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Chapter 1: The Beginning There have been many changes in my life. About a year and a half ago I was a 33 yr. old man name Lamar Thomas, Detective from Georgia. I was on vacation in Miami, Florida with my wife and two kids. After checking into our hotel I told my wife and kids that they could go to the beach while I went for a walk. So while I was out I decided to by my family some gifts. Stop at a toy store and bought my boys some water-guns. After leaving the toy store I was looking for something very special for his wife. So I decided on buying her a necklace from a nice little shop, well it look nice from the outside. I made my way to the store and as I walked to the door I saw two mysterious figures and a couple of sales person with their hands in the air. I dropped my bag and pull out my gun and prepared myself for the worse. When the bell chimed one of the men looked at me and yelled Cop! The other robber turned around and grabbed a hostage. "Freeze, let the lady go and drop your weapons." "No you drop yours or the lady dies." I decided it was a good idea to do what he says and set my gun down. OK now let her go I said kicking the gun towards him. He looked at his partner and told him to get the jewelry and money. After that he let the women go and bent down to pick up my gun. As he did all that I thought now was my chance to take him down and get control of the situation. So I ran towards him and heard a shoot, then felt a pain in my chest. I had been shot by a third accomplice, I didn't see. "Alright boys he's as good as died let's get the hell out of here." As the robbers ran out the door the store owner hit the burglar alarm and pick up the phone and dialed 911. A couple minutes later sirens were heard and the police and Paramedic were on the scene. The last thing I could here at that was the Paramedic's yelling let's get him into the ambulance! "O.K. people let's get this man into surgery pronto!" yelled the doctor. "He's lost a lot of blood," one of the nurses said. I was in surgery for an hour, when his body flat-lined the doctors tried to revive me. A few minutes later they me pronounced died. Time of death 5:47. "Wait a minute Dr. James he has an organ donor card," one of the nurses said. "I know the perfect parts to donate, call up Dr. Baker" Four weeks later I wake up but I can't see, move or talk. "What happen? The last thing I remember was sneezing and hearing gun shots and feeling pain in my chest, now I don't feel anything," I thought to himself. I tried to move but found out quickly that I was strapped to the bed and couldn't move or see. I wonder why I was like this, the only thing that happen was that I had been shot. While I was trying to free myself an alarm went off and I heard people running towards the room. "Doctor she's finally awake!" I heard one of the people say. I tried to speak but my mouth was to dry. Then I heard a doctor say get the patient a glass of water. At this time I was still trying to figure out what was going on. The nurse came back with a cup of water and a straw and insisted I drink as much as I needed. "Doctor it's a miracle, your experiment worked," one of the nurses said. "Doc. what's going on here, where am I and why am I in these restraints?" I managed to say after I had drank enough water to speak. "I will tell you later, but first can you tell me who you are?" "My name is Lamar Thomas; I'm a detective from Atlanta, Georgia." "That's amazing!" said Dr. Baker. "Nothing she... our patient says lives this place. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Doctor!" all of them said. Hearing the doctor say that made me really want to know what was going on. "You may continue," said Dr. Baker "I'm married and I have two sons. By the way how is my family dealing with the situation?" "Ah, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you..." "What bad news?" I yelled, finally noticing something was wrong with my voice. "What happen to my voice and why does it sound so funny." "Calm down Mr. Thomas and let me explain. You are no longer in Miami and I'm afraid you will never see your family again. As far as they're concern you are dead and as for your voice, you have had brain surgery about four weeks ago." "Brain surgery, for what? There wasn't anything wrong with my head. I just got shot in the chest!" "Please calm down and let me finish. You are at my research lad in Orlando, Florida. When you were brought here you were legally dead. We kept your brain alive in an oxygen enriched liquid tank. We had somebody who has been here a couple of months in a comatose state waiting for the type of organ you have provided us with." "Wait a minute, what type of organ are we talking about here." "Well Mr. Thomas we're talking about your brain." "My brain, what the fuck do you mean my brain." "Please calm down child. As I was saying you are no longer Lamar Thomas the 32 yr old man, you are now a 16 yr. old girl name Alexis Stevenson and you are the daughter of R. J. Stevenson one of the wealthiest men in Florida..." "Oh great, I get to go back to the place where I was killed and live there." I thought. "..and a huge contributor for this lad. Since you're now Alexis I should explain how you got here. About two months ago you were in an accident that caused severe head trauma, when Alexis was in a car wreck with a couple of friends. Everybody else had minor injuries; her father gave my research team's founding to help our new self regain consciousness..." While informing me what was going on Dr. Baker started removing the bandages from my head. He told me not move until he could reposition then. "Wait a minute, you're telling me that now I'm the youngest of three children. I have two older brothers, my parents are rich and I now have the body of a 16 yr. old girl." "Yes, and all you have to do is pretend to be their sister and take over where Alexis left off, you must act like you have amnesia." "I-I don't think I can do that, I mean I'm not really female and I sure as hell aren't 16." "I know that and that's why I've brought in someone to teach you everything you need to know. Your first appointment with her is in a couple of days, until then we have brought you a mirror so you can see what you look like. I will leave for awhile so you can examine yourself in private. By the way we have told your new family that you are awake they will be here tomorrow to see you." "Oh great." ................... The next day I woke up surprised by the smell of fresh flowers and shocked when I heard a couple of unfamiliar voices. Then he remembered what the doctor told him that his new family would be there the next day. "She's awake," I heard a woman said to man standing beside her. "Oh honey I thought I would never see you again." "Who are you people?" was all I could say, I couldn't believe how my new voice sounded. My new mother looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "Don't you remember us, It's me your mother." I was acting like I had amnesia when Dr. Baker walked in. