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(My thanks go to CambriaRose for sorting this two chapter story out for me. It sure flows better now she worked her magic on it. I hope you the reader enjoy this first chapter.)


I promised her I would go on, I promised her I would find someone else and live again. I lied.

The fateful day I lied to the one person who was the most important to me, was a Tuesday in March. Both our work schedules came together on a beautiful, sunny day and we went out and enjoyed it. We were less than five miles from home when a drunk crossed the intersection causing our car to be totaled. She knew she was dying. It took me a few minutes to figure it out for myself. I refused to believe it, but you could see it in the paramedic’s eyes, when they were brave enough to look at us, while they tried so hard to get my wife and I out of what was once our car.

It took the fire department twenty minutes to cut Traci out of her side of the car. We both talked and cried the entire time. We talked about my future, and not once did we talk about us being together when all of this was over. She made me promise one final time. I could feel my heart break in two as the fire crew finally took what was left of the roof off and away from the car. I looked into her eyes and saw the light start to fade within them. Those last few words she heard of mine on this Earth were a lie. I couldn’t go on without her.

Traci was the reason I breathed. She was that one person in my life I shared everything with. It was a perfect life with her, there wasn’t a life after Traci. She was everything to me. I couldn’t face living without her by my side. This woman who sat bleeding next to me was everything to me. If I could have change places with her at that moment I would have and she knew it.

I was grateful to the hospital, they put me back together, even if it was only temporarily to attend the funeral. I wanted to stand but the cast on my back was simply too much. My brother wheeled me to the edge of the grave and I watched as she descended to her final resting place. It was well attended. She had so many family and friends in attendance it seemed to take forever for them all to say those words that meant so little, but made them feel better saying it.

Just before I returned to the hospital, I made my brother my power of attorney. It kept the ambulance chasers off my back since he was a lawyer himself. I learned later that he used a scorched Earth policy, no one was safe and most thought it wise to settle out of court.

The drunk driver tried hiring a fancy lawyer, but it did him no good when my brother showed the video of the crash taken by the fire crew. The judge made everyone sit through the whole video. Most cried when they listened to Traci, and one guy in the courtroom had to be restrained when the video paned to the drunk driver singing ‘Old Lang Syne’ only seconds before he was sick in the back of the police car.

My brother’s policy also kept the press at bay, even more so when one of my neighbors phoned the police after one of the press was caught, not only in our garden, but trying to take pictures through the patio window.

The paper quickly settled out of court but not before the judge got to hear about it and he told the press, in no uncertain terms, that if he ever heard of such a thing happening again, he would personally see to it that he was the judge on that trial.

It took a further six months of rehab before I could walk again. Something that comes to you so easily as a child has to be relearned as a thirty one year old man. Physically, I was now fit enough to leave the hospital. On occasions I still resorted to the help of a cane. The last thing I wanted was to share my grief in public, so I went out of the hospital with one of the paramedics and they dropped me off on the corner away from the crowd. My brother picked me up and took me straight to an airport hotel where we could finally get things settled, at least on paper. My brother showed me my bank balance and I winced, I cut a chunk out and tried to give it to him.

He refused, so we settled on me paying for his two girl’s college education, and a lump sum when they turned a set age. My brother knew me better than most. He knew he was saying goodbye to me, for how long I don’t think either of us knew the answer to. I understood it was hurting him so much, even his wife Miranda knew what was going on and insisted she came with him to the hotel. With the paperwork settled, he handed me a plane ticket and a set of keys and told me what I had asked for was in the long term parking lot.

I couldn’t stay, every time I looked at Miranda I saw Traci. When the McKenna twins proudly announced their marriage to the Thomson brothers the whole town just smiled and said ‘about time.’ We even made the local paper, well the third page anyway, but that was enough for our folks to go to the store and buy thirty papers each that day and send them to every known relative. I hugged Miranda one last time, and, for what felt like the hundredth time, told her I was sorry. She couldn’t help but burst into tears and run from the hotel room.

