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"But Mommmmmmmm!" Kim Hawkins whined in her most annoying tone. The two-note rendition of the word 'Mom' was a clear indication that she no longer expected to win the argument and was just trying to be as irritating as possible.

"I said 'No' and I meant it, Kimberly," her mother replied in her own calm, measured, 'I'm the parent here and you'll do as I say' voice. Her use of the long form of her daughter's name reinforced the finality of the decision. "You may not wear a see-through blouse in public without a bra on underneath. Now, I've told you that I would help you dye a bra to match the blouse, but that's all. Maybe when you are older this would be appropriate for a party or a nightclub. You are too emotionally immature now and this is inappropriate school attire."

"But the Nudist Lobby and the ACLU got those old Indecent Exposure laws rescinded. They've been struck down." Kim recited, "I should be able to wear anything I want, no matter how much skin shows."

"I've told you, this is not about what's legal and it's not about skin. This is about you learning to make the right choices. And when did you become a lawyer?"

"Mr. Waters had us do papers on recent Supreme Court decisions in Civics."

"And you picked this case?"

"Well, Bobby Porter did that one. I did one on the mandatory gun-ownership law in that town in Georgia, but that doesn't matter. It was a Supreme Court decision and that's final!"

June Hawkins almost smiled at that. Bringing Supreme Court decisions into an argument was definitely a step up from the whining, but it was still beside the point.

"Kim, in this house I can overrule the Supreme Court. You are not wearing that blouse."

"But Mommmmmm!: Kim's lip started to quiver and she was seconds away from starting to bawl. "Other girls wear them!"

"This is about your level of maturity, dear. If you behave like a little girl, you get treated like a little girl. When you learn to behave in a mature manner, you will be treated accordingly. Until then, you will have to follow the rules that your Father and I lay down for you. Now take that blouse off and put on something appropriate for eating dinner with your family. Your Father and brother are waiting on us."

June was at the end of her rope with dealing with her willful daughter. Ever since Kim's teenage hormones started up and her body blossomed from a skinny pre-teen into a shapely young woman, Kim had been determined to display herself as blatantly as possible. This was understandable and even normal for a teen, but Kim's body had matured much faster than her mind. She still acted years younger than her calendar age. This might have only been a minor problem or even cute if Kim looked her age, but Kim's figure had developed well ahead of her actual age. Her slim waist, flat tummy, slim hips, and 36DD chest belonged more on an exotic dancer rather than a High School sophomore. For this reason, June and Walt Hawkins tried harder than they otherwise would have to restrain their daughter's wild impulses. It was very hard at times. Dealing with Kim was becoming a strain on the family. Kim's 15-year-old brother, Jeff, routinely displayed more maturity than she did. In fact, until only a few months ago, 'Jeff' had been 'Jeffy'. One day he had spoken up at dinner to solemnly ask everyone to please call him 'Jeff' from then on. June and Walt had been so proud, but Kim had done nothing but snipe at her brother. She did her best to taunt and belittle him for days afterward. June had had to bite her tongue to keep from pointing out to Kim that she was only embarrassing herself by proving to everyone that she was the less mature of the two. Walt had take Jeff aside to reassure the boy that eventually his sister would learn to act her age and they he should try not to let it affect him.

"You're becoming a man, Jeff." Walt had told him. "We're very proud of you. We need you to help us teach your sister. We need you to set an example."

Jeff had taken this to heart. He had staunchly ignored the taunts, the teasing and the tears. Instead of learning from him, Kim had taken his refusal to be baited as evidence that Jeff was trying to make her look bad in front of their parents. She had even resorted to entrapment in her efforts to bring him down to her level. The most outlandish example of this was when she accused him of breaking in on her while she was changing clothes.

Jeff had been delivering a load of clean towels to Kim's bathroom at his mother's request. When he walked through the open door into her room, Kim started screaming at the top of her lungs. Sure that her daughter had been seriously injured, June raced upstairs to find Kim kneeling on her bed, naked and shrieking at Jeff, who stood just inside the room, still holding the pile of folded towels.

"He did it on purpose! He barged in while I was changing. He's always peeking at me! He's a little pervert!"

June took one look at the situation and shook her head, sadly. She wanted to try to explain things to Kim. She wanted to tell her that if she were really embarrassed by her brother seeing her naked, that her hands would be somewhere other than clenched in fists on her hips. She wanted to tell her that since there were no clothes visible in the room that she could have been changing into or out of, she could hardly have been caught in the process of changing. She wanted to tell her that if she had believed this were actually a long-standing problem she could have taken the simple measure of locking her bedroom door if she were planning to lounge around in the nude. She wanted to tell her that an adolescent boy trying to peek at someone, even she was his sister, who looked like she belonged in a Miss Nude Universe contest, was as normal and inevitable as gravity. She wanted to tell Kim that she was only embarrassing herself with this pathetic display. Instead she just sighed and told Jeff, "I know you appreciate your sister's body. I hope you understand the lengths to which she has obviously gone to show it to you. When you've seen enough, go put the towels away."

Jeff had not responded to his sister's accusations, for which June had been grateful. As he left the room, she had noticed a bulge in his crotch that the baggy shorts he usually wore had failed to disguise, something that his sister had thankfully missed, or she would have pointed it out at the top of her lungs. From the look if it, the boy had inherited most of his father's genes. If anything, he was already better equipped than his old man, even at 15.

June reflected that the present argument over the girl's choice of clothes was much the same situation. She was being forced again to try to protect her daughter from her own poor choices, a role that was wearing very thin.

"Now, dear. Everyone is waiting. Get dressed and come on downstairs." Looking at her daughter, sitting on the bed with her lower lip quivering and her nipples poking defiantly against the sheer fabric of the blouse she had just bought that afternoon, June thought that perhaps a new approach was desperately needed. She just wished that she could think of one.

Tears streaking her lovely face, Kim practically tore off the flimsy blouse and threw it to the floor.

"If you won't let me wear what I want, then I'll wear nothing at all!" Kim screamed. She kicked off her sandals, pushed her skirt off her hips and let it fall to the floor and yanked her panties down and kicked the whole pile of clothes into the corner. She stamped her foot and stuck out her lower lip.

June stared at her naked daughter. Kim's large breasts were so firm and her skin so taut that they barely jiggled from her exertions. They sat high on her chest, blessed with whatever youthful power that allowed them to defy the pull of gravity and make brassieres a fashion accessory instead of a necessary support garment. They rose and fell on her chest with her breathing, their puffy pink areolas and perky nipples pointing slightly upward at their tips. Below them, her abdomen curved sensuously inward to create a concavity below her rib cage and then slightly outward again at her navel before flattening out where it met the small triangle of downy blonde hair nestled between her legs. Her firm, dimpled bottom and narrow hips blended into a pair of curvaceous legs of the sort that men dreamed of lying between. Kim's body was a solicitation for sex that would incite lust in every man who saw her. Until she learned to deal with this she would be a sexual loose cannon, a danger to herself and every man she met. Something drastic had to be done and soon.

"Maybe it's time to stop pushing the rope?" June thought, "Maybe it's time I pulled?" Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind.

"OK, fine. If that's your decision, so be it."

Kim looked at her mother as if she had not understood a word. "What do you mean?" she said, falteringly.

"I mean we'll do it your way, dear." June picked up her daughter's discarded clothes and quickly folded them and put them away in the drawer. "I mean you can wear nothing at all. Now dry your eyes, fix your face and come on downstairs. Dinner is about ready." June retreated downstairs before second thoughts could creep into her mind. She had made a drastic decision, but a drastic decision was called for. Now she would try to muster the courage to back it up. For her daughter's sake, she hoped that this worked. It would be hard for everyone, but she was sure she could get Walt to go along.

Once she had checked in the kitchen to make sure nothing had caught fire during her absence, June took her husband aside and told him what she had done.

"Don't ask me if I'm sure this is the right thing, because I'm not sure," she told him, "It's just that nothing else has worked!"

"Don't worry, hon." Walt reassured her, "I'll back you up 100%. She has to wake up and smell the coffee and it has to happen soon. If she is going to function as an adult, she is going to have to learn to act like one. It that takes some 'tough love' then that's what it takes. Have you thought about how far you are willing to go with this?"

