A Mature Fantasy
- 3 years ago
- 24
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I got up once during the night and made my own rounds. I frightened two men badly but they had been close together and talking. I was polite and told them how an enemy would have killed them easily and then the rest of us. They were not soldiers and I told them so but they had to have at least some discipline.
We had stew for breakfast and I broke out the tools to start cutting some trees down. Some near the water had to stay for erosion protection and to tie the ships up to.
With most of the people busy, I got on a horse and surveyed the land to find the best areas for the school, the homes and the workshops. The latter would be near the water for transportation. The trees in the old farms were small, meaning that the farms had not been abandoned for more than ten years for the most part though. Later we found the trees much larger in older farms. Some areas had to be made ready for planting in the spring. There would be a lot of people to feed.
High ground turned out to be in the old growth forest. Here the trees were very large and perhaps nobody had turned this land before. Our small group continued to survey and made camp for the night. Rufus was the leader in my absence and he would protect the people, my property and especially his ship.
There were four men with me and we stopped every once in a while to dig to see what minerals were hidden beneath the soil. We found salt but this area was famous for that. Later we found some soft coal. It was three days later that we found potash and I felt happy because it was only a kilometre to the river.
We hunted but I usually stayed in camp. My senses and my bow usually found something and now I wanted to give others a chance. I smiled a lot and asked how the hunters had taken their prey as if I was an inexperienced boy.
We came across the tracks of man and horse but they were not fresh. They looked to be nearly a month old and then it was only me that could see them.
We found an even better place for the school and I decided that this was good enough. We hurried back by a different route and found some nice streams that could be dammed for mills. Steam engines once overcame waterpower and inturn were overcome by diesel engines. It was nice to have all of them if I could.
We came back near nightfall and found everybody happy to see us. There was a good pile of logs cut and stacked. Somebody had been hunting so we had stew once again but this time it was venison.
The girls were happy to wash my back and I had to do theirs. They had missed me a lot but we only made love for four hours that night. It was not just the level of testosterone that was doing this but because the girls inspired me to do my best.
We pulled up stakes and abandoned the wood until we could gather it later. We followed the river once more until I spotted the marker I put there. We tied up securely and began to remove some of the trees where our dock would be. Other trees were used to get some of the equipment out of the barge. The sawmill was what I wanted now.
I had planed on this but it was still a hard and awkward job to remove this large piece of machinery. It did come out successfully. We cut trees on a hill side and used the trunks to form an incline. This allowed logs to be fed to the mill by gravity. The roots had been left to hold the soil together and as handy tie points. There was very little open area and we simply topped some of the trees and knocked them down. Usually all the horses and the tackle were required to get the logs out of the way. A stump was hard to get rid of when in the ground with no stumper available so again we used axes and shovels instead of saws and pulled the trees down intact with their roots.
Once the area where the school would one day stand was large enough we burnt the branches and roots day and night and then leached them for the minerals.
The sawmill was set up and put to use. It cut logs all day long or as long as there was light. The boards were much lighter than logs and were dragged off. A road was made that would one day be long and graceful. The trees were simply put to one side now until they could be cut. Some thick and thin sections of oak were put on the barge because I knew they would be used soon.
I had standard plans for schools and they had long since been shown to the rest for their input. I wanted a basement and foundations on bedrock. We had to have a large septic system and a good, clean and plentiful water supply. We may not have microwave ovens but we would have central heat. Stone was the preferred building material but I had to use wood now and plan for the next renovation and the one after that.
Rufus was left in charge here because two of his crew, the sisters and I turned the Patricia around and then the barge. We were sailing back to Minden for my next sermon. We had been gone over three weeks and there were probably a lot of people to see me.
Lynet and Fianna stoked the fire part of the way but this was more for experience. They were smart hardworking girls and I did not want them to think they could get through life by being on their backs. Everybody could read now even if it was only a handful of words in Latin and German. I tried to make school fun and we passed notes and had charades and did some of the fun parts that was usually done in the lower primary grades.
Everybody with me had been hurt in the three weeks and everyone of them had been healed by me. There were no unbelievers here but they were not acting that oddly to me. I worked beside them but paid their wages. I ate what they ate but healed them. I was tired sometimes and showed it. My temper got away from me on occasion but I apologised after. They didn't seem to mind much.
The sawmill was planned as an educational toy to show people how it worked and by in large it was successful in this. Safety was much more important to me than to the workers. By the end of three weeks the rest were beginning to think for themselves or I would be on their back as the safety officer.
The girls had to throw the lead weight to record the depth as well as recording the contours of the river even though this had already been done. I intended to change the way the girls looked on life and gave them jobs normally given a man. Then again I showed the men how to cook and had them compete against the women. I just hoped that my two tomboys would be able to find suitable husbands. People were always odd.
We waved from the ship and many more waved back from the shore. Our steam whistle was put back into use and now the girls liked to use this along with their other duties.
When we came to where we docked before, we found the shore covered in people. Some were in full armour while mounted on horses. I looked closer and found the cadets and many more of the people I... loved I guess was the best word, from Hildestun. My pseudo sisters and Astrid stood with Fálki, Egill, Albrecht and Grímkell. There must have been a few left in Hildestun to mind the store.
