A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 08 free porn video

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It was difficult to coordinate the Christmas shopping that year. Since their first married Christmas, Jason and Dani had divided the shopping: Dani went by herself to shop for Jason and her parents, and Jason went by himself to shop for Dani and his parents. They went together to shop for Jason’s brothers and their families. After Anna was born, they had also taken turns taking her out to get presents for each other.

Now, with three kids, it wasn’t as easy. Melanie was too young to make any sense of what was going on, and it wouldn’t matter if she saw presents that were bought for her because she wouldn’t remember them once they were put away. The problem was what to do with Sean and Anna. Neither Dani nor Jason wanted to be the only one responsible for both kids in the holiday crowds they were likely to encounter. ‘What if one of us took Sean and went shopping for Anna,’ Jason suggested, ‘and the other one took Anna shopping for Sean, and then we could trade kids.’

‘But neither of them can keep secrets,’ Dani said. ‘They’d be telling each other what we buy. I think the best thing to do will be to get together with Robin and Steve, and they can help one of us with the kids while the other one goes off alone to shop for the kids.’

Before they had a chance to talk to Robin and Steve about this idea, Phyllis called and suggested she go along on the shopping trip. ‘It’ll be a chance for me to see Sean, and an extra pair of hands for you.’

They agreed on Saturday for the trip. Jason had Friday night off, which meant that he would be able to get the necessary amount of sleep to handle shopping with two toddlers. ‘Don’t worry,’ Dani told him. ‘Phyllis will help you.’

‘I’ll tell you what I’m really worried about,’ Jason said. ‘What if we go out and get all these things for Sean, and the court gives him to Julie?’

‘He’ll still be here for Christmas, Jason,’ Dani said. Martin Franklin had called them the day before to let them know that the custody hearing would be on January fourth. ‘With a little luck and a lot of prayer, he’ll be here after that.’

‘I’m still worried,’ Jason said.

‘So am I.’

‘No mysterious contact from the other side lately?’

‘I haven’t had any more dreams about Ben, if that’s what you mean. Not since the one last week that you still don’t believe.’

‘I believe the dream, Dani. I just believe that all of it was a dream.’

‘Jason, I was sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate when the phone book fell and the radio came on. How could I have been asleep?’

‘It was three in the morning. Maybe you dozed off for a few seconds. Look, I don’t want to argue about that. If you believe it happened, then it happened. It doesn’t matter if I believe you or not.’

‘It matters to me,’ Dani said. ‘This is the first time you’ve ever not believed me about something like this. But you’re right, I don’t want to argue either. The point is that we’re worried about losing Sean. Let’s make a pact.’


‘Let’s get through Christmas like a family. No worrying. On December twenty-sixth, we can start worrying again.’

‘I’ll still worry,’ Jason said.

‘So will I,’ Dani admitted. ‘All right. We can worry, but we keep it to ourselves till after Christmas.’

‘All right.’

Anna came downstairs. ‘Anna, why are you out of bed?’ Jason asked.

‘Sean’s crying,’ Anna said. ‘He says that the monster in his closet’s gonna take him away.’

‘I’ll go up,’ Jason said.

‘Mommy, who wants to take Sean?’ Anna asked when her father had left the room.

‘What do you mean, Anna?’

‘Another day, you said someone wants Sean.’

Dani cursed herself for underestimating her daughter. Anna had always tended to ask about things several days after they happened, but Dani had thought Anna might have forgotten about the conversation she had overheard. ‘Sean’s Mommy wants him,’ she told Anna. ‘Sean’s mommy and daddy didn’t live together, and Sean lived with his daddy. Now that Sean’s daddy is in Heaven, Sean’s mommy wants Sean to live with her.’

‘I want Sean to live here forever,’ Anna said, close to tears.

‘So do Daddy and I, sweetheart. That’s why, after Christmastime is over, we’re going to talk to someone, a judge, and ask if we can adopt Sean. Adopting means that Sean will be part of our family forever.’

‘Let’s do it!’ Anna said.

‘Dani!’ Jason called from upstairs.

Dani went up, trailed by Anna. Jason was standing in Sean’s doorway. ‘He wants you,’ he said. ‘He talked to me a little, but now he wants you. Come on, Anna. Let’s get you back to bed.’

‘I want to see if Sean’s all right,’ Anna argued.

‘Sean’s fine, babe,’ Dani said. ‘You go with Daddy.’

Sean was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the closet door. ‘Sean?’ Dani said softly. The little boy turned to look at her. ‘Jason said you wanted me,’ Dani said.

