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There were three of us couples who lived on the same street. I thought we were friends until I heard my wife making plans to rendezvous with my two buddies. I often was out of town traveling for my company. I took a taxi home early one day not feeling well, not even well enough to drive. Kim came in an hour later and started preparing dinner. I had spent my time lying down or in the bathroom. Before I could tell Kim that I was home, the phone rang. I guess I picked it up at the same time as she did in the kitchen.

"Hey Babe, are we still on for Monday evening? We will never have a chance like this again."

"I don't know. I don't think I'd better do this."

"Sure you do and it will be fun. Martha and Rachel will be down to the coast for the week with the kids and I know Sam is going to be out of town."

"I know he is, but God, if he ever finds out he will kill us all."

"Naw, he is too much of a wimp. All he does is push paper every day in some office for his company. You know it was you that bragged you could take me and Pete on and fuck us into the ground. Here's your chance."

Kim giggled, "I can and it's no brag. I can't be at the cabin before Sam calls from Denver at nine though, but by sun-up you guys will be begging me to leave you alone so you can recharge your nuts. You will be so fuckin' drained and bowlegged you'll think you are a fifty-year-old cowboy. If you guys promise to wear a condom, I'm up for it. Sam and I are planning a baby and I'll be getting near my fertile period. You guys be cool at the party Saturday night. I don't worry about Martha and Rachel, but Sam is no dummy."

"Are you saying our wives are dumb?"

"You said it, I didn't. Remember, bowlegged by dawn. That's a promise."

I eased out of the bedroom, went quietly down the hall to the laundry room, down and out the back door. I went behind the neighbor's house and out the far side to the street. I waited until a car went by and then walked to my front door. When I went into the house I startled Kim, for she could see the garage and I hadn't driven in. "Sick, taxi," I mumbled and headed for the bedroom, flopping down on the bed so she wouldn't realize I had been here earlier.

Kim came and stood in the doorway. "What's the matter?"

"Twenty-four hour grippe, I guess. It hit me a couple hours ago. Made me woozy, so I took a taxi home. You can drive me to work in the morning." I looked hopefully at her.

"Okay, if you're feeling better. You want dinner?"

"God no, just the thought of food makes me sick. Let me sleep." I didn't sleep. Kim was a hot little number and that was what made me notice her. We had been married a little over a year. Pete and George, my so-called buddies were my age. We were all five years older than Kim. They had two kids apiece and their wives--same age as they, had started to be comfortable in any old thing, whereas Kim dressed to be noticed. She had everything in place to be noticed too.

From the conversation it sounded as if this was the first time Pete and George were going to have a crack at my wife. This situation made it more possible by us all being out of town and better than sneaking a quickie at some other time. I wonder what their wives would say if they had heard what I had heard a little while ago. Martha might put up with it for her kids' sake, but Rachel wouldn't. She'd cut Pete's pecker off. Well she might have the chance to do that too.

Kim didn't want to get in bed with me to catch what I had, so she slept in the spare room. Before she went to bed she came in and said she hoped I was better because we had a party Saturday evening and it was only three days away. I assured her I would be. I wasn't up to my usual standard in the morning, but I wanted to be where I could do some planning and it couldn't be done at home.

Kim drove me to work so I could have my car when the day was done. I got on the phone. "Hey guys, Sam here. Are you up for a little nighttime recon and maybe a little maneuver thrown in?"

"Sam, old boy. Randy and I were talking about you the other day and how we should go out for a beer sometime. What's on your mind?"

"You know I was married about a year ago. Well I found out yesterday that the honeymoon is over. My woman is planning putting horns on me Monday night. Two of my neighbors have talked her into taking them on while I'm out of town. Their wives are out of town too. One of them, Pete Cowling, has a cabin up in the hills and Kim is spending the night with him and another neighbor, George. Probably longer if she can arrange it. I'd like to make it uncomfortable for all three of them."

"So how do you want this to go down?"

I hadn't slept much last night. Kim wouldn't have slept much either if she had known what I was planning for her. I may be only pushing paper right now, but I was more than that a few years ago. I had been part of an attack group that was dropped behind enemy lines when the war in Bosnia was on. I guess each one of us had saved the others lives a time or two, so when we got back to the states, we kept in touch and knew loosely where we all were located. Three of the guys were near enough for me to call them in.

Saturday night went the way it usually did. The party at George and Martha's was what could be called a barbecue or pool party--take your pick. Kim was in rare form. All twenty or so of the adults admired Kim, not only her body, but when she went off the diving board, she was a classic--sliding into the pool and hardly making a splash. Twice I saw Pete say something to her and then smirk. She looked pissed at him and after that he stayed away from her. George was occupied with being host, but I did see Kim smile at him and swear to god, he blushed.

The party wound down fairly early for the neighbors all knew that Martha and Rachel and the kids were to board a plane for San Francisco at eleven the next day. Kim was interested in a little bedtime tango, but I said I wasn't really up to snuff. "I've got a two-hour drive early Monday and I want to be all well by then. Driving into Denver at that time in the morning isn't any picnic." She let it slide, but claimed she was terribly disappointed. Oh well, she wouldn't be disappointed Monday night.

I called Kim as I agreed. The only difference was I called on a throw-away cell phone. She answered and said she was headed for bed. We talked about having kids and she said she had taken her temperature and was ovulating. I told her not to get knocked up before I could get to her. That pissed her off and she hung up not a happy wife. I hoped she was feeling a little guilty. At ten we four men were in place at the cabin. George and Kim drove up and Pete soon followed.

Kim was letting it all hang out. The cabin was secluded enough so she had removed her top and her breasts were swinging when she bounced out of George's pickup. She had a bottle in one hand and with the other she reached over and grabbed George between the legs. He told her to wait until he at least got undressed. When Pete came in they all started stripping. Pete was ready to mount Kim, but she did make him hesitate long enough to put on a rubber.

