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The sunlight practically burned my eyes as I slowly woke up. I blinked several times and closed them again for a moment. I felt like crap, way worse than I should have. Last night the guys and I had gone to the bar drinking but I thought I had kept it under control since I still had to drive home. Apparently not though, otherwise I wouldn’t have felt like this. I felt foggy and numb, yet I could still feel the ache throughout my entire body. I also had one of the worst cases of cotton mouth I could ever remember.

Finally I rolled out of bed and began to zombie my way to the bathroom. I stopped for a moment to lean up against the wall. I felt like shit, maybe it was the flu or something because I know I didn’t drink this much last night. After taking a few breaths I felt a little better and continued towards the bathroom. The numb sensation was starting to fade away, as were the aches but my body felt weird, and that is when I realized what the tickling sensation halfway down my back was.

Even as I reached around to grasp at the long dark hair my brain finally started working enough to realize what the sensation of weight on my chest was. My eyes opened wide in comprehension, body frozen in mid stride. I stood there for a moment staring down at the magnificent pair of breasts underneath my white t-shirt, in my hand was a fistful of long, luxurious dark brown hair. Another second went by as my mind whirled, spinning faster and faster until suddenly I broke into a run down the hall. My balance was off and I careened off a couple of walls. It wasn’t because I had ever been clumsy before, I just wasn’t used to the weight bouncing up and down on my chest.

Finally I get into the bathroom and shut the door to get to the full length mirror behind it. I froze in utter terror as I beheld the beautiful woman staring back at me. She was short, maybe 5’4′ with a curvy figure, great tits, round hips and a narrow waist and long hair reaching down to the middle of her back…my favorite type of woman. I screamed and then suddenly clasped both hands over my mouth as the scream that came out was the high shrill panic scream of a woman. I turned away from the long mirror and leaned over the sink, hands gripping the edge.

‘This isn’t happening’ I said in a shaky soprano voice, ‘this is impossible, nature doesn’t work like this’. A dream, thats what it had to be, I just needed to wake up. I stood up straight, trying not to notice how my breasts bounced and swayed under my v-neck undershirt. The undershirt was way too big for this fine figured woman in the mirror and one side had slipped down off my shoulder to reveal some of the magnificent cleavage. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and steeled myself. One hand came up swiftly, striking the side of my face. It left a burning red mark and yet nothing happened. The beautiful woman still looked back at me from the mirror. I gulped and did it again from the other side.

‘Well this obviously isn’t working’, I muttered aloud. I stood there staring at my apparent reflection when my cell began to ring. I opened the door to the bathroom, and peered around like I was making sure no one was around, which made no sense since I lived alone. I felt my cheeks begin to heat as I blushed in embarrassment. Then I hiked up the enormous boxer shorts which had begun to fall down off my round, smooth hips and walked to the kitchen. I stared at the caller ID on my cell. It was Jakob, a friend from work. I got a glass of orange juice as I waited for it to finish ringing and go go voice mail. The juice tasted good, and I still felt like I hadn’t had anything to drink in days.

Finally I picked up the cell and listened to the voicemail. ‘Hey, Tom! Have you fucking seen what’s going on, its insanity’, he yelled excitedly into the phone. ‘The whole worlds gone fucking nuts, people are just fucking gone, and strangers showed up in the middle of the night. They had to call out the fucking national guard in some states because of the riots, its bizarre. Turn on the news and give me a call.’ I stared at the phone as I listened to the message again on the speaker trying to make sure I had heard him right. I deleted the voice mail and set the phone down. I bounded over to the couch, diving onto it and spilling a little juice as I went for the remote.

I hit the power button and the big flat screen flickered to life. I spent all morning looking through the channels, my mouth hanging open, shocked at what was going on. It wasn’t a fucking dream and it wasn’t just me. People had been changed all over the world, not everyone but so far they were saying about 1 in 28. That was still a ton of people, no wonder there were fucking riots everywhere. Not everyone had changed sex though, most people had just changed race. There was one story about a KKK guy that had been turned black during the night and rushed to the hospital after being lynched by his former friends. Some people they interviewed were crying, others laughing and joyful. Some terminally ill patients had just inherited brand new bodies that weren’t sick.

One thing that was constant though, no matter what channel I changed to was that no one had a fucking clue as to what was going on. Finally, after hours of watching TV I realized I had to pee. I gulped and went back to the bathroom and pulled down my boxers. I closed my eyes when I saw my cock had gone missing. I new it…I could feel it was gone before this, but until I looked it was still there in my mind. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the boxers which were pooled around my ankles.

