Teenage Handyman free porn video

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My name's Spike. Well, actually my given name is Percy, but no one should call me that to my face unless he wants a fight on his hands. My parents named me that in the hopes of pleasing a rich uncle of the same name who might leave them some money when he died. Well, he died, but he didn't leave any of us a dime.

My parents divorced over Dad's drinking and being without work besides. My mom had to apply for welfare and she, my sister and I moved into one of these cheap one-bedroom apartments. They're pretty rundown and filled with nothing but other welfare mothers and their children.

I'm just 14 years old, but I'm pretty good at fixing things. Dad taught me how to repair most things, but I picked up a lot on my own, too. Mom made a deal with the landlord when we moved in. She would fix up the apartment, give him the receipts and then she would deduct that much from the rent. I had the whole place looking pretty spiffy in a matter of a week or so. The landlord liked what I'd done, but he didn't like what was charged against the rent and tried to back out of the deal. Mom took him aside and talked to him. She carries this knife with a wicked looking blade and I'm pretty sure she threatened his manhood. Anyway, we didn't have a problem with him after that talk.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him the apartment would look exactly like I found it when we move if he reneged on our deal."

Oh, well. It would have been cooler if she really had threatened his manhood.

Mom made some acquaintances of the other tenants pretty quickly and one of them dropped over after I'd fixed the place up. Her name was Norma. She was 22 years old with two children.

"How do you fucking rate?" Norma said when she took a look around.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"I've been waiting for two fucking years to have my fucking apartment fixed up and it still hasn't fucking happened. You're here for two fucking weeks and your fucking apartment is all fucking fixed up."

"Spike here did the work."

"I'll fucking hire him," Norma said. "How much will you fucking charge?" Norma said her apartment didn't look much different from ours when we first moved in but, I wanted to have a look first. I told her she'd have to front the cost of materials and I'd keep track of my time and charge her when her next welfare check came in.

"It's a fucking deal," said Norma and left.

"She sure likes to say 'fucking' a lot," I said.

"Maybe she likes fucking a lot," Mom replied.

Norma gave me the money for materials and it took a bit longer to do because now I had school. Anyway, after I finished the work and gave her the bill for my time, Norma said she didn't have the fucking money and besides, we didn't have a fucking written agreement. I was pissed! I told my mom what she said.

"What is it about people around here always trying to back out on their obligations? Go back and take it out on her ass," Mom said.

"How am I going to do that? She'll call the cops if I try anything with her."

"No she won't," Mom said. "Have you ever been with a girl?" I knew what she meant. I shook my head, but I told her I knew the basics. She said to go back there and fuck her brains out.

"What about the cops?"

"Just do what I tell you to do and there won't be any cops."

"What do you fucking want?" Norma said when I walked back to her apartment.

"I want my money."

"I told you there ain't no fucking money." She tried to slam the door on me but I stopped it with my hand and pushed my way in. Fear flashed in her eyes. Her two- and four-year-old daughters were sitting on the floor watching TV. They saw me and waved. They went back to their TV watching. They were used to seeing me.

"You can't squeeze blood out of a fucking turnip," Norma said. "I'll call the fucking cops if you don't fucking leave."

"We'll see about that." I pushed her toward the bedroom. In the bedroom, I pushed her onto the bed. It was just a mattress on the floor.

"Are you going to fuck me?"

"What do you think?"

"Will this make us even?"

"Cash only," I replied. "This is just interest until I'm paid back in full." I started taking off my clothes. Norma got real quiet and didn't struggle when I pulled off her pants and panties. I felt between her legs. Her cunt felt wet so I climbed on and shoved my prick in. It only took a few minutes to blow my first load inside her snatch but I stayed hard and continued fucking her. Norma had remained passive, but she was finally getting into it. She was making little grunting sounds. After a while, her cunt muscles squeezed down on my prick and I squirted my second load.

"What's Spike doing to you, Mommy?" We looked toward the door and her oldest daughter was standing there watching us. I wondered how for how long.

"Spike is fucking me, honey," Norma said. "He's trying to start a baby in Mommy's belly."

"Is Spike going to marry you?"

"No, honey. Spike isn't going to marry me even if he gives me a baby. Mommy isn't the type of girl men marry."

"Can he give me a baby, too?"

"You're too young yet, Annie. But you can ask him again when you have boobies like Mommy's. Now go back into the living room and watch TV with your sister. I'll be out soon to fix us something to eat." Annie turned around without another word and left.

"You can fuck me anytime you want," said Norma. "You don't even have to stop after I pay you your money. But please don't hurt my babies."

"I'm not going to hurt your babies," I replied. I meant it too, but I guess Norma felt my prick twitch when her daughter asked for a baby from me.

Norma was surprised when I told her this was my first time. She told me I was better than some older men she knew and asked if there was anything else she could do for me, like sucking my prick. I told her I'd let her suck my prick next time.

"You could do something else for me though."

"What's that?"

"You could stop saying 'fucking' every other word out of your mouth."

"Yes sir." I left her apartment and returned to my own. I told Mom everything that happened and she was quite pleased with what she heard.

"Don't be surprised if Norma has the girls calling you Uncle Spike from now on."

"I don't think so. Norma's not interested in me that way. There's too much of an age gap between us."

"We'll see." Mom seemed to know a lot more than I did. I went back to Norma's the next day and the kids were all over me. Both wanted kisses and hugs from me.

