Sonnet 57Chapter 5: Asylum free porn video

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In Warwick, Jennifer McEwan receives a letter from Corinne Aimes the CEO of the Adult Experience Company Inward Bound to say how pleased they are to hear that she is back safe and well and to inviting her to visit.

In Edgebaston, Jennifer has another session with Dr Laura Malvern, the trauma psychologist helping her to come to terms with her recent history. Jennifer may be safe but is she well?

In Moscow

As Anatoly strides purposefully thought the streets, the rhythm of his steps and the cool autumnal air once more prompt his thoughts to arrange and rearrange themselves in new and useful patterns. A few steps behind, his security team follow in discreet persuit.

The problem of the moment, the Vyera problem, is beginning to take up seriously too much time - which is often the case when a solution seems out of reach. Now at last, Anatoly has a plan to bring the situation under control. Now he understands how to fight the campaign. It is from an unexpected direction and it will be wise – actually it will be essential - for him to get the approval of Mikhail Barysovitch and the approval of those above him and beyond them, approval from those in the political sphere. Anatoly would generally try to avoid involving the very highest authorities with operational details but in this case, it is necessary.

Anatoly has chosen an opulent venue for lunch. He feels in charge of events again and he wants Mikhail to know it. The National Hotel (1) is very suitable and convenient for Mikhail’s office, less so for the AKE Corporate Headquarters but that is an advantage for Anatoly because as walks briskly towards the appointment, he can clarify in his mind exactly how to explain his scheme.

Anatoly finds Mikhail and another man - a body guard - waiting for him in the lobby. He holds out his hand to Mikhail and says... “I have arranged a private room for us two. There is no need for your assistant to wait out side” and turning to the ‘assistant’ he says “go to the dining room and order lunch for yourself along with my boys here”, as he indicates his own security detail. “Tell them to add it to my account for the day”. The assistant looks at Mikhail for guidance and Mikhail waves him away and lets Anatoly take him up to the private dining room which awaits them.

Anatoly is wearing a dark grey suit with a pale blue shirt and a restrained dark blue tie striped with white. He looks sober and his tie creates an impression of ‘freshness’. Mikhail on the other hand is all together more flamboyant. On this occasion he wears a pale grey suit brought to life with a thin white chalk stripe and contrasting bright lemon shirt and bright blue tie. The tie is spotted with yellow elephants raising their trunks, the elephants complementing the colour of his shirt.

Anatoly allows himself a smile as he takes in a statement in tailoring about the modern secret policeman. The observation Sveta had made about Mikhail Barysovitch was true: someone had taught him refinement and elegance.

“Ah, the room. Please Mikhail Barysovitch, after you.”

The view from this particular room is magnificent – Red Square. For most people it would be a distraction but for Anatoly and Mikhail, it is merely commonplace, a constant background to their lives.

Anatoly and Mikhail take their seats and Anatoly gestures to the menu.

“Mikhail Barysovitch, I have ordered lunch in advance. There is not much to say but a lot to think about I hope this will be acceptable?”

“The meal? Yes of course Anatoly Sergeyevitch, very acceptable but I see there will be four courses? says Mikhail glancing over the menu. “Is there really so much ground to cover?”

“I can merely repeat,” replies Anatoly. “ that there is not much to say but there is much to reflect on and my suggestions will need some careful reflection.”

A waiter enters the room and sets out tiger prawns with plums and pistachio and pours Anatoly and Mikhail each an ice cold vodka into shot glass. “A toast”, says Anatoly. “To success!”

“To Success”, echoes Mikhail Barysovitch with a careful smile. “We always had every confidence in you, Anatoly.”

“Igor Ivanovitch telephoned me yesterday”, says Anatoly, beginning the business of the day.

“Did he? I am sure that would be a valuable interlude in your morning”, replied Mikhail his sarcastic barb skewered into the virtual presence of Dr Mendeleyev in their conversation.

“Igor Ivanovitch is celebrated in his field. I agree that is not so reliable when we ask him to give opinions on matters outside his expertise but that may be our fault, not his.”

“Well there is that of course. So what did he have to say? I am sure there was plenty of theory but was there anything useful, anything practical?”

