S&S NerdChapter 15 free porn video

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It wasn't six yet, but I was bouncing around like a kid wanting to get into the pool. It took me less than ten minutes to shower and shave again. Out in the kitchen, I put coffee on before finding a note from Mom, "We stayed up very late with the other people who went to the show with us. Don't wake us up. Tiny gave us a cart, so don't worry about us."

There were a couple of damp towels on the back of the barstools. "I wonder what that's about?"

I was too excited to do much of anything, so I took my cart to the patio. I walked in as Steve came from the house. We poured some coffee and sat down after he turned the light on. We had not said a word yet, only taken a couple of sips when Glenda came, poured herself a mug, and came to sit with us. She gave each of us kiss on the top of our heads and sat next to Steve.

Glenda asked, "You seem excited this morning, Sal. What's going on?"

Steve was smiling and said, "If what I think I heard is any indication, I think Sal is going to be a dad."

Glenda laughed, "Which one of the lucky ladies is going to bless us with a baby?"

Steve answered once again, "I think he has his choice. I don't know which I would choose, Rita or Suki, but if you get kids from both of them, you'll be right in the swing of things around here."

Glenda said, "There are no secrets in a trailer park, Sal. If you have an all-night visitor, the neighborhood will know by eight the next morning, and that is late. Is that what has you excited?"

Now it was my turn to grin, "The new computer system completed its testing yesterday, in about a fourth of the time I anticipated, and is running faster than I could have ever expected. I want to get into my shop and begin seeing if it will do what Wes wants. I have some software we can begin using that I should be able to modify for what he wants. I'm really excited about this."

Steve told me, "Wait for the sandwiches and grab a couple before going over there. I'll come by at lunchtime to make sure you get out of there to eat. You might even need to exercise and get some sun to relax. Enjoy your new toy, Sal. And don't forget that your folks are still here!"

The bellhop from the hotel showed up at six thirty. I grabbed a couple of sandwiches and fixed myself a carry cup to take with me. At the shop, I had to go through the security stuff to get in, and then had to let the guard sift through my briefcase as I had my software in my sample case sized briefcase.

Once inside my room, I sat at the command console and began keying each processor to check its availability. That was too slow, so I gave a batch command and instantly received the "Everything is wonderful" symbol.

Now for the fun, I loaded my software that I had used for the wind tunnel tests for the Indy cars. I took the memory stick with the measurements and loaded it in and let it process. Thinking I would have time for a sandwich, I sat back and began eating. "Ding". The screen was filled with data. I hit the print button, and then began comparing the results from this computer to the results we received at Tech. They were identical, except this system had another decimal point. I wonder how that got there? Did I create that and the other computer couldn't carry out the extension, or was it a viewing or printer error?

I began going over the various measurements of the input data to see what I needed to modify. Most of the wind tunnel measurements should work with an aircraft, and if there was anything else, I could easily modify the program to give us an additional reading.

My mind wandered while sitting back, eating the second sandwich and enjoying my coffee. The Jaguar system at Oakridge only processes at a little less than two petaflops. This system with thirty-two processing units was working at or over a full petaflop. I'll have to modify my program to get a more definitive number. Who is going to believe S&S in Tampa, Florida, has that much horsepower. I think I'll not brag so I can do more contract processing. I should be able to pay back the cost for the equipment in a reasonable time period by selling time on it.

Wes and Sandy walked into the receptionist's office at the same time. I had the door propped open and yelled for them to come back. Wes immediately asked, "Sandy said this system is working at a petaflop. Can that be true?"

"Wes, I can only tell you what my test program came up with. I'll modify the program to give us an exact number in teraflops, but my program has been accurate on some really big systems."

Sandy grinned, "When are you going to begin teaching me more so I can work with you? Man oh man; can you imagine writing stuff for a machine that can work at a petaflop?

Wes handed me three big folders. "This is the data for each aircraft I want analyzed. You'll be a few days writing something to give me the data I want. I've included examples how I want the data to be formatted. Do you think you can begin working on the software today?"

I was flipping through the pages of information and asked, "Would it be easier if I set the software up to give the answers in this same order, or can it be more random?"

"If you make it exactly as this one is, I'll be able to compare it to the actual wind tunnel testing. That would be good."

I told the aviation whiz kid, "I'll begin working on this as soon as you guys have a look in the back and leave."

Wes told Sandy, "We don't need to look at shit that sits there and hums. Let's get out of here and let the professor do his thing."

