A Long Walk Spoiled free porn video

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We picked a trail from the map and checked the coordinates on our phones. It was 10 am as we wet off for a long hike through the rolling hills. After a couple hours we stopped to rest and get our bearings. I noticed that I wasn't getting a signal out there in the hills. Vicky checked and reported the same. She suggested,

"Maybe we'll pick up something when we get to the top of this hill." She was pointing to a peak on the map. I could see it in the distance.

"Do you think we'll reach it before we need to turn back?"

"I don't know. We can turn back now."

"It's only about noon, let's go on for awhile, I'm feeling pretty good." We had a quick snack, a little more water, then moved on. After following a curving trail and making a decision or two where other trails branched off we found ourselves on a more narrow path through the woods. We crossed over a creek, the cold water splashing lightly on our legs as it rushed by. Vicky laughed at the sudden chill of the water.

"Let's stop and cool off. My feet could use a break." I agreed and we sat in a rock, unlaced our boots and let our feet soak in the rolling water.

"Ahh, that feels so good." I splashed some water on my face, then let some run down my back. Vicky looked at me,

"Damn girl, going for the wet t shirt contest?"

"You'd kick my ass." We had our rest and pushed on. At a clearing we looked out over a valley. We could not see the mountain peak from this vantage point. Checking the map we couldn't tell for sure where we were. Vicky looked at me,

"Shit, are we lost?" I looked up.

"The sun's going that way. Let's follow it and we should be heading in the right direction. The only problem was, the sun had a clear path and we were on paths twisting and turning through denser woods. Another hour later we stopped again. I admitted,

"We're lost." I checked my phone, "No signal."

"Me either, what now?"

"We can't sit out here all night. Let's keep trying to find a landmark." We walked on, getting more concerned by the minute. On our next stop, the worry was clear on Vicky's face. I imagine it was on mine too.

"Jen, I'm getting scared. Are there bears or something out here?"

"Maybe. I don't know." We both jumped when we heard a sound through the trees to our right.

Whispering, "Vicky, grab your pack, get behind these rocks." The sound got closer. Then stopped. We heard a voice,

"You may as well come out. I can see where you've disturbed the ground." I looked at Vicky, she shrugged. But what else could we do? We stood. Standing in the clearing where we'd been sitting was a man of about 30. He was dressed for working in the woods and had a shotgun over his shoulder. Vicky spoke first,

"Hi, I'm Vicky. This is my friend Jenny. I, uh, think we're lost."

"Hello ladies. You sure are lost. I suppose you were following park trails? You sure did take a wrong turn." I had a question,

"Are you able to hunt on park property?"

"No, I don't imagine so. Anyway, this here is for protection. Animals and such."

"And such?"

"People. They can be nasty fuckers." He saw my expression. "This ain't park property. This is private property. And you two are trespassin'." Vicky tried to assure him,

"We didn't mean to, we're lost." He was looking us up and down. "Can you help us get back?"

"Don't know about that. It's getting late. I could leave you out here to fend for yerselves. I'm gonna guess though, you didn't bring enough food or water?" We shook out heads. "Didn't think so."

Vicky looked surprised, "So you won't help us? You'll leave us out here?"

"You got yerself into this mess. I'm going back to my cabin. It'll be warm there." Without thinking I blurted out,

"Can we come with you?"

"And what's in it for me?" Vicky caught on first,

"Oh. Oh no no no." Now I caught my breath,

"Hell no."

"Suit yerselves. But I'll need you off our property."


"Yep. Me and my brothers."

"Shit." Was all I could say. Vicky tried,

"Which way to get off your property?" He shrugged.

"You managed to get here, manage to get out. But next time we come upon ya, we may shoot first." There was more movement in the woods. While the man we'd been talking to was average height and strong looking, the younger man who walked into the clearing was several inches taller and showed rippling muscles from a sleeveless shirt. Without introduction he said,

"Hey, Jim, new guests?"

"I offered our hospitality, but they turned me down."

"That's not nice. We haven't had company in a while. I could use some company." I looked to see that Vicky was shivering as much as I was. Fear and the cool air as the sun set had the same effect.

"Well this IS our property Big John. So I guess we make the rules." Now he lowered the shotgun. It wasn't exactly pointing at us, but then again, it wasn't exactly not. "Move along ladies. Big John here will lead the way. I'd suggest not running. I might mistake you for a deer." Big John laughed at his brother's joke.

"This way." After a walk of fifteen minutes or so we came to a clearing with a cabin. It was in decent shape, there was a well on the side. Smoke was escaping from a stone chimney. Big John opened the door. As we entered I could see another man sitting in a chair. He was older than the other two and decidedly thinner.

"Hey George, we found company." George looked us over,

"Just two?"

"We can share." A sob escaped me. Vicky covered her face,

"Please don't, please let us go. Please, please. We're only in high school." This brought a grin from George. He looked at Jim. Jim knew what he was thinking,

"Trespassers. Caught red handed."

"Hmm. Make them comfortable." Jim smiled. He told John,

"Tie them to the post." There was a center post helping to hold up the roof. It was thick and solid and had various metal loops in it for hanging items. He dragged me to one side and tied my hands together. Then he tied me to the lower rung. My cries for mercy were nearly drowned out by Vicky begging not to be hurt. She was soon attached to the other side of the pole. Now Jim walked over to me holding a large sharp looking knife,

"You're both very pretty. It would be a shame if anything should happen to these pretty faces." He held the knife against my cheek letting me feel the cold metal. "Now, you are our guests. When we have guests, we like to be entertained. So let's get comfortable." The knife moved away from my face and was soon ripping up through my shirt. "You won't be needing this. Or this..." With a flick of the wrist he'd sliced through my sports bra. He stood back so his brothers could also get a look at my bare breasts. John licked his lips.

"Can I do the other one? She has big ones."

