The Horny Nerd
- 4 years ago
- 33
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The Nerd – Part 1
Geek. Nerd. Dweeb. Take your pick, any one of them would describe Pete just fine. At sixteen, he’d never kissed a girl, never even held hands, and was more at home with his books than with people. Yes, books. Although he was perfectly good with a computer, the kind who’d teach himself how to program it, he’d rather read an actual book than surf the Internet.
He wasn’t interested in Facebook, or Twitter, or any of those things. Didn’t even really like to watch TV or movies. When he did, he was always trying to figure out how he would re-write the scripts to make them better. Or how he would re-cast the roles. His imagination served as his movie theatre, and it was one with few limits.
He wasn’t into sports much, either. A skinny 5′ 6″ he wasn’t exactly the right size for most of them anyway. He was in good shape, just not very big or competitive.
His s!ster Cassie had a completely different personality. She was always hanging out with her friends, and she had plenty of them. She was in the popular group at school, while Pete wasn’t really in any group at all. Or he was his own group by himself, depending on how you looked at it. 4teen years old, Cassie was pretty, with long blonde hair, green eyes, and a pale complexion. She was thin, like Pete, and had just started to develop some curves. And she thought her br0ther was just a weird as most everybody else did.
Pete was twelve when he discovered that his dick was for more than just peeing through. He was on the computer looking for something he needed for school, when he accidentally landed on a site with pictures of naked women. As he stared at things he’d never seen before, he felt his dick growing, hardening. It didn’t take much experimentation for him to figure out what happened when he touched it in that condition.
After that, he spent as much time jerking off as he could. Once in a while he watched some porn or read some stories on the Internet, to get new ideas, but most of the time he simply lost himself in fantasies of his own creation when he was masturbating. And most of the time the girl in those fantasies was the only girl he really spent much time around. His s!ster, Cassie.
When Pete saw the announcement that his favourite band, which almost never toured, was going to be playing in his hometown, he just about went through the roof. Music was about the only thing that took him out of his fantasies. Or maybe it just let him climb deeper into them while still being part of the real world. Either way, he was going to that concert.
It was going to be a big one, too, outdoors, with half a dozen other bands playing, lasting pretty much all day. Since it was close to home, he didn’t have too much trouble talking his parents into letting him buy a ticket. He even convinced them that he should be able to drive there himself, rather than have them drop him off.
There was only one catch. He had to take Cassie along. He could live with that, though. She wasn’t too bad as little s!sters went. And she did have pretty good taste in music for a girl, so she wouldn’t complain about what she was listening to.
“Cassie, hurry up, we need to get going!” Typical girl, took forever to get ready for anything.
“Why, it doesn’t start for a couple of hours yet.”
“Yeah, but I want to get a spot close to the stage.” Pete intended to be as close as he could get to the bands, so he could watch them playing.
Cassie sighed, finished putting on her shoes. God, her br0ther was such a dork. Any other guy his age would be going to the concert to try to pick up a chick. He actually wanted to listen to the music. She’d never even seen him look at a girl. Sometimes she wondered if he was gay, but mostly it just seemed like he wasn’t interested in anything like that.
Cassie was interested, she just hadn’t done much yet. She’d kissed a couple of guys and let one feel her boobs, but that was about it. She didn’t really have many chances to be alone with guys. Maybe she could find one at the concert while Pete was busy drooling over the guitars. She had on jeans, as low-cut as her parents would let her have, and a tank top. She had to wear a bra, her mother wouldn’t let her out of the house otherwise, but she had a plan about that, too.
Pete grabbed Cassie by the arm and practically dragged her out to the car when she finally got downstairs. The concert was on the other side of town, so it would take a little while to get there. Pete took the back way, down by the river. Less traffic there, but it was also a nice twisty road, and Pete liked driving it.
Driving along the river, with no other traffic, was just fine as far as Cassie was concerned. She said, “Don’t look,” pulled up her tank top, and quickly unfastened and slipped off her bra.
“Damn, s*s, what are you doing?” Pete almost drove off the road. It was absolutely the first time he’d ever seen a pair of tits in person.
“I told you not to look!” Cassie blushed, pulled down her tank top. But she didn’t really feel very embarrassed about having a boy see her boobs. Even if the boy was her br0ther.
“Come on, you know that if you tell somebody not to look they have to look.” Pete chuckled, and Cassie smiled. She did know that. Maybe she’d done it on purpose. Heck, she could have just waited until they got to the concert and gone into the restroom to take it off. She stuffed her bra into the glove compartment.
