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Changes By Margaret Jeanette Tracy Morrison was all smiles as she went over the latest order from Clark Industries. It was the biggest order she had ever gotten. She was in sales at a machine manufacturing plant. They made specialty-packaging equipment. Clark Industries was ordering three machines. Her commission over her salary would be huge to her. Her happiness was cut short when Sue Dunlop came in and told her she just heard that Tornow was shutting down and moving to Mexico. Tornow was where Tom, her husband, had worked for over ten years. He was a supervisor there. Sue said she heard they were to be shut down in three months. That night at supper Tom told her all about it. He said he was told he would be one of the last to be let go. He told her it might be six months before he would be out of work. She was happy to hear that but still wondered what he would do after that. Five and a half months later Tom worked his last day. The company had paid him another five months pay as a departure settlement. They had banked Tracy's commissions and now they banked his departure pay to cover needed expenses. They agreed that they wouldn't touch this money unless absolutely necessary. The first five days Tom hit every company within thirty miles of their home. None of them needed his skills right now. He wasn't real handy with his hands and so he flunked several mechanical ability tests. On Friday night at supper he said, "I have been thinking that if there weren't so many women working there would be more for men to do.? Tracy said, "That isn't fair. Women have just as much right to a job as a man has. If a woman can do the job then she should be considered equally with a man who applies for it." Tom said, "Men are the head of household and should make enough to support their families for the basic needs. Women are getting these jobs because the government says they should be considered first." Tracy said, "No, the government just says women can't be discriminated against when it comes to a job or promotion." Tom said, "I guess I am just down because there are not any jobs out there to be had. I have gone from making enough to pay the house mortgage, car payment, buy groceries and put clothes on our backs to nothing." Tracy said, "Remember last year's income tax, I made five thousand more than you. This year I will make a lot more than last year. WE will make it. I can cover all the expenses and have some money left over." He sat there and mulled over what she had said. She said, "You can help me by keeping the house clean and taking care of me." He said, "I don't mind taking care of the house but it isn't like a pay job would be." Tracy tried to comfort him by saying; "Look at it this way, if we had to pay someone to do all the housework it would be a big drain on our pocketbook. You will be doing something that will keep our expenses down." He said, "I guess you're right." The next day being Saturday, Tracy did the wash. She noticed that a lot of his under shorts had small holes in them and two pair of his pants had holes that shouldn't be there. She cut them up for rags. Tom had gone to do his usual Saturday morning grocery shopping. He spent seventy-three of the eighty dollars he had. On the way home he put seven dollars worth of gas in the van. He was left with some change in his pocket. While he was gone Tracy had decided to check his clothes for wear. When she was done she had cut up all of his under shorts and all but one pair of his pants. It had been a long time since they had bought any clothes for him and she knew they would have to go shopping for clothes soon. Tom got home from shopping and complained about not having any money left. He said he wondered when prices would stop raising. Tracy agreed with him and told him they had to eat. He told her he used the last of his cash to put gas in the van. She told him she had disposed of his under shorts and pants with holes in them. She said they would have to go shopping to get replacements. He said he didn't feel like going shopping. In the afternoon they were relaxing for a short while when Tracy again mentioned going shopping for new clothes for him. He felt so relaxed that he didn't want to go. She told him she wasn't going to go alone. They continued to relax and she finally decided to get up and get the clothes off the line. As he was hanging his shirts on hangars she noticed two of them had small tears in them. She junked them. When she looked in his side of the closet she saw he had only one pair of pants and two shirts hanging there. She wondered where all of his clothes had gone. That night as they were eating supper she said, "Today I had to throw out some of your clothes that had holes or rips in them. Where did all of your clothes go? You used to have more than you have now." He said, "Well, when I would see something that had a big hole or got ripped I would just toss it out." She said, "Well tomorrow we have to go and get you some new clothes. That's all there is to it." He said, "You go, I am not a shopper. I'll wear whatever you get. Try to get clothes that are on sale. I hate paying full price for everything." Sunday after breakfast Tracy asked him to go with her to get some new clothes for him. He said he didn't feel like going and that she should go. He again told her he would wear whatever she got him. As she was leaving he reminded her to just buy what was on sale. She got to the department store and was looking at the men's briefs. They were 5 pair for seven dollars. Right across the aisle wee woman's nylon briefs on sale seven pair for five dollars. She thought she ought to get those women's ones for him. He had said he would wear whatever she got and they were on sale. She thought it would serve him right if she did get them. Finally she did get the woman's briefs for him to wear. Then she noticed a rack with slacks hanging from it. It had a sign stating the price was $4.00. She looked and found three pair that would fit Tom. One pair was powder blue, one cream and one pink. They all zipped in the back and didn't have pockets in back. She looked around and saw a sale rack with blouses. She figured she might as well go all the way. She found blouses to match all three pair of slacks. When she got home she told him, "I found your briefs seven pair for five dollars. I got you three pair of slacks for four dollars apiece and matching tops for $2.50 a piece. How does that sound for shopping for bargains?" He told her he was proud of how thrifty she shopped. She asked him if he was really going to wear the sale items. He said that he would. She took everything and put it away. She smiled to herself when she put the brightly colored briefs in his drawer. There were bright pink, lavender, rose, coral, red, blue, and black briefs there. She noticed they all had lace trim around the waist and leg openings and a little colored bow in front at the waist. She also noticed all the blouses had lace trimmed ruffles. She pictured how he was going to look wearing them. She thought she should get him some flats to go with them. She thought that pink flats would go with any of the slacks. Later he was taking his shower. Tracy heard the shower turn off and waited for the call she knew was coming as soon as he saw the panties next to his pajamas. It never came. He came in wearing his pajamas and no sign that he had seen the panties. The next morning she was starting breakfast when she heard him call. She went to the bedroom. Tom said, "These are women's underpants. You don't expect me to wear them do you?" She said, "You are forgetting a couple of things. One, you said you would wear whatever I got. Two, you wanted me to but what was on sale, I did that. There was no men's underwear on sale. Three, I wanted you to go along but you didn't want to so now you either wear them or go naked. I don't care!" She turned and left. He knew she was angry and he was wrong. He slowly put a pair of panties on. He went to the closet and grabbed the blue slacks. He looked at the front and saw the angled pockets and knew why they were on sale. He pulled them on and was surprised to find the zipper in the back. He knew they were women's slacks. When he grabbed the blue blouse he was ready for almost anything but when he saw the lace-trimmed ruffle it was too much. He put it on and was thankful the buttons were in front but why did they have to be so small. When he walked into the dining area Tracy told him he looked darling. She kidded him that he forgot his make up. He grumbled something she couldn't understand. He sat down and took a sip of coffee. He said, "I am wearing them but I don't like it. All the money you saved was on women's clothes." Tracy said, "Everything was on sale marked way down. You are decently covered and who is going to see you in the house all day?" He told her she was right. He said it wasn't so bad, that the clothes actually felt a lot softer than his regular clothes had felt. She could sense he wasn't actually mad at her. She said, "The top of your blouse is flat and loose but other than that you look very nice. A little make up could do wonders though." He said, "You expect me to put on make up?" She said, "It wouldn't hurt if you made yourself pretty for me. I think I would like that. You can be my little housewife." He mumbled something she couldn't make out. She was leaving for work and kissed him good by saying, "You have all day to practice with make up. It would be a very nice surprise to see you wearing some when I get home." He said, "Don't hold your breath!" but she was gone and didn't hear him. He got another cup of coffee and sat thinking that he had to get control back from Tracy. She had used his logic and got him these women's clothes. Sure he had agreed to wear whatever she got but he never expected this. He finished his coffee and started to do some cleaning. All he could think about was what Tracy had said to him about make up. She had to be dreaming if she thought he would put make up on. Late in the afternoon he decided to start supper. He got the potatoes out to peel. Then on the spur of the moment he decided to put some lipstick on. He would show her he wasn't afraid to wear make up. He had to apply it twice before it was right looking to him. Then he saw the eye shadow there. He decided to try it. He tried the bronze shade but didn't like it. Then he decided to try the blue shade. The light blue shade looked just like the blue in his blouse. He thought it looked all right. He went back and peeled the potatoes. He got the vegetable ready and placed it in the microwave so all he had to do was push the time. Then he got the steaks and put them in the counter top griller. He knew Tracy should be home any minute. She didn't show on time. He checked the potatoes and they had some cooking to do before they would be done. Then he got an inspiration. He went to the bedroom and sprayed some of her perfume on his wrists, neck and behind his ears. He thought that was where Tracy sprayed it but he wasn't sure. He returned to the kitchen and checked the potatoes again. They would be ready in about five or six minutes he guessed. Then he heard Tracy's car pull into the garage. She came in carrying a bag. She took one look at him and said, "You look scrumptious, darling. And you smell delicious. You make me want to skip supper and take you to bed." He said, "Thank you. Supper is ready I'll have it on the table in two minutes. Sit down." She sat down and he served the meal. She was impressed with his cooking and told him so. They finished eating and together they cleaned up. Then Tracy told him she had something for him. She handed him the bag she was carrying when she came in. He took it and sat down at the table. He was surprised when he opened it and saw a pair of pink shoes with a two-inch heel. They had a sling back design. Tracy told him to try them on. He didn't know if he should or not but decided to humor her. He tried them on and they were a little tight. Tracy told him to take them off and his socks she would get something to help. She returned a minute later with a pair of black nylon knee-highs. She told him to try them and try the shoes again. He did and found that they fit perfectly, not tight at all. She told him to leave them on and come and sit by her on the couch. They were seated on he couch and she started to kiss him. She told him she loved him. They continued kissing for about fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang. She told him to answer it and he did. It was her friend Dora. Dora looked at him