Longhorns Ch. 03 free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is Meredith’s chapter, I plan to write a concluding chapter wrapping up the story from all sides next. This one took me a long time to complete, thanks to a ton of travel recently. Hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint. This might take a bit of a left turn for the Romance category, which is somewhat monogamy-oriented, so caveat emptor. As always, I appreciate all your feedback, and I hope this chapter lives up to the story so far. -Theworldspins


When it got dark, the voices started to blend together more, as everyone competed with one another to be heard. Even with the minimal buzz she got off a single wine cooler—drinking that was the subject of much comedy, to be sure—she felt like it wasn’t just the noise itself. It was her. It didn’t help that DJ Virginia liked to crank the music so damn loud, either. Meredith never tried to compete to be heard over people louder than she. Since most people were louder, she usually had to be content with keeping silent in situations like this. Parties weren’t really her thing.

‘When was yours?’

It took Meredith a moment before she realized Lydia was addressing the question to her. She was mildly startled, having grown accustomed to being forgotten at things like this.

‘Sorry, couldn’t hear you,’ she replied apologetically.

‘Can we turn it down a little?’ Lydia begged Virginia.

After first rolling her eyes demonstratively, Virginia walked over to Robert’s desk, all the while play-acting as if she was using a walker. Meredith found it hard to always be cool enough for Virginia. Her eyes darted around—bending over to pretend to grip the ‘walker’ meant that Virginia’s ass was sticking out. Meredith watched as, slowly, every guy in the room noticed and did their best to surreptitiously look without being too suspicious. It wasn’t just the guys either—their friend Kylie, who would, no offense, fuck anything on two legs, seemed just as into it.

Who wouldn’t be with a butt like hers?

Lydia wasn’t drunk, not exactly, but she was definitely loosened up. Her wide-eyed face was flushed, and she was that drunk girl thing where she constantly was playing with her tongue, biting it playfully whenever she spoke. Meredith had met her freshman year at a party much larger than this one. Lydia had made a point of seeking her out and striking up a conversation, and Meredith always appreciated it. Though Virginia dragged her along to countless parties when they first came to Austin, it wasn’t the easiest for her to meet new people as anything other than Virginia’s friend.

‘We were talking about when we had your first crush,’ Lydia continued, now that the decibel level had receded. ‘When was yours?’

Meredith smiled. She knew she’d get a chance to make Virginia blush, which didn’t happen often enough. She looked around to spot where she’d gone—she was bouncing from person to person, playing the part of hostess here at Robert’s place.

It seems as much like her place as his now.

‘Seven years old,’ she said. ‘Howie Gibbons.’

To her surprise, Virginia heard her and turned her way.

‘No! Not happening.’

By trying to prevent Meredith’s response, Virginia only managed to draw more attention. Like a flower bending towards the sun, the dozen or so people present all turned towards Meredith. Though not quite silent, they were at least attentive to her for the moment. As far as Meredith knew, no one else had heard this story.

‘Howie Gibbons, huh?’ Kylie asked, her voice dripping with innuendo. ‘He must have been pretty hot to get your attention. Like, pre-pubes Timberlake hot.’

‘I bet he had frosted tips,’ added Max, Lydia’s boyfriend of the moment, to general laughter. ‘And, like, wore gel in second grade.’

‘He knew all the dinosaurs,’ Meredith began, smiling slyly. ‘Like, not the fake ones, either, the ones that it turned out they didn’t exist and stuff.’

‘The fucking brontosaurus,’ Virginia said, taking a swig of her beer. ‘Total bullshit.’

‘No shit?’ asked Pete, their friend Madison’s boyfriend. ‘That was my favorite one.’

‘Well, sorry to crush your dreams, dude,’ Virginia responded, ‘but lots of the cool ones were fake.’

‘You were saying…’ Kylie interrupted, steering the conversation back to Meredith.

‘So, he was the smartest boy in school. I remember him reading to all the other kids in, like, kindergarten. So, anyway, I didn’t even understand what it meant to like a boy. Boys were totally mean.’

‘Still are mostly,’ Robert added, before Virginia pinched his side and twisted. ‘Damn, girls are too.’

‘Get a room, you two,’ Madison, always quick with a cliché, chirped.

‘So, anyway, I told Virginia—’

‘You two went to elementary together?’

‘Yeah—before Caroline put me in private school for a while,’ Virginia clarified. ‘That’s, like, the only reason we got to know each other.’

‘Touching—but why’s Virginia trying to keep on lid on this story?’ Kylie said.

