ReunitedChapter 4 free porn video

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"Dad, why didn't you tell me all this before?" Jessica asked as she gently stroked Terence's hair.

"Don't you see?" Terence said weakly. "I was afraid if I told you about him, you would go to him. But if I didn't tell you, you wouldn't understand. I was trapped."

Jessica sat back. Terence wished he had the strength to get out of the hospital bed and hold her. Even though he was only in his fifties, he looked like a man in his seventies and in poor condition even for that. His hair had thinned and was yellowy white and grey. His skin was jaundiced and wrinkled. He had intravenous lines going into him and machines helping him survive.

Jessica, who was now eighteen and getting ready for her first year in college, was stunningly healthy and beautiful. Although her hair was naturally dark, she dyed it with a crimson color so it was a dark, almost black, red. This made her porcelain perfect white skin and her blue eyes stand out all the more. She had a flat, muscular stomach that made her large, round breasts stand out that much more.

It was her beauty that was the very problem.

"All I wanted to do was protect you from him," Terence said. "I know I did it wrong, but I always loved you and only wanted you to have a normal, happy life, without all the evil in my past."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Jessica said, looking into her lap. "I know you meant well. Thank you, for this."

Jessica was referring to the paper in her hand. It was a DNR, "Do Not Resuscitate", document, saying that if Terence's condition were to become life threatening, he did not want them to try and keep him alive with assistance from machines. It was a hard thing to discuss under any circumstances, but especially theirs. She had not spoken to Terence in years, since she was sixteen, when Terence and his wife, Margaret, separated.

The problem was that Terence did not have medical insurance of his own, he was reliant on his estranged wife. Her coverage was already strained to keep Terence in hospital, but if he had to be on the kind of care where he was alive indefinitely, it could bankrupt Margaret. That, in turn, meant that there would be no support for Jessica's college tuition.

When Jessica first came in the room, she was confrontational, saying that after all that had happened, the one good thing Terence could do for her was not take away her future by denying her an education. However, Terence didn't fight her, he signed the paper, saying he understood completely, and that he would gladly die if it meant that she could do well.

That attitude made Jessica less aggressive, and she sat down to talk.

Terence felt there was nothing to lose anymore, so he told Jessica everything. He told her about how Todd bullied him in high school, how Todd took his first wife Amy away, how he took away Angela, and how he took away Terence's second wife Lisa. He poured it all out, telling Jessica about all the cruel details, like each time Todd's cum landed on him, and how he had to drink a cup of Todd's cum while Todd laughed at him. Signing the paper reminded Terence of his mortality, and he felt that he had to confess everything, because if not his daughter, then who else in the world would hear his story?

The curtain around Terence's bed opened, and a nurse came in. Terence couldn't afford a private room, so he was in a shared room with four beds. There was no one else in the room that day, which happened sometimes as patients came and went. Still, Terence preferred the curtains around the bed to be closed, on the off chance another patient was wheeled in.

The nurse who came in wasn't very tall, and she was very curvy. She had large breasts and Hispanic features. She was very sexy, though she had a lack of make up that was appropriate to her job, and her hair tied back into a pony tail.

"I don't want you!" Terence said, as sternly as he could muster. The nurse looked confused. Jessica looked apologetic but said nothing.

"I'm sorry sir," she said, honestly confused. "Did I do something you upset you?"

"Don't act like you don't know you're good looking!" Terence said, as if that was an obvious cause for him to be upset. She looked appropriately confused by the statement. "I don't want a woman like you taking care of me. You're all whores and liars!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way," she said, with the firm but polite tone of someone who often deals with difficult people at her job, "but we can't change the shifts based on who a patient likes and doesn't like."

"I don't care!" Terence said. "Just stay away! You'll turn out to be one of his whores! Fuck off!"

"Sir, please calm down." The nurse clearly didn't understand his issue, beyond that for whatever reason, he didn't like attractive women.

"I'll calm down as soon as you leave!" Terence said. He tried to get up out of bed, though it was unclear even to him what he would do if he got up. Jessica got up and put her hands on Terence to encourage him to lie down and relax.