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson it's good to see you again." "What's wrong with my daughter Alexis, she doesn't remember who we are?" Mr. Stevenson asked with a concern look on his face. "Your daughter is suffering from a series case of amnesia, which affects her long and short term memory. As I promised I have brought your little girl back to you but we must keep her here for awhile and run a few more test." Dr. Baker said calmly. "She also has to go to physical therapy for as long as it takes for her to leave a normal life again. Could you excuse me I have something I must take care of." he said as he turned to leave. As soon as the doctor left the room two attractive young men entered the room. I realized that they must be Alexis' brothers, my brothers but I don't know their names which didn't matter because all I had to do was act like I didn't know them. "How you feeling sis?" asked the first one, I found out his name was Kevin. "Yeah, I've brought you a present," said the other one, he was younger than Kevin and his name was Nicholas. Kevin was in college and spending his summer vacation at home waiting for his sister to recover from her accident. Nicholas on the other hand was going to be a senior when school started and was upset because his parents made him miss basket ball camp. So he wasn't too thrilled about his sister coming out of her comma as he should have been, but he was glad she was OK. Time went by and in no time the Stevenson family had left except for Mrs. Stevenson, she said she was going to stay for a while. After a couple of hours with this lady, I was really beginning to think of her as my mother. before she left I had feel asleep and as I laid there she drab the blanket that they had brought to the hospital and covered me up then kissed me on the forehead and whispered "Goodnight honey". ............................... A couple of days went by and the Stevenson family came to the hospital everyday to see me. My physical therapy went well and since my new mother was at every session so the therapist called me Alexis, but I was getting used to it so I didn't mind. In the private sessions with my therapist Ms. Banks I was taught all the things a girl my age should know. At one of the session I came in a little distracted and Ms. could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong with you?" "Oh nothing," I said with a smile on my face. Then I started asking questions about one of the orderly's personal life and Ms. Banks knew what was wrong. I could hear her laughing. "I think my little patient has a crush!" "No I don't! Is it that obvious?" as I sat down with my hands on my face. "Yes it is, and now knows your blushing and trying to hide it." "What is wrong with me Ms. Banks I'm not suppose to like boys?" "It's just the new hormones in your body; remember you are a teenager again. A young girl at that, now tell me who this young man is." "Well... He's one of the orderlies that work on my floor. I don't know his name but he's cute. (Cute? Where did that come from?) He's about six feet tall, has brown short hair and blue eyes..." "And his name is Chris," she said finishing my sentence for me. "How do you know who I'm talking about?" "Because he's my son." "Son, I didn't know you had a kid that old." "Yes actually I have two, Chris is the oldest. I have a daughter who is a year younger than you are now." Now that surprised me, I had thought that Ms. Banks was maybe as old I used to be. She looks so young for her age and I still don't know how old she really is. "If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" "I'm 40." "Whoa I couldn't tell you look so young. I thought you were you know about the age I used to be." After that we talked a little more about her family for a few more minutes. Then it was back to my training and therapy as usual. I was very hungry and tired from it all; I headed to the cafeteria and a nice chicken salad. After that I was off to my room for a nice hot bath. ............................... Weeks went by and everything became a daily routine. I flirted with Chris every chance I could get. He just laughed it off, but I knew what he was thinking "If only she was older." My parents came a lot more and stayed for some of therapy sessions. On the days they were there Ms. Banks didn't have to teach me how to be a girl because it would have been a hard thing to explain why she was teaching stuff I should know. One day I had a short session with Ms. Banks, she said I was learning everything very fast and thought I could use a break. We left her office and she accompanied me to my room. We talk as we walked about nothing in particular. Entering my room I reached for the lights. I turned them on and... "Surprise," everybody yelled. I was shocked. "What's going on here?" "Guess what? You're going home honey," my father said. "Home?" "Yes, I've talked to Dr. Baker and he thinks it would help you more if we got you home. Maybe you might get your memory back faster." said my father. "Isn't that great honey!" my mother added as she was hugging me. "Yeah, I guess it is," I said slowly. "What's the matter dear?" "I don't remember home." "See Alexis, that's exactly why I have decided to let you go home with your family," said the Dr. I looked around the room and noticed that every person I knew was here in my room. My parents, my brothers, Dr. Baker, Ms. Banks, two of the nurses and Chris. I smiled for the first time since the surprise. "I will be great to have you home again sis, I missed you," said Kevin as he