‘Daddy say you make monster go ‘way,’ Sean said.

‘Daddy said? You mean Jason?’

‘No! Daddy! I have bad dream about monster. Daddy come and say, Dani make monster go ‘way.’

‘Dear God,’ Dani whispered. In all this time, she hadn’t realized that Sean, too, was seeing Ben in his dreams. ‘I can try,’ she said to Sean. ‘Did your daddy say how I should get rid of the monster?’


Dani opened the closet door. ‘Monster, go away!’ She turned to Sean. ‘How’s that?’

Sean shook his head. ‘Monster still there. She mean monster.’

‘She? I thought your monster was a he.’

‘No. It a other-Mommy monster. Me and Anna scream at her, but she don’t go ‘way.’

Dani closed her eyes. Ben, help me figure this out, she thought. Then she knew what to say. ‘Other-Mommy monster, get out of Sean’s closet. Sean’s our little boy now. You can’t have him. Go away!’

She turned back to Sean. He was nodding. ‘Monster all gone now,’ he said. ‘Night-night, Mommy Dani.’

‘Night-night, Sean.’ She kissed him on the forehead and left the room. Jason was waiting in the hall, looking at her questioningly. ‘Monster all gone,’ Dani said.

‘How’d you manage that?’ Jason asked.

‘It’s a long story.’

‘I don’t have time for long stories tonight. I have a better idea of what to do with my night off.’

Dani didn’t even need to ask what his idea was.

* * *

The next morning, they left the house at nine for their shopping trip. Getting out of the house that early took some work, but it was worth it not to have to cope with the Christmas crowds that would hit the Mall around lunchtime. Phyllis met them at the Mall, as planned. Sean tried to tell her how Dani had gotten rid of the monster, but Phyllis stopped listening when Sean insisted his father had spoken to him. ‘I thought you believed in Heaven,’ Dani said to her.

Phyllis looked offended. ‘Of course I do!’

‘And don’t you believe that when someone goes to Heaven, they watch over their loved ones?’

‘Well, yes.’

‘Then why is it so hard to accept that maybe when their loved ones are in trouble, angels might be able to speak to them?’

Phyllis looked at her strangely. ‘If I didn’t know better,’ she said. ‘I’d say you actually believe Sean was talking to Ben last night.’

‘Maybe not when he was awake,’ Dani said. ‘But sometimes, people will say something ‘just came to them’ in a dream.’ She knew there wasn’t any point in using her own experience to convince Phyllis that Ben was in contact with them. Phyllis would probably dismiss her as a lunatic.

‘I suppose,’ Phyllis said reluctantly. ‘Ever since Sean could talk, he talks about knowing things that he couldn’t really know. Maybe there’s something there.’

‘Maybe,’ Dani agreed. She wondered, considering the connection she and Ben had always had, why it surprised her that Ben’s son might have some kind of psychic ability.

‘I wouldn’t call it psychic,’ Ben said.

He and
Dani had realized that they seemed to read each other’s mind too often for it to be coincidence. ‘What would you call it, then?’ Dani asked.

‘It’s just a connection we have. We’re like two sides of the same coin. Like soul mates.’

‘Soul mates?’

‘I think so,’ Ben said seriously. ‘We’re part of each other. That’s why we can read each other’s minds. Because we’re sort of the same person, just in two separate bodies. Am I making any sense, or am I just stoned?’

‘If you’re stoned, I am too,’ Dani said. ‘It makes perfect sense to me.’

‘You can’t be stoned,’ Ben said. ‘You aren’t smoking.’

‘I know. And I wish you wouldn’t either. If you want to destroy yourself, at least wait till I’m out of the room.’

‘All right.’ He opened the window and threw the still-lit joint out onto the driveway. ‘I wouldn’t do that for just anyone, you know,’ he said. ‘Only my soul mate.’

‘Let’s go shopping!’ Anna said excitedly, bringing Dani back to the present.

* * *

For the first hour and a half, Jason went off by himself while Dani and Phyllis took the kids to buy presents for Jason and for Dani’s parents. Then they traded off, Jason went with Phyllis and the kids to get gifts for Dani and for Jason’s parents. After another hour and a half, they got together to find things for Jason’s brothers and their families.

They left the Mall at about one, and followed Phyllis to a restaurant she had suggested for lunch. ‘Dani, have you had any dreams about Ben lately?’ Phyllis asked while they waited for their orders.

Jason seemed about to answer, but Dani gave him a look that made him shut his mouth. ‘To be honest, I have,’ she said. ‘Several times.’

