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Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do you have to be so mean?" Jessica complained. "If you were wearing a diaper you would notice it makes it more difficult." Daniel smiled to himself as he thought about how easy it was to get under her skin. It always annoyed him to a certain extent how much his mother put so much effort into minding his sister. Although they were similar in height he was quite a few years older than her though he didn't think age was a good enough reason for favouritism. "You shouldn't make excuses for being a baby, besides you're going to have to earn that right again," he said this knowing full well that she was close to re-earning this right. His mom had said that if she had one more dry day she could go back to not wearing diapers. It was at that moment is mom decided to add to the conversation. "It sounds like you're afraid of her challenge," she giggled, "I didn't know that you were such a scared cat." Daniel blushed heavily upon hearing that. "What do you mean, it's easy, it would make no difference. Besides that's just stupid, she's just a baby whose whining." His mom lost her smile for a second when he mocked his sister, but she quickly regained it. "So you're saying you could go a full day in a diaper without wetting yourself." Daniel was taken aback a bit by this a bit. "Well yeah I could but that's not really the point though is it." Both Jessica and is mom smiled upon hearing this and looked at each other. "That sounds like you've accepted the challenge to me," his mom said with a big wide grin on her face. "Come with me." "But-" he began to say. "No buts," his mom said as she began to pull him to where she changes his sister. Daniels face went a deep shade of red as he was made to lie down and prepare to get changed. His mom pulled down his pants and underwear and opened his legs. She placed the diaper on the floor and put his ass on it. He had no choice but to lay back as she powdered him, and the diaper was put over his private parts. Her hands moved quickly as she fastened the strips and attached the diaper to him. The feeling of the diaper was humiliating but there was nothing he could do about it. Standing up Daniel couldn't help but feel the pressure between his legs that the diaper was creating and noticed that he was no longer able to fully close his legs. Putting on his pants again he noticed that if you looked closely you could make out a slight bulge. "Now I'll check on it tonight so keep it dry until then," his mom said giving him a gentle pat on his behind. Daniel couldn't help but feel that it was going to be a long day. --- Daniel was glad his day was finally over. His sister had been insufferable the entire day knowing that he was in the same situation as her and she made it clear that she knew. If her behaviour wasn't enough the fact that he was wearing a diaper in the first place was extremely irritating to him, he couldn't move without being reminded that it was there. Thankfully his mom had told him that she was going check their diapers in 5 more minutes after she had brought in all her deliveries. He walked into the kitchen knowing that is was nearly time where he was greeted by his smiling sister. "I'm glad I won't need diapers anymore," she said smiling. "You'll get used to it in time I suppose." Daniel looked at her slightly puzzled. "Well I won't need to get used to them, I'm finally done with this stupid crap." At that moment he heard the front door shut and they waited for their mom to come in. He felt really pleased with himself as he knew that time was up. To his horror however he suddenly felt a wet sensation in his diaper, shocked he looked around. Behind him his sister was giggling wildly placing a now empty glass on the counter. "How could you," he whimpered. "Why would you do that." Jessica giggled even more as she replied, "Well big brother, I figured it was time you learned your lesson for mocking me so much." Right then his mom quickly walked into the room and began checking his sisters diaper. After checking it thoroughly she was quite happy that his sister had passed their test. "That's very good Jessica," she said quite pleased. "From now on you won't need to wear any diapers." "Thanks mommy," Jessica replied a broad smile on her face "I'm back to being a big girl now." After she had finished checking Jessica's diaper his mom looked at him and his heart sank. "I know this was only a joke challenge," his mom said smiling, "but I'm going to have to check you anyway." With that his mom briskly walked over to him and put her hand down his diaper and checked for any spots of wetness. Looking up at his mom he couldn't help but see the shock on her face. "Hey mom I know what this looks like," he began, "but this is actually Jessica's fault." His mom looked slightly angry with this suggestion. "You expect me to believe Jessica wet this diaper for you?" "Not exactly but-" he tried to speak. "No excuse young man," she