Sleight Of Hand free porn video

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Jenna arrived to the studio about five minutes early, or as she liked to put it, on time. The door slammed behind her from the wind and silenced the cacophony of the street outside leaving nothing in the quiet but the click of her heels. At the end of the first floor hallway were a set of narrow steps. She climbed them to the third floor and entered the first door on the left, a red one labeled ‘Tabault Photography’ in gold letters.

“Hi Brandon,” she said as soon as she saw him.

“Oh hey Jenna. You can just put your stuff in the back really quick and then I’d like you to introduce you to Tristan.”

Jenna had been to Brandon’s studio hundreds of times before and knew the layout so well she could practically find her way around in the dark with little problem. She put down her bag and coffee and came back out into the large studio’s center space. Brandon had already set up most of the equipment and was putting the final touches on some lighting filters. She took a moment to appreciate the setup before noticing a tall, slender man off to the side. “Jenna,” said Brandon, “I want you to meet our magician for the next two days. Tristan, this is your lovely new assistant.”

Tristan strode over, beaming a confident smile that seemed to make his face pop with color. He took her hand and gave it a firm shake. “I’m so glad you could make it. We were having such a difficult time finding a model at the last minute that I was worried we might have to postpone the whole thing,” he said, never taking his eyes off hers or putting away that star-quality grin.

“Oh, it was nothing,” she said with a small, involuntary giggle, “I’m always willing to help out a friend, especially one like Brandon.”

Jenna and Brandon had known one another for several years due to a large group of mutual friends. From time to time he had needed a model for a project and when things came down to the wire he was never above asking friends and family to step in. Jenna was nervous the first time she volunteered for one of his shoots but the way he made her feel comfortable and gave her encouraging direction resulted in pictures that made her look absolutely stunning. In fact, little known to her, a few of them had gone on to become a part of his core portfolio. Since then she has never minded filling in for him when he needed it.

“Have you been brought up to speed on what we are doing here?” asked Tristan.

“Yes, for the most part. It’s for a magic act, is that right?” she responded.

“Close. I’m in charge of choreographing a magic act as part of a nationwide burlesque show. We will be having these shows run simultaneously in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, etc., etc. All of these performances will use the same promotional images in their advertisements and playbills and who better to perform them in print then the creator.”

Concern furled on her brow. “Oh, but I’m not a part of the actual show. Won’t that be a problem?”

Tristan winked and gave her a devilish grin. He reached into a large trunk nearby and put on what looked like a Venetian mask, covering just his eyes and nose. The white porcelain matched his teeth perfectly. “I don’t know. You tell me?” he said rhetorically as he handed her a similar one.

Jenna looked over her eye mask. It too was made of white porcelain but was bordered with sequins and had long eyelashes drawn on in thin lines of black paint. She raised it to her face and struck a pouty look with her lips. “How do I look?” she asked playfully.

“Promising,” he responded.

He was certainly charming and Jenna had to resist the urge to grin like an idiot at just the sound of his voice. “So, what sort of tricks do you do in this act?”

“Oh a bit of this and a bit of that. I make things disappear, perform some sleight of hand, and sprinkle in a little mind reading for fun.”

Her ears pricked up. “Mind reading? So, what am I thinking right now?” she teased.

He laughed. “You’ll have to be patient if you want to see my skills first hand. Besides, I still need to change into my costume as do you. Brandon, are you almost ready for us?”

Looking up from across the room, Brandon shouted “Give me about 20-30 minutes to verify a few things and we can get started.”

“Well then,” Tristan began, “I’ll just head off to my little corner and get prepared. Your wardrobe is ready to go for you in the back room. I’ll come check on you once I get my costume on to make sure everything is fitting right.”

“I take it that you were able to get my measurements from Brandon, then?”

“Yes, of course. But still, don’t be shy if I messed anything up. We’ve got to have you feeling comfortable and looking great,” he finished as he walked away to get changed.

Jenna headed off past the office into a storage room that had been converted into a dressing room of sorts. There were all types of clothes and outfits lining the racks on the far wall. A small chair was seated in front of a table and mirror with a few garments laid over the backrest. She picked them up and began to examine them one by one. The first item was a pair of dark green tights with a black frill on the top. The next were a medium length, black skirt and a matching black corset with beautiful lacing going up the sides. A pair of full-length gloves, the same dark green as the tights, and set of black stiletto heels completed the outfit. She looked over the items, a bit concerned, unsure if they were too risqué for her tastes. After reminding herself of Brandon’s professionalism in the past she ultimately decided to just try it all on. ‘How bad could it be?’ she thought.

On the far side of the room was a full length mirror, propped up against some cardboard boxes. Jenna picked it up a moved it to an area more open. The tights gave her a little trouble but she managed to get them all the way up without ripping the fabric. Things were a bit more difficult with the corset but after a bit of huffing and puffing the zipper finally made it to the top. The laces weren’t just for show either so after a brief tightening she put the loose strands into perfect little bows. The skirt and gloves went on without incident before she completed the look by stepping into the stilettos. Jenna looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t help but bite her lip a little at the woman staring back at her. The outfit made her body look simply delicious and managed to walk that fine line between showing skin and leaving plenty to the imagination. She bent over, this way and that, and imagined an audience of young men in awe as she twirled before them, offering the occasional wink and whisper pantomime between smiles.

As much as she didn’t care to admit it at the moment, the way she looked made her feel erotic and just a little bit horny. Her cleavage seemed to have increased ten-fold and the tights accentuated the feminine curves of her legs. While looking over her image she got an idea. Out of her purse she pulled some lip gloss and eye shadow that, serendipitously, didn’t clash with her outfit. She gave her face a quick makeover and blew a kiss into the mirror.

Strutting back out into the studio space, she was anxious to see the reactions of her cohorts. Neither of them were anywhere to be seen so Jenna stood in the center area and peered around. “Brandon? Hello?” she softly shouted.

“Yes?” a voice responded from behind, slightly startling her.

Tristan had changed into a matching green and black suit that looked like something a 19 th century duke might wear to a formal ball. Jenna may not have made that comparison herself had it not been for the top hat and white gloves which, while striking, had gone out of fashion long ago. Nevertheless, he looked dapper and dashing in a way that few men could pull off and even fewer could make look sexy. She stood there for a moment, silent, as she enjoyed taking in the sight of him. “Is everything all right?” he asked, returning her to her senses.

“Oh, oh yes. I’m sorry, I just… Well, I didn’t see anyone out here. I thought that maybe you both had left me,” she rambled, adding a small laugh at the end.

“Nonsense. It would be ungentlemanly to abandon a pretty woman without at least telling her where we were going,” he said with a wink, “How do you like the outfit?”