"Sure, hold on until I'm done with Jen here. Now we won't be wanting these in the way either. With a ripping sound he was cutting my shorts from me. He made short work of my underwear, leaving me naked on the floor. "Oh yes we WILL be entertained." Here John, take care of the other one." He handed John the knife. I soon heard the sound of ripping material, then three men whistle. Jim offered,

"You're right John, she does have big tits. Let's see if she's got hair on her cunt like her friend." As I knew, they were soon hootin at Vicky's bare pussy. George got up from his chair to get a closer look.

"As the senior brother here, I go first." John, hand me that knife. When he had the knife he fished out a normal looking cock from his pants. Then he stood in front of me. "Jen, they call you? I'm George. Now I'm a-gonna put my cock in your mouth and you're gonna suck me good. And if you even think about hurting me, remember, I'm holding this knife and depending on how much it hurts will mean what I cut off you. Hear me?" I nodded and sobbed and had tears streaming down my face. "Now look at me and open wide." I looked up at him, he grinned down at me. He held the knife in his right hand and a handful of my hair in his left. His cock was now being pushed into my mouth. I'd sucked a few guys but no one who forced it like George. His cock kept slamming into the back of my mouth causing me to gag. He roughly held me by my hair and began fucking my mouth, thrusting as if there were all the room in the world. Then between gags, I must have relaxed my throat a bit. On his next thrust he was all the way in. His cock in my throat and my face pressed to his crotch. "God damn boys, this one goes to the bottom. Now why don't one of you shut up big tits over there?" I soon heard gagging and sobbing as John gave Vicky the same treatment.

"Hey George, this one needs some more work. She barely lets it in."

"Then convince her John. Shit, do I have to explain everything?" I heard a slap, then another. George looked at me. "Oh yeah, you're going to do everything we want. Everything." Then he forced himself into my mouth and released his load. I gagged and choked, spitting it on the floor. I soon felt a searing pain as his hand came across my face. "Swallow you little bitch." Now keep sucking. I could taste his cum on my mouth, I could feel the sting on my face, I could hear Vicky gagging, then John,

"That's better. And these tits are so nice." Then a moan of pain around his cock. "Don't like your nipples pinched? A shame. I'm going to be playing with these a good long time." From the chair in the corner Jim watched, commenting,

"Will one of you finish for a bit so I can get a piece of ass. Either one will do." George backed away from me.

"Go ahead Jim. Get you some. Leave her ass for me." Oh fuck, they were. Jim stood and let down his pants, revealing a thick hard cock. Now I was desperate,

"No, no please, don't rape us. We'll suck you all off good. You can feel our tits and stuff, but please don't fuck us. Pleeeeeeease, no."

Jim wasn't having any of it, "First, YOU don't make the rules. Second, you're our guest. This ain't rape, we're partying together. You want to leave here? Then have fun with us. Either way, you WILL be fucking." He pushed me to the floor and mounted me, his cock pushed againt my pussy. When he found me less than ready he spit right on me and rubbed his cock around to make it easier. Then he pushed, one fast thrust and he was in, splitting me, splitting me wider than I'd ever been. He was bigger than any cock I'd seen or felt. He pushed deep, spreading me wide. He sighed, happy. "Ah, now this is some tight fresh cunt. Damn George, you have to feel this." George was watching his brother, staring at where his cock entered me,

"You stretch 'em out too much Jim. That's why I get their ass. I bet she has a virgin ass. Maybe I should go fuck the other one while Big John plays with her tits."

"Suit yerself, I'm gonna ruin this tight bitch's cunt." It hurt, it hurt a lot. Then he started slapping me. "Haha, like that cunt? My cock won't feel so bad if yet tits are sore." Whack, whack. Then he began squeezing my nipples,

"OW, fuck stop!. Oh god, please stop. Just fuck me, I'll, be quiet."

"I kinda like yer screaming. And yer crying. I don't get nice fresh pussy like yours. You fuckin' high and mighty cunts. Deal with it." I couldn't deal with it. All I could do was cry in pain, my hands locked above my head, his thick cock, battering my pussy, his rough hands squeezing and pinching and slapping my tits. Then I heard a howl from behind me. Vicky, "NoOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAh, NOOOOOOO" Jim looked down at me trying to see what was going on.

"Wanna watch? Sounds like George may have taken her ass after all. Here look." He flipped me over, pulled me to the side. For a brief moment I had relief from his cock. But what I saw terrified me. John was on his back holding Vicky tight against him, his cock deep inside her pussy. But George was on his knees feeding his cock into her ass. She was screaming as they both invaded her. He pleas were now just a jumble of begging, crying and curses. "You want some a that? I think if I stuff myself into yer ass you might notice too." I was afraid to beg. He'd shown no mercy so far. "Don't worry, I wanna cream yer cunt. Yer ass can go later." Then he slapped my ass hard as he fed his cock into my sore pussy again. He seemed to like this angle better as he rode me and smacked my ass harder and harder. "Damn tight, so fucking tight." A grunt and he began cumming in me. This fucking dirtbag was filling me with cum. I put my head down wondering what was next. Then an even more horrible thought. Would they, could they let us leave. Fear came over me. Then I peed myself. "Oh goddamn the bitch pissed. Well now you can sit in it." I turned, sat. His cum ran from me. I sat with my head against the post, powerless to do anything as I listened to Vicky being used by two of them. I tried,

"Vicky, be strong. Try to be strong." She only cried. Then Jim stood over me. Now what? I glanced up. His cock, soft but still formidable hung over me.

"Look at me bitch. You pissed on my floor. So take this." Then he began pissing on me. His stream being directed up and down covering me. He was getting off on degrading me entirely. "Hey guys, I'm pissing on this one, haha, pretty cunt." I heard grunts, then John,

"OH fuck, I just cum in this one. Nice tight cunt." When John moved out from under Vicky George took the chance to lift her up so he could really start jamming his cock into her ass. He was slapping her cheeks and going to town on her, finally grabbing hold of her red ass to hold her in place as he buried his cock and let her feel his cum deep in her ass. When he was done he sat back and gave her one last hard smack on her right cheek.

"Damn boys that was some good fucking. I'm taking a nap. Hose these two down so I can get some more later." I looked over at Vicky, exhausted, cum dripping from everywhere. She looked back at me,

"We're not getting out of this are we?"