"Alright, sir, alright," she said. "I'll leave in just a moment."

Terence didn't answer, he just fell back into his pillow like a sulking child.

The nurse finished up checking on the medicine and then turned to leave.

"Whore," Terence muttered as she left. She paused for a moment, then just shook her head like he was crazy, and walked out, closing the curtains around his bed behind her.

"You're behaving like a crazy man," Jessica said.

"Can't you understand why," Terence said, "now that I've told you my story."

"I guess," Jessica said, "it's so extreme, it's hard to believe."

Terence broke down and cried. He told Jessica the rest of the story from after Lisa had left him, breaking up with Terence over the phone, laughing at how she tricked him into eating more of Todd's cum, and laughing about it while Todd fucked her.

Terence resolved that since he was on the verge of moving back to his previous lousy one room apartment, that he wouldn't be that much worse off in prison. He went out and got a gun. It cleared out his bank account, but he didn't care. He had to go through a waiting period, but it wasn't an impulsive act, it was a grim determination to kill Todd no matter what.

He had no criminal record or any legal problems, so in a couple of weeks he got a gun, a second hand gun made by an Austrian company which was recommended to him by the shop keeper.

Terence would take the bus out to near Todd's place after work and wait around and watch to try and get a sense of Todd's schedule and where he went, so that he would know when and how to shoot him.

Over the weeks while Terence got ready to shoot Todd, he stopped going to his church, and lost any previous friends he had. People weren't talking to Terence that much, except for polite civilities, so he wasn't too clear on what happened. However, from what he could guess, it seemed that before Lisa took off with Todd, she had spread rumors about Terence that made everyone suspicious of him.

Somehow, everyone came to see Terence as being responsible for Lisa leaving. They knew he had a sordid past where he was engaged in unspeakable acts, and they came to see this as being somehow the reason why Lisa left. It was never going to be a fair assessment. Lisa was beautiful, charming, and popular, and people only liked Terence as much as they liked her. When she left, the bottom fell out on his social standing.

Even the pastor was cold to Terence, forcing politeness out of duty. When Terence went to the pastor to ask what he could do to try and earn some credibility in the community and saw that the pastor was mouthing the right words but underneath wishing Terence hadn't driven Lisa away, Terence gave up on all of it.

Terence felt that it doesn't matter what people say they believe, in the end, it's all the same. The hot girl with the big tits is popular and everyone tries to pretend it's because she's nice or some other reason. However, he was living the reality. Everyone was upset with him for making the girl who was the gem in their community go away.

Terence stopped going to church, he avoided people in that community, he just went to work and then afterward planned to kill Todd. He fantasized that if he had the chance, he would also kill Amy, Angela or Lisa. Or, even better, all of them. Maybe he would find them all coming back from some party together, and as they stepped out of the car, he would shoot all of them, shooting the women first, and Todd last. He would try and shoot them so they would be bleeding and writhing on the ground, and then Terence could walk up and finish them off, maybe with a few choice words to put them in their place before pulling the trigger.

After weeks of watching, Terence felt that there was no regular schedule to Todd's comings and goings. He practically didn't see Todd at all and only guessed at his presence by which cars he saw. Terence resolved that the only way he would get a chance to shoot Todd was to carry his gun with him when he went out to Todd's, and if he got the chance, he would rush at Todd shooting. Every day after work, Terence would go back to his apartment, get his gun, and then take the bus out to Todd's house.

One day, when Terence came home, he found his door open. His apartment was tiny, so all Terence had to do was nudge his door to open it wider and he could see the entirety of his apartment. When he did so, he saw Mark, the private detective that had Terence had hired, but who had turned on Terence to work for Todd in the middle of Angela's betrayal.

"Hey Terence," Mark said, as if waiting in Terence's apartment was a perfectly natural thing to be doing.

"Mark?" Terence said, not sure if this meeting was friendly or not. Mark held up the gun that Terence had bought.

