S&S NerdChapter 7 free porn video

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"Would you look at that? They're both naked and Mom's on top of him. You don't suppose, do you?"

The other voice said, "I'm picking up the spread and checking it out. I want to see."

As I was tensing to move, Rita bit my ear lobe and whispered, "Stay still." The cover was lifted enough for the prying eyes to see what they wanted. The first voice said, "They are still doing it. Can you believe it; they fell asleep doing it and stayed that way? Let's leave them alone. They might wake up and want to finish. Did you see how thick that thing is? Darn, that's big. I wonder how it fits?"

One of them took one more peek at our joining and put the cover down before walking out into the sitting room. Rita said, "They'll never bother us again. We let them see what they wanted to see, or at least most of what they wanted to see, and their curiosity is now satisfied. Let's get a shower."

Rita groaned as she pulled free of my newly inflated sex. "Oh, I'm so sore, but a good sore. Let's get going so we can eat first."

We were in and out of the shower in minutes, and I was dressed and back to my room just as fast. I changed into jeans, boots, and a T-shirt without a pocket. This is what the college folks called my Farmer Brown outfit. Everyone in my family including my mom, dad, brother, and sister has dressed exactly this way all my life. It can't be bad as all that, since all of our friends dress this way, with minor variations. The clowns really got a kick out a classy western shirt. I wore a dressy western shirt with fringe on it one time, and one of the gay Profs was hitting on me. I'm just not with it.

I set my bag by the door and knocked on the girls' door. Wonder of wonders, all three were dressed in shorts, tops, and sandals. They had what looked like three fabric grocery bags that contained everything they had brought. Rita wasn't kidding about them traveling light.

After breakfast, I checked out with my credit card in hand, wondering how much it was going to be. I was told thank you for staying with them and handed a receipt with no numbers. I observed Rita getting the same treatment. I wonder if S&S treats all of their people this way.

We drove over the bridge and causeway, and arrived at the international airport and parked in the private aviation parking lot by about five after eight. Inside, I inquired at the operations desk about a King Air and the guy announced it was on final. We went outside on the tarmac side and watched the sleek aircraft gently touch down.

The aircraft turned on to the taxiway and came up to the operations building in precise turns. As the plane was shutting down, the door swung open and a short stairway swung down. A nice looking girl in an S&S T-shirt came down, and Rita met her and they hugged. The girl gave a hug to each of the twins before the dark-haired girl, with prominent, but no bounce tits, came to me with her hand stuck out. "Hi, I'm DeDe. I help run the school and charter service. That means I get to teach and fly charters. The kid who is going to drive your car is trying to get his long legs out from under the co-pilot controls. He'll be out in a minute. It's his check ride on the aircraft anyway. You know, kill two birds and all that."

A tall young man with a huge grin on his face came from the aircraft. He hugged DeDe and said, "Thanks, DeDe, you probably shouldn't have given me a check ride that way, but Carter is a good pilot and didn't really need the time."

DeDe grinned at him and said to me, "Give Jeff the keys and let's get this show on the road."

I gave the young man my keys and pointed the pickup out. He walked through the operations building and I could see him unlock the truck. After he looked everything over, he started the truck and left. He was proficient; I can say that about him.

We climbed into the bird and DeDe asked if I wanted to fly right seat. I was leery about that and suggested she should do that. I think she wanted to gossip with Rita, but she climbed into the right cockpit seat and I watched as both of the people were flipping switches and pointing to some kind of plastic card. The engines started and we began heading toward the runway via the taxiway.

It seemed as if we were setting up for landing almost as soon as we were off the ground. It couldn't have been a half hour. Rita and the girls chatted, and I was fascinated with the aircraft.

When the plane stopped in front of the CS&S air charter office, a bunch of people poured from the door. I recognized Steve, Sue, Tiny, Henry, Chuck the pilot, Lisa the co-pilot, Dennis, Sandy and his wife Sandy, Donny, Gerry, and a real fox of a lady. She was tall at about five eight or nine, and wearing heels tall enough they would have looked good on a titty dance stage.

I was shaking hands with everyone and saying their names as I did. I noticed Rita hugging the stone fox and pointing to her shoes. They laughed together until Sue said, "Well, Jenny, don't you want to meet Dr. Feeny?"

The lady beamed at me before giving me a genuine hug that had me feeling a lot of soft booby flesh. "I'm so glad to meet you, Doctor."

Rita said, "I've dubbed this guy Sal. So, if you have to, call him Doc, Doctor, Doctor Feeny, or just Feeny, but I think it is a little crass or too stiff. Everyone, meet Sal."

Steve said, "That was quite a rescue you performed up in Panama City Beach. Those kids would have drowned if you hadn't saved them. That's one hell of a feat. Oh, and thanks for giving the company a mention."

Wow, something so small meant something to the owner of this massive company. Chuck was whacking me on the back and telling me, "You have some Texas-sized guts to do what you did. That was an amazing feat to bring both of them in at the same time like that. You had them hooked up like a train."

