- 3 years ago
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Anne waited in the heaving throng, a trifle uneasy at being surrounded by so many foreigners, but pleasingly refreshed by her shower. She had not expected to find such a facility at an Italian service station, but supposed, ruefully, that that was just another example of her English insularity.
It was really rather ridiculous that, at nearly twenty-one, this was her first experience of life outside her native country – excluding the heavily chaperoned and controlled school weekend trip to Paris when she was thirteen.
Clive – her heart lurched familiarly as she thought, again, of her ex-fiance – had not had the gumption to venture abroad. It was a ‘chicken and egg’ thing, really, she thought. If he had had a little more ‘go’ about him, she wouldn’t have dreamed of returning his ring. Tears pricked her eyelids and the familiar lump grew in her throat. She still loved him, really, but she just couldn’t face the sort of placid contented future he had planned for them, and so she had broken off the engagement – just three short weeks ago.
This, of course, had meant that the cottage they had booked in the Lake District, for a quiet ‘get away from it all’ fortnight had been cancelled, and she had been at a loose end for her annual holiday until Kate had invited her to Italy for ten days in a rented chalet in the small fishing town of Colebria.
Kate was really a friend of Anne’s parents – her husband, Philip, and Anne’s father had studied together at university, and had kept up the friendship when college days were over. Kate was about thirty-five or thirty-six – some eight years younger than her husband, for whom Anne had nursed a schoolgirl passion until a mere three years earlier.
Small, dark, vivacious, she made light of the age difference between herself and Anne, and, if anything, was even more grateful for Anne’s stepping in to rescue her holiday at the last moment than Anne was to her. Kate and Philip had intended to have this holiday together, but Philip had been unable to leave his latest project – he was a television producer – and she had been on the point of cancelling when Anne’s mother had suggested, somewhat diffidently, that Anne could fill the breach.
Anne’s recently-acquired driving-licence had proved an additional boon over the last forty-eight hours of hard driving from Calais. They had crossed the Alps overnight, sharing four-hour stints at the wheel and had pulled into this very well-equipped service station on the autostrada at about eight o’clock, gritty-eyed and sweaty.
It had promised to be a sunny warm day, and they had about sixty miles to do to their destination. After a light breakfast and several cups of coffee, Kate had noticed the shower cubicles and they had fallen on them with cries of joy.
Anne had soaped her tall slim body all over no less than three times, shampooed her long blonde hair twice, then stood under an ice-cold jet for as long as she could stand the pain. There was a hair-dryer in the cubicle, and she had packed away her jeans and sweater into a sports bag, changing into a T-shirt and shorts.
She had waited only five minutes in the bustling entrance foyer when Kate appeared – long enough, however, to confirm that the reputation of the Italian male for inveterate bottom-pinching was well-founded. She had not withstood these uninvited advances with quite the insouciance she had hoped she might, being especially unnerved by a probing finger which had slid inside her shorts, almost inside her brief panties.
Kate laughed when Anne explained her haste in rushing the pair of them back to the car. She, too, had changed into shorts and a – very loose-fitting – halter-top for the last leg of their journey and, covertly, Anne envied her even brown tan set against her jet-black short hair and green eyes.
Kate slid into the driving-seat of the little Fiat and drove into the petrol station. The attendant was young, with dark hair curling round his neck and ears, with dark eyes and flashing white teeth. He inserted the petrol pump into their tank and, lifting the windscreen wipers, cleaned the screen with a wet cloth.
He smiled at both girls through the screen, blatantly observing their bare legs.
‘I wouldn’t mind him filling my tank,’ Kate whispered and, although Anne laughed dutifully, her companion’s words came as something of a shock. Personally, she was more than a little embarrassed at the boldness of the attendant’s scrutiny and wished they could just fill up and get back onto the open road.
Then, to Anne’s surprise, Kate bent forward, her hands going down to her shoelaces. The front of her halter-top fell forward and the attendant grinned, his tongue running round his full fleshy lips. Without changing her position, Kate raised her head and looked him full in the eye. He closed one eye in a lascivious wink, and Kate chuckled, then straightened up again.
Anne, her face pink, looked away, studying the advertising hoardings plastered round the service station. She sensed the attendant going round to the side of the car and removing the nozzle. Kate wound down her window and thrust a handful of notes in his hand, then started up the engine and drove away quickly.
