Fashion Show free porn video

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Fashin Show I. R. Nixon "Just a few more minutes and it will be done, Sharon.", Cathy said as she removed the last of the heated rollers. She let them cool a few minutes then she started the combout routine. In no time she had a complete style. "There, what do you think, Sharon?" "It's darling, so chic and feminine, so bold, you are terrific!" "Funny you big brother does not seem to appreciate it." Roger, Sharon's 24 year-old brother seemed on the verge of tears as he looked at his feminized tresses in the mirror. He still could not believe it had happened. Twenty minutes ago he was giving his sister a hard time about her leaving the bathroom such a mess. He was being his usual bullyboy-asshole self when Cathy told him to apologize. "Shut-up bitch!" he had yelled. Cathy said nothing she went into the bathroom and plugged in the hot rollers and waited. In a few minutes they indicated they were heated. She went back to the room and told Roger he must apologize to both of them now, knowing full well he wouldn't. "You have got to be kidding me!" "No I'm not." she said and gave him a moderate slap across the face. "Do that one more time and I'll deck your ass." Smaack! this time it was harder. That did it for Roger he swung a moderate right hook into her abdoman. He was amazed she did not even flinch and her stomach as rock-hard muscle. She only smiled. In horror Roger realized he had not been effective. He landed a second punch to no results. "You call those punches child?", Cathy taunted as she doubled him over with a punch of her own. She then spun around and gave a knee to the buttocks area sending him to the floor. She walked over grabbed his hair and yanked him to his feet. She then placed him in a painful hammer lock and marched him to the bathroom. She made him kneel in from of the counter and proceeded set his hair. She then used a light mist of setting lotion and used a blow dryer to accelerate the process. Roger's humiliation was complete. He had been forcefully feminized in front of his own sister in less than twenty minutes by a teenage girl. "Now Sharon these curls will only last until he washes his hair again. So Roger are you going to be a good girl and use these hot rollers everyday or am I going to have to come over and do it for you?" Roger did not respond. "Roger, I asked you a question." "I'll do it.", he spat out. "You'll do what! Roger girl?" "I'll use the hot rollers everyday." "Like a good little lady?" "Like a good little lady.", he mumbled with tears running down his face. "Good, now for those apologees." "I'm sorry I gave you a hard time about the bathroom and I'm sorry I called you a bitch Cathy." "That's better. Now Roger I want you to kiss the muscles that did this to you.", teased Cathy as she shoved her 17" bicep in front of him. He responded by kissing the huge muscle. Cathy could feel the warm tears steaming down his face. She repeated this with the other arm. Roger was now sobbing uncontrollably. Sharon's giggeling had evolved into laughter. They both departed the room. Sharon and Cathy were both now working for Carolyn at her specialized dress shop. The shop was one of a large chain owned by Carolyn. A week ago Carolyn had paid Cathy to teach her son David a lesson. The result of which was David finding himself involuntarily modeling a rather ladylike gown in front of the entire shop. Dave was a cunning lad and wound up with a huge settlement from his mother to drop a lawsuit. When David left Carolyn hired Cathy. Sharon was very helpful to Cathy. However Sharon had a brother that has an attitude problem and Cathy offered to "change is mind about the proper way to treat a lady". Sharon accepted and Roger had just gotten his first, and hopefully last, lesson on respect. When they were out of earshot Cathy cautioned Sharon, "Only make it use them for a week or so. Most guys will figure out that they can use them for their advantage after that and then you'll never get them back or they will be all messed when you do. Beside this loses its effect in a few days." "Okay, I bet his attitude is changed. He was sobbing like a baby just a few seconds ago. Huh! Mr. Tough Guy, Macho Man, Getting his ass whooped and feminized." "Let's hope he learned his lesson, if not we start with the hair and work our way down. When were done with the pedicure we start going for public outings. Usually it only takes then one or two lessons to know when to give up. "Have you made any plans for you two brothers. They seemed a little cocky after they conned you.", asked Sharon. "Matter of fact I do, but I'm going to need your help." "Anything you want. After today you're number one in my book." The two girls then started to conspire. Sharon smiled an evil smile and said, "You know it just might work. In fact I bet we can get Carolyn to agree, she has a score to settle with her son and bet she can think of a way to get even." The next morning Cathy had already started her revenge on her brother Ted. During the night she had snuck into his room and tied his hands and feet to the bed. When he awoke and realized his plight he was angry. Cathy entered the room and casually stated that she was going to make the rest of him match the new perm. "Oh come on Cathy you can't still be mad over that. Look the only reason it worked is because you wanted to see us humiliated. Of course we took advantage of that, just as that guy Dave took advantage of his mother.", Dave explained not sure what was next. "You cost me a hundred bucks so I.m going to get a hundred bucks of amusement out of you. Besides you should feel lucky what your brother is going to get is going to be a hell of lot worse." With that she started methodically apply a bright red polish to his toe nails. He wiggled is feet. Cathy stretched a wire coat hanger to form a two wire paddled. Two good swipes on the bottom of Ted's foot and the wiggling ceased. Next she proceeded to give his finger nails the same treatment. Ted was getting madder as she casually feminized him making a few remarks about his status. She then proceeded to do his hair. Her mothers curling iron seemed to fill the bill perfectly. Ted's perm helped to provide the body necessary for a soft womanly style. Next she applied his make- up. Ted was white-hot angry by now. When she was finished she giggled at his new look and then made him look in the mirror at himself. She then untied his hands leaving him to free himself. Cathy went to living room to read the paper. In a few minutes Ted had managed to untie his ankles and left his room in nearly an uncontrolled rage. Had Ted simply clean himself up and let it go he would have been better off but he did not. He ran into the living room in a rage. He grabbed by her blouse and slammed her to the wall. "Look Bitch your gonna pay for this." he screamed in heated anger. "I already did pay for it." she giggled. "That's not what I mean. You gonna pay through your hide." "Oh Teddy girl, a woman is never scarred of a pussy-boy who wears lipstick. Especially when she's the one making him wear it." she taunted. His rage was now uncontrollable and her calm patronizing was making it worse. "this is what I mean paying through your hide.", he blurted as he drew back his right hand. He through a punch and was horrified when Cathy placed up her hand and grabbed his punch stopping it inches from her face, she followed this with a knee to the groin causing Ted to double over. She then placed both of his arms in a double hammerlock. She bent him over an end table and applied firm upward pressure. In a few seconds Ted was begging for her to let go. She continued her upward pressure for nearly two more minutes. Ted was now sobbing and begging forgiveness all to know avail. She then dropped his right arm leaving it to hang limp and useless