Geek GoddessChapter 11 Kim
- 2 years ago
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I woke up the next morning with an even worse hangover than I did the day before. "What happened?" I thought to myself, rubbing my aching head. I was careful and only had one margarita, but I felt like I drank a dozen!
A maddeningly loud moan came from the other side of the bed. I looked over and Kevin had rolled over and was facing me. Wincing in pain, I massaged my temples. I never realized rustling sheets could be so loud! It was obvious that Kevin was in at least as much pain as I was. In fact, as impossible as it seemed at the time, he looked even worse than I felt!
Every muscle in my body ached as I rolled over to face Kevin. Together we should have been able to face the new day. I whispered, "Good morning," to Kevin, who immediately shouted back with a grimace, "Stop shouting!" At the same time, I got an awful whiff of his breath. It smelled like a cat had used his mouth as a litter box. My hand flew over my mouth I as wondered if my breath was equally hideous.
A deafening snicker came from somewhere above me. I painfully moved my eyes around the room. Squinting at the onslaught of light, it became painfully obvious that someone had moved the sun about 80 million miles closer to the earth, which not only made the room too bright, but left everything slightly out of focus too.
The moon moved closer to me, as if it were about to hit the earth. But then a second moon started coming closer as well. But the earth had only one moon... I blinked my eyes and somehow managed not to scream in pain.
The moons slowly transformed themselves into faces. Dawn and Amy looked down at me with big evil grins on their faces. Truly a frightening thought...
I closed my eyes, unwilling to face the new day, and fell back to sleep.
A pain inside me woke me up a second time. A really sharp pain. One that hurt even worse than the pain inside my head. I knew that I had to get up, so I forced my self to climb out of bed. I staggered to the bathroom and cringed at the sound the toilet lid made when I moved it out of the way.
My stomach heaved, and the contents of my dinner appeared in the bowl of the toilet. Another heave and the bowl filled with my Technicolor yawn. Several more times a cramp overcame me, but with each new cramp came a little relief. Finally, there was nothing left inside of me except for an awful taste in my mouth.
Grimly, I climbed up from the floor to the sink. Another heave came from deep within me, but fortunately nothing happened.
I felt a comforting hand rub my back. Amy reached over and flushed the toilet. The sound of the flush and subsequent water swirling in the bowl hurt my head.
Amy pulled a paper cup from the dispenser on the sink and filled it with water. She raised it to my mouth and I took a sip tentatively. I swished it around in my mouth and spit it out. My mouth didn't taste quite as bad afterwards, so I took a bigger drink and tried to rinse the rest of the awful taste from my mouth.
Amy refilled my paper cup with water, handed me two white pills, and motioned for me to swallow them. I did as she said, and then Amy escorted me back to bed where I immediately passed out again.
Darkness greeted my eyes some time later, and a little bit of the pain had faded. I rolled over, looked at Kevin, and smiled. No matter how bad I felt, lying next to Kevin always made me feel better. My bladder told me it was time to get up, so I tiptoed to the bathroom, trying not to wake Kevin.
Sitting down on the stool, I began to pee. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally finished. I felt so much better. Now that my bladder was empty, I realized that I was both hungry and thirsty, like I hadn't had any food or drink for days.
Slowly, I wandered to the kitchen. The clock on the microwave told me it was 5:15. I decided it was too dark to be daytime, so I must have slept for a few only hours. I thought back to last night and smiled as I won third place in a wet t-shirt contest. Oh how my life had changed since I met Kevin...
I reached for a glass from the cupboard, but it fell and broke into a hundred pieces. Fortunately, I didn't get cut. I tried to pick up the biggest pieces of glass as Dawn walked into the kitchen. She took charge of the situation and guided me to a chair. Then she got another glass from the cupboard and filled it with milk from the 'fridge.
I tried to apologize for the mess I had made, but it came out as a croak. I took a sip of the milk and felt the fluid take some of the rough edges from my scratchy throat. While I drank, Aunt Dawn cleaned up the mess I had made.
The second time I tried to speak, a whispered "thanks" came from my lips. Dawn smiled and whispered back, "Good morning Kim. Feeling better?" I nodded my head and held up the glass for some more milk.
