Defeated In A Female Naked Challenge free porn video

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Defeated in a Female Naked Challenge
by Tracie-Louise

Last week I was at the house of my boyfriend, Mike, and decided to set him a bit of a saucy challenge- I bet him that he couldn't help but get an erection the next time he saw me naked. He accepted this challenge, so we stripped off and climbed into a warm bath together.

The endeavour he put into winning the bet was self-evident, but, despite his best efforts, his manhood eventually and inexorably began to rise- much to my delight! I decided that my prize for winning the wager was that he should bath me- so I just lay there like a lady of the manor in the warm, relaxing water as he rubbed soap and sponges all over my nude body. Delicious, and the perfect prelude to what we got up to in bed afterwards!

The next Friday evening I related what happened to my housemate, Mandy. We both giggled at the end of the story, but she said I'd been a little unfair to Mike.

"e;I suppose so,"e; I agreed, with a grin. "e;It's an unequal situation, when you come to think of it. After all, I can always tell when he's turned on, but he's got no idea of whether or not I'm feeling sexy unless I tell him or make it quite clear to him"e;

"e;You're not serious, are you?"e; she interrupted.

"e;What do you mean?"e; I asked, genuinely puzzled.

"e;You mean you really haven't noticed?"e;

"e;Noticed what?"e;

Mandy grinned wickedly. "e;Every time you're confronted with anything the least bit sexual, your nipples go erect."e;

"e;NO!"e; I replied hotly. "e;What makes you think that?"e;

"e;I don't think it- I've seen it. Even through your bra and blouse, it's obvious. Are you telling me you're not aware that it happens?"e; Mandy's tone was incredulous.

"e;It DOESN'T happen. That's why I'm not aware of it,"e; I insisted.

"e;Oh well- have it your own way,"e; she replied, placidly. "e;I just thought that you might feel better if you knew that you were just as culpable as Mike when it comes to sending out involuntary sexual signals"e;

"e;I am NOT,"e; I reiterated. "e;The idea that I am not in control of my body is well, it's preposterous. You'll be claiming that I want to paint my toenails next."e; (Nail polish is an absolute no-no for either of us. We've both worked in Health Services and have seen how these coloured petrochemicals rot flesh.)

"e;There's nothing wrong with nipples going spontaneously erect, you know."e; Mandy's attitude was rather patronising, as was her facial expression. "e;It happens to me sometimes, when I'm really turned on,"e; she continued, a little wistfully. "e;It's a reflex action. Like my toes curling when someone I'm attracted to puts some passion into their kisses."e;

"e;Well, that just means that we're very different,"e; I concluded. We bid each other a somewhat frosty goodnight and repaired to our respective bedrooms.

Next morning there was a tap on my bedroom door. Strange sense of humour my plumber has. (Sorry- that was a joke Mike told me recently. I'll start this paragraph again.)

Next morning there was a light knocking on my bedroom door. Mandy padded in barefoot, wearing her silk dressing gown. She'd pinned her long black hair up- a sign that she'd just taken a bath- and she was carrying a steaming cup.

"e;I've brought you coffee in bed- a peace offering, in case I upset you last night,"e; she said.

"e;It's OK- but thanks anyway,"e; I replied, sitting up in bed to receive the cup. "e;You'll excuse me for being dressed in just my underwear,"e; I continued, indicating the dark blue bra I was wearing, "e;but I was hot last night. Probably dreaming about Mike,"e; I added, with a grin.

"e;I bet your nipples went hard,"e; she responded quickly.

I sighed, placing the cup down on my bedside table. "e;Don't start that again. It simply does NOT happen."e;

"e;Oh, but it does."e; Mandy's tone was cunning. She was planning something, but such was my determination to deny the allegation that I failed to heed the warning "e;It's not just about Mike- as I say, it occurs every time you're confronted with anything sexual. And I can prove it- here and now."e;

"e;I'd like to see you try,"e; I challenged, belligerently.

"e;OK then,"e; said Mandy. "e;Take your bra off"e;

I was in too deep to refuse now! Cursing silently to myself, I reached back to undo my bra clip and was soon sitting topless in bed. Thank goodness it was a warm day, I thought

"e;Hmm. Something unfair about this situation,"e; murmured Mandy in a low voice. "e;Never mind- we can soon even things up"e; So saying, she slid out of her dressing gown, hung it carefully on a wardrobe doorknob and stood before me completely nude.

To be honest, it wasn't the first time I'd seen the sort of woman who made me understand why females appealed to males, but this was the first time another girl had made my heart beat faster

"e;Have you drank your coffee?"e; she breathed, leaning over me to retrieve the cup. Her lovely, enticing breasts were within easy touching distance No! Got to resist the temptation!

"e;Oh, you haven't finished it yet,"e; she remarked, straightening up. "e;Tell you what I'm going to do. There are a few books lying around your room"e;- this was true- "e;so I'll collect them one at a time, put them on that bookshelf next to your bed and then arrange them and all your other books in alphabetical order. And by the time I've finished, your nipples will be erect."e; So saying, she walked across the room to pick the first book up from my dressing table

She walked with a wonderful, natural grace that few barefoot girls are capable of, placing one foot in front of the other so her inner thighs brushed together ever so faintly and gently. Viewing her from the front, as she walked towards me and started replacing books on my bedside bookshelf, her lovely trim pussy, that desirable triangle of soft hair, looked delicious as it rhythmically moved and swayed slightly in conjunction with her pelvis. Her nicely-shaped breasts were a little over-sized compared with the rest of her body, but they didn't make her look top-heavy- indeed, they only served to enhance her figure. As she turned with her back to me to retrieve a book from the window sill the other side of the room, it was difficult- nay, impossible- to ignore her sleek bare bum, her lower backbone wiggling as though with joy at every step of her silent, delightfully shaped feet.

