Eight Mile free porn video

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It was the warmest day we’d had in at least a couple of weeks. It was almost thirty degrees outside; and I was outside most of the time. Frankly, it worried the shit out of me. When you live in Michigan, temperatures in the mid thirties mean only one thing; SNOW.

Being without residence or independent of domicile as I liked to call it, brought about a completely different view of snow for me. You see unlike people who have some place to go, snow is not a mere annoyance to me. It doesn’t mean that I have to wake up earlier to get to work. It doesn’t mean that I’ll have to get out the shovel and do the driveway and the sidewalk. It certainly doesn’t mean I’ll be sipping any fucking tea in front of the God damned fireplace.

Snow can kill me. I’m a forty six-year-old woman. I am statistically dead in the middle of middle age. That means that there’s usually no room for me in the homeless shelters. There are two types of shelters. The juvenile homes that cater to teenagers and runaways have not only no room for me, but they can’t even house me in an emergency because their funding is specifically designed for kids.

The regular homeless shelters won’t take me because number one, I’m a woman; and with the overwhelming majority of the homeless being men, they don’t want the problems. They usually suggest that I go to a women’s shelter.

Women’s shelters tend to prioritize, younger women with small children. And although I have a child out there somewhere; he’s a twenty eight-year-old man with a wife, one child that I know of and problems of his own.

Women’s shelters also try to make room for extremely older women or women with mental problems or drug and alcohol problems. I have none of those. Most of the time they try to find me a job.

Even when they’re successful, it’s hard to keep a job when you have no place to stay. No place to stay means, no place to sleep, or to shower. It means you end up wearing the same clothes a lot which means you stink. And there are other problems too numerous to mention.

I probably shouldn’t, but I have pride. I refuse to beg for money, although there was a time when I gave it out. I always got a good feeling when I gave a dollar or two to a homeless person, never thinking in my wildest dreams that I would someday become one of them.

I dress as warmly as I can. I pick up and keep any thrown-away clothing items I can find. Every layer between the cold and my body could save my life.

I tend to like bigger men’s clothing. Not because I’m a big woman, but because bigger clothing tends to hide the curves of my body. It’s extremely dangerous for a woman on the streets.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the real world ain’t like Oliver Twist. There are no hobos with a heart of gold who share their food, like Red Skelton’s little tramp. One of the biggest dangers to homeless people is other homeless people.

When I’d been on the street for less than a month. I met up with another woman. She took me under her wing because she knew that I was new at it. She said she could tell because my clothes were in good condition, and I didn’t really stink yet.

And she was right. I’d been forced out of my home only two weeks before, and I was still sure it would be a temporary condition. I had what I considered the bare necessities, a few changes of underwear and bras, a couple of lightweight outfits, another pair of shoes, my bank card, a phone, etc. packed into an over sized backpack.

She showed me a couple of safer places to sleep and told me which places to avoid. She also showed me how to spot a good quality restaurant or store. The good quality places were important because they did something the cheap, shitty places didn’t do. They threw out food at regular intervals. And as long as you didn’t make a nuisance of yourself, they didn’t mind if you took it out of their trash. Some of them would even pack it up for you.

She also added a few lies in with the things she told me. One of those was not sleeping in your shoes. She told me that by sleeping in my shoes, I not only put more wear and tear on them, I further degraded them and my socks and my feet by not allowing them to air out and get rid of the traces of moisture that walking in them all day created. It sounded logical, so I tried it.

The third morning that we were together, I awoke to find her gone. So was my backpack, my few other belongings and even the shoes that she’d insisted I take off.

She did leave me a note. It told me that she had just taught me the most valuable lesson that anyone could. When you’re on the street; trust no one. She mentioned of course that she was only passing the information down the chain the exact way that she herself had learned it only a few months before.

I was barefoot for more than a week before I got lucky and found a nearly worn-out pair of tennis shoes that were at least a size too small in a trash can behind an apartment building. I was so happy I didn’t know what to do.

Since then many things have happened to me, and most of them were bad. So that afternoon, sensing that snow was coming, I was on high alert.

Ideally, I was looking for a place to sleep that night and for however long the snow lasted. Michigan is a really funny place in some respects. The weather can and does change in a heartbeat. And the people are just as changeable.

That day had been awful. Earlier that morning a woman with a big car and big tits had blown her horn at me. I looked towards her. Inside of her warm car, she had taken off her jacket so her boobs were on display.

She beckoned me over. She held out a handful of change, and just as I got close to her car and got an eyeful of her boobs she dropped it. I wondered if she thought that the boob show was the real reward, or if she was just teasing the bull. Either way she was being a bitch, and I wasn’t having it.

First because being a woman, her boobs meant nothing to me. And secondly, I had a lot of pride. I wasn’t going to grovel in traffic on a dangerously busy road for a bunch of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

“Pick it up,” she said.

“Fuck you, bitch!” was my answer as I turned and walked away.

I was walking along Eight Mile road; the broad expanse made famous by Eminem’s movie of the same name, when I saw them. Two homeless men heading rapidly towards me, I had a history with them. I hadn’t seen them in about a month.

I wasn’t eager to see them again. Our first meeting had involved the two of them discovering that I was a woman, followed by two days of being repeatedly being raped. Finally, they decided to pimp me out to make money.

