Sonnet Seduction
- 3 years ago
- 27
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The shape of continents is wrought by the inexorable progress of tectonic plates across the surface of the earth and is there anything that can stand in their way, divert their course or survive their movements?
In Moscow, Anatoly cannot find sleep until he takes practical steps to bring Vyera back home
In London, Annie Elba – the Met’s forensic psychologist – wrestles to understand the progress Jenny has made under the care of the trauma psychologist, Dr Laura Malvern.
In Langley, Angela Dawney – Jenny’s research supervisor – is stalked by her past as the CIA’s Scott Anderson makes ready to plant an Agent in Anatoly’s organisation.
In Coventry, Joe’s past catches up with him as his employer and their new partners rationalise the new company.
And, in Moscow once again, Anatoly must alter his foot-work.
Pressure: Anatoly spends money
Anatoly cannot sleep, though his wife is warm and still beside him.
The evening before, they dined at Café Pushkin, just a few metres from their flat, along Tverskaya Ulitsa and then a left turn at Pushkin Square into Tverskoy Bulvar. (1) The Pushkin is a wonderful classical building with restaurants on three floors: the first floor Pharmacy (as it once was), the second floor Library (suitably lined with books), and the roof top terrace — but not suitable on a December evening. Anatoly and Sveta took turns each to order a course, as they had when they were much younger and had very few resources — and in those days, they did not dine at the Pushkin. Sveta begins with the salad of marinated tomatoes, cucumbers, papaya, crab meat with ginger dressing. Anatoly orders the main course and chooses crispy fried carp with potato stuffed with mushrooms, dried olives and fried onion and beetroot sauce. Finally, Sveta picks their desert and chooses Russian fruit fudge with apples and honey. The food had been exquisite and the wine list extensive and well chosen and the walk home through the cold night air was necessary.
Anatoly had eaten too much. He had an unnecessary Scotch before bed. Refreshing sleep evades him. He awakes in the small hours of the morning. His mouth is dry, his bladder is full, and his body is too hot. He rises and uses the bathroom. His body is now comfortable but his mind is restless, turning the Vyera problem over and over: how to get her back under effective control, but discreetly, so no one will know, perhaps not even Vyera and her husband — at least at first. The more he tries to surrender to sleep, to attack the problem in the morning with a fresh perspective, the more the issue surges and chafes his mind, like the troubled sea after a storm, when it cannot rest.
There is something on the sea which keeps bobbing into view and then sinking back into the trough between the waves. If only Anatoly could stretch out his arm and grasp the slippery idea ... and suddenly it is in his hand, but actually in his mind. How simple! How slow of him not to see it before! Why not merely acquire a controlling interest in NHCE-Skandia, or “New Skandia” as they style themselves now? He would, by slow and silent degrees, build up his ownership of the company and then merge it into his own engineering interests. At that point, he would be Joseph McEwan’s employer. Joseph and other staff would expect redeployment in the larger company and he could be neatly positioned at any suitable geographical location to allow him and his wife to be re-absorbed into another part of Anatoly’s empire!
This would get Mikhail Barysovitch Antonov off his back and also excise the wretched little Lithuanian girl that Mikhail Barysovitch had planted in his office.
The scheme now clear in his head, Anatoly wastes no time. He rises from bed once again, refreshes himself with a shower and tea from the kitchen (He remembers another occasion when he, Vyera and Sveta stood together naked and drank tea in the small hours of the morning, thinking about Alana and a new baby... ) and thus fortified, by tea and memories, he gains his desk. He opens his laptop to consult the latest stock market prices for “New Skandia” — in due course to become (if Anatoly has his way) “Even Newer Scandia” or what about “Karelia”? That is a more concise name and a good one, too, a name, which conjures visions of Finland and memories of the haunting music of Sibelius into the mind — and after all, Karelia belongs in Russia! (2)
Pressure: Requesting a Technical Report
Dr Laura Malvern is in her office when her mobile rings. She glances at the caller ID and smiles. She can guess what this is going to be about. She takes the call:
“Laura? Hi, look, it’s Annie Elba. I was wondering if you had a moment?”
