University Life First Ch 03 04
- 3 years ago
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‘Mum, Mum…MOTHER!’ Kainene screamed the last word.
‘Gah! What is it, Child?’ Her mother snapped in irritation. She was trying to stuff her daughter’s novels into her suitcase and it refused to shut. Her face was red, she was sweaty and her daughter was screeching in her ear. She was not best pleased.
‘Don’t yell at me mum, I’m trying to tell you not to bother squeezing them novels in. I’ve got space in this other bag.’ Kainene rolled her eyes. Gosh, she was the one who had to move to Bristol to start university in about — thirty minutes and her mother was stressing. She knew it was because her mother was sad that her only child was leaving but it wasn’t like she was moving all the way to Timbuktu. Bristol was just an hour and a half away or thereabouts on the train.
‘Well, why didn’t you say so, you ungrateful child? I’ve been huffing all morning trying to…why do you want so many novels with you anyway? You’re going to study not faff about. If you dare fail, I’ll….’ Her mother said.
‘Oh mum, you know that’s not gonna happen.’ Kainene went round to hug her mother. She could tell that her mum was trying her hardest not to cry. Her face was going red with the effort to hold the tears back in. She truly felt sorry for her mum, but this was her day and she was excited. She had a whole new life ahead of her and had worked hard to get into the prestigious Bristol University and she intended to enjoy every second of it. ‘Come on, mum. Let’s go haggle Dad to get his dodgy car started now. Don’t want it wheezing down the road now, do we?’ That got a smile out of her mum, albeit wobbly.
Kainene looked out of the window as the grey, nearly conked out Fiat sped, or rather, smoked its way down the motorway. They had about twenty minutes to get to Bristol and her heart beat sped up every time she looked at the satellite navigator. She opened her compact powder case and stared at her reflection for the umpteenth time. Her green eyes stared back at her. With her golden unruly curls, her large green eyes and snub little nose, she was termed gorgeous by all the guys from her college. However, she didn’t think she was. All she noticed was her more than full lips gotten from her Nigerian father, her long coltish legs with knobby knees and her stick thin figure which her anorexic class mates envied but she absolutely abhorred. She ate as much as she could but it didn’t seem to be going anywhere, except maybe her height as she was 5’11. Her mother told her she could be a model, as did many other people, but her dad was all about education and luckily, she was a bit of a bookworm so she didn’t feel too put out by her father’s strict and overly protective way towards her academics. She was the only student in her school to achieve all A stars in her GCSEs and four As in her A-levels earning her a full scholarship to Bristol. This had made her father extremely proud as they were barely comfortable and could not have afforded to send her off to University. Now all she had to pay for was her accommodation which her student loan took care of and her allowance which she had saved a bit for and was going to get a job for anyway. She sighed happily to herself. Her two best friends Vicky and Anna were off to the fashion school in Hackney where all three were from, so they weren’t as excited as she was as they still lived in familiar territory. She had never been out of London, except to Surrey to see her god parents on occasion and that was barely outside London so she was beyond excited.
Her mother’s ‘We’re here!’ snapped her out of her reverie. She looked out of the window to stare at a long driveway leading to a castle-like building.
‘Blimey!’ She gasped out loud.
A preppy looking girl stepped up to their car and said in the plumiest accent ever, ‘Welcome to Wills Hall.’
‘Err…’ Kainene said, looking at her parents in bewilderment, ‘Actually, I’m supposed to be at University Hall, know where that is?’
A subtle look of slight disgust crossed the girl’s face as she whipped her hair lightly and turned away. Calling over her shoulder, she said, ‘Well, you’re in the wrong place, yah. You have to drive back out and turn left, you’ll see directions from there.’
Kainene raised her eyebrows. Well, that put her in her place then. She looked at her parents who still looked a tad confused, ‘Guess this must be the hall for them poshies and whatnot. Let’s be off then, Dad.’
Her father reversed the car which spluttered a bit and they drove off towards the right hall. On getting there, she realised why the other girl had been so snotty. The building had a council flat-like atmosphere to it. A lot of students were milling about and as soon as she stepped out of the car, she forgot the rude girl entirely. She was finally here! University! She screamed inwardly and impulsively hugged her father who was struggling with her two suitcases in the boot of the car. ‘Thanks Dad for making me work so hard. I’m well excited.’