I took the shuttle bus to the airport alone and checked in. The flight itself was uneventful and for that I was extremely grateful. It was dark when I left the airport so I checked into one of the airport hotels and decided to start in the morning. Room service got a call and the music stations kept me company. It’s amazing what gets left in hotel rooms. Someone had left a country magazine in one of the drawers of the little cabinet by the bed. Odd night reading that was for sure, in it was an article on a young couple buying and renovating a few log cabins up at the lake some two hundred miles from the airport. I figured that would be a good place to start.

The next morning I got my truck out of the long term parking and headed to the lake.

******* The McDonalds were a nice couple, they had both been laid off and decided to buy the cabins and start their own business. I could tell that it was taking its toll on them and the fact that Jenna McDonald was three months pregnant didn’t help them either. I asked for a six month stay and paid it all in advance, I had no intention of staying that long but the look on their faces showed they could sure use the money. Cabin seven was the most recent to be modernized and the smell of varnish came to you as you opened the door just to remind you.

The television got pushed into the closet alongside my fishing rods and tackle box. I made myself at home and even got to the store before it closed and stocked up on food and any other items that caught my eye.

The next morning cabin Seven yielded yet one more surprise, it had its own jetty that jutted out onto the lake by some fifty feet, all recently renovated and showing a new coat of varnish. For the next two weeks, I fell into a habit, breakfast, grabbed my fishing equipment and sat out on the end of the jetty. I never caught any fish. I don’t even know if there were any in the lake, but I went out anyways.

As I sat and watched the scenery in front of me I let my mind mend itself, or at least try to mend itself. It was the mental side of me that I was worried about. The image of Traci in those last moments of her life, knowing that I lied to her as she took those words with her became all consuming. Thankful that my hat and sunglasses hid my tears, soon I became a creature of habit. As soon as I woke and had a coffee I would walk to the end of the jetty, set my rod up, and sit.

The images of the crash were still fresh in my mind, but slowly the events on the lake kept my thoughts occupied enough that those images became less painful, at least during the day. The lake seemed to be used a great deal, I would always see a small boat off in the distance moving along the shoreline. Jenna Macdonald would occasionally drop by to see if I had caught anything, I never did and I didn’t have the heart to tell her

******* I heard it before I saw it. The mist kept it a secret for as long as it could before the little boat burst forth. A little girl slumped forward, although her arm was resting in the controls, it was obvious as the boat passed me and slid onto the bank alongside the jetty that the girl was unconscious. I ran along the jetty and jumped onto the boat just as the boat came to a stop, the girl hadn’t moved, even when I switched the engine off.

There seemed little point in being gentle when I felt for a pulse in her neck. It was so weak I almost missed it. She was cold and clammy as well. Not a good sign at all. Even when I picked her up and carried her back to the cabin her eyes never opened. I spotted the bracelet as I placed her on the couch, thankfully, it yielded all the information I needed. Getting sugared water into her was difficult but pinching her nose proved effective enough. Once her lips started to change to a more normal color I picked up the phone and called the McDonald’s.

‘Jenna, I have a little girl here, age I would say seven, red shoulder length hair and freckles. She has a Diabetes bracelet on and the name on it is Kimberly, does any of this mean anything to you?’

‘Yes that’s Karen’s little girl. What is she doing at your cabin? She lives clear across the lake!’

‘Can you call her mother and tell her that her daughter has had a hypoglycemic attack out on the lake, I’ve stabilized her but she’s going to need her insulin before she can be moved.’

What followed was a very frantic Jenna having a mild panic attack over the phone before telling me she would call Karen straight away. Jenna turned up ten minutes before another car came speeding up the dirt road, screeching to a stop sideways on to the cabin. Some red haired woman burst into the cabin quickly looked around and dashed over to the child laying on the couch, unzipping an insulin case as she did. My part in this drama was over as far as I was concerned. Kimberly would be fine once her mother gave her insulin, so I walked back to the lakes edge and secured the boat to the jetty, sat down and went back to my fishing.

