Sonnet 57Chapter 6: Guderian At Dunkirk free porn video

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In this chapter, when Jennifer was Vyera, in Moscow, she met Tracy, another abductee being held as security against her father’s un-paid business debts. Petra Tennerby the Randolf Corporation enforcer, is closing in on Jennifer McEwan. Jennifer is the girl who came back. Has she information which could help locate Tracy? Guderian at Dunkirk

In a quiet moment during his office day, Anatoly picks up the Vyera file and reads. He reviews the resume of the telephone calls and email traffic. He notes Neena’s ‘e-visits’ to Vyera and her appointments with the therapeutic psychologist, Malvern. The calls, text and emails to her parents. Vyera’s calls to her husband and his calls to her. Anatoly goes to the second section of the file to remind himself about Vyera’s husband Joseph. About the company which employs him, about what he did for the company and what he did when his wife Jennifer disappeared and became the new woman “Vyera” he is now getting to know. Anatoly notes Joseph’s calls to a colleague called Gwenda. If Sveta had not intervened and so to speak, altered the course of history, Anatoly wonders if Gwenda and Joseph might have found happiness together? Joseph is a brave and resourceful young man, the sort of person who could easily find a place in Anatoly’s organization, if only Anatoly is able to get the engineering right. And Joseph would bring Vyera with him...

As he grows older, Anatoly often finds himself thinking about his father.

He remembers standing by his father on one occasion as they looked at a picture of Army officers who themselves were standing and gazing at a map. In the picture, Anatoly’s father points to a location and glances up at his Commander, Marshal Gregory Zhukov. (1)

“It’s important Anatoly”, said his father, “to follow orders carefully. Especially if the orders come from a man like this”. He taped the image of Zhukov. “On the other hand there are times when you have to know which orders to disregard.

Did I tell you about the time when the German panzer leader Heinz Guderian lost the Great Patriotic War in West Europe by following orders?

In 1940, he had pushed the British forces right to the sea. There they were trapped along the Belgian coast. Guderian was poised to strike the final fatal blow which would have destroyed the ability of the British to resist Hitler on land in the west. For some reason, Hitler told Guderian to stop advancing. There he sat, tank engines running, consumed in frustration whilst a few kilometres away, the British slipped away across the sea in a ridiculous armada of small boats. (2) By and by his chance of finishing off the British vanished and all because he obeyed an order. Do you know what he should have done? Gone right ahead and told Hitler that the final attack was in progress and could not be halted! You see, Guderian knew better than the German High Command exactly what the position was on the ground. Orders from superiors do not excuse a soldier from using his brain. So that goes to show little Anatoly that sometimes you have to know when to disobey!”

Anatoly as a mature adult is now able to understand much more exactly the sage advice from his father, General Sergei Kustensky, Hero of the Soviet Union. Anatoly smiles. Mikhail Barysovitch Antonov is – in Anatoly’s opinion - not at his best in a crisis. He told Anatoly to dismantle the surveillance equipment planted in Vyera’s home in England. Clearly, a panic response. This was an order Anatoly had disobeyed – and he was reaping the benefits of holding fast. He will not mention the details to Mikhail Barysovitch but the information he is learning is sharpening his plans about what to do next.

Petra stalks her Prey

After Petra finds the exact location of Jenny and Joe’s home she formulates a careful surveillance plan. As an American she is unusual, although not the novelty she might have been years ago. Still, she would linger in memory if she had an accidental encounter with one or more of the McEwan’s neighbours or worse still, an unexpected meeting with the McEwans themselves.

Petra begins in the safety of her hotel room in London and brings up the McEwan’s address on Google Earth. She has an excellent aerial view of their property and the neighbourhood and a street map which allows her to plan a drive-by in the most discrete way.

Petra has to gain some detailed knowledge of the McEwan’s routine and of their immediate plans. The technical question is, how should she arrange the eves-drop?

Petra turns again to the satellite image and increases the size to maximum resolution. It seem almost as if she hovers above the roof of the property. Petra is searching for some vulnerability, some point of leverage she can exploit to help her find a technical answer to her problem...

Over dinner that evening (she chooses to go ‘Oriental’, to Kai Mayfair because it is simply the best. Sharp. Elegant. Beautiful and with food to match.) (3) Petra muses over what to do about Tracy. She thinks back over the revealing conversation she had with Randolf and Chuck Yates, the Randolf Corporation Chief Financial Accountant. (4)

“So Petra, Chuck and I are gonna have to put you more in the picture about the Corporation. Give you some important context. Chuck?...”

