- 4 years ago
- 34
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Jackson Davis lived in a trailer in the woods east of Smyrna, Tennessee on the banks of Stewart Creek. He was proud to be a redneck. He was barely literate, far from hygienic, and his only close relationship was with Jack Daniels. He enjoyed drinking, Nascar, pro-wrestling, and porno. Statistically speaking, he was more likely than most to be abducted by aliens. Nevertheless, it still came as quite a shock when the big glowing sphere bathed his pickup with an eerie green light as he drove home from The Hangman Bar and Grill at 2 in the morning down a country road.
His engine immediately cut out and wouldn't start up again no matter how he tried. When the entrance to the ship opened, he pissed himself with terror. The light then took on a reddish hue and suddenly things didn't seem nearly so bad. He grinned and stepped out of the truck and giggled as some unknown force lifted him up into the alien ship.
There in the ship, he came face to what could possibly be a face with a bonified alien. It was a big yellow-green blob about 12 feet across with tentacles and flippers and several shiny patches that might have been eyes. It was floating in a transparent tank of some sort with 2/3rds of itself submerged in something that looked and smelled like lime jello mixed with turpentine and vodka.
Jackson was about to introduce himself when a tentacle reached out and touched his forehead. He had the peculiar sensation of remembering everything he had ever done, seen, or thought in his 32 years of life in the course of 32 seconds. After that, introductions didn't seem necessary.
"What ya gonna do to me, Mr. Space Thingy?" he asked. He wasn't so much worried as he was vaguely curious.
"I'm going to perform strange medical experiments on you and then leave you naked in the woods," said a voice in his head. "That's what we do--hadn't you heard?"
"Oh... Well, O.K." said Jackson.
"Actually, it's more complicated than that. I'll explain it to you as the machines perform the procedures"
As the space thingy spoke, several robotic pincers, probes, blades, and lasers converged on Jackson and proceeded to remove his clothing and then peel most of the skin off his body including his face. It occurred to Jackson that this should hurt, but it didn't seem to. Neither did the probes forcing their way into every orifice of his body.
"Don't worry," said the space thingy. "Not that worry is really an option for you at the moment, but never the less, you might want to know that your body will be restored to pretty much the same condition that I found it in. I'm just installing a few implants."
"As you may have guessed," the alien continued, "I am a member of an alien species vastly superior to your own, at least from a technological standpoint. Culturally, we are profoundly similar, disturbing as that may be. Our interstellar probes discovered your planet some five thousand of your years ago and ever since we as a people have been fascinated by your exploits and follies. It doesn't speak well of us, given that there are dozens of species with much more admirable traits and lives, but it does keep me gainfully employed."
"You see, I am the equivalent of what in your culture would be a television producer. Not to say that we have anything so crude as television. Rather, we place sensors into members of your race which broadcast everything you experience back to our home planet and colonies. For a small fee, the equivalent of your cable access, my people can download any of the broadcasts coming from the several hundred of your people who have been implanted just as you are being now."
"So you see, the technology is quite different from television, but in practice the programing is quite similar. My predecessors discovered millennia ago that implanting poets, artists, philosophers or holy persons was a recipe for low ratings, while implanting sadists, criminals, degenerates and idiots would keep the molting masses coming back every time."
"Now for a long time, viewers were content with just the normal human exploits, provided that one selected a sufficiently entertaining human whom the viewer could feel superior too. Indeed, this continues to be what most of my competitors broadcast. But I am not content with the status quo. I have taken to manipulating the subjects a bit, throwing in a wild card."
"I've had success with giving subjects telekinesis, telepathy, and adjustable body parts. A few years ago, I gave mind control powers to a horny kid in China. The ratings were good at first when I released him, but viewers got bored really quick. I had to cancel the show and take back the power after just a couple months. I'm afraid the husbands, boyfriends, and fathers of all the women he'd enjoyed in the interim didn't treat him very well once he lost his powers of persuasion."
"The interesting thing is, in the brief period between my taking away his powers and his unfortunate demise, ratings shot back up again. I've been thinking about that, and I think I know where I went wrong--I made poor Ping to powerful. After his initial surprise and excitement, the show just degenerated into hundreds of women throwing themselves at him, and he didn't
even appreciate it anymore! At least, not like he had initially. There just wasn't a challenge. But once he had lost it, there was adventure again! Short lived, but like I said, it was my first attempt at the genre."
"So I thought, how could I keep the horny guy with overwhelming mind control powers theme, and yet keep an element of challenge. And then it hit me--I'll reduce the radius of power, so he can only control people that are quite close. Even better, I'll make it so he can only control people he is touching and lose control when he loses contact. And as long as I'm restricting it, why not restrict it to the subject's hands?"
"So that's what I've done to you, Jackson. I've implanted your hands with devices that will allow you to control any of your fellow humans if you touch their bare skin. As long as any part of them is in contact with any part of your hands, from wrist to finger tip, they will do anything that you suggest, believe anything that you say, feel anything that you want. You just have to think it at them or, if you can't manage that, tell them. As long as contact is maintained, they won't question why they obey you and believe you. They won't even try to break contact. Once contact is broken, however, you're on your own until you can regain contact."
By this time, the probes had withdrawn from Jackson's orifices, various devices had been implanted in to him, and his skin had been replaced without so much as a scar. They had even given him a shave and trimmed his moustache. He stared at his hands. The space thingy had been talking about his hands. What had it been saying?
"Of course, there is one other way in which I am like an earthly television producer," said the space thingy. "If you really want the role, you're going to have to suck my reproductive gland."