I wont go into details, but it was weird peeing like a girl the first time.

I needed a shower. Not that I stank or anything, I just needed something to help me unwind. I could feel it in the space between my shoulders, that group of muscles that bunches up and gets knotted when you start getting really stressed. I pulled off the too huge t-shirt and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror again.

‘Jesus’, I whispered ‘I’m hot’. Now, I’ve never been particularly vain, and I don’t like people that are too focused on their looks, but in this case it was completely warranted. I was hot, smoking hot. The occasional freckle dotted my otherwise flawless fair skin. That was they way my previous body was, except even I could tell my skin had never been this good. I turn and looked over my shoulder. My ass was heart shaped, perfect and perky. Looking at the front again my breasts were full and round. I wasn’t sure but if I had to guess they were at least a d cup.

I reached up and cupped them in my hands. They felt really good. I had always been a breast man, but this was just too weird. I touched my nipples too. They immediately got hard and I dropped my hands as I blushed. The aerolas were large, a couple of inches across at least and nice and pink. It was like I had transformed into my dream woman. Talk about irony, I had turned into the woman I had always wanted.. This was too much, I looked away from the mirror and got into the shower. The hot water felt good, and I was able to relax.

Like I said earlier, I had never been vain and I don’t like people that spend a ton of time fussing about how they look, but I must have spent 20 minutes trying to wash all that damned hair alone. Finally I began to understand why girls seemed to take such long showers. I also explored my pubic region. The hair was short, curly and dark brown just like on the original me, but instead of a cock there was the slit of a vagina between my legs. I touched it a couple of times and the shiver that went up my spine told me I had found the clit. That was enough exploration for now.

I didn’t own a blow dryer, and I had no idea how girls wrapped their hair so after the shower I let the wet mass of hair hang down over my shoulders as I looked through my closet. I had been a big guy, 6’2′ with broad shoulders and a barrel chest. Nothing I had was even close to fitting this curvy little body of mine. I finally selected a non-descript black t-shirt with a smart-ass quote on it.

“Well fuck me sideways, this isn’t going to work”, my words dripping with annoyance. I pulled at the t-shirt, adjusting it this way and that, pulling it tight and letting it loose again. My perky round tits stood out, pulling at the material of the shirt. My nipples were uncomfortably stiff, they felt chilly and they easily visible through the material of the t-shirt. I had always thought that was sexy as hell, but not so much when it was me who was nipping out. I finally decided to layer up and put another couple of shirts on.

Then it was to pants…pants…fuck. They were all too long and too big at the waist. Initially as I was trying stuff on I left my boxers on but they bunch up in strange ways because there was so much material and rubbed uncomfortably against my sensitive pussy. I took them off and settled on a pair of khaki cargo shorts that looked more like really baggy capris on me because they were so long on me.

Even with my full, round hips the shorts kept wanting to slide off which wasn’t going to work. I finally took a belt out and threaded it through the loops. It was way too big as well, so I tied it in a knot. I looked ridiculous, but I was dressed, this wouldn’t work as a solution though. I went to my computer and sat down, I needed to look up women’s sizes. I spent a couple of hours looking at different catalogues in how to size myself up. I got out a tape measure and stripped naked again. From what I could figure out I was a 34d bust, 23 waist, 36 hips.

Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, hehe. I finally understood that song.

Armed with that information I drove down to the mall. It seemed strangely quiet. I was wearing dark glasses that were a little too big for my face as I went in, trying to be discreet. There weren’t many people around but when I went into one of the department stores. It was library quiet, and most of the people shopping for clothes seemed to be avoiding eye contact. I guess a lot of other people needed a new wardrobe. I got a few hundred dollars out of the ATM guessing that the clerk probably wouldn’t accept my card.

I started out with underwear, and somewhere along the lines I actually really started enjoying it. At first I went for the granny stuff, something comfortable and simple but the more I looked, the more I got to thinking that I didn’t like it. I had always been curious about what it would be like to be a woman, and now I had the chance so I figured I would live it up. I started looking at the thongs, and the bikini cut panties. I even picked up a couple of sexy bras. God I looked good, I was blushing as I admired myself in the mirror in my sexy thong panties and push up bra. This body was like a wet dream come true. I breezed through the work slacks, jackets and blouses picking up a few that I think looked alright (Monday at work was going to be weird).