He looked at her tenderly. He was so proud of his lovely daughter. He had come from a dirt-poor home back in Nigeria and had worked hard doing night jobs in the local William Hill in order to take care of his family of two. Although he wasn’t the richest of men, he could afford to feed, house and clothe his family plus he had a darling wife whom he loved dearly and his exceptionally clever daughter. What more could he want?
‘Oh my darling girl, I am so, so proud of you. You have made me the happiest man alive. Get me that First class and I’ll die happier.’ He said in his thick Nigerian accent.
His wife nudged him, ‘Stop talking about death, Chike and let’s help Nene get her stuff to the reception hall. This isn’t the end, you know. We still have to get her settled and all ain’t that right, baby?’ she looked at her daughter.
‘Yup. Come on let’s go, I wanna see how my room is.’ She swung her bag over her shoulder and marched towards the directions leading to the reception hall.
An hour later, she had the keys to her block, her flat and her room. She opened the door to her room, and with the help of her parents dragged her suitcases and massive carrier bag into it. She looked round her room as she fell on her bed in exhaustion. They had had to climb up three flights of stairs as her flat was on the third floor and logging all her stuff had rendered her breathless.
‘Not bad, is it, Nens?’ Her mum said, setting the carrier bag next to the bed. ‘Do you need me to help you sort everything out, you know, arrange your clothes in your wardrobe…’
‘Leave her be, Jennifer, She’s not a child, she can do it by herself.’ Chike’s deep voice rumbled as he lined her suitcases by the dinky looking radiator.
‘Dad’s right, mum, I can do it, don’t worry.’ Kainene, or Nens as she was called, knew how much her mum wanted to help so as to prolong her stay with her daughter, but she wanted her parents off so that she could get to know her flatmates better. She had already heard some voices coming from the kitchen and wanted to investigate. Although she was naturally shy, she knew that these were the people she was going to live with for one year and thought that the faster she got over her nerves and introduced herself, the better it would be in the long run.
‘Okay, my darling. I guess we’ll leave you now.’ Her mum’s voice wobbled at this last bit. She was going to miss her baby. This was the first time that they would be apart. Her college, secondary and kindergarten schools had all been walking distance from home and she was dreading going back to London without her daughter. Her husband put his arms around her as she started sobbing gently.
‘Pull yourself together, woman. She’s eighteen now. You knew that she was going to leave soon enough, she’s not a child anymore.’ He said gently. He also felt sad about his daughter leaving but he knew it was for the best and had resigned himself to that fact.
Kainene looked a bit worried as her mum carried o
n crying. She was going to miss them too, but she could not bring herself to cry as she was too excited to do so. ‘Come on, Mum. I’ll pop down to London soon. I mean, who’s gonna make me the best jollof rice in the world. Or fry the best plantains?’
Her mum giggled tearfully. She forced herself to stop crying. With one last sniff, she rubbed her nose on her husband’s shirt sleeve to his quiet disgust. ‘Okay baby, we’re off now. Don’t forget to call us. And make sure you eat well. And don’t take no lip from no one especially them people that will be in that other hall. And study hard but not too hard ’cause you don’t wanna give yourself those horrible migraines you always get, and…’
‘Alright mum already. And I’ll make sure to be careful when crossing the road. Go already,’ Kainene laughingly cut in.
Her father laughed as well and patted her shoulder once. ‘Good luck my darling, and remember to always pray. Take care, Kainene Veronica Nwando.’ He kissed her softly on her forehead and both parents walked out of the flat.
Kainene waited a second for the sad feeling to come but all she felt was excitement. She squealed and jumped on the bed. She was a fresher at the University of Bristol, woo-hoo! She spent about thirty minutes meticulously putting all her stuff in the right place, and paid particular attention to her novels, arranging them alphabetically on the few shelves reserved for her textbooks. Those would have to go on her study desk, she told herself.
Once she was satisfied with her room and the bed was properly made with her argos-bought bedspreads, she smiled to herself. Now she could go introduce herself to her flatmates. She put all her indomie noodles and tins of tuna, sweet corn and the like into the carrier bag and walked to the kitchen at the end of the hall. She was in a self-catered hall and had to cook for herself and her mother had gone mad buying up tins and tins of non-perishable food and cooked her three large Tupperware-bowls of jollof and fried rice and thick chicken and beef stews. She was definitely going to miss her Nigerian meals once she was through with her plastic bowls as she couldn’t cook to save her life.