It was Donny who had the right idea, "I know it's only ten in the morning, but isn't it Miller time yet?"

Steve told me, "You are a good excuse for everyone to hang out today and get nothing done. Come on, let's get home."

Tiny whacked me on the back and said, "Maybe you'd like one of my infamous Bloody Marys." This was a real party mood.

We arrived at the patio a few minutes later where mugs were soon being filled for all. I was surprised to see Sue take a drink from Steve's, but pour herself a Diet Coke. I was also surprised to watch Rita and Jenny chug a beer. These girls were fun.

Steve told me, "Jenny and Sue are going to take you to your new place. I suppose Rita could take you too, since you'll be next door to her. Go see your new digs and come back. I think Dennis and Sandy want to tell you what they ordered and what has arrived."

Oh boy, equipment is already coming in. These folks don't waste any time.

The place they took me to was a reasonably short double-wide, sandwiched between two huge double-wides. Sue, Jenny, Rita, Joanie, and Janice all came in to check out the home. They began in the kitchen, showing me everything that was there. Coffeemaker, toaster oven, built in microwave, toaster. The upper cabinets had food, glasses, plates, bowls, and cups, while the lower ones had pots, pans, and cleaning supplies. There was a drawer with flatware and a drawer full of cooking utensils.

The kitchen had a bar or counter with some stools in front separating the big room. There was a small table in the front near the bar, then an open area that was like a living or family room. Against the far wall from the kitchen was a monster TV. That thing had to be the largest available. That's nuts. I had a trash TV before and now this? I was shown a small bathroom and a utility room with a washer and dryer. The door at the end of the hallway opened into a huge bedroom, with a nice chair and lamp for reading, and a whopper of a king-sized bed. There was a huge bathroom with a walk-in closet. This was obviously behind the other bathroom and laundry room.

I turned to Sue and said, "This is beautiful, but it may not work. I suppose my folks could stay at the hotel, but we like to be together."

Jenny took my hand and pulled me back up to what I thought was the front. On the right side of the kitchen cabinets was a regular sized door that I thought was a pantry. Through the door was a duplicate of the bedroom in the back. I had to step out and check the dimensions of everything again. There just seemed to be more room than was possible.

"Thank you, Sue, Jenny, and everyone responsible for finding this wonderful place for me. This is far nicer than what I lived in at the University."

Sue told me, "You are worth it Doctor, I mean Sal. Now remember, the only reason you have some food in the freezer and cupboards is in the event you're feeling anti-social or want a private dinner. The patio has three meals a day that begins with coffee from six on. We're about a half hour later on Saturday and Sunday, but we start early on weekdays. Your neighbor, Rita, can help you get settled, as can Jenny, who lives on the other side of you."

"One last thing," Sue added, "your personal cart is out there and has been doctored up by Shawna and Hank. We took some pictures of you and they researched you a little. I think they are both going to get you on a Harley and let you go through your old university, racking the pipes all the way through. They were disgusted with the way those people were when they were trying to research you. Well, we know better, Sal, enjoy all of us."

Jenny said, "Oh my, it's getting late. We should be getting back to the patio for some snacks and to make sure the beer driver drops off another keg."

Sue told Jenny, "Multiple kegs, this is an important party."

Rita told me, "Take Jenny to her place to change into something more comfortable and get her out of those shoes. Bring her back to the patio, but take a long ride around to take a look at the park."

Jenny was grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat as we walked next door. She had a much bigger trailer than mine, which obviously had the kitchen in the front. She said, "Come on in, while I change quickly. I have beer and booze if you want some."

We stepped through the door and the lady with the nice bazookas turned and pressed into me. With the tall shoes, her eye level was over mine. She kissed me as if we were just engaged, with her hips doing a number on my front. With a husky voice, "I hope Rita told you that we want you as a community stud. The community only has five of us, and you'll meet all of us in a little while. Since I saw you when you were here before and did up your travel, I've been dying to meet you. Don't think I'm too aggressive; I'm just a neglected female with kids, who needs a little loving every once in a while.

The woman was serious as she dropped her dress down around her ankles. That was all she was wearing. Man she was a fox. Jenny was working on my pants, and told me to pull my shirt off and sit so she could pull my boots off.

I was naked in seconds, being pulled up and back toward the rear bedroom. "I have protection for you back here, but I'm one hundred percent clean. I've even been for a test. Come on; let me make love to you, or is that you are supposed to make love to me?"

Jenny continued jabbering as she mouthed me into a very rigid state. She kept shivering and finally told me, "I'm so excited that I'm cumming just thinking about what we're going to do. I want to play with that gorgeous looking thing between your legs. It sure is nice looking."

Now I'm average, average, and possibly a little thick, but really just average. I'm just under that magic eight inches, but can rival some of the porn stars for width. But who cares. It has served me well the last couple of days and there have been no complaints.

I went to work on those luscious breasts. I told Jenny, "You have delicious and gorgeous breasts. I could play with these all day."

