The Birthday Maid free porn video

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The Birthday Maid Today was my Birthday. Not a particularly special Birthday, but a Birthday nonetheless and therefore the optimism that I may get some nice presents was in my head. My wife Helen had asked me to book the day off work as she had a surprise planned for me. No idea what but I do like surprises and any excuse to spend a day away from the office is a good one. The day started normal enough. Helen made me breakfast in bed and I opened my cards and some small presents from immediate family. "Right then," Helen started, "no time to waste hanging around here. I've got a very special day lined up for you today so get yourself showered and dressed so that we can get started. We need to be in town for 10am." "How exciting!" I exclaimed. "So what's the plan? What do I need to wear?" "Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" She said, "And don't worry, just wear something casual, what you're wearing now doesn't really matter anyway." Hmmm, bit of a cryptic answer. But I went with it, had my shower and shave, threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and met Helen downstairs ready to go. It was about a half hour drive into town. Helen drove, she usually did anyway as she wasn't keen on my driving. She managed to find a spot on the high street, right outside her favourite beauty salon. "C'mon you, this is where we need to start." She said, pointing towards the salon. "What do you mean?" I replied. "What are we doing here?" "You'll see," she replied, "come with me, this is going to be fun." Fair enough, I thought. Maybe she'd booked me in for a massage or facial. I was quite partial to those. I followed her into the salon and waited whilst she checked in with the receptionist. The receptionist made a quick phone call and almost immediately out from a door at the rear of reception came a tall blonde girl in the usual salon uniform of a white smock and leggings. "Hi, Richard!" she sang, "I'm Fiona and I'm going to be looking after you this morning." "Right," said Helen to me, "off you go, I've a few errands to run. I'll be back for you in a couple of hours." Slightly confused, but happy to go along with the surprise, I waved Helen goodbye and followed Fiona through to the back and into a small room with just a chair, a mirror and a towel in it. She handed me a pair of paper pants, asked me to remove my clothes and put the pants on, wrap myself in a towel, then come through to the treatment room for my treatments to begin. With that request, she left me on my own. Yes, I thought, Helen's booked me a full-body massage. What a lovely thought, I was really looking forward to this. I quickly removed my clothes, put on the pants and stepped out of the room. Fiona was waiting for me and I followed her into the treatment room, instinctively lying on the treatment bed in the middle of the room. "Ok, we're gonna start today with your full body waxing." Fiona explained "WHAT!??!" I exclaimed, sitting up. "No, you're mistaken. I'm here for a massage...right?" "Nope, that's not what's booked in. We've been given strict instructions by your wife. We're to start with a full wax, followed with a makeover, manicure and wig fitting. I know it's unusual, you being a guy and all, but the orders were very specific." "I'm not sure about this. I'm just going to get dressed again and go check with my wife," I stuttered. "Don't think you'll have much luck there," Fiona explained, "we were also under instruction to take your clothes from the changing room as soon as you were out, bag them up and deliver them to your wife. They've probably already left the salon. So you could leave if you want, but it'll be in the towel you're wearing." My head was spinning, I didn't know what to do. At this point in the story, I should probably explain that I'm a crossdresser but only an occasional one. My wife had seen me once or twice but to be honest, she didn't really like seeing me dressed and preferred not to. I'd even worn a maid's outfit at home and she'd let me get on with the ironing upstairs, out of sight, she just wasn't that keen on seeing me. So to have me booked into the salon for a makeover, well, it was all a bit of a shock, maybe a bit of a fantasy come true as well. I wasn't sure quite what to do. Nor did I know what Helen had in store for me next. That thought petrified me...and excited me a little too. I decided to play the reluctant victim with Fiona. "OK," I said, "Do your worst." "Excellent!" Fiona answered. "Let's get started. Lie down and try not to scream." I removed the towel and with that, she started to smear the hot wax on my legs and remove it with the strips of paper. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I tried my hardest not to yell, this was just a feeling I wasn't used to. Luckily my back and chest are pretty much hairless so they got off lightly but before very long, my arms, legs and hands were completely hairless. "Right, nearly done," explained Fiona, "just your eyebrows to do." With that she made small applications of wax to my eyebrows and with a quick tug was done. "OK, all done," she said. "Here, take this moisturiser. Rub it all over to help calm your skin down. Give yourself a couple of minutes to get your breath back then come and join me in the room opposite. I did as she said, rubbed in the cream then, still wearing my towel, furtively crossed the corridor to the opposite door. Waiting inside was Fiona and another girl. "OK, Richard," Fiona explained. "That's the first stage done. Next we're going to do to transform you into a beautiful woman. I'll be doing your make-up and wig fixing. Claire here is going to give you a manicure. All you need to do is sit down in this chair and let us work our magic. " There was nothing I could say. I just smiled, reluctantly, and sat myself down. They worked on me facing away from the mirror on the wall, probably deliberately so I couldn't see what they were doing, and didn't hang around. Fiona started on my face ? foundation, bronzer, highlighter, blusher ? every so often stepping back to take a look at her handy work and make slight adjustments. Then she worked on my eyes ? eyebrow pencil, eye shadows, eye liner and eventually mascara. Then my lips ? a foundation colour, top colour, lip liner, blotting and gloss. All the while, Claire was busy on my manicure and when she'd finished one hand I held it up to take a look. She'd attached false nails to my fingers in bright red. I was shocked to see the sight at the end of my now hairless hand, making my fingers look so feminine. She started work on my other hand. Fiona awoke me from my stunned silence. "I think we've got your face looking great, Richard, though I must say you don't really look like a Richard anymore!" she laughed, "now for your hair. So what do you fancy being? Blonde? Brunette?" "I, I, I..." I stammered, "I, I really don't mind..." I didn't want to appear like I was enjoying this too much. In one way I was, all this feminine pampering, but I was still nervous about where all this was going to end. "OK, let me choose for you," Fiona said, "I think with your colouring, you'd make a great blonde. And they do say blondes have more fun." With that she let out a little giggle at my embarrassing position. Fiona briefly left the room and returned with a blonde wig on a polystyrene head. She placed a wig cap on my head, applied some spirit gum to my forehead and before I knew it, she'd pulled the wig tight over my head. She frowned as she concentrated on applying make up to the hairline at the front, to make it look seamless she explained to me. "Right," she said abruptly. "I think we're all done now. Wanna see?" I think that was a rhetorical question because without a pause, she spun the chair around and faced me towards the mirror. Well, I think it was a mirror, because at first I thought it was a photo of a stunning blonde woman. That was until I let a "wow" out of my mouth and she copied me. I raised my eyebrows and her thin feminine brows did