Sonnet 57Chapter 15: Fracture! free porn video

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Chapter Introduction

Petra takes simultaneous initiatives in London and Warwick,

Joe has some new and completely unexpected experiences,

Jenny is given encouragement from an old acquaintance,

and Manfred Randolf receives a surprise invitation.

The Overseer

In London, Petra Tennerby places a call to Manfred Randolf. She is using the Virgin pre-paid cell phone he gave her. The days are slipping by without much more progress in the case. The New Year had come and Petra feels as if she is losing the initiative.

“Manfred? It’s Petra.”


“Developments in Birmingham — that’s Birmingham, England.” Petra thinks the subtlety of “Coventry” might be lost on Randolf.


“Joseph McEwan has been fired by his company. He hasn’t been there since before Christmas. He is home pretty much all day, every day. I intercepted a call from his wife to her parents with lots of words like ‘redundancy’ in it but there seems to have been more to it than that. Something to do with a contract violation. I couldn’t quite make it out. I took a walk past McEwan’s company and saw some workmen changing the sign to ‘New Skandia CE.’”

Manfred Randolf gives a quiet grunt. “McEwan is not the first man to be discarded during a company merger or a re-structure. I’ll check the British engineering press. See what’s up. Looks like we could have us some leverage here maybe?”

“Yeah. That’s what I thought. The husband will be out from cover looking for work. The two of them will probably have money worries. I think there will be more pressure on his wife, lubrication of a sort. Manfred, I think it’s time to kick ass.”

“Like how?”

“Like you shouldn’t ask. Look, here are the alternatives.

“First, I keep listening to the phone intercepts, but I do not relish having to listen to the collected phone calls of the McEwan’s in the hope of picking up something useful.

“Second, perhaps the girl says more to the shrink she sees than she does to her husband? That figures. She might have been a naughty girl when she was away? To find out, I am going to have to bug the shrink’s office or commit a burglary to read the clinical records. I don’t know what level of security they have to protect them and I definitely don’t want to get caught by Birmingham PD with my ass hanging out of an upstairs window trying to exit the premises.

“Third, and this is best, I kick ass good and hard and see if we can’t get the English gal talking.”

“OK, Petra. You are the expert. I will leave the situation in your hands.”

After Petra rings off, Manfred Randolf takes a moment to think. There has been no recent helpful information from the FBI people about Tracy. They keep in regular touch, but that seems to make the situation feel worse. It is several months since Tracy vanished. He had paid is debts but the girl has still not been returned. Had she really been working for them all along? Has she been turned, with the promise of more money than he was paying - but in due course, she stands to inherit the Corporation, so it couldn’t be just money? Is she planning to blackmail him into stepping down with the help of some new ex-communist pinko friends, so she gets the Corporation early? The longer she is off the rein, the more anxious he is getting. If that other bitch of a girl McEwan is still not talking, here is the opportunity to help her to find her tongue and that might lead to getting Tracy back. Here is an opportunity for the sort of leverage which could be most effective. Petra is right. Time to use it!

21:30 pm. A Conversation Without Words.

Joe is walking through quiet London streets. He’s heading back towards his hotel after a lonely dinner. It’s been a tough day.

He isn’t thinking too much about his surroundings. He’s just walking. And thinking. There’s a lot to think about. His priority is to find another job after his dismissal from NHCE-Skandia. He’s had one job interview today. There’s another one for tomorrow afternoon. That, at least, is encouraging — interviews. At least he is making the short lists.

Joe hasn’t adapted well to being unemployed. The lack of a routine, the lack of the whole framework of having a job; it’s left more of a hole than he thought it would. Andrew Edwards had been helpful but he cannot offer anything like a permanent job, with prospects, with colleagues, with structure, like the job at NHCE that he had just lost. Joe weighs the unexpectedness and capriciousness of life. Then, he had a job but no wife. Now, he has a wife but no job.

He passes some shops. Half of them are empty, the other half have their windows plastered with banners shouting “Sale!” and “Last Few Days!” The economic recession is at the bottom if it, of course. That’s just one reason why he is finding it hard to get another job. He vaguely notices a couple on the other side of the road, hurrying by. They’re arm in arm, laughing.

Joe’s mind moves on to practicalities. Jenny does not have her old post at the university. They have slipped from being a couple with two incomes to a couple with no income at all.

There are still bills to pay and very little money left to pay them. If he is unsuccessful tomorrow — in fact, if it’s anything less than a firm offer of work and a starting date in the near future, they will have to take some hard decisions. Joe cannot see how they can avoid putting their house up for sale. He really needs to get some cash into their account. The money is draining away relentlessly. Soon there will be nothing left. Will the house sell? Joe doesn’t have an up to date idea about what it’s worth. He knows that property isn’t selling easily. The “For Sale” signs down their street tell him that. If they have to accept a modest sum for their home, will they be able to pay off what they owe on their mortgage? Will they end up with no house and still owe the bank money? Nowhere to live and no money? Panic begins to rise inside him. Why had they not grasped the nettle earlier? Maybe, whatever the result of his interview, they should sell. Get somewhere smaller. Quickly.

Joe hears a sharp scuffing noise behind him. He turns and feels a sharp heavy impact square on the side of his face! For a moment he is paralyzed with surprise and the effects of the blow. As he tries to pull his senses together, the fist impacts again. This time it’s on his cheekbone and then again on the opposite side of his lower jaw.

Joe is vaguely aware of a crunching sound on one side of his face and a snap on the other. He feels numb and in pain, simultaneously. After the three vicious blows, his knees buckle and a fourth blow smacks into the middle of his face. Something hot is running down from his nose. He collapses onto the pavement and the side of his face slaps onto the ground. A hand grabs his shirt and hauls him half way upwards only to drop him down again. As Joe’s head smacks on to the pavement he is overcome by a wave of nausea. A final vicious kick to his shoulder sends him rolling across the pavement and into the gutter where he vomits his meal.