"I don't know." Jim was leaning against the post, listening.

"We'll have to work that out. Can you two cunts entertain us for a bit more?" Our shoulders slumped. We were already sore and used. How much more can we take? I looked up at Jim, then over to John.

"Do you have to be...so cruel? Can't we just fuck and stuff?" Jim laughed and looked at his brother,

"She wants us to be all lovey dovey. Honey, this ain't no teen party with some kid grabbin' yer tits in the back room. We ain't had anybody out here in awhile. We are going to get our use outta you." I hung my head, Vicky continued to sob into her hands. The brothers left to get themselves a beer, leaving us alone. Between sobs Vicky whispered to me,

"I'm so sore. I've got their spunk all over me, and in me. I'd rather die."

"Stop Vicky, we need to get out of here. If you get free just GO. Better one of us makes it than neither."

"No, I couldn't."

"Yes, at least people would know. Otherwise me might just be dumped in a hole out here." This set her off again. I risked calling out, "Can we get a drink or something?" Jim said to his brother,

"John take 'em out back hose 'em down. Let them piss or shit or whatever and given 'em a drink from the hose." John went to untie me,

"Wait you dumbass, you don't want her getting away." Jim rummaged around in a drawer then came back with a dog's choker collar and a long leash. He closed it tight around my neck. "There you go. And just so you know, that belonged to Brutus. He got away, but we hear him howling out there at night. He's probably hungry." He evil smile and cackle chilled me. Then John pushed me towards the door, naked, covered with piss and cum. Outside he tied me to a pole and told me to do whatever I needed. When I was done he turned a hose on me. With my sore tits and ass the water was not very refreshing. Still I managed to let it clean me. Then I let some stream into my mouth. When we got back to the front door he demanded, "On your knees." When I didn't move fast enough he whipped me across the ass with the end of the lead. I dropped to my knees. As we reentered the cabin John called out to the others,

"Look at my new pet." They found it endlessly amusing as John had me crawl around the room on hands and knees, my bare ass and pussy on full view, my tits hanging and swaying. Jim congratulated John on having,

"A nice bitch. Mind if I take that tight ass for a ride while you clean up the other?" John handed over the lead and went to collect Vicky. Jim pulled me in closer. "Now why don't you get my cock nice and slick. It's going in your ass one way or the other." Tears had returned. I knew this wasn't going to be pleasant. His big thick cock waved in my face. I'd never had anything in my butt. His cock had stretched and hurt my pussy, I couldn't image this. After a moment I began spitting and licking his cock. He grinned at me, "Can't tell you how much I like seeing your pretty little face working on my cock. Now let me get you ready for something special." He got behind me and spit down my ass crack, then wetting two fingers he thrust them into my ass. I clenched and cried out,

"Noooo. Ow fuck that hurt." He continued thrusting his fingers in and out.

"I'd suggest you relax, my cock is a lot bigger." Relax? How the fuck could I relax? This animal was jamming his fingers up my ass and promising more pain. Suddenly his fingers were gone, for a brief moment my ass relaxed, then I felt his cock probing my tiny puckered ass. "Oh this will be a treat. Look at that virgin ass." He slapped my right cheek hard. Then the left. "Ready bitch?" Then I nearly blacked out as his thick club pushed in, and in. He forced, pressing against my will. The pain was awful, my ass resisted, but still he pushed, stretching me. As he continued, he reached around to squeeze my tits adding to my discomfort. "Never felt anything tighter on my cock. Damn bitch, you're crushing it." Then he was in, all the way. He sighed, with fucking pleasure. Then I had to endure him pulling back. Each thrust bringing new pain. I held on, enduring. Finally as he released himself into me. We heard a scream from outside, then John,

"Get back here you fucking cunt. Ow, you bitch, I'll kill you." Had Vicky gotten away? Jim pulled his dripping cock from me, the sudden change shocking me. He tied my leash to the post and ran outside, waking George as he went. I lay there, cum dripping from my ass, weeping from my pain while hoping that Vicky had escaped. Maybe she'd find help. But what if they found her? What had she done to John? They we gone a long time. I had no idea how long. I may have fallen asleep. I woke with a start when the door slammed. Jim,

"You stupid asshole, how could you let her get you like that?"

"Sorry Jim, I went to take a leak and she got me with the pail."

"A little worn out cunt got over on a big asshole like you?

"S-sorry." George cut in,

"OK, too late for sorry. Now what?" John went to sulk in a corner. Jim replied to George,

"She won't get far. It's cold out there tonight, she's naked and tired. Better chance she runs into some wild life than another person. We can look again in the morning."

"What if she does get out? And what about this one?" They both looked at me. Jim asked,

"What about her? I really thought this was the one we needed to watch."

"If the other cunt gets out and they find this one."

"Hmm, let me think. We could take her upstate with us. To the other place. It might be nice for a change to have female company over the winter. We could take turns keeping warm." Oh fuck, they meant to keep me, use me?"

"Yeah, maybe. Or we could dump her. Somewhere they won't find her. It might be safer." Oh god, dump, as in?

"Kind of a waste of prime pussy if you ask me."

"Have to think with yer other head sometimes. Too bad Brutus wasn't still around."

"OK, so we have her tonight, look for the other one in the morning and either way pack up and go tomorrow?"

"I think it's best." They looked at me again. "You aren't planning anything are you? And now thanks to your friend you have to do all the entertaining." I shrunk back against the post. Jim suggested,

"Her ass should be nice and wide open now. Why not give it a go?" George smiled and moved towards me,

"Come on bitch, on yer knees." By now I went along, avoiding the additional punishment. George shoved his cock right in my ass. It was nothing like his brother's, but it was far from comfortable. Jim came around in front of me.

"Suck it cunt."

"But it was in..."

