University Challenge - Part 1 - Nicky's Near Miss free porn video

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It was November 1983 and I was in my final year of school – the year we call the ‘Upper Sixth’. England was a world without internet, mobile phones, personal computers, e-mails or text messages. Like most of Europe, it was a country with dirty, badly lit phone boxes that ate your money then disconnected you, letters that got lost for weeks, a poor motorway network and very few students with cars. Sex was much less casual though AIDS was almost unknown - condoms were made only by Durex and were a source of embarrassed giggling rather than a life-preserving necessity.

It was just past my eighteenth birthday so I could now legally drink in pubs and was learning to drive in my Mum’s already elderly Mini.

I thought I was so grown-up!

Of course I was mostly working flat out for my forthcoming exams the following May and June, with the exciting prospect intended for all of us in our Private School – getting into a good University.

There was a lot of sport too – there was always a lot of good, healthy sport in Private schools – but I enjoyed that too. Apart from being a break from the relentless pressure of academic work, it helped to keep me in shape physically and for an eighteen year old girl in 1983, being good looking was very important indeed.

Very tall for a girl, skinny and dark like my older brother Michael, I suppose I was considered quite good looking but had always felt self conscious about my height and tended to dress down and be a bit shy. On the few occasions when I wanted to look a little sexier and not being confident in my own dress sense, I would try and copy the way my brother’s girlfriend-of-the-moment dressed, whether it suited me or not. This resulted in a number of fashion disasters, which if you remember the ‘eighties’ were widespread and didn’t help my confidence with boys.

As a result, most boys didn’t consider me good girlfriend material – still less a prospect for a one night stand - especially after I had spectacularly failed to deliver the goods on a couple of dates. Consequently I had acquired a bit of a reputation for being inaccessible – frigid as one cruel boy had put it – and my usual dress of jeans, trainers and a sweat shirt didn’t do anything to dispel that impression.

I wasn’t a virgin though; on two occasions I had allowed a boy’s penis to enter my body. Both times had been with the same boy; my brother’s best friend and look-alike, David.

David had taken my cherry after my brother’s eighteenth birthday party at our house when, unaccustomed to drink and full of emotion, I had allowed him to take me into my own bedroom and deflower me on my own bed while my brother slept off his boozy evening on the sofa downstairs. It had been awkward, clumsy and had hurt a lot. Fortunately my mother had believed my story of an early period to explain the blood stain on the sheet.

The second occasion had been a week later in the same room when I learned that my deflowering had been David’s first time too which explained the extreme clumsiness and awkwardness we had both suffered. The second occasion was much better, if rather short and although it still hurt, I did get some pleasure out of the experience.

In our naiveté we didn’t think to use condoms – they were much more difficult to get in those days before AIDS made us think more sensibly. On both occasions, unable to control himself, David came deep within me and I was lucky not to fall pregnant.

Now I am over 50 and with much more experience, I realise that I was quite tight and David unusually large as well as inexperienced, providing an unfortunate and painful introduction to sex for us both. Frankly, this put me off doing it with anyone at all for a while.

Then David and my brother Michael went off to different Universities and I was left at home with Mum and Dad. David and I kept in touch intermittently by letter for a few months then I learned through Mike (who didn’t know he and I had actually slept together) that David had found a new girlfriend at University.

I cried a lot for a few days then got on with my life.

‘Getting on with my life’ mostly involved working flat out for my exams which of course added to my reputation for inaccessibility and frigidity. Although I did have occasional boyfriends, none of them got further than the heavy petting stage so I remained secretly ‘busted’ but celibate until the moment this story begins.


It was Winter Term at school and the pressure was on! The English education system involves taking Advanced Level exams in three main subjects at the end of your final year, which is usually at the age of eighteen. Known as A Levels (please don’t laugh), they are all-important in that the University you go to, or indeed whether you go to University at all, depends entirely on the grades achieved in those subjects.

The final year at school is therefore spent focussing hard on exam success and of course, on choosing the right course at the right University. There is still time for sport and a few other activities but academic pressures always come first.

Part of the University selection process in those days involved attending Open Days and having interviews at the Universities that were in the list of five you were allowed to select. Being a ‘Straight A’ student I was looking at those colleges that offered the best course in my chosen field. Inevitably, some Universities were strong in more than one discipline and among the list of my top five choices were Oxford and the University where my older brother had been studying for a whole year already.

Mike had done well at school and was at that time in his second year of Medical School in a prestigious University in the south west of the country. Tall, dark and athletic, Mike had played rugby throughout his schooldays and had continued it at University. He had always been a favourite with my school friends, most of whom had at some time had major crushes on him – to be honest I had always something of a crush on him myself - and at least two of my friends had tried unsuccessfully to tempt him into bed. Their failure had partly been due to a lack of self confidence on Mike’s part but mostly due to a reason I didn’t realise at the time.