by his side. She stood him up and grabbed his butt digger her nails in firmly. Ted's feet hardly touched the floor as he moved him into her room. She released him. She then went to her dresser and remove a bra and panties. Seeing his arms were nearly useless she strapped the bra around his chest and placed the panties on one leg at a time. She sensed his anger had turned to cold fear as he quivered. She then took a bright yellow and orange sundress and slid it on him. "Okay, puss-boy her are your instructions for the day. I got one coat of polish on your nails, you will bring that to nine coats of color and two coats of clear. I think you can remember that. We are having a fashion show tonight at the store and I told them you will be glad to do some modeling for them. There will be about seventy to eighty women there so you had better look sharp. Monica will be here to get you about four. If you want to go out before then fine just don't remove your makeup or change you hair." Ted stood speechless and in shock. He looked in the mirror and was horrified. He could almost pass for a girl. The thought of parading around in front of a bunch of women dressed this way was unbearable. "Oh! one more thing," Cathy stated flexing her biceps in front of Ted, "Kiss the muscles that did this to you." Ted grudgingly obliged. Cathy then left amused that her brother was in such a befuddled state. She had used his anger to get the best of him and he was paying dearly. John was in for an even worse fate. Around noon John arrived at the store. Cathy had told him that a lady was interested in buying his 'vette and was willing to pay top dollar for it. He was suppose to meet the lady there at noon. John was interested in selling his 'vette. He had purchased it when he was making big bucks in construction but now that he was attending school and needed the cash. When the lady did not show John started to leave. "Sorry, John I guess she just forgot or something. Sharon and I both remember her saying she would be back at noon." "That's right. I'm positive it was noon." "Oh, well," John replied. "Hey Sonic Waves looks great." Sharon replied as she gave John a hug. John started towards the door. Carolyn Langston looked at John and yelled. "You! You mister stop right there." She walked over to him and reached into his pocket and remove a gold broach. She confronted him with it. "Do you have a receipt for this??, she demanded. "What somebody put that there. What would I be doing with it?" "Should I call Mall security?" "No I have a better plan let's call the police. This way to my office." Inside the office Carolyn made him stand in front of her desk. She then call Sharon into the office. "Sharon do you know this man??" "Well, yes he's Cathy's brother John. It all fits. She slipped to him when they were talking. You know Cathy was picked up for car theft last year." "No! No! She borrowed my car without telling me she was using it. I mean I had told her she could drive it generally, but she did not ask me that particular time. I knew she had it but wanted to teach her a lesson." "Oh! Were school teachers now are we?" Carolyn asked sarcastically. "I don't think Cathy would steal though and she is his brother. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Tonight were having a fashion show and I'll be needing models. If you will model formal wear tonight for me, I'll forget about this whole incident. If not well this item is worth over $300.00 and that is serious business and the police would have to be notified." "Okay I'll do it. I've done this before. When my pal got married the place where we rented the tuxes gave them to us for free if we posed for some photo's. I know what to do." Carolyn smiled at Sharon and then told Sharon. "Take him to Debbie's office and she will make sure he is ready. The show is at five and we have a lot of work to do." Sharon escorted John to Debbie's office. Once inside he Sharon introduced him to Debbie who looked at him and told him to be seated. Sharon left. "Okay, John lets see what we can do with you by showtime. Her is what I am looking at right now. Runway practice in about an hour. You'll need that since you have never done that before. Then we can have your prep at four-thiry and you'll be ready by five. I can call my team in here now and have a look at you." She dialed the phone and said Alice, Debbie could you come into my office. A short while later Alice arrived. She immediately looked at John and walked over to him. Debbie pointed to John and Alice held is face in her hands and nodded. "Okay, I don't see any problems. The lights will be heavy tonight so I'll use some theatric makeup and the I can work with the hair. That's the new "Sonic Wave", which is really nothing but a women's perm with a fancy name. That's the latest rage though, for guys. The nice thing is that they can really hold style." "Great!" replied Debbie, "Would you send Marlene in please. I'm afraid were going to need foundation work though." "Foundation work? What's that?", asked John. "You'll see?" replied Debbie. When Marlene arrived John was surprised by her appearence. She was a large women with a short haircut. She was very curt when she told John to stand up. She starred at his body and grunted in a german accent, "I can get ze waist down vith za metal lined cincher and the upper part I can work with. I ze no problem here." "Perhaps a little help on top zust before show." she giggled menacingly. "Good, I thought this might be a problem. But I see you can do your miracles." "Okay were down to the clothes. Marlene send in the wardrobe people with his clothes for tonight. I want to look at them and see if we need to change the selection." John was amused when he saw three girls enter carrying formal dresses. He was certain there had been a mixup. They looked like wedding gowns he thought. He saw no few than five of them. Debbie studied them for nearly a minute or so. John smiled wondering when Debbie was going to send them back for the right ones. "They'll do nicely, thank-you." John wondered in disbelief. He then told Debbie, "There must be a screw-up here. I'm here to model the tuxes." The three girls started laughing. Debbie looked at John and stated nearly laughing herself, "John we don't have a men's department. There are no tuxes to model. What you see before you is what you are going to be wearing at five o'clock. So if you don't want to spend the night the next five years in jail you had better resign yourself to this. Don't worry when we get done with you can easily pass for a female model. And one more thing your name is now Joni with an i." She stood up showed off her designer slacks and teased John, "Only one of us is going to wearing pants at five o'clock and it is not going to be me. Princess." All four females in the room started to giggle and laugh. They then left carrying the garments with them. John sat their in shock. He knew he was doomed. His blood started to run cold. He was already beginning to feel humilated and nothing had been done to him yet. For the next four hours his world was going to pure hell. "How's your brother doing?, Cathy inquired of Sharon. "You really put the fear of the devil in him. He has been a perfect gentleman around me." "No, I mean with his hairdo." "Well it took him a awhile to figure out he could wash it out, and I don't think he's ever going to ask you to do it again." "Has he been rolling it everyday?" "No, but I'm not concerned about that." "Well I am. If he thinks he can get away this he will be back to his old self in a few weeks. Get him down here for the show tonight." "You mean he's going to be modeling." "Sure he has to learn to follow instructions too." "I'll call him right away. I'll think of some reason to get him here and when he is here you can have him." Ted was still recovering at home. He had never gotten