Sonnet 57Chapter 13: Aldebaran free porn video

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Professor Angela Dawney is at work in her office sifting through a pile of incoming mail. There are various notices from the University Administration and University Admissions departments (brown envelopes), some copies of the academic journals she has personal subscriptions to (large heavy envelopes), a manuscript of a technical article for review (A4 white envelope), an acknowledgment card for a gift Angela sent to her office cleaner who was married recently (small envelope), and finally a rather smart envelope with American stamps.

On the front is an outline drawing of a prancing bull. One of its eyes is a bright red star and the envelope bears the word “Aldebaran.” Angela sighs. This is definitely some thing she wants nothing to do with. So strong is the feeling that she is tempted to throw it straight in the bin, but a nagging curiosity to know more about “Aldebaran” tempts Angela to open the envelope. Inside are several pages of closely printed text and an accompanying letter. Angela reads:

From the Desk of S David Somerset,

Research Administrator, Aldebaran Pharmaceuticals

Iowa City, Iowa, USA

Dear Professor Dawney,

I have been given your name by colleagues at the University of Iowa.

I understand you have considerable expertise in the design and analysis of questionnaire instruments to record stress in human adult subjects and I would be most grateful for your help and advice with a project this company is engaged in.

Aldebaran Pharmaceuticals is a new company set up to develop a new medicine for use in patients who are recovering after significant stressful life events — such as the victims of natural disasters, victims of violent crime, victims of accident such as house fires and road traffic incidents, and also service personnel after they are withdrawn from theatre and at the end of their tour of duty.

As you know, the body’s physiological response to severe stress can compromise an optimal response of the immune system. A reliable and safe method to reduce a patient’s reaction to stress could improve the quality of their recovery from concurrent injury.

We see a wide application for Procyon 7/50 in civilian medicine, which we believe will be its main role in the future, superseding its contemporary military application.

If you have a moment, I would be very grateful if you could email me at this address: [email protected] so that we could perhaps talk over this opportunity. Equally, we can set up a telephone call if that would be more helpful. In that event, please remember that our office is 6 hours behind you!

Hoping to hear from you in due course,

Yours truly,

S David Somerset

Angela reads through the letter once more, with a sinking heart. Aldebaran needs a pharmacologist, not an academic psychologist like her. Despite the blandishments in the letter, Angela knows there is probably very little she can offer the company and she has absolutely no wish to end up working on a project for the United States Department of Defense or any other defense company.

She decides to deal with this distraction at once. She opens her email program — and there is an email from Aldebaran! She opens the email — and it is the same letter which has just come to her in the post. Angela wastes no time. She clicks the link to reply to Somerset and types a firm but polite rejection. She reads over her reply. Is it firm enough? No room for doubt, surely? Angela presses and dismisses Aldebaran from her mind.

Several hours later, S David Somerset opens Angela’s email and reads:

Dear Dr Somerset,

Thank you for your letter and email, both received today.

It’s nice to think that my colleagues at Iowa felt I could help you but, frankly, I think you need a psychologist who has experience in managing the questionnaire data from drug trials. I am an academic psychologist and I think the orientation of my own work will not give me any useful insights concerning your own data.

Yours sincerely,

Angela M Dawney

Somerset smiles. The fish is eyeing the bait, he feels. Dawney has given him an opening to contact her again. If he had received no reply whatsoever, he would have had a harder uphill struggle. As it is...

Somerset checks his watch. It’s 2:42 pm. The time in England will be 7:42 pm. He looks over the numbers he has for Angela. Her office number? She is probably home by now. Her mobile number? Too aggressive at this stage. Her home number? Far too intrusive, at the moment. What about merely an email? She had rejected him by email once. It would be easier to reject him again. It had to be a call.

He places the call to Angela’s office number, just in case she is working late, but whilst the number connects and rings, there is no reply. Well: early days. What did he know about Angela? Single. No long-term regular partner. Ambitious. Hard working. He decides. He will call again tomorrow, when Angela first arrives at work.