“Annie! Of course. This is an unexpected pleasure. How can I help?”
“I am sorry, Laura, but...”
“You have another nasty forensic case for me?”
“No, no — not yet, anyway. Actually, it was about one you are dealing with at the moment.”
“Ah, I suppose that will be...”
“Mrs Jennifer McEwan.”
“Mrs McEwan. Well, Annie, I will be as helpful as I can be but, as you know, I have a professional relationship with her and there are limits to what I can say.”
“I know, I know. I am not going to tax your relationship, but I have to go to another meeting at Scotland Yard in the next week or two and I expect the people there will want me to give an update about Mrs McEwan’s psychological state and I wonder if there is anything helpful you can tell me? Or anything Mrs McEwan has agreed to let you pass on.”
“Ah ... well, probably not and no.”
“I don’t think I can maintain client confidentiality and give you an update on the client’s state of mind and no, there is nothing the client has told me I can pass on.”
“Laura, can we look at this from another direction?”
“Well, maybe. Which direction did you have in mind?”
“Can I ask you some specifics, for example? Just so that I can put the police people in the picture. To let them know ... what time scale ... I mean, how fast things are moving? For example, I might end up saying something like ‘the patient is in treatment’ and they are going to think it’s a bit like going to the dentist and will start thinking that Mrs McEwan will be in a position to tell them the whole story from her point of view, from thread to needle, by the middle of next week, so I need to give them a realistic steer about time scale for this part of the investigation.”
“OK, Annie, let’s try some specifics.”
“So, what stage of treatment have you reached?”
“We have worked to establish a ‘place of safety’ physically and psychologically. She seems to be at ease with me, so I guess that means we have a good working relationship with each other. She seems happy at home.
“We are dealing with some of the ‘trauma memories.’ That is going to take time and there seem to be rather a lot of them.
“We are working to re-establish a normal routine for her. This is also going to take time. I don’t think some of the other people at her work have been very sympathetic or supportive. Now, that is a pity because ‘fragile’ is a good word to bear in mind here and I do not think Mrs McEwan would cope well with any more seriously stressful events just at the moment.”
“So, I am getting the message that you are both working well together but it’s going to take time?”
“Uh huh...”
“and you are growing trees and not growing mushrooms — thinking of things which grow slowly and things which grow quickly?”
“Well, that’s an interesting analogy, Annie. ‘Trees’ is a bit slow. I was hoping for ‘flowers’ if we are talking gardening.”
“OK, thanks for that, Laura. The main thing the Police have to decide is: one, did Mrs McEwan merely take a holiday from some particularly trying circumstances at home and at work, or two, was Mrs McEwan abducted and held against her will. Is there any light you can shed?”
“I can shed light but I cannot provide certainty, not at the moment anyway.”
“She has had to put up with some pretty tough treatment which does not sound 100% consensual to me. I have heard of people going on BDSM adventure holidays but, if this was a holiday, it was a holiday boot camp with the Army! But, Annie, that is just my opinion. Mrs McEwan seems to hold the people she met in ... how can I put it? ... in high regard, almost in ‘affection, ‘ so you should treat these impressions carefully. It’s thin ice and will not support much weight at the moment.”
Annie sighs; “Right ... right ... I get the picture ... well, I think I do. OK. Laura, thanks for your time. Maybe we can touch base again in due course?”
“Yes, Annie. In due course.”
Pressure: Langley
It is Tuesday afternoon, about 4pm.
Scott Anderson and Clyde Ritchie, Deputy Director CIA, are making their way through a progress review of the cases Scott is involved with. Coming slowly up the Agenda is “Item 8, A-S Kustensky.”
Item 8 finally arrives centre stage.
“OK. Anatoly Sergeyevitch Kustensky. I had a call from Ed Black in London. AK’s name has come up in connection with a possible abduction. Did I tell you that?”
“Yes, Sir. You did.”
