ReunitedChapter 4 free porn video

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"Dad, why didn't you tell me all this before?" Jessica asked as she gently stroked Terence's hair.

"Don't you see?" Terence said weakly. "I was afraid if I told you about him, you would go to him. But if I didn't tell you, you wouldn't understand. I was trapped."

Jessica sat back. Terence wished he had the strength to get out of the hospital bed and hold her. Even though he was only in his fifties, he looked like a man in his seventies and in poor condition even for that. His hair had thinned and was yellowy white and grey. His skin was jaundiced and wrinkled. He had intravenous lines going into him and machines helping him survive.

Jessica, who was now eighteen and getting ready for her first year in college, was stunningly healthy and beautiful. Although her hair was naturally dark, she dyed it with a crimson color so it was a dark, almost black, red. This made her porcelain perfect white skin and her blue eyes stand out all the more. She had a flat, muscular stomach that made her large, round breasts stand out that much more.

It was her beauty that was the very problem.

"All I wanted to do was protect you from him," Terence said. "I know I did it wrong, but I always loved you and only wanted you to have a normal, happy life, without all the evil in my past."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Jessica said, looking into her lap. "I know you meant well. Thank you, for this."

Jessica was referring to the paper in her hand. It was a DNR, "Do Not Resuscitate", document, saying that if Terence's condition were to become life threatening, he did not want them to try and keep him alive with assistance from machines. It was a hard thing to discuss under any circumstances, but especially theirs. She had not spoken to Terence in years, since she was sixteen, when Terence and his wife, Margaret, separated.

The problem was that Terence did not have medical insurance of his own, he was reliant on his estranged wife. Her coverage was already strained to keep Terence in hospital, but if he had to be on the kind of care where he was alive indefinitely, it could bankrupt Margaret. That, in turn, meant that there would be no support for Jessica's college tuition.

When Jessica first came in the room, she was confrontational, saying that after all that had happened, the one good thing Terence could do for her was not take away her future by denying her an education. However, Terence didn't fight her, he signed the paper, saying he understood completely, and that he would gladly die if it meant that she could do well.

That attitude made Jessica less aggressive, and she sat down to talk.

Terence felt there was nothing to lose anymore, so he told Jessica everything. He told her about how Todd bullied him in high school, how Todd took his first wife Amy away, how he took away Angela, and how he took away Terence's second wife Lisa. He poured it all out, telling Jessica about all the cruel details, like each time Todd's cum landed on him, and how he had to drink a cup of Todd's cum while Todd laughed at him. Signing the paper reminded Terence of his mortality, and he felt that he had to confess everything, because if not his daughter, then who else in the world would hear his story?

The curtain around Terence's bed opened, and a nurse came in. Terence couldn't afford a private room, so he was in a shared room with four beds. There was no one else in the room that day, which happened sometimes as patients came and went. Still, Terence preferred the curtains around the bed to be closed, on the off chance another patient was wheeled in.

The nurse who came in wasn't very tall, and she was very curvy. She had large breasts and Hispanic features. She was very sexy, though she had a lack of make up that was appropriate to her job, and her hair tied back into a pony tail.

"I don't want you!" Terence said, as sternly as he could muster. The nurse looked confused. Jessica looked apologetic but said nothing.

"I'm sorry sir," she said, honestly confused. "Did I do something you upset you?"

"Don't act like you don't know you're good looking!" Terence said, as if that was an obvious cause for him to be upset. She looked appropriately confused by the statement. "I don't want a woman like you taking care of me. You're all whores and liars!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way," she said, with the firm but polite tone of someone who often deals with difficult people at her job, "but we can't change the shifts based on who a patient likes and doesn't like."

"I don't care!" Terence said. "Just stay away! You'll turn out to be one of his whores! Fuck off!"

"Sir, please calm down." The nurse clearly didn't understand his issue, beyond that for whatever reason, he didn't like attractive women.

"I'll calm down as soon as you leave!" Terence said. He tried to get up out of bed, though it was unclear even to him what he would do if he got up. Jessica got up and put her hands on Terence to encourage him to lie down and relax.

"Alright, sir, alright," she said. "I'll leave in just a moment."

Terence didn't answer, he just fell back into his pillow like a sulking child.