hugged me. "Yeah, and maybe when you get home you came tell your friend to stop calling so much especially your friend Jennifer... Ouch" Nicholas said after getting hit on shoulder by Kevin and a harsh look from mom and dad. "Sorry, I should keep that to myself." I giggled at them. (I truly am a girl now) "Jennifer sounds like a very true friend who really cares for me." "She does, you two have known each other since you started elementary school," said mom. Ok so I have a best friend now. This could get interesting. I thought. "As soon as I fill out all your papers and your brothers get finished taking your things to the car you'll be on your way home honey," said father. With all my stuff packed and in a car it was time to say goodbye to the people that has helped me though my entire ordeal. With tear filled eyes and some long goodbyes, I was on my way to a new place that was supposed to be my home. Dr. Baker scheduled me for an appointment a week from today. Ms. Banks gave me her home number in case I needed to talk to her. I smiled at that as I thought it might mean I could talk to Chris sometime. As for Chris himself we said goodbye and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then I was off. Chapter 2: Family and Friends On the ride home in the limo I really didn't speak much, I just stared out the window the whole way. The family chatted about what it was going to be like to finally be home. I listened and tried to give an occasional answer. After about half an hour later we came to a big iron gate. "So this is home," I thought as the gates opened and the car drove through. The house was magnificent, it was bigger than what I was used to. As we got out the car I was feeling a little sad and scared. Mrs. Stevenson could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong honey?" "This place looks so big. I don't remember anything about it. Also I'm hungry I had anything since lunch." "Well while your father and brother take care of all your stuff, I take you the kitchen and let's see what we can find." I followed her to the kitchen where she pointed to the dinning counter and told me to sit. She fixed me a turkey sandwich and cut it in half. She sat there with me while I ate and laughed at how fast I finished the sandwich. "My you really were hungry," she said, "that should hold you until dinner, in about an hour and a half." "I think your righ,t" I laughed. "Well until then is it Ok if I walk around and see if anything jogs my memory?" "Yes, I think that's a great idea. Don't get lost because where having your favorite for dinner." "My favorite, what could that be," I wondered. So I just asked. "Oh honey, I didn't think your memory was that bad. Well I'll just surprise you," she said with a smile. "OK, I can't wait to see what it is." She was right, I was definitely surprised and it happened to my favorite meal as well when I was Lamar. Eating as a family felt good, my only regret is that this was not the family I was missing at that moment. I missed my wife and kids, but it's not like I could just pick up the phone and call her. What was I going to say? "Hi honey, it's Lamar I missed you and the kids so much. I'll be home soon." Yeah right. She'd think I was just some crazy teenage girl trying to play some kind of joke. I'll just have keep my feeling to myself and try my best to be who I appeared to a girl named Alexis Stevenson. After dinner the entire family went to the large family-room to watch movies and old home videos. I saw soon of Alexis' or should I say my most embarrassing moments that night. We laughed at them most of the night. I've seen a few videos with her, Jennifer and a couple of other girls in them. I guess sometime that night I must have fallen asleep, because I don't remember anything after that. For the first time in months I woke up in a very comfortable bed. The sun was peeking through the blinds, as I got up I noticed that I had on PJ's. Then I thought about how in the world did I get into them and into bed, someone must have brought me here and changed my clothes. I thought about that for a few minutes and walked over to the window to open the blinds. It was a beautiful day outside and by looking at the clock on my night- stand I could tell it was still morning. I grabbed the robe that was hanging on the door and decided to head down stairs to the kitchen, but first I to take a side road and head to the bathroom. I walked in the kitchen and found myself alone. There was a note on the counter addressed to me. I picked it up and started to read it: Good morning honey, Sorry nobody was home when you woke up. Your father had an important meeting he had to attend this morning and should be home at 4. Your brothers are out doing who knows what, so who knows when they will be home? As for me, well I have patients to attend to. For example: there's lady with a cat that has a broken paw that needs tending to. So I will be home when I came and I promise to call you as soon as I get time. I'm really sorry that your first day at home will be by yourself. Feel free to eat whatever you want, but remember you need to stuff that well help you get better. I love you honey. Mom "Wow, how cool is that, my mother's a vet, I wondered what she did for a living since the Dr. Baker never mentioned it," I said as I threw the paper away. I decided to just make myself an omelet and drink some orange juice. I headed to fridge to get everything I need for my meal. As I was putting my dirty dishes in the dish washer the phone started ringing. I walked to the nearest phone, which happened to be in the kitchen and checked the caller I.D. It had the name Debra Davis on it, since there was no one home but I answered it. "H...Hello." "Oh my gosh Alexis is that you?" said the caller. "Yes who is this?" "It's me Jennifer, I'm so glad you're finally home again. I've missed you so much." "It's nice to hear from you to but I can't anything more than that. "Because I can't remember too much of anything." "You mean you have amnesia, oh my gosh I'll be right over as soon as I ask my mom." Before I could say anything else she hung up. Fifteen minutes later I hear the doorbell. Checking the front door security camera I could see her standing there waiting. She still looks the same as she did from the home movies only older.