They went so far as to line me up with a customer. I was supposed to pull off of the avenue onto a side street with the guy in his car. There I was supposed to A: collect the money. And then B: give him a blowjob. Following which he would return me to my would-be pimps.

As soon as the car door shut, I made another deal. We pulled around the corner as scheduled. I gave the guy his blowjob for free, and he let me out a mile away. It was a better deal for both of US. And hopefully neither of us would ever see my supposed pimps again.

So that afternoon, seeing them heading for me, I knew that we were not about to have a pleasant reunion. At the very least, I would be raped again. At the worst ... I didn’t want to find out.

This was after all Detroit. The body of another homeless woman wouldn’t even make the headlines. I looked in every direction for a place to bolt to and realized that I had no choice. I darted into the rushing traffic of Eight Mile’s wide expanse.

With a few angry drivers blowing their horns at me, I made it to the island that separated the eastbound traffic from the westbound traffic.

The two men trailing me looked at each other. They realized as I did the danger of what I had just done. People who don’t live in the area don’t realize that the danger that gave the men pause wasn’t from the traffic.

Eight mile road is more than just a major roadway. Eight mile is the border between Detroit and its suburbs. It is far more than just a line on a map.

As soon as you cross Eight Mile the rules change. On the Detroit side of the road, the cops have too much to do and too many serious crimes to worry about. They totally tend to ignore homeless people, and hookers are a mere annoyance.

But if you cross the road and go into Ferndale or Hazel Park, the homeless are not tolerated, and hookers are immediately prosecuted. For two cities that are so small, they aren’t really big enough to rate the classification of cities; their police departments are extremely vigilant.

And as I waited for the traffic to clear so I could go firmly into the danger zone, I noticed that the patrol car stationed a block away to catch speeders coming over the overpass had noticed the commotion I had caused.

I quickly pushed back my hood and made sure my long dirty hair was visible. For once being a woman might just save me.

As the car pulled over towards me, I prayed for the cop to stay in his car. He chirped his siren and rolled down his window.

“I’m sorry officer,” I said in my most polite voice. My voice was kind of hoarse and scratchy. I rarely speak to people, so I was out of practice talking.

“I have to get to the bus stop over there. I need to get to Kroger before the storm comes in. My car is in the shop, and I think it’s gonna snow. Of course, you could drive me,” I said.

“Next time wait for the light to change, Ma’am,” he said. Then he drove off without saying another word. He turned on his siren and lit his lights. I knew then that he’d caught someone going forty-one miles an hour. The speed limit on Eight Mile was forty.

I quickly started walking down John R towards the Kroger that was a mile away. I really didn’t want to get on a bus. The fare was a dollar seventy-five, and I had only four dollars to my name. Those four dollars could save my life, so I didn’t want to waste it.

If necessary, I could hit the twenty-four-hour Coney Island restaurant a mile the other way and buy a cup of their rancid coffee for a dollar. I could nurse that cup of coffee for more than an hour and be inside the restaurant, out of the cold during the worst of the storm if one came.

As I crossed the street absent mindedly, the sound of screeching tires alerted me to danger. Without realizing it I almost stepped right into John R’s lighter traffic. It wasn’t nearly as busy as Eight Mile, but there were still a lot of cars.

I turned my head and noticed the car that had nearly hit me. It was a blue Mustang. I recognized the car because its driver had stopped and given me money a couple of times.

“Jeezus Lady! I could have hit you,” he said. He looked at me recognizing my coat and baggy clothes. I could tell that he like most other people who’d seen me was shocked to discover that there was a woman under the moving pile of foul smelling clothes. “I know you,” he said.

“Sorry ... I was just upset. You walked right into traffic. You’ve got to be a lot more careful.” He reached into his pocket and came towards me. He gave me a five and got back into his car.

For a second, I felt as if my life was going better. Then I noticed that the cop car was back in its hiding spot. I couldn’t afford to talk to that cop again.

The guys I was running from were also waiting on the other side of Eight Mile. Their message was clear. “You’ll come back soon bitch and when you do...”

A lot of cars passed me on my way to Kroger. The weather suddenly had a new chill, and I saw the first of what would probably be many snowflakes beginning to fall.

A little while later, I was in the parking lot outside of the large store. I immediately started looking in the shopping carts outside of the store. You’d be surprised how many people accidentally leave items in their carts. There are also people who leave their returnables in a cart and never take them into the store to return them.

I once found a cart with two plastic garbage bags full of bottles. I got almost ten dollars for them.

Across the parking lot, I spotted a plastic bag that looked somewhat full in a shopping cart next to a new looking SUV.

I hurried. If the store’s cart caddies go to it before I did, it could be like taking money out of my pocket.

Just as I got to the cart, a man stepped out of the SUV and took the cart. I stood there breathless and angry. He turned and looked at me. The look of surprise on his face was second only to mine.

It was my Mustang man. “Are you shopping here too?” he asked. “I hope you’re not using the money I gave you to buy liquor.”

“I don’t drink,” I said.

“Good for you,” he said.

I looked at the car. It looked cushy inside of it and warm. I never really looked at cars up close. But the seats and carpets inside of that one were inviting. I could wait out any storm inside of that car. Shit, I could live in that thing.

“How many cars do you have?” I asked.

“Only three,” he said. “The Mustang I drive, the Mustang I’m building and this thing.”