It was another hour before Karen and I assume Kimberly left. Although the hesitant footsteps on the jetty told me that Jenna still had something to say so I got up and met her half way. The anger in her eyes and the confused look on her face let me know long before she spoke that she had to say something or burst.

‘Forgive me for saying this but you’re a cold fish aren’t you.’

My walking slowly past her showed that I was only going to continue this conversation back at the cabin. Jenna made it to the porch and sat down. I came back out with two iced teas and sat across from her, my back resting against one of the porch’s support posts.

‘There was nothing else for me to do Jenna. I knew she was stable and once I saw her mother run into the cabin with Kimberly’s insulin case in hand, my being there would simply be another person in the cabin nothing else. I would guess judging by the puncture marks on Kimberly’s body that she has been Diabetic for at least two years so her mother knew exactly what to do.’

Jenna went to get up and leave, the anger within her not placated in the slightest, so I held up my hand and she sat back down.

‘I left her in no danger Jenna. I was still within earshot if things had gone wrong but I knew nothing would so I left you both to it. Kimberly needed to see familiar faces when she woke, not a strangers, it would have confused her even more than needed.’

I doubt very much that I had persuaded her otherwise, she just shrugged her shoulders as she left the porch, told me that her husband would be by later to take the boat back across the lake, and left.

The lake mist had thinned even more now that the sun was burning it away, but I had lost the energy to sit at the end of the jetty watching a fishing rod. I packed it all away and headed into town for more supplies. The boat was gone by the time I got back and for the next couple of days my own routine returned to normal.

******* The sound of a car coming to a halt outside my cabin broke me from my thoughts. I watched it for a few moments, the woman inside seemed reluctant to leave the car. Pulling my rod clear of the water and walking towards her seemed to have the desired effect as both doors opened Kimberly and her mother got out.

It was Kimberly that reached me first and she held out her hand and said. ‘Thank you for your help and for looking after me until my Mom came. I was kinda lost and when I couldn’t see the bank anymore because of the mist, I got confused.’

Kimberly looked back towards her mother who was already giving her a stern look. ‘It also didn’t help that I missed breakfast.’

I shook her hand and told her she was welcome, it was Karen who seemed to want to keep her distance that was until Kimberly grabbed her arm and pulled her mom alongside her. I was having a hard time reading her and the sunglasses she had on didn’t help. Eventually she asked Kimberly to go for a walk along the jetty, she wanted to speak to me alone. That was the time I probably wished I had somewhere else to go. We both watched Kimberly pout and give the usual ‘but Mom’ before she walked onto the jetty to check out the scenery from this side of the lake.

‘I’ll be honest with you Mister I didn’t volunteer to be here. My daughter hit me with one of my own rules and I couldn’t back away from it.’

Since I knew I was in for ‘one of those talks’ I turned and slowly walked along the lakes edge, Karen followed alongside, keeping an eye on Kimberly whilst we walked.

‘This rule you mentioned, is that the one about don’t talk to strange men?’

Her answer was just as swift. ‘No, always thank the people that do you a good turn. Although if it was left to me I would have made an exception in your case, my daughter could have died and all you did was return to your fishing.’

For the next minute or so we still walked but the silence started to become a wedge between us. I couldn’t be angry with her. She had her opinion and expressed it.

‘Kimberly was going to be fine, she was stable when I made my call to Jenna and once you turned up with her insulin I became redundant.’

The anger in her voice told me she wasn’t appeased by my words or even the conviction I put into them.

‘She could have died Mister, the nearest hospital is twenty miles to the south and the nearest doctor is eighteen miles to the east and you left her on the couch of your cabin and went fishing.’