So I had applied to Mike’s University as one of my five choices and had been called to interview. The first important step had been passed! My appointment was to be on a Saturday morning following the department’s Open Day on the Friday, a day in which all important parts of the University would be offering presentations and demonstrations so potential students could have a really good idea of what going there would be like.

I had attended just such an event at a University about twenty miles away the previous month so knew what to expect and was excited about the whole, grown-up experience. I was, as you would expect, very nervous but Dad had given me lots of interview practice and I was as prepared as I could be.

The plan was to go down by train on Thursday evening, stay overnight at Mike’s, spend Friday at the Open Day, another night with Mike then for Dad to pick me up straight after my interview on Saturday morning so I would be in time to play hockey for the school that afternoon.

All went well with my journey, despite the best efforts of British Rail and Mike met me at the station looking even taller and more handsome than I remembered, confident in his new stomping ground wearing the obligatory jeans, trainers and a brightly striped rugby shirt from our team back home.

After we had hugged our hellos, he nobly took my suitcase and we caught a bus through the big city towards his house.

I was enchanted. We lived in a market town in the midlands so the city and the prospect of living there for three years was quite an adventure. And as cities went, this one was special too, filled with imposing buildings from bygone periods but still bright, busy and trendy with a waterfront, hills and plenty of green areas. I could tell why Mike loved being there so much.

My brother shared a house with four other boys in a pleasant but run down area not far from the University. The house was big with high ceilings and rather tatty but to the eighteen year old me it seemed like a palace and the freedom it represented was a dream come true.

I had met some of Mike’s housemates before at rugby matches and had got on well with them, although they had tended to treat me like a little girl – something I was determined would not happen this time. One or two had made an attempt at chatting me up but it appeared Mike had declared me ‘off limits’ and all attempts had been half hearted, though I had been flattered by the attention of good looking older boys. It certainly helped that they were almost all well over six feet tall, which made me feel a lot less self conscious about my own skinny height.

After I had dumped my bag in Mike’s room and seen the mattress on the floor where I was to sleep for the next two nights, we ate the classic student staple diet – spaghetti Bolognese - in their kitchen before the boys and two of their girlfriends took me on a night time tour of the city, stopping off at a few favourite pubs as we walked down by the waterfront and along the old streets. As a gesture to the ‘big night out’ I had put on a little more make-up than usual and was wearing a slim fitting jumper rather than my usual shapeless sweat shirt, though the jeans and trainers remained.

After a couple of hours of really enjoyable drinking and chatting I was having a great time. The city was fun and exciting, and being out on the town with the slightly older group made me feel bright, attractive and grown-up. I’m sure Mike was keeping an eye on me because he subtly slowed my drinking at times and made sure I wasn’t too dominated by his rugby pals.

When we called in at an old corner pub from which live jazz music was booming I was feeling a bit tipsy, unused to the strength of the local cider I had been drinking rather casually. A small group of students came to greet us as we arrived; from their builds they were obviously rugby playing friends of Mike and he introduced me quite proudly to them all.

But I didn’t really remember most of their names because... because a Greek God had just come into the pub and was walking towards me, smiling. Tall and dark, amazingly like Mike but with a stronger build, he had striking hazel eyes which right now were boring straight into mine.

“Hi...” He smiled at me, then at Mike. “You must be Nicky!” he held his hand out and I automatically took it, almost speechless. His grip was firm but friendly. “I’m Max.”

My knees felt a bit weak and my tummy fluttered as I stammered ‘Hi’ in reply.

Something told me that Mike wasn’t too pleased to see Max but he was polite and fairly friendly.

“Nic, this is Max.” Mike turned to me and smiled awkwardly. “We’re in the same team but he’s one of the glory boys, not a worker like me!”

It was clearly an in-joke which made the rugby boys laugh but went above my head. I pretended to understand and laughed simperingly. Max joined our group and for the next hour we sat near to each other, chatted and sipped our drinks. He was absolutely charming – I had never been the centre of such a good-looking boy’s attention before for such a long time and was flattered, loving every minute. He was funny, attentive, bought me rather more drinks than perhaps I should have had and I was aware of his legs pressing against mine under the table for a long time.

I was also aware of Mike giving me dark looks from time to time but I ignored him. It was time he realised I wasn’t a little girl anymore and got used to the idea that boys liked me.

The evening passed quickly; all too soon it was closing time and we had to go back to Mike’s place. Max walked me to the bus stop – I put my arm through his in a brave attempt to be romantic - and to my delight he kissed me goodnight just as Mike arrived. I think he was aiming for my cheek but something happened and his lips ended up on mine.