"You girls seem really glad to see your Uncle Spike," Norma said. They smiled and nodded their heads. Mom sure called that one right. I motioned Norma into the bedroom. There was no hesitation on her part. She stripped off her clothes and got on the mattress on all fours. She wanted to show me how to take her doggie style. I didn't mind being taught new positions. Of course, everything was new to me. I moved behind her and started fucking her. I heard a giggle behind me and knew one or both of the girls were watching us. Norma giggled too so I knew it was her doing. I wanted to show Norma who was boss so when I finished inside her, I pulled her over my lap.

"Do you want to see what happens to naughty girls?" I started whacking Norma's butt cheeks with my open hand. She started cussing and yelling at me to stop. The girls started crying because I was hurting their mommy, so I did stop. I felt bad about upsetting her daughters.

"Go calm them down," I said. Norma led the girls out of the bedroom and turned on the TV. She came back a few minutes later and glared at me.

"I hate you, you bastard. You really hurt me." She giggled then and sat down beside me.

"I just told them we were playing a game and you weren't really hurting me. If you want to spank me again, you're going to have to do it when the girls are visiting their grandma."

"Or put a gag in your mouth," I added. Norma playfully punched me in the arm.

"You know, I wish you weren't so much younger than me. I could really go for you." Mom warned me not to get emotionally attached with these women. They would use me if they could.

"It's not going to happen."

"I know," Norma replied. "I just hope you gave me a son this time."

"Why is that?"

"A man has a better chance of making it in this world. Annie and Megan will probably grow up to be welfare moms just like me." I thought Norma was most probably right. Their mother was already teaching them how to be little sluts.

"You seem pretty sure I've knocked you up."

"If I'm not pregnant now, I sure will be if you keep fucking me like this." I went home and told Mom about my visit with Norma.

"What did I tell you about those girls of hers?"

"You were right," I admitted. "Well, I just might be seeing her a lot more."

"No, don't. I don't want Norma getting used to seeing you. It should be a treat for her."

"I wouldn't mind her getting used to seeing me so long as I can jump her bones when I see her."

"That's not how the game is played. Just stay away from her for now. I'll have another girl here for you tomorrow."

"Who is she?"

"I'm not even sure yet. I just know she'll be a tenant who wants some work done on her apartment." That meant it could be anyone in this complex, so there was no guessing who she might be. I'd just have to wait and be surprised.

"Maria is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico," Mom said. "She came with her boyfriend to find work. Everything was okay until she got pregnant. He abandoned her and returned to Mexico. It turns out he already has a wife and children down there, so I doubt if she'll ever see him again. She lost her job and has very little money so the work will have to be done a bit at a time. She has some leaking faucets and a toilet that keeps running, so you can start with those."

"I can take care of that." I had the tools and washers already although I might have to buy a part for the toilet.

"She also has some holes that need filling." Mom smiled and winked. I returned the smile. Maria was a pretty little thing; dark hair, skin and eyes. She looked a lot younger than her 19 years. She could pass for a girl my age. She sat there passively holding a baby boy while my mother and I talked. English wasn't her first language so I wondered how much she understood, probably enough. She wasn't much for smiling; only a brief one when we were introduced.

I got my tools and followed Maria to her apartment. The place was in a worse mess than ours had been. There were heavy curtains, which made the living room really dark. There wasn't a lamp in there either. She pointed out the leaks and then sat down on an old sofa. Repairing the leaks wasn't any big deal. The toilet was a temporary fix but the replacement part was cheap and I could install that the next day.

Maria knew I was finished but she just held the baby and stared back at me. Was she waiting for me to get tired of standing there and leave? I wasn't about to leave without getting a down payment for my efforts.

"Put the baby in his crib." Maria shrugged her shoulders, stood up and walked to the bedroom. Interesting. She wouldn't move until told to do so. I followed the girl and watched her put the baby down. He had a pretty good temperament and didn't fuss.

"You want me for your girlfriend?"

"Sure," I replied. "You can be my girlfriend."

"But no baby."

"No baby," I agreed. She took off her pants and panties then lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes as if she was going to go to sleep. I felt between her legs to get her wet. I got between them and shoved my prick in.

"Ay!" Maria cried and her eyes popped wide open. I know Maria said no baby, but I didn't know how we were going to prevent it. I wasn't wearing a condom and I don't think she was on birth control. I mentally ordered Mr. Sperm and his brothers not to fertilize any egg they might come across while swimming around Maria's belly. We'd see if they obeyed.

"Ay!" Maria cried as I came. Her expressions showed fear, panic and then resignation. I stayed hard, but I didn't start fucking her again. I kept my prick inside and put almost my full weight on her body to show my dominance. She didn't try to push me off.

"He's hungry," she said when the baby started crying. I allowed her to get up. She breastfed him while we talked. She wanted more done to the apartment. I mentally kicked myself for telling her she was my girlfriend. To her, that meant I could do stuff for her for free. She was a tricky bitch! She wasn't going to be my girlfriend for long.

"I see you tomorrow?"


Norma was standing outside her apartment when I passed by.

"Do you want to come in?"

"I dunno. I'm pretty busy right now."

"Yeah, I can smell her on you. I bet you I'm better." I didn't agree or disagree. Norma was different from Maria and that's all I knew. I also knew my toolbox was feeling heavier. I shifted it to my other hand.

"I have something to give you. Come in. Just for a minute. Please?" I followed her inside her apartment. The girl rummaged around in a drawer and then handed me a key.

"You never have to knock now. You can walk in anytime of the day or night."

"Thanks," I said. This was getting kind of weird. I'd have to ask Mom whether I should keep the key or give it back.

"I haven't sucked your cock yet. I could do it now."

"No, thanks. Maybe later." She looked disappointed. I got out of there.