"Yeah, so what?" He grabbed me by the throat and forced his cock into my mouth. He looked over at John, "Stop sulkin'. You let big tits get away, but come on over and play with these." John joined us and I now had all three brothers, prodding and groping me. When George came in my ass John got behind me and thrust his cock into my pussy. I was out of tears. The sounds coming from my throat around Jim's fat cock were more whines, then he came and I gagged coughed, sputtered. I tried to swallow to avoid punishment, but cum ran from my mouth. My head lay on the floor as John grunted and filled me. Then I sank completely onto the floor. George was the oldest but Jim seemed to be in charge. "Hang her from her arms. Tie her neck tight around the post. I want to sit here and admire our work." John did as instructed. I sat, trussed securely, my messy, worn, beaten body on display for their amusement. George sat stretched out, his cock now shrunken. He held a beer looking at me.

"How long do you think she could handle this? Might be awhile before we wear her out. I think maybe we should take her with us." John, the youngest of the three was already getting hard again as he watched me.

"She's a good fuck. I could fuck her lots more." Jim, his cock still stretched out against his leg as it rested wasn't so sure.

"Yeah, we could fuck her senseless, but the fight will go out of her soon. Then she'll just be a lifeless fuck doll. I say we use her tonight, then after we look for her friend tomorrow we have a last go before we dump her." John looked uncertain,

"You mean?" I was staring wide-eyed. Was Jim talking about killing me? I tried again, my voice weak,

"Please? You could leave me here and go. Just a little food and water, leave me tied. It would take me a long time to get free. You'd be long gone. Please? I'll do whatever you want."

"You don't have a choice, you're already doing what we want." Jim had a point, I really didn't have much choice. I tried a new angle,

"OK, then I'll fight you and make it worth your while. More fun." Now Jim seemed interested.

"Hmm. Now that might be more interesting. OK, you fight like a little bitch, resist, kick, scream. Make it worth it for me and maybe I just will let you live." George looked over,

"You really are a crazy fucker Jim." Jim looked at him, then over to John,

"Go ahead John, yer little pecker's ready to go. But first entertain me. Rough her up a bit, take it out on her that her friend got the best of you. Yeah, her little cunt friend made you her bitch. Big John got kicked in the balls." Now John was angry. He'd walked across the room and stood over me. With a grunt his hand flew through the air and came across my face. There was a blinding flash as I was thrown sideways, the ropes holding me in place.

"That's for your friend. And now this is for you." He lifted me, dizzy, by the collar. I was barely standing on wobbly legs. He unhooked my tied hands from the post and turned me around, throwing the lead attached to my next over an overhead joist. By pulling on the lead he could keep me standing at the risk of choking. He kick my legs apart and got behind me. Barely breathing against the collar I stretched on my toes as he pushed his cock up into me from behind. He pulled on the lead, lifting me then letting me down, my weakened legs forcing me to drop onto his cock. He fucked me this way for awhile then let me drop to the ground before pressing me onto the floor and finishing face to face his hand around my neck. I could hear Jim,

"Very good John. Now that was entertainment." I was left to sit on the floor. John played with my tits for awhile then got bored and went to doze off somewhere. I looked around the room. Thankfully the cocks looked done for now. Maybe I could rest. I hurt from so many places. Also, I now realized I hadn't eaten anything since noon. Jim handed me a beer, making me look at his cock as he held it near the beer can. "Almost the same, ha bitch? And you had it in all yer holes. No matter what I told them before, I have a good mind to keep you as a fuck toy. Would you like gettin' this cock every day? Probably ruin ya, for them little boys ya fuck."

Despite everything I took the beer and drank it down. It was cold at least and maybe it would help take the edge off of everything. I thought of Vicky, wandering through the woods to who knows where. I had to think she was better off than me. It was something to hold on to. I finally dozed off and slept for some unknown time. John woke me in the night to fuck me again. Then next I knew there was light coming in through

the window.

"Up and at 'em boys, we're going hunting for big titty cunt." Jim was rousing his brothers. John looked at me,

"Should we take her." Jim shook his head,

"Nah, she'll slow us down and maybe make noise." George held the shotgun over his shoulder.

"Tie her tight we don't need to be chasing two of them around the woods." Jim agreed, but laughed,

"You're right, but I don't think this one has the energy to run. If I'm not mistaken John had another go at her last night." John just grinned. Then he pulled the collar tight around the pole and attached my tied hands up above my head. He couldn't resist groping my tits.

"Um, I'm going to have to pee and can I get something to eat?" Jim was his usual pleasant self.

"Piss yerself. And you can swallow another load when we get back." I couldn't lay down with my hands tied and they were soon tired and my arm muscles ached. The only relief was the three brothers' voices moving off into the woods. I looked up at my hands, tried shaking them to see if I might shake loose. No good. I sat there in my filth. I had no option but to wait for them to return and look for a chance to run. Vicky got away, hopefully, maybe I could too. I heard noise from outside the cabin. I dared hope it was someone to help me. I called for help, as loud as I could. My throat was sore from the oral assaults, and it was dry from lack of water.

"Heeeeelp. In here, please, heeeeelp!" The door opened. It was Jim. Fuck.

"Yell all ya want, stupid bitch. No one around here to hear you. No one coming to get you either." I looked at him with all the remaining rage I could muster. "Oh calm down cunt. You may as well get used to it." I slumped a bit.


"Hmm, yeah. Wish I could tell you we found her body eaten by wolves. Or dead of exposure, but nah. Nothing." I must have looked, happy, relieved? "Have yer little celebration. But it means we need to get out of here. Today." I looked at him wide-eyed. This could mean anything. "We talked out in the woods. Better if they don't find you, or us, here. In case she makes it. We have another place, upstate. So we're going for a ride." George and John came in. I looked at them for any signs. I dared ask,

"Food, drink?" John went to the fridge. Jim stopped him,

"Where you going. The girl wants refreshment. Come here." Jim took his cock out, now again firm and thick. Getting the idea, his brothers followed, stroking themselves until I had three hard cocks nearly in my face. "OK, give her your best shot boys." Then the three of them began stroking their cocks. John came first, coating my face with a thick stream of cum. George and Jim soon followed, adding their own cum until my face was dripping with it. Jim wiped his cock off on my tits and stood back admiring their work. "There you go ya little bitch, eat up. Enjoy." The constant degrading, abusing, cruelty was wearing on me. I'd pretty much lost hope. I had drying cum on my face, on my pussy too from overnight. I could barely move and they were discussing how to bring me to another more remote place. When the cabin had been emptied and their large pickup loaded up they came back to me. Jim asked,

"Anyone want a go at her before we leave. It'll be a long ride." George suggested a shower first,

"I don't want all that mess in my truck. Hose her down and wrap something around her so no one can see." To be sure there was no mistake, all three took me outside. John held the lead while Jim worked the hose. Being a particularly cruel person, he took some fun in turning up the water pressure and spraying me good and hard.