There was an uncomfortable silence in the car for a minute or two, then Kate said, quietly – ‘Do you disapprove?’
Anne stammered a little. ‘I – I was a bit surprised,’ she said, lamely.
‘A side of me you haven’t seen before?’ enquired Kate.
‘Well, yes,’ said Anne. ‘I always thought you and Philip – well, you seem so . . .. right, together.’
‘And so we are,’ agreed Kate, unperturbed. ‘In many ways, we are. But . . . he doesn’t actually own me! And, if I can get a little bit of a thrill by letting a nice-looking boy have a glimpse of something he shouldn’t – well, why not?’
Anne couldn’t think of anything to say and she stared at the road ahead, aware of a tiny germ of unease growing within her.
‘You’re a very beautiful girl, Anne – you must know that. Don’t you get some sort of kick of being aware of men looking at you?’
Anne was torn between an impulse to reject the compliment and respond, honestly, to the question.
‘I suppose,’ she said, finally, ‘I enjoy being looked at – in a general sort of way – but . . .. well, I suppose I feel that parts of me are only for one person.’
‘Like Clive?’ asked Kate, gently.
‘Well, yes,’ agreed Anne, diffidently.
‘Yes,’ agreed Kate, thoughtfully, then – ‘and you were never . . .tempted by anyone else.”
‘No,’ replied Anne, very positively, and, she realised instantly, more than a little prissily. But it was more or less true. She and Clive had been together since before her sixteenth birthday and she had practically never thought of other boys. And, certainly, she had never even contemplated ‘flashing’ herself to some complete stranger.
And yet, she was uncomfortably aware that her reaction to Kate’s unexpected action was a little mixed. Along with shock and disapproval, there had been a tinge of excitement.
To cover her confusion, she found herself responding to Kate’s gentle questions about her broken romance and, in the final hour and a half of their journey, she spoke more, and revealed more, about her innermost thoughts than she had done to anyone since the break-up.
Taking yet another tight bend, Kate swung off the main road and began to drive cautiously down a steep hill towards a small town nestling in a bay of deep blue water. A rickety sign bore the legend – ‘Colebria’ – and, just outside the town itself, Kate took a left turn to a separate enclave of what were obviously holiday chalets.
Anne was surprised, but not displeased. She had thought they would be living in the town itself, but she had a good feeling about the area, and had no objection to ten days of chalet-dwelling.
They drove through an arched entrance and Kate stopped outside what was obviously the site office. They
both got out and Kate made for the office, clutching their reservation papers. Anne saw that the office was busy and, since Kate was the one with a grasp of Italian, agreed to her suggestion that she, Kate, could deal with this, while Anne had a look round.
There wasn’t much to look at, though. Just a shop with basic and, no doubt, over-priced, basic essentials, and a tacky souvenir establishment. Anne eventually sat on the bonnet of the Fiat to wait for Kate, enjoying the silence after two days of incessant engine noise.
There weren’t many people about but, after a few moments of idly swinging her legs, Anne became aware of being the object of scrutiny. Glancing around, she met the eye of a rather unprepossessing young man, leaning against the office window, hands in the pockets of a pair of baggy blue shorts. He was in his mid-twenties, slightly under average height, with a sallow complexion and lustreless black hair. He had an unhealthy paunch and the legs protruding down from the shorts were spindly, and white.
He returned her gaze with no change in his expression and it was Anne who, eventually, had to drop her eyes. When she looked back a few seconds later, he was still looking in her direction but not, now, into her eyes. Anne’s flesh crept under his scrutiny and she slid off the bonnet and back into the concealment of the Fiat.
He did not move and, when Kate emerged from the office, Anne watched him study her back view all the way to the car. Anne said nothing, and Kate didn’t comment, either. She handed Anne a map of the site, with their chalet marked on it, and Anne concentrated on pointing Kate in the right direction up a tree-lined track. As they moved off, however, she saw the man heave himself away from the wall.
Their chalet was actually a terraced two-storey house, with a kitchen cum living-room downstairs and stairs leading to a sort of landing with two comfortable single beds. The big downstairs room had floor to ceiling windows front and back, with a comfortable three-piece suite in the middle, kitchen area to the left, and a well-equipped bathroom to the right.