Mom listened to my latest adventure and told me both women were trying to get their claws into me in their own way. My guess was that they had to be mighty desperate to think a 14-year-old was a prize. Mom agreed that they were desperate, but chasing after me was probably one of the smarter choices these women had ever made in their lives so far.

"Don't make a commitment to any of them. You don't owe them a thing. They owe you." I kept that in mind when I went back over to Maria's to install the toilet part.

"You fix the light?" The bedroom light was out. For all I knew the light bulb just needed changing, but I wasn't going to check.

"Do you have money for the work I've done already?" Maria shook her head and started pouting.

"I'm not your girlfriend?"

"Not if you're expecting me to do things for free." She turned away as if giving me the cold shoulder.

"Fine, I'm leaving." I think she realized she was going to play hell getting me to help in the future because she called me back.

"I have ten dollars."

"Give it to me." I think she had more but it was a start. I pointed to the bedroom and she figured out she was going to get laid again. I don't think Maria liked fucking for a guy who didn't think her pussy hair was spun from gold, but she had absolutely no bargaining power. After fucking her, I checked the light and found the switch needed replacement. I told her I wanted more money by the time I returned. She said she'd try. I then told her I wanted a key to her apartment, an idea Norma gave me.


"I might want to fuck you some time when the baby is asleep and I don't want to wake him up with my pounding on the door." I was testing to see how much power I had over her. She looked at me like I was 'loco in la cabeza' but she wound up giving me the key.

It's funny how money can suddenly appear when the need is there. Maria paid me up to date the very next day and even Norma gave me a chunk of what she owed me. I offered it to Mom, but she told me to keep it, so then I had some spending money.

"Catering exclusively to welfare mothers is a moneymaker to our esteemed landlord," Mom said. "The rents are pretty close to market value. Some of the tenants get their rent subsidized. It's guaranteed by the taxpayer and is deposited directly to his account. However, things are not always rosy for him. The tenants' boyfriends are always trying to move in with them, a violation of the welfare rules. If the welfare authorities find out, they give our landlord grief. Also, the boyfriend usually has this entrepreneurial spirit, which usually means he starts dealing drugs out of the apartment. Then the police get involved and give our landlord even more grief. He recently has had to evict some tenants and currently has three vacancies. Does that pretty much sum it up, Mr. Goldstein?" The landlord was sitting at our kitchen table while Mom explained this to me.

"Yeah, except the part about it being a moneymaker. Believe me, I'm losing money like crazy. I'm not making a dime off this."

"So rent out the apartments. What's the problem?"

"The problem," Mom continued, "is that these units haven't been approved for rental by the housing authorities based on their present condition. Knowing your work, he'd like to hire you to fix up the apartments."

"Save the receipts and I'll take it off the rent just like last time."

"What about my time? I didn't charge my mom for the time I spent fixing the place up. I can't do that for you."

"That makes sense," Mom said.

"I'll give him minimum wage."

"You'll give him a lot more than that and the authority to hire contractors for work he can't do."

"What! He's just a teenager. I can't give him that type of authority."

"Then you can give me the authority," said Mom. "I think you need an on-site manager anyway. I could be that manager."

"I used to have one, but he was stealing me blind."

"You used to have an on-site handyman, too from what I understand. He got free rent and did absolutely nothing to earn it."

"That's why I fired him."

Mom turned out to be a pretty good negotiator. She became the unofficial manager and kept a watch on things. In return, she paid nothing on the rent. I had an after school and weekend job that paid twice what I could get working at a fast food joint and I wasn't even old enough to work at one of those places anyway. Mom insisted that schoolwork shouldn't suffer and I still had to get good grades. I could work only 20 hours a week. I even got the free use of the handyman's basement apartment. Mr. Goldstein told me not to turn it into a pussy palace, but I think he knew I would anyway. He already knew about Norma and Maria, but he didn't seem to care as long as it didn't affect him. Everything was unofficial and under the table. That was fine with Mom. She would get a debit card from the landlord and make the needed purchases for me.

"Your mother is a woman after my own heart," he said, "but I'd like to keep it for a while longer, thank you.".

Mom told me after he left that the landlord knew he got a bargain or he would never have agreed to our deal. He was nothing if not a businessman.

When I started working in one of the vacant apartments, tenants would stop by and ask me what I was doing. I know it's a stupid question. All they had to do was look and see what I was doing but I was always polite and answered their question. The next question was if I was the official handyman of the complex, and if I was, could I please come over to fix, repair or replace this or that. I told them I wasn't and the landlord just hired me to fix up the apartment I was working in. I always added that I did odd jobs, but I wanted cash up front and it was up to them to get reimbursed by the landlord.

Some asked me if they could take it out in trade. That meant they wanted to trade their pussies for my handyman services. I was already getting plenty of pussy from Norma and Maria, but who knew how long that would last. Some of these women packed up and disappeared over-night. Mostly it was because she wanted to escape an abusive boyfriend or because of money troubles. If she was someone I was attracted to, I told her I might be flexible even if she wasn't one of those that offered her pussy in trade. I knew she might eventually.

I always made a point of getting her apartment number and then dropping by when I finished what I was doing. I made notes of what had to be done. There was always something to be done that I could repair in a few minutes and I always did that repair for free. My thought was that she'd be appreciative and grateful.

There was this one girl who was just smokin' hot and I thought I was in love. Her name was Eden and she came across as the helpless, but oh so adorable type. I did some free repairs for her on two different occasions. I made a move on her after the second time I was there. She backed away.

"Aren't you kind of young for this?" she asked.

"Fourteen isn't young."

"It is for me. I'm not into cradle snatching." I didn't know her age, but she wasn't that much older than me.