Jackson felt suddenly overwhelmed with a deep desire. He scrambled into the space thingy's tank, diving into the green goo. Finding a small oval hole in the side opposite the one he had been facing during the operation, he yelped with delight and started sucking and licking it with abandon. After several minutes of this, the space thingy let out a squeal and a flood of thick green liquid began to flow out of the hole, oozing and spurting. Jackson swallowed it hungrily, rubbing the excess all over himself.
Then he was floating again, up out of the tank down out of the happy little ship and back into the woods. He waved as the ship flew away, vaguely aware that it was a chilly night to be naked in the middle of the road.
Jackson awoke naked on his couch in the living room covered in sticky green goo. He tried to remember what had happened the night before and had a flash of sucking on something large and foul which sent him bolting for the toilet to hurl. Once he stopped heaving, he staggered into the shower and proceeded to scrub until his skin looked sunburnt, it was so red. He resolved not to
think about it ever again.
By the time he got dressed, it was nearly eleven. Damn. He was late for work even by his standards. Earl would have his hide.
He sped off to Earl's Auto Shop. Thankfully, Amy Jo wasn't behind the front counter. Earl's hot little wife had disliked Jackson since the 3 of them were in high school. She was always getting on his case for showing up late and screwing off. Jackson knew she was always after Earl to fire him. If he and Earl hadn't been such good friends in high school, he probably would have already.
"Where the hell have you been, Jackson!" demanded Earl from the entry to the garage. The big mechanic was smeared in grease and looking none too happy.
"I, uh, well..." said Jackson, "I over slept?"
"Bullshit," said Earl. "You were drunk, weren't you? Jackson, I've had about as much as I'm gonna take from you."
Jackson could tell his friend was more than a little pissed. He could see his job was on the line. He panicked and blurted out the truth before he could come up with a plausible lie.
"It wasn't like that, Earl. I was abducted by aliens!"
There was an awkward silence between them as Earl tried to figure out if Jackson had gone bonkers and Jackson tried to do the same.
"Jackson, that is the stupidest lie you have ever come up with," said Earl, stepping towards him menacingly. "I've got half a mind to kick your ass."
Earl feinted a punch at him and Jackson grabbed at his wrist, feeling jittery and paranoid as memories from the night before started to seep into his consciousness.
"It's true Earl!" he protested.
An odd look replaced the angry one Earl had worn.
"Wow," he said, lowering his arm. "That's some weird shit."
Something had happened. Jackson wasn't sure what. He wasn't sure why he was still holding Earl's wrist either, but instinctively he held on. There was something the alien had said about his hands. If only he could remember it without remembering the last part.
"You believe me?" asked Jackson. Now that he thought about it, he didn't expect him to.
"Sure I believe you," said Earl "Why shouldn't I? But it's some seriously weird shit."
"Tell me about it!" said Jackson, "There was this big yellow blobby thing with tentacles. I fuckin' pissed myself."
"Damn!" said Earl.
Jackson was growing suspicious. It wasn't like Earl to believe him. Earl knew better than anybody that Jackson was full of shit. And besides, back when old lady McVicor was saying that space aliens had been taking pictures of her in the bathroom, Earl had told him that he didn't believe in aliens, let alone aliens sick enough to do that. The space thingy had been talking about his hands. Jackson let go of Earl's wrist to see what would happen.
"I ain't sure what they did to me," said Jackson. "It was all kind of confusin'."
A confused and skeptical look came onto Earl's face now.
"Are you sure you didn't just get ahold of some bad hooch?" he asked.
"I thought you said you believed me!" objected Jackson.
"Well, I... I did, but... I mean, come on Jackson! I believe you probably saw somethin', but there's gotta be another explanation for it."
"Earl, listen to me," said Jackson, grabbing his friend's forearm, "I was abducted by space aliens. They did weird experiments and shit on me."
All doubt fled Earl's face and the look of wonder returned.
"Fuckin' shit!" he said.
At that moment, Amy Jo came back from the auto parts store and both men turned to look at her. Jackson, as always, started at her ankles and worked his way up. Amy Jo had the best legs in all of Smyrna. Today she was wearing an old pair of cutoff white jeans cut high on her hips, showing the legs off to full effect. Her taught little belly was also on display, with her red blouse unbuttoned and knotted beneath her pert boobs. Jackson often stopped his perusal of Amy Jo at this point, but today he traveled on up to see a disgusted but pretty face framed by her over-processed curly blonde hair.
"I got the starter motor, Earl," she said while glaring at Jackson. "What time did this waste of flesh show up? Is he sober enough to help you with that transmission?"
"He weren't drunk Amy Jo," Earl exclaimed excitedly. "Jackson was abducted by real live aliens! They took him up in their spaceship and did weird shit to him."
Amy Jo looked sharply at her husband and suspiciously at Jackson trying to determine if there was some joke they were playing together or if Earl was just being sarcastic and getting ready to finally send Jackson packing. Earl just kept an expression of wonder and Jackson looked sheepish and guilty.
"Damn it, Earl! Are you drunk too?" she asked and came up to sniff his breath.
Still not quite sure what was happening, Jackson saw an opportunity and jumped at it. While Amy Jo leaned toward Earl, he grabbed her wrist.
"You gotta believe me Amy Jo!" he said. "I really was abducted by aliens!"
Amy Jo looked at Jackson with amazement, but not any doubt.