"Planning on using this?" Mark asked. Terence tensed up, not with surprise, but with frustration. Todd was winning again!

"With what Todd does to men," Mark said, "you don't think you're the first guy to want to kill him, do you?"

Terence just sighed so his shoulders dropped.

"The boss has lots of safeguards in place," Mark explained, "you don't want to take things to this level. If you try anything like this, I'll be forced to come visit you, maybe take you to see some friends I have in Mexico. You really, really don't want that."

Terence just looked down. He was afraid to speak because there was an unsaid threat of violence in the air. Terence knew Mark was a professional who wouldn't do anything unless provoked, so as long as he let Mark set the terms of the conversation, Terence would be safe.

"I'm going to take this," Mark said, putting the gun away in his black overcoat. "It's safer for you if you don't have it. Try and stay out of trouble." Mark walked toward the door, and Terence backed up right against the wall to allow Mark plenty of room to walk by.

"Mark," Terence said as Mark stepped out into the hall. Mark turned back to look. "You've seen the things Todd does. Doesn't it bother you?"

Mark looked thoughtful for a second, then looked right at Terence. Mark didn't look bothered or anything. He just spoke as if it was all business.

"I've been around the world in some really bad places," Mark said. "Seen things you wouldn't believe. Done things. It's a cruel world. Just the way it is. I've got my place in it. You should accept yours." Then Mark walked away, not slowly, but in control, his very movement indicating that he knew Terence wouldn't try anything because he couldn't.

After Mark left, Terence closed the door and sat on the bed. However, he didn't cry, or scream, or get frustrated. He actually felt a little relieved.

Terence felt that if even killing Todd had become an impossible option, then he really couldn't do anything. Somehow, that was a freeing thought. There was no need to keep trying, to keep fighting, if he couldn't. Terence wondered if some of the other men around Todd felt that way. Maybe they just accepted their position of subservience to Todd and in that they could find a place where they were safe. Terence suddenly felt like he could understand why people joined cults. Freedom through obedience.

Terence gave up fighting in that moment, and losing the rage and anger made him feel a lot better.

Not that he found perfect happiness and bliss after that. He wasn't fighting anymore, but he knew that his options in life were limited to what Todd would allow. If Terence tried to have another beautiful girlfriend or wife, Todd would not only make her betray Terence, but try and find a way to draw it out and make him suffer as much as possible.

The thought of only dating ugly women was confusing for Terence. For all the other problems in his life, one thing he seemed to be able to do was get into relationships with beautiful, desirable women. He never really considered himself shallow as much as he considered himself fortunate.

Now that he was forced to only date ugly women, it made the desire to be with someone beautiful that much more desirable. It was just unnatural to go around and look for the women one didn't find attractive. The confusion twisted Terence up inside. On the one hand, he became addicted to porn, masturbating in the safety of knowing that women on his computer screen couldn't hurt him. However, he always felt guilty and small afterward. He would never have women like that, and having just masturbated to them made it that much more clear.

When he was more relaxed and not needing to masturbate, Terence resolved that he was going to give up women and sex entirely. He even considered joining a monastery, but knew that life wasn't really what he wanted. He decided to return to his previous expertise of working with computers. If he didn't pick up any attractive women, maybe Todd would allow Terence to gain some moderate success and satisfaction in his work.

At first, Terence worked extra shifts at the recycling plant, enough to save up and buy a computer. He also went to net cafes and the library to get access to the Internet. After nearly a year, getting back up to speed, Terence landed a job at a small start up company that was making computer programs for the Internet. They had big dreams and not much cash, so they were willing to take on a guy like Terence who had an uneven work history but showed a lot of promise.

At first he worked part time at the start up, but they managed to get some business revenue going, so he was able to leave the job at the recycling plant and go full time. Then his promise started to show through. It's amazing how much work a man who is not pursuing women can get done. Terence became a much valued employee.