“Just don’t tell Mom I took it off.”
“Don’t worry.” Pete wondered if he’d ever get another chance to see his s!ster’s tits.
There were people everywhere, but most were sitting in the grandstands. Only the hard-core fans were on the grass in front of the stage, and only the hardest of those moved to the front of the pack to be next to the fence, which was only a few feet from the stage. The sound there would be intense, not to mention the smell of pot smoke. That was where Pete wanted to be.
The first band was just setting up. Good, they hadn’t missed anything. Pete led Cassie through the maze, holding her hand so they didn’t get separated. That was all he’d need, to lose his s!ster in this crowd. His parents wouldn’t let him out of the house again till he was thirty. They reached the fence, and Pete stood there, watching the roadies set up the equipment, check the tuning on the guitars. For a while he barely remembered Cassie was there with him.
For her part, Cassie shook her head as she watched her br0ther ogling the stage. God, what a geek. Well, there were better things than that to do, for her at least. She was checking out the guys. And getting more depressed by the minute. Most of them were obviously with somebody. Most of the ones who weren’t looked like clones of her twit of a br0ther, staring at the set-up on the stage. There were a few who looked like they were checking out the girls. They were mostly older, and hunky. And the girls they were checking out didn’t look like Cassie. They ones they were looking at were older, and had better bodies. This was going to be a long day.
The first band was onstage and ready to go. Pete scooted back from the fence a little, motioned Cassie to move in front of him. Short as he was, he was taller than Cassie, who was barely above five feet. No way she’d be able to see over anybody, so he let her get up against the fence while he stood behind her.
That first band wasn’t bad for an opener. Of course, this wasn’t just a normal concert, so there weren’t any real clunkers like you get sometimes. Pete was in his own world again, moving with the music, letting his body sway back and forth, eyes and ears focused on the stage. Nothing else existed. Until he caught the scent floating up from Cassie. It was sweet, and almost made him high. He realized he’d never been close enough to a girl before to actually find out what they smelled like. He licked his lips nervously and focused his attention back on the band.
During the break between bands, most of the people in the crowd wandered off to get a hot dog, or lit up a joint, or talked about the last band. Pete just stood and watched the roadies again, breaking down the stuff from one band, setting up for the next. Cassie couldn’t stand it. She liked the music well enough, but just couldn’t get into the rest of it. Her mind and eyes wandered again. Looking at hot guys that she knew she couldn’t have was starting to give her fluttery feelings in the lower part of her belly. She almost envied Pete. He didn’t seem to care about things like that, didn’t have any worries about it.
Things started to pick up during the second band’s set. The music was livelier, Pete was really getting into it now, even more than usual. Of course, the fact that he’d taken a couple of hits off of the joints that were being passed around didn’t hurt, either. He hadn’t tried to hide it from Cassie, although he knew she could get him into serious trouble with their parents if she said anything. He was pretty sure she already knew he did that, and she hadn’t said anything yet.
Cassie was starting to rock out a little, too, kind of dancing in place. Pete caught more whiffs of her scent, and a couple of times they brushed together as they swayed in time with the music, Cassie’s shoulders leaning back against Pete’s chest. Pete felt his dick twitch every time it happened. He’d had fantasies about his s!ster since he was old enough to have that kind of fantasy. Actually being this close made him weak in the knees, especially after seeing her tits in the car.
By the time the main band came on, the one Pete really wanted to see, he was ready to go nuts. During each set, he’d smelled Cassie a little more, felt her brush against him a little more. His dick was hard as a fuckin’ rock, and he was afraid he was going to shoot right there in his pants.
Cassie was giggling to herself at the situation she’d put her br0ther in. She knew exactly what affect she was having on him. She made sure she bumped against him a little harder, and a little longer, every time another band played its set. Poor guy, it was probably the first time he’d ever had a boner. He probably wouldn’t even know what to do about it. She’d gotten the idea when his eyes almost popped out in the car when she took off her bra and he got a peek at her boobs. Now she was having fun with it, since she obviously wasn’t going to find anybody to hook up with.
About half-way through the last set Pete couldn’t take it anymore. He reached out, slipped his arms around Cassie’s waist, and pulled her back against him. He was half afraid she’d scream, but he’d reach the point where his self-control was basically shot. He was willing to take the chance. She didn’t scream, and Pete almost shot his load right there as he felt the warmth of her leaning against him.