The following morning, Angela is at her desk, enjoying the cup of tea she has made and thinking about her objectives. She is also thinking about a date she has in the evening with a friend from Computer Science. They are going out to dinner, and then ... well, who knows? Angela licks her lips and thinks once more about Cho Hye Jin. Her tanned South East Asian skin; her English Midlands accent softened by her lilting voice. Angela loves the way Cho keeps her hair, the way she can pile it up on her head in a tight lustrous black bun, held by a leather hair slide and coloured rods, and the way it moves and sways when she lets it down, her laughing cheeky eyes and the sweet coconut smell her skin always has. She is thinking about the way Cho usually wears her shoes on her bare feet, the way her calf and Achilles tendon both look as her leg transforms into her ankle and then on to form her feet — when the telephone rings!

Angela starts, because she does not usually get calls at 7:30 in the morning. That, after all, is one of the reasons to reach the office early.

She picks up the receiver. “Professor Dawney speaking.”

“Professor Dawney?”

“Yes?” Angela is surprised to hear an American voice. For a moment, she cannot imagine who this might be and at this time, when the Americans are all asleep in bed...

“Hi, it’s David Somerset ... from Aldebaran. You were kind enough to email me yesterday.”

“Ah,...” says Angela. Her heart sinks now she knows who is calling but she begins to think quickly. She wants to get rid of Somerset —and yet, she is disinclined to be rude. Something about his voice...

Somerset is speaking again: “Well I just wanted to call you personally and thank you for taking the trouble to reply to me so fast. To be completely honest, I was expecting either no reply at all or a very abrupt rejection, so I wanted to thank you for your courtesy in being prepared to consider us.”

“Er,...” replies Angela, not sure for once what to say. What the hell did I say? she thinks. Surely I did send a curt rejection?

Somerset is speaking again: “You see, the thing is we know there is an established protocol for analyzing a drug trial and we have people who do that. It’s just that we would like to be innovative. Can you understand that? These trials: sometimes the effects you get are modest — that is, modest compared to established therapy, but this time we have something really new. We believe in it and we want to be scrupulous in the way we carry out the trials.”

“Yes, Mr — I am sorry, is it Mr Somerset or Dr Somerset?’

“Actually it’s ‘Dr, ‘ but please call me David...”

“Well, Dr Somerset,” continues Angela briskly, “I am sure you do, but surely the best way to do that is to use people with proven expertise in that area. That is something I just do not have.”

“I understand your reservations, Ma’am, and if I was in your position I would say the same...”

Angela finds herself blanking out Somerset’s voice. Visions of Cho Hye Jin are beginning to invade Angela’s mind once more. She imagines Cho flexing her hip and lifting her leg upwards, bent at the knee, balancing on her opposite foot on her flexed toes. Angela slips off the leather pump from the foot Cho has offered (Cho is tall and usually wears soft black flat leather pumps, wide at the front and comfortable so her bare toes can spread within). In her imagination, Angela bends her face down towards Cho’s foot. She draws her tongue over the top of her toes, enjoying their sweet leathery smell, exploring the clefts between them...

Angela is brought back from her reveries. Somerset is still speaking: “ ... so if you could even just review the questionnaire instruments, we would be very grateful. We think this could be really helpful in so many day-to-day clinical situations and be a real advance in the humane management of patients after injury...”

Humane. Injury. Day-to-day situations. These three phrases find their way into a sympathetic part of Angela’s brain, skimming over the hostile terrain of disinterest to find their targets like the cruise missiles she once protested about. That and the distracting visions of Cho Hye Jin.

Angela sighs. Perhaps if she humours the man and looks through the wretched questionnaires she can point him firmly in the right direction to someone else and get rid of him, once and for all?

“Very well, Dr Somerset. I will glance over what you are proposing to use and make comments. However, please note that I still believe I am almost certainly not the person for you, but perhaps I could point you in the right direction?”

“Ma’am, I should be very grateful! I will be in touch. Can I mail the information to you or would you prefer electronic?”

“Hard copy, please,” replies Angela, thinking that it would slow the process and meanwhile she can get on with some more valuable work and think some more about Cho...

In his office, S David Somerset allows himself a careful smile. The fish has tasted the bait!

In a week’s time, Angela receives another package from Aldebaran and a duplicate email copy.