She could feel his eyes moving up and down her body and the sensation made her nipples hard against the top of the corset but Jenna did her best to downplay her arousal. “It’s not exactly my usual look but I suppose that it will do,” she said as Tristan handed her the eye mask, “What do you think?”

“I think you look marvelous. Our posters will certainly draw glances from the men, and a few from the ladies, with you on them. There is just one more thing we have to do. Here, take a seat.”

Jenna sat down on a folding chair while Tristan moved to stand behind her. He picked up a hair brush from a small table nearby and said, “I just need to take care of your hair a little bit so it doesn’t fall and cover your face in the shots. I hope you don’t mind.”

She anxiously bit her lip just a little at the thought. “No, I don’t mind. Do what you need to do.”

He began brushing her hair in long delicate strokes that tugged softly on her scalp. His free hand worked to steady her head and meticulously separate sections. The way sensation danced across the surface felt to her like a sensual massage, making her eyes roll back behind their fluttering lids. “You’re very good at this,” she said in a content and sleepy tone.

“I’ve worked in the burlesque arts for many, many years,” he explained, “You pick up a thing or two here and there.”

She responded with a quite approving moan. The way he expertly took care of her hair felt so good that her whole body began to relax against his touch. It almost came as a rude shock when he finally put the brush down and started tugging forcefully at focused sections of her mane in order to start braiding it. “I’ve never met a man before that knew how to braid hair,” said Jenna.

He laughed a little. “Like I said, I know a thing or two.”

She opened her eyes and focused her attention on the work his fingers were performing. He started at her brow and gradually worked his way back on the left side, careful to not let any strands go loose. Once Tristan had worked all the way down to the top of her neck he pulled her hair tight and perfectly weaved the remaining length all the way to the tip before securing it with a piece of dark green hair ribbon. Then, expectedly, he braided the other side in an identical fashion. “Now,” he said, “That should just about do it. What do you think?”

He handed Jenna a mirror off the table. She turned her head from side to side and looked over his masterful handiwork. “Not bad. Not bad at all,” she answered, “I don’t think I’ve had pigtails since I was a little girl but they certainly never looked as neat as this.”

“Well thank you,” he smiled, “I certainly aim to please.”

“You succeed,” she winked.

Jenna could sense the chemistry between them taking shape and it made her grin like a school girl. She briefly wondered if he found her to be as sexy as she was feeling at the moment and secretly hoped he could see the faint outline of her hardened nipples. ‘He really does look fantastic in that suit,’ she thought to herself, ‘I wonder what he looks like underneath it…’

“Hey you two, I’m ready when you are,” said Brandon, interrupting Jenna’s thoughts.

“We just finished,” responded Tristan, “Shall we?”

“Might as well,” she answered, taking his hand to be led to the first set of photographs.

Walking over to the eye wall, Jenna felt an odd sense of trust as he held her hand. His grip was firm but gentle, his guidance was forceful but not controlling. She could feel her heart flutter just a little as she followed. It had been a long time since a relative stranger had made her feel this way but she openly welcomed it because, unbeknownst to anyone else, several months had passed since she had last experienced any form of physical intimacy. Tristan would have been good looking to a freshly-fucked Jenna but under these circumstances he was simply smoldering. ‘Maybe I won’t need to pick up batteries on the way home tonight,’ she thought to herself.

“What was that?” Tristan asked.

“I’m sorry, what?” she responded.

“You said ‘batteries’ or something. I wasn’t quite listening.”

“Oh, that was just, um… I was just thinking… about… how I need to get some batteries… for my TV remote. Yeah, my TV remote. It’s dead…”

She tried to insert as much laughter into her words as she could muster but Tristan just looked at her confused. Before Jena could start beating herself up over thinking out loud and acting like a ditz she heard Brandon’s voice come to the rescue. “Okay, everything is ready to go. I’m just going to start with some candid portraits. Stand right here in the center and Jenna, as the assistant, just follow your magician’s lead.”

The two of them both dawned their masks and took direction. They posed this way and that, making grandiose gestures with their arms and postures. Tristan, being experienced with the role, instinctively turned and moved Jenna around as if he were introducing her to a thrilled audience. The way the studio lights blinded her vision from everything that lay beyond made it easy for her to imagine the crowd before her and their thunderous applause. In practically no time at all she was relaxed and enjoying herself, sporting a genuine smile as the stunning assistant to her skilled magician. The way he lifted and bent her into the various poses made her feel as if the two of them were dancing and for a few brief moments she nearly forgot about the camera all together.

“You’re doing marvelous, Jenna. Truly splendid,” Brandon would sporadically encourage from behind the lens.

Over an hour had passed by the time they finished the first set but it had been so enjoyable that it had felt like only minutes. Fortunately, there was still much left to be done. “Okay, I think that’s enough of that. Let’s move on to the prop shots,” instructed Brandon.

“Prop shots? What sort of props is he talking about?” Jenna asked Tristan.

“Oh nothing too major. Just a few small items that I trust you’ll enjoy,” he answered with a bit of a wink.

Instantly, Jenna found her mind in the gutter. ‘A few small items that I’ll enjoy?’ she thought to herself, picturing various phallic shaped objects. ‘No, no, that’s definitely not what he was talking about.’ It was a bit of a struggle to keep her mind in check. ‘Besides, I doubt it’s anything quite that fun…’

Brandon opened a small trunk at the edge of the eyewall and took out a deck of cards and a scarf. He handed them to Tristan before continuing to rummage. ‘See?’ she told herself, ‘nothing exciting’. After grabbing a few more objects, Brandon closed lid and placed them upon it. Jenna’s eyes grew wide and her heart began to race when she saw a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. Almost as if he could read her mind, Tristan looked at her and said, “Those later. We’ll start with the cards.”

He expertly shuffled and fanned them out. She pretended to select cards and be surprised by their outcome. It was amazing how he could take a simple concept and pose it in so many different ways. Her eyes occasionally wandered up and down his attractive body but she did her best to remain focused on the task at hand. “You don’t seem to be too impressed,” Tristan said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not doing a very good job,” she stammered.

“I know, it’s difficult to pretend to be amazed when nothing is happening. Here, let’s do a real trick,” he said, shuffling and fanning out the cards before her, “Pick a card in your mind. Picture it. Focus on it. Now try to imagine where it could be in the deck.”

“Okay, I have one,” she said.

“Now, tell me what it is.”

“Just… tell you?”


“It’s the King of Hearts.”

“Find it,” he instructed.

“Just… pick a card?” she asked, not quite understanding.