Joe struggles to take control of his body but it refuses to respond. He is vaguely aware of someone — or maybe two people — walking away from him.

Then there are other people. People looking down at him. People crouching beside him. There are voices. Someone seems to be talking into a mobile ‘phone. Something about an ambulance and police. Hands and arms are supporting him. Questions are being asked about how he feels. He can’t answer. Somewhere in his brain, a voice is telling him he had better get back to his hotel and clean up. He has an interview tomorrow.

21:35 pm. Instant Messaging.

Jenny is at home. Thinking about Joe. Thinking about how he will get on with his interview tomorrow. When they had spoken earlier, he sounded encouraging about today’s interview. Maybe he was just being hopeful or maybe it really was good. She hopes so.

Suddenly both her mobile and the house phone rings. Simultaneously. She picks up her mobile and answers.”Can you hold please, our other phone is ringing?” As she puts down the handset, she notices it is a withheld number. She has a premonition that something is very wrong and there is a slight tremble in her voice as she picks up the other receiver.

There is no one there. A silent call. She goes back to the mobile and, once more, there is no caller, but there is a text to say a video message has arrived.

Could this be Joe to say the new company has been in touch to tell him he has got the job? Jenny clicks on the video.

It launches to show a street at night. There are two men in the field of view. Jenny realizes at once that the man at the very front is Joe. The video slows down. Frame by frame, it shows the man behind Joe catch him up and smash a fist into the side of his head, once, twice, and, as Joe is spun round by the force of the blows, he is struck again. Joe starts to crumple and, as he falls, the Assailant plants his fist hard in Joe’s face. As Joe topples back, Jenny can see blood streaming from his nose and the impact areas on his face which seem stoved in, like a broken doll. Joe is on the ground now. The Assailant grabs him and lifts his bloody face towards the camera, only to let him fall backwards. The final frames show Joe being kicked into the gutter and vomiting.

The video has ended. Jenny stares at the black screen. She can hardly believe what she has just witnessed. In an instant, she is hit by a torrent of dismay, despair, guilt and fear — for Joe. She has just seen him beaten in front of her eyes. Perhaps murdered.

With the greatest effort, Jenny picks up the receiver again. She hears the friendly purr of the dial tone. She dials the Police Emergency Number — and then she calls her parents.

22:00 pm. Accident and Emergency Medicine

Joe has reached the Accident and Emergency Department of University College Hospital. (1) The Ambulance was followed by the Police who were called to investigate the “affray.” The ambulance crew and bystanders at the scene have given them as much information as they can about the nature of the assault. Joe is only partly conscious as he is moved quickly through triage. It’s obvious he’s a priority case.

On a trolley in the resuscitation bay, Joe’s vomit-covered clothes are cut from his body and he is examined for signs of any internal injuries and for possible knife wounds.

The A&E staff are working methodically. Joe’s nose has stopped bleeding but it’s blocked by congealed blood. Joe can just about breathe through his mouth but he cannot open it fully. They worry about his airway. The evidence on his clothes suggests that his stomach is now empty. The absence of abdominal bruising or abrasions suggests that the risk of further vomiting or inhalation of the vomit is not high.

They shave his head to let them inspect his scalp for evidence of depressions of the cranium and acute head injury. They don’t find any. That’s a good sign, at least.

Joe’s face is swelling rapidly. The on-call trauma team summon colleagues from Maxillo-Facial Surgery to assess the facial injuries. Although Joe’s right eye is now closed by swelling, there do not seem to be any penetrating injuries or corneal tears. He has a painful shoulder with movement restriction, but this seems to be due more to bruising of the muscles than to a bone fracture or joint injury.

The Maxillo-Facial on call doctor makes a provisional diagnosis of fractures to the nasal bones, the cheekbone complex, and the body of the jaw on the opposite side. Joe is sent to X-Ray for imaging of the bones of his face, jaw, neck, his injured shoulder and chest and abdominal views to search for accumulations of fluid with would point to internal bleeding.

There’s still the risk that there may be a brain injury. At present Joe scores 13 on the Glasgow Coma Scale (2), putting him at the boundary of Mild and Moderate affliction. The trauma team take the easy decision to admit him for more formal and extended observation and arrange for a facial bone CT scan to be undertaken in the morning. At the present time, Joe’s facial swelling may significantly reduce the visualization of any fractures on the “plain films” so an elective CT scan when he is not so restless will demonstrate the extent of his injuries with much more precision.

A member of the team is dispatched to call next of kin which, according to papers in Joe’s pockets, is a wife called Jennifer.

22:55 pm. Next of Kin

Jennifer has just finished a distraught and panic-stricken call to her parents. She has just replaced the handset when the telephone rings again. For a moment she stares at the equipment, wondering if she has the courage to answer, wondering if this might be the people who have assaulted her husband — and then, in the middle of the emotional turmoil, she remembers. She telephoned the Police. Perhaps it’s them?

She answers. Her voice quavers. Normally, she would confidently give her number and say “Jennifer McEwan speaking?” but this time all she can say is “Yes?”

There is a second’s pause on the line. She can hear sounds of busyness and bustle at the other end. Then a voice asks, “Can I speak to Mrs Jennifer McEwan, please?”

Jennifer clears her throat and manages to say “This is Jennifer McEwan?” and the warm and soft voice replies, “Hello, Mrs McEwan. May I ask, is your husband Mr Joseph McEwan?”


“and was — is he — in London this evening?”


“Ah, so my name is Dr Sue Baker, from the Accident and Emergency Department at University College Hospital. I am sorry, but I have to tell you that your husband was brought to see us by ambulance about an hour ago. I am afraid he has been assaulted and is probably going to be with us for a day or two. I wanted to let you know where he is and to tell you that, although he is quite badly hurt, we don’t think he is in any serious danger and you would be very welcome to come and see him...”

“Can I come now?”