"Hahah, want to get all the spunk off her." The water would have hurt anyway but with all the slapping and pinching I was extra sore. When he was done George threw an old blanket over me. John dragged me to the truck where Jim bound my hands and feet. He considered a moment,

"You going to be quiet?" I nodded. "One peep and I gag you too." I shook my head. The threw me in the backseat, Jim got in next to me. "May as well get comfortable. We'll be awhile." We drove off leaving a cabin that for all purposes, was deserted. No one would know I'd been there.

Jim amused himself on the ride talking to me, telling me all the things they would do with me. How at some point they'd be snowed in with nothing to do but fuck me over and over. He did this while pushing two or three fingers into me, touching me, rubbing my pussy, my clit, his fingers invading me, for hours it seemed.

"Come on little princess. Nothing? It will go easier for you if you get into it a little. Come on, get wet for Jim." Then a finger tickling my clit. Three fingers roughly thrusting. I stared at him with nothing but hate. "Oh we're gonna break you. Yes, sure we will. Our little fuck toy is going to learn to like it. My big ol' cock stuffing you until you're all stretched out like a street whore. And these little titties, they'll be worn and twisted." He was pinching my nipples while still thrusting. "Maybe when we're done, when you're all worn out, then you can go." He grinned at me. "Or we may leave you to the wolves." I closed my eyes trying to block out his mental torture and his physical abuse. Still thrusting. My pussy dry and sore. He finally got bored and took a nap himself. John looked back.

"It will be easier for you if you just go along." George disagreed,

"Nah, Jim will have his fun. You remember that hitchhiker?" George and John left that hanging in the air for my benefit. We drove on in silence. My only thoughts were, do I end it, or endure?

It was nearing dark when I woke up. Seeing me staring at him Jim thought a moment then rummaged around until he found a dark shirt. He pulled it enough over my head to block my vision.

"Can't have our friend seeing where we're going." George drove on, turning off what felt like main roads onto small, rockier roads. The last several miles must have been an unused path as the truck jolted and bounced the whole way. "Believe me girl, we're WAY out in the country. There's no one for miles around. You'll like it. hahha." When the truck stopped Jim got out and came around for me. When he pulled me out of the truck I kicked at him and struggled to be let loose. "Hey guys this bitch still has some fight in her. I think she needs more convincing." Jim dragged me over rough ground, the blanket falling away leaving me naked except for the shirt over my head. He threw me to the ground and spend time doing something with my lead. When satisfied he pulled off the shirt. With arms out to his sides he said,

"Welcome home!"

Home was a dirt yard. I was sitting naked attached to a center post by a ten foot dog lead. He'd untied my hands and feet which let me stand. George looked me over.

"Kind of a shame. She's a nice piece of ass." Jim quieted him,

"She'll be in soon enough. Just needs some training. Looks like rain tonight. A cold wet night should remind her of her place. Bitch girl, you're out here tonight while we're inside warm and dry. The fences around here should keep out the wild animals. If not, problem solved." Then he shrugged. "I'll send out John with some food later. Can't have ya witherin' away on us."

As the sun went down it got cooler. I walked around and around the pole trying to warm up. Then my legs got tired and I realized I hadn't eaten in over a day and I collapsed in the dirt, exhausted. It got dark. Then it started to rain. Cold rain washed over me turning the area I'd been walking into a circle of mud. The rain made me cold. My nipples were hard and sore. My skin covered in goose bumps. My hair hung around my face. I shivered and looked around for a way to escape, or maybe kill myself. The rain let up and John came out with a bowl. "Here's some stew George made. It's ok, I took it right from the pot. Jim didn't do anything to it." I was starving. I didn't really care at the moment if Jim had pissed or cum in the bowl. John handed me just the bowl.

"Sorry, Jim says utensils can be weapons." I ate with my hands. I was being treated like an animal. When I finished I looked at John. I had to try,

"You could let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about you doing anything. You're not like them. I can tell you're not mean."

"I can't. My brothers take care of me. Jim would hurt both of us bad."

"Please, I'm, I'm just 18 and this is all..." Then I cried.

"I'm sorry. Um, when it's my turn, I'll try to be gentle." Gentle. Fuck him. I looked up at him with all the hate I felt. "Oh fuck. I'm gonna go inside."

They left me out there all night. It was only September, but wherever we were it was cold at night. My bare skin tortured me. Sitting was as much agony as standing. I wondered if I could hang myself. I either passed out, or fell asleep. The sun coming over a hill woke me. I looked around and was reminded of my predicament. There was a cabin. A bit larger than the one where I first was. Some stables, but no signs of horses. Various pieces of farm equipment that appeared to be in disrepair. And me. Naked, cold, wet, tied to a post. Jim came out of the cabin.

"Morning, sunshine. Sleep well?" I kept my head down so he wouldn't see the hate in my eyes. "Hmm, seems a night outdoors might have cooled you off a bit. Why don't I get you washed up and I'll take you in and show you your chores?" He used the garden hose to rinse off the mud. It was nearly as cold as the rain. He led me shivering into the cabin. "Hey brothers, look who's going to join us." I stood dripping wet, now used to them seeing me naked. "I'm going to go over chores with our friend here. We all have chores if we want to eat and sleep indoors right?" George and John nodded, waiting to see where Jim was going with this. "OK, first of all we'll cook and clean. Share and share alike. You my little cunt will fuck us for her food. Three meals a day, three fucks each. Seems fair so me." The brothers smiled, I let out a little moan of despair. "OK, now it's breakfast time. Who's first today? I say George since he drove all the way."