Then I found myself looking at dresses. I smiled to myself as I went through them. I picked several out that were fun, but one in particular stood out. It was very racy, emerald green and strapless with a hem that barely came down to mid thigh, and a low front. That combined with the push up bras I found made my cleavage stand out proudly, full and sexy. Later I found some heels that I would have once called stripper heels, but right now I couldn’t help myself. I looked fucking amazing, even though they were a pain in the ass to walk in. I paid for everything and left the store wearing my sexy outfit. Hey, don’t judge. Who knows how long this was going to last. I needed to figure out what it was like to be a woman…for science.

I walked around the mall with my bags, even going so far as to pick up a purse and a little clutch. I noticed some of the guys staring at my chest, or watching me as I walked. I blushed every time I noticed. I never knew it was like this when I ogled a woman, but I really liked it.

I left the mall and dropped my stuff off in the truck. I saw that I still had a hundred bucks or so in cash so I decided to walk around town. I walked for about thirty minutes when I found myself in front of the adult store on Brooks street. I paused and decided to go in. I felt my face flushing red as I wandered around, noticing the guys looking at me. I had been surprised at how much I liked being ogled in my outfit, but I hadn’t really thought about sex.

That made me stop in my tracks. Was I still straight? Did I still like women? Wait, if I was a woman and straight that would mean I liked guys, so was I a lesbian? I stared blankly into a glass case full of vibrators thinking. That was when I had an idea, I went to counter and handed them enough cash for a fistful of tokens, then I went into the video booths in back. I felt all the guys watching me as I walked towards them. It was strange, it felt like more than the usual ogling.

It was a small room, more like a closet with a flat screen that spanned the width of one wall, a little control panel underneath it and surround sound with a simple chair in the middle. It was kind of creepy, it smelled of disinfectant and I was a little hesitant to sit down but I did it. I took a breath and put some tokens in the control panel. Hundreds of videos were available and I picked one at random. It was a woman on her side being fucked from behind. She was sexy, as if someone had designed her to be a porn star, but as the camera pulled away and more came into view that wasn’t what held my attention. The big cock ramming in and out of her was what grabbed me. My breath caught a moment, I was panting as I watched him ram her. I felt my nipples stiffen, growing incredibly sensitive. I even felt my pussy moisten as he fucked her.

I leaned back in the chair, watching. I finally pulled my dress up and slid my hand into my panties, rubbing my pussy lips. It was amazing…so intense, so sexual. I panted and moaned softly as I watched. The video came to an end and I poured more tokens in. I found a video of a black guy fucking some petite blonde. I lounged in the chair, legs spread over the arms rubbing my pussy as my chest rose and fell. I heard breathing that wasn’t my own and I looked to my left. Someone was watching through a little peep hole. I almost said something but went back to watching the video and rubbing my pussy. I watched a third video, playing with my pussy as the men in booths to either side of me watched, and yet I hadn’t climaxed.

I was charged, burning with need. I was so horny I was practically shaking. I cleaned up using wipes from a dispenser in the room and walked out. My skin was flushed and hot. Men were watching me as I left. I went home, I knew it wasn’t good and I had to get my self control back. After a few hours the sensation subsided. I spent the rest of the weekend adjusting to my “condition”.

Monday came along and I went in to talk to Andy in human resources. That was beyond awkward, but we came to the decision that it was best for me to take some of the vacation I had saved up so I could get used to it. Only a couple of others had had the change happen to them, so the company wasn’t hurting as bad as others for people. It was almost harder walking out than it was walking in. I could feel everyone watching me, whispering.

I spent most of that week at the house. I went out once for groceries, and it was actually kind of enjoyable. Men would look at me, stare at my breasts or just watch as I walked by. It made me feel sexy, feel special. That was the day I decided I was going to go out and be around people instead of holing up in my house like a recluse.

I put on the emerald green dress I really liked and drove downtown. I got out and parked, then walked to a bar down the street. It was a total dive, but it was evening now and it was packed. I walked in with my hips swaying, heels clicking on the wooden floor. I was finally getting a hang of walking in heels and I was really enjoying the looks it was getting me.

I sat down at the bar and ordered a coke. I was already so horny I wasn’t sure how good my self control was going to be so I figured it was best not to add alcohol to the mix. I spent the night dancing, hanging out, sitting at the bar and flirting with guys all night. It was an incredibly thrill whenever I would catch one of them looking down my dress, or “accidentally” bumping into my as they passed by. A couple of times I even felt their hard cocks in their pants as they brushed me. It was then that I knew I wouldn’t be happy just flirting, I wanted someone to take me home.

Eventually, an older man sidled up next to me. He smiled and I smiled back, his charm and magnetism was intense and I felt my pussy immediately moisten. My face reddened at the sensation of my body reacting so strongly to his presence.