I tried hard to conceal a quiver of desire as a flood of libido rushed through meand my breasts began to tingle. NO! Got to stop my nipples going hard! I desperately tried to take my mind off Mandy's fantastic bare body ("e;I must think of a blank brick wall a brick wall a brick wall"e;) and convince myself not to believe the evidence of my own eyes- Got to pretend it isn't happening!- but I couldn't stop myself staring at her. Even when I tried to cheat and look away, my full-length bedroom mirror on the opposite side of the room reflected her beauty to me! I concentrated furiously on stopping my bare nipples from erecting (I knew what Mike had been through with me in the bath, now!) and I realised my face was etched with the strain of trying to control the outwards signs of my sexual excitement. Beneath my duvet my bare toes curled, my muscles went rigid and my fists clenched and unclenched, such was the intensity of my mental struggle. But as she walked across the room yet again with another book, I noticed her ten lovely toes gripping at the carpet, ever so slightly. An involuntary image of those perfect feet pawing with passion when I stroked her lovely vagina with a gentle finger as she lay naked on the bed flashed into my mind- an image which refused to budge. NO! I can't resist anymore! I don't WANT to resist anymore!

My self-control evaporated, completely, as desire took over and flooded my near-naked body.

"e;OOOoooOOO!"e; I let out a short cry of despair and frustration, crossing my arms over my bare boobs and hanging my head in shame with the anguish and humiliation of losing our sexual challenge.

"e;What's wrong?"e; Mandy enquired, a bit too cheerily. "e;Have your nipples gone erect, after all?"e;

Without raising my bowed head I nodded, reluctantly and miserably, trying to hide my embarrassed, bright red face behind my shoulder-length blonde hair- without much success.

Mandy was ruthless. "e;Let me see, then,"e; she demanded. Since I'd already admitted defeat, I thought this was completely unnecessary, but I briefly uncrossed my arms to expose my breasts with their hardened nipples to her before quickly concealing myself again.

"e;Well,"e; she grinned, "e;wasn't I right?"e; I nodded again, my head still bowed. She couldn't have failed at that point to notice my distress; accordingly, she pulled up a cushion for her knees, knelt at my bedside and cupped my chin in her hand.

"e;Listen,"e; she said, gently. "e;It was only a game. You've seen me topless before."e; This was true- it was inevitable, since we'd shared the house for two years. "e;Your nipples didn't go erect any of the other times you've noticed me undressed, did they? But just now, I deliberately stripped off in front of you and introduced a slightly sexy dimension to the situation. That's why your boobs reacted as they did. I knew they would! It just means that I know a little more about your body than you do. It doesn't mean you find me sexually attractive."e;

But what Mandy was unaware of was that her last two statements were completely inaccurate. If (a) she knew more about my body than I did, then (b) she would also have known that the reason my nipples responded in the way they did was because I'd unexpectedly found the idea of her padding around my bedroom nude a real turn-on!

"e;So it was a bit of a psychological trick, then? To induce a reflex action?"e; I enquired, uncrossing my arms as I began feeling more relaxed.

"e;I knew you'd get the idea,"e; she breathed, brightly, giving me a peck on the cheek. As she did leaned forward to do so I glanced briefly over her shoulder. The soles of her lovely bare feet were facing upwards side-by-side, pressed together, perfect mirror images of each other even though both soles were faintly wrinkled by the slight curl in her toes that the kneeling position caused. And at the moment she kissed me, I noticed her toes wiggled in unison for a fraction of a second. It was an almost-imperceptible twitch; if I hadn't been looking at those beautiful feet it would've gone completely unnoticed. And this reminded me of something she'd said the previous evening, and a plan for revenge began to form in my mind

"e;Yes, a reflex action,"e; I continued, as she stood up and slipped her nude body back into her dressing gown . "e;Like the way your toes curl every time anybody at all kisses you or you kiss anybody."e; I emphasised the words "e;at all"e; deliberately.

"e;What?"e; she said.

"e;That's what you told me last evening."e;

"e;I did NOT."e; Mandy's reply was emphatic. "e;What I said was that only happens when I'm PASSIONATELY kissed by someone I find sexy. What are you grinning at, Tracie-Louise?"e;

"e;You,"e; I smiled. "e;I'm grinning at you. You protesteth too much, or at least too vehemently."e;

"e;But it's a completely false accusation!"e; she countered. "e;Besides, how can you hope to make a credible argument sitting there in bed with your boobs exposed? It's hardly the most dignified position to start casting aspersions"e; I suspected that, by referring to my state of undress, she hoped I'd cover myself up in panic and bring an abrupt end to the discussion. Indeed, now she'd reminded me that my bare breasts were still out in the open I was tempted to do so- especially now that she'd covered her nude body with her dressing gown and we were unequal as regards which of our sexy parts were showing. But, with no little effort, I kept my nerve and fronted it out. Literally.

"e;Well, I'm sorry if my boobs are offending you, but it was you who insisted I went topless in the first place,"e; I asserted matter-of-factly, somehow keeping a frisson of embarrassment out of my voice.

"e;Oh, don't be so ridiculous. You're not offending me. In fact"e; she stopped suddenly in mid-sentence, as though she'd almost said something that she shouldn't have said; and I took advantage of her hesitation while she was still off-balance.

"e;Look. Just as my nipples go erect every time I'm confronted by a sexual situation-"e; I probably blushed at that point, but continued regardless- "e;it's highly likely that your toes curl every time someone kisses you. Male, female whether you feel sexy or not. As far as reflex actions go, you're as weak as I am."e;


"e;I can prove it. Here and now."e;

"e;You can't."e;

"e;I can."e; I took a deep breath. "e;We can kiss each other."e;

Mandy raised a quizzical eyebrow, but did not explode with indignation, react with horror or march out of the room. Instead, she repeated my words as a query. "e;We can kiss each other? What would that prove?"e;

"e; If your bare toes curl when I kiss you, it would prove I'm right- that you react in that way when ANYONE kisses you, not just when you're aroused. It would prove that you're as vulnerable as I am when it comes to reflex actions."e; Despite remaining outwardly calm when I explained this, the urge for me to kiss her was becoming overwhelming

so I was understandably secretly thrilled by her reply. "e;OK then,"e; she responded, almost cheerily, stepping back towards my bed. "e;I know for a fact that this will prove that oh, hang on!"e;

"e;What's wrong?"e; I said, almost revealing my dismay in case she'd changed her mind.

"e;How will you know whether or not my toes are curling?"e; she asked. "e;If we're going to kiss- and to be fair to you, it'll have to be a worthwhile one- we'll be concentrating on each others' lips and faces. You won't have any idea what my feet are doing."e;

It was a fair point. "e;Do you want to leave it for another time?"e; I ventured, trying not to sound disappointed.