“Of course you can. Are you in the London area at the moment? I can see from your landline that your home number is not local?”

“No, I am in Warwick.”

“I see. Well, that is quite a long way to drive at night even though the roads are quieter, but you might be wise to wait and come up to London by train in the morning? When you arrive, go to the main hospital reception and they will be able to tell you where Joseph is being looked after. I am afraid there is no parking at UCH but plenty of places nearby. In fact, there is a website called Parkopedia (3) which is helpful. If you come up by train...”

“Trains from Warwick go to Marylebone...” says Jenny, who has made a significant journey by train to London before. “ ... so catch the Bakerloo Underground from Marylebone to Oxford Circus, change there and catch the Victoria Line north to Warren Street and you will see us just across the road.”

“Oh ... oh ... thank you ... you have been very kind.”

“Mrs McEwan, I am glad to help. I am sorry I have had to have to call with news like this...”

After she closes the call, Jennifer wonders what she should do? She could wait till morning, but how could she sleep? Best to drive up to London overnight, find somewhere to park in the early morning, find a hotel to stay — she is sure she remembers a Premier Inn somewhere on Euston Road — and see Joe as soon as she can. (4)

She makes her decision. She will go to see Joe immediately. She quickly gathers a change of clothes, tooth-brush, toothpaste and deodorant, her mobile and charger, and her purse into an overnight bag, calls her parents again, to say that Joe is in Hospital — and leaves. The time is 23:30.

01:30 am. High Calorie Count

Jenny called her parents using the landline, so it is not intercepted by Petra’s Sting Ray equipment, but Petra is pretty sure what Jennifer would do. She is sitting quietly in her van watching and waiting for Jennifer to leave home, to go to her injured husband. Petra still has much work to do, but she waits until the street is quiet before she approaches the property.

In her reconnaissance she has noted that the McEwan’s do not have an intruder alarm — at least, there is no evidence of one. There is no tell-tale box on an outside wall.

First, there is the Sting Ray beacon to deal with. There has been no suitable opportunity for the drone to make a return flight to collect it, so Petra has brought a telescopic ladder to reach the roof of the McEwan’s property and retrieve it personally. It takes only minutes.

Petra is also a practiced housebreaker and is soon inside the property. She dons surgeon’s gloves, then a night vision headset and then begins a search of the kitchen where she finds two packets of sweet biscuits and several packets of potato crisps. The biscuits she empties into a paper tray she has bought, positioning it on the kitchen work surface, beneath the food cupboard. The potato crisps she empties into another paper dish, placing the dish beneath the central heating boiler, also located in the kitchen.

Petra then searches the rest of the house and in the small bedroom Jenny and Joe use as a study, she finds Jennifer’s laptop. It is not password-protected. Even the most accomplished burglars need luck! She slips a pen drive into the USB port and begins to download the contents.

Petra continues her search to locate any diaries or notebooks where Jenny might be confiding her inner thoughts and, on the privacy of the page, provide the story of her time away. After all, didn’t shrinks often tell their patients to write out an account of some ordeal, to gain some perspective over it? The McEwan girl is seeing a shrink so it is worth a look.

Finally satisfied that she has found as much as she reasonably can in the available time, Petra stows her finds into a small rucksack she is wearing to keep her tools handy. She returns to her van, and prepares to cover her tracks and put a little more pressure yet on the English girl.

Fire Departments generally know how to investigate the cause of a domestic fire. They know the likely causes: over-heating electrical circuits, a hob left alight, a smouldering candle which falls onto paper, even a laptop left switched on. They know to look out for unexplained empty canisters of petrol, the fire starting in two separate locations and the other signs of arson. They also know that fires spread upwards and Petra knows chemistry...

Petra returns with four large thermos flasks of liquid oxygen. Two she takes upstairs, taking care to check all windows are closed but leaving open all the doors. She takes one flask and pours the contents into a plastic box which she has placed on the floor next to the bookshelves in the room Joe and Jenny use for an office. It is full of paper and, of course, their IT equipment. The other flask she pours into another box on top of their bed. Petra wants the house to burn and burn hot but in all her busyness, she does not forget to retrieve the pen drive.

She quickly returns downstairs and douses the sweet biscuits and the potato chips with more of the liquid oxygen. She pours the contents of one flask onto the lounge sofa and the other Petra pours into a large saucepan on the kitchen hob. Leaving herself a short and quick exit route to the back door, she sparks the biscuits and the chips and immediately they are converted into white hot, incandescent balls of flame as the concentrated oxygen liberates all the latent chemical energy of the food. (5) The high oxygen concentration spreads the fire generously, enthusiastically. In no time at all, it spreads into the food cupboard and begins to attack the substance of the wood and plasterboard stud wall. The gas inlet pipe of the boiler soon comes under withering attack.

Meanwhile, the high oxygen concentration Petra has created in the upstairs of the house is encouraging the fire upwards to indulge its ravenous attention on the modest possessions of a young married couple, their photographs and memories, their computers, and finally, joyously, the roof of the building.

If only people knew just how much energy is locked into a pile of biscuits, maybe people would not eat so many, thinks Petra as, from her van, she observes the McEwan’s home, now being rapidly engulfed in a fierce conflagration, and all begun by a few sparks, oxygen, and some high calorie snacks.

04:50 am Moscow Time: Anatoly in Wonderland.

Anatoly and Sveta walk hand in hand through the forest. It is a summer’s day. The air is still, pure and smells of pine resin from the trees. Curiously, or so it seems to Anatoly, there are no biting insects — which is just as well as both he and Sveta are completely naked. Anatoly feels the sun on his back and, with its warming heat, he feels his cock start to grow. He wants Sveta! The ground is soft beneath their feet, covered in a soft blanket of pine needles. He turns to her and is immediately surprised to see her nipples are pierced, something he has wanted for a long time but something she has denied him.