Each had a turn with her and then she demanded to have her pussy eaten. As far as could be determined she hadn't had an orgasm yet. It didn't take long after George started between her legs before she was screaming. Pete and George switched places and she went after George orally. When he was ready again she wouldn't let him near her until he had a condom on. At least if my wife was going to get knocked up, she wanted it to be mine.

Things slowed down after this. They all lay down on the bed and dozed for awhile. We all had seen through the window the activities that were going on. Randy, who was the captain back in another time, motioned and we all slipped inside and relaxed with our backs against the only door. Kim was the first to realize the three of them weren't alone anymore. She screamed!

I suppose we may have startled them a little. We all had shades on and were in cameo including night paint. Bob spoke, "We've been watching you all through the window. It looked like the little lady was wearing you guys out long before she was satisfied, so we thought she might like to have us join you. So little lady, what do you say?"

Kim was whimpering. Randy asked, "You married?"

Kim wouldn't answer. Kent sidled up to Pete and zapped him with a stun gun. "Hey little lady, do you want a little of that? You better answer me when I ask a question. Talk to me."

"I'm married."

"You married to either one of these assholes?"


"Why are you fucking them then?"

Kim hesitated. "I don't know. I guess they talked me into it."

"I bet you came up here kicking and screaming. Is that right?"

Kim hung her head and shook it with a negative. "Who is your husband and where is he?"

"Sam Connors. He's in Denver for three days."

"So if we wanted to play with you for three days, you wouldn't be missed. What about these two? They married and if they are where are their wives?"

"Both are married. Wives in California on vacation." Kim was really whimpering with fear now.

Randy was going to give Kim a little hope. "Now little lady, I'd bet you would like this little party to be over wouldn't you?"

Kim looked up with the most pleading look on her face. "Speak up. You would like it over wouldn't you?"


"Would you be willing to buy your way out of here?"

"I don't have any money and can't get any without Sam knowing about it."

"I know that. What else have you got?" Kim was back to not answering. "Well?"

"Just my body, but please don't cum in me. If you don't hurt me or make me pregnant I'll do anything."

"Blow jobs all around?" Kim nodded. "Take us all on if we use condoms?"


"Well little lady you're in for one hell of a night. Billy Boy (Sam) you might as well start." I got the first BJ while Randy was the first between her legs. And so it went. Poor Kim was worn out as Sam was the last to take her pussy. When he finished Randy spoke, "Oops Billy Boy forgot to put on a rubber. Sorry about that." Kim screamed in anger at first and then went to sobbing.

Pete was still out. George went down when Kent gave him a jolt. A look of horror came over Kim and she slipped into a faint. I shook hands all around and picked my wife up and carried her out to George's pickup. She was still sleeping when I slid her into her own bed. I drove George's vehicle down the street to his driveway and walked home.

Six men had sex with Kim tonight. Some of it she had reveled in and some of it she tolerated and the last she had hated. What would the morning bring?

I was watching her from the doorway and caught her eye when she came awake. First there was relief when she realized she was in her own bed and then sudden fear when she realized that I was home and hadn't been to bed with her. "I bet you are feeling wonderful this morning, but you look like hell. How does your mouth taste? I was going to kiss you, but when I got near you, I couldn't stand the stink. You smell like you were sucking on a dead fish. I don't suppose you want to tell me about it do you?"

Kim started to retch and piled out of the bed just making it to the bathroom before she emptied her guts. I went down the stairs and started another pot of coffee. I waited before starting breakfast because I knew she would be in the shower for a long time. Maybe not so much to clean up, but trying to decide what to say to me. Actually it was almost noon and I could hear her changing the bed before she came into the kitchen.

I poured her coffee and she asked, "When did you get home?"

"I got in about midnight. I guess you didn't crawl into bed like you said you were going to when I talked to you last night. No one in my bed and no wife here to welcome me. Do you want to tell me about it?"

My wife was trying to decide how much to tell me. "I was raped last night by four military men."

"That's funny, they didn't say anything about raping you when they brought you home. I talked to one of them named Randy. He said he and the others found you and two guys in a cabin, and stopped to talk. He said they watched for awhile and then made themselves known. Are you sure they raped you? He seemed a nice enough guy."

"Maybe not raped really, but coerced certainly."

"You mean, like gave you a choice?" Kim nodded. "Let's go back a little. Who were the two men they found you with?"

"George and Pete."

"And what were you doing with them? I take it this happened up at Pete's cabin. It's a long way from our bedroom to the cabin. How did you get from here to there?"

Kim took a deep breath and took on a defiant look. "I went up there to get fucked. We have been planning it for the last week when we found out you, Martha and Rachel were going to be out of town."

"Martha and Rachel are your best friends. They've been our friends ever since we moved here shortly after we were married. Their kids even call you Auntie Kim. Boy, when your friends find out you went up to the cabin with their husbands, you'd better head for the hills. Rachel will kill you and what's going to happen to their families? Pete and George are going to be out on the street, the same as you. Your name is going to be shit, all because you wanted to get screwed last night. How'd it go? Did you get everything you wanted?"

"No, Goddamn it. I was all set to wear them right into the ground and I was well on the way to doing it too. Then those assholes showed up and spoiled everything. Pete got hit with a stun gun and knocked out and then those guys started in on me. They hit George with the stun gun and that's the last I remember."

"I want to know everything that happened."

"All right, you're going to kick me out anyway." Angry and defiant, she related what she did and what was done to her. That is until she came to telling about the last man cumming in her without a condom. She broke down and started crying.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I wanted a baby with you. I must be sick to think I wouldn't get in trouble doing what I planned last night. I tried so hard to make sure nobody would cum in me. I almost made it too. I don't doubt but what I'm knocked up either. Last night was my most fertile time and with my luck Billy Boy did it. That was what he was called." Kim left the room and went up to the bedroom.