"You're not into doing your own repairs either." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Maybe he can do your repairs."

"He's too busy."

"Maybe he can pay for them."

"I don't think so. I've tried."

"He sounds useless. You'd better have some money next time you want something done or you can wait until the landlord sends someone." That was a waste of time unless it was a plumbing emergency.

"Just because I won't come across?"

"That's a good enough reason for me." I didn't hear from Eden for a while and then she told me she had a broken window and asked how much I would charge to replace it. I asked how that happened and she said she didn't know and that it was like that when she got home. I mentioned that to Mom and she already knew the story behind the broken window. That's because she had developed a network of snitches. Eden had had a fight with her boyfriend and she threw something at him. She missed him and hit the window. Mom told the landlord and he told Eden to get it repaired pretty damn quick because her rent subsidy was coming up for renewal and he didn't have to approve it. That meant she'd have to move.

Eden barely had enough money to pay for the window-pane replacement and no money to pay me for its installation. I made her give me a ring she liked to wear a lot as collateral for what she owed me. Then she had to let me fuck her. She said not without a condom and I refused. Then she said I had to pull out without coming inside her. I agreed to that. Eden was good in bed but she wasn't any better than the other girls I'd been with. I decided I wasn't in love with her anymore, if I ever was. She got all pissed when I came inside her.

"I hate you, you bastard! I told you not to come inside me. What if I'm pregnant?"

"Then your son is going to have a little brother or sister?"

"Get the hell out of here!"

"Fine, I'm going."

"What about the window?"

"Get someone else. Here's your ring back." I knew a professional glazier was going to charge her a lot more than I was charging. Eden knew it, too. She started crying real tears. I made her apologize to me and give back the collateral. Then she had to let me fuck her again. She knew I was going to come inside her again, but she didn't complain this time. I must have given her a good come the second time around because she actually kissed me when we finished. If she still hated me, she kept it to herself.

I heard later Eden tried to get her married boyfriend to leave his wife and marry her. He dumped her instead. She went to the guy's wife and the wife just laughed at her and told her to get lost. She wasn't divorcing her husband so Eden could marry him.

Eden still played the helpless female pretty well and she always has guys sniffing around her, but apparently none with the ability or desire to rescue her from her situation. She didn't even try to play games with me anymore. I got to fuck her anytime I wanted ... as long as she needed something done in return.

If I was dealing with someone I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole, my service was always cash or no deal. There were plenty of those. But sometimes they had a daughter or two close to my own age. Hannah was one of those tenants I didn't want to get physical with. She was long past her prime. I guess she had a rough life because she was only 32 years old, but looked a lot older than that. She had a daughter my own age. Her name was Dani. We went to the same school, but I never talked to her before except to say hello.

Hannah wanted me to do some painting and repairs in her apartment but she was realistic about her chances of seducing me into doing it. I may have been a horny 14-year-old, but I wasn't desperate. I agreed to a discount as long as I got a roll in the hay with Dani. Dani was agreeable.

"You'll have to wear a condom." Here we go again.

"I don't wear condoms."

"I can't let you do Dani without a condom. She's not on the pill."

"That's not my problem. I guess we don't have a deal."

"Can you pull out without coming in her?"

"Of course I can." I can if I want to. I've never wanted to.

"I want to be there to make sure you pull out." The old lady wanted to watch. That was kind of kinky.

"That's fine with me." Well, fucking Dani wasn't all that great. Hannah kept yammering, "Don't cum in her. Don't cum in her." And Dani kept chanting, "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" like she was starring in a porn video. I was glad when I finally came in her.

"You didn't cum in her, did you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"But I told you not to cum in her."

"All I heard you saying was 'Cum in her. Cum in her.' so I did."

"I didn't say, 'Cum in her. Cum in her'. I said, 'DON'T cum in her. DON'T cum in her'."

"Well, with all the noise you two were making, it was easy to get confused. I thought you changed your mind."

"But what if she's pregnant?" I shrugged my shoulders. I wondered if she knew how to spell 'grandma'. "I need a drink."

"So go get a drink."

"I wish I had the money for a drink." I fished some money out of my pocket and gave it to her. As soon as she left, I fucked Dani again, but not without telling her to keep her mouth shut while we were fucking. She thought the whole thing was pretty funny. Dani wasn't a virgin for a couple of years and didn't care if she got pregnant. Hannah was sitting out in the living room when I came out of the bedroom. I thought she'd gone to the bar across the alley, but she bought a bottle of cheap whiskey at a nearby liquor store instead. Her glare told me she knew what we'd been doing. I went over to where she was sitting. I kissed her on the cheek and started groping her titties.

"Stop it," she yelled. "Don't you dare make me spill my drink." She was giggling when she said it.

"Put your drink down." She did and I gave her a nice, long titty massage. She was purring in seconds.

"I wish it was me you were fucking."

"Make yourself real pretty and I just might," I replied.

Well, it's amazing how a little motivation and a little makeup can do for a woman. Hannah started to look really good. She still wasn't my ideal, but I wound up giving her what I wouldn't quite call a mercy fuck. I used a condom. A short while later, Hannah got a regular boyfriend. She seemed happy and I was glad for her.

My sister Betty was a year and a few months older than me at 16. Like any girl, she liked to be fashionable, but when my dad lost his job and then the divorce, there was no money to buy clothes. She was pretty much stuck with cheap jeans, cheap tops and no-name shoes, nothing she could call fashionable. So the first thing that happened when she realized I was making some money was that she said she wanted some of it. She showed up at one of the vacant apartments I was working in and asked me for a loan.