The nurse finished up checking on the medicine and then turned to leave.

"Whore," Terence muttered as she left. She paused for a moment, then just shook her head like he was crazy, and walked out, closing the curtains around his bed behind her.

"You're behaving like a crazy man," Jessica said.

"Can't you understand why," Terence said, "now that I've told you my story."

"I guess," Jessica said, "it's so extreme, it's hard to believe."

Terence broke down and cried. He told Jessica the rest of the story from after Lisa had left him, breaking up with Terence over the phone, laughing at how she tricked him into eating more of Todd's cum, and laughing about it while Todd fucked her.

Terence resolved that since he was on the verge of moving back to his previous lousy one room apartment, that he wouldn't be that much worse off in prison. He went out and got a gun. It cleared out his bank account, but he didn't care. He had to go through a waiting period, but it wasn't an impulsive act, it was a grim determination to kill Todd no matter what.

He had no criminal record or any legal problems, so in a couple of weeks he got a gun, a second hand gun made by an Austrian company which was recommended to him by the shop keeper.

Terence would take the bus out to near Todd's place after work and wait around and watch to try and get a sense of Todd's schedule and where he went, so that he would know when and how to shoot him.

Over the weeks while Terence got ready to shoot Todd, he stopped going to his church, and lost any previous friends he had. People weren't talking to Terence that much, except for polite civilities, so he wasn't too clear on what happened. However, from what he could guess, it seemed that before Lisa took off with Todd, she had spread rumors about Terence that made everyone suspicious of him.

Somehow, everyone came to see Terence as being responsible for Lisa leaving. They knew he had a sordid past where he was engaged in unspeakable acts, and they came to see this as being somehow the reason why Lisa left. It was never going to be a fair assessment. Lisa was beautiful, charming, and popular, and people only liked Terence as much as they liked her. When she left, the bottom fell out on his social standing.

Even the pastor was cold to Terence, forcing politeness out of duty. When Terence went to the pastor to ask what he could do to try and earn some credibility in the community and saw that the pastor was mouthing the right words but underneath wishing Terence hadn't driven Lisa away, Terence gave up on all of it.

Terence felt that it doesn't matter what people say they believe, in the end, it's all the same. The hot girl with the big tits is popular and everyone tries to pretend it's because she's nice or some other reason. However, he was living the reality. Everyone was upset with him for making the girl who was the gem in their community go away.

Terence stopped going to church, he avoided people in that community, he just went to work and then afterward planned to kill Todd. He fantasized that if he had the chance, he would also kill Amy, Angela or Lisa. Or, even better, all of them. Maybe he would find them all coming back from some party together, and as they stepped out of the car, he would shoot all of them, shooting the women first, and Todd last. He would try and shoot them so they would be bleeding and writhing on the ground, and then Terence could walk up and finish them off, maybe with a few choice words to put them in their place before pulling the trigger.

After weeks of watching, Terence felt that there was no regular schedule to Todd's comings and goings. He practically didn't see Todd at all and only guessed at his presence by which cars he saw. Terence resolved that the only way he would get a chance to shoot Todd was to carry his gun with him when he went out to Todd's, and if he got the chance, he would rush at Todd shooting. Every day after work, Terence would go back to his apartment, get his gun, and then take the bus out to Todd's house.

One day, when Terence came home, he found his door open. His apartment was tiny, so all Terence had to do was nudge his door to open it wider and he could see the entirety of his apartment. When he did so, he saw Mark, the private detective that had Terence had hired, but who had turned on Terence to work for Todd in the middle of Angela's betrayal.

"Hey Terence," Mark said, as if waiting in Terence's apartment was a perfectly natural thing to be doing.

"Mark?" Terence said, not sure if this meeting was friendly or not. Mark held up the gun that Terence had bought.

"Planning on using this?" Mark asked. Terence tensed up, not with surprise, but with frustration. Todd was winning again!

"With what Todd does to men," Mark said, "you don't think you're the first guy to want to kill him, do you?"

Terence just sighed so his shoulders dropped.

"The boss has lots of safeguards in place," Mark explained, "you don't want to take things to this level. If you try anything like this, I'll be forced to come visit you, maybe take you to see some friends I have in Mexico. You really, really don't want that."