cut him off. "Even though you've been making fun of your little sister your clearly not in control yourself." "Well mommy I'm sure it was just an accident," Jessica said surprisingly in his defence. Daniel would have been delighted with this and thanked Jessica if it wasn't her fault for causing this problem in the first place. "Do you see that Daniel," his mother scolded him. "That's how you should have been when your sister was having her issues, sometimes it's hard to tell who the older sibling is." With that she took him back to where his diaper was put on him earlier and she began to take it off. To his horror however after she took the wet diaper off she put another diaper on him. "Mom," he exclaimed. "What are you doing?" His mother quickly hushed him as she put the diaper firmly on his and put his clothes back on him. "It's a safety measure," his mother said in a comforting manner. "If you can't make it through the day how are you going to make it through the night." With that his mom quickly guided him into his room and wished him a good night. --- Daniel awoke feeling a serious amount of pressure in his bladder. It wasn't the most uncommon thing in the morning for him but given his present situation he need to go as fast as possible. As such he quickly made his way to the bathroom. When he went to open the door however he noticed that it was locked from the inside. "Two seconds sweetie," his mom shouted from within. "I'm almost finished." With growing unease, he was left with no choice but to fidget as he waited for his mom to come out. Unfortunately for him it was at this moment that his sister Jessica showed up. "I'm next in line," he declared, "I was here first." Jessica simply smiled and said, "Oh that's fine, I don't need to go baby." "Good," he said relieved, "because I'm bursting." Jessica looked at him with a devilish gleam in her eye and began to walk towards him. In response he took a step back, but she only increased he pace. When she got closer to him she quickly began to tickle him. Immediately he tried to fight back but humiliatingly his little sister was stronger than him and as such he could not stop her. "Please...Stop," he gasped trying his best to regain control. Unfortunately for him this appeared to have the opposite effect on her and she began to double her efforts. After several moments of tickling he felt himself lose control. Because of this his sister stopped tickling him while the bathroom door unlocked, and his mother stepped out. It was too late for Daniel however as flood of urine escaped from his bladder. His face turned a deep crimson as he peed himself in front of his sister and mother. Much to his horror the amount of pee that he had produced was too much for his diaper to contain and it had begun to soak through and became clearly visible through his pants. For a few seconds he stood there in complete silence while his mom looked at him in surprise. After a few moments his mother came over and hugged him. "It's okay," she said. "Sometimes accidents happen, this just means you're going to have to wear diapers for a bit longer okay. I thought that last night was just a one off, but this proves that you have serious bladder control problems." Jessica walked around him with a smug grin on her face. "Wow, you're really soaked huh." "It's a pity you're not a girl like Jessica," his mom said. "You would be much easier to change." Daniel sobbed quietly to himself as his mother thought aloud. Jessica smiled devilishly and said to her mom, "Well mommy, if you want you can put him in one of my dresses." His mom chuckled to herself "I wish I could silly, but it would look weird if I suddenly had two daughters, good idea though." Jessica paused for thought before finishing her idea. "Well if that's the cases we can just switch places, I can be Daniel for a while and He can be Jessica." It was at that moment that his mom took a step back and began to look seriously at them both. It was true that they were very alike and that their height wasn't an issue like it would be for most brothers and sisters. Feeling very worried about this situation Daniel felt that he had to chime in. "Come on mom, this is ridiculous. It was just a one off, it won't happen again, and Jessica's idea is stupid. I'm a teenager and she's practically a baby, it would never work." This made his mom slightly angry however. "Well we've already discussed how this isn't a one off and her idea is actually not that bad. Jessica, Daniel is a bit shorter than you, so you will need to get some of your older clothes so if you could do that I will be changing your baby brother's diaper. Because of the size of his accident however I'm going to need to use some of the extra thick ones." Jessica happily skipped away to retrieve her clothes while their mother prepared to change him into his new type of diaper. Once again Daniel was brought to the diaper changing area, a place he was now going with worrying frequency. This time however he simply laid down without waiting