such an ass-kickin in his life. He was not sure what to do. He finally decided he had better go along with Cathy. He then started applying the polish to his nail. It would be nearly four before he would be finished. Carolyn was busy checking the guest list for the evenings events. There would be the seventy-four women from all of her stores there. The event was being catered. In addition there were to be twenty-two "Men of Distinction". She decided to view the show area one more time in her final preparations. When she entered she noticed John was practicing with Debbie on the runway walk. She could not help but think how much fun it would be to watch him walking down the runway tonight. He deserved it though for what he had done to his sister. Having her arrested in front of her friends. "Roger I spilled coffee on my dress at work. Go to my closet and bring my blue dress to the shop." Sharon ordered. "I'm busy right now. Get someone else." he replied. "Oh! alright I'll have Cathy come by and get it. You remember Cathy the one who gave you all those nice hairstyling tips. She really enjoyed herself that day. I'm sure she would like to meet you again." "I'll be there in under five minuetes." he answered, mortal fear was reflected in his voice. "Good." she returned the phone to its cradle and laughed to herself. He was really going to be shocked when he got here. John had returned to Debbie's office when Monica entered. She noticed him and placed some files on the desk. "You're Cathy's brother aren't you?" "Yes I am why?" "Oh I heard Carolyn is starting to use you as a new model." "Well I was forced into it. But it is just for tonight." "Let me see if I can guess what happened. Carolyn caught you shoplifting and threatened to call the police. She then offered to let you off the hook if you agreed to model "formalwear". You thought she meant men's formalwear and agreed but found out too late it would be women's formal wear. So now you are an hour away from your walk down the runaway in an evening gown Right?" "How did you know?" "That is how most of the "girls" got started. And in case your wondering it is not just for tonight. She normally keeps her models for at least a year. Sometimes they end up working in one of her stores afterwards. Did you see a girl with bright red hair when you entered?" "Yes, nice set of.... uh nice looking." "Her name was Alan eight months ago. Are you starting to get the picture?" Fear shot through John's body. What kind of people are these people transforming men into women for amusement. He would have to get out of this somehow and take his chances on the law. Monica continued, "Your hair is already grown and curled. That really makes it bad. I mean normally it takes a several months for the hair to grow out and they delay the surgery until it is. But in you case I would imagine they could do the surgery in probably three or four weeks." "Surgery?" "Why John haven't you noticed that boy's and girl's have different plumbing. You have something you don't need and they will replace it with something more appropriate to your attire tonight. Carolyn found a place in Mexico that does it no questions asked. They specialize in shall we say "non-volunteers." "Jesus, how do I get out of this?" "You have only one chance. After they have you prepped they'll put you in the "holding pen" until they bring in you gowns. If you give me your car keys we can make good an escape. I'll bring you some clothes to wear and we can get away." "Good what do I do with my jeans and shirt?" "Forget them, You hair and makeup will be done, your nails will be done. You are going to look like a women from the neck-up and the wrists down, plus you gonna a have at least 34 inch C boobs. They will probably just pad them tonight. If they are going to inject them though with Xofon-4 they won't do that until right before they gown you. So you clothes won't work. I'll have something for you though." "Xofon-4? Inject?" "Yes, they'll put you in a chest harness and draw your skin together. Then Marlene will inject you with Xofon-4 to give you some temporary cleavage. It only works for about two hours though. That is why they like to pad you at first." "How long do they think I'm going to wear this stuff anyway." "Well it depends if Brownlee picks you or not." "Brownlee?" "Yes he's Carolyn's banking friend and very important for the business. He likes to shall we say be serviced by boys in dresses. If he decides he wants you then you may be like this for several hours. However, you will get nicely rewarded." This was John's worst nightmare. He had no idea about this part of the culture. He had no choice. He had no intentions of being doomed to a life of feminity. He was already becoming a nervous wreck. "Cathy, would you call Mary over at The New Place Salon. She needs to talk to you right away." "Okay." "Mary what's up?" Cathy asked into the phone. "I got this teenaged shithead over here that is not cooperating. His mother is one of my top clients and she wants him permed. Maybe you can help." "I'll be right over." Mary always took good care of Cathy's hair and never charged her. Cathy repaid by sometimes serving as a "bouncer" of sorts for Mary. She also enjoyed doing this. "I am not getting my hair curled, is that clear? So forget it!, the teenager seated at Mary's station stated in unequivocal terms. "Well Billy, this is Cathy. She can give you the perm if you like or I can. However, Cathy's perms look more appropriate on little girls. So it is up to you." Cathy stepped in front of the station and flexed her 17" biceps in a menacing pose and snarled. That was enough. Billy capitulated instantly and meekly said, "Mary I want you." "To do what, Billy?" He knew he was beat and meekly answered, "To give me a perm." Several women in the salon who had been watching this saga began to smile, giggle and laugh out loud, further increasing Billy humilation. Cathy, smiled at Mary and left. When Cathy returned to the shop Roger was arriving with Sharon's dress. Inside the shop Roger took the dress to Sharon in the rear of the shop. As he was leaving he found himself face-to-face with Cathy. He reacted in horror. "Sweet Roger you forgot to use your hot rollers today. Why don't we go back here and talk?" Cathy took Roger to one of the prep rooms being used in the show. Roger followed not wanting to cross Cathy. There was no doubt in either one's mind who was the boss. Roger was beginning to dread this. "Now Roger I am going to make this real short and sweet. You did not follow my instructions and curl you hair like you were told to do. So tonight you are going to be modeling women's evening gowns in front of about a hundred people. There will be some ladies arriving in a few minutes to get you prepared. You will cooperate with the fully or I will take over and we know what that means. So you be a nice little girl and cooperate with them and maybe I'll let you wear pants after it is all over." Then three ladies entered the prep room and told Roger to be seated. They began work immediately on his hair and make-up. Roger did exactly as he was told. Thirty minutes later Roger was fully coiffed, his makeup was perfect. He was wearing a bra and panties with nylons and garters. He had been fitted with heals that were uncomfortable but wearable. Cathy entered and pushed him towards the mirror. He could hardly stand to look at the person in the mirror. If he did not no better he would have he was looking at a women. "You see girls Roger didn't plan to be hear. But he failed to follow my instructions so he is being punished for that. I bet he won't forget next time. Roger I want you to thank the girls who made you look so pretty." Roger hung his head in shame and humiliation as he thanked the women who had just feminized him. Cathy then made him kiss her biceps in front of the giggling women. Roger