I promised myself I would leave the world to its own devices, I promised myself that the world and its problems had nothing to do with me anymore I still had my own grief to deal with but Karen wanted something from me I was simply not going to give her.

‘As a matter of fact she was never more than fifty yards from a doctor in all the time she was here, and you have never been more than three feet from a doctor in all the time you have tried to make me feel guilty for my actions.’

Karen stopped and held onto my arm making me stop. I could see all of Kimberly in her mother, her hair was a slightly darker red and given the shade of her eyebrows and paleness of her skin she would have been a natural red head. It’s also why I understood her volatile nature.

‘You’re a doctor?’ Were the only words that managed to escape her lips.

She had a shocked look on her face and the redness of her embarrassment was now in competition with the color of her hair. The nod of my head was all she got as we headed back to the cabin. I may have not been licensed to practice in this state, but I’m sure in an emergency the medical association would stretch a point.

This time I got a hug from Kimberly before she left, I even got a small thank you from her mom as well, that alone made my day.

******* It took another week before things started to change. I went out to th
e end of the jetty, set my rod up and after an hour of glorious sunshine warming both the lake and me, I fell asleep. The sounds of women’s voices pulled me from my sleep. When I was awake enough to open my eyes, Kimberly was sitting in her little boat twenty feet from the jetty a rod hanging over the edge of the boat and Karen was sitting on a chair next to me a rod beside her. Neither of them said a word. The weirdness of the situation didn’t pass me by at all and to be honest I simply didn’t know what to say or do about it.

It was another twenty minutes before Jenna pulled up in her car, went to the trunk and pulled out an ice box and a picnic basket. Kimberly pulled her rod in and rowed her boat onto the shore to help Jenna.

‘I was wrong about you and that’s the first time that’s happened since I voted the wrong man into the President’s office. I can’t do anything about that, but I can apologize for treating you so badly last week. Kimberly is everything to me and although she now understands she took advantage of the freedom I give her by staying out on the lake and going further than we both agreed upon, I can’t wrap her in cotton wool. It would destroy her spirit.’

To me she had done what any mother would have done, and that’s shown true love and concern for her child. I couldn’t take her to task on anything. It wasn’t my place and I truly did understand. But Karen seemed to feel that she owed me. Perhaps that’s what today was all about, all three of them saying thank you.

‘Can you make lasagna?’

Her eyebrows almost came together in total confusion at my question and she nodded her head not sure how to add to that answer.

‘Well, I will send you my bill for my treatment of Kimberly some time.’

With that I pulled my rod out of the water and went to join Jenna and the picnic she and Kimberly had created on the porch table, Karen had caught up with me by the time I had reached the end of the jetty and we were still together the whole picnic. I knew now why the impromptu picnic, all three of them simply wanted to say sorry and with as little fuss as possible. I agreed and the company for the next couple of hours was simply great.

From time to time Karen came back to fish, Kimberly was off for the rest of the summer holiday’s to her grandparents. It was on these visits her story slowly came out. Her husband was killed in Iraq when Kimberly was five years old. Jenna McDonald was an old school friend and when the idea of the cabins was first thought about, Karen had bought one of the cabins outright so the MacDonald’s could use that as capital to get the cabin refurbishments kick started. It wasn’t until much later that I realized, the conversation was all one way.

Karen told me her life yet not once had she asked about mine. Now, I don’t profess to be an expert on women. Heck, what man can claim that and not be called a liar soon after? But it just seemed odd that I didn’t get one question asked, not even if I was married. Jenna would still drop by with her husband, and drinks would often be served on the porch until the light started to fade. All three of them were genuinely nice folks and I liked them, it was still Karen I had a few nagging doubts about.

Un-answered question that I was too afraid to ask in case it opened a conversation I would rather keep closed. It would soon be time for me to move on. I would miss these folks, but my greatest fear was that I would become attached, I couldn’t do that. Mentally, I was still too fragile.

