My Husband is Bi
- 3 years ago
- 58
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The procession started and instruments that had hitherto laid on the floor were picked up and checked. The saxophones and bongos were preponderant but guitars, clarinets and trumpets were also evident.
The first table had four people and all went up to play. The group had been practising a while but still less than a month. A woman sang and the three instrumentalists played a fairly good tune. When they were finished the audience snapped their fingers in lieu of clapping and the people sat with a glow on their faces.
The next table sang currently popular songs without instrumental accompaniment. The one after that a man brought out his papers and read poetry he had written but in the disjointed beatnik way of delivering it.
"Dominique, do you remember some of the folk songs you learned as a child?"
"A few, why?"
"We can sing a duet. What ones do you know and I will see if I know them too?"
"You want to sing! Can you?"
"I can give it a try. Now tell me the songs." I knew none of the songs for they had not left this continent. This was much like what I was trying to do for the native cultures of Africa. She said the words to me once and by the time the next table of musicians were done we were at least partially ready. When it eventually came to us I was ready and Dominique was very nervous. Passing the last table I stopped at the man that had played his guitar and said, "Excuse me. I was unfamiliar with this custom and didn't bring my own instrument. May I borrow yours for a few moments?"
Since I spoke kindly and tried to look like someone not about to damage his instrument I was loaned it gladly. The instrument was slightly out of key and I adjusted it without the owner noticing. Dominique nervously looked at me and I said, "You lead and I will follow. Just play the slow song slightly slower than the way you sang it before.
She sang and I was a measure behind her and stayed quiet enough to allow her voice to be foremost. The guitar too was quiet and the crowd enjoyed the old song played the way we did it. Her voice was good and perhaps she missed her calling in going into visual arts. When the song ended we were applauded with the snapping of fingers and the next table gestured for us to continue for a moment.
We sat back down and discussed another song with more of a lilt to it. At the end of this song we were again asked to continue. The crowd loved us and after five more songs Dominique wanted to sit down but the crowed wanted us to continue. I put a hand on her shoulder and said to the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, I just made a song while sitting here. May I have your indulgence while I play it? It will be my last of the night. Others have to play as well."
I turned Dominique to look at me and played a ballad of a love struck boy pining away for an older girl. The girl thought me too young and wanted my much older brother. The boy asked for a single dancing lesson and in that time the girl found her love. The song of necessity was a bit long and there was only a small part repeated about the look in the girl's eyes. It was played in the best tradition of the folk songs we had just sung. I used Dominique as the girl and sang to her with all the emotion I could put into my voice and gestures.
At the end of the song Dominique bent over on her stool and gave me a kiss as I bent forward similarly to receive it. There was no noise for a moment but then snapping then clapping came and then all were clapping hard because they liked the music so much. Dominique turned around and saw that she had just kissed a strange young man in public that she hardly knew. The fact that the boy was only nine did not seem to matter that much.
Before regaining our seats, I gave the guitar back with my thanks. The man said, "That was a crazy scene, man! What's your jack?"
"Shawn Boz." I put my hand out and continued, "Lay some skin on me." We shook and I had to do this with the rest of the table. I sat with Dominique and her eyes were constantly on me. It took a few minutes for the next table to get up for it is hard to go on after a performance that would be better than theirs.
When the next act was done the man that had introduced the performances came to us and crouched down and said, "Are you two interested in a job? The musicians I have are not full time. I can pay you six dollars for three hours."
The man was serious and this was not a bad wage if we had no other employment but the money would have to be split between Dominique and me. "I am sorry but I have a job and will be leaving in ten days for Toronto, then a week after that the troupe will be going to Montréal then Vancouver."
"I am heading the Rhodesian government's presentation of native dancing, art and culture. I manage and the others perform."
"What a drag, you're a hep-cat and could make some serious bread."
"Dominique will be available and I can write some songs for her." Turning to the girl I said, "You want to try it? I will give you some original material and with your voice you may even get to record." She didn't answer with her brain muddled like this. "She will give it a try next week at five dollars for two hours, you provide accompaniment and buy her a meal."
The man got as good a deal as he was going to get and shook each of our hands in agreement. Dominique asked, "Why did you do that Shawn?"
"You can sing when not working or painting. I do more than one thing, you can too."
At eleven I had other things than music on my mind and said, "Let's go see your art."
I paid the bill and we left together to her apartment. Dominique's mind saw this somewhat like a boyfriend coming here and wondered how I was going to fit in. She had a steady boyfriend but he was working out of town at the moment cutting trees. I was young in her eyes and fit into two camps.
I took off my coat and hung it beside the door and helped Dominique off with hers. She said, "Please disregard the house. I didn't expect anybody to be coming home with me." The art was in a spare bedroom. She brought them out in order of when they were done and I saw a steady improvement in her efforts. She did have talent but needed more time to let it emerge and told her so. I suggested other artists that painted similarly and how she should study their works more.
When I went through all the paintings she asked, "Is there something you would like to drink Shawn?"
"No but I would like to shower. I hate tobacco smoke and it is all over us and our clothing. May I have one here?"
"Sure, the shower is to your right and I will bring in the towels after I get a chance to take my nylons from the curtain rod." She did get the bathroom cleaned very quickly and I went in and started to undress. The door was left open and I got into the shower. Dominique came to the doorway and said, "The towel is on the rack."