and told him he looked sweet. He asked her if she wanted a drink and she asked if they had iced tea. He told her he could have some made in a couple of minutes. He went to the kitchen as the women started talking. Tracy gave her a quick appraisal of how Tom came to be dressed in those clothes. Dora said she should have gotten him a dress to wear. Tracy told her she wasn't punishing him, she had just used what he said against him to show him he wasn't always right. He returned with an iced tea for Dora and a glass of her special lemonade that she liked so well for Tracy. He had a glass of iced tea. Tracy told Dora he looked great except for the flat loose material on his chest. Dora said, "Well, I work at the medical supply store on Harris Street. We get breast forms returned for all sorts of reasons and we can't resell them. I can bring some by if you want to use them." Tracy told her that would be marvelous. Tom sat there in shock at where this was all leading. Tracy and Dora chatted for quite a while as Tom sat there silent. He was lost in his thoughts. Dora left and Tom was still sitting lost in his thoughts. Tracy talked to him but he didn't respond. Finally Tracy went and shook his shoulder. He returned to reality Tracy asked what he was thinking about so deeply. He said, "I was thinking about what I'm wearing. I'll tell you the clothes feel good to wear but it isn't right me wearing them. I am a man and a man doesn't wear women's clothes." Tracy said, "You did agree to wear whatever I got you didn't you? You said you would wear anything I got on sale didn't you? You had a chance to go with me to pick out your clothes and you turned it down, didn't you? You say you like the feel of the clothes, so what is the problem?" He said, "The answer to most of your questions is yes but that doesn't make it right!" She said, "You did say you would wear whatever I got you as long as it was on sale. Are you now telling me that you didn't mean it?" He said, "No, you know I don't like having to pay full price for anything is all." She said in a severe tone of voice, "I see in tonight's paper that Gordon's Department store is having a sale on slips, bras and dresses. I am going to stop there tomorrow after work and get you a slip, bra and dress to wear. They are on sale and you will wear them. I am tired of you swinging in the wind. You made a deal with me and now you are trying to back out on it. I don't like that and won't stand for that!" He knew by her voice that she was going to do it. He tried to think of something to change her mind. Finally he said, "I'll go shopping with you to pick out the clothes for me. How does that sound?" Tracy said, "That sounds good. We'll go as soon as I get home. You be wearing your pink slacks, blouse and shoes with the black knee-highs. You can help pick out your bra, slip and dress." He said, "I thought we would get some men's clothes." She replied, "I told you what was on sale. Their sale ad doesn't show any men's clothes on sale. We are going to get what I said and that's final!" He was quiet after hearing that. He didn't want to go if they weren't going to get him some men's clothes. He was quiet when they went to bed. When she handed him one of her nightgowns he put it on. It was tight on him but she thought he looked divine. He didn't say his usual good night to her. He had turned his back to her but she wished him a good night anyway. The next morning he was up before her. He shaved and went and put the pink outfit on. He didn't put any make up or perfume on. When Tracy saw him she knew he was being difficult. She was just getting used to him in make up and perfume. She hoped he would cooperate and go and put some make up on. Finally she asked him nice to go put some make up on. He slowly trudged toward the bathroom. Tracy couldn't believe it. She felt a feeling of winning a big match or something. When he returned he was wearing a light pink lipstick. She was satisfied with that She had her breakfast and was ready to leave for work. She told him before she left to be ready to go when she got home. She told him to have lipstick, eye shadow and perfume on. She suggested he try to do something with his hair. All morning he wondered about what to do. He knew his wife was trying to make him more and more feminine. He thought about moving out. He knew half of their savings would carry him for quite a while and give him a chance to find a good paying job. Then he thought about Tracy and how he loved her. He was torn between two forces. One to get back to being a man in men's clothes and two his love for Tracy and his wanting to stay with her. He was so involved in this decision making that he had done nothing all morning. It was well after noon when he finally made a hard decision. He decided to ride it out and stay with Tracy. He went on the Internet to their bank's web site. He transferred two hundred dollars out of savings into checking. Then he looked in the yellow pages of the phone book. On the third call he found an area beauty shop that said he could be seen in twenty minutes. Fifteen minutes later he was at the beauty shop. A very pretty woman named Christine met him and told him she would be the one who would be working on him. He was wearing lipstick and the pink outfit. He said to Christine, "What I am about to ask may seem odd but I want you to do something with my hair. You know, put curls or something in it to look more feminine. My wife has taken me this far and she said this morning I should do something with my hair. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to do with it. I'll leave it in your hands to see if you can do something with it. I have to be home in two hours so I would appreciate it if you could have me ready by then." Christine said, "You must really love your wife. I can see a couple of possibilities with your hair. How do waves and a flip sound?" He didn't know what she was talking about so he said it sounded all right. She started working on him in the chair furthest back in the shop. After she had shampooed his hair she started doing some clipping. She did very little clipping before she put some rollers in his hair. He could tell she worked very confidently and he felt pretty good. She carried on a small talk conversation with him. At one point she said she had to wait as something set up and asked him if he wanted her to do his face and nails. He told her to go ahead. She started on his nails. When she was done he had red polished nails that extended a little over a quarter inch from his fingers. She started working on his face. He felt like he was getting a facial massage as she worked. He enjoyed the feeling. She returned to his hair. Soon she was brushing it into shape. He liked how it felt when she brushed his hair. She sprayed it and then asked if he would like some glitter in his hair. He told her what the heck, go ahead. When she was done and turned him toward the mirror he couldn't believe it was him. She had done a wondrous job. She told him she enjoyed working on him. He was surprised when she said he would be welcomed any time. He was surprised when he got the bill. Christine told him she gave him their regular customer discount. He tipped her generously. He arrived back home twenty minutes before Tracy would get home. Suddenly he felt very nervous about how Tracy would take his new look. Then he remembered he had not put perfume on. He hurried to the bedroom and sprayed himself with it. He stopped at the full-length mirror and checked his appearance. He approved how he looked. Then in his mind he imagined how he would look in a dress. He thought he might not look too bad except for his flat chest. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard the garage door opening. Tracy came in and when she saw him she turned on the overhead light to get a closer look. She was stunned at the change in him. Finally she said, "My lord, I never thought when I said you should do something with your hair that you could do that to it. You look just fabulous. How long did it take you to get your hair like that?" He took his hand and wiped an imaginary curl from his face and said, "I didn't do it. A lady named Christine did it. I didn't know how or what to do with it so I called a beauty parlor and went there. I hope you aren't mad that I spent the money." She looked at him and breathed a sigh saying, "I don't think I will ever be as pretty as you are right now. It is amazing. I just can't believe it. Is that glitter in your hair?" He said it was. Then she noticed his nails. She gushed all sorts of praise on him for getting all the things he got done. She told him she was very proud of him. Then she said, "How did it feel paying full price at he beauty parlor?" He said, "Aha, I didn't pay full price. Christine gave me the regular customer discount!" She laughed saying, "Even when you don't know what you are doing you get discounts. I can't believe it." Then she got serious saying, "Oh, I talked to Dora today. She is gong to stop anytime with some breast forms for you. I figure we need them so we get the right cup size for you." Tom said he had to talk to her about something serious. She said she was ready to talk anytime. Just then the doorbell rang. It was Dora. She was very business-like as she attached the breast forms to his breast. She told him they were C forms and that she could have gone to DD forms but she didn't. Ten minutes later he was putting his blouse back on. His chest looked natural but a little droopy. Tracy thanked Dora and gave her a kiss as she left. Dora winked at Tracy and told her good luck. Tracy replied that she didn't need luck as long as she had Tom. Tracy came back to Tom and told him it was time to go. He grabbed the black clutch purse he had borrowed from Tracy and followed her out. On the way to Gordon's Department Store Tracy said she was ready to talk. He told her he didn't think they had time to talk about all that he wanted to say. Tracy became a little worried about what he wanted to say. She knew he was a very complex person and had to have a lot of time to carry on a serious conversation. They arrived at the store and Tracy led him to the area where the bras were displayed. She signaled a saleslady and asked her to measure him for a proper fit. The saleslady got a tape measure and measured below, above and around his bust. She told Tom he had beautiful shaped breasts. He blushed. She said it looked like a 42C would fit the best. Tracy asked where the ones that were on sale were. The lady took her to where the sale bras were. Tom waited in the fitting room. The lady said, "These are the advertised bras but we also have these other bras on sale. These have steel stays that will give more support to the breast and support the back at the same time. Tracy looked at those and chose a black, a red and a dark blue one. All three wee long line with front hook closure. She went back to Tom and tried one on him. His breast stuck out so far he wondered if he would be able to button his blouse. She said the size was perfect. She asked the saleslady who had returned if he could keep it on. The saleslady removed the tags and told him he could get his blouse on. He exited the changing room and Tracy led him to a rack with slips on sale were. She found a black one and a red one but couldn't find one to match the dark blue bra. She finally settled on a pink one that was liberally trimmed with lace. She led him to where the dresses were. They looked for over ten minutes. He didn't care for any of them as they all had a lot of lace or a lot of ruffles or both. Tracy was starting to get flustered, finally telling him to either chose some or she would. He chose a pink one with ruffles and a sweetheart neckline and a green floral print with white lace trim. Tracy picked a red one with a load of lace-trimmed ruffles. In the changing room she had him try all three on. They looked really good on him so they went into the cart they had. They were headed to check out when he stopped at a sale rack of evening dresses. She saw him looking at a coral one that had caught his eye. She looked and saw it had a tight skirt with a slit in the side. She asked him if he wanted it. He said that he just wanted to see what it looked like. He said he doubted he would ever go anywhere that he could wear it anyhow. Tracy put it in their cart. They were going past the shoes when Tracy spotted a pair of coral colored heels. They were a strappy sandal with a five-inch heel. She debated whether to get them and quickly decided to get them. They were going past the perfume counter when Tracy spotted