"e;Oh, no,"e; said Mandy, firmly. "e;I'm totally committed to it. You're completely wrong, and I'm absolutely determined to prove it- right here and right now. Just because your nipples went hard when you saw me naked doesn't mean to say you can get away with accusing me of having a reflex sexual weakness as well AHA! I know what we can do."e;

"e;I can hardly wait,"e; I blurted out. Luckily, Mandy appeared to take it for sarcasm, and simply gave me a hard stare before expounding her idea.

"e;If my bare feet were pressed against your bare feet, you'd be able to feel if my toes curled. Right?"e;

"e;Right,"e; I agreed.

"e;Move over, then. I'm getting in to bed with you,"e; she said. Obediently, and with my heart racing with desire, I shuffled over to the right-hand side of my bed and lay on my back while she took off her dressing gown again and re-hung it on the wardrobe doorknob. "e;I don't want to get that creased- I only ironed it yesterday,"e; she explained, with a serious expression.

Having rendered herself completely naked again, Mandy padded over to the bed, peeled the right-hand corner of the duvet back (momentarily exposing my best blue briefs) and slid into my bed, covering herself with the duvet so we were both lying under it. We turned to face each other- me lying on my left side, her on her right.

"e;All right- what now?"e; I asked, barely resisting my impulse to throw myself at her.

"e;We'll have to embrace. Put your arms around my waist, and I'll do the same to you."e;

"e;But that means"e; I started.

"e;It means our boobs will be pressed together. That's unavoidable. Let's get to the kissing business as quickly as possible."e; She spoke with a practical air.

So, still lying on our sides, we wriggled together and hugged each other. How soft and gentle Mandy's bare body felt!

"e;Now, we keep our legs tightly together and you press your legs and feet against mine,"e; she directed. "e;We'll have to keep our ankles together as closely as though they've been tied if this is going to workooooOO!"e; she exclaimed, suddenly and breathlessly. As I was following her instructions, our breasts had shifted slightly, causing our nipples to touch. It sent a thrill through me, and, judging by her reaction, Mandy had also been affected by the experience

Our bodies were now pressed tightly together and our faces were inches apart. "e;Right,"e; said Mandy, gently. "e;Time for the kiss. Make it as long and passionate as you like, because my toes-"e; she rubbed her silky bare feet up and down against mine, for emphasis- "e;ain't moving."e;

Slowly, a little uncertainly, our soft lips met. We squirmed a little as her tongue flickered against mine, sending my libido soaring. I started using my own tongue on hers, hugging her waist tighter, while she moved her arms inside mine and pulled me towards her breasts by the backs of my shoulders. As our kiss went deeper and deeper, we pushed up against each others' bodies more and more, wriggling to compensate for our slight movements and because it felt so darn good- my breasts, stomach, legs and feet were brushing, then rubbing against Mandy's as my last inhibitions began to fly through the window, and she showed no signs whatsoever of wanting the kiss to stop.

Through the clouds of pure bliss I still remembered our little challenge, though. My toes were still touching hers did they twitch? Did Mandy's bare toes twitch just then? I was sure they had, and that she was struggling to keep them from curling, so I redoubled my tongue activity and she responded with enthusiasm.

For a full three minutes our tongues entwined, our gentle female bodies pressing together. I could feel her soft bare toes wiggling slightly- she was definitely having trouble control of them I then tickled her between her shoulder blades, where her bra clip normally would be, and she gave a tiny, muffled squeak as her toes curled with passion- as did mine. But we carried on kissing and caressing for a good 30 seconds longer

We finally paused for breath, our bodies still entwined and our faces a couple of inches from each other. I looked into her brown eyes.

"e;Your toes curled,"e; I sighed, gently.

"e;So did yours,"e; she replied.

"e;Yes, but that wasn't the challenge. Besides,"e; I continued, "e;your nipples are erect."e; They were, too. Very much so.

"e;So are yours."e; she responded. "e;But that was only to be expected"e;

"e;The challenge was that I could make your toes curl if I kissed you,"e; I insisted, quietly but firmly. "e;I did that. So now I want my prize."e;

"e;Which is?"e;

"e;Another kiss."e;

"e;NO!"e; she remonstrated. "e;We're both girls! We can't mmmmMMMMmmmm."e; I pressed my lips on hers again, muffling her protests. Her bare body struggled and wriggled against me, but I hugged her forcefully and pinned her arms to her sides; and after about fifteen seconds, her resistance subsided as though she'd accepted the situation and her tongue joined mine in a deep, passionate kiss.

When I stopped kissing her, we both pulled back and relaxed. "e;OK,"e; I sighed, "e;I'd better get up out of bed now"e;

"e;Oh, no, you don't,"e; replied Mandy, hotly. "e;Don't think you're going to get away with leaving me feeling frustrated like this. I want sex!"e; In the blink of an eye she curved her body forwards and pushed her head down under the duvet as though she was performing a surface dive in swimming. Before I could react to what was happening, she'd bent herself into a "e;question mark"e; shape. Her exquisite feet, the only parts of her left uncovered by the duvet, lay on the pillow right in front of my face; her own face was level with my vagina. I was still lying on my side when I felt my briefs being expertly removed. And then she started to use her tongue again

"e;OooOOOoo!"e; I exclaimed, pretending to struggle; but I wasn't even fooling myself that I wanted to escape, let alone Mandy. In any case her hands were forcefully pushing my buttocks forward so my pussy had no chance of evading the attentions of her gentle mouth. As the waves and waves of sheer, unadulterated joy coursed through my entire nude body, I noticed that Mandy's cute toes were rhythmically curling with passion again; and, in the mirror, I could see the symmetrical soles of her lovely bare feet wrinkling as they pawed the air. Breathlessly, I mentioned this to her but her reply was muffled as she intensified her special treatment to my labia. As the pleasure levels increased still further, I needed desperately to kiss her- but the only parts of her I could see were those sweet, freshly-washed feet. So I pressed her ankles together, pulled her soft bare paws to my lips and kissed them. Passionately. And, as if by way of appreciation, her tongue probed even deeper

My eventual shuddering orgasm felt like soda water was flowing through my veins, and I cried out with joy.

I lay gasping with exhaustion and incredulity on the bed as Mandy twisted and turned under the quilt. Her beautiful face surfaced next to mine. "e;Your turn now,"e; she murmured, before climbing out of bed and padding out of my room, her bare bum wiggling behind her as though giving me a cheerful wave. She returned a few seconds later with some scarves, which I presumed- correctly- that she'd fetched from her own room. Then Mandy rolled my fatigued body on to my stomach and gently pulled my arms behind me.