‘Me, too,’ said Sean.

‘Sean, please don’t interrupt,’ Phyllis said. ‘Dani, do you really believe those dreams were Ben trying to contact you from the great beyond? Or do you think they were just dreams?’

Her tone suggested that a sane person would agree with the latter choice. Although Dani had questioned her own sanity a few times lately, she knew the dreams for what they were, and said so. ‘I don’t know for sure if it was Ben directly,’ she replied. ‘But I do know that the dreams have given me warnings and messages about things that I’m sure Ben would want me to know. And Ben was in the dreams.’

Phyllis didn’t respond right away, Dani was sure for a moment that the woman was about to get up and leave. Then Phyllis said slowly, ‘Ben always insisted that you and he had some kind of bond. I saw myself more than once where he’d say something like, ‘Dani’ll be calling in a minute,’ and a minute or so later, you would call. It even happened when he hadn’t spoken to you for a few days or even weeks, so I know he hadn’t been told that you were going to call. Sean used to do the same thing, saying his Daddy’d be home early and then Ben would pull in the driveway, that type of thing. I never believed in telepathy or mind reading or any of that, and I never really thought about someone talking to their loved ones from Heaven. But knowing Ben as I did, I can’t deny that if anyone could do something like that, it would be him.’

‘Have you dreamed about him, Phyllis?’ Dani asked.

Phyllis hesitated, then nodded. ‘Just once.’

‘Can I ask what he said to you?’

‘He told me to help you all I can, and to watch out for the monster in the closet. I didn’t know what that meant, till today.’

* * *

Dani had always considered herself lucky that both her and Jason’s families lived nearby. They had never had to argue about where to spend the holidays. They always went to the Thanksgiving open house at Carl and Susan’s, Dani’s parents were always invited as well, but they didn’t usually go. Carl and Susan insisted on holding their Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve, it was the easiest time to get Jason, his brothers, and the grandchildren together, and it left Christmas Day free for them to spend alone. Dani and Jason were then able to go to Dani’s parents’ on Christmas Day. They were looking forward to sharing the family festivities this year with Sean.

About a week before Christmas, however, Julie called. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ she demanded when Dani answered the phone.

‘Happy holidays, Julie,’ Dani said calmly.

‘You really think I’m going to give up my son? Especially to you?’

‘Julie, I’ve never understood why you hate me. I admit, you might have a reason now, but not when you were with Ben. If I’d wanted to be with Ben, I wouldn’t have married my husband.’ This was, of course, a lie, but it was for a good cause.

‘Ben wanted to be with you,’ Julie said angrily. ‘He denied it, but he carried a picture of you all the time. One time in bed, he even called me Dani! And you ask why I hate you?’

‘He loved you, Julie. He cried when he told me you were leaving him.’

‘Sure, because I was pregnant with his kid. Then he turns around and gives my kid to you!’

‘He tried to find you, Julie,’ Dani said. She didn’t know for sure whether or not this was true. ‘He didn’t know where you were, and neither did your parents. They said you just left Sean with them and took off.’

‘Yeah, well, I’m back now. And my parents agree that you have no right to take my son away from me. This custody hearing is bullshit, and I’m not going to waste my time.’

‘If you don’t show up for the hearing, you automatically lose custody,’ Dani pointed out.

‘I know that, bitch! I’m not stupid! But I’m going to get my son back. And when I do, you won’t be seeing him again.’

Dani tried appealing to Julie’s compassion, although she wasn’t sure if the woman had any. ‘Julie, if we get custody of Sean, we’d want you to be able to see him,’ she said. ‘And if you get custody, I think it would make it easier for him if you let us see him, at least once in a while.’

‘I don’t give a damn what you think.’

‘Julie, please. We’ve been looking after him since Ben died. He still hasn’t gotten over losing his father. Do you want him to have to go through another loss?’

‘He doesn’t need you and your fucking family! He needs his mother! He’s a little kid. He’ll forget all about you. And I want him for Christmas.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘You heard me, bitch. I want my son to spend Christmas with me. My lawyer says that I have the right to see him.’

‘Then your lawyer can have a talk with our lawyer about it.’ Dani finally lost her temper. ‘I’m done talking to you, Julie. The next time you call my house, I’m filing harassment papers. You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself. That was obvious when you screwed around on Ben while you were pregnant, and it was obvious when you dumped Sean on your parents so you could get drunk and get laid. You fucked up Ben’s life, and, if it kills me, I will not let you fuck up Sean’s!’ She slammed down the phone, then unplugged it as it began to ring again.