George led me to the middle of the room. He laid me on my back and pulled his pants down showing a ready cock.settling in between my legs he bent down and kissed me. He fucking kissed me.

"Come on now miss. If we're all going to be friends, let's make it nice." Then he kissed my face and neck and breasts. He was sucking on a nipple as he pressed his cock against me and entered. I whimpered as I realized again that I was at their mercy. He went slower, maybe not as needy as he'd been when they first found me yesterday. He kept kissing me as he thrust, then sucked at my neck as his cum burst out into me. He pulled away satisfied. "Have to remember to get to ya before Jim stretches you out." I sat up with his cum in me. I looked at the brothers.

"I don't have my stuff." Jim answered.

"We burnt it. No evidence you ever existed."

"Without them." I looked down at George's cum dribbling from my pussy, "I'll get pregnant." George looked at his brothers. Jim again answered.

"Then you'd be of no use to us." He smiled. "Now settle back there while I take another shot." He had no time for kisses or much of anything other than jamming his fat cock onto me. It still hurt. I hadn't recovered from yesterday's assault. He pinched and pulled at my nipples enjoying my discomfort. When he's also splashed my insides with cum he stepped aside and pointed to John. "Hurry up, breakfast is waiting." John mounted me from behind going easy as he'd promised, if you can call any rape, easy. When he'd added his load to his brothers they sat at the table for breakfast then offered me a plate of the remains. They worked out in the yard in the morning leaving me to my thoughts.

For lunch it was blowjobs before the meal, then a long boring afternoon. They took naps and mostly ignored me. Before dinner they chose for position and took me three at a time. I had John in my ass, George in my pussy and Jim's thick cock in my mouth. Having rested they had stamina and used me for awhile, my body stuffed with cocks as they laughed and made crude comments. When all three had left their cum in me they relaxed for dinner, leaving me in a pool of cum. After I ate I was cleaned up then allowed a beer as they relaxed for the night. They put the news on, looking for any reports on missing girls. Finally on the national news was a report concerning me and Vicky. When my photo was shown Jim laughed looking over at me,

"She don't hardly look like that now. Look at the princess over there. A regular fuck slut. heehee."

According to the report we'd been reported missing. Oh shit, that means Vicky was still out there near the state park, or... "Well boys, it seems they have no clues yet. Our little friend here can stay awhile longer."

I wish I could tell you this ended soon, but that would be a lie. September rolled into October, then the first snows of Novenmer. And each day, each and every day one or more of the brothers would violate me one or more times. They had me in any way they wanted, they had days where they'd take turns cumming on me until I was a complete sloppy mess from my hair on down. Left to sleep covered in their stuff. The only thing they let up on was the hitting. Once Jim stopped getting a reaction from me he resigned himself to smacking my ass some. Still it was nonstop, unpleasant and painful. I'd given up hope. Even if I got out, I'd be naked in the snow in the middle of nowhere. One day ran into another, rape, food, cleaning, repeat repeat. One day John asked if I could sleep in his bed. Jim laughed at him,

"Gettin' feelings for her? And what will you do when she strangles you in yer sleep." So I stayed on the floor tied to a post. I tried counting the number of times they'd fucked me in one way or another. Just in case. But that was too depressing. Once, or hundreds, it was all the same.

Then in late November Jim was outside cutting some firewood. John and George were hunting when I heard gun shots in the distance. Probably shooting at deer. Not unusual. This time though there were voices. Different voices.

"James Granger?"

"Yer, who's askin'?"

"Is this your property?"

"Yes, me and my brothers. Again, who's asking?"

"Agent Kenneth McCarty, FBI. Can we go inside your cabin?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Have you seen a Jennifer Demby?"

"Nah, no one by that name. Now why don't you move along, yer trespassin'"

"We have a warrant."

"You can shove that up yer ass."

"Mr. Granger, I'd put down that shotgun, there are agents surrounding..." There were shots. Then the door burst open. Five agents quickly filled the room.

"Jennifer Demby?" I nodded and sobbed.

"Rogers, get something to cover her. My god. The animals. Get her free from there." I tried to tell them...

"Th-there are two more with guns."

"Just two?" I nodded again. "They've been apprehended. They didn't put up a fight like that one." He helped me up, then sent an agent out to their vehicle for some clothes. Smelling me as he got close he asked if I wanted a shower.

"Can I do that somewhere else?"

"Of course, I understand." He and the other men went outside leaving a female agent named Sarah with me. She told me,

"You can ride with me. We'll take you to a hospital first. Your family will be up to see you later today. Let me tell you they never gave up hope."

I took a deep breath. "Vicky?"

"She helped us find the other cabin. It let us work our way to this place. They had a couple of other properties too. She told us what happened there. She insisted you would hold out until found. Young lady, from what I've heard I don't think I could have survived."

"I just wanted to live more." She hugged me. I pulled away at first but then let myself go. Now dressed I realized the sneakers they had didn't fit. Sarah asked,

"What size?" I told her. She removed her own boots, "Try these." The fit wasn't perfect, but they were ok.

"Thanks." We walked outside Sarah looked away but I couldn't help but look at Jim laying in the darkening snow. "Who shot him?"

Sarah looked back at me. "I did. First time, but he raised the shotgun at Agent McCarty." She seemed to catch her breath.

"He was an evil cruel person. You did well." Sarah shook her head then let me into the car. She went around and entered the far side, then let me rest my head on her shoulder. "Is this ok?"

"Yes Jen, rest if you like."

It was a long road back.


Same as A Long Walk Spoiled Videos

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Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise

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_Author Notes: If you have any ideas for the story or if I forgot to finish it, message me! _Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. __ Characters - (You can customize these) - Daughter: Alice - Mother: Ellie - Father: John

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SRU Catwalk Comeback

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Working With Walker Pt 4

Walker was tripping over his words trying to explain. "I...we….uh….sor…..sorry….not w….." I just sat there silent, trying to focus on Tyler's current state. Was he mad? Or just surprised? He didn't seem very mad. He wasn't trying to push us away. In fact, Walker's hand was still wrapped around his cock. He made no effort to remove his hand. I think he was more surprised than anything. So I took a chance. "Fuck it." I move up and plant my lips on Tyler's. He resists at first, but...