“Well Petra, it’s like this. Frankly, the Corporation has been in poor shape over the past few years. We are seriously over-valued. We need real money to refinance and to get working capital to rebuild our financial foundations...”

“So why not just go to the Bank and borrow?” Petra asked. “If people think you are a good risk and a valuable company, that should be no problem?”

“The banks are being much more careful and frankly, I don’t want them crawling over the company accounts” replied Randolf.

“and the reason is”, continues Chuck, “that the accounts have not told the complete picture about the corporate finances for quite a while, So what we did”, continues Chuck.

“Look, Petra it’s like this” said Randolf, following through. “Along comes The Nineties. After the Soviet Union collapsed I could smell money. Could we cut some deal with the former soviets? Hell, I thought we’d be dealing with a bunch of engineers who knew fuck all about business or a collection of ex-pinko communist apparatchiks who did not know which way up the balance sheet went.”

“And I guess it did not turn out quite like that?”

“No siree girl, it did not.“

“ ... so we took a leaf out of the Enron Book” (5) adds Chuck. “We set up a number of Special Purpose Vehicles. These separate an investment from the main balance sheet. If it makes money, you can transfuse money into the main Corporation accounts. If it loses, it is off the books but the main thing is that the share price is not affected by what the SPV’s are doing.” (6)

“I wanted them just to bring investment capital into the Corporation” explains Randolf. “ ... and avoid tax” adds Chuck with an accountant’s precision.

“Well, ‘Boris’ found out that we were over-valued and he guessed that we had been using our East Europe operations to rebuild our finances” added Randolf.

... you see Petra, they knew that we had not been correctly declaring profits and The Treasury does not like that” the pedantic Chuck explained.

“ ... and I have no intention of doing jail time like that dumbass Jeffery Skilling” added Randolf. (7)

“ ... so Manfred sent Tracy to tie up the East European operation.”

“To cut the Russians loose?”

“Yep, that’s about it. A few more months and we would not have needed them any more” Randolf replied.

“And now they have Tracy, she is security to guarantee your good behavior”, says Petra, summarizing the situation.

“Yes Petra, that’s it. Tracy also knows where a whole lot more bodies are buried.”

Petra glances at her watch. 9pm in London but 3pm in Houston. Chuck Yates would still be at his desk. Petra places the call. She reaches the Corporation switchboard and is soon speaking with Chuck’s secretary.

“Mr Yates Office...”

“This is Petra Tennerby. Corporation Security. I would be obliged if you would put me through to Mr Yates?”

“Do you have an appointment, Ms Tennerby?”

“No I do not but I think you should let Mr Yates know I am on the line. It’s an expensive line, by the way. It goes all the way to London, England.”

“Just one moment, I will see if he can give you time...”

“Petra?” Chuck sounds tentative and unsure of himself.


“Petra, should we be talking like this?”

Petra is not to Chuck’s liking. She is attractive and sensuous in a sinuous rattlesnake sort of way and like a rattlesnake, she is dangerous with a fast, deep and poisonous bite. If he reflected carefully enough, Chuck would have to admit to himself that he is afraid of Petra and perhaps with good reason.

“Why the hell not, Chuck? We both work for the Randolf Corporation.”

“Yes but well, you know ... you are Security.” Petra can imagine Chuck starting to perspire, beginning to squirm in his chair.

“Who better to speak with the Corporation Chief Accountant?”

“So how can I help?” Chuck sighs and Petra hears him down the line. ‘A good accountant maybe but not good with poker’ she muses.

“You have got my number?”

“Of course.”

“So go home, stop by Wallmart, buy a ‘pay as you go’ mobile and call me. I would like to take your call before midnight and its already 9pm here so call me by six, your time huh?”

“Ye ... yes Petra, I’ll try”

“No, Chuck. Don’t just try. Just do it, do you hear?”

“OK Petra, I’ll call.”

After she closes the call, Petra reflects carefully over some awkward facts: Randolf owes money – but is almost in the clear. Randolf is tied to a partner who is able to dictate terms. Tracy is surety. Tracy has insider information about the Corporation - but the value of her inside knowledge is fading with each passing day and other information about some less-than-honest financial footwork which has kept the Corporation looking like a sound investment.