“He wanted to give advice about how we should manage Vyera with respect to her divided loyalties. Her responsibilities to us and Jennifer McEwan’s responsibilities to her husband and to the academics she was working with when she was in England.”

“Hmmm, that seems well outside neuropsychology so I don’t suppose he had anything in the least bit helpful to offer you?”

“I will not tax you with the details of his suggestions but his words actually were very helpful although not in the way he intended. You see, I realized there was a new perspective on the whole problem. Here it is:

Vyera is going to crack. It is just a matter of time. Inside her head, Vyera Anatolyevna and Jennifer McEwan are both present and each takes centre stage, according to circumstances. When the girl is alone and when she speaks with Neena, she becomes Vyera Anatolyevna. When her husband is at home and when she is out of her house she becomes Jennifer McEwan.

Vyera is under siege from the demands of her husband, her parents, the police, the psychologist and the academics she worked with before she was acquired. This cannot go on. A siege will always end in a surrender and in an engineering context, there is always the risk of failure at the interface between two different materials under stress. As I said before, she is going to crack. It is time we began to establish an alternative narrative of events in the minds of the people around her.”

“You are speaking as if we must leave the girl in place Anatoly Sergeyevitch? To let the crisis break?”

“The only alternatives to leaving her in place are to eliminate her or to abduct her once again. The first alternative will raise interest in the case and will have serious diplomatic ramifications and serious ramifications for me. I dare not think of the effect on Svetlana Nikitechna. I am sure you understand, Mikhail Barysovitch?”

“Of course, of course. We are merely looking at all the alternatives comprehensively?”

“Kidnap is also impractical. It would need the resources of the State and once again, there would be serious diplomatic repercussion with the British. The Americans and the Canadians would quickly become aware of the events, creating further serious difficulties between our countries and of course in my business activities. The Interconnector Project is always going to be at risk from diplomatic tensions and I could see AKE having to withdraw from the project completely but the worst aspect is – well, I expect you can easily imagine conservative voices who oppose the project asking why the United States and Canada would want a permanent connection between us in concrete and steel if the Russian Federation is involve in abductions and people trafficking? We have to accept that Vyera Anatolyevna is out of reach, and prepare for the moment when she begins to tell her story.”

The waiter returns, clears away the first course, sets out Gazpacho served with crab and apple mille feuille, pours more vodka and leaves them alone. Anatoly is sure of his scheme and wishes to set it out carefully course by course until by the time of the dessert, Mikhail has been won over. Anatoly needs more that agreement. He needs support and cooperation. The vodka should help to mellow Mikhail Barysovitch, too.

“Anatoly, this lunch is excellent. I like the insightful and realistic assumptions in your argument. Please...”

“Mikhail Barysovitch, let us start with the bald facts of the Vyera story, stated in neutral terms:

In 2009, Professor Angela Dawney and her research student Jennifer Karin McEwan are arrested by the CIA in the UK and interrogated about me and about my business intentions (2) In 2011, Jennifer McEwan travels from the UK and in 2013 returns to her family.”

“People were detained and interrogated by the CIA? About you? Excuse me Anatoly Segeyevitch but why have I not been informed about this before?”

“Because it was not actually the CIA. Merely a criminal gang pretending to be the CIA”

“You know the identity of the criminal elements involved?”

“I do. Exactly. They were people employed by Freddie Clegg Enterprises. They are known in the United Kingdom as a freight forwarding company. As a matter of fact, they are on the British Government list of approved contractors. There is, however, another secret division of the company which is actually the main interest of Freddie Clegg himself. It is a slave trading operation and they have been active in Kushtia for the past several years but have supplied many other buyers too.”

“Ah ... so why did they ... do they see you as a competitor?”

“It is hard to say for sure but I think that they became aware of my friendship with Angela Dawney and wondered if I was interested in what they were up to. As far as Angela Dawney is concerned, you will recall our interest in her when she was a leading protestor against American Cruise Missiles being deployed in the UK?”

“Yes, yes I remember quite well but I still do not understand why they came to be interrogating Dawney about you, Anatoly Sergeyevitch?”