"I do believe you Jackson," she said. "My God! That's incredible! What did the aliens look like? What did they do to you? Did they talk American?"
Jackson recounted what he remembered of the night before, his hands never leaving the arms of Earl and Amy Jo. They listened with rapt attention. Jackson was still a little fuzzy on just what had happened, so he soon started making stuff up. After all, he certainly couldn't tell them about
what the thingy had made him do--he didn't even want to remember that! And if what the thingy told him was true--and he couldn't think of any other reason they were believing the horse shit he was shoveling--his new found power was something to keep to himself.
The space thingy's words were coming back to him now--Any one he touched would believe anything he said, do anything he wanted. Well goddamn! What else could he do to Earl and Amy Jo?
"Well, it was quite a trying experience," he said. "You think I can have the day off? Maybe I should go see the doctor."
"Well sure, Jackson," said Earl, "Take all the time you need."
"You'll still pay me, won't you?"
"Of course," he said and Amy Jo nodded her agreement.
"Thanks! You two are great friends."
They smiled at that him looking friendlier than they ever had. Jackson was thinking about inviting himself to dinner--Amy Jo was a marvelous cook--when the couple spoke at once "You should come to dinner tonight."
Jackson was startled, then remembered the space thingy had said he could just think things at people as long as he was touching them. He decided to try this out. He thought hard "Amy Jo, your ass itches' and the little blonde started twitching a bit. Apparently she didn't want to do anything about the itch in front of him. He grinned wickedly for a moment, enjoying her discomfort, then thought, 'Scratch it, Amy Jo! Scratch that hot little ass!'
And as soon as he thought it, she was doing it, raking her red-painted nails across the white denim that encased her curvy posterior.
"Keep scratching," he commanded mentally, while asking aloud, "You O.K. Amy Jo?"
The blonde woman blushed but kept scratching her ass.
"I got an itch," she said.
Jackson chuckled and so did Earl and Amy Jo. Jackson wondered about that--Earl might find it funny, but he wouldn't normally laugh about it in front of his wife. Amy Jo certainly wouldn't ever find it funny. It must be his hands.
"You'll have to put your hand down your pants to make it stop," he thought at Amy Jo and somehow she managed to squeeze her hand into the tight shorts. She was blushing furiously, but she sighed with relief none the less.
"Your ass must feel good, Amy Jo," thought Jackson.
"Your ass must feel good, Amy Jo," said Earl, whose presence Jackson had almost forgotten.
"Shit!" Jackson thought and Earl and Amy Jo said simultaneously.
Jackson realized he was going to have to learn to guard his thoughts. Earl and Amy Jo obviously couldn't hear everything he was thinking, but some of the things he didn't mean to think at them were slipping through. He had never really thought about controlling his thoughts, but now he had motivation to learn. Seeing Amy Jo with her hand down her shorts looking all confused drove that home.
"So, um, I'd better go see a doctor about the alien thingy and find out what it did to me," said Jackson. He wanted to get away and go see just what he could do with his hands. "You think you could loan me a few bucks Earl?"
"Sure," said Earl, the confusion of a moment before fading.
"Give me all the cash in your wallet," Jackson thought.
"'fraid all I got is 36 bucks, Jackson," he said, removing several bills from his wallet.
"Thanks Earl," he said, letting go of Amy Jo to take the money. Realizing what he had done, he looked sharply at Amy Jo. The blonde was scowling and looking very, very confused. Jackson saw the early warning signs of a very pissy mood. At the moment, though, she was most concerned about freeing her hand from her shorts. It was stuck tight. She struggled, embarrassed, angry glances daring either of them to be amused by it.
"Seven O.K. for dinner?" Jackson asked.
"Sure thing!" said Earl.
"Um, about that... ," began Amy Jo.
Jackson saw trouble and reached for her arm. She flinched, but not fast enough.
"Oh, any old thing would be fine said," said Jackson, "Of course, if your asking, I'd love it if you made fried chicken."
"Fried chicken it is then," said Amy Jo cheerfully, and then Jackson was out the door before they could rescind his invitation. A plan was forming in his mind and he really wanted an excuse to spend some time alone with Amy Jo.
He drove to his favorite liquor store hooting with pleasure and making all sorts of plans. As he got out of his truck, he saw something that made him smile mischievously: The Mormons were walking down the street towards him. He knew one of the missionaries, who had the unfortunate name of Elder Elders. He wouldn't tell Jackson his first name; He said he had to be called Elder Elders for the two years he was a missionary, which seemed pretty fucked up to Jackson. Elders and his partner had shown up at his trailer one afternoon and Jackson had been drunk enough to let them preach to him and give him their book. He'd even promised them he'd go to their church. Since then, they'd come by every so often to bug him, but he usually just pretended he wasn't home.
Jackson grinned now because he knew that every time he talked to the Mormons, they would shake his hand with a monster grip, like they wanted to arm wrestle him for his soul. Now Jackson had never much had his eye on heaven and now that he had this power he certainly wasn't about to go religious, but now he had an opportunity to mess with the young Mormon even more than usual.
"Hey Elder, wassup?" said Jackson, sticking out his hand.
"Hello, Brother Davis," said the young man, grabbing hold and pumping firmly. For once, Jackson shook hands with as equal enthusiasm.
"I see you got a new partner," Jackson observed.
"Yeah--this is Elder Jensen. Elder Petersen got transferred down to Shelbyville."
"Nice to meet you," said Elder Jensen, extending his hand, but Jackson ignored it and continued to grip Elder Elders, who of course found nothing unusual about this.