Grenaline walked in as they walked out. She noted the door propped open and called out, "Want the door closed or are you trying to perv on me, Dr. Feeny?"

"Make coffee for me, Miss, and then you can shut the door so that I'm not distracted by your beauty."

Five minutes later, Grenaline came in with a mug of fresh coffee and collected the sandwich wrappers and empty coffee travel cup. As she twitched her cute ass walking out the door, she half turned, grinned, and winked at me. I love to be teased.

I loaded my software onto to my local work computer and began modifying the structure and output. There were a few measurements that I was going to have to research, but it shouldn't take a great deal of time to figure out how to come up with them. Aircraft use brakes differently than a race car, but it has things like acceleration, lift, down force, and surprisingly, I already had some turbine measurements that can apply to the jet aircraft.

Steve walked in the door and asked, "Ready for lunch? How's it going?"

"Lunch time already? I have at least this much more to be able to give Wes his first answers. Do you guys have a delivery service from one of the restaurants?"

"Come on, Sal, come to lunch. I won't make you go to the gym or pool, but I should. You need to take a little break. You'll be fresher, more alert, if you do. You'll actually get more done. Save your work and let's get out of here."

I followed Steve to the patio in anticipation of getting back to the shop as fast as possible. I sat at a place with a bowl of soup and began eating. Sandy sat across from me and asked, "Do you think you can get that first one done this week? It's already Wednesday, so you have like two and half days to get the program right."

Knowing Sandy didn't know the intensity with which I worked, I just agreed that I might be able to finish by then. He told me, "Wes and I made a bet. He said you couldn't even begin to be ready by a week from Friday, and I told him that you would have answers for him by a week from tomorrow, Thursday. It's only for a beer at Park Place, but I want to win."

"I'll do my best, Sandy."

Henry came in and sat with us. He was in a good mood, and got into an even better mood when Nancy came to sit with him. She was a big girl, but very luscious looking. Henry joked with her, "You were hot for the Feenys last night? Those two fit right in up there. I thought Tiny was going to have a stroke the way he went at her."

Nancy was glancing up at me, and softly said, "He was a pussy full, that's for sure. I think he sampled all of us and went back to his lady for one more."

I looked up, curious, "You're talking about Mom and Dad up at the hot tub last night, right?"

Henry smiled, and Nancy said, "Oh yeah, you need to come up. Your folks are something."

I wasn't embarrassed, for some reason. My only comment was, "They are an adventurous couple, that's for sure."

Holy smokes, Mom and Dad were up at the infamous hot tub with two, three, or four other couples, doing God knows what. My mom is a little crazy around the edges, but I thought Dad was Mr. Straight Arrow himself.

I looked at Nancy in all of her full sized glory, and thought that I might want to sample a little of that myself. Thinking of my mom, I realized she is still a very good looking Italian lady. Well, what I don't know won't hurt me, but the cat's out of that bag.

As I got up to leave, Steve tried one more time, "Come with us to the gym and get some sun. The exercise will make you feel good and help you concentrate."

I almost decided to go with them, and then said, "This is too good to stop today. I promise to go tomorrow, regardless of where I am with the program."

When I walked into the receptionist's area, Donna was sitting at the desk with an open chemistry book. She was looking up information on her computer while taking notes. She looked up at me, "Hi, Dr. Feeny, glad to hear you have your new toy working. Do you want some fresh coffee? I shut the old pot off and washed it."

"Coffee would be good, Donna. Please bring me some when it's ready."

My fingers were flying as I wrote line after line of code. I had an idea of what I wanted to extract and kept working towards it.

My usual was to write something that was entirely too big or too slow to be effective. I would then go back and modify the processes to speed things up and make the results I wanted more exact.

At three o'clock, I was sitting back sipping some fresh coffee that Donna had brought me. I was watching as the program ticked through the various processes. I was using my test data to check answers and watched as the program went from beginning to end; pumping out the answers I wanted to see.

I made a couple of copies of the program, and then loaded one up on the main system. Entering all of the input data took over an hour, but when it was done and checked for accuracy of input, I clicked on the "Go" button. I love "Go" buttons instead of the "enter" or "carriage return" strokes they represent.

I stretched and went to the restroom, in anticipation of the processing taking an hour or more. "Ding."

No way could the system already be done with the process. After zipping up, I used one of the bigger cups to get a glass of water and went into the shop to see what was up. I anticipated that an error had stopped the process, but the screen was showing the results profile.