‘So when I told Virginia about Howie, she punched him.’

No one laughed louder than Robert. Meredith smiled directly at him.

‘Best part was why—she told him he couldn’t take her best friend away.’

‘I don’t see what’s so embarrassing about that,’ Madison added quizzically. ‘I think it’s sweet.’

‘That wasn’t the funny part,’ Meredith countered.

‘You’re dead to me,’ Virginia intoned, though Meredith could sense she wasn’t really embarrassed, just playing it up for everyone’s benefit.

‘The best part was when she had to explain why to the teacher and her mom. Tell everybody what you told them, sweetie.’

Virginia started to twirl her hair girlishly.

‘Howie can’t get married to Meri,’ she said in a baby voice, ”cause I’m gonna marry her.’

Everyone erupted into laughter.

‘It wasn’t that funny,’ Virginia protested. ‘At least, back then it wasn’t. I got the whole ‘You can’t be a lesbian, you’re a Methodist’ talk from Caroline. I was freaked.’

‘So you’ve been corrupting poor Virginia since way back,’ Robert said, stroking his girlfriend’s shoulders from behind.

‘Maybe that’s why your mom still hates me,’ Meredith said, sharing a moment of recognition with Virginia.

She was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention—it was nice to be noticed, but she had a feeling that too much of this kind of talk and they would end up like most parties falling into a reminiscence circle jerk that would probably just cause her a lot of embarrassment and—

‘Never Have I Ever?’ Madison asked to no one and everyone. ‘C’mon, Never Have I Ever.’

Meredith felt a sinking feeling in her stomach.

‘Haven’t we played that before?’ Virginia asked.

Thank you. Kill this idea before it grows.

‘There’s a lot of new people,’ Kylie said, oblivious to Virginia’s intentions. ‘And besides, that was, like, freshman fall. Lot’s changed since then.’

Meredith watched Virginia turn first to Robert, who shook his shoulders without a care.

He’s thirty. He’s probably done everything. And the rest of them? Great, it’s time for another round of ‘pity the virgin’…ex-virgin.

‘OK,’ Virginia said, heading into the kitchen. ‘Tequila shots?’

‘Tryin’ to put me in the hospital?’ Kylie asked.

Kylie had done everything at least once. If the game continued long enough, she’d be face down and have to crash across the courtyard over at Virginia and Meredith’s place.

‘Then everyone can choose between beer or tequila—tequilas for the saints and beer for the sinners,’ Virginia said.

‘Can I be a sinner and still drink tequila?’ asked a tall, jocky guy, one of Lydia’s boyfriend Max’s friends Meredith didn’t know well.

He was cute in a square-jawed, Captain America kind of way. Meredith didn’t really ave a type per se, but athletic without being too mu
scle-y, clean cut, but with a little rough around the edges was always a good start. Though she couldn’t deny his physical attractiveness, Meredith never got too hot and bothered over a guy until she at least got a sense of his personality. She’d have to keep an eye on this one, though.

‘Your funeral,’ Virginia replied.

There were only a couple of single guys there, which was fine as far as Meredith was concerned. Ever since she’d started officially dating Robert a couple of months ago, Virginia had been not so subtly hinting that her next goal was finding Meredith a guy.

Everyone just assumes I want a boyfriend. Do I just scream ‘desperation?’

It was just about half couples, half singles. There were Robert and Virginia, of course, but Lydia came with her guy Max (who would never last, they all knew it), and Madison had Pete. That left Meredith alone with Kylie, and the rest of the singles, none of whom she had met before tonight.

Everyone formed a rough circle. Robert had long ago staked out his desk chair, and Virginia sat on the floor beneath him, receiving one of the back and shoulder rubs about which she was always gushing. She wasn’t alone on the floor, though, Robert’s place wasn’t made to accommodate a dozen, and apart from Madison and Pete on the couch, most of the people there were reclined against walls on the floor or leaned against the sides of furniture. The table in the center of the circle was covered in shot glasses, beer bottles, empty and full, and an ominous bottle of El Jimador silver.

‘This must be a white people thing,’ the Asian dude in a basketball jersey snarked. ”Cause I got no idea what y’all are talking about.’

Meredith giggled a little to herself.

‘I’ve played this before,’ a pretty Indian girl countered, ‘so don’t even try. Don’t they send Chinese kids to camp?’

‘Re-education camp,’ he responded drily. ‘Not, like, Camp Anawanna.’