"Ooh, I hope you do. Suck on a nipple and I'll squirt for you."

I didn't know what squirting was all about, but I sucked on one nipple, and then changed to the other while caressing both breasts. Jenny was moaning loudly, quivering and shaking until I felt as if she was peeing on me. I looked down and her body was arched and streams of juice were squirting from her. "Oh, Sal, that is so good, I'm sorry, Honey, but I can't help but cum all over everything when I get that kind of attention."

I was going to go down and sample her, but thought I might need snorkel gear before I tried that. I also needed to get on the internet and check out this phenomenon.

Jenny rolled on top of me and kissed me while taking hold of me, "Fuck those rubbers. I want the real thing in there so all the juice that will run down my leg. Do me, Sal, fuck me like a real lady."

A half-hour later, we were both on our backs, lying on a soaked bed. Jenny said, "I know I am being a little forward today, but I just couldn't wait another second. That was wonderful, and what is even better is that there is more to come. Let's get a shower and I'll toss the bed into the washing machine. I need some Febreze in here too; it smells like a whorehouse."

Once again, I was showering with a strange and different female who had a stranglehold on me. When she was able to get me hard, which was not a big feat considering her looks, she turned and fit me into her as she leaned against the wall.

She was amazingly quick this time. I was massaging her clit while thumping her good spot and felt the streams of thick juice squirting out of her. Something about that had me planting another nice load into Jenny. I need to eat well and take some vitamins if I'm going to keep up with these women.

As we left, she said, "My son Jeff is driving your truck here, and my daughter Grenaline is in class, or I wouldn't have had the use of our place. It's convenient that you are right next door and close to all of us."

We dressed and took the long way around the park so Jenny could show me the three different recreation centers that each had a pool and hot tub. There was what she called a 'cypress swamp' in the back that covered a lot of area. Jenny told me there was a lake in the middle, but you probably shouldn't swim in it because it was thought to have alligators. When we arrived back at the magic patio, it had had a baby. Toward the back, there was a huge tent next to it, with tables and chairs inside, along with a bar. There was a guy outside, cooking what looked like ribs and chicken on two huge grills. That was making me hungry. I thought I had missed lunch.

We entered the patio amidst a hell of a lot of revelry. There were groups of people and kids everywhere. There were a couple of horseshoe games going on outside, and some kids were playing pool against some old guys inside. If those guys were like my gramps, the kids were losing.

Jenny kept leading me in circles, introducing me to new people in each circle. I finally had to tell her, "Jenny, there is no way I can remember all of these people at one meeting. I'll learn who they are, but don't make out like I'll remember."

"Oh, silly, they know you won't remember who they are, but everyone wants to hear their name, that's all." This girl knows people, and from the trip I just made, she knows how to put someone up on the spur of the moment.

I had reached a table that was full of veggies and dip. It also had a giant bowl of shrimp and sauce. I was hooked until someone put a glass of something clear in it in front of me. I looked up, and it was Chuck, the pilot. He said, "Welcome, Dr. Feeny, or as I've just heard, Sal. It's great to have you here. If you like music, you're in for a treat. We have several very talented musicians that live and record here. Lisa here is a wonder guitarist, as well as a great singer. She plays the piano too. See that little girl. The one who's growing about an inch a week, that's Bonita. She's a child prodigy who plays a dozen instruments and is now writing her own music. Hang out, Sal; you'll enjoy the fun we have here."

Chuck looked around, "You're from Texas, right? Are you a country fan or are you into some of the new wave stuff?"

I put my finger toward my mouth in the motion of gagging myself. "I like country, but I also like metal and real rock and roll. My favorite is pure blues rock. Something like the Expedition plays today. I'm a Stevie Ray fan, along with a new group the Expedition is releasing, "The Lucky Lady Blues Band." Give me some good jazz to mellow with, and I'm good. Country, sure if it's good, but it's blues all the way for me."

Lisa had left and came back with the girl Chuck had pointed out as Bonita. The girl was grinning and clutching a CD and a Sharpie. She looked at me, "That's my band, The Lucky Lady Blues Band. Actually, it's Chuck's, Lisa's, and mine. Let us autograph an album for you. It's great to know people like our music."

Holy shit! Who are these people anyway?

It was that exact moment when the giant television began playing one of the videos of the Blues Expedition trip to Italy. Son of gun, there was Chuck and Lisa doing a number with the Blues band and obviously killing it.

I sat down with my beer and just gawked. Jenny kept bringing me food and drinks, as I was mesmerized by what I was watching, realizing that I was among those people right now. Damn, I wish I could play music. I suppose I do, but with computers. I'll have to sample the instruments and put a program together they can use to create music with, but with their own instrument sounds.

About seven-thirty, there was a hush when Tiny stood in front of the crowd. "Let me have your attention, Folks. I need to make a few announcements while you're still sober. First and foremost, I want to introduce our newest genius to you. This guy is a proud nerd like our Dennis, who says that it's guys like him that really make things work. Give it up for Doctor Salvatore Feeny."