"Well, you and him should come by Saturday--we're gonna have another party. Of course, you still owe me for the keg. You drank more than your share, only fair that you pitch in."
With delight, Jackson saw the new Mormon's eyes go buggy and gawk at his companion. Elders looked terribly embarrassed.
"Gee, um," he said, glancing sheepishly at the new guy. "I'm sorry Brother Davis. Um, I got a 20, will that cover it?"
The missionary awkwardly removed his wallet with his left hand and held it open for Jackson to pillage. Jensen stared, dumbstruck.
"Well, that'll cover what you and Petersen drunk, though I should probably charge you for all the stuff you was pouring down my cousin Sheila's throat. I mean, I know Sheila's a lush, but I ain't never seen nobody get her that drunk!"
"Oh Elder!" said Jensen, "You didn't!"
"Course he did, didn't ya?" said Jackson.
"Um, yeah, I did," said Elders looking horribly ashamed, like he wanted to go kill himself.
"Oh, there ain't nothing to be ashamed of," said Jackson. "You done yourself right proud! Drunk as she was, Sheila still remembers the screwin' you gave her! Says it was the best lay she ever had, and you've had plenty of competition. You must be quite the stud."
Elders no longer looked ashamed. He looked as proud and pleased as Jackson thought he should be, imagining the drunken orgy with all the spectacular vagueness a teetotaling virgin can.
"Elder!" said the indignant companion. "You didn't break the law of chastity, did you?"
"Damn did he ever!" said Jackson, "Fucked her right there on the floor in front of everybody!"
"I fucked her good!" said Elders, eyes filled with wonder.
"You... you didn't!" Jensen was white as a sheet.
"Well of course he did," said Jackson. "She was drunk and horny and somebody had to fuck her. I wasn't about to--She's my cousin, for hell's sake! Where you think you are, boy? Kentucky?"
"Yeah," affirmed Elders, "She was a drunk slut and she needed screwin' and I was the only stud for the job!"
"Hell, Petersen was passed out under the table," said Jackson, "But if you can hold your liquor better than him, come by Saturday and I'll tell Sheila to bring her girlfriends."
"Oh yeah!" said Elders, "We are so there!"
"No we are not!" said Jensen, grabbing hold of his companion and pulling him off in the direction they had come. "We're going to see President Grady right now!"
Jackson had had enough fun he guessed. He let the poor kid go. As he did, his look of debauched pride turned to confused horror. He looked back and forth from his companion to Jackson as Jensen strong armed him down the road.
"But... but... I didn't... I would never... Tell him Brother Davis! Tell him the truth!"
Jackson chuckled. Somebody was in trouble, and for once it wasn't him. He could get used to that. He entered the liquor store to spend Earl and Elders' money.
Evelyn Crable had seen Jackson Davis more times than she cared to, but being that she and her husband owned a liquor store, it was almost inevitable. Something about him was different today, though. He lacked that desperate look he usually wore when he came looking for liquor in the early afternoon. He walked in with a smooth, confident air and instead of going straight for the Jack Daniels, he took some time browsing.
Evelyn's suspicions were aroused and she kept a close eye on him. He was the only person in the store, so she gave him her full attention--he wasn't going to get away with anything on her watch!
After a few minute, he came to the counter with two bottles--12 year old scotch and Wild Irish Rose. The fortified wine was something Jackson bought when he couldn't afford whisky, but Evelyn had never known him to shell out for scotch. The bum must have come into some money. Evelyn hoped it was at least somewhat legally acquired but however he got it if he didn't spend
it here he'd spend it at McGregor's. She rang him up and put the liquor in a bag behind the counter where it would stay until Jackson actually gave her cash.
"That'll be $53.72, Jackson" she said.
"Ok" he said, holding out a wad of bills. She took them, his hand brushing against hers, and then she froze. She wanted to keep touching his hand. She wasn't sure why. But she was delighted when he reached over with his other hand and sandwiched her hand and the cash. She stared at his hands, happily smiling and completely baffled as to why.
"You know, I sure do enjoy our times together, Evelyn, and I hope you do too. You're what makes this liquor store the best one in Smyrna."
"Why thank you, Jackson," Evelyn blushed, "I really enjoy your visits too."
And she did. She hadn't remembered doing so before, but it was always such a delight to see him.
"Well, I guess you could say we're really good friends then, couldn't you?"
"Oh yes, Jackson, we're the best of friends!"
"Well, Evelyn, you know my birthday's coming up. Since you're my friend, you should probably give me a present."
"Oh Jackson, I'm so sorry! I almost forgot!"
"How 'bout you just not charge me for the liquor, then. That'd be a great present!"
. "Of course!" she said. What a great idea! "Keep your money, Jackson. It's my treat."
"Why thank you, Evelyn," he said, slipping the cash back in his pocket, but keeping tight hold of her with his other hand. She was glad he hadn't let her hand go.
"Why don't you just hand me the bag, then?" he asked.
Evelyn cheerfully gave it to him. He gave her a firm hand shake, then letting go, took the package and headed for the door.
Evelyn was very confused. What had she just done! She couldn't just give away merchandise. Not to Jackson! She rushed from behind the counter, calling for him to wait. She was relieved to see that he stopped and smiled questioningly. But what could she say? She had given it to him.
"Um, Jackson, I,... well, its Horace. I really wanted to give you everything for free, but you know what a cheapskate Horace is. He'll have a fit. How about I just give you the wine for your birthday?"