We had difficulty turning the barge around and had to go down river a few kilometres and come back. I called out our intentions and Clovis nodded his head. I could see that he too was anxious to see what I had on the barge and investigate the barge and ship too.
People talked to us from horseback as we pulled the barge and they had to go fast and soon gave up this activity. Turning around was not easy and we had tie the barge to shore, slip the lines, turn the ship around and finally connect the lines once more.
We came upstream slower than down and I had to talk to all of my crew. They would know who was who because I was going to introduce them.
We tied up much quicker this time and without any theatrics or mud. I was the first off the ship and ran to Clovis. Part of me wanted to act like I was a boy and Clovis was my father and I let that portion rule and hugged the man. He hugged me back but I saw a questioning look in his eyes.
I went around and hugged and kissed those that needed it and hugged and shook hands for the rest.
The cadets I hugged all together for they were in a way my first family. I introduced the crew to Clovis and the family. Dagmar and Astrid gave the eye to Fianna and Lynet.
Instead of quenching my own desire I was compelled to talk about what had happened to me. Fidelis, Cing and Fib were here and part of the inner circle so I started from where Clovis left Hildestun instead.
Everybody had to get off their horses or at least get comfortable. They had to sit on the grass and my voice used to oratory had to be used so everybody heard.
I used names as much as possible and added the difficulty of dealing with them but also the good points. I did not know if Albrecht and Fálki had spilled the beans about powder so I pretended to do this with them standing guard and not knowing what I did. Cannon practice though was truthful and I talked about how bad some were but later mentioned some of their good shots.
The cadets were brought in and I mentioned how they made armour and weapons the proper way. The quarry was mentioned and I put in what I had made there in complete secrecy though the cadets knew differently.
The settlement of the dispossessed was covered next and the reasons for doing so. Humanitarianism was only part of this because I told my audience how different cultures, like what we had here today, would benefit all of us.
I described the destruction and capture of the legion and gave praise to the cadets again as well as the lancers. This lead to the Gauls I had captured and then their camp. I used the two methods to show that the Romans needed to be shown by death and destruction while the Picts could be peacefully converted. This pleased Gawain and Arthur because they were with the cadets and dressed the same as they were.
The reasons for my plan to lift the siege of Hildestun were given and then the way it was handled. Jón had been in charge here and I had to take the blame for the mistakes. The ambushes were listed and what we had done. I gave no casualty figures because I was not proud of this. 'Great many' was a term I used a lot.
The final battle was the most difficult to do and I gave what little of it I knew which was almost nothing. The damage to my head would destroy any short term memories I would have.
Later I gave a description of a wild human that was not very human, being nursed back to health by the Roman, Iulius. I talked now of the gods coming to me once more and curing me and clearing my mind. Much later they gave me memories that I had not known before. This was to explain about my new revelation about living sixty years in that other time.
The convalescence was long to me but I listed all of my wounds including the removal of my scrotum and most of my cock. The repairs that I had done to my body were attributed to the gods including the change in colour of my hair to represent a new beginning.
The next part would be difficult for Clovis and the other warriors so I prefaced this with a description of a world community based on trade. Rome had almost collapsed in the last century when cheap imports killed their businesses. This led to globalization in the fourth century.
I minimised what I had done in Germania Inferior but got the point across that I was casting iron and to a limited extent steel too. The houseware segment of my business was stressed and made sure everybody here knew that the Romans got no cannons made by me or any powder either.
My trip to Lutetia Parisiorum was said to be just expanding my markets and trying to get the Romans to see reality beside slaves and conquest. The slaves, schools, the people and the work had to be mentioned.
The surprising revelation that I could cure was told much more explicitly and I looked at the foreign priests most of the time. I listed my successes and how I was getting the people to believe in the old Norse gods. The god Aldúlfr was my mentor which put an entirely new wrinkle in the Norse religion.
My Tuesday healings and services were mentioned in a bit more detail and I said what I wanted to accomplish for those that listened and what the gods wanted done.
The brush with the pirates and the trip back up the Rhine were listed. The conquering of steam was recorded as the point when I could come back and bring with me the things we needed here. The school here was just a way of bringing the knowledge of the gods to those that lived here.
I took three hours to talk and now people had to leave to piss. Clovis came to me and said, "We have to talk."
"Let's go for a walk and bring the priests that know the truth."
He weighted my words and said, "We can do that."
It was difficult to get away and Clovis had to raise his voice. In a moment he said, "Tell me what you did not want told before."
"The last battle was truthfully not recorded by my mind, so all I know is what I am told. Most of the lifting of the siege was done by Jón not me. I was able to help some but the boy had to learn the same as any warrior does. He was over his head but still functioning. He had many good ideas and killed a lot of Gauls. I could have taken over but I loved Jón and wanted him to grow. He could not grow if he was too protected.
"At the end, we were hurt. I went into a coma because the damage to the head and brain. Long after the battle I came out to see what was happening and felt nothing but found pain like I had never experienced before. When I first woke up in Hildestun I worked on Jón's body to improve the sense of smell, sight and hearing. I used the same ideas to control the pain. This led to me actively repairing the body better than what the body would normally do.
"During this time, I searched for Jón but I could not find him. He may be in our head still but I do not think so."
"Jón is dead?"