the same. I was speechless with how I looked. From the neck up, there was a beautiful blonde woman staring back at me. No hint of maleness at all. I was transfixed, gazing at myself. I couldn't take my eyes off this wonder before me. Could that really be me? My reverie was broken by the door opening. In walked Helen, carrying a number of bags. "Oh. My. Goodness," she exclaimed and stopped dead in her tracks. With that, Fiona gestured to Claire and quickly the two left the room and closed the door behind them. I looked at Helen and managed a half, embarrassed, smile. After all, I was still naked apart from the towel and paper pants. "I'm truly speechless," Helen explained breathlessly, "you look just, I don't know, so so much like a woman. If I hadn't seen your body I wouldn't have known it was you. How do you feel?" I didn't know what to say. "Well, I love what the girls have done," I replied, "it's just a bit unusual being sat in front of you like this. This is a lovely birthday surprise you know, thank you." I smiled. Helen managed to gather her senses about her. "You're welcome. Look, I know I'm not very good with the whole dressing thing but I know it means a lot to you. So I thought with today being your Birthday, I'd make it one you'd never forget. So I called in a few favours and here we are. Believe me, darling, things are going to get even better, you wait and see." "What do you have in mind?" "Aw, I'm not going to tell you that and spoil the surprise! But look, we need to get a move on if we don't want to be late. We need to start getting you dressed." With that, she handed me a bag. I looked inside and took out some panties and a corset. I paused, looking up at Helen. "Are you sure about this?" I said hesitantly. "I am, but what about you?" she replied confidently. "This is all for you and I've taken steps to make sure you can't back out at any point. I thought you might get nervous but knew you'd regret it tomorrow if you did back out, so that's why we're going to see this through to the end. The first step is that you've got no male clothes left in the salon. You can back out now but you'd be walking down the street in a towel and make-up. You don't have a car key and there's no way I'm giving you mine. The second step is that all this is being filmed on CCTV. See the camera up there in the corner of the room? It's been recording every step of your transformation so far. I wouldn't show it to everyone, but I can think of a few who'd find it hilarious you came to a female beauty salon and got a makeover?" She was right. I was caught. I wasn't sure if she was calling my bluff but thought it best not to fight it. I stood up, took off my paper pants and put on the black panties from the bag. I loosely hooked the corset around me and let Helen go behind me and pull it in tight. And pull it in tight she did, I could barely breath. I caught sight of myself in the mirror tho and loved the feminine shape it gave me. Next she handed me a pair of black sheer seamed stockings from the bag. I sat in the chair and pulled them up my legs, making especially sure that the seams were straight and clipped them to the straps on the corset. Helen knelt down in front of me and from another bag pulled out a pair of black patent 4 inch heels with ankle straps. I'm glad she was down there doing that as there's no way I'd be able to bend down there in this corset. She placed the heels on my feet and clicked the straps in place. Clicked? I thought they had buckles... "Third step, darling...locks. The shoes are locked onto your feet now. I don't have the key with me, it's at home. And the corset has been padlocked on, again the key's at home. There's no way you could get that off without my help. So if you want to make a run for it now, be my guest, I'm not sure you'd be able to run too fast in those heels plus I'm sure you'd get lots of attention as well. Fancy your chances?" There was no way I could get out of this now. She had me trapped. I was getting more and more nervous about what might be coming next. She handed me some breast forms and I stuffed them inside the front of the corset. They warmed to my body very quickly and the corset held them in place. "Lovely," she said. "You're looking very feminine so from now on, you're no longer Richard. You're going to be Lucy. Is that ok with you, Lucy?" I looked at my feet. What could I say? "I suppose. But just tell me what your plans are for us. Are we going out for dinner with me dressed?" I asked. "Sort of, but not quite. And stop trying to spoil the surprise!" She answered. "OK, maybe this next item of clothing will give you a bit of a clue." With this hint, she unzipped the suit carrier she'd brought into the room and took out its contents. My jaw dropped. It was the most gorgeous French Maid's dress I'd ever seen. Black satin, short-sleeved, with layers of ruffled petticoat. On another hanger was a white satin apron and cap. "I, I, I can't wear that!" I stammered. "Oh you can," Helen replied, "and you will. I know you want to and let's face it, you don't really have much choice unless you want to walk out of here in your corset?" She smiled. She was right, I had to wear the dress. Secretly I was dying to get into it. But then what? There was only one way out of the salon and that was out the front door into the street. And then what? Back home to do some ironing? Well it's been fun and all that but I never planned to do any ironing on my Birthday! I think Helen picked up on my thoughts as she took the dress off its hanger to hurry me along. "Come on, Lucy, haven't got all day. We've got another appointment yet," she demanded as she held the dress open for me. I stepped in and pulled it up, feeding my arms through the lacy sleeves. I turned around and let Helen zip me up. I felt the dress encase me tightly as she fiddled around with the zip at the back of the neck. "Fourth step, Lucy, the zip of your lovely maid's dress is firmly fixed in place and tucked away into a hidden lock. I'm sure you can guess where the key is." There was mischief in her voice now. I stepped into the petticoat and pulled it out, forcing the skirt of the dress to flair outwards. It barely covered my stocking tops, I noticed as I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Provided I stayed vertical, I was probably ok. God help me if I had to bend down for anything. Helen caught sight of me looking at myself in the mirror. I caught sight of her too. She had a smile on her face like that cat that got the cream as she tied the apron around my waist and the small cap to my head. She took some earrings from her bag and attached those to my ears. "There," she smiled, "all done. Take a look in the mirror. How does that feel?" I turned to look at my full length reflection in the mirror. From the black patent heels, the sheer black stockings, the frothy hem of my petticoat under my figure hugging satin maid's dress, my hourglass figure and up to my exquisitely made-up face and perfect hair. I have to say it, I looked stunning. I was speechless. My knees weakened at the sight before me and it took some effort to stay upright. The flash going off out of the corner of my eye soon took me back to reality. It fired again. "Lovely Lucy, the French Maid." Helen laughed. "Just think what I could do with these photos. I've no end of friends who'd book you for their parties you know. Ha ha!" I looked at Helen. I was nervous now. "You wouldn't would you? I mean, it's an exciting thought but I've never really been out dressed like this before, I'm not sure how I'd do. It's a scary thought." There was a tremble in my voice as I said this. My voice was softer, feminine, more vulnerable. "Well, let's wait and see how today goes shall we?" she answered cryptically. "C'mon then, let's go. My car's outside." I panicked. "I can't go out like this! I bet the salon's full! What will people say?" She rubbed my arm, sympathetically. "Look, you look every inch a beautiful woman. No-one's going to tell you're a guy dressed up, they'll just think you're a woman off to a costume party. Just