"Why Evelyn," said her customer, "I wouldn't want you to get into any trouble with Horace."
Thank God! He was going to be reasonable. He smiled and took her arm.
"Of course, Horace doesn't have to know. It can be our little secret."
"Of course," agreed Evelyn. "He doesn't have to know."
"After all," said Jackson with a grin, "I've kept our other secret, haven't I?"
"Of course, you have," said Evelyn, confused. "Ummm... what secret is that?"
"Oh Evelyn, didn't you think I knew? I've seen how you look at me. I know that you get hot and bothered every time I come in here. You want me, Evelyn, and we both know it."
It was true! Oh God! How did he know? She wanted him so badly! And here he was, his hand on her arm. Now he set down his package and cupped her chin in his other hand, looking into her eyes. It felt so good for him to touch her!
"That's the real reason you want to give me such a nice birthday present, isn't Evelyn?"
She bit her lip, embarrassed, but she couldn't lie to him. She nodded.
"You want to give me everything, don't you Evelyn? And I can give you what you want. I've always been willing. All you have to do is ask. Why don't you ask me for what you want, Evelyn?"
"Oh God, I can't wait any longer!" she exclaimed, "Take me, Jackson! Please, take me! Right here, right now!"
And then he was kissing her, roughly, deeply, his hands working into her clothing, touching her skin. She was in heaven! Jackson was making love to her at last, after years of wanting it!
He lead her back away from the front window, back behind the liqueurs isle. He was so considerate, protecting her reputation, keeping their dirty little secret. She would make love to him on the courthouse lawn if he wanted.
Now his hand had made its way down the front of her pants. He was touching her pussy! It was electrifying! He was kneading and prodding, and she needed it so badly! She mewed loudly.
"You like this, don't you Evelyn?" said her wonderful lover.
"Oh yes, Jackson!" she cried "Yes!"
And then the bell on the door rang. Jackson froze and Evelyn whimpered. Jackson peeked through the liquor bottles, then whispered to Evelyn.
"I should go. We can take this up later." he said, and Evelyn couldn't help but agree, although she ached for him to make love to her. "Thank you for the birthday presents. Don't worry, I'll keep our little secret."
Then he took his hand out of her pants, away from her pussy, grabbed his liquor and left, leaving Evelyn frustrated and then very, very confused.
Oh God! What had she just done? Rolling around on the floor of the store like a slut--and with Jackson Davis! Jackson! It had seemed so right while she was doing it, like she needed it so much, like she'd always wanted it. But she hadn't, had she? She was almost sure she had never found Jackson attractive--he was a dirty drunken loser! Oh God, what had she done?
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...
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IncestHi main manisha ek baar fir aap ne meri pehale ki storys padhi hongi mujhe ab tak sex ki kaafi adat ho gai hai aur mumbai se lautne ke baad man nahi bhar raha khair main aap ka jyada time na lete hue apni story par aati hoon.jaisa ki maine aap ko apni last story main dheeraj ke baare main bataya tha meri us se kaafi acchi dosti ho gai aur main uske saath ghoomne firne bhi lagi thi maira birthday 14 jan ko hota hai.Usne mujhse us din apni date banne ko kaha main tayyar ho gai kyunki mere mom bad...
258 after those precious months [11] It was some time after the loss of my wife that I received a long letter from Jay, she didn’t know of the passing of Kelly and I replied to her explain that my wife had gone to the shrine suffering from the terminal illness and had not returned, though I had been informed that she had passed away. Such was Kelly`s bold face when they visited neither of the couple, not mother or son, had had any inkling she was unwell, so it was a real shock for them both....
This is a story from the fantasies of HornyCoupleColorado (HCC). The story is completely fictional.This is the first story that HCC Wifey wrote to HCC Hubby. I wrote this over a year ago when we were first exploring the fantasies of multiple partners. This one has a particularly hot memory for us since I sucked hubby’s cock while he read this aloud to me after I wrote it for him. I was able to make him cum in my mouth almost simultaneously with him cumming in the story.When your birthday rolled...
Helfe was a revelation for Scott's wives too. He had tried to keep from them just how wild she was, but they had an inkling due to the state his back was in from her mauling. Still, that didn't prepare them for their first time with her once they could return to the marital bed after childbirth. Eilean in particular seemed to respond to the demanding young woman, her submissive nature revelling in the treatment that Helfe was wont to dish out when in the throes of passion. The next few...
Tapping softly on the door with his signature knock, Jeff waited briefly before entering. The room was unoccupied but there was evidence that a great deal had happened there. The room reeked of sex, the bed was nearly torn apart and an upended champagne bottle presided over the dresser. Oddly, the scene prompted no excitement within Jeff; in fact, what he felt was one of isolation. He was an outsider in his own marriage. In port their cell phones would work but Jeff suppressed the urge to text...
Wife LoversHi, this is Ravi from Mumbai. This is my real sex story. I’m 25 years old. I always wanted to fuck hot aunties but I didn’t get any chance so far. Usually, I used to watch beautiful aunties from my balcony from my home. Suddenly, I witness a hot lady crossing in scooter across my street. It was none other than Nandini(my English teacher) I went on dreams that how on school days I used to stare at her sexy boobs while her class. Firstly, I describe her. She’s about 40 and widow. Omg!!! Her boobs...
Hello, every one. My name is suhail from Kerala. I am 20 years old, now studying bcom 2nd year. This incident happened when I was 10 years old. My family consists of me, mom and dad. Dad is working in Dubai. My mom name is Shahina. About my mom, she is 44 years old, whose body is similar to Swetha Menon. She has a round ass and her boob size is 34. We live in a village in Kerala where there is always problems between the political parties. My dad is a member of a party, which has people from...