"How far? Well, fortunately, this is Friday evening; so we have the weekend. If it goes past that, things could get, ah, oh. I see your point. We could be making things worse instead of better." June looked at her husband with worry in her eyes.

"Well, at the school board meeting yesterday, they voted to suspend enforcement of the dress code until the consequences of the Supreme Court decision shake out. There won't be any repercussions there. I can alert Principal Kershaw before Monday. There shouldn't be any legal problems, unless the legislature acts quicker than they ever have to slam the door on this. We will probably get some criticism from people, but I'm willing to risk it for Kim's sake."

"Thank you, dear. I knew I could count on you," she said, giving her husband a quick kiss.

"I'll brief Jeff. He won't be a problem. After all she's done to him, he will be happy to see her get her comeuppance. Now go get Kim and we'll eat."

As she expected, June had to climb back up the stairs to Kim's room. When she opened the door, Kim was sitting on the bed, drying her eyes.

"Come on dear, it's time to eat."

"But mother, you can't be serious. You don't really expect me to come down like this..." Kim looked down at her nakedness and back to her mother with a pleading look.

"Yes, dear. I do. And you will. You made this choice, now you will follow it through." "Like an adult." June wanted to say, but that was the objective, and she did not want to push her daughter into another crying jag just when she might have a chance to open her eyes. "Come along."

June took Kim by the hand and led her out of the bedroom. She felt some resistance, but the girl followed. When they reached the top of the stairs, she released Kim's hand. This would be the critical point. June mentally crossed her fingers behind her back.

"Go ahead, dear. Everyone is waiting."

Kim looked back at her mother. She could not believe that she was being forced to parade naked in front of her father. And her little brother! A look of terror flashed across her face. She stared down the stairs as if they led to the gallows.

June practically held her breath as she watched her daughter wrestle with her fear. Hope began to rise within her breast as she saw Kim stare down the stairs instead of up at her. She was being forced to choose between admitting to herself that she was just a little girl or accepting the consequences of her own decision like an adult. The outcome would affect her forever.

Kim suddenly wiped her eyes once more and pushed her hair back from her face. She reached for the railing and looked down at her nude body as she would have looked at her clothes to make sure they were presentable or if they needed adjustment. As her mother watched, she brushed her fingers through her pubic hair in an attempt to comb it out.

When Kim took her first step down the stairs, June almost applauded with delight. For the first time in her memory, Kim was accepting responsibility. It was a beginning. June suddenly had a flash of insight. This was a beginning, but it was only a beginning. She would have to push this as far and as hard as she could to make the most of this opportunity. Her daughter's whole future depended on the outcome. June steeled herself for what was to come.

When Kim reached the dining room, she paused in the doorway. Neither her father nor brother had looked up yet. She could still run back to her room.

Behind her, June saw Kim stop and her breath caught in her throat again. Surely she would not turn back now. She watched the muscles in her daughter's bottom tighten, a clear flight or fight reaction to the stress of the situation. She saw the muscles in her shoulders and back tense and she saw her daughter pull her shoulders back, pushing her breasts defiantly high on her chest before walking into the room.

"YES!" June thought to herself. This was working better than she had hoped.

Kim announced her presence herself.

"Hello Daddy," she said. She bent down and pecked her father on the cheek. The tension was almost enough to make her swoon. Time almost seemed to stand still. She stood with her toes clenched in the nap of the carpet, trying to keep her balance. She was hyperaware of her body and her nakedness. Her skin had broken out in goosebumps all over her body. As she looked at the goosebumps, she saw that her nipples were standing up, as hard as little rocks, and her areolas were crinkled. She could feel the tautness in them pulling on her breasts. In this incredible situation she wasn't sure how she should feel about that. She thought she could feel the air moving over every inch of her body. Her sense of touch seemed to have become incredibly acute.

Walt looked up at his daughter and smiled, "Hi, punkin." Better sit down and eat before it gets cold." He reached out and patted her on the fanny like he always did.

To Kim, the warmth of her father's hand on her naked bottom was like a branding iron. She flinched under his touch so violently that she thought she would jump onto the table and land in the mashed potatoes. Somehow, the laughable image of her lying on the dining table like a big stuffed turkey — a big naked turkey — broke her tension. She took a deep breath and shuddered with the release.

As Kim walked around the table to her place, she looked at her brother out of the corner of her eye to see if he was ogling her. He seemed to be more interested in what their mother was putting on the table than in her nakedness. "Good!" she thought, "the little creep better keep his eyes to himself." As she sat down, she looked across the table at him. He was looking at her, but his expression wasn't the drooling leer she expected. "He's going to make some comment! Something nasty! I know it!" she thought to herself, "It's what I would do in his place." Suddenly Kim felt all the air go out of her smugness about what she expected of her brother. "It is what I would do," she thought, "not what he would do." Staring down at her empty plate, she tried hard to think of a time when Jeff had said something hurtful to her. She failed. She looked up at her brother again. He was still looking at her, but he wasn't gloating or even smiling.

"How does it feel?" Jeff asked her.

Kim was taken aback by the question. "What? Oh..." she looked down at herself. She was sitting naked at the dining room table with her family, about to eat dinner. Her gooseflesh had subsided, but the tips of her breasts were drawn up so tight they almost hurt. She started to rub them to get them to ease up, but yanked her hands back into her lap before they could reach her breasts. Her mind was buzzing as she tried to decide how she felt. She raised her head and cocked it to one side. "Strange," she said, "just ... strange."

Walt Hawkins observed the exchange between his children with feigned disinterest. In fact, he was alert to every gesture, every word, every nuance of their conversation. He, like his wife, desperately wanted this to work. So far, all the signs were good. Kim had exhibited considerable self-control by coming downstairs without a fuss. Now she was having a normal conversation with her brother. "Well, 'normal' is a relative term," Walt reflected. Still, it seemed to be working. Walt mentally crossed his fingers, and made the same resolution as his wife had earlier — to take this as far as it needed to go.

"Aren't you cold?" Jeff asked.

Before Kim could answer, June said, "We can turn the thermostat up if you're uncomfortable, dear?" Walt looked at her and nodded, solicitously.

"No, I'm fine. Really," Kim responded. She raised her arm to show that her goosebumps had gone, but changed her mind about inviting everyone to look at her skin. There was just so much of it on display. It wasn't the temperature that was making her uncomfortable, anyway. Kim's feeling of heightened sensitivity was still with her. She could feel every current of air in the room, from the air blowing from the vent at the end of the room, to the sudden gust every time her mother opened the kitchen door to bring in another serving dish. She could feel the carpet under her bare feet, the upholstery of the chair under her bottom, and the cool, hard wood of the back of the chair. If she concentrated very hard on something on the table, she could push her awareness that she was completely naked toward the back of her mind, but she could not block the sensations on her skin, so awareness kept jumping back. She had never felt so connected to her environment before. It was as if everything and everyone in the room were touching her somewhere on her body. She rubbed her hands on her thighs under the table, trying to cancel the sensations. She pushed her hands down to her knees and then rubbed back along the sides of her legs to her bare hips, but this only made her more acutely aware of her nudity. Again, she yanked her hands back into her lap. Then she became aware that she could feel her pubic hair on the insides of her wrists, so she put them on the table on either side of her place-setting. After a few second she realized that the moisture from her palms was making her hands stick to the varnished surface of the table, so she put them back in her lap. By the time everyone had been served and they had begun to eat, Kim felt like crawling under the table to hide.

Her parents both had noticed her growing unease, but neither was prepared to give an inch. They were committed to seeing this through.

The act of eating helped to calm Kim somewhat. However, she found that having her breasts in her field of view every time she looked down at her plate to be distracting. "I don't remember them being this big!" she thought. They seemed to be in her way all the time. Every forkful of food had to be guided past her twin peaks on the way to her mouth. She was very careful to chew with her mouth closed, so that crumbs would not fall onto her breasts where she would have to deal with them in front of everyone.