There was enough noise from whistling, clapping, and just plain hollering, that I needed to cover my ears.

"Come up here, Sal, or Dr. Feeny, if you prefer."

I stood and walked up to stand next to Tiny. When offered, I took the portable wireless microphone and grinned at everyone before telling them, "Call me Sal; that would be perfect. Just like the signs over your doorways." That brought the house down with more applause, whistling, and yelling both inside the patio and within the tent outside.

"Please know that I will try to learn everyone's name and call you by that name when I see you. That's a tall order, since there are so many of you." There was more hollering and applause. "If you don't know, I'm the geek hired to come up with better ways to do things that normally take a long time to do and can be expensive. I have to tell everyone, I've been treated better getting here, and since I've been here, than anywhere except with my folks at home. You know you can't compete with home. My folks will be coming to visit soon, so hold on to this spirit and let them experience it. I have to say, I love this place and all of you. I hope I can do everything you expect."

There was a pause then, as what I said soaked in, the applause, whistling, and yelling got louder.

I didn't think what I said deserved all of that, but I'm glad they liked it.

I was going to head back to my couch seat when a big hand took my shoulder, "Not so fast, Feeny, Dr. Feeny, or just plain Sal; you have some explaining to do. You haven't done the first honest day's labor yet and you're already bringing orders in. Tell us about it, Phil."

Another aging gentleman stood, "Sal, I'm Phil, sort of the sales manager of, ah, I guess everything. What's important is that your travel has brought in some orders. Probably with enough profit that far exceeds the lowly lodging you were subjected to. First of all, Folks, good ole' Sal spent the night in Shreveport and entered one of these popular Texas Hold Em tournaments. He ought to know how to do a Texas Hold Em, ha, ha. The man goes into the tournament and is tearing them up, but then is a part of busting up a ring that was cheating the players. The folks there rewarded the players at that table, but the hotel ordered a total power backup package for there and their other three hotels. That's one hell of an order.

"Now, this same guy drives an old beat up pickup to Panama City Beach. He just happens to be walking along the seashore when some people called for help. You've all seen the video, and if you haven't, it will be playing on our screen in seconds. This self-professed nerd swims out and saves both people. He lines them up, makes the lady hold onto the guy, whom Sal is pulling in, and what do you know, he saves them both."

There was a lot of clapping and yelling. "Okay, okay, when the TV lady interviewed our man Sal, he tells the world he is on the way to work for S&S Enterprises in Tampa, and you know what? That brought in the heaviest ordering day we've ever had from that region. Our man Sal did it."

I thought the roof was going to collapse as the yelling and applause was so loud.

"Folks, what do you think about pairing Sal up with Steve everywhere Steve goes? We wouldn't be able to keep up with the orders."

Once again the hollering and applause were louder than could be expected.

Tiny took the Mike back and said, "And now our founder and leader, Steve Sharp."

Steve began, "It is nice to have new people that contribute before they even get here. You can ask Jenny. She'll tell you that our new man didn't expect a lot, but gave a lot back on the way. I'm proud to have a guy like this with our company, designing and creating for us."

Steve sort of paused, "The next thing is that we have gone another six months without laying anyone off in any division, any branch, or any distributorship anywhere. We've even had to hire some in areas. Know this; I had nothing to do with it. All of you had everything to do with it. This company exists because of you and our attitude toward perfection. Let's keep us moving in the absolute perfect direction. Let's keep trying."

The house came down again in a tribute to the man they all loved. Steve Sharp was someone special to everyone here.

Tiny got up once again, "All of you who have had too much to drink; as usual, we have people to drive you and your car home. The Holiday Inn is ready for those who don't want to go home. Have a great and safe evening, Folks. Now, if you will turn your attention to the sliding door, Bonita, Lizzy, Chuck, Lisa, Donny, and Marty are getting ready to entertain you with some country flavored blues."

There were probably another twenty kids playing rhythm guitar behind the group. One boy was beating on an electronic drum set. This was a regular hoedown. I wish Mom and Dad could see this.

I was walking in the back, listening and almost dancing to some good country, when I found a guy pushing buttons and moving slides around. I watched him until the music paused. I asked, "Is that one of those great controllers that acts like a sound board and records?"

"You got it in one, Champ. This is an 8000 that is killer. I get a lot of first cuts right here on the patio."

"My name is Sal Feeny."'

The guy with the controller said, "Yeah, I know, the computer guy. What can I do for you?"

I notice you have a regular recording going and what looks like a compressed recording. "Does that include when I was talking?"

"From the first word anyone said tonight, and a few minutes of noise beforehand. Want a copy?"

"You know it. When the night is done, if I can get a copy in a format that can be played on most players, I want to send my folks a copy of what was said and played tonight. I can't tell anyone how good all this was. They have to hear it for themselves."

The guy said, "You know it, Buddy." He stuck his hand out and said, "I'm Elmer, the controller geek. I'm just like you. A lot of people in the industry don't think we do anything, but you recognized it right off. Thanks. I'll get you copies that are playable. Your folks will be proud."