Aunt Dawn obliged me, and halfway through my second glass, my raw throat felt food enough to speak in a halfway normal voice. I managed to say. "Good morning, Aunt Dawn." She reached over and gave me a peck on the cheek.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Pancakes and bacon, okay?" Again, I nodded my head.
Dawn became a whirlwind of activity. Soon, a plate full of pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon appeared in front of me. I cleared the plate in record time. "More?" Dawn asked.
I shook my head and said, "I feel much better now. Thank you, mommy." I looked up and gave her my best little girl smile. She had been so much like a mother to me after losing my real parents...
For some reason, a tear fell from Aunt Dawn's eye upon hearing my words. I reached over and gave her a hug, and Dawn's tears let loose as she wrapped her arms around me in return.
After a few minutes, Aunt Dawn became quiet. Then she took a deep breath and gave me a big squeeze. I returned the squeeze, and she walked over to the stove and started making some more pancakes. "As long as I'm cooking, I may as well fix myself something to eat," she said matter-of-factly.
After she put some bacon into the frying pan, she asked me, "So are you in love with Kevin?"
The question hit me from left field, but it wasn't a hard one for me to answer. "I am," I admitted. "He's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, well, except for you that is. When my parents died and I felt so alone in the world, you were there to help me pull my life back together. I don't know how I would have made it without you..."
"Thanks, dear." Aunt Dawn smiled. "So tell me some more about Kevin."
"He's wonderful," I gushed. "He's bright, charming and I want to spend the rest of my life together with him."
I heard a yawn from behind me, and Amy walked into the room.
"Would you like some breakfast, Amy?" Aunt Dawn asked.
"If you don't mind," Amy said. "I'm starving!"
"It'll be ready in a few minutes," Dawn said as she flipped a pancake on the stove. "Why don't you help yourself to some juice while you're waiting?" she suggested
Amy grabbed a glass and walked over to the refrigerator.
"Is that bacon I smell?" Kevin asked from the kitchen doorway.
"And pancakes and eggs," said Dawn. "Go get something to drink and I'll fix you a plate."
It wasn't long before the four of us were sitting at the table eating a big hearty breakfast.
Dawn asked, "What do you guys want to do today?"
Kevin responded, "I'd like to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon around the pool."
Amy snickered. "Uh, Kevin?" she said.
"It's not Sunday. It's Monday."
"Huh?" Kevin and I asked in unison.
"She's right," Dawn confirmed. "You and Kim spent the day in bed yesterday. You two were so drunk after the contest Saturday night, that Amy and I practically had to carry you into the house and put you to bed!"
"Do you remember how many glasses of 'iced tea' you drank 'last night'?" Amy asked, grinning at the thought of the lost day.
"At least three or four," I shrugged. "It could have been more I guess. I don't remember."
"Um, you did know that that wasn't regular iced tea, didn't you?" Amy asked.
"No..." I admitted, blushing in embarrassment.
"You were drinking Long Island Iced Teas," Amy explained.
"Is there a difference?" Kevin asked.
Amy rolled her eyes at his naãve question. "Sure is! A Long Island Iced Tea is a combination of gin, run, vodka, triple sec and tequila with some coke and a dash of bitters. It looks like iced tea and kinda tastes like iced tea, but it's definitely not iced tea," Amy said.
"Are you sure?" Kevin asked.
"Remember what I do for a living? I run the bar at Dave and Busters. I make the best Long Island Iced Teas in the state of Maryland, and possibly Washington DC and Virginia too," Amy said with a touch of pride in her expression. "Of course, I've been on the other side of the bar too. I lost a whole weekend once due to drinking too many Long Island Iced Teas." Amy then grinned. "Never again!"
"I agree," I said, rubbing my head.
"Me too," said Kevin.
"So that still leaves open what do you want to do today," Dawn said. "But before you do anything, I think you two need baths," she insisted in a motherly voice while scrunching her nose and waving her hand at Kevin and I.
"Yes mom," Kevin and I said at the same time.
I slapped Kevin on the butt and said, "Race you to the tub! Last one there eats the winner!" My face took on an evil grin as I thought to myself, "Either way I win."