There was a strip of grass between the houses and the track outside, and a small private garden, with a barbecue and picnic table and chairs, at the back. On inspecting the bathroom, Kate announced her intention of taking a bath, and disappeared inside.
Anne decided to unpack and went out to the car to unload their cases. As she emerged from the house, she immediately saw the man from outside the office, trudging heavily along the track. As she lifted the first case from the roof rack, he stopped, and leaned against a tree.
She didn’t give him the satisfaction of showing her irritation, but bustled in and out of the house with the bags and cases then, when the last one was unloaded, pulled the Venetian blind across the front window. Peering through the slats, she was intensely annoyed to see that he hadn’t moved. He began to pick his teeth with a matchstick.
Anne dragged her own case upstairs and began to put her clothes in drawers. She heard the bathroom door open, quickly followed by the sound of the Venetian blind being drawn back. Peering over the rail which bordered the sleeping area, Anne saw Kate, wrapped in a fluffy white towel.
‘Is that man still there?’ she called.
‘The fat bloke – by the tree? Yes!’ replied Kate. ‘Why? Oh, is that why you pulled the blind?’
‘Yes,’ called Anne. ‘He’s been hanging about. He was down by the office, as well.’
Kate began towelling her short dark hair.
‘Well, I don’t suppose he has much of a social life – with these looks.’
‘I think he’s weird,’ said Anne, picking her way carefully down the stairs. She went over to the blind and drew it shut again, this time darting a glare at the lounging man. ‘I don’t think we should encourage him,’ she added, by way of explanation.
Kate laughed easily and, throwing her hair-towel on a chair, pulled her bath-towel open and, arms flung wide, towelled her back vigorously.
Confronted by Kate’s full frontal nudity for the first time, and so suddenly, Anne gasped in surprise.
Kate’s unclothed form was much rounder, softer – sexier – than Anne had ever imagined. Her shoulders were fleshy, not bony, her breasts high and firm, with dark brown – and large – nipples, her waist was very narrow, but her hips were wide. Her thighs were slimmer than Anne had anticipated, but not skinny, and her calves were very shapely for a woman who was fairly short in general stature.
But it was her pubic hair which commanded attention. Jet-black and dense, it covered a large triangle from halfway down her belly to the deep junction between her thighs. In contrast to Anne’s own golden-brown, rather trim, thatch, it proclaimed itself in glorious profusion. It was wild, mysterious – a veritable jungle of hidden delights. For the first time, Anne realised what such a display could have upon a rampant male. She had only to assess the effect it was having on her.
Tearing her eyes away from Kate, she hurried over to the kitchen and filled the kettle. ‘Would you like a coffee?’ she sang out.
‘Yes, please!’ replied Kate, now towelling her front and her legs. Anne waited for the kettle to boil as Kate, now dry, discarded her towel and walked, naked over to the full-length wall mirror and ran a brush through her hair.
‘I wish my hair dried so quickly,’ said Anne, enviously. Kate murmured a reply, but her mind seemed to be on other things. Her eyes were intent on her reflection and Anne wished she would get dressed, now. But Kate seemed to be studying her body, quite intently, her hands running absent-mindedly up and down her flanks, fingers lightly teasing a tangle of pubic hair, then touching the underside of her breasts.
Then she turned and smiled at Anne, but her face was a little set, her smile a trifle forced. ‘Right!’ she said. Turning on her heel, she walked towards the front window. Anne watched, bewildered, but even in her bewilderment, could not help noticing the jaunty tilt of Kate’s bottom as she moved, and the deep dimples where her rounded cheeks met the backs of her thighs.
Then, horrified, Anne watched as Kate swiftly, in one movement, glided the blind open and faced the window, hands on hips, totally naked. The lounging man jerked up from his leaning position, his mouth falling open, the matchstick still protruding from between his teeth.
Kate held her position for several seconds, then turned, slowly, in a complete circle. When she was facing him again, she lifted her hands and placed them flat on the glass. Then she leant forward, slightly, so that her breasts were against the glass, also, partially flattening them. Then she stepped away from the glass, cupped her breasts with her hands, then slowly drew the blind shut.