The hard copy document begins with a reminder: the information therein is privileged. It belongs to Aldebaran and may only be read by Aldebaran employees and its authorized agents and must not be shared without the specific permission of Aldebaran. Breaking the document seal implies the Reader accepts the conditions of confidentiality.

Once Angela gets past the tedious legal rubric (For goodness sake, who do they think she is? She is well aware of research ethics and the need for confidentiality: she is a member of the University Research Ethics Committee!), Angela finds a description of the trial. It is very comprehensive but not dull. It begins with a statement of the problem illustrated with a number of heart-rending pictures of the sort of people Aldebaran wish to help: a child in hospital undergoing chemotherapy. A road traffic accident victim. A young soldier — just a boy really — whose leg has been blown off above his knee by a land mine. The document then goes on to explain how stress depresses the immune system retards physical recovery and sets out the pharmacological development of Procyon.

Finally, there is a very comprehensive account of the proposed clinical trial. This is the section which Angela directs her attention to. There is a lot — pages — about blood biochemistry and the analysis of cortisone found in urine and blood. This is a section Angela skips: she is not well-informed about clinical chemistry.

At last, she finds the questionnaires. The instruments the company hopes will throw some light on how the patients feel about themselves during the trial. It does not take Angela long to decide that, whilst the biochemical tests seem to be the last word in sophistication, the questionnaires are rather superficial and simplistic.

S David Somerset has laid his bait effectively. The changes required are something Angela can do easily. Accurate collection of reliable data is something she cares about and, playing successfully on Angela’s vanity, Somerset has given her the opportunity to show just how it should be done, properly.

Angela checks the e-copy of the trial documents. It seems identical to the hard copy with no additional information. Once again it is prefaced with the reminder from Aldebaran about confidentiality. Angela finds a box to confirm her agreement beneath more lines of eight-point type, and clicks the box to confirm her agreement to the terms and conditions.

In doing so, without careful reading of the tedious and tiny lines of text, Angela misses an important extra phrase: “Actions under this contract are subject to 18 United States Code section 794 - Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government.”

Angela reflects on the proposition: some fairly elementary changes would transform the effectiveness of the documents. There would not really be much effort required. Then she can get S David Somerset and Aldebaran out of her hair for good. Angela makes a decision: she emails Somerset at Aldebaran:

Dear Dr Somerset,

Thank you for your information about the Procyon trial. I cannot comment on the biochemical monitoring you propose but I can say that the questionnaire documents are not really fit for your purpose. Some rather straightforward changes will improve the value of the data out of all recognition. In the circumstances, I am prepared to make some suggestions but I still urge you to submit my proposals to someone who has real expertise in the field.

Yours sincerely,

Angela M Dawney

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Judy Jolie, wearing a cute party hat, waits patiently with her eyes closed for her birthday surprise. Chloe Cherry comes in, kissing Judy on the neck and wishing her a happy birthday. Is she ready for her surprise?, Chloe asks Judy seductively. Chloe tells Judy to open her eyes, and when she does, she’s greeted by the sight of her girlfriend Chloe, dressed as a sexy school girl, straddling her lap, Chloe’s beautiful naked ass poking out of her skirt. Judy tells Chloe that she looks...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Jamie Michelle 05102022

It’s a war going on for market share in the high end prostitute world of New York and this madame Jamie is taking a proactive approach to business. It’s no secret that every pimp is flooding Manhattan with porn star hookers to sell their pussies for cold hard cash. All these girls will hop from pimp to pimp or just try to steal the clients. Jamie realizes this and is bringing in an army of BBCs to go after the wall street wives and executives. Take Isiah for example. Jamie met him...

4 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 7 FutaMommy Searches the Cutie

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I savored my futa-daughter, Sky, sucking my clit-dick as I drove us to school. I worked as a secretary at her high school. She bobbed her head, loving my mommy-cock with that hungry mouth of hers. I gripped the steering wheel, struggling to focus on driving. “Wow, Mrs. Marlow, your daughter is being naughty,” Georgia said from the backseat. The reverend’s daughter had lost her virginity yesterday. I had used her to keep Sky from...