When she got into the kitchen she saw four students sat round the dining table. As they were only five in the flat she knew that they were all around then. ‘Hey,’ she shyly waved at the others as she stepped in. They all looked up at her with wide smiles. There were three guys and one girl.
The girl spoke first, ‘Hey, I’m Lorna Williamson, welcome to the wonderful Flat B, of University Hall’. She went round to shake Kainene’s hand. She was short, well compared to Kainene’s 5’11 frame, and had long, beautiful red hair.
‘These are John, Matt and…oh bother, your name’s skipped my mind again.’ She said gesturing to the three guys. The last one whose name she’d forgotten laughed and shrugged. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and curly dark hair although he looked a bit short to Kainene, but he was sitting down so she could not really tell.
‘That’s alright,’ He said in a northern accent, ‘People always have problems with it though I really can’t see why. I’m Mykelos. Lovely to meet you.’
‘Oh wow, you don’t look Greek.’ Kainene blurted out, then turned red as she quickly buttoned up.
Mykelos chuckled, ‘That’s because I’m not. My mum fancied some Greek dancer when she was on honeymoon and decided to name me after him, or so my parents said. My other two siblings ended up with Sarah and Thomas, lucky sods. Although, it helps with pulling, having an exotic name hehe.’ The two other guys laughed as well at that.
Lorna rolled her eyes at Kainene, ‘Oh God, we’re stuck with three randy guys, what joy.’ But this was said in an obvious jokey manner so no one took offence. ‘So what’s your name then? And you’re from London aren’t you?’
‘I’m Kainene, although everyone calls me Nens. And yeah, I’m from London. It’s the accent, innit?’ she asked.
‘Innit? Oh dear, my mum would have a coronary if I said that,’ one of the guys, Matt said. He smiled a bit mockingly at Kainene as she turned red again.
‘Piss orf, Poshy.’ Mykelos said to Matt, then to Kainene, ‘Ignore him. He’s been moaning about missing out on Wills Hall over there and how he applied late for accommodation and blah blah blah. Like, Lorna missed out as well, but she’s not saying anything, he’s just been grumbling and we’ve been here for two hours so get used to him as we’ve done.’
Kainene just nodded, and couldn’t help smiling apologetically at Matt as if she was in the wrong for her east London accent. She knew she sounded like a right chav but she couldn’t help it. She sounded like a castrated frog when she tried to speak posh and she had simply given up on that. Sadly, the people she came across who heard her speak thought she was tough and ghetto because of her accent, but she was such a shy, timid girl and couldn’t talk back to anyone. If she hadn’t had her two friends, Vicky and Anna to stick up for her, she would have been bullied throughout college.
She swallowed the apology that readily sprang to her lips because Mykelos was right. There simply wasn’t anything she could do about how she spoke.
‘Anyway,’ Lorna quickly said to diffuse any arguments, ‘I saw on the notice board in the common room, that there’s a meet and greet at the bar tonight and there’s going to be lashings of beer and wine. I’m excited about that.’
‘Plonk more like.’ Matt snorted quietly, but everyone heard him. Lorna simply rolled her eyes at Mykelos. John just looked out of the window. He didn’t bother to contribute to the conversation and Kainene wondered if he was homesick already because he looked like he was. He was weedy looking, wore glasses and had the mousiest looking hair she had ever seen. He looked like a right Mummy’s boy. She quickly castigated herself inwardly for thinking like that. It wasn’t in her to be mean, but he truly did look rather drippy.
‘Plonk or not, Matt the wine connoisseur, its effect is to get us drunk and more friendly and I’m going to drink as much as I can without chundering, so Nens, is it? Up for a night out at the ole’ hall bar?’ Lorna asked.
‘Yeah, sure. Not like I have any other thing to do.’ Kainene nodded quickly.
‘Cool, we should probably meet back here like seven-ish then we can all go there together. Everyone okay with that?’ This was asked by Mykelos and the others agreed to it.
Kainene smiled at everyone and walked back to her room. This was going to be exciting.
Lorna turned to Matt as soon as Kainene left the kitchen, ‘Why did you have to be so mean, you tosser? She’s obviously shy and she looked like she was going to bolt once you made that silly comment. What on earth’s the matter with you?’ she asked, her eyes flashing.