“Hmmm. Well, the Brits don’t seem to have found anything very concrete against AK personally. They think his ‘plane might have been used to spirit the girl out of the UK but the problem is that the plane is up for hire, so just because he owns it does not connect him to the abduction very closely — and they are not even sure they have an abduction victim on their hands in the first place.
“Did you turn up anything more about him? I think last time we established that he was a model citizen. Works hard, pays his taxes, makes money. Still nothing which clearly connects him to the Tracy Randolf disappearance.”
“That’s about it, Sir. Anyway, I looked into the sort of contracts his company has taken on. It’s pretty much all to do with infrastructure. Roads, bridges, railroads. The railroad work has mainly been in the north-western states, Canada, oh — and Alaska.”
“So, not content to freeze his balls off in Siberia, he has come over here to freeze ‘em in Alaska?”
“I wondered if there should be a little bit of concern about his area of operation? Infra-structure is a strategic asset, after all?”
“Well ... well, I guess that’s true but, on the other hand, the Apple Corporation is an important strategic asset and they are making all their hardware in China? We are not worried about them, but maybe we should be?”
“I still think we would do ourselves no harm by organizing a pipeline into his organization...”
“So, how much would this pipeline building operation cost?”
“I think we are talking the price of a return air ticket for one person and some hotel accommodation. That would be for me, another Agent and for the Target.”
“OK, let me see that...”
Ritchie runs his eye over the pitch Scott has brought. Scott has a knack of boiling down his proposals to the essentials. Ritchie appreciates the clarity of thought.
He leafs through the proposal once again.
“Hmmm ... Well, OK, Scott. This is just fine. Er ... I don’t think we should spend too much time and effort on this, but what you have got here seems like a good first step. Let’s see where this gets us, huh? So where are we now? Item 9?”
Pressure: NHCE-Skandia
Christopher Parker is at a senior management meeting in the aftermath of the merger announcement between NHCE and Skandia Konkret. There is a select coterie of attendees: the engineer partners in NHCE, the non-executive Board Chairman, the Chief Financial Officer, the Human Resources Director, and two representatives from the Board of Skandia.
There are two issues to discuss. The first is the movement in the share price since the announcement of the merger. They note that the price rose initially, then fell back and now — since this morning — there is evidence of a slow and sustained rise. Someone is buying the stock. It is hard to know if a single company or a single individual is at work, but shares are being bought both in the London share market and in Stockholm. This does not look a random co-incidence. NHCE-Skandia will be a bigger fish in the sea. Are some of the other larger fish planning to make a meal of the new company and buy the new organisation for their own ends?
The second issue which occupies the meeting is to do with the shape of the new company. The financial markets expect to see a reorganisation and a rationalisation of the new company. Skandia and NHCE have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. The rationale behind the merger is to build a company which retains the strengths of the original organisations, eliminates the weaknesses, and eliminates duplication. Some departments are very enduring. Swedish and UK employment laws are not exactly the same and so the new Human Resources Department will have to retain a Swedish and a UK arm. The Finance and Legal Departments likewise must retain the capability to operate in two similar but not identical jurisdictions. Ironically, it seems that it is the Engineers who are most at risk of rationalisation and redundancy. Both organisations supply engineering solutions to clients, but British and Scandinavian engineers are very similar in their training and in their general expertise. Does the new company have to keep so many of them on the payroll in the present poor economic climate? To keep the confidence of the share market, it seems that some of the life-blood of the new company may have to be drained.
When Chris Parker returns to his office after the meeting breaks up, his phone rings. It is Bill Rylands, the Chief Financial Officer at NHCE.
“Chris? It’s Bill. Look, I wanted to have a word with you and it did not seem exactly appropriate to bring it up at the Senior Team meeting. Can I come round, if you have a minute? We might have a bit of a problem with one of your guys. Got some paperwork to show you.”
“Sure, Bill. I don’t have anybody with me. Come straight round.”
Minutes later, Rylands is sitting with Chris in his office. He wastes no time and hands Chris an email.
“So this turned up in Contracts a day or two ago. As you can see, it’s from Derbyshire Stone and Gravels and addresses to our Contracts Manager, Andrew Elliott.”