"I think so. He has not shown himself in any way. The portion of the brain where he lived was damaged a great deal. I lived close and escaped most of the damage."
"You wanted a body and now you have one," he said angrily.
"I could have taken this body at any time but I did not. Fidelis talked about moving to another body but I think I could have done that if it was my wish. I am a friend of the next Augustus of the Roman Empire. I could take over his body and be powerful but I did not for many reasons. If I left this body it would die. There is nobody but me living here. Julian is a friend and I am trying to be an ethical person. I did not kill Jón but he almost killed us. He did kill himself and three cadets but most of the problems were with the rain not his skills."
Clovis was still angry and the priests now had to talk to him. I just hoped that they could talk some sense into him.
We walked back and while the priests and Clovis went off again I talked to the cadets. They had shining eyes and smiles but I still saw gaps in the line and tears came to my eyes. Their smiles faded and I asked about the final battle.
"Tell me all the details even if they are not kind. I need to know everything that happened."
Each of them gave their own rendition and I dug into some inconsistencies to find more. The battle I found was long and bloody and we suffered our first casualties. The lancers were killed to a man and Jón seemed to have gone crazy but then again I might have done the same thing.
This talk lasted another hour then they asked me about the gods and my healing.
Edana had a scar on her face and I said, "I can show you how it works if you want. Edana had a scar and I can remove it."
Edana hung her head and said, "I would rather keep the scar so I will always remember."
"It also shows that one scared little girl has turned into a battle-scarred veteran." She did not look up so I figured this was a more likely plausibility.
Each of the cadets were held by me and I searched out any problems. There were some diseases that I worked on but they would probably be defeated without my help. One though was special. Now was not the time to bring this up and I would see what I could do later.
We went aboard the ship and I showed them the engine and started a class just like in the old days. I reminisced about the old forge and then told them about the new one with the steam hammer, the train and the small locomotive that pulled the moulds around the track.
I took them to the barge and showed them what was in the hold. They liked the cannon and told me how the weapons were all taken from them by the men to use against the Gauls.
Klaasje said, "They don't even allow us to make the powder. We know a lot but they think they know everything."
I said, "Adults are like that. I was able to get away with it because I was letting them see new things. You are all warriors. They must respect you but they cannot help see you as too young to fight the way they did. For what it is worth, that will change as you get older."
We had a long overdue meal above in the rooms and the cadets had a chance to use the stove and the frypans. The family apart from Clovis was already here and I cooked for everyone. Prince Egill stayed near Dagmar so I figured that she was going to pursue a course that may lead to her being a a possible queen some day.
Astrid said, "Helga would love a device like this."
"There is a much bigger one below you for your home."
She had a big smile and said, "You always liked Helga a lot."
"She fed me, and boys are always hungry."
I offered to put up the family here and on the ship and Astrid diplomatically said, "We better check with your father first. He is acting strangely. Do you know why?"
"Yes, but I cannot tell you."
Dagmar and Prince Egill went to find out and came back with a sad look and said that they could stay here. Clovis must still be upset at losing his last son. He probably didn't understand that his son's body could still produce any needed heirs.
I insisted in having a watch and I paired myself off with Aagt though Dolf wanted this. Just before our turn came I whispered, "We have to talk even if that is against the rules." She looked at me seriously and nodded her head.
Later and in the dark is whispered to her. "Do you remember my talk about girls getting pregnant?"
She pulled back quickly and in a moment said, "Am I?"
She now moved forward and hugged me and started to cry. They were not tears of joy but people and especially women are odd. She finally pulled herself together and said, "Thanks for holding me. I was so afraid of this happening."
"Is Dolf the father?"
"Yes, I think but it could have been Klaasje or Tiebout. They are all important to me but Dolf would be the most likely."
"Aagt, I have the power to heal. The zygote is just started and looks to be just a month old. I can get your body to reject it. Nobody will know."
Her eyes were big but only I could see them. "Can you! Would you do this for me?"
"You are part of my family and I would do nearly anything for you. Do you want to have some more time to think about this?"
"No. Please do it now. A baby will be hard to deal with especially as I have to begin my education again."
"If that is your wish. Let me hold your hands." This was something new to me and I did what I must. In a moment I said, "Use some moss now as if it is your time."
"Oh, thank you... I want to call you something more than Jón now."
"Jón is best, Aagt."
We did the rest of the watch apart so we could both think but she really needed somebody to hold her.
The next day Dolf looked at me oddly. I did not know if he was angry at me for the way Aagt was acting differently. Aagt smiled one minute and nearly cried the next. In situations like this the girls protected their own.
The crew were given leave in the city and I had the cadets help me hoist the armour and weapons out of the hold with our portable crane. I brought out some of each size of cannon and laid them on the ground. The articles for the castle kitchen came out too but they were like the weapons and securely bound in wood cases.
The men were quick to come and investigate the cannons while the tools not relating to war were perused by the women. The cadets opened the boxes with care and checked out all the equipment.
Clovis did not come over but Fidelis did. He looked at everything quickly and then came to me. "Is it possible to have a short talk in private?"
"Uncles get a special treatment."
He smiled at this but then his smile left. I guess we were both thinking of Forni. We went on the same walk as yesterday and Fidelis asked, "Tell me more about your ability."