Petra finds herself wondering when would Tracy cease to be of any real value to the Corporation? When would they get to a point where they did not need Tracy anymore?

The Prospects for Tracy Randolf

“Petra? It’s me, Chuck.”

“Good boy Chuck. You are calling on time. Are you inside?”

“Yes of course.”

“I would rather we had this conversation outside.”

“Do I have to?”

“Depends if you want to be overheard or not. Is it raining or something?”

“Petra you surely don’t think our home is bugged do you?”

“Frankly Chuck I have no idea. It was clean last time I did a sweep but who knows now. Anyway the point is I don’t want us to be overhead and it’s less likely that your garden has been compromised. Bugs planted between the roses, you know?”

“OK just give me a minute...”

Chuck keeps the line open as he goes outside. Petra can hear him shuffling through his house and eventually the character of the line changes as he gets outside. “So what is it you want to talk about that is so sensitive? Have you found Tracy?”

“No, but I have found the girl who might have been held captive with her.”

“Oh ... Well that’s good isn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s definitely a step in the right direction but that is not why I am calling.”


“I was thinking back to the conversation you and Manfred had with me in Berlin. You remember: when you told me that the Corporation was headed down the pan and about what you did...”

“Yes well Petra do we have to go over that again? I mean it’s looking a lot like water under the bridge now.”

“Yes I hope so but its still a skeleton in the cupboard, right?”

“Erm, yes well ... Yes, I guess so, although I would rather not use that sort of language...”

“So Chuck, Manfred said that Tracy knows where a whole lot more bodies are buried?”

“Petra, do we have to go over this again? Isn’t your job just to help us get Tracy back?”

“My job is to manage the situation Chuck, which may involve getting Tracy back and maybe no.”

“No? Not get Tracy back? How do you mean Petra?”

“OK Chuck let’s think this thing through. You are in Manfred’s office, sat at the conference table but unfortunately, it’s not just you and Manfred. There are people from The Treasury, people from the Department of Justice, FBI, Houston PD and maybe you two have gotten yourselves an attorney. The Treasury says ‘we realise that no one has lost money but what you did was serious fraud and way out of line’ and the Department of Justice people shake their head and say ‘yep, one of you two or maybe both of you is going down for twenty five years at least. We have got to set an example here. Uphold standards of good corporate behaviour. We do not want any more Gordon Gekko behaviour’. (8) What’s Manfred going to do? How old is he now? Sixties? Sixty plus twenty five minus three for good behaviour minus two for a ‘guilty’ plea is eighty. Can you or Manfred last out in the State ‘Pen till you are eighty? Alternatively does Manfred say ‘Well look here I gave my daughter a free hand to bring new thinking to the business? I think you are going to have to have a word with her because all these irregularities started after she joined the Corporation - and meanwhile he is thinking ‘Tracy: she is thirty so thirty plus twenty five equals fifty five and she gets to walk out of the ‘Pen and she still has a lot of years ahead of her?”

Chuck swallows hard. Petra’s grim scenario seems all too dreadfully plausible. He knows that if the chips were really down, Manfred would always look after himself and would have no hesitation in throwing him and perhaps even Tracy to the wolves if the need arose.

“So what should we do Petra?”

“So let’s think about Tracy. Why is she valuable to her abductors?”

“Well they will assume that Manfred wants his daughter back and will start toeing the line so they can do some sort of deal between us and them?”

“Something like ‘give us a controlling interest in the Corporation and you can have the girl back again’?”

“Something like that.”

“What other value might she have? Pretend you were selling her to the highest bidder. Maybe pretend she was a bit like a football player.”

“Well if you put it like that Petra, Tracy is a trained accountant and a very good one actually. She knows the oil business. She knows the financial position of the Corporation and how we like to do things.”

“OK, let’s take these things one by one. Accountant?”

“She is good but not uniquely good.”

“Oil business?”

“Well, plenty of people know about the oil business...”

“The financial position of the Corporation? That must change from day to day, right?”

“Sure. When she vanished, she would know the up to date situation. As time passes, her detailed knowledge becomes out-dated. That is inevitable.”

“So her knowledge of the Corporation is becoming less valuable as time passes?”

“Yes, well I guess but look Petra...”

“And then you add a little something if you roll all these things up together in one package?”

“Yes, that’s fair but look Petra this is Tracy we are talking about. Manfred’s daughter.”