I didn't make any threats or go near her and she stayed there the rest of the day. I went to bed early and I heard her in the kitchen getting something to eat. Wednesday morning Kim made breakfast like she did for me on most weekdays. Over coffee she asked, "How come you aren't working?"

"Took some personal time. Got as long as needed to straighten out my problems at home."

"So what happens next?"

"I'm waiting on something from Randy. He promised me something."


"Can't tell until I see it. When I do, you are going to call Pete and George and settle this thing at a little meeting I have planned."

"Don't do that Sam, please. You'll get into a fight and you'll get hurt. I feel bad enough about everything and if you get hurt, it'll be that much more I'll feel guilty about."

"Should I care how you feel? I think I can handle them and I think they are all talk anyway."

"Can't you wait until this settles down?"

"You mean wait until Martha and Rachel get home so I can invite them to the meeting too?"

That shut Kim up. A half hour later Fed-Ex brought a package to the door. I signed and then opened it. It was a VCR tape. I put it in the player. "Do you want to watch this? I think you are the star."

"What is it? A tape of my rape? That's sick!"

"I don't know, but it ought to be interesting viewing." I hit the button. The first scene was of Kim when she jumped out of George's pickup with her tits bouncing and swinging from her exuberant motion. The camera even caught Kim reaching for George's prick and him telling her to wait. You could tell the camera was being held by hand, but then it steadied and became fixed. Wide angle on, it caught all the action inside the cabin.

Kim dove for the stop button on the VCR player, but I tackled her and pulled her down and held her on the floor. An hour and a half later, the video went black when the three of them were resting on the bed. This is where they became aware that they had company. "Hey Babe, you did pretty well. I can see why you had to rest. Two blow jobs, two fucks each and you got your pussy eaten twice. You were a busy little woman."

Kim was lying on her back with her eyes closed with tears trickling down each side of her face. "Are you going to let me up now?"

"Nope, I thought you might want to replay those scenes with me right here on the floor."

Her eyes searched mine. "Sam if you so much as even touch me, I won't wait to be kicked out, I'll walk out. Up until now I was sorry I did this to you, but if you get off on what I did, I've lost all respect for you."

"You're really sorry?"

"Yes I am. You married a slut and you have the pictures to prove it, but that was Monday. I won't be a slut anymore for you or anyone else. I'd rather be raped than do what you just saw. If I had known how this looked I would have resisted those guys just to gain back my self-respect. So what are you going to do?"

"Kim, I'm serious now and I want an answer to some questions. I'll give you a supposition. Say I was still home sick Monday night. Would you have postponed your get-together until last night or tonight, just because your plans went awry? Think carefully. Another question and then I'll let you answer. Say you went through this like you have this week? Say next week I, Martha and Rachel were going to be out of town and you were absolutely sure we were, would you go up to the cabin and fuck Pete and George?"

"Most likely yes to the first question. I was so excited thinking about it when the three of us got together and it was suggested. With no hesitation I can answer the second question. Never again. When you kick me out and divorce me, I'm going to find a man and be true to him. I wish it could be you. I didn't know how much I loved you until I've lost you." Unconsciously Kim put her head into my chest and sobbed.

I didn't say anything. Suddenly Kim stopped sobbing, pulled her head back and looked into my face. "Sam, is there any hope for me and you still? My God, you give me hope."

"Kim there is a lot to work through yet. When we get done with this you may not want me at all, instead of me not wanting you. I don't want to say anymore. We'll just take it easy not asking or promising too much for a few days, okay?"

"I guess so. What can I do to help though?"

"What I would like you to do is help me scare the shit out of Pete and George. I honestly like Rachel and Martha and I'd like to get a little payback for what happened at the cabin."

"I can live with that as long as you don't kill or maim them. I know I gave in to them, but you don't know how long they put pressure on me."

"Okay then, can you entice them over here and play the video for them. If they know there is a possibility that it will get back to Martha and Rachel, they are going to be some worried. That's what I want the most."

Kim thought it over. "You know, to really get back at Pete and George you would show this video to Rachel and Martha."

"Yes, but you are in the video too. I don't particularly want everyone to know I'm married to a--you tell me what I'm married to."

"Sam you're married to a reformed slut. I was and then I wasn't."

"Okay, I don't want people to see what you were."

"I'm hoping, but I don't see how you can forgive me."

"Maybe I'm a little culpable."

"I don't see how."

"We'll discuss it some other time."

Kim left a message on both Pete and George's phone for a call back. Pete called saying George and he were together. "Kim are you all right? What happened to you? George and I woke up and you weren't at the cabin."

"I'm okay, but why didn't you call yesterday if you were so worried?"

"We didn't know what to do. What did you want?"

"I want you to come over here right away. I'll even get you a bite to eat, if you get here before six."

"Have you heard from Sam?"

"Nope. He shouldn't be home until tomorrow. This is something else we need to discuss."

"About Monday night? Are we in trouble?"

"Maybe. I don't know yet. Can't you get here soon?"

"We'll be right over."

It was only five minutes until a car pulled into the driveway. Kim let them in. Both looked worried and again wanted to know how she got home. "I don't honestly know. The last I remember was George getting shocked. I must have passed out. I woke up here in my bed. I was filthy. You saw what was happening to me. What happened at the cabin?"

"Nothing more to us, I guess. Pete woke up first and got me awake finally. We looked around and you were missing. They must have taken you away. The cabin had been picked up and our clothes were on a chair. My truck was gone, but when we got back here it was in my driveway with the keys in it. This is very scary. Who were those guys anyway?"

"I don't know, but I know one thing. They took a video of us. That's why I called. It came this morning by Fed-Ex. It's in the player now. I'll play it. God what a disgusting performance I put on."