Terence just looked down. He was afraid to speak because there was an unsaid threat of violence in the air. Terence knew Mark was a professional who wouldn't do anything unless provoked, so as long as he let Mark set the terms of the conversation, Terence would be safe.

"I'm going to take this," Mark said, putting the gun away in his black overcoat. "It's safer for you if you don't have it. Try and stay out of trouble." Mark walked toward the door, and Terence backed up right against the wall to allow Mark plenty of room to walk by.

"Mark," Terence said as Mark stepped out into the hall. Mark turned back to look. "You've seen the things Todd does. Doesn't it bother you?"

Mark looked thoughtful for a second, then looked right at Terence. Mark didn't look bothered or anything. He just spoke as if it was all business.

"I've been around the world in some really bad places," Mark said. "Seen things you wouldn't believe. Done things. It's a cruel world. Just the way it is. I've got my place in it. You should accept yours." Then Mark walked away, not slowly, but in control, his very movement indicating that he knew Terence wouldn't try anything because he couldn't.

After Mark left, Terence closed the door and sat on the bed. However, he didn't cry, or scream, or get frustrated. He actually felt a little relieved.

Terence felt that if even killing Todd had become an impossible option, then he really couldn't do anything. Somehow, that was a freeing thought. There was no need to keep trying, to keep fighting, if he couldn't. Terence wondered if some of the other men around Todd felt that way. Maybe they just accepted their position of subservience to Todd and in that they could find a place where they were safe. Terence suddenly felt like he could understand why people joined cults. Freedom through obedience.

Terence gave up fighting in that moment, and losing the rage and anger made him feel a lot better.

Not that he found perfect happiness and bliss after that. He wasn't fighting anymore, but he knew that his options in life were limited to what Todd would allow. If Terence tried to have another beautiful girlfriend or wife, Todd would not only make her betray Terence, but try and find a way to draw it out and make him suffer as much as possible.

The thought of only dating ugly women was confusing for Terence. For all the other problems in his life, one thing he seemed to be able to do was get into relationships with beautiful, desirable women. He never really considered himself shallow as much as he considered himself fortunate.

Now that he was forced to only date ugly women, it made the desire to be with someone beautiful that much more desirable. It was just unnatural to go around and look for the women one didn't find attractive. The confusion twisted Terence up inside. On the one hand, he became addicted to porn, masturbating in the safety of knowing that women on his computer screen couldn't hurt him. However, he always felt guilty and small afterward. He would never have women like that, and having just masturbated to them made it that much more clear.

When he was more relaxed and not needing to masturbate, Terence resolved that he was going to give up women and sex entirely. He even considered joining a monastery, but knew that life wasn't really what he wanted. He decided to return to his previous expertise of working with computers. If he didn't pick up any attractive women, maybe Todd would allow Terence to gain some moderate success and satisfaction in his work.

At first, Terence worked extra shifts at the recycling plant, enough to save up and buy a computer. He also went to net cafes and the library to get access to the Internet. After nearly a year, getting back up to speed, Terence landed a job at a small start up company that was making computer programs for the Internet. They had big dreams and not much cash, so they were willing to take on a guy like Terence who had an uneven work history but showed a lot of promise.

At first he worked part time at the start up, but they managed to get some business revenue going, so he was able to leave the job at the recycling plant and go full time. Then his promise started to show through. It's amazing how much work a man who is not pursuing women can get done. Terence became a much valued employee.

It wasn't a success story like one reads about in the papers, where the little start up turned into the next Microsoft or Apple. The company did do quite well, however, and soon they were a medium sized company with two dozen employees and modest profits. Terence was able to work up to get an inexpensive and small, but new car, and a more livable apartment. Terence had been broken down enough that he knew that no matter what you have, it can be taken away, which made him grateful for everything he earned.

Despite not looking for any kind of romance, even avoiding women to a degree, Terence found himself in a relationship. It was a woman who worked as a customer service representative in his office, Margaret. She did not have an amazing body, or huge tits, or an incredible face. She was plain looking, a little pear shaped, with brown eyes and limp brown hair. Her jaw was a little too big and her facial features just a little too small. She had big breasts, but only because she was chubby overall, and they sagged.