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Africa Slave QueenChapter 4

The confident sexy reporter had been in the camp for nearly a month when the routine of sexual repetition began to go strange. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, dreaming or dead but the world seemed distant, then she there was big stretches of time which seemed almost outside her body. She was in a bed with bright lights then blackness then glimpses of that German bastard who had raped her with the help of the soldiers and nurse. She sensed passage of time but didn't experience it....

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Long Is The Way Chapter 1 Through A Glass Darkly

The thick leather paddle whipped into Owen's bare ass repeatedly. Just when it was starting to feel good, the blonde young woman behind him stopped. “Are you OK? Am I going too hard?” “I'm fine, Mistress Jade. Harder, please.” She'd already asked the question, or some variation of it, at least a dozen times. It was starting to get ridiculous. Her inexperience was showing more clearly with every act. Caution was fine, especially when it was your first session with a new sub, but at some...

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Indian Couple In Rioting Love Of Threesome Part II

BEGINNING OF PART-2 OF 4 I woke up feeling groggy. I opened my eyes and realized that it was late evening. My head was paining. I was unable to recollect the exact sequence of happenings. I remembered the bang in my head caused by a stick hitting my head with a force. After that it was blank. I tried to get up. Suddenly a pair of delicate hands pushed me from behind to enable me to sit up in my bed. I looked behind me and saw Rekha Bhabhi supporting me from behind. Her hair was loose and...

