whole thing is just stupid," he spat as he started to walk around in the alien feeling foot wear. His mother looked to the kitchen to be sure that they were alone, then in a scolding whisper said, "Listen to me, William. That woman really likes you and you told me yourself that you really like her. Now, this costume thing is obviously something that she enjoys and wants you to enjoy as well. Now, you can be a sulky, pissy little brat and ruin her day, or you can suck it up and make her happy and maybe, just maybe, have some fun along the way, too. So, what do you want to do? Ruin the day for everyone and maybe end up having a fight with a beautiful woman who just wants to be with you, or be a good sport for a day and make her happy?" William let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that his mother was right. "Ok. I'm sorry. I'll... be a good sport." "Good choice." She said, just as Kateri and Angela entered the living room. "Oh, you're walking very well in those!" Kateri clapped. "Are they comfortable?" "No bad at all," William forced a smile as he looked at Kateri, looking even more sexy in her Cher wig and very high heeled sandals, than she had before. "You look amazing, Kat." 'Oh, well, thank you, Billy. That's nice of you to say, but to be honest, I don't think I like you with a mustache. Even the dark hair isn't as cute as your real hair. I like your light brown mop and clean shaved face much better." "Yeah," Angela laughed. "You definitely have a Super Mario Brothers vibe going on with the dark hair and big mustache." "Before you go," William's mother interrupted before William could respond to Angela, "let me get some pictures of the three of you to show my friends." William and Angela moved instinctively to the fireplace where every special event photo had been taken throughout their entire life so their mother could take pictures of all three of them together, Angela alone, and then William and Kateri together. In all, she took several dozen pictures before Kateri noticed the time. "Oh, Geez, we need to go. Send me those pictures, please. Come on, guys. Let's go. Angie, you can ride with us." "Cool!" Angela smiled as she grabbed her purse and coat. "Hey!" William had a revelation. "I don't have anyplace to carry my wallet and keys." "Just throw them in here," his mother said, as she grabbed his satchel from the inside of the hall closet door. "Oh, ok." He pulled his personal items from his trousers and shoved them into his satchel, then headed out the door behind his girlfriend and sister, absentmindedly buttoning the jacket's one button on the way out. It was at that moment that his mother realized how high the pleats on the back of the jacket were. There was no doubting that her son was wearing a woman's suit. The funny thing was, though, it seemed to fit him much better than any suit she'd ever seen him wear before. XXX There was a carnival atmosphere in the office that morning. Kateri had been correct. Everyone was participating at some level. Just on his walk to his office, William saw at least a half dozen men in dresses and a good chunk of the female staff was revealing more leg and breast than he would have expected to see at a night club. "Bill," he heard his name called and turned to see his boss dressed in a white, off the shoulder peasant blouse, a blue bustier and a purple skirt, with huge, hoop earrings and a long, full black wig. She stared at her accountant for a moment and smiled. "Well, I'm glad to see that you've gotten into the spirit of things. I'm guessing you're Sonny from Sonny and Cher, right?" William nodded. "And Kat is Cher, then?" Another nod. "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure who you're supposed to be," he said honestly. "Oh," she laughed. "I'm Esmerelda from 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame.' You, know? The Disney movie?" When William's face didn't register any recognition she sang, quietly, "'God help the outcasts, hungry from birth. Show them the mercy...' never mind. Just take my word for it - I'm Esmerelda. Anyway, I need you to come to a meeting in the conference room at ten, ok? You know Tess from marketing? Well, she's got a promotion proposal she'd like to discuss and I'd like your take on her numbers." "Ok, sure," William smiled, happy to be of service. He was very proud of the work he did for Firefly and when, on a few occasions, he'd been invited into meetings like this, he felt like his work was valued. Loraine looked around and asked, "Where's your intern, Bill? You didn't scare her off, did you?" William smiled. "No. I tried, but she doesn't scare easily. She's in the ladies' room. I walked her through the basics of the payroll software yesterday. She seemed to pick it up pretty quickly. I think she'll do fine." "Excellent," Loraine nodded. "Ten o'clock in the conference room." William nodded and continued to his office. He spent the first forty five minutes of the day explaining how he organized things to Angela and then, at just about nine forty five, there was a polite knock on the door frame as Tess from marketing entered his office. Tess was a remarkably beautiful woman - tall, athletic looking, with shoulder length red hair and a smile that she used to get her way with both men and women, but she was also very, very good at her job and took it very seriously. When she ran a meeting, it was always well planned and efficiently run. Like so many people at Firefly, Tess was uniquely talented to do her job. "Hey, Bill, I understand that you're going to sit in on the meeting," she started before looking up and seeing an unfamiliar face in the room - an unfamiliar face wearing the exact same costume as she wore. "Oh, who's this, Bill, and why is she wearing my costume." Tess smiled at her own teasing. "There's only room for one Cleopatra in this office." William looked up, a little concerned that Tess was serious. "Oh, Tess, umm, this is my sister, Angela. She's interning with me for the next few months. Tess, Angela. Angela, Tess." Tess extended a hand to Angie. "Nice to meet you, Angela. So, you're an accounting major?" "Accounting and marketing," Angela smiled as she shook the woman's firm, well manicured hand. "Marketing?" Tess smiled. "Perhaps you should spend some time in my department while you're here. There's only six of us over there, but we get quite a bit done." "Oh, wow, thank you." Angela's smile was broad and delighted. "After I get accustomed to things here, I'd really like to see how you operate your department, too." Tess nodded. "Excellent, but only if Bill can spare you. Umm, Bill, here are my figures regarding the marketing of the new game. I would have gotten them to you earlier if I knew that Loraine was looking for an update so quickly." "No problem," William nodded as he took the folder from Tess. "There's a summary on page twelve. I know that I'm not giving you much lead time, but if you have any questions, corrections, suggestions, whatever, at