Terence started hanging out with her on lunch breaks as a friend. They had lots in common, enjoyed the same movies, liked the same music. The process was so gradual, they didn't even realize when it was that lunches also became dinners, and then drinks after dinner, and drinks on the weekend, and movies, and going to events together.

It was a relationship built entirely on friendship. Which mostly worked great. Except that after a time, Margaret began to wonder why Terence never made any moves on her, and she began instigating them herself. Terence was fine with holding hands. However, when she tried to kiss him, he was clearly uncomfortable, and it was awkward.

After six months, Margaret wanted to have a conversation about what their relationship was and where it was going. Terence couldn't bear to tell her his past, because it ended up in telling her that the only reason he was with her was because she was ugly, that if he wasn't afraid Todd would ruin another relationship with an attractive woman, Terence would be searching for someone he was also physically attracted to, not just emotionally. Instead, he just said that he wasn't that interested in sex, and it was up to her if she wanted a relationship without sex.

Margaret wanted to be married, and to have kids, and she wanted to have a sex life too. However, she confided to Terence that she knew that she wasn't most men's physical fantasy and that now she was over thirty, her options were getting smaller, not wider. She was willing to make compromises, so she agreed to not push Terence for sex, if he would agree they would at least try to have a child. Terence agreed.

Soon after, they were married. Sex, when they tried it, was awkward and uncomfortable, so they turned to artificial insemination. It was expensive, but it turned out that Terence had a low sperm count so it was the only way anyway.

They had a daughter, and it turned Terence's view on life around. For both Margaret and Terence, it gave them a new focus for life to fill the gaps they felt in their own. All that mattered was giving their daughter, Jessica, the best of everything they could manage.

Jessica was a charmer from the start. She smiled, and laughed, and brought joy to everyone. Terence doted on her, and Margaret felt that for all his faults, the one thing that redeemed Terence was that he was a good father. For twelve years, the joy of taking care of their daughter blotted out any other problems they had in life. The fact that this was a life that Todd let Terence have faded into the background of Terence's mind. He was content again, and he wasn't going to let any doubt or uncertainty get in his way.

The problems started as Jessica hit puberty, and it was clear she was going to become a beautiful young woman. Somehow, the sum was greater than the total of the parts. Neither Terence nor Margaret looked to have great genetic potential, but somehow the right combination of genes must have come together. Year after year, Jessica went from being a cute, radiant little girl to an attractive and sexy young woman. She was very developed by the time she was sixteen, and popular with all the boys at her school because of her huge chest. Some of the girls couldn't help be jealous of her, but Jessica had enough humility and charm to win anyone over.

She was so gorgeous, so popular, so desirable even at that age that Terence's paranoia was in full gear. He became convinced that Todd was going to come and take her away.

Terence became a restrictive father right at the time his daughter was ripe to express teenage rebellion. While she maintained good grades and was part of social and sports clubs, Jessica and Terence started arguing all the time. He wanted to know where she was every moment of every day. He would follow her, and harass people she talked to. It began to go to extremes, with Terence shouting at people he saw talking to Jessica in the mall. Or phoning up other parents constantly to check if Jessica was where she said she was. He would check her email, her diary, and show up at her school. Parents and teachers started to complain.

When Margaret asked Terence what was wrong with him, Terence was evasive. He couldn't fully explain without revealing that he had "settled" for Margaret, and undermining their whole relationship. How would any woman feel about being told that their husband chose them because she was too ugly to be stolen by anyone else?

The proverbial shit hit the fan when Margaret looked into Terence's porn collection. She wasn't a stupid woman, she knew he looked at porn on his computer. However, she never gave it much thought until Terence started behaving like a possessive and paranoid man with regard to his daughter. She accepted Terence's story that he wasn't that interested in sex, and assumed that he only looked at porn occasionally because she had a vague idea that men couldn't help it to some degree. Margaret was never able to see what porn Terence looked at because he was good with computers, and unlike some people, was able to ensure there was no history or bookmarks for Margaret to discover by accident or by looking.

One time, after yet another argument when Jessica was home late from a cheer-leading practise and Terence had called her a whore, Margaret had enough. Terence and Margaret argued, and Margaret insisted on seeing Terence's porn collection. Terence would have refused entirely, except that he could never have foreseen what Margaret would reveal as her reason for wanting Terence to show her what he had.