It wasn't a success story like one reads about in the papers, where the little start up turned into the next Microsoft or Apple. The company did do quite well, however, and soon they were a medium sized company with two dozen employees and modest profits. Terence was able to work up to get an inexpensive and small, but new car, and a more livable apartment. Terence had been broken down enough that he knew that no matter what you have, it can be taken away, which made him grateful for everything he earned.

Despite not looking for any kind of romance, even avoiding women to a degree, Terence found himself in a relationship. It was a woman who worked as a customer service representative in his office, Margaret. She did not have an amazing body, or huge tits, or an incredible face. She was plain looking, a little pear shaped, with brown eyes and limp brown hair. Her jaw was a little too big and her facial features just a little too small. She had big breasts, but only because she was chubby overall, and they sagged.

Terence started hanging out with her on lunch breaks as a friend. They had lots in common, enjoyed the same movies, liked the same music. The process was so gradual, they didn't even realize when it was that lunches also became dinners, and then drinks after dinner, and drinks on the weekend, and movies, and going to events together.

It was a relationship built entirely on friendship. Which mostly worked great. Except that after a time, Margaret began to wonder why Terence never made any moves on her, and she began instigating them herself. Terence was fine with holding hands. However, when she tried to kiss him, he was clearly uncomfortable, and it was awkward.

After six months, Margaret wanted to have a conversation about what their relationship was and where it was going. Terence couldn't bear to tell her his past, because it ended up in telling her that the only reason he was with her was because she was ugly, that if he wasn't afraid Todd would ruin another relationship with an attractive woman, Terence would be searching for someone he was also physically attracted to, not just emotionally. Instead, he just said that he wasn't that interested in sex, and it was up to her if she wanted a relationship without sex.

Margaret wanted to be married, and to have kids, and she wanted to have a sex life too. However, she confided to Terence that she knew that she wasn't most men's physical fantasy and that now she was over thirty, her options were getting smaller, not wider. She was willing to make compromises, so she agreed to not push Terence for sex, if he would agree they would at least try to have a child. Terence agreed.

Soon after, they were married. Sex, when they tried it, was awkward and uncomfortable, so they turned to artificial insemination. It was expensive, but it turned out that Terence had a low sperm count so it was the only way anyway.

They had a daughter, and it turned Terence's view on life around. For both Margaret and Terence, it gave them a new focus for life to fill the gaps they felt in their own. All that mattered was giving their daughter, Jessica, the best of everything they could manage.

Jessica was a charmer from the start. She smiled, and laughed, and brought joy to everyone. Terence doted on her, and Margaret felt that for all his faults, the one thing that redeemed Terence was that he was a good father. For twelve years, the joy of taking care of their daughter blotted out any other problems they had in life. The fact that this was a life that Todd let Terence have faded into the background of Terence's mind. He was content again, and he wasn't going to let any doubt or uncertainty get in his way.

The problems started as Jessica hit puberty, and it was clear she was going to become a beautiful young woman. Somehow, the sum was greater than the total of the parts. Neither Terence nor Margaret looked to have great genetic potential, but somehow the right combination of genes must have come together. Year after year, Jessica went from being a cute, radiant little girl to an attractive and sexy young woman. She was very developed by the time she was sixteen, and popular with all the boys at her school because of her huge chest. Some of the girls couldn't help be jealous of her, but Jessica had enough humility and charm to win anyone over.

She was so gorgeous, so popular, so desirable even at that age that Terence's paranoia was in full gear. He became convinced that Todd was going to come and take her away.

Terence became a restrictive father right at the time his daughter was ripe to express teenage rebellion. While she maintained good grades and was part of social and sports clubs, Jessica and Terence started arguing all the time. He wanted to know where she was every moment of every day. He would follow her, and harass people she talked to. It began to go to extremes, with Terence shouting at people he saw talking to Jessica in the mall. Or phoning up other parents constantly to check if Jessica was where she said she was. He would check her email, her diary, and show up at her school. Parents and teachers started to complain.

When Margaret asked Terence what was wrong with him, Terence was evasive. He couldn't fully explain without revealing that he had "settled" for Margaret, and undermining their whole relationship. How would any woman feel about being told that their husband chose them because she was too ugly to be stolen by anyone else?