Kevin responded, "Huh?" as I raced around him and into my room. I threw off my robe as I ran though the bedroom into the bathroom. I jumped into the tub and shouted. "I won. I won!" Kevin showed up a few moments later, still confused.
I hopped out of the tub and turned on the water just like the thought of Kevin eating me turned on my body's juices. I sat on the edge of the tub and spread my legs. "Time for your desert. Come and get it," I smiled wickedly, crooking my finger at him.
Something seemed to click inside Kevin's mind as he suddenly realized what I wanted. He threw off his clothes and walked over to me. He kissed me on my lips so enthusiastically, his tongue nearly touched my tonsils. Then he kissed his way down my throat, and worked his way to my breasts.
Kevin placed both hands on my breasts and started rubbing my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. My nipples instantly became erect. Then he picked up one of my breasts and lifted it to his face. He sucked my nipple deep into his mouth. The sensation was electric and incredibly sexy! I nearly had an orgasm when he scraped his teeth lightly across my nipple. Later, when he switched to my other breast, I did have an orgasm.
Kevin's mouth eventually reached my pleasure center. His tongue worked its way up and down my slit. Finally, he poked his tongue in between my lower lips and used it to attack my clit. My body stiffened as he put one, and then two fingers inside my pussy.
As soon as he found my G-spot, my body grew real tense with the onset of my orgasm. I leaned back a little to allow Kevin freer access to my pussy. When the full force of the orgasm hit, my body shook so much I slipped and fell into the bath tub sideways.
There was a big splash, sending drops of water all over the place. A half second later, I was back out of the tub screaming. I had forgotten to turn on the hot water. Kevin just laughed at my reaction, but he didn't think it was so funny when I pushed him into the tub of ice cold water. He screamed, and his penis, which was all ready for action, shrank to almost nothing. Poor Kevin...
When he crawled out of the tub, he dragged me into the shower and turned on the water full force. At first the shower was freezing, but then the water slowly became warm, and Kevin carefully adjusted the controls to insure that the water remained comfortable.
I reached down and touched Kevin's penis. Kevin really had an amazing body. A few moments before, his penis had tried to crawl its way inside his body to protect itself from the frigid water. But one touch from me was all it took to make it stand at attention, ready to play.
Holding onto Kevin's shoulders, I lowered myself to the bottom of the shower. The shower spray was hitting the top of my head, and the water droplets from my hair were falling onto Kevin's penis. I surrounded his penis with my mouth, and returned the pleasure that Kevin had given me earlier.
As I played with his dick, Kevin made cute little noises. Soon I could tell he was getting close. I continued licking and rubbing Kevin's penis, bringing him right to the edge of orgasm, when I heard, "We'll meet you outside at the pool."
I turned my head for just a moment to see Dawn closing the door, when Kevin's penis exploded in my face. The first shot hit me on my cheek; and the second hit me in the ear. When I turned back towards Kevin, another shot landed on my chin while the final one nearly went up my nose.
Kevin reached down with the washcloth and tried to apologize by saying, "I'm sorry. Dawn really broke my concentration." He grinned sheepishly.
I smiled and said with an evil grin, "Do you want to try it again?"
After our bath, Kevin slipped into his baggy swim suit, while I pulled on my modest bikini. We found Amy and Dawn outside by the pool.
Amy tormented Kevin by saying, "Why do you get to hide everything inside that bathing suit, while we wear these tiny little suits?"
"I'm just lucky I guess," Kevin replied with a shrug.
"No fair," I protested. "You need to get something that will keep us entertained," I insisted, folding my arms in front of my chest.
Amy and I looked at each other and then shouted "Shopping trip!" at the exact same time.
We dragged Kevin off to the mall to look for a new swim suit. Aunt Dawn begged off the trip as she laughingly said she had some work she needed to do in her study.
It was early afternoon by the time we reached the Daytona Beach Mall. Despite all of the college students in town, the mall appeared to be rather empty. Amy and I had decided to take our time and check out every interesting store, just to torment Kevin.