walk with confidence, give a smile and a wiggle, don't go too fast and you'll be just fine." She paused. "And of course, if after that you still don't feel you can come out, well I'll go out there and tell them what's happened in here then invite them in one by one to come and take a look. Plus you'll have to leave at some point anyway. In those locked on clothes. So what's it to be?" She was deadly serious. What could I do. I had to get back to the car somehow and the only way was through the Salon. "OK," I said softly. "I'll come" With that, Helen held the door open for me to walk through. I left the safety of the room and nervously walked, trying to concentrate on a feminine wiggle. First into the hallway at the rear of the salon then through the door at the end which opened into the main salon. Deep breath, grab the handle, push and through. At first, no-one noticed. Then I started to get looks. And a few wows. Lots of smiles. A couple of "you look amazing!"s. I smiled back and kept on walking, mortified with embarrassment inside but hoping the layers of make-up would hide it. I stopped at the reception where Fiona was waiting. Helen caught up with me and greeted Fiona. "Hi Fi. Well I think you've done an amazing job with Lucy here, she looks absolutely stunning!" "Aw thanks Hel. No problem at all, it was a real challenge but I think it worked out fine. I'm sure Lucy will have a great time!" She emphasised my girly name and somewhere under the layers of make-up, I'm sure I went beetroot red as I wished the ground would open up and swallow me. "Well thanks anyway. Put the treatments on my account and I'll settle up with you next time I'm in," said Helen. "No worries, Fi. Have a great time, Lucy!" Fiona answered. I looked at Fiona, smiled a thank you. Helen walked round me to open the door and held it open for me. I could still feel the gaze of most of the women in the salon as they eyed me up, whether it was with knowing looks, admiration or jealousy, I wasn't sure but it was certainly a look I wasn't used to. I walked through the door to the Salon and out into the street. I suddenly became immensely aware of the shortness of my dress as the cool breeze started to whip around my legs. Helen fired the central locking for the car up and I quickly got in the passenger side, trying my best to be elegant and not flash too much stocking top or knicker as I did so. Not an easy task. Nor was putting on a seatbelt when you've acquired breasts and long finger nails. Helen was enjoying this. I could see her smiling at me as I struggled. She started the engine, slipped the car into gear and we drove off. "So are we going home now?" I asked. "Noooo. Not for a long time, Lucy. There's lots to do between now and then," she answered. "Like what? Can't we go home now? This has been fun, I've had a lovely time but can't we go back home and I'll do some maiding for you? I'll do the ironing...?" I pleaded. She was having none of it. "Not on your nelly baby! You just sit back and enjoy the ride, we'll be there for the next part of your Birthday treat in 10 minutes" Helen teased. She wasn't going to let on what was next and certainly wasn't going to let me off the hook so I just shut up and let her get on with driving. We drove for a short while before I noticed we'd turned off the main road and into the gates for The Manor House. I knew this place though I'd never been myself. It was an old stately home that had been converted into a hotel and restaurant a few years back and with the recruitment of a talented chef had become quite a draw across the county. It had a lovely long sweeping driveway. As we drove down, I noticed the temporary signs up announcing they were having a French Food Festival and today was the opening day. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "I hear it's a lovely restaurant but I can't go in dressed like this, French festival or not!" Helen didn't reply but rather than follow the drive down to the main entrance she took a fork to the right that was signposted "Staff and Deliveries". I looked at Helen as the butterflies in my stomach leapt at the prospect of what might happen next. She pulled up round the back of the house and no sooner had she pulled up, a smartly dressed man came running from the nearest doorway. He opened my car door. "Finally!" he announced "You're here at last! C'mon Lucy, you're late and we're halfway through lunch service. It's not easy being a head down so get your skates on and get in there". He pointed toward what I assumed was the kitchen. I looked at Helen, half bewildered in a state of panic and half questioning. I felt my lips silently mouth the word "help". "Now Lucy," she said with a matronly tone in her voice, "Len here has kindly offered to give you work experience in the restaurant like I explained to you. You need to get big names like this place on your CV if you're to break into this industry. I know the uniform might feel a bit demeaning but don't worry, all the other waitresses will be dressed the same and it's all to promote the French festival." My heart was now beating double time. I could feel Len behind me looking at his watch. I could see Helen ahead of me, the look in her eyes which said I should do exactly as she said if I wanted to get through this without being publicly exposed. "C'mon now Lucy, don't mess me about" said Len, with more anger in his voice and a sense of urgency too. "Yes Lucy," Helen continued, "don't let me down either. I met Len when I ran that conference here the other month and he's pulled a few strings for me to get you on the staff today. If you don't get out of this car soon, I can see my chance of getting more conference work here disappearing. Now go!" She was serious. I turned to Len, got out of the car as elegantly as I could and shut the door behind me not knowing what to do next. Helen wound down the passenger window. "I'll see you later!" she sang as she sped off leaving me stood there, miles from home, locked into a French Maid's outfit and with a man expecting me to be a waitress. I had no idea whether he knew I was a man or not so thought I'd better make the effort to be Lucy. "Ok, come on Lucy" Len said as he dragged me towards the hotel door, "just to start you off, you won't be taking orders, it'll just be service from the kitchen. A nice gentle introduction for you. You'll be on your feet for a couple of hours then it'll go quiet whilst we reset for dinner. During the quiet spell we might use you to serve afternoon tea in the Orangery, we'll see." The reality of this situation dawned on me as we hurried through the kitchen to the serving area. It was then that I noticed, true to Helen's word, that the other waitresses were decked out in similar dresses and with similarly high heels. A few smiled but they mostly hurried through like hassled waitresses, as you'd expected in a busy kitchen. A few glared too, clearly the work had spread around that I was "the late one". Len pointed me towards the table plan on the wall and suggested I memorise it. He then guided me towards the line of other maids waiting to deliver meals to the table. There were two or three ahead me, giving me time to think about how I'd got to this point of the day. It was certainly a birthday to remember. As I stood, I became very conscious of the strain on my ankles from the heels, the tightness of the corset and its restriction on my breathing, the stickiness of the lipstick on my lips. I must have been in a bit of a dream world as I was awoken by Len shouting at me. "Lucy! Service! Take these to table 9!" he bellowed. I stepped forward, took the two plates, studied the floor plan on the wall and used my back to push open the swing doors into the restaurant. As I span round, I was momentarily overwhelmed by the number of people in the room, there must have been a hundred or more. And largely, as part of the waiting staff, most were ignoring me. Ok, there a few lecherous guys who I'm sure were mentally undressing me but otherwise, no-one seemed to bat an eyelid. So, filled with renewed confidence