‘Oh chill out, Lorns. We aren’t back at college, and you can’t yell at me like that anymore. God, a cruel twist of fate it was, ending up in the same flat with you. Me and my ex-girlfriend, imagine that.’ Matt rolled his eyes and lit a cigarette, opening the window as he did so and ignoring the obvious ‘No Smoking Please’ signs strategically placed on the kitchen door.
‘Wow, both of you went out? Interesting.’ Mykelos grinned, twisting an imaginary moustache.
John just stared, petrified at Matt who was smoking and leaning nonchalantly against the window, ‘We’re not allowed to do that, are we?’ He timidly asked Matt.
Matt merely gave him a blank look, and John quickly scuttled off to his room.
‘How wet is he?’ Matt muttered to himself loudly. The other two couldn’t speak up for John because they were a bit irritated by him as well. Who followed the rules in University for the love of God?
‘Well, it’s already four thirty and I need a bit of beauty sleep in preparation for our night out…although it’s just the stupid bar. This hall is a bit grimy, though. Matt’s right about that. Ah well, c’est la vie. See you guys in a few.’ And wit
h that Lorna flounced out to her room, shutting her door with a slam.
Mykelos chuckled to himself again. He looked at Matt who was staring at him. ‘You guys went out, you said?’
‘Yeah, for two years, can you believe? Shocking hunh?’ He blew out a stream of smoke and flicked his cigarette out the window not caring if it landed in someone’s hair or not.
‘Hmm…and do you still fancy her then?’ Mykelos asked.
Matt sputtered at that for a bit, then sighed, ‘Is it that obvious? Fuck. I mean, we broke up because, this was meant to be our first choice of Unis, we even picked the same halls — Wills and this as a backup option. What I didn’t tell her was that this was my second choice as I thought I wanted to…I dunno, explore a bit. I mean, we’re eighteen, didn’t wanna be tied down. Next thing, I got rejected by Durham, my first choice, and she found out that I’d lied about this being my first choice and we broke up. Over something as stupid as that, can you believe?’
‘She probably felt that since you really wanted your space then you could have it.’
‘Bloody Hell, how the fuck did you know that? That’s exactly what she said?’ Matt looked shocked.
Because it’s pretty obvious, idiot.’ Mykelos laughed, ‘plus I’m gay. I know stuff like that.’
Matt looked at Mykelos more shocked than before. ‘Are you joking? You don’t look like a pouf, no offence, mate.’
Mykelos laughed heartily at that. This was not the first time he had heard that statement. He played rugby and was well-built. He looked nothing like the stereotypical gay person would look. ‘That’s alright mate. Everyone always says that. And don’t worry about locking your door at night, you’re not my type anyway.’
Matt blushed a bit at that, as he truly had been thinking of locking his door. ‘Ah…hang on, what do you mean, not your type?’ He was a bit curious as to why Mykelos would say that. He knew he was fit, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also a rower and had a toned lean body, except he wasn’t the tallest, at 5’11. Probably as tall as the Nens girl, he figured. But that didn’t detract from his fitness.
Mykelos shrugged, ‘Don’t really like blondes mate, no offence. You obviously know you’re a fit one, so don’t fish for compliments, I’m not a sissy gay person. You just aren’t, mate. But I think Lorna fancies you too, so try and work things out with her.’
Matt quickly forgot about Mykelos’ gayness. Did he truly think Lorna still fancies him then? Hmm, food for thought. He absentmindedly waved bye to Mykelos as he walked back to his room. Time to work out how he was going to get Lorna back tonight, he thought to himself, his mind whirling.
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College SexI slammed my hand on the loudly buzzing alarm clock beside my bed, choking off its insistent drone. Glowing angry-red numbers showed the unearthly hour – six o’clock – but I didn’t care. At long last it was Friday. THE Friday! HE was coming home today. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling in the darkness. Mike was coming home for Christmas. My Mike! My big, beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother was coming home today. Only the second and by far the most serious lover in my young life...
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CHAPTER EIGHT… ‘Golly, it looks amazing, doesn’t it?’ Lorna gasped as she looked round the hall. The university had hired the hall of the museum next to the Wills Memorial building and it was really spruced up with beautiful red, gold and green decorations and strategically placed mistletoes. ‘Can’t wait to find the first mistletoe and have a good ole’ snogathon.’ Lorna giggled at her friends. ‘You best be hoping it’s me you’re having your ‘good old snogathon’ with, missy!’ Matt...