Inevitably, she had a mishap. As she reached out for her glass of water, she felt her right breast dip into the gravy on her mashed potatoes. She pulled her arm back quickly and sat bolt upright. No one seemed to have noticed, but the warm gravy felt like it was scorching her skin. She felt like screaming. She began to blush, and she was aware that she was blushing and that everyone could see the red in her face and see it spread down her neck and down her breasts. Slowly, she picked her napkin up from her lap and tried as inconspicuously as possible to wipe the dollop of gravy from below her right nipple. She wanted to pick up her breast and do a thorough job, to make sure she had got all the gravy. She wanted to dip her napkin in her water glass and rub it, as she would have without a thought if the gravy had go onto her blouse, but she could not stand the thought of sitting here at the dinner table and having everyone watch her bathe her naked breast. All this was making them tighten up again, too. She could feel her nipples standing up and waving to everyone, shouting, "Hey, look at us! Here we are! Everybody look!" She allowed her shoulders to slump forward and she leaned forward toward her plate so her traitorous nipples were below the edge of the table.

"Sit up straight, dear. Mind your posture," her mother admonished her.

Startled, Kim sat up straight instantly, raking her distended nipples on the edge of the table in the process. The pain of whacking them on the wood made her eyes cross. She closed them and bit her lip to keep from crying out. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Jeff looking at her from across the table. He must have looked up just as she had reacted to her mother. He must have seen her accident. He couldn't miss her engorged, throbbing nipples as they stood out even further from her breasts, but he only looked at her with a concerned expression for a second, and then resumed eating without making any comment. "Thank you, Jeff," Kim thought. Then, as if she could broadcast it across the table, she thought loudly, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The rest of the meal passed without incident, for which Kim was also grateful. Just as she prepared to slip out of the room and dash back upstairs, her mother said, "Kim, why don't you help me clear the table?"

"Noooooo!" she thought, but she kept the thought to herself. "Sure, Mom," she said, allowing only a trace of disappointment into her voice. She had gotten used to the cover of the table, where only her breasts could be seen. Now she would have to get up a parade around where everyone could see all of her. She was sure that this was just what her mother had in mind when she asked for her assistance. Kim steeled herself and then stood up from the table and began to collect the dishes. As she worked around to her brother's chair, he handed his empty plate up to her. As she took it from him, he looked in her eyes and smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you, Jeff," she said without taking her eyes from his. She hoisted the pile of plates in front of her face and sidled around behind her brother's chair. As she passed she felt her breast brush against the back of his head. She was so startled that she almost dropped the dishes. Her own brother had just touched her breast! She was just becoming furious when she thought, "No. Actually, I did that. I did that accidentally. I think I did that accidentally? How could I have meant to do that?" It was so confusing, thinking of her brother as something other than an object to be despised and ridiculed. The meal they had just shared was the longest time she could remember that there had been peace between them. Jeff had done nothing to exploit her situation, made no comment, done no leering. Had her nakedness changed him somehow? How could he ... when she was the one ... It was too confusing. Kim carried off the first load of dishes to the kitchen.

"Just put them in the sink, dear," her mother told her as she padded across the linoleum floor.

"Mom?" Kim said, wanting to ask something, but not sure what it was.

"Yes, dear?"

"I, ah, can I..." Kim wanted desperately to ask if she could go back up to her room, so she could hide her naked body, but she knew the answer to that question before she asked it. The answer was written in her mother's eyes and her posture.

"Can I stay and watch TV tonight?" Kim tried to sound cheerful, but to her ears it came out like a slave asking for another stroke of the lash. Kim reflected that that was hard to say, but then, she had done a lot of hard things tonight.

"Of course, dear. You can stay until your bedtime. But at 10:00 you must promise to go to bed, no matter what is on TV."

"OK. I promise."

After the dishes were done, they all adjourned to the den, where Walt had the TV on. He was already in his easy chair with his feet up, watching a sit-com's opening credits. Kim was happy to see that it was one of the few shows that she liked, so she started over to sit on the loveseat next to Jeff. Her stride faltered and she almost came to a stop in the middle of the room. She realized that she was going to have to sit next to Jeff all evening on a loveseat where they would be only inches away from each other. Jeff was already sitting on the end closest to the TV, looking like he was taking up more than half the small couch. He might be two years her junior, but he was already two inches taller than she was and out-weighed her by 20 pounds. His size had earned him a spot on the Jr. High football team, but now it was earning him a nasty look for taking up all the space on the couch. Kim swallowed hard and kept walking. It would be more embarrassing to stop in the middle of the room, backlit by the glow of the TV screen, than to go sit down and suffer in silence.

She sat down on the couch with her back pressed firmly against the armrest, trying very hard to stay as far from Jeff as the piece of furniture would allow. As she sat, he glanced back at her and then turned back to watch the program. Her mother sat down in her own wingback chair and with a quick glance at her children, she also started to enjoy the program.

It was only during the commercial break at the bottom of the hour that Kim noticed that she was sitting in a draft. The air-conditioning vent behind the couch was blowing right up her bare back. She stood it for another few minutes, but then she started to shiver. The motion distracted her brother from the program and he turned back to her and whispered, "S'matter, sis?"

"Cold," she whispered back, "Swap places?"


Jeff stood and stepped over her feet, careful not to stomp on her toes, as she slid up to the other end of the loveseat. This put her profile between him and the TV at the end of the room, a situation that she realized meant he could stare at her as much as he wanted without being obvious about it. She clenched her fists in her lap and hunched her shoulders. She shivered again.

Jeff apparently interpreted her shiver to mean she was still cold, because he leaned forward and put his arm behind her on the back of the couch. Kim instantly tensed and pulled back her elbow to smack her brother for daring to take advantage of the situation. She had just grit her teeth in anticipation of the impact when she felt the warmth of his body soaking into her. The feeling distracted her from the violence she had intended to commit on him. She froze in her coiled position, savoring the sensation. She had been much colder than she thought. His body heat was delicious and soothing. Her most primitive instincts asserted themselves and she felt herself relax and lean back against her brother, surrendering to the sensuality of his warmth.

As the evening wore on, Kim became more accustomed to physical contact with Jeff. Without intending to, she slid back against him so that they were pressed together from knee to shoulder. With his arm around her, she was almost sitting in his lap. The urge to cuddle is deeply ingrained into the human brain. Kim's body remembered doing it with her father when she was little and it had no trouble adapting to her brother now. When he gently rolled his arm and laid his hand on her forearm, she did not even flinch, but only smiled at the additional contact and leaned against him more heavily, allowing him to draw her closer. Absorbed in the TV program, she hardly noticed that she had pulled Jeff's arm around her so that his palm was hovering just over her breast. She had simply allowed her body to overrule her brain.

Her father noticed their closeness and sighed to himself. Stripping their daughter naked was forcing her to regress to a primitive level and allowing her to relate to her brother in a different way. Hopefully, the same process could be applied to other relationships with equal success. Anything that stopped the endless whining accusations and verbal attacks would be an immense improvement as far as he was concerned. This was the most peace and quiet there had been in the Hawkins house for a long time.

Walt reached across and lightly touched his wife on the arm. She looked over at him, glanced at their kids cuddled together on the couch and smiled. She looked at the wall clock. It was only a few minutes before their bedtime. June wished she could make the clock stand still. This was the happiest she had been in a long time.

"But Mommmmmmmm!" Kim Hawkins whined in her most annoying tone. The two-note rendition of the word 'Mom' was a clear indication that she no longer expected to win the argument and was just trying to be as irritating as possible.

"I said 'No' and I meant it, Kimberly," her mother replied in her own calm, measured, 'I'm the parent here and you'll do as I say' voice. Her use of the long form of her daughter's name reinforced the finality of the decision. "You may not wear a see-through blouse in public without a bra on underneath. Now, I've told you that I would help you dye a bra to match the blouse, but that's all. Maybe when you are older this would be appropriate for a party or a nightclub. You are too emotionally immature now and this is inappropriate school attire."

"But the Nudist Lobby and the ACLU got those old Indecent Exposure laws rescinded. They've been struck down." Kim recited, "I should be able to wear anything I want, no matter how much skin shows."

"I've told you, this is not about what's legal and it's not about skin. This is about you learning to make the right choices. And when did you become a lawyer?"

"Mr. Waters had us do papers on recent Supreme Court decisions in Civics."