a sale on some perfumes. She told Tom he had to get his own scent as he was using hers. She picked White Lilac for him. It was a lot more feminine smelling than hers but she thought it would help remind him to be as feminine as possible. They checked out and he was surprised at how much they had spent. Instead of heading out the door Tracy steered him into the mall area. He was listening to his heels clicking on the hard surface of the walkway and didn't pay attention to where Tracy had led him. She told him to sit down and before he knew it he had two studs in each ear. She bought some dangly ones for him to wear after his ears healed. They were on their way home when Tracy asked him what he wanted to talk about. She was afraid of what he might say but she had to know what it was. He said, "It appears to me you want me in dresses or at least women's clothes. I don't know why but I have decided to go along with what you want. I don't really know why but I will wear what you say. I would like it if you would let me know what you have in mind." He was surprised when Tracy pulled over and parked the car. Then she turned to him and gave him a big kiss and said thank you to him. He didn't know what to make of it. She pulled back into traffic and soon they were home. The clothes got put away and they were sitting in the living room enjoying a glass of hot chocolate. Tom said, "I wanted to talk to you about all of this. I will tell you I thought about leaving and taking half of the savings and going somewhere else. That thought appealed to me. Then I thought about you and decided I didn't want to leave you. I know I love you and I think that is the main reason I am not leaving. I then decided to go along with what you seem to be pushing me into. I don't know where it will end and I am scared that when I find out I will not like it at all. So where it stands now is like I told you in the car. I will wear what you say, even though I may not like it." She saw tears in his eyes and for a moment was sorry she started this, then said, "When I first bought the women's slacks, panties and blouses for you I had all intentions of getting you men's clothes. Then I saw it all on sale and remembered what you had said about wearing whatever I got. I was upset that you didn't go with me and decided to teach you a lesson. Then when I saw you in he clothes my first thought is how nice you looked in them. You do look nice in them you know. The other day when I told you to go put make up on and you did it gave me a warm feeling, knowing you were doing what I said. I think it is a power trip or something. I really like the idea of coming home to find you have made yourself pretty for me. It tells me you love me so much you will do anything for me. I really appreciate that." He asked, "Where or when will it end?" She said, "I can't really say. As I said I am really enjoying it now and would like to see where it plays out." He asked, "How can you look at me as your husband if I am wearing a dress? I am afraid of losing you if I continue to wear dresses!" She said, "I have always thought of you as my husband. I don't care what you are wearing, you are still my husband. If I ever stop seeing you as my husband I promise to let you know right away." She got up and gave him another one of her special kisses. She led him to their bedroom and when they were in bed started nuzzling his neck. Soon they were making passionate love. They fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning he chose the green floral print. When he had it on and looked at himself in he mirror he didn't remember so much lace last night. However he was satisfied with how he looked. He did his make up and headed to make breakfast. He made breakfast for both of them. When Tracy came in he told her to sit down and he placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of her. He got her a glass of orange juice to drink. He sat down to eat with her and Tracy said, "You look great this morning. Thank you for making breakfast. You are too good to me." He said the bank statement had come yesterday and if she would leave her checkbook home he would balance it for her. She said that would be wonderful. She also said, "Why don't you call the beauty shop you went to and see if they can get both of us in Saturday? That way both of us can get down at the same time. Remember to ask for the same girl that did you the last time. I think she must be real good from what I saw she did for you." He agreed and they finished eating and Tracy handed him her checkbook and left for work. He cleaned up the dishes and went to balance her checkbook. He looked at the statement. He was surprised at how much they had in savings. He started to enter the entries in her checkbook He was amazed when he saw a two thousand dollar deposit in her checking account. Three weeks later there was a twenty five hundred dollar deposit. The rest of the deposits were less than a thousand dollars each but there were a lot of them. He got all the checkbook entries and started the balancing. He checked he items off from the statement. When he was finished he was two thousand dollars off. He checked the statement and found a two thousand dollar deposit that she had not entered. When he balanced it he was shocked to see she had over four thousand dollars in her checking account. When he looked at the total of the deposits for the month he saw she was making more than twice as much as he made in his best month. This bothered him. How in the world would he ever find a job where he would make as much as she was much less find a job where he would make more. Then he remembered she had said about making an appointment for the beauty parlor. He was fortunate when Christine answered the phone. When he told her who he was she remembered him. She set up a nine A.M. appointment for both of them. She told him he would get an additional discount for bringing a new customer in. He was extremely happy to hear that. When Tracy got home he told her about beauty parlor appointments. He was smiling broadly when he told her he was going to get an additional discount for bringing in a new customer. They were sitting eating when he asked her about all the deposits in her checking account. He also told her she had forgotten to enter one deposit. He asked why she carried such a high balance in her checking account. Tracy said, "Every sale I make has a commission. The company makes out a check for every commission to keep track of the cost of every order. Every time I get a check I deposit it in my checking account. Once in awhile I check it on the Internet and transfer money into our savings account. I guess I haven't done it for some time. I'll try to take care of it more often" He was satisfied with her explanation of her checking account. The size of her income still bothered him but he didn't let her know it. Tracy said, "Tomorrow is casual Friday but I have an important buyer coming in and I have to make a good impression with him. Could you possibly iron that white blouse with the ruffle in front for me to wear tomorrow? I am beat from the work I did today." He agreed and after he had cleaned up the dishes from supper he got out the ironing board and iron. He got the blouse and was soon ironing it. Tracy looked at him as he was ironing the ruffles. She thought he looked just like a real housewife. She was glad she had married him. That night as they were getting ready for bed she handed him her red nightgown and told him to put it on. She raved at how good he looked in red. She told him to wear his red dress tomorrow. He was blushing as he got in bed. They enjoyed a long kiss before falling asleep. The next morning he put on the red bra, panties and slip on. When he took the red dress off the hanger he wondered if they could have found one more place to put some lace. It was so full of ruffles and lace he wondered who came up with these styles. Once he had it on it felt good on him. He looked at himself n the mirror. He liked how he looked. The ruffles were standing out on his chest giving it a larger look than it actually was. He twirled around three times before going to make breakfast. Tracy woke up in time to see him do his twirls. She smiled as she saw him twirl around. She felt very good about what she had done to him. She whistled a tune as she dressed. She was still whistling when she came for breakfast. Tom set breakfast in front of her. She looked at it and commented on how good it looked. Then she said, "You make a wonderful wife. You treat me so good, I don't know what I would do without you." He said, "I am not your wife. I am your husband." She said, "Of course you are my wife. Look everything you do. It's all things a wife does for a husband. Isn't that right?" He said, "I suppose it is but I am only doing it out of love. I can stop, you know. I know you go to work and I am at home but that doesn't mean I am your wife." She said, "I know what the problem is, you don't have a wife type name. Pick a wife type name right now!" He said, "I am not going to pick a wife type name. You can do what you want but I don't like where you are going." She said, "If you are not going to pick a name I will pick one for you. I think you look like a Jessica. Yes, from now on you are Jessica! Now, tell me your name!" He said, "My name is Tom!" She said, "No, your name is Jessica. Now tell me your name is Jessica or I am going to be very angry." He knew when she was angry it was hell around there so he said his name was Jessica. She smiled and got up to go to work. She said she might be a little late coming home. As she walked out the door she said, "Good by, Jessica." He stewed about being called Jessica. If she only knew that Jessica Stewart was his first real girlfriend in school. If she only knew that the boys then called him Jessica to tease him. The more he thought about those days all of a sudden they became funny. He laughed at the thought of being called Jessica almost fifteen years later. He sat and thought about where Tracy was taking him. He tried to think of how to put it to her that he should be let go, back to being a man. Every idea he had he came up with a reason to counteract it. Finally by noon he gave up. He made himself a sandwich and got a glass of milk. He wondered what to make for supper. It would have to be something that could be kept warm without losing its flavor and taste. Finally he had it. He looked in the refrigerator to see if the makings were all there. He didn't find hat he was looking for. He decided to go to the store. He had not been out alone since donning women's clothes. He was afraid someone would recognize him. Undaunted he grabbed his purse and left. At the super market everything went smooth. He thought his heels were too loud on the floor but when a young woman in heels passed him he realized it was his imagination. He got everything he needed and picked up some groceries for the weekends meals. At the check out the cashier rang everything up and bagged it for him, then said 'have a good day, ma'am". He was glad to get out of there. When he got into the car he saw his gas gauge was low. He stopped at a self-service gas station. He was going to grab the handle of the gas nozzle when a hand beat him to it. It was an elderly man who told him he would pump the gas for him. He gave the man a big smile and when the man was done he thanked him in a loud whisper. The man told him he always liked helping pretty women. Back home he started the macaroni and cheese casserole. He used three kinds of shredded cheese in it and cubed a small hunk of cheese that was in the refrigerator. He poured the milk over the mixture and spread corn flake crumbs on top. Then he put it in the oven at 350 degrees. He then went to his computer to play a couple of games. He saw his E-mail icon flashing. He opened his mail program and saw it was from Tracy. He clicked on it. It read 'Jessica, I will be about a half hour late coming home tonight. Plan accordingly. I love you. Your Husband Tracy'. He was a little miffed at how she had referred to him indirectly as the wife but then laughed over the fact she had referred to herself as the husband instead of outright calling him the wife. He returned to playing games and soon was tired of that. He didn't know what to do with himself. He knew he was bored. He checked on the casserole and saw it was coming along. He went to watch some television. He couldn't find a single show that interested him He wished he had something of interest to do. He looked in the paper again for any job that he might be interested in. It was the