“I don’t normally stop at dives like this, but I’m glad I did tonight”, he said. I gave him my best demure look and replied, “why would that be?” He laughed at the flirt and nodded to me. “You’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, I’m not sure why, but I’m drawn to you.” I blushed at the compliment and went silent for a while.

Like I said he was older, easily in his fifties but he was easily six foot, with strong shoulders, and a good physique. Not an athlete mind you, but someone that definitely kept themselves in shape. He had that peppered look, black hair with spots of gray and just enough stubble to have that masculine unkempt look without actually being anything but neat and well groomed.

I took a sip of coke and licked my lips before talking again. As we chatted I realized he was definitely the one. My body was aching with desire as we talked. I was clumsy for a woman, but after 28 years of being a guy I knew what they liked. I touched him hand as we laughed, gave him glimpses of my cleavage, purred when he finally decided to kiss me. It may have been clumsy for an actual woman, but it was definitely working. He was into me, and finally asked if I wanted to leave with him. My answer was an emphatic yes. I giggled a little as he walked me outside, my arm through his. I was shocked when we came up to a brand new Mercedes and he smiled at me.

He opened his door and let me in. Then he got in and we drove. As we went along we talked, and flirted and before long his hand was on my thigh. I was breathless with excitement and anticipation, but also with a little bit of fear. I was worried what this meant for me…I wanted this, so badly but I was always into women before. What would it be like to be the woman? What would it be like to have a cock ramming into me instead of being the one doing the ramming?

I blushed as I realized his hand had slid further up my thigh, under my dress to brush against my thong. I squeezed his hand between my thighs and leaned over, reaching between his legs to rub his cock. I had never touched another man’s cock before, so I was nervous when I did it but to my surprise he liked it, and so did I. He grinned at me and we were quiet for the rest of the ride as I gently played with his cock through his pants.

Finally we arrived at his place and I was shocked to learn that I apparently had pretty good taste. The entire place was surrounded by a white stone wall 10 feet tall, covered in vines. He had a security guard let us through the gate and we drove up the long driveway to his enormous house. I gawked at it as he got out and came around to open my door. I stepped out gracefully (or as gracefully as I could manage in these heels). He took my arm again and we went in. It was palatial and we sat down on couch that at first guess would cost roughly as much as I make in a year. He sat down next to me and we kissed. Gently at first, playfully, like we were teenagers. As the moments ticked by we became more passionate, burning with desire. Our hands began to roam and he found the zipper to my dress. He undid it and slid my dress down expose my bra. Then he pulled me up onto his lap. I gasped as I felt his hard cock pressing against my panties through the material of his pants. He unclasped my bra and then tossed it aside as he began to grope my tits.

We kissed and made out until finally I was curious…I stood up and he watched me hungrily. I stripped my dress off the rest of the way and stepped out of it wearing nothing but the stripper heels and thong panties now. My face beet red, and suddenly feeling very shy I looked up at him. He stared at me like a kid unwrapping an enormous birthday present. Our eyes met and finally I got up the bravery to take the next step. I kneeled down between his legs and unzipped his pants, then pulled down his underwear. His stiff cock practically sprung out at me and I gasped, sitting back a little bit.

He laughed, “do you like what you see baby?” he asked hopefully. At first I was shocked, maybe a little repulsed because of a lifetime of heterosexuality, but as I stared at it, that moment passed. This was another man’s cock, but I was drawn to it. I wanted it. I reached out gingerly and let my fingers glide along the soft skin of his shaft, teasing the head. I guess I just needed to get over the fact that I wasn’t physically a man anymore…and once I got past that I found that I really, really wanted his cock

I let my hand slide down to his balls, cupping them playfully as he moaned. The sounds he made excited me. My pussy was dripping wet, but I wanted to taste his cock first. I leaned forward, closing my eyes as I licked the head gently with my tongue. He moaned, further exciting me. The taste was salty, but very good. I opened my eyes and took the entire head into my mouth, sucking on it like a hard candy. It was much thicker than I had realized, it was difficult to get my mouth around it, but I had plenty of motivation. I reached down between my legs and rubbed my clit through my thong while I sucked hungrily on his cock.

He moaned, breathing hard. “More baby, God yes that feels good. You give great head!” I looked up and gave him a quick puzzled grin. It was my first time, but thinking back on my own experiences I suppose it’s not so much technique that matters for the guy, as much as it just feels really, really good. My grin widened as I wrapped a small, soft hand around his thick shaft. My fingers barely touched together as I stroked up and down on his sexy cock, jerking him off. I purred, “Say please.” Smiling to myself. “Please God, you’ve got me so hard” he answered in a voice that told me he was in that place where there was a very limited supply of blood going to his brain.