"Dominique, will you come in and have a shower with me?"
She hesitated for a while and said, "I don't think that is proper Shawn."
"I am in a strange town. I find you attractive and I think you find me the same way. We are adults even if I am young. There is no commitment being made."
In three minutes she got into the shower with me but didn't know what to do. I got her to sit while I shampooed her hair to remove the smell of smoke and then squatted to do her shoulders. Her arms were raised and I washed each of them as I did my children. With her now standing I did her back and worked to her feet not missing to clean everywhere. She responded favourably to cleaning her butt and between the juncture of her legs. I turned her around and continued on her front and made sure everything was squeaky clean. When the soap was rinsed off I worked on her clit and stroked into her with my fingers until she had an orgasm and held me tightly to her.
When she recovered she cleaned me the same way but squatted and took me into her mouth. My own orgasm came soon and I picked her up and kissed her lips as tenderly as she had earlier. I helped her out of the tub them pampered her as I dried her body. I did my own quickly and picked the startled woman up and carried her to her bed.
As I laid her down I remained on the floor and kissed he body. When I got to the juncture of her legs she parted them in invitation. I climbed on the bed and sucked her clit into my mouth and used my fingers again to enter her. It was a matter of only a minute till she grasped my head and thrashed about as she groaned out her next come. With that finished she looked at me between her raised legs and smiled. I climbed higher and slipped into her depths. I was not as big as she was used to but I did hit all the important points. After her next orgasm I used my power for the first time and enlarged myself and she stated to orgasm almost constantly. A 'finger' entered her rectum and she thrust violently at me not knowing what was happening to her but she loved every part of it.
I finished my own orgasm as she passed out. With my powers I turned off the lights and covered us. I just turned us sideways and stayed within her but only just. An hour later she awoke and tried to get me further in and had to turn me onto my back and she mounted me and thrust to her own tempo. I caressed her nipples and soon she shuddered and collapsed on me.
I had been playing with her anus and moved her unresisting body and got her to sit on me with her anus now directly stimulated. When she came to her first few strokes felt different. "Oh Shawn. Nobody has been there before. Why isn't it hurting? I heard it would."
"If the man really cares for the woman he will go very slow and open his woman up first. I am also not very big. You will have something special to teach your boyfriend when he returns."
She smiled at the thought and started to move her body as I manipulated her clit and her nipple. This felt fantastic to her and she had to have two more orgasms before quitting because she was getting sore. She got off and fetched a damp cloth to clean us before climbing back into bed.
The next morning Dominique was shy about last night so I made love again and she ended up on the bed unconscious with her legs wide and her opening the same way. I pushed her legs together and covered her on the frosty morning.
She had nothing for breakfast so I listened to the radio she had in the kitchen. I heard the news and turned it off.
I picked out what I wanted Dominique to wear and after washing her with a cloth and basin then dressed her. We were almost out her door when a cold blast of air finally woke her up. We drove to my hotel and we had breakfast there. The only extra thing I took from her apartment was an empty valise.
We went out shopping later at an upscale dress shop. I picked the clothes I thought she would look best in. She was concerned about me buying her things because it was seen as buying her. "I enjoy buying things and I like to dress up girls. Won't you allow me this small pleasure?"
She just looked at me and I gave her this little boy look and she bent just a bit and kissed me.
Dominique constantly wanted to smoke. Most people did too, but this was even more prevalent in the French Canadian segment of the population. I had to work on her mind a bit to get her craving under control. On three occasions she had to lie in the front seat of her car while I drove so that she could relieve her oral fixation.
In the changing rooms of various women's stores I would return the favour. By noon she was too sore to continue even though she desperately wanted to. In my room, her back opening served for a while until it too became inflamed.
We ate downstairs and Dominique had difficult time sitting. She did have the look of a well fucked woman with the smile on her face. She said, "I don't know what you have done to me but I just can't get enough."
"It is the African way," I simply said.
She pointed out the window at the Rideau Canal and how people enjoyed themselves by skating. Having never tried this sport we went out and I bought a pair of good skates and got them sharpened. We drove back to her apartment so she could get hers.
We dressed a little warmer and drove to the canal. After parking we walked down the snow covered steps to the ice surface. I tied Dominique's skates then my own. The ice surface was almost five miles long and we had started at one end. Part way down in a bay some boys were playing hockey and I stopped to allow Dominique to rest for a moment.
She said, "You can skate better than me and I have been doing this almost all my life. I am out of shape but you are phenomenal. The Montréal or the Quebec City teams would love to get you."
"What about Toronto?" I shouldn't have asked for she started to run down the team as if they were a bunch of bullies that cheated at everything they did. In her mind I saw that the teams were all as prone to mayhem and that is the way the crowds wanted it. As she was running down the team others came close and not only agreed but added their comments. They were a little perturbed at the refereeing and saw this as an English versus French battle that had not ended on the Plains of Abraham.
A tired youngster had come by and rested while leaning on his hockey stick. He added his own thoughts to the pot. He was speaking about Joseph Henri Maurice Richard and said, "The Rocket was robbed so many times by the English that there had even been a riot."
His friends wanted the boy to continue with their game and I said, "May I try this? I was never on skates till today."