for instructions as he resigned himself to his fate. His mother smiled gently as she removed his wet diaper, she then lifted his legs and placed a new clean one underneath him. Daniel was briefly surprised when he realised that his mom was not messing when she had said that these were thicker. After she fastened the diaper she got him to stand up. He realised that if the bulk between his legs was bad beforehand it was at least two or three times thicker now. It was immediately apparent to anyone by the way his legs were forced apart and that his new diaper was for containing heavy loads. As he tried to walk around the room he noticed two things. The first thing was that the diaper forced him to waddle and his new babyish walk was clear as day. The second thing was that this change in balance caused him to fall over every now and then, this was not that bad however as every fall was broken by a gentle pillowey sensation from the diaper. It actually made him smile the first few times he felt it before realising what was happening and he regained his composure. It was at that moment that Jessica came back into the room bringing with her a new change of clothes for him. While Daniel couldn't see what they were as they were in a bag he wasn't excited to find out. Taking the pile from his sister his mom gestured to him to take his clothes off. "Please mom," he began, "I don't want to." "This is only going to happen while you're wearing diapers," his mom replied. "Think of it as encouragement to get better faster." With that he began to undress himself as his mother began to take the clothes off the pile. Much to Daniels relief the first is most pulled off was a pair of white socks. Not feeling worried about this he took the pair of socks from his mom and pulled them up his legs. The one weird thing that he noticed about these socks however was that they went up as high as his knees which was something that he had never experienced before. It was weird, but it did not feel bad. Following this his mom pulled out an item of clothing that he had been dreading. She held in her hands a small red dress which was decorated with black spots here and there. At a glance he could tell that the design was childish. After putting his hands up in the air she slid the dress down and tugged it until it was on him properly. Daniel couldn't tell but the dress did very little to hide his diapers, if he bent over even the slightest amount they were in clear view to anyone around him. His mom kept thinking to herself about how cute he looked. "Give me a spin so I can see how it fits," his mom said smiling. Daniel gave a quick twirl hoping to end his embarrassment as quickly as possible but all he managed to do was cause his sister to burst out laughing. "That was really cute sis," his sister said in between laughs causing him to blush. Not disturbed by this his mother pulled out a black pair of shoes and buckled them to his feet. The shoes made a clacking noise with each step he took. His mom then proceeded to tie his hair up into a pair of pigtails. Looking in the mirror Daniel was in shock. He turned a deep shade of crimson as he realised he looked just like Jessica, if possible slightly younger which was humiliating considering their significant age gap. He couldn't help but buckle to his knees when he noticed that his diapers were in plain view. Because he couldn't close his legs properly he wasn't able to properly hide them and tugging his dress over them only served to draw attention. While Daniel was struggling with his diapers his mom took his sister and brought her to his room. --- Daniel just looked at his sister dumbfounded. She had just come back into the room and gave him a pat on the head. She stood there wearing one his t-shirts a pair of jeans. More shockingly however was the fact that her hair had been cut very short. She knew that he had refused to cut his hair for some time, so he figured this was some sort of challenge. Looking in the mirror she really did look like a big brother next to his little sister. "Now don't forget that from now on you must answer to each other's names," his mom said clearly. "We won't mommy-, I mean mom," his sister said smiling. "I'll make sure Jessica does as well." "Fine mom," Daniel said embarrassed by the whole situation. His mom smiled as she began to correct him. "It's mommy now silly." "Fine mommy," he said sounding just like a little girl. His mom left the room and began to get ready Jessica's bag ready. Looking for something to do to take his mind off his situation he waddled over to his PlayStation and booted it up. Before he could pick up his controller however his sister grabbed it before sitting down and starting a game. "Jessica you idiot," he snarled. "Give me my controller." His sister smiled smugly and replied, "It's my controller sis, little girls shouldn't be playing stuff like this. Besides you're going to be babysat by Sarah soon." His heart skipped a beat when he realised that instead of his little sister being