"e;What are you doing?"e; I enquired. "e;Let me get my breath back first NO! MANDY! WAIT!"e; I began struggling again, for real this time, as I felt my wrists being tied together. But the sex had exhausted me, and my resistance was weak. Soon, my wrists were bound tightly behind my back with a scarf: I pulled at them in a futile attempt to free myself, but it was no use.

Mandy smirked as I lay there on my stomach, utterly defeated. "e;OK,"e; she said. "e;I'll give you a few minutes to recover, and then you can deal with me."e;

"e;I'll deal with you all right,"e; I growled. "e;Free me now!"e;

"e;You're in no position to be making demands."e; Mandy's voice was mocking. She was obviously enjoying herself, which didn't improve my mood at all.

"e;Just wait 'til I get my hands on you"e; Again I fiercely pulled at the scarf which was attaching said hands together, but my efforts were useless.

"e;It's not your hands I want on me,"e; she scoffed. "e;It's that lovely moist tongue of yours I want on me. And in me. I tied you up in case you tried to escape before returning that favour I've just done for you."e;

"e;I'd be more inclined and able to do that if I wasn't trussed up,"e; I retorted, a trifle sarcastically. Actually, I had every intention of giving Mandy oral sex. Lesbianism was a brand new form of love to me, and I was interested, inquisitive and intrigued. A thought struck me.

"e;Look, Mandy,"e; I reasoned. "e;I've never done girl-on-girl sex before. It would be a lot easier if my hands were free"e;

"e;Don't worry- I'll encourage you."e; She sounded very confident. "e;Besides, a little amateur fumbling can often enhance a sexual experience. Now, it seems you've recovered enough to argue, so get into the position I was in before"e;

"e;Untie my hands and I'll do it. Leave them tied and I won't."e; It was a despairing attempt to bargain with her, and it fell on deaf ears.

"e;Well, if you won't"e; she rolled me over on to my back, and lay on her right side alongside me, "e;I might just remember how ticklish your tummy is."e; She thrust her wiggling fingers towards my torso, just below my bare breasts.

"e;NO!"e; I squealed, hysterically. "e;NO! I'll do it!"e; Frantic to avoid her tickling fingers on my stomach, I swiftly twisted my body around and dived head first under the duvet before she could touch me. Without my hands to help me my progress was rather slow and clumsy- my back pushed against her breasts as I tried to manoeuvre myself down the bed, a strangely pleasant sensation- but I eventually wiggled into the "e;question mark"e; shape with my face opposite her enticing vagina, which I could just about discern in the dark, warm world under the bedding. I felt my bare feet gently stroke against her soft cheek and knew I was more-or-less in the right position.

"e;That reminds me,"e; she murmured. "e;Thank you for kissing my bare feet. No-one's ever done that for me before. It felt really nice."e; She gently kissed my own toes and inhaled deeply. "e;Oh, you're using that lovely perfumed soap that Mike bought for you,"e; she noted. "e;I've used it, too. This morning, for instance."e;

"e;Yes- that's fairly obvious,"e; I grumbled, realising why the scent of her naked body was so familiar now I was in such close proximity to it. "e;So, what do I do now?"e;

"e;Tracy-Louise,"e; she said, a trifle impatiently, "e;you are, like me, a very feminine young woman with equally feminine body parts. You know exactly where the sensitive bits of a female are."e;

"e;Yes, but not from the outside,"e; I pointed out. "e;I've never done anything like this before."e;

"e;Just do what comes naturally,"e; she advised.

"e;With all due respect,"e; I responded, sarcastically, "e;girl-on-girl sex is not supposed to be natural. If I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing to you, then I can't do it, can I? So either tell me how to proceed, or untie me now and we'll forget it. After all, you said you'd guide me."e;

"e;I didn't. I said I'd encourage you."e; At this juncture, I noticed her upper body moving as though she was leaning to reach for something. "e;And so I shall,"e; she continued, as I felt her binding my ankles together with another scarf.

"e;How on earth do you think that's going to help?"e; I demanded. "e;It's just going to make me even less mobile. That's not going to help either of us."e;

"e;Oh, I think it is,"e; she responded, airily. "e;I'm going to encourage you to seek out my pleasure spots by applying myself to two more of YOUR sensitive parts."e; And with that, she hugged my ankles tightly to her face with her arms and began tickling the soles of my sensitive bare feet.

I laughed helplessly and tried to pull my exposed feet away, but her arms were incongruously strong- in hindsight, I now believe that she could have escaped my hug during our second kiss had she really wanted to. Instinctively, I straightened my bare body out from its bent "e;question mark"e; position so my head jerked nearer the foot of the bed, but it did nothing to lessen the painless torture.

"e;I'll show you how to make a woman's toes curl, Tracie-Louise!"e; gloated Mandy, before doing exactly that by intensifying her tickling. Involuntarily, I wrinkled the soles of my vulnerable bare feet, scrunching up my bare toes in doing so. But this was no defence at all against Mandy's merciless fingers. I laughed and laughed convulsively, pulling again and again at the scarf that bound my wrists securely behind me, but it was useless- there was no escape. My feet were being ruthlessly tickled, and I could do absolutely nothing about it!

Without pausing my torment for even a split-second, Mandy suddenly rolled me on to my stomach and lay her naked body on top of mine. We were now top-to-toe, front-to-back and, though she was far from being a heavy person, even her minimal weight was enough to pin my powerless, tied-up body down so I could hardly budge. Her breasts and flat stomach pressed down on my legs and, worse still, that neat triangle of hair between her legs was pushing down and brushing me gently between my ticklish bum-cheeks, causing me to suffer even more. My torso was trapped by her legs and her ankles rested on top of my head as I kept my head up, looking forwards and facing the foot of the bed, to avoid my mouth and nose being shoved into the mattress! In the gloom under the duvet I could make out Mandy's bare feet and toes dangling and curling right in front of my face, and I felt them softly brushing against my nose; even through my hysteria I experienced an exceptionally strong desire to reach out and tickle them in revenge, but, of course, my hands were tied behind my back The tickling sensation surged through my body and culminated in endless gusts of uncontrollable laughter, which took over my mind and body completely. I was unable to scream or even form the necessary words to beg Mandy to stop. All I could do was lie there and laugh.