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Sabine Draws Gun on Walker

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Working With Walker Pt 6

I sat in the back with Walker while Tyler was driving and Mike was in the passenger seat. Mike lived within walking distance of this theater, so he rode back with us to Tyler and Walker's house. Walker sat in the middle to be close to me. We were rubbing each other's thighs, enjoying the sensation. I guess Tyler saw us in the rearview mirror, because he took his right hand off the wheel and started gently rubbing Mike's thigh. I heard a soft moan from Mike, so he must be enjoying the...

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Working With Walker Pt 7 Finale

Once we were all in Tyler's room, Mike asked, "So what else can we do?" I get on the bed and sit up on my knees. I grab my half-hard dick and present it to Mike. "How about you start with this?" He needed no more prompting. He jumped on the bed enthusiastically on all fours, grabbed my cock, and shoved it in his mouth. He didn't have the technique down just yet, but it still felt really good. If he doesn't end up regretting tonight, I imagine he will have plenty more practice to get...

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Working With Walker Pt 5

Tyler joined Walker and I several more times since that first night. He was still trying to seduce Mike, so that's where most of his focus was. He had been hanging out with him almost every night. Mike was still being bashful, but had loosened up lately. Tyler said he'd cuddled with him on Mike's couch and they made out once, but Mike broke it off after only a few minutes. Since that night though, Mike went back to the cycle of flirting and rejecting Tyler's advances. Walker and I were...

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Mrs Walker

Mrs WalkerI was born in a very small village in the Cotswold area of the UK, with about twenty-five houses a small pub, and village shop come post office. Everyone knew everyone’s business, and my nearest friend lived thirty minutes away by bicycle, I attended an all boys school, and I’m an only c***d. My sex education was none existent, the local shop didn't have a top-shelf magazine section, there was no internet, and the girls of my village were too old to take notice of me or too young. ...

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Working With Walker

At the time of writing, I worked at a movie theater for a while. The pay was shit, but my coworkers were cool and the movies were free. All jobs have their perks, right? Overall, it was a fun job. I got along with pretty much everyone there. Outside of work, I hung out mostly with Walker. He was nice and funny. We got along really well. Walker had just graduated high school and moved out from his parents and rented a house with some friends of his. I was going to college and staying with my...

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SchlongChapter 5

I was in my English class and Miss Hulbertson was passing out the papers we'd written as homework the first day of school, commenting on what she liked about some and what needed to be improved with others. She already knew each person by name and could tell each one something specific about his or her paper. She had only one paper left when she came over to me. "Oh, Mark, I can't tell you how impressed I was with your paper about the Empire State Building. You made it seem so real, so...

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Working With Walker Pt 3

"Hey." Was all Tyler said. So far…..so good? "Hey, Ty." Walker responded. I just gave him a nod. "Guess you worked this morning?" "Yeah, I was with Mike last night. He said he couldn't make it in to work today and asked if I could come in to open for him. I would've said no since it was already late at the time, but I need the money." Mike was another co-worker at the theater. I didn't talk to him as much as I did with Walker and Tyler, but he seemed cool. "Gotcha." I...

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Walker Family Fun Part 01

After the funeral service was over, everyone went outside to place flowers on the casket sitting over the grave. When I took my turn to put flowers on it, I leaned way over and everyone's eyes immediately went to my beautiful naked breasts hanging down inside my business suit top. The people behind me got a great view also when they watched my short skirt rise up and expose the bottom of my naked ass cheeks. Even funerals can be fun sometimes! I just love the looks I get when I go grocery...

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Sleepwalking Part 2

If you haven't read part 1 I suggest you go back and start at the beginning. Lol My cousin Grace had dropped a bomb on me telling me what she and my sister Sue had done while I was sleepwalking when I was only 11. This was a couple decades later. We were drinking and smoking a bowl, and getting pretty fucked up. I asked her if they ever did anything else after that. I was really turned on by now and my cock was raging hard. She smiled mischievously, and told me that they started making plans...

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SleepwalkingChapter 5

from sleepwalking IV We laughed for a few minutes before she looked at the clock. "Shit, I have to get this stuff back. I wish I could see you again Martin, I really do." "Why can't you?" She kissed me deeply, causing my dick to stir once more. "I'm engaged. Tonight is my last night at the conference before I go home to get married next week." "Wow, I didn't know. Hope I gave you a good last thing!" I smiled, chuckling softly. "Fulfilled almost all of my fantasies. Oh god that was...

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Walker Academy

Walker Academy by Alyssa Davis Chris was summoned to meet with the Dean of Admissions at the Walker Academy of Nursing. After earning an associate degree in Business Administration at a junior college, he had entered a competition for a two year scholarship in nursing at Walker with his goal towards Nursing Administration, and was eagerly waiting for the results. He had learned that Walker, a very well accredited school associated with a large medical facility in a campus...

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This is a story written as if in a dream… a fantasy… a fantasy of a man who has been away from his wife for months together… the man and his wife are working in separate cities… And the man is about to be united with his wife 6 days later… This story of mine deals with the acute physical longings translated into acts of fantasy that the man sees while he is sitting on his porch on a balmy Sunday afternoon… * * * * * Sweet, when I reach there on the long leave that we both have been looking...

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Five Taboo Short Stories by Mrs Walker

#1 "Fun in the Bathroom with my Daughter" #2 "I Have Sex with my Son on the Train"#3 "My Daughter And I Have Sex on our Driveway" #4 "I sleep with my Daughter"#5 "My Son Strips me Naked on our Driveway"Story #1 "Fun in the Bathroom with my Daughter" by Mrs WalkerI want to spend more time looking at my naked body in the mirror, but I leave my bedroom and walk naked down the hallway to get my eighteen year old daughter Krissy so we can take a shower together. When I enter her room, she is sitting...