No More Dr Nice Guy Part 10 I read the instructions meticulously. I mean I wasn't a dimwit; in my opinion anyway; I knew what to do. It would be concerning if I didn't. But I wanted as much information I could get. The biostatistician in me needed to know the false positive rate. And the false negative rate too I suppose. I had even gone so far as to buy two different brands. I probably would have bought more if that was an option available to me. I was after a bigger...
Super SuperheroesWe had been invited to Paul’s bosses 50th Birthday party and it was superheroes and villains fancy dress, so after many months of thinking what the hell we could go as we decided on wonder woman and batman, we had arranged to go to the party with friends who lived near, Paul and Devon worked together, Paul had come home late from work so I was already dressed as wonder woman in my tight blue shorts with white stars red top and red boots and of course wonder woman head band...
Part 12No sex in this chapter but the story line does get to an important point. When the door burst open, young teen Rachel; the house guest, was sitting naked on top of older teen Mercy; the house manager, who was tied to the bed. That alone would not have been so unusual in this place. But the bloody knife in Rachel’s hand and the red blossoms across Mercy’s chest were clear evidence that something was wrong. “Fuck everyone, fuck your little vampire, fuck you! I want to be evil.” Rachel...
The Hot Wife Brian, Katie and Nick enjoyed the great steaks, wine and ambiance of SW Steakhouse at Wynn Casino. It was a classy place with a great bar with an outdoor area showing off the beautiful landscaping but Brian was glad he managed to spend only $750 on the dinner and wine. And Katie hadn’t pulled any sexual stunts with Nick, which he had sat through the entire dinner fearing. Perhaps she had gotten that out of her system earlier with Karl and Wally at the bar? Nick’s phone rang and...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 17 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
We meet online. John, 42 single reasonable build with a great looking cut cock, shaved all bar a bit just above his cock. It was that picture that really got me hooked, that and the tag line “Knows what he wants, and likes it dirty”.After a couple of online chats John and I decided to meet at a pub just down the road from him, then if we decide we can take it further. A couple of drinks and a quick chat later we were soon on our way to his house. I’d worn my pink lacy boy short panties...
The Earl Maid By Susannah Donim The Hadleighs start to host meetings of local societies to ease their financial difficulties. Rob gets drawn in to a rather unusual demonstration at a meeting of the Pink Ladies. Chapter 3 Charlie Todd was the secretary of the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society. We had met him briefly the year before when I was in Romeo and Juliet, but he hadn't been involved in that show. "I can't do Shakespeare, I'm afraid," he admitted. "I...
Feeding Time at the Zoo It happened fast. It overwhelmed me. One minute, I was looking at a sissy. The next minute, I wanted to be one. That's how fast it happens for some of us. There is a spark, then there is a fire, and before you know it, I was burning out of control. There is a switch, and someone turns the lights on. But let's start at the beginning. At first glance, the Zoo looked like any other bar. Modern lightning and a darkened dance floor. A large mahogany bar. A...
My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare synopsis; This cute blue eyed blonde guy who resembles a cute Uma Thurman pissed me off so much by beating me in our first nude wrestling match That I needed a rematch badly and got one. This time it's a fight to the finish with this cute brown eyed brunette that resembles a cute Alanis Morissette. author; latinlover69 story codes; m/m,cbt,d/s,real,consensual,heavy Story; I...
Copyright © 2000 Chapter 1 Sara pulled her car into the long driveway. Her parents' van was gone, hopefully meaning she had the house to herself for a few hours. She had just finished her first semester of college, and the stress of her last two finals had worn her out. The door shut quietly behind her, nothing could be heard but the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the living room. A smile crept over her face as she enjoyed the peace. She turned left and walked up the stairs to...
The first sense I got in the morning was the smell of sex that was still hanging around all of us in the tent. With the four of us in the tent, that indeed was designed to hold four, no one was able to lie in the middle unfortunately. The girls were still asleep, my cock was up before I was, I had noticed, which was a good sign for a middle aged man like me I guess. I was spooning with the girl next to me, because of the reasonable temperature, the sleeping-bags were not zipped up, anyway,...
Dosto ye meri pahli story hai. Ye sach hai ki meri maa ek randi hai me randi ki Aulad hu. Jo maa apne bete ke dosto se chud sakati hai 42 ki age me Wo randi ne jawani me kya gul khilaye honge, jab bhi aap yah story pado to meri maa ko Rand ya randi kahana.Ab me story par Aata hu.mera naam vickey hai, meri maa ka naam sonali hai. Meri maa(Randi maa) dikhne me beautiful hai , jab bhi wo chalti hai to unki gaand matkati hai, papa govt. Job me hai aur tour par rahate hai.maa jab bhi ghar me hoti...
THE AMAZON PRIESTESS – By CORDOZA DISCLAIMER This story is totally fictional and contains scenes of a graphically sexual/violentor sexually violent nature, and by continuing further you agree that you areat least 18 yrs old and that you have no objection whatsoever to reading suchextreme adult material. THE STORY Helga surveyed the unconscious rebel girl with disgust. Only a short whileearlier they had both given and shared in lustful union, but the girl had failedto give the priestess the...