I leaned down, pressing my face to his cock and slid my tongue up and down the underside of his cock. Then taking it in my mouth again, tickling the hole with my tongue and beginning to slide his cock deeper into my mouth. This was the tricky part, I had never sucked a cock before, but I figured while I was doing it I would go for the gold. Sliding it in and out of my mouth faster and faster, taking it deeper with each stroke. I heard myself moaning with his cock in my mouth, though it was muffled by his hard shaft. He reached out and took a handful of my long dark brown hair in each hand, using it like handlebars to guide my head. His hips began bucking. He was fucking my mouth, and I was loving every second of it.

I have no idea how long that went on, but I have to admit I was impressed by his stamina. Finally, without warning, he pulled my head up. I was nowhere near done with his cock and I was panting, licking my lips wanting more. A little bit of spit dripped down from my mouth to run down my nearly perfect cleavage. He stood up, pulling me along with him because he still had a fistful of my hair. He led me around to the back of the couch and bent me over it. I dutifully allowed myself to be led into position. I panted, squirming and wriggling my ass.

He gave it a few playful spanks, I yelped and begged for more. He surprised me when he literally tore them off my body. I couldn’t help but scream, though I looked over my shoulder and giggled afterwards. His eyes bored into mine, and my giggle quickly died. It was a powerful moment, a moment of being connected to another human being. “I’ve never been with a woman like you before”, he said with a voice full of lust and energy. I replied “I’ve never been a guy that was like you either.” Hey, it was true.

He pressed the head of his cock to my dripping wet pussy, and I moaned. Oh God, here it comes I thought to myself. He rammed his thick shaft into my virgin pussy and began to pump hard. I screamed and gripped at the leather of the couch with white knuckles. He pulled back on his fistful of hair, arching my back as he fucked my tight pussy. I moaned and panted as he thrust into me. I could feel his pulse in his cock, I could feel it throbbing as he moaned, getting ready to squirt into me. The thought of protection hadn’t entered my mind, and it continued its absence. I looked up and could see my tits bouncing and swinging wildly.

My eyes widened as a strange sensation pulsed through my body. I screamed, “I’m cumming! Aaahhhh!” I screamed again, and again. My whole body quivering and shaking. I hadn’t been able to cum on my own in the porn shop, but with his thick cock pumping my pussy I came hard, over and over. After the initial explosion of sensation I felt what could only be described as aftershocks rocking my body. My nipples were so hard they hurt, my pussy growing sore from his fat cock pounding it.

Finally, I felt him begin to cum. His thrusting quickly slackened, and I thrust my hips back to make up for it. My pussy was pulsing around his cock and milking it. He came and came until it began to run down the inside of my thighs. Afterwards we laid on his expensive couch, him massaging my breasts as our combined juices mixed inside me. I smiled, glowing with satisfaction. Later, I thought about the fact that we hadn’t used a condom and I didn’t care. It had been worth it.

I eventually told him about the fact that I wasn’t originally a man. It didn’t matter because he had originally been a woman before the big change. Six months later, we were honeymooning in the Caribbean on his yacht. My belly was huge since I was pregnant, but it didn’t matter. He loved how big my tits had gotten, I still looked good in a bikini, and I was getting very, very good at giving head.

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

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The Change By Margaret Jeanette Toni Weber was very happy. She was just promoted to vice-president of human resources. She moved into her large well-appointed office and sat there thinking about how lucky she was. She was a strong motivator and was known for a no-nonsense approach. She used whatever tools were available. Now she reported directly to the president of the corporation. That night at supper she told Fred her husband of seven years about her promotion. She was...

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Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do...

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WARNING ... this story is of a adult nature and has a scene of RAPE in it. This scene is not to glorify this disgusting act and in no way condones such a deed, which by its very nature makes the perpetrator a very sick individual indeed, and if anyone it thinking of committing it I recommend they get immediate help from a qualified medical person. Having said that, it is included in this story because it was just something I had to get out of my system, the character in the story...

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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

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Thomas Grove left the corner store bumping into Denise. She stood about a foot taller than the boy making her breasts the first thing he hit, knocking him onto his butt staring up at the beauty. Her blonde hair partially covered her face as she bent over to help him up from the sidewalk. He could smell the perfume coming from her neck and the chicken she had for lunch on her breath. "Oh, sorry for running into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," Thomas blushed. "That's Okay...