"Why don't you earn your own money?" I said.

"I haven't got a job. Can't you part with some of it? I'm your sister after all. How about it, little brother? How about lending me some money?"

"How would you pay it back?"

"I dunno. I'd pay you back somehow. You can trust me for it, can't you?"

"Nothing doing."

"Thanks for nothing, Percy." A sister always knows which buttons to push if they want piss off her brother and Betty succeeded with me.

"You could earn the money right now," I said. "That way you wouldn't have to pay it back."

"How do I do that?" Betty's eyes lit up. She was very interested.

"You could let me fuck you for it." She gasped in outrage.

"I ought to tell Mom what you said."

"Go ahead and tell her," I responded. "I don't care." I did kind of care. I didn't think Mom would appreciate me being rude to my sister like that, but it still wouldn't get her any money from me. "What do you say to the proposition?"

"I say go jump off the tallest building you can find. I wouldn't let you fuck me for a million bucks."

"I know that, but what about a hundred bucks? You could buy some nice clothes with a hundred bucks."

"How can you even ask me that? I'm your sister, for Pete's sake."

"Oh, that's right. Then make it fifty bucks."

"Fifty bucks? What happened to a hundred bucks?"

"Family discount?"

"Ha! I should charge you two hundred."

"It's a deal, but I get all night and no condoms." My sister blinked as if she was having trouble processing what had just taken place. Had she just negotiated the use of her body to her brother? Two hundred dollars was a lot of money to her. Heck! Two hundred dollars was a lot of money to me. I wasn't sure if she was turning red from outrage or embarrassment.

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Johnstr Mark had worked in construction since he was a child. His father ran a construction company and Mark had been his helper as he grew up. After his father died, Mark went to work for himself. His mother died a few years after his father. He was in his mid 30s now and was on the road. He had lived in a town that had one major employer. The town had done well until the plant closed. One by one in a domino effect, stores closed. Jobs disappeared and the town folded up. There were more...

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Handyman Susanna says: - How many of those builders and handymen have we all looked at when they come around and repair or replace bits in and around our houses have we looked at and yearned for this situation to develop. This is one of those 'what if' stories as far as I am concerned, but there have been one or two builders recently who I swear would've been well up for it, if I had the confidence to take the next public step! Anthony looked at the clock and realised that he...

4 years ago
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn't consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn't have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

3 years ago
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I get hired as handyman

What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly dressed lady but...

2 years ago
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The Handyman

In the small country town where I live, all the husbands work and some of the wives use my skills as a handyman. I work the graveyard shift at the lime plant, so I’m always available during the day to help with whatever they need. You’d be surprised how much help they need with their plumbing. I’m a lab tech at the plant. My job is not very demanding. I make several trips from the lab to the kiln where the limestone is baked to take samples of the finished lime for testing. Some nights I mix...

2 years ago
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2 girls and a horny handyman

so there i was working at these lesbeins house fixing the sink when i sat up to grab a wrench.1 of them must not have releised i was there as she walked in compleatly naked stright up to her girlfreind and kissed her,just the sight of this gave my cock a little tingle.when she releised i was there she didnt cover up walked stright up to me and said wow thats a big tool u have whats it for without thinking i said if u 2 werent lesbo wud show u.to my surpprise she says that there not they bi and...

2 years ago
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The Handyman

In the small country town where I live, all the husbands work and some of the wives use my skills as a handyman. I work the graveyard shift at the lime plant, so I'm always available during the day to help with whatever they need. You'd be surprised how much help they need with their plumbing. I'm a lab tech at the plant. My job is not very demanding. I make several trips from the lab to the kiln where the limestone is baked to take samples of the finished lime for testing. Some nights I mix...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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I Was a Handyman

I was busy at work when I got a page for a phone call. When I answered, it was Kathleen saying, "Oh Trev, sorry to bother you at work but I need some help." I aked her what the touble was, ans she said, "My damn garage door is stuck closed, and I need to to be downtown for an appointment - can you run over and rescue me?" I laughed and told her I would take my lunch break and be there in fifteen minutes. "Oh, thank you - you are a dear," she said.I hadn't had any female contact for some time,...

4 years ago
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2 girls and a horny handyman

so there i was working at these lesbeins house fixing the sink when i sat up to grab a wrench.1 of them must not have releised i was there as she walked in compleatly naked stright up to her girlfreind and kissed her,just the sight of this gave my cock a little tingle.when she releised i was there she didnt cover up walked stright up to me and said wow thats a big tool u have whats it for without thinking i said if u 2 werent lesbo wud show u.to my surpprise she says that there not they bi and...

1 year ago
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The college handyman

George jumped up as the walkie-talkie on his right hip began admitting a loud and incoherent sound. The words were vague but he was experienced enough to know that the person on the other line was giving him his next assignment. It had been a little over a year now since he started working as an all around handyman for Brightsdale college in his new home town and still he felt a little out of place. He was 21 years old so all the students were around his age. It had lead to some strange looks...

4 years ago
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The Handyman

I hired a local handyman to help with repairs to the barn. Larry came out to see what he needed to repair. I introduced myself and Marie, my wife. All he could do was stare and stammer when he saw her large breasts. She was wearing a low cut see thru blouse with no bra. Her breast are triple E’s with large nipples. She loves to show them off at special times. As we walked out to the barn, I kidded him about staring at her breast, he said his wife had large nipples ,but small tits. He...

2 years ago
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The Handyman

Soraia and Amy usually got together about three times a week, ever since they both moved to France to "follow their dream." They would update each other's love lives, catch up with the local news and gossip, and eventually, admit that neither one of them was any closer to tracking down the cunning Jean Val Jean. This meeting took place on an unusually warm mid-July afternoon. Amy showed up a bit late at Soraia's secluded villa, but she made up for it by bringing an extra bottle of...