“The Clegg Organisation have invested in an ‘adult experience’ company called Inward Bound. Perhaps they were using it as a vehicle to identify potential slaves. Perhaps they were merely trying to diversify. Perhaps they were trying to reduce their exposure to the slavery operation. The police in the UK are beginning to treat people trafficking and modern slavery much more seriously and the Clegg people will be well aware of the fact. Dawney sent one of her students to conduct research at Inward Bound and at some point, the Clegg Organisation must have become aware of Dawney’s connection with me. Anyway, the ‘CIA interrogation’ was a clumsy and particularly risky way to find out if I was.”

“Ah ... and the British Authorities will be aware of this little charade by now...”

“Yes, I am sure they are. I expect the real CIA will have been asked about it too. So, on with my proposal:

Jennifer McEwan’s husband, her family and the UK police force will describe these events she has experienced as Abduction, False Imprisonment and an Escape to Freedom.”

“There is another way to describe these events. I am proposing a new narrative. Mrs McEwan accepted an opportunity to live in Russia. She was able to explain the work she was doing in the United Kingdom and complete the work to the highest standard using the superior facilities of our leading University. She enjoyed many adventures — enjoyed is the right word for her —when she was with us. She now has a new language, she has a new citizenship, and she has a Doctorate degree. She is stronger and fitter physically and intellectually and she is beautiful. In due course, she returned home.”

“Which narrative is true? Are they both true or is one more true than the other?”

“Mikhail Barysovitch, on the one hand, I think we may have to admit, at some stage, that Vyera Antolyevna Kuznetsova is Jennifer McEwan but, at the same time, we should promote the alternative narrative of events.

On the other hand, we can try to set the British and the Americans against each other by making a diplomatic protest about the clandestine and heavy handed actions of the CIA against me in respect of my international business activities when they arrested and interrogated Professor Dawney, who is an old friend and who both agencies know is an old friend. They will understand that Professor Dawney would have told me about her experiences at the hands of the CIA and this explains how we have the information to make our diplomatic protest.

“This brings the relationship between the British and the CIA centre stage. We can expect the Americans to convince their British friends that they had no part in the CIA charade. We can rely on the British Police to conduct a competent investigation at Inward Bound and uncover the hand of Freddie Clegg and his gang. The discovery will give the British real criminals to hunt down and expends their energy and resources on something very concrete. Meanwhile their attention is directed away from us and Vyera. She is no longer the main event. She becomes a signpost, pointing to the true criminals.”

The waiter returns He clears their table and sets out the main course, grilled rack of lamb served with green and white asparagus. He pours them each another shot of vodka and leaves.

Anatoly concludes his presentation. “Meanwhile, behind the scenes I am preparing to recruit Joseph McEwan to my team of engineers working on the Interconnector Project. We can send him somewhere in North America. His wife will accompany him of course and she will be away from the immediate influence of the police in the United Kingdom. North America is on the opposite side of the world to Russia, but she will still be securely connected to us through the employment of her husband”

Mikhail Barysovitch chuckles at Anatoly’s ingenuity. A method of dealing with the Vyera problem which complicates the British relationship with the CIA but helps the British to uncover a serious criminal conspiracy. That would be enough to shift their attention, surely? They would not be chasing phantoms any longer. They would have real criminals in their sights. Wonderful! Mikhail merely says: “I can see now why you wanted to leave time for reflection and thought, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. This will have to be considered by people much more senior than myself but it has many attractive things about it. Very attractive things. Let us now enjoy this excellent lamb. I do not wish to be greedy but even though you have given me so much to chew over (Mikhail laughs at his own pun) and I am still looking forward to dessert”

“Strawberry cold soup with vanilla ice cream, then coffee – and yes, me too,” replies Anatoly.(3)

In Warwick

Jenny is upstairs when she hears the rattle at the front door. She goes downstairs tentatively, unsure about exactly what to do. On the door mat there are letters.

Jennifer McEwan knew all about letters. She sent them. She read them. She sorted them. Some for her. Some for Joe. Some for them both.

Since Vyera has returned to England, there had been such a lot to get used to - like what to do with letters? Vyera never received letters - who would write to a slave? Instructions and tasks were a different matter. They were an every day affair, but letters?