Thursday, November 29,2012, a few weeks after Thanksgiving. I picked up my friend who needed a ride to an appointment. She was without a car that day. Since I had the day free I offered to drive her and then wait as she met her appointment. Found the place with my GPS and parked in the spot right next to the entrance to the building where her business was held.She got out of the car and went inside the building. After she disappeared inside the building I moved my driver side seat back all the...
After her parents go through a nasty divorce, teen Jill Kassidy sides with her stepmother Alexis Fawx and decides to keep living with her instead of her asshole father. But their perfect ‘mom and daughter’ relationship is tested after the step-mom quickly moves on with a new man Derrick Ferrari. She is completely smitten with him and the daughter is genuinely happy for her … that is, until he moves into their house. The man reveals that he is way more interested in Mom’s...
xmoviesforyou"I can't believe she came," Carol hissed, her eyes following the brunette as she walked through the door."Dan's biological mom?" I asked, looking where my wife was looking."She was with my dad just long enough to give birth to my brother and then walk out on them. I can't believe she would show up here." Carol shook her head in disbelief, watching the older woman break into a group of my in-law's friends, smiling and laughing with them before they nervously broke away.Dianne, Carol's...
TabooChapter 5 - New Beginning After a full day in the lab with Dr. Juno the following Monday, Kristina sat down at her desk and pulled out the sat phone from its spot in the drawer. "Do you have what you need from Dr. Juno?" the voice asked. "Yes, I was able to reproduce the solution exactly today in the lab." "Very good." The connection went dead, and Kristina returned the phone to her desk drawer, aware that she had just sentenced the na?ve doctor to death. It was time to go h...
My husband has wanted to go to the local nude beach ever since he found out where it was. Don’tget me wrong, I’m not a prude but didn’t feel the need to have complete strangers looking at mecompletely naked while at the beach. Knowing he really wanted to check it out I agreed to go but toldhim that I may not take off my bikini but did decide to purchase a skimpy string bikini and surprisehim. No reason that I can’t at least look really sexy anyway. I’m 46, 5’6”, 140lbs, 36C, long red hair,dark...
Alright here’s my first try in writing, so bare with me…You’re basking in the sun letting the sun’s rays wrap around every inch of your body, allowing the rays to soaking into your skin heating your body where ever it can. Your brown hair pulled back into a pony tail snug under your back. Being home alone you chose the skimpiest bikini to get a better tan, consisting of two small triangles hiding your firm perfectly sized breast, and a low cut triangle that starts 4 inches below your navel...
The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed.As Anna walked into the...
I was a bit miffed as usual, hardly in the best of moods as I showed up at my ex-wife Katie’s place to drop off the first alimony payment. It was just one of those days. Hell, it was one of those years. I didn’t look forward to seeing her again, let alone to give her some of my hard-earned cash. I suppose that it was partly my own fault for marrying her in the first place, added to the utter romantic folly of not getting a damned pre-nup as my friends suggested. How was I to know that I was...
This one is compliments of john Jewish Mother The year is 2020 and the United States has elected the first woman as well is the first Jewish president, Susan Goldstein. She calls up her mother a few weeks after Election Day and says, "So, Mom, I assume you'll be coming to my inauguration?" "I don't think so. It's a ten hour drive, your father isn't as young as he used to be, and my arthritis is acting up again." "Don't worry about it Mom, I'll send Air Force One to pick you up...
As a young teenager growing up in the 1970's I was always eager to learn more of the secret world of sex, that seemed to be slowly emerging from the hidden confines of bedrooms worldwide. I was aware my parents received, what I now understand are two literary classics on the subject, but had not really understood the mirth around the Christmas Dinner table when they were exchanged in the annual gift giving, with close family friends and regular Christmas Day guests the Cooks.The ABC of Sex and...
IncestIt was all the rage and Aiden couldn’t ignore it any longer. Pan’s Labyrinth had opened up in the Meatpacking District and it was receiving rave reviews from the bisexual community; a club dedicated to bisexuals and pansexuals alike. If you went there, it was assumed that you liked men, women and anyone lovely in between. Despite its cute logo and demure entrance, the venue was really a sex club.Aiden loved sex but she hesitated on going to the club because of her incessant shyness and rampant...
Bisexual"Kiss me... I want you to kiss my whole body..." she murmured. I immediately obey her request and start kissing her tits, the little nipples, surrounded by large pink areolas, were rock hard. After sucking and kissing them for a long time I began exploring the rest of mom's body with my tongue. From time to time she shuddered and panted. Eventually, after playing for a while with her belly button, I arrived at her pubic hair. Carefully I parted her cunt lips and stared at the pink crevice...
Hi readers this is jai pal here again with real story of my mom, thanks a lot for your good response in my three stories 1) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha 2) Mom ki chudayee dekhi car parking mein. 3) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha (part-2) Yeh sab real stories hain aur meri mom bas pooch mat gazab ki raandi hai uska figure mein pehle apni sab stories mein bata chukka hoon fir bhi new readers ke liye bata deta hoon Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 38 Mera ek dost police mein sp hai, uska naam bhupi...
The procession started and instruments that had hitherto laid on the floor were picked up and checked. The saxophones and bongos were preponderant but guitars, clarinets and trumpets were also evident. The first table had four people and all went up to play. The group had been practising a while but still less than a month. A woman sang and the three instrumentalists played a fairly good tune. When they were finished the audience snapped their fingers in lieu of clapping and the people sat...