same as last night. There were no jobs for men out there. There wee several ads looking for women. The thought crossed his mind that maybe he should apply for one of those, but he dismissed it with a laugh. He heard the garage door open and knew Tracy was home. She came in and gave him a big kiss. He told her supper was ready and she asked if he got her E-mail. He told her he did but didn't add any further comment. As they were eating Tracy told him about her day. She had got another big order that could lead in a second order bigger than this one. She said her commission for this would be big but if she got the next order it would make this one look small. After supper dishes were put away she came by him and handed him a small black box. He opened it and saw a bracelet in it. The bracelet read 'Jessica' on it. She put it on his wrist. She told him he was to wear it always. He was shocked that she would give him something like that and tell him to wear it always. Tracy said, "I saw that bracelet when we had your ears done. I was hoping it hadn't been sold and I was so happy when I saw it. I know you like it. It is a gift for how wonderful you are. Now you can be Jessica my best girlfriend and Tom my husband." He was in a little better mood hearing her mention him as her husband. He still had his doubts over where she was going with all of this. They were sitting in the living room when Tracy said, "Remember I told you I had this buyer coming in. Well, I gave him a tour of our plant and we went to lunch. After lunch we sat in my office and he gave me an order. He is the buyer for a Japanese construction company that builds things all over the world. He gave me an order bigger than any I have ever taken. We are going to be shipping machinery all over the world. I faxed the order to our sales manager and she faxed it to the president of our company. The president called me and congratulated me on the order. He is taking us for dinner tomorrow night, isn't that great?" He answered, "Oh, yeah, great!" Tracy asked, "What's the matter? Aren't you happy for me?" He replied, "I am happy you got the order but what am I going to wear tomorrow night?" Tracy said, "Well, you'll wear your coral dress. I know it will look good on you." He said, "I can't meet the president of your company wearing a dress!" Tracy said, "Oh yes you can and you will. Don't worry about anything I'll take care of it. You'll do fine. You worry too much." He said, "I worry a lot. I don't know where this is going and I just wonder what's going to happen next. All day today I was worried about what is happening." Tracy said, "You are keeping the house fairly clean but you could do a little better job. You are keeping me fed with your cooking which is improving slowly. Maybe I should enroll you in one of those classes that teach home skills. What do you think?" He said, "I don't think I need a class in home skills!" She knew by his voice not to push it. They went to bed and he gave her a sweet good night kiss. She could tell something was bothering him. The next morning he had breakfast made when she got up. She came and ate in her nightgown. She complimented him on the delicious breakfast. Then she said, "I know something is bothering you. Now, sit down and tell me what it is." He sat down and said, "I feel real good when I make your breakfast. After you leave I do a little cleaning. Then there's nothing to do and I sit and think about what's happening and where I am at. It depresses me. I wish I had a job to bring in some income. Can't you get me in where you work?" She said, "You know that is impossible. They don't like hiring any relatives of any of us salaried workers. They are afraid too much information will get out on the plant floor or something. Now, come on. We have to get going. We have to be at the beauty shop in forty-five minutes." She got up and went to get dressed. He was already dressed so he sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee. He sat and wondered how he could get out of going for supper with Tracy that evening. He was thinking of pretending sickness but knew it wouldn't work. Tracy came back and said it was time to go. He drove to the beauty parlor. When they went in Christine greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. She told him it was so nice to see him again. A girl came and introduced herself to Tracy and led her to a chair. Christine took him to her chair and started on his hair. Christine said, "I see your bracelet says Jessica. Is that your new name? It sure is a pretty bracelet." He told her it was his new name and that Tracy had given it to him. Christine asked him if he wanted glitter in his hair again. He told her that sounded good. When Christine asked him how he was doing applying make up he told her he just couldn't get it as good as she did. She told him they had a make up that last over a week if he wanted to try it. He said that sounded good and she said if you used it every week for three weeks it would last over a month. She said they lose income when that happens but they are glad to help customers. She finished with the first part of his hair and started on his face. She called a girl over who filed and filled his nails and polished them a candy apple red. She was working on his face when she asked how things were going at home. He said not too bad but he would sure like to find a job. He told her he was getting bored staying in he house all the time. Christine said, "You know I can talk to Margaret the owner here and see if she has something you can do. We used to have a shampoo girl but she got married and moved out of he area. I'll see what I can do. It would be nice working with you and if she hires you for shampooing it would give the rest of us more time to work on customers." He said, "This is only the second time I have been in a beauty parlor. I don't know much about working in one. I don't know if I want to or not to tell you the truth." Christine said she would talk to the owner and see what she says. He was enjoying the attention and when she said she was using colors that would be good for daytime or nighttime wear he didn't know there was a difference. She went back to his hair removing the turban and doing some brushing. He really liked the feel of her brushing his hair. When she was satisfied with it she turned him toward the mirror. He looked and saw he had more curls than before but it looked great. She told him all he had to do with it was run a brush through it a few times and it would jump back in place. He was done before Tracy so Christine left him in the chair. They chatted about many different things and he realized he really liked her. He wished they could talk longer when Tracy came by him. She was done and he told her she looked ravishing. She smiled and told him he looked the same. Christine agreed saying he looked so feminine with his new hairdo. Tracy said she saw he had glitter in his hair again and she wished she had told her stylist to put some in her hair. They got home and he was so happy that Christine had given him a thirty per cent discount on all that she did on him. He tipped her generously because he really liked the way she worked on him. Tracy told him there was one thing he could do for her. He asked what she wanted. Tracy said, "I would like it if you shaved your body from the neck down. Tonight you are going to wear the coral dress and it is sleeveless and you armpit hair is gong to show, I have some nude nylons for you to wear with it and your leg hairs are gong to show. Why don't you put on a shower cap over your hair and go in the shower and shave for me." He accepted her explanation and went and did as she asked. He felt different after he had shaved. He slipped into a lounging gown and went to relax. Tracy asked him how he liked the beauty parlor. He said, "It is really enjoyable. I like how they massage your face as they put make up on you and it really feels good when they are brushing your hair." Tracy said, "Jessica, you have spoken as a true girl. I think you are coming along fine. You see it isn't so bad after all." After they ate lunch he was sleepy so he laid down for a short nap. He was surprised to see he had slept for over an hour when he got up. He looked in the mirror and saw his hair was out of place. He brushed it and it went back in place like Christine had said it would. Soon it was time to get ready. He got dressed in the pink underwear and soon had the coral dress on. He slipped the shoes on and buckled them. He had trouble walking in the higher heels. Tracy had him walk around giving him hints on how to walk in the higher heels. Soon he could manage not too badly. They arrived at the supper club five minutes early. They were headed fro the door when Tracy spotted the president of her company and his wife coming toward them. The president introduced his wife to them. Tracy said, "This is my husband Tom but I changed his name to Jessica. " The president said, "Jessica you look lovely. Let's go in, I'm famished." They were soon seated and had ordered. Tracy had given them a short explanation of how her husband had ended up in dresses. She told them he was bored at home but he didn't want to go to any home making classes even though he could improve on his household skills. Jessica had to go to the little girls room and excused herself. While she was gone the president said, "I can see you can take control of any situation. We have an opening for a sales manager in our southwest division. The job is yours if you want it. You get two per cent of any sales and you can keep your three biggest accounts. What do you say? You will have to move your office there but you can be based here." She said, "Thank you! I'll take it. Thank you, I never expected this!" The president said, "There is a drawback. Occasionally you will have to visit some of the customers. Could you leave Monday for a five day round of the biggest customers?" Tracy said she could then the president's wife spoke, "I think we can help in another area. We have two maids who take care of the house. While you are gone we can have the maids train your husband to do a better job at housekeeping. He can stay right at our house until you return. I am sure that our maid Holly is about the same size as he is so he won't need any clothes. Why don't you come for supper tomorrow night and he can stay until you get back? By that time I'm sure they'll have him trained better than he is now," Tracy said, "He says he is bored at home all the time. It sounds great to me. Thank you." The president said, "How are you going to tell him?" Tracy said, "I don't know. Maybe we should leave it as a surprise." The president's wife said, "That sounds like a plan to me." Jessica returned to the table not knowing what had taken place. He saw Tracy smiling at him like she knew something he didn't but didn't think much about it. They were eating desert when the president said to Jessica, "Well you came with one of our sales people and you are leaving with one of our regional sales managers. What do you think of that?" He was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say until he looked at Tracy and said, "Congratulations dear, I am proud of you!" She said, "Thanks Jessica. I have to leave Monday for the week to tour the bigger customers in the southwest division. But I'll be back late Friday night or early Saturday morning." He said without thinking, "What will I do with you gone?" She said, "Oh, I am sure you'll be busy." He didn't know what she meant by that but he was sure she would have something for him to do while she was gone. They arrived home and got ready for bed. Tracy had given him a red baby doll trimmed with black lace to wear. They were in bed and Tracy was leaning over on him kissing him. She rubbed his penis through the nylon fabric. She told him she didn't ever remember him being that big. She mounted him as he lay on his back. She started talking to him. She said, "Tell me you like being my wife!" He said, "I am your husband, not your wife!" She said, "You either tell me you like being my wife or I'll stop." He really liked how he was feeling so he said it. She continued, "Tell me you are glad I got you all those nice dresses." He told her. She kept on saying, "Tell me you like wearing dresses and want to keep wearing them." He was about ready to come so he repeated everything she said. They both came at the same time. She got off him and pulled his panties up. Then she laid along side of him kissing him and telling him how good he was. They fell asleep intertwined in each other's arms. The next day