“Chuck here is some practical risk management. From what you have said, Tracy’s unique value to you is that she knows where the bodies are buried, right?”


“So if there is no Tracy, there is one less person to open their mouth too wide. If Tracy comes home and sings in Washington or Houston, you and Manfred are in real trouble. If she sings in Moscow, who in their right mind is going to believe her, especially when you and Manfred have the opportunity to pour all the evidence down to the bottom of one of those deep wells Manfred wants to drill?”

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I'm an ordinary woman, who desires nothing more than an ordinary wish, to be loved exactly as I wish until I am completely satisfied. I have had my share of “Wham, Bam, thank you, Ma’am”. Or moments where my mouth said “It’s OK honey, I love you”, but my mind would scream “Take that weenie out of me”. So, is it wrong to want to experience everything a white woman’s pussy wet and her knees buckle in orgasmic pleasures? So after few years of unsatisfying sex I decided to cut off my hubby until he...

2 years ago
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The 10 of them Chapter 7

Introduction: One trip, one hot night, and the day I made three of my friends millionaires. We go to the bank, and open an account for Marshall. I transferred the twenty-five thousand dollars into his new account. We then go to lunch and Marshall had a certain restaurant in mind as he had me drive to it. We eat a great lunch. Just before we leave the Judge shows up. He watched as Marshall put a one hundred dollar bill on the table for the tip. The Judge curious asks, Marshall, how in the...

1 year ago
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Fucking My ExGirlfriend Sofia 8211 Part 1

I am Sagar from Manipur. This story happened in September 2016 when I was studying MA at Delhi University. I rented a room in Vijay Nagar double story and attended class in North Campus. I had not communicated with my ex-girlfriend Sofia since I came to Delhi to study in 2012. Sofia came to Delhi in 2016 to join at a hospital as a nurse. She stayed at her cousin’s flat babysitting his child. She pinged me on Facebook. We chatted for a while asking each other how we had been these years and all...

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My wifes second job

I am a truck driver and a few months back I discover that My wife of five years had been working two jobs. Soo little did I know. You see, I am a trucker driver and my treasure works full time at the local truck stop here in town. I can't always take my wife with me on the road as much as I would like. Which in terms I end up leaving her here in town till I get back. Its' hard on a guy like me to leave a pretty young woman at home and I have to go on the road to pay the bills. Soo a few months...

4 years ago
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Juicy Jennifers first friend 6

Jennifer sends suddenly no more message to me, only some secret signals I try to figure out from my friend.I feel she tries to talk to me without words for some strange reasons. She does not explain me why for a full day.Jennifer sends some signals as interesting as intriguing, so I include links to those which taught and told me most.I feel she tries to talk to me and deserves this story in our series, as the preceding one, an interlude before main.Jennifer is my muse, be it as a bride, sexy...

2 years ago
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MAMI, THE HOUSE WIFE 1 (PART 1) I come from a small town in Tamilnadu. I belong to an orthodox Brahmin family of temple priests. My parents were married at a very early age as it was the custom in the Brahmin families then. My mother was just 16 at her marriage and my father was 28 leaving a difference of 12 years between them. Don’t guess that this is another mother fucking story. No it is not ! atleast for now. I grew up in an atmosphere of pujas, slokas, and serious studies as all Brahmin...

1 year ago
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My CL Hookup True

One summer day the weather was horrible when I woke up. Pouring down rain and thunder and lightning. I made some food and hopped on the couch. Turned on the TV to some movie I had seen a million times. I reached for my laptop and started browsing porn. I browsed for hours not paying attention to the time. I was actually surprised I did not decide to play with myself. I had heard of people getting casual hook ups on CL so I decided to check it out. Most of the adds did not interest me in...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled 1 mmf

bisexual – mmf – threesome - creampie – clean upIntroductionMy wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her perfect ass. My biggest turn-on is giving her orgasms, and she has an...

3 years ago
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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend Pt3

It was a Friday, and it was the weekend that Brittany would be sleeping over. When the girls got out of school, they headed straight to the house. Lori and Brit had planned on this weekend. Brittany couldn't wait for her turn to sleep at our house. She was driving Lori crazy with all the times Brit complained on how time was running slow, or would complain how Lori was having more fun with me than she was. There was some friction of jealousy on Brits part. Lori would tell me some of the things...