Kim turned it on and Pete and George watched it. They kept looking at Kim while it played. When it was almost finished, Kim got up and could be heard retching in the bathroom. She came back in. Pete said, "We've got to destroy this. If this gets back to our wives we're toast."

I stepped into the room from the kitchen. Kim shrieked for effect and the guys jumped. "Go ahead and get rid of that copy if you want. I have another one that showed up at my office when I got in this morning. I thought you guys were my friends, but that's okay, I'll get even when I show your women the tape."

"Oh God, you can't, they'll kill us."

"You should have thought of that before you started hitting on Kim."

"But Kim was always flirting with us. She even flashed us a couple of times."

I looked at Kim and asked, "Did you?"

"Yes, but I didn't mean anything by it and then they kept saying they were going to tell you. They saw I was scared that they would and started putting pressure about me going up to the cabin with them. They promised just one night and then they wouldn't bother me anymore."

"Is that how it worked?" Neither one would say anything. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes. Here's what is going to happen and you two and Kim aren't going to like it one bit. I want a fair shot at your wives without any interference from any of you. I want to flirt and if I can convince them to have me fuck them or eat their pussy, you are going to let me. I promise I won't take them away from you or make them dissatisfied with you. How about it?"

Pete looked at me as if I was crazy. "No fucking way." He aimed a punch at me. I was expecting it. Now Pete had about three inches on me and maybe thirty pounds, but he hadn't been where I had been or had to do the things that I did to save my life. I stepped away as if I was afraid and launched a roundhouse kick at his head. I pulled it some, for I didn't want to hurt him that bad, but as it was, it landed where I aimed and sent him reeling backward until the couch caught him behind the knees where he sprawled.

George saw this happen, but decided that it was a fluke and came for me. He had one hand out with the other pulled back to hit with. I grasped his wrist and pulled him toward me and down and I hopped over his arm, which put it up behind him and left him helpless, with me able to dislocate his shoulder at will. I could hold this fist up between his shoulder blades with one hand. Pete was looking as if he was coming after me again, so I took my other hand and pinched off the blood in George's neck and counted to ten. At ten, he flopped on the floor out cold.

Pete stated, "You killed him."

"Nope, just convinced him to quit fighting. What's it going to take to convince you?"

"More than that," and he came after me again. This time I dropped down and placing one hand on the floor, I kicked with both feet at his middle, knocking the wind out of him and putting him back on the couch. George was coming to now. I pointed to the couch and both sat there looking at me.

"You both could be dead if I wanted to go that route. Now where were we?"

George spoke, "Do you have to do this to us? I love Martha."

"How do you think I feel about Kim? You didn't stop to think of that. She didn't think much about me either, so I figure you're all equally to blame. You people put horns on me. Kim has admitted the obvious, that she was a slut for you guys, but says she has now retired. So now she becomes my problem. I think if you guys continue to hit on a woman that belongs to someone else, especially in this neighborhood, you have your own problem. Now we can get this neighborhood back to the way it was and bury this little episode if you want. But I'm warning you, the first hint of this getting out and I'll say fuck it and send Martha and Rachel a copy of the tape."

"What about Kim? She screwed around on you. Are you going to let her get away with it?"

"You guys have enough problems to worry about without concerning yourselves with Kim and me."

"How did you take us so easily? Christ, we might as well have been ten-year olds."

"I don't know all the secrets in your life and you damned well don't need to know all of mine. What happened here is all you need to know and enough to be careful around me. I used my expertise as a deterrent. It would have ended differently if I thought I needed to. As Kemo Sabe says, "Don't fuck with the Lone Ranger." I'm sure Pete and George were now seeing me differently--more than just a paper pusher.

Kim did too and asked when we were alone. "Why didn't I know this about you?"

"I didn't think it necessary. I've done things in my life that had to be done at the time or I wouldn't be here. I was hoping all of that was in the past."

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

I tried to figure out how to tell her that didn't make me a killer. "Again Dear, that is in the past. No need to bring it up. I'm not going to talk about it anymore. It was just a job I was doing at the time."

"For whom?" I refused to answer and then she smiled. "I know, if you told me, you'd have to kill me. I won't mention it again."

We finally had a chance to eat dinner. Afterward we settled down on the couch. I asked, "Want to watch a porn movie with me?"

"If it is the one I'm thinking of, no!"

"It is, but I want to study it. As I think back on it there are some things I want to see again."

"You go ahead and watch it. I won't. I'm beginning to think you are sick and it makes me sad to think that I've done things to make you that way."

"I'm not sick and I damned well don't get off on you fucking my so-called friends. Something has been bothering me and I just want to verify if I'm correct in my assumptions. Come on, watch it with me."

"No, I'm too ashamed."

"Okay, but when I get in bed with you, you have to tell me if I'm right."

"You're going to sleep with me tonight?"

"Yes, if you want me to."

Tears started rolling down her face and Kim grabbed me and kissed me. She whispered, "I love you." She didn't say more and I soon heard the shower running.

I studied the tape minutely. I had to pause it and rewind it a short distance several times just to verify what I suspected. The beginning of the tape where Kim got out of the pickup was very much as it seemed. She was happy to be with these two guys, no doubt about it. However when the action started inside the cabin, there was a subtle change in her actions.

Blow jobs. Kim had always claimed that it meant nothing to give a guy a blow job. To her it was just a routine happening, something to do while you were waiting for the action to begin. I wasn't surprised to see her go to work on Pete and George and get them off. I knew what she was really waiting for. When George went to eat her pussy, I could tell this was what she was waiting for. As he worked at it, though, I could see the disappointment register on her face.