Sitting outside of the Kay-Bee toy store were a bunch of battery powered toys ranging from a big plastic looking train to a mechanical bear clapping a set of cymbals. I dragged Kevin and Amy inside, and immediately ran over to the Barbie dolls.
Barbie dolls were my favorite toy when I was growing up. I had a lot of the dolls, plus the big pink house and the pink Corvette and suitcases full of clothes. I looked at all of the expensive new dolls in awe. The clothes were magnificent.
"Look here, Kevin," Amy grinned. The store had a couple of Barbie dolls and a Ken doll on display, and Amy was putting them into various lewd poses. "Kevin, Kim and Amy are having fun," she joked in her best mock Barbie voice.
When I grabbed the dolls out of Amy's disrespectful hands, Amy had the blonde Barbie sitting on Ken's face, and the red headed Midge doll sitting on Ken's crotch. Then she moved the girl's head and arms so that the two dolls were kissing and touching each other's breasts, while riding Kevin.
"Amy, this is a public place!" I scolded. "A little kid might see you. Behave yourself!"
"Spoilsport," Amy said, sticking her tongue out at me.
When I turned around, Kevin had disappeared. I looked around the store and found him staring at the Lego sets. When I wasn't playing with Barbie dolls as a kid, I was playing with Legos. Maybe that was why I wanted to become an engineer.
A little boy was having difficulty moving the arm of an action figure on display. Kevin stooped down to the child's level and showed him the various ways he could move and bend figure's arm. I watched them with a smile as Kevin picked up another action figure and the two played until the boy's mother called, "Timmy, where are you, honey, it's time to go!" Kevin would make a great dad one day...
I offered my hand to Kevin and helped him stand up. Then I hooked my arm around Kevin's, and we walked around the store looking at the various toys. Kevin seemed so fascinated by all of the different kinds of toys. He was very much like an excited child himself.
We couldn't find Amy in the store, so we walked toward the entrance and Kevin pointed to a store across the hall. Amy was looking at costume jewelry. When she saw us, Amy ran over, grabbed Kevin's arm and dragged him over to the window. I followed along.
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I'm falling in love with my goddess. I think she's falling in love with me also, though I don't understand why a goddess like her would love a geek like me. I had no idea that my goddess was a virgin. I felt honored that she chose me to be her first lover. The most gorgeous girl in the world had to have dozens, if not hundreds of guys chasing after her. Paranoid that Kim might choose someone else, I decided to do everything I could to make sure that she wouldn't. After lunch, Amy...
Pam McGuire covered her mouth as she yawned. Golly, she was tired. Although few who casually knew the brunette coed and her roommate Kim McCall would have believed it, she wasn't tired from partying the night before. Instead, she and Kim had stayed up late studying, something they actually did far more often than they were credited. Kim had a particularly hard advanced Calculus exam today and Pam had faced a major Political Science test. So they had hit the textbooks instead of the fraternity...
This girl was a total geek. Her name was Sandra Messon. She walked around wearing out-of-date long dresses, she wore glasses and she couldn't even form coherant sentences. I decided that she should be punished for being nerdy. I come from a well-off family and we have a huge house. Naturally I get a lot of respect from other gilrs at uni but I only hang around with lesbians. (I'll go into that another time) Any way, I got all my girlfriends together and we organized a party at my house when my...
LesbianIn the middle of the woods far away from civilization. There is a house, owned by Mocha Anderson, age 24. Mocha the brunette is quite beautiful, with C-cup breasts and the right size ass. She stood at 5,7. Any guy would love to be with her, but she has a very large secret. Between her legs shes sporting a dick over 14 inch. She's also able to cum unlimitedly in large amounts. A few weeks ago she got her first neighbor. Her name was Kim Darkstar, age 20. She had short red hair, B-cup breasts and...
BDSM[Prologue]I think my favorite moment with Jennifer was when she realized that I had her. It was that look on her face when it all hit her. All those panicked thoughts and emotions rushing through her head suddenly turning to a shocked realization. At that moment she knew that I owned her. She knew that I could make her do whatever I wanted her to do. She had no choice at all.Actually I suppose she did have a choice; she could turn herself in for being part of the cheating ring in BIO 104 that...
Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...
Kim looked at the ropes in the bag. She had gone through this a thousand times in her head, and in her dreams, but, until mow, had never plucked up enough courage to try it.Although she had been doing self bondage for a long time, she had always done it in the safety of her own home, hidden away from prying eyes. None of her family or friends knew she spent many weekends wearing self inflicted ropes. Often, she slept with her hands tied or cuffed. It always gave her a feeling nothing else had...
The little boy, half black and half white, stands in front of the seated man and raises his hands in an act designed to illicit a known response, and it comes. The man reaches down and picks the boy up and sits him on his thigh. The boy is about three. Not a word passes between them but they smile at each other. Neither shows it but the attack is about to start. Then there is the girl, she is almost six, she looks half white and half Asian. She is a China doll, and just as cute as the boy....
When I get back, Dahlia is waiting up for me, standing at the door when I open it. I don’t even get a foot in the door when she asks, “Well?” “A gentleman never kisses and tells.” “It is a good thing you are an old pervert.” “You will have to ask her.” “Oh, come on, you know she is going to tell me everything. Why are you making me wait.” “Just for that, you can’t ask her tomorrow either. If you go into work, you are fired.” “What? Why are you so mean?” “I thought you would love going...
I am Mia .. this is based on a true story. I was at the lake enjoying the summer sun and water dripping down my white pale breasts when I saw aunt kim watching me. Grinning devilishAs she nipple white pale growing wet. As she winked. Finishing the swim entering my room ,I in a nightgown, as aunt Kim entered . My nipple harderened. I lay in slumber feeling her warm caress on my breast. As she massaged my nipple slowly.. stroking me.stroking me.’your magical’ .she moaned ....
Rohan was a Geek. He lived and breathed computers. He was also a sexually frustrated Geek. His sister Rena was a bitch to him, she tortured him every day. For as long as he could remember Rena made his life misery. She bullied him, laughed at him, got him in trouble etc. Rohan was 17, Rena 18. What made matters worse was that although Rohan had been gifted with intelligence, he had none of the charm and good looks that nature had granted Rena. Rena was a stunner. Slim, toned, fair skinned, nice...
IncestMy complicated sexual relationship with Laura and now Jennifer carried on for a month or so. The differences between the two sisters were profound. Laura was fairly passive in bed, adventurous enough to try anything, but never led the way so to speak. She was and is an intensely private person, though quite open about our friendship, just never about our sex life. Whereas Jennifer was a lady who knew what she wanted and would often suggest some adventure, she also loved to dress up in various...
I spent the day in the office going over a few programmes I'd designed to infiltrate and datamine a server, mostly trying to tighten up the algorithms and compression ratios, the trick as ever being to make them appear as something they weren't. Bill came wandering in around mid-morning, looking rather grim. "Looks like Travis and Murcheson aren't going to take the hint," he said. "We may have a turf war on our hands." "Crap!" I muttered. The problem with a turf war was that the...
The next several days were really nice. The three of us spent them talking, cuddling and making love, although Vicky did start her period which kept her out of some but not all the action. Surprisingly we didn't spend much time in front of the TV set and only watched a couple of shows. But as can be expected things didn't stay pleasant forever. The trouble started two days before our planned day at the race track. I went out to find a store that had racing forms delivered the day before the...
Hey, I’m back with another installment of my series A Love Story. All of the marriages seems so perfect and happy, right? Maybe or maybe not? For Peter and Kim, there is trouble in paradise. Every relationship goes through storms. Let’s see if they come out of the other side. For now, I hope you enjoy reading about Peter and Kim. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. This is a slow burn. If you want a quick fix, then you may want to read another story. Enjoy ...
My name is Jack Jones, and I used to work for Kim Kardashian. No, I'm serious. I used to be her publicist, and while the Kardashian clan were vain, stuck-up, rich bratty bitches, they certainly paid well. Then, it happened. I accidentally peeked at Kim while I was walking by her bathroom, I saw her curvy body in all it's glory, she freaked out, and soon I had a massive lawsuit on my hands. I chose to settle the matter outside of court but I was also promptly fired as well. Now, however, I...
