Man Maid Day 2: Part 1 free porn video

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Man Maid Day II: Good Morning Gennie December 2004 "Mbbbmmm, go away I'm sleeping" "Gennie, rise and shine, Karin wants you there early this morning." Gennie? Why would Debbie be calling me Gennie? I haven't been Gennie since ...!!! It can't be! It was all a dream, a very real dream admittedly but still just a dream. Wasn't it? "Gennie, come on Hon, we have a busy day ahead. You need to get up now!" (Groan) Once again I reach down for my morning scratch and encounter an obstacle that should not be there. It was all a dream remember? I move my hand north and encounter another little something or two that should not be there. Finally the touch receptors in my brain fire and I am wide awake screaming! "DEBBBBBBIE!!???" "Yes Gennie, I'm right here, you don't need to scream." "Wha... what do you mean I don't need to scream? That's easy for you to say, you didn't suddenly wake-up as a woman!" "No dear, I woke up slowly as a woman of course. What's wrong with that?" "Damn it Debbie! You know what I mean." "I do?" Oh how innocent she can look. It was her that did this to me and now she plays dumb, thinks I'm still not awake or something. Hey maybe that's it! I'm still asleep and Debbie is just part of my dream. "HEY! Give me back those covers." (Giggling) "No Sweetie, like I said it's time for you to get your sweet little butt out of bed so that you can get DRESSED and ready for Karin." "But I don't want to go to Karin's today." I petulantly whined. I tried to cross my arms over my chest in a gesture of defiance but those two little somethings got in the way. Again. "Ok it's your choice. But remember what we said last night about your cooperation, you can dress as a woman your own age and status in life or we can go the little girl fetish route. Either way it's up to you. I'm going to go start your shower now, if you want to go with the little girl look the rest of the week just stay in bed." with that she turned and headed into the bathroom. She knew that no matter how hard I tried not to I would eventually be forced out of bed, by hydraulic pressure if nothing else. I couldn't very well spend my entire vacation in bed, I would go even more crazy than if I followed my wife's instructions to arise. Besides I wouldn't put past this bunch to let me stay in bed and treat as a baby girl, complete with diapers and pacifiers. After spending the previous evening in a short pleated flirt skirt and platform saddle shoes I did not really relish the idea of finding out what she meant by "little girl fetish" look. And that was for the rest of the week not just today. I have troubles enough. I jumped out of bed and was in the bathroom before Debbie even reached the shower, holding my bouncing jugs the whole way. Debbie just grinned. "I'll go lay out your clothes for the morning." Oh well now that I'm up I guess I better take care of essentials. "Damn this contraption! The least they could have done was put me in a chastity where I could stand and pee like a man is meant to. DEBBIE WHEN ARE YOU TAKING THIS THING OFF ME, IT ITCHES?" "Well dear it will all depend on your attitude and cooperation, you can bet it won't be today though. Get your shower done now, and don't forget to use conditioner on your hair and moisturizer on your face after you shave." I thought of a few choice remarks about conditioner and moisturizer but decided that it was not worth the effort. I peeled off my pink satin chastity cover panty and stepped into the shower. The hot water temporally drained all of the previous day's stress and frustration out of my body. The shampoo and scalp massage under the running water helping to relax me even deeper. I had almost put yesterday's adventures out of my mind if even just for a few minutes. Then my mistake; I reached for my washcloth and soap; it wasn't there. Instead I found some sort of poufy scouring pad thingy, in pink of course, with one of Debbie's now famous notes attached. Gennie dear, You really need to pay more attention to the care of your skin. This puff will take the place of your wash cloth. Your bar of Irish Spring? has been replaced with your very own bottle of Oil of Olay? scented body wash. I'm sure you will enjoy it once you try it. Love D. Oh goody scented 'Olay' I get to stink pretty after I wash with my Brillo? pad (Brillo? pads are steel wool pads covered in pink soap for scouring pot and pans). "DEBBIE! Where's my soap and wash cloth? I can't wash with this scratchy pad and femmy, stink pretty, liquid dish soap." Guess I told her. "Gennie dear!? Would like to wear the pink or the yellow rumba panties with your satin party dress today?" "SAY WHAT?!!!" "Oh, I'm sure you heard me dear. Since you insist on whining and complaining like a petulant little school girl I just figured you wanted to dress the part." "Ah, gee sorry Honey, here's the soap and washer thingy right here, I guess I just didn't see it with the shampoo in my eyes. I would rather just wear the regular panties today if I may please." I slapped my hand to my mouth as soon as I realized what I had said. I had ASKED to wear women's panties as underwear. I have got to be more careful. As soon as she heard that I had turned off the shower Debbie was right there with a big fluffy pink towel. "Now sweetie, one of the things you will need to learn to do is dry yourself properly when you get out of the shower. No more of that harsh rubbing with the towel that irritates your delicate skin, you must now learn to pat yourself dry. See you just lay the towel against your body and move your hands patting the areas dry. Isn't that better than that rough and tumble way you're used to? Then you use this nice pretty powder puff to pat this nice scented powder all over your pretty smooth skinned body. When you finish that you use the smaller towel to wrap around your hair like a turban until you are ready to deal with it. The large bath towel you use instead of a robe. You wrap it around your chest here just above your boobies all the way around and tuck the end in right here. There you go just like a short dress. Offers modesty as well as utility. You can use it to walk around the house and your legs and underarms are free so that you can do any shaving touch ups and rub moisturizing cream onto them without hindrance. Isn't that great Gennie?" "Yes dear. That is just spectacular and just so feminine