‘You’re from California, not Beijing…’

‘It’s easy,’ Kylie butted in. ‘You go in a circle. When it’s your turn, you say ‘Never have I ever…blank.’ You know, something you’ve never done in your life. Anybody’s who’s done it, takes a shot.’

‘Or sip of beer.’

‘Yeah, whatever,’ Kylie continued. ‘Basically, all the cool people get drunk and pass out in twenty minutes.’

Meredith scowled.

Thanks a lot.

She had two good reasons to hate this game. First, it made a big public show of how innocent and inexperienced at pretty much everything fun and dangerous she was. Second, this fact inspired not only pity but also some degree of animosity in others. Like the sober person in a room full of drunks, she was the little angel whose purity made everyone else seem like devils.

‘You’ll pick it up quick,’ Virginia promised. ‘Just follow along.’

‘Why not Truth or Dare?’ asked the cute jocky guy, whose name, it turned, was Rick.

‘Because this isn’t going to end in some orgy fantasy for you, buddy,’ Kylie replied dismissively, ‘and we all know Truth or Dare isn’t much fun unless that does happen.’

‘Me first,’ Lydia called out. ‘Never have I ever…shoplifted.’

Her criminal record spotless, Meredith watched as a wave of people drank. She had a feeling this would be her experience tonight.

‘Alright,’ Max called out, ‘I’ll start slow. Never have I ever kissed a guy.’

That would prove to be Meredith’s last chance to drink for a while. She was grateful for the opportunity to drink along with all the other girls, what she hadn’t expected to see was Rick quickly downing a tequila shot in response.

‘Truth or Dare gone wrong,’ he admitted sheepishly.

‘You’re up,’ Virginia informed him.

‘Never have I ever broken a bone,’ he said, as a handful of partygoers took shots.

As each person took turns, the questions got more and more scandalous, leaving Meredith’s narrow range of experiences behind. Round after round, her friends, loosened up by booze, confessed to bondage, role playing, anal sex (including girls giving and guys receiving!), assorted juvenile crime sprees, and the like. Meredith sat there, passively smiling and hoping no one noticed that, if this were a game, she’d have come in dead last by a landslide.

Only Robert seemed to understand her discomfort. Every so often, he’d look over at her and flash an apologetic smile. Meredith had hoped that maybe he’d been a wallflower like her, but it wasn’t to be. He was right in there with the rest of them, if not more, given his roughly ten year head start on sex and other debauchery.

After admitting to receiving a finger up his ass during oral sex, Robert looked over at Meredith, as if to say he hoped she didn’t think less of him. In truth, Meredith wished she could do half the crazy things they’d admitted to tonight, only with someone she really trusted. She may be shy, but she made up for it in repressed horniness.

‘Do you have something to tell me?’ Virginia asked her boyfriend in response to that one.

‘I didn’t think explanations were part of this game,’ he replied confidently, seemingly enjoying Virginia’s confusion.

‘Damn Virginia,’ Kylie laughed, ‘I just figured it was your finger up his ass.’

‘Not yet, but soon,’ Robert responded, crossing his fingers, and soon the entire room had erupted in laughter.

‘I’m afraid what comes next,’ Madison joked.

‘Never have I ever…had a crush on a professor,’ Robert said.

The response was even more lopsided by gender than Max’s question. Every single girl, including Meredith, had had a crush on a professor, while not a single guy had.

He knew the answer. He wanted me to have a chance to drink again.

‘That why you in grad school?’ the Asian guy, Jared, asked Robert, who only shook his head in mild embarrassment.

All eyes were on Kylie, and everyone who knew her was thinking the same thing: if she hadn’t done it, nobody had.

‘Never have I ever been in love,’ she said, arching her eyebrows as if proud of surprising them all.

Madison and Pete turned to each other and downed a pair of shots. She was painfully aware that Virginia found them both annoying, but Meredith was glad she was still their friend. She knew that deep down Madison was a little insecure that the ‘cool kids’ would ditch her once they got to college. In part, this was the only reason she incessantly reminded people of their shared past. It was nice to see her and Pete, moreover, feeling comfortable enough to say that they loved each other.

Meredith wasn’t surprised to see Robert drink, after all, he’d been with his ex-girlfriend for years. But she was a little sad, in a way, to see Virginia not drink. Meredith had known that Virginia liked Robert well before Virginia knew herself, and once again it seemed like she was ahead of the curve in understanding her best friend’s emotional state. It would only be a matter of time before Virginia admitted to herself and to Robert what was already obvious to Meredith: she was crazy about ‘Robbie.’