* * *

Martin Franklin called the next day. ‘Julie Ryan’s accusing you of harassing her,’ he informed Dani.

‘Let her,’ Dani said. ‘My phone bill will prove that I didn’t call her.’

‘I know,’ Martin said. ‘Her lawyer already checked into it. But she may use it to make you look bad in court, so watch your step. That isn’t what I called about, anyway.’

‘What is it?’ Dani asked with a sinking feeling.

‘Julie wants Sean with her on Christmas. Now, I know that’s the last thing you want, and I certainly can’t blame you there. But the custody arrangement she had with Ben stipulated that she can have Sean on weekends and holidays.’

‘So we have to let her take him on Christmas?’ Dani was close to tears. ‘Martin, we have everything all planned. Why didn’t she spring this on us sooner?’

‘I don’t think that’s what you’re really upset about,’ Martin said.

‘No, it isn’t,’ Dani admitted. ‘What if she doesn’t bring him back?’

‘She will.’

‘How can you be so sure?’

reasons. Number one, if she doesn’t bring him back, it would mean a kidnapping charge, which is not a chance she can afford to take right now, and she knows it. Number two, since Julie and you aren’t supposed to have any contact- which is why she’s trying to pin that phone call on you- I’ve arranged to be the one to take Sean there and bring him back.’

‘Martin, that’s wonderful! But isn’t it a conflict of interest?’

‘Possibly, but Julie’s lawyer agreed to it. What were your plans for Christmas Day?’

‘We usually open presents at home in the morning, then go to my parents’ house.’

‘How about Christmas Eve?’

‘Jason’s parents’.’

Dani could hear him shuffling papers at his end of the phone. ‘Where do Jason’s parents live?’


‘And your parents?’


‘Perfect. I’ll pick Sean up at your in-laws’ around- what time will you be there?’

‘The party’s usually from about six o’clock on.’

‘All right. I’ll pick him up there at eight. Julie can have him overnight. That will show how serious she really is, if she’ll choose to take her son instead of going to Christmas parties. Then I’ll pick him up at her place Christmas morning, and have him at your parents’ house around noon. Does that sound all right?’

‘It sounds fine,’ Dani said. ‘But will Julie agree to it?’

‘She won’t have a choice.’

* * *

Anna cried on Christmas Eve, and refused to go to sleep. Dani and Jason thought she was just overtired from the excitement at her grandparents’, until Dani went to talk to her. ‘Anna, what is the matter?’ Dani asked, exasperated. ‘You need to go to sleep.’

‘I miss Sean!’ the little girl wailed.

‘I know, Babe,’ Dani said. She hugged Anna. ‘But we’ll see Sean tomorrow when we go to Grammy and Bubba’s.’

‘No we won’t!’

‘Anna, what are you talking about? Of course we will.’

‘Uh, uh! Sean told me! He was bad, so the monster took him away!’

‘Oh, Sweetheart, no! That isn’t it at all! Sean’s a good boy. And he isn’t with a monster. He’s with his mommy, his birth mommy. He’s going to stay at her house tonight, then he’ll be back with us tomorrow. I promise.’

‘Mommy, do I have a birth mommy?’

‘I am your birth mommy, Sweetie. You came out of my belly.’

‘You’re my only mommy?’

‘That’s right.’

‘If I’m bad, who’s gonna take me away?’

This time, Dani couldn’t hold back the tears. ‘Anna, I’m so sorry that this is scaring you,’ she said, wiping her eyes. ‘Nobody’s going to take you away from us. No matter what, Daddy and I will always love you, and you’re always going to be our daughter. Sean’s birth mommy didn’t take him away because he was bad. She just missed him and wanted him to spend part of Christmas with her.’

‘Sean says his birth mommy’s bad,’ Anna said.

‘She used to be,’ Dani said. ‘That’s why Sean used to live with his daddy. But I think his birth mommy’s a good mommy now, and that’s why she wants to spend time with Sean.’

‘Will she take him away when you talk to the judge?’

‘I hope not, babe.’ Dani wished she could say no, but she couldn’t lie to her daughter. ‘I hope not.’

‘I hope not too.’

Anna got out of bed. ‘What are you doing?’ Dani asked.

‘Praying.’ Anna knelt and closed her eyes. ‘Dear God, and Santa, too. Please don’t let the monster take Sean away. And please don’t let anyone take me and Melanie away. And please let me have my Barbie dollhouse for Christmas. Amen.’

Dani didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Anna’s prayer, so she did both.