Jenny found me about that time, "You've been busy, Sal. Every time I looked around you were in a deep discussion with someone. Come; meet some people that may have an effect on some of your time here."

Same as S&S Nerd
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The Club Part 2   I had the older lady lay on the table so the plugged sub could see her torso and what would be happening. She was no novice, she lay back with her hands over her head, feet flat on the table and knees spread. Her breasts settled over her chest, but the row of clamps would bring those back into shape.    I noticed the tail hanging down between the legs of the bent over sub twitching. It was in a rhythmic cadence from her contractions. I slipped two fingers inside her to feel...

4 years ago
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Brian Guess WhatChapter 4

So, Tuesday, Lyssa comes home and comes to my bedroom where I'm laying in bed naked waiting for her. "Oh, I see your ready. I'll be right with you," and she's back in a minute dressed as I am, undressed. "Just stand there, Lys, I just want to look at you. You really are beautiful." She raises a leg up and puts a foot on the bed exposing her most intimate beauty to me. "See anything you like, big brother?" My sister is no longer shy about her body as she lays down and spreads her...

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Weeknight Visit to Swingers Club

It has been a while since I have posted any tales of our adventures. If you have not ready any of the past postings, we are a married couple that started swinging when we first met. My wife is 5’ tall, 120lbs., 34B with blond hair and blue eyes. This adventure happened in 2000.We live in Dallas at the time. We were uptown having an early dinner and drinks with business friends on a Thursday night. We finished dinner around 8:30PM and we had a few drinks before and during dinner. As usually...

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The Occasional Mind ReaderChapter 7

Tuesday morning rolled around with Brian feeling better than ever. After the usual morning clean up and breakfast routine he headed down to the garage, before remembering that he never got his car from lot at work. "What an idiot" he thought to himself as he walked up to the main floor and called for a cab with his cell. He directed the driver to work and then read his mind for a bit while watching the city go by out the window. "Man, I hate this job! I can't believe I went to...

2 years ago
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Santa II

  The elder from... John was starting to lose track of time so far he'd seen the? He guessed it was a sun set twice that meant according to them that two years had passed already on the outside. So far the only magic he could do well was the thought talking to the elders and a few others. Sitting John tried to go through everything the elder elf Granle had told him.  Another failed attempt later there was a knock at his door, "I thought you might want something to eat and drink. You have...

1 year ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 3 A Gain A Loss

The rest of the week was pointless and forgettable. I went through the motions of operating the company, paying just enough attention to not burn the place down. Mazaki selected staff to travel with us from current staff members I tolerated well. She selected office intermediaries from a list provided by my father. Except for the new Office Senior. For that position, I chose my cousin Noah. Noah and I had grown up together and while I held no illusions that he was loyal to me, I knew his...

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The RiflemanChapter 20 Rebellion

William "Soria can you stop the overload?" I asked as I reloaded my second pistol, I quickly ejected both clips and loaded the magazines up to full again as the alarm continued sounding. "Yes if I can get to the controls, but we can't," she replied as she crawled into the access hatch. "WARNING TEN MINUTES UNTIL CORE BREACH!" "Soria, get your cute ass back out here and get to work. I'm going out there to hunt them down. Lock the door behind me," I said as I started walking...

2 years ago
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Morgan Girl Next Door Paying the Bills

“Look up at me Morgan.” Looking into her eyes, how could it get any better, a sweet little teen, Bacon and Eggs and a blowjob. I was ready to cum. “Morgan, get your breakfast plate.” She gave me this stupid look. “Bitch, can’t you fucking hear me.” “Morgan got her plate. As she looked on I jacked my cock until my spunk shot over her eggs. You should have seen the look on her face. The cum covered the egg yokes. “This needs a little topping.” I spit on top of the eggs and gave...

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Introduction: A lesbian story about two young women who met each other in a train from los angeles to chicago Two young women were riding on a train from Los Angeles to Chicago. One had olive skin so perfect, jet black hair and a beautiful figure. Sarah was a gorgeous girl. She was dreading this long train ride and just knew it was going to be boring. One evening as she lay in her sleeper listening to the rails clack as they moved along she slowly ran her hands over her small perfect breasts....

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The First Sex With My Wife

Hi everybody this is my first story in this forum. I am from Biratnagar Nepal. This is about the sex that I had for the first time with my wife. Both of us are great fan of ISS and love to read story from it. For any feedback or comment do write to us as We were married (arrange marriage) on 25th November, 2010. I met her only twice before marriage that too along with the family member around me I couldn’t clearly observer her body. At the night of marriage I was too tired due to rituals and...