"Sure but watch the other team, they are bigger and like to push us around." I took the stick and raced out onto the ice in the boy's place. I had more than enough sources of hockey rules from the boys and found it fairly easy to score three goals. The opposing team took exception to this and had two players began to shadow me but I still continued to score. They tried to check me legally and illegally but never were able to do so. Instead of hogging the action I set up the others on the team so they too could score. When the opposition tried to slash me with their sticks, my team players I called a halt and called them on their poor sportsmanship.
The boy got his stick back almost fifteen minutes later and his side was now ahead by twelve goals. He had his mouth open at the way I had played. "You're like a missile. Even Richard could not go that fast."
"Rhodesia produces some fairly good hockey players too," I said in jest.
It was fun to play this sport and even more fun to play from the underdog position. The boys on both teams were the same except one side was larger. I knew the small fry would do the same when they had a chance. My companion wondered if my country did have some good players and tried to think of the nationality of those not Canadian.
Dominique and I skated some more but now I held her hand in mine like many of the other couples. She was trying to understand her body's insistence to stay with me. Her mind was not opposed to us being together but the thought it odd to be controlled by her body.
She did ask, "How did you learn to skate so well?"
"I just have a natural inclination for sports. I know what my body can do and my brain seems to have a good grasp of where each part is. It is a lot like when I paint. The brush becomes an extension of my body and the media is spread as I wish it."
We passed many others and watched the children play and the speed skaters going up and down the ice. I estimated that the long section of ice must have had eight thousand people on it.
At the far end of the canal I heard a commotion. This was not through my ears but through the psychic variety. My other senses went forth and found through a witness's mind that there were some children that had fallen through some thin broken ice and could not be helped immediately. My mental eye found a girl in ten feet of water on the other side of the large barrier that was not supposedly open to skaters. A boy was gamely holding onto the ice but was not going to stay afloat for long. They were a mile away and one was sinking further into the icy depths. The girl was running out of breath and futilely tried to gain the surface but her muscles would not obey her commands in the frigid water.
I took off my coat and dropped it to the ice and then my wallet, change and keys from Dominique's car and then skated as fast as I thought I could get away with. At the end of the rink was a series of steps almost ten feet high. When I got to them I drove my skates down hard and I flew over as if I were high jumping. On the top I did this again and I landed on my skates close to some people trying to help. There was large expense of open water with floating chunks of ice from the ship traffic still moving on the mostly frozen river.
A rope with a life preserver was in a man's hand. I skated to a halt throwing up a large spray of ice. I just took the ring and gave him the whip end. "Hold this tight," I ordered.
At the last portion of solid ice I jumped and arched high and dove into the freezing water. The ring I left on the surface and within seconds had the girl's coat in my hand. She was numb from the water and just got to see me before she went completely unconscious. When we reached the surface I towed her to the ice and saw that it was too thin to support us. The boy had just sunk below the surface himself. I put the ring around the freezing girl and heaved her onto the ice. My muscles were starting to cramp and I just used my power to bring the boy up. He went onto the ice with the girl.
I was quickly freezing myself so had to close off the capillaries in my skin to conserve heat. I yelled in an odd voice and waited for the rope to be pulled taught. I struggled getting onto the ice myself because it kept breaking under our weight. I did get up but only with the use of my power. We stayed flat on the ice and I had a good hold of the boy's coat in one hand and the ring with the girl in another. When we were both dragged to safer ice we were all picked up. I could not get up myself with just my muscles. They had seized up in the cold and I worked desperately to get them to function. The girl's and boy's wet coats were removed and three people put their own coats on us.
The children were suffering from hypothermia and then I had to remember that I was too. We were pulled to a car and all of us were hustled into it. I insisted going in the back with the girl and this happened quickly to avoid problems. The car sped off to the closest hospital.
I checked on the girl's condition and saw that there was only superficial frostbite on some of her exposed skin. The woman holding the girl didn't know what to do so I said to her to bring the girl's face to her chest and abdomen and not to rub the skin as she was doing. The woman did not understand and I had to say it again in English. She continued as she was taught until I said, "Madam, I am a physician. Do not rub her hands. Just hold them to your body or put them in your arm pits."
"Son, you are just a child not a doctor."
"I am licensed to practice in Britain and almost all commonwealth countries. Please do not do as you were taught for it is damaging her skin."
The boy was doing better because of the way he had been dressed. I asked the man holding me to take off my skates for me. It was cramped for him but he managed it.
I asked the people in the car their names and thanked them for their efforts and for the warm dry clothing they had loaned us. They were in turn worried about us and I said that we will all make it but the girl would have some blistering the same as I would. They calmed a little and asked me about myself. I was able to give them a very short version till we got to the hospital. I was helped out and into the facilities on a stretcher. I saw the area for doctors and stopped the people pushing me. I quickly abandoned the stretcher and ran through the door. I got the shower on and stepped in. The water was cool but felt hot. As it warmed up it felt boiling. I turned it down until it was bearable. The nurses and my rescuers looking at me from the doorway.
I said to them, "Thank you for your help but after the shower and a change of clothes I will be fine, though I may not look very pretty tomorrow."