Vyera picks them up and reads the envelopes carefully. She has to, nowadays. None of the letters look quite right. What they represent has to be sought from deep in memory. The written script she prefers is kyrileetsa. (4) Kyrileetsa in handwriting has a special flowing aesthetic. Vyera can remember carefully practicing each letter, capital and small in endless exercises until each was rendered perfectly and looked beautiful. It had to be both. Neither was good enough on its own. Mistakes were punished by the strap or the crop. Vyera remembers just how a tender bottom always reminded her to take more care over the next exercise.

One of the letters is addressed to Jennifer McEwan and after a moment’s reflection Vyera understands that Jennifer McEwan is her, now she is here, in England. The paper is nice, so it is not an official letter. The shape is almost square, so it is not about an appointment from Dr Malvern. She does not recognize the writing but she does not feel frightened of it. Ought she to wait until Joe is home, to open it with him there? She prefers to do that. It is safer that way. He is calm and reassuring but the letter seems “friendly” and so Vyera carefully makes a decision. She opens the letter.

Inside is a card and on it there is a beautiful picture of the gardens at Stow. It is a calm, reassuring image. She opens the card. There is neat informal feminine writing inside. Not too much, which is a relief and Vyera begins to feel more confident but by now, she has become Jennifer once more and reads the writing.

‘Dear Jenny.

We heard recently that you were back home and we all wanted to write and say how pleased we were to have your news.

If there is anything we can do, just pick up the phone. It would be such a pleasure to hear your voice again.

In fact, it you have time, why not come across to Suffolk to visit us? We would so look forward to seeing you in person again.

With all our love,

Corinne, Charlotte and Josephine’

Jennifer is taken completely by surprise. This is something she is not expecting at all. She reads and re-reads the note. It makes her feel happy and warm inside. Yes! She would like to go and see Corinne, Charlotte and Josephine again. Jennifer makes another decision. She is surprised how easy it is. She wants to go. She will go. She will take Joe. They will both go. She will wait for Joe to get home and then with him in the house beside her, she will call Corinne.

After a few moments pause, Jennifer retreats back upstairs. There was something she was going to do. What was it? And in that moment, Jennifer politely steps aside and Vyera re-emerges. There is cleaning to do! She spends a lot of time cleaning these days. Its what she has done for a long time now. Cleaning is simple, precise, orderly and a supervisor can see what has been done. The supervisor can also see what has not been done correctly and arrange punishment.

Punishment is a complex issue. It is unpleasant, to give a slave the opportunity to pay back for work not properly done. To make restitution. After all, a slave has no external resources of her own but she can suffer and suffering comes from within, so it is an almost unlimited resource and thus it teaches the slave generosity. It is educative, helping a slave to learn what is expected and hold the training in mind. It is restorative because afterwards, the slave starts with a clean page, the debt paid by suffering. It is an achievement, when borne stoically. It is – well, sometimes – almost pleasant, like a sports massage or a vigorous skin rub with an abrasive loofah, leaving the slave feeling happy, free from guilt for their recent infraction and their supervisor, no longer angry and disappointed with them. At such times, a slave has the opportunity to learn gratitude may even become euphoric.

Before, Vyera’s supervisor Neena was physically present. Now, Neena is virtually present and in a curious way, omnipresent. She is present in memory, in the results of the technical schooling Vyera has received and sometimes she is immediately present, when she appears without warning on Jennifer’s PC screen, when Jennifer is working on computer. These are the occasions when Vyera emerges in full force from the secret places in Jennifer McEwan’s mind. At such times, Jennifer fades to a pale transparent shadow and it is Vyera who occupies her physical form.

The cleaning and tidying done, Vyera feels that it would be appropriate to check emails on the computer. Sometimes she can deal with them. Frequently she tidies them into folders so she can check with Joe what to do.

Its funny: when he is with her, she is so more confident.

She feels safe. Like being with Dr Malvern, only better.

Today, she begins with the BBC News feed. When Vyera is alone, she will usually go to Pyervi Kanal (5) and sometimes sees Gaspazha Kustenskaya which is always a pleasure but is tainted by a tickle of home-sickness. What wonderful romantic musical names some fortunate people enjoy! Vyera rolls a familiar name I her mind, enjoying its poetic rhyme: Gaspazha Svetlana Kustenskaya; such a contrast to the awkward lumpy names of people in England. Ackroyd. Elba. Grantby. Borland. McEwan. The tickle of homesickness becomes a sting. Perhaps one day soon Vyera, one day soon...