She stayed facing the blind for several seconds, then turned to face Anne. The expression on her face was one Anne had never seen before. There was, in it, amusement, mischief, but, mainly, an element of sly satisfaction, as though an intensely private pleasure had been enjoyed.
Kate picked up the towel and wrapped it round her, then looked directly at Anne. ‘He’ll never forget that,’ she said, simply.
‘You didn’t do it for that,’ accused Anne, almost hysterically.
‘No, I didn’t,’ replied Kate. ‘I did it for me. It turned me on. I’d been thinking about it since I saw him outside the office.’
‘You saw him?’ asked Anne, stupefied.
‘Yes,’ said Kate. ‘I asked about him. He’s German. He’s here with his mother. He comes every year and he’s going home this afternoon. His mother was in the office, handing in the keys to their chalet. The girl in the office says all he ever does is to hang about the chalets, watching women.’
‘But why did you . . . do that!’ whispered Anne. ‘If he’s just some little pervert?’
‘Because from now on, when he plays with himself, the chances are that he’ll think of me. If he w
as a big good-looker, he’d have seen any number of naked women. But he probably hasn’t seen anyone as good as me, outside of a magazine or a porno film, or something. He might be getting hard half a dozen times a day, just thinking about the English woman who let him see her naked body, willingly.’
‘And,’ she went on, after a second or two, ‘I’ll be getting wet, thinking about him getting hard.’
Anne was a turmoil of emotions. Mixed with her shock and disapproval, she was aware, was a very strong undercurrent of excitement, and an appreciation of the thrill that Kate must have experienced from displaying her naked – and very sexy – body to a total stranger. She realised, now, that Kate had not done this casually – that her growing silence as she towelled herself in front of the mirror reflected her increasing nervousness and excitement as she prepared herself mentally for her bold and blatantly provocative action.
Despite herself, Anne imagined herself in a similar position, summoning up the courage to do what Kate had just done.
It would be like the last few moments before jumping out of an aeroplane on your first parachute jump, she thought – and, afterwards, would there be the same euphoric rush, the same inability to get your feat of daring out of your mind?
‘Anyway,’ said Kate, briskly, ‘no need for you to worry about it. Where’s that coffee? We’ll have that, then I’ll get dressed and we’ll go and have a look at the town.’
They spent the afternoon wandering round the small, attractive fishing town, then had dinner together in a small restaurant, before climbing the hill back to the chalet in the warm late evening air.
They talked of this and that – innocuous subjects – and Anne was, in any case, so fascinated with the idea of being abroad and so interested in everything about her that her lingering worries about her friend’s questionable behaviour did not surface at all, and there was no sign of Kate’s taking any particular interest of any of the men they saw. Perhaps, thought Anne, it was just the initial sense of freedom, of being away without Philip, that had sparked these little shows of independence, and they would not recur.
Changing for bed, Anne was careful to do so as discreetly as possible, but, while Kate did not flaunt herself, she did strip off completely, without inhibition, before going downstairs to clean her teeth, and, on returning, slipped between the sheets of her single bed without donning any nightwear, at all.
When the lights were out, Anne could not resist recalling the images of Kate’s body – her cheerful bouncing breasts and behind, and, especially, the luxuriant wild black thatch between her thighs. She had led a fairly sheltered life as far as female communal nudity was concerned, and was fairly shy about her own body, but she had been subjected to compulsory showers after games and P.E. at school and, while she had sneaked covert glances at her classmates’ burgeoning breasts and bottoms, these had been more for purposes of comparison than anything else.
But Kate had a quite different effect on her. It was as though she could see Kate as a man would – as an object of desire. She was sure she had no lesbian tendencies, and she didn’t think she wanted to touch, or be touched by, Kate, but, somehow, her nakedness carried a sexuality which undoubtedly transmitted itself to Anne.
The rational explanation was that her first glimpse of Kate, unclothed, had been in a sexual context – just seconds before her display at the window in front of the German pervert. As her mind dwelt on that, Anne felt her nipples, involuntarily, begin to stiffen. Her fingers seemed to have minds of their own as they crept on to her breasts, squeezing her nipples through the thin fabric of her nightdress.
A liquid warmth surged through her lower body and she pulled her hands away from her breasts, guiltily. She turned over and forced herself to think about the sights of Colebria, but it was a long time before she finally drifted off to sleep.