******* I had been dreading this day, hating its approach like an unstoppable train. Traci’s birthday was here. I wasn’t ready. Neither my will power, nor my state of mind was strong enough. I had fought it with everything I had, but it just wasn’t enough. Flashes of our past, images of our time together culminating from that evening. The screech of tires seconds before our car was hurtled across the junction. The windshield shattered as the roof folded in sending sharp shards of glass over both of us, metal pinning us both to what was left of our seats, and of course the blood, so much blood.

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A Bit of Bass a Whateley fanfiction part 1

This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...

1 year ago
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You Should Have Listened to Your Mother

Forget all that crap about this being fiction.  This is taken from a week in my life—a week in which I found the Holy Grail. CHAPTER 1 I rolled the sedan to a stop, running down the passenger side window as I approached.  ?Hi?need a lift?  How far you going?? ?Yeah, I sure could use a ride.  I’m going almost all the way to the capital.? ?Okay, I can take you most of the way.  Climb in; just dump your backpack in the back seat.?  He opened the door and sat.  ?Before you buckle up, how about...

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DECEMBER 5th 2015

“Hi Gary, I saw your profile on here, and thought I would message you”This was the line that started it. This is a message I received an a swinging site I am a member of.Of course, I replied and, and this is how it all went.OK, I wont bore you with the introduction messages etc., but basically, I adore giving women oral sex, I love it in fact, and this is what my profile on the site is based around.The message came from L (name withheld). She was a 39 year young, single mother of one. After...

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ENF Sorority House

Welcome to Epsilon Nu Phi! Members of this sorority live in a unique situation where almost every expense on campus is paid by an anonymous alumni. Girls can request almost any product or service be billed to the house as long as it's on campus. All staff have records of E.N.F. house member to avoid fraud or to confirm a girls identity. The only time staff are allowed to refuse a request is when a girl attempts to buy clothes while she is underdressed. This brings us to the conditions that each...

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Mark and the Lady Teacher Part Trois

Lyn and Mark were lying in her bed, Mark rubbed her back and bottom "Your bottom does not feel too marked love it's quite smooth!!" Lyn said " You will have to thrash it again!" She turned to face him, he lifted himself put her right leg under his waist, her left leg over his right then slipped his cock into her! It was the first time they had made love!!..."OH MY GOD THATS FANTASTIC!!!! " screamed Lyn!!!!! Ten minutes later, exhausted Lyn said " Darling, would you thrash me some more , I want...

3 years ago
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Young Fern Part Two

Part two Last weekend Fern came to breakfast and we became closer as friends and neighbors. I was sitting on the back deck as I do having a morning coffee and this morning I was naked and soaking up the Sun. I knew that Fern and her Dad were going to be at their rental place cleaning it up in preparation for the carpet layers to come in on Monday and they were the only neighbors that were close enough to be able to see into my back yard. I closed my eyes and relaxed, dropping my cap down...

4 years ago
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Second Hand Rose

If you shouldn't be reading this, don't! Second Hand Rose by Vickie Tern Well I can't figure out how I got stuck in this story, as the main character no less, and I sure can't figure how to get out of it. I don't remember a lot of what happened. It was just supposed to be an ordinary party, and we were getting dressed to go there and my wife says to me "Now this time you do your drinking in moderation, the Andersons are cultured...

2 years ago
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RestoredChapter 5

Walking towards the garage, listening to the birds, whistling with them. Pressing the remote for the garage door to open, with the door raising the first thing that I saw was a pair of ladies high heels, then came two beautiful long legs, looking up standing in front of the MG was one of the most dazzling women I had ever seen in my life. On seen me, she crossed her hands over her chest and stared at me with frowned eyebrows. She Scanned me from head to toe a couple of times before she...