Having gone through so many rounds, the people drinking tequila shots were starting to feel it. The beer crowd—Kylie, Virginia, and Robert—were a little more coherent, though just barely.

‘I’m learning all sorts of things tonight,’ Virginia said, seemingly relishing the prospect of peeling back the layers of her new boyfriend.

For her part, Meredith was trying to stay in high spirits. They’d gone around twice, and, given the way that some of their friends were slumping over, her final question would probably be the last.

‘OK OK OK,’ she said, taking the floor. ‘Never have I ever…had a threesome.’

No one was surprised by that point when Kylie and the people she’d brought drank.

‘Kylie probably had one this morning,’ Virginia quipped.

Rick, Mr. ‘Truth or Dare Gone Wrong, took his final shot of tequila, too, and given how many guys he’d kissed and more, Meredith was pretty certai
n they weren’t all two-girl threesomes either. Then Madison and Pete took shots, and everyone was shocked. The happy couple in love had invited someone else into their bed already.

‘Madison?’ Virginia asked in disbelief.

‘What? I’m not Ms. Goody-Goody like you think,’ she said boldly.

Nope, that’s me. Poor pathetic me.

‘I mean this in the nicest way possible,’ Kylie said to Madison, her voice finally beginning to betray her creeping inebriation, ‘but I like you so much better after tonight.’

Rick got up looking wobbly and headed to the bathroom.

‘Don’t worry Meredith—one day, you’ll find the right guy,’ Kylie slurred. ‘And he’ll bring a friend over, and they’ll bend you—’

‘Holy shit, Rick just puked all over the bathroom floor,’ Jared called out, pointing towards the gruesome sight.

‘Goddamn it, Max, that’s your friend,’ Virginia snapped.

‘Hey, I’m not responsible for everything he does,’ Max countered.

‘That’s why the floor’s made of tile,’ Robert said. ‘Go take care of him, and I’ll clean it up. It’s not a big deal.’

Kylie looked over at Meredith.

‘Party’s over, huh?’

‘Looks like it,’ Meredith replied.

Kylie came over and gave Meredith a hug. She smelled like booze and perfume.

‘It’s OK, baby,’ she whispered in her ear. ‘You just need to find the right guy…or girl.’

Kylie kissed her on the cheek, a lingering kiss that Meredith couldn’t help but take as an open invitation. She froze.

She’s just drunk. She’s just drunk. She’s just drunk.

Meredith watched as everyone filed out, Rick, her ‘prospect’ for the night, being practically dragged out by his friends. Virginia was alternately apologizing to Robert and fuming about Rick, and Meredith didn’t want to interrupt to ask if she planned to come home tonight. Meredith assumed Virginia would stay over at Robert’s as usual, and consequently she wanted to take the bed again tonight.

She got up to leave, but Virginia called out for her to stay. It was probably for the better, as even with her limited drinking, she’d still felt dizzy when she stood up too fast. The unexpected clean-up complete, Robert and Virginia came back into the living room, him to his desk chair and her to the sofa.

‘Come here and cuddle with me since my dumb boyfriend won’t,’ Virginia said, pouting.

‘Coming dear,’ he said in a facetious tone.

Soon, Virginia was sprawled out across the sofa, her head propped up on a pillow in Robert’s lap while her legs draped across Meredith’s thighs. Robert was stroking her hair, and Meredith suppressed a strange urge to run her fingers across the smooth skin of Virginia’s legs.

‘This is better,’ Virginia cooed. ‘I feel like royalty.’

‘Quick, Meredith, smother her with a pillow,’ Robert joked.

‘She’s too pretty to kill,’ Meredith responded.

‘See, somebody loves me,’ Virginia said petulantly.

‘Maybe I should have taken a shot that round,’ Meredith said quietly.

She knew immediately that everyone was thinking of the results of that round, the ‘love’ question, when Robert had drank and Virginia hadn’t. Meredith had talked to Robert about his ex before, but she wasn’t sure that Virginia had. Meredith was always surprised that, whenever Virginia learned something new about his past, it was usually something she’d known long before his girlfriend did.

‘Well, me too,’ Virginia said, ”cause I love you too, sweetie.’

‘Trying to steal my girlfriend?’ Robert asked Meredith jokingly.

‘Maybe I’m trying to improve my performance next time we play,’ Meredith quipped back.

Please don’t actually think through what I just said…

Virginia grinned.

‘Good one!’ she said. ‘You, Kylie, and that bi chick from the third floor could definitely make for a hot three-way.’