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Working With Walker Pt 2

Before I fell asleep last night, I had a thought that worried me. That maybe it was the booze and the hormones that got the better of us. I was hoping Walker wouldn't wake up this morning with regret and confusion. Or worse, anger and shame. But waking up to the sight of sober him moaning and sucking my cock made all those worries disappear. I run my hands through his hair, letting out small moans. I move his head up and down, guiding his mouth along my cock. For someone who's never done...

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Walker Family Fun Part 02

At my age, when most women are putting on a few pounds, I am still the same weight as when I was attending modeling college when I was eighteen years old. At the school I met my husband and we decided to get married. I had my two kids soon afterwards, then went back into swimsuit modeling for the next ten years. Anyway, I suggested to my daughter that she also gets into modeling and she said she would love to. Today at eleven o'clock she has an appointment downtown for her physical checkup,...

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The Walker Colt Billys Tale

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older. This is the first part of a series of tales I want to write centered around the pistol. Each tale will be a stand-alone piece with a common theme....

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The Walker Colt Lost Love

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Longly Prep 2

Introduction: This part may get a bit confusing. There are flashbacks which are marked with * , but so are texts and notes. I tried my best to use the criticism from the last part to make this one better. I woke up in my den. I felt really warm. I slowly opened my eyes and my head started pounding the second I did. I sat up and realized I was naked. I wrapped the blanket around me and opened a window. The door was still locked. I noticed my clothes strewn across the floor. I started to dress...

2 years ago
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McCardleWalker and Company

Hiram Walker was thirty-five and a happily married man, and father of three, with one on the way. His oldest child Bethany was twelve and was developing into a sure-fire heartbreaker. She was almost a clone of her mother. Then there were the boys, Martin age ten, and Willard age five.Sybil Walker was two years older than Hiram and a closet bisexual. She had a long-standing affair with her best friend Alicia. An affair that had been totally discreet until recently, when Alicia’s brother Larry...

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Christmas Wedding Part 3 Smith and Walker

Two weeks before Christmas Lord Bradford and Lady Ophelia Smith had bucked longstanding family tradition of hosting an annual Christmas soiree at their Barnstead, Lincolnshire, England estate and decided to throw a smaller family gathering for the multiple Smith branches as well as the Walkers, their granddaughter's aunt and elder cousin, two weeks early. The reason that they were hosting it two weeks early was due to the couple going to the United States to spend Christmas with the...

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Longhorns Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment! ***** It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth… ‘Don’t tell her where I...

2 years ago
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Longhorns Ch 03

Author’s Note: This is Meredith’s chapter, I plan to write a concluding chapter wrapping up the story from all sides next. This one took me a long time to complete, thanks to a ton of travel recently. Hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint. This might take a bit of a left turn for the Romance category, which is somewhat monogamy-oriented, so caveat emptor. As always, I appreciate all your feedback, and I hope this chapter lives up to the story so far. -Theworldspins ***** When it got dark, the...

3 years ago
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Longhorns Ch 02

***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins*** There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum. Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut. ‘This one’s from Madison,’...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

4 years ago
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                         - Everlong -Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Don't rape people in real life,don't kidnap them and don't stick needles into them against theirwill.She's lying on a bed, naked, arms and legs spread. Coils of rope bindher hands and wrists to the posts of the bed. It is warm, almost hotin this windowless cellar, lit by countless candles of red and whiteon the floor, on shelves on the wall. Her body is stretched, her firmbreasts riding high, her skin golden in the...

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When Times Are Toughby: counterparts199Mature audiences only - I'm a pacifist, and this is fantasy:"Times have been tougher.  Since the nuclear wars society has rebounded and then stabilized.  International treaty had hopefully made nuclear war a thing of the past.  A rule of order has been established, creating strong senses of border, and allowing the full weight of a strong United Nations to come to bear on any nation crossing another's line.  The only major exceptions are excessive...

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Calonge Cuties 1 Saskia Marina


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Calonge Cuties 2 Saskia Marina B


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Calonge Cuties 2 Sas Marina Joseacutee SM Marlene BDSM


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Calonge Cuties 3 Juicy Joseacutee 1st Come on Cam


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Oolong at Midnight Chamomile at Dawn

The First Mona Youngblood Story Mona Youngblood had a good view of her apartment from her hidden vantage point. Which is, of course, the point of hiding for advantage. Or, in this particular case, hiding for safety, since there was an intruder standing not six meters away from her. Having worked for several years on the fringes of society and the law, Mona had the foresight and the resources to extensively remodel this apartment. There was a very good wall safe behind an oil original in...

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"When's the party?" my Mom asked. "The party's this Saturday," my 16-year old big sister Autumn answered. The party was next door at Savannah's house. She was 16 too. "Alright, you can go. You know that Dad and I will be at his business convention and we won't be home until very late." The convention center was a couple of hours away. "I know," said Autumn. "I was going to be bored at home all day so this gives me something to do." "And me too," I chimed in. Autumn frowned...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 2

The second difference I recognized was sex. That realisation came while I was standing knee-deep in one of my favorite stretches of the ringriver. Just downstream of the canyonlands — what Mother called “antispinward”, opposite to the rotation of the ship — the river was dotted with a cluster of small islands planted with cherry trees. If you were daring enough, the island chain could be reached from the riverbank by leaping the foaming water via a series of broad flat rocks. Every 120 days...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 3

After a decade of daily travel Zuri and I were intimate with every bank and island of the river. Our bare feet had trod its thirty-kilometer circumference multiple times, leaving both of us aching to adventure farther. Finally yielding to our demands, Mother led us along an antispinward stream feeding the ringriver, heading towards the bow. The air was cool, carried on a low headwind that pushed constantly against my face, pebbling my skin with gooseflesh. Crisp, dry brown foliage snapped...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 4

Five kilometers above the night-darkened lake, the last set of fireworks launched themselves from the spindle of darkened moonline. As we watched, the tiny dots of light descended through the atmosphere, splitting into thousands, then millions of autonomous fragments, forming a spinning accretion disk of brilliant color that stretched across our home from one side to the other. The vast display pulsed, colors rippling out through each fragment, reflected in the water below, illuminating the...

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