This is the second Carnival of Mirrors tale. The first, also available on Fictionmania, is called: Carnival of Mirrors: Four Fates. Like this, it's a standalone tale. You don't have to have read either to follow the other, but if you like this one you'll probably like that one, too. CARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: GENERATIONS By BobH (c) 2004 New York City, Fall 2001 Staring up at the Unisphere, that 12-story high, stainless steel representation of the Earth that was one of the few...
Shane and Jamie had been good friends of mine since we I entered the military. We were in the same unit in basic training and were stationed together. Since they were married with c***dren they got a nice house on post, while I was stuck in the barracks. They would invite me over for dinners and bbq’s and we would all drink and play games into the night. Most nights if I was drinking I would stay on the couch and they made me feel at home in their f****y. Shane and I trained and deployed...
Chapter 10 — A moment in life with Victor Maria Elena woke up with a start. She was not in her own room, not lying uncovered on top of her own mattress. Instead, she was under a cover, sharing a warm bed with her lover. She nervously glanced at the bedroom door, realizing it was open. She remembered that Victor had closed it the night before. She wondered if he had gotten up in the middle of the night, or if Cecilia had peeked in and not bothered to close it. She closed the door, hoping it had...
The cold floor woke me up. I had to pee really badly. After taking care of myself, I looked in the mirror again. My hair looked funny. On Haven, Swarta would have laughed at me, and then preened and fussed over me. I missed her so much. "Get a hold of yourself and tidy up," I thought. Washing my face and running wet hands through my hair started the first steps in recomposing my physical appearance. I put on a silk shirt and some loose pants. The door chimed and opened. Merritt walked in...
8 - Exploration The court room was empty, on the auction list was a tattered estate and a horse cart in desperate need of repair, and a servant named Candela. Because the deceased owner was a sailor for his entire life I could imagine dark ports in Africa where he could have found this bargain. As she was presented her dull black frock and her greased plaited hair repelled first my attraction, but then considering her hight - towering eight foot - and her mystic african eyes I reserved her...
Lipstick Lover "This is the best thing that could have happened to me!" I thought to myself, here I am, a 47 year old man in the body of a 25 year old woman, and a very beautiful woman at that! It all started with my fascination with lipstick, I always found it was a real turn on for me, to see a beautiful female all dressed up and with her perfect make up, but the lips were something else, I just desired to kiss those coated lips and feel the lipstick on my own lips, it drove me...
I sat down on my usual bench in the park. The headphones connected to my small pink mp3 were in place, my legs were spread and my arms were extended to each side. It was the usual position I had whenever I sat down here in the park, and I wasn't planning on changing it any time soon.As usual my mind wondered to the subject that my “defense mechanisms” always suppressed: sex. It was a natural subject for me. Something I always enjoyed talking about, thinking about and fantasizing about......
Straight SexThere I was "trapped" underneath a petite 18 year girl subject to her every whim. At this moment she was forcing me to lick her pussy. I was conflicted she was my best friend’s sister whom I had known for years but this was the sweetest best looking cunt I had ever seen let alone taste. I leaned forward and extended my tongue towards her hairless slit and quickly darted it in and out before moving back to tracing along her labia up to her clitoris and back again. All throughout this she would...
"Fucking oil spill," Victoria muttered, looking down from her office to the street below. "There must be 10,000 fucking protesters there. Sure, I gave the order. Sure, I fired the man who actually told me there was a problem. It's not like I expected the thing to blow and cause those deaths and this mess. Now to figure out how many more people I have to pay off." Victoria was the CEO of Epic Oil and it was their oil spill in Florida that had caused this massive rally, aptly timed for...
So the other night we have a party, as everything starts winding down we’re sitting on our L shaped couch in our back yard. Our friends C and D sit down on the other side of the couch. C is a little shorter, great shape and definitely an alpha type guy. His girl D is tall, skinny blonde who just got her boobs done....the music was still playing, so I was sitting on mikes lap, D was sitting on C’s lap, harmless enough. The last few people leave, and our roommate says he’s going to bed.. that’s...
So that was it. We had to wait until mom decided to go visit her dad again and spend some time with him. When she did daddy and I would visit Dan and play our new exciting sexual game. The time went bye slowly and all of us were getting really horny to have our play time with Dan. It took three weeks before we heard the good news that she was going to visit her father. The bad news was about grand dad becoming sick again. One day the phone rang and it was my aunt Betty. She told us granddad...
Returning to the living room, I saw that Mel and Sue were sharing one sofa while Steve was on another, so I distributed the beers and seated myself between the two girls. I was rewarded by my wife snuggling up to my right side and Sue snuggling into my left. We all relaxed with our beers and watched Jake do Wendy.Wendy was on her knees in the centre of the area with Jake kneeling upright in front of her feeding her his cock. She was gobbling with great relish and rubbing his balls at the same...
Group SexHARRY WAS ALREADY BACK AT his farm when we returned from Zion. I don't know how he traveled and I never found out. Persephone had put the fear of god, or more likely fear of the goddesses, into him, and for a while he kept his distance. Especially from Mrs. D and her bellweather farm. The whispered "Soy yo" and the little trill haunted me. We hadn't been back a week before I heard it again one afternon when Hebe and I came to the farm to see Persephone and her mother. We'd been swimming...
Mr Thornton and Mr Hickson, two teachers in their mid-thirties, had now attended four detentions in the punishment room at the college they taught at. The men accepted discipline from Emma and Debra, two sixteen-year-old students they taught. Each time they had both first been spanked on their bare bottoms and then given six strokes of the cane. The punishment room had four high-backed chairs for multiple spankings. There was also a caning table where students bent over and grabbed the sides...