“Are you trying to get us arrested?” Cassie sounded nervous, but not mad.
“Why? I’m not doing anything the rest of the guys aren’t doing with their girlfriends.” Actually, there were plenty of make-out sessions going on with some fairly serious action, a lot more than just two k!ds leaning up against each other.
“I’m not your girlfriend, remember, I’m your s!ster.” She at least had enough sense to say it so Pete was the only one who could hear.
“Nobody here knows that unless you tell them.”
Cassie didn’t say anything more, didn’t try to pull away. Pete took a bigger chance. As the next song started up, he slid one hand under the bottom of Cassie’s tank top, let his fingers graze over her belly. She twitched a little, her butt moved back against him. Pete bit his lip, concentrated on the music, anything to keep his mind off his dick for a couple of minutes. Cassie’s skin was soft, warm. Pete’s fingers roamed up and down slightly, tracing along her rib cage, then down to her belly button and just below. He didn’t let them go too far either way. He was still afraid of what Cassie might do.
Pete discovered something new during the next couple of songs. He could concentrate on the music and Cassie at the same time, and each made the other more fun.
Cassie had almost jumped out of her skin when Pete put his arms around her. Not because she minded, but she really didn’t think he had it in him. She figured he was never going to touch any girl, let alone his own s!ster. Cassie figured it was cool that he did, though. She wasn’t going to get any other action here today. Believe it or not, it was the first time a guy had ever touched her anywhere on her skin. The one who’d felt her boobs had done it through her blouse. Great life. 4teen years old and this was the most action she’d ever gotten. She relaxed, closed her eyes, and let the feeling of her br0ther’s fingers on her skin wash over her.
As the evening wore on, and the high of the pot and music carried Pete along, he got braver. He let his fingers move more on Cassie’s belly. His left hand joined his right. The first moved up, closer and closer to her tits, the other down, farther past her belly button, the tips of his fingers playing along the waistband of her jeans.
He felt Cassie’s hand close over his wrist. He’d finally gone too far, she was going to stop him from moving his hand down any more. But no, she was shoving his hand down into her jeans. Pete felt the light hair between Cassie’s legs as his fingers reached lower. She leaned back against him, her head resting on his shoulder, legs spread apart, and he thought he heard her let out a soft moan.
Cassie still couldn’t believe Pete was brave enough to do what he was doing, but she was going to take advantage of it before he came to his senses. When she felt his fingers at the waistband of her jeans, she f0rced the issue before he could stop. Now she felt his fingers inside her panties, creeping toward her slit. She moved her legs apart to give him room, moaned his fingertip brushed over the top of her slit. She was right up against the fence, so nobody could really see what was going on.
Pete’s fingers were moving on their own again now, cupping her crotch, rubbing it. His other hand had reached the bottom of her boobs. Cassie’s body tingled with new sensations. The one time a guy had played with her boobs it had been just a couple of quick squeezes. She’d never played with herself. She’d thought about it, but wanted the first time she got touched to be by a boy. Not that she wanted it to be her br0ther, but today she was going to take what she could get.
“Can I put a finger in?” It was a hoarse whisper, barely audible in her ear with the music echoing around them. She wasn’t really even sure Pete had said it, maybe she only imagined it. But she didn’t care.
“God, yes!” she hissed. Her body shivered as Pete’s finger slipped between her lips and up into her. She shoved her hips out, taking the finger deeper, then bit her lip as she tried to control herself. Up against the fence or not, if she started humping Pete’s finger like some kind of wild an!mal, somebody was going to notice.
Shit, it was hot and wet and he could feel it like squeezing his finger. Pete was almost in a trance, his s!ster writhing against him with his finger up her pussy. Yeah, his finger was in her pussy. Damn. But she was enjoying it maybe a little too much. They didn’t need anybody paying attention to what they were doing.
“Don’t go crazy, we’ll get to go back to the car pretty soon.” He felt her relax, stop wiggling so much. He didn’t take his finger out, though. In fact, he let it move in and out of her a few times. Her body trembled against him when he did that, and he heard her breathing get heavy. It was all he could do to keep from shooting, and to keep from ripping his s!ster’s clothes off.
They stood there like that through a couple more songs, then the concert was done. Pete knew there wouldn’t be an encore, these guys never did that. He whispered to Cassie again.