she was busy packing for her trip. He lounged around doing little. He was waiting for her to tell him what she wanted him to do while she was gone. Late in the afternoon she told him they had to get ready. He asked ready for what and she told him they wee having supper at the president's house. She told him to put on his black dress. He put it on and wondered why she hadn't said something before this. They arrived at the president's house and were greeted warmly. A half hour later they were eating a delicious meal. He watched as the two maids served the meal. He was fascinated by how they curtsied so often. He wondered why the two maids were always looking at him and smiling. One maid winked at him. The meal was over and as they rose one of the maids came up to him and asked him to accompany her. He didn't want to be rude so he accompanied her. The other maid came along. The first maid said, "Hello, my name is Holly and this is Penny. I am told you are Jessica, is that right?" He said it was and was led into a room. He immediately saw it was a bedroom. Holly said it was her room. The girls started undressing him. He asked what was going on. Holly said, "We are just checking to see what size you are." He asked why and Holly said, "We are told we are going to train you in how to be a good housekeeper." They had his dress off and slid a full petticoat over his head. Then they slipped a black dress over his head and buttoned it in back. He was in shock. He wondered what was going on. Penny tied an apron around his waist. Then they took him down to help clear the supper dishes. He helped but his mind was not on what he was doing. When the area was all cleared and wiped down he was led into another room. There the three were talking and didn't notice them. He heard Tracy ask the president who was going to look after her accounts when she was gone. The president told her and she said it was a good choice. Holly cleared her throat and the three turned their attention toward them. Holly said her clothes fit him perfectly. Tracy told him to step out and turn around. He did it and blushed a deep red. Tracy said she would like to take him aside to talk to him privately for a minute. She took him by the arm and stepped into the hallway. She said, "While I am gone you are going to stay here and the two maids are going to train you. You will learn how to keep a house in order. I know you will be kept busy and not get bored. Do me a big favor and do your best. I'll be back on Saturday morning to pick you up." He asked, "Why are you doing this to me?" She said, "I told you to take a class in home making but you didn't want to. You know you can do a better job cleaning the house and now you can learn all sorts of new things. I expect to see a lot of changes in you when I return. I love you and I want you to know you are the only one for me." She gave him a kiss and turned to return to her conversation. He stood there in a daze and when Holly came and took him by the arm and led him away he quietly went with her. Holly led him back to her room and sat him down on the edge of her bed. She said, "If you try it won't be bad. Penny and I are just going to try to teach you a few things. If you listen to what we show you, you will be glad you did. I can tell that you were completely surprised by all of this. I don't agree with surprises like that but they do happen. I hope you let us teach you things to help you do better." He said, "I can't believe my wife would do something like this to me. Why would she do this?" Holly said, "I don't know but try to make the best of it. I am sure she loves you and is just trying to help you do better at keeping the house. Penny and I are going to try to take it easy on you but if you fight us we can get nasty. We don't want to and I hope you know we are only doing our jobs." He told her he realized she was only trying to help and told her he would try to be the best student she ever saw. Holly took him to the room next to hers and told him it was his bedroom for the next week. She unbuttoned his dress and helped him get undressed. He was in a semi-trance and she grabbed the nightgown that was hanging on back of the door. She told him his alarm was set for six in the morning and gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek and left. He got in bed and was soon sleeping. He heard the alarm and woke up wondering where he was. Then it came back to him. He got up and was getting dressed. He put on what he had on the night before. He couldn't get the dress buttoned. Suddenly the door opened and Holly came in. She told him she thought he might have a problem buttoning the uniform. She told him she would meet him in the kitchen after he used the bathroom. He was amazed at the size of the house as he made his way to the kitchen. Holly and Penny were there and Holly handed him a cup of coffee. She asked if he needed cream or sugar and he told her he didn't. The coffee tasted great. Holly showed him the coffee maker. It was the latest thing from Europe. It made coffee in half the time the old one did. But, she told him, the only drawback was it only made five cups at a time. He finished his coffee and Holly poured him another one. She told him they had to empty it so they could make coffee for the master and mistress's breakfast. The two girls started the breakfast, one frying sausages and eggs and the other getting juice and toast. Holly explained how she fried everything by browning it well then putting the burner on simmer to finish the job. Everything was done when he saw the president and his wife come into the dining area. He watched as the two maids served the meal and curtsied before they served it an as they left. When the president asked for another cup of coffee Holly handed him the coffee pot. He went over and did a curtsy and poured it then did another curtsy and put the coffee pot back. Holly whispered in his ear, "Your curtsy needs work. Later I'll show you the secret of how to curtsy." The rest of the meal went fast ands soon they were cleaning up. Holly was all smiles as she worked and Penny had a determined look on her face. Then they took him up to the master bedroom and showed him how to properly make up a bed. They hung the nightgown and pajamas on back of the closet door and straightened up a bit. Then Holly took him to his room and told him to make his bed. He made it as she had shown him and she said he did an excellent job. He hung the nightgown on the back of the closet door and looked around. He saw a picture that needed straightening and straightened it out. Holly told him she was impressed with him. Then she took him to the living room and told him to do the floor. He did the center and then went to do all the little nooks and crannies. When he finished Holly suggested that he do the nooks and crannies as he came to them then he knew he would hit all the places he could. She took him to the kitchen and said it was time for a break. She made some coffee and they sat down. Holly asked, "How do you keep your make up so perfect. I always mess mine up. You look as good as when you walked in." He told her about Christine and how she had put lasting make up on him. When Holly said she was going to try Christine he told her to tell her that he had sent her. He said then he knew she would get the deluxe treatment. He asked Holly about all that had to be done. Holly explained the schedule they had set up and the times for everything. He was impressed with how they had everything set. Holly told him they had about two hours a day for breaks and such. She said unless they were entertaining their day ended around seven thirty. She said they both had televisions in their rooms and often watched television together and talked about things. She told him he was welcome to join them. They finished their coffee and she told him it was time to do the main bathroom. Holly started with the tub/shower area and told him to start polishing the counter. The cleaner-polish she gave him had a delicate scent. By the time they were finished he was surprised at how fast it had went. Holly told him it was time for lunch. Holly made some foot long hot dogs for all three of them. Penny came in and said she had gotten the den dusted and polished and the floor cleaned. Holly explained that the den took extra long because of all the things that had to be hand polished. He commented that the hot dogs were really good. Holly explained that the master got them made special. She said he is very fussy about everything. He wants everything just so. She said they were treated very well and couldn't ask for a better boss. After lunch he and Holly did the dining area. When he got done with the table it shone like new. He grabbed the polish and started to dust the knick-knacks on a shelf on the wall. When he was done Holly complimented him on his work. They were done, and Holly told him this job usually took all afternoon and that with his help they were done early. She then said it was time for him to learn how to do a proper curtsy. She showed him a trick she had learned years ago that took his body lower and made it appear that you were lower than you actually were. He tried it and did five perfect curtsies. Holly told him she was proud of him and how fast he was learning. Holly said they had an hour before they had to start supper and asked him what he would like to do. He said he had no idea so they just sat and talked. He told her about how he ended up in a dress and all about Tracy. Holly asked him how he liked being dressed as a maid. He giggled and said, "I like the way the petticoat tickles my legs." They both enjoyed a hearty laugh over that. Holly thought to herself he is too nice a person to rebel against his wife. She felt a little sorry for him but didn't tell him. It was time to start supper. Holly hauled out a machine he had never seen before. She told him they seldom used it but she had to show him. She put a potato in it and it peeled the potato. She told him to try it. He did and was fascinated by it. Holly came and showed him how to empty the peelings. She told him she would rather peel potatoes the old fashioned way. He learned some more tricks about cooking as he worked with them. The meal was almost done when Holly asked him if he wanted to serve it. He agreed and didn't know why. When the master and mistress were seated he started serving the meal. He got all the food served and the mistress said his curtsies were flawless. He swelled with pride. The meal went very smoothly and when they were done and their dishes were put in their proper places the three of them sat and ate a delicious meal. They were all done with everything and it was only seven o'clock. Holly said his help made them get done earlier than usual. They adjourned to Holly's room, as it was the biggest of the three. Penny disappeared for a while and Holly took her dress off in front of him. She told him to turn around and she unbuttoned him. She told him to go get comfortable in a nightgown or something. He went to his room and pulled off the dress. He grabbed the nightgown hanging on the closet door. He immediately noticed it was a different color and when he got it on he saw it had a lot of ruffles and lace. He saw some fuzzy slippers in the closet and slipped them on. He was amazed at how everything fit. He went back to Holly's room and heard Holly filling Penny in about him. Penny asked him how he felt about Tracy changing him. He said, "In some ways I don't like it but there are a lot of pluses. I love the beauty parlor and I don't have the deadlines that I had when I worked for a living. The big thing is I wish Tracy would let me know what is going to happen instead of springing things on me like me being trained here." Holly asked, "Tell me the truth, how do you like it here?" He said, "That's easy. I really appreciate all that you have shown me. I already feel like you two are close friends and I value friendship a lot. I know I could fight it but that would just make this week seem a year long. Thank you for being so nice to me." Penny said, "It's nothing. I like the way you help us. I was getting to where I wasn't enjoying the job but you are making me enjoy it again. I love the way you pitch in and get something done. I don't know what it is but you are making this place a fun place to work." Holly said, "I'll second that. I don't think any two people would have gotten the things we got done today as fast as we got it done. You add something new to the scene. You're like a breath of fresh air around here. I'm glad things worked out the way they did. I really appr