I needed to check it out, so I printed out a hard copy and began checking it with the printed forms Wes had from the actual wind tunnel tests. There were a couple of answers out of order, and one garbled output, but I could tell what I did.

Using the work computer, I fixed the three items, and after backing my copies up, did the process again. "Ding." A printed report told me the exact information plus the couple of add on items I put in.

Four o'clock. I wonder if Wes is busy. I called. "Wes, if you're not busy you should come over to check out how far I've gotten. If you hurry, I can show you before Miller Time."

"I'll be right there, Sal. I was looking for a reason to get out of here."

I called Sandy in the other side of the complex, "Sandy, come over when you get a chance. I called Wes to have him come see where I'm at."

I opened the door to the reception area and handed Donna my cart keys. "Go to the patio and get a big bottle of Seven Up, Sprite, or Mountain Dew. Bring some of the bigger paper cups. Hurry, I want to get it in our fridge before Wes gets here."

While I was waiting, I entered the data for the second aircraft. I went through it twice to make sure it was correct and sat back.

Wes and Sandy came in the door at the same time. Wes was excited, "Do you think you'll make it by a week from Friday. If you do, I have to buy Sandy a beer. Show us what you have."

I showed Wes the screen with the data input and let him compare his data with what I had entered. I asked him, "Everything exact?"

Wes said, "Looks good. That's a long way for you to be already. When are you going to work on the processes?"

I pointed at the screen of the big monitor and clicked the "Go" button. I stood, stretched, picked up the phone, and asked Donna, "Pour four glasses for me and bring them in."


I used the mouse to direct the output to the printer and waited for the ten pages to come from the printer.

I handed Wes that report, and pulled up his report from the real wind tunnel tests. He didn't understand until I told him, "Compare the answers."

Sandy already knew what I had done and was shaking his head. Donna propped the door open and brought the first two cups in and came back with two more.

Wes was staring at the papers as he went through them a second time. I handed him the first test and let him gawk at that for a minute. I handed him a cup of soda, another one to Sandy, and one to Donna. I lifted my cup and said, "To our successful test of all flying objects."

Wes said, "It can't be. You can't already have done that. That's too fast. No one can write that program in a day."

"I didn't write it in a day, Wes. This is the program I made for some Indy race cars. I had to do some mods and changes, but I had already done all the work, literally weeks of work. Did you see the extra data I gave you?"

"I saw that and wondered where it came from." Wes was still shaking his head.

I handed him the last of the three aircraft he wanted tested and had him sit at the control console. "You do the entries and make sure they are correct. When you're done, double check your input."

Looking at my watch, I saw it was already after five. "Donna, you can leave. You don't have to stay."

"I want to see Wes be surprised again. All of us girls are envious of DeDe and Star; we get a thrill out of checking Wes out."

It took Wes another ten minutes to do the data input and check it. I directed him to click on the "Go" button, and when the "Ding" came, had him direct the output to the printer at the control console"

Wes went through the papers one at a time again, then looked up at me. "If I can get you the data on some jets, can you give me information on those engines?"

"Sure, I have some information about jet turbines, so give me your specs and how you want the results, and I'll begin working on it. I may not be as fast on the next one."

Wes was still holding the two sets of papers, "No sweat. You've just confirmed all of the wind tunnel tests without using a real wind tunnel. If you can come up with the program to test my jets in the next five or six months, I'll be in hog heaven."

Wes put the papers down and said, "Do what you have to do to close up shop. I have to buy this guy a beer. We'll see you on the patio."

Donna looked at me with a grin, "I'm following those two guys."

I did the backups and cleared the system of all data. I wanted to come in and test to see if the system had totally cleared itself the way I had directed. I had multiple memory sticks and a portable drive for backups. I didn't want to leave the program on the premises tonight, since if there is a bug or leak; the place could be an instant target. Just for fun, I put a blank memory stick in the safe and locked it. That should be a nice surprise.

I drove to the patio and walked in to applause. Wes was expounding on how I had slain the dragon in a day instead of two weeks. Mom and Dad were there and joined in the clapping. When I reached the bar, Steve handed me a Beefeater and very loudly said, "Our nerd is the best nerd in the whole country. Let's hear it for Doc Feeny, our special guy."

Everyone applauded one more time. I had to hold my hand up. "It's the equipment they gave me to work with. No one can fail with equipment like that. Thanks for the appreciation."

I was mobbed by my five ladies and their daughters. Grenaline told Donna, "You're so lucky to have been there when he showed Wes and Sandy his success. I hope he does that with me one of these days."