* * *

The next day, Martin Franklin brought Sean to the Phillipses’ at noon on the dot. Sean seemed happy enough, whatever Dani might think of Julie, Julie didn’t seem to have been a monster to Sean. ‘Mommy gived me a Elmo!’ Sean reported. ‘He laugh when I tickle him!’

‘I got that too!’ Anna said. ‘But I don’t like it.’

‘I do!’

‘It seems to have gone all right,’ Dani said to Martin.

Martin nodded. ‘From the court’s point of view, Julie did everything right. She was waiting at the door when we got there last night. She didn’t try to force Sean to call her ‘Mommy’ or hug her or anything like that, which is important since Sean can barely remember her. She didn’t go out anywhere last night. She told me her parents came for an early-morning Christmas celebration this morning, and she had Sean ready to go when I got there. So, if she hasn’t really changed, she’s at least acting like she has, which will look good to the judge.’

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Jack got home a little after five thirty. When he kissed me and asked "How was your day?" I felt like Donna Reed. Pretty good. I could get used to this. After we swapped some spit, I asked, "Did you shower after practice?" "Yes, Ma'am." He turned his head and pulled the top of his ear down. "See?" "Good Boy. Now you need to take Bozo out and let him do his business for about five minutes. And when you come back, I need you to lock the front door. Then let me know you're back,...

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Indian Mothers Bollywood Dreams

My mother, Jisha, always wanted to be an actress. Marriage, motherhood, and profession had all taken away a lot of time from her life. But at 40 years she still wanted to try her luck at acting. She was always a movie buff, watching movies in every language possible. She followed cinema closely, hoping she would someday get a chance. She had quit her job at the bank two years ago and is now a regular housewife. And with me joining college, this year, mom was starting to have time for herself...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Becomes His Whore

It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy. As a part time professional photographer I work at home quite often. I had some work to editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom next door and then neighbor lady and some man enter. My room was dark, to work on the pictures, and so they never noticed me and did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy...

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Crazy Friday with neighbour

Well if you have read my previous stories about my neighbour you will have an idea of whats coming.If your all settled i'll begin.It was the Friday before christmas, Crazy Friday its called and we were going out with friendsfor a few drinks we intended to start early and finish at a reasonable time before alot of the dickheads started to get pissed.I lay on the bed reading after my shower and waited for my wife to come into the bedroom after her shower she did with a towel wrapped around her...

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Never Insult a Kinky Female Magician

Never Insult a Kinky Female Magician By: Kittie Bigracks Hi everyone, this is erotic material only suitable for those old enough to read it legally and accepting enough to enjoy it. That being said, I love hearing from those who read my stories. Please leave some feedback or write me directly at [email protected]. Your thoughts and ideas inspire me to write more and, honestly, get me really hot. ****************************************** I stepped into the theater and...

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The Hunter and the Druid

It wasn't long before they came upon her, a dim shape moving between the trees on a rise, her sleek dark blue-violet form silhouetted in the moonlight. Rubbing wantonly against a tree, the crescent-marked cat gave out a howl, loud, longing and beckoning. Mecawyn quickly gripped a tuft of fur, holding back his cat before it gave chase. He couldn't release Lyrah, because now he knew for certain... Kaldorei. The feline shape crested the rise and moved out of view. Mecawyn stepped...

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XVideos Blowjob

As much as I love watching a good creampie video or seeing an orgy of sexy lesbians eat each other’s pussies, there’s a time and a place for blowjob videos. It’s tough to beat the best of them, too. When a hot bitch is slobbering all over your cock and jerking it like they know how to work a dick or three, nothing is fucking better.That’s why if you’re in the mood for some of the sexiest blowjob videos on the Web, you need to pay a visit to XVideos.com/Blowjob. Since 2007, XVideos has been...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Bettys Seethru Dress

My name is Betty White and I am not some teenager with an untalented pussy or some stay-at-home mom with distaste for cock in general like it was medicine to take before bed like a good little girl. My husband Ralph and I have been married for almost ten years and we don’t have any children but it isn’t for want of trying all sorts of options to increase our chances of having a little one that we could brag about to relatives and friends. My own mother accused me of using pills and...

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The best fucking of my life

Fresh out of a hot and steamy shower, I lay on the bed in my university dorm thinking of yesterday’s adventures with Kev. The lingering thoughts of yesterday mixed with the remaining tingle on my skin from the hot shower makes my hot clit throb uncontrollably. I move the damp towel strewn lazily over my body to reveal my swollen cunt protruding from my already wet pussy lips. The cold air reaches my nipples immediately, making them erect and my body shiver. I quickly slide my middle finger down...