the meeting, just let me know. Ok?" William kept his nose in the document. "Ok. Sounds good. This looks pretty straight forward, though. Thanks, Tess." "No, thank you for understanding, Bill. I'll see you at the meeting. You should bring Angela along, too. Seeing us working collaboratively will be interesting, I'm sure." William looked up, then looked at Angie as if he'd forgotten she was there. "Oh, yeah, good idea. Angie, come to the meeting. Just sit to the side and see how we work." Tess smiled at Angela who smiled back, grateful to be included. Then Tess said, "Ok. I'll see you at the meeting." XXX The meeting was attended by Loraine, William, Tess and two other women from her department and a representative of the research and development department and, of course, Angela, who sat to the side and took notes on everything that was happening. Tess' proposal was elaborate and costly, but did capture the concept of the game. If her planned media blitz and social media placement scheme worked, then her sales projections seemed very possible. Tess had always been right on the money in previous marketing plans, so everyone was more or less willing to defer to her ideas, but there were still questions, primarily from Loraine and William. The meeting included 'coffee and' for the participants. William wasn't a big fan of sweets, but he did have some tea. Within a few sips, though, he was having to push his fake mustache back into place. The combination of the heat from the tea and the movement of his lips was causing the spirit gum adhesive to weaken and as a result, the prosthetic hair piece was no longer staying on his face. "Do me a favor, Bill," Loraine smiled at him, "just take that mustache off and set it aside. I'm watching you instead of listening to Tess. So, please, just set it aside for now." She chuckled at this silliness of her own request. There were some chuckles from everyone else, too, so William pulled the hair piece off of his upper lip with a quiet, "Ouch." As the meeting stretched to an hour, the room became stuffy and, being the only male in the room, and the only one who wore a jacket as a general rule, William absentmindedly removed his suit coat and placed it on the chair behind him. This allowed all of the women present to see the puffy sleeves, puffy cuffs, sheer material and the outline of the feminine garment beneath. A sisterly smile passed among them all, except for Angela who continued to document the meeting for her report back to her college advisor. Lorraine was, once again, distracted by her accountant, but this time it was because she was looking at his bowl-cut style hair and the way that the blouse fitted him so well and she was thinking that William was a pretty odd looking little man, but he actually presented as a rather pretty young woman. "So," William looked up from his notes as Tess finished her presentation, "your numbers indicate that we can expect that we will be selling a minimum of five hundred thousand units within the first ninety days, correct?" "I'd say that is a conservative estimate, Bill, yes," Tess confirmed. William nodded and looked at his employer. "Then we should be good. This is a pricier campaign than you've ever done before, but you'll cover your costs at three hundred and seventy two thousand units, so if Tess' numbers are correct, we're in good shape." "Actually, Bill," Tess said, "We should cover costs at two hundred and seventy five units." Bill shook his head. "No, Tess, but I can see where you came up with that number. See, you didn't take into account the cost of..." For the next five minutes, William went on and on about labor costs, shipping fees, taxes, etc, etc. When he was done, Tess blinked a few times, then looked at Loraine. "I stand corrected." Loraine smiled and nodded, then looked at Angela and said, "And that, Angela, is why we are such a good team. If no one else has anything to add...?" She waited a moment, "...then I think we're done. Let's meet again next Thursday and we'll go through everything one more time before the campaign launches and I expect that at least a coupe, of our investors will be attending as well. There's a lot of interest in this campaign, so I've invited them all to attend if they'd like,. By the way, you all look great - Tess and Angela, I guess you two need to call each other before next Friday to check to be sure that you don't wear the same outfits again, and Bill, without the mustache and jacket, you actually look a lot like Natalie Portman used to when she had a little pixie cut." She smiled at her own joke. "What?" William looked up from his notes, confused. "I was thinking Anne Hathaway in those few years after Les Miserables when her hair was short, too," Tess laughed. "Of course, you'd have to pad out your bra a bit, for Anne Hathaway." "What!?" William looked at himself, shocked that he'd been careless enough to have taken off his jacket. "I'm not wearing a bra!" Tess looked more closely. "Oh, sorry. I guess it's your chemise I see through your blouse." "My...?" William grabbed his jacket and quickly slid into it. "I'm sorry, Loraine... Tess. I never... I mean... this is all Kateri's idea. I never would have... I never should have worn a costume to work. I'm sorry." Both women let out nervous chuckles, more uncomfortable at having embarrassed him than anything else. "Bill," Loraine explained, "we didn't mean to embarrass you and there is no need to apologize, for heaven's sake. It's a costume day. It's meant to be fun. Relax. I was, honestly, just making an observation snd trying to pay you a compliment. Neither of us meant to embarrass you." William stood and nodded as he gathered the folders and extra papers that he'd accumulated during the meeting. "Ok. I'm sorry if I over reacted, I'm just... I'm just not into these kinds of things." "Well, we'll need to change that, then," Tess smiled. "Won't we, Angie?" For the first time since the meeting began, Angela spoke. "What? Oh, yeah, I guess we will. Come on, Willy. Relax." "That's the spirit," Loraine smiled. "Tess, Bill, excellent work from both of you. Thank you. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the day." Tess and Loraine left the room and William took a deep breath. Then he looked at his sister with a very accusing glare. "Relax? I suppose you think this is hilarious, don't you?" "What?" Angela said, caught off guard. "Willy, you took off your jacket, not me, so don't go getting mad at me for this. Besides, it's no big deal." "Maybe not for you, Angie, but it's a big deal for me. When you're a little guy, you can't give anyone the opportunity to look down on you. You should have reminded me know that you could see through this shirt." "First off, it's a blouse, not a shirt, Willy, and secondly, we did tell you that we could see through it when you tried it on the other day. That's why you're wearing the chemise in the first place. Thirdly, this is my first staff meeting EVER and I wasn't exactly concerned with what you looked like in your pretty, feminine blouse. I was taking notes so I could write up a report for my advisor at school." Angie's volume had gotten a bit louder since she'd started speaking and the last thing that William wanted was another embarrassing event at work, so he took a deep breath and spoke quietly. "Ok. I'm sorry, you're right. Let's just go back to my office and finish up what we were doing before the meeting. I suspect that this afternoon is going to be a useless, with all of this 'team building' stuff. Come on." He was correct about the afternoon not a very productive time. Loraine provided lunch for everyone and from there on out, the day was pretty much a waste of time. Officially, there was no booze served in the office, but a lot of people acted as if they were pretty drunk. William tried to stay to the side of the chaos, but Kateri kept dragging him into the center of things. When she realized that his mustache was falling off pretty regularly, she produced some spirit gum adhesive that she'd brought, just in case, and reattached it. In fact, she had to do that twice more before they left to continue the party at the nearby hotel. "Next time we have to attach something to you," Kateri joked as they drove to the hotel with Angela in the back seat, "I'll have to get something stronger than spirit gum." The party at the hotel was shockingly fun for William. He was never a 'party guy,' mostly because he had never chosen to attend a real party, even on those few occasions when he'd been invited. After a couple of glasses of rum and Coke, he began to enjoy the evening. There were some team building games that he really enjoyed, followed by a trivia competition, which his table won, then dinner and karaoke. Having never actually attending a karaoke party before, he assumed that he'd hate the whole event, but he found that he had a very good time. A couple of people sang very well, but most were only just ok, yet they made up for what they lacked in talent with lots and lots and lots of enthusiasm. One guy, a game designer named Tor, dressed Madonna, with the big, cone shaped breasts, performed 'Vogue' pretty badly, but he put on a heck of a show. A woman named Lucille who wore a cowboy outfit, sang Kenny Roger's song, 'You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me, Lucille,' with a great deal of vim. Tess and Angie even did a very good job on 'Walk Like an Egyptian.' "Alright!" the DJ who was running the karaoke show said, with a lot of enthusiasm. "Next up is Kat and Bill singing 'I've Got You, Babe.'" William's eyes opened wide as Kateri stood and pulled him, reluctantly, behind her. "I don't know that song!" He insisted. "Everyone knows that song," Kateri laughed and within a few seconds, William was standing on the stage with a microphone in his hand. He looked at Kateri with wide eyes. She smiled and, in a whisper, sang the first phrase of the song into his ear. "Don't worry," she added, "I'll sing with you." He started tentatively, with Kat singing with him, "They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow. Well, I don't know if all that's true Cause you got me and baby I got you. Babe I got you babe. I got you babe. I got you babe." From there, it got easier and by the time they reached the end of the song, William was relaxed and enjoying himself. So much so, that when everyone applauded for them, he wanted nothing more than to have Kateri sign them up for another song, which she did, and much later they sang 'Can't Stop The Feelin'' by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick. Again, he had a great time and all of his colleagues, these people with whom he'd worked for months, but had never gotten to know, were applauding and patting him on the back for doing such a good job and being such a good sport. By ten thirty, when it was time to head home, William had had the best evening of his life and did not want to see it end. As they were preparing to leave, Angela, who they'd not seen for a while, appeared and said, "Hey, guys, umm... Tess offered me a ride home, and I'm going to go with her, ok? I think we're going to take a detour for a drink on the way, so... I guess I'll see you when I see you, alright?" "Oh... ok," William nodded. "Maybe you should text mom, though. Just so she doesn't worry." As he spoke, his mustache fell off for about the fifteenth, and certainly the final, time that evening. "Yeah, sure," Angela smiled as she picked up the prosthetic hair piece and kissed his cheek. "Thanks. I think you need some stronger glue in the future." Then she kissed Kateri's cheek as well before hurrying back across the room. "That's weird, isn't it?" William said to Kateri. "I don't think Tess lives anywhere near my mom's place." Kateri shook her head and smiled. "Billy, look over by the exit." He did and he saw Tess standing with two of the younger guys from the company. Both programmers and both very good looking. "Tess and Angie are going out with Andy and Rich," Kateri explained. William's eyes opened wide. "Oh, no. She's just a kid, Kat. I can't let that happen." He started to go in the direction of the exit, but Kateri stopped him. "Billy. She's twenty two years old and she's not stupid. They're not going to a hotel room or anything, they're just going to have a good time. They're young, they're having fun and they're wearing silly costumes. Let them be." William took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok." Then he sighed and said, "I hope she makes good decisions because if she doesn't, my mother will kill me." XXX The ride from the hotel was short and William was still a bit high on having truly enjoyed himself for the first time, so he didn't pay much attention to anything until Kateri pulled into the driveway of a small cottage in a nice part of town. William looked out the window and asked, "Where are we?" Kateri smiled. "This is my place. Do you want to come in?" He thought for a moment. This was a big step, wasn't it? He knew that they weren't just there to have coffee and a tour of the house. This was... the next level. Was this the right thing to do? He looked at his girlfriend and, after a moment, said, "Yes. I'd love to come in." They both smiled for a moment before getting out of the car and heading in. The house was warm and inviting, inside. Most of the furniture was older, but in very good condition. The house and its d?cor had an early twentieth century vibe to it. Lots of wood, a handsome fireplace and mantle, bright linoleum on the kitchen floor - kind of like a grandma's house, but Kateri's love of technology was also present in the oversized television and multi-screen computer on the craftsman style desk. William started to say how lovely the house was, but his speech was muffled when Kateri planted her lips on his in a passionate kiss. Before he could get his arms up to wrap them around her neck, she was frantically pulling his jacket off and caressing the smooth