"And you picked this case?"

"Well, Bobby Porter did that one. I did one on the mandatory gun-ownership law in that town in Georgia, but that doesn't matter. It was a Supreme Court decision and that's final!"

June Hawkins almost smiled at that. Bringing Supreme Court decisions into an argument was definitely a step up from the whining, but it was still beside the point.

"Kim, in this house I can overrule the Supreme Court. You are not wearing that blouse."

"But Mommmmmm!: Kim's lip started to quiver and she was seconds away from starting to bawl. "Other girls wear them!"

"This is about your level of maturity, dear. If you behave like a little girl, you get treated like a little girl. When you learn to behave in a mature manner, you will be treated accordingly. Until then, you will have to follow the rules that your Father and I lay down for you. Now take that blouse off and put on something appropriate for eating dinner with your family. Your Father and brother are waiting on us."

June was at the end of her rope with dealing with her willful daughter. Ever since Kim's teenage hormones started up and her body blossomed from a skinny pre-teen into a shapely young woman, Kim had been determined to display herself as blatantly as possible. This was understandable and even normal for a teen, but Kim's body had matured much faster than her mind. She still acted years younger than her calendar age. This might have only been a minor problem or even cute if Kim looked her age, but Kim's figure had developed well ahead of her actual age. Her slim waist, flat tummy, slim hips, and 36DD chest belonged more on an exotic dancer rather than a High School sophomore. For this reason, June and Walt Hawkins tried harder than they otherwise would have to restrain their daughter's wild impulses. It was very hard at times. Dealing with Kim was becoming a strain on the family. Kim's 15-year-old brother, Jeff, routinely displayed more maturity than she did. In fact, until only a few months ago, 'Jeff' had been 'Jeffy'. One day he had spoken up at dinner to solemnly ask everyone to please call him 'Jeff' from then on. June and Walt had been so proud, but Kim had done nothing but snipe at her brother. She did her best to taunt and belittle him for days afterward. June had had to bite her tongue to keep from pointing out to Kim that she was only embarrassing herself by proving to everyone that she was the less mature of the two. Walt had take Jeff aside to reassure the boy that eventually his sister would learn to act her age and they he should try not to let it affect him.

"You're becoming a man, Jeff." Walt had told him. "We're very proud of you. We need you to help us teach your sister. We need you to set an example."

Jeff had taken this to heart. He had staunchly ignored the taunts, the teasing and the tears. Instead of learning from him, Kim had taken his refusal to be baited as evidence that Jeff was trying to make her look bad in front of their parents. She had even resorted to entrapment in her efforts to bring him down to her level. The most outlandish example of this was when she accused him of breaking in on her while she was changing clothes.

Jeff had been delivering a load of clean towels to Kim's bathroom at his mother's request. When he walked through the open door into her room, Kim started screaming at the top of her lungs. Sure that her daughter had been seriously injured, June raced upstairs to find Kim kneeling on her bed, naked and shrieking at Jeff, who stood just inside the room, still holding the pile of folded towels.

"He did it on purpose! He barged in while I was changing. He's always peeking at me! He's a little pervert!"

June took one look at the situation and shook her head, sadly. She wanted to try to explain things to Kim. She wanted to tell her that if she were really embarrassed by her brother seeing her naked, that her hands would be somewhere other than clenched in fists on her hips. She wanted to tell her that since there were no clothes visible in the room that she could have been changing into or out of, she could hardly have been caught in the process of changing. She wanted to tell her that if she had believed this were actually a long-standing problem she could have taken the simple measure of locking her bedroom door if she were planning to lounge around in the nude. She wanted to tell her that an adolescent boy trying to peek at someone, even she was his sister, who looked like she belonged in a Miss Nude Universe contest, was as normal and inevitable as gravity. She wanted to tell Kim that she was only embarrassing herself with this pathetic display. Instead she just sighed and told Jeff, "I know you appreciate your sister's body. I hope you understand the lengths to which she has obviously gone to show it to you. When you've seen enough, go put the towels away."

Jeff had not responded to his sister's accusations, for which June had been grateful. As he left the room, she had noticed a bulge in his crotch that the baggy shorts he usually wore had failed to disguise, something that his sister had thankfully missed, or she would have pointed it out at the top of her lungs. From the look if it, the boy had inherited most of his father's genes. If anything, he was already better equipped than his old man, even at 15.

June reflected that the present argument over the girl's choice of clothes was much the same situation. She was being forced again to try to protect her daughter from her own poor choices, a role that was wearing very thin.

"Now, dear. Everyone is waiting. Get dressed and come on downstairs." Looking at her daughter, sitting on the bed with her lower lip quivering and her nipples poking defiantly against the sheer fabric of the blouse she had just bought that afternoon, June thought that perhaps a new approach was desperately needed. She just wished that she could think of one.

Tears streaking her lovely face, Kim practically tore off the flimsy blouse and threw it to the floor.

"If you won't let me wear what I want, then I'll wear nothing at all!" Kim screamed. She kicked off her sandals, pushed her skirt off her hips and let it fall to the floor and yanked her panties down and kicked the whole pile of clothes into the corner. She stamped her foot and stuck out her lower lip.

June stared at her naked daughter. Kim's large breasts were so firm and her skin so taut that they barely jiggled from her exertions. They sat high on her chest, blessed with whatever youthful power that allowed them to defy the pull of gravity and make brassieres a fashion accessory instead of a necessary support garment. They rose and fell on her chest with her breathing, their puffy pink areolas and perky nipples pointing slightly upward at their tips. Below them, her abdomen curved sensuously inward to create a concavity below her rib cage and then slightly outward again at her navel before flattening out where it met the small triangle of downy blonde hair nestled between her legs. Her firm, dimpled bottom and narrow hips blended into a pair of curvaceous legs of the sort that men dreamed of lying between. Kim's body was a solicitation for sex that would incite lust in every man who saw her. Until she learned to deal with this she would be a sexual loose cannon, a danger to herself and every man she met. Something drastic had to be done and soon.

"Maybe it's time to stop pushing the rope?" June thought, "Maybe it's time I pulled?" Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind.

"OK, fine. If that's your decision, so be it."

Kim looked at her mother as if she had not understood a word. "What do you mean?" she said, falteringly.

"I mean we'll do it your way, dear." June picked up her daughter's discarded clothes and quickly folded them and put them away in the drawer. "I mean you can wear nothing at all. Now dry your eyes, fix your face and come on downstairs. Dinner is about ready." June retreated downstairs before second thoughts could creep into her mind. She had made a drastic decision, but a drastic decision was called for. Now she would try to muster the courage to back it up. For her daughter's sake, she hoped that this worked. It would be hard for everyone, but she was sure she could get Walt to go along.

Once she had checked in the kitchen to make sure nothing had caught fire during her absence, June took her husband aside and told him what she had done.

"Don't ask me if I'm sure this is the right thing, because I'm not sure," she told him, "It's just that nothing else has worked!"

"Don't worry, hon." Walt reassured her, "I'll back you up 100%. She has to wake up and smell the coffee and it has to happen soon. If she is going to function as an adult, she is going to have to learn to act like one. It that takes some 'tough love' then that's what it takes. Have you thought about how far you are willing to go with this?"

"How far? Well, fortunately, this is Friday evening; so we have the weekend. If it goes past that, things could get, ah, oh. I see your point. We could be making things worse instead of better." June looked at her husband with worry in her eyes.

"Well, at the school board meeting yesterday, they voted to suspend enforcement of the dress code until the consequences of the Supreme Court decision shake out. There won't be any repercussions there. I can alert Principal Kershaw before Monday. There shouldn't be any legal problems, unless the legislature acts quicker than they ever have to slam the door on this. We will probably get some criticism from people, but I'm willing to risk it for Kim's sake."

"Thank you, dear. I knew I could count on you," she said, giving her husband a quick kiss.

"I'll brief Jeff. He won't be a problem. After all she's done to him, he will be happy to see her get her comeuppance. Now go get Kim and we'll eat."

As she expected, June had to climb back up the stairs to Kim's room. When she opened the door, Kim was sitting on the bed, drying her eyes.

"Come on dear, it's time to eat."