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Anal Virgin

She lay face down on the bed, bum raised and back arched, her weight resting on her knees and chest. Reaching back, she gasps her buttocks in each hand and pulls them apart. My gaze was drawn to her pink arsehole and as I watched she was pulsed it, as if blowing me a kiss. “Come on Sir, fuck me. Fuck my little hole. I’m ready.”Grabbing the lube, I climbed onto the bed behind her and dripped some directly onto her hole. It pulsed again as the cool liquid touched the hot flesh. I rubbed it around...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 4

PART FOUR: THE PRIVATE DRESSING ROOM 100% fiction! One week later. The next week was great. I fucked my brother and although no uncle Danny, he sure was getting better. The master bedroom is now mine and mom often spends the night here most of the time. The sex was amazing, but we wanted to take my mom to the next level. We did not want to humiliate Carla’s mom in public because she had a high profile job and thought we may be able to use that to our advantage down the road. My mom though was a...

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My big happy family Part Two

My mom was out at the bar down the street with her boyfriend and i knew in the back of my head that she wasnt coming home tonight, my sister Cristine at a friend's house, and my sister Megan retreated into her room like most 17 years olds are on weeknights. I was basically home alone. It was half past nine and I was bored out of my mind as I watched TV. I heard my sister Morgan through the walls on the phone with her friend. I was bored, why not listen in? She would never notice. I went...

1 year ago
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Gram Connie

I would suggest you read the story "Aunt Pat" prior to reading this one.* * * * *Every time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick would get hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but I was afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened by her immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married my grandfather in 1954 at the age of...

2 years ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 13

The first stop for shopping for any girl or woman I found out usually involves shoes. That was true today as with any other shopping day for my sisters. They spent quite a while looking at shoes. I told them that it would be nice if they were to consider their master's desires to see each of them with at least one pair of CFM shoes... 'Come Fuck Me' shoes. Kelly asked me just what degree of CFM I envisioned. I must have looked as confused as I felt. She informed me that CFMs come in...

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Sex Circus

Frank knew he shouldn’t have sniffed the flower. As the clown had approached him, he had done his best to sit like a statue and ignore the grumpy old fart, until the ugly face had leaned in close to him and said, “Play along and I’ll make it up to you after the show.” It wasn’t the words that got his attention as much as the voice, though. While the face, at least as it was made up, was an ornery old man, the voice that came from it was sweet, young,...

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Sex With My Best Friend

Hello horny guys and girls this is Sri Harsha from Hyderabad currently living in Bangalore pursuing my Mba and this story is about how I fucked my best friend Divya when I went to Hyderabad for holidays. Well I won’t take much time let start with the story describe about me I am 5.6 tall and average physic body and not much fair in complexion but good looking and my cock size is 6.and about Divya she is very cute and fair in complexion and she had a great body to watch right from the class 9...

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at the poola first time story

When I was younger.....I enjoyed getting to our local indoor pool all year round. It got to the point, I just have my folks drop me off, and have them come back at closing time. One night, I was the last person in the pool but for the lifeguard. At that age I was growing...almost 6' tall, thin, little bod hair. I guess a 'swimmer build". About half an hour before closing Vince, the lifeguard said he needed to take a break and asked if I could get out of the pool for about 10 minutes till he was...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With My Favorite School Teacher

Hi ISS story readers. I am Akhil and I am a daily reader of ISS. Today I am going to tell you all about my sex experience with my school teacher. I am very much interested in boobs and any housewife who is unhappy can contact me as I can make you happy. Coming to the story, the name of the teacher is Sangeetha who is a Maths teacher in our school. When I was in 12 class she has joined our school and came to teach Maths. She used to wear a transparent blouse where her bra was visible. She looks...

2 years ago
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Just a SecChapter 8

That night – actually, very early the following morning – the sudden buzz of his phone on the nightstand woke Matt from a deep sleep. But, his fitness and his training allowed him to shake off the cobwebs quickly and sufficiently enough to sound somewhat rational when he finally got around to answering the call. Matt noted two things immediately before hitting the answer hot spot on his phone’s screen. The call was from David Burton and it was an ungodly early hour for him to be calling...

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Bo Peep and the neighbor

It had been a hot summer and I had no luck finding a job. My parents did not seem to understand that there just weren't that many companies hiring that year due to the economy so they had really been pressuring me to find a job. They all wanted someone with experience but having just graduated high school I had none. I was nearly at my wits end so when I was asked to house sit for my uncle I jumped at the chance. He lived a half an hour out of town in a nice quiet neighborhood and had a nice...