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Daddys Good Girl

Missy knelt on the bed between his legs stroking his hard cock. The fingers of both hands were working on him, kneading and pulling, her thumbs rubbing up and round his head, pressing lightly against the slit at the top. Up and down his shaft she played, then grasped him somewhat tightly and lowered her head to press her tongue against his head, licking at the hot little opening oozing precum. He moaned and his leg muscles tightened as her lips wrapped around him, resting just below...

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My First Anal Experience

This is my first story. I have read a lot of them on here and wanted to finally add my own.I was flying home from visiting friends and I a=had a layover in Atlanta for 2 days. I was in my room and very bored so I started looking at porn on the internet. I was getting myself really excited and wanted to see if I could find anyone to hook up with. I went to craigslist since it is a free site and there are always people looking. I was browsing through the adult classifieds when I accidentally...

1 year ago
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Breakthrough 1 My nephew

"Well, Bobby, what's going on? Are you having fun with girls, yet?" "Not really." "Not really? But sorta? Do you have a girl friend?" "Well I like this girl Allison, but she's just a friend." "A friend who's a girl, not a girl friend?" "Yeah. Sorta. But she's really pretty." I knew Allison from church and I had to agree ten times over about that. She was gorgeous and physically mature even though she was a few months younger than Bobby. "Aren't you the mysterious one....

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 5

I do not know how I have come to this place, but it is surely not the place of our people. It is a place of strange things and strange ways and a strange manner of speech and nothing familiar at all. The woman is strange, too. She is older like me, and thin; I think it may be that there is no food, or not much. Yet she has given me rich broth, full with flavor, and more again. I remember she took none herself. Does she give me her food and go hungry? Why would she do this for one she does...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 4

Mark already had his clothes off and was stroking his erection. As soon as Tim got out of the way, he climbed on Catherine’s hot sexy body. Sliding his hard cock into her very wet pussy, Mark started fucking the sexy blonde wife with hard strokes. Catherine continued to moan while working her hips, fucking him as he slammed his cock into her. Mark then leaned back on his knees and grabbed both of her large breasts in his hands. Pulling on her nipples, he continued to ride her. Catherine was...

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Discovery in Guatemala

Bailey was excited. It had been a long road to get where she was. She had married late in life. She was thirty when she married one of her older professors. She had started her family soon after. Her daughter, Thumper, was a planned addition. Bailey had felt secure in the beginning of her marriage. Bailey had been very insecure in high school. She had been tall and gangly as a fourteen year old. Her success on the track and cross country team got her lots of scholarships to college, but did...

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Bi Thai Threesome 3

Some of the many things our Australian friend loves about his and his wife's live-in lover, is that he is very gentle, soft and effeminate.At times, his wife is away with her business, so the boys tend to have the kind of fun that only they know how to share. It's different when the three of them are in bed and there is a blur of skin, pussy and cocks. When the boys are alone together, the well-built Aussie and the slim Thai fem-boi, they really indulge in some hot, slow, sensual love...

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Moms Journal

Sunday was another typical morning in the house, Robert was working on spreadsheets and emails and I had a massive headache from drinking too much the night before. The painkillers hadn’t kicked in yet so I decided to lie on the couch and watched an old movie. When Michael came down the steps admittedly I was surprised how grown up he was beginning to appear. He was always a nurturer so it didn't surprise me when he brought me water and curled up behind me on the couch. He always had an...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 2

Maureen did not know there was worse news ahead. Grace Williams (née Darling) was a beautiful 38 year old widow with triplets, all boys and 19 years old. Peter, Paul and John. Grace was an artist of some renown and wealthy. She lived an ordinary. normal life and she had financed her sons photography/video/animation business that had just started to make money. However, within a week her normal life had changed to one of sexual depravity that included incest and bestiality. She and her sons...