It was a magic moment. For a split second our mouths opened and we kissed properly but then we both realised all our friends – including my older brother - were nearby and broke the kiss quickly, embarrassed.

“Are you staying tomorrow night too?” Max asked as Mike moved deliberately alongside me.

I nodded. “I’m going to the Open Day tomorrow.”

“Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow night?” He suggested.

“I hope so...” I said, my face turning red as I got on the bus. “Goodnight!”

Mike made a point of sitting next to me on the bus, scowling. I could tell he had something to say and, sure enough, after a few minutes, out it came.

“Watch your step there, Nic.”

“What do you mean?” I replied aggressively.

“I’m just saying... be careful. Max isn’t as nice as he seems, that’s all.”

I was getting angry as well as tipsy – a dangerous combination!

“He was charming tonight. Just charming. You just can’t cope with me growing up!”

“It’s not that, Nic! He’s... well he hasn’t got a good reputation. Be careful!”

“I can’t help it if boys like me!” I half shouted. “I’m not a little girl anymore! I can look after myself!” I hissed at him. “You’ll just have to get used to the idea!”

The rest of the journey passed in angry silence and we went to bed having exchanged barely a dozen more words.


The following morning was the Open Day itself. After a brief breakfast during which there was definitely ‘an atmosphere’, Mike walked me to the Department. A few minutes down the road he spoke.

“I’m sorry Nic. About last night... I was a bit heavy…”

I breathed a sigh of relief. I had been very upset too – partly because of the implication I was irresponsible, but also because I hated falling out with my brother.

“It’s ok Mike. I was nasty too. I know you meant well but… but I’m just not a little girl now.” I paused as we walked. “But it’s sweet of you to be so protective”.

“You promise you’ll be careful?” He asked sincerely.

“I promise. He was just so… nice to me…”

I took his hand and squeezed it. We walked hand in hand for a short while.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.”

“I know you meant well. I’ll be careful... but you’ve got to trust me too!” I said. “See you this afternoon!”

I kissed him on the cheek and skipped into the Department.

The day passed quickly. I loved the people and the places they showed us, from the classrooms to the sports hall, from the gym to the library. It felt amazing to think that I was now old enough and – perhaps – clever enough to become a part of the amazing University.

I resolved to double up on my hard work and make sure I got the grades I would need to win myself entry. After all, I couldn’t let my big brother do better than me, could I?

At six o’clock Mike met me at the Department door and we walked together back to his house. I was bubbling over with excitement and nervous about the interview at nine the following morning.

All his housemates wanted to quiz me about my day and one or two teased me gently about my encounter with Max the previous evening. It seems Max had been a bit smitten with me too and had mentioned to his friends how much he wanted to see me the coming evening when Mike, his friends and I were planning to go to the cinema and visit several more waterside pubs.

I could see that Mike was not happy about this at all. He scowled right through dinner and made it plain that I should keep a close eye on Max if he showed up. I didn’t tell Mike that I had bought some special clothes for the evening during the lunch break that day, and that I intended to make a bit of an impact that evening.

After dinner, I went to Mike’s room alone to get changed while he and his friends watched TV on their tiny black and white set. I quickly unpacked my suitcase and my recent purchases and fifteen minutes later was dressed and very nervous.

Boy! For me, was I dressed! Kim Wilde? Kate Bush? Neither had legs as long as mine and I hoped like mad that my new sparkly, skin tight leggings and heels showed them off to what I hoped was their very very best. All that sport was about to pay off!

Of course, leggings as tight as that would make a panty line stand out like nothing else, so there was only one alternative – no panties!

My hair had been back brushed to give it volume, I wore gold bangles around my wrists and definitely more make-up than the minimal I usually wore; topped with a very loose necked jumper that would have given tantalising glimpses of my boobs if I hadn’t been so flat chested I felt new, grown up and ready to face the older boys with, for me, a bit of confidence.

As I entered the kitchen, silence fell in the room, followed by a low whistle. Mike had his back to me but immediately saw the expressions on his friends’ faces. He span round quickly.

“Jesus, Nic!” He exclaimed. “Wow! You look... Wow!”

There were grunts of agreement from the other boys. I smiled at his honest response, a bit embarrassed but really pleased by my success.

“Do you like it?” I asked as sweetly as I could.

“Well, speaking as your brother, no – you shouldn’t go out like that, full stop.” He leaned over towards me and whispered. “Speaking as a boy... well, you look sexy as hell, Nic!”

I suppose I should have been revolted at the thought of my own brother finding me sexy but in fact I felt the opposite. I couldn’t remember ever being called sexy in my life before and it made me feel good – whoever said it!

The next few hours passed in a dream. Mike and his friends made a real fuss of me – from their behaviour, it was obvious that the others found me sexy too and in the darkness of cinema I felt the occasional light touch of straying fingers on my body. I was pleased to have Mike sitting alongside me and held his hand several times, especially at the scary parts where my fingernails dug hard into the back of his hand.