material of the blouse he wore and the silky material beneath. When, finally, Kateri pulled back and ended the kiss, she turned and pulled William by the hand. "Come on. The bedroom is over here." Still breathless as they entered the bedroom, William was shocked, when she dropped her gown to the floor, revealing just a pair of black silk panties. Then she turned and lifted him fully off the floor and depositing him onto the bed. Her first order of business was to untie and remove the chunky, two inch heeled shoes he'd been wearing. They soon dropped to the floor with a thud, then she unzipped the zipper on William's left hip and pulled the pants free. William was about to pull off the panties he was wearing, but Kateri stopped him. "No! Leave those on, please." She climbed onto the bed and straddled him then began slowly unbuttoning his blouse. "I have been fantasizing about you in these clothes, all day." She whispered. That seemed odd to William. "Really? Why?" "Are you kidding?" She giggled. "Having my boyfriend dressed in heels and silky underwear... Billy, that is so damned sexy." She gently opened the front of the blouse revealing the black silk and lace garment below. "Very, very, very sexy." William let out a shocked gasp when, without warning, Kateri bent over and took his left nipple and the material covering it into her mouth and began to nibble and tongue it with unbridled zeal. He gasped even louder when her left hand clamped onto his right nipple and began to caress it, using the silky material to excite him. Having only been intimate with a woman on a couple of occasions prior to this, and certainly he'd never actually been THIS intimate, William was far beyond his comfort zone in this situation, but the feelings were so overwhelming that he chose to just lay back and see what developed. Far too soon, Kateri sat back and looked down at her lover with a playful, yet loving, smile. "You look absolutely adorable in that." William tried to catch his breath. "In what? The costume?" Kat shook her head slowly. "In that. In silk and lace, Billy. I've never been with a guy who was wearing sexier lingerie than me and I like it. I like it a lot, babe. You are a sexy, little man." The word 'little' may have stung just a bit, but all thoughts of that disappeared when Kateri began to massage his penis through the silky panties. Her ministrations were masterful, but the exotic feel of the material brought William to the edge of excitement far too quickly. "You... you should stop, now," he managed to grunt in a low whisper as he felt himself reaching a dangerous level of excitement. "Why?" She smiled down at him. "We have all night and you're already too excited to just to get into things. Don't try to pretend that you don't find these clothes sexy, too. Even these," she raised herself so that she could reach beneath and caress the smooth, black, opaque, knee high stockings he wore, "are soft and sexy. Every man should experience the sensations of silk and nylon and lace. It's wonderful, isn't it?" She raised her hand back to his penis again and began to increase the speed of her caresses. When he closed his eyes and groaned even louder, Kateri bent low again and resumed suckling on his breasts. He was starting to fidget and buck beneath her and she whispered. "That's it, baby. Just let it go. Let it go into those pretty little panties for me. That's it. That's it." He exploded as he'd never exploded before. It seemed to last for minutes and he soaked the panties with his seed, but Kateri kept coaxing him all the way through his release, both with her soft, gentle touch and her whispers of, "That's it. Good boy. Let it all out, baby. My pretty little boy. Let it out." When, at last, he was fully spent, Kateri finally stopped and sat back on his legs. "There. Now we can relax for a while and then, in a couple of hours, we'll do it for real." She climbed off of him and slipped her fingers into the waist band of his soiled boy shorts. "Come on, now. Lift your butt and let me get these messy panties off of you." Feeling a bit childish, he did as instructed, marveling at the beauty of Kateri's breasts as he did so. She pulled the panties free and used them to wipe up any stickiness still on the skin of his groin. Then she offered him her hand. "Come on, baby. Let's take a quick shower and get all of the dye out of your hair. Then we can get comfortable." A shower? This was new! William had never been invited to shower with a woman before. He followed her into the bathroom, where a surprise awaited. If all of the rest of Kateri's house was a perfect example of craftsman design, her bathroom was a luxurious, modern spa. The entire wall opposite the room's entrance was a huge walk-in shower with two overhead shower heads and side jets as well. "Whoa..." William gasped, involuntarily at the impressive plumbing. "I know, huh?" Kateri chuckled as she pulled her panties down and reached into the shower stall to start the flow of water and get the water temperature comfortable. "When I took out the mortgage for my house, I added some money so I could renovate this bathroom. I guess I went a little crazy." William heard her words, but was much more preoccupied with her perfect, smooth, hairless body. She was astonishingly beautiful and now she was moving casually about in all of her naked beauty as he stared, slack jawed and adoring. Kateri noticed his stare and smiled. She felt warm and sexy in his sight. She lowered her head and pulled him close, kissing him softly, possessively. "Do you like what you see?" William just nodded. 'Me too," she smiled again. She ran her hand along the back of the camisole and along the outline of the crack his rear end. "You look sexy as hell in lace, Billy. I mean that." William wanted to be insulted and wanted to be manly, but she'd just said he looked 'sexy as hell.' No one had ever said anything like that to him before and he really liked it. So, he blushed and smiled and said, "Thanks." 