4 years ago
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Last week, while bent over with a cock deep inside me, I was asked if I'd dress as a cheerleader. I've been seeing this particular man a couple times a month since January. He's in his fifties, but looks and acts more like a guy in his thirties. He likes to put on porn while I give him long, slow blowjobs. He has an amazing cock, so when he wants to fuck me, I can't say no. He had me bent over the back of my couch when he started talking about how great I would look in a skirt. He proceeded to...

2 years ago
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The Developing of Emma Part One

From an early age it had always been the same; an attraction to girly things, never quite fitting in with the boys. When adolescence brought out its spots and downy genital hair, it also brought the urge to dress in sister’s clothes when no-one else was at home. The feeling of a tight bra and panties contrasting with the airy freedom of a thin cotton dress, whilst perched precariously on high heels, always guaranteed a healthy erection followed by most gratifying hand relief. Oh to be a girl!...

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My Mom Fulfills Shubhashish8217s Dream

Hi, guys, I am Raj from Pune back with another real-life experience. As I was studying in college I used to interact with my seniors a lot and had a good friendship with them. One of my seniors was Shubhashish. He was from Kolkata and was around 23 years old. We both were good friends. He was a little fat and was a very horny guy. He always used to talk about sex with me. How he used to flirt with Bengali women. He had many female friends from Bengal whom he used to chat with. He even used to...

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Fishing at the Phone Booth

This is a true story. Several years ago I lived in an apartment on a busy street corner where a bus stop was located. I could look right down onto the people who were waiting for the bus or about to cross the street. Behind the bus shelter was a payphone attached to a small neighborhood deli and when the phone rang, anyone standing nearby could easily hear it. I obtained the number of the payphone and I would watch the people gather at the bus stop and I would call the number hoping someone...

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Puppy love

This is my very first story. Being totally blind myself, I think it’ll be a cool idea to write some of my stories from a blind man’s point of view, but not this one. Any way, let me know what you think. It was a hot Saturday night. As James was standing under the shower washing off a hard day’s work at his garage he thought again about that dammed Jeep. He wondered for the millionth time why he ever took the job to build up the Jeep for that cocky arrogant pop singer’s new music video. ...

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my first studio apartment

It was my sophomore year of college, I was waiting for my boyfriend to go house hunting with me. He was running late and I needed to be at this apartment by 12:30 to meet the landlord who had to leave by 1:30. I really was in need of a place soon, or it would be back to my parents for the year. Donnie called me and asked if i would be pissed if he didn't come. He wanted to go surfing with his friends. I was pissed and told him to do what he wants, I had to run. Your the best he told me. I...

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I Left My Heart in San Francisco

I encouraged my father to reconcile with Uncle Tom and Cousin Emily. Daddy had ostracized my uncle and cousin because of their incestuous relationship. It took far more than words to persuade Daddy to mend fences but the important thing is that they are speaking to one another again. And Daddy and I have become even closer as a result. We all just had a simply wonderful time up at Uncle Tom's cabin. The latest dilemma in my life had just been resolved more than favorably. Feeling better about...

2 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 7 The Final Day III

Tom and Mandy had just finished their second fuck. He'd instructed his supervisor, Mandy, to be waiting for him at the local Best Western in sexy bra, panties, and negligee. She'd been there waiting for him just as he'd instructed. Tom had quickly removed everything from Mandy's sexy young 20-something body except for a black satin garter belt and thigh high stockings that she had bought on her own and worn for him as well. He intended to have his way with her in the most complete manner...

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Lightning Over Arizona Part II

  I was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain.  It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye.  It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head.  How did I get here? I wondered to myself.  I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me.  I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...

1 year ago
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A HEAVEN FOR NINA By Hardrive Four-eighty-four was an old house in a neighborhood of old houses. It stood at the corner of Chestnut and fourteenth like an old prostitute working her same old location long past her prime. Her worn out shingles hung like an old dress, torn and tattered exposing bar portions of a decaying wood. Once she stood tall and proud; a stylish town house in the very center of the towns fashionable east side, but now her faded décor only paid homage to a bygone...