‘Two girls? No way.’


‘Meredith Elizabeth Reynolds, are you saying you want two beefy studs to have their way with you?’ Virginia said in faux outrage. ‘Why, what will they say at University Methodist?’

Meredith was turning red.

‘Don’t listen to her,’ Robert said warmly.

Meredith was eager to take the heat off of herself.

‘I noticed you didn’t drink on the threesome question either, Miss Virginia. Maybe I’m not the only prude around here,’ she said in a bratty voice.

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Dad Alice and the worst day of my life

100% fiction! This is the story of how I found my father fucking and using my girlfriend. To any of you who have a weak stomach... Stop reading now. I don't know what's inspired me to tell this story. Every time I think of it, it almost brings me to tears... Maybe on some subconscious level, I think that if I'm able to share it with someone, anyone, it'll get better. I was 19 when I started dating Alice (I'm 23 as of a few months ago). We'd met in chemistry lab and hit it off... no doubt in...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 433

Compliments of Red Dog Ok so this mortician had a habit of cutting the corpses penis off, he did this for many years, he kept them in a jar on the shelf. Anyway, he decided he had enough penis in a couple large jars and he took them to a taxidermist to see what he could make from them. This process took years, but one day the mortician got a call from the taxidermist, he told him to come down and see what he thought. Mortician walks into taxidermist’s office and he hands the mortician a...

2 years ago
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Meri Behen Ritu Ki Mast Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello boys … I am back…Aap logo ne meri phli story to padhi hi thi…Ye bhi meri bhan ritu ki hi story h. Hamare ghar me m , papa, mummu or meri bdi bhan ritu h. Ye baat 1saal phle ki h. Jb m 11 th me tha. Or meri bhn collage 1st year me thi. Ye baat 2015 ki h… Mere bua ji ki ladki ki shaadi thi.. To hm sb shaadi se ek din phle hi gurgaon chale gye. Hmne waha raat ko kafi enjoy kiya. Agle din hm sb shaam ko hotel me chale gye jha pr shaadi thi. Maine blazzer phne tha.. Ritu ne ek blue color ka...

3 years ago
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Bar Girl Ch 01

A romantic thriller in 15 chapters. This is a story of a maiden in moral hazard. For some, no Apocalypse is needed to deliver them into a corrupt, dog eat dog world. Blen, is one such. Surrounded on all sides by dangerous people, facing the ultimate sacrifice to secure the future of her family, with cunning and artifice she employs her opponents’ weapons to defeat them. But, not without highly erotic misadventures along the way. ***** Chapter 1. ‘Wala.’ The Land of Wala. Poverty and...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Annette Rios Do Not Call It A Cum Back

Oye Loca is back, and who better to return with than sexy Latina goddess, Annette Rios? She shows up at the airport and her host is eager to get her to the hotel to show her some extra intimate hospitality. There, she pops her juicy cunt open for our studs big dick and goes for a wild ride. Her eyes roll back in her head as his cock goes deeper into her tight muff, filling her up completely as she squeals in orgasmic pleasure. His cock has never felt better than when it is getting squeezed by...

1 year ago
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Em Can I Watch

“I need to turn in, honey...” Mike stood up, stretched, and I heard his spine crack and pop as he arched his back. I shuddered. I hate that noise. He turned to Steve, “You’ll be okay in the spare room, mate. Em will give you some blankets.” Steve nodded and raised his beer can, “Sure, bud, no worries. I’ll be all set.” “Sorry I’m such a lightweight, what with this new job and the early starts, it’s killing me!” Mike grinned apologetically, shrugging as he picked up his cellphone. He looked at...

1 year ago
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Fucking Theater Girls Part 3

When I asked him he almost peed himself in sheer joy. “Jake you are the best friend someone could ever have,” he practically sang. “Whatever, at least this might stop you from punching me whenever I bring them up,” I joked. “Ha! Now you’ll be lucky if I even care any more!” We made a date and headed over to Hailey and Jasmin’s dorm at around 10. They greeted us at the door in lingerie and hurried us in. Jasmin had on the matching red thong and bra combo that I was sure she was wearing...

1 year ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 74

Hawk, Marc, and Skyler arrived at the Yarrow Bay Grill a few minutes after noon. The restaurant was moderately busy, but several tables overlooking the marina and the lake were still available. When Hawk explained he wanted two tables; one being a particular table at the window, and the second within easy sight of the first, the host’s attitude was bordering on belligerent. In response Hawk showed the man his black Visa Card and a hundred dollar bill, and asked, “Sir, have you ever seen one...