2 years ago
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The College Handyman

George jumped up as the walkie-talkie on his right hip began admitting a loud and incoherent sound. The words were vague but he was experienced enough to know that the person on the other line was giving him his next assignment. It had been a little over a year now since he started working as an all around handyman for Brightsdale college, but still he felt a little out of place. He was 21 years old so all the students were around his age. It had lead to some strange looks and judgemental eyes...

1 year ago
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Life Changing Handyman

I am in partners with my brother on a business our dad started and he runs the manufacturing end and I run the business end and it works exceptionally well for us. I'm 31, single, attractive I'm told and own a pricy home in a pricy gated development and I love to cook. That Friday night I was making my dinner and the garbage disposal shut down so I called my friend and neighbor if she knew of a repair service I could call and she told me about a handyman she uses because her husband has two...

4 years ago
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Using the Handyman

Even though Em had lived on her own for about a year, she still knew nothing about plumbing and house repair. Her shower wasn’t working and although she had called her landlord almost a week ago, it was still broken. He had promised to send his son, the building manager, by Friday but it was now Tuesday. Em had resorted to showering at friends' and her boyfriend’s place. But this morning she had woken up late for work, in serious need of a shower. She remembered a friend who loved taking “bird...

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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

4 years ago
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The Handyman

It was as if a prayer had been answered when Carla heard the doorbell ring and found a workman standing on the doorstep when she answered. “Sal at number seven said you needed a plumber,” he told her. “I was round there fixing her dishwasher.” Sal was a neighbour and she had sounded off to her in the supermarket the day before about Jo, her husband, blocking her sink up. She looked him up and down. He seemed genuine enough. He was wearing work clothes and carrying a tool bag. She spotted his...

Wife Lovers
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Wife fucks a client and the black office handyman

Jane was at work the very next day after her encounter with Kenny, the firm’s new ‘handy man’. She was to meet with a client at a new property he had purchased and was planning to rent out. Jane was there to advise on prospective income and fees and had arranged for Kenny to be there to put up a ‘for lease’ board and see to any other works of improvement that could be done to better market the property.Now Jane had told me before that the client was a good looking chap in his mid-thirties but...

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Dee Maple Mr Bob the dirty Handyman

Once in about two weeks i had a special private training in coach Mato offices, he praise me as a superb athlete - but you all know what he praised - my naked body and godlike ass. And he butchered my ass every time, we had about 2 hours and he kept me trained like a bitch and i obeyed every command, but after couple of times he became soft on me, my guess he started to fall for me, he craved me more and more and his power appeal started to diminish, i didn’t want him to kiss me and make sweet...

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A True storyI work as a handy man and get to meet lots of people doing lots of diffident jobsI have to tell you about a lady i work for, she calls me up once a month to do little jobs around her home, she is a lot older than me she must be in her late sixties but really looks after herself, i had been working for her for about a year when one day i had just finished a job and mentioned i had to leave early to go home to clean up as i was meeting my daughter later. She asked me if i wanted a...

2 years ago
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Teasing the Handyman

"We've painted it three times, put a few layers of a good primer on it, and it still shows through," she explained as we stood in her living room.I'm a contractor, specializing in remodeling older homes. This normally wasn't what I do, but it seemed like an easy job. Her kid had written on a section of the dining room wall using a black permanent marker. The wall was painted white, and the marker kept showing through the paint. It was a simple job of replacing half a wall of drywall and then...

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Jackson Davis lived in a trailer in the woods east of Smyrna, Tennessee on the banks of Stewart Creek. He was proud to be a redneck. He was barely literate, far from hygienic, and his only close relationship was with Jack Daniels. He enjoyed drinking, Nascar, pro-wrestling, and porno. Statistically speaking, he was more likely than most to be abducted by aliens. Nevertheless, it still came as quite a shock when the big glowing sphere bathed his pickup with an eerie green light as he drove home...

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One Day at a Time Im Your Handyman

Schneider slipped his master key into the apartment door and walked in, calling out, "Ms. Romano!" He figured no one was home -- not that he ever knocked -- but it was too early for her to be home from work or the girls to be home from school. Shouldering his pipe wrench like a rifle, the scruffy jack-of-all-trades crossed the living room and turned down the hallway to the bathroom, where, Ann Romano had reported, a pipe under the sink was leaking slowly. He passed by the bedroom doors but...

1 year ago
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The Handyman

INTRODUCTION This story is pure fantasy. The spelling uses English Oxford Spelling in most cases and is not spelling mistakes. Although I have in some cases used American spellings by courtesy of my spell check. Chapter 1 By Sirdar Tony Nash stood looking disconsolately out of the office window from the first floor office of the investment bank, where he worked in the City of London. It was just a few moments before trading started, and the markets opened for business. He gazed down into the...

Erotic Fiction
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Teenage Orgasms Revisited

Enuka Njoko was a fifty-three-year-old woman who was born in Nigeria but had moved to London with her mother and father when she was aged eight. When Enuka was sixteen, her father left home to live with another woman which meant that her mother, Omotola, had the task of bringing up and controlling the increasingly headstrong teenager.By the time that Enuka was seventeen, her mother was finding that words and threats were not enough and she acquired a cane which she promptly applied to her...