too." I gushed and blushed. "Very good dear now you are getting the idea. Shave real close, better do it twice and don't forget to moisturize." "And don't forget to moisturize." I mouthed to her back as she was leaving the bathroom. "I saw that Gennie, better be careful." She said. How does she do that? While I was shaving my face and underarms (I can take a hint sometimes), I wasn't yet ready to shave my legs, Debbie had laid out my day's attire and moved on to make us some coffee. I could smell it brewing, ah glorious coffee, as long as I had my coffee I could face almost (almost?) anything. Lying on the bed was what I was to wear for the morning; Debbie had specified morning, which must mean that there would be other outfits before the day was over. Again with trembling hands I started to pick up the items off the bed. The way she had laid out the clothes I could not be sure if they were women's or girl's clothes. I found myself praying that they would be women's. "Agggh I did again, I keep this up and they will have me asking to wear skirts and heels every time I get up." The first item I was to wear was a more lace than satin pair of white tap panties; they reminded me of boxers without the fly, very fancy boxers, without a fly which I quickly slid up my legs and snuggled into place. The next item would require that I remove 'my' towel mini-dress and would again have to look at my tightly attached mountains. It was a white satin under-wire push-up type bra. It had no shoulder straps but a substantial chest wrap with three fasteners in the back. The cups looked absolutely gigantic when compared to the bras that I have removed from my beautiful wife's chest (not that I ever really paid that much attention during those times). The satin material matched 'my' panties in color and texture. I was actually able to get the silky contraption into place and attached without too much fumbling. I felt so proud of myself. The relief of having those gelatinous mounds upon my chest once again under control was palpable. The next item on the pile had a post-it instructing that I call Debbie for help before going any further. I guess you would call it a corset, or perhaps more properly a waist cincher. Any way it was no where near as formidable looking to me as the corset I had worn the day previous. It was white satin with lots and lots of lace accents and four lacy garter straps which tickled my legs while Debbie was applying it to my body. "Debbie love, I have a note here that I need your assistance in getting into this, whatever it is here." "Oh, good then you have your panties and bra on already. I'll be right there." While I waited I tried to figure out what form the clothes still folded on bed would take. It would have been easy to simply unfold the garments and determine their style. I don't know what held me back. Was it fear of what Debbie would say or do because I was impatient and got ahead of the process? Or was it actually fear of what I would discover folded there only inches from my hands? Just as I was about to decide Debbie showed up all cheery and bright, perky some might say and took the satin and lace confection from my hands. Walking around behind me she held it up to my back, got it positioned just right and told me to take each side in my hands and attach the fasteners while she held it in place from the back. "Gennie, start in the middle and work your way up and down from there. You will need to take a deep breath and suck in your tummy in order to get them attached" Following her instructions I sucked up my gut and pulled the delicate feeling fabric until I finally got the center fasteners attached. The rest seemed to be much easier to attach after that, so long as I didn't relax my belly or try to breathe. Finishing the last fastener I let out a long sigh and relaxed my body. It was amazing to me, I now had absolutely no paunch, and I had a neat trim waist. Patting my now trim waist with my hands I thought to myself: "Hey this is pretty neat, I get a nice flat belly without starving or exercise, I should think of wearing one of these things more often. (Oops did it again)" "Gee Sweetie; this isn't so bad; I don't know why you complain about wearing something like this once in a while. It actually feels kind of good on my back. I just can't imagine how anyone is ever expected to use those back garters, they're even further back than that corset yesterday and they were almost impossible to get done up." "Oh don't fret your pretty little brain about that dear, you just worry about looking as pretty as you can, just like a good little girl should." Her condescending tone sent shivers down my back. "Ok now take a hold of that foot board, both hands, hang on tight, deep breath, and hold it now." With those instructions I felt her knee in my back as she started pulling laces. Just as I had fastened the front she pulled the laces from the middle to the top and then the bottom. After several sessions of holding on and holding my breath she announced: "There that should suffice for now. We can tighten it the rest of the way later." "...the rest of the way later?" I puffed out "How can there be a 'rest of the way'? There is no way I can take this any tighter. I can't breathe now as it is. I certainly don't want you to risk tearing such a pretty garment just because of me I'll lose some weight instead." She somehow found my pleading humorous. "Oh I guarantee you will lose some weight dear, but that won't help you right now. Didn't I just hear you say that wearing this wasn't so bad? That you still think I should wear one just to fit your idea of sexy? I must say though that you are right this does look very sexy; on you." Her laughter rang through the fear centers of my brain. By that time I was in such a state that it took me a few seconds to realize that she was fondling my satin clad butt. Oh how my member wanted to harden at that point. As she slid her hands around I realized she was actually pulling the garters though my panties, and the rubbing was just to see my reaction. She then produced a very sheer pair of lace top nude stockings. "Gennie baby, aren't these ever pretty. All this lace here at the top just like you keep asking me to wear. Feel how silky they are against your face imagine how they will feel against your legs; think about the tug of the garters as you move. Think about the constant reminder of what you have on your legs, think