babysit it was going to be him. As he was usually too busy hanging around with his friends to take care of his sister his mom had figured they might as well get someone who didn't mind looking after his sister. As such she had hired Sarah. Sarah had never liked him, she had always thought that Daniel was a bully towards his little sister. This was unfortunate for him as he only acted like that to get her to notice him. Almost sensing what his sister had said the doorbell rang. "Don't worry sis, maybe if you pretend you're me really well and make her think you want to be treated like a baby she won't notice its really you," the new Daniel said. "I'll get the door. I've changed my mind about the PlayStation, I'm going to head out for a bit." As his sister left to get the door he couldn't help but think that he might have to swallow his pride and act the part so that the girl he had a crush on might not notice. --- Sweating as he pondered his situation Daniel forced himself to start suck on his thumb to make himself look as babyish as possible as Sarah walked through the door. Sarah looked beautiful. She was proudly wearing a pink crop top which showed off her wonderful body and a tight white pair of leggings. "Well aren't you the cutest," she said looking down at the him sucking his thumb in his diapered state. "I guess you brother wasn't messing when he said you wanted to be treated like a baby." Sarah bent down and gave him a hug and looked him in the eye a massive smile on her face. Swallowing his pride, he replied, "Yes aunty Sarah." "Aren't you just adorable," Sarah replied lifting him up and spinning around. "Please keep calling me aunty from now on." After she put him back down Sarah began to search through the bag she had brought. The new Jessica however had easily lost his balance and fell to the floor with a poof from his diaper. Figuring it would be easier to play the role he began to crawl towards the sofa, so he could sit down. While he was crawling, Sarah put each of his arms through straps and he heard a click. She then made him stand up and he looked down at what had been strapped onto him. Feeling slightly embarrassed he realised that he was now wearing a baby harness. "Lucky for you I also babysit real babies," she said smiling. "I'm going to do my best to help you princess." She then led him over to the sofa, his diaper crinkling with each waddling step he made. She then lifted his diapered but onto the sofa and sat down next to him. As he opened his mouth to talk she pushed something in. Apparently, she had come prepared with a baby's bottle filled with milk. He tried to spit it out, but it was no use, he had no choice but to drink the bottles contents. Daniel began to think to himself what had gone with his life that he was now drinking from a baby's bottle, wearing a diaper and a dress and pretending that he wanted to be a baby all while in front of the girl he liked. Once the bottle was empty Sarah gently placed his head on her lap. He felt tired after the ordeals that had happened so far that day and slowly drifted off to sleep. --- Daniel awoke with a start. From the first second he knew he was in trouble. He was in severe need of a poo. Jumping up from the sofa he began to run in the direction of the bathroom. After a few seconds however, he noticed that he wasn't getting any closer to the door. Wondering what was happening he looked behind to see Sarah smiling at him as she held the reigns to the baby harness. "What are you doing?" he said desperately, "I really need to go." Sarah's smile never wavered as she replied, "I'm just helping you be more like a baby." Daniel desperately tried to keep moving forward until he felt that the pressure was too much. Knowing that the inevitable was almost upon him he lost a lot of his forward as he squeezed his knees together as hard as he could to stop himself. Noticing the change in behaviour Sarah let go of his harness and bent down in front of him. She placed her hands in between his legs and pushed them apart. Moments later Daniel sobbed as he filled his diaper. Sarah winked at him and whispered in his ear, "Maybe you shouldn't have been such a bully to your sister huh Daniel." --- Jessica sighed as she thought about the past few months. Thanks to the regular treatment from her big brother Daniel and hey aunty Sarah she has become incontinent. Because of this she had resigned herself to her new role as a baby girl and realised where she had gone wrong in the past. Sarah had warmed up to the new baby Jessica, but she knew that she would never have a chance with Sarah. Daniel was no way near as mean to her as she had been to him and frequently took her out on walks in the neighbourhood. Every time she met her old friends on the walks she felt really embarrassed. They frequently made fun of her but her big brother stood up on her behalf. Jessica's mommy was delighted to have a baby girl again as she had felt sad when Daniel had begun to grow up but thanks to Jessica it's all better now.