"I can see my body from the inside. With enough practice, I can see the small details. Where there are battles going on I am able to send more of my body's troops to that area to fight. I can martial other troops to do what is needed including changing the roots of my hair to produce a different colour. You never told me much about this when you were in Hildestun and I had to work out my own methods."
"I cannot do as you have done."
"I cannot call people from the future."
We both thought for a while and he said, "Can we learn from each other?"
"I don't see why not. You are much more secure now because there is a new religion out now and it teaches how its followers are to treat those of other faiths. Julian was told of his future but proof will only come from his cousin when he does what history said he did."
"Will this still happen since you are changing events?"
"I hope so but I am not sure."
"Will you look within me?"
"This is an abrupt change. I have to assume that there is something wrong."
Fidelis said nothing and we sat on the grass with me holding both of his hands. He had some type of shield that I had not seen before. I investigated it and found a way around. I was very carful to not miss anything and soon found a major battle going on. This had to be what Fidelis was worried about. This was in the liver and I closed off the blood going to and from that small area. There was more fighting going on in other places and in most places I could do the same thing. Some cancers were mobile and these had to be attacked differently.
I was surprised that when I pulled out the sun had moved quite a bit.
Fidelis said, "What did you do?"
"You had some form of protection but it was easy to get around. This was because I could see it fairly well and deduce its purpose and the way it was constructed."
"You had cancer of the liver and I cut off the flow of blood to just that area. The cancer cells are of no use to you so they are dying now. Your body will move in later and take them away. The cancer had spread to other areas and these too were treated. The cancers drifting around in your blood are being attacked. I think you may have a fever soon. You may spew up blood for a few days. I want to check again to make sure I got it all."
"Thank you... Do you want to be called Victor or Jón?"
"Jón is best."
"Then thank you, Jón. I was worried and thought I had less than a year to live."
"You are welcome Fidelis. What is the chance of getting Clovis cured so he can start on making more children?"
"That is a great idea. For some reason I had not thought of that. Possibly it was your father's age." He thought a bit and said, "Clovis is still angry but I think he is going to get over it. Doing so in the arms of a loving woman is the best."
Fidelis added, "Your body is that of his only son. A new son may inherit Clovis' crown."
"I personally have no right to the crown. Jón's body might but not Victor's. I would like to improve this world of ours and I need some standing in it but that can be as a religious leader. Managing a country or a group of people is not an easy task either. I am an engineer that makes chemicals not a political leader. I may lead some engineers in some projects but encouraging uneducated people to learn to count and read is not as easy or as appealing."
"I can understand that. I too have to work with the uneducated. They may be very good people but we usually have very little to talk about. I see that the two sisters that were with you were there for more than work."
"That is true in a way. They learned a great deal and have much more to learn. When the work is over though we have a chance to enjoy our bodies. There is nothing wrong with that. I talked to their father. They know I will not marry them. They will get the chance to meet interesting people and eligible men."
"I will go back and talk to your father or the father of your body if you will. When could we talk again?"
"We have lots of information to trade. I am going to be building a school though. How good are you at cutting wood?"
"Your father needs us less now."
"There is something else I have to say."
"What is that?"
"Julian was going to die in a few years while fighting the Persians. I want him safe and sound. He would have suppressed the Christians but I am only going to try to get laws passed that will separate the state from religion. The old gods will have equal footing with all other religions including Wodenism. Your religion may die out but it will not be from being inhibited by laws or threats."
"I can live with those kind of laws."
"Germans and the greater Germany I see in my mind will have to fight the Persians and others that threaten the new empire of Rome and Germany. Rome has gold and men while Germany has a very small army with cannons. We have to have a partnership. I want Rome to court Germany and Germany to want to be courted."
"I see what you mean and I think this is a wonderful idea. I do not think the secret of your powder will last very long. It is too valuable of a commodity."
"That may be true but there are many more powders. The one I made is the weakest of them all. Countries always spy on each others as men do. No matter what the outcome, the Germans are better fighters and the Romans better leaders. That is until the Germans learn to think like Clovis."
"So you are not going to take over the empire?"
"No. I am going to change it. The senate will be elected and do real work. All races will send representatives. Now the senate is just a club for rich Roman men."
"I think that too. I do not see how you will accomplish this without a war."
"This is easy. I educate everybody in the empire. They stand up one day and say they want a say in how things are run. All that oppose them will be a few very rich men."
"Those rich men can have you killed. They are not stupid."
"That is why I am going to have an army of old men and women with children and cripples to defend me. I am using religion the same way it has been used for thousands of years. I, at least, can tell you the truth. I just hope I have enough strength to keep the power I gain from corrupting me."
"I hope that too."
When we got back, we found the long barrel five centimetre cannon was taken to Clovis' tent. It took half of an hour until he came out of his tent. He had been drinking and looked like shit. I didn't think he got much rest. The death of his only remaining son was a heavy blow to take.
Clovis came to the pile of swords and beat some against a rock. He did so again from the side of the blade. He took another sword and stabbed and slashed at the armour as it the armour had killed his son. When it did not split he got angrier and beat it many more times until Fidelis pointed to the rows of cannon.