When did she have that done? The rings are quite thick. Very attractively thick. They are in perfect proportion to the size of her nipples. If she has had the time to stretch the piercings, thinks Anatoly, Sveta must have had the piercings carried out several months ago. How has he had failed to notice? He shifts his gaze upward and draws her close to him. Their lips meet — she is so ready. He can feel how hot she is — and a septum ring rubs Anatoly’s lip. What? That is something the slaves wear, to remind them of their position. What is Sveta doing? She cannot wear a septum ring to host her television programme! But the ring is nice!

Anatoly can feel his penis grow hard, tight ... and then comes a buzzing insect. Its buzz is loud and instant. Anatoly looks quickly round to see if the creature is flying in their direction. He does not want it to sting Sveta who does not seem to hear the noise. She presses herself on Anatoly and all the while the buzzing insect circles around and around. Anatoly stretches out his arm to fend it away — and his grip closes around the handset of the bedside telephone!

“Excuse me, Anatoly Sergeyevitch, it is Yevgeny speaking.”


Visions of the forest have vanished. Anatoly is in bed, in Moscow. Sveta is spooned beside him, oblivious to the noise both real and imaginary.

“Yevgeny? ... Oh ... what is the matter, Yevgeny?”

“I have an intercept you should know about.”

“You do? What? Can’t it wait until morning?”

“It is about Vyera...”

“Oh ... well, I am listening...”

“Yyera’s husband was assaulted in London this evening. Someone has sent a video of the attack to Vyera. She has called the police. Her husband has been badly hurt...”

“Ah ... oh ... thank you, Yevgeny. You were right to call me. Thank you.”



“There may be more. I have just lost all the communication with our surveillance equipment at Vyera’s home. Computer, telephone, everything.”

“Do you think the house has been attacked?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Where is Vyera?”

“I have signal from her mobile. She is travelling to London.”

Now completely awoken from sleep, Anatoly glances at his watch to see the time is 04:55 am. His mind is surprisingly agile at this time in the morning, but, of course it is the events that conspire to make it so.

The assailants. Who might they be? There really is only one likely answer. Anatoly gets up, slipping out of bed without waking his sleeping wife (whose face is, of course, not decorated by a septum ring, nor are her nipples pierced). She is the brittle fragile girl whose wild, reckless, generous, romantic gesture has caused so much trouble...

In his office, he calls Neena.

“Neena Alexandrovna?”

“Er, oh, yes, speaking, Anatoly Sergeyevitch.”

“You reported Pavea has changed her perspective?”

Now it is Neena’s turn to struggle with an unexpected telephone call in the small hours of the morning, when body and mind are at their lowest ebb. “ Ye ... yes, that is correct, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. She told me she...”

“How far can we rely on her?”

“Er ... er ... I cannot be sure, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. I advise caution. I think it is probably too soon to put her to the test ... er...”

“Vyera’s husband has been assaulted in London. This may be an attempt at intimidation. The British security services may be responsible, but I think that is unlikely, from my knowledge of the way they operate in their own country. The next possibility is the CIA acting on behalf of Pavea’s old family, but that is also unlikely. If the American authorities wished to put pressure on Vyera, I think they would arrange with their British colleagues to arrest her and then threaten her with extradition and imprisonment in the United States if she failed to cooperate. That leaves people working for Pavea’s father, Manfred Randolf. I believe urgent action is needed. Could we rely on Pavea to explain her new thinking?”

“I cannot say with certainty, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. If she were to act in our interests in this particular matter, it would imply a significant change in the relationship. We would be in her debt. She would know that. She would have expectations. If we were dealing with Vyera, it would be different. She adapted to her training so much better. She understood her new situation, what she was. I think that Pavea is still dangerous. She is a wild animal waiting to strike, so to speak. To put ourselves in her power seems ... rash?”

“Or brave and decisive. The way to a dog’s heart is chiefly through its stomach, Neena Aleksandrovna. It is also true for the wolf, although with much less certainty. One never knows if the wolf has been fed enough...”

“Speak with her. Try to gauge her true feelings. Meanwhile, I will reflect on the new developments and decide whether we should respond now, or later. Let us think about time. The time is 05:20. In London, the time is 02:20 at night and, in Houston, it is still yesterday, 19:20 pm. I do not wish our actions to be too obviously connected to these new events.”

09:10 am. Crime and Incident Log

Warwickshire is one of the smaller police forces in the UK but sometimes size is inversely proportional to efficiency. Each morning when Inspector Ackroyd arrives at Headquarters, he glances through the Crime and Incident Log and, in the course of a few moments, he is up to date with the overnight events and thus able to set his priorities for the day.

Today, two events leap from the page to his attention. First, at 21:45, the Emergency Team took a call from a Mrs Jennifer McEwan to say that someone has sent her a video message, to show her husband being viciously assaulted in London. Then at 02:15, neighbours had alerted the Fire Brigade to a serious house fire. The building had been completely gutted. It was the McEwans’ home. As Inspector Ackroyd reads the report, he breaks out into a cold sweat. He calls the Duty Officer.

“This house fire. Was there anyone at home?”

“Fire Service says no, they don’t think so. No bodies in the wreckage, but they are not completely happy with it. Apparently, the fire was unusually intense.”

“Have we sent anybody round to have a look?”

“Er, just the local patrol officers, to liaise with the Fire Brigade.”

Inspector Ackroyd goes quickly to his office and calls the Station Commander at the Royal Leamington Spa fire station, the nearest station to Warwick, manned continuously, twenty four hours a day.

“Morning,” he says briskly. “This is Brian Ackroyd here, Inspector, Warwickshire Constabulary. We’re interested in a couple — that’s a man and a woman — whose home was apparently reduced to ashes last night. I just wondered if you had found anyone in the wreckage? Any bodies?”