4 years ago
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Teenage Daughter Fucks Her Fathers Boss

The guys are at the table, joking around and drinking beers, as Rachel gleefully trots down the stairs. "Hey guys!" She smiles brightly as she walks past them, her perky chest bouncing, to go to the fridge. They smile back, Rick smirks at her as they make eye contact. Rachel is a very sexy teen girl. Standing at around 5'4'', thin body, with long legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial features, flat stomach, tight little butt, perky 32C bust, and long, dark...

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Teenage Titties

We had all seen them poolside and every one of us had felt them at one point or another. That wasn't what the fantasy was about. I wanted to fuck them. No one had even exposed their cock to her yet but they had jacked off thinking about it more than they would ever dare to report. Man they were big. Big, round, full and tight titties on a young girl who had no idea what she had. ...or did she?...naaw! She was just an innocent big breasted teenager with curves that locked up cocks in many...

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Teenage Hormones0

It's Sunday morning, and the family is having breakfast together. Logan’s mother is wearing a terrycloth robe that comes down to mid-thigh. It is apparent to Logan she is not wearing a bra, by the way, her breast jiggle when she flips pancakes. Logan often wonders what else she has on under that short robe. Does she have on a sexy nightgown? Is she wearing lace panties or maybe going commando? He would really love to know. Logan’s Sister is wearing her usual sleeping attire, which is a long...

2 years ago
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TEENAGE GIRLS FOR SALE by Hardrive The city streets were dark and empty except for the rapid movements of three teenage girls. They were running for their lives. Frightened and confused they darted between parked cars in an effort to elude a very determined predator. Their stalker was their pimp, Jack Badwing, whose resolute goal was to sell them into the sex trade. Horrified by that prospect, the girls were equally determined not to get caught; so when they saw...

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Introduction: CAW7 writers contest This story was written especially for the CAW7 writers contest. The entries in this contest are judged by the quality of the story and the skill of the writer. If you like a well written story, I promise you wont be disappointed. But if you are primarily interested in a story with a lot of erotic content, you may want to choose another story to read. TEENAGE GIRLS FOR SALE by Hardrive The city streets were dark and empty except for the rapid movements of...

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Teenage Boy Watches You Cum

Sometimes I strip you down and throw you on my bed naked. I tie your wrists to the bed posts, then I strap your body down to the bed right above your hips with a broad belt-like bondage aid I have. You wiggle and writhe your legs around trying to get free, but you can't. Today I decided to bring my new young apprentice in the room. He is Steven, the 17 year old boy who lives across the street. His parents don't let him access the Internet so he's been telling me he wants to see a grown man...

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Teenage Space Whore

I Was A Teenage Space Whore! By LorenaMae VidNewsNow, March 15, 2030 Can you imagine going to the stars as a burly miner and coming back as a voluptuous space whore? That's what happened to Alex Cayman of Darby UK. "I took a contract to mine asteroids with MureMining. I knew I would be gone for three years, but I never expected to be changed into a teenage hooker!" says Alex Alex's problems began when he took too much use of the "pleasure services" available to miners. ...

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Teenage prison life

Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison.?The Judge at the high court had been stern and harsh, condemning young Billy to five years of gruelling torment in the young offender?s prison. Billy was a timid child, nothing more than an innocent little boy, tormented by the lack of acceptance; and bullying which he was subjected too. His built up...

3 years ago
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Teenage Anal Virgins

Dan and Tim are eighteen and nineteen year old guys who are members of the Surf Life Saving Club that I'm a member of. Last week I caught Tim on his knees just about to suck off his teenage friend. It was a Friday afternoon and they expected to have the equipment sheds all to themselves, Tim was on his knees when I walked in on their naughty act. They were terrified that they were in trouble. Instead of being in trouble, the two young guys came back to my place and started their sexual...

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Teenage Masturbation Pt 1

I was your typical sixteen-year-old teenager, loved the shape of girls but didn’t know how to get close to them. Luckily there was a group of girls (three of them) around the same age that I hung out with a lot.Barb was seventeen and taller than me by almost a foot. She was missing a lot in the boob section, but she had a nice ass. The type you want to place both hands on and play with it all day and night.Bren was my age and about two inches shorter than me. She had a nice ass as well, but she...

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As school football captain it was my job at the end of PE to collect all the balls at the end of the session. Friday morning was the last lesson before dinner time I’d just got all the balls in the sacks and put them away I was making my way to the showers when I realised everyone else had left, which wasn’t a bad thing as I’d have the showers all to myself.Turning it on I baked under the hot water, then suddenly there was a loudish bang and then silence, a few minutes later I heard footsteps...

4 years ago
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Teenage Innocence Results Sex With Sister

Friends guilt is what I feel when I think about those incidents 8 yrs. back. I was 18yrs. old boy then and my own sister was younger to me. Actually I was sexually abused when I was just a small boy by a cousin brother much elder than me. At that age out of innocence I used to think its what u should do with ur brother or sis. Slowly I started to touch my sis. and not with any one else ,cause fear was there of getting nude and try to touch intimate parts at that age meant its bad and getting...

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Teenage MasturbationPT5

After the Saturday movie adventure, I stayed away from the pool, not sure how to act around the girls. I was a lust-filled fool; I wouldn’t say I was in “love” with either Barb or Bren, but I loved the moments with them. It was uncomfortable to be around then not knowing if they knew what the other had done with me.It was now late July and the best summer of my life was fast drawing to a close and school would start soon. I arranged to hang out for few days with a school buddy across town.Brad...

1 year ago
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Teenage Learnings

As a young teenager growing up in the 1970's I was always eager to learn more of the secret world of sex, that seemed to be slowly emerging from the hidden confines of bedrooms worldwide. I was aware my parents received, what I now understand are two literary classics on the subject, but had not really understood the mirth around the Christmas Dinner table when they were exchanged in the annual gift giving, with close family friends and regular Christmas Day guests the Cooks.The ABC of Sex and...