1 year ago
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Every time global cinema comes up, “Hollywood” pops out. Well, it is the best film making hub in the world. But I’m not here about that; I’m all about the people Hollywood has made famous. That’s right, the freaking sexy celebrities. The place is an incredible, ideal climate, sunny and mild terrain which makes me be like “I want to see some titties”. Not that we don’t love the movies, just the craving for a little more thrill from the show.When a site is about movie stars, like Egotastic, it...

The Fappening
2 years ago
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Meri Maa Sheela Ki Chudai Part 3

Hi Iss readers Sunil here aap phle meri do sex stories padh chuke ho   In do stories me aapne padha k kaise maine apni maa ko vijay kaka k sth chudai krte huye red handed pkda.   Fir blackmail krke usko khud bhi choda aur apne friends se gangbang krwaya lekin ab aage ki stories mai khud post kiya krunga. Pichli stories me aap meri maa ka figure to jaan hi chuke ho 36-30-36. Is bar mai apni maa ki chudai ki ek aur story lekar pesh hua hu ye story bhi meri maa ka gangbang hi hai lekin ye...

2 years ago
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Supermarket lesbo pick up

A couple of weeks ago Donna and I were in bed talking after we'd had a good sex session, and we were chatting about who we'd like to do next. We'd had MFF & MMF plenty of times, Donna said she'd like to try a Black woman and a Black man, I said I'm happy with the woman but not the man and she said I was selfish, so I agreed if the situation came up.We were in one of our local supermarkets when a Black lady bumped into us, she apologised immediatley and Donna said it was Ok. When we arrived...

1 year ago
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Private Veronica Leal Cock Sucking Masterclass

A spicy blonde Latina with incredible natural tits… that’s right it’s none other than Veronica Leal and today she’s come to Private Specials, Private Babes on Fire 2 ready to give a lesson in the art of cock sucking with a blowjob that the lucky Nick Moreno will never forget. Veronica gets her man warmed up by offering up those incredible tits and juicy pussy for taste before getting his cock out and treating it to her throat, lips and tongue as she delivers a phenomenal blowjob that will...

3 years ago
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Great night in

This is my first story, I hope you enjoy it as much as my husband and I do. It’s a true story about a night between him and I, there is mention of how we moan loudly because we have thin walls and I’m pretty sure our neighbours heard us!! I’m thinking about writing some more, so feedback welcome!   I quickly run myself a bath, knowing I’m in for a hot night. Slipping into the hot bubbly water I cant help but run my hands over my soapy body, caressing my breasts and sliding down my body to...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Madison Morgan 02282023

Madison is having girlfriend problems. Her older lesbian lover is once again running off on her so Madison has taken off to the wine country to get her head on straight and reevaluate her life. It’s at a small bistro somewhere in Napa she starts telling her problems to an empathetic waiter who listens and takes it all in. He offers her the best advice anybody has given her lately. What this chick needs is a good dicking. Not only that he lets her know he is just the man to do it as he...

3 years ago
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Very Fun Filled Night

After drinking lots of tequila from a hard week and rough week I am buzzing really hard. So I go lay down fall a sleep and wake about 2:30am and my dick is hard as fuck. I am horny and i know i wanna do...put something in my mouth to ease this feeling. I shower throw on my usual extra large t shirt and shorts and head to the spot on the outskirts of town. The Gloryhole. I am still buzzing but take two small bottles with me. I get there about 4:00am and there are about 5 cars in the parking lot....

1 year ago
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Swipe Right Ch 01

Hello and welcome to Swipe Right Chapter 1! This originally was just going to be a one-shot story and be self contained. But as I was writing the length grew and I wanted to make sure it was easier on all of you to read. So I’m cutting it into two chapters. With this story I tried to keep it as grounded as possible but obviously there is always going to be a level of suspension of disbelief. I hope you all enjoy it and as always I encourage any feedback All characters featured in this...

3 years ago
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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Copyright © 2006 De Rozario Jesse All rights reserved. Portions of this document may not be reproduced through any means, including, but not limited to, scanning, uploading, reproduction, transmission, and distribution via the Internet or any other means, electronic or mechanical, including printing, photocopying or recording in any form, without express permission of the author. Any reproduction or redistribution of this document must be done wholly and in its entirety. * 1 Travis Born...