did not even want to think about what he would be doing in front of a hundred women. Shortly before four Sharon arrived to pick up Ted. He was still dressed in his sundress makeup and hair. She placed him in her car and drove to the shop. She showed some pity by taking him to the back entrance. She took him to another prep room where he received the same treatment as Roger. In another prep room John was getting a skinout prepartion. His mind was still racing trying to figure out his escape. He hoped Monica would come through if not he was prepared to do something. He had peeked at the personnel files and saw that Monica was correct several of the female employee's had started out as males. Worse he found in his file he was scheduled to "travel to Mexico" in ten days. Finally, he was finished and could not believe he was seeing himself in the mirror. Next they were all moved to the "holding pen" a small area near the stage. They would be receiving their gowns in about ten minutes. They all looked at each other in amazment. Here were three men who had been totally feminized by a sixteen year old girl and there was nothing they could do about it. The collective embarassment was nearly unbearable. Even worse they were going to have publically display her dominance of them to a hundred people on stage. John knew it might even be worse than this. Just then Monica burst into the room. She was excited and told them to get moving fast. "Hurry you guys.......girls whatever we only got a few minutes and Marlene is planning to inject you tonight. Worse she is going to be using Hyfervac. So unless you guys want a huge set of jugs for the next six weeks you better follow me." All of them made a hasty departure. They ran down a small corridor to an aluminum door that took them down a long corridor. The sight was hilarious. Three men running behind one women. The three men outfitted in heels, nylons, bras, and panties. Only the hair and makeup saved them from being identified as men. When they arrived at the end of the corridor they found the door locked. Monica motion and the ran back the other way turning into the main mall area and racing across it. Monica managed to lead them around the mall in the braed and pantied state for about fifteen minutes before she got them to the parking lot. She then had lead then the full length of the parking lot to her car. The men still in fear they took off in Monica's convertible. She pretended they were being follow and led them on a merry chase all over town for nearly an hour. Finally, they arrived at Monica's apartment. She walked them by the crowded pool area and upstairs. Once inside she gave them skirts and blouses to put on and told them to remain. They would go to Ted and John's place in about an hour then leave. Back at the shop Carolyn, Sharon, Cathy, and the entire prep team were rolling on the floor watching the mall's video tape. Seeing the three clad in lingerie scurrying around a crowed mall was absolutely the funniest thing they had ever seen. The evening had already been a success at the show and now this. Around eight they left for Cathy's place. When they arrived they opened some wine and started to celebrate. The group left Cathy's place and headed for the Greenbriar's. She opened the door and signaled for them to enter. Inside they were surprised to find Carolyn, Cathy, Mary and Sharon. Mary was showing them pictures of Billy's new perm. The women applauded and the showed them the mall videos. They were relishing their triumph and the males could hardly take it. "Monica those fake personnel files were brilliant. John you didn't want to take your trip to Mexico?" "And Debbie did a great job as model coordinator. Send in the foundation people." They laughed uproariously as they recounted the day's adventure. As Mary was leaving Cathy mentioned to John and Ted that Mary would be doing their hair from now on and the Sonic Waves would be giving way to "sissy curls" of Cathy's choosing. Finally, the girls decided to release their prey. "You know," Carolyn spoke, "You guys were such pathetic pushovers that you were actually to sissified to wear those gowns. We turned you into yesterday's women who is totally subservient. Modern women don't allow themselves to be pushed around. Hell any women that could be dominated by a teenage girl is pathetic. Get some balls you guys." The males retreated in shame and humiliation. A short while later they returned. They were dressed as males now. They might as well stayed in women's clothing for they knew how the women now viewed them. "Well girls I've got to hand it to you. You had your way with us and we deserved it. In fact to honor you for your accomplishments I am going to serve that champaign Dad's been hiding downstairs." There was no champaign downstairs. What happened was that Roger had left via the back door purchased a bottle and returned in about a half hour. Ted then poured everyone a glass and all started to drink it. An hour later all the women were passed out cold. When the last one dozed off. Roger motioned and all four were carried to Carolyn's Mercedes. At four in the morning Officer Richard Holton discovered a parked Mercedes on Park Point road. He went to inspect and could not believe his eyes. Four nude women, two in the front two in the back, all passed out drunk. Empty wine bottles, dildo's and vibrators were found on the floor along with several lesbian magazines. He called for backup and then the paddy wagon. When they awakened they scampered to find their clothes which reeked heavily of wine. They were taken to jail and booked on drunkeness charges. Around six they were allowed to call for bail. When Roger, Ted,and John arrived they told them they would have to wait until seven to be released. Finally they were released. "You gals must have really hung one on after you left. And what is all that stuff in your car. Just how much did you gals drink? What was all that stuff in your car. We know you spilled a lot but how much did you drink? asked John. "We can't remember, in fact we can't even remember leaving." Roger added, "Look you gals are lucky that cops' a friend of mine, he is not going to press charges since he could not determine who was driving. He gave me all you stuff back to." Roger then open the sack and emptied on the hood of the car. He then started asking someone to identify the various sexual objects. For twenty minutes he continued with this questioning. The women started turning red and were humilated when he asked "who dildo is this?" "Who's vibrator." etc. They had no choice after all twenty items went unclaimed Roger returned them to the sack. John then drove the women home in Carolyn's car while Ted and Roger went to Ted's house. "Roger that drug worked great. Did the pictures come out okay?" "I sure did took them to an all night photo place. You know it suddenly dawned on me that Cathy didn't really do much to us. Everything that had happened, we really did to ourselves. I mean we let our anger get out of control making us easy pickings for Cathy she just channeled it to her advantage. If we would have stayed calm. She would have had to be the aggressor and that means we only had to defend ourselves. Instead we charged like raging bulls and she just capitalized on it. Then we were too fearfull of her that we did everything she said. If we would have refused again she would have had to come after us. That makes a big difference. John on the other hand was trapped by Carolyn and he deserved it. He pulled a shitty trick on Cathy and her revenge was justified." Roger reasoned. "You are right. We let our anger and fear control us. Cathy just used it. Hell even if we got our ass kicked a few time she would eventually have grown tired of it and abandoned the effort. However, those photo will be a real revenge if they bother us again." (the end)