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I strode into Mr Beaton’s second English 11 class of the day. Eyes turned towards me, I was the center of attention. I had a momentary flight response in my gut. I had never been popular and this was still settling on me. Just this morning, I had been a loner, a shadow, a virgin, a whatever. Now with the green ribbon pinned over my heart; I was the boss. The Master. I had Lisa by my side. She ducked behind my shoulder, shyly smiling at Owen, her boyfriend. Owen looked gutshot and sour. I...

4 years ago
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All by myself

All by myself George was a bastard. He only thought of himself. These were the thoughts going through Pricilla's mind right at this moment. Why did it always have to be about him? She was finally going to get what she needed. Pricilla had been talking to her friend of ten years about her problems at home and her friend had mentioned masturbation. Pricilla had thought about that kind of stuff, but she thought it was dirty and had never tried it. The thought of touching yourself for pleasure...

3 years ago
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ProdigyChapter 6

"Phillipe! You can't do this to us!" "Yes, please, tell us what the surprise is!" "Now, now, now. I told you -- you'll just have to wait until we get back to Taylor's house." He had picked them up in a cab and the three had had a great dinner at a small restaurant across town. The two had begun pestering him to reveal his surprise from the moment he had picked them up, but he had remained adamant. "All I am going to say is that this is a surprise unlike any other you've ever had...

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Their life had been like that of most other couples married five years: two children, a mortgaged house, good friends, some good times and some bad times. Their fourth anniversary had been a surprise, planned by him to make it special for her. She blessed it with tears of joy. She had planned and worked for months to make their fifth anniversary special for him. Her plan demanded physical as well as mental fitness. She was running and lifting weights at the gym. Watching her muscles ripple,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e10 Louise Jenas 35 horsey housewife

Series 9, Episode 10: Louise Jenas (35), from Livingstone We open with an establishing shot of a featureless, single story white building. An almost empty car park infront of it, and then an empty playing field, the ‘H’ configuration of goal posts at the far end confirming it’s a rugby pitch. We track along the front of the building until we come to a pair of double doors, a simple panel screwed to the door confirms that this is ‘LIVINGSTONE RUGBY CLUB’. The door opens and a familiar figure...

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The Slut That My Girlfriend Is

It was raining heavily in Mumbai that day. The perspiration had chilled the city air. It was mesmerizing, how rain brings out the beauty of this place. As Henry took a sip of black coffee, his phone rang. It said ‘Soniya calling’, his girlfriend. He carries on to pick up the call. Soniya: Hey babe, it’s such a wonderful weather today, no? Henry: ‘Yes’ (while looking out of my apartment balcony) Soniya: What’d you say? Up for some juice tonight? Henry: Being the ropes along. Soniya: Fuck....

3 years ago
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Raised a Sissy

Raised a Sissy Alessandra Durante I've been a sissy my whole life. I didn't know that when I was child, but that what I was raised and reared to be. I never had a choice in the matter. I was born into a wealthy family, but I never knew the privileges of wealth. My mother was a strong willed woman who ran our countryside home like a queen. My sissy father was her faithful and humble servant. My father doted on her and obeyed her every command as if he had no choice. My...

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Eight Mile

It was the warmest day we’d had in at least a couple of weeks. It was almost thirty degrees outside; and I was outside most of the time. Frankly, it worried the shit out of me. When you live in Michigan, temperatures in the mid thirties mean only one thing; SNOW. Being without residence or independent of domicile as I liked to call it, brought about a completely different view of snow for me. You see unlike people who have some place to go, snow is not a mere annoyance to me. It doesn’t mean...

3 years ago
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Could It HappenChapter 6

The talk at the United Nations did result in most countries realizing the importance America meant to their countries and to world peace. There still were exceptions to this but those countries were now receiving a cold shoulder from the countries that were previously friendly to their cause and now were re-thinking their support. If this would last no one knew but while it did there were no major political problems to handle. True to his word and one year since the day of Hal’s inauguration...