1 year ago
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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

2 years ago
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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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Dave was my first real boyfriend, we had been together since high school, and I loved him from the day we met. I knew that he felt the same about me. We had been seeing each other for 6 years when we decided to get married. We didn't have a big wedding but it was in a church and I did wear white. I don't think I could have had it any other way. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment until I fell pregnant with our first baby, which was a boy we called Chad, after Dave's dad Chad win Greaves....

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He shifted nervously as he stood in line. He had chosen this lane because the checker was a woman. He didn’t know why that made him feel better, but it did. Just a little. He glanced down at the basket in his hand. The contents were carefully selected: a sandwich from the deli, a drink, a box of protein bars, a box of tissues, all there to make it look like he wasn’t there just to buy that package of panties. There was nothing special about the panties, there were three of them, cotton,...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

3 years ago
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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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Losing virginity with my childhood friend Part 1 Virgin Sex Stories

Jacob and I had known each other since kindergarten. On the first day of school, he had pushed me to the ground and then run away from the scene. I had in turn called him a “snotty” because his nose was snot-covered that day. Yeah, that was how much we loved each other. Haha! Kidding. Our beginnings were rough and we often fought, but we also became friends. But these days, I felt weird when he was around and losing virginity was my wish. We were about to graduate high school and my body...

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FAMILY VACATION GONE BLACK:: CHAPTER 3It didn't take long before Thedford and Irene were getting irate about where to hell their daughters were. Maryellen trying to comfort them saying oh you know how girls are they could be playing around anywhere on the plantation.Of course she knew better. She'd left Stephanie and her little bitch slut daughter tied up by their hands and feet totally naked, Stephanie fucked by Aunt Ester and her wooden dick and left out in the massage house. Maryanne taken...

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Rite Of Passage

You learn a lot about someone by the way they act after you tell them you love them, or at least tell them that you love something about them. The next day, things could have gone in a very serious direction.Amy’s twenty. I didn’t fuck around with twenty-year-old girls even when I was twenty. (There’s more to the Aunt Judy story than I told Amy. Let’s just say Judy had me over a lot that summer and she gave me a lasting taste for older women. We’ll get back to that.)Would Amy latch on to that...

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A Night to Remember pt 2

I had no idea where we were going and I couldn't ask because of the gag, I started to get worried.It seemed like hours till we stopped but I guessed it wasn't that long. Then Mistress finally spoke."Now I have a special treat for you" she said. "You have been doing so well sucking my strap on that I thought I'd put it to good use."I have driven us to a local dogging site for you to suck cock like a true whore."Don't worry about your safety, your wrists and ankles will be tied together so you...

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Khandan 8211 A Sex Story

Hi readers of indian sex stories dot net Shivani k liye ye ghr bilkul nya h. Use iss ghr m aaye hue sirf 2 ghante hue h. Kal hi to uski sadi hui hai rahul k sath. Rahul ek professor 6.5 ft lmba sidha sada dikhne wala ldka h. Shivani k thodi nervous h dari hui h but kush bhi h, or ho bhi ku na itne bde ghr m jo bhyahi h. Do floor ka makan 3 gadi rahul jesa ldaka. Shivani k iss nye parivar m rahul or shivani k alwa shivani ki saas rita(45) widow, shivani ka bda jeth pankaj(28) , uski biwi...

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E011 Beginning down the path

Donald places his hand at the back of Emma’s neck, holding it firmly against the chain. He turns her and leads her down the hall to the bedroom. On Emma’s first visit, she had thought that this was his, the Professor’s room, but it is not.  It is the room he uses when conducting ‘studies’ and it would now be Emma’s room. She instinctively knows to keep her eyes forward and down in his presence.  But she does glance around with the corners of her eyes.  She could see the restraints still on the...

Love Stories
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The ErotiChronicles of 2016 AD Ch 03

The rain fell lightly all over the town as the bus guided its passengers on to their required destinations, narrowly avoiding contact with other passing traffic as it tried to catch up on time with its schedule, two of the passengers were students from one of the nearby high-schools, casually lighting cigarettes and smoking at the back seats whilst hurling childish comebacks at an elderly lady telling them off. The rain, however, was unusual for this time of year, bus passengers smoking openly...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 16 Doctors Are Assholes

Nov 1st, 2018 So today I was supposed to receive the test results from my EEG and by 3:00 pm I had heard nothing. Nada. Zip. Knowing the clinic closes at 4:00 pm. I was preparing to call them, but my wife beat me to it. She finds out they had no intention of giving me my results today. I had to wait until my next regular appoint which is Dec. 5th. My wife reminds them the doctor had told us that we were to be scheduled for an earlier appointment due to the seizures and the tentative...