The nurse demanded I get back on the stretcher in no uncertain terms. "Nurse, who is the physician here? You or me? I may not have treated much frostbite or hypothermia but that doesn't make the proper treatment unknown to me. Kindly find some clothing and I will be out in a few minutes. Take care of the children these kind people brought to you." I stayed for ten more minutes and was able to increase the temperature gradually. When I was done I got out of my stall and onto the ceramic floor. I took off all of my wet clothing and started to dry myself. A belligerent man barged into the room and roughly said, "What the hell are you trying to do boy? Get out of here. This is for doctors only."
"And who might you be?" I asked calmly.
"Head of Emergency Medicine."
"What is the approved method of treating superficial frostbite?"
"What is that to you?"
"You probably don't know, do you."
"Warm the affected area, restrain from manipulating the area, avoid damaging any blistering."
"Congratulations you remembered. Now that I have gone through much the same training as you, I too know the facts. If I had my wallet I could show you that I too graduated and served my internship. Now if you will get me some dry clothing I can get out of your hair."
"You are no more a physician than I am the Prime Minister. Now get out of here now."
I picked up my clothing and wrung them out and walked by him naked into the hall.
The man pulled me back in. "You can't go out there naked."
"Make up your mind. I asked for dry clothing and you refused my request and ordered me out. Won't look good on your review I think."
"What review?"
"The one I call about your conduct, unless I get some dry clothing now." The man saw no alternative and I added, "Bring a comb too please." Ten minutes later I was dressed in children's pyjamas and slippers. When the nurse that brought them left while I changed. I rummaged through a stack of linen and put on a white smock that was much too large to fit me. I left my clothes on a rack and left by another door and with a circuitous route found the girl down the hall. I walked up to her shivering figure and pulled a heat lamp out from storage and directed it at her from ten feet away.
She was semiconscious and her eyes were following me. When I got another blanket I put it on her then sneaked out for another heat lamp and returned to put it into position for her feet. "There you are. By the way my name is Shawn. I am the person that found a mermaid swimming in the canal. Do all you people live there in the cold water?" Her eyes registered me but her mind was not all there yet. "I went swimming in an Ethiopian river once and found a big crocodile. His teeth were smaller than yours and his skin was rougher. Had a big tail and was always hungry. Would you like something to eat or drink?"
I got a head movement and took it as a no. Just then the door opened and an intern came in with a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard in his hand. His name was Jeremy Thornton and had been one of my students in London before majoring in medicine. He looked at the girl then me and his eyes opened wide. "Hello Sir Shawn. I didn't think you were working here."
"Hello Jeremy. I'm not. This lady took a cold bath and I fished her out. In the process we both got a little cold. How's the boy doing? He was the least affected by the cold."
I just came from him, he is doing fine. He's under heat lamps like you have done here."
"I am sneaking around now. Your chief of Emergency Medicine and I had words and as usual I am on the outs."
"What do you want me to do if Dr. Fellows comes here?"
"Don't act like we are friendly but not antagonistic either. Just say who I am. He will be angry enough at me and I don't want it overflowing onto you."
I looked at the girl and said, "This pretty young lady was thinking of giving me her name but hasn't mentioned it yet. I think she may be shy. What do you think doctor?"
"Oh... that may be so. Though I haven't met anyone that can be shy around you for long. What is your young lady's condition?" He asked.
"She will have some blisters but even that will be minor. I was working up to a date with her but it looks like she doesn't want anything to do with a worthless Rhodesian." I just got his incredulous eye then I continued. "While I worm her secrets out, will you tell the nurses to just leave this room alone?"
"Sure Dr. Boz. I will come back in ten minutes. I'll keep an eye on the boy."
"Thank you Dr. Thornton. Will you also keep your eye out for a lady in emergency with an empty coat and shoes looking to have them refilled?"
Jeremy smiled and left the room. I looked back at the girl and knew her name was Elizabeth but liked Liz better. She was visiting relatives when she fell into the water while taking a dare from the boy her cousin in the other room.
"Hmm let's play twenty questions. Is your name Agnes?" I got little response and then said, "Is it Bethany?" On the fifth try Elizabeth got a response but weak.
"Ah so you are an Elizabeth. You are in good company. I know some girls in Britain with that name. One carries around a big club once in a while to beat people with. She has two children younger than you. Their names are Charles and Anne. Another Elizabeth is at the zoo. She had big teeth and has two cubs. She is pretty like you but her breath stinks most of the time from the raw meat that she eats."
She was calming down now and started to go to sleep when the door burst open and a woman came in followed by Jeremy and two nurses.
"I want to see her now," she said before turning our way.
Jeremy stopped her for a moment and said, "This is Dr. Boz. He was one of my professors at university. He is the one that pulled your niece from the water."
The woman waited till he was done and ran to the girl to look for herself. "Thank God she's alive. Thank you doctor. I'll never be able to repay you for saving the children."
"You are entirely welcome. I was just getting Elizabeth's address, to take her out for some ice cream." This got some movement as if to say no. "What? I thought you said you liked seaweed ice cream. All you mermaids are well known for their love of that flavour. The only one they like better is fish guts."
"Ewww," I got this time. Much better than how she was doing before.
I looked at the aunt. "This one is a keeper. Smaller mermaids are thrown back to grow bigger. I am not her doctor but she should be able to go home in a few hours if the doctor is so disposed, but tomorrow at this time if he is not. I don't see any lasting problems other than the blisters we are both going to get tomorrow."