Son of a bitch, just as I suspected, she was faking it! I'll be Goddamned, her big night out with the boys was a bust for her. I started to laugh. It was the same when they were screwing her too. She would whimper and moan, but that was just for effect. They were not reaching her at all. When she had worn them out and just before the tape finished, she lay on the bed with a bored expression on her face. I could see into her mind and she must be thinking, "I cheated on Sam for this?"

What about me and my buddies though? Had we reached her? I was there and if I remember correctly, she sounded the same as when Pete and George were screwing her. Of course I had not wanted her hurt and asked the guys to be gentle.

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This story goes out to a new friend of mine in the Navy… ‘Erica,’ my love, come home soon, OK? We miss you, here!!! xoxo, -BB ,) * * * * * The air inside was cooler than the hot August street outside. As I closed the door behind me, I wondered if I was at the right address. The sound coming from the bathroom down the hall would explain why there was no answer. The shower would have obscured my ringing entirely. But, if I were at the wrong house, I could easily wind up spending the night in...

2 years ago
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Kimmie was sex-mad. Sex-crazy. A nymphomaniac. And this is her story. She was 13, and lived with her dad and 3 brothers in a large house in the suburbs. Her mother died when she was a few months old. She was quite small, around 5 feet. Her body was very tight and slim, her ass the same, and her tits were developing nicely. Her blond hair fell to just past her shoulders. Her brothers were all older than her. Jordan was the youngest of the trio at 15. Him and Callum, who was 16, looked...

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I first met Kimmy through a mutual friend and she instantly made an impression on me. Literally – we first met at a local concert and as she surfed overhead I got beamed with an army boot. But when we finally got talking, I didn’t mind the potential concussion. She was a cool girl to know, smart, pretty, funny. It turned out we had plenty in common and plenty to talk about, but as far as I could see our relationship was one of friendship and nothing more. It’s not that I didn’t find her...

4 years ago
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Kat was on the prowl. we had been out of state and with family so her pussy intake was very low. As soon as the plane landed she was on her way to Janette's house a woman that she took out of a PTA meeting and two hours later had the strap-on balls deep in her red haired cunt. Janette ran a small office was married and had two daughters one 19 and away at school and then Kimmy 16 years old perfect ass and big tits for her age. She ran track and her long tan legs drove Kat crazy. Pulling up to...

3 years ago
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(My thanks go to CambriaRose for sorting this two chapter story out for me. It sure flows better now she worked her magic on it. I hope you the reader enjoy this first chapter.) * I promised her I would go on, I promised her I would find someone else and live again. I lied. The fateful day I lied to the one person who was the most important to me, was a Tuesday in March. Both our work schedules came together on a beautiful, sunny day and we went out and enjoyed it. We were less than five...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

2 years ago
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This day was different from most others, as when I was about half-way done with the painting, I heard someone giggling behind me. When I turned around, I met the eyes of a young beauty. She was watching me work on the picture, and was delighted to see it being done. She stayed for the next hour watching me paint, and we got to talking. Her name was Kimber, she was 19, and she was fascinated by my work. Nothing is more flattering to an artist than having a beautiful girl who admires your work...

1 year ago
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The Choir Director Part 2

It's been two weeks since the first time Joshua fucked me senseless and we have gotten together at least four days a week. Joshua said that his brother will be here on Friday and when I heard that my pussy got so wet you might have thought that I was in the shower. I wanted both of them to fill my holes as often as possible. When I told Joshua he laughed and said girl we are going to fuck you so much you may not be able to walk, Rashawn would love to fuck your sweet ass while I rape your cunt....

2 years ago
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A Party with Carol Pt 2

The sight of two beautiful small firm arses presented to me certainly made me grow. Okay, I am around six and a half, maybe seven inches, is that enough girls? Was this heaven? They parted their legs allowing me access to push my hands between them and stroke two hot and very moist pusses. Wow, that had me even more turned on. “Oh yes. More, more,” they were moaning, writhing under my touch. I stood back and spanked Jane’s right cheek. “Ooh, yeah.” Taking my very swollen and hard cock in...

Straight Sex
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ShawnChapter 10

During the day the queen had to go on tours of the city and formal reception was to take place that night. That was the time the queen would make known the money for the poor clinic. Then she would talk on her feelings about the situation with the whites segregating the blacks. I would normally stay home and in this case be with Charles, Anne and Lusa. However, this time I would be at the meal because of my knighthood and Lusa would be beside me to show our family's feelings. Mom bustled...

3 years ago
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Unnamed Act 4 Scene 2

He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before he lowers himself down to her neck, kissing her softly, tenderly, making a little trail of kisses slowly down her neck, over her shoulder, into her generous cleavage. He kisses, licks and nibbles a slow spiral across her left breast, feeling her heart speed to a thunderous gallop as his fingertips caress her right, lips and hand reaching the nipple at the same time, fingers and teeth pinching gently but firmly, tugging the full orbs playfully...

3 years ago
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4 My boss wife Desi Paki

It was a couple of months after I had an amazing threesome with Usman and his wife Ayesha. I had the confidence now to go for other adventures. I was working part-time in a IT firm and Mr. Saqib was my boss. He was in his mid 50’s and a very serious person. His first wife died a couple of years ago and he had three c***dren, two sons and a daughter. Mr. Saqib got married again with Mrs. Tayyaba last year, she is in her early 30’s and they have an age difference of about 25 years. I had met them...

2 years ago
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A Midday Cheat A Modern Family FanFic

He didn’t go out of his way to keep count the number of times he had heard the song in these last three weeks but his brain - which was always on - told him that he had heard it seventeen times. Seventeen times Andy had reflexively pawed where Haley had bitten him on his collarbone during the song’s final thrumming beats. Seventeen times Andy had instantly relived the final, elongated thrust they shared as Haley’s bite put him over the edge. Seventeen times Andy had felt a stirring unlike...