The proverbial shit hit the fan when Margaret looked into Terence's porn collection. She wasn't a stupid woman, she knew he looked at porn on his computer. However, she never gave it much thought until Terence started behaving like a possessive and paranoid man with regard to his daughter. She accepted Terence's story that he wasn't that interested in sex, and assumed that he only looked at porn occasionally because she had a vague idea that men couldn't help it to some degree. Margaret was never able to see what porn Terence looked at because he was good with computers, and unlike some people, was able to ensure there was no history or bookmarks for Margaret to discover by accident or by looking.

One time, after yet another argument when Jessica was home late from a cheer-leading practise and Terence had called her a whore, Margaret had enough. Terence and Margaret argued, and Margaret insisted on seeing Terence's porn collection. Terence would have refused entirely, except that he could never have foreseen what Margaret would reveal as her reason for wanting Terence to show her what he had.

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A long time ago, I heard that fear and sexual arousal are in the same category of emotions. Being humiliated in front of women has been a fantasy of mine since puberty, but I was nonetheless afraid when faced with the reality of it. I had no idea what would come next. Despite my anxiety, or perhaps because of it, my cock was as hard as a rock.Cory had no respect for me at that point. She pulled her loincloth aside, planted her clit perfectly against my mouth and yelled, "Lick...

4 years ago
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My Female Day

When I woke up that morning my first decision was to be a female for a day. First of all I had to clean myself. First of all I had to clean my new pussy. I took a bootle with a small drinking cap and filled it with some water. I've applied some hand lotion on it so it won't hurt my virgin pussy. I bent over and slowly inserted the top of the bottle. With a gentle push I started filling myself with water. The feeling was very new to me and I liked it. I slowly started to turn on, but it was no...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

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Ciarra the ColdChapter 5 Fox Hunting

[WARNING: Ciarra isn’t an impossibly innocent and bland Isekai self-insert, or a brooding anti-hero. She’s a villain. She’s amoral and a sexual sadist, with her own twisted version of morality and honor. This story isn’t for children.] All the others had just ran away, with little thought and no planning. The foxkins trail led me directly to an old abandoned fort. Her lingering scent carries hope and resolve. Fading scents from many bandits covered the area, all of them were familiar from...

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Taylor Made

My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...

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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 7

There was blood on Mara’s tampon the next morning, but none had leaked out onto the bed or anywhere else. Mara was ecstatic! She could hardly wait to get to Fort Mentor to tell the other women about the tampon. From the way Mara was acting, the tampon was a real winner, and it seemed like women would join the Army just to get access to the tampon. All of the women grabbed a box of tampons to have available for their next bleeding cycle. I would bet that the word on the miraculous device...

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Life with a Randi

Finally, I could not stay away from the Randi. I went back to the whorehouse and again picked her from the entire woman lined up in front of me and she took me into her small dinghy room. She was smoking. There was this lingering smell of smoke and alcohol coming from her. I paid her 50 Rs for a fuck and before she started anything she took a big sip from the liquor bottle and then asked me ‘kya piyega dary, chaiye ek sip’. I said no. She kept the burning cigarette on the ashtray and she opened...

3 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 23 Naked Twister

Once everyone got comfortable being totally naked together again Lynn Barry dished up the most amazing meal. It was superb by all standards. This was despite the very short notice she had given herself to prepare it. As for the Creme Brulee that was served up after the main course was cleared away - well - that was truly magnifique! It was so light and fluffy in texture that it was a wonder it did not float up off the table and out the window with just the slightest of breezes. As for Tom...

5 years ago
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Helena n I Br0 Breeds Ss on Cam 1

Helena and I is a very long love, slow seduction story to tell. Enough erotic and seductive stuff for a full series.Helena and I, it takes me probably ten to a dozen short stories to present the most memorable erotic episodes.Helena and I, I take the time to sketch the sibling situation, our first fascination for private parts between us two.Helena and I, fast forward to the final sexy sequel, shot on her hidden camera, on our first private trips for...