"Thank you doctor. I will be eternally in your debt."
"Think nothing of it. I needed a bath and now I have to run. My nemesis is coming down the hall." To the nurses I said, "You know now that I am a physician. Keep an eye out for a young lady with my coat and shoes. I am going to hide in Dr. Fellows' office as he searches the hospital for me. Please bring the clothes to me when she comes."
The door just closed as the other opened and Fellows looked in then searched the room with his eyes and left again.
Fifteen minutes later a small knock came and I opened the door. A nurse slipped the articles in and left. A sack with my wet clothes and the wet skates were beside it. The coat went on and the shoes over the bare feet. With the articles in hand I sneaked out and managed to attract Dominique's attention. We got to her car and quickly drove off.
In the car she said, "What was that all about?"
"I am just too young to look like a doctor and nobody takes me seriously. One doctor is actually pissed at me for usurping the physician's shower stall."
At the hotel I gave the laundry to the valet for cleaning and took Dominique upstairs for some tender loving that lasted a long time. We went out at ten for a late supper and then went back to bed.
Sunday we went on a tour of the Capital and found most businesses closed, just as it was in other European countries on the Sabbath. I saw the outside of the buildings and decided to just go to Dominique's apartment to paint. Upon entering I turned up the temperature and started some tea. All day Dominique had been free of cigarettes and I wanted her to continue. I opened her bed and took her clothes off her. She was willing but sore. When she was covered up I went into the other room and brought out an easel, paints, pallet and other necessary articles.
There were no blank canvases and I asked, "Dominique, may I paint over one of the paintings that you told me you disliked?"
"Take anyone you want."
I picked one and with my power smoothed the surface and shook the dust into the garbage. I pulled back her coverings and positioned Dominique so she would look seductive but still lady like. The fact that she would be naked was considered irregardless. In half an hour it was done and I left it in place as I disposed of the tea I had drunk earlier. As I made a noise in the toilet I heard, "Oh Shawn it is beautiful. I only wish I looked like that."
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xmoviesforyouIt is amazing what can happen in one night, isn’t it? When I left my apartment that evening I had no idea that my life was about to change forever. I was 23 years old and had just moved to town, leaving all my family and friends a thousand miles away. I was one month into graduate school, and temporarily forget that I had a life away from classes and books. So as a celebration for finishing our first term papers a group of us had planned a big night out on the town. Though it didn’t fit my...
As soon as he stepped through the hatch, Jeff could feel Little One tense. Instead of the Ship greeting him as she always did, she remained silent. When he walked down the corridor toward the bridge, the feeling of ... wrongness increased – nothing easily identifiable, just something a little off. The lighting was, perhaps, a shade darker and maybe with more of a blue cast, the temperature a degree or two cooler. Something that only an Alpha would notice. The bridge, on the other hand,...
Candice's heart was pounding. She was alone in the room with three very handsome and obviously rich men. She could not agree to group sex, could she? She could not think straight and pulled the sheet tighter over her chest. The black man removed his jacket and walked towards the bed. "I think maybe you need a little pick me up" he said reaching inside his jacket pocket and producing some coloured pills. Candice had smoked a little pot at high school, but nothing serious. "What are...
This is a true story. It is also my first story ever written. So any advice is welcomed! Thank you! It was the summer and I was 16. My boyfriend and I had broken up about a month before and I was still pretty upset. My friend Krista suggest we have a Girls' Night, and invited me over to her house. She lived in a small one bedroom apartment with her aunt who was never there. I agreed and was excited to pig out on junk food and watch girl empowerment movies! The night started out just as planned!...
TabooMy cock ached with the need to cum. I was in a lot of discomfort from my position tied on my mistress’s bed flat on my back with my hands tied firmly to the bedhead and my feet spread wide apart and anchored to the other end of the bed. I was wearing a knee length full black cotton skirt over a silver satin half slip and a white short sleeved blouse open to the waist. My bum was supported on two pillows making my hard cock even more prominent under my skirt.Tesssa had raised my skirt up my...
Our trip to Maryland had been amazing so far. We stopped in a rest area to stretch the legs, grabbed some sodas, and used the restroom. Daniel had been the driver in this first part of the journey, so I decided to replace him. It seemed we would arrive in Ocean City in less than two hours, so once everybody was ready, we jumped into the van and drove off.Alejandra sat next to me. All the people behind, Valentina (my sister), Matt, Dan, and Joanna (Matt’s girl) got naked right away. Joanna...
IncestIt was 8 am in London, the beginning of yet another dreary day. And there is nothing drearier than a government building on a rainy day. This ran through the mind of Andy, the fat, 29 year old security guard at the SIS building at Vauxhall Cross. But, Andy didn’t tell his friends and family that he worked at the SIS building. He told them he worked at the MI6 building. A much sexier name, that, he thought. His friends at the pub didn’t quite believe that he worked at the building of Britain’s...
Actually I am a male of 40 years old. When I was young I love my aunty very much. Her name is vasanthamani and she is my mom’s elder brothers wife. At that she was around 43. I love her very much since she is white in colour and sexy. She had 2 sons at that time itself. I was doing my M.Sc in one college. Since she is my relative I used to go her apartment. I don’t know much about sex since I don’t have experience. One day she went to the bathroom for pissing. Fortunately or unfortunately...