“Hmmm, well, we use DSG quite a lot and they are pretty reliable firm to deal with so what’s the issue?”
“The issue is that the job they are referring to is not one of our jobs. We had no record of it so we went back to them to check and found that the email had been addressed incorrectly. As you say, we deal with them ourselves quite regularly and our man Andrew Elliott will be in their ‘contacts’ book.”
“Well, it seems that the DSG invoice should have gone to someone called Andrew Edwards, not Andrew Elliott. Their secretary or whoever clicked the wrong addressee when they sent the email. Edwards is a local Warwickshire businessman. Anyway, if you read down, the covering letter mentions the invoice is in accordance to specifications drawn up by Joseph McEwan, who is one of your Team — and the job has got nothing to do with us.”
“Ah ... Oh dear ... So it looks as if young Joseph has been working for himself on the side without telling us?”
“Looks like that. And against the terms of his contract.”
“Yes, that’s what it looks like, doesn’t it? What are we talking about? It’s not someone’s garden path, is it?”
Chris reads further down and his eyes take in the quantities involved.
“This is a serious amount of aggregate...”
“Yes, a good few lorry loads there. It’s not, as you said, someone’s garden path or driveway. If I am not seriously mistaken, the Engineers’ contracts all give us the exclusive use of their expertise. We should definitely have been given the opportunity to estimate for this job. As it is ... well, it looks to me as if we could have missed a nice little contract here.”
“OK, well, thanks, Bill. Leave this with me and I will do some checking to see what this bloke Edwards is up to — and then we will have to decide what to do with McEwan.”
Subduction Zone
The worst thing about Open Plan offices is the distraction, Joe thinks. First of all, it was that girl from HR, Sally something, walking across the office to the small meeting room at the far end, skirt swinging, hair streaming behind her, and now it’s Gwenda. Things have been OK between Gwenda and Joe since he told her of his wife’s return. They’d both agreed to stand back from their own relationship. “At least for a while,” Gwenda had said with a flirty look as they’d finished that conversation.
Joe was grateful for the fact that Gwenda had done all she could to make it easy for him. She’d taken on some of his projects so that he could have some compassionate leave with his newly returned wife. The firm had been really good about it and had made it easy for Joe to get the time that he and Jenny needed, and Gwenda had taken up some of the slack. He had taken most of the projects back now and they weren’t working so much together which, in all honesty, was a bit of a relief.
But she still is a distraction, Joe thinks. She’s walking along in the same direction as the girl from HR, carrying a pile of files. She’s wearing a cream, tailored, linen suit whose safari-style jacket swings loose over a bright chrome yellow top. Black tights appear from beneath her skirt and disappear into shiny black riding boots. The contrast with her skin, even from the other side of the office, is striking, but she’s not looking her usual cheery self.
A screwed-up ball of paper, thrown from the opposite desk, bounces off Joe’s head. “No time for that, Mac, if we’re going to get this project plan finished!” Joe’s colleague, Craig, teases. “You’re a married man again.”
Joe smiles. Yes he is, and he is very happy with it. But that doesn’t stop him wondering if there could have been a lot more for him and Gwenda. Now there’s a guy heading the same way. He’s short, ginger-haired, ginger beard, wearing a brown suit. “Who’s that?” Joe asks.
“Legal,” Craig responds. “He worked on the contracts for the last bid I was working on. Geoff, Gerry, something like that.”
Unsolicited Caller Joe is at his desk when his mobile rings. The screen announces an 02 number he does not recognise. Joe sighs. He has had a rash of marketing calls recently of the “Hi, according to our records you were involved in a road traffic accident recently. Text YES to this number to discuss applying for compensation” variety. Ironically, Joe has suffered a major trauma in his life which has left him injured, and his wife even more so, but there is no compensation on offer for...
Radio Astronomy Eva Smith is a Case Officer working for MI6, now officially referred to as The Secret Intelligence Service, the part of the British government security apparatus which collects secret information from abroad to further the welfare and safety of the United Kingdom and its citizens. (1) Eva works under the supervision of the Director of Operations and her present task is to provide further information to assist enquiries begun by the Metropolitan Police and her colleagues at...
At Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police hold a case conference into the Jennifer McEwan disappearance. Has a crime been committed or did Jennifer merely take time out from difficult circumstances at home and at work? In London’s East End, the Directors of Canopus ImpEx think about what the future might hold for the company... Maskirovka? Anatoly is having coffee when Igor Mendeleyev’s call is put through to him. He is at the AKE Headquarters building, occupying several floors in one of...
In Warwick, Jennifer McEwan receives a letter from Corinne Aimes the CEO of the Adult Experience Company Inward Bound to say how pleased they are to hear that she is back safe and well and to inviting her to visit. In Edgebaston, Jennifer has another session with Dr Laura Malvern, the trauma psychologist helping her to come to terms with her recent history. Jennifer may be safe but is she well? In Moscow As Anatoly strides purposefully thought the streets, the rhythm of his steps and the...
In this chapter, when Jennifer was Vyera, in Moscow, she met Tracy, another abductee being held as security against her father’s un-paid business debts. Petra Tennerby the Randolf Corporation enforcer, is closing in on Jennifer McEwan. Jennifer is the girl who came back. Has she information which could help locate Tracy? Guderian at Dunkirk In a quiet moment during his office day, Anatoly picks up the Vyera file and reads. He reviews the resume of the telephone calls and email traffic. He...
In Warwick, Detective Inspector Ackroyd attempts to trace a mysterious telephone call Jennifer made one afternoon when she became disorientated and lost in Birmingham. Dr Elba Intervenes Corinne is in her office contemplating the view across the gardens. It looks beautiful, even on a late autumn day. She is thinking how fortunate she has been to be able to practice her academic training (psychology) and indulge her sexual interests (BDSM), to work with friends and congenial partners in the...
Hospitality “Look, why don’t you stay over. We’ve got a double room that is not occupied tonight. It’s a long drive and, Jenny, you must be feeling exhausted. None of this can have been easy for you — and you can have dinner with us?” Jenny looks around to Joe. He can tell she’d like to stay. He’s not so sure that he wants to spend any more time here than is absolutely necessary, but it is going to be very late by the time they get home if they start the journey now, and if it helps Jenny...
A Decision. Joe is at work and Jenny is at home. At home, but not un-occupied. She is no longer quite so obsessed with housework, no longer quite so much in the grip of the mind-set she had at the Dacha. Today, she has made Joe’s breakfast, and something for him to have at lunch-time and then ... and then she has sat herself in a comfortable chair in their lounge and is listening to music. To Sibelius. She enjoys the pictures it conjures in her mind, in sound. She finds it easy to imagine...
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Chapter Introduction. In which Harry goes east, Larry goes west, Sarah goes south and Rachel goes to Holloway. The Foreign Office Calls In the late afternoon, Chief Inspector Grantby’s extension rings. “Grantby?” he growls into the telephone. “Chief Inspector? It’s Michael Appleyard here, from the Foreign Office. I got your message earlier — about contacts made to someone here, after Mrs McEwan disappeared, well disappeared for the first time — and I am pleased to say that it was one of...
Professor Angela Dawney is at work in her office sifting through a pile of incoming mail. There are various notices from the University Administration and University Admissions departments (brown envelopes), some copies of the academic journals she has personal subscriptions to (large heavy envelopes), a manuscript of a technical article for review (A4 white envelope), an acknowledgment card for a gift Angela sent to her office cleaner who was married recently (small envelope), and finally a...
Group One Elements. For Joe and Jenny, the drive across to Leicestershire passes in silence. It’s probably one of the longest 90 minutes that Joe has experienced lately. It is early January. The conviviality’s of Christmas and New Year are over but they were a disappointment, overshadowed by Joe’s unexpected redundancy. A new year stretches out ahead of them. It is a new year in which Joe has to find a new job and quickly, too. It is a new year in which Jenny has to work on her recovery, but...