It was good to feel his reassuring hand stroking my thigh towards the end of the film.

Afterwards we went back to the waterfront pubs and had a couple of drinks to relax after our cinematic ordeal. I chose cider again, not realising that in this part of the country, it meant something much more potent than the pale fizzy drink I had grown up with.

By ten o’clock I was tipsy again and enjoying the male company I was attracting. Mike by my side made me more confident so I was feeling more than content when Max came through the door.

“Nicky!” He greeted me with a huge smile, his hazel eyes melting me inside. “I’m so glad I found you at last. You look... absolutely stunning!”

Bingo! My new clothes and style had worked! I glowed inside.

Mike’s demeanour changed immediately. He stood much closer to me and squeezed my hand in warning but by now I was beyond advice and allowed Max to deftly manoeuvre me away from the rest of the group to a relatively quiet corner where we chatted together animatedly.

For the next hour – until closing time – I spoke to almost no-one else, aware only of this gorgeous boy who wanted only to talk to me. My self confidence boomed. Two more ciders, both bought by Max and I was really smitten as well as quite tipsy. My very limited experience had taught me little about boys but I knew this was new and very special.

“Have you seen the harbour in the moonlight?” Max asked once last orders had been called.

I shook my head. “No...” I replied, not quite realising the danger.

“Then you’re in for a treat. Come on, let’s slip out before big bad brother spoils our fun...”

I suppose in my inebriated state I hadn’t thought things through properly. All I knew was that a gorgeous, sophisticated, final year student who looked extraordinarily like my gorgeous brother fancied me and wanted to take me outside to see the harbour in the moonlight. I was truly flattered – he was so much older than me; so much more worldly wise; so handsome!

It was unbelievably naïve, I know but I was innocent, young and romantic and, frankly drunk.

I suppose I had expected a certain amount of physical contact and was looking forward to finding out if he really was as sexy as he seemed. I had kissed open-mouthed with tongues before, until my mouth was numb, and I wasn’t a complete stranger to a reasonable amount of clumsy groping and fondling either. I’ve always enjoyed having my boobs fondled - through my tops of course - especially if the boy was quite rough with me and on occasions had ground my private parts against a boy’s legs while heavy petting or dancing.

What I hadn’t bargained for was the extraordinary efficiency with which this older boy – ‘man’ I should say – began to make serious sexual progress with me and how my inexperienced body would betray me with its responses.

After a short walk holding hands romantically we reached the quay and, arm in arm, looked out over the water at the bobbing boats. It truly was beautiful with the moon glinting off the water. I felt romantic and squeezed his hand tightly. He squeezed mine in return and I leaned against his strong body.

“The view’s even better from the other pier.” He said softly, leading me gently but firmly along the waterside and down a short passageway. Half way along he stopped and turned towards me in the near darkness. I had half expected, even half hoped for this and had looked forward to the moment when our lips would first touch.

When it happened it was every bit as magical as I had imagined when I had first talked to him in the pub. My head was tilted upwards towards his handsome face, my arms around his waist, his hands in the small of my back. We kissed long and hard, our tongues entwined, our bodies pressed close. He was tall and strong and athletic and his body was warm against mine.

It seemed an age before our lips parted, and when they did it felt like I had fallen into darkness. Seconds later his mouth was on mine again, tongues active but this time, before I knew it, his hands were on my boobs in exactly the way I liked it – strong and confident, kneading my small globes through my loose, long sleeved jumper and tweaking my nipples through my bra. I felt sexy and attractive and, without thinking, began to press myself harder against his thigh as we kissed and kissed.

Minutes later his hands were underneath my jumper, his fingers dancing over the bare flesh of my tummy and moving up to up my boobs in their cups. Seconds later my bra was efficiently unfastened, my top lifted and my boobs bared to the night air - or would have been if his hands hadn’t been cupping them and massaging them as the coolness hardened my nipples.

Things were moving faster than I was used to but still I felt fairly comfortable. Older, more mature boys would have more experience, wouldn’t they? They would know how far and how fast to take a younger girl. And the feel of his fingertips on my nipples was so much nicer than anything the boys my age had ever done to them…

His hands dropped to my buttocks and the cool air immediately brought goose bumps to my boobs. I instinctively pressed myself closer to his body to warm them and felt his hands kneading my buttocks even more firmly than they had my breasts. He pressed my bottom hard, driving my crotch even harder against his left thigh, which he stuck forward a little to fit better between my thighs. It felt amazing and without realising it I began to rub myself up and down his thigh, feeling a new and exciting arousal growing in my groin.