'Now, take off your cami and jump into the shower with me." Kateri gently pulled the camisole over his head, then into the shower they stepped, William still mesmerized by the beauty of his girlfriend. It took two shampooings to get all the black dye out of William's hair, and then Kateri insisted on having him condition it as well, insisting that the dye could damage it. While the fragrant conditioner worked on his follicles, William obliged Kateri by washing her back with a loofa and lavender soap. It was a terrible tease on Kateri's part. She could see quite easily that William was getting more and more excited as he did his work, but that was fine. That just meant that he'd be up for the rest of the evening. When the conditioner had finally been rinsed out and Kateri had been properly loofaed, Kateri stepped out of the stall first, grabbed two towels from the nearby closet and passed one to William. They dried themselves off and then Kateri pulled two more items out of the closet and handed one to William. It was a terrycloth item that seemed to be some kind of pouch with a wide elastic band around the opening. "What's this?" William asked, confused. "It's a turban, silly. Haven't you ever used one?" He shook his head. "No. What is it for?" She giggled at that. "Billy," she approached him and smiled down at him, "I could spend the next forty five minutes blow drying my hair, or I could just wrap it up into this turban and you and I could get right back to bed. Which would you prefer?" William swallowed and said, "I'd rather go back to bed." She gave him a soft kiss. "Me too. Watch." She bent at the waist, gathered her hair and twisted it into a swirl, then pulled the peach colored, turban style cap onto her head. "Tada! No wet hair to annoy us or get the pillows all wet. Go ahead. Put yours on." He blinked. "My hair isn't that long, though." "No, but it's still wet," Kateri mussed his shaggy mane as if he was a little boy. "Come on, just put it on. I don't want to sleep on wet pillows." She took the baby blue cap from him and positioned it onto his head, tucking stray hairs into the band. "There we go. Cute as a button." She poked his nose as she turned and walked back into the bedroom. William followed like a devoted puppy as she led him to her bureau. She rummaged around in a drawer for a moment, then pulled out a long, shiny, silky, pink negligee with dusky pink Roses embroidered around the neckline. She raised the nightgown over her head and let it fall luxuriously over her curves. Then she turned to William and struck a pose. "What do you think?" "Wow!" Was all William gasped. "You're really beautiful, Kat.' "Well, aren't you sweet," Kateri smiled. She turned her attention back into her drawer and rummaged again for a moment, then turned and handed William a neatly folded set of shiny, silky, baby blue pajamas. "For you." She grinned. "It matches your turban." He glanced at the pajamas and saw that the top was similar to the camisole he'd been wearing all day, spaghetti straps in a sweet baby blue color with lace dripping from the neckline. "These... these are women's pajamas." Kateri laughed. "You may have noticed, I am a woman, Billy. I only have women's pajamas. Besides, I think you'll look cute in them. It's just the two of us. Come on... what difference will it make? Indulge me." Considering that this beautiful woman standing before him and considering her willingness to go to bed with him, it seemed like wearing a silly little piece of clothing to make her happy was a small sacrifice. He shrugged and laid the pajama top on the bureau, then unfolded the bottoms. It was then that he realized that they were not long pajama pants, but blousy shorts, tap pants, in fact, with lace encircling the leg openings. He pulled the silky, soft trunks up and let the elastic waist rest where he normally wore his pants, but Kateri pulled them a little higher. 'These are meant to sit like this, baby," she smiled, then took a second to adjust the pants and 'accidentally' gently touched his suddenly reinvigorated organ. "They feel nice, don't they?" Not wanting to admit to the sensuous feel of the pjs, he nodded. "I guess." That was enough for Kateri. She smiled and held open the pajama top for William. He held up his arms and she dropped it in place. Both the top and bottoms were a few sizes too big for William's little, slender frame, but that didn't hinder Kateri's excitement. She'd never been with a man in lingerie before today and she was finding it all very exciting. Her previous relationships had all been very run of the mill - the guy was taller than her, he was always the one who made the decisions, he chose the restaurants and picked up the tabs - but her relationship with Billy had been different from the start. She had pursued him. She had taken him out. She always drove. She made more money than him, so she usually paid the tab at the restaurants. For the first time she realized that she was the dominant member of this relationship. In fact, she was the man. God, how exciting was that!? She ran a finger down his cheek, then gently lifted his chin so that she could lower her head and plant a very soft, warm kiss on his lips. "I know you might think this is silly, but I find you really sexy dressed like that." "Yeah, sure," William said with a nervous laugh. "I'm very serious, Billy. In fact, right now, you're about the sexiest thing I have ever seen." She slid the material covering her right breast to the side, revealing her beautiful breast and the small, perky nipple upon it. "Kiss my breast, Billy. Please. I really need you to put your lips right here, right now." William needed no further invitation. He obliged, immediately kissing and licking the perfect, perfect, perfect, womanly breast. He smelled the same floral soap and shampoo scents on Kateri that he smelled on himself, but those smells made her so much more exciting and enthralling than anything he'd ever inhaled before. All he wanted was her. To touch her. To feel her. To please her. To be hers. He could feel her body in front of him and her arms around him and he felt as if he had transcended his earthly life and become something more - something... that was hers. He didn't know why, he'd never done it before, he'd never even thought of it before, but he felt himself fall to his knees and in a frantic need to please Kateri, to become one with Kateri, he raised her night gown and began kissing, then tonguing at her sex. He could smell her womanhood, her very essence and he has frantic to please her with his mouth. So he did, barely aware of her hands as they pushed his turbaned head deeper and deeper into herself. Kateri was lost in a haze of orgasmic bliss as her sweet little lover tongued her and made her heart beat ever faster. When her senses were about her, she looked down at a sight she'd never seen before - someone kneeling in front of her, servicing her in a way that she'd served several men before. A small man. Weaker and less experienced than her, servicing her. A man in a cute pair of jammies and a matching turban... kneeling... in supplication and servicing her. She'd never had any fantasies about being a man before, but right now, she wished that she had a penis to ram deep into Billy's throat. God, what a rush! She could have let this go on for hours, but she had an urge to take this little man. To consume his sex with her own. It was an urge that she could not resist any longer, so she gently pushed Williams head back, let her night gown drop back down around her legs and in a breathless voice grunted, "On the bed, Billy. On the bed!" As they reached the bed, Kateri couldn't even wait for him to get onto it. She knocked him over onto the mattress so that his knees were bent and his lower legs were hanging towards the floor. She pulled him towards her, effortlessly, so that his bottom was on the edge of the bed and spread his legs wide. Then she gripped his penis through the silky