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 14

Fashion is Our Name – Part 14 – The Road to Prague Chapter 35 – An Anxious Journey After a restless sleep on one of the mats with a blanket, my alarm woke me at three-thirty and I put the coffee on as others used the bathroom and dressed in travel clothes. It was a quiet group with thoughts directed inward. Jeremy and Al and Ben came up the stairs, waving and saying the vans were ready whenever we were. The women struggled into their body armor and jackets. Jeremy got me to one side and...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 15

Fashion is Our Name – Part 15 – Escape from Zagreb Chapter 38 – Headed to Croatia After the motorcycle escort peeled off with a hearty wave, Ben had us headed straight to the southwest, taking a route toward Graz, avoiding Vienna. He asked if I knew the plans for the evening. After asking Sing to take the passenger seat, I headed to the back, where Anne and Amelia were having a rapid conversation, with a lot of head nodding. I interrupted, ‘Ben needs some directions. What is the plan for...

3 years ago
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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

3 years ago
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Fashion Week

Paris's father approached me about possibly using my contacts in the fashion industry to assist Paris market her clothing line. I agreed to help her, when she arrived in New York at the start of fashion week she called me.I sent a limo to bring her to the hotel, left instructions at the desk to register her in the suite next door to mine. Paris hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit suite. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the...