“It’s really nice,” I said.

“I only bought it to protect my Mustang,” he said. “With this thing, I don’t have to drive it when there’s snow, or if it rains.”

“But you drove your Mustang today,” I said.

“Yeah that was almost a disaster,” he said. “We’ve been fairly dry all winter, so I’ve been driving it. I saw a weather report at lunch time that called for six to eight inches or more of fresh snow by tonight. I hurried home after work and realized that I might end up staying in all weekend and there are a few things I need if I’m gonna hole up to escape the weather.”

I nodded. He turned and went inside of the store. It was after he’d left that I noticed it. Both of our conversations had been stunted, and he was kind of crabby.

He greeted the security guard at the entrance politely, so maybe it was just me. There are a lot of people who don’t like the homeless. But I had no time to ponder such things. I had to figure out my situation and quickly. The snow around me as falling heavier and faster. It already began to form a crunchy white carpet on the surface of the parking lot and the road.

I needed to get back to the other side of Eight Mile, where I knew of several abandoned houses that I could crash in if necessary, and it looked pretty fucking necessary. The problem was my two stalkers probably knew of those same places. I’d have to keep my eyes open, stay hidden, and trust my luck.

I stayed in the store for as long as I dared. The security guard was already looking at me. I went back out into the cold and started walking towards Eight Mile. Before I made it a block, I saw a police cruiser parked near a gas station that I had to go past. The number on the side of the car was different, so there were different cops in it. But they would still wonder why I was walking around in a city where nearly everyone drove.

I turned and started walking the other way. My only hope was to make a big square and turn back to Eight Mile. The snow was falling even faster. What had the old crabby Mustang guy said? We were expecting at least six to eight inches of snow. It was probably going to be more.

After I had gone a few blocks and started to turn, figuring to walk two or three blocks perpendicular to my original direction and then turn for home, I heard the sound of a car coming up behind me. I moved over to the sidewalk as it passed me.

I began to laugh as I noticed that it was Mustang man’s SUV. Only in America, I thought. I don’t even have a place to live and that bastard is buying cars, so his cars don’t have to go out in the rain or the snow.

After I had walked a few blocks, I had more problems. My hands were freezing, even in my cheap gloves. And the wet snow was beginning to make my clothing wet through all of its layers. It was also getting dark.

A few more cars passed me and suddenly there was a wall ahead of me. Not knowing the suburban area very well, I’d meandered into a subdivision with a cul de sac. I walked back down the long street with my feet beginning to ache.

I had to expend more energy with each step because I had to lift my feet higher to clear the snow. And my shoes, someone’s worn-out running shoes, were not made for tramping through snow.

When I got to the end of the block, I saw another cop car. I realized that it was the same car that had already stopped me back near Eight Mile. He was not going to believe my bullshit about Kroger twice. I also had no ID, so I was in trouble. I stopped walking and hid behind a car parked in someone’s driveway.

Trust it to fate, it was a car that I recognized. It was Mustang Man’s SUV. The cop turned his search light on. I guess he saw me walking and to have me simply disappear had aroused his suspicions. Like criminals, cops are suspicious of everything.

While the light was turned away from me, I quickly jumped onto the porch, hoping the solid banister would cover me. I got lucky because it did. The cop car drove slowly past the house, its search light moving from one side of the street to the other.

Suddenly, the door opened and I was face to face with the Mustang man again. Even worse, he had some kind of weapon in his hand. He looked at me and then at the cop car that had reached the end of the cul de sac and had started to circle back.


It was one of those days that make you glad it’s a Friday. A day when almost every situation you run into causes you to change your plans. A day when everyone at work becomes stupid or befuddled, and you have to keep bailing them out so much that your own work begins to suffer.

To make things even worse, it was one of those days when I just felt bad, a day when my 45 years felt much older. I truly needed a boost. So I decided to take my girl out.

My girl, not my wife; the differences are far bigger than a marriage license and a ring. My girl is beautiful, well built, classic, yet modern at the same time and always makes me smile every time I see her.

My wife is a lying, scheming, conniving, no class bitch who makes me smile every time I DON’T see her. Which is really often since she left me a little over two years ago.

I’d discovered that she was having an affair with one of the assholes she worked with. I can still remember the day that I confronted them.

Anyway, my girl is irreplaceable ... Seriously. There are no more like her at home. She’s two years old now and is literally one of the last of her kind.

My baby rolled off of the assembly line on June 20th 2014. And while she isn’t the last S197 Mustang made; her VIN number proves that she’s one of the last five.

And to me that makes her one of the last real Mustangs ever made. I know they’re still making Mustangs, if you want to call them that. But that car isn’t a Mustang to me.

It’s not really even a muscle car. Ford decided to sell the Mustang worldwide. So they had to tweak the design to make the car more modern and more palatable to European buyers.

The car now has more technical bells and whistles than ever before. It has a slew of track apps like the accelerometer and line lock. It also finally has something we’ve been begging for. The Mustang finally has an independent rear suspension.

It has basically the same motor, but it has been tweaked to give it more power. Of course, it needs it. The car is longer, wider and heavier. So it needs the extra power to haul its fat ass around the track at the same speed.

I test drove several of them and just felt ... Meh ... about them. I couldn’t work up enough enthusiasm for the car to buy one. So instead of spending roughly thirty five K plus on a 2016 GT, I scoured the Internet and found a 68 fastback for a little over twenty.