2 years ago
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Hardly Any Persuasion

Copyright© 2002-2003 I dined with Lord Hughing Fitz-Bluing Who said, "Do you squirm when you're screwing?" I replied, "Simple shagging Without any wagging Is only for screwing canoeing." Mom turned into a ball away from me and sobbed loudly, "What have I done", she repeated over and over. She was hiding her face in her hands, as if hiding from the reality of my bed. Me, I was breathing deeply, trying to relax my sweaty quivering body after such a surprising and enjoyable fuck. I...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Tiffany Watson Tiffany Squirts on Her Step Brothers Cock

Tiffany Watson angered her step sister so much that her step-sister sent her to clean the entire kitchen while her step-brother supervised her. Tiffany started cleaning, but soon Her step brother was giving her “ advise” as to how to clean it better. He told her to take off her clothes so she could clean better without messing up her clothing. Soon after that she went from cleaning the kitchen to cleaning his cock. Tiffany got fucked by her step brother all over the kitchen as she squirted...

3 years ago
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Gunslinger a Somewhere in Time NovellaChapter 8 The Wedding Incident

They filled the little church shepherded over by Reverend Moore to overflowing. Even Banker Barnes showed up, seated straight upright. Mrs. Johnson was picking at his suit for lint. “Now, sit up straight, Julius. Wherever did you get this suit? It’s way too small, and look at all the lint. I told you that you needed a fresh suit. You never seem to listen,” she harangued the financier. “Don’t see why I’d has to be here,” he groused. “Never done me no good. Just costed the bank that there...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 16

Saturday, June 26, 1971 She wasn't there. My bed was empty. I quickly scanned and found Narvenia in her own bed, sound asleep. I couldn't tell if it was her normal cycle of rest, or if her experiences from this morning had worn her out. However, since I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, a nap sounded like a good idea, so I stretched out on my bed, alone. As I relaxed, I decided to check on everyone one more time before I went to sleep. The first one I checked on was Amy. And I...

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Malikas Journey Part 2

I was treated to a full frontal view of Jenny’s stunning naked body. She was facing me in the doorway, in the reverse cow girl position, on top of Enzo’s cock. She was leaning slightly backwards, her arms supporting her weight whilst Enzo’s hands were around her hips as Jenny pummeled his cock up and down into her pussy. Her breasts were moving freely, in synch with the furious up and down motion of her hips, her legs wide apart and bent to further support her weight. I stood there, gaping at...

4 years ago
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Caleb 04 Saturday

When I woke, I found myself staring into a pair of beautiful, tawny eyes that I immediately identified as belonging to Amanda. “Morning,” I said, trying not to breathe too heavily in her direction. Morning breath is not great. She smiled brightly. “Hey you!” she said chirpily. “How did you sleep?” I stretched, luxuriating in the feeling. “Like a baby,” I said. I looked across at Mary, who was still asleep. “How long have you been awake?” I asked Amanda. “Oh, we took it in turns. Mary has...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 6

I awoke with no memory of what might have appeared in my dreams, and I was thankful for that. The mixture of the journal contents, as well as somehow reliving Brant’s dreams, was starting to weigh on me. I knew I had to find out what each was leading me to, but I worried what I would be like when I reached the end. I stretched my sore muscles - I would need to get more padding for my bed roll. For now, I would go check my snares for any animals they might have caught, and then collect the...

2 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 10

Next morning, Friday, the sun was streaming through the bedroom window, lighting the curtains, when David came to consciousness. He glanced at the alarm clock and sat up with a start. Eleven thirty! The children! He leapt out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown, throwing it over his body as he ran to Evan’s room. It was empty. Then to Beth’s. Empty again. Then he heard Evan’s voice, obviously playing with a toy. He went downstairs. It took seconds between his leap from bed to his reaching...

4 years ago
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Sallys first time

Sally?s first time Sally?s first time By Excalibur Sally checked that she had all the things she would need. Ropes, cuffs, gag, blindfold, spreader bar, vibrator, vibrator. Yes, everything was here, and she was ready to go for it. Sally had been reading about self bondage on the net, and has tried a few easy ties, and was now ready to go for total immobilisation. Her sister Mary had been the person who had mentioned the site to Sally, saying she often did self bondage, sometimes...

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Nikis DescentChapter 3 A Poor Choice

Max watched her with greedy eyes as she returned, looking over her young, freshly cleaned body with a smirk, his cock growing hard once more as she came closer. “Hurry up my dirty little pet” he commanded. As she came closer he rehooked the leash and pulled her down so that she came down into his lap. Max pet her hair softly and tugged on the leash once more to pull her into a deep kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth as he continued to pet her. His now rock hard cock smacked against her...

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Mobile Phone Fun

“Yeah I did,” she said with a grin, her mind thinking about what that black rubber cock felt like in her pussy while she sat on the washer with it vibrating. “And?” Tally prompted her; she wanted to know every detail that Laura could give, no matte how small it was “And that’s it” Laura said with a shy grin “Oh come on I know there is more then that… how did it feel?” Tally asked looking her friend in the eyes and smiling widely “Ok, it was great, I have never felt anything like...