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The Pool GirlChapter 8

My alarm wasn’t set for the weekends but I woke a few minutes after six and the summer sun was already bright through the window. Usually, I got up right away, seeing no reason to lie around. This morning I was delighted to see Melissa’s hair spread around her sleeping face. I grabbed my phone and moved the camera to exclude any of her nudity but took a picture of her face and hair. I felt a little weird taking one when she was asleep but she was too beautiful to not capture it. It had woken...

2 years ago
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A Family Man Part 2 The Journey Home

Five years ago, I came to live with the Henson's as their foster child. They came to know of me as I gained local fame for defending myself against an abusive drunk foster dad and complicit mother. While I was little more than a PR opportunity for Robert to increase his social stock value for giving a 'loving' home to a broken youth, I was a beloved child to Melanie. Over the years, our bond grew as it was clear we understood each other in ways no one else could. Now, on my 18th birthday, I...

4 years ago
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Chance Meeting

My wife is a Captain in the Marine Corps, stationed at Parris Island, S.C. I'm a sales rep for Hallmark Greeting Cards. My job entails a lot of travel throughout the Southeastern states. Recently, I finished early with my accounts in Savannah, GA, so I thought I'd stop at Hilton Head Island for a day of golf since my wife was on weekend duty. I got a room at the Red Roof Inn and joined a threesome for 18 holes. I had a nice dinner and a few drinks, and then turned in early. I was tired from...

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Rock Concert Coupling

I have been patiently waiting to again see my lover, Daniel, for over three weeks. His being a senior at a trade school in the next state is really "the pits." This endless waiting, and unrelentless craving for his hard muscular body, has been driving me crazy, as well as making every single cell in my young fourteen-year-old body extremely horny. My long red nipples always seem to be hard as large pebbles and my blond fuzz-covered slit always seems to be sooo swollen, sopping wet, and...

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Date with Young Katie

Fun with crossdresser KatieSo here I am browsing online ads to see who is out there that may be interested in meeting up for some safe adult fun. Lo and behold I’d come across this ad online that I’ve saw before of this young 27-year-old cross-dresser. Other times I was unable to meet with this young thing because of my work schedule so I never answer that ad. I said to myself here goes. I to put a few more pictures in the e-mail, cock, body shots and see if I get a response. I received a...

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His Friends MotherChapter 5

Jimmy arrived at the Hudson's house later that day to play with Bobby. There were some awkward moments between him and Gail, but Bobby didn't notice. At one point Bobby went to the bathroom leaving Gail and Jimmy alone. "Did you have fun before?" she asked. "Oh yeah! It was great!" "I'll come over tomorrow, okay?" "Yeah, cool." When Bobby returned, Gail and Jimmy stopped talking and looked away from each other. Bobby plopped down next to his best friend, resuming the game they...

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Stephen, who was crying out in a quiet breathless pant, while I worked three fingers in his tight ass, opened his eyes and, with a smile that clearly showed he was having the sensation of a full orgasmic anal experience, held me tight and said, " You can fuck me, if you want." I gently slid my fingers from the grip of his spasming ass catching the scent of fresh anal penetration - a very attractive smell. Like a clean pussy, a fresh ass is invitingly sexy. Some have a desire for "less" fresh....

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Three is not a crowd

I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was bisexual….one night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm…her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a drink…as we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge… I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed…suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she leaned down...

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Jacks Women

This is my first attempt at submitting a piece of my work. If this is received well, I’ll add more. This story is a total work of fiction, it never happened and the people do not exist. I hope you enjoy. Jack’s Women Chapter 1 He sat in the alleyway, drinking from a bottle of Jack, pissed and tired of all the bullshit in his life. All he wanted was someone that would just love him. Every woman he got with used him. His anger was rising now. Pain and hate filled him as he thought about all...