about how open you will feel each time you try to sit down in that tight short skirt you want me to wear, and realize that the tugging on your stockings mimics the tug on your skirt as it pulls up your thighs exposing those nice lacy stocking tops. Feel all those eyes, every set in the room staring at your thighs, some thinking what a slut, others just hoping you will move and give them a flash of panty. Now sit there on the bed so I can help you put these on. I certainly don't want you straining yourself trying to attach those rear garters." I never realized that my beautiful wife had it in her to play such mind games. She is really good at it. Whew! It seemed strange to me to be wearing the stockings without the pantyhose. My legs made quite a sight with the stockings pressing down the hair on my legs, and I can assure you it was not a pretty sight. Without thinking I actually asked: "Ah, Honey shouldn't I have shaved legs if I am going to wear such sheer stockings?" "Yes dear you are absolutely correct, but we don't have time for that right now. For now you will instead wear those shimmery dancer tights you wore yesterday. Go ahead and put them on, I'm sure you remember how." At this point I still did not know if I was going to have to go out looking like a little girl. The suspense was telling on my nerves. I got the tights pulled on as quickly as I could ignoring, as much as possible, the sensations against my legs. The next item was what looked like a bumpy half slip a very short bumpy half slip with lots and lots lace around the hem. Debbie noticed me looking at it with a puzzled expression. "That my dear is a very special slip. It's called a Bumpers? slip and will take the place of your Classic Curves? today and give you a nice butt and hips under your dress." "If I may ask, what kind of dress will I be allowed to wear today? I mean I can see that it looks like cotton. It's yellow with some kind of little flowers printed on it. But I cannot figure out what style it is. Am I going out in a little girl dress today?" Debbie started laughing softly. "Oh how precious. All this time and that is what has had you worried. No Baby, you are not going out as a little girl, tempting though it is. You are going to your sister's salon to have your hair and other things done dressed as the lovely young woman you appear to be, sort of." With that she lifted the yellow print dress and shook it out so that I could see it. The first thought I had was: 'Oh what a nice dress, I'd bet that would look really good on Debbie.' It was a short, halter top, sun dress. Very tight on the torso, with a short A-line skirt and a string tie one piece halter that would cover my front, mostly, while leaving my back completely bare. Well at least I understood the reason for the strapless bra now. Debbie had me step into the dress and pulled it up into place. The torso was more form fitting than I'd thought, she was barely able to get the zipper up the back zipped. I never would have fit into this dress without the waist cincher. The hem of the dress landed about mid thigh on me, just below the top of the stockings had they been visible. There was very little room for modesty had I not been wearing those shimmery tights over my ah... err... the stockings. Debbie gently turned me toward the full length mirror to see what Gennie looked like in a 'pretty sun dress'. I hate to admit it but I think I looked really sexy, from the neck down anyway. The breasts that I thought were so big turned out to be in almost perfect proportion to my now enhanced hips and rear, combined with my constricted waist I could have been my dream girl, almost. No matter how good I looked however, I would never look as good as my wife. As if she could read my mind: "Gennie, you look fantastic! I wish I had such good curves." All I could do was blush, I tried to say something to the contrary but no sound would come out. I was actually proud of the way that Debbie had made me look. I wouldn't admit it to Debbie or my sisters but I did like the look. Don't get the wrong impression here though. I was not at that point giving in to what was happening so much as I was curious to see where this all would lead. Debbie wanted me in dresses, Karin wanted me all dolled up, and Susan believed that I belonged in therapy. They all claimed to have my best interests at heart. My motive I keep telling myself was nothing more than curiosity; I could not at least at this point admit that I wanted this to happen to me, but in reality... Agggh I ramble again. Sorry. For foot wear Debbie placed upon my feet a rather conservative pair of yellow slip on sandals with a one and one half in heel and a large flower at the toe. I was not exactly in love with the look but I could vividly recall some of the other foot wear I had seen that Debbie had available and was happy with these. All dressed and ready to go we went down to have our coffee and dry toast before leaving to Karin's. The swinging of the skirt against my legs, the ever so slight tug of the garters trapped by the pantyhose, and the air on my bare back all conspired to be certain that I could not forget my attire. Being in the safety of my home dressed as I was I could remain somehow; somewhat calm but when Debbie said those fateful words: "Ok Gennie it's time to go. We don't want to keep Karin waiting, now do we? Here's a nice big sun hat and your big sun glasses we gave you yesterday and no one will notice anything but two women on their way to the salon." Hard as tried I could not get my feet to move. I was frozen in place. "Debbie, I... I... I can't move. I can't go out looking like this. Let's just stay here and enjoy each other." "Gennie, you know we can't do that. The only way for you to make progress is to get out of the house. Give me your hand and let's go." Almost in a trance I allowed her to lead me out of the house. My heels clicking on the cement sending shivers once again up my spine. The knowledge that there was no turning back as Debbie locked the house behind me. I climbed into the car, sitting first and then bringing my legs together into the car as I turned in the seat. I was stuck; I could not go back I could only go forward. Maybe the car would break down before we reached Karin's. Or maybe there would be a freak snow storm that would keep us from getting there. And then again maybe pigs could fly. COMMENTS PLEASE: NEXT SEGMENT MAN MAID II: SHE MADE ME-UP