“We can head back to the car now.” He slowly slipped his finger out of her, let his hands pull out of her clothes. But before he could turn to start walking, Cassie whipped around, still in his arms, and reached her face up to his. Their lips met, parted. It was the first time he’d ever kissed a girl, but he knew what to do, letting his tongue slip into her mouth, start to explore. He got the feeling that it wasn’t the first time Cassie had been kissed. Her body was plastered against his, he could feel her tits through his t-shirt and her tank top. Her hips were grinding against him, torturing his cock even more.
Cassie was stunned that her br0ther kissed so well. She was sure he’d never done it before, but it was a lot better, and a lot more exciting, than the other guys she’d kissed. His hands were on her ass, pulling her tighter against him, and she had to fight an urge to wrap her legs around his hips.
Then he was pushing her away, saying, “Come on, let’s get back to the car.” He took her hand, the way he had when they’d come in, but it had a different meaning now. She watched him kind of waddle across the field.
“You’re walking funny.” She giggled. He turned around, glared at her for a second, then relaxed and smiled.
“I don’t wanna hear about it, it’s your fault.”
“Hey, don’t blame me, you started it.”
“Just come on.” He was in such a hurry he almost pulled her off her feet.
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Greeting again everybody and welcome back to the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ For all the dear readers, do give your comments and suggestions. Anyway, let us continue with the part 6 of the saga. So here we go! It was Saturday and Avi had gone out for a morning jog in the park. He was happy that he can improve his endurance and stamina. He believed in a very disciplined and healthy lifestyle as it enables him to enhance his intelligence and cognitive ability. He came back home tired and sweaty...
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As Jane purred on the floor of Harry's shower, many blocks uptown from Harry's apartment Jim was sitting on Jane's bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane's roommate wouldn't make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established...
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Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd A few school toughs are enjoying making life rough for a group of nerdish guys. When the nerds stumble onto an MAU, they hatch a little plan of revenge. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd Cecil ducked around the corner and instantly pressed himself flat against the brick wall. His lungs felt like they were going to burst, and he gasped for...
Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd 2 A couple of nerds have a tough social life. Victims of humiliating pranks, they find a means for revenge with an MAU. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - Don't Mess with a Nerd 2 Roger felt his cheeks burning as he walked down the hallway. Around him, students stopped, staring, pointing, and laughing at him. He wanted to vanish, to crawl through the floorboards,...
This is the start of the edited version of the original Revenge of the Nerd. It is broken up into 11 chapters. I thought it would look stupid to have the original, in effect chapter 1, followed by chapter 12. I regularly receive feedback on Revenge and reread it. I liked it. I liked it enough to post more of what is already written, though not completed. I haven’t decided whether to change the pacing to make it a book, or to post the whole thing online, so don’t have any expectations except...
Lissa had gotten through her first day of school just fine, and eagerly awaited her second. She had a light schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which meant she would be finished with classes by 2:00 in the afternoon. Tuesday morning, she walked from her apartment to the campus, which was only three blocks away. Her first class was World History, in the humanities building. Though it didn't sound particularly thrilling, she figured since she had to take it to fulfill her General Ed...
Greeting everyone once again! Welcome to the 7th part of the story. How it did you find the previous six parts? Kindly give me your valuable feedback. So let us begin with the events that unfold in this part. So here we go! “Dammmmnnnnn mummy! Your sister, Jyoti aunty is irresistibly hot!” Avi commented after fucking her ass, who was there only, lying on floor licking cum coated fingers. “Achcha ? Matlab ye randi mujhse bhi jada achi lagti hai? Huh?” Lakshmi asked in an envious manner to her...
IncestGreetings everyone! Welcome to the 4th part of the series ‘The Nerd hits Back!’ To remind you again, kindly read the first three parts to catch up with this one. I had forgotten to mention my email in my previous stories. It is the same- . So, let us begin with the 4th part. Enjoy! Avi had spent the night at his married eldest sister’s bungalow after enjoying a nice raunchy sex with her. He had got her drugged and even she came under his control. Avi woke up, got dressed and ready to get back...
Greeting everyone! Welcome back once again to the saga “The Nerd Hits back!” I hope you guys enjoyed the first two parts. If you haven’t read them then kindly read them because only then you will be able to follow up with the storyline. This is the third part of the installation. So here it goes. Enjoy and have a horny read! Avi was enjoying his cornflakes in the morning and his sister was down below giving him a sexy blowjob. He was having the time of his life. His sister, Natasha, who had...