Vyera has just opened their email account, her’s and Joseph’s when without warning, the image of Neena Alexandrovna Kirova fills the screen! It always comes unexpectedly and seems to come from a tiny spot in the top left corner of the desktop, expanding until it occupies the whole screen. Then Vyera must give Neena her whole attention but how could she ever not do so? Neena is her Supervisor.

“Good morning, Vyerochka!”

“Good morning Mistress. How can I help?” (Vyera notices that Neena has used the “affectionate” diminutive of her name, so Neena must be pleased with her)

“You are alone?”

“Yes, Gaspazha.”

“You are occupied?”

“I have just cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. The wash hand basin and shower are clean, dry and polished, also the taps. In the kitchen, I have cleaned and dried the sink and given special attention to the plug and sink drain.”


“Yes, Gaspazha. The plugs in the kitchen and bathroom wash hand basin.”

“Vyerka! That is a disappointing thing to hear you say. You know that we regard the western habit of putting plugs in sinks and washing with dirty water as a very retrograde and insanitary thing to do? A dirty thing to do?”

Same as Sonnet 57
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Sonnet 57Chapter 13 Aldebaran

Professor Angela Dawney is at work in her office sifting through a pile of incoming mail. There are various notices from the University Administration and University Admissions departments (brown envelopes), some copies of the academic journals she has personal subscriptions to (large heavy envelopes), a manuscript of a technical article for review (A4 white envelope), an acknowledgment card for a gift Angela sent to her office cleaner who was married recently (small envelope), and finally a...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 14 The Alkali Metals

Group One Elements. For Joe and Jenny, the drive across to Leicestershire passes in silence. It’s probably one of the longest 90 minutes that Joe has experienced lately. It is early January. The conviviality’s of Christmas and New Year are over but they were a disappointment, overshadowed by Joe’s unexpected redundancy. A new year stretches out ahead of them. It is a new year in which Joe has to find a new job and quickly, too. It is a new year in which Jenny has to work on her recovery, but...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 15 Fracture

Chapter Introduction Petra takes simultaneous initiatives in London and Warwick, Joe has some new and completely unexpected experiences, Jenny is given encouragement from an old acquaintance, and Manfred Randolf receives a surprise invitation. The Overseer In London, Petra Tennerby places a call to Manfred Randolf. She is using the Virgin pre-paid cell phone he gave her. The days are slipping by without much more progress in the case. The New Year had come and Petra feels as if she is...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 16 Grand Hotel

Chapter Introduction Anatoly and Neena, Manfred and Petra contend over the fate of Tracy but when Tracy joins in the game later, does she realise that she is playing with a loaded die? Slave Market Neena had never realized that Edinburgh was such a city of mountains and spires, classical buildings, temples, elegant domes, broad streets and distant views of an eastern sea. She and the Kustenskies are staying in an imposing wedding cake of a hotel, all columns and baroque gables and, rising...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 17 Tracy Rides Again

Chapter Introduction In London, Tracy falls into the trap set by Petra and her Father; Jennifer and Joe enjoy a chance meeting over lunch; Angela Dawney moves up Scott Anderson’s agenda; and Jennifer gains a new perspective on some past events. The Uninvited Guest We are back in London. Joe has been to University College Hospital again for a review with the surgeons who cared for him after he was assaulted. Of course, it’s good to have their expertise but every examination just means that...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 18 Cassini

Chapter Introduction Joe receives an invitation for Interview — and is asked to do something that girls like. An Invitation In Italy, the cult of the individual has not taken root as it has in many western countries. In Italy, the family remains an important institution, and especially so when the question of employment in a family firm is posed, even in a large firm operating internationally. There are others, too, who understand the importance of a suitable introduction. Pietro Cassini...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 19 The DawneyMendeleyev Conjecture