2 years ago
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The beginning of the end

Nobody knows about the affair my teacher is having with me except the two of us. We promised each other we would never tell anyone about what we had and we’ve kept that promise the last two years. Though Linda always tells me she still loves her husband, she won’t let us be a public couple, even though I’ve graduated from high school. I graduated from high school last May and now it’s been 2 months since I’ve had to deal with all the pricks in that prison. High school was the worst 4 years of...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Four Roses Part 2 Finale

Note : This story is completely fictional! *** Here I am, back again. A lot has happened since last I wrote. Barb died. She was 81. Another heart attack but this one was very severe. Her laughter and joy will be missed. The doctor said she had an orgasm as she took her last few breaths. WAY TO GO BARB! I think I have found another gal to join us. By the time I finish this, I should know for sure. It’s hard to believe but Mom is gone. She was 93 years old and still participated in what has...

3 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 02 Skinny dipping surprise

Troy looked around. There was nothing else in sight. No other people or zombies. Fucking that blond girl last week was a lot of fun. But now it just made him crave real sex even more. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Troy snuck closer to where she was, using the tree line as cover. He was able to get within feet of her pile of clothes. He decided to make his presence known. He lifted up his AR-15 and pointed it directly at her. “Well hello missy” he said casually. “Drop the...

1 year ago
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MageChapter 84

Roxanne and I sat at the same table as Oonagh was brought into the room, looking distinctly smugger than she did the last time. “So, nemesis, it appears you want what I may be able to supply?” she asked with a cold smile. “There are certain coincidences in the tale that merit an investigation. Though nothing we can see would indicate how you would know of such a ‘deceitful weapon’ and its effectiveness against a Vultoqi patripure,” I replied. “Well, you’ll never know unless you accede to...

2 years ago
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Awesome sex with Saali and her husband

The story I write below happened during the initial years of our marriage. My wife conceived and the good news was conveyed to all. My in-laws took my wife away to their place (mumbai) very early saying that she needed special attention.I was alone for nearly a year till my wife returned with the child. Her younger sister falguni also came with her. The reason was that falguni had finished her graduation and my wife had persuaded her to come to Delhi so that she would be of help to my...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Lovely Wife In Terrace

Hello to everyone. After reading so many stories. I felt sharing my horny story with all you all. My self vipin (age 28yrs) & my lovely milf wife name is richa(age 27). Before i start narrating my story & all you horny men, women & couples started jerking & rubbing your dick & pussy, please allow me to describe myself & my super sexy wife. I am muscular guy 5’11 inches tall with broad shoulder & chest & 6 inches long dick. & about my wife she is 5\\\’9 tall with model like face & blonde...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Piper Perri Tiny Piper Perri Welcomes Mandingo To Her Vagina

Attention porn pervs that enjoy petite blondes getting visibly skewered by long black dong. You have found a scene to quench your thirst. No wonder it’s called cam soda. Little Piper Perri is putting on her show and she has Mandingo over to deliver for her fans. Piper takes control and Mandingo seems to approve. The starlet two hands her meat missile and sucks the end while stroking. She works up the courage to climb aboard and there is a clear discrepancy in size. Amazingly, tiny Perri...

3 years ago
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Swrong Son Part 1

"It's been a great night," I said to myself, "a really good night, and I'm just about ready for bed." It was one thirty a.m. my sister, my brother and their families had left before midnight as they had small k**s to consider, and the last of the guests for my father's forty sixth birthday celebrations had left a half an hour ago, leaving the back garden looking like a bomb had hit it. I'd spent the past fifteen minutes picking up the rubbish, and was now almost finished.I picked up the last...

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My Sisters Hands

Shortly after I turned sixteen and Marilyn turned fifteen I began to notice that my little sister wasn't so little anymore. At fifteen years old she had already developed a rather large bosom and a very nice, curvaceous body. She was around five feet eight or nine and I guessed her to be somewhere near one hundred twenty pounds. She kept her hair short and parted on the side. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, but then again, she was only fifteen and mom and dad didn't approve of that sort of...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Husband

The Perfect Husband My name is David and I'm writing this as a testimony to how a man can change. I was a typical man two years ago, with a pretty wife named Cathy, a great job in real estate, a house you would probably envy and good looks that meant I could pretty much have any woman I wanted -- which I did, even after I was married. Now Cathy suspected I slept around (calling them affairs would make them sound more important to me than they were), but she basically towed the line...

4 years ago
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why i am your king

“What makes you think you’re a king?” Sheila asked. James had shuffled up onto the bed on his knees in between her legs. His answer was to flex his groin muscles to lift his penis into a full, stiff, upright erection. The organ bulged with huge veins that wrapped around the shaft like lightning bolts of Zeus, showing every detail, every definition as they snaked under his satiny black skin. It was like the trunk of a great Sequoia rising more than nine inches above the base where hung his plump...

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Facebook Ne Di Mujeh Mast Lady

Aap sab lund walo aur chut walio ko namaskar!!! Dost thoda apne baare me bata deta hu fir story pe aunga. Mai ek sales professional hu aur solution dena mera kaam hai aap sab jante hi ho sales job ke bare me. Ab story pe aata hu 10 saal pehle mera divorce ho gaya tha to akela hi life guzar raha tha.Facebook pe activity karna bahut achcha lagta hai.Aise hi ek face book pe friends ke sath chat kar raha tha..Kuch male aur female ko request bhej raha tha..Kuch ek mahine baad ek lady meri request...

2 years ago
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Watching Anita giving a wet blowjob

My old friend Omar called me from Boston, saying he would spend a couple days in Savannah, assisting to some boring conference.I told him that he could stay at our home instead of being alone at the hotel and he was glad to accept my invitation. My sweet Ana was also glad to know Omar would visit us.I knew my sensual wife had always been horny about him; but I was sure that my good old friend had never fucked her…Omar arrived and he went from the airport directly to the conference and we could...