The mood on the patio was very festive. It seemed as if any success by anyone in the company was celebrated by everyone. It was as if I was the 'star of the day' or something like that. After supper, little Bonita was playing her violin as a fiddle, with Donny playing his steel guitar, and Marty playing his old acoustic. They were doing some real down home music. Mom and Dad were in love with the place.

I was worn out early that night and told my five that I was on my way to bed. Jenny told me, "Leave your outside bedroom door open and I'll be there in a couple of minutes. I have to tell Grenaline something first."

Jenny's lovemaking was exciting and enthusiastic that night. I wore out fast and was asleep an hour after Jenny arrived. She woke me once for more attention during the night, and she was perched on my hips, moving up and down with her head back, mouth open, gasping for air, in the morning. Her body went into convulsions and she groaned rather loudly, causing me to loose a torrent of juices into her.

As we relaxed with her lying on my chest, Jenny said, "This is so nice. I don't think I could stand having that much loving every night, but once a week is perfect. I get a little horny between turns, but waiting and anticipating is good too. I have to get going, Lover, I'll see you on the patio."

Jenny slipped out the exterior bedroom door in her robe. I wonder if any of the neighbors were watching to report to the world that Jenny had visited the whole night.

After a night with Jenny in bed, I stripped the bedclothes and stuffed them into the washer. That lady was like fire hydrant on a hot day.

I was quickly dressed and ready to leave. Mom and Dad weren't up yet, so I figured they had worn themselves out the night before, doing whatever they had been doing. When I took off for the patio, I noticed the other cart wasn't there. I'm sure they will call to have someone come get them, but then it isn't all that far to walk from my place to the patio.

Steve was still happy for me this morning as I had some coffee with him, Glenda, Tiny, and Ruth. After having a couple of breakfast sandwiches, I was off to the shop.

When I brought the system up to check its status, it didn't want to do anything. It was totally stupid. No latent operating system. I loaded that portion and checked to make sure there wasn't any embedded information within the operating system and found it still pristine. Each test came out perfect, telling me the systems were all working the way they were intended.

I loaded up my turbine information so I could review what data it gave and what I might need. As I was looking through that, I found a couple of files that we had created when the Texas National Guard wanted us to test their various rocket propelled weapon systems. I had forgotten about that. The software was good enough that the Defense Department adopted it as benchmarks for all of the services. What they didn't do is to continue to use the software. They would run a single test, publish the single result, and go on to the next weapon. They didn't verify anything, so the software had to be suspect since it really wasn't verified at least once.

I called Steve, "Steve, this is Feeny, do you know any military people who I might be able to get some data from? I'm looking for weapons systems data. Not so much what they will do, but what the physical characteristics are when they are fired. I can calculate the destructive power and range, so that information can remain classified."

"I might be able to help." Steve said, sounding interested in what I was doing. "If I'm thinking right about what you are working on, I would think you are more interested in aircraft armament. Would some old unclassified information be a good place to start?"

"That would be good to use as benchmarks for newer armament. I also need a lot more information about turbines, as in jet engines."

"Why don't you go out to the airpark and get with Jimmy. Take him to lunch and pick his brain. He might be able to give you a lot of the information you want for engines. The other person who is a wealth of information and has many contacts is John. He knows just about every engine manufacturer and they all owe him favors of one kind or another."

"Sounds good, Steve. I'll put the information I have in some kind of order before going out to the airpark. I'm sure if I get out there, Wes will keep me there for the rest of the day working on one of his projects. He's a very consuming individual, isn't he?"

"Ha, ha, ha, Wes sure is," Steve laughed. "He will let you go if you tell him you have to work on something. He just likes to keep you around as long as possible if he doesn't think you have something else to do."

I categorized each of the files I had previously created into the various types of armament and weapons systems, and separated the five different turbines we had tested. What information I had was kindergarten stuff, and I needed more advanced data to evaluate jet turbines.

Sitting at my desk looking at what I had, I realized I needed advice from someone who knew what a fighter, fighter bomber, or bomber did and what type of armament it needed. I needed a pilot who had flown that type of aircraft and had been trained to use as many types of weapons as I could find.

I also needed a weapons engineer to be able to give me the critical data of size, weight, effects of firing, what type of carry mechanisms it would need etc., etc., etc. Man, I had a lot of etceteras going today.

The jet engines should be easy, because all of the manufacturers should be more than willing to give me data to work with so I could compute the thrust and effects the turbine would have on the aircraft.

My desk phone rang. "This is Sal Feeny."