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Changes Tiffany Scott 97' I don't mind telling you that while I'm relaxing on my sofa, sipping my cup of coffee, my husband of five years is down in the laundry room doing the wash. After it's done he will do the ironing then clean the apartment and he'll also cook my dinner, serve it to me then clean up the dishes. Today is wash day, a day I love. He hates Tuesday's though because I make him wear his lacy panties, nylons, corselete, ruffled...

4 years ago
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Changes "Kyle, you haven't forgotten that we're invited for dinner at the Watsons tonight?" asked Simone, Kyle's wife. "No, I hadn't forgotten," Kyle replied. "I'll try to get out of the office early, so that I have plenty of time to get home, have a shower and get ready." "Do you remember what happened when the Watsons came here for dinner two weeks ago?" "Remember? How could I forget? That was when Hannah Watson, her tongue loosened by several glasses of Sauvignon Blanc, told...

1 year ago
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At seventeen I graduated and decided to hike around the country before going to college in the fall. I had a trust I received after my father died so I had money to eat. I had actually decided to start in the northwest and had flown out to Seattle. I had been walking for a few days and entered a thick pine forest with a lot of ferns. I stopped early and moved away from the road before putting up the small one man tent. It was the first night of the new moon. I had eaten and sat on a nearby...

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The sunlight practically burned my eyes as I slowly woke up. I blinked several times and closed them again for a moment. I felt like crap, way worse than I should have. Last night the guys and I had gone to the bar drinking but I thought I had kept it under control since I still had to drive home. Apparently not though, otherwise I wouldn’t have felt like this. I felt foggy and numb, yet I could still feel the ache throughout my entire body. I also had one of the worst cases of cotton mouth I...