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Brave New World Chapter 3 The Gathering

PREVIOUSLY, ON BRAVE NEW WORLD: It was a normal day when dozens around the world became Chosen, beings granted supernatural powers and a brand new form. On such Chosen named Charlie Harkins sought thrills beyond her imagination, and became the superhero known as ARACHNYA. On her first attempt at superheroing, she met another young Chosen named Frank Holden, who became SEEKER. Together, they foiled a bank robbery where a kidnapped Chosen named Monica Montoya, also known as QUAKE, the...

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Whats Love Got To Do With It Beths Story Part 2

After a restless night with little sleep, I struggled through my day at school on autopilot. Using Randy’s terminology, I was totally wasted. What I really wanted to do was go into a coma and sleep for a week, but I knew I had to go get ready for tonight. No matter how tired I was, bailing out on my first “free-night” was not an option. He wasn’t getting off that easy.I walked through the front door almost two hours later than usual, completely exhausted. Randy attempted to give me a kiss, but...

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The Shed0

“I’ll ask you again. What the hell do you have to smile about?” “Nothing Warden Hamilton, absolutely nothing.” I hang my head apologetically. “Why aren’t you over there with the other inmates, Carlson?” He asks, scowling at me. “I don’t know, Sir. I just like my solitude, I guess.” I answer. He let his gaze travel along my body, which although covered by my prison attire, still seemed to catch the attention of him, some of the other guards, and a few of the women. If I didn’t enjoy the...

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Slave Service To My Client

Hello, guys. I am Raunak Singh from Mumbai. I am 19 years old and provide all types of sexual services to ladies in and around Mumbai.Those who wish to avail my services please feel free to mail me at Coming back to the story, my last story got a good response from readers. A lady then emailed me and asked me to meet her personally before getting into bed. Her name was moksha a 40-year-old middle-class lady. She was married, had 2 kids. We decided to meet. She wore a traditional suit and she...

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DevilsFilm Charli Phoenix I Tittyfucked My MotherInLaw

Elias Cash got kicked out of the house because his wife caught him masturbating, so he’s staying at the home of his wife’s parent, Charli Phoenix. Elias argues on the phone with his wife that it’s normal for men to masturbate, but his wife is still mad at him, so it looks like he’ll be staying with his in-law for a while longer. Luckily, Charli is open-minded and agrees with Elias that masturbating isn’t a big deal. In fact, she tells him that he can masturbate...

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 15

The rest of the trip ran smoothly. Trae and Kat with some help from the lads completed the road. They made record time and arrived in Clawton late in the evening on the fourth day. They pushed it a little since they were close and the party were happy to be swapping camp beds for real ones sooner than they expected. Trae and Kat stayed in their wagon and to their amazement, the lads preferred to stay in their tent. They said they were more than comfortable in it with their mattresses and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 34 Bond James Bond

December 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I went upstairs to shower and shave while everyone else was eating dinner. When I finished in the bathroom, I dressed in my tuxedo and then went downstairs. “Jesus,” Abbie breathed when she saw me. “Don’t give him any ideas!” Elyse laughed. “His ego is already big enough!” “There can only be one person in the house who thinks they are a god,” I said piously, “and Jess has that position sewn up!” “Watch it, Tiger. For all intents...

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The Futa next door

You have lived in the same l cul de sacyour entire life. It's not a bad place to life, very much a part of suburban America. It's just not very exciting. You live in a large White House that looks the same as all the others on the street, probably a ploy by the developer to keep costs down. Every day you see the same boring neighbors, have the same boring routine, go to the same boring cook outs, BBQs and with the same people every holiday and weekend. God you wish something interesting would...

5 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 9

As soon as Roxie picked up her new car she sped to the diner to show everyone. It was late in the afternoon. Millie and Bonnie were just getting ready for the dinner crowd. She burst through the front door. “They even filled the gas tank,” she gushed. She realized, deep down, that the full tank wasn’t a big deal, but it impressed her enough when the salesman showed her, and she had to say something other than ‘come out here and look at my new car’. There were a few customers in the diner,...