2 years ago
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Slut9Chapter 19 Girls

Saturday, December 23rd, Mid-afternoon Dave and Jennifer stepped out of Jennifer's bedroom, both now fully dressed, and found all four girls waiting for them. Dave smiled. "Are you all a little anxious?" "Yes!" they all screamed at the same time. "Okay, why don't you all go downstairs. Molly, get yourself a drink of something, I'll get the formula and meet you in the kitchen." All four girls ran down the hallway with a little pushing and shoving and down the stairs. "No pushing...

4 years ago
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Mr Daffodil Finds Romance

(Okay, folks! Dag—Intrepid Reporter here. That's right. I'm back.) You no doubt remember, how after that ill-conceived attempt to interview Mr. Namby Pamby—I got fired! To paraphrase Mr. Jack Nicholson. 'They couldn't stand the truth!' (Don't rub it in—of course I haven't interviewed Mr. Nicholson. The guy gets hostile when you try to interrupt him at a basketball game!) I been out of work now for six months. No one wants to hire a guy they suspect might have been a little weak on...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins

We spotted each other as soon as I walk through the pub door. Doreen sat at a table with her husband Bill. She looked great. I had dropped in on impulse as I passed, felling the need of a cold pint of beer on a warm July night. They both waved at me with beaming faces. Bill stood unsteadily and held out his hand. "Didn't know you were in town," he said as we shook. His speech was slurred. "I got in yesterday," I replied, " I thought it was time to pay mum a visit, or to be more accurate, mum...

4 years ago
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Hot Visit with Mom Pt 2

After the guy left, I heard Mom pass my room, not realizing that I was there and then stirring about the house. I undid my pants and began stroking my cock, picturing my mom’s big ass shaking while being fucked. I guess she finally discovered my car in the driveway, and so I heard her rushing up the stairs to my room. Without time to zip back up, I just put my arm to the side and again pretended to be asleep.I heard Mom come into the room. “Mal, I didn’t know…” then she stopped, obviously...

1 year ago
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Would You Like That Orgasm With Fries

Introduction: Fun times and revenge at work Hello! This is my most recent submission and is intended to be a stand alone story. Thank you to my many friends who have prompted me to write again. I get a rush out of the idea people are enjoying themselves when they read the stories I submit. English is my second language, but I am trying to do better with having others proof read and being more careful myself. Enjoy it and let me know what you think! Would You Like That Orgasm With Fries? ...

3 years ago
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Best Birthday present to office colleague

Hi, I am anil from hyderabad , with new story of mine with a girl named Rani. She is working my office and she from other city. She lives in there alone and working as Executive in my company. I always stare her boobs, butt when she comes to me to goes away from me. She is having her birthday on 22 Feb. On that day, She had dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a red saree with a sleeveless blouse that had a halter neck that showed off her shapely arms. Red lipstick, red nailpolish and red...

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My daughters dildo epilogue

We spent the rest of that night fucking. Nicole showed me mercy and allowed me a couple naps along the way, but I was shooting blanks for most of it. I still can’t get over how much sex that girl needs. Beyond that, I’m just happy that she’s so good at getting me hard even when I think I’ve reached my limit. I ended up booking the hotel room for another night and we got more than our money’s worth out of it. I can’t really say things returned to normal over the next couple of weeks at home...

2 years ago
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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 11

A week later we showed up at the drop point to Providence. There was a Leopard Dropship with four Mechs and two aerospace fighters waiting for us. They exchanged places with the No-Name Leopard and gave the Colonel the message. He didn't even unload. We just extended the sails and started a quick recharge. Two days later we were on Tortuga Prime. All three of the Dropships dropped. We had every Mech that we could man aboard and went in ready to repel an invasion. Captain Jacobs is a Very...

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my slutty girlfriend pt2

we were talking and drinking when my gf woke up still rather drunk she sat up by this point most of both het tits were on display. She was kissing me and i worked her dress down around her waist. As she worked her way down she pulled my cock out and started to suck at this point my mate started to pull and pinch her nipples. She was whimpering and getting more turned on and then she pulled his cock out and started giving him head. I moved around behind her and started fucking her pussy. Soon my...

3 years ago
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FlashedHome Baking

"Hi, Honeybuns. I'm home. Hmm, someone's been baking. Hey, look, cookies!" "Don't you dare, Sweetie. They're for the church fete." "Hummph. Hoo hate, horry." "Sweetie!" "Sorry; couldn't resist. You know I love your cookies. Where are you anyway?" "I'm upstairs, Sweetie." "What are you doing up here? You've still got a cake in the oven ... Oh." "I did the test. I'm ovulating. The leaflet says we have to make love lots and lots over the next thirty-six...