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Saving SisterChapter 14

Apparently, Bud inherited some of the instincts that made Ed a good cop. In the second week of Kim's new plan for school, Bud felt a sudden edginess as he followed the girls on a fairly long walk to Kim's next class. Dawn was nowhere in sight, but there was a guy keeping pace with the girls and looking around frequently. When the guy closed on the girls, Bud started the video cam. With the camera's LCD, he did not have to be obvious about it. It was somewhat out of boredom that he even...

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sexerciseMy daughter and I had recently moved to a new town, and I suggested we both join ahealth club, a way for us to share some time together, as well as getting in shapeand losing some weight, not that either one of us were that bad looking. Andrea, mydaughter is 16, and looks amazing in her workout leotard, a perfect tight teenage body with firm 36c breasts.OK class, pair up...I see we have 2 newcomers to our class, since everyone already has apartner, I suggest you two be partners for...

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Bebe in LaLa Land 5

FINDING A NEW PATH -or- SHE GENERALLY GAVE HERSELF GOOD ADVICE "Oh, my God! He's gorgeous!" Annie's voice came through the FaceTime connection on John's phone. "You dated that guy!?" Cassie was incredulous! "You're not even a star, yet!" She teased. "You shouldn't be able to get a guy like that until you're a mega-star! Like Jennifer Lawrence, or something!" John giggled. "I didn't 'get' him! We just went to the movies together." "And homecoming!" Cassie corrected. "Yeah,"...

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Two Broke Women

To my friend imornery81. . . . your writings have inspired me to be creative and post some more stories myself . . .And to toptramp for encouraging me to write again=================Sandra and Angie have been friends for a few years now. They met through their husband’s mutual friends and seemed to hit it off from the beginning. The two couples got together often and the girls seemed to sense that they were attracted to one another but they didn’t take the next step to see if there was...

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MomsOnMoms Aaliyah Love Lauren Phillips Feuding Families Comfort Feud

Aaliyah Love arrives at her frenemy Lauren Phillips’s house. Nothing has changed between them as they instantly start bickering, getting sassy and clearly enjoying sharpening their tongues. But after getting some of that energy out of their systems, they buckle down to talk about why they’re really meeting up that day. They’re organizing a charity bachelorette auction and will also be two of the bachelorettes that people will be bidding on. Of course, this only leads to more...

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Amelie part 4

It was going to be the most boring Friday evening ever! Amelie still hadn´t had her first pay from the new job, and she was all out of clean clothes and had to spend her Friday night doing the laundry! The only good thing was that there was a relatively new laundry-room in the building where she was living and that there usually wasn´t any-one else using it on Friday, around dinner-time. So, as all her neighbors were having dinner, she started descending the steep back stairs to the basement....

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A Star Wars Universe Story Smuggler to Slave II

A Star Wars Universe Story: Smuggler to Slave DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all of its related contents contained herein are property of LucasArts Ltd. and NOT mine. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY and I make no money from its distribution. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the author, and not any website which hosts this content. I was lost in Narssia's dark blue eyes when a rough voice interjected and snapped me back to the present. "Are you fucking...

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A Sexual Awakening

This isn't my usual genre but, ever willing to try new things I thought it at least worth an attempt. I am sure, you the readers will decide whether or not I should go forward with thisI hope you enjoyJames rolled out of bed, took his shower and dressed for work, all of which he managed to do while still half-asleep. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his dad was sat at the table reading the paper and Susie, his Mum stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the morning's dishes. Like...

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Meeting Amanda Tommys Unexpected Fun In The Pool Chapter 2

"I am sorry for bothering you but I just got a call from work. I have to leave out on a plane in about 2 hrs for California. I know we don’t know each other very well but I was wondering, and hoping, that you would be able to let Amanda stay over here till I get back. I will have to be gone a couple days and can come get her as soon as I return." Tommy was kinda surprised to be asked to watch a 16 yr old girl that he didn’t even really know. But the thought of maybe getting a...