4 years ago
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Pakistani Dost Ki Ma Bani Meri Rundi

main nay yahan indiansexstories per kafi stories parheen hain aur unko parh kar main yahi sochta tha keh sex bohat he mazaydar and full of satisfaction hota hay aur main unhi sochon main rehta tha aur kafi khush hota tha likin aik jagah darta bhe tha keh agar mujh say asal main nah howa yah mujhay koi baymari ho gae yeh soch kar main kafi dar jata tha kiya karta main us waqt virgin tha likin bus phir main yahi sochta tha keh jo hoga acha he hoga … mera naam zain hai aur main pakistan kay...

2 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 27

It was close to six o’clock when Emily finally arrived at school. She didn’t really remember SAPPHIRE why it had taken her so long to arrive, but she guessed it was because she was doing something important. For Jack, the pretty blonde teenager thought dreamily to herself, nodding as she strolled into the side entrance of the school by the main gymnasium. Definitely something important, for Jack. She knew whenever those sorts of things happened, her head got all sorts of swimmy and fuzzy...

2 years ago
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Halloween Costume ENF

It's Halloween night, when young women all over America dress up in sexy costumes and go out to let their hair down and have some fun. Some girls, however, end up showing off a lot more than they bargained for! This is a place to tell those girl's stories.

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Taming The Cougar Part 2 From Cougar To Sub

I left Pam's apartment, bewildered. I had not been a choirboy in the past and had done much plain and fancy fucking. Never, however, had I been so drawn to a woman. I had at all costs avoided relationships though many women had tried to entice me into one. Why was this woman affecting me this way? I wanted more than a one-night or two-night stand with her. I had a difficult time knowing what I wanted, but I knew I wanted more.A bonus for me is that she seemed to be submissive, which really...

4 years ago
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Ordered Spanking

With my partner working away for long periods of time, we have a open relationship, were we allow each other to have sexual experiences with others, to the point where my boyfriend sets me up in various encounters. This is just one of them.I was at work, when I got an email though from my partner, he told me not to go home but to go straight to the address he gave me, to meet a Mr Harris. The next sentence just said "he is going to cane you!".As I finished up at the office, I kept wondering who...

4 years ago
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Amandas ChoiceChapter 9

As Sirinna walked down the silent path, the break in the clouds had drifted overhead, revealing a sky of velvet blue sparkling with tiny points of distant light. The cool breeze blew against her skin, stimulating her, goosebumps rising on her arms partially in response to the wind, and partially from the growing excitement she felt as she approached the Overlord's quarters. Her skin was already dry from the breath of night air, but a slight dampness lay in her hair, a faint fragrance of the...

1 year ago
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Jared and Jennifer Part 3

"Jennifer, why not? Just a quick bj before school starts." "No, Jared. Last time I did that someone walked by the car! Thank god they didn't see anything. Wait until after third period when we both have breaks." "C'mon Ms. Singer, I could tell how turned on you got when you thought someone saw you sucking my cock." I moved Jennifer's hand over to where my hard dick waiting for her. She looked down at what her hand was placed over and bit her lip. My girlfriend was the cutest when she tried to...

3 years ago
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How to Train Your Daughter Ch 9a

This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I'd recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings (which also happens to be one of the most popular chapters), or at least read Ch. 2, which is a very short synopsis of the rules of the universe in these stories. All parts of this chapter have been completed and submitted; expect to see one section go live each day, so stay tuned. This series deals with first-time, free-use, age difference, light...

1 year ago
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Between The HeartbeatsChapter 7B

Friday, 11 July 03 1830 EDT Chegwidden Residence McLean, VA "Papa, you're late!" Francesca accused as he nearly ran in through the front door. "I know, I know." AJ dropped his briefcase and cover on the table before making his way to the bedroom. "I couldn't get out of the office on time and then there was an accident on the highway." "Jules is nearly ready; she is dressing in my bedroom." AJ turned and faced his daughter, asking, "You're bedroom? Why is she in your...

3 years ago
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Her Love

‘She would have loved this,’ Remy Therriault whispered to no. On the back porch of his family’s Schoharie Valley hunting cabin, he watched the sunset and held an empty glass tumbler that once held some hard, amber liquor made a few miles from where he sat. ‘I miss her,’ he admitted to himself as he absently-mindedly raised the glass to his lips, forgetting that it was empty. Once he remembered, he shook his head and stood. He wanted a refill but shook his head instead. ‘Getting drunk won’t...