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Freds Whore

"You know your choices Bess. Stop your whining and get ready to do it or get your ass out of here." My wife Bess gave me a nasty look, but then she turned and went upstairs to get ready for the evening. My marriage to Bess was pretty much a sham, but it hadn't always been that way. For almost ten years it had been what I would have called a model marriage and indeed people had pointed at us and said, "That's what a marriage should be like." Not anymore! Six months ago the wheels had come...

2 years ago
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About two months after these weekly sessions began, Clarissa was wiping the oil from my boobs and pussy juices from between my legs after one of my ‘massages’ when she stopped for a moment and handed me a card with a co-worker’s name on it. She said, “Sophie, if I’m ever not available for one of your sessions, use Rick…here’s his card. He gives great massages, and his approach to stress relief is very similar to mine. I think you’ll like him.” I thanked her, and put the card away without...

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Secret dreams come true

SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE Chapter 1 Claire was sitting in front of her computer opening her mailbox again and again. She was waiting for a special letter, but it hadn't arrived yet. It wasn't supposed to, but she hoped she could find it earlier. It would come from her possible Master. She remembered their first chat. She had always dreamt of finding a Master, but never dared to do anything for that. She was nervous, as it was the first time she was talking about her...

2 years ago
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Mervs Place Intro

Merv sat on the porch cracked open a bottle of Buds and look up at the sky. It was a big blue with white tufts of clouds streaking across the patina. His deck overlooked a stretch of beach which over the years had become a favorite with the younger set. Each summer young folks would flock to "his stretch of beach” to revell in the surf,sun and sand and "Merv's Place"(as it had become known) had taken on the role of becoming the go to place for goods that folks rushing to catch the sun had...

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Shes Mine

Jared walked into the bar, and there she was. Her back was to the door, preventing her from seeing him enter. Men surrounded her with several drinks in front of her. Apparently she had attracted quite a bit of attention. Jared fumed at the site. As he scanned the length of her body, he saw the reason for the attention. She had on a pair of low rise jeans, that had ridden even further down her hips. They showed the tattoo on the small of her back, along with the top of the black lace thong she...

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Shivam mera yaarJalandhar

All u sexy and horny girls can mail me and I will reply u all, but only serious girl who want sex and excitement in their life can mail me (Jalandhar). It should be a secret relationship, nobody other than you and me should know about us, ok. Your e-mail address will be kept strictly …Meri Umr 18 saal hai, main kunwaari yuvti hoon. Maine 12th ka exam diya hai. Main apne bare mein yeh batana jaroori samajhti hoon ki meri family kaafi advance hai, aur mujhe kisi prakaar ki bandish nahin lagayee...

1 year ago
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HomeworkChapter 9

John was still troubled as he contemplated the proposition that Sharon had made to him the night before. He kept thinking his relationship with Sharon could be forever damaged by whichever decision he made. Was there a right decision? While walking to Sharon’s, John would pause after every house he passed to wonder if he should turn around and rethink his decision. He had told Sharon he would be there at 7:00, and it was already 7:15. He was delaying the inevitable. Sharon was expecting an...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 2 Fun in the Shower

It was about a week and a half after Pyx started working, when I made Pyx cry again, but for a very different reason. I was laying in bed, getting a tongue bath from Pyx, with Vonda supervising. It's not like I needed it. I had showered the night before. It's not even a very effective way to get clean. The saliva on your skin, leaves you with a sticky feel, and you need to shower afterwards. But, it is fun, feels great, and is vital training for your new slave. Plus the grand finale is...

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The Whittman Society

You were masturbating furiously at the site of Jennifer. She was on your computer screen, jilling herself off while screaming your name. Within seconds you shot a rope of cum that hit your computer monitor. "Thanks Jennifer, that was great" you said to her. Jennifer brings herself to a loud orgasm, then thanks you back as well. This is how you spent the last 5 Saturday nights. Having a sexy video chat with either Jennifer or Bianca that always ended in you having an orgasm. It was odd, Jennifer...

1 year ago
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OliviaChapter 16

"What a crappy sleep," Olivia thought as she became aware of light streaming through her window. Her body still ached, her tummy felt crampy, and it felt like her sheets were wrapped around her body all night. To top it off, her underwear felt like they were glued to her skin. Kicking the covers off, Olivia understood why she felt like she'd been wrapped up in her sheets all night, her night gown was stretched tight across her chest. "Oh no, please God no," she whispered as she sat up...

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