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Dirty Aunty Ke Sath Maje

Mai amit aap sabhi ko mere sath gathi ek sacchi ghatna batane ja raha hu meri umer abhi 22 saal h mujhe shuru se hi ladkiyo se jyada marriage aunty me interest raha h aapko meri story kaisi ladki mujhe mail jarur kijiyega mujhe aapke mail ka intajar rahega Mai nagpur se hu aur hamare pados me ek aunty raheti thi name sunita unki age 36 hogi unke boobs bhi bahut bade aur sexy the unki gand bhi ek dam mast thi agar unhe koi dekh le to uska lund khada ho jaye aunty ek house wife h unki 2 beti aur...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 4

It was Tuesday, the second evening after David had ejected Celia. His first night alone had gone rather better than he thought it would. He had put some jazz on the music system and had a few beers before having a bath, doing the usual bedtime chores and going to bed. His emotions seemed to have gone to sleep ahead of him, and he slept well, going into work the next morning. However, the Tuesday evening was different: the house now felt very empty to him. He was feeling low, despondent,...

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Hard In The Ass

She was so hot. I just loved to look at her as she left her apartment. No matter when or for what reason she look very sexy. She had the kind of body that just screamed 'fuck me'. And that is what I wanted to do. She was kind of short but had those perfect legs that gave the illusion of going on for ever. She had that long, thick hair that was just perfect to nuzzle in too. I watched her everyday, and I knew her habits. On weekdays morning she dressed in a short dress type suit. All stiff and...

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A stranger cums in my hand

I had gone on a quick trip to Chicago with my beloved hubby.Victor had been very busy during three days and finally we were boarding a plane to fly back home…While sitting on the plane I asked a blanket and received one and a pillow. Victor’s seat was in the aisle and I was on the middle. We had to get up to allow a man go through us, to his window seat. He was a black man, really huge, much bigger than my husband. Sitting in between them, I had no room to move.The plane took off, for a nice...

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Eye Opening Trip

My daughter in law felt like she needed a companion to drive from her post in Washington State to her new duty station in Oklahoma. She and my son are both in the Army and he was in Ranger school. He couldn't get leave to help her so guess whom she called on? Right. Me. I didn't really want to spend the money and besides a 25-year-old military officer should be able to drive all by herself across the country shouldn't she? Well, I had decided to tell her I wouldn't do it when my wife...

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How I Fucked My Friends Sister

Hi, all, I’m living in Bangalore and is good looking with a decent body build. My friend’s sister got married in Jan 2017. Her name is M, aged 27 and living in Bangalore. She had fair skin and 5 ft 6 inches in height. Her figure is 32-36-34 with a good looking physique. Her husband is working in a software company. He does not have much time to spend time with her. I use to visit her home with her brother. She mostly wears a sari and I would stare at her for hours without taking eyes off her...

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First time with old man Russell

It was the middle of March with three feet of snow on the ground. Being Wyoming, it was drifted up to four or five feet. But thanks to aggressive 35 inch tall tires and tire chains, I plowed through the stuff pretty easy out to Russell’s ranch. It was a friggen cold Saturday, but I had promised if the high pressure oil pump came in for his truck I would come out and fix it. I also had to get Russ some groceries, without his truck running he was snowed in and had been for two days now. The road...

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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 7

Pete and his 14-year old sister Samantha had become the hottest of lovers in the secrecy of their own home. When mom and dad were gone, Pete and Samantha were enjoying themselves sexually with each other like they'd never enjoyed themselves with anyone else. Pete could hardly believe how hot and sexy Samantha was. He'd never forget the months leading up to their first fuck together, and that hot sexy night when he'd actually be fortunate enough to get Samantha's pussy cherry. Man, what a...

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My b/f is French. His name is Jacques Longue. But everyone calls him Zak. I call him Zak Long. And that is no accident. He has a thick, blunt cock with beautiful, angry veins and loose foreskin that pulls easily back revealing a thick, purple helmet with a big eye and a pronounced curvature. Best of all, it is long. Over 8-inches when fully erect. And I like nothing better than riding him. Don’t get me wrong; when he grabs me roughly from behind, folds me in half and hammers 7 bells out me, it...

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Getting Intimate With Kavita

Hello, friends, this is Shravan from the coastal part of Karnataka and presently working in Bengaluru. I am back with another sex story after a long long time. I had been held up with work and wasn’t getting any free time. About me, I am 30 years old, the unmarried guy working in the real estate business. The following sex story is a fictitious story and isn’t real. The sex story is about me and my favorite cousin Kavita. I hope you like this sex story as it took a long time to write. Please...