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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

2 years ago
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Raji My Maid Made Me Bath On My Birthday

Hi my name is Raju, I am fair and my height was 5″ 8, this was my second story. The incident happened in my intermediate at my house with my maid named Raji, her complexion is white with medium height of 5″ 4. She looks very sexy with assets of 34-30-36. Coming to the story, she is working in my house from my tenth standard. Every birthday of mine will be starts with an oil massage and then bathing by my mother from my childhood. This year birthday my mother told my maid to take care of my...

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My Day as the Maid

My Day as the Maid by Emily Ross I wake up about 6.45 and remember it's Sunday - the day that my wife Leah and I had been planning so carefully. She is still sound asleep as I quietly and carefully slip out of bed and head for the bathroom. I apply some hair removal cream to my body. I am not very hairy so I only need a little on my chest and stomach. Then I do my legs. Leah doesn't like me shaving them. I keep my...

4 years ago
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A Meeting of Maids Part2

I ran back to my house and breathlessly filled a bag. I packed my two favorite uniforms the black and the pink PVC. I selected a couple of sets of underwear and a couple of pairs of shoes. Because the bag was not very big I had to be selective. I wondered if I could get Roberta to come to my house for a dress up session, maybe in the future I hoped. Packed I hurried back to Roberta's house. Roberta ushered me in and we went upstairs to the spare bedroom, this was where Roberta kept her...