“Oh, good morning Inspector,” says the Station Commander, lugubriously, “No, I am pleased to say not. No signs of anyone at home. The car belonging to the couple is missing, according to neighbours, so it sounds as if the premises were deserted. The ... erm ... fire was very intense, and we know that because there was not much left, which is a bit odd. We know this sort of property and what usually happens when it catches fire, so we are calling in the Fire Investigation Team for their assistance...”

“Ah ... are you? Are you? Can you keep us in touch about that?”

“Of course.”

“I have the number of the young lady who lives there — has anyone from your team spoken to either Mr or Mrs McEwan?”

“No, as a matter of fact, we haven’t and if they are known to you, perhaps you are best placed?”

Ackroyd is very relieved to learn that the McEwan’s home was empty. He knows from the Incident Log that there is little point in trying to call Joseph McEwan so Mrs McEwan is his best bet, but first he checks his watch. 09:35? He will call Jennifer first, before making his next call...

09:40 am. Fire Sale

In her hotel room, her mobile telephone rings. Jenny answers to hear the reassuring flat black country accent of Inspector Ackroyd: “Mrs McEwan? Ah, glad I have been able to catch you. I got in to work this morning and the first thing I found out about was your call last night about Joseph. Look, I am so sorry to hear about Mr McEwan. Is he all right now?”

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Sonnet 57Chapter 10 Dr Jordanrsquos Last Case

As Freddie and Ellie Clegg advance their plans to retire and transfer the human and digital assets of Canopus ImpEx to a safer location, Dr Pam Jordan, one of their most trusted and valuable colleagues begins to have problems of her own. Bed Mates Dr Pam Jordan rolls over in bed and feels the slim, beautifully muscled body of her slave, Sukie, lying asleep and still beside her. Sukie was originally abducted and trained by the American slaver, Steve Glennis. She accompanied him to the UK...

2 years ago
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Sonnet 57Chapter 11 Freight Forwarding

Chapter Introduction. In which Harry goes east, Larry goes west, Sarah goes south and Rachel goes to Holloway. The Foreign Office Calls In the late afternoon, Chief Inspector Grantby’s extension rings. “Grantby?” he growls into the telephone. “Chief Inspector? It’s Michael Appleyard here, from the Foreign Office. I got your message earlier — about contacts made to someone here, after Mrs McEwan disappeared, well disappeared for the first time — and I am pleased to say that it was one of...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 12 Plate Tectonics

Introduction. The shape of continents is wrought by the inexorable progress of tectonic plates across the surface of the earth and is there anything that can stand in their way, divert their course or survive their movements? Well... In Moscow, Anatoly cannot find sleep until he takes practical steps to bring Vyera back home In London, Annie Elba – the Met’s forensic psychologist – wrestles to understand the progress Jenny has made under the care of the trauma psychologist, Dr Laura...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 13 Aldebaran

Professor Angela Dawney is at work in her office sifting through a pile of incoming mail. There are various notices from the University Administration and University Admissions departments (brown envelopes), some copies of the academic journals she has personal subscriptions to (large heavy envelopes), a manuscript of a technical article for review (A4 white envelope), an acknowledgment card for a gift Angela sent to her office cleaner who was married recently (small envelope), and finally a...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 14 The Alkali Metals

Group One Elements. For Joe and Jenny, the drive across to Leicestershire passes in silence. It’s probably one of the longest 90 minutes that Joe has experienced lately. It is early January. The conviviality’s of Christmas and New Year are over but they were a disappointment, overshadowed by Joe’s unexpected redundancy. A new year stretches out ahead of them. It is a new year in which Joe has to find a new job and quickly, too. It is a new year in which Jenny has to work on her recovery, but...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 16 Grand Hotel

Chapter Introduction Anatoly and Neena, Manfred and Petra contend over the fate of Tracy but when Tracy joins in the game later, does she realise that she is playing with a loaded die? Slave Market Neena had never realized that Edinburgh was such a city of mountains and spires, classical buildings, temples, elegant domes, broad streets and distant views of an eastern sea. She and the Kustenskies are staying in an imposing wedding cake of a hotel, all columns and baroque gables and, rising...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 17 Tracy Rides Again

Chapter Introduction In London, Tracy falls into the trap set by Petra and her Father; Jennifer and Joe enjoy a chance meeting over lunch; Angela Dawney moves up Scott Anderson’s agenda; and Jennifer gains a new perspective on some past events. The Uninvited Guest We are back in London. Joe has been to University College Hospital again for a review with the surgeons who cared for him after he was assaulted. Of course, it’s good to have their expertise but every examination just means that...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 18 Cassini

Chapter Introduction Joe receives an invitation for Interview — and is asked to do something that girls like. An Invitation In Italy, the cult of the individual has not taken root as it has in many western countries. In Italy, the family remains an important institution, and especially so when the question of employment in a family firm is posed, even in a large firm operating internationally. There are others, too, who understand the importance of a suitable introduction. Pietro Cassini...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 19 The DawneyMendeleyev Conjecture

Chapter Introduction There is good news for Joe and Jenny, an anxious day for some Senior Officers of the Metropolitan Police, an interesting moment as Stephen Appleyard pulls another rabbit out of his hat and a sober reflection from Chief Inspector Grantby about the purpose of policing. Jigsaw It’s a good day for Joseph and Jennifer McEwan! Today, two letters arrived in the post. One told them that their Insurers were prepared to honour their home and contents insurance policy. It means...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 20 The Procyon Conspiracy

Chapter Introduction Professor Angela Dawney, the noted academic psychologist and expert in research on the effects of stress, fulfils an invitation to work with some new colleagues, to improve their data collection methods for a new medicine, but is she a queen in the game or merely a pawn? The Set Up: Weed Eradication Protocol Catherine Hopwood is at work in her office in the State of Iowa Narcotics Enforcement Bureau when she receives a call from an old friend. Scott Anderson had been...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 21 Novaya Diplomatiya The New Diplomacy

Chapter Introduction Stephen Appleyard leads a powerful expeditionary force to Moscow but can a well chosen word more achieve more than an army? Rules of Encounter Neither Grantby nor Ackroyd has ever been to such a hotel. Neither of them. The opulence. The extravagance. The scale. The grandeur — and also the people. Many seem relatively young, younger than either of the policemen. How had they acquired such wealth to be at home in such a hotel at such a modest age? The two glance at one...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 22 The Epilogue

Canopus In Paradise “Freddie! Ellie! So good to see you again, safe and sound.” “And you, Steve,” replies Ellie. “For your information, Steve, at the moment, we are Gordon Firth and Kristen Keller. He is British. I am German.” “OK, that’s good, really good. Did you have any trouble setting that up?” “Not really,” Freddie replies. “I had an inkling that a tactical retreat might be needed one day, so we have had these ready for some time. Others, too, in Bank safety deposit boxes in various...