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Wife and her sister 2

So after the 1st time me my wife and her sister had fun together.  My wife had set up for her to come the next Friday when I was off work . When her sister got there I was doing my usual honey do list . Well she's a freak when she came in wearing cowgirl boots and a short denim skirt. She waisted no time she came to me and bent down and tugged at my shorts to reveal my cock it was limp but when she took me into her mouth it was awake like lightening. She was trying to deep throat me it took her...

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The Princess and the HoundChapter 9

It has been several days since Vicky has seen her friend. Kat was supposed to tell her the outcome, if any, about the dog and his owner. After leaving her with the fliers, Vicky told her that she would help with the fliers if needed. Thankfully she got too busy to do that because she really didn’t want to help. But Kat never called to ask for help or anything else. When all her calls went unanswered, Vicky decided to go right over to Kat’s apartment to see what is going on. She has been...

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Wonderful Sex With Landlord8217s Daughter

HELLO FRIENDS,,,,ITS ME KINGS11 BACK I AM SORRY FOR BEING ABSENT FOR SUCH A LONG TIME …………………………… I have already told you guys that lots of these stories on this site are real …………. . and reason is ” jab se maine is site par padhna suru kiya …… I realized ki yaar inme se kaafi saare experience to mai bhi kar chukka hun .” To mujhe laga ki main bhi apne adventures share karun ………………..Aapko to pata hai ki main kota mein rehta hun ………… yahan main ek PG mein rehta hun . Or doston meri nature aisi...

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Futas Wild Passion 14 Dominatrix Plays with the Futa

Chapter Fourteen: Dominatrix Plays with the Futa By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! My mom and I headed up the elevator on the ride to see her boss: Ms. Petrov. A nervous flutter washed through me. My mom's warning she gave in the car hit me hard as the elevator creaked higher and higher. A nervous ripple ran through me. I was here to please my mom's boss so she could get a raise. To help out our family, but the way my mom...

1 year ago
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SexWorking Nelly Kent Passionate POV With Perfect Beauty

Wearing heels and erotic lingerie, Nelly Kent is lying down on the bed when she is approached by Tony Carrera. The well-hung hunk gently rubs his hands all over Nelly’s hot body and squeezes her curvy ass. Pulling down the raven-haired beauty’s thong, Tony lubes up her pussy and slides a finger inside while spanking her booty, and then the voluptuous babe treats her aroused lover to an oily tit wank, cushioning his rock-hard erection between her huge boobs and jerking it off. Following a...

3 years ago
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Secret Committed Sex With Two Mature Ladies

Hello All incest lovers, I am biggest fan ISS since last 8 years. I m 25 years old s/w engg boy from Surat,Gujarat. and recently engaged. With good physic with 6’1″ height and medium body. Same as other guys here on ISS, Aunties in her mid 30s and 40s excites much more. I had two gfs during my college days. I had never experienced full sex with any of my gf. I always wanted to intercourse sex with my to be wife only and so never crossed any limit. But I was lead to break my this self-promise by...

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Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...

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Togetherness FChapter 8 Every night

When Marilyn was taking a shower the next morning, Andy stepped into the tub behind her. He had been making a habit of that. “I’m going to miss this,” Andy said. “Oh, is it the showers you’re going to miss?” “Among other things. What I’ll miss is being with you.” “With or inside?” “Both,” he said. “You’re sexy as hell, but I’ve told you. What I want is to have you in my arms every night. Having you in my sight during the day is a bonus. But I want you in my arms every night.” “Well,...

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KittyChapter 2 Two Sisters

Before she would let me out of her sight, I had to stand inspection for my mother. She looked me over quickly before beginning her lecture. "Most boys have a father or older brothers to give them the talk. Since you have neither, I guess I'm elected. I'm pleased that you're fitting in with new friends, but you have a lot to learn about girls, especially older girls. I'm not singling Janet out, but you need to be aware that some girls are conniving bitches. They will take advantage of...

1 year ago
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A trip to the Spa

I met this beautiful young redhead at the spa today, we were both getting massages and I was getting a facial as well. As we sat in the lounge waiting to go in for our massage we instantly hit it off. She was so open and friendly, I thought I had know her my whole life.I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was sitting there in a robe, I could feel my pussy start to get damp just thinking about all the things I would do to this sexy girl. Her cleavage was amazing and I could not help but...

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Beautiful unfortunate

Dear all, hi this is Aman again, enjoying writing my real happen of life for you people only because of great response & good contact’s from my last story. Well cut to short & coming to the point, the story is some long please be having some patience while reading it one of my neighbor family consisting of 6 members’. (Mother–in-Law + 2 Bhaiya’s + 2 Bhabhi’s + 1 Kid of Big Bhaiya) as a neighbor & as per my personal & family relation’s to them, they treat me as a gentle & good guy. So what I’m...

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Здравейте. Аз съм Екатерина на 46 години и искам да ви разкажа за това ,което ми се случва напоследък. Виждам, че не съм единствената, която споделя подобни неща тук, за това и аз ще споделя с вас. Първо исках да отбележа, че дълго търсих в интернет отговори на някои въпроси, които изникват в главата ми, но не намирам такива подходящи. За това, когато попаднах на този сайт и се зачетох, се почувствах някак си по-свободна, като че камък ми падна от душата. Сигурна съм, че много от вас няма да ме...