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Ek Doctor Hi Ye Samaz Sakta Hai

Hi friends I’m Rohan, from Navi Mumbai and this is my first story and this is a real story which happened in last month girls, aunties can contact me on Main ek college student hu,meri height 5.4 hai mere body average hain mera lund 6 inch lumba aur 2 inch choda hai,navi mumbai main akele rehata hu,iss akele pan ne to muze bohot sataya mob pe serch karne ke baad muze iss site ka pata chala roj ya fir din main kae baar iss site ko open karke iski story padha ke apna lund hila leta tha in story...

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A Trip to the Family Cabin

It was a bright summer day in early august and me and my girlfriend Jessica were looking forward to the week ahead but dreading the week after. We were going to my uncle's cabin for the week with my family and my cousins. We got up there and we get a warm welcome from my cousins who are always there before my family and then we set up the camper trailer that we would be sleeping in because the cabin will be filled with 2 of my 3 cousins and our parents. Then we filled up the mini fridge with...

First Time
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My Holiday in Australia to visit my family

Well as you will know from my other stories I have a thing for fucking other mens wives and mostly older women, well I just had to tell you about this lady I met when I went on a Holiday to visit my brother and family in Perth, Western Australia some time ago! I was 28 at the time and on my first full day in Australia my nice took me out to this pub for a drink. My brother is a lot older than me and he had five Daughters, one was getting married and that was the reason for my visit, but the...

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Double TearsChapter 99

“These are only the nonsense ravings of a weak and perverse mind.” —E.C. Lemus, The Master of the Realities I AGREED TO WATCH PEY most of the first week of June. Mom was working on an arrangement with the other Moms of the pod with younger kids. They were creating their own camp for the summer and were depending on the rest of us to be counselors. It was funny how our pod was suddenly a resource for childcare for the summer and how the parents were coming together in their own support...

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The Highwaymans DaughterChapter 4

Meg was fair trembling with excitement because she had just witnessed the juicy taking of Rose's younger sister Camille by her stalwart partner Tom. It was an impressive sight because the diminutive flanks of the nineteen year old girl were much younger in appearance than their actual age. The fact that Rose's mouth and nose were buried between Meg's legs did little cause her fast approaching release. It was more the result of seeing the innocent face of Camille raised up to the heavens...

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How An Indian Boyfriend Became A Cuck

It all started when I was talking to my girlfriend over call back in lockdown 2020. I liked discussing sex as I had never done it till that point in time and my girlfriend had done it many times. I was very curious about her sex life and asked her multiple questions and wanted her to reply in detail, much to her annoyance at times. So, one night she was telling me how sex with her last boyfriend sucked as he had a small dick. She told me that she almost felt nothing inside her. I asked her how...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 913

This one is compliments of Capt. Zapp A man is hiking through the woods when he hears a female voice calling for help. Eventually he finds a naked woman tied to a tree. While she was dirty and covered in cuts and scratches, he could tell she was quite attractive. “Gee Lady, what happened to you?” The lady sobs and tells her story. “I was having sex with my boyfriend when my husband came home early and caught us. He threw both of us out the window naked and I landed in the rose bushes. I...

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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 08

It was difficult to coordinate the Christmas shopping that year. Since their first married Christmas, Jason and Dani had divided the shopping: Dani went by herself to shop for Jason and her parents, and Jason went by himself to shop for Dani and his parents. They went together to shop for Jason’s brothers and their families. After Anna was born, they had also taken turns taking her out to get presents for each other. Now, with three kids, it wasn’t as easy. Melanie was too young to make any...

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Would you like to fuck me asked Hina. Huh, what did you say I asked shocked by the blunt and unexpected question? Well, we have been working on this damn project for 3 days straight, 12 to 14 hours a day. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and have spent more time together this week than we have with our spouses, she said. She was right. Monday morning at 6 we had started on the preparations for the Sales Conference. 2 late sittings on Monday and Tuesday, clocking 14 hours a piece...

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Mistress Rose and Marie

Mistress Rose went rigid suddenly. Her body, previously relaxed on the sofa, jerked violently and she dropped the phone. I could hear the little voice on the end of it."Rose. Rose? You still there? ... Oh you bitch, you're coming aren't you! You got that boy's tongue working you over? Rose!"Up until now Mistress Rose had been talking away normally and her friend had obviously not gained any knowledge that Rose had my head between her legs under her flowing skirt for the last hour or so. Now was...