Eventually, Mandy transferred her tickling attention to my heels, which are still ticklish but are the least sensitive places on the soles of my feet. My laughter subsided to chuckling, and with a huge effort I managed to summon the mental strength to try to speak between my forced laughter in order to plead with her.

"e;Mandy! Mandy!"e; I gasped, between giggles. "e;Stop tickling my bare feet! Please! I can't stand it!"e;

"e;Are you going to stop stalling, and start giving my pussy the attention she deserves/"e;

"e;I wasn'thahahaI wasn't stalling...STOP TICKLING ME!I wasn't stallingI just didn't know where to start...hahahahaha"e; I was desperate to get the words out.

"e;Never mind the technical side of things; just start kissing."e; she advised. "e;It'll soon come to you."e;

Awkwardly, and still tittering as she stroked my heels, I wriggled my way back into the "e;question mark"e; position."e;

"e;That's good!"e; she mocked. "e;Now, to encourage you further every time you stop kissing my pleasure chute, I'm going to tickle the soles of your feet. StartingNOW!"e;

I felt her fingers quicken and begin to move along the more sensitive areas of my feet toward my toes. "e;NO! Not again! Stop! Mandy! MANDY! MandeeeeeeeehahahahaHAHAHAHA"e; Hurriedly, before my helpless laughter drained all the strength out of me, I applied my mouth to her sweet vagina and, without the slightest idea of what I was doing, began to kiss it

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Quite likely just about every guy has at some point or other thought about eating or at least tasting his own cum, but a good many never have. If they are honest about it, most guys out there find it a turn on to fantasize about being made to eat their own cum or perhaps even the semen of another guy under the right set of circumstances. If that describes you, then this task is something you might enjoy. Especially you guys who do enjoy fantasizing about cum eating but who wouldn’t dare to ever...

4 years ago
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The challenge

Preface For almost a century no one was able to overcome it. Many remarkable men had been beaten at some point by the ultimate sex contest: The Challenge. In a remote southern China village, you could find Yuan, the last shrine of the Xing jiao (the act of sex) cult, ancient creed based on the practice of sex. Its masters were considered authorities and were politically influent. Worshipped by roughly 100,000 devotees, lived a life of sexual plenitude since it was stated that followers had to...

3 years ago
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The Taboo Challenge

I was meeting Anne for a drink to celebrate the end of the week. Like every Friday afternoon, we met in the bar across the street for margaritas and salted pretzels. I had already ordered cocktails for two and was waiting for my friend to arrive. I have known Anne practically my whole life, but we had kind of lost contact after we both got married. But, a couple of years ago, the company I worked for had outgrown the office building it was in and moved to a new location in one of the...

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Vickys Challenge

Copyright 2003 It was obvious to all concerned that Vicky was bored. And when Vicky was bored, she did something about it. Her full name is Victoria Helena Andrews-Hawkes. Yeah, her. One of the 'kids' inheriting the Lockhart fortune. Plus of course what she got when elderly hubby Reginald Hawkes died. We're not just talking jet-set here, we're talking rocket-to-the-moon-set. A 32 year old woman who has everything, including the requisite blond hair, blue eyes, and buxom shape kept nice...

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The Three Meter Challenge

It was down to six of us - six young ladies vying for the four open spots in the single most exclusive sorority at the University of Alabama. I won’t mention the name of the sorority for reasons that will become obvious, but for the purposes of the story, I’ll refer to it as Delta Chi or DX. It seems silly even trying to get involved in a sorority like DX, or any sorority for that matter. But my mom was a DX and suggested I do the same so that I could enjoy many of the advantages that she was...

College Sex
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Rachel Elizabeths KneelDown Blowjob Challenge

Have you ever stayed up late, late, late, well into the morning hours and watched some of those dumb infomertials they have on, selling everything – knives, juice mixers, special mops and vacuums, and almost everything else? Most of them are pretty stupid. This past October, I watched one that definitely got me ordering the product. The item being sold was one of those special mops that uses steam to clean your floors. As with many of these infomertials, there was a guy selling the product, and...

Group Sex
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The Queens Challenge

The Queen's ChallengeStory Codes: MF, M+F+, FF+, MMmF, wife, cuck, creampie, historical, rom, w/s, inc, biWritten in 2012 by Happy Horny Marriage ([email protected])More stories at^------------+| |* The Queen's Challenge *| |+-----------***-----------+The two c***dren ran along the frothy sapphire waters of the Aegean Sea, splashing thick, sandy drops into the waves. The girl,...

4 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 25 The Challenge

It was the evening after the Dining-in-Night, and Billy and I were sat in a corner of the Mess talking, about something and nothing, and drinking. Billy could put brandy away as if it were spring water, but I'm no toper, and a glass or two will set my brain muzzy, and I had already reached that state. Billy suddenly gave a groan and got up from his armchair. "I need to void my bowels, Jack, probably some Indian bug still in my belly." "More likely it is the amount of food you stuffed in...

4 years ago
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The Slut Challenge

It's been 6+ years since I've been to a swingers club. Finally, I set up a date when I want to go. Saturday was a special day for me and I wanted to celebrate this way. My Owner allowed me to go, but for a price of a Slut Challenge. I was to invite home a record number of tinder dicks in one day. During that time my Owner would be hidden in a house, hearing me moan and scream of pleasure. He would fuck me in between the fuckers too. The idea sounded amazing, I was so excited to do this!I...

2 years ago
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Black Bull Challenge

…and welcome one and all one of the best website reviews you will ever read!As I recall, it was around the middle of the aughts when I noticed that a few categories and presentations of porn became super popular. The most obvious was gonzo porn, but as time wore on, a lot of other people and I noticed that interracial erotica blew up in popularity.In hindsight, I cannot say that I am super surprised – especially the way this trending type of erotica was presented. Plenty of scenes would and do...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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the white boy pussy challenge

''apparently she caught him in panty ....can you imagine how weird it is''''just a challenge he said he lost , but how weird is that...a boy wearing girl panty''''I really dont know Marie but its weird indeed''i was back from school and mum was with her friend Marie, trying to avoid them, as they talk about my friend Brian''hey Alex how are you, had a good day?'''' tired tho''i went up and changed , removing my cloth i was quick to remove my little panty , i was one of went...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 41 First Challenge

I froze. The white napkin was still clutched in my hand and I hadn't so much as drawn away from the sight before me. I was expecting many different things. What I saw was so far removed from what my poor brain had tried to prepare me for. There was no way to hide my expression. Some of my girls were looking, but none of them were saying anything. I didn't blame them. They had let me do all the talking because Vikkor, Law and Chaos seemed to be more interested in me as a Master PC user, but...