pajama bottoms and panted as she looked down at him. "Billy. Billy. Billy. You were born to be beautiful, Billy. I love you in lace and silk, Billy. Tell me you like it too." She stroked him through the cloth and he painted out a reply. "I do. I do like it." "That's my girl," Kateri smiled, lost in the excitement and fantasy of the moment. Unable to wait a second longer, she pulled the silk shorts down far enough for his member to be free to stand erect, then she lifted her gown high enough to allow herself to guide him into her, to allow her to take him, to envelop him, to devour him with her very self. There was a moment of stillness in which neither moved or breathed. A moment when they truly became one. Kateri took a breath and looked at William's body, helpless beneath her. Then she started to slowly thrust to him and pull back. It was a glorious feeling. Every nerve in her body was shivering with excitement. Every nerve could sense that she had become something more than she had been before. She was... powerful and she loved it. Whatever else happened that long, sleepless night did not matter. All that mattered was that they we're together and William knew just as well as she did that Kateri had changed and that she had changed him, too. XXX It was well past noon before William stirred. He was alone in the bed, but he could hear Kateri talking in another room. He rose, with a certain amount of stiffness and muscle fatigue, and padded to the door, which he cracked open so he could listened. He could hear Kat speaking and realized that she was on the phone. "No, no, he's fine. He's just still sleeping... I am very sorry that he didn't call... No, I know that you must have been frantic... No, I'll drive him home after he's awake and we've had some breakfast... (she laughed)... Yes, exactly! I take full responsibility for the whole misunderstanding. We'd both had a couple of drinks and... well, you know how it is... Yes, we'll see you in a few hours." William wandered down the hall to where he'd heard Kateri's voice and she smiled when she saw him. "Hey, cutie," she giggled. "How did you sleep?" William looked down at the baggy, silky, lace covered clothing he wore and laughed at himself. "I slept great. Who was that?" Kateri looked at the phone and said, "Your mom. She called you a couple of times because she was worried. Your phone was vibrating when I was getting dressed and I checked it just to be sure that it wasn't an emergency. When I saw that it was your mom, I figured I'd just answer it. I hope you don't mind." He shrugged and smiled. "Not at all. I doubt that it bothered her that I didn't come home - just that I didn't call. God knows there have been plenty of nights that I wondered where she was, too. She didn't mind, did she?" Kateri laughed as she stood and wrapped her arms around the little man in silk lingerie. "I think she's pleasantly pleased that you and I are hitting it off." That made William chuckle as he returned the hug and rested his head on her shoulder. "I don't know if she'd be as pleased if she saw me dressed like this." Kateri looked down at him and gave him a soft kiss. "You told me that it didn't bother you and I told you that I love seeing you like this. So, this is nobody's business but ours, ok?" William smiled and snuggled into her embrace. "Ok." They discussed going out to breakfast, but with William only having his Sonny Bono outfit to wear, they just had scrambled eggs and toast, then William put on a clean pair of panties, supplied by his girlfriend, that were a little too big for him that were a bit too small for Kateri, the slacks and top, a pair of borrowed Crocs and she drove him home. They spent the weekend as they usually did - some window shopping, some strolling some meals in casual restaurants, with the addition of a little more sex on Sunday afternoon, and on Monday morning, they were back in the office at usual. There was something different about the office, though. Everyone talked to him. That had never happened before. They talked about the previous Friday. How well William and Kateri had done singing their karaoke songs, how good he'd looked in his costume, what a good sport he'd been about the whole day and how great it was that he had finally become a real part of the team. He liked that. A lot. On Tuesday, Loraine dropped by his office to check on Angela's progress as his intern and to remind him that the company's investors would be at Thursday's meeting to hear all the marketing figures. So, it would be a good idea for William to get together with Tess to make sure they were both on the same page before the meeting. Wednesday morning, Tess, William, Loraine and Angela went through all of the figures together and prepared folders for each of the investors. At lunch, William noticed that everyone was discussing their costume plans for the second Friday of the team building events and that got him thinking about it as well. At the end of the day, he went to talk to Kateri about their costume. "Hey, Kat," he said as she was packing up her laptop, "we haven't talked about our costumes for Friday, yet." She smiled at him and giggled as she spoke. "We're all set. In fact, I'm picking up our costumes after work today, babe. I'll bring them by your mom's place after dinner and you can try yours on. They're really cool. Everyone's going to love them." "Cool," William said, with a bit of caution. "It's nothing too crazy, is it?" Kateri's grin became mischievous as she thought. "It's... a little crazy, but... very cool." She went on to explain about the elite costumes she'd see at the costume shop and how excited she was to have rented a couples costume for that Friday. William waited a moment, but no more information was forthcoming. "So... do you want to tell me about these costumes?" "I'd rather surprise you." "Ok... now I'm getting scared. You're not... you're not planning on putting me in a dress or anything, are you?" Kateri's smile got even more guilty looking. "Why? Would you like that?" "Kat..." "Alright, alright. No dresses... this week." "Then what?" "Look, you know how much I love old TV shows, right? Well... we're going to be a couple from an old TV show, babe. Everyone will love it. Trust me." William's eyes narrowed. "What show?" Kateri kissed his cheek. "Ok... I'll give you a hint. We'll be a couple... we'll both be wearing pants, but I will playing the 'male' role..." "Kat!" She didn't stop. She just went on. "... I have everything we'll need to make us both look perfect... Your character is a mischievous cutie from Baghdad and mine is a handsome NASA astronaut." William gaped at Kateri. "You can't seriously expect me to dress up as Jeannie from that TV show!?" Kateri's grin became not just playful, but lustful as well. "Why not? I'll be dressing up as Major Nelson." William opened his mouth to complain, but Kateri's kiss silenced his. "But you won't have to call me 'Major Nelson' all day. You can just call me... 'Master.'"