IncestIvy Lebelle is back for more hardcore anal from Manuel. Ivy is a curvy cutie that knows how to work those curves to her advantage. She’s dressed in black lace lingerie with black stocking and high heels as she shows off for the camera. Ivy teases us as she slowly remove her lingerie exposing her giant tits, perfect round ass, and tight little pussy. Manuel joins in and buries his face in between her ass cheeks, Ivy strokes his cock to get it nice and hard then Manuel puts it right in her...
xmoviesforyouBobby took Paula to the movies the next night. He enjoyed spending time with the slim, lovely blonde and was encouraged by the fact that she seemed to like spending time with him, too. As they watched the film, Bobby slid his arm around his pretty companion. Paula felt Bobby’s hand slide over her shoulder, seeking her breast. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive and Bobby knew just how to touch them. She shivered with anticipation as his hand moved past her collar bone and onto the firm...
I am not a guy who actively goes behind girls for sexual gratification but at the same time I am quite horny, who requires daily dose of sex. I do fantasize about other females of my apartment but have never tried anything beyond that. What I am going to tell you is narration of an incident that has left me totally flabbergasted. I came to know about a dimension of human nature which is totally animal Pune is known for its pleasant weather and that day was no exception. It was bright and...
Right after I got off of the phone with Carla, I gave Jimmy a call. At first we chatted about the lack of progress that he was making with Brenda. He was sure that he could get laid if he only had some more time and a good place where the two of them could be all alone. His after school job, and his parent's insistence that he maintain a good grade point average in school, had combined to leave him with almost no free time. I felt like telling him that it didn't take that long to take...
Anna thought she had the perfect life, at 27 years of age she was young, beautiful and intelligent. Married to her husband of 2 yrs, they both had good jobs and made each other very happy. They weren't rich by any means but they both had good salaries and were particularly careful with their money. This however was about to be put in jeopardy, as the world braced itself for a recession. Anna was one of six office staff working for a small clothing firm. The company had taken off extremely fast...
Hye! i am shahid. people says that i look like shahid kapoor. i am teaching in well known school. takes tutions also.age 24.also good dancer.singer so in our village i m famous ib girls.. Jyoti was studying in b.a. 1st year. she was so beautiful. 5.3″ in height.fair.and innocent cute face with soft pink lips. also had good shaped boobs. her figure should be 30-24-32. when i saw her first time i was shocked..evrytime when she saw me use to smile.. i came to know that she asks about me to her...
Sexy blonde star Zoey Monroe is an anal queen, and proves it in this filthy fuck session with Markus Dupree! Zoey teases the camera by spitting all over her titties and playing with herself, then slides a buttplug into her tight ass. The slut finger fucks herself until she squirts, then Markus joins her so he can tongue-fuck her booty. Zoey devours Markus’ cock, then he fucks both her pussy and ass in turn while she squirts all over his dick! Markus drinks Zoey’s squirt and spits it...
xmoviesforyouQuickly she turned off the water, stepped from the shower and ran to the phone in the bedroom. “Hello.” She panted as she flopped across the bed and grabbed the telephone. “Annie.” “Stan, hi honey, where are you?” “You’re a little out of breath, there baby, you ok.” “I was in the shower, thinking about you.” She said softly, her face flushing at what she had been doing. “Hope it was good thoughts.” ”It was sexy thoughts, sweetie.” She giggled. The dampness between her legs made her...
I got up once during the night and made my own rounds. I frightened two men badly but they had been close together and talking. I was polite and told them how an enemy would have killed them easily and then the rest of us. They were not soldiers and I told them so but they had to have at least some discipline. We had stew for breakfast and I broke out the tools to start cutting some trees down. Some near the water had to stay for erosion protection and to tie the ships up to. With most of...
Hiii meri pyari and hot aur sexy bhabhiya aunty aur pyare dosto thanx for like my story Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part I and also thanx for who comments and rating my story and thanx for who mail me for friendship. Im Vicky from mumbai age 28 now back in again with Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part 2. jin logo ne meri story ka 1st part nahi pada he wo pad le nahi to story samajh nahi aayegi. Dosto apne comments mujhe mere is email id par bheje aur aap hi decide karo ye kahani sachi he...
My first experience as Hollie started like any other night, I'm dressed in some outfit replying to time wasters. Then I get a message from a guy telling me he's married has k**s and he gets a free house once a week. His body says dad but his cock, his cock says different, not huge at around 6 inches but the girth was really thick I immediately get excited like any girl does when they see a cock they want. We message a few times and he tells me to come suck him which I'm more than happy to do,...
BDSM police officer Alisha Martinika only has one thing on her mind and when she manages to capture sexy criminal Tim she locks him in her dungeon to use as her own personal plaything. Alisha teases him by stripping and masturbating as he watches from behind bars and this filthy blonde toys herself with a glass dildo to make Tim seriously hard. She heads over to his jail cell and sucks his cock through the bars before he fucks her from behind. This busty blonde sets her prisoner free and Tim...
xmoviesforyouI am from Bangalore. I back with new incident happened last month in Chennai. I confidentiality I have changed the name of the women. I went to Chennai to meet my friend rahul who stays with her write shalini. I saw both of them in thier marriage couple of year ago. Several times he invited to come to chennai to meet them. But, due to my tight work schedule i was not able to meet them. Atlast i met him last month in january. I came to railway stattion to receive me on that saturday. We went to...