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The Challenge

The Challenge Author's Note: I know it has been a long time since I've published anything but I have been stuck for ideas. I started on it, let it slip aside for a while, then saw some new comments on some old stories and it inspired me to get back to it. I hope this one is worth the wait. Joe reached down the side of the recliner and pressed the button that would drop the footrest and return the back to the vertical position. "What do you think, Babe," he asked as the chair...

4 years ago
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My Single Greatest Challenge

Copyright© 2001-2003 There once was a gaucho named Bruno, Who said, "About sex, well, I do know, Sheep are just fine, Chickens, divine, But iguanas are Numero Uno." It was a simple question but I felt my heart pounding in my chest and froze with a stupid open-mouthed gaze. Mom looked from grandmother, her mom, to me and back again. My frozen stupidity only lasted a mere couple of seconds but it was long enough for me to realize that mom knew something was wrong. For two...

2 years ago
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The Challenges

The Challenges by AtomicWriter Everything in this story is fictional, do not read if you are under the legal age for reading adult fiction in your place of residence. "I don't know, that seems kind of unfair," Kyle said skeptically. "You don't think you can win, do you?" his sister, Jessica asked back. She smiled that annoying smug smile, the same one she always had when she teased him. "I didn't say that, it just seems like the bet makes it very easy for you to get what...

3 years ago
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A Sexual Challenge

“If you want us to do it, you must suck off Andy first,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne.Our friends, Andy and Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...

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The Roommate Challenge

I walked into the apartment and heard unmistakable sex noises coming from the room of our roommate, Leah. There was loud moaning and grunting, and the bed rhythmically slamming against the wall.OK, I should start from the beginning.Early in my relationship with my girlfriend, Lauren, we had a two-bedroom apartment downtown. The second room was mostly unused until Lauren's friend Stacy had mentioned that her best friend, Leah, was starting law school nearby and needed a place to live.Neither of...

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The Sophomores Challenge

Allie O’Dean had sailed through her freshman year with gusto. She had thrown herself into college life with all her youthful energy. Coming from a small farming community in Kansas, the college campus and big city life had been a real eye opener for her. Allie was a pretty, red haired girl with a freckled, apple blossom freshness. She made friends quickly and she was a quick learner too, endearing her to her tutors. When she started at college she was a gauche teenager with little life...

2 years ago
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Cheer Challenge

The entire team surrounded both Tyson and Greg. Shouts, cheers, and laughing erupted in the crowded locker room as many of the players were chanting for a fight. "Kick his ass Greg!" One of the players shouted from the crowd. Tyson spit on the floor feeling enraged. He had just only had 4 practices with the team since making it, and Greg made it clear that he wasn't welcome on the team. Tyson looked up at Greg ready to punch him in the face, but resisted for now. "You threw that pass over my...

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Monis challenge

Hi I am Mark , the hubby, to Moni. As you may know from out previous stories She is my shared hotwife and very proud of her. I doubt there is a man out there that can resist her and one day she I dared her to prove it. Some years ago we were on a vacation road trip to Minneapolis from Canada, just a short 8 hour drive. At the time she was 45 and still more gorgeous than ever standing at her 5'tall height,110lbs 34 C mid length dark brown hair. And all that after 3 k**s still.We had her...

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Asha aur Week Challenge

Asha aur meri mulaqat aaj se 5 saal pehle hamare office mein hui. Wo ekdum meri dreamgirl jaisi thi, dekhte hi pyar ho gaya (aur aaj bhi humara pyar waisa hi hai), takreeban 5’6” height, gora rang, lagbhag 34-28-36 ka figure ( jo aaj 36-28-36 ka ho gaya hai), na slim na fat, par uske figure aur rang se kahi jyada mai uski smile ka deewana tha. Saath kaam karte hue mein uski intelligence ka fan ho gaya tha. Hum dost bane fir pyar ho gaya. Wo wahin kaam karti rahi aur main dusre sahar naukri ke...

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Lifes Challenge

A young woman learns to accept a difficult challenge. Life's Challenge ? by: Dawna Tompson - June 2002 She walked with a purpose through the low shrubs growing below the dark forest canopy, each foot landing softly on the steep moss-laden path. She wore a cape with a hood thrown over her long brown hair. A short piece of the soft linen of her dress lay exposed just below the cape. Her bare legs lifted the fabric and allowed it to be tossed in the light breeze. On another...

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The Sissy Challenge

The Sissy Challenge by Cassandra Morgan Even in her human form, the panther glided across the floor, an air of danger about her. Her almond eyes pierced the night, separating prey from peer. A growl emerged from her throat, low and menacing. Her handler tugged at her leash, and she slunk into the crowd, her shoulder muscles rippling gently. She passed a woman in handcuffs, and a very large baby in a stroller. There was a weightlifter in a collar, walking behind a woman in...

4 years ago
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Trina and the Biker Challenge

Trina sat on the crude framework of bent metal pipes, her hands bound overhead, her legs spread wide and lashed to the bars that comprised the seat of the fixture.  Her feet dangled above the ground so that she was only supported by the 4-inch pipes under her legs. She was naked and surrounded by a crowd of cheering bikers. Next to her, the blonde-haired companion of the rival biker gang’s leader was being fastened to an identical seat, wrists locked high over her head.  She had been forcibly...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 2 A First Challenge

Dori Winters breezed in the back door of the Prentiss house without knocking the following morning. This was not normal behavior between most neighbors, but once Dori felt you were her ‘true’ friend, she thought that complete access was her due. Dave and Alice were sitting at the breakfast table in the kitchen of their ranch house eating. Dori looked at the two of them and said, “Well?” She held her arms out, clearly expecting a full report. Dave laughed. “You put her up to some nasty stuff...