"But mother, you can't be serious. You don't really expect me to come down like this..." Kim looked down at her nakedness and back to her mother with a pleading look.

"Yes, dear. I do. And you will. You made this choice, now you will follow it through." "Like an adult." June wanted to say, but that was the objective, and she did not want to push her daughter into another crying jag just when she might have a chance to open her eyes. "Come along."

June took Kim by the hand and led her out of the bedroom. She felt some resistance, but the girl followed. When they reached the top of the stairs, she released Kim's hand. This would be the critical point. June mentally crossed her fingers behind her back.

"Go ahead, dear. Everyone is waiting."

Kim looked back at her mother. She could not believe that she was being forced to parade naked in front of her father. And her little brother! A look of terror flashed across her face. She stared down the stairs as if they led to the gallows.

June practically held her breath as she watched her daughter wrestle with her fear. Hope began to rise within her breast as she saw Kim stare down the stairs instead of up at her. She was being forced to choose between admitting to herself that she was just a little girl or accepting the consequences of her own decision like an adult. The outcome would affect her forever.

Kim suddenly wiped her eyes once more and pushed her hair back from her face. She reached for the railing and looked down at her nude body as she would have looked at her clothes to make sure they were presentable or if they needed adjustment. As her mother watched, she brushed her fingers through her pubic hair in an attempt to comb it out.

When Kim took her first step down the stairs, June almost applauded with delight. For the first time in her memory, Kim was accepting responsibility. It was a beginning. June suddenly had a flash of insight. This was a beginning, but it was only a beginning. She would have to push this as far and as hard as she could to make the most of this opportunity. Her daughter's whole future depended on the outcome. June steeled herself for what was to come.

When Kim reached the dining room, she paused in the doorway. Neither her father nor brother had looked up yet. She could still run back to her room.

Behind her, June saw Kim stop and her breath caught in her throat again. Surely she would not turn back now. She watched the muscles in her daughter's bottom tighten, a clear flight or fight reaction to the stress of the situation. She saw the muscles in her shoulders and back tense and she saw her daughter pull her shoulders back, pushing her breasts defiantly high on her chest before walking into the room.

"YES!" June thought to herself. This was working better than she had hoped.

Kim announced her presence herself.

"Hello Daddy," she said. She bent down and pecked her father on the cheek. The tension was almost enough to make her swoon. Time almost seemed to stand still. She stood with her toes clenched in the nap of the carpet, trying to keep her balance. She was hyperaware of her body and her nakedness. Her skin had broken out in goosebumps all over her body. As she looked at the goosebumps, she saw that her nipples were standing up, as hard as little rocks, and her areolas were crinkled. She could feel the tautness in them pulling on her breasts. In this incredible situation she wasn't sure how she should feel about that. She thought she could feel the air moving over every inch of her body. Her sense of touch seemed to have become incredibly acute.

Walt looked up at his daughter and smiled, "Hi, punkin." Better sit down and eat before it gets cold." He reached out and patted her on the fanny like he always did.

To Kim, the warmth of her father's hand on her naked bottom was like a branding iron. She flinched under his touch so violently that she thought she would jump onto the table and land in the mashed potatoes. Somehow, the laughable image of her lying on the dining table like a big stuffed turkey — a big naked turkey — broke her tension. She took a deep breath and shuddered with the release.

As Kim walked around the table to her place, she looked at her brother out of the corner of her eye to see if he was ogling her. He seemed to be more interested in what their mother was putting on the table than in her nakedness. "Good!" she thought, "the little creep better keep his eyes to himself." As she sat down, she looked across the table at him. He was looking at her, but his expression wasn't the drooling leer she expected. "He's going to make some comment! Something nasty! I know it!" she thought to herself, "It's what I would do in his place." Suddenly Kim felt all the air go out of her smugness about what she expected of her brother. "It is what I would do," she thought, "not what he would do." Staring down at her empty plate, she tried hard to think of a time when Jeff had said something hurtful to her. She failed. She looked up at her brother again. He was still looking at her, but he wasn't gloating or even smiling.

"How does it feel?" Jeff asked her.

Kim was taken aback by the question. "What? Oh..." she looked down at herself. She was sitting naked at the dining room table with her family, about to eat dinner. Her gooseflesh had subsided, but the tips of her breasts were drawn up so tight they almost hurt. She started to rub them to get them to ease up, but yanked her hands back into her lap before they could reach her breasts. Her mind was buzzing as she tried to decide how she felt. She raised her head and cocked it to one side. "Strange," she said, "just ... strange."

Walt Hawkins observed the exchange between his children with feigned disinterest. In fact, he was alert to every gesture, every word, every nuance of their conversation. He, like his wife, desperately wanted this to work. So far, all the signs were good. Kim had exhibited considerable self-control by coming downstairs without a fuss. Now she was having a normal conversation with her brother. "Well, 'normal' is a relative term," Walt reflected. Still, it seemed to be working. Walt mentally crossed his fingers, and made the same resolution as his wife had earlier — to take this as far as it needed to go.

"Aren't you cold?" Jeff asked.

Before Kim could answer, June said, "We can turn the thermostat up if you're uncomfortable, dear?" Walt looked at her and nodded, solicitously.

"No, I'm fine. Really," Kim responded. She raised her arm to show that her goosebumps had gone, but changed her mind about inviting everyone to look at her skin. There was just so much of it on display. It wasn't the temperature that was making her uncomfortable, anyway. Kim's feeling of heightened sensitivity was still with her. She could feel every current of air in the room, from the air blowing from the vent at the end of the room, to the sudden gust every time her mother opened the kitchen door to bring in another serving dish. She could feel the carpet under her bare feet, the upholstery of the chair under her bottom, and the cool, hard wood of the back of the chair. If she concentrated very hard on something on the table, she could push her awareness that she was completely naked toward the back of her mind, but she could not block the sensations on her skin, so awareness kept jumping back. She had never felt so connected to her environment before. It was as if everything and everyone in the room were touching her somewhere on her body. She rubbed her hands on her thighs under the table, trying to cancel the sensations. She pushed her hands down to her knees and then rubbed back along the sides of her legs to her bare hips, but this only made her more acutely aware of her nudity. Again, she yanked her hands back into her lap. Then she became aware that she could feel her pubic hair on the insides of her wrists, so she put them on the table on either side of her place-setting. After a few second she realized that the moisture from her palms was making her hands stick to the varnished surface of the table, so she put them back in her lap. By the time everyone had been served and they had begun to eat, Kim felt like crawling under the table to hide.

Her parents both had noticed her growing unease, but neither was prepared to give an inch. They were committed to seeing this through.

The act of eating helped to calm Kim somewhat. However, she found that having her breasts in her field of view every time she looked down at her plate to be distracting. "I don't remember them being this big!" she thought. They seemed to be in her way all the time. Every forkful of food had to be guided past her twin peaks on the way to her mouth. She was very careful to chew with her mouth closed, so that crumbs would not fall onto her breasts where she would have to deal with them in front of everyone.

Inevitably, she had a mishap. As she reached out for her glass of water, she felt her right breast dip into the gravy on her mashed potatoes. She pulled her arm back quickly and sat bolt upright. No one seemed to have noticed, but the warm gravy felt like it was scorching her skin. She felt like screaming. She began to blush, and she was aware that she was blushing and that everyone could see the red in her face and see it spread down her neck and down her breasts. Slowly, she picked her napkin up from her lap and tried as inconspicuously as possible to wipe the dollop of gravy from below her right nipple. She wanted to pick up her breast and do a thorough job, to make sure she had got all the gravy. She wanted to dip her napkin in her water glass and rub it, as she would have without a thought if the gravy had go onto her blouse, but she could not stand the thought of sitting here at the dinner table and having everyone watch her bathe her naked breast. All this was making them tighten up again, too. She could feel her nipples standing up and waving to everyone, shouting, "Hey, look at us! Here we are! Everybody look!" She allowed her shoulders to slump forward and she leaned forward toward her plate so her traitorous nipples were below the edge of the table.

"Sit up straight, dear. Mind your posture," her mother admonished her.