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Mom Making Cum Tea For Father

Hello friends, this is my first story on Indian sex stories. so, give me feedback about my story at end. My name is Renish. I am from middle class family.  Due to my innocent nature, i couldn’t understand about what incident was that at that time. But, I realize it now as i am so mature teenager now. My family has four member. my father, mother ,elder sister and me.My father works in one government research worker at laboratory. my sister is studying 12th when this incident take place. My...

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My daughters pussy

My Daughter This is merely a fantasy. I don't even have a still young I have been married to my wife for 25 years. She was my high school sweetheart and is the mother of my c***dren. We have 2 together.Mark, our oldest is 20 and has moved away to go to school on a lacrosse scholarship. Bethany is 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. She will be attending a university in the fall on a soccer scholarship. I am very proud of my k**s and what they are turning out...

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When wife and I got married we stayed with her Mum for eight months. Mum-in-law was divorced and seeing someone now and again. Margaret (mum-in-law) was not bad looking and like all guys always wondered what it would be like to fuck their wifes Mum.At the time I worked nightshift and as I was getting home wife was getting ready to go into Office for a days work so it was just a Hi and goodbye. Margaret only worked a few days a week so was home for a couple of days a week.I thought of a plan for...

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Sharon our Mom gets trained 2

After having started sucking off her two sons, she and Phil's sex life became a lot better. He always got much exited, when thinking of her servicing the sons and they fucked much more than they used to.He would come home to find her just finished with her duties, sometimes he would have to wait for her finishing sucking off her sons. Then they would retreat to the master bedroom and while he was fucking her, she would tell him all the details. One day he found them all together, a thing which...

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Whores And Pimps Part 1

Whores and Pimps – Part I By Michele Nylons Malcolm was a middle manager with a small business in a large city. Malcolm led a pretty boring life, he was in his forties, single, devoted to his work, he liked to keep himself fit, all of his family lived interstate except for his older sister who lived nearby, and he led a quiet social life. Malcolm had a few girlfriends over the years but never anything serious, he kept himself to himself and rarely socialised outside of a small circle of...

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The Latest News from Oversex

THE LATEST NEWS FROM OVERSEX (A Sequel to "Nipped in the Bud") By C Our story takes place in Middlestroke, a tony suburb northwest of London.In Madame Sesostris' Salon, the ladies were enjoying a favorite morning ritual.They sat back in comfortable recliners, while a herd of human serving womensaw to their hair, nails, makeup, perfume, and anything else that occurredto them. Every succubus in Middlestroke was present that morning. Molly Morgothwas there, a winsome redhead who favored yellow...

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Two Roads

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at a story. Thanks to my wife for her patience in adjusting my commas. Two Roads By Kristine Roland "Surprise!" shouted the crowd as Kevin and Terry walked into the living room of their son Bill's home. Kevin surveyed the room with pleasure as he saw all of his family. He smiled as he looked at his children, their spouses, his grandchildren, and of course Terry, his wife of 50 years. My goodness, could it really be that long? It hardly seemed...

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Grannies romance can unlock their real needs

Part 1 This is fiction: old women (my preferred ages are between 70 and 85) do not really believe that a young, middle aged or even a guy like me at 60 man could be attracted to them. But as we all know, granny lovers are. But a lot of them find it hard to meet and actually fuck them. This story is based a little part on fact but embellished to make it good wanking material. Before I start, look at this short video. They obviously are enjoying it. And Granny for once, is not wanking or sucking...

5 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 20

Much appreciation to my trio of friends: Vanessa Nelson, GTDaytona and Mr. Fox for their guidance and edits. Remaining mistakes are all mine. ***** At five Karla texted Philip the address of the chain restaurant that was to be the setting for the execution of her plan. She was going to confess to her boyfriend that she had had ‘unintentional’ sex with Mei Chun, have her join them and manipulate him into agreeing to let her continue to see her. She could have kept their affair a secret,...

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