I figure to spend another fifteen grand on the engine and mods, but I’ll have a one-of-a-kind car that looks like a classic but can hang with anything being produced now.

That being said, I have to take good care of my baby, because they just ain’t making them like that anymore. And someday, she’ll be a classic.

But I decided with the chance of rain or snow minimal; it would be a good day to let my baby cheer me up.

The drive to work was really fun. I love everything about my car. I love the way it drives, the way it sounds and even the way it carves through turns. Turning is effortless in the car. It’s as if we’re connected and all I have to do is think about it and the car does it.

I’ve even come to love the pony hop. The hop is the way the car’s ass end bounces when you go over a bump. I have a couple of friends who are race car drivers who told me that they actually prefer the old suspension. They claim it’s faster off the line.

Anyway, I got to work with a smile on my face and quickly lost it. To be honest it wasn’t work ... Or my coworkers that were responsible for my shitty mood. It was the calendar. I’d awakened that morning and realized that it was exactly two years three months and fourteen days since Sharon had disappeared.

That is significant because it meant that as of that day, I was a free man ... Well almost. I had waited three months and fourteen days after Sharon left to file for divorce. I’d used abandonment as the grounds. My lawyer told me the papers couldn’t be filed for two years. I paid him to go ahead and draw them up.

He’d called me two weeks before and told me that he’d be submitting them and in thirty days, or less I would legally be a free man, whether Sharon miraculously showed up after all of this time or not.

I hadn’t done much over the past two years or so. I’d traded in my old Mustang and gotten the one I drive now. I’d bought the 68 and started working with a local restorer to make it what I wanted. But other than that I had wallowed in my misery, wondering what I had done wrong.

I also developed a healthy dislike and mistrust of most women. There were several women I knew who were sniffing around me like dogs in heat when I gave them the chance to get within spitting distance. But I tried to keep those times to a minimum.

I was professionally courteous to the women I worked with. But I gently rebuffed any attempts to socialize outside of work.

The weather report had just been the cap on an already shitty day. I had to get out of there and get my baby home before the flakes fell. I also needed to stop off and buy a few things to get me through a weekend where there was a chance of me being snowed in.

Truthfully that wasn’t really a problem, I had just bought a new Ford Escape with four wheel drive to replace the Jeep I’d been driving for winters for the past eighteen years.

I’d looked into the new newer Jeeps and really didn’t like them. Jeep was trying too hard to make them more sophisticated and by doing so had made them less bullet proof. There were more recalls on Jeeps made in the past five years than there had been on the previous twenty.

The new Jeeps also weren’t as easy to work on. With the older Jeeps, you can fix almost anything on them in your garage or your driveway. I remember replacing an alternator, a water pump, the serpentine belt and doing a tune up on my 1999 Cherokee on a Saturday afternoon. I drove it to the woods the next day for my Sunday morning run.

The modern Jeeps spend more time in the repair shop than they do on the trails. So much for progress.

I left the office a bit earlier than normal. I could almost feel the snowflakes hitting my baby’s paint. As I hit the freeway headed home, I decided that I was cutting it too close. I figured I would stop by home and switch cars before doing my shopping.

I had just gotten off of the freeway and turned onto John-R when I noticed a homeless guy that I’d seen in the neighborhood a few times stepping off of the curb right in front of me.

My huge Brembo brakes reined the pony in before we clipped him. I got out of the car to give the guy a piece of my mind and noticed that the guy was a woman. She was dirtier than a full bag of topsoil, and she smelled awful, but she was definitely a woman.

I ended up giving her a few bucks because I felt guilty for not recognizing that she was a woman before.

I made it home just as the snowflakes I’d imagined began to fall in earnest.

I put my Mustang in the garage and took the Escape. I drove to the Kroger store in my neighborhood. I fiddled with the Satellite radio in the Escape for a few moments and got out of the car. The snow was beginning to come down faster then.

I reached for a shopping cart near where I had parked and came face to face with the homeless gu ... er woman from before. The woman was as hard to get rid of as a cockroach. Everywhere I turned, there she was.

We had a brief and unpleasant conversation, and I went into the store. I bought far more than I’d gone to the store looking for, but that always seems to be the case.

I drove home and despite the fact that I’d just gone grocery shopping, stopped for pizza. I slogged through the snow and put the food away. I checked on the Mustangs and made sure the garage was closed and locked up tight.

I checked my cable box and decided to watch that Batman vs. Superman movie that I’d missed in the theaters. It hadn’t stayed there for very long and less than six months later, it was on TV. I was pretty sure that Affleck wasn’t going to get an Oscar nod for this one, but I wanted to see it for myself.

That was the evening I’d planned. I was just about to start the movie when I heard something hit my front porch. A few seconds later, a bright light went across my drapes. I went to the door and opened it to see a police car down the block with its spotlight moving across the houses as if it was looking for something.

Huddled in the corner of my porch was ... Oh shit! The homeless cockroach.

“Please,” she begged. The anguish in her voice affected me. The police car had completed its sweep and was turning around to head back.

I opened the door, and she crawled in behind me. I continued to stare at the cop car. As it passed, the officers inside of it noticed me and stopped.

“What’s going on officer?” I asked.