4 years ago
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Asian Wife watches interracial porn part 3

So I chose a Mandingo dvd at the adult store. I chose one with Kaylani Lei...because I find her very sexy, and I wanted to see how my wife would react to watching a beautiful, petite Asian woman getting hammered by BBC. I didn't tell my wife I had picked it up, and when alone, I "previewed" the dvd. I wanted to see if it was good, and be able to focus on my wife's reaction during the dvd.A few nights later, I asked my wife if she wanted to watch a dvd, and she said "ok." I grabbed the new...

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Cheater cheater

I admit i was a terrible husband, and a pretty lousy boyfriend to every girlfriend i have had that became somewhat serious. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are not built for a monogamous relationship and I will never (knock on wood) marry again! What I miss most about being married is cheating on my wife. I loved the thrill of getting away with it and the planning it took to pull it off. And my favorite was to cheat on her with a married woman so it doubled the thrill...

3 years ago
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Fateful Intervention

Bert Mortenson opened the front door to his more than modest home in suburban Chicago and was disgusted by the site of the two teenaged boys engaged in a steamy sixty nine on his five thousand dollar leather couch. Quietly bypassing the lovers, Bert made his way into the kitchen and retrieved an imported bottle of beer from the fridge. Sitting at the kitchen table, he vowed that this was the last straw. Bert had two female lovers, a bisexual brace of lovelies that had beseeched him...

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After The Divorce Male Multiple Orgasms

I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today.In recent weeks, maybe the past three months, one of my neighbors, single and in her early 30s, spends a lot of time helping around the property and helping with garage sales. We enjoy having dinner together, having a couple beers or glasses of wine together. We have...

4 years ago
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Threes Company Teaching is Everything

Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...

2 years ago
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Mrs accidental profession OMG

we've tried this before...... I'm going for outstation and of course I bring my wife together, so at one time my wife said she want to try a different fantasy, what don't she just been visiting by a strangers for one day since you'll be left alone while I'm visiting my client outside the town. so i asked her how to find a single guy, she said just use weechat application. so she put a half naked profile photo with greeting notes "single guy need to fuck Asian wife", so the whole day she...

3 years ago
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Blue Balls 10 School Daze

Summary – Tiffany has a very fun filled day at school. Previous Story Summary – Tiffany plays with her mom and dad. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes...

4 years ago
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Fortress 69

I walked into the station meeting room and frowned at the two girls standing to one side. I looked at the force commander, "I have a lot of work to do." She smiled, "Oliver you are the best fortress hunter we have. Gypsy is an old world, the fortresses show that. The colony has a problem that central has said we must solve on our own." I looked at the girls, "available men." She nodded, "I know you have had a few bad experiences but I personally selected these two. They should be...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 06

A few days later, Brody huffed out a breath as he dropped onto the bench in the dressing room. He grabbed some Gatorade and gulped it down, exchanging high-fives with his teammates as they filed past. ‘Good job.’ Chuck Baxter clapped him on the shoulder as he dropped to the bench next to him. ‘Now we just have to do it all again next game.’ ‘No problem.’ Brody grinned. ‘Give me ten minutes.’ Baxter laughed and started unlacing his skates. ‘Ten? Come on, man, you’re ten years younger than I...

4 years ago
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Sexy Mother of Two

Hi this is Rahul from Ranchi, Jharkhand.My email id is I am 25 years old, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I am its regular visitor since the past 3 yrs and it only gave me the courage to write my own sexual experience. It actually happened one year back when I was in my final year of engg. I used to live in a rented room where other students and some family also used to stay. I am basically a shy type of boy, I always keep a distance with girls and women and I respect them a lot....

3 years ago
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Mahak ki choot ka maza2

Hi Boys and girls kasy hain ap log ap logoon ka thanks kay ap ko mari story ko like kia or ap sub nay us ko enjoy bhi kia ho ga aj may ap ko us ka 2nd part pahrny kay ley send kar raha hoon umeed hay ya bhi ap is ko bhi like karaingay to boys apny lund hath may pakar layian or girls apno choot ko sahlana start kar dain Frind mahak ki choot ka maza lany kay bad ub may us ki choot ko choodna chahta tha lakin dar bhi lagta tha kay chooti choot hay us ki mayra 7inch lumba or 3inch mota lund who...