Our lips parted and I rested my head on his chest and shoulder, our hands on each others buttocks. He nibbled my ear and I kissed his neck as his fingers kneaded my soft flesh deliciously. His hands rose up to my waist, then down to the crease below my buttocks, then back to my waist again.

And then suddenly his hands were inside my leggings, cupping my bare pantyless buttocks, his rough skin on my smooth tender cheeks. This was a step further than I had expected to go – very few boys had actually touched my bare buttocks but the growing arousal from my rubbing seemed to have dulled my senses and I began to enjoy the feel of his rough skin on my smooth cheeks. His hands delved deeper and deeper into my leggings, tickling me in the creases below my buttocks and, to my delighted astonishment, along the crack in my bottom.

Moments later I felt confident hands rolling my leggings downwards almost to my knees, exposing my buttocks to the night. This was entirely new territory for me but made me feel so daring, so grown up to be in the hands of this gorgeous, romantic boy. I felt cool air around my bare bottom and, to my surprise, a sudden chill between my legs as the cold air found the large damp patch that myTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Techno CultivatorChapter 34 Mysterious Challenger

-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 6 Service with a Swallow

I have a lot of explaining to do, but we're in the bedroom of a beachfront condo. Alix sits against a wall in a black bra and g-string set. She wears a pair of white high heels and she has the back end of a pen between her teeth and the yellow notepad in her lap. She's wearing reading glasses. A small remote rests on the left arm rest of her chair. The remote controls a track-mounted video camera just over the bed where I sit in a white terry cloth bathrobe. Dani's voice comes from the...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 13 Gifted and Talented

I woke up in the middle of the afternoon. Charley was already awake and looking at me tenderly. He has a gift for making a woman feel beautiful, a quality no female ever tires of. "How long have you been staring like that?" I kissed him sweetly. "Maybe ten minutes. I didn't want to wake you up." "Charley, I'm still supposed to be your whore." "I still want to fuck, but can we just be Charley and Tabby?" "Is that what you want?" I glanced down and noticed a ready to go cock....

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TA The Challenge App

Alexis was your typical college freshman away from home for the first time. She had long wavy platinum blonde hair which she dyed a deep royal blue her first week as a testament to her new found freedom. She wasn't a pretty girl, but she was far from ugly and the hair helped bring attention to her best feature, her face and her natural sky blue eyes. She had 34 D-Cup breasts which looked enormous on her 5'1'' frame, and she hated how big they were. She hated it even more when boys stared at...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 11 The Perfect Fit

My weekend in Ohio with Tabby actually started in an airport hotel in California with Stefani. This is how that happened. I'd gone four weeks without seeing anyone and Alix and I had agreed to cut back on our phone calls while I sorted out stepsister-gate in my head. Nikki too had agreed to cancel or at least postpone our fuck buddy meetings out of respect for her stepsister. Both Alix and Nikki has insisted that neither of them had planned anything either together or alone. In our last...

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The Challenge Prelude 2 8211 Fuck Like A Porn Star 8211 Part 2

Continuation of story from ‘The Challenge: Prelude 2 – Fuck like a porn-star – Part 1’. Friday: “It’s good that we planned to go for a movie today, ‘The love story’ has release so we can watch it.” I said. “No. I want to watch ‘The action movie’. Do you remember what you said, you owe me one so I pick the movie.” He insisted on this. The movie Raj picked had been on screen for 3-4 weeks. And what I heard from others, it was a crappy movie. Inside there were very few people. The show began and...

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Michaels Internet Challenge

“Oh, my God,” he moaned. “It’s so big!” Writhing, Michael twisted his hips, adjusted the curve of his spine, drew his knees closer together and then spread them farther apart. Nothing helped. The monster up his ass had his breathing labored, his heart pounding against his rib cage. “Fuck, David! Why’d I let you talk me into this?” Laughing, David patted his shoulder. “Relax. I told you you’d like it. And you’re done now.” Michael gazed up at him, disbelieving. “It doesn’t feel done! The...

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No Masturbation For A Week Or More Challenge 2

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:NOTE: Even though this story is about abstaining from masturbation, it includes a super hot description of my first session after 30 days! ;)Challenge #2 - No Masturbation For A Week Or More.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: August 18, 2002...

4 years ago
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The No Strings ChallengePart 5 Neighborhood Watch

Even before he left Houston, Charley invited me to California for the weekend. He must have really felt guilty about whatever happened with Tabby after Vicky left. His write up on his No Strings Website the next day stopped with the two of them walking Vicky to the car. It was obvious from the moment he called me that something had happened that night with Tabby, because he kept finding reasons to cut our calls short. After a couple days of teasing him, I finally told him, "Charley, you...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 14 An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor

A few days after I returned to California, Alix got pissed at me. In my write-up of my four day weekend, I got a little carried away. My opening line was "I just spent the weekend with the three greatest cocksuckers in the world." I then called Stefani, Tabby, and Darcy the oral equivalent of the three tenors and described all fourteen of my oral deliveries in fine detail with ecstatic accounts of Stefani's perfect fit, Tabby's private strip show, Darcy's slow tease coupled with her...