2 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 7

The next morning the alarm buzzed, and I had to reach across Jason’s massive body, as he was sleeping on my side of the bed. With neither of my men showing any signs of life, I had to shuffle awkwardly between their two sleeping bodies, underneath the duvet and out of the bottom of the bed. Not very elegant or lady-like!After showering and coffee, I saw the boys who were still sleeping soundly. The way I saw it, they were both responsible for my backlog of school work. (And of course, I was...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Me My Wife and Men

I awoke the next day after having the best nights sleep ever. I tried to open my eyes but they were stuck together from the night before. I finally got them open and looked at my wife who also had cum on her face and in her hair. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard someone say is that you Stacy. I immediately recognized the voice to be Rods’ but my wife’s’ name is Samantha so I answered no. Rod got up and came to the kitchen and said yes you are Stacy...

Group Sex
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Broken PromisesChapter 7

August 21st 1972: the hottest day so far of the summer, and I had my first visitor. No, not my woman, but my brother. My level of disappointment, while not exactly destined to be legendary, was pretty high-end. Oh yes, very high-end. “Blake, not that you’re not good looking or what all, but you’re not as good looking as the one I was hoping to see first!” I said. I was smiling, but I was also demonstrably disappointed. “I wanted to be here first to make sure you were all right,” said Blake,...

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FamilyStrokes Riley Jean Aria Banks Competing For My Attention

My not-quite nieces, Aria Banks and Riley Jean, are smoking hot, and on top of that, they’re always trying to please me. I think they may have a crush on me or something because they’re always giggling and showing off their bodies in front of me. They might even be in some kind of competition to see which one of them will seduce me first. But when they rip each other’s bathing suits off in a jealous rage, I want to put an end to the madness once and for all. Maybe if I give them what they want,...

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Little Perversions

The city is lonely and my bedside table is in disarray. Cherry cola fizzes in a champagne flute. A ragged copy of Albert Camus’ The Fall holds a position of importance in place of a Bible. It’s bookmarked at Jean-Baptiste’s recollection of that warm autumn night by the River Seine. I like to reread that passage when I can’t sleep. Next to it, there’s a half-smoked joint in a vintage glass ashtray that I stole from an ex-lover’s apartment. I can’t remember his name, but there’s something...

2 years ago
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Sophie and her mother Part 2

Thirty eight year old Sophie Dupree pulled aside the net curtain and watched Miles walk stiffly down the path, he paused briefly and grimaced as he touched the seat of his trousers. “Do you think I will see him again?” Sophie asked her mother. “Of course you will darling,” replied Celia who had now joined her daughter at the window. Sophie and her mother flopped on the sofa, physical and mentally exhausted. Celia complemented her daughter. “The first time is always a bit daunting, but...

2 years ago
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Helped Neighboring Aunt To Get Pregnant

Hi everyone, this is my first story which happened a few years ago. Please ignore if there are any mistakes in this story. My name is Albert. I am from Bangalore, average height guy and working in a private firm. The heroine of the story is my cousin aunt her stats are 36-24-34 she looks so cute and homely. As like every other guy I used to work and then roam in the evening with friends, chit-chat in and around the neighborhood. I was so friendly with everyone that they used to share everything...

3 years ago
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amazing threesome

It is a cold and blustery day and it is snowing out. I decide to call my friend Jayne and my friend Mark. They come over and we decide to watch a movie and have drinks. We put the movie in and start to watch it. About an hour later, we are all pretty d***k and feeling good we start talking about things and we decide that we want to all get together and have a threesome. We all take each other clothes off slowly enjoying each others bodies, looking and dreaming of playing together. Mark decides...

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A wild weekend Part 1

My buddy Rick was getting married so as best man I felt it needed to give him a last weekend of debauchery. So Invited him and the two other guys Jason and Bill to join is at a hotel downtown for a weekend of partying. I myself was engaged to a little French girl but knew that a weekend of sport fucking strangers might be a nice change of pace. Rick readily agreed as he wanted a few last gulps of strange before settling down.We decided on the long weekend two weeks before the wedding. So...

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Holiday With Mum chapter four

It was late when I awoke alone in the huge emperor sized bed and followed my nose down to the kitchen where mum was taking some croissants from the oven.She wore one of my shirts which was far too big for her, and I thought how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly fucking gorgeous too.She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts through the shirt."Breakfast, you horny boy." and she squealed as I lifted her up onto the worktop."The coffee will get cold," she protested...