"Hey, Sal, this is Wes. I heard you might come out to see me today. I have something better for you to do with your time. I've just dumped all of the design and engineering information of my small passenger jet to you in an e-mail. I've sent all of the information about the turbines and every other component on the aircraft. I want you to work this from the ground up or wing tip to wing tip."

Same as S&S Nerd
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TRUE STORY white girlfriend shared with BBC

A local Texas couple hit me up on my kik app (highly recommended) wanting to try her first BBC. The guy had convinced her to have a threesome and try her first BBC as a birthday ‘gift’. She is MUCH younger than I am (I’m older by more than 15 years), and way smaller than I am – which only added to the hotness factor. Reminded me of the movie Black Snake Moan, Big ‘scary’, older black guy – sexy, young, smaller white chick lol. She sent me a few photos and I was immediately blown away by how...

4 years ago
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Your Sister And Her Money Problem

You lived at home with your mum and dad while your sister had recently moved out to live with her boyfriend. She now had to start paying rent in order to stay there along with her normal outgoings such as makeup and clothes. Lily is about five foot with brown hair and C cup tits, and nice ass and cute face. *message to find out how to get pics of her* About three months had passed since Lily had moved out and you could see she was struggling financially... One day you were hanging out with your...

2 years ago
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Weird Things

I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Orgasm Gun

"HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE WITH WOMEN? NO LONGER! GRAB THE ORGASMOTRON 3000 AND ALL YOUR TROUBLES WILL DISAPPEAR!" It's kind of hard to believe what you're seeing, as the internet advertisement flashes in your face. You thought your adblock would block shit like this, but it seems that this ad doesn't count as malicious. You look at the ad again and decide what the hell, you may as well look. Of course you've had trouble with women. You're not sure if any man ever hasn't. You're just an average,...

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Anal sex with a young fatty from Lahore

My name is amjed bajwa am 30 years old now and consider myself a sex maniac. Till now i have had sexual relationship with 5 girls and some boys ranging in age from 10 to 15. I am mad after big fatties, with huge massive shaking hips and large boobs. I serf the internet for watching bbw sites and download clips and then masturbate. I get maximum sexual stimulation whenever i see fatties with huge shaking hips. I am a government servant and now posted in rawalpindi. Two years ago i was posted in...

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CHAPTER 1: THE JOB INTERVIEW“How is it you are applying for this position?” He had identified himself as Dan, the Human Resources Director for the Executive staff floor. “The position wasn’t listed in any open position publication, website or generally available to job recruiters. We generally expect these positions to take some time to generate a candidate or two.”I knew full well why he was asking. The position was definitely unique for an entry level Personal Assistant position. “A friend of...

4 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 5

Kerr pulled a ring off his right pinky-finger and handed it to her. He then banged it down on the table in front of Micky. The ring had a wide gold band and had five long, emerald-cut gems in a row on it. In the centre was a large, dark green Quaz crystal. The two gems on one side of the crystal were a rare aqua coloured emerald and a sparkling, teal quartz. On the outside were a pale-blue coloured diamond and a pale azure hued amethyst. “Here, put this on your middle finger of your left...

2 years ago
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My Wife and My CoWorkerFriend

east_tn_gentlemanMy Wife had just turned 50, I had now introduced her sexually to a young Mexican guy, a Black Gentleman I had met online and Bob a White Gentleman I had met online and was looking for more men for My Slender Wife to suck and fuck.I had known Dan for about 2 years, we had worked on different projects together over that 2 year period. Dan had met My Wife several times, out for drinks, dinner, him and I discussing business, it had always been just that, an acquaintance and...

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Granny and Grandson

Home from school one day I went to my room and full of pent up sexual tension began touching shaft then my head then massaging my balls. Soon my clothes were off and I lay on the bed my legs up and my hand rubbing my dick. That’s when I heard the door open and my grand mother announced she was home. I swore under my breath because I was so close to cumming. Rolling out of bed I figured the best way to finish myself off was to go in the bathroom where I could gain some privacy and so I...

2 years ago
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Wife wanted a Quickie Creampie

My dear wife is a very busy lady and works long hours doing her job. However the harder she works the more money she earns to keep us in the style to which we have become accustomed. Her long working hours mean that sex between us is a rarity and unfortunately we do not make love that often. Sally, my wife has a very high-powered professional job, which entails traveling round local businesses giving advice and sorting out their I.T. problems. It means lots of traveling and long business...