“Yes,” he urged her, “Find it.”

She ran her finger across the fan, back and forth, occasionally checking his eyes. They looked so certain that she felt like he could see right through her. The way his gaze seemed to pierce right through her made her chest feel heavy with anticipation. “Here,” she said without really knowing why, “This one.”

Tristan flipped it over with the delicate flick of a finger and revealed the card she had pictured, the King of Hearts. Her face went agape with shock as she tried to process what had just happened before her eyes. The percussive click of the camera’s shutter crackled away as Brandon worked to capture the genuine expression on her face. “How… how did you…” she tried to ask.

“My dear, a magician NEVER reveals his secrets,” he said with a confident smile, “Now, let’s try something else.”

Tristan whipped the scarf through the air before quickly balling it up and pretending to swallow it. What followed was a series of tricks where he made it disappear and reappear in a whole multitude of ways. The entire time Jenna worked to match his rhythm and movements for the camera but couldn’t manage to make any face beyond bewilderment at the illusions she was witnessing. It was only when he made it the scarf surface from beneath her skirt and felt his hand graze her thigh that she was reminded of how turned on this man made her feel. “And that, darling, is what we in the business like to call ‘sleight of hand,’” he said with a wink while he rose to his feet.

“I think I’ve got enough,” called Brandon from behind the lens, “We can move on.”

A mischievous grin stretched across Tristan’s face. “Good. Now on to the fun stuff,” he said.

He walked over, picked up the handcuffs and blindfold, and presented them to Jenna. “Other parts of this act have an… escapist nature to them. We won’t do the tricks here right now since such shots would spoil it for the audience but what we will show are the restraints. Now, if I may…”

Tristan began to handcuff her wrists in front of her while Brandon snapped away with his camera. Jenna could sense her breathing become more deliberate as she felt herself melting at this man’s touch. The metal was cool on her skin and felt tight as she attempted to flex her wrists against them. He looked her in the eye with a deep intensity that made her feel vulnerable in ways beyond the physical as he tugged on the joining chain of the cuffs, jerking her arms this way and that. “Think you can get out of these?” he asked.

“Doubtful,” she said.

“It’s easy. Just one... two…”

With a delicate pass of his hand, she felt the cuffs slack open and the blood rush back towards her fingertips. She hadn’t even felt him touch her. “…three,” he finished.

The two of them shared a smile as he moved in close. Instinctively, Jenna pursed her lips for a kiss and inhaled the scent of his cologne. She felt her knees go a little weak and flexed them to keep herself upright. It was only when her vision became obscured by the blindfold did she realized why he had leaned-in. “Maybe later,” he whispered to just her, and then speaking loud enough for Brandon to hear, “Now turn around.”

She spun slightly and felt him moving her wrists behind her back before cuffing them forcefully. He then twisted and turned with her body, obviously striking various poses for the camera, as she tried to remain in control of her emotions. Here she was, dolled up and constrained to the will of this man. Fortunately, Brandon was there so she knew it was safe but deep down she was loving the fear that came from being bound by someone she had just met that afternoon. Jenna could feel the juices of her pussy start to drip down her inner thigh while she imagined Tristan taking her right there. ‘It wouldn’t be hard,’ she thought, ‘Just bend me over, hike up the skirt, and…’ She bit her lip before she could complete the thought. “Great Jenna, I love that. Keep doing that look,” she heard Brandon call to her.

The camera’s shutter clicked with a rhythmic cadence while the magician and his assistant posed before it. On the surface it looked like as if he might proceed to saw her in half, make her levitate, or any other number of well-known feats of illusion. However, deep down, it was like a prolonged session of sensual foreplay between the two. She was loving the submissiveness of her role so much that, even though they were standing, she found herself able to continually squeeze her hips together, savoring the satisfaction it brought. What had started as an innocent photo shoot was now slowing filling her with lust and desire. When Brandon announced that they were done and Tristan removed her blindfold and the handcuffs she had to suppress the urge to pout.

“Well, that wasn’t too painful, I hope,” said Tristan encouragingly.

“No, not at all. If anything I’m saddened that things ended so soon,” she confessed.

“Well that’s all we need from you. I have to take a few more solo shots and then I’ll be done myself. You are more than welcome to stick around if you would like,” he told her.

“Oh thank you. I would really enjoy that but I don’t want to impose.”

“Nonsense. Feel free to get changed and then just hangout. Think of it as seeing a ‘sneak preview’ to a much bigger show.”

Jenna smiled. She reached forward and put her hand on his shoulder. “Well, okay. If you insist…” she trailed off as her hand gently brushed along the full length of his arm before separating just above his wrist.

She turned around to walk away but could feel his eyes on her as she made her way back to the dressing area. Jenna did her best to move with a sexy strut, shaking her ass in the short skirt just ever so. Electricity seemed to be crawling over her skin, knowing that his gaze was on her body. The juices from her pussy could be felt as her hips brushed with every step, reminding her of just how immensely she was enjoying this whole experience.

When she arrived to the back room she shut the door behind her and leaned against it. Closing her eyes, Jenna moaned quietly and began to rub her hands over her neck and face. Imagining that her hands were Tristan’s, she slowly squeezed her breasts and arched her back, feeling the weight of her body slowly become too great for her knees to bear. She crouched slightly, leaning against the door all the more, and let her hands travel down to the hem of her skirt. “Mmm… Tristan,” she quietly whispered.

Lifting up her skirt she looked down and could see the faint, dark outline of her wet pussy though the fabric of her black cotton panties. Jenna slowly rubbed up and down though the fabric and thought about the way his hands and touched and posed her. Her clit was throbbing for attention at this point so she pulled her underwear aside and gave it some direct attention. Rubbing herself just the way she liked, she leaned her head back and let out a slow, sustained breath.

With her free hand she fondled her breasts and imagined Tristan kissing her neck and chest while his expert hands played with her aching pussy. She bit her lip, thinking back to the way he made her feel when he first put her in cuffs. Her wrists were still a bit sore but the pain was delicious and made her miss the restraints with every bitter sweet movement of her hands. “Oh fuck me,” she softly gasped, her finger plunging into her wet pussy.

Jenna finger-fucked herself, feeling her orgasm well up inside of her. The fabric was becoming too distracting to hold over so she paused momentarily and quickly stripped them off. One hand returned to her sensitive clit and the other worked furiously to pump in and out of her dripping folds. Her hips began to buck, her breathing became desperate, and she felt her body grow warm and wild with pleasure. She bit her lip and tried her best to muffle the screams which were attempting to escape as her body teetered on the cusp. Reminding herself that the man she longed for was right outside was enough to send her crashing over the edge and make her abdominal muscles spasm with cascading force. “OH, OH FUCK,” she mouthed inaudibly before collapsing on the floor.