Clovis threw down the sword and compared the cannon to the ten centimetre bronze cannons I had made before. The ones I had now were not as flashy but they looked much more deadly for it.
I heard Clovis ask questions and soon Fidelis came to me and said, "Your father wishes to know how far they will throw a shell."
"I have no idea. I have not made powder and these cannons have never been fired. I have made shells though with my new explosives. Do you wish to test them?"
"I will find out."
Fidelis came back and said, "Clovis demanded that one of his patrols come. They have powder."
"There are farms all over this area. We do not have carriages for any of them. We might be able to change the barrels on the ten centimetre but it is better to make new ones. Perhaps there are some carpenters in Minden."
Fidelis whispered, "Why didn't you make them before?"
In my own whisper I said, "The barge was full with the things I brought."
A series of orders were given and men rode quickly to the city. In a half hour they brought some very frightened men back. I assumed they were carpenters but none of them had any tools with them. Fidelis got to them first and gave orders that they come to see me and do whatever I said. There were five men that where herded over to me.
"I am sorry for the way you have been treated. My father wants the three types of cannon mounted on gun carriages. I already have the wood sawn and laying on the deck of the barge."
One man said, "We never made a 'gun carriage'. Are they the things the warriors pull around?"
2-3-18 To the powers that be. Thanks for making Best Party Ever story of the week. I meant to add more chapters this week to honor this event, but I have been very busy. I would also like to thank all readers, especially those that have liked a chapter or added Best Party Ever to favorites, for bringing the total views to over 500,000.-dawan While it should be obvious, All locations, events, and characters are purely fictitious. While there are Cities of Green River in Utah and Wyoming, I...
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"Fix the tank. Fix the tank. That's all I'm good for. Hit me." "That ain't all you're good for, Bren." Jill gave me a sideways grin and threw a seven on top of my six. "Might as well be," I muttered. "I'm broke" I tossed my cards. Black Jack sucks anyway with just two people playing. It seemed pretty pointless, just like everything else around the place. "What time you got?" I asked her, looking at my watch. "Fucking maple piece of shit." "Fourteen oh seven." Jill...
John grabs Kate by the waist and shoves his rock hard cock into her soaking wet pussy, while she is bent over the edge of the bed. He starts to pull out, when she shoves back on his cock. Still holding onto her hips, he pushes her back against the couch, pulls his cock out of her at the same time and tells her not to do that again. He puts just the tip in her and holds it there. She tries to push back but he holds her still. Just as she looks back at him, he shoves hard into her and holds it...
Anne waited in the heaving throng, a trifle uneasy at being surrounded by so many foreigners, but pleasingly refreshed by her shower. She had not expected to find such a facility at an Italian service station, but supposed, ruefully, that that was just another example of her English insularity. It was really rather ridiculous that, at nearly twenty-one, this was her first experience of life outside her native country – excluding the heavily chaperoned and controlled school weekend trip to...
Mechanical issues...Susan didn’t move a muscle, nor did she make a sound. Her eyes were locked on mine, the look of confusion and shock on her face as one of the men carried her slowly to a table in the middle of the room. As he laid her down, the others bound her feet and hands. She was now grasping the magnitude of the situation. I had told her countless times if she was going to act like a whore I would personally make sure she was treated like one. It was obvious this was not what she...
"Your slider don't slide all that much," Bowman told me after observing a half-dozen attempts from behind his granddaughter-catcher at home plate. "Barely started trying to learn it," I said. Bowman's appraisal wasn't any surprise, although I'd naturally hoped to hear something slightly more encouraging. "That'll do it for today, Bets," he told the young woman. "Nice job... And what did you think of our young pitcher, here?" "He throws hard," she said, readily enough....
After enjoying a laidback morning alone with her vibrator, Anie Darling decides to be more productive and works out at her father’s home gym. But after a short workout, Anie is overcome with horniness and begins pleasuring herself yet again. She’s butt naked with her legs spread when one of her dad’s friends walks into the room. She’s totally embarrassed. Her dad’s friend Erik, being the scumbag that he is, uses the opportunity to try to fuck young Anie. Although she puts up a good fight at...
xmoviesforyouHi. Friends. This is a story friend. This is an my incest story with my mother. My mother is 45 year old lady. Her height is 5,5 ft and she is fat and black in color. This story takes u back 6 months when it was a wild summer in mumbai. All my family members had gone to work and school. I layed on the bed on a afternoon with my mother besides.3 pm baj rahe the. Mein ek sapna dek raha tha. Achanak meri aankh khula. Maine dekha meri maa bagal mein soyi hai. Maa mere oposit kamar de ke so rahi...
"That was tiring" Krishna sighed as they closed the doors behind them. He switched on the air conditioning on full blast. "And sweaty. And dirty" Aeishwarya added as she took out her tank top to show her black bra and stood right under the air conditioning. They had been cleaning the terrace garden since the morning. Krishna held her from behind and whispered into her ear, "Care to join for a bath?" His palms slithered on her sweaty abdomen. "No." she bit her lip and...
I’m gonna share something personal today that is a major part of our lives. Me and Birgit haven’t shared an important news with you – we’re going to be parents. Yes, Birgit is pregnant since the first night in Ibiza. Weird, isn’t it? For many conservative people we might now seem officially the crazy ones, but it is our life and neither one of us see any problem with pregnancy and our common interest. Maybe you know that many pregnant women tend to be sexually more eager than usually.Like every...