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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

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Real Time Maid Service

Maid had served Ms. Treat for six months. Its training over that time had been rigorous and methodical. After the first meeting with Ms. Treat, maid learned how to address its Mistress properly, how to ask its Mistress questions in the proper form, then to never, ever look directly at Mistress unless so directed, and lastly it learned its positions of "inspection" and "punishment." After instilling the basics in maid, Mistress Treat then instructed maid in the fine art of maintaining...

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The Birthday Maid

The Birthday Maid Today was my Birthday. Not a particularly special Birthday, but a Birthday nonetheless and therefore the optimism that I may get some nice presents was in my head. My wife Helen had asked me to book the day off work as she had a surprise planned for me. No idea what but I do like surprises and any excuse to spend a day away from the office is a good one. The day started normal enough. Helen made me breakfast in bed and I opened my cards and some small presents...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 2

Friday Night Maid Part II - by Diane Leonard As I finished folding his socks, he stood up and looked down on me. "Diane, remove my pants now, but do not get up after you do, just fold them and lay them on the edge of the bed." I reached up, removed his belt, and lay it on the bed. I opened his trousers and as they slid down his legs, I notice that he was wearing boxer shorts and that his manhood was semi erect and poking through the slit in the front. Embarrassed, I looked down...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 2

Friday Night Maid Part II - by Diane Leonard As I finished folding his socks, he stood up and looked down on me. "Diane, remove my pants now, but do not get up after you do, just fold them and lay them on the edge of the bed." I reached up, removed his belt, and lay it on the bed. I opened his trousers and as they slid down his legs, I notice that he was wearing boxer shorts and that his manhood was semi erect and poking through the slit in the front. Embarrassed, I looked down and folded his...

1 year ago
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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

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The adventures in becoming the maid Trish

The adventures in becoming the maid Trish.By Lindsey AnastasiaIt was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived at this place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run by Mistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size and Mistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males into beautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first day I arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off at the front...

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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

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My Hot Maid In Under Construction Apartment

Hi readers, I am john (), I’ll be sharing one of my sex experiences. Actually it’s not exactly a sex story since I have done everything except the intercourse. My dad was transferred to a town, and was living in an apartment and the maid use to work there and her husband works as watchman and also does some odd jobs. I was at my hostel when my parents got transferred so it was the first time I was going to my parents after the transfer. I saw the maid when she came to give some flowers to my...

2 years ago
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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

3 years ago
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Man Maid 2

Friday morning I awoke with less of a hangover than I deserved. Glancing at the clock I saw that I had awoken at my normal time without the aid of the alarm just like any other day. The beer can next to the clock told me that I should feel much worse than I did. My room mate Todd and I having no real social life, generally drink six or seven beers after work, but a can in the bedroom was proof that I had probably had more than usual. Spotting the bags from Frederick?s of Hollywood on...

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Man Maid 3 Todd Speaks

I have been roommates with Ken for several years. We had been friends since high school and now, at the age of thirty-five, I thought I knew him pretty well. But he was making me a little nervous. Although I left for work this morning one hundred percent positive that tonight would be the conclusion to a well played out practical joke on me, my phone call home at five thirty left me less sure than before I called. Let me explain. About a week ago I made a comment that I would pay...

4 years ago
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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

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The Pampering of Maid Paula

It has been almost a month since Paul Collin's loving wife made the decree that she would never be Miss Jennifer again. Even with hearing those words and knowing how honest Jennifer was, in a dark dirty crevice of his mind the unsure man knew it was too good to be true. He did not accept the fact that his wife did not look down on him for his urges to dress like a woman. How could she be so loving to him when he was so weak and give into dressing how no real man would? The crevice of...

1 year ago
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Maid On My Own Will

MAID ON MY OWN WILL By Monica Graz CHAPTER 1 APRON, THE INITIAL SEED She startled me as I was doing the dishes humming one of my favourite tunes. She came behind me, put her hands around my aproned waist and whispered in my ear, "Robin darling I loved the dinner tonight, your cooking skills are getting better by the day. And you look so neat in your apron, doing the dishes now. Thank you for being such a jewel". She kissed me again and her tongue played a bit more with my...