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Teenage Crush

100% fiction! This story took place about 20 years ago when I was sixteen. I remember the details like it was this afternoon and have tried to include significant detail in the right places if you know what I mean. My name is Heather and I’m sure I looked like a typical teenage girl at the time and like any teenager was always thinking about boys and sex. I was five feet four, very thin, with short brown hair. My family lived in a rural area of the state and there were only four houses along...

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Teenage Adults

Teenage Adults My twin sister and I were excited to turn thirteen years old, but not as excited as our parents were. That morning Mom came into my bedroom with Judy and Dad. Judy and Mom were both naked. That was the first time that I had seen either one of them naked. Judy walked over to my bed and lifted the covers to see my hard-on. She bent down and sucked the head into her mouth and then got on the bed straddling my legs before sitting down on my cock. It slipped right up...

4 years ago
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Teenage Daughter Caught by Police

I’ve been a police officer for just over 20 years and I’m in my mid 40’s. I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff but never been part of anything as crazy as what occurred last June. My new partner was a young guy in his late 20’s. He is big, black and built and had the reputation of being a womanizer. In fact he constantly bragged about the women he fucked and the size of his cock, which I’ve seen while showering and changing into his uniform and he looked quite hung. One of the things my partner...

2 years ago
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TEENAGE MEMORIES Me and Auntie Sheila

About a month after I’d witnessed Auntie Sheila with mum and dad, my parents went out to the pub with some of their friends and Auntie Sheila came down to sit with me, in them days, 1973, c***dren couldn’t be left on their own. We were sitting on the sofa watching TV she was asking about school and stuff and we were talking chit chat.The time came up to a quarter to nine and I asked Auntie Sheila if I could watch the Sweeny, this was a hard hitting cop show in the UK in the 70s, very popular....

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Teenage interruption

My wife of twenty years Sonya and my 19 year old daughter Tania had left the house about thirty minutes ago for a whole day at the shops and the beauty parlour. I had planned to catch up on some of my latest porn downloads using my ultra big screen TV.I was sitting naked on the lounge chair watching a particularly great fuck movie. I’d lubed up my cock - it was long, hard, slippery and glistening as I wanked it slowly.My peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by a frantic banging on the front...

1 year ago
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Teenage Banshee

Sinead slammed the front door and ran upstairs to her bedroom. Her mother raised her eyes as the bedroom door slammed too.In her room, Sinead sat on the bed, rocking herself slowly backwards and forwards. Her long dark hair hung over her face. The dark eye makeup was smudged from the flow of tears she had been wiping hurriedly away on the run home.Her mother tentatively knocked on the door.“Go away!”She listened until she heard the footsteps disappear back down the stairs. She stood up and...

3 years ago
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Teenage Anal Virgins

Joking aside, I remember being a horny young guy; experimenting, fooling around, feeling guilty, not sure if I was weird and hoping I wouldn't be caught. It would have been so much easier if I had someone to guide me and tell me that my feelings were completely normal. Luckily for Dan and Tim, they have me to point them in the right direction. As the guys were leaving my house after our first sexual lesson, I told them that instead of risking getting caught or in real trouble risking...

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Teenage School Fuck Party

Bill and Linda had paired off and gone to one of the bedrooms since they'd been going steady for over six months. Everyone knew they'd be off together so there wasn't any point looking for them until they'd finished fucking and come back out to re-join the party. All the other guys at the party really admired Bill for being able to keep Linda as his girlfriend for as long as he had. There was no question that Linda was very flighty and came from a home background that wasn't likely to...

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Teenage Poker Winnings

Teenage Poker Winnings With all of the poker available on television, in the movies, and on the Internet it wasn’t long before I started a weekly poker game. I became pretty popular with the other guys. You see my parents are never home on a Friday night and I have the whole house to myself. That’s because my sister is usually out getting screwed. For a fifteen-year-old I was considered one of the ‘in crowd’ at school. I had quite a list of kids that wanted to come to my poker game...

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Teenage Model Makes Hentai Fuck Videos with an Old Photographer and His Black Assistant

The seashore in Cape Cod has been a wonderful place for my wife and me to start our retirement. I had a thriving and lucrative photography studio in Manhattan for forty-five years. Now I am ready to enjoy our home on the beach. I converted an old garage on the back of our property into a small studio, so I can keep my hand in the business doing less demanding photo shoots.My previous work entailed everything from weddings, to travel assignments for architectural layouts and wildlife spreads. I...

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Hanging out one evening and Nigel said to me “My parents are arguing all the time any chance of a chat” “Ok I’ll come to yours late this afternoon”. Around 3:30pm I made my way to Nigel’s house and we walked through the garage to a secluded spot between the garage and his house.He started talking about his mum and dad arguing and shouting at each other, he was really concerned. “You want a hug” he nodded, as my arms went around his waist his around my neck and we cuddled. We broke apart and he...

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Teenage Cuckold ndash Catching My Cheating Girlfriend

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! As I analyze my past...

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Teenage Barn Secrets Mff voy zoo oral inter

Teenage Barn Secrets (Mff voy zoo oral inter anal les)By billy69boyThis is a story about something I witnessed with my own eyes. It changed me forever, for better or for worse, I'm still not quite sure which. Maybe you can help me decide. Things seemed simple enough: all I was supposed to do was borrow a posthole digger from our neighbor Mr. Parker. But what started out as a simple errand turned into something else entirely. First, a little background:Chapter OneMy name is Olivia...

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