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Chapter Introduction Anatoly and Neena, Manfred and Petra contend over the fate of Tracy but when Tracy joins in the game later, does she realise that she is playing with a loaded die? Slave Market Neena had never realized that Edinburgh was such a city of mountains and spires, classical buildings, temples, elegant domes, broad streets and distant views of an eastern sea. She and the Kustenskies are staying in an imposing wedding cake of a hotel, all columns and baroque gables and, rising...
Chapter Introduction In London, Tracy falls into the trap set by Petra and her Father; Jennifer and Joe enjoy a chance meeting over lunch; Angela Dawney moves up Scott Anderson’s agenda; and Jennifer gains a new perspective on some past events. The Uninvited Guest We are back in London. Joe has been to University College Hospital again for a review with the surgeons who cared for him after he was assaulted. Of course, it’s good to have their expertise but every examination just means that...
Chapter Introduction Joe receives an invitation for Interview — and is asked to do something that girls like. An Invitation In Italy, the cult of the individual has not taken root as it has in many western countries. In Italy, the family remains an important institution, and especially so when the question of employment in a family firm is posed, even in a large firm operating internationally. There are others, too, who understand the importance of a suitable introduction. Pietro Cassini...
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Not long after we got back from our tour, Bessymae Jeffords came by the Buck Horn and had a beer or six. She stands just about six feet even and weighs an easy two-fifty. She can pitch hay with the best men out in the fields and will work alongside anybody all day and never falter one iota of an inch. She has this big moon face and a loving smile that lights up the whole out of doors. He heart is big and her kindness knows no bounds. But she also scares the hell out of all the men in Humper...
A while back, Maryanne Jeffords came by the Buck Horn and had a beer or six. She stands just about six feet even and weighs an easy two-fifty. She can pitch hay with the best men out in the fields and will work alongside anybody all day and never falter one iota of an inch. She has this big moon face and a loving smile that lights up the whole out of doors. He heart is big and her kindness knows no bounds. But she also scares the hell out of all the men in Humper County. Most guys find it...
Have you ever heard about people being able to become more than they are? You know, like putting five gallons of water in a three gallon bucket and not spill any? Well, this one afternoon we actually had that happen to us. "You know," I observed, "here we are sittin' around, drinkin' beer and doin' shit, tryin' to come up with a whole different set of routines and numbers for a new tour. And I can't see that it has anything to do with our music. We aren't country western performers,...
Emily and me was married for fifteen wonderfully whole, thought provoking and blissful years, when the unthinkable got thought. And believe you me I was not the one doing any of the thinking. I never would let myself get caught thinking the unthinkable because that could leave you deep in the doodoo. How ... ever there it was before my very own eyes and no one else's, and I seen what I saw first hand. I caught her trading spit and doing tongue maneuvers with none other than Homer C....
Well, anyway, ol' Connie proved big time she had something to contribute to our happy little house besides her great ass, which was always available for love. She couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, her singing sounded like two cats fucking in an echo chamber. And on top of all everything else, she'd rather listen to some dead guy named Glen Miller instead of some fine, modern, old fashioned and authentic country music with all those social nuances as one arty farty critic called it. What...
We finished out the evening and Homer started to put his old Gibson in its case. I told him, "Homer, old buddy, if I was you I'd lock your git box in Walt's office. I don't know what shit we got coming but I do not think your musical instrument would make it through a good fight." A couple of good old boys came up and told me while we were taking a break and said as how there was a whole bunch of weirdoes hanging around the parking lot. So I warned Homer. Now I really got Homer's...
We rode to the Buck Horn in the garbage truck again. I figured it would be safer than Homer's old van. There was a fresh crop of screwballs waiting with their pickets. Two motorcycles parted the crowd and we followed them. The other two bikes came along behind. These nuts were a different brand of screwballs. The newspaper owner's wife led the bunch this evening. She had a face what made Janet Reno look downright sexy by comparison. Two of them tried to lie down in front of the truck....