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Mummys true passion part fifteen final chapter

Mum drove, May and her will- less slave shared the rear bench. Since mum’s vagina still was a little sensitive from the piercing session and she had just taken my load while we showered I thought this was a good way dealing with the situation. I sat on the right side and may on the left. I didn’t know the way too this mysterious Chinese restaurant so I thought if mother wouldn’t have turned out to be a sexy lady with a strange but still super hot past, I would have wondered why the bloody...

4 years ago
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Uriels Ring of DominationChapter 10

I arrived home and was overcome with the need for my sister, told her "go to your room, strip naked and await me" and she smiled and fled. I looked at the other girls and offered "things have changed, I will will sleep with 2 women per night, three nights per week, each woman gets three nights, the seventh night shall be my sister-lover; they smiled happy to obey me. Walked to my bedroom and my beautiful, busty, sexy sister was there naked, standing and awaiting me. She whispered "I...

1 year ago
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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 15

Wendy left around midnight. She didn't volunteer information as to where she was going and I didn't ask. I was happy that I had the opportunity to once again see and touch her young naked body. It was wonderful to have someone over your lap that could orgasm without being touched. Only touched by leather on her naked backside. "Thanks Mom. That was a great gift. I haven't seen Wendy in months. Now I have a gift for you." "What Jimmy?" Both of us were still naked as I pushed her onto...

2 years ago
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Sharons Journey Part 7 Cruising

Sharon's Journey Part VII - Cruising By mid-summer, Sharon had settled into the job at the restaurant. Carol Anne's prediction of come-ons from members of both sexes had turned out to be true, and she had found them easy and sometimes fun to reject. She also noticed that of the other girls who dealt with customers, Lola was the most likely to agree while Kimberly was the least likely; Janelle was completely unpredictable. Kimberly was generally the most reserved, and Janelle had...

4 years ago
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The Professor and the CheerleaderChapter 13

The party was supposed to be a welcome respite from their daily cares. Granted, their cares were not crushing. Kendra's might have been, except she no longer worried about how she and the baby would be supported. True, her academic career was on a bumpy road at present, but according to Bob there was no reason at all why she couldn't finish the next term and graduate just like normal. Well ... other than the fact that, at the end of the term, she wouldn't look like most of the other...

1 year ago
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Lightning doesnt strike twice

They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl, I...

1 year ago
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Champions at Last

CHAMPIONS AT LAST By Anne Gray It was the last day of the Cheerleader Championships and, as a member of thepress, I had a prime view from my seat in the stands. Things worked out perfectlywhen the team I had my eye on came in fourth place. That would take them outof the spotlight while everyone focused on the winning three teams. The program told me their names were Nina, Panni, Anita and Laura and theywere from a college on the East coast. My phony media credentials also gotme in to the...

2 years ago
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Sexual encounter 3

As my cock and her pussy continued to burn and pain out of our just completed violent fucking session, i asked her to bring some ice. She brought some ice cubes and two plates. Both of us sat on the floor facing each other closely keeping our legs wide apart showing our respective sex organs to each other. She suggested she would apply ice on my cock and i should apply ice on her pussy. I liked the idea. Keeping a plate each beneath in front of us, we began to apply ice on each...

3 years ago
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My Exwife and my dog 2

I moved house a couple of weeks after the event and although it was near, I saw less of Irene untill it dried up altogether. I didnt mind, after all she was my EX wife! I started looking around for my next girlfriend and had a couple of easy lays but nothing to excite me much. Irene rang me out of the blue. "Hello its me. I really miss fucking you and keep getting as horny as hell thinking about you. I dont want to get back together with you or anything but if you havent got anybody yet how...

1 year ago
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Tmkoc 8211 Sex Series Babita Special

Ye kahani bas ek fantasy hai…! But bahot enjoy karege aap log… Myself saifullah khan came herw to write a fantasy this time… ;) Ye based hai tmkoc jo ek tv series hai… Jo log ye dekhte hoge unko yaad hoga ke ek baar golkhuldham wale kachh gujrat ghumne gaye the… Jisme jethalal babita daya sodhi champak roshan tapu goli gogi bagha & iyer gaye the… Aur baki log gokuldam me hi ruk gaye the…Train me jab sab chhade to apne apne comportment me chle gye… Pehle compartmnt me the jethalal babita daya...

3 years ago
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The Other Woman

The Other WomanBy Miss Irene ClearmontA fantasy that came true.Copyright ? 2011 (November)Preamble.----------------I suppose that there is a point in every marriage where one of the partners ?goes astray?. Well, OK then, not every marriage, but I have to admit that it happened to me, that moment when you say to yourself, ?There is someone else in this marriage, someone that I have not yet met, someone who is intruding.?This is the story of an intrusion that became an invasion.A woman opened the...

3 years ago
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And Then I Met Irving

Have you ever met someone whom you just could not resist? He was like that for me. I was like that for him. We couldn’t help it. It was a simple matter of chemistry. Him + Me + same space = sex. It was like that from the day we met. My best friend warned me. He said, “You can’t meet Irving,” I asked, "Why?" “Because you will have sex with him.” “What?! You are just jealous.” “No. I know you and I know him. You, two, will have sex.” Was I that promiscuous? Was I that desperate? Was he that hot?...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Hot Fever

As the sky darkens outside, threatening a thunderstorm, all I can think about is you. You, my love, away on business, and I here with our pets drinking wine, feeling the power of an oncoming storm. Sitting outside staring out, I close my eyes and imagine you here. The dogs sleep soundly at my feet, as the soft wind blows, a shirt of yours I wear still smells of you. As my hand travels down through my cleavage grasping my breasts massaging them, imagining it is your hand, pinching my nipples as...