that I might actually be able to pull this off, I made my way over to table 9, smiled politely at the guests there and placed the plates on the table. A brief eye contact, a polite thank you from them and a polite, subservient smile from myself and I walked away back to the kitchen. I swore I heard, as I turned to walk away, a whispered "she's pretty" coming from my table 9 but I may have been mistaken. The lunch shift ran for several hours and I almost forgot about my costume as my focus fell towards doing a decent job, keeping Len happy and not spilling any food. In truth, despite the embarrassment of my predicament, I think I was beginning to enjoy myself. After lunch was over, myself and the rest of the waitresses had the opportunity to rest ourselves for a little while. I sat quietly in the staff room whilst a few of the other girls moaned about the hours, the pay, the heels, the guys who'd been perving at them over lunch. I'd probably only been in there for 10 minutes when Len poked his head around the door. "Lucy, small job for you, waitress service needed in the Orangery," he smiled. I hauled myself off of my seat, onto my heels and followed Len to the service hatch. Waiting there was a tray laid out for afternoon tea ? teapot, cups and saucers, a selection of biscuits. "Table 3 in the Orangery. Thanks Lucy." He smiled. I picked up the tray, walked through the now empty restaurant , across the main foyer and through the door to the orangery. As I walked in I could see table 3 on the opposite side, by the window. Sat there was Helen. My butterflies jumped and my heart leapt. Not only that but sat with her were 3 of her closest friends from our village, all of whom I knew quite well. My lip started trembling and my feet were rooted to the spot whilst my brain tried its best to figure out what to do next. Then Helen started waving at me. "Waitress! Over here please," she commanded. I was trapped now. Oh god, how I wish I could just walk away, how could I carry this off in front of her friends? I looked at Helen, she looked back to me glaring. I noticed that her fingers were idly playing with a chain around her neck and I could just about make out that on the end of the chain were 3 small keys. Slowly, my legs shaking like jelly, I made my way over to the table and set the tray down. I smiled politely and was about to walk away when Helen looked directly at me. "Could you pour for us please?" she asked. The dread in my belly was heavy. There was going to be no quick exit from this situation. "Certainly Madame," I said as softly as I could. I began to set out the cups and saucers. "Thank you," she replied. "What's your name?" I could feel four pairs of eyes on me. "It's Lucy, Madame," I said quietly. "Hello Lucy," she continued. "Me and the girls here have been talking about the uniforms you're all wearing today. I know it's not the usual uniform here so I guess it's just for the French Festival right?" "Yes Madame" I said as I poured the tea, trying my best to avoid eye contact with everyone. "How do you feel about dressing like this? Do you not find it demeaning? Humiliating?" she asked, her gaze burning right through me. "Not really, Madame, it's all part of the job" I replied, trying to keep my answers brief. "I mean, it's not like anyone made you dress like this is it? At the end of the day, you had a choice right?" "Yes Madame," I answered. I was conscious that as I was bending over to serve the tea, that my stocking tops had gone on display to my side and rear. One of Helen's friends noticed this. "Lucy," Sue asked, "I notice you're even wearing stockings. Did you have a choice about those?" "Not really, Madame," I replied. "Wow," Sue continued. "I don't think I could do what you do, it'd take a hell of a lot of persuasion to get me to wear something like that. What do you think, Vicki?" She asked across the table. "Definitely," Vicki joined in, "don't get me wrong, Lucy, you do look lovely in it. It really suits you and I can see you're quite comfortable in it. It adds a certain "je ne sais quois" to the proceedings." With that comment the girls giggled. Vicki continued. "You know, when I next hold a dinner party, it'd be lovely to have someone dressed like yourself serving the food. Do you ever do any work away from the hotel like that?" Helen was loving this. I could see the wicked smile on her face. "What a great idea Vicki," Helen chipped in. "I've done some work with the agency that supplies staff to this hotel, I ran some of their training courses. Maybe I could call in a favour for next time we have a girl's night, see if we can get Lucy here over in her Maid's dress to serve our drinks? What do you say?" The girls laughed and clapped in delight. "What a great idea!" Sue exclaimed. I'd finished serving the tea now and felt so utterly humiliated, I was burning up inside, almost sick at the thought. Still, I stood there waiting to be dismissed. "Is there anything you wish to say, Lucy?" quizzed Helen, raising one eyebrow. "No Madame. Will that be all?" I asked. "Yes. Thank you Lucy. That will be all," Lucy replied. "Thank you, Madame," I said and for some reason half-managed a curtsey as well. I turned and wiggled away, my feminine walk now perfected after having spent several hours in this outfit. And this time there was no mistaking the comments coming from the table. "She is lovely!" "You've so got to book her for that drinks party you were planning," "Do you think?" "Definitely," they chorused in giggles of laughter. "OK," I heard Helen say as I reached the door, "let me see what I can do". I walked through the door and was making my way across the foyer when I heard Helen's voice shout me from behind. "Lucy," she asked, "do you have a minute?" I turned and saw Helen just by the doorway to the Orangery. "Could I just have a quick chat with you in here," she gestured towards a meeting room across the hallway from the Orangery "Certainly Madame," I responded and stepped into the room. She closed the door behind her. "So.....?" she asked with eyebrows raised. "How's it going?" I looked her in the eyes, pleadingly. "I don't know what to say, Helen. I really didn't think you liked me dressing but today you've pushed me further than I've ever pushed myself. I've been in more humiliating situations than I ever would have thought possible. Why are you doing this to me? And why now?" Helen thought for a minute. A smile came to her face, more kindly than vindictive. "Look Richard. It's like I said. I know how much you enjoy this stuff," she gestured to my outfit, "and to be honest I didn't really understand it. I was probably a bit scared. So I read up a bit about it on the internet and found how it really was a harmless activity that so many guys indulge in. But I also read that the biggest problem people like you have is fear, fear of acceptance, fear of being revealed and how that in itself can be quite exciting." She continued. "So, given it's your birthday, I thought I'd plan out a day that gave you opportunity to indulge but also pushed you further than you'd normally take yourself. Like I said, give you a birthday to remember. I do love you and want you to be happy you know." I smiled, softly. "Thanks Helen, I really do appreciate this. You're right I've been petrified at times but the excitement, well, I just couldn't get this any other way. I am dying to get these heels off my feet tho so I'm looking forward to heading home with you now." Helen looked at me puzzled. "Now? 'fraid not, Lucy. I'm here with the girls and I couldn't possibly leave them could I? Right now they think I'm arranging to book you for our next girls night in and if you give me any trouble, I might actually do that! Plus I've promised Len that you'd be here for the evening shift too. Sorry poppet but you've got a few more hours to do yet. I'll pick you up around midnight, ok?" With that, she gave me a gentle peck on the cheek, turned on her heels towards the door. She opened the door, glanced back, gave me that look which said I'd better get used to this and with that...she was gone.