2 years ago
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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 3

Justin I sat in my car, feeling numb. Yeah sure, I know Ina doesn’t give a damn about me anymore. But she should have had the decency not to fuck my twin brother, shouldn’t she? I felt like someone clawed a hole in my chest. I pressed my forehead against the wheel, trying to figure out a way to breathe. Tears slid down my nose, finally dropping on my dress. When I got home I took a shower and put on an oversized shirt and cutoffs. Then I went back downstairs and waited for Warren. At 2:14...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel

FALLEN ANGEL 1. Aunt Julene woke me up at 6:31 on the dot, sweeping lightly into the bedroom with a breakfast tray between her hands. This was nothing unusual in itself, I'd been subjected to these dawnlight raids for the past couple of couple of years. Her voice sliced through the air like a keen-edged blade. "Rise and shine, sleepy-head," she chimed in bright, tinkling tones that never failed to set my teeth on edge, "Your appointment's at nine, and we can't lie around all...

1 year ago
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UniversityChapter 60

Despite the heat, Wednesday morning I put on a light suit and a tie. A dean with an Order of Australia and two doctorates wasn't to be treated trivially. And I didn't want to appear to be a whiner. I didn't have to wait for very long. I was shown in to see Dean Riley immediately. As I sat down I could see a file folder on her desk with "Hollister, P." on its tab. "Good morning, Mr. Hollister." "Good morning, ma'am. Thank you for seeing me." She gestured towards a...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Zoom

It was getting late, and there were only four of us left on the Friday night Zoom call. Carrie and Jim were together on one laptop, while my boyfriend Will and I were dialling in separately from our individual flats. All our other friends had said their goodbyes and left for one reason or another, and just the hardcore chatters were left. We’d all changed into our pyjamas, and the chat had got a bit ribald, as it often did towards the end of the evening. We were remembering an evening a couple...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 25

Friday December 21st was our final carved in stone 'be done!' date. I mentally wasn't predicting the EMP until Sunday the 23rd, but the 21st was the traditional EOTW date set by the Mayans and when most of the 'we're all going to die' internet hysteria seemed to be taking place. All of our computer equipment was disconnected and stored now except for one old laptop with a slow wifi card that I'd decided to sacrifice. We had up to a couple of days now to wait, in primitive...

2 years ago
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Im Krper einer Bodybuilderin

Heute bin ich gestorben. Während ich geschlafen hatte sich ein Mädchen vom Putzpersonal in mein Hotelzimmer geschlichen und sich an meinem Geldbeutel und meinen Reise-Dokumenten zu schaffen gemacht. Als ich erwachte und sie dabei erwischte stand sie auf. Sie beugte sich über mich und rammte mir ein Messer in die Seite. Ich wurde völlig davon überrascht und hatte nicht den Hauch einer Chance. Gepeinigt von Schmerzen wollte ich aufschreien. Doch in diesem Augenblick drückte sie mir das Messer so...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 367 Nuclear Aftermath

Thursday, June 7, 2007 (Continued) Being the responsible people they were, the reporters agreed to keep the news secret to avoid panicking The People, instead quietly phoning The Authorities to report the presence of a nuclear bomb in downtown... - Oops! I appeared to have slipped into a weird parallel dimension (correction: an "opposite dimension"). Wait a second while I pull myself back to reality. I'm back now. As a general rule, DC-based political reporters don't know a great deal...

2 years ago
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Deacutepuceleacute je suis devenue Claudia

Dépucelé, comment à 15 ans je suis devenue Claudia: - De façon cachée voir même très cachée depuis ma petite enfance je mettais de temps en temps les fringues de ma soeur à son insu. - Alors que j'étais encore scolarisé, avec un voisin de mon age nous nous retrouvions dans une grange pour jouer avec nos sexes, mais ça n'allait pas plus loin. c'était en quelque sorte notre éducation sexuelle. J'ai aussi, tel que bon nombre d'entre vous jouer au docteur ou au papa et la maman avec une voisine....

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Bikini Beach The Sub

Bikini Beach - The Sub ElrodW Synopsis: A young man is dropping his sister and her friends off at Bikini Beach, and overhears a problem with lifeguard staff. Anya realize he might be able to help, but he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. This story and the Bikini Beach story theme are copyright, all rights reserved. Use of the characters or them without the express permission of the owner is a violation of copyright...

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