She laid there in a tangled mess for a few seconds and then straightened herself out. The exertion of her solo-session had been slightly exhausting so she stayed down on the floor for several minutes with her eyes closed, gradually regaining her breath and strength. After more moments had passed than of which she could keep track she pulled herself up and shook off the cobwebs.

Wondering as to the time, she looked momentarily around the room for her phone before remembering that it was in her purse in Brandon’s office. Jenna coughed weakly, clearing her throat, and then slowly opened the door. ‘I hope they didn’t hear me,’ she thought. Peering outside she couldn’t see either of them and affirmed to herself that neither of the men had any knowledge of what she had just done. She breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out to retrieve her phone.

Looking across the main space she saw something that immediately grabbed her attention. It was a large, wooden stockade with metal shackles framing all around it. For the second time today, neither of the men were anywhere to be found and Jenna, for the second time today, pondered as to their whereabouts before quickly losing interest in the idea. The stocks were too interesting to stare at from afar so she walked over for a closer inspection. “Like what you see?” a voice asked form over her shoulder.

Holding a massive row of keys and standing there, grinning, was Tristan. He walked past her and proceeded to fiddle with the locks on the sides of the thick wooden frame. “Brandon had to run back to his apartment for another memory card. I guess he thought he had extras but it turns out that those are from another shoot, accidentally left in the case instead of being switched out for fresh ones,” he answered before she could even ask.

“Oh?” she responded, not knowing what else to say, her eyes still soaking up the contraption before her.

“Yes. So, do you have any idea what this is?”

“I think so. I saw it in a cartoon once. It’s one of those things that they used for witches so the town could throw tomatoes at them.”

Tristan laughed. “Something like that. It’s called a stockade, ‘stocks’ for short. A person’s head would go through this big hole in the center and their hands through the two small holes to the sides. Then, with it locked around their neck and wrists, they were incapable of leaving or doing pretty much anything for that matter.”

Jenna nodded. She enjoyed the history lesson but wasn’t sure where he was going with all of this. “We use this in the show for an escape act. The handcuffs stuff is nice but it’s hard to demonstrate with a large crowd. We need something bigger and more visual so this is where this comes in,” he explained.

“So the assistant locks you in there and you get out?” she asked.

“Almost,” he answered with a devilish grin, “I lock up my assistant and… well, there’s a bit of magic that takes place.”

“I get it. You can’t reveal your secrets,” she said playfully.

“Pretty much. I can show you how it works, if you would like?”

Jenna thought about it for all of three seconds before agreeing. Even though she had just rubbed most of her sexual frustrations away, she still couldn’t resist another opportunity to let him put his hands on her. “It’s simple,” he began, “just step right over here.”

Tristan opened the stocks along a hinge whose seam bisected all three holes perfectly. Then, taking her hands, he laid her wrists inside the smaller, outer holes. He placed his grip on the back of her head and asked, “May I?”

“I don’t mind,” she reassured him.

Guiding her downward, Tristan placed her neck across the wood and settled it into the smooth crook of the center hole. Then, carefully, he closed the top section above her head and wrists before closing the latch. A lock was shut into place and he stepped in front of her. “What do you think? Can you get out?” he teased.

She tried to push upward but the top portion wouldn’t budge. Jenna attempted to pull back her head or hands through the holes but all of them were far too big to fit. Laughing nervously, she said, “I’m stuck.”

“That’s the goal of the thing,” he responded, “It wouldn’t be much of a trick if you could just slip out.”

“I suppose not. So how do I get out of this thing?”

“You don’t. Well, at least not until someone lets you out,” he joked.

“Very funny. But there’s a secret to it, isn’t there?”

“There’s a secret to everything.”

“Fine,” she said, deciding to play along, “And what do I have to do to learn these secrets?”

He gave her a curious look. “Are you bargaining with me?”

Suddenly, an idea took shape in her mind. A naughty, ingenious idea. A small grin formed on Jenna’s face before she said, “Not a bargain. A wager.”

“A wager? What kind of wager?” he asked, intrigued.

“You said that you could read minds as a part of your act. So, read mine,” she commanded.

“Oh okay, I can do that,” he said before closing his eyes and putting his fingers to his temples. “You… you want something. Yes. You… want… out of the stocks. Yes, that’s it.”

She let out a genuine laugh. “That’s good but not exactly what I had in mind.”

“Fine, what is it then?”

With a coy, crooked grin she said, “You have to guess what color panties I am wearing.”

Tristan stood there for a moment, wide-eyed. It was obvious that he hadn’t expect her to say that. He blinked, gulped, and spoke. “I beg your pardon?”

“Guess what color panties I am wearing. You get it wrong and you have to show me how to get out of this thing.”

Tristan crouched down so that the two of them were eye-to-eye. “Fine,” he spoke, “They are black.”

Jenna’s face stretched in a wide, satisfied grin. “Nope. Good guess though.”

Tristan looked shocked. “You’re lying,” he said coldly.

“Go ahead and check for yourself then,” she told him defiantly, not thinking that he actually would.

“If that’s the way you want it,” he stated before marching around to the back to see for himself.

A nervous Jenna bit her lip knowing what he was about to find. She could feel him grab the hem of her skirt, lift it up, and pause. He just stood there, unmoving, for a beat before saying, “Well, that explains it.”

“Explains what?” she asked.

“How you cheated me,” he stated matter-of-factly.

Instinctively, she tried to turn and face him but it was a lost cause. The stocks were doing an excellent job of holding her firmly in place. “Woah, woah, woah, I didn’t cheat anyone,” she argued, fully aware that he hadn’t put down her skirt and was still staring at her naked pussy.

“If I had suspected that you weren’t wearing panties,” he said, placing a hand on her ass cheek, “I never would have taken your wager.”

He gave her a firm squeeze and began to massage the muscle and skin in a way that made her close her eyes in order to better savor the sensation. Her legs squirmed, trying to move away but their range of freedom was severely limited. She tried to pull her hands through the holes but she was hopelessly restrained. “I could have sworn you were wearing black panties earlier,” he said, “But this is a welcome sight as well.”

Hiking the skirt up over her back, Jenna felt herself instinctively spread her legs. Her pussy was aching for attention again with a yearning that couldn’t possibly have been more inviting. His free hand traced a finger around her womanhood and made her shudder. “Do you have any idea how attractive you are?” he asked.

“No,” she replied.