5 years ago
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Logan was mowing his modest backyard. Lost in his own thoughts and reminiscing on days gone by. It was a simple kind of therapy. Some normalcy after having lived military life. His newly acquired normalcy was about to be shattered, and he never saw it coming. A rock, the size of a cheap foam football that had traveled the expanse of universe for millions of years, landed eerily silent and gentle near Logan's back fence. On board this makeshift spaceship, a dark-crimson sentient ooze. Having...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 9 Stress Fractures

July 22, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “No!” I said firmly. “Absolutely not! I simply won’t do it.” “Son, you need everyone to sign the documents,” my dad protested. “I realize. And I’ll get the signatures by ASKING, not by THREATENING. Look, the management team will all sign. Heck, they’re all shareholders! So of course they’ll sign. And I know for certain that Penny, Tasha, Zo, and Jeri will sign. So will Mario. Maybe one or two junior programmers won’t sign. So what? I won’t threaten anyone...

3 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 11 Fractures

Neil had dim memories of Ruth snuggling with him then heading out for a shower. Waking up with someone was something he'd quickly adjusted to and now it was hard to roll over and find only his cool sheets. Speaking of sheets, Neil noted his were in dire need of laundry and stripped his bed before heading off to the showers. He was late this morning and had to wait for a spot in the showers with all the other late sleepers. So he put his basket in the "dibs" line and sat outside with the...

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crossdressers 1st time

hi, im new to this. this happened about 3 years ago now.I had started off the night being at my ex gfs house looking at her sexy underwear thinking how it would feel etc. so, having just started a new job I felt it was time to relax a little while she was out working (from 10pm til 6am). from this simple thought I became massively aroused and started trying on her underwear, make up, and even a wig that was in the apartment. soon enough, I was looking like a slutty crossdresser.I thought enough...

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Gaon ki Masti

Gaon ka mahaul bara hi azeeb kism ka hota hai. Waha ek orr to sab kuchh dhaka chhupa hota hai to dusri orr andar hi andar aisa aise karname hote hai ki jan jao to danto tale ungli daba lo. Thora sa bhi jhagra hone par Log aise to moti moti galiya denge magar, apni bahu betioyn ko do gaj ka ghunghat nikalne ke liye bolenge. Fir yahi log dusro ki bahu betiyon par buri nazar rakhenge aur jara sa bhi mauka agar mil jaye to apne andar ki sari kuntha aur gandi vasna nikal denge. Kahne ka matlab ye ki...

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The Soda Jerk and the Secretary

September 16, 1951 Robert Smith a soda Jerk at his home town pharmacy is on his way to work, when he is stopped by a red light. Once the red light turned green Robert resumed his drive to work. When he got to the pharmacy he parked his car a 1938 ford he bought when he turned 16, shut down the engine, removed his keys from the car's ignition then he got out of the vehicle and went into the pharmacy. Once he was in the pharmacy building he clocked in and put on his apron once his apron was on...

1 year ago
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Why Even Wear Anything

Reddit Why Even Wear Anything, aka r/WhyEvenWearAnything! Have you ever seen a cute girl with a see-through shirt where you can clearly see her tits, or a skirt so short, her ass is already hanging out? In those cases, I always wonder why the fuck are they even wearing anything in the first place. Well, who knew that there was a subreddit dedicated just for that, and it is called r/WhyEvenWearAnything.I am pretty sure that r/WhyEvenWearAnything speaks for itself, but I am also here to talk...

Reddit NSFW List
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Lilys awakening Part 7

A shudder of disgust shook my body at the thought of what I had just seen. Maggie’s saggy breasts and Father Leon’s little cock did nothing to me. I stopped by the kitchen and picked-up a bottle of cold water and headed to the Theater hoping to find a good movie to watch to stir my mind in a direction other than sex. My first orgasm less than a week ago had opened a door to an entire new world I had no idea existed. My life had been until then pretty straight forward: school, studies,...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 73

Jess shrieked at the suddenness. It wasn’t all that tight but she was startled since she couldn’t see Emma to prepare herself. “Ooohhh, mistress...” Jess cooed, playing things up. Emma watched the clamp swing and dangle from Jess’ flattened nipple. She put out one finger and gave it a little push to keep it going. Emma stood up and walked around to Jess’ other side where she repeated the process. She hadn’t checked that clamp first and it was, unknown to her, set much tighter than the...

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It is not a Sin

A word from the Author: I left the state, political affiliation of the Rep vague on purpose so it does not take away from the main message of the story. I made the interstate a mythical one, even number ones runs east to west and if they have three digits they are a bypass into an urban area not in a rural area. *********** Whenever a person tried to brand themselves to others, they were really trying to convince people their opinion of who they are as a fact. This statement held...

1 year ago
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My Friends Little Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 19 years old living everyday life just like everybody else. I have a cool job, a cool car, my own apartment, everything I ever wanted. Except for one thing, I don’t have a girlfriend. Not many girls consider me to be girl material or a cute guy, but I could care less. I was wrong however, one young girl did thought I was cute and she wanted me to her best. This is my story of how this incident came to be. It was a bright sunny Sunday morning. The...