“There was a suspicious person walking around the neighborhood,” he said.

“Does he have a weapon?” I asked. “Is he dangerous?” My questions were designed to give him the impression that I had no idea what was going on. By not knowing that the person he sought was a woman, it gave him the impression that I hadn’t seen her and knew nothing.

“Don’t worry sir,” he said. “It’s a woman and I think she’s homeless.”

“Oh ... So you guys are gonna take her to a shelter?” I asked.

“There aren’t any shelters in this city, sir,” he said. “The mayor has a policy against the homeless in the city limits. If she cooperates, we’ll dump her back in Detroit. They can deal with housing her. If she doesn’t cooperate, we’ll throw her ass in jail.”

“So you’re saying that it’s illegal to be homeless in the suburbs?” I asked. “You’re saying that if someone has a run of bad luck and loses their job and their home, they’re a criminal?”

“Nope,” he said snarkily. “I’m saying it sucks to be them. But if I don’t take care of the problem, I’ll lose MY job and become one of them. The mayor has a vision for this city, and he didn’t picture it with a bunch of bums living in cardboard boxes on every corner and under the freeway overpasses. Good night sir!”

I stepped back inside of my house and watched them through the window. They drove slowly to the end of the block and sat there with their lights on.

I was sure they must’ve had Netflix and a dozen donuts in the car. They’d be there for a while.

“As soon as they pull off, I’ll go,” she said. “Thank you.”

“Are you sure you don’t just want to go with them?” I asked. “They’re only going to drop you off in Detroit or at worst put you in jail, either way you’d be out of this storm.”

“I was running away from two men in Detroit, when this started,” she said. “They wanted to rape me or worse.”

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Because that’s what they did to me the last time they saw me,” she said. The fear in her voice was palpable. “And I haven’t done anything wrong. Why should I be put in jail?”

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Eight Plus Nine

Authors Note: This story follows on directly from an earlier one called Off the Bench, so if you have not read that one you should do so before tackling Eight Plus Nine. Like its predecessor this story makes many references to the grand sport of rugby, which although widely played is not known like soccer, so some explanations may be necessary, but skip this part if you are versed in the game. First the title; in rugby, unlike soccer, North American football and hockey there is a...

3 years ago
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Skin Deep III Chapter 8 The Last Mile

Chapter 8 The Last Mile Journey's End The sound of Gary's shoes clacked off the distance from the door to the elevator, echoing off with rifle report harshness in the marble tile walled lobby of the Central Pennsylvania News and Information Services building. There were no patrons in the lobby, no security guard or facilities personnel to welcome him or to turn him back. His only company now was his reflection on either side, cast back to his...

4 years ago
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Walking a mile

"Walking a Mile" Conrad Lee & Zaccely Mohh The A.S and a dream come true It was a bright day as Jenna Turner donned her sunglasses and walked towards the mailboxes her apartment complex provided, turning the key in the lock she hoped for something other than hospital bill she never intended to pay or an array of stupid store adds that tended to "accidentally" fall from her hand to the ground; opening the box she instead found a manila envelope no bigger than a deck of cards...

4 years ago
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A cockhold familey

I remember being a small boy in a one room apartment . I was 8 I sleep on this old brown coach it was up on a left kind'a step. The coach faced the bed of my mom and dad but from the side , the kitchen table was to my left . My mother was a normel women not the super hot hidden mom just a normel lady. long black hair bright green eye's. and milk pale skin she was around 5,9 -5'11 . Mother was a nudist in are home. a size c my be a lower d 32 tit's. and a trimmed net upper bush but her pussy...

4 years ago
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Better than Chamomile

It's one of those rare, perfect days. The sun is out, warm but not oppressive. I'm "lizarding" this afternoon, sunning myself on the concrete. The heat reflects up off of the pool water, and I can feel my skin starting to cook. Being of close Irish descent I don't actually "tan." It's more of a roasting-thing. However, the warmth has made me uncharacteristically lazy, and my body doesn't seem to be willing to listen to the rational thoughts my brain is sending—something about blisters,...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 48 At Smileys

I headed back toward Richmond and made Smiley's tavern my first stop. I had spent restful two days there earlier and enjoyed myself memorably although I never learned much of any use. Smiley himself was long dead but his young widow ran the place with the help of her two nubile daughters and one mature and considerate prostitute by the name of Jenny. I had managed to bed all four of them during my previous visit and looked forward to trying my luck again. They also had a couple of slaves,...

1 year ago
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I have to admit; I’m not always a value shopper. I can’t stand going to Costco and getting trapped by lines of idiots waiting for free samples of microwave cheese bullshit with a frozen pretzel. That said, sometimes even I can’t deny the benefits of buying porno in bulk. MileHighMedia is a pretty solid example of why.MileHighMedia.com has been around since the beginning of the millennium, and you’ve almost definitely beat off to their material before. The network is home of porno brands like...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Reddit ExtraMile, aka r/ExtraMile! You guys know how I usually like to mess with you all a bit, and it's all in good fun. That's how it goes every time. I say some funny shit, and then I take a jab at the fact that most of you are virgins or something like that. And you all laugh and then come back for more of this shit the next day. But, now, I saw some shit that genuinely made me laugh. It's the topic for today's review, and it's called the Extra Mile. It's a section on Reddit, and it's about...