In her mind Jenna was losing control. A part of her wanted him to stop but an even larger part prayed that he wouldn’t. She wanted more than anything to be fucked by him but couldn’t find the words to say it. Instead she was overwhelmed with the sensation of this man’s gaze upon her most personal and private of areas. The groping of her ass ceased and was replaced by the sound of a zipper being undone. Shortly thereafter was the jingle of pants and a belt falling to ankles and the deep cantor of Tristan’s voice. “You,” he spoke deliberately, “are so sexy like this.”

Jenna could feel his hands on her hips, steadying her body, as he lined up his cock with her pussy. She arched her back to accommodate him and could feel the tip of his head against her wet and sensitive folds. He took a brief moment and traced up and down in between her lips in a slow and teasing manner that made her flex against the restraints with lustful frustration. Not only was she completely helpless to resist but was powerless to make him give her what he body was insatiably craving. Being as it was the only thing she could do, she let out a quiet, begging whimper, “Just take me. Just take me, please. Please, I need you to take me.”

Without an audible response, Tristan thrust forward and buried the whole mass of his thick member into her aching pussy. She breathlessly gasped a short string of obscenities, sustaining the last syllable once she felt his balls press firmly against her pelvis. “I love the way you talk when you’re horny,” he said, slowly starting to work his cock in and out of her.

Jenna tried to match him with a response but was unable to think straight. It all just felt too good. The rhythm of his fucking was gradually picking up speed and intensity, bumping her shoulders against the stockade’s rear face. She tried to hold herself away but the muscles in her arms quickly became too tired, followed shortly by those in her legs. Tristan, sensing that her body had begun to sag, reached under her belly to hold her up. His fucking became more enthusiastic and started to ram her shoulders into the boards with greater impact, generating those wet, slapping sounds that can only be created between sweaty flesh and a hard, smooth surface.

They both began to moan and groan loudly, the sounds of their sex echoing around the studio space. His fucking and her bucking grew in intensity as they both became increasingly lost to their animalistic urges. “I’ve always wanted a full-time assistant that was also a part-time slut,” he said to her.

At the sound of that word, Jenna felt her body melt. Unbeknownst to anyone but herself, she absolutely loved dirty name calling during sex. The filthier and the more humiliating the name, the wetter it made her. Practically gushing from the word, she responded, “Yeah? You like fucking your little slut assistant? Show me what you like to do to this dirty slut’s pussy.”

Tristan, inspired and encouraged, started to fuck her hard and faster, the slaps from each thrust ringing out around them. Moans and heavy breathing rang loudly under the clean, buzzing lights of the studio’s center space. It was no wonder that when Brandon returned, neither of them heard. He had stood there for a moment, in shock, before deciding to stick around and enjoy the show.

“Oh, oh fuck me,” she moaned.

This wasn’t the first time that someone had screwed underneath these studio lights. In fact, several of the usual clients included adult websites and x-rated video companies. Even though he saw this sort of thing more often than his bashful self would allow him to admit, he never failed to become aroused. Brandon felt his cock grow hard in his jeans and knew that this time was certainly no exception. Almost against his will, he immediately began to rub himself through the denim. They way Jenna tried to writhe and flex under Tristan’s control was too erotic of a sight to pass up. He carefully undid his belt and –

“What was that?” they said in unison right after Brandon accidentally knocked over folding chair which had been propped against the wall.

“Shit,” said Jenna. She was unable to move and turn to face the sound but instantly knew who it was and what it meant.

“I… I’m sorry,” stammered Tristan, “We… things just…”

Brandon raised his hand, indicating a request for silence, and nodded his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. In fact, I was rather enjoying the show. It’s just… I’m sorry.”

He briefly turned between left and right, unsure of which direction to take. It was clear that he was more embarrassed than the two who were fucking on full display. Tristan recognized this and immediately tried to salvage the situation. “Hey, hey it’s all right. I... I just hope, you know, you don’t mind.”

The two men looked at one another, trying to read the other’s mind. Brandon’s erection was clearly visible in his pants, even across the studio space, and it didn’t take long for Tristan to pick up on it. With his cock still buried into Jenna’s pussy, he motioned with his head for Brandon to join them. “You know, she has a mouth too…”

He swallowed a big lump in his throat and walked across the empty floor. Jenna was trying to consider what Tristan had just implied but before she could protest he retook hold of her hips and resumed sliding himself in and out. “I bet that mouth of yours feels awfully empty,” he said, continuing to fuck, “I bet our pal here could solve that problem. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about sucking off her friend, especially like this, but Tristan’s cock felt far too good to allow her to say no to anything. An orgasm was building inside her and progressively taking over body and mind. Instead, she just moaned a garbled string of sounds which indicated her approval. Brandon came around the stocks and the two of them made an intense eye contact full of nervousness and lust. Looking down at her, he said, “Do you?”

He stood before her face and began to undo the zipper of his pants, taking his time, making sure to building up the anticipation as her gaze was helpless to look in most any other direction. Once undone, he dropped his pants and then pealed his boxers away, revealing his generous manhood. Jenna looked it up and down and licked her lips. Looking him directly in the eye and in as demanding a tone she could muster from such a submissive position she said, “Give it to me. Let me taste that cock.”

Brandon held the tip up to her lips. She kissed the head, softly, and followed it up by extending her tongue and licking all over. Precum was already coming out just a little and the taste was an incredibly enjoyable mix of sweet and musky on her pallet. That flavor never failed to make her pussy quiver with delight. He took a small step forward and pushed his member into her mouth while she sucked on it with eagerness. Putting both of his hands on the back of the stocks, he began to thrust backwards and forwards. Seeing that things had begun on that end, Tristan sped up his gentle, soft fucks and worked to resume the pace at which he had previously been.

“I’ve photographed spit roasts before but I’ve never been a part of one,” confessed Brandon.

The term sent an electric shockwave through Jenna’s body. Immediately the imagery of glistening flesh being penetrated from opposite ends entered her mind and in the context of what was happening, the idea sent her over the edge. She screamed on Brandon while she came on Tristan. As degrading as it was, everything about it turned her on and made her orgasm far harder than she had just a few moments ago. Sweat was pouring over her body as it flexed wildly in the throes of pleasure and passion.

“Oh wow. That’s it girl. Cum on this cock,” said Tristan as her pussy flexed tightly around his thick member.

Brandon was trying to process what was going on but was too mixed up in it to care. Only a few minutes ago he was taking photos of a client and friend but now his cock was buried in her open mouth as shy cried in ecstasy around it. “Damn Jenna, I… I…” he tried to finish the thought but his mind went blank.