4 years ago
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Sex With Senior In An Auditorium

Hey guys I am Lucifer back again with another story. Your comments are welcomed at Manu is a 2nd year engineering student study in a not so famous college in Bangalore. He was asked to stay in hostel by his parents to give more time to studies. This is a story between manu and his senior shilpa. Manu is 5 ft 5 inch tall guy with athletic body, wheat brown colour and shilpa is taller than manu by 2 inch and had quite heavy body than manu’s. She had big tits flat tummy, very fair looking girl....

3 years ago
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Baby DollChapter 26

Jamie was barely into the bedroom, when the last of her clothes came off. She turned around, and noticed Noah had followed her, and before he even reached into the room, pulled him by his belt, undoing it in the process. As his pants fell to the floor, Jamie guided Noah to the bed, and gracefully ran her fingers over his cock, as he sat down. With a flick of her hair, Jamie got down on her knees, and ran her tongue over the underside of Noah’s cock. She wrapped her hand around his cock as...

2 years ago
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Barbara Babs first cello lesson

Barbara (Babs, first cello lesson)I had been teaching Babs piano lessons for a few years; she was now 16, full figured, nice breasts, blonde and wore glasses. She was preparing for Music College she needed to learn another instrument, as I also teach the Cello, and that’s what she chose.The first lesson started with how to hold the Cello. I sat her down on a stool, with no back to it, and then said that she should hold the Cello between her legs with her thighs. She was wearing her school...

2 years ago
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supercock14 inches meets Angel Buxom

This how I see the biggest cock in the world violating the biggest tits in the world ,was looking at the news one day when they had announced the opening of a very unique new building that was just built in NY NY and clamed to be the tallest in the world at 4500 stories tall it was the biggest building on the planet ,it is uniquely shaped like a massive erect cock shaped after Mr Supercock the longest most powerful cock in the entire world the next biggest would only be about half his length...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 64

I found the dead drop empty at 3AM when I arrived for the first time. Also when I checked again at 3:30AM. "There is no one at the drop site and no signal. It doesn't look at though anyone has been there at all." I said into the phone. I had no idea who I was talking to at the time. "So what you want me to do now?" I asked. "Are you willing to risk getting picked up by the cops and sweated?" came the reply over the phone. "Well there is nothing to tie me to the product, unless the...

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Bank Holiday Camp Pt 7

I could feel the warmth of the sun on my back through the window as we sat at Mandy’s dining table drinking our tea. Mandy had opened the curtains, and the main door was pinned back. Mandy had a hand on my thigh, gently rubbing back and forth. It feels so good to have a very attractive lady showing me some attention, as I have been single for a long time. “Good morning,” said a voice from the open doorway. It was Kathy and Ken, the site owners. “Morning,” the three of us replied in unison. ...

Group Sex
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Carmen and Brian one more time

The three of us relaxed a bit until Carmen got up and went over to her vanity and sat down in the chair and started to freshen up her face. Brian and I watched as she got herself back in order and I looked over at Brian who had started to caress his cock. "Go ahead man" I said to him "Take her again if you want to" Brian looked at me and then at Carmen and moved off the bed and went up behind Carmen. I watched as he put his arms around her and took hold of her firm tits and started kissing...

2 years ago
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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colors every two rows. What got me intrigued by it was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to...

3 years ago
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A genuine story of your sexy mature at a swinger c

First let me introduce myself. I’m SwissMature, 51, from Switzerland living and travelling between London, Basel and Malaga. I love visiting swinger clubs and playing with men and women. This is my first Erotica telling about my experience in a dark room.After a hot nudity sauna and steam bath I was craving for some hot sex – pussy and cock licking. So I walked down the corridor looking into the different rooms. I was attracted by red light shining out of one of the doors. I’ve looked inside...