Reddit NSFW List
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Eight OCrock MMF Bi anal

Eight O’Crock ( there are no racist intentions here whatsoever )As I went along with the walking tour, she kept catching my eye, shyly smiling and turning away. She was a beautiful Japanese woman, silky black hair to her shoulders, a knit silk tank top, and a knee high skirt, she appeared to be with three other people, two men and a woman. As I passed the place to head off to the restrooms, I see her coming my way. She gives me a look that wasn't so shy this time. As she passed by me towards...

3 years ago
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EIGHT IS ENOUGH And Two's Not Bad, Either In a house with eight k**s it's hard to find time alone.Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in areal crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabethin the room with me when we were watching this old movieon TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford.I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight k**s. And Elizabeth'sone of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, butthey're all...

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EIGHT by Jodi Master Nathan (known in normal life as Nate Cline) walked into the club, nodding at the bouncer Mike as he entered hid second home. He looked around and smiled as he saw the women and men, some holding a leash and the rest standing hooked to one. The smells assaulted his senses as he took in the heady mix of leather, latex, sweat, perfume and smoke and he headed for his booth. He sat as a waitress, her eyes never meeting his as she...

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Eight Hundred Nerve Endings

Fiona opened her eyes and drank in her surroundings.Hot sunlight radiated through the windows of Cuppa Joe’s, where it mingled with the noisy effusion of the espresso machines, and gave the café a confined, sultry feel. There was a defined bustle of other patrons, and the air seemed crowded with conversation. She and Mark were fortunate to even find a table today. As the chattering continued, Fiona raised the cup before her and took a sip of her steaming soya mocha, enjoying the slight burning...

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Eight black guys in a row

That afternoon I was home alone and feeling very horny.So, I posted in a date site that I wanted some men for a black gangbang.At least twenty black guys asked to come home; I selected eight of them. After we all had some drinks and talked a while, I led them upstairs to the master bedroom. I knew just what to do and was sure my loving hubby would approve it, although he would not be present this time…I knelt in the middle of the room and got those eight huge black guys naked. I then went to...

2 years ago
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Eight Is Enough And Twos Not Bad Either

In a house with eight kids it's hard to find time alone. Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in a real crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabeth in the room with me when we were watching this old movie on TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford. I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight kids. And Elizabeth's one of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, but they're all older than me. I'm the baby of the...

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Eight Part 4

In this part we meet 1 more of the characters in eight – George - and we find some very interesting things about both Jane and George. Please feel very free to write comments about this story – both good and bad because that way I can try to please you. Hope you are enjoying it so far And so to the present. Forty odd years down the track. George was sitting next...

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This book is a work of complete fiction – or is it? You may draw your own conclusions. In the disclaimer at the front of the work it states very clearly that any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely accidental and coincidental. That is true and is there for the benefit of those happy souls among us who believe that litigation is a fun pastime. (It could also, perhaps, be there to protect some very good friends who have shared with me their most intimate thoughts.) May all...

3 years ago
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Eight Vials and a Syringe

Eight Vials & a Syringe By Jen Moore I was given eight vials and a syringe. The instructions came printed and I read them over three times. I couldn't wait. But that didn't mean I didn't have my doubts. Of course I did. If it worked though...if there were even a small chance that it happened...then it would be worth every penny, every risk. I reserved a room for three nights. Just in case it worked. The instructions said that the...

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Eight Minuets FortyTwo Seconds

[ Dedicated to no one in particular. Just to other fellow BBC porn addicts and wankers who 'know their place' in the sexual hierarchy! ]I decided to stay up late and do some masturbation while indulging in some on-line porn (of the 'interracial' variety, which is my all-time favorite sort), and so I got comfortable and sat back and started lightly stroking my cock in a deliberately slow, teasing, unhurried rhythm, and though I don't have a giant cock, it was soon about as hard and erect as I...

1 year ago
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Introduction: Unintended consequences of events Milestone That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I...

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The 1000 milestone

We have waited so long for this sexual milestone. Who was going to be #1000?For months, my wife and I talked about who the special person would be and what the scenario would entail. We wanted it to be memorable for everyone involved.For 37 years, I have shared my wife with hundreds of different men. Skinny guys, obese guys, muscular guys, Doctors, Truck Drivers, Fireman, Soliders....the list goes on and on.So many of those men have come back for more and continue to. She barely has any free...

2 years ago
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Your Night with Miley

You and some buddies are traveling through Canada during your summer break from college. While in Montreal, you decide to take in some of the nightlife. You hear about some very popular clubs downtown and decide to check them out. Walking in to the first club, you aren’t disappointed. The place is full of beautiful people. You and your buddies buy a round of drinks and start working your way out to the dance floor. It isn’t long before you feel someone’s ass grinding against your back. Hoping...

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Amia Miley

hello everybody like it says in my intro i'm from Seattle but lived the majority of my life in AZ. I was lucky enough to be friends withe the real Amia Miley back in high school. This is the story of when i was Amia's first back door experience......Amia was a sophmore and i was a senior; the big man on campus in more ways than one. At the time i was dating some slutty little cheerleader. a real SPINNER 5'4 80lbs i use to just rip that up. Well through the g**** vines the story of my member...

4 years ago
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it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough to not feel guilty when i finished her off. "Did you ever think about getting braces to fix that shit?" she didnt answer. i looked down at her, you could tell she was becoming aware how bad tonight would turn out. I looked around for something blunt...