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Taken In The Woods

I was out walking in the countryside. It was a warm spring afternoon, the sun was shining, and it was about 75 degrees. I was not cruising. I had my camera in hand and was simply enjoying the walk. Taking a few pictures of whatever interested me along the way. As I walked along I encountered a few fellow walkers, a few horse riders and occasionally a cyclist.I had chosen well. The area was virtually deserted. I had seen only two people in the last 20 minutes. It was time for a rest, so looked...

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Big Adventures with Tiny Tim

Aw, fuck! Not again! I mean, come on! I've jerked it, what, four times today already? But sure enough, I can feel the rushing warmth of blood flowing into my swelling dong... Maybe if I just ignore it, the stupid thing will go down. I focus on my cereal, on the delicious, sugary-cinnamon taste of these delightful little--okay, that's not working. I can feel my plumping meat pushing against the pouch of my tight briefs and pulling them tighter against my ass. It feels good. NO! Not here. Not at...

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Moms Day At Waterbury Hills College

“Hey Mom!  Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy.  It was only twenty years ago when I was in college.  I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot.  And so have I!  You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today.  Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day.  Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...

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GangbangCreampie Vivianne Desilva G338

Vivianne De Silva sits with her legs open on the pedestal with a huge smile painted on her face. She cannot wait to have her FIRST GANGBANG EVER begin. The cocksmen cannot contain their excitement either as they start to fondle her and remove her bright pink dress. Will is the first to sink his cock in Vivianne’s sweet pussy. The other cocksmen take their turns after, as she holds a dick with both her hands, keeping herself busy. It’s only three minutes into Vivianne’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER...

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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 2

She could smell the unmistakable odors of Nottingham long before the edge of the city came into her view. It was so much nicer to be camped out in the pristine forest away from such reminders of congested humanity. The wood fires in the numerous huts and shacks that were outside the walls of the city laid a haze of low hanging thickness that irritated the nostrils and made it difficult to even see the sun on high. (* See Note 2-1) Dressed in the garb of a humble squire, Rowena attracted no...

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A Slut is Born

There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...

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Batchmate on trip dear sex starved freinds this young doctor from pune, india.this is my first posting on desipapa.this is not a story but true fact.its relation with my batchmate during our college trip. To tell you in short about the background i am 27 yrs male practising doctor in pune city with average body / 5.9 ht and length of 7” being my asset.i m very very good at smooching, fingering, pussy licking and slow steady long lasting romance. Any way this incidence is related with my batchmate named...

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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 14

Brian volunteered to drive and I had the kids with me when he pulled up in some kind of vintage convertible. It looked like it was a mile long and was painted bright yellow. He laughed at my expression. “It’s a long story. I got it from a former client who offered it as partial payment for my services. I think the real reason was to keep it away from his ex-wife. I always meant to sell it but just can’t seem to get around to it.” We got the kids into their seats in the back and pulled out...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 116 The Final Battle Begins

Kenshin: Aoshi... (They stare each other down.) You've changed... You've changed so much I would hardly have thought you were Shinomori Aoshi. Aoshi: So I've changed. (unsheathing his swords) To defeat you and win the title of the strongest, I'd change anything. Sanosuke (thinking): Two kodachis! Aoshi: Draw, Battousai. (Kenshin pulls his sword out of its sheath a little, then clicks it loudly back into place.) Sanosuke: Kenshin... Aoshi: What was that. Do you intend to break your...

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Smoke gets in his eyes

He sat at the edge of the bed, naked and full of anticipation. She was topless, her full breasts swinging as she moved. She was beautiful, with short, dark hair done in a pixie cut. She bent down to take his penis in her hands, but he stopped her. ‘You know what I like’, he said, pointing at the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. The woman took a cigarette from the pack and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was painted in deep red lipstick, which stained the end of the cigarette as soon as...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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My Sexual AdvisorChapter 4

The next afternoon I picked Karen up and we drove out to our favourite secluded parking spot. We didn't speak as we drove there, both silent with our thoughts. As we pulled up, I got the rug out of the car and we walked to where we liked to sit and cuddle. "Are you upset with me, Jim? Did I let things go too far with Fred last night?" she implored me and I could see tears welling in her eyes. Immediately I took her into my arms and kissed her as I assured her that as far as I was...

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Hidden Memories

She heard Cody murmur something to her but she didn’t understand him because she was almost asleep. She’d ask him tomorrow what he had said. She fell deeper into sleep as she felt his hand caressing her thigh. On the ride to her house things weren’t exactly awkward, there was tension and she didn’t know why. Last night was nice, so why was she feeling this way? Cody hasn’t looked at her since they got their clothes on. She had a bad feeling that something was going to happen and...