Startled, Kim sat up straight instantly, raking her distended nipples on the edge of the table in the process. The pain of whacking them on the wood made her eyes cross. She closed them and bit her lip to keep from crying out. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Jeff looking at her from across the table. He must have looked up just as she had reacted to her mother. He must have seen her accident. He couldn't miss her engorged, throbbing nipples as they stood out even further from her breasts, but he only looked at her with a concerned expression for a second, and then resumed eating without making any comment. "Thank you, Jeff," Kim thought. Then, as if she could broadcast it across the table, she thought loudly, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The rest of the meal passed without incident, for which Kim was also grateful. Just as she prepared to slip out of the room and dash back upstairs, her mother said, "Kim, why don't you help me clear the table?"

"Noooooo!" she thought, but she kept the thought to herself. "Sure, Mom," she said, allowing only a trace of disappointment into her voice. She had gotten used to the cover of the table, where only her breasts could be seen. Now she would have to get up a parade around where everyone could see all of her. She was sure that this was just what her mother had in mind when she asked for her assistance. Kim steeled herself and then stood up from the table and began to collect the dishes. As she worked around to her brother's chair, he handed his empty plate up to her. As she took it from him, he looked in her eyes and smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you, Jeff," she said without taking her eyes from his. She hoisted the pile of plates in front of her face and sidled around behind her brother's chair. As she passed she felt her breast brush against the back of his head. She was so startled that she almost dropped the dishes. Her own brother had just touched her breast! She was just becoming furious when she thought, "No. Actually, I did that. I did that accidentally. I think I did that accidentally? How could I have meant to do that?" It was so confusing, thinking of her brother as something other than an object to be despised and ridiculed. The meal they had just shared was the longest time she could remember that there had been peace between them. Jeff had done nothing to exploit her situation, made no comment, done no leering. Had her nakedness changed him somehow? How could he ... when she was the one ... It was too confusing. Kim carried off the first load of dishes to the kitchen.

"Just put them in the sink, dear," her mother told her as she padded across the linoleum floor.

"Mom?" Kim said, wanting to ask something, but not sure what it was.

"Yes, dear?"

"I, ah, can I..." Kim wanted desperately to ask if she could go back up to her room, so she could hide her naked body, but she knew the answer to that question before she asked it. The answer was written in her mother's eyes and her posture.

"Can I stay and watch TV tonight?" Kim tried to sound cheerful, but to her ears it came out like a slave asking for another stroke of the lash. Kim reflected that that was hard to say, but then, she had done a lot of hard things tonight.

"Of course, dear. You can stay until your bedtime. But at 10:00 you must promise to go to bed, no matter what is on TV."

"OK. I promise."

After the dishes were done, they all adjourned to the den, where Walt had the TV on. He was already in his easy chair with his feet up, watching a sit-com's opening credits. Kim was happy to see that it was one of the few shows that she liked, so she started over to sit on the loveseat next to Jeff. Her stride faltered and she almost came to a stop in the middle of the room. She realized that she was going to have to sit next to Jeff all evening on a loveseat where they would be only inches away from each other. Jeff was already sitting on the end closest to the TV, looking like he was taking up more than half the small couch. He might be two years her junior, but he was already two inches taller than she was and out-weighed her by 20 pounds. His size had earned him a spot on the Jr. High football team, but now it was earning him a nasty look for taking up all the space on the couch. Kim swallowed hard and kept walking. It would be more embarrassing to stop in the middle of the room, backlit by the glow of the TV screen, than to go sit down and suffer in silence.

She sat down on the couch with her back pressed firmly against the armrest, trying very hard to stay as far from Jeff as the piece of furniture would allow. As she sat, he glanced back at her and then turned back to watch the program. Her mother sat down in her own wingback chair and with a quick glance at her children, she also started to enjoy the program.

It was only during the commercial break at the bottom of the hour that Kim noticed that she was sitting in a draft. The air-conditioning vent behind the couch was blowing right up her bare back. She stood it for another few minutes, but then she started to shiver. The motion distracted her brother from the program and he turned back to her and whispered, "S'matter, sis?"

"Cold," she whispered back, "Swap places?"


Jeff stood and stepped over her feet, careful not to stomp on her toes, as she slid up to the other end of the loveseat. This put her profile between him and the TV at the end of the room, a situation that she realized meant he could stare at her as much as he wanted without being obvious about it. She clenched her fists in her lap and hunched her shoulders. She shivered again.

Jeff apparently interpreted her shiver to mean she was still cold, because he leaned forward and put his arm behind her on the back of the couch. Kim instantly tensed and pulled back her elbow to smack her brother for daring to take advantage of the situation. She had just grit her teeth in anticipation of the impact when she felt the warmth of his body soaking into her. The feeling distracted her from the violence she had intended to commit on him. She froze in her coiled position, savoring the sensation. She had been much colder than she thought. His body heat was delicious and soothing. Her most primitive instincts asserted themselves and she felt herself relax and lean back against her brother, surrendering to the sensuality of his warmth.

As the evening wore on, Kim became more accustomed to physical contact with Jeff. Without intending to, she slid back against him so that they were pressed together from knee to shoulder. With his arm around her, she was almost sitting in his lap. The urge to cuddle is deeply ingrained into the human brain. Kim's body remembered doing it with her father when she was little and it had no trouble adapting to her brother now. When he gently rolled his arm and laid his hand on her forearm, she did not even flinch, but only smiled at the additional contact and leaned against him more heavily, allowing him to draw her closer. Absorbed in the TV program, she hardly noticed that she had pulled Jeff's arm around her so that his palm was hovering just over her breast. She had simply allowed her body to overrule her brain.

Her father noticed their closeness and sighed to himself. Stripping their daughter naked was forcing her to regress to a primitive level and allowing her to relate to her brother in a different way. Hopefully, the same process could be applied to other relationships with equal success. Anything that stopped the endless whining accusations and verbal attacks would be an immense improvement as far as he was concerned. This was the most peace and quiet there had been in the Hawkins house for a long time.

Walt reached across and lightly touched his wife on the arm. She looked over at him, glanced at their kids cuddled together on the couch and smiled. She looked at the wall clock. It was only a few minutes before their bedtime. June wished she could make the clock stand still. This was the happiest she had been in a long time.


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Attractive Story

Oh, she was so beautiful. She had long hair as soft as silk. Her eyes as blue as the clearest sky, warm hands and lips. Breasts as soft as pillows. Her cunt as hot as a winter’s stove. She came to me, the evening was young and we had not seen each other in a week. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me gently. I returned the favor touching my lips to hers and gently caressing her neck. I pull her shirt off and her mine. She arches her back as I kiss her neck and down her chest to her...

2 years ago
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Brick House Pt 03 Ch 0607

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 5 of a longer work, ‘Brick House,’ Chapter 6 By the time the local leaves had completed trial separations with their deciduous significant others, presumably moving on to formal divorce proceedings, Kate and I were an official couple. With our heavy academic loads and my job at the computing center there were lengthy stretches during which we didn’t see much of one another but we hung out as much as our schedules allowed. The two spoke at...

2 years ago
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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 14

Kara grunted in the rhythm of the mating, her mind drifting in the intense pleasure of the sex act. She was kneeling on soft mats, her arms crossed on the ground to provide a pillow for her head, her hips were raised high in the air, and her legs were flaired out wide to provide Mark easy access to her vagina. Mark had dropped into a very vigorous thrusting rhythm, slapping Kara's butt with his groin or each downstroke, and then pulling out so fast that Kara could feel her vaginal muscles...

3 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

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Empty LandChapter 5

"Where do you think we are?" Jewel sat down suddenly on a nearby rock, looking shaken. "We've just come too far east and north, crossing the trail without seeing it." Mak knelt by her side, reassuring her with words that he tried to make sound more confident than he felt. "These have to be the same mountains we've been heading for, the last half a moon. There sure aren't any others around that big. All that we have to do is to head west and south. We're bound to come out into level...

2 years ago
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Mausi Ki Ladki Ko Seduce Karke Choda

By : Ravishankar001 Hi mera naam Ravi Sharma hai n mai lucknow me rehta hoon this is my 1st story & ye meri real story hai baki jise jo samajhna ho samjhe real or fake vaise mai aaj kal bahut chudasa hoon aur ek koi girl ya aunty dhoondh reha hoon jo meri garmi ko kam kar sake aur jo lucknow ki ho. agar kisi gal/aunt ko ye story pasand ati hai to vo mujhe mail kar sakti  hai Ab mai story shuru karta hoon ye story last tyear ki hai meri mummy meri mausi ki ladki kajal ko gaon se leke aayi thi...