It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...
Anne is a beautiful, voluptuous, mature woman whose husband, Tom, ran off with some blonde bimbo half his age that he met at a Christmas party they attended a few years back.What a fucking idiot he was–he and his new toy went at it hot and heavy for about six months, then she decided he was too old for her and dumped him! Served him right for letting a woman like Anne go in the first place. Some people are so stupid, they don't know when they have it made.I had known Anne for about a year...
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Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...
"I wonder if she's into girls?" I asked, looking down from the bleachers at the track team practicing, and at one particular girl. "Who?" Hailey responded without looking, just laying back staring up into the sky. "The new girl. I think her name is Anne." "I dunno. Do you like her?" Hailey asked, leaning forward to look. "She's kinda cute, I guess." "She's more than cute." She was. She had soft peaches and cream skin. Her hair was long, black, and tied back into a pony tail....
The time on the mantle clock showed 9.20pm. I sat on the sofa and slipped my heels off and tucked my stocking clad legs under me. I picked up my glass of Chardonnay and took a sip. My thoughts went to the events of today.It had actually all started a month prior. I was recruiting for a new secretary when Anne’s curriculum vitae had come across my desk and it struck a cord with me. So I had invited her in for an interview and I had been impressed with her polite and respectful manner. She had...
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I had seen Anne around the school for about a year before. She was a small girl from Hawaii and very soft-spoken. She hung around my friend group and we spoke many times, each time getting a little closer.Anne and I joined the friend group when they headed to the gulf coast of Florida for spring break, and on the drive down we sat next to each other and decided we would pair off for the week. The group rented a large four-bedroom suite for the weekend, which was pretty expensive but not when...
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100% fiction! After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river swimming and tanning. Charlie would you like to join us?” “Won’t three be a bit of a crowd for you and Gary?” I asked knowing full well that they would...
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Anne was a girl that I knew only slightly. We were more acquaintances than friends. After September, however, she started to say hi to me a little more, and she seemed to always be looking at me. Anne was a cute girl, but she didn't work at it. She had blondish/brown hair, and with a little work could have made herself look real pretty, but she never wore makeup. The way that she dressed made her look mousy and she was almost pathologically shy. That was why I was surprised when, on a...
One rainy Tuesday, Anne cruised the library stacks, looking for something saleable. Finding herself at a stack of plain-cover reference books, she turned away to find better pickings. Something behind her buzzed, then flashed pale blue. The glare was bright enough to cast her fleeting shadow on the opposite wall. Looking back, she saw a fading brightest near the floor. Then it was gone. Anne squatted, feeling among the books on the bottom shelf until she found one oddly warm. Tan hardcover,...
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When I got up on Monday it was sunny and warm for mid-November, so I wore my Polartec and a pair of those really tight ski pants with half-boots. The Polartec feels nice and fuzzy on my breasts and it almost covers my buns. The zipper neck lets me control the draft. I didn't need a coat. I thought it looked pretty good. After lunch, Saul waved frantically at me as I started to leave the Union, so I went to where he was sitting. "Dad left a message on my answering machine over the weekend....
I became friends with Anne for a few years, I always fancied her but she had a boyfriend, she was very beautiful young woman she was a nurse at rest home. Anyway we lost touch for a few years then unexpectedly we met in the local supermarket, I was so pleased to see her again, we talked awhile, she invited me back to her home for coffee, I agreed so we drove to her home a short distance away. When we arrived at her home we talked as she made coffee, she told me she had parted from her partner...
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IncestAnne was sitting in a locked room. The room had a completely covered glass roof, and it being a bright, hot, summer day, Anne was frightened, hiding in corner. Today, the sun wasn't the only thing against her. Alright! I honestly want you to read my previous story about Anne, "Anne's Forest Shop", just so you guys know a bit about her, and what she can do. And now for the not fun part. The rules... Who am I kidding?! There are no rules! Just make sure that you leave Anne in a state good enough...
It was the fifth day of our family vacation in Cuba, and we had been having a great time; sailing, swimming, snorkeling, and enjoying all that this beautiful resort had to offer. However, after having spent several days with my sons and husband, I began to miss the girlie things in life. I wanted to go do some shopping in the cute little town just outside of our resort. When I voiced my desire, it was as if I had asked them to consider going to the dentist. I realized that I was going to have...