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Sleight of Hand

Jenna arrived to the studio about five minutes early, or as she liked to put it, on time. The door slammed behind her from the wind and silenced the cacophony of the street outside leaving nothing in the quiet but the click of her heels. At the end of the first floor hallway were a set of narrow steps. She climbed them to the third floor and entered the first door on the left, a red one labeled ‘Tabault Photography’ in gold letters. “Hi Brandon,” she said as soon as she saw him. “Oh hey...

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Weightloss Clinic

Four years ago, without my knowledge, my wife and daughter were introduced to the life of black breeding. My wife at the time was 34 years old, our daughter had just turned 18, and I was 37. This is how it all began and how I remember it. My daughter got caught up with the idea that she was overweight and wanted to do something drastic to lose the weight. She and my wife are almost identical in size and shape so I can tell you their measurements, 38 b-28-38 at 5?9? and 130 lbs. I thought they...

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This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...

2 years ago
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Eighteent Century Justice

Eighteenth Century Justice Chapter 1. Annette is hired as a servant Annette is sixteen years old. She is the humble subject, one of the least important, of his glorious majesty, Louis XIV, king of France by the grace of God. The year is 1713. Annette lives in a small town called Grenade in southern France. Her parents are both dead. Her mother died when Annette was just ten. Her father died recently. He had been a good blacksmith, but after his wife died he became a drunkard. There was nothing...

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Sleight of Hand2 The Tryin the Itch and the Wardrobe

"Mrs. Richards..." I began. "Please. Call me Leora," she answered. I glanced at Lisa and she raised an eyebrow to me. Leora's eyes were cast down as she held out the ring. "Leora, I know that this ring was precious to Seth. He always wore it. I thought it was his wedding ring. You should keep it or hand it down to your children," I said softly. "He wore the ring long before we were married. Seth gave me very specific instructions," she said. "We've always known this could...

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Sleight of Hand3 I Choose

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I screamed. I'd fallen flat on my face on a very hard floor. One arm was crumpled under me and the other was behind my back where Lisa had fallen on top of me. "Fuck!" Lisa yelled. She rolled off me and started a methodical check of my body. "Do you have feeling in your hands?" "Fuck, yes," I cried. "And my nose and my shoulders. I think my nose is broken, though." "Oh, crap! I'm sorry, Linc. They took your chair. Who the hell dumps a man out of a wheelchair?"...

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Sleight of Hand4 Inexperience

"You chose me!" she squeaked when the wall opened to admit her. She was so adorable! She was dressed in a shimmering blue gown that hugged her modest but very feminine curves. Her honey blonde hair was piled on top of her head and she wore golden feather earrings that accented the long elegance of her neck and her gently sloped shoulders. I held out my hand and she stepped forward to take it. "Persephone Student, I am Hero Lincoln. Will you consent to be my caretaker on Crossroads both...

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Sleight of Hand5 Caretakers

Days in Hades and nights in Paradise stretched on for months. I was working at physical therapy six or more hours a day. I was working in the store four hours a day where I practiced sleight of hand. I graduated from wheelchair to walker to crutches. Lisa worked right alongside me. Every exercise I did, she did twice. She was determined that she would be as fit as was required for an excursion on Chaos. When I was working at Shannara, Lisa took instruction in self-defense and Tai Chi. Not to...

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Sleight of Hand6 Minstrel

After sleeping warm, tightly holding each other in our shelter, we set about our next ruse. We needed wood blocks. When you don't have stringed instruments or wind instruments, you must make do with percussion. We didn't have time to carve a flute and couldn't afford a cithara. I'd learned a few Chaos folk songs and found that the people loved any song about the Slaver War and King Sid or King Malcolm. You could about make up anything you wanted and they'd eat it up, or so we believed....

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Sleight of Hand7 Songbird

I had business to conduct before we could leave. The first order was the burial of Jules/Julia. If I remembered the Damsel Rule Book correctly, a damsel who died and was buried on Chaos was returned to Cassandra. I hoped so. Otherwise, I would want to take her body with me to the bank vault. We were a somber group that returned to the Inn. Ariel continued to weep and Lisa whispered to me that she was still in pain. I wanted to wrap up the business as quickly as possible. I had five horses...

1 year ago
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18 Eighteen! Do you know what I love about teenagers? I keep getting older, but they stay the same age! Every time that one gets me in trouble, I just say I’m paraphrasing an old movie, but you porno fans know the truth. So does 18Eighteen, who have been banking on that same idea for nearly 30 years now. Hell, their original teens aged into MILF status years ago, but there’s always a new crop coming in. Take the 18-year-old cutie showing off her shaved twat and bleached butthole on the landing...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Eight Misbehavin The first two A Little Winter Tail Part 9

Thursday night I sat on the couch waiting for my husband to get home. My mind was reflecting on the events of my day, but weighing heavier was what was to come tomorrow.When Rob came in, he went straight up to our bathroom to shower. I went up and waited for him in bed, feeling a sense of obligation to offer myself to him, especially with what I was going to do tomorrow.When he came out and climbed into bed, I snuggled up to him and we talked briefly as I started to touch him. I was a little...