Chapter Introduction There is good news for Joe and Jenny, an anxious day for some Senior Officers of the Metropolitan Police, an interesting moment as Stephen Appleyard pulls another rabbit out of his hat and a sober reflection from Chief Inspector Grantby about the purpose of policing. Jigsaw It’s a good day for Joseph and Jennifer McEwan! Today, two letters arrived in the post. One told them that their Insurers were prepared to honour their home and contents insurance policy. It means...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 20 The Procyon Conspiracy

Chapter Introduction Professor Angela Dawney, the noted academic psychologist and expert in research on the effects of stress, fulfils an invitation to work with some new colleagues, to improve their data collection methods for a new medicine, but is she a queen in the game or merely a pawn? The Set Up: Weed Eradication Protocol Catherine Hopwood is at work in her office in the State of Iowa Narcotics Enforcement Bureau when she receives a call from an old friend. Scott Anderson had been...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 21 Novaya Diplomatiya The New Diplomacy

Chapter Introduction Stephen Appleyard leads a powerful expeditionary force to Moscow but can a well chosen word more achieve more than an army? Rules of Encounter Neither Grantby nor Ackroyd has ever been to such a hotel. Neither of them. The opulence. The extravagance. The scale. The grandeur — and also the people. Many seem relatively young, younger than either of the policemen. How had they acquired such wealth to be at home in such a hotel at such a modest age? The two glance at one...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 22 The Epilogue

Canopus In Paradise “Freddie! Ellie! So good to see you again, safe and sound.” “And you, Steve,” replies Ellie. “For your information, Steve, at the moment, we are Gordon Firth and Kristen Keller. He is British. I am German.” “OK, that’s good, really good. Did you have any trouble setting that up?” “Not really,” Freddie replies. “I had an inkling that a tactical retreat might be needed one day, so we have had these ready for some time. Others, too, in Bank safety deposit boxes in various...

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Stork Land Asylum

A great plague came. The poorer parts of the world were wiped out entirely and the treatment for the disease scarred the organs of many leaving most women infertile. After there was a major population crisis and many of the large cities had to be abandoned altogether, the survivors had to consider how they would survive with so little population growth. In Europe, they began cloning and genetic engineering. The remaining parts of Asia turned toward geriatric science, trying to repair the damage...

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The room stinks of rust and piss, odors strong enough to sting your eyes upon first opening them. Your vision is blurry at first, but you can still make out your general surroundings. You can see that you're in a cell of some kind, yellow stained padded walls, and rust bled ceilings and tile. It's nearly impossible to ignore the throbbing pain in your temples, as if a thousand tiny shards of glass are grinding about behind your eyes. " you're finally awake." A voice, speaking proper,...

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Kristins new life in the bondage asylum

Hi, before the story beginning, I would like to say that I love to read comments about the story. So please comment. And I hope you enjoy this kinky story about a blonde mom who becomes a nice rubber gimp. t had been 9 months since that fateful day, though she didn't know that. She didn't know much anymore, all she cared about was the next cock shoved in her mouth. It was a sunny afternoon in August, and Kristin was busy doing housework, when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting any parcels,...

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'I really don't know what your concerns are, my dear. The boy will have a very good home, with the prospect of a full-time job in a couple of years if he wants it. And Mrs. Palmer has undertaken to supervise his education, using the Refugee Centre's Correspondence Course. And, above all, she needs the help, up there on that isolated farm. Besides, there are no other options. We can hardly have him here. Not with Stanislous. We just haven't the room.' The Reverend Cyril Grandage pushed...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 12 The Inmates Are Running The Asylum

September 14, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “So what did you do?” Kara asked as we cuddled in bed with Jessica late Saturday evening. “What do you THINK I did?” I asked. “Did you have your bike?” Jessica teased. “Cute, but I wasn’t on top of the babysitter!” “So?” Kara asked insistently. “Remember, there is no more wifely privilege,” I teased. “Snuggle Bear...” she growled, narrowing her eyes. “I thought I was supposed to growl!” “He’s just trying to wind you up, Kara!” Jessica laughed....

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There and BackChapter 182 Asylum

Sailing across the cove was trivial compared to the difficulty of making past the rocks, and the water was deep and blue. The captain poked his head in to tell us that the cove was safe and protected if we liked to swim – and then asked us to remain seated while he docked. He promised to come get us when we were able to disembark. Without a word, Aedan and Alistair each grabbed one of my hands, and I squeezed theirs gratefully. We waited a few minutes after the bump of the boat coming to...