TrueI didn't begin running until seven mainly because my body was having a tough time adjusting to Eastern time after being in the Pacific and then Central zones. I figured it would get better when I learned to live in my own time zone and ignore local time where I was. I needed a watch with dual time zones; one local or home time, and one for wherever I was. The girls had the grill hot when I finished my run and put a big sirloin on it as soon as they saw me coming. Sherry watched the huge...
Dave and Seth had been friends since high school - doing everything together, including dating and eventually marrying within weeks of each other. Dave married Anne, and Seth married Kelly. All four had attended school together. They purchased houses in the same street, and the two couples were frequent visitors at each other’s homes. Things went along beautifully for the first five years of their marriages. At the age of 25, Anne left Dave ... for another woman. Dave was devastated and...
Tony watched as his mom shook with tremendous orgasm from being eaten by Samantha. He smiled as he knew his mom had been growing in her appetite for sex with women. To see the two women he cared so much about enjoying sex with each other was the best.The two were now kissing and Tony decided it was time to make himself known."What's going on here?" He asked he walked in on themBoth of the naked women looked at him. Samantha was obviously nervous as her boyfriend looked at her in his mother's...
India Summer loves to sneak her stepdaughter Adria Rae’s boyfriends into the sack. Damon Dice, Adria’s boyfriend, is next in line to be India’s conquest. Adria asks her mom to not fuck her boyfriend, and although India promises to try. Despite India’s best efforts she soon finds her hand on Damon’s dick. Damon resists India’s advances, but that’s okay. India has a plan that involves getting both herself and her stepdaughter laid! Strutting out of the...
xmoviesforyou…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Katy started giving small kisses around the heaving cunt. Then without any notion she rammed four of her right hand fingers right to the end of her mother’s cunt. “ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, you daughter of a slut. You should have told me, you whore.” Screamed Martha as she held Katy’s hair and almost tugged at it like a rope. Katy just smiled up at her. Her hand was still inside the pussy, making rounds inside, giving Martha the horniest feeling...
Kate England, Alice March, and Marilyn Moore head into the desert for a James Deen Productions photo shoot. It’s really hot, and in more than one way — like the girls are cute when they’re naked, but the sun is fucking hot too. What’s the best thing a group of girls can do when they’re hot, stranded in the desert, and trying to escape the sun? Get back in the car, so they can fuck in the shade. It makes a lot of sense. So the girls pull out James’ cock and take turns sucking and shoving him up...
xmoviesforyouCarol struggled with the Christmas tree that Miss. Collins paid her ten dollars to tie it on top of the car for her. Carol was so happy for it meant she would be able to eat a hot meal tonight. She lifted the six-foot tree over her head when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her chest and left arm that knocked her to the ground, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Miss. Collins called 911 on her cell phone while a young girl laid Carol’s head on her lap instead of the rocky ground. ...
I sat on the couch waiting to be called. A man in a white coat opened the door, looked at the papers in his hand and said "Miss Smith? Come this way."I followed him into the room. "Have a seat." He said, indicating the exam table. I sat down, put my hands in my lap and looked at him. He was a handsome man in his early forties with a shaved head and sexy, chocolate brown eyes."I am Dr. John." He said shaking my hand briefly. "What can I do for you today?""Well, I have this friend...and I want to...
I was 19. It was a hot and steamy summer’s night. I was out at my usual club and was in the mood to party, drink and dance until early hours of the morning. I spotted my gorgeous African spunk of a man across the room. Justin was an incredible lover, with lovely blue eyes, longish dreaded hair, beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for. Justin and I fucked on a regular basis. It was never more than that... neither of us wanted it that way. If I picked up someone else for the night or if he...
Group SexTommy Goodfellow had stopped by on his way to Abbotsford on that Tuesday morning to tell us as he knew of my former acquaintance with Lady Ablington I felt a mixture of emotions. Lord Ablington had recently wooed and then married my childhood sweetheart one Miss Amy Merry of whom I remained immensely fond, one could not blame her, Ablington owned most of the village and plenty more besides while my family while not impoverished were some two to three classes lower them in the social...
The Making of Lisa Stevens by Aleisha James The following is a work of fiction, intended for the enjoyment of adults only. It contains depictions of sexual behaviour including themes of forced feminization. Do not read this story if such themes are offensive to you or if you are below the age of majority in your location. If, on the other hand, you enjoy this kind of story, and are old enough to be legally permitted to read it, then I hope you find it to your liking. Any...
Hello dosto, main Akshay Thakur firse apke samne Minal Gupta ki kahani leke aya hu. Please aap sab jarur padhe taki iska anand le sake. Main ye kahani Hindi mein likh raha hu kyuki bohut logon ne request ki hai. Aap sabke mails aur replies ke liye main aur Minal shukrguzar hai. Ab age ki kahani Minal ki jubani. Hello, mere horny dosto! To apne pichli kahani mein padha kaise main Ahmed se pehli baar chudi aur uski gulam bani. Uske baad jaise main uski property ban gayi. Ahmed mujhe apni man...