4 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 11

Fashion is Our Name – Part 11 – The Trip Takes a New Direction The next morning, Sunday, there was a text on my mobile from Tom. ‘Do not book tickets, call in the morning.’ I asked the women, ‘What do we make of this?’ Anne gave me an open eyed look and asked, ‘Do you suppose, as they say, ‘the plot thickens?’ ‘ I looked up from my breakfast and said, ‘I fear that an expedition to promote dresses is becoming overtaken by events.’ I helped the twins down and arranged them in the parlor...

3 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 08

Fashion is Our Name – Part 8 – Tense Meetings in London After a busy weekend, we were up in the dark, in a hard rain, with clouds to the ground. Anne and Helen dressed the twins in their warm clothes and had retrieved small size raincoats. The first wave for London, including me, was departing on the 8:40 train and had no time to lose. The others would follow in the Range Rover later in the day if the weather let up. From the train, I rang Tom Carruthers, who was in early and eager to talk to...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 13

Fashion is Our Name – Part 13 – Trouble at the Foreign Office Chapter 32 – To Kingham by Lorry As I settled into the passenger seat of Ben’s lorry, I was glad I had not exposed my mild hysteria over Sally to Jeremy, who would have been perturbed. Agents are not supposed to lose their cool. With traffic, it was nearly two hours to Kingham. I used the time to rehearse with Ben all of the features built into the lorry. The glass in the front was reinforced. It would withstand ordinary bullets...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 04

Part 4 – Meeting Anne Chapter 9 – A Special Time with Molly After breakfast in the morning, Molly and I helped Nicole and Inish with their bags to the train station and went off to look at potential shop locations. Molly had on a colorful spring dress that took years off. I held her hand and kissed her cheek. ‘Can I tell you a secret?’ ‘Oh my, secrets, is it? You’re getting my juices going, Adrian.’ ‘You’ve fallen in with a desperate gang, and are looking years younger. I’m going to start...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 10

Fashion is Our Name – Part 10 – More Parts of the Puzzle The next afternoon, following an idyllic night with Clarissa, Nicole and Vicky, the architect and I were at her work table when Jeremy Andrews arrived for the security design conference. After introductions, he handed over a sheet of paper with bulleted items to be considered in the design. What was the likelihood of a bombing? Was theft a serious issue? Would there need to be an entry area for personal searches? Were intakes for...

3 years ago
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Fashion Man 2

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they ever existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human...

Straight Sex
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Candysfashionhouse 16

Thanks to Charlie for all the help and wonderful editing. Our relationship seemed to settle down and we slipped into a bit of a routine. As always it was short lived Lauren seemed to become more and more withdrawn. There didn't seem to be any one particular reason, she started to snap at both Alecia and myself. We ended up in arguments over the most trivial shit. Don't get me wrong life was still pretty good, the sex was out of this world and the love we shared was real. Alecia and...

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A fashion show, a conceited group of boys, and the list. But they made the wrong person mad, and she decided that the boys would do the fashion show. With no place to turn, all eight of them become girls, yet, as time goes by, four of them know that they cannot give it up when the show is over. Stephie, Tina, Betty, and Janet have discovered something wonderful. That act of vengeful discipline changed them, and now, the future beckons. Fashions Janet L....

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 05

Fashion is our Name – Part 5 – Helen Becomes More Than a Nanny Chapter 12 – Another Story in the Woods Downstairs at the Inn, after the incredible night with Anne and the other women, I made a fire to warm up the lounge, and got out children’s games from the cabinet. They came running from the kitchen with Anne still trying to wipe their faces. ‘William and James, this is my friend Adrian. He will show you some of the games they have here at the Inn.’ Her eyes pleaded with me, and I...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 09

Fashion is Our Name – Part 9 – Mysteries Deepen Three frantic weeks later, Molly was ecstatically supervising the installation of her brand new industrial sewing machines and their tables. Vicky and Mary were there as well, literally jumping up and down at the realization of their dreams. Nicole and I were in a distant corner, hugging. I whispered to her, ‘Sharing this space was a good idea.’ ‘Oh Adrian, I am about to cry this is so exciting. They are going to make gorgeous clothes!’ Molly...

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Fashion Show0

“I'm going out with Richard tonight, we are going to the Montha, you've been there, that new place on 17th. street. I need to wear something sexy but I don’t know what.” “You have a closet full of sexy clothes, I’ve seen you wearing all kinds of hot stuff. So what do you want?” I repeated. She looked up at me “Help me, I can't decide what looks good. You've been there, what do the girls wear?” I stepped back from my sister-in-law-in-law and looked her up and down. She...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 06

A New Rumor About Philip When we woke in the hotel suite the next morning, Anne and Helen were gone, sneaking back to the twins. The rest of us were a little slow from all the excitement of the day before. Nicole and Vicky brought Inish and me coffee and croissant. The four of us lounged around, trying to put our calendar back in place. Molly would arrive around ten, and wanted to have a session with the architect and the engineer about the facilities support for the sewing equipment. I needed...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 07

A Weekend at Kingham Chapter 19 – Clarissa is Initiated Clarissa was on time in her large black Rover. I was ordered to the front passenger seat, so that Mom and Nanny and boys could play in the back. It took forever in Friday traffic to get out of central London, but the autoroute moved along. Clarissa was smiling and laughing and having a good time. On an impulse, I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it. Her eyes glanced quickly over at me and back to the road. There was a low warning...