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The New Friend 8211 Story About How I Found A New Friend Online

Hello Readers…!! I’m writing a story for the first time, so please forgive me for my mistakes. The story contains adult homosexual activities so if it offends you then please stop reading. ——– Starting with myself, my name is Viraj from Mumbai, India. I m a 22 year old man. Completed my graduation recently and now working. I’m not fat instead I would say I m chubby. Even if my other body parts are shaped proportionately, I have a rather bulky chest. A chest that is well developed like that of a...

Gay Male
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Lover maid helps to fuck her neighbor

Hi guys, this is my second posting. Previously I had told about my lover maid Anusuya. Now I am going to tell you how I got to fuck her neighbor with her help though she doesn’t know that I fuck her neighbor. Anusuya had a neighbor whose name is Rupali. She is a married with 2 kids. Her husband was a criminal who was in some kind of trouble at that time. Rupali used to work as a housemaid. It was a Sunday afternoon when Anusuya came and brought Rupali with her; she introduced her as her friend...

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Teacher The Gay Bottom

Teacher The Gay Bottom By: Londebaaz ChohanBaal Krishna was very horny. He was feeling a knot in his belly and his dick was also getting hard. He knew, he could not stand up even if he needed to; Fuck! He simply could not think to imagine the quandary and just bowed his head; anything else, any other damn thought to keep him away from thinking about the hunky boy in front of his eyes. Baal Krishna was a teacher at this high school and he did not know what brought him to school faculty lounge,...

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Jeanie 64 year old White Granny

What must I say I have a thing for older women, I have been attracted to older women as far back as I can remember. Most of my sexual experiences have been with older women, I don't know what it is, but older women are just sexy to me. I came across this older woman on okcupid who decided to message me one Wednesday morning. I thought I was getting trolled, and I decided to see where it went. It was obvious after texting for a few hours she wanted someone to fuck her good, while she was in town...

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Fat wife fucking with cuckolding

I was surprised to get a reply from the ad I placed on the net looking for a women who wanted to fuck in front of her husband. I had requested a woman aged from 35 to 50, over weight and not uncomfortable with it. The reply was short requesting a meet in a hotel in London, I had said when I would be visiting London etc. and the meet was arranged. When I walked into the hotel bar I saw her straight away sitting at the bar, she was dressed as she said she would be in a knee length skirt, white...

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My nineteen-year-old sister, Cindy, and I are in the same rock band. She sings and I play lead guitar. When we were k**s, one of our favorite pastimes was singing along with the stereo and imagining we were onstage in front of fifty thousand screaming fans somewhere. We always said that one day we would have our own band, and while the other k**s were playing Little League or going to Girl Scout meetings, Cindy and I would lip sync to albums in the basement while dreaming of stardom. I began...

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Racing Minds

Introduction: When Sherlock is crashing down, his brother is always there to save him. Woah, probably the most controversial thing Ive done. Fantastic. This is a short, quick… whats the definition, suck and fuck? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I dont want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing Ive written yet. (In the good way, of course.) This monstrosity is based off of BBCs Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And...

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Thand Me Maari Shruti Ki Chut

Hi, Mein Gaurav, Bhopal k 1 engineering college ka student. mein aapko aaj 1 kahani sunane ja raha hu jo ki mere 1 dos ne mujhe email kiya hai. pasand aaye to bhi aur na aaye to bhi, apna feedback mujhe jaroor bheje. mera email id hai to ab suniye chudai ki kahani, chodne wale ki jubani…….. Baat un dino ki hai, jab mein graduation 3rd year me tha(2011). meri 1 gf hua karti thi, naam tha shruti (fake name). uska figure bahut hi achha tha 34-26-34. Thand ka mausam tha aur humari final exam me...

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Finding out the Truth

My girlfriend Anna and I have been dating for almost a year. We are completley in love we can talk about anything. Well..anything except sex. Whenever I bring up sex of any kind she gets all shy and tries to change the subject. I normally allow it seeing how uncomfortable she is but I’m getting sick of it. I walk over to Anna’s house and ring the door bell. I hear her running down the stairs and see her swing open the door. Anna stands at 5’4 with short brown hair and green eyes. Her breasts...

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