IncestMy name is Humberto Garcia, I'am 16 years old and a junior in High School. I'm around 5'6 athletic and I like to skate. I don't really consider myself that much of a nerd, but I don't have a lot of friends and I don't go out very often so I guess you could list me as a nerd. Ever since I was a small child I was very shy and was not good at making friends. I was always sort of a loaner, I started making a descent amount of friends in 6th grade. Then from there I started being...
‘Jeff, this is Ashley. I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for how I acted.’ He didn’t say anything. I assumed he thought there should be more. So I gave it to him. ‘I’ve been with some pretty inexperienced, clumsy guys. They kind of handled my, breasts, like they were stress balls. It was painful and uncomfortable and I sort of flashed back to those experiences without trying to understand what you were doing or what I was actually feeling. I overreacted. I’m really sorry.’ I radiated sincerity...
I knew enough about Sandy to figure out what to get her and I knew Sunny pretty well, though I didn’t have anything in mind yet. I didn’t know Louis at all. ‘Tell me about your Dad.’ ‘What do you want to know?’ ‘Well, I’ve met everyone else and gotten to know them a bit, but other than seeing him when we left, I have no clue about your Dad.’ ‘He’s a really sweet guy, and very smart. He has all kinds of interests. He knows things about almost everything. Of course, he does wander off into...
I had been feeling a little strange all day and after dinner I was out of energy and out of sorts. At 8:30 I told Jeff I was going to bed because I didn’t feel well. He put his lips to my forehead and said, ‘You’re hot. Get into bed and I’ll get you something cold to drink.’ ‘I just want to get some sleep.’ ‘That’s a sure sign you’re sick.’ I was asleep before I could answer. Later that night I woke up drenched. I noticed the light on in the corner over the easy chair with books piled on...
We talked about my Father on the drive back to my house. Jeff seemed optimistic we could find a way to get to him based on Dad’s concern with his image. I was not convinced. I parked in my driveway and we headed up to my room. I closed the door and took Jeff to the closet, which was open. ‘This is what you’ll wear,’ I told him. ‘Khakis?’ he asked, surprised. ‘They probably work better than jeans for my purposes, and they’ll give you another look.’ ‘Ashley knows best.’ ‘And wear those...
‘Hi, Jeff. I don’t know if you remember me.’ ‘Now, Ashley. You’re being disingenuous.’ All right, I read. I know what disingenuous means. But who the fuck uses it in actual conversation? It is a word meant only to be used on the printed page. ‘Well.’ That could have meant anything. I didn’t know. Let him figure it out. ‘I had a nice time studying with you the other night,’ he said. Yes! I was getting a second chance. ‘Me too. I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight.’ ‘Well, I...
Two years passed since Jim and Jane had last spoken. He ended their final long distance telephone conversation, tears sliding out of both their eyes, with a shaky ‘Goodbye.’ They had resolved that distance was making their relationship expensive. Two hour conversations over thousands of miles. And it impeded their freedom. They were young and needed to be bold and go out into the world and take some chances. It wasn’t real for them to be together anymore. They weren’t together anymore. Their...
I was lying in my bed. I couldn’t move. I tried to lift up my head but I didn’t seem to have the energy. ‘What happened?’ ‘You passed out.’ ‘I can’t move.’ He laughed. ‘That won’t last long. You expended so much energy your body just doesn’t want to move at the moment.’ ‘What did you do? I felt like I was exploding. I, I can’t even really describe it. Whew. If that’s what sex is supposed to be like, you just took my virginity.’ He laughed again. ‘It may have sapped your strength, but it...
Jeff showed up at my door at 6:30. He wasn’t smiling. ‘Come in.’ He didn’t say anything. He just followed me to my room. ‘Jeff, why did you come last night when I asked you not to?’ I kept any trace of attitude from my voice. It was just a question and I wanted an answer. He took a deep breath. He took several more not quite so deep. I looked him in the eye. He nodded. ‘I knew there was a good possibility you would be very angry,’ he said. He fidgeted. He raised his eyebrows. He...
Jeff was right. So much of that stuff seemed stupid and almost pointless. Was it possible that in all those countless weddings before ours nobody had questioned them? We heard the band leader introduce us. ‘Do I wave like a political candidate or a beauty pageant contestant?’ ‘Don’t you dare. Just smile and walk to our table.’ I don’t think he would have done his wave. I suspected he was joking. We walked to our table for two. Jeff got a funny look as he saw the table. ‘We’ve been living...
Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T’s on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn’t old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. ‘You really know how to impress a girl,’ I said. ‘This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young,’ he searched the right word, then shrugged, ‘nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear each...