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Saardas loosing to the Challenge

Saarda would stay in a rented 1-BHK flat at south Delhi, unlike Sanjay who had their own house at CR Park. His father was a bureaucrat or IAS officer. Saarda liked Sanjay from the very moment of their introduction; they came across in the campus often and their acquaintance thus gradually deepened into a friendship, further into intimacy which soon turned into courtship . . . and one day (early 2007), at her flat at South Extension-II, Saarda gladly lost her virginity to Sanjay prior to their...

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Apartment Eight Makes A Golden Challenge

Wednesday night at the Fawns Over Foxes Ladies Club... Johnny B Good2night stepped through the curtain to the small backstage “launch pad”. Breathing as if he had just ran a mile, he fanned himself with his call sheet, his shirt beneath his glittery velvet vest drenched in an uncomely layer of sweat. His ears were ringing, the screeches and screams of the crowd on the other side of the curtain sounding like a klaxon in his skull. “Amateur Night,” he grumbled. The ladies were always voracious on...

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Glory hole challenge

You are in an erotic bookstore when you see a strang door with written an advice:are you brave enough to take our glory hole challenge?resist and you'll get a 100 dollar coupon ti be used in our shop! You move and go to speak to the owner ,wanting to know more.He smiles and answer:"Well..this is a simple have to pay 10 dollars and enter the'll find a have to stick your penis into it..after this a tv will show you who is on the other side and a timer will...

4 years ago
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Orgasmic Challenge

Welcome to the first ever, though hopefully not only, Orgasmic Challenge tournament. Celebrities and characters have gathered from all over the world to compete in this incredible opportunity. These will be the most important fight ever held for most of the participants, however there is one unique rule, to win you must make your opponent cum. As you will notice there are four arena's here. In each one we will find one person to be the best sexual competitor in their field. In the first arena...

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My Newest Challenge

To have the body I have, you have to work for it. I love my body, and so do the women in the building where I work. I'm not a man whore or anything; I just like sex and you can't blame me for that. I have a six-pack, great arms, and those lines above your pelvis that drive women crazy. I have these light blue eyes that apparently make me super approachable, and I'm tall, almost 6'6" so that's a plus. But I'm not kidding, as soon as I take my shirt off they just melt into my arms. It's just too...

Office Sex
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My first Poetry in English: Be gentle with me! If you say it isn't Poetry in anyway. So there is something to think about. Challenge I was surrounded by a white, bright light. There was nothing I could see. There was nothing I could hear. There was nothing I could feel. Silence. Suddenly somebody speaks to me: 'Listen I have chosen you! I will give you a gift and at the same time I will challenge you! You're female, but you will live in a male's body. You will...

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The Challenge

As she walked through the entrance, she was relieved to see the pool was almost empty, except for the old lady slowly paddling back and forth across the water. She smiled to herself, she preferred when no-one was in so she could have more space. That's why she always went when most people were at work. She quickly walked to the edge of the pool, her juicy butt reverberating hypnotizingly as she moved. She got into the diving position and glided into the water with ease and skill. As soon as...

Straight Sex
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The Challenge

"The Challenge" Chapter 1 Prologue When you decide to explore this project, you can send a simplee-mail to Annie our Executive Producer. She owns and lives in the Retreatwhere, if cast, you will spend your week. You let her learn how to e-mailyou and a dialogue can begin. You, of course, will have read this entirescreenplay. You will know a great deal about the project while she willknow nothing about you. Many women may be interested. Eventually, aftercorrespondence, phone calls, and...

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The boy pussy challenge

How does it feels?''girlssss stop this i cant, i cant, , not like that i ....wanted to fuck you ''my nice haitian neighbor teen girl, up my ass with her strapon cock , her friend tits in my face getting tied up hands in the back by her telling me its going to be our secrether best friend removing her panty , legs spread getting closer , her perfect teen pussy all smooth and smelling flower ''shhhh kiss the pussy white boy''i was head down kissing that teen her friend pink strapon cock in my...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 5 Morning Challenge

Max had gotten up a few minutes earlier this day, having felt a bit rushed the last couple of days. It was taking longer to get out of the house, and Niki to school, at the proper time. He chuckled to himself, well aware of the problem. He knew it was primarily of his own doing - so he was not really upset that he had to get up 20 minutes earlier. He hoped that was going to give them enough time -- he figured he would just have to play it by ear. After taking a couple minutes to get himself...

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The Beaver Tap challenge

Skip to "start watching videos together" if you'd just like to skip to the cunt bust stories, that's a nexus for short CB stories, feel free to add your own or suggest ideas. It was simple, like most crazes, and so when it arrived it was everywhere. One girl would yell "Beaver tap!" and then hit another girl in the pussy, and the post the carnage. Any beaver tap post would gain so many likes and follows, that it became pretty standard to see on most profiles. Even some celebrity profiles...

1 year ago
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Her Challenge

She wasn’t allowed to be selective that was part of the challenge or the punishment. She knew he would know if she cheated and scanned the room first looking for the most appealing or at best the least repulsive. In this type of place it wouldn’t take much work on her part to seduce whoever it was she saw first. That was the deal, he picked the place. He would go in first; select a seat where he had a good view of the front door, and when she followed the first person that spoke to her would be...

Erotic Fiction
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Naked for female celebrities and the public eye

I was a streaker running down the streets naked as I do when I was charged and arrested for doing so and was brought to court on this charge on charge like this. However on the charge of indecent exposure there was to option either face 80 years jail time or walk around in public naked with no clothes on. Here as I heard the options there they I choice the most embarrasing one and that was to walk in public naked perminantly I had my clothes taken away by rules of authority the N.A.K.E.D...

4 years ago
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My Second Greatest Challenge

Copyright© 2001-2003 A pathetic old maid of Bordeaux Fell in love with a dashing young beau. To arrest his regard She would squat in his yard And longingly pee in the sneaux. I've had three primary sexual relationships in my life, up to this wild juncture. The first, Erika, was a girl whom had come from a nasty household. Drunk mother, physically and sexually abusive father. Her claim to fame to me was that she was the first girl to spread her legs. She was also the first girl...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 54 Chris Maples Challenge

“Do you really think she’ll do it?” asked Chris Maple as he looked at Jamahl Sable. Jamahl stared back at Chris but without making any response. Shona Grig eventually helped him out with, “Nah! I reckon she’s just gone to the bathroom to take a dump. You wait ... she’ll be coming back any minute now just the way she left and she’ll be laughing at us all for being so easily sucked in.” Thirty minutes went by and still there was no sign of Riona Parkes returning to the group ‘the way she...