Here’s Chapter Seventeen and the Epilogue of my babies! I probably shouldn’t say this but I have to admit that this was my favourite of the lot! I absolutely love this story and I’m a bit gutted that it’s come to an end…shall deffo be missing Nens and the gang…and let’s not forget Minty! Anyway hope you lot enjoy this story and as I said in my bio I shall be going on a little hiatus whilst I sort out a few ish! Thanks for being on this journey with me and Merry Xmas and a splendid New Year...
I slammed my hand down on the loudly buzzing alarm clock beside my bed, choking off its insistent drone. Glowing angry-red numbers showed the unearthly hour – six o’clock – but I didn’t care. At long last it was Friday. The Friday! He was coming home today. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling in the darkness. My brother Mike was coming home for Christmas. My Mike! My big, beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous brother and, after that truly life-changing night in his university bedroom, the second...
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The following Tuesday, Sarah came to see me in the afternoon. "Two courses," she said, "reading from the blurbs: The Certificate II in Animal Studies is the introductory level course for those who are interested in the animal care industry and/or pursuing a career as a keeper. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to perform the essential duties of a keeper in the animal care industry, through a combination of weekly theory lessons and hands-on experience...
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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...
Kainene stared at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a snug red jumper as it was a bit nippy, if the breeze from the opened window was a good indicator. She paired this with tight blue skinny jeans and black pumps. Although she was not overly dressed, she thought she looked alright for the student’s bar. Pink lipgloss, and thickly mascara’d eyelashes and she was set. She went to the kitchen and saw the others already waiting, apart from John. ‘Oooh, you scrub up well, Miss Nens.’ Mykelos...
It would be a lie to say that I had not been turned-on by events of the day, after seeing my roommate Sandra have a wee in the open college grounds. Having been caught having a leak of my own by one of the teachers had initially been a shock but it had been the same teacher who had suggested that the fun had yet to begin.The hours of my first day had flown by with a brief guide around the local buildings before attending a welcome meeting that had dragged on for way too long, my attention...
WatersportsEarly Saturday morning after a long night out I was laying in my bed relaxing half asleep. My girlfriend Liz was up and cleaning up the house from the little party we had. While I was laying on the bed I started to drift off, after tossing and turning, i finally had come to a stop and something was different, I felt a warm wetness coming from my crotch area and I woke up startled thinking I accidentally peed myself. As I jumped up, Liz was there “Shh baby, it’s okay, just relax, you’re okay.”...
Every summer I would try to visit my cousin and his girlfriend, who live by the university. They are into bike riding and me not so much. I’m not used to riding with a lot of traffic, I’m just not. My disliking for riding paid off this day. They lived in a 3 or 4 story building and the next door neighbor was a beauty. Her name shall be whatever you’d like it to be. She was a Mexican American girl, 20 years old from a town in Texas. Beautiful hair, great smile, short, tight body, and had style....
After getting the marks I needed for university, the next job was to find a place that was close, spending a few days at the Uni I looked in the local paper it had to be quiet but also easy to get to all the areas students hung out usually the local chippy and the pub, finding a advert for a student I phoned the number in the paper, a lady called Mrs Jones (Ella) was renting a room she was married to Barry a bit of a dick but for what I would be getting I would put up with him, she also had 2...
It was pissing down raining and was just driving into my driveway when I saw the young girl who delivers brochures from supermarket to everyone in the neighbourhood's mail box. She looked like a drowned rat so as I hit the button to open the garage door I wound my window down and yelled out to her to come and get out of the rain.She hurriedly rushed over and came in as I was getting out of the car. She was drenched, her normally gorgeous long blonde hair was soaked and stringy. Her clothes were...
University Part 1 (April 6-8, 1999) Written by Erica Wright *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Two months into my freshman year and I was caught. Caught doing what? Let me explain, soon after checking in to my residence hall, I discovered that the young women on the south side of the...
You are a 20 year old university just starting your junior year. Between classes, homework, and football games you're really hoping to occupy your time by getting intimate with someone else. This being university, your surrounding area is filled with hot sorority girls, frat dudes, band geeks, jocks, average Joes and Janes, and everything in between. It's Saturday after your first week in classes and you're trying to decide what to do. But first, who are you?