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All by myself

All by myself George was a bastard. He only thought of himself. These were the thoughts going through Pricilla's mind right at this moment. Why did it always have to be about him? She was finally going to get what she needed. Pricilla had been talking to her friend of ten years about her problems at home and her friend had mentioned masturbation. Pricilla had thought about that kind of stuff, but she thought it was dirty and had never tried it. The thought of touching yourself for pleasure...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 08

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The saga comes to a close as Walter and Holly return to school... now as teachers. How they get their new teaching positions, who their principals will be, and where they will teach is all discovered in this final chapter of Summer at Pond Cove. This story stands on its own, but makes a little more sense if you have read the previous chapters. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

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Me And Hannah Round 2

First Time Was hot, now we get even hotter.So, after our first time, me and Hannah grew quite accustomed to each other. We spent every minute of everyday with each other when ever our aunts and uncles hung out, which was about 99% of the time I was down there. Occasionally, we would take walks together around town or go to the beach and tan with each other. We were attached at the hip, literally and figuratively.Anyway, we always did little sexual things to each other. She would always brush my...

4 years ago
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HootersChapter 4

Arriving at Cheekay's residence, they greeted Cheekay-la; and were ushered into the dining area where Cheekay-la had prepared a feast. The low table was bowing slightly, groaning under the weight. Small, lush pillows provide a place to sit or recline by the table. They had to ask what many of the delicious dishes were, but one was easy to figure out -- small powdered wheat cakes-something like silver dollar pancakes, which they then topped with fruit, and honey. Another was a slow cooked...

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Confessions Danni Rivers Vina Sky Hot Lesbian Encounter

Vina Sky runs the same path every day and every day she runs by the most beautiful woman ever; Danni Rivers. Vina imagines what it be like to get into those tight yoga pants. Would her pussy taste as sweet as hers or would it be better? Would Danni licks the juices off of the vibrator with their tongues colliding as they enjoy their sweet cum together? Vina so badly would love to bury her face in that pussy and taste just how wonderful that pussy is… maybe some day their paths will take...

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Masti with swit cousion

Hello friends mera naam rekha hey may 19 saal ki eak khoobsurat ladki hoon aur ye meri sachi kahani hai jo mai aap ko sunane ja rahi hoo yeh mera pahla anubhav hey aaj se karib 4 mahine pahle ki baat hey hum log chootiyome ghoomne ke liye hamare mama ke ghar ISLAMABAD gaye they waha mere mama aapne pariwar key saath mami, ladki ritu 13yer, aur ladka amar 21yer ke saath rahete hey mama ka ladka amar dhikne me bahoot smart hey . mey uase bhi bhiya hi kahate the lekin eas baar jab mayne uase...

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Wet melodies A bad craving

It's just after we found out I got pregnant, there was a huge stomp on the brakes for our sex life. No matter how I worded it to him, pleading him to do.. anything, he still wasn't having it. Grant wanted the baby to be born, and until then, there was to be NOTHING. I couldn't blame him, but in the same vein I really wanted to, I haven't been touched in four straight months for christ sake! It wouldn't be so bad either, if he'd stayed in the house, but often he leaves for weeks at a...

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Saving SisterChapter 2

"I really appreciate your making time for this meeting, Lieutenant Haller." Karin and Ed had just sat down in her study after a short introduction time that included Roger. "I think Ed would be better, and if you can provide any help at all, I will spend whatever time it takes." "Fine, Ed it is, and I'm Karin. Tell me, who is better positioned to be, uh, point man on a project to save Kim? You, or Bud?" Ed snorted a little. "You're the psychologist, Karin. Wouldn't a sibling have...

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A Week At Papaws chap 4

Wednesday – Punishment and Submission – A Day Away Waking up the next morning, I again can hear Leah in the kitchen. I open the drawer on my night stand and take out another wrist strap. Then it is off to the kitchen to begin another day with my new pet. As I enter the kitchen, again Leah lowers herself to her knees and waits for me to speak. I walk in and sit at the table with the wrist strap in my robe pocket, take her face in my hand and say, “Yesterday was very good, lil one, but there were...