Tristan kept fucking her as the waves of her orgasms subsided but his was on the brink. With a firm grip on her with his right hand, his left gave her ass a hard slap as he prepared to cum deep inside her. “Yeah, you like that? I love the way your ass looks while I fuck you like this. You ready for this cum?” he asked, rhetorically.

Too focused on enjoying the sensations that were going through her body, she barely heard him. It wasn’t until she felt him make a sustained thrust deep within her that his words registered in her mind. “Oh, oh fuck,” he moaned.

With Brandon’s cock still in her mouth, she could feel Tristan’s cum shoot deep within her. The warm and wetness coupled with the enthusiastic spasms of his cock made her pussy feel alive. Dildos, fingers, and other various things could fill her up when she needed it but nothing could ever replace the sensation of a cock getting off within her. The experience always made her eyes roll back with satisfaction and today was no exception. “Mmm…” she managed to hum around Brandon’s fat prick.

“Damn, that’s one hell of an assistant you found me,” Tristan said as he pulled out.

“You’re telling me,” replied Brandon in a dreamlike tone.

Not wanting to leave her friend uncared for, she did her best to give him the best blow job he had ever had. It was difficult with her hands and head restrained, but she used her tongue to make up in their absence. Cum began to drip out of her pussy and down her legs as she diligently worked to fill her mouth with the same stuff. Looking up at Brandon, she made a tight seal with her lips and tried to flirt with her eyes. He looked down at her with a sense of wanting that seemed as if he was holding back something. “Wha id it?” she mumbled to him.

“I… I’m sorry. I just don’t want to make you gag,” he confessed.

Realizing that he was trying to resist thrusting down her throat, she tried to assure him that she wanted it. “Cuh hor ee,” was all she could communicate.

“You know,” piped up Tristan, “That pussy of hers is something to behold.”

“I… I don’t know,” Brandon replied.

“Oh come on now, don’t tell me that you’re afraid of a little sloppy seconds. It much more enjoyable than it sounds.”

After thinking about it for a moment, Brandon pulled out of Jenna’s mouth and moved around to the back. Cum had already dripped halfway down her thigh but was still plenty wet with her own juices. She could feel him line himself up and push into her. His cock went in without the slightest trace of resistance, lubed up with the passion of two people. Jenna moaned quietly, knowing that she still had one more orgasm stored inside her. “Fuck me, Brandon. Fuck me good. Make me cum on your cock too. Make this pussy cum.”

He took to it and increased his speed, his balls slapping in a delightful rhythm against her clit. Jenna concentrated on the way he stretched and filled her with every thrust, her third orgasm building closer and closer with each one. She briefly considered asking him to unzip her corset and play with her nipples but decided against it, instead choosing to relish in the fact that she was being screwed in the outfit in which she had spent all day getting eye-fucked. Tristan, as if he actually could read minds, mentioned this right on cue. “I’ve always thought about fucking an assistant in her stage clothes but never thought I’d actually get the chance.”

Jenna looked over at him. He was still naked from the waist down and had already regained his erection. The edge of his ass was just barely visible and it had that perfect definition that would make any straight woman gaze with lust. Tristan stared into her eyes as he slowly stroked himself, his cock glistening with her juices. She licked her lips and spoke, “Come here.”

Tristan obeyed and held himself up to her lips. She licked the head and along the shaft, savoring the taste of herself still clinging to his heated skin. There were faint traces of his cum but not enough to quench her desire, no matter how passionately she ran her tongue along him. “That’s good. But I want to see what YOU taste like,” she demanded.

Nodding down to her, he slid his cock between her lips and began to fuck her mouth with a far greater forcefulness than Brandon had. However, he was matching the pace perfectly now on her creamy wet pussy. Both men, whether by accident or some sort of male-telepathy, fucked her in such a way that when one was pulling out, the other was pushing in so she was never without a cock in her. Thinking about this, thinking about how helpless she was to the two of them, and knowing that she wanted nothing more in the world than for all three of them to cum together, she closed her eyes and moaned.

“That’s it, that’s it sweetheart,” encouraged Tristan.

Jenna just hummed in response. Truthfully, she wasn’t doing anything other than simply letting him forcefully fuck her mouth. All of her attention was on her pussy which was approaching the precipice once more. Thankfully, so were her two men. “Oh god, oh god, I’m… I’m gonna cum,” shouted Brandon.

Tristan picked up the pace to a frantic speed and grabbed Jenna’s hair by her pigtails. He held her head steady against his thrusts while his cock rapidly flew in and out of her tightly pursed lips, tapping forcefully against the back of her throat. All the while Jenna did the only thing she could which was to clench her hands into fists and prepare her body for orgasm number three. She screamed louder the closer she got.

“Oh, oh fuck,” groaned Brandon as the first of his cum spasms erupted into her well-fucked pussy.

Tristan bit his lip and closed his eyes, his cum coating the inside of Jenna’s mouth and throat. She tried to keep it all in, attempting to savor the flavor, but her orgasm had struck at the same moment. Some of it was immediately swallowed but most of the cum spilled out and dripped down between her chin and his balls.

“Sh- shit!” shouted Tristan, emptying his load into her for the second time.

Brandon, having given her another creampie, pulled out and looked over her cum-stained backside. “Damn,” was all he could muster to say.

With her final orgasm subsiding, the stockades quickly became uncomfortable. She tried to lean against them but it put her weight at an awkward and uncomfortable angle against sensitive areas. Still regaining her breath and with a cum-coated mouth, Jenna said as best she could, “Mind helping me out of this thing now?”

Tristan looked at her for a moment and said, “Fine,” walked over and, without even touching the latch, lifted the top section off of the back of her neck.

“Wha- I thought…” she tried to say the words in her head but exhaustion and confusion were overwhelming her abilities.

Laughing, he gave her a wink before delivering that now-standard line about magicians and secrets. Jenna stood and rubbed her wrists, nodding. “Well, thank you for the preview. If this is anything as good as the show then I just may have to purchase tickets in every city,” she said with smirk.

“Oh, I know some people. I could… hook you up.”

They shared a mutual smile. Jenna just shook her head and started towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. Brandon caught up to her, a concerned look on his face. “Hey, I take it you had a lot of fun,” he begun.

She let out a genuine giggle. A smile graced her face that she was helpless to remove. “Oh, believe me, I had fun.”

“Good, good. I… I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t cross any lines back there, between us as friends.”

She put her hand on his shoulder and looked him square in the eye. A thick glob of cum dangled from her chin but before it could fall she scooped it with her finger and sucked if off. “Don’t worry about it. If you keep hiring clients like this and inviting me to come over then trust me, you and I are going to be VERY good friends for a long, long time.”