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Eight part 3

In this part we meet Jane the third member of Eight and she has an interesting flashback to her teens. Hope you enjoy her little adventure and maybe the memories it might bring to you. Thank you very much to the people who have read my little story and even bigger thanks to those who have made comments. Your thoughts are valued very highly. Hope you enjoy this part. Gradually she calmed down and Jane began to ease the monster from her now wide-open arse. As it came out Jane massaged her...

3 years ago
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Eight Months On From Her Birthday Surprise

Sure enough, after her Birthday gangbang (all ten of the guys ended up fucking her pussy and depositing a load inside), she missed her period. We bought a pregnancy testing kit, and it was positive. I was a little shocked, but at the same time very excited, wondering which of those ten had fertilised her eggs. I wondered if it was one of the guys who had cum all over her dildo as she’d said at the time. Erika was overjoyed. She was adamant that it was the guy with the biggest cock. He’d been...

2 years ago
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Eight Months

Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...

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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part II

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part II By Jen Moore I felt the first dash of apprehension sitting there in the back of the cab as I saw the driver's eyes flash once, then again, into the rearview mirror looking at me. It made me wonder what he saw. Who he saw. I had dashed out from the hotel quickly, riding on a high of adrenaline. But now, away from the solitude of my hotel room, I was here, thrust into the reality of the real world. Traffic was...

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Eight Vials and A Syringe III

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part III By Jen Moore It had been 14 days since I'd last woken up in my own apartment. For nearly two weeks the hormones of a woman had been coursing through my system. I had checked out of the hotel after reverting back to Michael, feeling completely delirious. I stumbled into a cab at 2 a.m. and had slept a long sleep back home. My answering machine was blinking, the mail had piled up. I'd left two suitcases,...

1 year ago
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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part IV

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part IV By Jen Moore I was in my editorial offices downtown, on that familiar conference table, with my legs spread. Matter-of-factly, my editor had his erect penis inside me, as he rattled off detailed directions for my next assignment. He grew harder, increasing the pace of his thrusts, as I struggled to concentrate on the assignment. "Oh shoot. Sorry," he said as he pulled it out of me and put it back into his pants, as he asked if I could...

2 years ago
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Eight is Enough

I never paid too much attention to what she looked like -- heck, she was my sister, right? But some of the older guys in school asked me about her a few times, so I tried to figure out what they saw in her. She doesn't look too bad, for a sister, I mean. She dresses OK, and she's not real thin or real fat -- although she's always saying she could stand to lose a few pounds. And a couple of the guys who asked about her said they really like her hair -- it's long, almost to her waist. And she...

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Eight Ball Nicky8217s Corner Pocket

Nicky was thrilled that Karl had asked her to go with him tonight to the club and shoot some pool. Karl went to the club almost every Friday night without Nicky so this was a special occasion. Nicky arranged the babysitter for the kids and spent the afternoon deciding what she should wear. Nicky knew at 36 and after three kids she did not have the body she had when she and Karl met. But Nicky worked hard to keep her 5 foot 6 inch frame in good shape, running at least three days a week. Now...

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Eight Whores for Denver

PROLOGUE We were making love in our first-class cabin when we felt the faintest “bump.” She whispered, “Nearly there!!” and I returned to the task at hand. Then, there was a rap on the cabin door. A voice said, “All passengers are to report to the boat deck. It’s the captain’s orders.” We were wearing nothing but frustrated frowns. So, I only partially opened the door and said, “It’s the middle of the night. Why the devil does the captain want us on the boat deck?” The steward was standing in...

1 year ago
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Eight Months

Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...

First Time
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That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I forced the issue, demanded to my family I needed to do...

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To Walk a Mile

Chapter 1 Ed liked his new truck. It was shiny and big and had a heater that worked. It had lots of other toys too but he hadn’t really played with them yet. He’d discovered the air conditioner though. The truck was a present from some of the ladies he loved. When his previous F-150 was destroyed in an accident he’d insisted that he could take the bus to work but they wouldn’t have it. Rachel, Angie, and Zoe had all pitched in to buy him a brand new Ford F-150 XLT. It was black with...

4 years ago
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PA goes the extra mile

My name is Andrew and I am thirty-three. I live and work in Sydney. My boss was Amy, mid-fifties, very attractive and fit! We used to have many work lunches etc. where she would be stuck into the wines and become animated. She was married with two young children. She would often tell stories about her sex life when she was younger. She and I always flirted a little when drunk but never did anything as I thought it was just innocent fun. Amy had recently given me a promotion and told me that in...

2 years ago
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PA goes the extra mile

My name is Andrew and I am thirty-three. I live and work in Sydney. My boss was Amy, mid-fifties, very attractive and fit! We used to have many work lunches etc. where she would be stuck into the wines and become animated. She was married with two young children. She would often tell stories about her sex life when she was younger. She and I always flirted a little when drunk but never did anything as I thought it was just innocent fun. Amy had recently given me a promotion and told me that in...

Straight Sex
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Give Her An Inch Shell Take a Mile

My wife Katie had been into rap music long before I met her. It was seemingly the one big difference in our interests. From movies, to television, to books, and even politics, Katie and I clicked on every level. But then there was music. I just didn't understand Katie's enthusiasm when it came to that god-awful "music" she insisted on blaring every time we went anywhere in the car, especially considering the over-the-top misogynistic lyrics.Still, it would have taken much more to dissuade me...

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