3 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 12

Last Minute Complications The days leading to our departure on the European clothing trip became very tense. A saving grace was the teamwork that emerged from the pairing of FION people with the intelligence staffers. The first planning meeting was held two days after the infamous event at MI5 headquarters, which had left everyone uneasy. Jeremy, Sharon and Sing showed up at six and FION provided a buffet dinner of takeout specialties. Vicky had returned to Kingham, so our side included only...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 01

Dear Readers – This is a modern story of love and danger in many parts. Enjoy. ***** Fashion is our Name – Part 1 – They had to carry on Chapter 1 – Philip Disappears Her hand on his shoulder woke him. ‘Let me in there.’ He sleepily moved over, saying, ‘I don’t have anything on.’ She was very cold and pressed herself to him. ‘Neither do I. Don’t worry about it.’ ‘How did you get so cold?’ His strong arms gathered her in. She was shaking and he discovered she was crying. ‘I miss him...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 03

Molly and the Sewing Machines Chapter 7 – A Rugby Victory Suffering from the excesses of the weekend, Adrian and the two women told Nicole to go back to sleep as they dressed in the dark of their encampment in the building and made their way to the early train. Inish brought them three cups of terrible coffee from the mobile canteen as the train headed north into a hard rainstorm. ‘It will have to do. The muffins in plastic looked worse. I’m glad I have good memories of the weekend to get me...

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Fashion Consultant

When she answered the phone I asked her if we were still meeting that morning at ten. She replied that things were still good and I could come over whenever. I told her that was great, I’d be right over. I hung up the phone and grabbed my coat before heading out to my car. Heather and I had been flirting for quite a while, and were becoming good friends. She’d gone out shopping yesterday, and knew she needed to return some things, but wanted some help on which outfits to keep and which to...

1 year ago
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Fashion show leads to much more

Now all of you know how much of an exhibitionist I am. I love showing off my body and James loves it too. For about six months now we've been slowly teasing James's best friend, Dean. We've been sending him sexy pictures of me over snapchat. They went from me in a bikini or a singlet with no bra to naked but with my nipples or pussy covered. We finally decided to take it up a notch and meet him in person and have me model some of my outfits for him. The plan was to be to get down to a micro...

3 years ago
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Fashion Designer Girlfriend Cum Sex Bomb from Kolkata

Hello folks, I used to write a lot and read a lot more but it stopped. I was out of inspiration; my creativity juices stopped flowing. But one sudden day, I got this crazy suggestion of starting to write again on ISS, from the lady of this story. Her name is Sweetu or at least that’s what I used to call her (of course, I wouldn’t give her real name here). We are not in touch anymore but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about those crazy erotic (often public) experiences and even shag off to...

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Fashion Designer Having Sex With The Customer

I am young & handsome fashion designer, with a athletic masculine buildup. I am running a boutique with a tailoring workshop in the backside. My clients are very happy due to latest designs and proper fittings. I had a memorable encounter with a young and beautiful, smart and intelligent lady who was feeling lonely and sexually starved in long time absence of her hubby. She contacted me on phone with a reference of a permanent customer, who recommended me to her. She wanted to get stitched some...

4 years ago
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Character Creation Showcase

Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...

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selena gomez megan fox lesbian fuck in showe

one day as selena is walking around town she bumps into megan fox at a book store,the start talking and sudenly megan suductivly kisses selena on the mouth and you can tell she likes it because she hasn't pulled back,as they stop megan asks if selena would want to come over to her house & selena says yeah be there in 10 min. 10 minutes later selena rings the door bell then megan opens the door and says i was just in the shower and asks if selena would like to take a shower,selena says okay...

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The Sain School Showcase

The lights were on, the stage was set, the audience mulled into the auditorium, murmuring and laughing, talking about what they expected to see tonight. The Sain School for the Technically Gifted was one hell of a place after all. It provided special resources to people with special talents, promoting the young and brilliant to the forefronts of scientific and technical advancement. The audience was composed of friends and family members of the student's who would be showing off their...

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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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Carnival Stageshow

Every fall, the carnival comes to Chrystal Heights. The carnival sits away from the city limits proper. This is ostensibly so the lights and noise doesn’t bother the residents, but everyone knows it’s actually so as to allow the comings and goings to remain a matter of personal business. After all, say the many, what happens at the carnival should stay with the carnival. It’s an ordinary carnival in many respects. Once you step inside the gates, you will be assaulted with a variety of noises...

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The gameshow

This story is based on a real (normal) game show. I don't know if I should state the name of the show because I might draw too much attention. Lisa was an average girl from a small town in the south of France. It had always been her dream to live in a big town where she could just have a much more rich lifestyle of friends, parties and boyfriend's. At her 18th birthday she decided to make this dream come true and moved to the city. She already saved some money. But she knew she had to find a...

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The rain: that's how it all began. Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain. She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered,...

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Our meeting with two men Classic car showNationl

The NEC meeting 11-12 November 2017 Pt 1No one can really claim that finding genuine and ideal men for adult fun in the UK is really that easy but every now and then we’ve been able to come across one and communicate prior to meeting. We we’re lucky this year and received a private message from a man via UK Exhibitionists with his suggestion that he might fit in with what we had asked for on that site.Our preference is for large heavy set black guys and the add states age unimportant but must...