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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mother's and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a quick shower and relaxed in my bedroom. Drying off, when it hit me: Damn-I am so horny!. My husband hasn't been around lately and when he has, he hasn't exactly fucked me right. Sure, I do love him, but his 5 inch penis and poor stamina in the...

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Young Exploration Part 1

"Who is it, Sam?" asked an older, feminine voice from inside the house. Kacey recognized the voice of Sam's mother, Mrs. Jennifer Thomas, and smiled. Mrs. Thomas liked her, and was always nice to her whenever she came over to Sam's house. She and Kacey's own mother were best friends, much like she and Sam were. Sam peeked out the window from the back room, and saw a long, flowing river of black hair, tan skin and amazing brown eyes that she envied so much. A smile lit across her...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 20

Dan Granger: I don't know if I can keep up. Ten months ago I walked out of my house in the aftermath of a hurricane and heard a cry from a collapsed building. I rescued a young girl. It was like finding an undistinguished-looking egg and upon incubating it, finding that instead of a baby chick, it hatches a tiny dragon. Make that a cute, pleasantly-demeanored dragon, but a dragon none-the-less. Lying together in the dim light of the moon streaming through our window, I mentioned my...

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Chrissie Goes to College

Goes to College By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - I am Chrissie Ever since I can remember, I wanted to look pretty. My Mom named me Christopher and for a while, we all pretended that I was like other boys. But I wasn't. Mom understood my need to look way prettier than other boys. So from the ages of five to nine, she dressed me in the most lovely boy's things in the world. Pretty colors like lilac and pink and aqua. Short pants with ruffles and lace. Little, white,...

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Zara had had the Wisdom build us a rose garden. I'm not sure why, except that it had something to with some sort of gift to Yvonne. Whatever the motive, it had appeared after a day or two, perched above a dramatic and strangely earth like vista – the hills and lakes of an alien planet visible through a panoramic window of something that probably wasn't anything remotely like glass. I'd taken to spending a lot of time up there, not least because Zara had also specified a random breeze to add...

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Me and my Exwife at the ABS

Well it happened!! It all started when the ex-wife was looking through my phone, I had recently snapped a picture of myself sucking cock at the ABS and she saw it. She didn’t bring up the subject for a few days probably pondering her play.One Friday evening we go out for drinks and after a round or 2 she says “I want to suck cock”. I replied wow, ok let’s go in the bathroom or the car, I think she’s feeling frisky. She replies “no not yours, take me to where you had that cock in your mouth...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 12

To say Mina was upset was like saying the Statue of Liberty is only green. I mean she is green, but she's a Whole lot more than that. And then the governors office called ... shouted ... cussed ... yelled ... hollered ... made loud vociferous comments ... vouchsafed expletives of an unkind and libelous nature concerning her antecedents ... and a whole bunch more. "I taped it," Mina said. "You what?" shouted the phone. Well, not the phone, per say ... but the person on the other...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter6

Spring, 1999 a.d. A Change in the Wind “Daddy! Daddy!” Alicia cried out joyfully, then squealed as she was swept up into the air, swung around and gently deposited back to earth. Tanya called out from the kitchen, “Supper’s almost ready, wash up, both of you!” Frank hugged his two-year-old daughter tightly, then looked at her tiny, delicate, but very dirty little hands. “What have you been doing?” he asked, grinning at Alicia and showing her how dirty her hands were. “I was hunting!”...

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Another Fucked Up Day Pt 2

Another Fucked Up Day …Pt.2 November 14th Blog Entry: ‘Tis the season for social outings. Yes, those blessed events where smiles, eye contact, playful touches, and engaging, sincere conversation are required. I’ve told you this before, blog followers, that I don’t enjoy myself socially. I find simulated camaraderie draining and I can’t keep from silently mocking those around me that have perfected their pathetic, faux façades they call life. I especially loathe my husband Jake’s friends. They...


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