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In Any Reality

The young dark haired scientist stood alone on the terrace, admiring the beauty of the setting sun. Having spent his life in pursuit of academic and technological accomplishment, it was a tapestry that he’d too often ignored. “If only there had been more time,” he thought to himself once more as the crimson sun began to fade beneath the horizon. “If only I had been able to make them listen.” But they’d chosen not to listen, the learned men and women of the ruling Science Council, preferring...

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SheLovesBlack Violet Starr Auditioning For His Big Black Cock

“Come have a seat…” Auditioning for a spot on tonight’s show at the comedy club is going to take Violet Starr going the extra mile to impress this man’s big black cock. As she stood up on stage in the spotlight in her tight-fitting dress, perfect figure and gorgeous smile, Violet impressed this bbc with her seriously sexual vibes. As she sat beside him discussing her future as a performer, her big brown doe eyes seemed to be begging for his big fat cock to stuff each and every hole of her tight...

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Stacey Ch 01

This is the third and final series from a group of nonfiction stories that began with ‘Angelina’ and continued with ‘Sisters.’ ~ ~ ~ Sometimes there is no way to explain or even justify life. It simply assaults you, absolutely at random. Things happen that are so utterly cruel, you realize the gods must have it in for you. Then, just when everything seems completely hopeless, and crushing despair is all you can feel, life often changes its fickle mind and blesses you with something equally...

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Analized August Taylor Living Fuck Doll

August Taylor is walking jerk off material. Her big fake tits and puffy DSL’s are there to get every cock in the room rock hard. This horny slut shows off her body with the sole purpose of letting the people at home see what a perfect fuck dolls she is. Her tight shaved pussy is dripping with excitement as she struts up to her dick for the day. She crawls to him and opens her mouth. With no hesitations he starts to pound his rock hard dick in and out of the cum dumpsters throat. August...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 23

I couldn't help laughing. "You want to let me in on the joke?" "Us." It was the kind of night that seemed to define Washington. Define the northwest. The air was clear after the afternoon rain. The Moon was out in force enviously trying to outshine her older brother, the sun. The stars shone brightly, cheering her on, yet twinkling at her forlorn attempt. The air was cool, still filled with the moisture of the rain. Tami and I were taking our ritual walk, hand in hand, enjoying the...

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SweetheartVideo Misty Stone Vina Sky Not Just A Kiss

Julia (Misty Stone) is surprised to see Sabrina (Vina Sky) at her door. Her daughter Nikki is not home she left for the week, but she’s not here to see her friend. She here to see her mom, to check on her and makes sure everything is good. That nice gesture pleases Julia and she offers her to come in. Unfortunately for Julia, Sabrina has other plans in mind. She dreams about this moment alone with her best friend’s mother since they got more intimate a few weeks ago. Sabrina recalls...

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Watch me please

As a construction worker that traveled extensively for work all my life, I sometimes stayed with other guys in my trade if I was invited and there was space available in their homes. My friend (and fellow pipefitter) Tom was a wild man, big, strong, and a fierce brawler – a very manly guy by any standards. And he could party! Our strange ‘peeking’ thing started back in the 80’s, (or perhaps earlier?) and continued on and off to the present day. Whenever working in the Minneapolis area, I liked...

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We Love LucyPart 3

How are you supposed to slip back into your usual life when something extraordinary happens to you? It's a simple enough question. When your world changes, how are you supposed to change it back? How, for example, do you fuck your beautiful wife while she is wearing your teenage daughter's underwear, sharing your darkest fantasies about savouring the tastes and sensations of her virginal body, and then shower and change and go on with your normal, mundane existence? How Becky and I got...

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Ahh Lochy Part 6

The water felt nice on my feet. It was really the only thing keeping me coherent with reality. The cold sea water and the slight waves rolling back and forth dampening the bottoms of my shorts before returning to dampen them again. Here, on this long but winding beach you can see a fair distance in both directions along it and the Esplanade, a road the travelled along the length of the beach was just as visible so you could imagine how weird I looked when I was constantly looking up...

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