Aaliyah Hadid is constantly horny. So much so that when she found herself home alone, she snuck into her step father’s room and started to masturbate. Little did she know, he would return home early. He walked into the house and instantly heard her moaning. As he followed the noise, he caught her in the middle of the act. Once he confronted her, Aaliyah decided to show him just how much of a bad girl she is, she started sucking him off on the spot. Eventually, things moved further along....
xmoviesforyouIt was a few weeks after my nineteenth birthday. A friend of mine had a houseparty - a small one. In attendance was him, three of his female co-workers and myself. I haven't been to a party for quite a long time, so I was looking forward to have a good time.We decided to go round town. The women were all older than me. Two were around 40 years old and one was about 30.I was a bit nervous because I didn't know them and tried my best to fit in. So I mostly talked to the youngest woman. Her name...
Carolyn’s Client. The First Chapter Carolyn Forbes checked herself over in the full length mirror. “I look damned good” she thought to herself, before heading out the door to visit clients in her role as a Sales Representative for a large Pharmaceutical company. At 28 years of age, with a firm and lithe body, constantly worked on in the gym and with yoga, yes, everyone thought she looked good. Today, in her new white silk blouse, over her tight black business skirt and standing in her high...
Some women like to occasionally take a walk on the wild side sexually. Laura B. fantasizes about it and then... A very cute looking brunette named Laura B. is at home by herself, watching her television shows in the evening. She is short at 4'10", has a voluptuous build that is suited to her height. At the age of 25 she is in very good condition from her exercises she does in the evening. At around 9PM when she has channel surfed and found absolutely nothing worth watching, she remembers...
100% fiction! I told the boys that when they hear the stereo, that's when they can come back in if they wanted to. Jennifer just started up the stairs with our wine when I went back in the room. i went through her dresser until I found her "pleasure" drawer. She had a lot more toys than before. Looking at some of them, I was quite impressed. I was pulling some things out when she got in the room with 2 bottles of wine. She asked "What are you planning on doing now?" as she filled our glasses....
IncestIt’s a bright sunny day in June. I am done with classes and I plan on spending it on the lake riding my jet ski.I am feeling a bit naughty today, so I decided to put one of my butt plugs in before I dress. I also put some toys in my bag. It’s an eight-inch vibrating dildo, pink in color. I can already feel the wetness in my bare pussy. I put a six-inch dildo with a suction cup in there as well.Putting on a two-piece purple bikini that barely covers me. I wonder to myself if I could get by with...
MasturbationIn a show of contempt, Harley kept his back to Stanley as he drove. He watched the man in the rear view mirror. When Stanley began to rise up in the back seat, Harley slammed on the brakes. Stanley sprawled over the front seat and ended head down, jack knifed over the seat. "Stay put until I get you to the station. If I have to stop and put handcuffs on you, I won't. I'll just beat the shit out of you until you're too hurt to move. Not a soul in this town would turn a hand to help you....
Liz had recently enjoyed her first big cock. It was her first fuck that she really instigated outside of her relationship with her boyfriend. Jeff just happened to be around when her boyfriend was away on holiday, and it just felt right to go back with him that night. There were no regrets either, although she had been unfaithful, the moment of pleasure far outweighed the guilt.She had been unfaithful before, but with Jeff it was really of her making, she went out looking for it, and lucky for...
AnalI sat, my job was on the line. My boss of 15 years strode in, hearing her booted legs clicking down the hall made me turn, It never failed to amaze me 54 years old, Lips so dirty looking it was hard not to look and think filthy things, fit and toned from exercise classes her body was tight, poured in to a shirt that formed her breasts perfectly, I just wanted to pull on her nipples until they stuck right through!Crossing her legs. Staring at those heels so perfect with pointed toes made from...
Hi this is Sanjumohan, writing my first story to ISS. Well hope that you all enjoy. Leave your comments r suggestions to mail id: Well it’s about me n my cousin sister, she was recently married, but her hubby had gone missing, soon after their marriage. Complaint had been lodged at police station, but still no result. Well coming to story, after all this bad incident she was feeling bad n even worse. She decided to continue her studies; she wanted to do her masters (MS). So my mom suggested...
Incest................................................................................................................... They walked barefoot along the beach, feeling the sand between their toes and listening to the birds as they swooped around their heads. They were here for one reason- find the beach house they had been told about and to make sweet love in, on or around it. They set off into the dunes, following the directions they had been given, loosing sight of the sea. They finally came...
The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...
I was working my way through college in a sandwich shop at a shopping centre. One Sunday morning the manager asked me to go into the stock room in the basement and to count the non-perishables. Having spent about an hour in there I heard the voice of one of my female colleagues, Gemma. She was calling my name and came in to offer some help with the counting. I had done majority of the things on the list when she came in. Gemma was the most attractive of my colleagues always well turned out,...
Continuation: As politicians involved in mom’s affair, dealer stopped coming to have sex with mom. News has spread that politicians threatened the dealer not to have sex with my mom. Mom seems to be unhappy regarding illegal sex with two politicians. Father is not bothered to get mom out of this situation. Mom got a phone call from politician 2. He will be coming tonight around 11’0 clock to have sex with mom. Mom started making necessary preparations. She took a head bath, cooked food and...