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Sherry My Wet BBW

I love big boobs, and the best way to get them is to date bigger women. I started dating a BBW when I was 17 and have mostly dated them ever since. Somewhere along the line I realized that I preferred BBWs and I've never been sorry. This is the story of one of my BBW girlfriends, back when I was in my late 20s.I usually ate lunch at the same restaurant downtown, there was a really big titted waitress there named Charity. She was probably in her 30s and married, but she had huge tits, her bra...

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EuroTeenErotica Sybil College Babe8217s Pussy Fucked and Toes Sucked

Leg fetish lovers tune in to see sexy teen temptress, Sybil, in her most sizzling Euro Teen Erotica scene yet. In this 4K premium porn video, the brunette babe is captivating as she seductively outfits herself in super sexy negligee to properly seduce her man. While she secures her thigh-high stockings, garter belt, and high heels there’s no denying that the glamour pornstar is in her prime. Watch as she throws her man down on the bed and makes him her sexual servant. The Ukrainian...

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The Beach BumChapter 1

Christie Zimmer, her mom and step dad were on their first multi-week vacation trip since her mom and step dad had been married three years ago. They had, as a family, taken several week-end trips to visit attractions closer to home, but this was their first really lengthy road trip, and it had been an exciting one so far. They had departed their home in a smaller city in western Ohio, headed northeast to Niagara Falls, then east to Philadelphia and then dropped down to Washington D.C.,...

4 years ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 6

Diana walked quickly over to Jeff and shook him awake. She urgently needed to get him to wake up so she could give him the message she had just received. Hermes had been pretty insistent when he had told her that time was running out for Jeff's training. Jeff awoke with a start, he could feel the tension in Diana's whole being. "What is it, Diana?" he asked her as he quickly rose to his feet. "I was told that our time is growing short for completing your training. We need to go to my...

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Growing UpChapter 12

Just as I reached the back door, it sprang open. Nina was leading followed closely by Jenna, and Shauna, each wearing small bikinis. I was going to get a drink and go to my room however Rita and Fran were in the kitchen so I skipped the drink, needing to take care of the stiff before it drew too much attention. I reached the bottom of the steps and stood back as Jo Ann and Lisa came charging down, also dressed for the pool. I checked the stairs and they were clear, so I proceeded up. I...

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Amanda Joins The School Newspaper Chapter 2 of Schoolgirl Amanda Learns Discipline

“Finally I found you Amanda. I thought we were going to meet at the end of the school day and instead you just ditch me. Do you mind telling me why” Jenny said, the hurt clearly sounding in her voice. Amanda stopped and turned as her friend caught up to her on the street. They were a few blocks from school although not on the route they normally took home. Amanda looked at the sky but if she was hoping for divine intervention to whisk her away or at least inspire her tongue on what to...

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Michelles Story Part 1

Michelle's Story - Part 1 John Brook had moved to Newcastle just after marrying his wife Liz. The reason for the move was work: the post of a chief computer analyst was too good to turn down. Still, it had been a wrench to leave his native Midlands, where his family still dwelled, for the far north east. He still kept in touch with them though, well most of them, by means of telephone. The only member who broke this rule was his younger sister Sally, who occasionally made the long trip...

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After The Party

She gave his hand a squeeze as she slipped away to the toilets, it was a great part and she had had a bit to drink but she was starting to get horny now and had a plan to get him to take her home to bed. She shut the cubical door behind her and felt a thrill of excitement as she slid her lacy black french knickers off. She was surprised by herself as she slid a hand up her dress to tease herself, she hadn't realised she was so wet! She slid her finger softly and slowly into herself and groaned...

3 years ago
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Putting Dick In Jane

Rich had endured a long dry spell after he and his wife decided to end their marriage, having finally realized that they didn't have much in common or anything to talk about when they weren't fucking each other senseless. After two years of nearly continuous sex, divorce left him horny as a busboy in a titty bar. His happily married friends, Pete and Diane were tired of hearing him whine about it. One day Diane handed him a slip of paper with a phone number and said, "Call my friend Jane....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sharing really is caring

It is well over a quarter of a century now since we first got to know Tim. He and his wife Jenny were very kind to us when we moved in next door with a young family, and Jenny would often babysit for us if we wanted to go out for the evening. Sadly, Jenny died five years ago after a long illness just ten months before Tim’s seventy-fifth birthday; however, Tim felt that she would still want him to continue with the planned celebration, although it became more a memorial of their fifty years of...

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BimboTech Chapter 1 Bimbofied into a Lesbian Slut

Chapter One: Bimbofied into a Lesbian Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “As you can see,” Carter said as he stood before the boardroom table beside a projection screen, his pointer following a line that grew in a steady pace to the right, “as we convert more of our lines to producing the Venus Serum, we will soon be outputting a thousand units a day by the end of the quarter.” Carter was a tall man, broad-shouldered, wearing a lab coat...

4 years ago
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Fucked Pissed And Slaved By Servant

Hi, I am Madhav (Name Changed), this is my story of me knowing the world of sex and getting fucked by my own servant. I am now a straight guy with a dick size of inches and white skin tone. Hight of about 6.1 inch and a fit gymnast body. But it was not the case when I was of that age. Back then I was a bit of a chubby kid. Had a nice boobs and a perfect ass. One of those who anyone would love to fuck like a mad man. Back when I was just 19 year old, we used to have a servant in our house. His...

Gay Male
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First time

He was quite nervous. What sane person wouldn’t be? He’d been communicating via email and phone with a lady he’d never met. Amanda, even her name turned him on. After several months she finally agreed to meet him in person. The time, place, and preparations were all her choosing. ‘Yeah,’ he though, ‘I must be just a little bit crazy.’ The time and place was easy enough. Just a small out of the way restaurant near the river. He’d been there before. The harder part was the instructions she’d...