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SuperWomans Escape Challenge

Super-Woman's Escape Challenge THE TRAP At the police station "I am sorry Super-Woman, we can't still send Belinda into prison, we don't have enough proofs yet" "But captain I know for sure she robbed the bank, I just couldn't catch her. I almost got her in the middle of the robbery. Damn!! This is so frustrating!" Then another policeman came into the office with a smile on his face holding a poster and showing it to them: "I guess being a super-heroine is not enough well-paid and so you need...

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Kellys Challenge

Kelly looked at the ninety nine keys in the box. If she went through with this, there would be a hundred, and she would be confined until she found the right one with which to release herIf she carried this through, she would put the last key in the box, and then deliberately knock the box to the floor, scattering the keys everywhere, no knowledge of which was her key, or in which direction it had gone. It would be her severest challenge, and one no-one could help her with. She had been into...

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Apartment Eight Makes A Golden Challenge

Wednesday night at the Fawns Over Foxes Ladies Club... Johnny B Good2night stepped through the curtain to the small backstage “launch pad”. Breathing as if he had just ran a mile, he fanned himself with his call sheet, his shirt beneath his glittery velvet vest drenched in an uncomely layer of sweat. His ears were ringing, the screeches and screams of the crowd on the other side of the curtain sounding like a klaxon in his skull. “Amateur Night,” he grumbled. The ladies were always voracious on...

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“How are you feeling today?” Mary was hovering around me while the others kept their distance and anxiously watched. Aashi had arrived early with the light breakfast brought to the room by servants. She confided that the information is being held close in confidence to provide an element of surprise for the guests … and me. She smiled before adding that concubines are regarded as so subservient and controlled others hardly consider them until they are wanted by men. The little...

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The home we were brought to the night before the challenge was to begin had the appearance of something constructed to remind you of a palace from a time long ago. Though I wasn’t that familiar with Indian history and I had no idea how long ago it might have been representative of, it did seem to reflect what we had been told about the man’s ego and feeling of power and control over the region. I was accompanied on the trip by Mary Borden, a man she hired as a bodyguard just for this trip,...

2 years ago
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University Life Part 5 The Initiation Pt 2

I started to pee.The feeling of euphoria as the pressure in my bladder began to ease was nothing compared to the thrill I received as a sudden nearby gasp revealed that those who had captured me had caught sight of my toilet.A very wet splattering arose from two locations as my pussy shower completed its arching passage into the air before gravity pulled it downwards to impact firstly against whatever I was bound to. Then the distinctive wet splashing as my piss landed on what appeared to be a...

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SRU The Ultimate SpellsRUs Combat Challenge

The Ultimate Spells-R-Us Combat Challenge by Mr. Duck The Spells-R-Us Universe, was, of course, created by Bill Hart. This story may be posted on any site as long as you don't make money of it or alter it in any way. ************************************** "Dude, you are the worst driver I have ever seen." "Shut up, man. Just cause I look where I'm going." "It was still yellow! You're not gonna get pulled over if it's still yellow. The cops go through it when it's...

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Cum Eating Challenge

Quite likely just about every guy has at some point or other thought about eating or at least tasting his own cum, but a good many never have. If they are honest about it, most guys out there find it a turn on to fantasize about being made to eat their own cum or perhaps even the semen of another guy under the right set of circumstances. If that describes you, then this task is something you might enjoy. Especially you guys who do enjoy fantasizing about cum eating but who wouldn’t dare to ever...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 5 Ma Ne Diya Mazedaar Challenge

Hello friends, aap sabko mera bohut dhanyawaad meri story itni pasand karne ke liye. Aap sabke liye main har hafte ek naya episode update kar raha hoon. Aap sabse anurodh hai ki please meri story agar aap pasand karte hai to use like karna naa bhoole. Aaj ki kahani Rahul ki zubani uske aur uski maa Sarita ke bare mein hai. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pehle season 1 padhle jisse aapko abtak ka kissa samajh ayega. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur...

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The challenge

Preface For almost a century no one was able to overcome it. Many remarkable men had been beaten at some point by the ultimate sex contest: The Challenge. In a remote southern China village, you could find Yuan, the last shrine of the Xing jiao (the act of sex) cult, ancient creed based on the practice of sex. Its masters were considered authorities and were politically influent. Worshipped by roughly 100,000 devotees, lived a life of sexual plenitude since it was stated that followers had to...