3 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life pt5

We drove home where after arriving I got out of the car and went to the door of my house "Oh Tiffany I think you have forgotten something, you don't own that house anymore.... I DO." She held her hand out. "Key," she stated. I took the key out and gave it to her, with a trembling voice I asked, "Where will I stay Mistress?" "Oh for the time being I will let you live rent free in your old place," she said while unlocking the door, "but you will not be allowed a key, now go inside...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 6

The box I carried in was, indeed, clamps. Lots of slide-bar clamps. Clamps four foot down to three inch. I had a bench full of clamps. The laser cut 4mm plywood parts were of a precision I could not possibly match. A light swipe with a bit of sandpaper removed the char from the laser cut. I swept the concrete floor and wiped my area with degreaser. Shit ... Walking on it left shoe prints. I quickly retrieved my plastic wrap from the dumpster and wrapped my shoes. No tracks. Figuring I’d...

3 years ago
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Heather Catches ME Part 3

I pulled into Heather's driveway around 6:00am. I had been told the day before to be there in good time as they had a very special day for me planned. As I got out of the car and headed to the door I noticed a UHaul truck backed part way in the garage. Wondering what exactly they had in store with that, I kept heading to the front door. I rang the doorbell and was met almost immediately by Heather and Nicole. They were both dressed like prostitutes, but ready for the day...

3 years ago
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Caught and the Consequences Part 3

Part 3   I signed the contract and handed it back to my wife, well my Mistress now I guess.   She took it from me and said ‘Good girl’ ‘As you will have seen you are now Philippa, now go and get all your male clothes.’   ‘Can I get dressed’ I said.   She slapped me hard across the cheek. ‘When you speak it will be respectfully and always address me as Mistress or I will make you remember’   ‘Sorry Mistress, may I get dressed Mistress’   ‘No I will tell you when to get dressed and what to...

4 years ago
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My First Submissive Girlfriend Chap 5

The next day, I woke to a bright sunshiny day. Sorry, I know that it sounds like a line in a rock song, but it just seemed to fit here. I got up, showered, and got ready to make sure all of the arrangements were handled for the collaring ceremony.I went to the kitchen in my new apartment and started the coffee pot. After I got a cup, I started to make a list of everything I wanted to double-check on. The collaring ceremony was set for four pm and I wanted everything to be perfect.I called...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 19

Béla grunted with each thrust of Frank's hard dick. He was lying heavily on top of her, his face buried in the pillow next to her head. She could feel his hot, ragged breath against her shoulder and neck. Her arms were trapped inside his, as he lay with his arms wrapped completely around her. Without realizing it (or maybe he did), he had her completely immobilized. She could barely even breathe under his weight, but, she really didn't mind – no air made for better orgasms ... and she...

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kate sunday night

I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cum Sally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard again Sally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her nose Kate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I’m fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned on...

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Dads Friend Opens Up Her Heart Her Home and Her Legs

I remember meeting Shelly for the first time. My dad and I sat in Shelly's kitchen at the table enjoying a cigarette. I heard a door open and out came Shelly. She had just come out of the shower and was wearing a towel, her hair still wet and her skin glistening. I remember she had a great pair of legs. She walked past us and said hi to me with a great smile. She reached out to take my hand. "Hi, I'm Shelly," she said. I reached out and daintily took her hand. "Hi, I'm Zach." She smiled and...

3 years ago
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My Mum’s story starts with an exchange between her and myself, recorded on my tablet. [Erect dick pic] “Billy, seriously what the hell? This is not funny, call now!” “Relax, it’s just a dick pic.” “But I’m your mother; you shouldn’t be sending me anything like that! Now answer your phone. I’m trying to ring you!” “Technically you’re my foster-mother.” [Erect dick pic] “Are you drunk? Pick up your phone!” “Not drunk, have another. Your turn.” [Erect dick pic] “What are you thinking?...

1 year ago
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I am Amy Palmer and I'm 24 years old. I have a slim build with pale skin and a firey, orange curly mess of hair thanks to my Scottish heritage. And I have a rather odd problem. I'm not sure when exactly it started, but it's been happening more often recently. I'm being haunted. Not just in my house, whatever it is, it follows me. It isn't like a normal ghost story you may have heard of. No, this one seems to enjoy ripping my clothes in public to cause me to flash people, it'll wait until I'm in...

4 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 1 Blown Gasket

Savannah, GA August 1985 "Young man, now is not the time for games!" Mrs. Peterson picked up the instrument of power that was her phone and dialed a few numbers. "Could you come out please and deal with an unruly student, he's disrupting registration. Thank you," she said into the phone. "Coach Nevill will deal with you! Now move away! Next please." Tony, Cheri, and Tina moved out from in front of the counter. Anita was sitting in a nearby chair. Marj and Rebecca chuckled softly and...

4 years ago
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Good Party Great Time

As for my first time, well, here it goes. It was a Friday night; the Totems had just won their first away game of the season. Students and staff alike were all screaming and laughing. The after party was a must, but sadly, turned out to be a major let down. Of course being the party girl I am I stayed even after all my friends had left. I recognized no one; I was the only sophomore in the rowdy crowd. I was being pushed and shoved; now and then an overly friendly hand would slip to my...

First Time
2 years ago
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But now summer vacation was over, Tom had closed the pool and I went back to being the prim and proper school teacher.Over and over again, I found myself thinking again about being nude for Keith. I felt that same tingle down below knowing that I was making his cock hard. And I couldn’t forget the arousal I felt when he was rubbing lotion on my thighs. In my fantasies I wanted Keith to take me. To kiss me, to feel my boobs, to open my legs, to make me take his cock in my mouth and then deep in...