3 years ago
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Marline Becomes A SlutChapter 9

Kelly was right about her boss. When he wore out fucking me, I was still begging him for more so he called in the rest of the men that were there at the office at the time. I was on the floor of his office fucking and sucking every man in her office. Almost all of them called me Kelly and I told every man fucking me to let me know when he was going to cum. I wanted to make it real good for him... well myself. I would fuck one and suck another then they asked me what gave me the most...

4 years ago
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Displaying my COCK TEASING wife

Yesterday my wife and I went to the mall with our k!d$. She did not know what to wear when I suggested a tight sun dress she had bought but never wore. Her intensions were to loose a few more pounds before wearing the dress. Needless to say it was very tight on her. It is made of a very thin, transparent, colorful cotton material. Her black thong were so visible. You can clearly see them disappear into the crack of her ass. The neck line was so wide and deeply cut her tit meat was hanging out...

4 years ago
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Mistress Catches Sissy Playing

Sissy smiling to him self with a sly grin, Thinking, mmmmmm Mistress is out for an hour what can i do? Knowing exactly what he was going to do, he grinned wider and slipped in to the bedroom, a little tremor of anticipation went through him as he headed ove to Mistress's lingerie drawers, sliding his favourite drawer open pulling out his favourite pair of red knickers, giving them a little sniff as he moved them over his trembling body down to his now hardening sissy member.His thoughts...

1 year ago
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The Mailroom Part 2

On the following Friday I got a call from Karla asking to meet me after work at the donuts shop. I said “I’ll be there”. Karla greeted me with a warm hug. I almost fainted under her warm embrace. She changed her clothes. Now she had on a blue halter mini dress. She looked like she was ready for a night on the town. While eating a donut she told me that she had not been getting a lot of sleep lately. I asked her why, she confessed to me that she could not stop fantasying about me. At that...

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Kates Request

Kate’s Desire I grew up next to Kate, but I never entertained any romantic notions for her. She was seven years younger than I and I didn’t want to wait for her to grow up. If anyone had ever accused me of doing that, I’d have laughed in his or her face, but Kate always thought she wanted me until she met Elizabeth. When I noticed Kate for the first time, I was twenty-five and she was eighteen. We were doing inventory at Johnson’s market and I’d been working late. When I turned off the main...

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CHAPTER 52A: PRE-HOLIDAYS WITH FRIENDSBy the time Helen and Marie returned home, Tim, Mom and I had decided to go to bed. I was still awake, waiting. Knowing Mom, she was, too; but it wasn’t really obvious. I was cuddled into her back and she to Tim’s side and I did feel a deep exhale from her when I heard the door to the garage open and close and their voices and giggles coming down the hall. I heard the door to our room being opened further and then slightly closed, as they seemed to check on...

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Mommy By Maggie Finson October 31, 1997, is a date that I'll never forget. My life changed drastically that day, though at the time, I really had no idea of just how drastically. But then, it didn't even start out like a normal day as they ran back then, so I suppose the rest of that day's events shouldn't have surprised me all that much. "Hold still and quit squirming so much," Lisa, my wife, five feet six inches of lovely brunette with a temper and mouth more ...

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AxemanChapter 8

With IDs and social security numbers in hand, I spent Friday afternoon at the bank, jumping through their countless hoops, in order to open up a bank account for the four of us. Pointless rules and regulations made the task more difficult than it needed to be. In the end, the girls would still need to individually go to that specific branch to sign their names, before getting access to that account and their debit cards mailed to them. While I was at the bank, I set up a second account under...

2 years ago
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Jessies Journey Her Final Reward Part 1

Naked, sweaty, and belly-down on the overturned chair, Jessie nonetheless basked in the pleasure of the assembled guests. Despite the bizarre scene, their applause filled her with an enormous sense of pride. Even greater pride than she felt at the office when receiving one of her numerous awards and recognitions. The corners of her mouth curled in a satisfied smile as she realized how strange it was to feel this way.Her thoughts were interrupted when Derek’s fingertips lightly traced patterns...

4 years ago
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My sons friend

THIS IS A FICTIONWhen my son Sydney suddenly moved to Arizona, I I was surprised and opposed to his decision, but what could I say? He's older than eighteen. For sure I thought I wouldn't see his best friend Clark again, if ever.I never heard from Jimmy except for a couple of emails saying he was okay.One day I found a letter with a check for 500 dollars made out to me and a note:" Dear Dad, Call Clark and tell him I'm repaying him the loan.Don't tell him where I live or my phone number. But...

2 years ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 7

Marianne had quickly got used to the dress and the unusual but good feeling of freedom her breasts had. She had borrowed a Pashmina from Sylvie and that had been wrapped around her shoulders as they walked into the restaurant. She was pleased to see that the table was in an alcove so as soon as she was seated and with a confidence she didn't actually feel she let slip the Pashmina from her shoulders. Guy's expression made it worthwhile. His eyes widened, his pupils expanding rapidly and a...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 28

I awoke Sunday morning to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered groggily. "Are you still in bed, sleepyhead?" Kelly asked cheerfully. "Umm ... yeah, I just woke up," I answered. "What time is it?" "Quarter to twelve," Kelly said. "Sorry I'm late," I answered. Kelly and I were to meet for brunch at Pollock Commons at 11:30. "Give me fifteen minutes." "I'll get a paper and meet you inside," Kelly said before she finished the call. I quietly headed for the...

3 years ago
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Dark Bred

It all started out harmlessly enough. Jack had invited DeWayne and Suzie over to our house for dinner -- again! I never particularly liked these occasions. I could see that DeWayne, ungrateful that Jack had befriended him and promoted him to a supervisory position, was resentful of his young boss's position in top management while he was still blue collar. He tried to hide his envy by constantly making off-color jokes and little references to their having grown up together in the same...

2 years ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 3

We all took a sip of our drink. Catherine, Anna and myself, presided over by Lauren. I felt like a new gurl at this party. I bit my lower lip, I wriggled in my seat for my dress giving an accidental glimpse of way too much upper pantyhosed thigh.I blushed so deeply. Lauren must have sensed it as she leaned in closer and told me that I was a flirty gurl and those legs of mine might get me in trouble. I lowered my eyes and she giggled when I didn't meet her gaze. I fumbled for conversation until...

2 years ago
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Winter FiresChapter 10

Caroline breathed a satisfied sigh as she put down her empty coffee cup. Pearl eyed her over the rim of her own one as she drained it. "Are you going to go and find Simon, Caroline?" she asked the young brunette. "That's the idea," Caroline replied, "but I have no idea how." "Ask him?" Pearl suggested, pointing out the doorman nearby. "Yeah... good idea, Pearl." Caroline was clearly psyching herself up, she wasn't normally this forward. "Excuse me?" she asked the big man,...

1 year ago
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Wanda Falls to The Illuminati

While the Illuminati were talking to Main MCU Timeline Doctor Strange an alarm went off warning them of the Scarlet Witch who is Dream walking throw earth 318's Wanda has arrived. All the Members of the Illuminati other then Baron Mordo and Professor X went to deal with her. Wanda comes face to face with the Illuminati, She starts talking some trash talk and talking arrogantly about being the Scarlet Witch having the Dark Hold and that kind off stuff completely underestimating the Strength off...

1 year ago
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One Two Buckle My Shoe

….one two buckle my shoe…. Bowed and bent, in constant genuflection before women, was not a man's naturalstate. Having spent so much of the day compressed like a caryatid, his back bentor buckled, so often on his knees as he forced fat feet into shoes which womenwould insist on having a size too small, Steve felt like some kind of PrinceCharming... but with only ugly sisters to attend to. His back ached through having to bow low over these vain obese women, hislegs were stiff from his...