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Seduction Challenge Fulfilled 8211 Part 1

Hi this Is Dhritish, I am from Udaipur and I am straight by my sexual orientation. I look forward to a bunch of mails on my email id dhritish¬¬ although not getting my hopes too high considering myself a first timer. The protagonist of the story are me and my friend Vaishali and how I seduced her and we had the best sex ever. I am a guy with very normal sized dick and not those mammoth everyone talks about here but physique wise I am on the sexier side. Vaishali here is a girl with a dusky...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 20 All Tied Up in a Bow

When Nikki and I climbed out of the helicopter on the roof of the Bellagio, I noticed the ground crew gawking. I had so much on my mind that I'd forgotten that Nikki had this effect on mortal men. I'd also forgotten that attention got her excited. As soon as we got inside the suite, Nikki dropped to her knees, pulled down my zipper, and engulfed my penis in her mouth. I wasn't complaining. Let's be honest, being seen in public with a hot woman is a turn on for any guy. Having the same...

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THE INDIA CHALLENGE 1 Director Mary Bordens Request

This is a new episode to the story, THE BOSS’S SLUT, Tina James. This is an addition to the story of a woman who has found the person she is and, in the process, truly comes to love that person. It is recommended that you first read the previous story in this series for background and character development continuing into this story: • THE BOSS’S SLUT The man who opened her eyes and soul to the person trapped inside her was her boss, the company CEO and Chairman of the Board, Charles...

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On my Stomach Using a Condom Challenge 4

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:Challenge #4 - On my Stomach Using a Condom for 7 Sessions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: October 10, 2002 - October 27, 2002 LENGTH: 17 Days, 1 Hour, 35 MinutesChallenge: To masturbate by rubbing/thrusting against a surface...

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The Lottery Winners ChallengeChapter 3 The barns challenges

I woke up on Wednesday in flashergirl's bed, her body entwined in my arms. We barely had time to run down before the dining room closed, and dressed in just her short pink dressing gown I accompanied flashergirl in her (short) frilly nightie to get the pitiful breakfast. The walk to the farm wasn't great. The weather was colder and the winds were stronger. I almost missed my coat but after about twenty minutes the group of us made it to the little farm on the edge of Angelina's...

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The Taboo Challenge

I was meeting Anne for a drink to celebrate the end of the week. Like every Friday afternoon, we met in the bar across the street for margaritas and salted pretzels. I had already ordered cocktails for two and was waiting for my friend to arrive. I have known Anne practically my whole life, but we had kind of lost contact after we both got married. But, a couple of years ago, the company I worked for had outgrown the office building it was in and moved to a new location in one of the...

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Vickys Challenge

Copyright 2003 It was obvious to all concerned that Vicky was bored. And when Vicky was bored, she did something about it. Her full name is Victoria Helena Andrews-Hawkes. Yeah, her. One of the 'kids' inheriting the Lockhart fortune. Plus of course what she got when elderly hubby Reginald Hawkes died. We're not just talking jet-set here, we're talking rocket-to-the-moon-set. A 32 year old woman who has everything, including the requisite blond hair, blue eyes, and buxom shape kept nice...

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Mandi Sorority Challenge Suck 20 dicks in one day

Note : This story is completely fictional! College was about to be over for the year. I was going to go back home and go to a cheaper school. But my last two weeks there were going to be hard because I didn’t want to lose my sorority sisters. We had done a bunch of party and I asked if I could come back if I decided to go back the university. Of course for these girls everything was a challenge. And in order for me to be able to come, I had to do something. “Yeah, so there is a change I may...

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Defeated in a Female Naked Challenge

Defeated in a Female Naked Challengeby Tracie-LouiseLast week I was at the house of my boyfriend, Mike, and decided to set him a bit of a saucy challenge- I bet him that he couldn't help but get an erection the next time he saw me naked. He accepted this challenge, so we stripped off and climbed into a warm bath together.The endeavour he put into winning the bet was self-evident, but, despite his best efforts, his manhood eventually and inexorably began to rise- much to my delight! I decided...

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The Alpha Challenge 2

Megan, in her wolf form, breathed hard. Through their mental pack link, she said, “Elvin, we’ve done this so much already this morning. I won’t even get to fighting Orion if I don’t pass the other challenges.” Elvin’s large grey wolf suddenly lunged at her and she dodged, nipping his throat as he passed. “Plus, I’ve been able to beat you for years,” she said, not able to stop the smugness creeping into her tone. She’d first won against him eight years or so ago. She had been able...

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The Three Meter Challenge

It was down to six of us - six young ladies vying for the four open spots in the single most exclusive sorority at the University of Alabama. I won’t mention the name of the sorority for reasons that will become obvious, but for the purposes of the story, I’ll refer to it as Delta Chi or DX. It seems silly even trying to get involved in a sorority like DX, or any sorority for that matter. But my mom was a DX and suggested I do the same so that I could enjoy many of the advantages that she was...