FetishPerth III We found Gino's and got a table for three. Sue arrived a few minutes later. "Hello, Gordy; no, you're certainly not 'Little Patrick' any more. How do you do? I'm Sue Carr." "Hi. You look just like you do on the telly ... just a bit prettier." "Ooh! A charmer." We ordered and Sue looked at me. "So, why did you want to talk to me? I don't need to be very clever to tell you've a reason." "Okay. But it's not a short story." "What's the headline?" "I want to...
It was the first day of Josh’s new life, moving away to University had always been assumed but it was finally sinking in that he was doing it. Josh has always been an independent person who liked change and welcomed chances to meet new people. He was average size for his age, nicely built with a smooth flat stomach. His hair was a colour which swept across his cute, boyish face. The car journey there was full of mixed emotions, he didn’t want to end up living with people who were too difficult...
GayMature University! If you’re reading my articles, I’m going to assume that you watch a lot of porn. This isn’t a site that newbies stumble upon and spend their day exploring. This shit is for hardcore porn heads who can’t get enough naked sluts. You type that needs a steady supply of ever-changing porn sites to keep you involved and invigorated.The Pearly Necklace GatesI’m the perfect resource for such people. I strive to keep my readers dicks in their hands and eyes on the screen. It’s my...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesTracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...
“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...
For the rest of April we fell into the pattern of Audie being at our place about three times a week. Sometimes I'd arrive home to find the two girls together; once Audie arrived, knowing that Rachel was at the library. It was, indeed, difficult. But it was also fun. I had finished my paper for Modern Europe and had sat my in-class essay in Australian Politics. I'd taken a chance there and written on neither topic. Instead, I'd written an essay on how the next election was Abbott's to...
Rachel returned with Allison in tow. "We met on campus," Rachel said, "We're both frustrated." "That's why universities have bureaucracies. If they just let you do things, there'd be massive unemployment." They both giggled. "They want another letter from Winnie." "Why? You just gave them one." "Dated last term! So now they want one for next term! They're so-o-o dumb!" "And you, Allie?" "I still want to teach. At least I think so. I liked two of my courses. But I was...
I’ve noticed that not everyone is too happy with the way Nens has turned out to be/is turning out to be, and I can understand why one would feel that way. But let’s not forget, everyone can’t be the strong heroine Annette is in Silver Eyes. Life’s like that, some people are fearless and some aren’t. Especially in the situation that I’ve put Nens in. I wish I could change stuff and write the way everyone wants me to but that just means I’m not being true to myself. I just write whatever pops...
‘What the fuck just happened, Minty?’ Rufus all but growled. He was so confused. He had come in here to pick up Kainene but had met both girls looking like they were about to start tearing out each other’s hair. Then Araminta had said that thing about being Kainene’s boyfriend. He had been in shock. But good shock. He was ecstatic that Kainene had called him that. Her boyfriend. He had considered asking her out properly and had asked some of his friends if that was cool. They had laughed...
“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...
FetishLast night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day. It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet. Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me. The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim. I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...
Gay MaleEric was in town for business. He hated having to take trips for business, but always made sure to book a room at an upscale hotel with fitness facilities, a hot tub, sauna and a pool. It was late when he arrived and got settled in his room. Figuring that he had just enough time to swim a few quick laps before the pool closed, and maybe take a short soak in a hot tub, he stripped off his street clothes and slipped into a black lycra speedo with a colorful print pattern on the front, one of his...
Kainene did not think she had ever danced as hard or well as she danced that night. Maybe it was a result of the kiss she had shared with Rufus but she was certainly on fire. Siobhan said as much. ‘Whoa, tiger! Where have you been hiding? You truly saved everything for the last day and by jove, is it all paying off.’ Kainene grinned at her as she wiped some sweat off her brow. She only had one more dance to go and there was an interlude now. Two other sets of dancers in which she was not a...
Exams had started and Kainene was half-crazed with exam stress. She had done two of her modules and she thought they had gone reasonably okay. However, her last two papers were on the same day which was the next day. She had never had two papers on the same day so she was understandably going mental. At the moment, she was pulling an all-nighter in the basement of the French building on Woodland Road. She had not been there for the past two days as she had spent those days in the 24 hour...
Life at University for me was for the most part enjoyable, I was in residence the first year sharing a room with a girl from New Hampshire who I got on okay with. She was an attractive brunet with a nice figure that I admit I enjoyed seeing from time to time. We kind of hung out together and of course got to know a lot of other students, who would often ‘hit’ on us. I ended up dating one named Chad, a fair haired quiet man in his final year. Chad was good to and for me, he was quiet and not...