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Punishment for Playtime His POV

SMACK! Her naked body writhed over my lap in pain and pleasure as I slapped myhand across her upturned ass. I wanted to punish her, shame her, but at the same time, I wanted to make her scream for more... *** If you've known my girlfriend, Jaime, for any length of time, you knowshe loves sex in any shape or form. In fact, she was laying across my knees receiving punishment for just that reason. I know, I know, you want to know why I would punish my girlfriend for loving the very thing men are...

2 years ago
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Pagan Princess

Pagan Princess  It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...

4 years ago
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Curious Girls Deserve Spankings

He let out a long sigh as he shut the door with a soft slam. It was a long day at work, and yet again he returned to a quiet home. The lights were all off, making him flick on the lights to break up the darkness. It illuminated his small house, the messy table and old couch coming into view. The only people that lived here was himself and his daughter, who he went to work for every single day. He wanted nothing more than to make the little girl happy and comfortable, even if her living...

4 years ago
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Cuck Chastity FemdomFeminisation Part 1

Cuck, Chastity, Femdom/Feminisation.(If I get enough good feedback I will supply parts 3-4)(Also very interested in writing bespoke stories to whatever specification the reader desires. Leave a message detailing your kinks/character names & desired situations and I’ll get back to you. No Under 18 stuff, it’s ridiculous but in Britain you can apparently be punished for fictional thought crimes. Orwell was right!)Part 1.I serve my mistress, holding the stockings and heels. She sits on the...

3 years ago
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Pain and Pleasure

As I walked up the pathway my heart was pounding. I had seen the advert. ‘Strict discipline a speciality.’ I was thirty-three years old but had fantasised about being spanked. Even so, when I came across the advert I kept it for two weeks before plucking up the courage to make the call. I telephoned the number and explained what I needed. The lady who dealt with my call agreed a time and told me to dress like a slut. So even though it was the middle of summer and I couldn’t wear a coat I wore a...

4 years ago
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Naruto Journey of a Shinobi

You are a Shinobi of Konohagakure's Sarutobi Clan, and the Illegitimate son of Asuma Sarutobi, you were raised by your mother In the village, as a child you always craved your father's attention, as an Teen however you seek to surpass him as a Shinobi. Now roughly eighteen years old you are in Konoha's Academy in the graduating Class. Prepare for your team........ {Konoha Academy} You sat in your academy seat brooding _as usual _You wanted this done as quickly as possible, so you could go...

4 years ago
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A Gangbang Fantasy

"Tell me about it." I shrugged. "How can he just fire you after what you've done for him?" he leaned in. His face was close enough for me to smell him. My core tightened a little bit as I took a whiff. "Apparently, it was not enough. I guess he just wanted me to give him a blowjob." I shook my head, still unable to believe that he actually asked me to suck his dick. "That sucks. So what now?" he asked. "I think I'm going to take a vacation." I sigh, holding my martini...

1 year ago
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Sandys Secret

I recognise it. I have a foot fetish. A strong one. Well, not quite, because I can have fun with sex even though no feet are involved. Anyway, my girlfriend, Brenda, told me that she was not interested in fetishism in general, and especially not in foot fetish. Whenever I brought the subject into our conversations she told me that it was just the idleness of unemployment, and that I should find some physical activity to do instead of surfing the internet at all times. A block away from...

3 years ago
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MingChapter 2

"What is your sexual protocol?" "I may engage in sexual activity only with the express consent of my end user for the purpose of providing him with pleasure," I recited it slowly. Something about it didn't seem right and I frowned. "Then why did you perform oral sex on Lucy and her friend just a few hours ago, Ming?" Peterson asked reasonably. "I ... I..." I searched for an answer and found that I could not find one. I felt as if I couldn't breathe suddenly and a surge of panic...

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Rocky and Ronda

I didn't believe it. There I was sitting in a bar on the Greek Isle of Los. Working hard all those summers during high school and college, I saved my money. Now it was paying off. I deserved a vacation, and the Mediterranean was my first choice. Lots of girls, dancing and booze, my three favorites and in that order.The music was changing as the clock pushed past eleven. The DJ was playing for the younger crowd that was starting to come in. There were lots of girls just out to have a night of...

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A Sister in Need

first time writing a story please keep comments positive or constructive, I don't condone incest which is why this is a work of fiction so please don't call me a sick pervert I have no control over what gets me horny and I can safely assume that neither do any of you. Be warned this story contains incest, anal, watersports, and enemas if none of this is your bag or any of it for that matter press back now, you have been warned. Now lets start with looks thats how all of these start...