College Sex
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Rachel Elizabeths KneelDown Blowjob Challenge

Have you ever stayed up late, late, late, well into the morning hours and watched some of those dumb infomertials they have on, selling everything – knives, juice mixers, special mops and vacuums, and almost everything else? Most of them are pretty stupid. This past October, I watched one that definitely got me ordering the product. The item being sold was one of those special mops that uses steam to clean your floors. As with many of these infomertials, there was a guy selling the product, and...

Group Sex
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University Life Part 4 The Initiation pt1

My heart was hammering in my chest as I was led away from the Kitty Litter to a place unknown. I did my utmost to keep track of my progress as we left behind the warmth of the morning sun and into the coolness of the University interior. I could hear the sound of other people nearby as I was led along, the fact that nobody commented on my condition (with a bag over my head) implied the belief that my ‘initiation’ was something that came to everyone.Certainly, Wendy (aka Mrs Murdoch) had made no...

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University Life Part 3 The Next Day

The morning arrived, shafts of sunlight pressing in through gaps in the thick curtains. I awoke, half in and out of sleep. I had been dreaming of the ‘Kitty Litter’ and of a pressing need to return for another outdoor pee with other girls from the University. In my dream I had been denied my intent, always turned around before I could reach the spot by the tall spreading oak that had been designated an outdoor loo.I slipped a questing finger between my legs, seeking out the warm wetness of my...

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No Pantie Challenge And Holiday Threesome In Goa

Hello everyone! Here is a quick introduction about myself before I get into sharing 3 really personal and intimate experiences with all of you. I am Sonali and I am 27 years old. Yes, I know you all want to know if I am married or not, and the answer is unmarried. While my parents are looking for a perfect husband, I am out there being a perfect chick for a few lucky guys. I am 5’5″ tall, black long hair, black eyes and the information which you all are looking for is 34-28-34. I work in a...

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The Queens Challenge

The Queen's ChallengeStory Codes: MF, M+F+, FF+, MMmF, wife, cuck, creampie, historical, rom, w/s, inc, biWritten in 2012 by Happy Horny Marriage ([email protected])More stories at^------------+| |* The Queen's Challenge *| |+-----------***-----------+The two c***dren ran along the frothy sapphire waters of the Aegean Sea, splashing thick, sandy drops into the waves. The girl,...

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University Life First Ch 01

‘Mum, Mum…MOTHER!’ Kainene screamed the last word. ‘Gah! What is it, Child?’ Her mother snapped in irritation. She was trying to stuff her daughter’s novels into her suitcase and it refused to shut. Her face was red, she was sweaty and her daughter was screeching in her ear. She was not best pleased. ‘Don’t yell at me mum, I’m trying to tell you not to bother squeezing them novels in. I’ve got space in this other bag.’ Kainene rolled her eyes. Gosh, she was the one who had to move to Bristol...

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University Halls of Residence

Lucy was thrilled to be offered a place at Carbeach University for a media studies course. It was a two year course and was far enough away from home to mean she would have to stay in the Halls of Residence. The University student accommodation wasn't the normal big blocks with students all crammed into dormitories, but individual houses each taking ten students.Lucy was being shown around her new home by the senior student liaison officer, a dishy looking postgraduate student called Mike. He...

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University Life Part 1 The Kitty Litter

It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady, smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us.Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names, at which stage a girl...

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The Lottery Winners ChallengeChapter 7 Entering the forest

It took me a long time to get to sleep as my head was buzzing with the possibilities of what could be in store for myself and flashergirl the following day. I was woken on by the sound of an envelope being pushed under my door at around 8am and got out of bed to open it. 'Dear finalist, We have arranged a tray of breakfast to be brought to your room at 9am. Do not leave your this floor of the hostel for anything and do not talk to any other contestant or ex-contestant. We will collect you...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 25 The Challenge

It was the evening after the Dining-in-Night, and Billy and I were sat in a corner of the Mess talking, about something and nothing, and drinking. Billy could put brandy away as if it were spring water, but I'm no toper, and a glass or two will set my brain muzzy, and I had already reached that state. Billy suddenly gave a groan and got up from his armchair. "I need to void my bowels, Jack, probably some Indian bug still in my belly." "More likely it is the amount of food you stuffed in...

1 year ago
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A Real Challenge A Night of Firsts

Reassured of my dominance, I licked his cum off my hands and went back to his friend. I patted his hard cock on my tongue, moaning playfully. I was having the time of my life, people were stopping in the street to watch, and I was loving it. I took the second man’s cock back into my mouth again and again, slowing going deeper each time. Then I kept my tongue out, flicking along the underside of his shaft as I took him down my throat. As the tip of my tongue touched his balls, he came, sending a...

First Time

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