He smiled and let out a sigh of relief. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear you say that. You see, I have another shoot next month and I may need an extra hand on set…”

Jenna bit her lip, her imagination running wild with the things he could have in store. “Tell me more. I’m all ears…”

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Love With Aarohi In Chandigarh

Hi everyone, I am back with a new story again. Ye meri 2nd story hai – “Love With Arohi”. Last story jisne nhi padhi wo padh le and please share your reviews with me. Main Haryana se hu or current location Chandigarh hai. Koi bhi aunty ya bhabhi, ladki mujhse chudna chahti hai to feel free to contact me at my mailing address Mere lund ka size 7″ hai. Mujhe bade boobs or badi gaand wali girls pasand hai. I am waiting for your replies. Reply me must Now let’s start the story. Last year chal raha...

2 years ago
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Threesome In Chandigarh

Hi friends! Mai Sahil, a bachelor from Chandigarh, age 21. Yes, ab mujhe bhi mere sabse pehle sex mei kaafi maza aaya toh mai aage bhi isey continue krna chahta hu, toh koi bhi girl/bhabhi/aunty within tricity can approach me but mujhe apne liye full secrecy chahiye aur han meri taraf se bhi secrecy ki guarantee, So anyone interested can contact on my email-ID Ye Story ek real life ghatna hai aur maine apni life mei bhi kbhi aisa kuch expect nahi kiya tha. Toh baat kuch aisi hai k kuch mahino...

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Hot Sex With Doctor In A Hotel In Chandigarh

Hello friends how are you? Hope everyone is fine and enjoying sex with their partners, any lady married only looking for partner can mail me. We can meet and enjoy the life. I am Romy dhanoa from mohali working as quant faculty in an reputed institute in Chandigarh. I m 26 years old and I m married. I m very much interested in married ladies because they know how to satisfy men. I have sex with many females till now. This is the story of me having sex with a lady doctor from sec 32 hospital...

4 years ago
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Student In Chandigarh

Hello again… Thanks a ton for appreciations on my last story… Post ur suggestions and comments on This story revolves around a very sweet girl, putting up in a pg, new in Chandigarh from Shimla. I got this call from an anonymous number that morning and a very sexy voice made my sleepy state vanish in seconds. I was asked for another physics tuition class in sector 36 at a girl’s pg and timings had to be before 6 in the evening. I smiled and thought for a while that this time it won’t be a...

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Enjoy My Sweet Married Friend In Chandigarh

Hiiiiiiiii Friends , I m sam Thakur , meri age 30 years hai or main Chandigarh k paas rahta hu.. Frnds main ISS ka bahut fan hu aur maine bahut si stories padi hain , aaj main aapko apni ek story btane ja rha hu jo Feb.13 ki hai , ye meri phli story hai aur agar koi mistake ho jaye to uske liye sorry. About me My age is : 30 yrs, Weight : 60 Kgs , height : 170 cm, colour : Fare. Aagr koi Married, Housewife / girl mere sath enjoy FREE of COST Enjoy krna chahti ho to plzz plzz plzz mughe meri...

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swingers handbook

A Swingers Handbook I couldnt come up with a name to describe these guidelines, based on my experiences, So I thought, A Swingers Handbook might be fitting. Swingers, that might be a new word for wife swappers, and in this day and age, I have no idea what they call it. Usually its people who are married that have sex with multiple partners with the consent of their spouse, most times including their spouses. Now days, all they have to be is a shack-up. Most all of the women in my life were...

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I got a call from a lady I had been recommended to who wanted to replace some lights in her lounge, she asked if I could call round later that day, I took down her address and phone number in case of difficulties.After ringing the doorbell, an attractive brunette opened the door, I estimated that she was about thirty-ish. Mike’s the name Electricity’s the game, the handy electrician, I stated. Come in she beckoned. Where are these lights I asked, they’re in the lounge straight-ahead, follow me...

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Jennie and the Handyman

Her glancing at the paper that early Tuesday, second cup of coffee in hand, was what finally moved Jennie Allen to do something about her ‘old house.’ It wasn’t exactly that she had ‘let it go’, as people tend to say. It’s just that she normally never thought about having things done. Old habits died hard, she was aware of that. The whole realm of dealing with house items, and needs was one of her Andy’s main pleasures. She thought of the many, many times that she would scold him about...

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The Handyman

I was always incredibly shy. At twenty-one, I had missed out on more encounters that I could care to mention. I was sure that if a shrink got hold of me he would find the deep-seated reason for my affliction, but I was simply not willing to venture into the realms of psychological claptrap.Regrettably, however, my introversion was mostly misconstrued as aloofness. Even though I was above average-looking, most guys simply did not have the time or patience to try and break through my reserved...

Gay Male
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The Handyman

This true account of events all started when I went back to school at age25, at night to become a Graphic Designer. After I had been in school fora little over a year, and my beginner classes were behind me, the classesfor this new quarter started getting tougher. I found that crunchingnumbers all day, trying to go to school 4 nights a week, and the evergrowing homework projects, were getting harder to complete on time and toconsistently produce the standard of work I required of myself to...

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Teenage Handyman

My name's Spike. Well, actually my given name is Percy, but no one should call me that to my face unless he wants a fight on his hands. My parents named me that in the hopes of pleasing a rich uncle of the same name who might leave them some money when he died. Well, he died, but he didn't leave any of us a dime. My parents divorced over Dad's drinking and being without work besides. My mom had to apply for welfare and she, my sister and I moved into one of these cheap one-bedroom...

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Sams YearChapter 7 Marree and Kati Thanda

Sam stood in the lobby reading the announcements and business card that had been posted. The one from Wrightsair (“The spirit of the outback”) caught his eye. He walked over to the desk. “Excuse me?” “Yes?” Does Wrightsair ever land here?” “Sure. Atta ‘port. Fifteen minnit walk. Folks get ‘em to do a flyin’ tour o’ the lake. ‘Specially when it’s full or empty.” “Thank you.” He left to meet Tessa. She was waiting for him. “Waiting long?” “Not at all.” “I have an idea.” “That’s good....

2 years ago
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Sex With South Woman In Chandigarh

I’m a fun loving male from Chandigarh, I’m working in a Software company. I’m going to narrate you a real incident that happened the day after our annual town hall with my colleague who is in her mid 38. My colleague is from South Indian currently working in Chandigarh. She has a very attractive face & figure. She is little short but she got the right curves that can turn any male face towards her (don’t carve her pussy yet, pussy is to come in few minutes). Although I liked her very much I...