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The Principals Office

Miranda looked again through her back pack, “It’s just not here,” she thought, as she shuffled the notes she had taken in chemistry class that afternoon. Looking at the clock, she jumped up and headed back to school. Even though it was five thirty, she hoped that maybe Tom Hawkins, the night janitor would be there to let in. Without the lab results from the experiment she had been working on, it would be impossible to write up the report that was due tomorrow. Why did she always wait ‘til the...

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1 The Awakening

Author's note: It is frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.I knew from an early age that I liked looking at other boys dicks, I first discovered that I was not alone in liking of looking at or even wanting to play with other boys cocks ans it happened (I think) by accident (but a friend may argue otherwise).It all...

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Some Kind Of Lipstick

Two pretty office workers convince their boss that it is inhis best career interest to let them dress him as a girl andbe their femininzed sex slave. They train him to get erectat the sight of a girl putting on lipstick, and they makehim beg to wear lipstick too. forced dildo sucking, penisbondage, and a trip to the mall dressed as a girl where hemeets some more pretty office workers are part of hisordeal.Chapter 1: I Begged Them to Put Lipstick on Me"Please, Sharon. I really need you to...

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Snowys casting

Snowy rang the bell at the side door marked "JLS Studios" of a rather imposing house in North Hollywood. Her appointment was for 9:30 a.m. and she was a bit early. The job had been advertised only once--for a "petite" girl for a photo and video shoot, no experience required, a rarity in the LA area. She didn't want to miss the chance.A tall, thin black man answered the door."Hello, are you Miss Newland?""Yes sir, I'm here about the modeling job.""Come right in. I'm Jerome Sutter. You're right...

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Annas AwakeningChapter 5

First Day/Night — Anna The drinks are on the table when I come back. Since I wasn't there to beg for a glass of wine, I got a fruit juice. I don't always get the wine anyway. When the food comes they ask me if I liked that or wanted to order something else. Looks good enough. I can see my mom is looking at me expectantly. I suppose dad told her about Mark, so I say in a matter of fact tone that Mark and I broke up. My mom squeezes my hand over the table and the look we share clearly says...

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How I became a slave part I

I used to be bullied by the other boys, often they would call me a fag. Of course I was straight, I was desperate for a girl and I never wasted a thought on being gay. I had never even had kissed a girl; my only sexual experience was jerking off to porn movies. I was particular fascinated by blowjobs and cumshots and things like that. In 10th grade we made a two week school trip to Italy. We stayed in a little hotel right by the beach. The hotel was booked up just with our school. Most of...

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Power Trip Chapter 4

Chapter 4A week had passed since Colin had sucked his first cock in the glory hole. Veronica had held him in chastity the entire time since, not allowing him to masturbate at all, though she forced him to watch straight porn every night. The chastity device prevented any arousal, of course, and Colin wondered what the point of watching porn was if he couldn’t achieve an erection. When he asked Veronica about it, she simply told him it was part of his ambiguous ‘training’. Colin had no idea what...

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Wild and Wilder

... They towered over me. 5 masters, 1 boy... Wearing their tough leather jackets and chaps. Their huge dicks swinging free. And not much good in mind. The lessons Tony had taught me earlier came in handy now. I looked up as Jeff pushed his huge throbbing cock in my mouth. I took him... I took it all! And the others cheered, as Jeff plowed my face, talking very dirty to me. Then Damian did. Cody, Tony, and Cliff followed. And I was loving it ...- A continuation of:...

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Me the futa

my boyfriend & I are home when a friend of his comes in to hang out. I notice that she has eyes for me but dont say anything. Later my boyfriend leaves to go to the store for snacks but his truck breaks down in the parking lot. His friend & I watch the movie waiting on him when I notice that her skirt was lifting up. "whats that?" i said. "it's nothing." she says as she puts her hand over her lap."huh? Are u sure?" i said as i get closer to her. she gets nervous & stands up fast,...

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It was a Saturday night and we were getting ready to go to a party. My girlfriend Rita was preening in front of the mirror, applying her finishing touches. I’d been ready to go for 45 minutes. “How do I look?” she asked, and of course there could be only one answer to that. “Fabulous!” I said, “Drop-dead gorgeous. Good enough to eat!” Rita is a good-looking girl, no one would argue that. She’s 25 years old and about 5-5 with an athletic body, long auburn hair and baby blue eyes. We...

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