Mind ControlI was cruising the slums, looking for pussy-for-hire, when I had to slam on my brakes. I almost got rear-ended by a guy in a Suburban that was obviously looking for the same sort of thing I was. I waved him around, and he sped off with a mouthed insult about my driving.I couldn't help it. I saw someone I knew. Carla Dawes. From high school. She had been a cheerleader, just seven years ago, a hot brunette with lovely tits and an ass that approached divine. She had always been on the arm of some...
About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen John since graduation three years before and now he was trying to get a group of us together for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back at John's place.I looked forward to the visit...
Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...
As I ran out of Amy's apartment and down the stairs, I realized that I left my books behind. I decided that there wasn't anything I really needed and hoped that Amy would bring the books to class on Tuesday. I walked over to my house and saw my roommate Walt laying around in the living room. I said "Hi," to Walt and walked toward the stairs. Walt laughed and said, "Why are you wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday? Spend the night with some hot babe, or did you just spend the...
I watched Kevin as he walked away from Bentleys with Joyce and wondered if I'd miss his hairy chest and sexy blue-green eyes. Even his curly brown mop of hair looked cute to me. Then I felt a shiver down my spine when I saw Joyce give his tight butt a pinch while they disappeared around the corner. I hope Joyce really appreciates what I just did for her. Her old boyfriend was a jerk and Joyce deserves someone that won't dominate her like he did. I remembered seeing Joyce a few weeks ago...
Sabe madhyamik exam sesh hoyeche, kakima phone kore deke pathalo. Ma baba amake kakimar kache jabar jannya balla. Amio jabar jannya raji hoye gelam. Kakimar kache sesh gechi takhon class six e pori. Tarpor ar jaoa hoy ni. Kakima maldha-e thake, bidhaba, kaku mara jabar por kakima rail-e chakri pay. Ek chele hostel-e thake. Jotota mone pore kakima khub phorsa ebang sundori kintu ektu mota chilo, janina ekhan keman. Kakimar bayas ekhan 32-33 hobe. Jai hok chuti katanor jannya pardin kakimar bari...
IncestIntroduction: A teachers favorite student makes his dreams come true ** This is my 1st story. Let me know what you think ** It was only 8am and Mr. Jepson was all ready to start the day. He stood at the window sipping his morning coffee while watching the growing flood of people coming through the gate. Jon Jepson or JJ as he was known to his friends and colleagues picked up his plan for today as reviewed the work that was being covered when his eye was drawn back outside by the sight he was...
Jibane pratham choder anande ar klantite bela porjanta ghumalam. Ghum bhangla kakimar dake, takhan sakal 9.30 ta, kakima snan kore ese amake dakche. Kakimake darun dekhachhilo, chul gulo khola, alpa kokrano chul gulo elomelo bhabe kakimar pithe chariye ache ar kakima ekta darun naiti pore ache, naitita phatuar mato samne phite diye bandha, bhetore bra pore nei boja jachhe karan mai gulo bes dulche, ek kathay kakimake darun sexy lagchilo. Ka : ki re oth onek bela hoye gelo….ore saitan sakal...
IncestTo all the others they were the "Geeks & Freaks" -- anyone who didn't fit the mould, who didn't have the style or social flair or background or athleticism or money. You didn't automatically become one of the "in" crowd if you had those qualities (though any other shortcomings were more likely to be overlooked if you did), similarly you weren't necessarily classed as a geek or freak if you didn't. There were plenty of "plebs" who just didn't care for the superficiality of...
Ami ekon kakimake nak dhorei daki, ekhon aar kakima bole dakina, ami bolechi tomake aar kakima bolbona nam dhore dakbo kakima boleche he toke diye jodi chodate pari tobe nam dhore dakle aar apotti kise tor jab halo lagbe dakbi. Kakima bollo Raja ekta good news ache amar ek bandhobi asche ekhane kichu din thakbe. Ami bollam tate amar anonder karon ki. Kakima bollo bandhobi ta bidhoba onek din kono bara or gude dhokeni bara pabar janno chot phot korche oke toka diye chodano karabo. Ami bollam...