I started starting to get worried. All this impending fatherhood was scary as hell to me. I kept having visions in my head of Emily dying or the baby coming out all ugly and deformed. Homer was even worse than I was. "Oh god, what if things don't come out all right? I'm scared, Wilbur, I'm scared as hell. We kept feeding into each other's fears. Then Moose and Connie came in all smiles. He took one look at our faces and asked, "Hey, is something wrong?" "We're just worried, Moose,...
Emily smiled when we all slipped in to her room. "Family only," a waddling old nurse yelled at us. "Shoo. Shoo-shoo." "We're the husbands," Homer said and we went on in. "I'm the sister," Brenda said. "I'm the goddam' baby brother." Moose said, grinning. "I'm the other wife and business manager. They don't sign anything without me." Connie said and shoved the old dinosaur out of the way. "Beat it," Brenda told the unhappy nurse and pulled a knife out of her boot. The...
"You What?" Homer and Connie both yelled at me. "Jesus, Wilbur, don't you have a brain in your head? You want to be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor" Two of them yet." Connie looked about ready to crap a brick. "Relax, they are both twenty-one years of age. I saw their driver's licenses. Now Connie, I want you to call that idiot Hoot up and complain the two young girls are going to be appearing at the Buck Horn tonight in next to nothing string bikinis. Moose...
She was half asleep, mostly unaware of his movements except that her body was completely attuned to his. She could feel him hardening against her back and a sigh escaped her lips as she remembered everything that had happened the night before. It was the first time that they had had sex with each other, but it was more than that. He was the first man that she had actually orgasmed with. She had never been wound so tight in her life and never been unwound so deliciously. She felt his hand travel...
Straight SexWish shift: Chapter Six Template Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Danny had just finished sliding the last of the cubed potatoes off of the cutting board into the pot of boiling water. She glanced across the kitchen at Sam. She was slicing tomatoes and laying them out on the split loaf of Italian bread over the lettuce. Danny reached for an onion and started dicing it. Danny was more than a little proud of Sam the last couple of weeks. Jenny coming home had been a good influence on her in some...
Template The smell of disinfectant, hovering over a deeper taint of rot. The scent of a body slowly failing, the shameful weakness of being all out of beginnings but not having a clean clear ending. Everything that yellow-tinged white of old stained ivory, the colors of a sick bed. The men with black suits and black briefcases were silhouettes against the picture window behind them, the panoramic view of the estate that I hadn't seen in weeks. One was talking, I could barely hear him...
Template Chapter 2 *Twelve months ago* "So...if what you're saying is true, I'll turn into her." The tablet on my desk showed an image, paused from a video. A dark- haired girl, young enough to be a college student or still in high school, frozen in mid-stride on a Parisian boulevard. Her every step had been carefree confidence like a movie star - Bardot or Hepburn in front of their fans, drinking in the adoration without being at all distracted by it. Deep blue eyes, an almost...
Template Chapter 3 *Present* I couldn't keep my eyes off of my doppelganger, the woman at the desk who was a mirror image of me. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to ignore the tingling awareness of my body, the fluttering feeling that seemed to trace down the whole front of my body, from my, my breasts, my full, soft, breasts...all the way down my belly, down to my... My vagina. My cleft, my pussy, my cunt. It was surreal, dreamlike, realizing my mind was...
Some things for you to contemplate if you want to... Since the dawn of our kind there has never been a time that you were not with us. There has never been a civilization or nation, no race nor ethnicity, no society nor culture, past or present that you have not been an important part of. You have been highly honored and respected. You have been deeply loved. You have been reverently embraced and worshipped as a Goddess. Sometimes you act like you don't even know who you...
She was half asleep, mostly unaware of his movements except that her body was completely attuned to his. She could feel him hardening against her back and a sigh escaped her lips as she remembered everything that had happened the night before. It was the first time that they had had sex with each other, but it was more than that. He was the first man that she had actually orgasmed with. She had never been wound so tight in her life and never been unwound so deliciously. She felt his hand...