2 years ago
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How I lost my Virginity

This is a true story. It all started in 1949 I was in the 6th grade. My folks moved from Los Angeles to a small town on the out skirts of LA. A family lived next door A mother that was a knock out, the dad, a son and two daughters. The youngest daughter got Polio. Both parents would be at the hospital a lot. This is when I started to baby set for them and got to be real good friends with the mother. By 10th grade I was six-three and about 219 lbs. I had been sitting on the porch and talking...

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Baltimore glory hole HUUUUUGE black cock

I was in Baltimore on a business trip and, as always when I travel, I extend my trip through the weekend to go to gay bars and more importantly the porn shops with glory holes. I go there for one thing--to suck as many cocks as possible. My preference is almost ANY black man or white fems and TS's. I took a cab after a gay bellboy at the hotel told me where to go for that reason. The cab dropped me off on a two block strip loaded with the bright lights of all-night porno shops. I talked to...

1 year ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 17

My mother said something to Jean in a low voice, then nodding her encouragement, gently pushed her away. Jean glanced at me, eyebrows furrowed in a worried expression, then back at Mom. Our mother, in a slightly louder voice, said, "It's OK, Jean. It'll be OK. Now go on in and let me talk to Billy." I suppose one of the more dreaded expressions I might hear from my mother would be, "I'd like to talk to you." I immediately catastrophize, leaping far into the future, thinking of what...

3 years ago
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The Chiefs Daughter Ch 2

By Jax_Teller Saturday morning we woke together and the girls got right to taking a shower together. I went through my usual morning ritual of turning the Tv on and getting breakfast together. When the girls came out they seemed disappointed that I had not joined them. That quickly changed when they saw and smelled the western omelets I was making. They both were naked and I was appreciating having them around. It seemed to me as if they had adopted me. As we sat and ate watching the...

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best day of college every

I ran off the stage and hid amongst college grounds on the science lab steps where my drama teachers Nicky and Kirsten eventually found me with my head resting between my knees alone and upset. “James…?” I looked up as Nicky called my name she looked me in the eye and knew I was no happy she somehow knew me better then any other teacher and I love her for it. She asked me to come with her and Kirsten to the office I agreed because I knew I’d have to tell them what was wrong at some...

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MyFriendsHotMom Tia Cyrus 26167

Rion’s friend has him stop by his house to grab his ID he left at home. His friend’s mom, Tia, comes home and catches him looking around the living room and he explains the situation. It’s been a while since they’ve seen each other so they sit down and catch up. Rion spills the beans that out of all his friend’s moms, she was always considered the hottest! Since Tia hasn’t been laid in quite sometime, and flattery gets you far, she takes Rion’s cock...

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Alas Photo Shoot

A fun and glamorous modelling photo-shoot with a friend ends in an unplanned pregnancy for a beautiful woman Things were getting better for Ala now. 32 years of age she was coming out of the misery of a failed marriage with a cheating husband who made her feel low. In the past 8 months Ala had lost 20lb or so making her tall striking figure even more so. Stunningly beautiful to look at with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, Ala stood 5 feet 9 inches tall, even taller in the strappy heels...

Sex With Stranger
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Londons expensive

So it was happening after all, I was moving down to London. LONDON! Home of the posh and the disgusting and the posh-and-disgusting. Sad and half-dead bums asking for money from people who had too much of it. And, of course, the middle ground, where I admitted I would be residing. Not bad at all for a sensible mind but I couldn't help feeling slightly scared and panicky about having to support myself in a new place. Thrown in the deep water, as they say, right? The search for a flat stopped in...

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My Unforgettable Experience 8211 Part I

Hi to all ISS readers, I am a great fan for this blog since long time and I have read each and every story published some might be the original some may be the fantasy I would like to submit my original experience with my employee. I am in good height, medium complexion, and modern I am married I have children. I am going to narrate about my original experience which I can’t still forget with my employee. Her name Divya (not real name) actually my company is a sales company of surgical...

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Chuck White 5

Chuck White 5 A Party For Some "59...lick, 60...lick. Sir, I invite you to fuck my wife any time that she desires without any concern for my feelings or rights as her husband. I have voluntarily become her cuckold husband and accept all that it implies. lick, 61...lick, 62...lick, 63..." ...................................................................... Ding Dong!!! My heart skipped several beats. The guests had...