3 years ago
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Mom Ke Anjane Mein Usse Rat Bhar Choda

Mera chuti hua tha toh meh mom ke sath gaon gaya tha.Wahan humare joint family hai..Papa ki naukri ki waje se wo wahan rehte hai. Yeh bat last din village ki hai uska agle din meh mom wapis ane wale the. Us din dopehr ko gaon mein bohot barish hua jiske karan current chala gaya aur pata chala ki ped girne ki wajah se wire cut gaya h aur usi din current nae ayega. Barish toh band hogaya but tha toh summer so humidity bohot tha and ghar mein bohot garmi ho rae thi but bahar acha hawa chal raha...

4 years ago
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Dosti Aur Rakhi Dono Ka Farz Nibhaya

Hi, pornasaxena apke liye layi hai, kuwari didi ke karname… Thoda patience rakh ke padhiyega. Odisha ke bargarh distt ke ek chhote se gaon me humara ghar hai, kariban 10 sal pehle ki baat hai. Jab mai sirf 14 sal ka tha. Meri didi roshni jo tab 19 sal ki thee, mumbai ke mama ke ghar me reh kar apni padhai kar rahi thee. Padhai me tez thee to papa ne use mama ke ghar bheja tha padhai ke liye 5 sal pehle. Meri bhi 10th ke exam ke bad mumbai bhejne ko socha tha sabne. Didi ke garmi ki chhutti...

3 years ago
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Romance of Lust part 12

That morning I purposely arranged that we should be late in entering the school-room. The doctor sternly reprimanded us, and told us we must attend him in his private room after twelve o’clock. Poor Dale turned pale as he heard this, dreading the punishment to come of which his experience was so recent and so severe.At twelve we, apparently ruefully, entered the doctor’s sanctum sanctorum. He had preceded us by some few minutes, and had already donned his long dressing-gown, by which I was...

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For Couples OnlyChapter 5

Stamping angrily over to the bar, Faith picked up another drink. She sipped gingerly at it, her eyes all the while searching for a possible hiding place for the key. It was no use. The key could be anywhere. There were thousands of places about the room where such a small article could be hidden. The anger within her rushed out suddenly, a sense of helplessness replacing it. How could Boyd do this to her? She felt like crying. But no. No, by God! She'd show Boyd. Two could play the same...

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Discovery of Love and Submission

Discovery of Love and Submission Pt. 03byAshLJ©I was not sure if I was dragged into the bedroom by Clare or followed. It felt like it was a little bit of both. I was thrown onto the bed with a strength that surprised me. I did not want to yelp but couldn't stop myself as I fell onto the soft mattress. Clare didn't seem to notice and pounced on top of me with a huge grin on her face. Our lips locked, and my mouth was possessed by Clare's tongue. She was fiery with this kiss as she had been with...

2 years ago
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Meri Mausi Bani Meri Biwi

Hello dosto i m akshay from Nasik me 23 yrs kaa hu aur just engg . complete kiya he ye story mere aur mere mausi Maya ki he meri mausi dikhne me mast gori he average body sexy figure aur bohot frank he nature se so abhi me story pe ataa hu Baat aaj se 1 mahine pehele ki he meri mausi jyada tr punjabi dress use karti he aur woh ghar me jyada tar bra nai pehna karti thi. Mere uncle kisi kaam se bahar gao gaaye the aur mausi ko bhi ek shadi me jana tha unke kisi khaas dost thi unke beti ke shadi...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 81 Parties and Invitations

As we entered the lobby, I noticed that members of the cast were standing in a row leading from the theater to the exit doors. The closest to us was the man who had played the Rum Tug Tugger. Angelique noticed him and dropped my hand so she could run towards him. "Angelique!" Lenore called out in a panic. The man noticed the child running to him and knelt down. Angelique stopped near him and froze. It was clear she was not sure what to do. Lenore raced up and knelt down to look at her...

3 years ago
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Perfect Pirouette

Perfect Pirouette James laid belly down upon his bed, flipping the pages in his new Seventeen magazine. His fingers, nails freshly painted in a lovely soft blue, turned each page delicately. For the most part, he hated Seventeen, but he had little else to do, as his mother had removed his videogames and old books from his bedroom. He was in the dating section, reading an article titled "Boys: What They Expect" when he heard a knock at the door. At least his mother...