4 years ago
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Pehla Sex Apni Babhi Ke Sath In Chandigarh

Hi friends maine bahut si online stories pardi or main bhi apni story apke sath share kerna chahta hun. Hi i am Rishi(changed name) apko apna pehle sex ki story batane ja raha hun jo ki mene apni babhi ke sath kiya , or yakinan ye apko pasand ayegi or ye meri real story hai please ap reply jarur kerna taki main apko apni next story jaldi post karun meri abhi age 25 saal ki hai or meri height 5ft 5 inch hai main abhi delhi main job kerta hun , pehle main Chandigarh main rehta tha apni family ke...

3 years ago
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Oral Sex With Cousin In Chandigarh

Hello friends amit here from mohali.. Ye meri 1st story hai.. He pehle me apne bare me thoda bta du meri age 22 he height 5’8. Body average & me engg krta hu.. To know me more email me on Ye meri & meri cousin sister (sonal) ki story hai.. Uski age 21 hai & wo bhi engg krti hai.. Uski body kaafi attractive hai 30-28-32 & wo chandigarh me rehti hai..Ye baat aaj se 2 saa pehle ke he me apne taya g ke ghar summer holidays pr gya tha after semester exams. Us time use bhi holidays the. Me unke ghar...

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Rita Anty Ki Chudai In Chandigarh

Heloo friends, mera Naam Love Jot Hai mein Chandigarh ka Rehne wala hu . Meri Age 24 saal Hai . Mein Govt job karta hu mera chandigarh mein apna ghr hai . aur hum ne apna upr wala set ek uncle , Aunty ko diya hai. Aunty ka naam Rita Choudhary hai . aur uncle ka naam samarvir Choudhary hai . uncle HDFC bank mein Job karte Hai .Uncle ki age 40 hai . aur aunty ki 37 age hai . Dono ka ek beta v hai jis ka naam makku hai uski age 9 saal ki hai . uncle aksar job ke karan bhar he rehte hai aur aunty...

1 year ago
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iXXX Handjob

Sometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Johnstr Mark had worked in construction since he was a child. His father ran a construction company and Mark had been his helper as he grew up. After his father died, Mark went to work for himself. His mother died a few years after his father. He was in his mid 30s now and was on the road. He had lived in a town that had one major employer. The town had done well until the plant closed. One by one in a domino effect, stores closed. Jobs disappeared and the town folded up. There were more...

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Handyman Susanna says: - How many of those builders and handymen have we all looked at when they come around and repair or replace bits in and around our houses have we looked at and yearned for this situation to develop. This is one of those 'what if' stories as far as I am concerned, but there have been one or two builders recently who I swear would've been well up for it, if I had the confidence to take the next public step! Anthony looked at the clock and realised that he...

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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn't consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn't have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

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Reddit Handjob, aka r/Handjob! Don’t you just love it when your girl knows how to tug on a throbbing hose properly? I think all men appreciate that. In case you are here to see some lovely chicks giving amazing handjobs, I am sure that you will love what r/Handjob/ has to offer. To be fair, why else the fuck would you visit a subreddit that is literally called handjob?I mean, that is basically the gist of what r/Handjob/ has to offer. But, that is not all that you need to know about

Reddit NSFW List
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Scrolller Handjob

Do you dream at night of getting a handjob from a beautiful woman? Do you also dream about the most vanilla sex? Regardless of what you are into, if you want to cum to looking at pictures of other dudes get jacked off, it’s hard to think of a better place to visit right now than More than just fucking pictures, the site is what a modern porn picture site should look like.Is that a bold as fuck statement? Hell yeah, it is. But I stand by it. Suck my dick if you don’t like...

Handjob Porn Sites
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The Old Chandelier

The reception room was elegantly decorated. Above me stood a high corniced ceiling and a candelabra chandelier. To my left, if I had been able to observe it, was a fireplace and imposing mantelpiece. The carpet was Paisley type weave of blue and beige and the wall paper Herbert Morrison. Behind me was a wood panelled screen that enabled the room to be opened into a still larger one. This screen normally functioned to allow the adjacent space to serve as an office. As such,...

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PornHub Handjob

Today we’re going to talk about handjob porn. Now, there are many places where you can get free pornography featuring handjobs, but I’ll specifically focus on a little website that you might have heard of before. I don’t know if you guys ever heard about the site PornHub? Yeah, it’s a small little startup porn site that’s picking up steam and is getting quite big. I think that you should check it out if you’re looking to get a bunch of great handjob porn for free. Alright, all jokes aside,...

Handjob Porn Sites
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ImageFap Handjob

Welcome to, one of the finest sites for all things porn picture related. Now, while there is a lot to uncover here, the thing I really want to concentrate our efforts on today is the handjob section of the website. Why? Well, because handjobs just don’t get enough love. I feel like handjobs are always dealt a really shitty hand when it comes to porn and they’re always put off to the side like some sort of appetizer where everyone just waits for the main course meal. Well, guess...

Handjob Porn Sites
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XVideos Handjob

Are you trying to find the perfect free porn tube site? Well, XVideos is definitely one of the top, and for a good reason. This site has been alive for a long-ass time, and it has provided many of us with some of the hottest porn videos… covering all kinds of categories. The site has it all, so if you are in the naughty mood, you know where the fuck to go.Well, I am here to tell you all about XVideos and what it offers while focusing all my love on the handjob category. So, if you just came...

Handjob Porn Sites
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PornPics Handjob

I have a question for you guys. Who here is a fan of handjobs? I’m sure not that many hands went up in the air when I asked this. It’s just because people don’t think about handjobs enough, in my opinion. The very idea of a girl tugging on your cock and milking it for every drop of cum that you have is just so fucking arousing for me, and I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s just that handjobs got a bad rep because they are just the precursor to the main course, which is always some hardcore...

Handjob Porn Sites
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SxyPrn Handjob

Handjobs are really something, aren’t they? I mean, think about it for a second. It’s not like you can get a handjob every day, right? I mean, sure, it’s not the most impressive thing ever, but it’s really something. For one, I would immediately go for a handjob over anything else if I didn’t feel like putting any effort into it. Now, some would say that blowjobs cover that, but I think that you do need to exert some effort into enjoying a blowjob, since the chick expects so much out of it....

Handjob Porn Sites
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Sexy Wifeys Handjobs

Sexy Wifey's Handjobs ? by: Sexy Wifey Our sex life has been very good, but recently took a turn for the better, certainly more adventuresome. My husband is a cross-dresser. He loves to wear women's clothes, high heels, pierced earrings, dresses, and ESPECIALLY the underwear. He really digs wearing garterbelts, panties and bras, with the breast forms I bought him. So I dress him, even do his makeup and hair for him. And he always has a raging erection when we're...

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