Some people get off on control, or being controlled. Of losing power to another, of holding it over someone else. These people can, on occasion, find each other. Sometimes, the people in these relationships, or groups, can get carried away. They might even think of it as part of the fun. Other times, they may have rules set in place that keeps things sane. No matter what the circumstance is, no matter how many people are involved, only one thing is constant: a shared desire. A craving to...
Mind ControlThis is a story written by an admirer who has a fantasy about me making an accidental visit to his hotel room. Enjoy ============================================================ HOTEL ROOM VISIT I am sitting in my room and hear a knock on my door. I answered the door only to find a tall, slender and pretty auburn haired woman standing there. She is wearing knee high latex boots and stockings under a short skirt, neatly concealed beneath her long coat. Her silk blouse was sexy...
Lynn took her time watering all of her plants. She paused before a particularly vibrant potted ivy and took up a length of vine in her palm as if to shake the hand of another person. “Can you believe what just happened?” she asked the plant. She smirked to herself. She knew talking to them was healthy for the plants. Maybe they weren’t so interested in her sex life, though. “He made me come twice!” The plant said nothing. Afterwards, Lynn found herself sitting back on the sofa once again. The...
About five years ago we had been hot steamy sex and I put my cock in her ass. Nice and slow with a lot of lube and she loved it. It was real tight and warm. While I was thrusting in and out of her ass I was talking dirty to her. She loved it k"fuck my dirty little asshole." E"You like that baby" k"omg it feels so fucking good." E"Take that dick" that was a short sample of about twenty minutes of fun. It was such a good night. A night to put on the bucket list that started the expansion...
8/14/99 - A Very Busy Day Rosa and Dutch returned home at 6:30 and greeted Kathy and Peggy just before they went out to catch a movie. They had dinner with Mom, who had 'babysat' for them and after she went home they discussed what to do about Molly. "Did you ever call Robert or Alice about Molly?" Rosa asked. "No," he replied, "but let me do that right now." Picking up the phone he dialed Robert's number. Alice answered on the third ring. "I hope this is important," Alice said...
Authors Note: The aspects of this story as relating to be taken into China dressed as a Muslim women are totally true, as are working in the factory and being inspected and handled etc by the women workers. The "evening entertainment" has been fictionized. I arrived home from shopping at about 10:30 Saturday morning when I was told abruptly to pack the clothes that were on the bed. There was a small, carry-on size, suitcase next to a pile of lingerie. There was an old-fashioned...
Going to Paris to shoot a rock and roll band sounds like one of those dream jobs for a photographer, but The Big Time wasn't living up to it's expectation. Instead of April in Paris, picture January and a fierce storm knocking out half the cities power. Being a California boy, I'd elected to travel light for this trip, knowing that I would have a bunch of presents to bring home to Nancy. I was a victim of my own profession, where all my images of Paris were in the Spring, Summer, Fall....
After putting on the red tee-shirt, Ed picked up the gun and checked to make sure that it was properly loaded and ready for action. Satisfied, he walked over to where John, Beth, Kelly, and Ling were planning their strategy. He listened with interest as Ling and John argued a strategy for attacking. Ling said, “They are going to come at us in a group. If we spread out, we can ambush them.” Shaking his head, John said, “They are going to come at us from every direction. If we divide into two...
Moving from Vimmerby to Gothenburg opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my husband and i. Coming from a real small town i was very shy and timid when it came to sex. It took some talking just to get me to watch porn with him, so he knew getting me to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. Don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and he was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. Hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. So i he did not give up talking...
Philip Johnson Prologue Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I mention that right off, that and the fact that it’s January, so you can get a mental picture of a cold, brown and depressing place and time of year. Once spring arrived I’d brag about being from Harrisburg, but right then I’d have given anything to be someplace warm and green. Let’s narrow it down a little now. I live on Fortuna Lane on the north side of one of the loops of Yellow Breeches. That could be river or creek depending on what you...
Teran was twisting backward and forward, pulling on parts of her dress annoyedly, as she stood in front of the throne room doors. The two doors were a deep, satisfying black and were held together by three thick, metal straps buffed to a mirror-like shine. They met at a peak instead of a square and surrounding them were white, decorative blocks rising up into an arch. Two knights in full battlegear stood on either side of the doorway, hands at their sides. Over their armor, the knights wore a...
Slave Wife Tanya – Weekend Slave for RentThe men could hear the roaring engine long time before they could actually see the car. The road meandered through an isolated mountain area and the nearest neighbors were many miles away. Finally they watched the Range Rover take the last turn and drive up towards the hunting lodge. The dogs began to bark but were quickly silenced by their owners. It was Friday late afternoon and the heat was intense.The car stopped in front of the group of men and out...
August 7, 1995, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Good morning, Doctor Whittaker,” I said when I walked into her office. “Good morning, Mr. Adams!” Doctor Whittaker said. “You know, if you’re going to use me as a guinea pig the least you can do is call me ‘Steve’!” “And you’ll call me Doctor Whittaker?” “The doctors I’m close friends with I call by their first names, and I hope we’ll be friends.” “Well, seeing as you’re personally responsible for me getting to manage my first case, I...