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 3 First Fantasy

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 3: First FantasyFor George, it had been a day unlike any other.  Out of the ashes of one of the worst days of his life, in which he had been picked on, scolded, beaten up, and humiliated, sprung a new day that had quickly become the most joyous he had ever experienced.  He had found a magical Persian tar.  When played correctly, it unleashed the essence of a sexual genie servant who was bonded to him for life.  He had named her Dawn, after her striking...

4 years ago
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Three Fantasy Quickies

I first met Amber and Crystal when I took a night class at a local college; my name’s Lynn. I’m a forty-five year old happily married housewife. Amber and Crystal, both in their early twenties, became good friends with me during the six weeks I was taking the class with them. For a while, we got together every Thursday to discuss schoolwork. After a while, our little discussion group began exploring a wider range of topics, until eventually it simply became the Sexual Discussion Group. Amber...

Group Sex
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Natalie Portman packs a surprise in his fantasy

Eager to relax after a hard night of work, I laid down on my couch, closing my eyes as I slipped my hand down my pants..."Hey sexy. Didn't I just see you yesterday?"I glanced up and watched as Natalie Portman came walking out of my bedroom and into the living room. I smiled. Somehow, despite her extremely busy filming schedule, and the time spent with her husband and their baby boy, the actress always made time for me. As usual, she looked as though she'd just stepped out of some extremely...

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Jennas Fantasy

We had been drinking wine and beer; had even done a couple lines of coke that fateful night while fooling around on my couch. As I recall, I had a hand under her bra toying with her nipples when Jenna asked if I'd like to hear about her fantasy. "Of course I would, Jen," I replied. And why not, any insight into her deviously feminine mind might prove helpful in our relationship. Jen gave my dick a friendly squeeze, giggled nervously and said, "All right. I've been wanting to tell someone...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Cruise

Fantasy Cruise Rating - X, M-F, F-M, multiple transformations, magic transformation, fast transformation I wouldn't say things had gotten stale, rather more routine. After twenty-five years of marriage my wife and I knew each other and had a rhythm to our lovemaking. Now both in our fifties lovemaking was typically every third night and followed a set of well-rehearsed motions. I'm not complaining, I love my wife, but lately I've had to dig deep into my fantasies in order to satisfy...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Island Anniversary Gift

********************************************************************** Another chapter in the tales of Fantasy Island, and Mr. Rourke's gender- bending potion. Fantasy Island: The Anniversary Gift Don Jenkins should have been happy: He was sitting in a seaplane, flying toward an island paradise, for some easy consulting work. Why had he been picked by his company? He wasn't the best computer consultant; there were lots of younger, more ambitious people in the company. Such were...

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A TRUE R A P E FANTASYI know! If anyone had asked me if I could ever believe a person could actually fantasize about being ****D I would have positively said NO!But this story took place several years back when I was in my twenties, with a girlfriend who I shared many fantasies with. She was a cute little cougar, some 10+ years older than me. She was healthy but not firm, more of the tender cushiony type. Her breasts were B-cup, but this was delightful to me as I loved petite women, and she...

2 years ago
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For My Queen A Fantasy Island Story

For My Queen: A Fantasy Island Story On an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean... On what usually might be a relaxing morning, the unseasonably cool winds breezing across the cay seemed to yell for attention, almost drowning out the roar of the seaplane as it soared in approach over the Island. A small, exuberant man clad in a white suit stood overhead in the entrance cupola and pointed at the aircraft. "The Plane! The Plane!" Tattoo shouted in his typical near-playful way. He...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Girl

I am almost losing my courage sitting in the waiting room at the reception of a well known publicly listed Australian company. I am wearing business attire, short black skirt with slits, white lace blouse, makeup with summer colours, black hose, heels and Amani perfume. To the outsider I might be mistaken for a job candidate as I had my resume folder with me, just in case. My appointment was at 10.00 and I had been waiting for over ½ an hour. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea being here. I...

Group Sex
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Such A Sloppy Mess A Creampie Eating Fantasy

It was only a fantasy. It’s only a fantasy. A persistent, slightly obsessive thought. Some days, it runs in his mind, a loop, making him salivate, giving him surges of desire. As soon as the thought arises, sometimes in spite of him, other time through his own desire, he cannot help but be mesmerized, wishing to contemplate endlessly, blushing. Is he blushing from his desire or from the slight shame he feels? Probably both. This particular shame excites him in a peculiar way. What would his...

5 years ago
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Dream fantasy come true

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here’s a kid I had always had the fantasy of my cousin Joy, that was a year older. Now, at fifty and having fantasized for all these years,...

3 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part IIFantasy Reality

My Final Fantasy: Part II—Fantasy and Reality Collide When we left John his new part time help, the vivacious and sexy “Marella”, had turned into somewhat of an obsession for him. John had discovered the time wasting activity of writing erotic fantasy stories and Marella had become his muse. The story continues….. Well the next four or five weeks flew by. John became increasingly impressed as Marella settled into the house and “took charge”. Everything seemed to go without a hitch and she...

Love Stories
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Fantasy Inc

Fantasy Inc : The Full story . By Carl East Striding down the city sidewalks, Colin kept an eye out looking for the conference hall where he was scheduled to be. His eyes took everything in and he silently acknowledged that the city was where he came alive. He loved the way cars and buses played dodge with each other and the occasional fool-hardy pedestrian. Seeing his reflection as he passed the shop window he stopped to assess his appearance. This gathering was very important and he wanted to...