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The PresenceChapter 14

That same morning as Jill was leaving and Kathy came in the door. “Beth, do you have to go anywhere this morning?” “No not really, is there something you wanted to talk about?” Beth handed her a cup of coffee and sat opposite the table from her. “Well, I was just wondering, you know the rumors about the lake, island and ... this house.” “Oh? And you want to know if they are true and if we have experienced any of them, like this place being haunted?” She smiled as she said this. “Eh ......

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The Witchs Grove

Her breath came in gasps and shuddering sighs, as her breast rose and fell with every quivering sensation. The young girl’s arms and legs were held each by a beautiful woman; completely naked except for the velvety purple shrouds that draped over their lithe figures. Those who held her hands, caressed them against their bodies, allowing the eager finger’s of the prostrate girl to explore freely while, the lower arm was held fast with both hands. Her legs were restrained from the thigh and both...

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Young wild and horny as fuck

Ellah Was a young teenager, at the ripe age of 18, until now, she'd led a fairly innocent life when it came to sex. she was a virgin and had never gone further than making out. whilst being fairly tall for her age, Ellah had a very petite body, her waist was tiny, and slender, but not so much that she looked like she had an eating disorder, no, some would say she had the perfect body. oh and her ass..was unbelieveable... a true gift from god. round firm and tight, looked like it belonged to a...

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Hum aur mum 2

Hello friends. At river point farm afternoon. Phir me mom aur papa ne pakaya hoowa chicken khaya aur sath me mango aur angur bhi khaye.dooper ko 1 baja tha.phir farm worker dhaniram apane jopade se do lakadi ki khat aur teen pillow le aaya phir papa ne apani khat mango tree ke niche dalke let gaye. Mene bhi doosri khat mango tree ke niche bicha de aur apani aakhe bandh karke let gaya. Phir mom mango tree ke niche aayee. Mom ne dekha papa so chuke they aur mom ka pillow meri khat me tha.mene mom...

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A Dangerous Rescue

NOTE: In this story the main character (you) is male and CAN be captured by the tentacles and all that entails. If you don't like scenes of tentacles on male(s) please be aware that these scenes will appear in this story. You could almost scream in aggravation at the old woman slowly leading you to the supposed entrance to the lair of the demons who took your baby girl, Elizabeth. Gripping your sword tightly in anger, you think that today was supposed to be her wedding day! She had just turned...

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The Loving Tree

The weathered cracks of an old man’s crumpled face ran up to the sky, reaching gnarled branches and green leaves which blew with the gentle wind. Seated at the base of its trunk were two friends, a boy and a girl, twenty and twenty-one, respectively. They were students at a nearby college. The two had been mingling for six months, and this had become their favorite spot. When they sat at the base of the tree together like this, they would talk for hours. They both adored nature, and to them...

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Preparing To Get Fuck

It was Friday my last working day of the week and I was excited about the weekend. Two days before I met this handsome muscular young man and we promise to meet up this weekend at this popular night club. It would be my first time going to a club like that one. The club was know for all kind of freaky things and that is why I asked to meet up there. One of my neighbors told me that if I wanted to try anything sexual that was the club to visit. So I was so anxious about the weekend. I even...

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She Put A Smile On My Face

And to think I just wanked him off, made him cum and then he chooses to make his announcement. He was so nonchalant about it that I was furious. All I could do was run out of the house and get home as soon as possible. I cried all the way. When I got home I called my friend Morgan and began telling her, furiously, what this bastard had just done until she told me she was coming over to see me.By the time she got there I had calmed down a bit and just sat on my bed curled up into a ball. She...

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Boy toy part 2

Mom's boy toy (let's call him Kevin) was around the house a lot and when she hurt her foot playing tennis she had to work at home for awhile. This meant that he was around more bringing her papers from work and working in her office at the house sometimes all day.He was always staring at me and looking me over. On numerous occasions when he was near me and could whisper he made comments about whatever I was wearing. Whether wearing shorts a bathing suit or anything he liked.I was sneaking into...

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Rheas ProtegeChapter 9

"You must be Neil," the teenage girl asked as she strode towards a group of three young men idling walking down the promenade. Neil's face erupted into a smile and he licked his lips, looking at Emily out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, the man and the legend," he told her as he glanced down towards his trousers. "And you're Emily." Emily tugged her blouse down and gulped, looking at him as his smile broadened. "Yeah, you know me?" "I know your sister," he replied and held his...

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