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Seven Months With Marie- Part Six: “The Challenge” Fall 2004 Marie and I were approaching the five month mark. She was the kinkiest girl I had ever met by far and away. Our first sexual encounter had been a threesome with our co-worker (and my land-lady/next door neighbor) Karen. It had started as a joke, and Karen had started filming me walking around her house drunk and naked. Then things got heated and the whole thing ended up on tape. After that Marie and I were together...

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The Angela challenge

About 4 years ago a new couple moved into the neighborhood. I met Angela when I was on the way to work one morning and she had a flat tire. I changed her tire for her and got to know her while I was doing it. Angela had a husband, a 12 year old daughter Rio and a 10 year old son Donald. Angela is a very beautiful lady of American Indian descent about 5’ 8” tall and she wore very loose clothing which hid her figure. Angela mentioned that she needed a babysitter and soon after that my...

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Dirty Girl and the Challenge

Since he wanted to be such a jerk I told him that I wouldn’t have sex with him for a while. I don’t know if he was joking or not, but he agreed. I knew his will power wasn’t that great when it came to sex with me so when he said, “I really don’t care because I’ll last longer than you”, I knew he was bluffing. We had tried this before and he was always the first one to crack. I typed, “You wouldn’t be able to last 5 days without sex with me.” And he chuckled as he responded with, “We’ll see.”...

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The challenge

The challenge in itself was simple: Use a remote vibrator in a public space...that anyone online could activate at anytime. When you woke up that morning you were already excited, slick between the legs, and that spurred your outfit decisions. It's a good thing it was a warm day. You picked out a sleeveless sundress that fell a few inches above your knees with no bra and no panties. The fabric stretched across your perky breasts was so tight that they barely had to work to keep the dress up....

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Teen Titans The Ultimate Challenge

The Amazon Jungle, the largest tropical rainforest that compromises almost half of Brazil, also houses an abandoned base amidst the high humidity and temperatures. The Brotherhood of Evil once used it to create a battery of sorts to power their 'Quantum Generator', a machine capable of creating black holes! A destructive power of the cosmos was in their leader, The Brain's control. Fortunately, for the world's sake, the Brotherhood, and nearly all of the villains the Teen Titans faced, were...

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Cum Bucket Challenge

None of this is real, all words are fiction and nothing more. So enjoy the story everyone. It nearing 2 A.M and Zendaya was still in the studio recording. Sure she could finish it tomorrow but tomorrow is a rare day for her, a day with no photo shoots, interviews,nothing, just lots of sleep and chilling. She buried her head into her palms. “Rough night Miss Coleman?” Zendaya looked up the nightly janitor, Tim. He was a real nice middle age guy who was always willing to lend his ear and a piece...

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You play as an 18 year old guy named Mike. Your sister Karen is 21 and is a hot brunette. Your Challenge is to try to impregnant her. So lets begin.

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Cathy Insemination Challenge

Cathy Insemination ChallengeMy name is Steve and I have been married to Cathy for some 5 years. We are both 30 and had a great marriage. She is a leggy blond with great hips, a full bosom with rosy red nipples that stick out like bubble gum and a shapely arse. Her golden hair frames her pretty face and she has sparkly blue eyes and a beautiful smile.We got on really well and I think that after a series of tumultuous relationships she saw me as someone safe, dependable who would provide for her....

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 5 Ma Ne Diya Mazedaar Challenge

Hello friends, aap sabko mera bohut dhanyawaad meri story itni pasand karne ke liye. Aap sabke liye main har hafte ek naya episode update kar raha hoon. Aap sabse anurodh hai ki please meri story agar aap pasand karte hai to use like karna naa bhoole. Aaj ki kahani Rahul ki zubani uske aur uski maa Sarita ke bare mein hai. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pehle season 1 padhle jisse aapko abtak ka kissa samajh ayega. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur...

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Daddys Popper Challenge

Since I've been enjoying the users’ stories here so much I thought I'd share one.I'm a pretty good looking guy, love girls and pussy, but I am a closet tranny chasers. I love hooking up with crossdressers and transgender. I dressed a little in high school and college; I left behind the clothes but not the lust for the femme bois.Last week when work was tough I needed a five minute distraction to clear my head so I called up Craigslist and browsed the Casual Encounters T4M. This was around...

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Strip Trivial Pursuit Challenge

I had always flirted with Clare, she is good fun and desperately in need of a boyfriend. We had tried to match her to several of our single friends and her best friend my girlfriend Susan used to say she would have a much better chance if she lost a little weight. Clare was not really fat, she had a very big round bum and big breasts but quite a trim waist and had I not been with Susan I would certainly have been interested myself. She has short black hair, which I think if it were a little...

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Mia Chapter 3 The Challenge

Four hours had passed since they arrived at the Kappa Pi Epsilon party and the running tally was: Kristopher: 2, Norah: 3, Mia: 2 and Patrice: 5 “Couldn’t we have just made it how many shots we could do in a night?” moaned Kristopher. “This is getting embarrassing.” “You’d still be losing!” laughed Norah. “Yeah but I’d never thought Patrice would be winning this. You and Mia maybe... not him! Where is Mia anyway?” he asked looking over all the heads of the party goers, but unable to see her...

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Neighbours Challenge

By: Suman Hi, ISS readers this is my third imaginative story. I am male but from my email Id a number of male send me the emails. I am writing this unreal story for just to attract women near Patna. Rajesh was residing with his wife Rakhi in a flat in a very good apartment in Patna. Rajesh is in a government Job and married to Rakhi 12 years back. Rajesh is handsome man of 34 years and Rakhi is sexy lady of 32. Even having son of 6 years she is looking very sexy. Rajesh and Rakhi is enjoying...

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Dirty Girl and the Challenge

    Since he wanted to be such a jerk I told him that I wouldn’t have sex with him for a while. I don’t know if he was joking or not, but he agreed. I knew his will power wasn’t that great when it came to sex with me so when he said, “I really don’t care because I’ll last longer than you”, I knew he was bluffing. We had tried this before and he was always the first one to crack. I typed, “You wouldn’t be able to last 5 days without sex with me.” And he chuckled as he responded with, “We’ll...

Straight Sex

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