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A Lady’s Sissy Maid - Day OneSteve was single and it had been awhile since he was in a meaningful relationship, so one Saturday afternoon, he was aimlessly perusing a local fetish contact newspaper when a particular ad caught his eye. It read: “Sissy Maid Sought by Refined Beauty"Classy, beautiful and refined lady is in search of a sincere sissy to perform my household duties and become my personal servant. Applicants must be docile, follow instructions and have a sincere desire to serve and...

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First Sex With My Maid8217s Daughter

Hi I am Eshwar. Now my age is 35, I am from Karnataka State and this is my first sex story that I wanted to share in ISS. In the age of 20-21, I had more sexual feeling on girls/ women’s. I used travel in rush areas such as shopping malls, Buses because I can touch girls / women’s boobs, body. Some times I used to stand behind women/ girls in bus/ shopping malls touching my penis to their ass. I was getting more less thrill, and I had a deep felling to have a sex with women/ girl. Imaging some...

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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

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Extreme Maid Training with Mistress Madame C

Life has become an extremely busy in the C household – and, the general house slave as of late had NOT the met the high standards and range of ever changing skills set out in his contract. As a result -he was fired! The household had to advertise for a new assistant; one with an open mind, one who was adept in the art of assisting Madame’s every whim and alternative lifestyle and, one who was aesthetically pleasing to Madame’s eye and that of her guests. After many months of searching, the day...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid – Part 3 – by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, ‘Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore.’ part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I stood...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard [I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending] With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I...

1 year ago
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Crystal Maid Cystal Broken

Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...

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Maid Service

If you are not old enough to read this, don't. I know! I know! Yes, I know that this theme has been worked to death but I thought I'd try my hand at it too. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Humiliation Corset Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jason had a little hobby, dressing in a French maid costume before he was married and was afraid of telling his new wife. He thought of playing maid for his wife, but he was afraid to but one day she confronted him and his...

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Playing the Maid

Playing the Maid As far as old country houses go, this one was entirely too big to be quaint, but too friendly to be imposing. It stood on its own acre of land about three hours north of San Francisco, up near Napa Valley. While this was a long commute for us, my wife Emma and I had already been telecommuting to our respective offices a few days each week, and we made arrangements so we only had to be in San Fran the same two days out of the week. It was only by luck that we'd...

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Maid at Arms

Maid at Arms By The sheep of the China Shepherdess Hortence De La Tour awoke before the dawn. She fought off the last bit of sleep in order to prepare herself for the day. This done, she removed the sleeping corset and nightgown. Like the clothes in her closet all her days were the same. The black underwear with a hint of frill. The corset that fell into place that she was able to lace ever so tight. Her body could not...

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Maid To Order

Being almost broke, and being told by her landlord to pay up fast, or lose her apartment, Susan Chambers was desperate for a job. In the classifieds, she found an ad, and decided to at least apply, it sounded like it wouldn’t be that tough a job. “Wanted, a young, attractive female for maid service. Apply to Lady Elizabeth Wentworth, 19 Hudson street. Please apply in person only, no mail in resumes or telephone calls.” She imagined what a maid would do, dusting, cleaning,...

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The Maid In Plain Sight

The Maid In Plain Sight *** The surgeon looked his patient in the eye. From behind a surgical mask and a pair of clear safety glasses, his eyes looked alert. "Before we begin, I have to ask you. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked the surgeon. The patient nodded. "You understand that these procedures are major, and it's going to be a long time before you can change anything back. Some of it can't be reversed. This is your last chance to back out." The...

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Maid of Buxcombe Manor

MAID OF BUXCOMBE MANOR By Lisa Lovelace After two humiliating years as a male maid in petticoats at Buxcombe Manor, I was desperate to escape - but I had to time my attempt perfectly. Through the kitchen window, I could see that the rear door of the caterers' panel truck was open. I needed to duck away from Ms. Buxcombe's party, at which I was serving as the maid, and stow away in the truck just before the caterers closed the rear door and drove away. With luck, the truck would...

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The Making of a Maid

The Making of a Maid Belladonna My name is Annie Jones. I was born a rich man's son. My parents named me Tommy Richards after my grandfather who had built our family's multibillion dollar company from the ground up. I had a life of privilege that was most would kill for. Like the other children I grew up around, I was left a substantial trust fund by my parents just as their parents had done for them. By the time, I came into my families money, we no longer owned my...

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