2 years ago
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Aunty Bettys Satin

So there I sat trying to cover myself with her cream satin blouse and bras soaked in cum, waiting for her to say something. to my surprise she just turned about and went inside her house...I hurriedly cleaned myself up put my undies and jeans back on and motioned to go back to the gardening, A few minutes ticked by and then she called out to me to come inside.."bring my blouse and bras with you" I nervously went to the back door and knocked on it, her clothes rolled up under my arm...She...

3 years ago
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Naked in School TyshalaWednesday

I woke up feeling the lingering warmth of Brian's lips on mine. When I opened my eyes, however, I was alone, on the floor and sore as all hell. I managed to lever myself up and I was in the shower trying to wake up all the way when Mrs. Redmond told me he was downstairs and they were holding breakfast for me. I looked at my clothes. One uniform skirt and one pair uniform pants — none of my other bottoms fit anymore. I took the skirt because it was easier. Not because I've been told I have...

2 years ago
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'm not out to make a distinction here. I enjoyed what I did and that's enough.Of course, titillating circumstances contributed much to my sexual development. It punctuated my life with honest pride, in which later, I found myself absorbed. Yet, five fabulous years of reckless wallowing in the mud can make even a pig like me feel bloated, full.What else can a number of men offer but his cock? Whether rigid, stout, massive or long, it remains their first instrument of choice for instant...

1 year ago
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Bens New Look Mallrats

Ben Tennyson leaned back and yawned irritably. It was a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon... and he was stuck in a girl's clothing store. He supposed it couldn't be helped; he and his family had been ambushed by Sixsix the bounty hunter that morning, and though a few blows from Fourarms sorted the bounty hunter out, the Rust Bucket was pretty beat up in the fight. They had no choice but to push the derelict vehicle to the nearest town. Grandpa Max had given the two of them some money to...

2 years ago
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My sexy cousin and her friend

Hello readers here are Sameer again. With a new story. Let me don’t waste ur time and directly lets come to story. My cousin age was 22 when this story happened. She got married last year in April that is in 2006. She was a beautiful women with a nice face and with a sexy figure. Her face was like Amisha Patel. So let me call her Amisha. Her figure was about 36 26 36. She was having a very nice and big boobs as well as nice and big ass. I was very free with her before the marriage as well as...

1 year ago
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A Really Special Birthday Present

It was my birthday and I was sitting in the lounge of my neighbour, Hazel's flat. She'd called and asked if I'd pop up as she had something for me. When I'd arrived, I'd found the door open and when I knocked, she'd called out for me to go on into the lounge. As I passed the bedroom, she called out again. "Happy birthday Mike, I won't be long. Make yourself comfortable." Hazel and I had been friends ever since I'd moved into the flat above hers six months earlier and although we were...

3 years ago
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Mom pays the price

Elizabeth had c***dren at an early age. Now in her late thirties she decided to become the mother she never was. She took in her son Brian and her two other daughters. The c***dren's resentment was clear and she had no control over any of them. Brian was the worse of the lot. Because he was a man (just turned 18) he felt he could do whatever he wanted and whenever he wanted. She was not going to let her c***dren run the house.One night Brian and his friend Jose were about to leave when...

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My first experience wife swapping

This is a true story. Our neighbors from across the street, let’s call them Ted and Dianne (not their real names). We both moved into the neighborhood at about the same time. We also both had daughters that were in the same grade and became close friends. We started socializing and going out with Ted & Dianne. We had a hot tub and Ted & Dianne had a swimming pool. We used to enjoy their pool in the warmer months, and they enjoyed our hot tub in the cooler months. Since k**s were always...

3 years ago
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Ester was in the water, and James was on the shore. She was swimming on her back. The wind was blowing gently over her head, as she faced the coastline. Hills and cliffs were visible behind the beach, dim green, square fields of yellow. Above them, everything was grey, a beautiful, vast grey. It was light, and then dark. The infinite mass of clouds hung low; so near it seemed at Ester’s fingertips, so wide it seemed holy. Her arms came up and down around her and cut the water underneath her...

Love Stories
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A Maids Writing To The Unknown 1 After All Now He Is She

A Maid's Writing To The Unknown 1: After All, Now He Is She By A. Anis My misfortune, it is increasing every moment. My Mistress, who is also a wealthy lawyer in Her own affairs, has been redacting certified documents for me to legalize with my compulsory signature, to evidence, Her total control of my affairs and properties. i can't think straight now and don't know how to protect my self, even less after She has forced me, apparently voluntary in presence and with the legalised...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Women

This incidence is of 7 years old. When i was in my 12th standard. In our appartment I my brohter, my sister in-law, my mother, and my nephew 5 months old were living . till then then it was not known to me about a women/girl. my sister in-law is very beautiful, and charming and she is very careful to me. because we were living very happily respecting each other. One day i entered in my sister in-law’s room for some money, ( because my brother and my mother was not in home). at that time my...

3 years ago
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The Ruse

Camilla opened the front door and saw Mrs. Wilson standing there with a stern look on her face. Just behind Mrs. Wilson stood Lucy, who was blushing.Camilla was eighteen-years-old and had light brown hair that flowed past her shoulders, was slim and fit-looking and was wearing a pink vest top and a white very short mini-skirt, with bare legs.Mrs. Wilson was one of her mum’s friends and was forty-four-years-old. She had dark brown hair that sat on her shoulders and was wearing a sleeveless...

3 years ago
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Psychatric evaluation

Life had never been easy, not growing up on the streets as much as in foster families who might or might not be nice people.But then whenever Moira saw spoiled brats she had known she was much better off, actually learning valuable life lessons they would never learn at all, or if when they were forty and left by their spouses. Maybe. Whatever.The first and most important of those lessons had been to develop two separate personalities. Nice girl working hard for her place in life on the...

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