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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

4 years ago
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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

3 years ago
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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

2 years ago
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Mothers Birthday Present Part II

Mother's Birthday Present, Part II By Bobbi Gold Author's Note: I would like to thank everyone for their kind reviews. When someone takes the time to write something and post it here, it is really nice to then read that people have read and enjoyed what you wrote! Some readers suggested that I take my true story and continue it, but more with my imagination. I decided to try that here. So my story continues, but this time from my mother's point of view. Of course, this is...

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The Making of a Maid

The Making of a Maid Belladonna My name is Annie Jones. I was born a rich man's son. My parents named me Tommy Richards after my grandfather who had built our family's multibillion dollar company from the ground up. I had a life of privilege that was most would kill for. Like the other children I grew up around, I was left a substantial trust fund by my parents just as their parents had done for them. By the time, I came into my families money, we no longer owned my...

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The Bettor Maid

The Bettor Maid Belladonna [Based on an idea by Tondelaya] Trystan Pretto stared at the large brown box containing the only clothing that he was going to be permitted to wear that month. He peered up at his wife, Natalie, with a smile as he wondered what ridiculous costume she was going to make him wear given their ever escalating series of bets. They started making bets with each other a few months after they won an interstate lottery. The sum of money they had received ensured...

2 years ago
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Playing the Maid

Playing the Maid As far as old country houses go, this one was entirely too big to be quaint, but too friendly to be imposing. It stood on its own acre of land about three hours north of San Francisco, up near Napa Valley. While this was a long commute for us, my wife Emma and I had already been telecommuting to our respective offices a few days each week, and we made arrangements so we only had to be in San Fran the same two days out of the week. It was only by luck that we'd...

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The Palace Maid

Joe Abernathy's wife knew about his cross-dressing from their third date. Susan said she was not bothered by it. She let him do it from time to time. Joe knew her previous boyfriends were effeminate. Susan never liked the man's man, John Wayne type. To Joe, Susan often seemed more accepting of his cross-dressing than he was. Joe had an androgynous appearance in his youth that was amplified by his long hair. Susan playfully threatened to divorce him if he got a man's haircut when he...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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The New Maid

The New Maid By Emily Ross [email protected] Part One - Vicky's Story I hadn't seen my sister in three years while I had been working in Australia. Now here I was knocking on her front door. A maid answered. 'Miss Simmons? Come in. Let me take your suitcase. Would you like to go into the drawing room? I'll tell Mrs Hardy that you are here.' 'Thank you.' I went into the drawing room and sat down. A minute or so later my sister came in. I jumped up and gave her a hug. We...