Erotic Fiction
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XChange Micheals Fantasy

X-Change: Micheal's fantasy. By Android1966 and Abdul Alahazred - from Tonight you will live your fantasies. Everything you need has been prepared and laid out ready for you. You have made your plans with meticulous care, though not fabulously wealthy you have a well paid job and can afford to indulge yourself. A month ago you swallowed a single basic X-Change pill and took careful measurements of your transformed body. Over the next weeks you bought the clothing from online...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Girl

Fantasy Girl: A November Halloween Story By: PYT Since puberty, Jessica had dreamed of developing the kind of curves that would get her noticed by the boys at school. Unfortunately, her body had other plans. Jessica wasn't ugly, but she thought she was and that counted for a lot. It didn't help that she was flat as a board. There were freshman boys at school that had more up top than her, especially the fat ones. That's why she had drawn the large female symbol on the floor as...

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A Simple AffairVics Fantasy

It's 3am and I can't sleep. You would think that after helping Cheryl fulfill her anal sex fantasy I would be tired enough to sleep, but a nagging thought is keeping me awake. Next month it's my turn to present my fantasy so Cheryl can help me see it to fruition. I know, it's a long time off and I shouldn't be worrying about it right now, but there's something gnawing at me, something big. As we lay together after our intense lovemaking session tonight, Cheryl made a remark about a threesome....

Love Stories
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A Fantasy Day Gone Wrong 2

FANTASY GONE WAY WRONG By Jillian Spears This is a fictional tale about a guy who just wanted to recreate part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don't always go as we plan, and this was no exception. Rick is about to start his fantasy play day. He has gone over everything he could think of that could possibly go wrong, and has a emergency plan to fix any problem that should arise. To bad his emergency...

2 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

3 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

Straight Sex
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When Fantasy Becomes Reality

When Fantasy Becomes Reality by Susan Johnson This story may only be archived on free sites. Please note that I have used British spellings - apologies to non Brits! Additional notes: further apologies for the time taken to finish this one but I wanted to do a decent job and that takes time. Many thanks too to all who reviewed the first part of this story; it's what persuaded me to finish it. *************************************************************** My husband David...

1 year ago
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My Date with Mr Fantasy

“On the other side of this door, I am in control, as we agreed. When you pass through the threshold of my sanctuary, you leave the world outside. You will be perfectly safe while in my home, of course. I only ask that you leave your inhibitions at the door, and trust me to give you what you want most.” He studied her face, looking for any hint of fear. “This is your last chance to change your mind, my dear. I need to know, do you still want me to give you this fantasy? If not, my driver can...

First Time
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A Fantasy Day Gone Wrong 1

A FANTASY DAY GONE WRONG By Jillian Spears This is a fictional tale about a guy, who just wanted to recreate a part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don't always go as we plan, and this was no exception. All Ricky wanted to do was to try and have a fun fantasy play day at home, by recreating a part of a fictional story he had just read. I wonder if he knows how dangerous that can be? I think he's...

4 years ago
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Could Fantasy Become Reality

Jo was on a weeklong assignment for the magazine for which she worked. She was spending the week at a beach resort writing about the traveling adventures of adult singles. She had spent the afternoon in the office of ‘The Dream Maker’, as the name implies it is a sort of dating/fantasy planner for adventurous adults. She learned that people went to this and other similar places to arrange dream vacations or a dream date. Businesses such as this cater to men, women, and even some couples who...

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Fantasy Camp

Our business is called "Fantasy Camp". It was basically a cross between "Make a Wish" and the old TV Show "Fantasy Island". People would come in and we would video tape them explaining their fantasies, give them a price that included a handsome profit and, once it was agreed upon, we would give them not only their fantasy, but a professionally edited video (or series of if necessary) of them living their fantasy with their voice over or picture in picture describing their fantasy as they are...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Cruise

Fantasy Cruise By Leslie Leigh I was totally burned-out. The feature project which I had been working on for the last six months was drawing to an end. Production was wrapping and the crew was saying its good byes. The production company was excited about the product, a futuristic action adventure film, shot in Atlanta, with two of the hottest box office stars in the world. Figuring that it would easily net in excess of $80 million in theatrical release alone, and grateful that we...

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Cynthias Nightmare Fantasy

CYNTHIA’S NIGHTMARE FANTASYThe sun set nearly an hour ago.  Cynthia pushed the button on the front of her computer and sat down.  For the most part Cynthia loved the solitude of her daily life, quiet simple days at the office, a few dates every now and then... not that she couldn’t make time for more attention.  It just seldom came her way, and she felt little need to pursue additional attentions.  Cynthia did little by way of night life, no bars or clubs... a movie now and then usually with...

4 years ago
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my wifes fantasy come true

hi my name is joe and i'm going to tell you all how I made my wife's swimming pool fantasy come true ;she told me about her pool fantasy yrs ago when we were younger and I had forgotten all about it until a few weeks ago I was watching movies on Netflix and as always I read what its about who's in it and so on it looked interesting so I started watching it and on one scene it had a couple that were making out in the pool and out of nowhere I remembered my wife telling me about it being one of...

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Exs fulfill a fantasy for each other

For some reason when we were married, my ex-wife had a fantasy about seeing me get fucked by another man. I'm not sure why a woman would fantasize about this - it seems a little odd to me. She's the only woman I've ever known who shared a fantasy of this type with me. I'm not gay or bisexual, and have no interest in having sex with a man. But she fantasized about it sometimes. Maybe it was because I wanted her ass and she thought I should have the experience of having a dick in mine. I don't...

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Fantasy Web Site

Fantasy Web Site ? 2009 by J8 Clip Codes: M+/f, B/D, nudity, whipping, suspension, slavery Dramatis Personae James Faribault, accountant Carol, secretary by day, slavegirl Doug Sterling, owner, operator of a web site Stephanie, slavegirl Anne, slavegirl Melody, slavegirl and webmistress In which James Finds a Closed Door Early afternoon, I looked out my office window. The city below was white from the 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) of snow which had already fallen. It was heavy, wet snow and...

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