“Good morning, Alpine-Colorado office of acquisitions and permits. How may I help you?” Marjean Foster answered. She struggled to maintain a neutral, friendly tone. Her secretary said the caller refused to identify himself but insisted that the call was most urgent. The moment the man on the other end spoke, Marjean’s hand clenched the handset so tightly her fingers cramped. She felt a premonition of fear. “You were told specifically never to call us,” she snarled, glancing to her open...
Juan is not doing so well in school. So much so that his teacher, Daya Knight, showed up at his house to help him study. However, Juan kept slacking off. So his teacher had to come up with a plan that would make him stay focused. They would do a Q&A session and for every answer that he got right, she would take one article of clothing off. This made Juan want to learn, he answered most questions right, causing his teacher to be completely naked. They couldn’t stop there, Juan’s teacher...
xmoviesforyouAre you in the mood for some genuine amateur pornography? Well, here we are… a subreddit dedicated just to that. You have all kinds of amateurs doing all kinds of naughty shit, and everyone is welcome to explore the site as much as they’d like. The subreddit is called r/NSFWverifiedamateurs/ which basically just explains what the fuck I said.I mean, Reddit is a user-driven website where all the posts you can find are posted by the users of the site. So, you can expect to see all kinds of shit....
Reddit NSFW Listby Nikolai Blagov DCBO$$ from wrestlingffp.forumcommunity. netAnother first person POV story, especially for the Bayley fans here, who would enjoy this fanfic.You watch a horror movie all alone, as suddenly Bayley comes to you.Bayley: Hey… Whatcha watching?You: Oh, just watching some Friday The 13th.Bayley: Friday the 13th…...Odd title…...wait…..this isn’t a horror movie is it? I told you before how I feel about horror movies…You: Well, it’s not really….Bayley: It’s not? You promise? Scooch...
This One Is Compliments of John A... Sometimes religious emails are better than some of the funny ones we get and pass on... Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his plane arrived, there was a limousine there to transport him to his home. As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver, “You know,” he said, “I am 87 years old and I have never driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?” The driver said, “No...
Their eyes met across the quiet living room… both staring deep into the other… her tongue flicked across dry lips and her breasts heaved in anticipation… three steps and he reached her… silently he reached for her hand and led her towards the huge bed… the soft silk of the gown billowed behind her and with a shrug, wafted to the floor…He turned towards her, his eyes caressing her nakedness with growing passion as gently he pressed her back onto the bed… her teeth bit into her lower lip and she...
‘Honey, I have a confession to make.’ I looked into Mat’s eyes as he made this statement, and I could see he was quite serious. Needless to say, I was curious and quite intrigued. I looked back at him, my eyes indicating he should continue. ‘We both know that I’m not able to meet your needs sexually,’ Mat began. ‘I wish I was more well-endowed, and I know you need more than I have to offer.’ I covered my mouth with my hand so that he wouldn’t see me smiling. His four-inch cock has always been a...
When I was in college I happily discovered that I was able to suck my own cock. I masturbated frequently with traditional techniques but also took advantage of rare moments of privacy, my natural flexibility, curiosity, and sucked myself to completion. During my late teens and throughout my 20's, life was filled with sex with various women, self sucking, and frequent masturbation. Most of that stopped when I reached my 30’s when I got married. Some women would give me head and others did not....
MasturbationRevenge is nerve racking. It was Saturday night and I was just returning from a date. I am now dating a girl named Lisa. Her older sister is Linda, my friend Joe’s wife. Lisa and I have been seeing each other for a few months and it really feels right to be with her. When I walked in the front door my Mom called me into the living room. Mom said, “Call Joe, he called three times and asked me to tell you to call him regardless of the time you get home.” “Joe really sounded upset.” I...
Cam Soda Teen! Are there images of naked teens harboring rent-free on your mind? Well, I understand your predicament! Someti-cum ames I will have a wet dream about a tight teen cunt, and the next thing you know, I’m masturbating skin-to-skin using my pres lube! I can’t fucking help it: teen pussy just really puts my cock into fifth gear!Now, you are checking this part of my website because you are crazy about teens or just curious to know what teens are hiding under those skimpy dresses. Well,...
Live Teen Sex CamsI can remember the first girl I fell for in college. I was a sophomore. She was amazing, she had jet black hair, long and straight, like a waterfall of black ink, she was spectacular. Her frame was tall and lean, like a cheerleader, but she was not really into being a spectator. She was more of an athlete. She liked to climb, loved to bike, and played football and tennis on the side. She was, in a word, very well balanced. She was also completely out of my league. Which is why I was surprised...
My wife and I had been married for 15 years. As most others will tell you the time before marriage is the hottest time and then kids and routine tend to dull the old sex life. After completing a good but routine bout of sex I asked her if she thought our sex life needed some spicing up. Her reply was expected, ‘are you bored with me?- am I no longer attractive to you?’. I explained as fast as I could that although neither of these were true we no longer generated the type of excitement we had...
Mutual Masturbation: Part Six "A weekend of cum"The next time the three of us were able to get together was about two weeks, but it was worth the wait! Jeff was going to have his house to himself for the entire weekend. He had invited John and myself to stay over Friday through Sunday. He said he had a surprise for us, but we would have to wait till we got there to find out what it was.I got to Jeffs around 7:00 on Friday night, put my bag in his room and went back into the family room. John...