LesbianOnce upon a time in the land of OOH Blah Dee there lived an aircraft mechanic who worked for an airline. One day the mechanic met and fell in love with a beautiful stewardess and he pursued her. Eventually the beautiful stewardess succumbed to the aircraft mechanic's charm and they were married and lived happily ever after. The story of my life? Not!! I'd been working for North Central Airlines for just a little over three years when I met Patti Anne Manis. One look at her smiling face and...
Tuesday afternoon, when I got back to the room after the English exam, I saw Mary's panties on the bedroom door. I sat down at my desk and thought about going through the economics notes again. But when I heard Mary laugh, I got up, put on my coat again and left the room. At the Art School, Siggy, the secretary, recognized me. "Hi, Anne. Are you posing today?" "No, I'm looking for Will Spector. Would you have any idea where he is?" I grinned at her, "Do you even know who he...
Introduction: Second part of a fictional story Educating Bobby And Debbie Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools wont teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor...
Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I...
This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...
This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Educating Danielle Part One By Karen E. Lea Chapter One Nearly four o'clock, Friday. I looked out from my office window overlooking the photo-graphic studio where the days work was finishing up. I had dinner plans for...
The after dinner conversation continued with Ms. Lee alternating between friendly champion and professional counselor roles. "Kaylie, I tried to convince Dr. Taylor that you needed medical help right away to prevent unwanted puberty. Unfortunately, the referral to Dr. Taylor did not work out as I hoped. She could have helped, but she decided to go by the book and insist that you have the personality assessment and get documentation from the psychologists first. Doctors acting as...
One afternoon I was visiting my neighbor and best friend Carol-Anne, who is 15 like myself. We were sitting out by her pool in our bathing suits.Carol asked if I would put on the sunscreen for her and she would do the same for me. So of course I agreed. Nothing happened there.But later on as the afternoon got hotter, Carol decided to remove her top, and she applied some sunscreen to her breasts. I found myself looking at her nakedness, not because I'm particularly attracted to other women, but...
He waited Tuesday morning, busying himself with work but his mind never wandered far from thoughts of his plans for her. She would be here, promptly after class… he had no doubt in his mind. Indeed, as the clock rang the half hour, he heard a car pull into the garage. Smiling to himself, he waited. He’d left an envelope prominently located on the tool bench, and knew that shortly he’d be hearing the garage door close as he’d directed, hiding her car from view and rendering her at his mercy and...
Educating the Capo Ch. 3 A lot of people have asked me to continue this novel so here is the next chapter. I apologise for the long break in the story but I made the mistake of starting another story, The Real Estate Connection, and falling in love with the characters and plot of that story. I felt I owed it to you folks and myself to continue this work too… so here it is. Hope you enjoy it folks. Kiwiwolf * Carol rolled over and slid off the bed. ‘I’m heading into town today baby. Maria...
Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana! – My actual name “Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level – I made...
Introduction: Cindy was only 13 Educating Cindy Cindy was 13 and in Junior high. She was a tiny little thing and her little titties had just started to develop. She hadnt developed pubic hair yet but her period had just started and she was experiencing new feelings. Her Mom and Dad were divorced and she lived with her Mom and she missed her Daddy. When Mom got a new boyfriend Tom, she liked him right away and being an affectionate little girl she always gave him hugs and kisses before she went...
Introduction: Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 6: The Orgy Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases. Conrad told them to put them in Bonnies room for later. Hearing Conrads car pull up Jerry went to check with Angela and to find out from Conrad how things went. Conrad told him everything and left no detail out and Jerry was well pleased. Now he could fuck his own daughter any time he...
Introduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...
Introduction: Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked he Educating the girls By anon y mouse Chapter 3: Showing off Morning was a heady one as all 3 woke they all had nice thoughts about the previous evening and what lay ahead. Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked her so she saw no harm in being naked. Conrad was the next to arrive but he was wearing his shorts Morning...
Introduction: Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed ]Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 9: Help me please Jerry and Conrad put the girls to bed. With the video Jerry and Conrad were able to show Beth and Ruby how the day had gone and both women were impressed Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed That would need distribution and costs replied Jerry Besides it depends if theres a market for this stuff and the legal crap True Beth answered Just...
Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana![/u] - My actual name :)“Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level - I...
Educating Danielle Part Two By Karen E. Lea Chapter Six We arrived home and I let Daniel put the Rover in the garage, then took him home. Laura greeted us at the door and Daniel couldn't tell his mum about his day quick enough. She studied Daniel's face while he spoke, when he had finished she said, "Daniel have you been wearing makeup?" He froze, and then hesitantly said "No." "Please don't lie; I can see some on your neck." I stepped forward,...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Three Chapter Nine We rushed home in the peak hour traffic, fast as it would allow. Seemingly, everybody was going in the same direction as us. Eventually I turned into our street; we could see Laura watering the garden in the distance. I told Danielle to wave to her mum as we drove into the driveway. Laura must have heard the Rover slow for the driveway, as she looked up, we both waved. I accelerated up the...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Four Chapter Sixteen The Saturday morning of Lady Carrington's daughter's wedding dawned bright and clear. Thursday night, Laura, Danielle and I as Karen, had gone shopping for clothes, a uniform so to speak. We settled on white short sleeved blouses with navy blue above the knee skirts, tan panty hose and three inch navy blue pumps with a block heel. After a small breakfast, I went through my bathing ritual, then...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Five Chapter Twenty One Next day dawned overcast, but no rain in sight. I had the Rover outside idling, when Danielle and Laura came out with lunch in a soft chiller bag. Laura looked good in a cotton dress and sandals. Danielle had on a white sleeveless top, a black mini skirt and her white sandals with the two inch heel, her makeup immaculate. "Hi daddy." "And where do you think you are going, dressed like...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Six Chapter Twenty Nine The next week flew by. Monday, I organised Laura's present, arranging for delivery on the Friday at her work. Laura came and saw me when I arrived home from the studio. She related the events of the day. His friend with the coach, faxed over a bill for the fuel used. Mister Faraday had apoplexy when he saw the price. One hundred and twenty three dollars and fifty cents. He rang his friend and...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Seven Chapter Thirty Four Friday morning dawned clear and bright, after a light breakfast, I met the girls out at Laura's car and took them to the hair salon for their appointment. We walked in to a deserted reception area, I was about to ring the bell, when a flamboyant guy came out and in a French accent, "Madame, Mademoiselle, welcome to Pierre's' trained in Paris, how can I be of ze assistance." "Knock it off...
Educating Danielle Part Eight By Karen E. Lea Chapter Thirty Nine We entered into a large motel suite. It was chaos. A guy sat at the table reading the paper, obviously the father, and a young guy watching music videos on the television. Two girls sat on the lounge. It wasn't a happy room. There was crying coming from the bedroom; I know knew who had the room I had originally booked. Tanya introduced her father Mark who was pleased to meet Laura, and her...
Educating Danielle Part Nine By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Four Next morning I awoke entwined with Laura, I don't think we had moved all night. It had gone six and I rose to have a shower. After I finished, Laura took my place after a quick kiss. While I was dressing I could hear Daniel moving around in the kitchen. This was a new experience for me, having other people in the house. We ate breakfast together, Daniel promised to have the washing done...
Educating Danielle Part Ten By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Seven We drove down the motorway heading towards the studio; we decided Danielle to dress as femininely as possible. She had on a mid thigh black skirt, three inch court shoes and a sleeveless figure hugging white top. Her makeup was flawless. We were first in this morning; we opened up, turned the lights on, started the computers and threw the junk mail faxes into the recycling bin, where in the hell do...
Educating Danielle Part Eleven By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty The Entrance is a large holiday town, sitting on the entrance to Tuggerah Lake, one hundred kilometres north of Sydney, with the ocean to the east and Tuggerah Lake to the west. Two hours after leaving home, I drove in to the underground security car park, having done some grocery shopping on the way. Pulling in to one of my allotted spaces, I turned the Rover off and slid to the ground. My name...
Educating Danielle Part Twelve By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Four Next morning we had breakfast, during which I made arrangements for them to visit the accountant, once that had been done, to open a bank account, using his advice. Sam was waiting for me when I arrived, he followed me upstairs and I sat at my desk and read the contract, "Sam, Sam, Sam, where's the domestic/worldwide clause and payment terms?" "Well...we thought, you know, she's...