3 years ago
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Save the First Dance Part 3

Chapter 7 The day away from the studio was a slow and lazy one for Charlotte and Jade. Without dance occupying most of the day, they spent a majority of it shopping. Jade wasn't really in need of anything, soon the ten days would be up and she would be back to her old life. So as an added bonus to Charlotte for all of her hard work she decided to take her shopping for whatever she wanted. Hours passed in clothing stores, shoe stores and lingerie stores. By now Jade was habituated...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Sister In Goa

Hi everybody John here with another hot and sexy story “Hot sex with sis in Goa”. Guys I’m 22, fair complexion and I hve a great body because I do gym regularly. I’m doing B. Tech from Delhi and my family lives in Jalandhar. Mai delhi me hostel me rehta tha papers k baad mere frnds ne kahi ghumne k plan banaya, december ka month tha to unhone Goa jaane ka plan banaya. Maine b kha chalo thik hai or hum sabne 2 weeks k liya goa jaane k plan banaya. Mere frnds ne kha k sab apni gf k sath...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 7E

The birthday party went on and on, with no surprises disturbing the world of my dead father's family, nothing changing, nothing learned, nothing decided. Soon everyone was hugging and kissing and saying goodbye. During the party I longed to be anywhere but there. I spent the whole time waiting for next Saturday to arrive. This world was a far cry from the world of Martha Jane, an eternity away from our secrets in the dark, of naked flesh reveling in affection and pleasure, of whispered...

1 year ago
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Mrs Higgsley and the Graduate Party

Mrs Higgsley and I have been sleeping together for about three months now. She’s a strawberry blonde, 42 years old, with a body made for pleasure and a mind designed for domination. At her age she’s still young enough to be sexy and old enough to know it. She’s an estate manager at the university where I worked as a 25 year old assistant professor of physics. My responsibilities as warden of the student hall I where lived meant that we had regular chats to update each other on events and new...

First Time
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ArdRiChapter 6

As the sun rose, Michael was restless as he started planning his day. The scheduled must be cleared, and he wanted a full day planning session with his NUSF commanders, Shamus Mac Lochlainn, and the R&D designers from the weapons division. He felt as if someone was staring at him, looking around, Colleen had her eyes on him with a determination he had not seen in a long time. Colleen told him there was much to do today, however the day would go much better after his daily exercise and a...

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Strangers enjoyed me

Hello I am shreeya. I am 18 year old and I read in a reputed college in Chandigarh. I stay in a private hostel in the same city. The way from college to my hostel is very long and I have to cross sector 34 which is about 4 km long. It is not economical to spend a lot of money on rickshaw daily. So I use a short cut which passes through sector 34 and this path is about 1.5 km long. But this way is very lonely. There are some offices and small industrial units which close after 5 pm. After that...

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The Makeover

The Makeover by Laura Brooks Part One I couldn't imagine a more delightful way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. Outside, it was a cold, dreary late November day. The sun woke up in the morning and then decided not to bother, leaving a gray pallor over just everything. And while it wasn't raining or snowing, those clouds certainly wanted to do something and the air was just as damp as if it were raining. Inside, though, I was curled up on my couch, my stockinged feet...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetXFuckingAwesome Trisha Parks The Birthday Surprise

Blue eyes and blonde hair is a combo that serves MILF Trisha Parks well, and today she works it with our lucky stud. She delivers breakfast in bed to celebrate his birthday, and strips all the way down for an extra birthday surprise! He licks her sweet asshole as part of his balanced breakfast, and jumpstarts his day by plugging her hole with a bejeweled toy. Then, he plows out her anal cavity until she is begging for more. This hot babe lives to serve, and she definitely serves her ass up on a...

4 years ago
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Kings Cup

// Hallo zusammen. Das ist meine erste Geschichte hier, also verzeiht mir bitte, wenn es alles noch etwas ungeschickt ist. Daher werde ich sehr dankbar für Hinweise, Tipps und reges mitschreiben.// Gewöhnlich braucht man für Kings Cup einen Bechern (optional), eine Pokerblatt (52 Karten) und genügent Getränke. Die Karten legt man in einen zusammenhängenden Kreis und stellt den Becher in die Mitte und zieht reihum Karten. Jede Karte hat eine Bedeutung wenn sie gezogen wird. Man kann das Spiel...

2 years ago
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Low Budget

Have you ever had that odd thought about what's the worst thing that could happen to you that day? It was a Friday that ';exceeded expectations'. I was at the head of the line at the county reclamation site, dropping off defunct servers and battery backup units. I had a big eighty-pound rack-mount server carcass in my hands and had just bumped the rear door of my jeep closed with my hip. A big, black Ford Explorer roared across the parking lot, clipped my right hip and smashed into my old...

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Captured Ch 05

She wet the tip of her thumb with her tongue and smudged the charcoal line. Still… She was drawn from her musing by a soft groan. Her blue eyes lifted inquiringly to the man who lounged against the far wall of the cabin. One leg was drawn up before him on the bed, where a pad of papers were propped. He merely raised an eyebrow at her before returning to his attention to his sketching. Miriam chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his tanned hands with their long, tapered fingers and clipped...

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Pregnant Amy8217s Secret Sex 8211 Part 2

When Amy reached home she couldn’t believe what has happened to her. When she analysed those things she felt ashamed and annoyed. It was evening and Richard came home after work. She told she was fainted and Dr.Paul helped her and she went to his house for check up. She was fearing that day to look into his face. He told her to take more care. As usual Richard cared her baby bump she felt really guilty. She felt slight pain when she urinated. The next day she didn’t went for the morning walk...

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Nash McLeod Hard to Figure

CHAPTER 1 Although it was the first calendar month of spring in South Australia a nip in wind from the south-south-west and originating in the Southern Ocean, swept across the plains to the ranges and into the remote servicing town of Respite Crossing to emphasize only the foolish would be wearing warm weather clothing just yet. Dressed in a zipped fleece-lined jacket that reached just below his hips, snug wool trousers, thick socks and old Army boots and a battered black stockman’s hat, Nash...

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Dot and Our Neighbor Jan episode 8

"Yes, sweetheart, sure I have. And you?" I looked into the woman's blue eyes and they sparkled with anticipation. She was sitting across the corner of the dining room table as we sipped our coffee that morning. Jan had her arms folded and leaning forward on the table enjoying our talk about sex. "Oh, yes! I laav eet!," Jan replied. "But, I don't do for a long time. Do you want to do with me, cheri?" Smiling, I took the cup from my lips and returned it to its saucer. Holding...

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My first time at Sea

When we were first married, my wife and I had landed a sweet deal as the caretakers of a historic property on the coast of Maine .   We were newlyweds without a lot of money, but we lived in a small cottage over looking the harbor in one of those quintessential towns that the modern world had passed by.   Lobster boats still worked during the day and in the evenings pleasure boats plied the waters.   It was a short walk along the river to a cliff encircled harbor beach that hosted a...

First Time
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Sexual Awakenings II The Mistress Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1: Loss of Control! As I look back, upon this journey of self discovery I found myself upon. I never imagined the route it would take me, and the sexual appetite that would be explored, hidden inside my body and waiting for that one person to unleash it upon whoever it decided. My life was never easy, as I was born to parents who discarded me as a baby. Raised around homes belonging to people whom I could not look upon as those who cared deeply enough, or to understand the emotional...

2 years ago
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written while driving

Lets b bad...cum to the classroom of mr higgins. He aint there...its located at the back of the school...noone will c us. I wanna have yah on that desk,ur cute dress a lil up. Reavealing ur beautifull behind. Ill cover ur mouth with my hand as i give it to u. We dont want no spectators. As ill fuck u like that i can allready feel ur pussy tighten around my cock....ur gonna cum on it! After u came,ill pull my dick out. Like evry good girl u instantly drop on ur knees to clean me up. Loving the...

3 years ago
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Call Boy For A Sexy Bhabhi

Hi sexy babes and bhabhi’s. This is yash from Bangalore. I appreciate all the previous appreciations and fantasies shared and sent by my fans for my earlier two stories. Any one wants to read again go to these below website links : 1) 2) This is one of my another third fantasy filled sex story of how I entered the Call Boy sex world. I was better experienced in sex with teen girls and young babes. But once I had a sex encounter with a young bhabhi named anagha(my previous story sex queen,...

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