IncestI was sixteen when I started to work on Saturday mornings at the local garage cleaning cars and running errands. I had been there for about a month when the boss told me to take a package to an older man, Peter, who worked in a small building at the back of the garage. I knocked on the closed door and there as no reply so I pushed the door open and could not see anybody. Peter made me jump when he called “Come in”. He told me that he repaired various car parts which was why he had his own...
Oola was the black woman whose tits Kelly was so fascinated with at her first company orgy. Oola worked in customer support at the far end of the building from Kelly. Once in a great while, Kelly would need to go see her about something in person. One day she had heard Oola was wearing a see-through blouse. Kelly had to see her tits again so she made up some excuse to go see her. She sat in her cubicle talking about whatever it was. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her boobs. Oola unbuttoned a...
Office SexRick showed me through the door marked "Orientation" into another featureless corridor. "I'm not sure we really need a separate area for this," he said. "We could just as easily do their training down in the reception block. Still we've got the space so I guess it doesn't matter. Anyways, it's just the basics they get put through here; learning to cope with simple commands, that sort of thing. Have a look at this one." He pulled open one of the doors. "She's been here a few days...
There is something about having someone secretly watching you. Depending on what type of person you are, I guess, whether you are the type to get scared or you are a little adventurous and willing to have some fun with it. I, on the other hand, am a little adventurous, but hoping there is someone out there watching me is quite a turn-on. For some reason, it’s when I can shed my good-girl image and become the temptress.All this had first started after I came home from my daily run one day. As...
MasturbationTO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i have now carried out the required punishment, but not without a little difficulty. i started out on Monday morning by calling in at the local garden centre and purchasing some rope suitable for using as a clothes line; i also picked up some canes. i then returned home and, after closing my curtains and removing my clothing, set about trying to fulfil your commands. My initial intention was to create a sort of rope bra thing, but much tighter. This didn't...
Hi, Pramod from Bangalore again. Well for those who are reading my story for the first time a small introduction. I am Pramod, a freelance oil massager for females as well as oil massager in a spa for gents. Please give your feedback on my stories on So let’s start this incident. I meet this girl Bindu on Facebook. She looked innocent. I sent her a request on Facebook and within no time she accepted it. I think she was online at that time. We had chatted for more late nights before the...
She watched him from a distance, the way he held his posture, his shoulders broad and his arms were tan and muscular. He wiped beads of sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his sweat drenched beater, revealing his toned chest and six pack. She was getting excited in the panties just watching him. Weylie Simmons was a decent looking girl. She stood about 5’4” and weighed a light 120 lbs. She had a round ass and a set of perky 36 C breasts. Her long dark hair lay gently over her shoulder...
I picked Melinda up at her building and drove to The Chop House. All the way there, she held my hand and held it so tight that it became numb from lack of circulation. Her eyes were full of tears ... tears of joy, I hoped. She asked, “Robbie, do you mind if I get comfortable?” I said, “Sure.” We arrived at the restaurant and I parked. She seemed to have regained her spirit and had stopped crying. She opened that huge bag that all women seem to carry these days to haul their ... stuff. She...
Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....
If you haven’t read the previous installments, I encourage you to do so to get a full understanding of the world I’ve created. By now, you know the whole shtick about my use of italics, so I won’t bore you about that any longer. Please feel free to leave comments either good or bad. I do read them and will respond quickly. I want to improve as a writer and any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always welcomed. Without further ado I present: What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 4B Chapter...
Introduction: Superheroine Trophy Wile Lets The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot And Grunt The Dwarf Cuckold Her Husband M & M Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should...
I was born a "boy" but it was mother nature mistake as I am very petite, 5'2" 110LBS. with a sexy round ass and dick sucking lips. For this site purpose I will start at 18 my journey as a sissy cum loving size queen SLUT. In my senior year with a couple of months to go before graduation I turned "legal age" but was no virgin by any stretch of the imagination but cannot talk about it because of "rules". I had become a "male cheerleader" but was finer than some of the bitches there and had the...
TranssexualWe picked up our scattered clothes and got dressed. He took the driver’s seat and I climbed into the passenger’s seat. He turned the car over and pulled out. Still, I had no idea where we were going. The both of us were silent as if we refused to acknowledge something. The ride took about 20 minutes before we pulled into the Municipal Parking Lot. I knew better than to ask where we were. “Now, don’t be nervous. You’re not in any trouble,” he said as he fixed his tie. He exited the car and...
Straight SexI was 11 and in the 6th grade, but at a even younger age one would call me a cum slut (that is if I knew how to make myself cum back then). I knew how to pinch and rub my nipples and I knew how to play with my clit and little pink pussy, but there was something missing. A climax of course but something else. I watched porn in my room before but my big brother would come in and ruin it when he wanted to sleep. So I'd be on the top bunk of our bed and I'd use my doll babies and my brother's...
/o:Paragraphs>1465210.2625 The Beginning I had been stuck in a shitty, boring sex lifed relationship for a year and a half.? Michelle was two years ahead of me in college and for the last half of our relationship she lived in a nearby large city.During her time at college Michelle was a cheerleader for our college basketball team, which I was a member of.? During Michelle?s senior year of college she met and befriended a couple of freshman cheerleaders.? I spent a lot of time with the...