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Jennifers Maid

Jennifer's Maid By Susan Day This is a story of a fireside chat between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and her old schoolfriend, Jennifer. Jennifer asks her husband for domestic help. When she finds how expensive it is, her friend introduces her to a special agency where a special kind of maid can be found. After employing a maid from the agency, her husband takes a greater interest. (number one...

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Dad8217s Secret Affair With Hot Divorced Maid

Hello all, this story is real-life incident which happened between my lovable dad and hot maid. My dad is a handsome person in his early 60s. My mom is a homemaker. I am their only son who witnessed the hot sweaty sex between my dad and maid. We had a maid – a divorced woman of 45 years who used to take care of household works. She has a slightly brownish skin tone and is slightly chubby with fat in the right place. The main highlight is the fold in her hips. She wears her saree in such a way...

4 years ago
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The Indentured Maid

The Indentured Maid By Janis Elizabeth Devon Lindsey had two passions in his life, neither of which he could or would reveal to his family and friends. First was his love of wearing women's clothing, a love that first began in his pre-teen years when he had found a pair of his mother's silky panties folded on top of the clean laundry in the basket. When he touched them, he felt an exciting sensation go through him, a sensation that caused him to hurry to his room and try on this...

2 years ago
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Lady Heathers Maid

Lady Heather's Maid. By Trish. This is the story of how I was seduced from a university course that bored me into a life of skirts and service to Heather Lane. I first heard of Heather when I was about thirteen. It was after school one evening and as usual my mum was picking me on her way home from work. I was on first glance a typical teenage boy in most respects, for instance I was not happy about being forced to sit in the back because mum was giving Edith, her best friend a...

1 year ago
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Friends mother and maid

Hi this is Jairam 26 year old from Hyderabad, India. I’m average guy without any bad habits. But I’m very interested in sex right from my childhood, you know what I mean. I was more attracted to the boobs and belly buttons. The story which I’m going to write is not a real story. The story is about my friend’s maid and her mother Sunita. Sunita was not very beautiful, but was having good amount of flesh at the right places. She is 42year old with 38, 27, 38 measurement. I was very close to...

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From Man to Maid

From Man to Maid Donna and I had been living together for six months when the changes started. It was a Friday night and I was the first to arrive at our apartment after work. Then I heard a key in the front door. Donna came bounding into the living room with a huge grin on her face. I rose to greet her. She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. "How was your day Bill?" "Same shit, different day. Answer the phone. Stare at the computer screen. Process the paperwork. ...

4 years ago
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A new maid

"Life can't get much better than this," Jack thought aloud as he laid around his family pool. Jack was the heir to his family's vast fortune and constantly thought that this made him better than everyone else. This was especially true with regards to his younger sister. Jack was 19 years old and loved to threaten his younger sister, Jackie, about how if something ever happened to their parents she would find herself penniless and destitute. The thought of his 18 year old sister...

4 years ago
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Made To Order Maid

Maid To Order Mr. Carstairs shuffled to the door and managed to stand fully upright in order to hug and "air kiss" his wife goodbye for the day. "Now honey, remember what the doctor said," she reminded him. "Keep taking your heart medications and try to keep calm. Remember your blood meds too!" she chided him as she stepped out the door and off into her Porsche. "Don't worry, dear, I won't forget!" he promised as she sped away. Mr. Carstairs then shuffled himself over to his...

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Breeding My Familys Filipino Maid

I lay awake naked on my bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark. We were going through another blackout and the air conditioning was dead. The sweltering Bangkok heat was unbearable, even in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep anyway; I was a few months over 18 and my near-uncontrollable sex drive had no outlet. My big cock was a steel pipe that I gripped and pumped in my hand, lubed up with a palm of spit. I was frustrated; I was a good-looking white k** from a well-off American...

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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

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Lust Adventures 8211 Part 2 Laid With Maid

Hello readers, this is Rahul and it has been a while since I last visited ISS. Thanks for the overwhelming support for my first story. If you haven’t read it yet, please go read it. In continuation to my first story, it’s been 5 months since then and whenever my sister visits home, I used to find a chance and fuck her. After 5 months, my brother-in-law shifted to Canada and so was my sister. What the hell!!!! All the fun I had was gone and I was feeling lonely. I tried to get busy with work...

4 years ago
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Copyright© (c) 1994-2003 "Oden the bardling averred His muse was the bum of a bird, And his Lesbian wife Would finger his fife While Fisherwood waited as third." -author unknown She came highly recommended, with references and a resume that greatly impressed me. The children loved her, my wife was thankful of the excellent work she did, and I was able to spend more time with my work. The maid also entered my family and began to systematically control or terrorize everyone in the...

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Sandys Sissy Maid

Sandy's Sissy Maid By maidboy275 Mistress Sandy had given me a simple order, "When you get up Monday morning get dressed into your pink domestic maid uniform." I knew I needed to do it, I even planed on doing it. Sunday night I had added a new coat of polish to my always polished toenails and then used the deep pink nail polish on my fingernails. I had let it dry in order to be ready first thing Monday morning. I had gone over my body with a razor in the shower and made sure I...

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The Resort Maid

The Resort Maid Belladonna Elias Dara and his wife, Mariasela, exited the bus with smiles on their faces as the warm wind off the Caribbean Sea brushed against them as they stepped onto the resort's grounds. They followed their fellow travelers towards the check in desk while the resort staff began to unload the luggage from the bus. As Elias followed behind them, hand in hand with his wife, he smiled as he thought about how his vacation was going to be far different than that of...