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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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I'm in the shower washing myself from the long humid day. I remember the time you went down on me and how i felt as though i had to repay you. I remember your tongue diving into my hot wet cavern. How it danced around the outside. The gentle pressure of your skilled muscle. I lean back on the cold tiles. I roll my nipples between my fingertips. My other hand sliding down my slick body. I close my eyes and imagine you doing the same. Your hand sliding down your creamy flesh grabbing yourself....

4 years ago
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Find That Guy Porn TVs TG Gameshow

Find That Guy: Porn TV's TG Gameshow By: EyesoreAsite Synopsis: A Game show where 4 male contestants Compete against each other and a straight couple. The man of the couple is put in a bodysuit and the couple competes against the 4 male contestants in a series of sexual challenges, earning or losing points. Each male contestant is eliminated until only one remains. Then he must guess which of the couple is a woman, and which a man. If he guesses correctly, both sides points are...

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Silver Blood Creepshow

Greetings, my name is Behemoth, or at least that is what is is, now. You see, before I was Behemoth, I was Florida's answer to Crocodile Dundee, Jackie Lance. As Jackie, I looked like an Irish Terminator with a Van Dyke beard and the Count Dracula widow's peak hair line. I had been brought into the Silver Blood Community to help with tracking the mutants that were causing harm. These mutants looked like your classic horror monsters, aliens and mythological creatures with or without...

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Showstopper Mark "the magnificent" smiled and hummed a cheery tune as he went back to his dressing room after his latest show. He was a hypnotist, and tonight, he literally had the crowd in the palm of his hand, getting the audience to do some pretty silly stuff while "under". Not only that, the volunteers had been perfect, doing stuff they were likely gonna be blushing about for weeks after, especially the two prim and proper ladies he got to do a make-out session together...

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Waking up in the van with my arms and legs secured to the walls wearing thick boots, a thick black leather collar and a tight leather posing pouch. Opposite three sleeping girls chained spreadeagled with black knee high leather boots, black collars and black rubber thongs. Either side of me, two men shackled to the wire grid via the clips on our leather cuffs and leather belts round our boots. The light in our moving cell came from a screen showing femdom porn where slaves of both sexes were...

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?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are amused when they watch horrible scenes The show of death. ?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good...

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1. Casey Rodgers waited back stage at the Civic Center, his tummy fluttering with excitement. It was shownight for his dancing school, and everyone was rushing about frantically preparing for their numbers. Very soon, he'd be out on stage dancing before a large audience, the culmination of months of exhausting rehearsals. The long period of training had left him as tense as a tightly strung bow. The murmuring crowds he'd seen out in the theatre had added considerably to his last...

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Black VelvetChapter 6 Peepshow

Jules spent the rest of the day with Zuki, interviewing people in the great hall and around the village, recording all of the information on their attitudes towards the Coalition and aliens that he needed. She was remarkably diplomatic. Everyone in the village seemed to know her, even if some of them were wary around her, and she was able to translate the local dialect when the Araxie in question had a poor grasp of the English language. All in all, the endeavor would have been next to...

3 years ago
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The Couples Gameshow

DO YOU NEED MONEY FAST? ARE YOU PART OF A LOVING COUPLE? READY TO PUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE TEST? SIGN UP NOW FOR THE COUPLES GAMESHOW! The concept was a simple one, taken from Japan and now brought over to the West. Huge cash prizes would be available, but the contestants had everything to lose! Round 1: PERSONAL QUESTIONS - How well do you know your other half? Well enough to keep them from being stripped? There would be 10 Questions in total with an increasing cash prize but also an...

1 year ago
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Cam Show Download! We all love cam shows. Live sex cams have become so popular in recent times, that there’s a new website for them popping up every few days or so. But, what if you just wanted to download the cam shows and watch them in your spare time? Usually, people get enthralled by the live aspect of the cam shows, but some people want to enjoy it offline as well. Well, today we’re looking at a unique site that allows you to do just that and it’s called premium site...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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That Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Cam Show Hub! I fucking love live webcam sex shows. I won’t even tell you how much money I’ve thrown at camwhores over the years, and how many I’ve shaken my dick at during their free shows. Some might call me an addict, because there have been times when girls have hooked me so hard I had to stay online night and day to see if they’d connect and stick some dildos in their cooters. CamShowHub aims to take away some of that work by archiving as many public webcam shows as

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Babe Shows! If this is your first time visiting BabeShows, you might be finding yourself a bit surprised and underwhelmed. I know I sure was the first time around. I’ll level with you. No one likes the forum design. It’s outdated, and it’s usually used as an excuse by webmasters who can’t be bothered to design a site from the ground up. But it works for BabeShows. It works really well. This forum is entirely centered on babes that have had live shows in the UK in recent times. In fact, it’s...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Fashionably Late For My Funeral

This is essentially a romance story set against a background of international drug dealing with the occasional side plot of the usual mayhem. Paranoia: (Pron. para-noya) noun, a mental disorder marked by the unjustified belief that one is being persecuted, usually accompanied by megalomania and insane distrust. Paranoid (Pron. para-noyd) adjective, also called paranoiac of, relating to or affected by paranoia. A person affected by paranoia. CHAPTER 1 I do not suffer from paranoia. I am not...

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Caleb 14 The showdown

As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

2 years ago
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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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