Das gemütlich und anregend eingerichtete Zimmer ist von vielen Stimmen erfüllt. Einige Personen unterhalten sich gegenseitig, andere betrachten die Bilder mit nackten Körpern und Sexstellungen die an den Wänden hangen. Ein paar wenige studieren die verschiedenen Sexspielzeuge, die auf Regalen nach Art und Grösse geordnet sind. Die Männer und Frauen im Raum sind im Alter zwischen achtzehn und vierzig Jahren. Plötzlich fliegt die Türe auf und ein junger, vielleicht 28 jähriger Mann betritt das...
So I'm at a university for a visit to sell some consumables to them. It went well and I left the meeting all happy. But I had to pee in the worst way, so I'm wandering the giant stone hallways looking for a restroom. I find a door sucked way in back of a corner area and head to it. I open the door and it takes a quick corner then down a set of stairs. I get to the bottom and it takes another turn and opens into a large restroom with a row of 10 chest to floor white porcelain urinals in it, way...
Whether she wanted it or not, naive, eighteen year-old Nicky has just been ‘rescued’ by her older stepbrother Mike while just beginning to have sex with one of his rugby-playing friends in an alleyway down by the waterfront. * I don’t know how long I clung to Mike in the darkness, trembling, crying with confusion, relief and shame. My own stepbrother had just caught me with a boy’s cock actually inside my body! He truly believed he had rescued me – that he, the Hero had saved his little...
College SexLife at University for me was for the most part enjoyable, I was in residence the first year sharing a room with a girl from New Hampshire who I got on okay with. She was an attractive brunet with a nice figure that I admit I enjoyed seeing from time to time. We kind of hung out together and of course got to know a lot of other students, who would often 'hit' on us. I ended up dating one named Chad, a fair haired quiet man in his final year. Chad was good to and for me, he was quiet and not...
LesbianI was 18 and had was in my first year at University.I had chosen to go into a hall and to my surprise found I was sharing a room.My room mate was called Pete. He was a bit taller than me well muscled and very butch. We got on well and had lots in common. We both did alright with the girls and were both enjoying being away from home,The only thing I missed was being able to slip into some panties and stockings or tights for a nice wank and to fantasise. I had being slipping into my mums panties...
We only saw Mark and Allison once more before flying down to Melbourne. We were coming home from food shopping and they were strolling on King, hand-in-hand. I guessed that they had come to some sort of an understanding. We registered at our hotel, near the Victoria Markets, and walked down Swanston Street towards the Yarra. We stopped near City Square for a quick bite and then to the docks at Princes Walk. The guidebook said one had to book in advance, but Melbourne River Cruises were...
Perth, Part II "Are you okay?" asked Rachel the next morning. "I will be. Give me another day or three. I'm going to meet my dad at his office and go through some stuff. Then I want to make some calls. The we're going to have to talk." "You make it sound so solemn." "Serious, not solemn." "Oscar Wilde." "What?" "Wilde said that 'Life is fatal, but not serious'. But I don't know where." "That's okay. It's clever anyway." "I want to spend a...
Rachel was excited: she'd mentioned mythology to one of the sculpture folks and had been dragged off to a room full of fragmentary pottery and broken statues. There had ensued a half-hour of discussion of Pegasus' wings, the wings on talaria, the wings on putti, Icarus' wings, etc. I could see the fascination in trying to work our whether the wings had been attached to a horse, a sandal, a cherub, or a man. The curator had suggested that Rachel take introduction to archaeology and ancient...
It was still before 09:00 and Rachel would be barely functional. I was quite excited and stopped and bought some muffins on my walk home. When I got there, coffee was ready and Rachel was wearing one of the brief Japanese robes, looking adorable. I told her so as I put the muffins on a plate and set out butter, preserves, knives and plates. "Flattery, trying to ply me with idle chatter. I know what you're up to with your filthy ways. So, what happened?" "Filthy ways? A fine way to talk!...
I read Al's draft in the morning, made a few comments and sent it back to him. Rachel was going through the midden on her table and came up with Sandra Wynne's card. While she phoned Sandra, I called Winnie. Luckily she was still at home. "I gather that when you became a widow, you inherited a reasonable sum?" "Is this a quiz programme?" I explained that I would be receiving a rather large sum of money soon. "Did you win the lottery?" "No. Both of my grandfathers left legacies...