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The Master the Madam and the Maid

The drive to Don and Carol’s isn’t far but traffic was snarled making the journey irritating. It had been an arduous work week for both Jean and I and we were looking forward to the evening as we always do to these special get-togethers.Jean and I are married, in our late fifties and began swinging about eight years ago. Jean is 5’ 8’’ tall, a slim blonde who could easily pass for 38. She has small breasts with large, erect nipples, an ass to die for and a multiple orgasmic pussy topped with...

1 year ago
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The Master the Madam and the Maid

The drive to Don and Carol’s isn’t far but traffic was snarled making the journey irritating. It had been an arduous work week for both Jean and I and we were looking forward to the evening as we always do to these special get-togethers. Jean and I are married, in our late fifties and began swinging about eight years ago. Jean is 5’ 8’’ tall, a slim blonde who could easily pass for 38. She has small breasts with large, erect nipples, an ass to die for and a multiple orgasmic pussy topped with...

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Summertime Maid

It was all in place for Leo Munby. He had sold the company that he had built from the ground up for over 100 million dollars. He had given 20 years to creating that company and now he was going to enjoy the middle years of his life. The deal was signed. He had bid goodbye to all of his employees and returned home from the office for the last time. He exited the building through the servant's entrance as he often did. The feeling of walking under that sign always gave him a thrill. Of...

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The Patched Up Maid

THE PATCHED UP MAID It all started when I was first seriously dating Carla, my soon to be wife. Well no, I suppose it really started when I was about six or seven years old. That was when I first discovered the wonderful feeling of my older sister's underwear. I got hooked and although I tried to kick my compulsion many times, I knew I had to tell the woman I was going to ask to be my wife my little secret. I admitted that I was ashamed of what I did and she agreed. Carla...

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Boarding School Encounter 04 Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

Chapter Four: Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on...

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My Father The Maid

My Father, The Maid, by Oona. I thought it was really weird when I received the random text from my step mother, even though I had known her for most of my adult life as my father's new wife we had never really been close. Hell, for that matter I had never really been close to my father either, he was always pulling long hours at the office when I was young, so he was never around. Nowadays I rarely if ever saw him, once a year for Christmas at most, and maybe a text on my birthday....

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Made to Maid

Made to Maid name of author withheld by request Part I It was great having my own car. Even though it was a just a used Neon, I didn't care. A car was a car. My parents had bought it for me only a few weeks ago for my 18th birthday. And today, I was making the drive by myself from Omaha to Chicago for a cousin's wedding. I was shocked when they said I could make the drive myself, but happy to have the newfound freedom. Having left after school, I knew it I wouldn't make it...

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Becoming a Career Sissy Maid

I have been submissive for as long as I can remember. Growing up I adored my mother and would watch everything she did around the house. Eventually I would help her with more and of the cleaning, cooking and laundry. She playfully called me her maid when I was helping her and I began to refer to her as Ma'am. When I was 13, we decided that I should go to a friend's Halloween party as a French Maid. For some reason this really excited me! My first masturbation fantasy was imagining...

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The Happy Maid

THE HAPPY MAID "You don't need a husband, Carol dear, you need a maid," Tina West told her best friend. "I know you're well paid but the idea of you going home and being the little housewife makes me shudder. How do you put up with it?" "It's not quite as bad as you make it sound Tina, Norman usually does the cooking and other household chores. He knows that his job isn't as demanding as mine. The trouble is that I still feel that I should look after him better than I...

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Connie The Junior Maid

CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

2 years ago
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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

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Friday Night Maid

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I...

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Transformation Finale The Maid

The maid. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. I feel the smooth silk of the sheets against my skin and revel in the sensation. My mind flicks through the miriad of bodies I have inhabited over the last few months. Despite the different faces one thing has been constant, the fact that they were all submissive, something I now relate to. I look around, It appears by the light through the blinds that it is early morning. I rub my eyes.......wait! Those are my hands, I am back in my...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 4 Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

“Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on her. Who is that? Daisy? ... disconnected... an alien voice whispered through...

4 years ago
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Forgetful Maid

Forgetful Maid by Sally Tranz 1 - Dressing for Sunday chores My silent alarm buzzed and my arm jerked slightly as the watch brought me out of my light sleep. Although it had been a late night, I rarely slept past 7am, but Sunday was a special day. Sometimes, the alarm was set as late as 9am, which meant that I lay in bed even when awake. Sunday was the day my lady was treated very special. Today it was 7.30. As I eased out of our bed, the gentle breathing of my lady reassured...

1 year ago
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My first experiences as a french maid

Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiences as... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn you on, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men and women) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don't speak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed or something. Something they shouldn't be! I have had master I could serve. I decided the internet was a nice...

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My New Maid

My New Maid By Margaret Jeanette Sarah and Jim Toomey were enjoying a steak at their favorite steak house. He was looking all around and observing the other patrons. "What are you looking at?" "I am just observing all the customers. Do you notice all the men are wearing dark suits and all the women are wearing bright, colorful outfits? Look at the woman at the table next to us. She is wearing a bright yellow blouse with lots of ruffles on it. She looks so feminine. Look...

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The Regents Maid

This is a role play between darknessmonger and Aurelié Catena It is written in third person so it can be read as a story instead of those roleplays that switch between characters. The rules of the game are: Aurelié decided on a torture that would break her and darknessmonger had 7 days to figure it out by noticing the hints on her reactions, and taking care of not overdoing and losing her. So, do you want to know who won? Read on. Introduction Aurelia is a maid at the Regent’s castle. At least...