On the ship it was simple to find their grid square, just as in the marquee there were easily visible numbers and coloured flags on the walls. They found red ten and sat on the floor. Mark told Shahana, Julie and Nurbaiti to put their clothes back on. "Safiya you will stay naked as punishment because you were too slow to strip and I had to remind you. You have to learn to obey." For a moment he thought Safiya would protest, but she thought better of it. Hopefully she would learn...
Standing outside Alois' old pod Mark hugged Julie tight, "I don't want to have to do this, but I might have to in order to save Gisele's life." "I don't like it either Mark, but it's worth a try to see if it works." They entered the pod and found Alois' remaining former concubine curled up on the floor. "You know?" "Yes," Gisele looked up at him with eyes red raw from crying, "I only have a few hours left. The AI told us when the new sponsor picked Eva." Mark was angry,...
Mark was staring out of the window watching a plane taxiing in to its gate when the interdiction field came down and everything went grey. He heard a loud voice and turned to see a very tall, well built, oriental man speaking, "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain where you are for a moment. I am Lieutenant Hideto Matsui of the Confederacy Space Marines and we are here to perform an extraction..." "You are all going to burn in Hell for this blasphemy! What you are doing is an abomination...
Mark looked at the four women in front of him. Shahana had been a great help with the initial cut of the selection, she obviously knew the women in her 'widows' group well and had a reasonable idea of who he would and would not like. Safiya was Somali, born in London, with one child, eight year old Hala, who he had chosen as the second mother, her mothering score was one of the highest he had seen. Nurbaiti and Julie were the two younger women. Nurbaiti was Malaysian while Julie was half...
Thanks to his recent breakthrough, Zax’s Soul Sense had attained the qualities of Sublime Soul Sense, which only experts whose souls broke through the third realm possessed. With its aid, he followed the trajectory of the shooting horn up until it entered the Earthly Crater and his Soul Sense rebounded. His pupils shrank. Before he had the chance to formulate the first thought, to depict the abrupt anxiety in his guts, a tremor originated from the crater. It was not world shaking, but the...
My ultimate fantasy: I begin to get ready, I turn my speaker on. Play my “best of the past” playlist. I slip on my sun dress. I curl my hair, spritz some perfume behind my neck and on my forearms. I wink at myself in the mirror. *buzz buzz* I pickup my phone, and read my messages. I look at my most recent message, it’s from my daddy. I smile ear to ear. It reads “I’m outside, get that cute ass out here.” I grab my speaker, place it in my purse, and skip outside. He’s waiting in a red 64 impala,...
We love soccer at CumLouder and we sometimes like to challenge our international sluts on the pitch. This time it will be the turn for Valentina Nappi to recreate a classic match: Spain versus Italy. Since Moisex is a very smart Spaniard, he’s gonna let her score first to enjoy Valentina’s exhibitionistic celebrations. But Moi still remembers bitterly the way Tassotti broke Luis Enrique’s nose during the Soccer World Championship in 1994 and decides to take revenge by breaking...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! In 9th-grade some guys already know whats going on with their sexuality and some guys have no clue. I was one of the boys who had no clue. At age 14, I was just beginning my major growth spurt. I had gained a lot of height and was fairly tall and lanky. The typical skinny kid. My voice had started to deepen and my cock had grown to over 5 inches. I had a small patch of brown pubes. I was a nice looking kid, not a jock, not really a geek, just a nice...
GayWe might have been kissing for seconds or for hours. As incredibly sexy as she was, the nonverbal emotional experience was even more intense. Both of us had scar tissue from things that had inhibited us. For me, it had been the emphasis on my needing to be hypersensitive to any "no" from a woman. That came from my assorted foster female parents, who really were rather negative about men. It made it difficult for me to engage in the flirtations and play that would lead to both sexual and...
I have been meaning to write this for a while, but being way layed with bronchitis now seemed the ideal time.Irene and I had known each other since school and she was always a wild c***d, but I sort of knew she was my wild c***d. She had a bit of a reputation and when I started going out with her I found it to be well justified. She was definitely not a virgin, she loved cock and sucked it enthusiastically. I found out later that she was adopted and putting two and two together, had lost her...