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Wife and best friend

My wife and I went bowling with our best friends this past winter, just to pass some time. My wife, who is quite shy, looked incredible that night. (In retrospect, she probably dressed so well for my friend Tony) As the game wore on, I noticed that each time my tight bodied wife would throw,he would watch her and stare at her perfect ass. She was wearing tight jeans, and she has the body of a 30 year old. I purposely went to speak to him each time it was her turn. He was so horny, he would stop...

Cheating Wifes
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The Silver Door

I still remember very well the last words of my, unfortunately ex girlfriend last night, while she gave me yet another slap. She and I have not been together for over a year, since she dumped me because according to her, I was a coward. I didn't have the balls, she always said. But I still love her, and have since tried over and over to win her back. It always ended badly, always with her wishing me the worst things and slapping me. Also last night, when she yelled at me: "YOU ARE REALLY...

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One time me and about 6 other guys went camping. We we’re all the same age except for one of my friends who was 2 years younger then me. Well it ended up that me and him tented together. It was late, the other guys had gone on a hike, and we were talking about sex and masturbation. He said he had only done it a few times, but from us talking so much he knew that I did it A LOT. A little while later, out of the blue, Taylor said, ‘I wanna watch you jack off so that I can learn how to do it...

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My Own Sister Kavita

I found out this site from one of my friends, but am disappointed a bit as i find most of the stories concocted for cheap thrills and just fantasies. Well some of them are real good experiences and not mere fantasies. I m sending this real experience of mine and would be happy if the website publishes it. I would like sharing this experience with all you erotic story lovers. We are a family consisting of a mom, dad, with elder sister and me. My name is Rahul now a 23year old budding boy living...

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GardnerChapter 12

"I wasn't raped! JJ couldn't believe Alice's words when she shouted them the first time. They were just as loud the second time she shouted. "But who? Why? JJ blurted the words at her. "Why, does it make a difference? She shouted at him. "You'll leave regardless. You've made up you mind. I can see it in your face." She began sobbing as he released her. JJ stood, looking from Alice, to the partially made bed, and back to Alice. She just told him she wasn't raped and he could see...

4 years ago
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Blakes adventures 2

Chapter 2The pair met again the following afternoon day when Dan brought a contractof employment. Blake didn't study it in detail but read the section aboutearnings before signing it. "I will hand in my notice immediately but Ithink I will be able to finish here on Friday of next week," he told Dan."That suits me," smiled Dan. "Gives me time to get everything organised. Bythe way, you will need to have a medical check-up before officiallybecoming an employee. I'll arrange that. Is there...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 7 Peters Notebook Part 1

I opened up Dad’s notebook to the first page. There was no heading, just the date written across the top in slightly bigger letters Peter Stone, Wednesday April 5, 10pm I’d found the book in among a whole pile of notebooks full of Dad’s circuit diagrams and calculations. It had sat forgotten in a box up in our roof since we’d arrived from England. The year scrawled on the cover meant it was written in the year we left England. This book could be a clue about why we’d moved out of...

2 years ago
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How I Met A Nympho Girl Online

Hola folks, I am Rahul from Karnataka with a story of a nympho girl. I am 22 years old, currently working in a reputed MNC. I have constantly been reading the stories on ISS and some other sites. But I feel stories in the ISS are much more erotic than others. I started reading stories from pre-lockdown time and wished to get laid like those people. Well, I guess I am a bit unlucky in that until now. But I am pretty sure that I will get a chance to get laid with a pretty angel soon. (You will...

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Broken PromisesChapter 36

She was wearing her special bra and only that. I was wearing my usual skivvies and only those. Well, the visual stuff was better presented with those things on than off. Her lips and tongue tasted real good, so did the other parts of her that she presented to me. A lot of touchy-feely stuff went on, and overall, our first serious tests of the new relationship went pretty damn well. I had to wonder how long it would be before the busybodies would be looking to find out how we were getting...

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The Highschool Reunion

Male: You own your company. You do asset management for rappers and sports stars. You've been too busy making money and taking care of other people's money to have much of a social life outside of work so you're still looking for Mrs. Right. Female: Reporter for the local TV affiliate back in Boston. You and your fiance Greg, who anchors the program, are to be wed in June. The choice you make here affects what relationships are available to you (gay relationships are possible, but not with all...

1 year ago
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Gym Leads To Hard Fuck 8211 Part 1

Hi, My name is Sanchit Jain and this is a story of my gangbang and ass ripping by a group of hairy muscular men. I am 21 year old and had recently joined a local gym since I am a little chubby. It was a great gym with modern equipment but the best part was that it was an all male gym. I was surrounded by lots of bare chests with rippling abs and pecs and nice bulges in gym shorts. Being a horny gay guy that I am, I was having really good time seeing all that flesh and imagining getting fucked...

Gay Male

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