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A Faithful Maid

James felt a hand on his shoulder as he slept but ignored it.“Young Master.” A female called out, at the same time shaking him again. “It’s time for you to get up now.”“Just a few more minutes… please, Paulette.” He flipped onto his side, putting his back to her.She giggled. “I’m not falling for that one again, mister. Last time, it took you almost an hour to get ready.”Letting out a sigh, he finally sat over the edge of the bed to see the woman standing in front of him. She was...

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The Feminization Amy Maid

[ ] A long day of cooking for a group of angry men who are all big brutes that make iron slabs all day had me horny and ready to beg one of them to let me suck him until he got hard like a iron rod and bend me over to fuck me deep in my ass. Yet I was to scared that I would be called a fag or worse. I came into my bunk to sleep and I had a toy that I was going to use under my covers to satisfy my needs for a man. It was not a good comparison. The room was occupied by me and three men that were...

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Sex With My Hot Maid

Hi, Last month my regular maid went on holiday for 1 week. After 1 week she didn’t come so we got a new maid. Her name was sarika. She was around 30 years old. She was average looking slim and dark. She had small breasts. She had very less fat and her ass was a nice tight one. She would wear sarees or Punjabi suits. When I saw her for the first time my dick rose immediately! She wasn’t very good looking but her body was good! She was wearing a Punjabi suit and her ass was just awesome! It was...

2 years ago
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Forever Maid

He brought in the mail. As he looked through it there were 3 identical envelopes. One addressed to Josh, one to Mike, and his. The return address was just a symbol. He set the other two on the kitchen table for Josh & Mike, and opened his. Inside was an invitation to a Halloween party called "The French Maid Ball". Also, there was a credit voucher for a place called The Pleasure Pit. He had never heard of it. He looked back at the invitation again. The address of the party was in a...

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The Maid

I was tasked to host a dinner party for the president of the company coming to Los Angeles from New York. He was here to see how the West Coast office was doing and if they needed anything in light of the economic downturn the country was going through. They had already closed one of the Midwest offices in St. Louis and broken that office up, sending the personnel to the other offices elsewhere. Obviously, my boss, Mr. Chapman was not interested in moving away from the sunny California home he...

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Unexpected Maid

Unexpected Maid It was 7 o'clock in the evening and I'd been looking forward to tonight. I'd got a decent excuse for a night out with the lads as my wife Hannah had invited about a dozen of her friends round for wine, nibbles and probably a bit of Singstar as the evening progressed and the alcohol flowed. I was happy to get out of the way, meet the guys, probably go for a few beers and a curry. The gathering wasn't due to start for another hour so I was idly browsing at the PC...

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WARNING DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONTENT. AGAIN THIS STORY HAS SOMETHING TO OFFEND EVERYONE. MY PROFOUND APOLOGIES IF I FAILED TO INCLUDE SOMETHING TO OFFEND YOU. Contents: underage, sibling m/f sex, oral, anal, incest, dad/son, dad/dtr, mom/son, mom/dtr, water sports, lactation, family sex. BROTHER’S BIRTHDAY PRESENT (From her point of view) I saw my brother in the kitchen. I thought I will get him this time. I had on my skimpy black...

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How I Became an Asian Maid

"Great. Just fucking great..." I muttered to myself as I banged my head against the steering wheel in frustration. My name is Jake Francis and I've been having a terrible week. So terrible, in fact, that I feel close to losing my mind. First the girl I've loved for two years broke up with me, then earlier this week my father died of old age. My mom had already died a long time ago ago, so apart from some distant relatives I never talk to I'm the last remaining member of...

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Mallika sherawat8217s maid

Hi, Hello everybody. This is a sequel of my first story Erode’s mallika sherawat in the couples category, this all started due to an accident. And I also forget to tell the aunty’s name in the story, her name was kalpana. We have fucked three to four times in those two days when she was all alone but afterwards there was no opportunity for us to enjoy each other, but at that time we enjoyed talking on the phone whenever she find time she used to call me and many a times we enjoyed phone sex in...

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The Ruined Maid

Don Clarke walked on the sidewalk that ran along the Happy Hills strip mall. Don was the only owner the building had never known. He had built it on the grounds of a shuttered tire factory 14 years earlier. Ever since he had it built, it had been a gold mine for him. It was, however, just one of his many lucrative ventures. Don had built up a fortune over the years through land speculating, and there was nary a man better at it then him. He knew the value of a dollar better than anyone....

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The Maid

This story takes place many years ago where there were large mansions,and the owners hired many servants to help out in the household. There was a young woman named Alice that lived a troubled life in herc***dhood. Her parents kicked her out into the streets, because she was atroublemaker and they could no longer take care of her. So Alice didanything to have clothes to wear and food to eat. This meant she got intotrouble with the law. So she spent many years in prison. Every time shewas...

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The Maid

I was tasked to host a dinner party for the president of the company coming to Los Angeles from New York. He was here to see how the West Coast office was doing and if they needed anything in light of the economic downturn the country was going through. They had already closed one of the Midwest offices in St. Louis and broken that office up, sending the personnel to the other offices elsewhere.Obviously, my boss, Mr. Chapman was not interested in moving away from the sunny California home he...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed And Had Sex With A Virgin Maid

Hi, friends, my name is akshay .I’m from hyderabad.I love to fuck young and married women .I have long dick and stamina to satisfy a woman. They love to share their bed with me. Want to have sex with me you can message me at I am akshay, my dick is around 7-inch .I have an athlete body. Because I love fitness exercise and maintain my body.I had many encounters with school girls, young and married women.They always love to share there body and bed with me.   Coming to the story.This story is...

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Re-maid By Lady_in_Waiting "How many times do I have to tell you to clean your room?!" Michael's mother stood in the doorway looking very upset. "If I have to tell you one more time, you'll regret it." "OK," said Michael. The usual response. He sat at his computer, talking to his girlfriend, Laura. He spent nearly all of his time there, talking to her. Michael didn't have time for things like cleaning his room. His mother stormed...

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