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Fulfilling Fantasies Bad Girl

“Discipline is what you need, girl!” As Lady Hilda spoke, she let the tails of the hand-crafted leather flogger stroke the girl’s spine.The girl stiffened. She was bent over the mistreatment table, dressed only in pink hipster panties and a white t-shirt. The t-shirt had been pulled up over her back, so that she would feel the instrument of chastisement on her skin. “Lady Hilda, ma’am. What have I done?”“What you’ve done?” Lady Hilda exclaimed, bringing the tails down lightly, before swirling...

3 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 18

Summer has been progressing better than Chance imagined it would when he first arrived at his sister’s house. It has been filled with so much fun that he would hate for it to ever stop. School is looming just a couple weeks away, which shouldn’t change anything. And since school is going to be starting soon, he has to get ready for the football season, and that means running. He even manages to get Rory to run with him, telling her it will complete her fitness training that she already...

2 years ago
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Help wanted

Waking up in the afternoon, kate Ambers went through her routine of showering, brushing teeth and hair, then applying makeup. She didn't need it, but she looks better with her face covored in everything she owns. Once dressed in casual clothes, she ate lunch and hesitantly looked at the classifieds for a job since she was low on money, because she spent her pocket money on makeup, the rest is only for rent pay. Going down the list she saw: SUPERHERO SCHOOL TEACHER FOOD SERVICE SECURITY...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 31

I sat in the cockpit with Jillian as she took time to show me each little detail about what she was doing as she prepared to turn the plane and head down the runway. The more time I spend around this big plane, the more I want to buy us one like it, so we can all fly to some place special and have fun while we spend a little of the money we’ve accumulated in the past three or four months. Aunt Rita had mentioned to Granny and me about all of us flying down to Mexico to see some of her...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 56

Crystal began to stir and opened her eyes. The sunlight flowed through the windows and filled the large rec room with bright light. She got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and returned to see if anyone else was awake. Looking at the bed containing Sally, Lisa, and Megan, she noticed they were still naked, their arms draped over one another's bodies. Crystal went back to the bed she and Yuko shared with Kim and shook Yuko's shoulder to wake her. When Yuko opened her eyes, Crystal held her...

4 years ago
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First time Oral

Back several years ago I had a gay friend named Barry. He was a sweet guy and fun to hang out with. We would do the gay bars in my town about every weekend. Barry ended up meeting and dating an older man named Larry.. Larry was quite well off and had a huge house on the edge of the city. We all became fast friends with the owners of one of the bars. Gary was telling us one night that he had hired a new DJ.. A straight guy name Jodie. He assured me that he was an amazing looking guy. He was due...

1 year ago
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Private Paola Hard Glory Hole Massage

After a long absence, we’re thrilled to be reunited once again with the ever sexy Paola Hard, and this busty redhead returns to with quite the bang… literally! Paola sure knows how to put her big tits to work, and Jesús Reyes is the lucky recipient today in Private Specials, Busty Masseuses where Paola oils herself up and gives his BBC a special Private massage that includes everything from a gloryhole blowjob, to a wet and slippery titfuck, to some POV interracial gonzo action,...

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The JudicatorsCounterspell

The Judicators:Counterspell "Come on honey you said you were going to be ready a half hour ago, we need to get going." Glenn said to Debbie. Glenn's wife cringed hearing those words. She hated that he was always in a hurry; why couldn't her husband take life nice and slow like she did. It would be fine, they will meet up with their friends at the restaurant when they get there. She also hated to be rushed, she had all the time in the world. Each time he is in a hurry Debbie would...

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My little secret

I have a friend, Katelin is his girl name but everyone knows him as Jake. He's the same age, and we've been good friends for quite a while. We found out about each other last summer. When a pair of panties I thought I had hidden, suddenly came out into the open. Before I could react, he grabbed them and started asking me all kinds of questions. "Whos are these, what are they doing here, How did they get here". Finally after 20 minutes of him bugging me I finally came out and said it....

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