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A Chance Meeting

It was almost Christmas and an old friend had summoned me to a party. Standing around drink in hand, exchanging gossip with old friends and meeting new ones, more particularly a very fetching blond called Alice. From somewhere in the next room I heard a voice I knew only too well.  “I’m sorry, I have asked you politely to give me some space, but now I’m going to tell you to go away.” It was Angela an ex-girlfriend, I guess I still fancied her, she was OK in bed, but I also got to fuck her Mom...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Stone Double of Nothing Part 1

"Well, I'm here," Jay Heckmer said as he arrived at his cousin's house. He was spending some time at his cousins in an effort to get away from his hectic job. Jay wasn't married and he thought it was nice to just get away and spend time with family. Jay was a man in his late thirties about five foot ten and 170 pounds. He had short brown hair that was slightly receding as is the case with many men his age. Jay considered himself OK looking but he was being a bit hard on himself not...

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The Meeting it begins

A Small Fantasy, now called’The Meeting’ (This ended up being a story that sort of lead me along of its own accord – it wrote itself basically and I had not planned to write such a story YET!) We have been talking and enticing each other over our online chats and on the phone, for sometime, when we decide to meet for real. Oh, God, I am soooooo nervous, but nothing can stop me from going through with it! We are meeting at a small, but nice hotel that I had booked (who wants to pretend and have...

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Priyanka Sex Goddess Showed Me Heaven

Hi friends, this is Rohan and I am back with another sex story that took me to heaven and now I am burning deep inside missing it every day. After my last sex experience I was left alone as my sex partner left me and I was looking around for sex for 6 month when I found another perfect girl to satisfy me and my burning urges. As u might remember me, I am Rahul a single guy living in NCR working in a software development company. In my previous job change, I got a job in a small company in...

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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole 3d

===This is a continuation of parts 3a, 3b & 3c with the same title. It's about how my 18-year-old girlfriend who was an anal newbie, turned into an anal slut and exhibitionist. I picked up Lisa at 8:00 a.m. sharp on Saturday and she was sitting on the porch with a couple of canvas bags, wearing a sun hat, and a white blouse and light blue shorts. She smiled and grabbed her things and walked briskly towards the truck and tossed her bags in the bed and moved my surfboard on top of them to...

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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me 8211 Part 3

Quick recap (I still strongly recommend to read the Part 1 and 2): I (Imran) and my closest friend Shabuddin (Shabu) planned to fuck the brains out of my long term chat friend Meghna (Megi / Megs) and I had a great pleasure on her 22nd birthday. I recorded the whole session and later using that, I ordered her to come to me, every time I want. I fucked her 5 times on that whole night in various rooms in my flat and also in the car. I ordered her to come back next Saturday. Present: I woke up...

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Crossing Worlds Part Four

"HEY JACKIE YOU NEED TO COME HERE WE'RE READY FOR ROUND TWO! JACKIE! JAINA!" Markus opened the door to the main hall of the mansion, heart beating as his mind was worrying that this would all fall apart somehow. There was a soft, warm trail of slime leading over the corridors and down the main floor, and as Markus and Jeremy rushed up to the door there was the VROOM of an engine outside, and Markus looked out to just barely see a happy Jackie drive off in one of his expensive sports...

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Bee Stings

Shit, I'd forgotten Kim was still home. She usually went to church with my parents, but she had just returned from a Christian summer camp yesterday, where she had been working as a counselor for the last 4 weeks. She'd been really upset when she got home. "Um," I hesitated, trying to think of an excuse to stop her coming in, but came up short. "Hold on..." I began, but the door had already clicked and was swinging open. I had grown complacent during her absence. Luckily the muscle...

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LimitsChapter 26

My mother’s blush deepened as we made eye-contact. This wasn’t the first time I’d caught Mom spying, but it was the first time she’d noticed me noticing her. To my surprise and delight, she didn’t leave. Lucy was on her knees in front of me, wearing a set of black lingerie. Not that it covered much - the left strap had fallen down, exposing one of her huge tits. Her pink nipple was exposed and swollen, and her panties were pushed aside as she frantically thrust three fingers inside...

3 years ago
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Making It Work Ch 08

There’s something about a phenomenal movie combined with a beautiful song that makes your insides clench. I took the chance and saw ‘The Great Gatsby.’ It’s a book that I read in high school and I loved it so much that I refused to watch the film. Somehow Michelle talked me into going with her to the cinema and I heard one of the most riveting songs that have had me bawling my eyes out while staring at photos of David and me: ‘Young and Beautiful.’ I’m not a Lana Del Rey fan, I find her quite...

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