3 years ago
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It was the night of our third anniversary. Carla and I came out of the theater, walking slowly to the car. I took her to a movie she had wanted to see. It was a sexy film about six college ‘kids’ in their senior year. There were four guys and two girls. In celebration of their upcoming graduation, the parents of one of the guys had given him permission to invite his friends to a weekend at their house, set on a private island. Sex, drugs and booze were had by all. During the course of the...

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All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became interested in his work. He could never understand why everything always came down to money or war. Sure he had made numerous millions himself, but that was to help further scientific research. But now he realised he wanted to make a difference in a different way. On this gloomy morning he was making his third exuberant decision. He would help another person who was in need. The hard part was who. Then when he...

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Introduction: A story of two people finding each other and finding themselves. Opening the car door the 6,7 foot man stepped out into the dewy misty morning. Locking the vintage jaguar door, he stood back admiring his prize possession. Now in his sixtys and semi retired, the car was his first extravagant and impulsive decision. Buying the remote house with 5 acres of pasture and woodland was his second. All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became...

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

1 year ago
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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

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The Change By Margaret Jeanette Toni Weber was very happy. She was just promoted to vice-president of human resources. She moved into her large well-appointed office and sat there thinking about how lucky she was. She was a strong motivator and was known for a no-nonsense approach. She used whatever tools were available. Now she reported directly to the president of the corporation. That night at supper she told Fred her husband of seven years about her promotion. She was...

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Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do...

3 years ago
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WARNING ... this story is of a adult nature and has a scene of RAPE in it. This scene is not to glorify this disgusting act and in no way condones such a deed, which by its very nature makes the perpetrator a very sick individual indeed, and if anyone it thinking of committing it I recommend they get immediate help from a qualified medical person. Having said that, it is included in this story because it was just something I had to get out of my system, the character in the story...

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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

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Thomas Grove left the corner store bumping into Denise. She stood about a foot taller than the boy making her breasts the first thing he hit, knocking him onto his butt staring up at the beauty. Her blonde hair partially covered her face as she bent over to help him up from the sidewalk. He could smell the perfume coming from her neck and the chicken she had for lunch on her breath. "Oh, sorry for running into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," Thomas blushed. "That's Okay...

1 year ago
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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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Dave was my first real boyfriend, we had been together since high school, and I loved him from the day we met. I knew that he felt the same about me. We had been seeing each other for 6 years when we decided to get married. We didn't have a big wedding but it was in a church and I did wear white. I don't think I could have had it any other way. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment until I fell pregnant with our first baby, which was a boy we called Chad, after Dave's dad Chad win Greaves....

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He shifted nervously as he stood in line. He had chosen this lane because the checker was a woman. He didn’t know why that made him feel better, but it did. Just a little. He glanced down at the basket in his hand. The contents were carefully selected: a sandwich from the deli, a drink, a box of protein bars, a box of tissues, all there to make it look like he wasn’t there just to buy that package of panties. There was nothing special about the panties, there were three of them, cotton,...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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Lost Auction

Lost AuctionA sadistic ADULT tale of female domination by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013----------------------Lost Auction----------------------The darkness engulfed him, it processed his mind, it filled him from the tip of his cock to the place where his jaw was stretched open. It devoured him and digested him in solitude, but it did not spit him out! Harold was in the box of panic, the box of shadows.He guessed that he had been in that darkness for an hour, but how...

1 year ago
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Wife brings Home Surprise

This is our first story, so let me give you a little information about us before I get started. We are a happily married couple. We love sex with each other and we like playing with others from time to time. My beautiful wife which I will call B is a forty year old brunette bombshell at five feet, two inches tall and a very shapely 130 pound body. She has Beautiful tan skin, 34 DD breast, and the most delicious shaved pussy you could ever imagine. She loves to dress sexy, and she draws looks...

Wife Lovers
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A New Routine

Riko has been in the realm of the once thought to be mythical creatures known as kitsune. At first, she thought it was all a crazy vivid dream, but after a year of living among them, she grew accustomed to their world. Now, the idea of fox ears and tail on an individual passing by is as natural as breathing.And there is one kitsune, in particular, she has been keeping a curious eye on. Being a guest in the royal palace of this village, she is getting close with all the personnel. But, there is...

2 years ago
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Time Is Waiting in the WingsChapter 3 in progress

The car pulled out of the end of the drive and I watched it go. How I was going to explain being six hours late, I didn’t know. Not that I was doing very well at explaining anything. With a sense of resignation I started the long walk up the drive. How far it is to the house have no clue. We just lived in the back of the 13 acres in the woods, and after a long day it is far enough. I carefully avoided the puddles heading up the hill. When was the last time I’d walked this in the dark? At...

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Sex Shop Bargain

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nicki—when I was younger I used to put a little heart instead of a dot over the first ‘I’. But I have kind of grown out of that now. I am about five feet six in stocking feet, and five nine most of the time—I love wearing heels. I have long wavy brown hair and a… curvaceous body; sometimes it’s hard for men to make eye contact with me—they prefer making eye contact with my boobs. But that’s OK. I live in Brighton, and have since I graduated from university...

1 year ago
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From Dreams to Deeds

I sat down on the ring, the unexpected coldness of which against my bare buttocks forced a comical yelp from my throat. I had a couple of thought's lengths to feel face-reddening embarrassment, but when Kristiina turned to grin and wink at me from the door, I knew this having happened to her as well. After my mind relaxing, I relaxed the sphincters of my urethra and rectum and let things proceed by their own weight. Feces thick and only a little softer than stone avalanched from my bowels into...

Erotic Fiction
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Massage with Indian AUNTY

Hi ,this story is about how I managed to massage a beautiful aunt in her bed room when her husband is out of station.Me and my neighbor aunty lives in an society where so many apartments are there and coming to the story one day I saw an aunty near the opposite apartment where she is waiting for her husband and my apartment is opposite to her apartment and I said Hi to her and she replied with hello and this continued for some days and one day she rang the door bell and asked for an help in...

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Secrets Shared Prologue

"Hel-looo?" "Ty-ler?" "I know you're in there." Tyler Evans sat petrified on the commode in the tiny basement lavatory, his heart pounding in time with the mantra running frantically through his mind..." "Ohshitohshitohshitohshitoshshit..." He was done for. Finished. His whole social existence - kaput. Forget about that law degree. After all, who wants to be represented by a deviant? WHY hadn't he just stopped acting upon this stupid, stupid, stupid fantasy now staring...

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Tune Up

“Tune Up” By Cheap Thrill There was a choking noise in the engine as she pulled up to the intersection of Fifth and Eye.  By the time Christie rounded the driveway of Gonzales All Service Tune N’ Lube, it sounded as though her car might fall apart.  Noises not unlike the desperate squeezing of an empty metal oil can announced her presence to the shop.  Christie lurched out of her car and swung the door shut with all her might, echoing a loud bang throughout the work bays.  The heel of her right...

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hot tubbing

I haven't talked to my sister in years, our family kind of moved apart. Recently I got a call from mysister, she invited me over to talk later that day. So after work I drove over and walked up to the door. Loud music was coming from the upstairs bedroom. I thought maybe her roommate was home and we'd have to be candid. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked louder. Nothing. I ran the door bell and heard, "Come in, damnit!" So I opened the door and sat on the couch. The music continued to...

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Can You Handle This

“Hi, David!” Mandy said, as she flung herself down on the seat. David folded the newspaper he had been reading and put it aside. He got up, leaned over the table, and hugged his friend as they always do.“Hi Mandy!” he said. “You look tired.”“I’ve been running in and out of shops all day,” Mandy said in reply. “I’ll just go and get some coffee, and then you can tell me what you wanted to talk to me about.She bought a cup of coffee and a Danish, and tried, with little success, not to spill the...