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Jade McQueen

Jade McQueen sat alone in the her blue tour bus. There was peach colored teddy bear underneath the seat. She had picked up at FAO Schwarz a few weeks ago. It was a present for her Casper, her lover. Actually, it was a peace offering. Casper was upset by the rumor that was going around about Jade. Apparently, Jade was being unfaithful on the road. Also, there was an allegation of drug abuse. That allegation struck a chord with Casper. Before Jade hit the road, her and Casper had come to an...

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Sara Cuckolds Me

It all started on xHamster. Sara and I would watch interracial cuckold video together as I fucked her with her large black dildo. I would whisper how beautiful she was and how hot it would be to see her being fucked by a big black cock. "So you like big black cocks now? Tell me Sara, do they fuck you better than my little white dick? Are you going to make me watch as they fuck you?" Sara always loved the feel of her black dildo and she would thrust her pelvis upward trying to receive more of...

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The GovernorChapter 19

They rose and both moved up the river bank and bathed together. It was there, half dressed and wondering whether more sweaty activity was called for, that he signalled silence to her; he looked through the bushes. A gang of ten, or twelve; soldiers or robbers? It hardly mattered, they’d have to kill or be killed. ‘be killed’ he thought, drew his trusty thin knife and short sword, and crept forward. Tematha went with him, took his knife and smiled. She didn’t have to speak, she was going to...

4 years ago
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The Solarian Soldier 1

"You can take your orders and shove them up your shit-filled cunt, Earther bitch. Even if you shoot us down, I have 30 killers aboard my ship just waiting for your goons to set foot on our deck. So one last time fuck off and crawl back to the miserable shithole planet you belong" The men's tattooed face was twisted with hatred as Commander Daniel Lafontaine watched him on the integrated display of his combat seat. The hostile skipper had not run out of colorful insults directed to the...

3 years ago
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Build a Harem

***Warning: Drug usage, violence, rampant incest, and bad humor to follow. You have been warned.*** My name is Ephraim. I'm a tall, lanky redheaded prince of the Kingdom of Angelica. I've got forest green eyes and a couple of freckles on my face. I've reached the age of 21 last month, which was... nice, I guess. I'm in a bit of a pickle. You see, I live in the Royal Palace of Angelica with my family and our servants. My mother, Queen Vanessa, is the one I inherited my hair and eyes from....

1 year ago
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I Never Could Resist Him Part 2

*clap* *clap* *clap* just three simple sounds and the best day of my life began. What had started as an attempt to grab some porn my ex Kyle and I had made with my current beau Jack had turned into... well, I'll start with what happened after Jack walked in. Kyle had just fucked me well, being rough as I liked it, pulling my hair and showing no mercy. After we both came, Jack was at the door, sans clothes, dick at attention. He told us he wanted in. "What?!" Kyle and I said in unison. Jack...

4 years ago
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Incest Sex with Her Bro

friends aap sabhi ko meri “virgin sister” autobiography ko read/reply ker ne ke liye thanks…..ab usse aage kya hua ye janne ke liye aap sab friends bahut utsuk the to main tumhari kitty next auto biography sunati hu…..plz friends ager kahi mistek hui ho to aap mujhe choti bahen samajh ker maaf ker dena…. Phir humne dinner kiya or so gaye, next day bhaiya uthe or mujhe naked dekha to mujhe uthaya, aur kaha tu yaha eshe naked kyo so rahi hai or datne lage,ki me tera bhai hu tujhe sharm aani...

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The JaysChapter 27

Court insisted that he would drive Libby up to London on Friday. That way Jean would be able to come as well, see the flat and meet the Timermats. The recording sessions had been arranged for Tuesday, Wednesday and, if needed Thursday. Libby took little with her in the way of clothes but she did take a week's worth of food. Jean was entranced by the flat, particularly the dressing table in Libby's bedroom. "Exquisite," she enthused. "I wonder who made it. Ooh, I covet it." Court was...

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Take My Ass Please

Saturday afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend, her sister was in the chair by the window, we were relaxing with an old movie on the TV. Now, my girlfriend Karen was from Kenya, and we had just gotten the money together to send for her sister a month ago. Karen was beautiful, with a stocky athletic build and skin like dark mahogany. Val, two years younger, was a plumper, softer version of her sister. It was warm and Karen wasn’t wearing a bra, her 36D breasts loose under...

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