Staying up late to study 11pm. > Doing homework, stupid tiny dorm room. Only a few posters of hot babes on the wall, other than that, totally depressing. Everything is depressing when I’m studying or doing homework. > > Laptop right there on the desk next to my book, all I need to do is just move the mouse and the world is at my hands, I can go kill a few people, watch some porn or something funny, but no, I can’t, I have to finish this tonight. > At least my roommate is not here...
I wasn't necessarily eavesdropping, as they were drunk and not really talking quietly...I could hear them clearly from the vents that went from my room to hers.That said, what I heard shocked me."I can't go through my whole senior year a virgin," Lisa, my sister, whined."It's only November," her best friend, Andrea, pointed out."It's almost December," Lisa countered, before singing playfully, "All I want for Christmas is to get laid.""Does oral sex count?" Andrea questioned with a giggle....
"Hi, Jeff. I don't know if you remember me." "Now, Ashley. You're being disingenuous." All right, I read. I know what disingenuous means. But who the fuck uses it in actual conversation? It is a word meant only to be used on the printed page. "Well." That could have meant anything. I didn't know. Let him figure it out. "I had a nice time studying with you the other night," he said. Yes! I was getting a second chance. "Me too. I was wondering if you were doing anything...
"Jeff, this is Ashley. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for how I acted." He didn't say anything. I assumed he thought there should be more. So I gave it to him. "I've been with some pretty inexperienced, clumsy guys. They kind of handled my, breasts, like they were stress balls. It was painful and uncomfortable and I sort of flashed back to those experiences without trying to understand what you were doing or what I was actually feeling. I overreacted. I'm really sorry." I radiated...
I knew enough about Sandy to figure out what to get her and I knew Sunny pretty well, though I didn't have anything in mind yet. I didn't know Louis at all. "Tell me about your Dad." "What do you want to know?" "Well, I've met everyone else and gotten to know them a bit, but other than seeing him when we left, I have no clue about your Dad." "He's a really sweet guy, and very smart. He has all kinds of interests. He knows things about almost everything. Of course, he does...
Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T's on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn't old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. "You really know how to impress a girl," I said. "This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young," he searched the right word, then shrugged, "nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear...
Jeff showed up at my door at 6:30. He wasn't smiling. "Come in." He didn't say anything. He just followed me to my room. "Jeff, why did you come last night when I asked you not to?" I kept any trace of attitude from my voice. It was just a question and I wanted an answer. He took a deep breath. He took several more not quite so deep. I looked him in the eye. He nodded. "I knew there was a good possibility you would be very angry," he said. He fidgeted. He raised his eyebrows....
We talked about my Father on the drive back to my house. Jeff seemed optimistic we could find a way to get to him based on Dad's concern with his image. I was not convinced. I parked in my driveway and we headed up to my room. I closed the door and took Jeff to the closet, which was open. "This is what you'll wear," I told him. "Khakis?" he asked, surprised. "They probably work better than jeans for my purposes, and they'll give you another look." "Ashley knows best." "And...
"Would you look at that? They're both naked and Mom's on top of him. You don't suppose, do you?" The other voice said, "I'm picking up the spread and checking it out. I want to see." As I was tensing to move, Rita bit my ear lobe and whispered, "Stay still." The cover was lifted enough for the prying eyes to see what they wanted. The first voice said, "They are still doing it. Can you believe it; they fell asleep doing it and stayed that way? Let's leave them alone. They might...
It wasn't six yet, but I was bouncing around like a kid wanting to get into the pool. It took me less than ten minutes to shower and shave again. Out in the kitchen, I put coffee on before finding a note from Mom, "We stayed up very late with the other people who went to the show with us. Don't wake us up. Tiny gave us a cart, so don't worry about us." There were a couple of damp towels on the back of the barstools. "I wonder what that's about?" I was too excited to do much of...
During my Junior year in highschool, I was… well, a 18 year old nerd, someone who had few friends, but was not friends with the “super-cool guys” group. I talked to some “cool” kids, but was definitely considered cool. Maria was quite the opposite. She was a very cute, popular girl with beautiful eyes. I had known her for a while, and talked to her more than other cool girls, mostly because I was a friend of her older brother. She had a very beautiful smile, and her eyes were some of the...
First TimeThis tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...
This tale is very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds, and is set in the Bikini Beach universe. The characters were initially defined in my earlier tale "Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge", and are listed here for reference. This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be posted on Fictionmania. Any other free site may post this story with permission of the author. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and...