4 years ago
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My First OnLine Meeting 3

It was really a mix between pain and excitement... but I really was hurt.She took me by the hand, and start walking slowly, leaving her shoes behind... I tried to do the same thing, taking my shoes off, without stop following her. Then she start opening her white shirt. I was so wet and so heavy that easily came out first of one hand, falling down thru the arm with which she was holding me. I let the shirt felt on the floor, catch her hand again and kept walking... We reached the stairs. She...

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Babisitting Alex

Introduction: the story is a fiction, the desire is real Quick Note: This is a b/b story and ONLY b/b, if you cant stand stories like this, dont read them, its simple…Hey guys! This is a story dedicated to my bf! Enjoy! Summer vacation came in a flash, and to me, it was perfect, I couldnt stand school anymore, me being a 16 year old teen…I had my stuff to do which of course…did not include studying and breaking my head with books, so I usually spent my days with some friends on a Skate Park, I...

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Teach me

                                               Please teach me       I am a 18 year old white female and my name is Rose. I stand 5' 3 and weigh 95lbs. I have small breasts but they are full and very round for my size. I have a small waist and very sexy legs and tush. This story is about sex education. I am not a virgin and l have been with 2 boys. One shot his cum on my face when l was 16 and then it was over and the other l had protected intercourse with last year and it lasted about 6...

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hot mother in law

im 32 ive been married to my wife for 3 years been together for 10 years, we used to live my wifes parents before we got are house.i never thought about my mother in law in a sexaul way till i seen her naked one day. my wife and father in law were at work so we were both home alone, she had just got out of the shower and was heading back to her room when i came out of my room i seen her ass then she turned around to reveal her boobs, what a pair they are, my cock started to rise in my shorts.i...

3 years ago
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Educating Cathy Chapter 08

We got home from Jake and Angela’s place and Cathy was still buzzing. She had already expressed a wish to do it again. We had dinner and I was intent on watching a bit of TV. When Cathy joined me, naked, I knew I couldn’t settle down in front of the TV. She sat on my lap. “Fuck me right now” she whispered in my ear. I carried her to the bedroom and after a particularly quick session of foreplay I did as she asked. She was so turned on that she woke me up twice during the night for further...

4 years ago
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No More Whores ReduxChapter 6

Teri took me back to my bedroom, her little hand in mine. As soon as we were there I pulled her to me, kissing her. “Mmmmm-” She groaned into my mouth, her tongue sweet. Her small hands slid along my already hard cock, squeezing it. “You were so bad.” She kissed me again. One hand reached down to cup my balls. The other moving up and down my shaft, the fingers not reaching all the way around. “You weren’t supposed to have sex with Grace.” Her hand moved up and down. The tool that had just...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 12

CEDAR CITY " ... decided that the time was right to come to Cedar City and knock off this scum bag before he was able to consolidate his base more so than he already had." Martin was explaining to Dysea and Normya as they sat in the small office he had taken over as his temporary Command Post. He leaned against the small desk in the room, the mug of coffee in his hand. Dysea and Normya could see the members of Martin's command staff moving about checking maps and continuing to get reports...

4 years ago
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The Dominatrix

"Hey, check out what I picked up at the fantasia!" Sophia proclaims while carelessly throwing open the front door. The excitement in her voice is enough to pique both your's and Natalie's interests as the two of you avert your attention from the television screen. In Sophia's hands is a large black box with the words 'The Dominatrix' labeled across the side in bold red lettering while an appropriately dressed black haired woman poses beneath it. "What do you have now, Soph?" Natalie asks while...

1 year ago
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Enslaved by Aunt Alicia

Enslaved by Aunt [email protected] enjoy feedback, so feel free to leave it or drop me an email.Aunt Alicia is a sexual predator, no doubt about it.? But what hormonal?boy wouldn't want to be her prey????Tim had?mixed emotions but was mostly thrilled to hear he would be spending the summer with his Aunt Alicia.? She was his favorite relative, the one who always took you to the zoo or the park or movies.? Bought you treats and presents when you asked.? Unlike his mother,...

3 years ago
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My First Time

I was   wetter than I thought was possible as I waited in bed with my legs open, as if I did this all the time. My nipples were hard as little rocks as my lower body moved in a way I did not know was possible. Just this morning I was traveling to New York with my new husband and this evening here I am lying flat of my back feeling feels I never knew any one person could feel. He starts off by massage my tense body with oils and lotions making me as limp as a wet noodle. As the scented candles...

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Lizs Business

Anyways I got a call from someone asking when I'd be available to show him a few houses. We reached an agreement on the date and time and that was that. The day came, and I met him in person. His name is Chris. He was tall, with a moderately athletic body, and he was black, which was not common for my type of clients. He had an innocent, constant smile on his face that I liked. I found out he was going to be the manager running a new department store in the area. After touring the first...

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Lori And Her Sister Make Four

Lori And Her Sister Make Four My wife answered the phone, talked for a minute, and then said, “Lori and her sister Judy are coming over. They ran out of booze. Lori actually asked me if they needed to get dressed up or if they could come as they were. Of course I told them to come as they were.” About two minutes later there was a knock at our back door. I opened it and smiled wide as I invited them in. Lori said, “Your wife said to come as we were.” I was looking at two very...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 5 The Journal Entries

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...

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Anita and the biker

Anita and the bikerOne summer evening I returned home from the airport. I had been out of town for almost a complete week and I really wanted to be at home, between my sweet Ana’s arms…I had not told Ana that I was arriving that late night; she expected me home next morning.It was almost midnight when the taxi dropped me at my house. In the darkness I stumbled down and I saw there was a bike in the middle of the driveway.I entered the house, and wandered over to the kitchen, taking a glass of...

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A Sweet Tender Love Story for Bob

It was a beautiful spring day. Tulips of every color imaginable bloomed in gardens, along with daffodils in hues of yellow. The crocus with their skirts of blue purple white and yellow were gone, hiding beneath the ground, waiting for the next year when they would pop their little heads through the remaining winter snow, assuring mankind that the life cycle is once again being renewed. Bob drove to town that day and went directly to the nursery to order plants to put into his gardens at his...

4 years ago
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Call GirlsChapter 16

The wedding was a very small one. There were just the Peters, with Jan and Peter as matron of honor and best man, along with a few family friends. In spite of its small size, the wedding mass was beautiful. After the ceremony, they all went back to the Peters where Martha had prepared the reception herself. The food was magnificent and after the cake was cut and the bride threw her bouquet, the other guests left the house. After taking off her bridal gown Jill came back downstairs wearing...

2 years ago
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Incest FamilyChapter 4

Though Betty had somehow kept her personal life very private, she wondered how long she could hide the maddening lust she felt for her cousin, Billy Mathews. Since Billy and his sister had come to stay with them, Betty had been in a state of high nervousness. She'd pretended to be aloof from anything so base as desire for her younger cousin. After all she'd been to college, she'd been in the Peace Corps for a couple of years. She'd moved in larger circles, done grander things. Billy was...

3 years ago
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MAU Slayers No Reality Only Illusion

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. MAU - Slayers - No Reality, Only Illusion Faith...

4 years ago
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Something Different

“Let’s do something different,” he said. “Different like what?” I asked. “You know, in bed.” I turned to him and he had that glint in his eye. “What did you have in mind?” I asked. The last time we tried something different a bunch of teenagers caught us in flagrante having sex in the park near our house. It was highly embarrassing to say the least especially since we both are respected college professors. Naturally, I was leery this time. “Well, nothing too crazy,” he started. ...

3 years ago
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Whose Fantasy Is This Anyway

Whose Fantasy Is This Anyway? By Cissykay My beautiful wife and I had been married for just over four years. Tina was a tall, redheaded, well-proportioned, extremely sexy woman. Since we first met, I had told her of my desire to experience some of the, shall we say, kinkier things in the bedroom. Tina would indulge some of my fantasies on occasion. Mostly, it consisted of mild bondage, with me being the submissive, and she also seemed to enjoy seeing me in some of her sexy...

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