5 years ago
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Sorting Out The Smiths Ch 03

Tales From Sechs City — welcome to Sechs City, a wealthy, middle-class costal area of Western America in the state of California. A gorgeous, quiet largely uneventful place, people move to the city to follow their dreams, to live their day-to-day lives. It’s almost too perfect to be true… The next morning Elizabeth woke early to find her curtains already drawn and a fresh pot of coffee on a tray resting on the bedside table. Wanda had obviously crept in beforehand. From the looks of it she...

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The Pat Wynn Lookalike

Part 1I had built the camper from the bottom up myself and to tell the truth I was pretty damned proud of it. It featured about any comfort you could possibly cram into a 2,5 x 6 m space in an old Bedford originally build for transporting horses. It was one of those old flat nosed trucks from the early sixties, but it had a new engine, breaks, gearbox and steering. I was a photographer working for different tourist boards and that summer I was working in Scotland. The nice thing about the work...

3 years ago
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Practically Invisible

Introduction: I wrote this because I wanted lots of anal. If you dont like the amount of anal, oh well. A man takes control of his submissive granddaughter. Practically Invisible Megen! I called. I need you to take out the trash! In the other room, Megen grunted and did as I said, though she barely acknowledged my presence in doing so. I sighed. Such was my relationship with my 16 year old granddaughter. She and her parents and brother were living at my house for the time being, until they...

5 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar part 9

-Look Ron! I have finally manage to fit my hand up her ass! Pansy Parkinson was on all four. Ron was fucking her face while Harry, at her other end, was having fun pushing his entire hand in and out of the girl anus. Each time he was remove it from inside of her, it made a loud Popping sound. Ron look at Harry's hand from is point of view as it disappear inside the bitch ass. His cock was already down the slut throat and her moan felt so good, he decide to leave it there. - I'm...

2 years ago
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Going For A Ride

It was a nice sunny, summer day.  I needed gas and a pack of cigarettes, so I pulled into a local gas station.  There were a couple of cars, and a large pop truck sitting in the parking lot.  I went into the store to make my purchase, and my old friend Dave was inside delivering cases of pop. Since he was busy, I went ahead and picked up a soda, and paid for my cigarettes and gas.  I didn't see him right off and walked back to fill up my car."Nice shorts," Dave shouted at me.  He made me jump,...

Gay Male
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Aggybook 2Chapter 28

The DDs of 119 returned. They were taken out to Ferguson's and underwent a quick refurbishment. That was all that was needed as the RMN had maintained the vessels during their time in Andrew. Being suspicious, Denny had checked that Holeinspace and Period were still fitted and found them as per the original equipping during the convoy years. Denny replaced the sets with newer equipment. The original crews claimed precedence of appointments. The 'surplus' Captains were allowed to borrow the...

1 year ago
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Surprised By Best Friend

Carmen and I had just come back from partying as we were celebrating my last few days of being a single woman. Not too much was happening in town that evening so we decided to go on over to her house. Carmen is 5’ 6” tall, long luscious legs, full heart-shaped lips and a model’s face. A Barbie doll. I, on the other hand, am 5’4” tall, 36DD tits, a soft tight “do it to me” ass, and too cute—even if I do say so myself. We sat on the couch in her living room reminiscing and enjoying glasses of...

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Lois sat in the living room, sighing as she flipped through the latest catalogues from the Quahog Mall. Every weekend they would be delivered, and every weekend she’d see some new clothes or accessories that she could do with. Her current purse was falling apart. It had a broken zipper, a clasp that wouldn’t click shut, and a small hole forming in one of the corners. Yes, it would have been nice to have something new for a change. “Damn it,” she muttered, “Peter never buys me anything anymore....

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MyPervyFamily Addie Andrews Helping StepMom Pay The Mortgage

We haven’t been doing so hot since my stepmom got divorced. Bills are piling up & collectors are calling. I watch my stepmom breakdown on the phone as it looks like we’re going to default on the loan for our mortgage. I approach her to comfort her and let her know everything is going to be OK. I tell her I can help the situation. I start to touch & squeeze my stepmom’s big tits. She admits it’s been quite awhile. She lets me take her shorts off and run my fingers...


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