4 years ago
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A sisterly Surprise

Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 29

It was mid morning when Megan arrived at her uncle's house to use the pool, and if things went well, spend some time with Derrick in his bed. Even though she and Jason were enjoying their times together, Megan found that having sex was always on her mind and was anxious to see if Derrick would take it farther than the one time they enjoyed on Friday. As she opened the gate to the patio area, Derrick was just coming out of the house wearing a nice three-piece suit. "Hey hi Megan. How you...

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MemoriesChapter 5

Over the course of the next couple of days, Candy and I moved back into the house we grew up in, although now we were sharing a room. There wasn’t quite enough space for us to put our stuff in. I had to move into the room the dresser from the second bedroom. We each had a dresser now and we shared the closet. It wasn’t full, meaning I needed to take her shopping, sooner or later. We also shared the queen bed, as Mom asked us to turn on some music when we wanted to ‘Put Seabiscuit on the...

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Service SocietyChapter 16 Hiking Redux

The trio gathered in front of the sign at the trailhead. It was the same trail they had tried the summer before. Now they were back to try it again, only this time they were better prepared. They were properly equipped with well broken in hiking boots, a first aid kit, energy bars, lunch, and sufficient water for the trip. They were in much better physical shape having walked, ridden bikes, and exercised regularly for the past year. They were more experienced having hiked many easy trails...

3 years ago
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i'd been going out with Mike for about 5 months when I realised he was ok but the relationship was going nowhere, I needed to dump him but we had already booked a holiday to Spain where his parents had a holiday villa so it was just a matter of booking flights, Mike was pretty average in every way and I only started seeing him cos his parents had bought him the bar where we used to start our evenings and free drinks were a big bonus.We got to Spain and went to the villa which he described as ok...

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Trailers West

Tom Anders was getting tired as he drove the truck tractor over the hills into Bradford, Pa. He had been hired to pick up a big forty foot house trailer, and haul it to Dallas. It was nearly 11:00 p.m. when he found the trailer park, so he just curled up in his cab to sleep. He wanted to get a good night’s rest before starting out with the big trailer Time enough to see the manager and hook up the load in the morning. It was only six‑thirty A.M. when Tom was awakened by the park manager. “You...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 59 The Will

As soon as Barrois had left the room, Noirtier looked at Valentine with a malicious expression that said many things. The young girl perfectly understood the look, and so did Villefort, for his countenance became clouded, and he knitted his eyebrows angrily. He took a seat, and quietly awaited the arrival of the notary. Noirtier saw him seat himself with an appearance of perfect indifference, at the same time giving a side look at Valentine, which made her understand that she also was to...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXXVIII

Chapter XXXVIII – Another Couple Seducer (based on Darling Love No. 8 cover, Archie, Summer 1951)Al and I are married for nine years and our relationship is divine, giving us our two k**s. Everything could be fantastic and I could tell you the best love story ever if wasn’t by one single hurdle: our sex life.You know, when it starts, everything is good and spicy, our bedroom was on fire, but since long we didn’t found the valentine’s vigor. Not that we don’t enjoy it, but it became so, well,...

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Hay Meri Patakha Senior

Hi everyone myself sam from Bangalore. I am a sportsperson, height 6ft aur athletic body hai…. Now let me introduce u all to my sex goddess she was my senior name vinita, a mast punjaban pataka maal. Sare college k faculties v line marte the usko student ki baat to chor hi do. 5ft7inch height thi gora rang lambe baal, bade boobs aur round shape ass. Kisi k v dekh k khada ho jae. Hum juniors me se bahuto ki fantasy thi usko chodna. Now let me come to the story. Mere college me departmental...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Mom Part 2

Hi… My name is K C Bolar (Chandru) from Mangalore. I hope all the readers have enjoyed the Part I (14. 9. 15). Here is the thrilling version , part 2. I had the habit of peeping the bathroom to enjoy Mom’s beautiful body as well as her bathroom activities. Mom’s gorgeous figure is still memorable. Still I love and enjoy to fantasize her forceful pissing. I was in a strong desire to enjoy sex with my mom. I was not courageous to propose this with my mom as she was looking quite strict in nature...

3 years ago
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After the Beach Bar

A couple of evenings later that week we were attending a beach barbeque just along from our bungalow. We were usually the last ones to leave the beach bar which closed when the last guest left, this particular night I had been flirting a lot with the a beautiful young black barman called Jess and James my new black lover. At about midnight I told Rob I was making a move back to the beach bungalow, he said he would be along in a few minutes, as a parting shot I asked him to bring a bottle of...

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The movie she was working on currently had started shooting about 4 weeks earlier, and still had over 10 weeks of filming left to do. She was sitting in her on-set trailer, where she was supposed to be reading through her lines for that day’s scenes. But, instead, she was lounging up against the headboard of her bed in the back of the trailer, with her dress up around her waist, her tits hanging out of her blouse, and her legs spread wide, while her assistant, Crystal, sucked on her throbbing...

4 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 11

Monday, March 25, 2002 When I awoke, Jenny was gone. I walked down the hall and found the bathroom free, so I hopped in the shower. Mom had, I thought, done something very useful yesterday; it was going to be very convenient going bare between bedroom and shower rather than having to be dressed. I returned to my room, saw Jenny was now in hers. She smiled when she saw me bare. She was already dressed and was headed downstairs. When I got to school, almost at once I ran into Tony. He...

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Little Blonde CUNT

Faggot! Sissy! Bitch! Cunt! PUSSY! Now that I was hanging out at the ABS on a regular basis, I was getting used to guys calling me these names. Back then I was still married to Dani, and was still partly in the closet. So when I went out I would always wear a tank top and cut off jeans shorts, trying not to attract too much attention. One hot afternoon I was walking on San Pablo Blvd. and because it was really hot, I took off my tank top and stuck it in my waistband. A cop pulled over and told...

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